#ALSO I DIDNT STUDY and I have two finals tomorrow lol
algolagniaa · 5 months
today was not great I feel kind of not great about myself today
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polyamorous-eleven · 2 years
OKAY HEAR ME OUT! i have an idea!
Lucas is kinda bit popular but he doesnt even know it like- some of the girls are always blushing when his playing or just walking past by or just studying/doing homework. Dustin notice it and told him but he kept saying thats impossible theres no one in this school like him.
While El is being oblivious she didnt even know some guys/girls having a crush on her, will always notice them staring at her smilling in her dress before but didnt say anything cuz he doesnt know how she will react.
meanwhile max somehow getting bullied by some girls who likes lucas, they kept telling her to get away from lucas his ours, max is so confused but deep down shes asking herself did he cheated on her and el?
Shes glad that she still have el but mike told her about el popularity because will told him that some guys or girls are always staring at her but dont notice it.
max felt jelousy around her body but at the same time sadness... everyday when el, max, lucas going on dates shes always acting weird, one day lucas and el notice it and decided to ask her if shes okay but max always said shes fine, they dont believe her and ask her if they did something wrong? she left a sigh and said shes breaking up with them and sorry for everything, just like that and run away and cried on her sheets,
will el and lucas will get her back if they found out the truth why she break up with them? or they will just give up?
OH GOD SEBY U ARE BRILLIANT like its such a good idea?? asdfghjk
Okay so firstly- the wouldn't just give up, no way.
Secondly - welp, they actions kinda depends on in which au it is. Like, if it would be post s4 than Lucas would know better than to leave Max alone with her problems. If it's in new au, then well- I think Lucas would be kinda dumb lol. Like, with that thinking that he get her back every time, so he will get her back this time too.
Without El, Lucas probably would leave her for a while and give her space, and then buy her something.
But El is also his and Max's partner and she can't just let go of her gf.
She wants to come to Max, but Lucas wants to give her space and in the end, they agree of coming to Max now and buying her a gift,
They end up in front of her doors with her mum saying that she feels sick and she can't hang out with them. Lucas and El know that it's obviously not true. They want to barge into the house, but Max's mum whispers to give her daughter again and she will come and see them.
So they do. In that time, they hang out with a Party and that's when our big brain Mike says "just go on the roof and knock on her window. It worked on Nancy when Steve came to her" and that made Dustin and Will go feral, but Lucas and El looked at each other and mentally agreed that it's their next step if Max won't see them tomorrow.
She didn't.
So in the evening, they went to her. El use her powers to lift Lucas and herself on the roof, and then Lucas knocked on Max's window.
She was so, so surprised, but opened the window, even if only because she was worried that her two dumbasses will fall.
Then they talk. Some crying and yelling later, and Max finally confesses why she broke up with them. El hugs her, saying that she didn't even notice because she only looks at her and Lucas. And Lucas says that this perfect body of his is reserved only for her (Max) and El.
Max laughs because they both are being stupid and romantic, and god, she missed them.
They end up asleep on Max's bed.
(Fortunately, Max's mum saw that and called Hopper and Lucas' mum so there won't be any problems)
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y0itsbri · 3 years
hi bri! 📱 and/or 🫂?
hi mel! 💛💛💛 family content was calling to me today sorry 'bout it lol
📱 text message/phone call headcanon
mickey was such a little shit for the one week that ian had a job at the amazon warehouse while he stayed at home on his honeymoon. their days apart looked something like this.
mickey (8:37am): might go back to bed while my husband is hard at work 🖤
mickey (8:56am): ur pillow is cold fuckin finally
mickey (9:42am): u think judge judy is gettin sum on the regular?
mickey (10:04am): *image attachment*
ian (11:23am): mickey is that really just u smoking in ur underwear
mickey (11:26am): 😏😏😏 see something u like?
ian (11:27am): go away
mickey (12:38pm): picked lil red up from preschool. im definitely winning the favorite uncle competition in case u were wondering
ian (1:34pm): i wasn't. send me a picture of fran so i know she's still alive with ur dumbass
mickey (1:47pm): made sum mac&cheese
mickey (1:56pm): *image attachment*
mickey (1:57pm): *image attachment*
ian (3:31pm): *liked an image*
ian (3:32pm): how did u force her to dress up like u?
mickey (3:35pm): dont act like u dont know she didnt beg to. the matching sunglasses was her idea
mickey (4:23pm): debbie picked her up now. had to practically pry the crying kid away from me
ian (4:45pm): sure i totally believe that
mickey (4:52pm): why would i lie to u loverboy
mickey (5:03pm): lip wants us to come over 2nite btw
mickey (5:04pm): should i tell him to fuck off
mickey (5:06pm): maybe i'll turn tami against him to. that could be fun
ian (5:32pm): jesus christ mickey chill out i'll be home soon
mickey (5:34pm): better hurry the fuck up 😏
🫂 hug headcanon
it's no secret that mickey wasn't as free with his physical affection as teddy-bear ian gallagher was. franny was the only exception for awhile. she hadn't known any other version of mickey than her fun-loving uncle mickey. he had too much of a soft spot for little red -- the girl practically throwing herself at him whatever chance she got. what was he supposed to do? tell her no? not that he wanted to, either. he loved the little bugger, even if her mom could be a pain in the ass sometimes.
what came as more of a surprise was liam. liam had always been the baby, but he also knew how to read a room and when to keep his distance.
one night, liam had come home late after an evening of frank shenanigans, and begun his homework at the kitchen table. ian was already passed out upstairs, and mickey came down for a late night snack.
he unscrewed the lid to the jar of processed yellow cheese, dipping round tortilla chips straight into it -- crunching loudly.
"whatcha workin' on?"
"gotta study for my math test tomorrow. frank kept me out most of the night."
"oh, i could help you with math if you wanted."
"i thought you dropped out of high school?"
"don't need a high school degree to do 4th grade math, nerd. 'sides, i practically ran my house and family businesses -- i could do this shit in my sleep."
"yeah, kid, whatchu got?"
they studied together, eating almost the entire jar of cheese and bag of chips between the two of them, until liam was yawning so much he was making mickey tired.
"go get some sleep, man, i'll clean up."
liam nodded sleepily before trudging up the steps.
the next evening, mickey was standing in the kitchen, sipping on a beer and watching ian and lip argue about the stupidest shit when the front door flew open.
"mickey, mickey! i got 100% on my math test!" liam nearly knocked mickey over with the speed that he hurdled into him, hugging him tightly for a moment before his eyes widened. "oh, shit, sorry mick!" he began to pull away until mickey wrapped his arm around the kid.
"hey! good job, einstein, 'm proud of ya," mickey smiled down at the boy.
"thanks," liam said sheepishly as he ran upstairs to discard of his backpack.
the following week, they were having a movie night. it was some war movie shit that ian likes but liam would hate. the kid wanted to watch anyways. mickey plopped down on his corner of the couch while ian was digging through the cupboards to find his secret stash of twizzlers. liam sat on the cushion directly next to mickey, a plate of tortilla chips with cheese in hand.
"we can share these if you want," he murmured quietly, unsure.
"oh, sweet! that sounds fuckin' great," mickey shoved a chip in his mouth.
ian stood in the doorway frowning at the kid that took his spot on the couch next to his husband. mickey just nodded his head to the empty cushion on the other side of liam. ian sat and reached over the back of the couch to poke mickey's neck with a twizzler, just to be annoying.
about halfway through the movie, plate of chips now empty save for a couple crumbs, liam began drifting off, bobbing his head. mickey pushed the kid a little bit so he was more comfortable leaning against mickey's shoulder.
ian silently 'awwww-ed' and mickey just proceeded to flip him off. but it felt good to have kids around that actually liked him.
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hwangsies · 3 years
just the two of us
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pairing: idol!lee minho × idol!f reader
warnings: smut as in, masturbation (f), softdom!minho (?), choking, thigh riding, somewhat denied orgasm i guess lol, swearing and bad descriptions of dancing
wc: idk maybe 2k?
enjoy <3
"hi guys, im on my way to the jyp building right now" you speak into the vlogging camera.
"...where i'm meeting stray kids lee know sunbaenim to study a choreography for us to perform at the upcoming awardshow" you smile into the camera, holding a thumbs up as you try to conceal your nervousness.
You know that the vlog isnt going to be released until after the show so you dont have to worry about spoiling anything.
"I'll see you guys later" you wave into the camera before handing it back to your manager who lets you know that you'll be there in about 10 minutes.
The only thing you're worried about is meeting a certain very handsome main dancer you may or may not have been biasing since his debut, which was about six months before your group had theirs.
So naturally, when your group grew big with you as their maindancer, and the organizers of the awardshow suggested that you and minho get together for a collaboration stage, you freaked.
Once you pull up to the jyp building, you can make out dispatch paparazzi and roll your eyes.
Your manager just reminds you to ignore them before getting out and opening the door for you.
Quickly you grab your bag and pull your jackets hood over your head.
They start calling your name but you and your team are quick to be inside of the building.
The nice woman behind the front desk gives your manager acsess cards as you look around to see the young camera woman on your team is already pointing the vlog camera on you so you wave into the camera.
Outside you see a crowd of fans also waving and pointing their phones at you through the large glass windows so you also wave back at them; laughing when one of them sends you a flying kiss, so you send one back.
"lets go y/n" your manager speaks to you, and you nod, waving goodbye to the fans before disappearing from their eyes as you step into an elevator.
Inside the elevator you check yourself out in the large mirror, pulling back your hood and smoothing out your hair.
"how do i look?" You ask your manager at which she grins "you look good, relax"
You sigh and nod, clearing your throat as to avoid a voice crack later.
When the elevator doors open, you see the famous dance practice rooms, that are named after big musicians on each side of the hall.
The door to the Madonna room is open and your manager leads the way.
Once you walk in you see another camera pointed at you, minho is standing in the middle of the room.
He as well has a camera pointed at him, he smiles when you lock eyes and bows.
You bow back when he walks towards you; extending his hand, you shake it.
"I'm Minho, nice to meet you" he smiles, he looks even better in person you think.
He's wearing light makeup but you can see that his skin is smooth underneath and his eyes seem even bigger and spraklier in person.
"Y/n, hi, nice to meet you" you bow again, partly to hide your blushing face.
After a minute of somewhat awkward smalltalk you hand your jacket and bag to your manager and the choreographer positions the two of you.
You had already memorized your part of the dance from the video he sent you and minho (you're assuming), now you just had to practice it together.
He makes you stretch to warm up before starting the music to see how much the two of you know of the dance.
Everything goes smoothly and the choreographer praises the both of you.
"lets go ahead and try the lift, im assuming you didnt practice that yet?" He asks.
"no" minho shakes his head, you do as well.
"okay minho, you hold her here" he takes minhos hand and places it on your waist.
"and on the inner thigh so you can spin her better" he explains, your mind starts running though.
What if he feels your inner thigh fat, or even worse, what if you sweat excessively and he slips and drops you.
Your thoughts get disrupted when minho carefully wraps his arm around you to grap onto your thigh.
"is that okay?" He asks from behind you, the little hairs on your neck rising.
"yea" you nod.
"okay, on my count" the choreographer speaks up "one, two..three and up!"
You tense your body when you feel him lifting you, your arms raise on their own accord, legs stiffening to create an aesthetic sillouette.
"very nice" the choreographer claps after minho lets you back down.
"lets take a break" one of the jyp staff members announces.
"you were great" you feel minhos hand graze your arm, your head whips around.
"oh, thank you" you smile sheepishly "so were you" earning a grin from him.
"thanks" he nods, grabbing a bottle of water before giving you one as well.
"thanks" you say, opening it and taking a few sips.
He watches you for a second before doing the same.
"hey, you guys" a young jyp staff woman comes up to you "we're gonna do a little sit down q&a moment, to give the fans some more interaction alright?" she explains, leading you guys to sitdown on the large sofa in the back of the room.
She moves back behind the cameras "so we're gonna be really casual okay? Im gonna throw in some questions and you just answer them"
You and minho nod, looking at each other before looking back at her.
"okay, so have you ever met before?"
"uh- well" you look at minho, he nods, encouraging you to talk "we've seen eachother at music shows, when we were with our members but we never talked" you say.
Minho nods.
"What did you think when you heard of this collaboration?"
Minho starts "i was excited because i think y/n has great stage presence and is a very talented dancer, so i think i could learn a thing or two from her"
"oh, thank you" you huff, surpressing a giggle as you bow slightly.
"What about you, y/n?"
"Uhm- well i was a little scared to be honest because he's really talented himself" you look over at him, so see he's smiling onto the ground "but also because i've been a fan of his since skz debuted so..."
After coming back to the dorm and your members pressing you for every detail of what it was like to meet him and dance with him, you hop straight in the shower.
The warm water prickles at your face before you turn around, letting it run down your back.
You cant stop thinking about the feeling of his hands on your body, they were so strong and warm.
Or the one part of the chorepgraphy where you grind back into him and feel his muscular thighs flexed against the back of your own.
Not to mention his pretty smile and plump rosy lips, you would bet everything that he's a phenomenal kisser.
Your hand is trailing down your body as you imagine it was his, gently running over your mound before dipping into your folds.
A whimper slips past your lips out of frustration, its been way to long since someone had his way with you.
The idol life doesnt always leave time for that, but you can imagine what it would be like if you let minho have his way with you.
Your fingers start rubbing cirlces into your clit as you imagine him being the one to do it to you; kissing down your neck with his plump lips before toying at your nipples with his tongue.
You feel the way your belly tightens when you tink about how he would talk dirty; you dont know what would turn you on more, him calling you a good girl or a filthy little slut.
Would he let you cum right now or drag it out so your could cum around his cock? Damn you bet he has a gorgeous cock, everything on that man has got to be perfect.
And the way his dancer hips would snap into you would definetly be the thing to push you over the edge.
Your head rolls back and you bite your lip as to not let out a sound when your orgasm finally hits.
Your legs quiver a little when you ride out your high.
It wasnt the most earthshattering orgasm you've ever experienced but it did its job in satisfying you a little.
Clean and dry again, you let yourself fall onto your bed, sighing before you climb underneath your sheets.
Grabbing your phone from your nighstand, you see a message from an unknown number pop up.
unknown number : hey y/n -received at 9:56 pm
unknown number : its minho :) -received at 9:57 pm
Your heart skips a beat when the second one pops up, slowly you slide the message and land in the chat.
Whats a cool way to say hi back? hey?....no
sup? oh hell no
hiii....definetly not.
you: hi :) -sent at 9:58 pm
Good one, y/n.
you: how did you get my number? -sent at 9:58 pm
minho : my manager pulled a few strings lol, how are u? -received at 10:00 pm
you : im fine, a little tired ,hbu? -sent at 10:00 pm
Shit, yea go ahed y/n be the driest texter in the world no biggie, its not like this is lee minho.
minho: aww practice was to hard? lol im feeling fine -received at 10:01 pm
minho: jkjk lol the real reason im texting you is to ask if you want to meet up again -received at 10:02
Excuse me?
minho: yk, to practice but without all the cameras and people -received at 10:02
Okay, y/n calm down, dont answer yet. Dont make him think you're desperate to meet him again even though you are.
you: yea, sure. when are you free? -sent at 10:05
Very chill, nice job.
minho: im actually off the day after tomorrow, hbu? -received at 10:06 pm
you: i can make that work in the evening -sent at 10:06 pm
And there goes not looking desperate.
minho: nice, meet me here around 6 then? -received at 10:08 pm
minho has shared a location
minho: its an old dance studio, i know the owner :) -recieved at 10:08 pm
you: alright, see you then :) -sent at 10:09 pm
minho: good night y/n :) -sent at 10:09 pm
Do you send a good night back?...no, that would be too much...right?
