tonberry-yoda · 11 months
Omg, hello Berry💕! I was taking a break from Tumblr because of some issues but I'm coming back little by little :) For his 1.5K event (By the way, congratulations for that and also for your anniversary here on Tumblr💘), can we have the number 13 for the character Johnny Joestar?? (I feel like this fits him so well 😭💕) And yes, maybe I'm a little obsessed with him lol. Thank you so much, I love u💕💕💕
You're My Everything - Johnny Joestar
notes - AHHHH OMFG ITS SO GOOD TO HEAR FROM YOU <333 I hope you're doing all right and I'm just over the moon to see you in my inbox! Thanks so much for the congrats, it means the world from you since you've been here for so long! And I am so happy to write for Johnny because gurl I'm obsessed with him too LMFAOOOO. I love you too and hope you enjoy!! <333 word count - 276 ~~BUY ME A KO-FI (COMMISIONS ARE OPEN)~~
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You had never felt so exhausted in your entire life. That race was a literal whole chunk of your life taken out of you and it didn't help that you had to fight the president on top of it.
But it wasn't just you that was tired, it was Johnny too. He took most of the brunt of it. You didn't know him for too long, but you went through pretty much the entire race with him, so it felt like you knew each other for years.
When you lost Gyro, it was tough. It was really quiet for a while, but it was nice that you got to bury his body back home. You could tell Johnny just wanted to curl up into a little ball, but you were with him the whole way.
And strangely enough, he was starting to get the hand of walking again. He still had his wheelchair just in case, but when he really wanted to try, he would either have you or a cane by his side.
You were very proud of him.
He went from a sad boy to a strong young man and he was beginning to smile, even after Gyro died.
"Gyro would smack me if he saw me all pouty like this." he told you with a giggle. "So I'm really trying."
"Well, you're doing amazing." You pressed a kiss to his cheek and held his hand.
"It's hard."
"I know it is." You cupped his face and wiped a tear that was beginning to form. "I'm just glad we have each other."
He sniffled and kissed the back of your hand. "You're my everything."
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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mediicusvitae · 1 year
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{ I just need to get the remaining 15k of this brainrot fic out of my system and finish these zine pieces and then I’ll be back to working on my drafts, hope you’ve all been well!!! <333 }
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howthesleeplesswander · 11 months
There is nothing more wholly asinine and laughable than this. Nothing The Balladeer would rather avoid than giving this complete moron any more attention, any more of a reason to fluff his feathers. To feel... important.
But this was a problem mostly in himself, wasn't it? Childe had become important. Horribly, disgustingly, devastatingly important.
And when someone managed to wriggle their way into that position, apparently that meant giving a damn about these trivial, utterly foolish things.
Ugh. Kill him.
Scaramouche despises the amount of thought he's put into this. As equally as he despises that his conclusion is so stupidly simple. So when Childe rounds that turn in the winding paths of the Sumeru forest, he leaps into action without missing a beat (beyond, perhaps, a quiet sigh).
From a thick branch in an even thicker tree, he descends with a charged orb of Electro nested in his palm. Scaramouche unleashes it at his target with a sharp flick of his wrist, lands in the brush several lengths ahead of him with a soft thud.
Childe will dodge it. This, Scaramouche knows in confidence. And if he doesn't? Just as well.
"I heard today's a special day of some sort," he crows as he rises to his feet. The Balladeer looks at the oaf who cursed this world on such a day so many years ago, gaze sparkling with challenge, expectation—the things he allows it to show that veil absolutely everything else. As if in promise, his fingers flutter in the air beside him, sparks bounding between thin digits. "Supposedly, that means we ought to make it something memorable. What do you think?"
// ... h-happy... birthday, childe??? Enjoy some roughhousing and sparring with your tiny bf ??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (but also we love the precious boy and hope he has a wonderful day! ;w;)
Answered! || @balladccr
((ahHHH his tiny bf knew exactly what he'd want for his bday!! 😭 just a casual, loving duel between boyfs asfjlkds SUCH DORKS 🥺❤️))
This was the first birthday he'd spent in Sumeru.
He made a point to return home for his siblings' birthdays when he could. (Or, at the very least, to send them something extravagant—ordering his subordinates to deliver gifts to his family's doorstep as soon as the sun rose on the exact day being celebrated.) He couldn't always manage a visit for his own birthday, but for them? It didn't matter how far he was from Snezhnaya or how urgent his current orders may be.
All the time, effort, planning...it was always worth it. That's simply what one did for the people who were most important.
Despite being far from home for his birthday this year, Childe found himself missing his family less than usual. Deep down, even his Abyss-tainted heart knew exactly why:
He was still spending it with one of those most important people.