You sigh and drop your phone next to you on your bed, your fists rubbing at your eyes.
There is no way you'll be able to sleep the next two nights.
It has been getting warmer recently, so you are surprised when the weather turns its back on you and suddenly blows icy wind against your face.
And you thought you had chosen wisely when only putting on a hoodie over your shirt.
You check your phone to see that you arrived at minhos sent location, yet there is no dance studio in sight.
Shivering, you turn around to search for signs on doors when you hear the door behind you opening.
"hey, in here" minho grins when you stumble around.
You look up at the building and look down at him.
"hi" you smile, somewhaþ confusedly.
"come in" he holds the door open for you.
"this building looks like its gonna get torn down soon" you say, still shivering a little as you look at minho, who's only sporting grey sweatpants and a black tshirt.
"it is" minho nods, looking around "sadly, i love coming here" he adds before looking back at you.
"still cold?" he asks, approaching you before rubbing over your arms with his hands.
"ye-huh" you interrupt yourself, gulping harshly when his cologne creeps up your nose.
He grins "better?" You nod, forcing a smile "yea, thanks"
An hour later, you are deeply immersed in the dance when you stumble at the same spot again, for the nth time.
"fuck" you aggrevatedly run your hand through your hair, angry at yourself for not getting this turn down the way it should look.
"I'm sorry, im usually not this bad i j-"
"you're not bad y/n" minho giggles, shaking his head "its alright, sometimes a move just doesnt work at first"
You huff out some air "im just nervous" you shake your head "i've never done a stage like this and i dont want to disappoint people"
"its normal to be nervous" minho stops the music before coming up behind you "just dont let it overpower the fun part"
He moves some hair from your shoulder "plus its just the two of us right now, and you cant disappoint me" he smiles softly, heat rushing to your cheeks.
"try positioning your hips..." he places his hands on your hips before gently rotating them to the left "... more like this before turning" he explains ,eyes locking in the mirror.
For a second, the only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat as his hands move up a little and linger on the exposed skin of your waist.
"okay" you breathe "lets try it from the top"
"yea" you nod.
The music starts again and your body takes over for you, you kick and jump and turn.
Minho lifts you like its nothing and before you know it, you do the turn exactly like you're supposed to.
The music stops and your breathing fills the silence before the euphoria of getting every single step down perfectly reaches your brain.
You squeal excitedly and clap before falling into minhos arms.
He stiffens at your touch and you immediately let go "i- i'm sorry- i dont know why-"
Suddenly, he lounges forwards and presses his plush lips against yours.
It takes you a second to register whats happening, but when his hands encase your waist, you sling your arms around his neck to pull him even closer.
An approving moan tears from minhos throat before he backs you up untill you feel the cold mirror pressed against your back.
You part your lips and let his tongue roll against yours , his hands roaming over your body.
Everything his happening so fast you cant track where they're going, first they're at your ass then one of them squeezes at your boob; and now it trails up your neck and wraps itself around it as he kisses down the other side.
You feel like your nerve endings are on fire everywhere his hands and lips wander, your eyes fluttering shut as you moan out his name.
He nips at your collarbone before coming back to your lips "i've wanted to do this since the second i saw you" his hand around your neck tightens protectively and you feel yourself clench.
"me too" you whisper before he crashes his lips to yours again, your hand tightening in his thick brown hair as the other clings to his shoulder.
A firm thigh lodges itself between your legs and you feel brave so you roll your hips into it. The ache thats building up in your clit, getting released a little.
Shamelessly you whimper against his lips.
He sucks your bottom lip inbetween his before breaking the kiss again, looking down at your ministrations.
"dirty girl" he grins, releasing your neck and placing both hands on your hips and helping you grind against his thigh.
Your head falls back against the mirror when the fabric of your cotton thong gets rubbed against your clit in just the right way. An almost pornographic moan leaves your lips, "fuck" you whine, locking eyes with minho again.
"god i wanna do so many bad things to you" he grunts, at which you swear you gushed a little more into your panties.
You see his cock straining through the flattering grey sweat material, your hand wandering towards it but he catches it.
"cum on my thigh and you'll get it" he promises, grinning when another high pitched moan spills from your pretty lips.
A sudden loud ringing makes you flinch, and minhos head whips around before removing himself from you.
"wha-?" you mumble confusedly.
He takes his phone and answers the incoming call.
"Hi, hyung" he speaks, turning around "i went for a run, yea-sorry...yea okay...okay bye" he hangs up.
"Who-?" you attempt to speak but your mind is still fuzzy as he throws his backpack over his shoulder and grabs his sweater before coming back to you.
"My manager" he says, taking your hand "i have to go"
"I'm sorry" he kisses your lips "you want me to take you to your dorm?"
"No- no i dont want you to get in trouble" you shake your head.
"Sure?" He tilts his head.
"Yea, of course, im good" you nod, a smile tugging at your lips because he looks really cute with his messed up hair and puffy lips.
"Here" he gives you his sweater "im sure its colder now"
"you'll get cold though" you hold it up.
"nah, i'm hot blooded" he quips, leaning down to lock lips again.
More lingering this time, you feel you stomach churn with butterflies when he moves to your cheek.
"i'm not finished with you" he whispers into your ear, winking before walking out the door.
a/n: ik im supposed to be writing zephyr but this popped in my head and wrote itself so easily i was like👁👄👁 anyways hope u liked it🥰 not proofread so i just know there are thousands of spelling errors in there😍😍
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dioko · 3 years
What It’d Be Like to Work Out With Bakugou Katsuki.
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Pairing: Bakugou x gn! reader 
A/N -> sorry about the lack of oneshots coming out, i didnt really think id be that busy but... it turns out i’m that busy. anyways fun headcanons because im coping for SNKs 139 in as many ways as i can :')
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You walked tiredly out of your class, glad your week was finally over. It had been a long day, and at last you could go back to your dorm and pass out for the weekend. That is, until your name was yelled across the room. “Y/N!” Kirishima waved at you, and you waved back, “want to join Baku- ow!” the redhead chirped when the blond jabbed him in the ribs, “I mean, us at the gym tomorrow?”
“Sure,” you’d respond; it wouldn’t be too bad, right? You hadn’t talked to Bakugou very much, but if Kirishima was there, everything would be fine, right?
Kirishima dipped LOL
ok now the actual headcanons
Bakugou, contrary to popular belief, does not work himself recklessly. he knows he’s not a machine
not that this stops him from moving really quickly
he's just more cautious than most people give him credit for
when you two finally get started, you’re surprised to see his wary side - giving himself proper breaks and escalating the intensity at a steady pace
“The hell are you standing and watching them for, huh?” “Nothi - nothing!” “Then quit slacking off, or did you just c’mere to zone out?”
also, he does not listen to music while he works out 
although he’s careful, he trains like he wants revenge for whoever kicked his dog and maybe his motivation is thinking about deku surpassing him. Who needs music when you have that kinda mindset?
“You... you’re not gonna pull out earbuds or anything?” You say, reaching for your own. “No. Why would I do that?” “Jeez, you do this all without music?” “Yeah, and?”
you don’t really know what to say, so you don’t say anything at all - he can work out however he wants
“What do you listen to?” He speaks up after a few minutes of quiet.  “Loud stuff, it feels quicker to move with the beat of the music.” “Oh.” “Do you listen to music... ever?” “Of course,” he snorts, “M’not a fuckin’ weirdo.” “What do you listen to?” “Old rock,�� he shrugs, “but anything that booms will do.” “Even while you’re studying?” “Especially while I’m studying.”
you’d talk a little more about your tastes in music, and the two of you manage to hit it off quite well, despite your premonitions that there wouldn’t be a constant flow in conversation if Kirishima were absent
he criticizes you
but they’re valid points and not just him being petty
maybe a little bit petty
“fix your posture,” he yaps barks at you.
all in all, it was a pretty great session; part of you hoped that it would happen again. 
“Y/n,” it was a familiar voice. Bakugou had panicked and said your name louder than he intended, and a couple heads turned in your direction.
your cheeks burned todoroki-fire hot
“Yeah?” you replied.  “Want to come with me again?” “To... where?” “Gym, dumbass.” “Yeah sure, let’s do it.”
one good thing about being his friend is that it’s incredibly easy to make plans with him
the two of you would go again, same place and time, and then-
“IMADEAPLAYLIST,” he’d randomly blurt out.
denki suggested the idea to him, but he wasn’t about to let you know that.
“Thought you didn’t listen to music?” “Well it can’t hurt t’try, can it?”
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simpinforkirari · 4 years
spare me some cuddles, sir
(with tsukki, kenma, and sakusa) 
i have a ton of drafts i havent finished due to school lol. this has been in my drafts for 2 weeks-
(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ✨✨
✎ warnings: none 
✎ word count: 718 words ^0^
✎ also-! g/n reader
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tsukishima kei
you two like to walk home together, either to your house or his
anyways when you get to his house you kick off your shoes
and lay them properly, tsukki doing the same
he literally tugs you upstairs before his brother or his mom sees you
you always gravitate towards his dinosaur figurine 
he thinks it’s cute
pulls you into bed with him, a little, just a little harshly
you would’ve tried to complain and pretend you didnt want them
but he knows you too well
“tsukki? i thought we were gonna study?”
“shh, shh. lets just do this for a while, ok?”
“heh, ok then :))”
you very much loves his cuddles and will accept them any day
reaches over to his bedside table and hands one of his earphones to you
then puts on the other one
plays a collaborative playlist both of you made
adjusts you on his arm (gotta make sure both of you are comfy )
and one of your arms is splayed across his torso  ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ
if you were to fall asleep, he’d lay there just admiring you
memorising every feature on your face
every mole, freckle, pimple and pimple scar
he makes sure to lightly peck each of them while you nap
wants to bask in the moment before he has to wake you up again
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kozume kenma
“kyanma !!”
he doesn’t really like being called that, but maybe for you he’ll let it slide just this once
bb likes to not be disturbed when he’s gaming 
and you respect that
but sometimes you just want a tiny little bit of attention from him
so maybe just a couple of kisses  (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
getting up from the laying position on his bed, you sit beside him on the floor
and just give him a lil peck on the cheek
that’s enough for him to pause his game
kenma spares a glance at the clock hung on your wall
with a hum of recognition to your question, he faces you again
“yes, kitten?”
“are you almost done?”
you jump up onto his bed again
kenma crawls on top of you and places a light feverish kiss on your collarbone 
“actually i can finish this tomorrow”
“oh, ok then :D”
he lets you play with his hair, its always fun to twirl around your finger
everytime you’d doze off and stop petting his hair, he gets grumpy
grumbling into your chest, he nudges his head towards your resting hand
you continue to play with his hair, a light airy laugh making it’s way past your lips
he would usually be playing with the drawstrings of your hoodie, sometimes even tying it into a bow
its mutual comfort for the both of you, tbh
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sakusa kiyoomi
after training cuddles
i feel like he can tolerate being sweaty but likes it’s better when he isnt
with that said,,,, cuddles come after training
its almost like a little reward
you two enjoy doing homework together at your house, since doing stuff with him just makes you feel better abt anything really
most of the time its just you playing with his curls
very fluffy curls
sakusa leans back on the headboard of your bed while you work on the floor, trying to finish the model you needed for science quickly so you can finally rest
after gluing down a piece to the board, you grumble throwing your head back
“my neck hurts” you say, rolling your neck from right to left
sakusa lifts his head up, sparing a glance at you, his curls bouncing along.
i don’t think he would be very public with affection with around other people but around you, he’s alright with it
kiyoomi beckons you over, you quickly complying. standing up and leaving the mess you made to sit on your bed
he pushes his books aside and extends his arms to you, with you falling right into them
he savors all the moments with you even if it’s just him running his fingers down your back while you rest your eyes
pecking your forehead he gives out a reminder
“take a break, hm?”
“ok” you answered, nodding against his chest
“dont fall asleep yet” he mumbles against your head before leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your hair
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liberolove · 4 years
Soft Tsukki
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A/N: I feel like tsukki wouldn’t be the way that most people portray him as. in my opinion, he’d be a soft boi, just waiting for the right person to come by and show him how to open up. (btw this takes place the 1st year of college)
Before Dating
tsukki would definitely be a smart cookie, scoring some of the highest grades in his classes
and that’s just one of the many things that attracts you to him
you also find it interesting how he always seems to be in his own little world, constantly having headphones on
youve noticed that he likes sitting in the back of the lecture hall, never asking questions
its like he already knows everything
you’d be curious about where he goes after class is over, so one day you lowkey follow him just to see what his routine looks like
but this sneaky motherfucker is not dumb, and you’re not the best at following from a distance
this man would legit turn around and walk up to you, straight up asking you, “what do you think you’re doing?”
his calm demeanor would catch you so off guard that all you can say is “ummm... uhhh.. you see... what had happened was..”
tsukki would scoff and walk away, thinking, “what the hell is wrong with her?”
after that, you’d be deadass scared of this man. but it would also make you so much more attracted to him
you decide to never try that again
later on in the semester, you find yourself studying in the library, but you realize youre having trouble with the material
and guess who sits across from you at the next table?
you look up and you see that he’s already staring at you, making you blush like crazy
next thing you know he moves his stuff and sits at your table, and asks, “are you having trouble with our class?”
your mind is racing a million miles an hour that you can only squeak out a barely audible “yeah..”
you’ve now unlocked study partner tsukki
this man has all the patience in the world and answers all of your questions in a way that helps you understand everything easily
you realize its 10pm already and almost everyone has left the library already, except you two
“hey, it’s late. thank you so much for all the help! i hope i didn’t use up too much of your time..”
“no problem. and nah you didn’t. teaching people is the way i study, so you’re helping me too. and uh, if you need any more help, just let me know. here’s my phone number..”
tell me why this smooth fucker would already have his phone number written down on a piece of paper
he’d pull it out like a goddamn business card
you’d hold out your hand to grab it from him and you feel his calloused hands and it makes you  s h i v e r
you just touched him omg
after this first study session, you two study together for the rest of the semester
both yours and tsukki’s grades improve immensely
he starts getting 100%’s and you get 85%’s
yall are doing great
finals week comes in so fast and suddenly the feeling of dread makes its way into your mind
you didn’t think about this before but this may be one of the last times you get to be with him.. you won’t have an excuse to be near him anymore
it’s 3 days before your class’s final exam and you try to bring it up. in a shitty fashion, but you do it nonetheless
“hey, tsukishima.. uh so you know how class will be ending soon? i just wanna know.. what’s gonna happen?”
“what do you mean? we’re gonna take the exam and pass. and then we’ll be on to the next semester.”
“ugh, i know that. i meant.. what’s gonna happen with us?”
this man turns around so fast so that you don’t notice the way his cheeks have turned bright red
“we won’t have to study anymore for this? i don’t understand your question.” he says, but he knows exactly what you’re trying to say. he’s only playing dumb to get you to say it out loud. poor tsukki would never say it himself.
“i’m trying to say, uh, will i still see you? tsukishima,.. i really like spending time with you..”
my mans would literally mumble “me too” under his breath because he can’t believe it either
thank god you have sharp ears or else you wouldnt have heard it
“do you really?! can we hang out sometime? something not school related?”
tsukki wouldn’t even be able to speak because he’s so flabbergasted that you basically asked him out
“why aren’t you answering? you’re making me nervous..”
he’d still be tongue tied so all he would do is nod yes, and smile shyly
once finals are over, you two start texting each other in an effort to get to know each other on a deeper level
you figure out that this man is your musical soulmate
you both listen to all the same bands and love the same songs
its crazy how compatible you two are
you’re so antsy over seeing him in a different light that you text him first
“so.. when do you wanna go out? and what do you want to do?”
“whatever you want.”
“wanna go grab some frozen yogurt and go feed the ducks some seeds?”
“how’s tomorrow around noon sound?”
“it’s a date.” 
tsukki at this point is internally SCREAMING because he can’t believe he just said that
you, on the other hand, you just stopped responding
you cant believe that its finally happening and that you didnt have to ask if it was a date
however, you weren’t 100% sure because he could have been kidding? oh well, you’ll find out on the day of the “date”
First Date
he’d come over to your place so you could walk together to the frozen yogurt shop
you’d get some vanilla, with mango yogurt and add in some oreos and gummy worms.
tsukki would see you get your order and make some snide remark like, “wow i didn’t know you were so basic”
you’d just roll your eyes and look at him get what he wants, and this man would literally just get vanilla and add chocolate syrup
“well, at least i’m not as basic as you”
he wouldn’t even have a comeback for that
you’re BOTH basic bitches, but that’s just another reason why you two work so well together
you’re about to buy your yogurt when he slips between you and the cashier and PAYS for yours too
he doesn’t even ask you, he’s already paid for you
you thank him and he says “it wasn’t even that much, since you’re so plain”
salty tsukki has come out to play today lol
you two make your way to the park and you take out the bird seed from your bag so you can feed the ducks
you sit down in front of the lake (or pond or whatever) and start feeding the cuties
all tsukki can do is stare at you and how beautiful you look doing something so mundane
you feel his eyes glaring into your soul and all you can do is try your hardest not to look at him
“hey, i never asked, but what’s your major?” he asks
“im a biology major, and you?”
“well that makes sense since you like being around ducks like this.” he chuckles to himself. “i’m a music major.”
“huh, i never would have figured that out.. what with your headphones always plugged in”
“yeah, i hope to become a producer one day.”
“i hope you make it” you smile at him and this makes tsukki’s heart EXPLODE
you stop feeding the ducks and lay down, staring at the clouds
there are always breaks in your conversation, but it isn’t awkward or anything. it’s comfortable, and tsukki appreciates it, although he’ll never admit it. he hates admitting anything
he lays down next to you, and your hand slowly starts to inch towards his, and he’s doing the same.
the moment both your fingertips meet, you feel an electric shock
he apologizes but then continues to interlock your fingers 
“is this okay?” he asks
“mhhm. it feels... nice.”
tsukki smiles to himself and starts daydreaming about how he’s going to ask to kiss you next
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He did? Umm.. what happened exactly?
(referring to this post)
my 11th grade chemistry teacher had an associates degree in liberal arts.
you know how in virtually every class you’ve ever had since middle school, your teachers made a big stink about the syllabus? she didn’t have one. this was her first teaching job, which she got because of her length experience as a substitute, not by her licensing qualifications. we were, at first, excited to have her, because she was a “fun sub” and we were 17 years old and stupid as all shit. we were the “normal chem” class in a system where the only other options were “honors chem” which was filled with children who actually know how to study (or cheat) and have an air of proper student activity, and “AP Chem”, which is clear enough if you’ve been an american student in the last 15 years.
she followed the mcgraw hill chemistry book in order of chapters, despite the fact that our state standardized tests did several of the chapters out of order. ever notice how you’ll suddenly be looking at chapter 11 when just last week you were on chapter 5, then the next week you’re on chapter 8? standardized testing is the reason. anyways by asking my friends in other classes who had chemistry teachers of relative competence, i was able to discern which chapters i should focus on, and while she was distracted with literally watching youtube videos all period, I was turning around in my seat and walking across the classroom helping my friends and enemies with the packets. (she was a two-packets-a-week kinda teacher.)
yes i said enemies too. the people i hated, i hated because they were sons of bitches i wouldnt piss on to put out a fire. i hated them so dearly i used to pray to god that they would bump into me so i could throw myself into the concrete and split my forehead open and get them expelled due to the blood-clause of our “zero-tolerance policy”. two of the kids in my class had, only the previous year, attempted to set my hair on fire.
i hated the teacher more. 
it gave me extreme pleasure to see her fume and clench her fists when a student would say “i need help” across the classroom and she would move to get up and they would say “oh not you miss, im waiting for vicky.” jesus christ the only time ive ever felt a comparable high was when i was at a halloween party in college where i was literally so zooted i couldn’t move.
it got worse over time, her getting more and more angry, my ego growing larger and larger. i was a huge bitch in high school, i really thought i was the smartest bitch in the room at any given moment. severe main character syndrome. imagine that kind of person actually being right for 45 minutes out of every day. can you even comprehend the kind of frustration that would create? in a room full of little sociopaths who dont give a shit about anything but getting this joke of a class over with so they can graduate? your first real teaching job and they look right past you, the teacher, to this annoying little shit whose grades are completely abysmal? how are they managing to learn anything from a child who can barely speak in front of more than 10 people? who turns cherry red in the face of literally every authority figure in the building except you? who can’t concentrate and stay still in one spot for more than five minutes? all of your other classes behave! they listen! they sit down and shut up and do the packets! so what fucking gives!!!
so you say “fine, since you all HATE ME so much i just won’t teach then!!!” on literally week fucking ten of teaching. and instead of prostrating themselves before you, begging you to like... point at transparencies and read directly from powerpoints i guess.
and they all collectively say “okay” and let the chipmunk child flutter between desks and help them memorize formulas and mnemonic devices and shit. surely her grades will suffer if she’s constantly dealing with other people and you’ll have justification that her horseshit is “distracting” and “a detriment to her studies”. she got bored gave up on that after two days after nothing changed.
then we did the midterm.
except at the end of the exam packet was something we never learned because again, she was going through the book chronologically. because i actually enjoyed the chem book (so much that i stole it when the year was up lmao), i knew the material.
it was about lewis dots/structures. i couldn’t tell you a damn thing about it today but in december 2010 i absolutely knew that shit. i didnt have too much of a problem with it in the exam, but the students who had gotten to that point were complaining and at first she pulled that “you should have been studying independently uwu” shit but the class was about to get loud during exam period so she shushed us and said that when we get to that point, just stop, and she’ll mark it correct during grading, no harm no foul just keep it quiet. one of the more confrontational students called horseshit and said theres no way we’re trusting that and there’s definitely no way anyone will keep an entire classroom cheating at the instruction of the teacher quiet.
i offered to teach it.
she scoffed, rolled eyes, said “sure fine but you can’t get your exam back” and i said “okay.” so when everyone was to the point in the exam, we piled them all on her desk and i used the whiteboard to briefly and quietly explain lewis dots, used the book examples and problems, and helped the other kids understand. there were a couple exam questions that were lifted straight from the book problems so i skipped those. while teaching i realized i had gotten a couple wrong which sucked :( it was an incredibly stupid experience overall, and no teacher worth the paper their certification is printed on would have allowed that to happen. and fucking yet.
anyways everyone but me got their exams back and finished it and many of us passed, only a few of them did particularly well.
discussing the chem exam with friends who also took the chem exam, many students found their anecdote about the lewis dots to be confounding, for you see, the exam we took was not, in fact, the midterm, but the god damned final.
she had us taking the fucking final because she didnt read the fucking folders which read “midterm” and “final exam” on them
she was reprimanded severely and we all had to take the exam on different days, in different classrooms, sitting very far apart. after that she hated me even more. like girl it was your fault lmao i am literally a teenager grow up lol. anyways you can imagine how much more fucking insufferable i became, knowing how miserable she was.
it all came to a head in february when some students were giggling quietly following a minor fuck up on her part regarding bellwork. they were making fun of her like “are you sure thats not tomorrows bellwork lol” and a friend next to me did the “hey i need help wait no miss not you sorry” thing and when i answered him, she solidly snapped. blah blah YOURE SOOOO DISTRACTING blah blah YOU THINK YOURE SOOOO SMART DONT YOU blah blah blah and she was like demanding i leave the room and shouting at the top of her lungs at me “ YOU POISON THE MINDS OF EVERY OTHER STUDENT HERE. YOU’RE POISONOUS VICTORIA, YOU’RE A VIRUS IN THIS CLASSROOM.”
i will never forget that line as long as i live. it was like crack to me. i moved to open the door to leave and the vp opened it first. he escorted me to the office and asked me what happened, then told me to keep my head down in class from now on, and that if i wanted to help my friends i should give them my number and help them out on our own time. i was like “bro thats really stupid” and he was like “thats all we can do right now but i promise we’re working on it”
i lasted the rest of the year giving smug smiles as we did packet after fucking packet for the rest of the year. they were all take-home work. i wasnt comfy giving my number to my enemies. the class camaraderie ended.
the final was altered. my class took a different final than the rest of the normal chem classes.
i started 12th grade and got a solid case of senioritis. i told that story to anyone who would listen. while it was happening, i obviously told my favorite teacher everything as it happened. when i mentioned it senior year he was like “oh yeah i forgot about her,
she was fired over the summer.”
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kvgehiras · 3 years
can i request sleepover hcs with trickstar (separate)? i feel like they would be so much fun to be with... the new shuffle unit really woke up my inner trickstarP 🥺 (hope it's not too much to request all 😭)
HELLO !!! nd no it's ok !!!! it took me some time bcs i didnt . rlly know how to start out hokuto's part BUT IT'S DONE NOW !!!!!!! (also i hope u meant it in a setting where y/n nd the members r in a relationship (separately ofc) bcs that's how i wrote it so ye) hope yall like it ~
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• he probably brought up the idea while u were accompanying him on a walk w daikichi
• u were talking abt how u brought these glow-in-the-dark stickers nd they remind u of him
• "it would b so nice if u could see it omg!!! but .... it's the best when u watch it right before u go to sleep.....nd ur probably busy :(("
• nd ur just like :0 bcs u cant believe this dumbass . he has a live to perform in day after tomorrow but he's gonna have a sleepover........what
• "dw abt my live !!!!!!! ill tell hokke nd the others that i can't come today but i'll practice extra hard tomorrow !! they'll understand dw (*・∀-)☆"
• they didn't.....actually...but he cut the call on hokuto before they could get him to attend so uh-
• "anyways!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^"
• yall bring daikichi over too. it's not even a question daikichi is literally yalls child at this point but anyways
• he probably looks for board games for a good hour or two while u get some food for daikichi nd then get some food for subaru nd urself
• (he doesn't find it)
• u peek at the doorframe bcs for a while u keep feeling like someone has been watching u for a while now nd then boom . u see the other baby (read : subaru . main baby is daikichi, ofc!) pouting at u
• u laugh nd wipe ur hands on ur apron before ruffling his hair nd he goes
• "i can't find the board games :((((( y/n :(((((("
• surprise guessing game : whos the actual puppy? akehoshi subaru or his actual dog daikichi??????? it remains a mystery
• anyways u help him look for them nd after u hand him over the thing u get food for the both of u nd force him to eat atleast a bite bcs this bitch is too busy trying to win against u in snakes & ladders 😭😭😭
• "subaru.....pls....the food is getting cold....."
• "no i Know im gonna win!!! the sparkly stars r my good luck!!!! i know it!!!!!!"
• he.... doesn't win .....for the 5th time....
• so manz just gives up, noms all the sandwiches visible (aka his portion bcs u alrdy finished urs an hour ago JDJDKDN)
• nd then sleeps, still sulking
• yes it ends up in u guys cuddling under the glowy stars
• nd subaru thinks that mayb losing against u isn't that bad after all (´꒳`)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike subaru, this was actually a planned one
• u both had homework to do, u especially had a test tomorrow nd subaru just ditched the rest of trickstar to go hang out w someone else instead of their practice so ┐(´∀`)┌
• hokuto appears at ur doorstep around 6:30pm, as discussed earlier
• "right on time!!!!!! so true hokke (´∀`)b"
• he chuckles a lil as he closes the door behind him nd takes off his shoes
• "(y/n) u keep sounding like that masked pervert whenever u say smthg like that pls"
• u laugh it off nd then get him to the living room, where u two get ur books out nd then start studying
• hokuto asks if uve studied any material before to which u quietly reply no nd hokuto just goes
• "oh, that's ok… i think it will be good practice for me too if i taught u all this, right? so let's start, hm?"
• HOKKEEEEEEE ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
• sasuga hokuto kyun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• anyways !! u guys (finally) start studying now!
�� except…..except ur alrdy falling asleep……
• hokuto doesn't even realise this till he looks over to his shoulder bcs wow it suddenly feels heavy! wonder why!
• nd then boom ur face is an inch away from his
• poor hokuto his face gets all red and his ears r burning nd when he realises that ur sleeping he just . freezes
• doesnt even move fucking muscle
• mentally too manz just checks out NDNDNDJDJKS
• poor guy he can feel how hard his heart is beating nd hes praying that u dont hear it nd wake up
• thank goodness ur a heavy sleeper……..nothing, nd i mean not even if boulder is dropped on u, can wake u up
• sasuga…..y/n……?
• anyways !!!!!
• u wake up at like . 2 or 3 am nd u find hokuto just closing his eyes shut, cheeks still bright red nd. WHYS HE SO CLOSE-
• o u fell asleep on his shoulder lol-
• u jerk back up nd apologise a million times for falling asleep even tho hes so desperately trying to teach u nd hokuto just tries to hard to explain that it's ok !!!!!!! (bcs he actually kinda . liked it . aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA)
• after much thought u guys just decided to go to sleep bcs ur too tired anyways so it's not like u would retain this info anyways
• nd it was a good decision bcs after waking up in the morning nd going thru his notes instead u actually aced the test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so true y/n !!!!!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• this one….. it's like . neither planned or accidental?????
• it just happened????? yk?????
• he called u suddenly in the evening bcs he went to this new game shop that opened near his place right
• nd hes just like !!!!!!! y/n!!!!!!! uve got to check this game out !!!!!!
• nd so u go to his place to play the game nd u see that he just has everything prepared so u get the snacks that u got for both of u on a plate nd get some juice from his fridge nd start playing the game
• nd the game is rlly good !!!!!
• from the graphics to the boss music, makoto rlly knows ur taste
• (he blushes nd thanks u all flustered too hehe)
• nd after switching consoles nd playing the game for over 3 hrs, yes it's a pretty huge game, u finally reach the boss battle!!!!
• nd this . this scares u
• uve seen ppl on the net say that this battle will absolutely End u . periodt
• u never rlly understood why but holy shit u now do
• uve been trying to win against this bitch for AN HOUR at this point . why cant he just die
• poor makoto is just cheering u on in the bg bcs u refuse to let him help
• "y/n….(;´Д`)...... it's ok bb…...i'll finish this up for u…. it's like 4am we have class tomorrow- wait no it's actually today-"
• "makoto No u always help me in games let me finally win smthg for u !!!!!!"
• nd u point at his forehead nd poke it several times as u make ur point
• "ill win for u !!!!! ok!!!!! this stupid boss can never be as strong as my love for u !!!!!! (*`へ´*) 彡3"
• nd hes just . looking at u all worried but he . he trusts u . so he lets u do it urself
• yes u lost even more times nd cried a lil out of frustration
• so at one point, instead of directly helping u, he just starts giving u directions nd at this point ur too tired nd exhausted to say anything so u just follow him
• (u also have ur head on his lap nd hes combing thru ur hair nd looking down at u like :') lmao what a lovebird)
• but when u actually beat the boss, finally, nd the screen says "win!" in huge yellow letters ur eyes go O.O
• nd u jump out of his lap, while he's still spaced out, combing ur hair nd hug him v tightly
• nd hes like ????? huh ???? wh wh wh ?????????