Ugh. Just the thought made him want to kill something.
As if on cue, a rustle from the treetops drew his attention just as an orb of Electro hurtled towards him. In one fluid motion, he rolled sideways, summoned his bow in a burst of water, and sprung back to his feet. The foliage around him shook as the sphere struck the ground a few feet away.
The attack was familiar by now. He knew exactly who his "assailant" was before he straightened to face Scaramouche looming (as much as the pipsqueak could) further along the path. When their eyes locked, his own filled with glee.
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"Oh, really? Where did you hear that?" Childe didn't recall telling the Sixth that particular detail, but even if he had...Heh, well wasn't it cute of him to actually remember? The promise of a fight ignited his veins in the best way—drowning out the giddy, budding warmth of something far softer that frothed underneath. "You think you've got what it takes to leave that kind of impression?" he challenged, grin curling wide. "Go ahead and try!"
No further warning given, an arrow materialized knocked and ready, and Childe fired upon his target before leaping forward, following in the arrow's wake with blades held high.
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my-dontstarve-draw · 2 years
Ah I should mention that I have been putting a lot more energy into my own drawings that isnt Dont Starve related content so I wont be as active as I used to!
But I will get around to finishing requests/drawings, although it will be at inconsistent timings-
I also am very grateful for all the support!! I feel very encouraged so I still wish to continue drawing Dont Starve!>:0
Thank you all soooo MUCHH <3333333!!!
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prosebushpatch · 10 months
Hey so I'm at pride rn and listening to a live artist I think you'd like. lilbluebeluga on YouTube and Spotify. This isn't for promo or anything, so you can answer privately, they just immediately reminded of your vibes~
Ooooo so I have harps on the brain rn so I just instantly clicked on their harp versions of their songs and ahhhhhh they're so enchanting! I'm so honored you thought of me! ;o; hbhfbv I know it's not for promo but I'm loving found your colors on the harp!
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ahsung · 11 months
Tumblr is really lucky to have so many talented gifmakers and I know there's a high concentration of them in the drama community but you're seriously my favorite. The combination of your coloring and sharpening/settings give your gifs a richness and celestial dreamy quality too I dunno it's just so pleasing to look at. Just wanted to let you know you're really appreciated ♡
ahh hi anon... i can't believe i'm someone's favourite drama gifmaker.... that's honestly so crazy to me <3333 thank you for liking my sets and colouring + sharpening 😭😭😭😭 i feel like i'm always trying to improve and i'm a bit of a perfectionist so there's definitely times where im not happy with my sets so i'm really thankful that you sent this in and find my gifs nice to look at 😭😭😭 <333333 again thank you for this really kind message and i hope you have a good rest of your day anon <33333
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billysgun · 6 months
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billy the kid x rich-girl!reader|requested!|you're the daughter of billy's boss, you're filthy rich and had eyed billy a while ago. and this night, you decided to follow him to the saloon.
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"what's a cowboy like yourself doin' around here?" your soft southern accent rippled to his ears as he turned to see you in your lace gown, perfectly styled curls bouncing as you took another step toward him
"I should say the same to a fine young lady like you" he gave you a crooked smile, dipping his hat as a "hi"
the saloons chatter became muffled when you saw his clear blue eyes and pulled a stool next to him
"now don't you spend all my daddy's money on some liquor, billy"
"so you're the daughter I've heard so much about" he smiled into his whiskey, forgetting your comment as he laid more bills on the bars table
"uhuh. and you're the cowboy that my fathers been cheatin'"
he choked on his whiskey, not expecting you to be so blunt with how your father pays him so little
"cheatin' huh?" he asked, brow raised high as he wondered if your father sent you here
"well, you can't ask for much with that bounty hung high over your head" your painted lips smiled as your nails began to dance on the table
"aren't cha gonna get a girl a drink?" you said and he was once again, wide-eyed at how forward of a lady you were
you sipped on whiskey while he downed his, you shamelessly let your eyes travel on his toned arms and broad figure, he eyed you back with your staring
"you sure are somethin'...not at all what I expected. not sure if I wanna ask, but how did your daddy let you come all the way down here?" he asked, dipping his head back as the whiskey ran down his throat
"he never lets me out at night...sometimes I can't stand that old man. but I thank him for the horse lessons now" you said as you took a slow sip of your drink, confirming that you did indeed follow him here
"I ain't assumin' you came all the way here to drink with the way you sippin' at that whiskey" he said, you slowly shook your head as billy began to think of any other job he could get because what he's about to do will most certainly get him fired
"no sir. I'm not a fan of drinkin'" your eyes seemed to darken and billy felt himself getting closer to you
"then what do you like to do, miss y/n?" his voice was slow, rasping your name as your legs began to close tightly
"how about I show you, mr. bonney"
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an: AHHH i love this request!! thank you all so much for reading!! <333
an: here is the link for part 2 <3
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lunargrapejuice · 2 months
sephiroth + "it's getting crowded. here, hold my hand." and/or "i will never let you go."
p.s i adore how you write sephiroth sm i will always eat it up ravenously thank you <333
ahhh thank you so much lovely!<3 i wrote one but i'm still gonna write the other because i can't help myself with this man hehe🤭🩷 i hope you enjoy this one🥺 it got kinda long im sorry ahh again i could not help myself😵‍💫
🌙 prompt event
i will never let you go prompt
"it's getting crowded. here, hold my hand." | sephiroth x reader with no pronouns used
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tonight the moon seems nothing more than a dim light in the distance against the bright city street that is busy with midgar citizens despite the late hour. booths and open storefronts line the street for as far as you can see, public security having blocked off the area so no vehicles could get through and people could wander the bustling night market freely. the scent of sweet and fried foods fills the air, accompanied by the chatter and giggles of everyone around you but it all feels dull against the butterflies in your chest that hadn’t stopped for a single moment since the start of your walk home.
but how could they when sephiroth had waited at the office in order to see you home safely and had kept close since you left the shinra building? you could feel the heat of his body, his long strides slowed in order to keep next to you but it’s a comfortable pace as he walks on the side of the walkway closest to the street and crowds of people.
with how broad his shoulders are, anytime you look up at him, he takes up your whole world, making your cheeks burn at the reminder of just how beautiful he is and how close he actually is to you. one sway of your hand to the right and your fingers would be brushing against his. you could reach out and move his long hair away from his face to give you a better view of those cat-like eyes that have always captivated you. but you don’t and instead let yourself fall into a comfortable silence when your mind runs away with thoughts of how it would feel to card you fingers through his hair, touch the tender skin of his cheek-
before you can get too far away from the reins you normally keep on your feelings for him, your attention to your surroundings come back just in time to see someone running in your direction a little too late for you to move out of the way, their eyes not in front of them and instead of the person jogging beside them. your body tenses, your eyes closing and you draw in a quick breath as if to prepare for the impact and the crash to the ground.
while you do feel the world around you move, there’s no force to the ground and instead of a harsh clashing of bodies, it’s as though you’re being gently tucked into one. the smell of leather and flora fills your senses and you know without a doubt you’re against sephiroth even before your eyes open to confirm it’s true. he had moved so quickly you are only now registering the arm around your middle that keeps you pressed against his body and when your eyes flutter open to be met with his worried ones, light brows knitted together in concern, you’re glad for it as your knees wobble.
he feels the shift in your body weight and easily adjusts his hold on you so you don’t lose your footing but hopes that you don’t hear or feel the way his heart is rapidly beating in his chest with how it feels to have you pressed into him. it certainly gets no better when you look up at him with eyes that sparkle in the street lights. but to his surprise, despite the overwhelming bursts of electricity firing off like fireworks in his chest, he’s able to speak.
“are you alright?”
slow to pull away, regretful that you have to, you feel his hold leave your side only when he knows you’re steady on your feet. your nod your head and the smile you wear is hiding your embarrassment. “ah - sorry about that.”
“it’s fine,” he chuckles, low and sweet, and the melody of it stops your worries in their tracks. all you can focus on is his handsome face in a soft, almost boyish, expression you quite like on him. “distracted by something?”
your cheeks burn and you’re unable to meet his eyes. yes but you’re not able to admit about what. “i guess so,” you try not to think about what was keeping your eyes and your mind occupied, what it felt like to be in his arms, pressed against his chest, just moments ago even though the feeling of him still tingles your skin everywhere your bodies connected. “theres.. just a lot going on out here. i think i’m a little used to the quieter walk home.”
it wasn’t entirely a lie. normally this street was empty on your way home and anytime sephiorth walked you it was just the two of you. you think you both prefer it that way considering how many eyes have looked sephiroths way tonight. you’re thankful they at least have been too busy to stop the famous war hero. or perhaps too scared to with how intimidating his presence felt to most. 
a feeling that wasn’t in your personal repertoire of emotions for him.
oh no, there was nothing close to intimidation or fear when he closes the distance between you, one step that puts you impossibly close as a couple walks behind him and takes a double look back. you hear them whisper his name amongst themselves but his focus is only on you. you’re unable to discern the emotions swirling like mako in his eyes but a part of you wonders if they are mirroring your own.