• nd u explain that u finally won nd u guys just rejoice lol
• then immediately fall asleep. both of u
• (u guys were late to school next day . sigh)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
• unlike the other three, this man was actually dragged to ur place
• why? u might ask
• so after u guys r done w school, nd when u check in w his fam too that hes gonna stay at ur place (nd also that he has almost no work today, ofc) u drag him to an arcade nd hes like ???
• "today is a rest day!!!!!! so no work at all!!!!!!"
• u said this while pouting a bit so mao mostly thought u were joking
• but even after going to the arcade, going to the shopping mall nd getting snacks, going to the fast food place u guys visit alot nd getting food from there, his brain doesnt catch on that ur indeed not joking
• until it's been 3 hours at ur place, ur having the dinner that u guys had bought from the fast food place while watching a random movie that was airing on some channel that his brain suddenly went
• 'i know they were saying that this is a rest day nd ur not allowed to work probably as a joke but bro…. i dont think it's a joke anymore'
• this is so sad f in the chat for mao lol
• but also he doesnt bring it up bcs ur forcing him to watch musicals w u (some of ur favs) nd he... actyally likes it?
• he hasn't felt so ….relaxed in a very long time now that he thinks abt it
• nd he has to thank u for it yk
• nd so after the musical marathon ends, as he thanks u, he kind of just goes on a rant yk
• abt how he's feeling
• he never expected for this to happen but u tell him it's ok yk
• nd while he shouldn't burden himself w so much work, ur always open to listen to his thoughts, opinions, random bs, anything !!!!!!
• for hours u guys just have a very deep talk abt how guys have been doing nd mao feels like hes so so glad that u did smthg like this for him
• yall also go to bed early bcs mao alrdy has a bad sleeping schedule (so let's not make it worse!!!!)
• nd in conclusion, it was a v good day! now yall do this whenever either of u r feeling down or get burnt out lol
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bitchiha · 4 years
hey!!! can you maybe do any of the boys that your heart would like and the request is; “them seeing/meeting your ex boyfriend for the first time” | so like the shisuirequest??
A/N: Yes I can write this for you!! I chose to write it for Kiba, Naruto and Sai! Bc Sai doesn’t get enough love =(^.^)=
✎ Meeting their s/o’s ex boyfriend!
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So allow me to paint the scene: it all starts when Kiba is walking you home from one of your routine walks together. He’s got his arm around your waist and he’s telling you about how Hianata almost passed out this morning when Naruto said hi to her. You both laugh as he finishes the memory and Akamaru trails behind you two panting happily.
You live on a pretty busy village street. So you normally see people you know all the time around your house. They’re always passing by to get groceries or go to one of the food stands nearby. So when someone calls out your name you turn around casually — expecting to see Shino or something.
But who you did not expect to see was your ex boyfriend running up to you, pushing passed people on the crowded street without batting an eye. He was kind of a douchebag.
Kiba immediately stops laughing as he feels your back tensing up around his arm. Akamaru starts growling lowly as a response to sensing both yours and Kibas alert.
Tbh tho.. The reason you’re probably the most panicked is because this is Kiba Inuzuka, you’re hotheaded boyfriend who’s just a smidge bit possessive... and he’s meeting your ex boyfriend who’s overconfident and well, for lack of better words - a douchebag.
Your ex walks up to you two and sizes up Kiba and omfg that pisses your boyfriend off. “Y/n, who’s this guy.” Definitely shows his canines (is it an accident? or did he do it to intimidate this dude? You’ll never know.)
Anyways, your ex is cocky as shit — let’s call him Makki. So he interrupts you before you even get the chance to explain to Kiba who he is, “-Oh y/n, you’ve never mentioned me? I’m Makki, her ex boyfriend.”
Dude probably eats up the pissed off look on Kibas face. Like he’s yikes lmfao he’s really pissed off.
Like who does this cocky shit think he is?? Kiba is ready to fight lol “Oh yeah buddy, that’s real good for yo-“
Your ex just cuts him off... like blatantly ignores Kiba and turns to you, “It’s been a while y/n, you still look as gorgeous as ever...” he winks at you and Kiba growls LMFAOO, but Makki just ignores him. “We’d been together for so long y/n, so how come I never knew you liked... dogs so much.” He stares at Kiba right when he says dogs and he gives him this appalled expression on his face
Kibas confused for a second bc dogs are cute....“But there’s nothing wrong with dogs- oh wait! Hey were you trying to insult me you knucklehead!”
So you’ve got your boyfriend held back, but you forgot about Akamaru.. rookie mistake. Now that giant dog is running towards Makki and the boy starts sprinting for dear life.
Kiba has a good laughing fit at the sight, “that’ll show him.” But you’re concerned because yes your ex is a douchebag and you did enjoy watching him run away scared, but you don’t want Akamaru to get in trouble for this. So you tell Kiba to go find Akamaru this instant.
“All right all right I’ll get em now... See you tomorrow, same time as today?” You nod hurriedly, wanting him to go Asap. You watch him run off before opening the door to your house and going inside.
Which was another rookie mistake.
Once you were inside he stopped running. He placed his hands behind his neck in a relaxed way as he strolled down the street, whistling like he didn’t have a dog to chase down.
“Have at em’ Akamaru”
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Yup.. you guessed it, this takes place at Ichirakus. It’s a Friday night and you two had no missions or other commitments to take care of, so he swung by your place and insisted you two go out for ramen.
So there you two sat, chatting away between mouthfuls of ramen when your ex boyfriend slides into the seat next to you.
Narutos oblivious tbh.
Like your ex just sits an elbow on the table and looks at you with a smirk, “hey, y/n, long time no see.” And you’re like.. ew wtf are you doing here.
Unlike Kiba, Naruto can’t pick up on your distaste, he just thinks it’s an old friend of yours. “Hey babe, who’s this guy?”
Your ex just introduces himself by his name and you decide to leave it at that, if you tell Naruto he’s your ex he will just get difficult to handle. So, you introduce Naruto as Naruto to avoid your ex getting all competitive too.
So you kinda avoid all relationship talk altogether and just completely skip over that fact. Honestly you’re half glad you did because Naruto actually gets along with him. Like for starters they both like ramen, are knuckleheaded and very loud. You definitely have a type. And they’re super funny too, so the whole time they’re just kinda laughing with eachother.
Had a good 15 minute long conversation about their favourite instant noodle brand and roasted you for the brand you liked. “Really y/n, that’s shameful.” They both say it in unison.
Also, your ex didnt have the intention to come into Ichirakus and crash your date, it was just a coincidence. So there was no ulterior motives to his presence and he’s not the type of guy to do it tbh. To top it all off he ends up paying for the ramen. Your ex literally pays for both you and Narutos ramen.
Such a weird experience for you tbh, but it’s also kinda funny to watch them both oblivious to your relationship with them.
At the end of the night when your ex heads home, you tell Naruto. Like you’re strolling through the busy Friday night rush and you finally spring it on him because he won’t shut up about your ex.
“Wow that guy was so cool y/n, never knew you had friends like that!” “Well actually Naruto, hes sorta my ex boyfriend.”
His eyes pop out of his head. “WHAT and you’re just telling me this now??” He’s in his head like: damn I should have showed off more or I should have made more jokes to prove that I’m the better one. He’s also like: shit he’s so cool how can he compete???!!1!1!1
Tries to hate your ex from then on, but they’re just so alike he literally cannot.
Luckily you don’t ever run into him like that again.
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So.. let’s just be real here.. if you’re dating Sai you clearly have a type. You go for those emo little artsy boys. The only problem is that your ex boyfriend was an emo preppy rich art boy. You couldn’t stand his attitude anymore so you two broke up.
The only problem is that you live in the Leaf village and there’s very limited art events, so you would always bump into him. Luckily you hadn’t run into him with Sai around.. until now lol
You’re with Sai at an art exhibit that you managed to get him to submit work for. He was hesitant at first, but he gave in because you kept asking, and if he was being honest he wouldn’t mind showing some of his pieces.
So there you two are, standing together like that emo art couple that you are when your ex boyfriend walks in. He literally looks like the definition of avant garde. When he sees you he’s prepared to make some condescending comment, but then he sees Sai and he’s like: oh shit
Let’s be real here if anyone saw you and Sai together it would be an “oh shit” moment. You’re just an art power couple. That doesn’t mean your exes snobbiness would let him back down though.
So, this dude wants to prove he’s superior. When he walks up to the two of you he flat out interrupts the conversation and is like, “y/n, nice to see you,” then he turns to Sai and jusy gets down to business “so? You like art, then?”
Sai doesn’t comprehend the hostility in your ex’s tone so he answers it with a smile, prepared to tell him that this is actually his exhibit before he’s Interrupted again. “-Oh so you like art then? Okay, describe what mediums are used here.” your ex points at one of Sai’s paintings, not aware that he literally fucking painted it because he didn’t let Sai finish speaking.
So of course Sai answers and goes into a whole ramble about what mediums and why and how they bring out the details. Your ex kinda stands there like: “oh shit” again bc damn, he knows his shit.
He just points at another painting and is like, “what about this one.” And as your ex turns to study it better himself he realizes it’s literally you. It’s a painting that Sai did of you when you two first met eachother, you’re laying on the grass laughing and there’s orange hues dancing across your face indicating that the sun is setting. It’s one of Sais absolute favourites.
It’s such a bomb ass fucking painting and your ex just kinda stares at it confused and shook and you have to explain, “my boyfriends work is in this exhibit, he painted that one of me.”
But as I said, your ex is a douchebag and he’s not going to let your boyfriend get a compliment from him so he just goes, “hmph, it’s nothing special.”
And that kinda bothers Sai because that’s his girlfriend in that painting therefore it is very special.
You know where this is going. Naruto said the same line to him before LOL
So Sai hits him with this signature line, “just like your dick.” AND HE SAYS IT W THE FAKE SMILE LMFAO
Now your ex is literally dead. Like he’s flamed. On the floor straight up incinerated. And your trying to hide your laughter.
Security has to escort the guy out.
Very memorable moment for the two of you.
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ivyuns · 4 years
landing in my heart: closer
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genre: angst, slight fluff
word count: 2.3k
warnings: location is in north korea, jealousy, guns, car crashes, kinda rushed lol
part three of landing in my heart
landing in my heart information
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“what did you just say?”
“i would appreciate if you put the gun away from my fiancee”
“she belongs to division 11. and for those who doesnt know, shes unable to release her personal information. now if you mind, my fiancee is exhausted from her recent mission she came back from” jisung told everybody. on point, your body falls onto jisung’s shoulders, acting as if you were actually exhausted.
jisung takes you to his property till you two are out of sight until jisung clears his throat. “you can let go now” without hesitation, you let go and immediately asks whats division 11 is all about. telling you everything, you enter the house with jisung trailing behind you.
jisung takes you to his property till you two are out of sight until jisung clears his throat. “you can let go now” without hesitation, you let go and immediately asks whats division 11 is all about. telling you everything, you enter the house with jisung trailing behind you.
jisung offers you a cup of water and telling you to drink it to calm down. you gladly accept it as he takes a deep breath. “house inspections happens randomly, but i didnt expect it to happen today. im sorry”
“well, im sure you were equally surprised by it too, so no worries. and you showed up on perfect timing too” you smiled at him, drinking the water then looking around. “by the way, are you hurt? are you okay?” jisung asks while hes checking up on you for any hurt wounds. looking up and making eye contact, you see how his eyes were full of worry. shaking you head a no, you smile at him and was distrubed by knocks on jisungs gates.
“captain han! are you there?!”
jisung goes to open the door and sees the village women, who had heard about the news about you and offers him food. feeling like he couldnt hold any plates, they offer him to help him and take it into the house until you appear behind him.
“o-oh! nice to meet you, captain han’s fiancee” one of the women says. greeting them back, you grab one of the plate full of food from jisung. before you two could go, they ask you where your last mission was, what was it about and how was it. expecting to answer all their questions, you replied as “im sorry, i cant have my information out there”. the women gasp, shocked at they way you talked to them.
jisung tells them to go home and have a good night. doing what theyre told, they walked away and you close the gate. “is captain han really in love with her?” “is this a one-sided love?” “look at her hair, it looks so messy!” hearing all the comments they made about you made you stop your tracks, as long as jisung. gritting you teeth in annoyance, you two continued to go inside the house and ate the food they made for you two.
as you two got ready for bed, jisung made you sleep in the living room as he slept in his room. talking though the closed door, you asked him if he ever went to switzerland. “sorry if im being nosy. but i saw piano sheets and an application form from switzerland. did you have a girlfriend that you would play the piano to?” with no response from him, you drifted to sleep.
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after the years go by, yiseo is back in pyongyang. passing the gates, yiseo bumps into minseok, who smiles at her and lets her go first. yiseo smiles back and proceeds until she sees her uncle, myeongseok. “ah, look at my yiseo. you lost a lot of weight during your studies in russia.”
“damn, its always the north korean women who have the best taste” minseok tells himself, but as his bodyguard hears him, he tells them to be careful of what he says. minseok then tells him he will pay him an extra 10,000 won if hed stop nagging him, but hell pay minseok 10,000 won if he nags to him again.
as yiseo and myeongseok stops at their car outside the airport, she realized what happened to the other car. “uncle, wheres the other car?” she asks. “oh, i had to lend it to jisung” “are you going to pick it up or is he bringing it back here” “im sure i can go there and pick it up after my recital tomorrow” “huh?! are you sure? i didnt even mention you were coming back to him because he never asks about you” “what kind of woman doesnt remember her fiance?”
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the coal mine.
cheolgang enters the coal mine and enters the wire-trapper room after greeting his soldiers. the soldiers gets up from their seats and salutes cheolgang. “ive seen you all work hard, thank you”. manbok hears cheolgang and immediately salutes him. cheolgang tells manbok to follow him into the back exit.
“sir, what brings you all the way here?” manbok asks. “ri muyeok’s brother is now in the outpost. so i need you to wire his house. theres a women in there and im using it to ruin his family” as cheolgang finishes. manbok gets flashbacks about jisung’s brother.
7 years ago.
“you see, my little brother is studying in switzerland right now” muyeok says in the car with another soldier. “mmhm, hes a piano genius with a full scholarship. but everytime i call him, hes always sorry. maybe its because one of us had to follow our dads path” muyeok replies. “did you wanted to be on the piano path?” “nah, i wasnt into it as jisung was so i took this path” the soldier nods his head. “but he told me when he gets back, he’ll play a song for me, so im excited for that. i bet itll put me in a happy mood”
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manbok, who listens to their conversation, helping cheolgang with his favor; killing muhyeok. telling where the driver to go, they collied with muyeoks vehicle. hearing the crashing noises made manbok go numb.
everyones outside the village, looking though jisung’s car, full of excitement. eavesdropping from the gate, jisung comes behind you and tells you hes leaving. “wait let me walk you out. so those women can see what i actually look like since it was dark outside” “no, theres no time for that. also, here. tie it up” jisung gives you a handkerchief. “tie what up?” jisung turns you around and ties your hair up, securing it with a double knot.
heading out of the gate together, you pretended to play the good wife and walked jisung out of the house. before he could leave your sight, you grabbed his wrist and told him to pat you hair, as if you two were being real about your engagement. he then pats your house as everyone is disgusted at your actions. you then tell him to wave at you in which he did. waving at him back, he turns around and heads to the base, bowing at people.
the village women from last night shows up to jisungs house after bad talking about you, inviting for a kimchi battle, you refuse.
back at the base, all soldiers are in an array. “hwang hyunjin, lee felix, kim seungmin, and yang jeongin. all of you but the four of you, head to the shooting range”
with everyone gone but the five of them, they meeting in jisung’s office. “so what did you tell them” hyunjin asks. “i told them shes my fiancee” everyone gasp loudly. “guys just be quiet right now. we just need a plan for her to get back on the boat”
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as the four men walk to jisungs house as jisung himself goes to where the accident happened. as he talks to the soldier that was the guard for the place couldnt see what exactly happened since it was dark but he took note on how empty the cargo was and how the front the truck had armor. a very sharp armor.
in south korea, sehyeong calls the people who are helping him track down minseok, telling them to go to the places where he think hes hiding at. at the family meeting, both sehyeong and sejun continue to fight over who would be the next heir. sanga recommends the la vie en rose should be over if your disappearance is longer than expected.
in the village, you can see how hard life is as a north korean. telling the boys that youre off into the house to get potatoes, you noticed a little boy stealing one of the jackets. as the boys saw, they quickly ran towards the little boy and manages to stop him, as a bag of rice falls off of his pocket. “let me go! i need to feed my sister who hasnt eaten in 3 days and because of that, she cant open her eyes!”
making everyone come back to the house, you grabbed food from the cupboards as hyunjin is speaking nonsense. “you really act like this is your own house. youre giving away food thats not even yours to some boy whos lying” after putting the food into a tote bag, as well as a small blanket, youre stopped as you see jisung. “captain han! hes faking it!” hyunjin yells out. “no im not!”