sephiroth knows this is just a crowd of citizens, not a battlefield or enemy territory, but there’s a deep need within him to protect you, keep you as close as possible so you don’t have to worry about anyone nearly crashing into you again or touching you if you don’t want them to. 
he’s been keenly aware of everyone around you, not normally liking being in such large crowds to begin with and wanting to ensure your safety always, but a part of him is also thankful for them tonight. at least in the sense that he might not have given in to his want to hold you had he not needed to in order to keep you safe. such intimate and tender moments are not something he is used to in the slightest but he craved it with you and the desire had only grown each time you touched. 
now was no exception - goddess it had only made it amplify to the tenth degree. he hadn’t wanted you to step away from his chest that caught your breath on his exposed skin or to be away from the softness of you in his hold. and you’re still here, right in front of him, right within his grasp, so close he could easily lean down and capture your lips.
it takes all of his strength to fight against the heart in his chest that aches for you but even in his seemingly infinite might, it still somehow gets the better of him. if only a bit.
“it's getting crowded. here, hold my hand.”
in your speechless state, all you can do is nod at his words as your cheeks burn and you take his offered hand. the leather of his gloves feels clean and his hand easily encases your own with its size but you also can’t deny how utterly perfect it feels and give it an experimental squeeze at the first step you take back down the street, hoping this walk home will last much longer tonight.
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whore444ellie · 5 months
movie night? -loserbestfriend!ellie ❤
hope y'all enjoy<33
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I'm so bored so ima write loserbestfriend!ellie and reader, this isn't proof read or anything, but light smut, not much, it's also just kinda implied. But lmk how I did baby'ssss<333
cw. Making out, uhh I think that's it
652 words in all!
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You and Ellie have been best friends for years, well since you guys were fourteen. Teasing her to the point of her not even being able to look in your direction was the funniest. Ellie was like a lost puppy when around you, always following you, listening to you rant about the same thing over and, over again. She did it because it was you though, and she was helplessly in love with you, and has been since you guys were fourteen. You were just too stupid and clueless to notice it.
You guys had just gotten back from patrol, and you were ranting about your patrol with Jesse yesterday for the fourth time today, and she was listening to every detail again. "And He just kept bugging me, and making stupid jokes. He's so annoying, that's why him and dina have been on and off for the last year." You snapped throwing your shoes in the corner of the room as Ellie chuckled quietly behind you, "Are you laughing at me you ass? " You groaned throwing a pillow at her to which she just accepted her fate.
"You still up for movie night today orrr are you gonna third wheel dina and jesse again?" You hummed, moving around your room, Ellie wasn't paying attention to anything that was coming out of your lips, she was more focused on your lips. Imaging what they would feel like against hers, against her skin. She was so lost in thought she didn't even realize how flustered she was making herself, she looked like a fucking tomato. "You aren't even paying attention." You grumbled throwing a pair of socks at her, " uh-yes? Yes I am, I was paying attention. " she stuttered out, rubbing her arm nervously, because she definitely wasnt paying attention.
"Oh really? What did I say then?" shit The only thing she heard was... "a movie?" She guessed nervously, to which you jumped over to her, sitting on her lap, fuck, you were close. "I said, Are you still up for movie night today, orrr are you gonna third-wheel dina and jesse again?" You whispered, smiling cheesily at her, that stupid grin. She swallowed hard, trying not to think so much about the fact that you were on her lap, she could feel the heat of you on her thighs. "oOh-right, yea yea, our movie night. Hmn, I'm staying here tonight, so sure." She mumbled quietly, as if she spoke any louder, she would scare you away.
She wasn't sure where to put her hands, did she put them in your waist? Your hips? You know, maybe it was best to keep her hands at her sides. You were looking at her differently; you never looked at her this way before, it made her feel...small. "You're so pretty els." You whispered putting a piece of her hair behind her ear, you were teasing her right? "T..thanks, but I feel like you're teasing." She whispered, you guys were so close she could feel your warm breath against her lips, she knew she was red as a fucking tomato again.
"Is this teasing?" You whispered breathlessly leaning into her, your lips grazed hers, they slotted together perfectly. She wasn't sure what she was expecting from you, but it definitely wasn't this. Her hands made their way to your hips, squeezing gently as you deepened the kiss, your tongue making its way into her mouth as you explored, your hands tangled in her hair, and every time she squeezed your hips, you tugged on her small bun, earning a groan to ripple through her throat.
Clearly, the movie was long forgotten about.