“shut up hyunjin” you shut him up. jisung tells the little boy to wash his face and hands before eating so that he can prevent getting sick. after he washes he face and hands, he runs towards his little sister, who is sleeping alone under cardboard and a small sheet covering it. finally happy to feed his sister.
after that is finished, everyone gathers around and spends time with you before you leave tonight. “okay everyone! today i will give you awards to claim once we meet again” “awards!? are you a general or something?-” “and the first award goes to yang jeongin !” you say as you cut off hyunjin. “now you have two choices. you can use your prize as we see each other again or get it now. when we meet, youll get 100 million won, or get 8 corn now” “ill get the corn!”
“second prize goes to lee felix! your prize when we meet again is have lunch with jiwoo or get the tv right there” you pointed to jisungs tv. “look-” “dont worry, hell pick the first one” you whisper back to jisung. “ill pick the first one” felix gets up and claims his award.
“third one goes to the most handsome is ... kim seungmin!” jisung looks at you with disbelief. “you can have a blind date with miss korea or any award youd like” “ill choose none” nodding you head, you agreed seungmin is like the boys in south korea.
“okay thats all-” “wait what about me” hyunjin asks. “seriously? fine here, have this shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash” as you threw him the bag full of the products jisung got you earlier. “what the- captain han you really bought her this?!” “she said it was essentials”
after announcing the awards and coming to the end, jisung gets up as jealousy is on him, and goes out of the house. following him behind, you take him to your thank you gift for him; tomatoes after giving the seller half of jisungs potato sack since you didnt have any money. however, jisungs not impressed since he doesnt like tomatoes and doesnt properly treat it well. “whatever, just water it and say 10 nice things to it”
the night comes and everything leads to the end. the 4 men are back, eating corn on the mountain near the base with the moon shinning on them. “i feel sad now” jeongin speaks, stopping the silence. “after all the complications, its now the end”
you and jisung go inside the car jisung borrowed from myeonseok. heading to the dock where youre finally going home. taking off the handkerchief jisung gave you for you hair and folding it, you put it in the middle. “thank you for everything. i mean it” you told him. “we wont see each other again, right?” “probably” jisung answers. “its such a shame that you live here.” “its a shame that you live there” you chuckled at his joke, creating silence in the car once again.
parking the car near the deck, felix’s dad comes out of his boat as you two walk out. giving him the ticket, he asks if its just you. “no, the two of us. ill return after she is on the other boat” jisung says as you widen your eyes at him.
going onto the boat and sailing into the middle of the ocean. “since we probably wont see each other again, my name is yoon y/n” jisung looks at you with sincere eyes. “my name is han jisung” jisung smiles.
“ah, im a member of the haeju yoon clan. haeju is in north korea right?” “im a member of hanju han clan” “the irony!” both of you laugh, making jisung feeling happy after a while.
suddenly, a flash a light flashed the boat. “stop the boat!” yelled the other boat who was trailing behind felix’s dads boat. you and jisung hid under the boat as the boat was stopped. the police were investigating the boat. “were here to see your honesty and see if youre trading goods or smuggling humans to other countries” “why would i do that?” the police stomps on the blue hallow board, which was where you and jisung were hiding.
“open up!” was what you both heard underneath. “jisung! what do we do?! youre a soldier you should know what to do. geez” you silently yelled out. “in south korean dramas-” “what?! this is no time to talk about this” you freaked out. “im going to do something. now look at me and dont be startled. look at me and nothing else”
with that, jisung slams his lips into yours as the door opened.
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additional ending:
after you leave jisung alone with the tomato plant, jisung bends down and tells 10 nice words.
“sunshine, happiness, rose, friends, breeze, cheekies, family, flowers, love, and piano”
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burnt-tomato · 4 years
Something I found in my drafts that I might finish in the future but for now I'll show what I've done
I think it was about Fem!reader x Daichi and the storyline are real or actually happened plus the part that you'd suddenly break (except the part where I'm studying in Karasuno obviously and the grade year and the relationship with Daichi lol)
This was made a year and a half ago, but I didn't bother to finish it lmao
Initial Title: "I'm always here for you, so don't hesitate to show me a side no one's ever seen of you"
This is mostly just fluff since I'm not used to angst yet lol
Theme: Fem!reader × Daichi Sawamura; s/o's father died and she tried her best to hide her emotions and remain strong, but one time breaks down and Daichi comforts his s/o
As usual, you spent the entire afternoon in your room, staring at your phone. This phone that he once held that's now yours.
Everyone saw you as this tough and independent girl. To them, you were really cool, physically and emotionally strong, talented and smart, so they expected alot from you. It has always been hard to live up to people's expectations, but you didn't mind and kept doing what you usually do. You hung out with your school's boys volleyball club, mostly with the third years, but you spent the most time with Karasuno's captain, Sawamura Daichi. Rumors has it that you two are even dating, which isn't just a rumor, but you didn't want anyone to know because they saw you as someone who wouldn't put romance on top of studying. So after their team practices, he would walk you home because of how late it is.
- _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ -
Everything was way too sudden. It was the 13th of November, you woke up at a normal daw early in the morning at 5AM. You were on the first year of your high school. You get down to the living room, then greeted by your two parents that are both getting ready to leave for work. You eat breakfast with them, after they kiss you on the forehead and leave, while you go and take a bath and get ready for school. You arrive at your school, greeted by your classmates and friends, classes dragged on like forever, and your head fell face first on your desk, and before you know it you fell asleep. Your friends wake you up when classes ended, then you rush to the volleyball team's gym to meet with the club. After the club finishes practice, you get home, and unusually, some of your relatives were at your home. They all happily greeted you and led you inside, but why are they here? It's not like there's anything special that happened except tomorrow is your mother's birthday, but your relatives don't usually come at birthdays.
"Ah y/n, you should remove your uniform now, you must be exhausted! Here, I'll carry your bag inside" your cousin said.
You still didn't know what was going on. When you changed your clothes, you tried asking your older cousin why they were all here.
"Y/n! Uhh... hey you should do your homework already. Your mom told me to pack some of your outside clothes"
"But why? I mean, I know tomorrow is my mom's birthday, but why pack clothes?"
"Mmm... I'm not sure either" she smiled and chuckled a little after.
Everything seemed normal enough you guessed. Until your mother got home.
(I won't really elaborate this part, but this is when mom got home and told us what happened.)
This couldn't be real. This is way too sudden. He didn't show any signs of pain or fatigue, so how could this happen out of the blue... these thoughts flooded your head. Your entire family started to cry, except you. You sat there, frozen, trying to process what they said and tried to think the best way to react.
After the funeral, you decided to attend school already so you could catch up with what you missed. When you arrived, all of your classmates and teachers offered condolences, which honestly you didn't really want right now... Even if it's been 4 days already, you tried to act normally and didn't think much about it. This went on for 2 to 3 hours, trying really hard to keep your emotions intact and your head clear.
2 years later...
You and Daichi have been dating for 2 years since your first year of highschool. Both of you tried your best to keep your relationship a secret so that you could both have private moments together that even the team doesn't know (even if there was one time Suga almost found out), just cuddling (because both of you are too awkward to kiss, so both of you haven't had they firsts yet lmao). Both of you, due to your awkwardness, just cuddle when together, both of you are also really reliable and always there for each other. So one day you asked Daichi if he wanted to have a study date (if that's what it's called). He agreed and you both walked home together to your house. Both of you studied really hard for the upcoming exams and since both of you are smart, you'll probably be fine.
Daichi stood up and stretched his arms upwards.
"Hey y/n, I'm going to get a glass of water, do you want anything?"
"Ah, no." You answered immediately.
He bent down to wrap his arms around you and kissed you gently on your forehead, and walked out. You turned on your phone to look at the time and..
Unread Messages:
Mom: Hi y/n I might be home late again, so you and your friend can help yourself if you get hungry. Love you and goodnight. Sent 10:15 PM
Of course. They always come home late. But either way, even if they say that they'll be home late, you always stay up so that you get see them when they get home. Mom and dad...
Your hands trembled. You took a look at your phone and stared at it intensely, then you dropped it. You backed away slowly, keeping your eyes on your phone. Your head was filled with thoughts that you had a hard time sorting out, and you couldn't process how you should react or what your emotion should be.
I... how could I forget? Whatever I do, however times I pray or wish, whatever happens... he'll never come back. What happened has happened. It's been a year and a half, I did my best to hold myself in... i didnt even cry that much when they told me... why am I just reacting like this now??? No... y/n... hold it in... hold it in... get a hold of yourself... hold it in... hold it in... hold it i-
"Hey y/n! I'm bac-!"
Shit... it's too late... why... why of all people... why Daichi.... why now.. why infront of him...??? Shit I can't hold it in....
Before you knew it, tears were rolling down your cheeks. You tried to stop them but something kept them going.
"Y/N!! Are you okay??? What's wrong??? Y-y/n!!! How can I help???" He tried to ask you properly and tried to calm you down, but he was in a panic because it was the first time that you cried. It was unexpected of course. The y/n that was really tough, crying.
He rushed to your side and flew his arms around you and pulled your head on his chest. You kept on crying, and you couldn't stop. You've been holding it in for so long, and right now is the time when all of the pain building up has come out. He tried and tried to tell you that everything would be fine and that he was there for you. He also tried asking what was wrong, but your mind was too foggy and your throat hurts from crying so loudly.
Finally you managed to settle down and tried your best to tell him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry so suddenly."
"Don't EVER apologize because you cried." He said.
You explained to him about your father's death and how you've been hiding your pain. You told him how you hid everything you felt to keep your reputation and to not disappoint those who looked up to you. You didn't want anyone to see this side of you.
"Y/n... why did you hide all of this? For your reputation? To not disappoint anyone? Crying is normal for everyone. Crying doesn't mean you're weak, it means you're strong. You didn't have to suffer all through this pain. You could've opened up to me!"
"B-but... don t I look pathetic this way...?"
"Y/n... any side of you I will accept. I love you the way you are. I love you whatever happens. I love you and will always love you y/n. And please remember that for the rest of our lives..."He said softly.
He looked into your eyes. You stared back at him while he wiped your tears away, and kissed your forehead.
"Sorry... I'm sorry about not telling you this..."
"Y/n... You don't have to apologize, alright? I'll always be here for you and with you. I'm always here for you, so don't hesitate to show me a side no one's seen of you."
Starting that night, you both swore to be there for each other, to love each other no matter what, to never leave each other's side. Starting that night, you never once more hesitated to tell him your problems. Even if people saw you as really strong and tough, you didn't mind being weak and vulnerable around Daichi. You were happy. He reminded you so much of your father, reliable, helpful, caring, and really loving.
"I love you too, Daichi"
Lmao what is this garbage. I feel like it's finished but it has holes in the middle so I think that's what's missing here. The story isn't well written out lol. It's just a draft that I didn't bother to come back to lol. Sorry if it's bad a a a a a a a. Also to clarify, the reason y/n backed away from her phone was because her phone now used to be her father's phone (this is true)
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shulto-masusdesus · 5 years
The Cryptid Machine [BNHA AU: Chapter 1]
Time for the cryptid machine to go wild
(this is my writing sideblog btw)
i havent written anything else in days. i pushed for it so hard. 7k in three days and its just one chapter lol, fuck (i mean i wasnt writing anything else anyway so im glad i was productive at least thanks for giving me something to do lol)
But it was also fun
I accidentally really made them into the scooby-doo gang and honestly its the best thing ive ever done unintentionally. They just fit so well
@kawaiipotatuh @vango-bango and @sooske yo hi yall said you wanted to read it so i wrote it
sorry sooske i didnt get to shiga in this chapter but hes comin,,,,this is gonna be chaptered so he’ll definitely be in this soon. definitely plot relevant because i love shiggy. 
anyway A/N over time for the story
Rating: T for language and fantasy violence (no nsfw this time this is group friend story)
tags in the tags. some body horror because cryptid-related creepiness yknow. and major character death later on so yknow
if i missed anything tell me, okay now time for the story <3
Izuku, frankly, was stunned.
“I thought it was just a hobby!”
“A hobby?” Shouto threw back what looked to be his thirtieth Five-Hour Energy, pouring syrup on the pancakes Izuku brought without paying much attention. They were more syrup than pancake at this point, but that was hardly priority at the moment. “A hobby?”
The giant frog sitting on the table between them blinked its left eye, and then the right, after a little delay. Izuku shuddered. Too much frog, too close, too much detail. Very scaly and slimy and bumpy. Frogs were not supposed to be big. But it was easily bigger than his head, almost the size of his torso.
“How did you get it in here?”
“Thawed crickets.” Shouto raised an eyebrow, as if having frozen crickets stored for a time such as this was normal and expected. Like a madman consumed by his own craft, he picked up a syrup-coated pancake with his own two hands, and bit into it. Then he looked at the mess with mild surprise, a gaze that read “What the fuck is this? Where did all this syrup come from?” Izuku didn’t have the heart to answer him. “…You’re underestimating me.”
Izuku shut his eyes, sucked in a breath, rubbing his temples. “So. You found this frog in the woods behind your house. You just so happened to have a pack of frozen crickets-”
“No, that’s not what happened,” Shouto leaned forward, elbows on the table, the plate of pancakes Izuku brought ruined and pushed to the side, with that damned cursed light in his eyes he got when he was about to tell a story, dive head-first into a theory, or conjure up a new way to ditch work. “I’ve been hunting this frog for months. I learn about many creatures when researching,”
Scrolling r/cryptids, Izuku thought. And various other unspeakable 2chan threads and dark web sites. He sighed. Those pancakes were better than usual, too...he managed to remember to use less butter…he forgot that all the time…if he was going to make pancakes in the middle of the night, they may as well be good...what was Shouto talking about? Oh yeah, the frog.
“-and I encountered this post about a kappa sighting. It was confusing, and I almost wrote it off as another incident of someone just seeing something very mundane in the wrong light - until I recognized the location of the sighting.” There it was, Shouto’s rare grin, a look very reminiscent of the cat that finally caught the mouse. “…Heartstone Lake, on the park side of the woods.”
The giant frog grumbled. Loudly. Its chest puffed a little and Izuku felt a wild fear for what a real croak would sound like. This thing was huge. “Uhm, yeah? And?”
“So I went and checked it out.” He went over to his Wall, pointing to photo after photo, and Izuku hummed along, suddenly very, very worried about this frog in the Todoroki’s basement. This could end in many ways, and a very loud croak waking up his dad would be one of the worse ones. “Found tracks. Tracks, Izuku. You have to understand - nobody ever finds tracks.”
Izuku nodded. “Crazy.” He said, noticing how the frog’s eye was starting to slowly roll around, as if looking, scanning its surroundings. He was a little bit more than freaked out. He really had thought that this was just an interest of Shouto’s. Not something he was actually going to pursue, and that it produced a very crypid-like thing, a real result? A part of him wanted to go home and go back to bed, before Shouto decided to find a demon from hell or something. Or before the frog turned out to be a demon from hell. “…Did you do a steak-out?”
“Yes. Many steak-outs.” Shouto sighed, rubbing his face. “For…six weeks. Every night and every spare minute I could get. Along with a camera live feed setup. Only today did I actually see something, and once I did, I didn’t let it get away.” His smile was so wholesome, but the fruit of his labor was probably a harbinger of the void. Izuku was torn between supporting his friend and self-preservation.
Izuku decided to call the two people who would help back him up in whatever answer was the right one. The guardian angels, Tenya and Ochako. Because he needed help.
“I’m gonna call Tenya and Ochako.”
To Izuku’s bewilderment, Shouto deflated, smile dying, abruptly concerned. Izuku sputtered, pausing in pulling his phone out of his pocket. “What?! Do you not want them to know, or-?!”
With a sigh, Shouto grumbled, “Tenya…You know what he’d say.”
Izuku rolled his eyes. “It’s probably what you need to hear, really. Monster or not, this frog doesn’t belong indoors. We could get money for it, and what if it’s a new species or something-”
The other boy sighed. “Fine, whatever-”
The underside of the frog’s throat started expanding. Izuku watched in mute horror as it opened its mouth, and released a croak.
It was louder than Izuku expected. Very much so. His ears were left ringing from the rumbling warble, but that was hardly the biggest problem. There was a lot of thudding and yelling going on upstairs, in the upper levels of the Todoroki household; the family converging in on Shouto’s basement for whatever that definitely inhumane noise was.
Shouto’s dad was the strictest father around, and didn’t allow Shouto to have friends over on weeknights, nevermind late at night; since Izuku, an unapproved friend, basically snuck into the house on a weeknight at the unholy hour of three in the morning, he was breaking many, many rules.
And a giant fucking frog on the table in the middle of the room also would do more than raise a few eyebrows.
Shouto, however, was prepared. He pushed a mysterious white jar across the table to him, and pointed to the basement awning window. “I’ll help,” He said. “It’s actually not all that heavy.”
“Shouto! What was that?! What are you doing in there, it’s three in the morning on a school night-!”
There was his father. However, aside from the actual basement door lock, Shouto secretly installed about six extra locks, so he wasn’t getting in any time soon. “Studying, Dad,” Shouto said, heaving the massive, slimy frog off the table. He nailed he tired, annoyed, exasperated tone perfectly. Izuku opened the jar, and forced down a squeak - mushy, wet, dead crickets. “There’s a science tomorrow, I want to make sure I’m ready.”
His dad went quiet, which was his “you’re probably lying, but finding out the truth is more effort than I’m willing to put in at the moment” response. Izuku’s been witness to it a lot, as this is far from the first time he’s been a Master Lock away from getting caught. Shouto gave Izuku a look, frog in hand, as he opened the small window.
“Studying at such an…early hour is counter-productive. Get to bed, Shouto.”
“Alright.” Izuku shimmied out the window, onto the grass outside, and cringed as he opened the jar and gently picked up a soggy cricket corpse. With some difficulty, Shouto shoved the fat mass of jiggling skin through the awning, and Izuku pulled it the rest of the way out.
“Don’t let it out of your sight,” Shouto mouthed, scowling a little. Most likely because he was forced to get rid of his first find. Weird giant frog or not, it was really important to Shouto, so he couldn’t lose track of it-
The frog grumbled, and started hopping off.
“Get it!” Shouto hissed, and Izuku ran after it.
It wasn’t as fast as he thought. He caught up to it easily, and offered it a few crickets to bribe it into sitting still for a moment. Shouto’s window shut, and tense yelling ensued; Shouto buying time so he could hide incriminating evidence. His dad probably heard them.
An awkward ten minutes passed. Routinely, Izuku dropped a cricket or two, and the frog stayed put. Eventually, Shouto opened the window again, glaring.
“Take it to your house,” He said. “God knows I’m not gonna get away with hiding it here.” And he shut the window.
“So,” Izuku said, to the monster frog, dropping a couple more crickets. Its tongue flicked out to grab them, and honestly, Izuku feared for his safety. “I guess you’re coming to my place?”
 Step one; get it onto his bike.
His basket was definitely big enough for the frog. He could probably stop every couple minutes to feed it a cricket so it wouldn’t struggle too much while he was on the road. It wouldn’t end well for either of them if it decided to upset the balance of the bike on the road.
He lugged the frog into the basket - it really wasn’t as heavy as it looked - and gave it a few crickets before locking the lid. Step two; get it home. That was the easy part.
The ride was mostly uneventful. The route was mostly muscle memory, so it wasn’t hard to hyperfocus on every odd rustle and bump on the back of his bike. He stopped to feed it about five times, and each time its tongue lashed out harder and faster. His fight-or-flight instinct begged him to run away from the very real monster frog on the back of his bike. He channeled the energy into maintaining cadence. If Shouto wasn’t his best friend, and wouldn’t probably murder him if he lost it, he would’ve let the frog hop into the woods when it tried to.
Finally, he reached his plain suburban neighborhood. He considered stopping at Kacchan’s house, but he’d probably kill the frog on sight, so he couldn’t rely on him for moral support. Time to call Ochako up for an early-morning napover. She said “anytime”, right?
Step three; get it to his room. His backyard didn’t have a fence, and he didn’t have a basement, and even if his mom didn’t have a panic attack when she saw the frog, she would definitely tell him to get it out of the house. Any rational person would, really. So. Hiding it in his bedroom was the only choice.
Mom never got out of bed past midnight, so it was easy to trudge inside, to his room, and to lock the door behind him. Then the frog leapt from his arms, and hopped its slimy body onto his bed. Ew. Time to call Ochako.
As promised, she answered by the fourth ring. “…Yaeah…Deku…?”
“Uhm, come to my house?” Izuku chuckled nervously. “Shouto found…uh, a giant frog, but he couldn’t keep it at his house, so I’m keeping it at mine. I need a little moral support?”
“...” Ochako sighed, a very, very long sigh. “...”
“Shouto found a giant frog-”
“A WHAT?!”
It took Ochako all of fifteen minutes to get to his place, on foot. She took the short route to his room - through his window - and gawked at the frog for another five minutes, school backpack and sleeping bag falling from her hands.
“He - really?!”
She stared at it for a long, long time. It grumbled again. Izuku felt a sinking feeling.
“It’s - a giant frog.”
“And…he just…?”
“No, he said he’d been looking for it for the past six weeks.”
“So that’s why he’s been passing out in class?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
Ochako stared at the frog. “I thought it was all…”
“He flipped out a little when I said I thought it was just a hobby.” He ran his fingers through his hair with a huff. “This is really important to him.”
“Well…” She mumbled, eyes wide. “We may as well…take good care of it. H…how do you get a frog to go to sleep? Don’t frogs need heat lamps? How do we take care of a frog - a giant frog-” She stomped her foot. “Did Shouto think about this at all?”
She looked at Izuku. He raised an eyebrow in return. And she fell into giggles. “Yeah,” She said. “Let’s get it in front of a heater?”
Izuku left the room, running down to the hall closet to get a heater; on his way back, Ochako suddenly screamed.
He ran to his room, and to his horror, the frog was, for lack of a better term, erupting. Blowing up like a balloon. Ochako shoved him out of the doorway, into the hall, and slammed the door shut.
“What is going on here?” Oh, his mom was up now, rushing down the hall with concern. “What happened? Ochako, very…nice to see you, but at this hour? What’s happening?”
The two teens were speechless. They looked to each other for answers, but found nothing there but shock and general horror. Tentatively, Ochako cracked the door back open.
The frog was splayed about thinly like a shed bag. Sitting on Izuku’s bed now, instead, was a girl with long green hair. And also very naked, the frog broke open and was now a naked girl-
Confusion ensued. Mom screamed a little, shocked by the frog flash bag, and Ochako and Deku screamed because the frog was gone and Shouto was now on the list of people who wanted them dead; then his mom ran in, bringing the blanket up around the girl with shaking hands and firing off questions one after another, and Izuku screamed louder because he realized that somehow the frog became the girl - Ochako screamed louder, because she realized that with Shouto’s internet skill and wide range of information sources, there was no way to hide from him.
“Izuku, who is this?! Why is she naked?!” Mom turned to him with an unfamiliar demanding tone. “Explain! Now!”
“I don’t…!” Izuku was, completely, lost. “I don’t know…! I think - she was-!?”
Ochako stopped screaming, and said, “We don’t know! She - the frog - it exploded and - it was a frog before-!”
“A frog!?” Mom shouted - his mom never shouted. Izuku felt like reality was fraying at the seams. “What-”
Everything stopped. Ochako stopped. His mom stopped. Izuku felt like he suddenly lost the ability to breathe, like someone clicked ‘end task’ on his lungs and his panicking head.
The girl’s eyes were very, very big, an expression of pure confusion and shock on her face. “RIBBIT!” She screeched, again.
“R…’ribbit’…?” Mom said, weakly. “What do you mean…?”
“...” The girl stared at Mom with a wild lack of recognition. Not just that she didn’t know who Mom was; she had no idea what she was seeing at all and was completely lost. Izuku was almost as lost, really. “Ribbit…”
Ochako swayed lightly, gripping Izuku’s arm. “S-so - the frog was there before - did she come out of the frog…?!”
Izuku looked at the frog flesh and slime splayed on his bed. “…P…probably…”
His mom’s expression faded from extreme shock and confusion, to general surprise. “Izuku, Ochako, please explain - what is this mess - who is she-”
“I don’t know!” Izuku burst, shaking a little. “I don’t know! It was a frog before and now its a girl and Shouto didn’t tell me and I don’t know-”
“Izuku, baby, calm down,” Mom quickly crossed the room to him, softly taking his hands. “It’s okay, I’m sorry I yelled. I’m sorry. Let’s have some tea, and we’ll talk about it, okay?”
 Tea with a splash of honey was always good. It warmed him down to his core. The girl seemed to also be enjoying it, if her regular sips were any indicator. Even if she was a bit tentative, slow, testing about it, each time.
His mom sighed heavily. “So, according to your story, she’s…”
Ochako hummed. “Yeah. I don’t believe it either. We should call Shouto.”
“He’d love this,” Izuku mumbled, staring into his tea. “He probably knows what…she is. I certainly don’t.”
“...Well,” Mom glanced at the girl. She had a permanent frown on her face. “We’ll deal with this tomorrow. Today, we’ll…well, It’s already five, isn’t it?”
Izuku dropped his head onto the table. “One hour. Please. I want sleep. I didn’t sleep at all.”
“Ditto,” Ochako also dropped her head, with a heavy thud. “No sleep. At all. I almost was asleep, but then Deku called…”
“’S alright….I wouldn’t wanna miss this.” She huffed a laugh. “Somehow, I’m glad I saw it live.”
Mom sighed again, sounding old. “Okay,” She said. “You only have about two hours, though. Remember, you both promised you would ride to school this year.”
Izuku groaned, muffling himself on the wood table. Ochako also whined. The girl watched the both of them curiously.
His mom agreed to watch the girl while they napped; Izuku was so not sleeping in his bed, so he took Mom’s bed instead. Ochako splayed out over one half of the king-sized bed while Izuku took up one third, sharing it because his mom’s bed was wonderful.
It was, without a doubt, the worst nap of his life. Because just as he was getting settled in and kind of almost sleeping, the six o’clock alarm on Mom’s bedside table buzzed loudly. Along with the knee Ochako unconsciously jammed halfway up his ass and her loud drool-snore-choke-drowning, he kind of wanted to die, to get some real sleep. The reason why he stopped sleeping in the same bed as Uraraka Ochako came back to him. Violently, in the form of a foot mysteriously journeying its way up his pants. She was just the weirdest sleeper.
He untangled himself from the covers and Ochako and trudged down the hall. He went to his room, intent on grabbing a shower before school.
He grabbed his clothes from his closet and was on his way to the bathroom before he suddenly recalled what happened last night. Where the fuck was that girl-
He ran around the house, looking for her and Mom - the car was gone from the driveway. His mom had work early in the day, so that was normal, but the girl was still nowhere to be seen. Where was she?!
He texted his mom urgently, and she responded, I left her at home. She should be there with you. Have a good day at school <3
One, was he really going to just leave her at home all day? And two, she was absolutely nowhere to be seen. He checked the kitchen, the living room, all the closets, both bedrooms, and their house was one floor and small as fuck, so there wasn’t many places to hide. She was gone.
And then Ochako screamed. Izuku could probably guess where frog girl was.
He ran to Mom’s room, and there she was, Ochako standing on the bed in a martial arts defensive position with frog girl sitting on the floor, blinking cluelessly, now dressed in spare clothes Ochako left here. But she still had such an alien air around her that it felt like the clothes didn’t quite fit her. She confounded Izuku on every level.
Izuku was cobbling together some way to react to the situation when his phone started ringing. He answered.
“Is the frog okay?”
Shouto. Izuku felt a range of emotions, from relief to joy to murderous intent to numbness. “…It turned into a person, Shouto. A girl. Did you know this would happen!?”
A silence passed.
“...S-sorry, I…”
“Shouto, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, I just…” He sniffed faintly. “I wanted to see it.”
“You knew it would happen?!”
“No, but I had a feeling. Part of the witness reports described a frog standing on two legs like a person, and even people with frog-like features, y’know, like a person, but a frog.” Shouto sighed. “So either it was just one creature that could shapeshift to varying levels of frog to humanoid, or it was many creatures that were all varying levels of frog to humanoid. Like kappas or something.” Something tapped rhythmically in the background. “I wished I could’ve seen the shift. Do you still have the shed skin?”
“For what, Shouto,” Izuku was, frankly, pretty fed up. The frog girl was now on top of Ochako and very closely watching her, scanning her features. “What are you going to do with a giant frog flesh bag, Shouto.”
“Shouto! You’re missing the-”
“Fine!” The other boy huffed roughly. “I’m gonna call Mei and cash in a debt to use her research facilities.”
“Shouto, I love you, but you have a C in chemistry. But that’s beside the-”
“She’s going to examine the frog skin, okay?! That’s it! Sorry I don’t have a genetics lab in my fucking basement!”
Izuku tried to be exasperated, but he ended up fighting back a smile. “N-no, Shouto, that’s not - I - whatever Mei has to do with it, it’s a nasty sack of frog skin, Shouto. I was talking more as in, ‘it’s absurd that you would want it, so why’, not ‘you don’t have the means to do anything with it, so why’.”
Shouto went quiet. “…” It was a long, self-depreciating quiet.
“Look,” Izuku said, smile fading, because fuck, Shouto drove him crazy sometimes. “Get your ass over here and help me decide what we’re going to do about her. She can’t stay here while we’re at school all day, can she?”
“I don’t see why not,” Shouto mumbled. “Can’t take her to school. Can’t let her loose.”
“Shouto, you have the skin, basically, so you have a model of what the crypid frog looks like, right? And proof?”
“Yeah. That’s the best part.”
“So do we really need to keep her?” Izuku watched as the girl tried to lick Ochako with a freakishly long tongue. Being a reasonable human being, the brown-haired girl was scrambling away before she made contact. “She’s…well, I mean, endangered species preservation, right? And - I dunno, what’re we gonna keep her for? She looks like a person, kind of…it’d be weird. Morally.”