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AHHH!? HII, IDKK IF THAT WAS GOOD, SO YALL WANT A PART TWO?? (wwith smut of course.) I was nervous about posting my last piece of writing but THANK Y'ALL FOR THE SUPPORT!! LOVE Y'ALL MWAH MWAH MWAHHH!!!<<<333 ❤❤❤
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luffyvace · 3 months
Hi I just wanted to say I love ur sm and I'm so glad to have found ur blog <333
It so hard to find a someone to write form tdlosk<3 (the author reader)
I had a cute though if it the came in my mind when reading the P2(?) Of it, Reader friend to show his approval of reader and saiki when he released his newest chapter in some of panel in the background there is this couple who is closely looks like reader and saiki or if there scene where there is desserts the most will stand out is a coffee jelly w Reader fav dessert and along with words of "coffee jelly and f/d are the finest together" (f/d = favorite dessert)
Sorry if I talked ur ear off I just wanted to rent this thought of mine ^^
Have a good day!
AWW YOUR SO SWEEEEEET!! TYSM DARLING <33 I agree I don’t see very many!!
AHHH THATS SUCH A GOOD IDEA!! That’s absolutely adorable I starting smiling so hard while typing this‼️💖
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When you were reading your friend’s latest chapter you saw he drew a couple in that background resembled your appearance and had two thingys sticking out a guy’s head and glasses
you instantly knew it was you two!! (Especially with saiki’s limiters LOL)
freaking out, you and immediately ran to Saiki to show him 😭💓💓
he probably already noticed if he read the book before you
”KUSUO LOOK!! Looklooklook!- my author friend put us in the latest chapter!!!”
”yeah, I know I saw, he put us in the manga :)”
”that’s so ADORABLE 💞💞”
”I’m so happy! I’ve gotta thank him!”
you called your friend and barely gave him a chance to speak as you bursted with appreciation over the phone
he tells you he thought you and Saiki were a cute couple from when you introduced them to each other
so he got the spontaneous idea to put you two in his book!!
he explained that although it looked like you were just standing there with hearts over your heads (<3) you two were coming back from a dessert date!!
In a flash there was a smile on your face as you ran over to Kusuo once again to relay the message
he was rather fond of it considering that means he was eating coffee jelly 😎
”dang now he wants some..”
there was another scene where the main character passed a bakery and the items on sale in the window were coffee jelly and f/d!!!
the poster even read “coffee jelly and f/d are the finest together!~”
your shaking Kusuo and jumping up and down as you tell him about it!
he just sits there and lest it all happen with a faint smile 💖
he’s happy too of course
but your (literally) jumping with joy
often times after your friend finishes a chapter
you know how authors do that thing where they would put little doodles or facts at the end?
yeah he puts little chibi sketches of you and Kusuo doing cute couple stuff
one chapter will be chibi’s of you two holding hands
The next is you two on a date eating coffee jelly and f/d
it absolutely warms your heart 😭💝💝
you rant to Kusuo, your friends, your family, your author friend- EVERYBODY each time he does it
its so sweet of him!!
one time you put a detailed sketch of your author friend at the end of your chapter and he appreciated it so much!!
now it’s sorta just a back and forth thing between you two :3
This was such an adorable concept 😊💖
:3 (LOL)
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bussyslayer333 · 1 year
hi! i'd like to ask a drabble with rooster with prompt ❛ i’ve never done something like this before. ❜ from the smut prompt list.
thank you <3
ahhh ofc ty for requesting babe!!!
pairing: bradley bradshaw x girlfriend!reader
word count: 0.2k
warnings: allusions to smut (oral), bradley being a pussyeater™️
send me a prompt, get a blurb!
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Bradley could not believe your words. They kept swirling around his head as you sat unsure in front of him.
“I’ve never done something like this before.” You admitted to him in a moment of honesty.
And Bradley could only gawk at you, mouth opening and closing not unlike your old pet goldfish.
“Angel, that is the worst thing you’ve ever told me.” Bradley decides.
You flush, embarrassed slightly by his words. It was clear as day that Bradley had more experience than you but it hadn’t been an issue before. Anxieties swarm you quickly and Bradley is fast to notice your expression, rectifying his words.
“I just mean, you’re gorgeous angel, why wouldn’t anyone want to?” He leans forward to wrap his arms around your waist, bringing his face only inches from yours. “I’m practically dying for a taste,” Bradley whispers.
“Oh,” you virtually whimper, heat now rushing to your face for a different reason.
You shift in your position where you’re sat, thighs squeezing together. Bradley notices and lets himself chuckle slightly, before lifting his hand to hold your face still, making sure your gaze is locked on his.
“Sit on my face?” He asks again, “please?”
And as always, you’re weak to resist Bradley Bradshaw.
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a/n: sorry if this is short,, i wanted it to be a cheeky snippet hehe
ty for reading and requesting!!
- honey <333
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theorphicangel · 5 months
Ahhhhh congrats my dearest Angel!!! I'm so happy for you 💖 can I request for 'you got me flowers?' and 'your heart is beating so fast right now.' from the fluff prompts? Thank you and I love everything that you do <3
— Rei <3 @levi-supreme
hiii rei tysm for sending in an ask for my event ahhh! also I’m sorry this is like five months late…but I hope you like it nonetheless mwah mwah ❤️
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You’ve had many bad days at work. Not an overwhelming amount, but you’ve experienced a few that’s made you want to curl up in bed for the rest of your life and not want to interact with a single human being ever again.
You’re not really sure what sin you’ve committed recently for the universe to have it out for you as soon as you woke up this morning. But you think it was bad enough to have you on your knees begging for mercy by the end of the day.
Bitter coffee, burnt toast and an annoying stain on your work clothes is the limit that you could cope with. Unexpected rain without your emergency umbrella, having to refill your car suddenly and a mountain of paperwork to deal with, is enough to definitely set your nerves on edge. But dealing with that one bitchy coworker, as well as constant complaints and backhanded compliments about your work from your manager was enough to set your emotions astray.
The worst of it all was forgetting your lunch that you took the time to prep the night before. You let out a groan, your palms covering your face in complete surrender. You’ve just had enough of this day already.
Just before you rose from your office chair to go grab an emergency lunch from the deli down the street, your phone vibrated with a text message. With a sigh, you had immediately planned not to respond at all but that was before you saw that it was from Levi.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:36pm]
- You left your lunch in the fridge.
That reminder was enough for your anger to rebubble on the surface again, despite that not being Levi’s intention.
You: [sent 12:37pm]
- I figured that out thanks.
It wasn’t like you to respond that way at all but given that you’ve been rushing around on your feet all morning without a single break and had been given a mountain pile of paperwork, you figure that there would be no one on earth who would be the happiest right now.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:37pm]
- Are you alright?
That question alone was enough to have your eyes watering. You hesitate in your reply, biting down on your bottom lip as you look at the screen, your thumbs frozen over the keyboard.
Should you be honest or lie about it?
But who would you be kidding? This is Levi after all. A man who knows you inside out, who can tell your mood based on the amount of emojis you send when you text.
You: [sent at 12:40pm]
- No, I’m not. Work is so shitty right now. I want to go home.
It doesn’t take long for him to reply; one of the many, many reasons as to why you love this man so much. Reading his text, your heart practically swells at his words.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:41pm]
- Want me to pick you up? Or drop off your lunch?
Instead of tears, your lips tilt into a smile. God, you’re so happy that you’re married to him.
You: Sent at 12:41pm]
- No, no it’s fine, I have a shit ton of work to do and if I don’t get it done today it’ll just pile on for next week and that’ll stress me out even more.
Your thumbs click send before typing out another text.
- Also, I’ll grab lunch at the deli xx :)
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:42pm]
- If you’re sure?
You reinforce that you are with a message of simple thumbs up emoji.
Leviiiiiiiii <333: [sent 12:42pm]
- Take out and movie tonight?
You: [sent 12:43pm]
- I would love that. :)))))
You reply, a real smile now stretching across your lips. This immediately brightens up your mood and gives you something to look forward to. With a positive outlook, you stand to get your lunch. Only five more hours of this shit and you’ll be free.
You can do this.
You quite like the way it sounds.
Home. It’s your safe place. A place where you can truly let go and be who you are without judgment or stress surrounding you constantly.
Your shoulders droop as you come to stand in front of your apartment door, your key in hand, positioned over the lock. Inserting the key, you twist. and when you hear a click, simultaneously push the door open.
“I’m home.” You announce breathlessly, not hesitating in slipping out of your shoes.
The sound of slippers shuffling on the oak hardwood floor grows louder as Levi approaches you. The first thing that catches your eye as he rounds the corner is a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand.
Your face lights up immediately, an inaudible gasp leaving your mouth. “You got me flowers?” And if you thought your heart bursted earlier today at his actions you were sure that it had completely gone to ruins by now.
A light blush reaches Levi’s cheeks and stretches all the way to the tips of his ear. “Ye-yeah.” he coughs a little shyly. “I was passing by the florist and I saw them on display.”
Your lips pout in complete affection for him as you take the flowers into your hands. “You really didn’t have to.”