“...How human does she seem?”
“One hundred percent. She has big eyes, but that can be passed off as a feature, y’know?” Ochako ran to the doorway - the girl opened her mouth wide, tongue flicking out, and it reached all the way across the room, wrapping around Ochako’s waist and pulling her back in. Izuku flinched as his friend shrieked. “…But her tongue is super long and weird, like a frog’s, and she currently has captured Ochako with it.”
“...Well, human meat doesn’t sit well with frogs, so she isn’t going to try to eat her. Unless she’s an adventurous type or something. I mean, she is a monster, so she’s probably full of surprises. Don’t trust her.” Shouto laughed, like this was a joke. Izuku didn’t find it very funny...How did he know that human meat doesn’t sit well with frogs…?
Ochako was released once she was dragged close enough for the girl to grab her. “So we’re just gonna leave her in my house for the day.”
“There are hazards everywhere, Shouto.”
“She’ll probably be fine.”
“But what if my Xbox isn’t, Shouto? What if she burns my house down, Shouto? What if she breaks my Xbox Shouto-”
“Forget about your Xbox,” Shouto snapped. Izuku gasped loudly. “It’ll be fine. She won’t mess with anything. I think. And like you said, if she escapes, it isn’t that bad. As long as the skin is still there, she exists. That’s all I need. I have to take a shower before school, I smell like black coffee and steroids. Later.”
And there he went. Almost angrily, Izuku pocketed his phone and said, “H-hey!”
Frog girl looked at Izuku boredly. “Help me,” Ochako begged, held captive by the two arms around her waist. Izuku debated the pros and cons of tearing her away from the literally mutant creature. What was the likelihood of survival?
“We have an hour before we meet up with Shouto,” Izuku stated flatly. “I’m taking a shower first.”
“No!” In a flash, Ochako twisted free of her bindings and was out of the room, and zooming down the hall. “You take all the hot water!”
Izuku sighed. Frog girl, covered in her own hair like she was drowning in it, stared at him with wide green eyes. He averted his gaze, nervously.
“U-uh, hi,” He said. Wow, could he be any more awkward? Well, she wasn’t human, so it wasn’t like she’d pick up on any of human societal nuances-
She said. She fucking said. She said?! She said. She talked. She said words. She said ‘hi’. Whoawhoawhoa - it had to be simple parroting, it had to be just-
“Where did she go.”
Izuku felt the inexplicable urge to cry. “Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-”
Frog girl stared at Izuku, eyes peeking between strands of hair with a strange light. “Where is she.”
She stood up, and walked past him with halting, almost jerking steps. She left the room, and looked one way, then the other. “…”
“O-O-Ochako?!” Izuku felt like curling up in a corner and sobbing wildly. He felt like he just looked into the void and it talked back to him. He felt a number of things, and all of them involved some level of existential terror. “Sh-she’s i-in the sh-shower…D-don’t-”
She was already on her way down the hallway. Izuku didn’t really think upsetting this being of mysterious and potentially reality-breaking power was a good idea. Technically, she was another girl, so it wouldn’t be that weird for her to walk in on Ochako, right? Uh.
Right on cue, Ochako screamed. Izuku groaned. By finding this cursed being, Shouto effectively turned his life upside down. For better or worse was yet to be seen. But from how Ochako was currently fighting frog girl out of her shower, it was probably for worse. Would his life ever go back to normal?
 By some miracle, they managed to get on the road on time, meeting up with Shouto on the way. While he and Ochako rode very practical bikes, he rode a skateboard. Why, he refused to really tell. If he wasn’t wearing his school uniform, he’d look like he was in the wrong decade. And somehow the uniform made it look even tackier. But it was alright. It wasn’t like he was bad at it; in fact, he pulled many moves that were reminiscent of a certain famous skateboarder, but he was also from the wrong decade. Somehow, it suited him. He, to a concerning level, didn’t care what other people thought of him, so it was okay. Just weird.
“So,” Shouto said, cruising along with Ochako, keeping up easily despite having much smaller wheels. Also weird. “Show me a pic of her.”
“A what?” Izuku blinked.
“A picture.” Shouto raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you didn’t take a picture.”
Ochako shrugged, rhythmically tapping her bell. “Didn’t think to.”
The boy huffed. “You guys are the worst,” He said. “How are we supposed to get proof that she shapeshifted if we didn’t get the after picture?”
“Shouto, I’m tired,” Izuku sighed. “I’m sorry. But this is way over my head. I’m not good at…this paranormal cryptid stuff. It’s fun when it’s just creepy stories, but - I dunno, this is too much.” He shuddered. “She talked. Just, started saying words. Like a normal person - super blunt and to the point, but it was like she said it like that on purpose. She knew. Just like that. And she was a frog before-”
“She talked?!” Shouto’s eyes lit up. “What did she say? What did her voice sound like? Ugh, I wish we got it on tape-”
“Shouto!” Izuku snapped. “Pay attention! Forget that stuff - I don’t want any part in it anymore! I’m scared! After school, we’re gonna let her go, and that’s gonna be the end of it! Okay!?” If there’s even a home to return to, Izuku thought bitterly.
Shouto stared at him, blankly. Then he looked away. “…Alright.”
Ochako whistled. “You guys fall out hard,” She said. “I give it…three days before one of you starts apologizing.”
Izuku’s face burned. He was the one apologizing, most of the time. But not this time, He thought resolutely. He wasn’t at fault here. Shouto was going to apologize to him, for dragging him into this mess in the first place.
 [10:25 A.M.]
nessie: im dying. im actually dying
shouto: why
nessie: what the fuck is a lamange
nessie: mange is a disease
nessie: in french it means what??? food???? kill me
shouto: it means eat
shouto: pay attention in class and you might get it
nessie: fuck you
nessie: youre the last person i want to hear that from
shouto: ow
nessie: Rip Believe It Or Not
shouto: Ripley’s I Know This Stuff Is Real, But I Can’t Handle It, Dog
nessie: nibyguvtfcu
nessie: so you do get it
shouto: get what
shouto: what
nessie: oh my god
nessie: Oh My God
nessie: you are a national treasure
nessie: you know that
shouto: ??????
shouto: ?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!what am I missing now
nessie: shut up for a minute teach coming
shouto: well I hope not thats a little inappropriate
[10:30 A.M.]
nessie: shouto holy shit what the fuck oh my god what the fuck
nessie: dude
shouto: yeah I sent that without thinking
shouto: and then I couldnt send a correction because
shouto: and yeah
nessie: dude
pppppppppppink: whats happening
pppppppppppink: oh wow what was that shouto hahahahha
shouto: oh my god look it was an accident
tenya: ochako its hardly fair to make fun of him for that
tenya: it was an honest mistake
nessie: tenya coughs, “unfortunately”
shouto: say that shit to my face deku
shouto: whos on the football team huh
nessie: surprised you caught that
nessie: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
shouto: i am going to kill you,
pppppppppppink: hey no death threats on my friendly christian minecraft server
nessie: deadmeme
tenya: yes, death threats are not the way to handle strife between friends
tenya: but neither were those insults, izuku
tenya: you know shouto’s skill does not warrant comments such as those
nessie: hes gonna get a coma i know it
tenya: what does that have to do with anything
nessie: football
nessie: caveman sport
tenya: that is inappropriate
shouto: dudedudedude look man
shouto: im sorry okay
shouto: I DONT KNOW
pppppppppppink: wow that was fast
tenya: please quiet teacher
[10:35 A.M.]
shouto: look man I dont know what youre so angry about
nessie: im not angry
pppppppppppink: izuku coughs, “im furious”
nessie: im n o t
tenya: izuku i believe you are, in fact, angry
nessie: im not angry
shouto: youre angry
shouto: i wouldve kept it if i could
shouto: but i forced it onto you without asking
shouto: sorry
nessie: “sorry if i valued a mythical creature above my friends feelings”
shouto: well fuck
shouto: i tried
shouto: yeah fuck you
shouto: i wouldve loved to have it
shouto: you love it when i talk to you about it so what the fuck is the difference
nessie: S T O R I E S
nessie: ITS TOO MUCH
nessie: ITS SCARY
shouto: dude theres always a chance of the stories being real
shouto: you didnt know that
nessie: dontdothat
nessie: i dont want to think of them like that
nessie: no one wants them to be real
shouto: i do
nessie: yeah but ur a weirdo
tenya: foul
pppppppppppink: yeah try again
pppppppppppink: stay within bounds
nessie: are you reffing our fight
tenya: yes
tenya: go on
shouto: dude if you dont want any part of it then ill take her okay
shouto: okay?
nessie: that isnt it
nessie: because ur gonna be all weird about it and be all offended
nessie: bullshit
nessie: were gonna straighten this out here
nessie: rn
tenya: as a distraction in class.
nessie: sure
shouto: im not gonna be offended
pppppppppppink: hahahahhahahhha
shouto: im not
tenya: you will be offended
nessie: you will be offended
nessie: you dont think my fear is valid
shouto: being scared of it and pushing it away isnt going to make it disappear
shouto: theres a monster under your bed whether you want it to be there or not
nessie: oh my FUCKING GOD SHOUTO
shouto: i am
shouto: im doing nothing but listening to you
shouto: im getting on aizawas nerves
tenya: he means respect
tenya: you arent respecting him
tenya: as evidenced by you “twisting the knife”, for lack of a better term
tenya: you understand that stories of paranormal activities entertain him?
shouto: yes
tenya: the rift seems to lay in the fact that although he enjoys them as stories, he does not wish them to be real, intimate experiences
tenya: this is where you two seem to split
tenya: because you strive to live the stories
pppppppppppink: *is eating popcorn* marriage counseling :D
shouto: i mean who wouldnt
nessie: THAT IS
shouto: shit man calm down
shouto: so it scares you
nessie: fuck yess??? you get it????finally????
shouto: why
[nessie has left the group chat.]
pppppppppppink: dude you messed up
shouto: .
tenya: i advise understanding
tenya: not everyone feels the same way you do
shouto: well duh
shouto: but it isnt scary
shouto: .
pppppppppppink: are you hearing yourself? finally?
pppppppppppink: not to be mean, ur just
pppppppppppink: really dense :D
tenya: to him, it is scary.
tenya: and thats just how he works
tenya: youll have to respect that
shouto: but its not scary
tenya: that is an opinion, shouto
tenya: not fact. it varies from person to person
tenya: you have to respect his opinion, shouto
shouto: .
shouto: god
shouto: fine
tenya: now what’s this about a “frog demon”?
pppppppppppink: ohohoohooho
shouto: first of all, it isnt a demon
pppppppppppink: do i have a story for you!
 Izuku settled on giving Shouto the cold shoulder. It lasted out of school and on the way home, even as they pulled up to his house. Even as he kept pestering him with his constant, creepy, begging stare. Fuck him. Because if he talked first, he’d end up apologizing. And he couldn’t do that. He wasn’t the one at fault.
The frog girl was gone. They searched high and low, all over his house, but she was nowhere to be seen. Izuku found the frog skin wrapped up in the dumpster outside, and threw it at Shouto without a word. Shouto didn’t say anything, either.
“Hm,” Ochako popped a sucker into her mouth. “I changed my mind. Two days.”
Izuku grumbled, flushing bright red.
“I find this whole story a little hard to believe,” Tenya said, and Izuku felt a wild urge to punch him. “You mean to tell me that this so-called giant frog split open and turned out to be a young girl? Who is now missing?”
“Tenya, I wish it didn’t happen,” Izuku crossed the driveway, grabbing the taller boy by his quarterback shoulders. “I wish desperately that it didn’t happen. But it did.”
“Oh yeah,” Ochako said, nodding. “It was crazy. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t been there.” With a shrug, she added, “Still kinda in doubt. It was super late.”
“Maybe it was a dream?”
“No,” Shouto said, coming up to show Tenya something on his phone. “Pictures. Video. It’s real. The frog, at least. I also have samples at home. I did some research - actually, there are some frogs that can grow up to about the size of our frog, but they can only live in equatorial Guinea. Without the girl, the skin only proves that a new species of giant frog lives in the area unless they map its genome or something.” He shrugged. “Not the story I was looking for, but cool nonetheless.”
“’Story’?” Izuku bristled. “What are you even looking for, Shouto? Why are you doing this at all?” Whoops. But he couldn’t help it. He’d been wondering it for a while, but this was the breaking point. Would he just hand the girl over to scientists for testing if he did have her? Would they take advantage of the fact that she isn’t human to do whatever they wanted? What was Shouto getting from this? Money? Fame? He wasn’t the type who would search out stuff like that, so what-?!
“Huh?” Shouto tilted his head. “...Why not? It’s fun.”
He could scream. Angrily, he stomped back to the porch, yanking open his door and ready to lock it behind him-
-and the kitchen was a mess, like a tornado whizzed around in the few moments they went outside. The dining table was on its side, chairs thrown around, cabinets raided and foodstuffs everywhere. The fridge was open, and judging from the aggressive clinking going on, someone was there. Izuku could probably guess who it was. But why now? She barely touched anything, earlier.
And then she peeked above the fridge door. Izuku screamed.
if anyone knows how to color text please tell me because i spent a lot of time coloring the chat messages in the original doc and im sad it didnt carry so please and thank you tell me,
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shytiff · 3 years
July 2021
1 - the toners i bought from sociolla arrived yay. loll i got into portal’s hall of fame somehow. usual day at magang. slowww progress of that sympo 1 ppt hhh. went back home and its raininggg yall. this week my hygiene habits and isya prayer was screwed. i cant bring myself to DOOOO things. i basically only get stuff done outside.
2 - started 2nd ppt (i know!!! super slow aaaaa). bought dough lab OG cookies and cookie monster since it was discounted at grab’s PI outlet. bought matcha mcflurry w juan when going back to AR. ate roti canai, the whole mcflurry, and tried the cookies. the sugar, bruh. all this time, im not lacking energy. im lacking sugar lol. watched two set and played marapets lol
3 - binged twoset violin. cant bring myself to do ppt. Finally managed at night.
4 - dayslept. Not sleepy but cant bring myself to do anything. Supernova technical meeting at 1 pm and some gmeet with iship wa group and suddenly its maghrib,,, did like 2 slides of ppt
5 - went to post office to get str and arrived 8 sharp. No one was there. Anjeng. They said wait until 9. went to tax office. Closed. Off to rscm. Ugh the traffic!? Surprise of kiara "internship" that on the very same day was cancelled
6 - its a struggle to reach rscm ugh. tried to go through sudirman but the toll exit was closed. so we went through tebet. gajah 2 was also sealed. while waiting for juan i bought snacks in indomaret. lol, got no cash. liqo with kak kartika and fell asleep halfway through lol,,,
7 - this time we’re going through kemayoran lmao and exited the toll at rawamangun. bought saladstop caesar salad just bcss they have this collapsible bowl bundling, together 140k (after added grab promo) lool. 
8 - today i didnot went to gastro since its off day due to a gastro staff getting covid. went to RSF for operan with dr dedes. took pictures with dr vera and we made heart using hand lmaooooo my koas soul felt scared doing that. tried the sushi mom bought at lotte mart. she also bought milk buns and it was good! like a marriage between bread and mochi. my stomach felt super bloated to a point where it hurts so i ate paldo wet ramyeon except i put too much water and the seasoning was diluted. 
9 - im supposed to do ppt but i cant bring myself to do it. i lazed in my bed literally all day. bingeing two set. reading webtoon. playing marapets. felt like utter shit. thought that id start my day after maghrib but nah. ended up sleeping
10 - still feel like shit and cant bring myself to start my day. And didnt do anything lmaoo
11 - cant bring myself to start my day~ ended up starting work like after maghrib. Its more difficult with things where u actually have to think bcs u need a certain headspace. Got sbux matcha and that shit rly helps me feel "normal".