He merely shrugs.“You were having a bad day, it’s the least–
Levi doesn’t get the chance to finish off his sentence as you randomly wrap your arms around him, your head landing on his chest. You take him by surprise at your sudden energy and he stumbles back a few steps before regaining his balance.
You squeeze him tightly, eyes watering as you mumble your thanks, “I really don’t deserve you y’know?”
You hear Levi tut and feel his hand pat your head softly. “Don’t be stupid.”
“It’s true. “ you say. “I do not deserve you, Levi Ackerman.”
“Don’t get over sentimental about it, brat.”
“Your heart begs to differ.“ you point at his chest. “Your heart is beating so fast right now.”
“No it’s not.”
“I can hear–”
Levi pulls you away from his chest, clearly embarrassed. You miss the pink tinge on his cheeks deepen in shade as he turns around. “Go shower, you stink.”
“Awh, don’t be embarrassed, Le’. I really love them. Thank you.”
He says nothing more and trails off to the kitchen, the sound of his slippers smacking against the hardware floor again. You chuckle to yourself as you head towards your bedroom.
Today was a bad day.
It was until you were stuck with your lover on the couch, forcing him to watch your favorite soppy rom-com to cheer you up. Boxes of unfinished takeout lay on the coffee table ahead of you, a temptation to save them for tomorrow’s leftover.
Tilting your head, you turn to face him, a soft smile across your lips.
“What?” Levi grumbles. “Don’t look at me like that, I hate this movie.”
“But you watch with me everytime.”
“Yeah, because you get all soppy and cry at the ending.”
“So you act as my emotional support?”
He rolls his eyes. “Yeah, something like that.”
You let out a chuckle at his words, completely unaware that he was serious. Little did you know that he held a pack of tissues in his left hand, that would magically appear to you as soon as the credits would roll on the screen and tears would roll down your face.
“I love you, Levi.” you say, resting your head on his chest.
Once again, you heard his heart rate increase. Yet this time you won’t mention it, sparing him from embarrassment.
“Unfortunately, I love you too.”
“Hey, don’t be mean!”
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angel’s 500 event masterlist.
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matchacowbee · 5 months
Hi!! I hope you’ve been doing good and it’s so great to see you on my dash again!! I’d love to see maybe lee Butters and ler Stan. That one clip from sarcastaball where Butters says Stan is good at tickling lives in my head 💖 Take all the time you need and make sure to hydrate!
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ahhh hihi!!
this was a really cute one to draw :3
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Thank you for always supporting me, and remember for you to also hydrate !! 💗💗
I hope you enjoy !! <333
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haerinism · 7 months
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fave blogs : ( not in order ) @k-charms @baesol @w-eons @raeceah @rosabie @yuqi-luv @yeritos @y-unjins @jenfaery @haeivn @a-rtemies @iluvrei @i06gyu @i04rei @umiena @fuckici @tookio @jeonzio @menhpy @yunjsn @v6mpcat , etc. !
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
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I hope u like them these two are so cute and fun to draw together thank you for letting me draw them and doing this art trade with me
(Even if I took 827582 years😭)
Thank you so so much for this gorgeous piece! Hashira!Squiggs looks beyond precious, and her and Gyomei make me so SOFT! Your art never fails to make my day that much better! Thank you again!
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shootingstarrfish · 2 months
Hi I wanted to ask one of my fav obey me artists this question: Least favorite to favorite characters? If you wanna say why, that'd be cool. If anything! Please have a nice day!
hii there!!! dearest anon stop being so nice you're going to make me cry AHSHDHD thank you,,, <33333
but what a fun question! for anyone who doesn't want to read my stupid long explanation for each character i will leave this tierlist here! all tiers (except the first tier) are organised by most to least liked within the tier from left to right
no i dont hate lucifer, it's just facebook relationship status (aka complicated <3)
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i have plenty of opinions though so i'll go ahead and give some explanations too!! >:D under the cut because there's a lot of rambling here LOL
some of the list is a bit boring because i cant really say i hate or even dislike any characters, and i don't wanna be mean about any characters just cause they're not necessarily my favourites so!
that being said lucifer pisses me off to a comical degree and he absolutely doesn't belong at the bottom but my feelings about him are so ridiculously complicated i don't know where else he belongs? i wish so badly that i could hate him in an uncomplicated way and move on but as an eldest sibling he's such a personal attack on me and i hate it. he's me, i'm him it's horrible. every time i start to think "ahh he's not that bad" he opens his mouth and makes me regret thinking that. i still think about the time i chose to kiss him on the ferris wheel and he held his hand out after and i took it and he said it reminded him of his dead sister, i will never stop holding it against him. he deserves to be loved and taken care of and he also should be thrown off a cliff. im quite certain if i had to assign myself a sin i would pick pride and i hate it >:( (this is all very lighthearted lol)
diavolo used to viscerally annoy me for no good reason when i first started the game, but over time he's grown on me and i'd say now i'm neutral-positive on him!! no idea why i hated him, i was just very salty for no reason hahaha i've recently come to appreciate his character a lot more, im very :( about how lonely he must be and i want him to have more genuine friends please solmare
i think mephisto really is just the kind of character i need to see more of to like, he's very interesting to read character analyses of (and kinda relatable tbh?) but i just need more in game is all! i love his silly lil poses those are real fun, and he is pretty
levi is another i also used to hate out of nowhere? i was neutral on him initially and then i suddenly hated him with a burning passion until one of my friends told me she really loved him and im physically incapable of hating a character my friends love so we're chill again HAHA slowly beginning to like him though! what a pathetic sopping wet cat of a man, it's GREAT
OUUGHH i so badly wanna be able to love beel more, it hurts me to have to put him here but unfortunately this is the way it is... i think it's more accurate to say i love the idea of beel? and ive noticed i really like him everywhere that isnt the game, which again is unfortunate :,)))
LUKE IS MY SON he is babyyyyyyy that's all i have to say <333 my precious lil sonboy he deserves the whole entire world
everyone loves mammon, and i am no exception :D he's not necessarily my type hence why he's neatly placed right in the middle but ugh i love a guy who tries and fails miserably to act tough but is super sweet inside, what a guy <3 ok i flip flopped between putting satan and simeon in the love tier because i am so very fond of both of them, but that's too many characters up there so imagine they're both in a weird tier purgatory between the 2 LOL
i am in fact going to marry simeon and then we will raise luke together it's a fact simeon is everything he's pretty and beautiful and a very complex and interesting character ahhh
SATAN MY LOVE he's a very interesting case to me in that i feel on paper he should be the kind of character who would be on the top of the list! he's smart and kind and unhinged and would kill for you and he likes cats!!! truly husband material i adore him
im going to marry thirteen, thanks for listening to my ted talk <3 my darling beautiful wife who would laugh hysterically if i fell down the stairs i love u thirteen <3333333 we will be wed tomorrow and we will live the dream in her silly lil cave of pranks and curses
i dont know what it is about raphael but i adore him??? is it the wet kitten swag? the done with life expression? his ridiculous outfit? i couldnt tell you but i saw him for the first time and i was immediately obsessed everything i learn about him just makes me more obsessed, i love the fact that he enjoys solomons cooking, the way he's good at sewing and is kind but kinda scary, what a fun character
i could talk endlessly about solomon oh how i love this silly househusband wizard guy i was pretty neutral on him in the og game, and then he swiftly stole my heart in nightbringer and now i would eat his terrible cooking any day of the week just to see him smile <3 if i die seeing him happy that's probably the best way to go out all his calls and messages are sooo cute and they make me melt im in love please just one chance...
barbatos and solomon are typically equal on the list i'd say? but the barbatos brainrot is hitting harder now so he gets to be ever so slightly higher this once hahaha barbs is another that took a while to grow on me, not that i ever disliked him or anything but i definitely overlooked him at first! design wise i absolutely LOVE him, his demon form is definitely one of my absolute favourites. the unique but still put together suit?? the ruffles?? the bone wing horns?? ugh he's just very pretty, and SO interesting as well love a calm collected guy who totally has the potential to destroy you if he so wishes but has a soft spot for you
and of course, real shocker im sure, at the tippy top of the list would be asmo and belphie my beloveds <333 i love them both equally and i could never put one above the other i actually started playing obey me for belphie because one of my favourite character tropes is The Tired One TM, and im absolutely not immune to a cute emo boy either. i've grown to really love his sass and the way he hides his manipulative nature behind his sweet and innocent appearance hehe i also do love how ridiculously forward and blunt he is at times, what a silly guy while belphie was very predictable, asmo was a very out of nowhere character for me! i distinctly remember seeing him initially and thinking "avatar of lust?? i guess he's pretty but he'll probably just be the fuckboy character who makes nonstop innuendos and has no character beyond that, and i'm too asexual for this" so i avoided him a lot at first, but i'm very weak for how kind and gentle and charismatic he is, and the way he puts his all into everything and everyone <333 it didnt take long for me to realise that he's almost exactly the kind of person i aspire to be more like
also miura ayme gives me so much gender envy its not fair send tweet
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