12 - intern as usual. The 4 ppts are "finished" and i contacted the prof after mustering some strength. Zoom call with prof to check on the ppt. Bought a delicious es jeruk somewhere along the way to AR. Talked to mom abt picking wahana. The list was finally out and it was jakarta fair. Ara called, her grandpa passed away and shes afraid to go back and potentially harming her familys health. Showered but slept right after without doing anything meaningful 😔
13 - today is the 2nd "special batch" of internship idi. Followed along the war as a practice time. Theres a lot of vacant spots. And that scared us wanting to go national lol. I hope everything will be fine. Another zoom call with Prof, ughh theres so much to reviseeeeeee and i havent made any word material
14 - its only nessa and me today at dept. Picked rs krakatau medika together w nessa. Clara told me abt how her mother is sometimes toxic. Cant rly focus on work today bcs of internship stuff. Had headache ec lack of sleep that lasted from 2-6 pm. Immediately slept like a log after isya
15 - turns out nessa also want to pick rskm loll that makes 7 ui peeps in rskm. Did some good progress by alienating myself in Prof's cubicle. Moral message: whatever time you think youd make the ppt, it will be more. Bought martabak tipker orins yum. Its like lekker on steroids. I still prefer martabak pizza more.
16 - did 1 word for the ppt. Bought jco donuts w nessa bcs my mouth was lonely. Sent 1 completed topic to Prof and pamit.
17 - cant bring myself to do anything~ felt like shit~ played marapets and watched tiktok and youtube
18 - pembekalan iship today
19 - more pembekalan iship. Medical checkup today at labkesda. Met nessa mendel adita regen clara agung. Ate kfc together at nessas place. Went to dinkes jakbar for sppd. No ppt progress aaaaaa
20 - packed my stuff. Originally planned ti leave at 2 pm but theres a lot of uncertainty so i decided to leave tomorrow. The real certainty came at like 9 pm.
21 - off to cilegon 05:30 ish. Filled the gas. Arrived 07:15. Moved my stuff. Went to pkm with mom et al and ness mendel. Swab. Back to palm wates. I felt sad when mom had to leave. She must be tired, but she keeps supporting me with everything that she has. I know its always been like that but sometimes distance makes you see things (?) maybe its bcs im outside ar right now. Bought food. Printed stuff at a place 600m away. Did ppt work accompanied by mocca goodday (that i just knew was good lmao)
22 - zoom orientation today. Still managed to laze out and not do my work -___- tri was out so i was alone. Ate gold chick for brunch. That stuff is oil mixed with food. Finally did some work. The night orientation with dr Selfie was pretty shocking, but it was rly informative and i think she did it out of love.
23 - puskes 1st day. Orientation and turns iut we headed straight to poli lol. Had my very first poli umum with the kind dr arief. My first patient had bee sting :) the second was breast lump :) its rly a slap in my face to go study. Stayed in nessa's for a bit to do some work, except i felt rly tired and gave up at like 4 pm. Bought kebab around the corner (15k). Unremarkable. Kanayam for dinner, w some for breakfast 2mrw
24 - slept early so i woke up early. Tri also. We did some working at like 3 am til subuh. Poli was not too crowded since it was saturday. Helped mendel irrigate his ear in the puskes ER. Waited out the 2 pm standby. We ended up driving to merak except for esa lol. Bought kanayam again lol. Ended up sleeping early again
25 - nasi uduk 88 for breakfast. Some ppt work. my family came bringing motor hehe. Moved to mess. Met dr Ine. Learned how to use washing maching. More ppt work. Bought nasgor just in front of the mess
26 - vaccine post today. Zoom with IDI cilegon. Nessa cooked macaroni and meat. Talked a bit and then suddenly its half past 10. No significant ppt progress today. Im rly sorry Prof 😭😭😭
27 - MTBS poli today. Bu ningrum gave me cimol and jantung pisang and sayur and salad buah hehee. Some orientation. Did the last ppt for Prof. Can finally rest (??) nah the words still not finished. Overall mood today: ☺️
28 - poli usila today in bp with mendel. Injected mendel with his 3rd sinovac. Went to dinkes for SPPD.
29 - vaksin with mendel. lots of patients. porridge for bfast. talked about love life lmaoo. tried sate bebek h. syafei. quite good but sate klathak still holds the first place in my heart. finished the 3rd word doc and sent it. just as i was about to sleep, i saw the notif of jk going live. hes basically dancing around in his pjs at 1 am lmaoo <3
30 - paldo jajangmen for bfast. BP. shoot a video for e-promkesline. soto for lunch. bought kopi soe goela merah and croffle. the croffle was not as hard and crunchy and thick as social affair’s. the choco-nut topping was so so. the coffee was bitter like tuku, but not as smooth and creamy (?), not too acidic. did ppt of ecmocard data an hour before the zoom sesh.
31 - vaccine with dr anggi. went back early. bought some stuff in indomaret. lunch was abon, rice and leftover veggies. finished the last word manuscript for Prof along with kopi soe and sent it. vcalled w mom. had simba pillow mixed with sport muesli for dinner. 
0 notes
steamishot · 5 years
End of July
i think i’ll be starting my period sometime in the next 24 hours. my friend who i am synced with just started hers this morning. tomorrow, i am using a sick day to go to to dentist. my dentist is in san gabriel- a 20 minute drive east of my home. in the past, i would only take a half day, but then i thought, why am i stressing and rushing myself to go to work when i have all these sick hours. even more so when there’s not much pending at work. so, i plan on going to the dentist in the morning, having lunch in the area, then coming home and painting my living room and kitchen. my dad asked one of his home depot contacts to come work for us lol. i’ll be taping and painting along with him tomorrow so the job gets done faster. just came back from home depot earlier and bought two gallons of shiny luster paint- the same shade and sheen as my room. i also bought a darker grey to paint the borders for contrast. hopefully it looks good. a few weeks ago, our gallon full of coins got topped off. my mom would sit and individually package the coins into the sleeves banks provide whenever we wanted to exchange the coins for cash- this would take her nearly half a day. not sure why we never used coinstar before, but we finally did it. i learned that its an 11% fee if you exchange the coins for cash, but there is no fee when you exchange for a gift card. so, with one gallon full of coins, we got about $350 total- i put about half on a home depot gift card, and half on an amazon gift card. it was funny/so coincidental today that our total came out to be exactly 2 dollars less of our home depot gift card (my dad also had things to buy and we weren’t computing the costs).
events this past weekend: friend’s going away party. she received a scholarship from fullbright- which is a prestigious academic award to represent the US in international affairs. i didn’t realize how honorable it was til today and previously saw it as another “teach english abroad” opportunity. we ate at roe seafood in long beach. i thought the food was pretty bomb- i’d give it a 7/10. however, the more i ate of my scallop porcini pasta- the more water i had to drink. taste wise it was definitely there, but the cheese/carb combo was so damn heavy. i liked the group and it felt easy/natural to socialize (also because i was sitting in between my good friends b and s). in my last blog, i was venting about b, but i realize in the grand scheme of things- the little things i get annoyed by don’t matter. she continued to do the things i got ticked off by over text, but instead of getting irritated, i tried to teach myself to be loving and forgiving and think- she’s not me, i’m not her, don’t think that what i think is the “right” way of doing things is actually right. we had a nice time together that night. good vibes throughout. 
watched lion king with my mom, grandma, bro and wife. i went into the movie having low expectations due to what everyone else was saying, but i enjoyed it. the fact that we got to live through seeing the cartoon version in 1994 to seeing it full in CGI in 2019 is incredible. i love the storyline of lion king. the scene where mufasa dies always gets me. i had to hold back tears during the emotional parts of the movie lol. 
matt’s free time is decreasing and decreasing. he now has to work 6 days a week. he’s at work before i wake up, and still at work after i’m off work. on a GOOD day, he’ll only be at the hospital for about 13 hours, on a bad day, maybe 16 :(. he also has to study outside of work as they have monthly exams. saturday was his one day off during the week and it was kinda sad lol. he has one day to catch up on sleep and he’s too tired to do anything else. he tells me that he doesn’t have time to drink water at work, let alone use the restroom. his lunch consists of downing a soylent. his hospital is severely understaffed and he is doing nurses’ duties (drawing blood, patient care taking). he normally calls me right after he gets off work. i get to talk to him for about an hour or so, while he’s prepping dinner and eating. he then goes shower and gets ready to sleep and i get to see him again for a few minutes before he sleeps. i feel lucky that i’m the one he wants to talk to and see every day. i hope i brighten up his day, as he keeps saying he’s “dying” lol. when he didn’t match into a residency program, he was depressed. now that he’s in residency, it’s also depressing (but at least there is an end in sight). apparently the second and third year residents are super jaded and negative. i wouldn’t be surprised if he became like that in a year lol. on saturday, he called me right before i was going to shower. so i told him that i’ll call him back afterwards. as i got out of the shower, i saw a message from him saying - take your time, i’m gonna go shower too. so i took my time and started getting ready for the going away dinner. he called me 10-15 later and was like “you didn’t call me back!” there was something so satisfying about him being needy and clingy LOL. he’s naturally an independent cerebral person so i love it when he is needy. 
saturday night at like 1am, i got a random text from L asking me about relationship stuff. coincidentally, i couldn’t sleep cus your girl would have been dead asleep by 11 any other day. i’m happy that she felt comfortable enough to reach out to me and share her feelings. i learned that we both are perfectionistic, have unrealistically high expectations, and are quite sensitive. she cares a lot about how others/her friends perceive her relationship. she shared with me an instance where her bf came off a bit rude to her in front of her friends and she felt “very disappointed” in him. if i place myself in her shoes, i can understand why she felt hurt. and if its an reoccurring thing, then i’m sure the pain is stronger. however, being “very disappointed” in your partner for being human is stressful for both you and them because you set unrealistic standards for the relationship. she wasn’t able to let it go and gave the incident more attention than it needed. from hearing her story, i basically saw my problems in someone else. it makes me realize how silly and crazy i am sometimes in making mountains out of molehills. i used to think that it was good to have high standards for your partner, and i often felt disappointed by my last partner. i think it reflected more on myself than him- my needs weren’t being met, i wasn’t happy in the relationship, i stayed with an incompatible partner, etc. having “high” standards is only valuable if the standards are attainable and something that can be worked towards. 
i feel very happy with my current partner. being away from him for almost two months now has allowed me time to reflect on us and myself. i’m way more forgiving with the distance, and considerate about his new schedule and circumstance. in my last relationship, i started seeing the flaws around 8/9 month mark. and if i was smart and experienced enough, i would have realized those were dealbreakers (because in the end, i broke up with him for the same reasons). coming up on 9 months with matt, i feel secure and that our issues are small issues. we’re able to get along and have similar values and ideals. 
his words can sometimes come off harsh but i’ve gotten used to it and actually really appreciate him being honest and constructive with me. a week or so before he left, i was hanging out in his room. i forgot what we were talking about before but he said, “you would be much much prettier if you worked out. not that you don’t look good now, but you would look better if you worked out.” i was a little bothered by that at first, but realized he is 100% correct. i never paid attention to my body much before- but skinny fat is not a good look or feel. my bikini pics in hawaii were meh lol i was flabby, weak and out of shape. i started working out recently with dumbbells and find it so fun- more efficient work out than without any equipment. working out also helps my face maintain its shape. i realized in the past months my face started looking more bloated and fat. i’ve even received comments from two of my older friends - “you got fatter. but just in your face.” i was never mindful of how my diet and exercise routine affected how i looked. which is really dumb as a human lol. i kinda wish i was more athletic when i was younger because i’m almost just starting from scratch now. however, i am grateful that i was at least somewhat active (hiking here and there, walking, leisurely workouts) in the last few years. so, he helped me gain weight to be at a normal range (this is the heaviest i’ve been my whole life). now it’s my job to tone myself. i’ve been saying this for some time, but i’m getting more cognizant about fitness which will help the consistency. 
throughout our time together, he’s only lost his patience/raised his voice a little twice during arguments. the last time he did actually helped so much in putting me in my place. he is very smart and makes pretty good arguments sometimes haha. the last time, it made me realize that it’s better to nourish my relationship rather than bring drama into it. since then, i’ve thought twice about bringing up small issues that i can learn to let go. i love that he pushes and inspires me to be better and to be hardworking. and i’m glad i’m pretty receptive to his ideas. 
i read old conversations with my past partner today. it was super cringy. i come off as cold, inquisitive, and serious and he comes off as immature, emotional and uninterested in my thoughts. even reading through our messages now i felt the frustration i felt when i was talking to him then. i felt i was always trying to change him into the person i wanted him to become. i saw the potential but i didnt see the person he was. to me, he was gross, trashy and had many insecurities. the more separated i am from it, the more i am disgusted with myself for choosing that lol. however, i am grateful for what he taught me, which was what attracted me to him in the first place- how to be intimate emotionally and physically, how to talk about feelings, how to communicate, how to talk about more difficult subjects, how to bring up issues, how to understand what i’m feeling, etc. 
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somelovefrommetoyou · 6 years
Ryan from Boston. Aspiring to go to med school 21 believes you’re 18
Stranger:how ar you
You:I'm doing okay you?
Stranger:lol i thought you were going to leave you gave that look
Stranger:haha not bad i just cant sleep that's all
You:that sucks
Stranger:whats the green bow for?
You:oh to show solidarity for mental health
Stranger:ohh thats cool i like that
Stranger:haha dont look so disinterested in me
You:sorry can't help it just my resting face lol
Stranger:gosh im not that ugly :p
Stranger:hahah its okay im getting used to it :)
Stranger:lol you look so comfy in bed im jealous how are you still up
You:it's not even 10:00 in my time zone
Stranger:haha oh you're from cali
Stranger:i was going to guess that
You:yup you?
Stranger:all the hot asian girls are from cali it sucks :p
You:i mean you're not wrong
Stranger:haha oh confident are we :)
You:i never said i was in that group but yeah ABGs everywhere
Stranger:we cant all look that good with a tank top half on :p
You:lol very funny but thanks
Stranger:lolol ill stop with the comments before you get annoyed :p
You:so how old are you?
Stranger:haha guess
Stranger:its so hard to tell for you
Stranger:i wanna say like 19?
You:i'm newly 18
Stranger:im not cradle robbing
Stranger:im 21
You:so you're in college?
Stranger:haha how is 18 feeling? i hope you had a good birthday
You:eh okay first day of finals so i can complain a little
Stranger:yeahhhh just got done break but i dont have class until tomorrow afternoon
Stranger:haha you can complain as much as you want :p
You:that sounds nice damn
Stranger:lol shouldn't you be studying though
You:i mean college apps are in an i already got in on ED so ...
Stranger:haha oh please look at you lounging in bed looking hot af thats what sounds nice :)
You:true it is nice i don't get to do this a lot nowadays lol
Stranger:haha hey im not complaining about the view :p
Stranger:lol but congrats :) where are you going
You:uhh Stanford believe it or not
Stranger:haha i can believe it
Stranger:you dont look enthused
Stranger:so brains and looks...do we have a future doctor on our hands :p
You:yeah don't really want to go to college lol
Stranger:hahha oh i see...parents making you?
Stranger:you shouldn't have gotten into stanford
Stranger:that would have made it easier for them
You:i mean it's Stanford so how can you say no
Stranger:sabotaged your apps or something
Stranger:hahha yeah
Stranger:you'll enjoy it
You:honestly yeah should've applied for the UCs and stuck with it
Stranger:i get it's tough as an 18 year old to know exactly what you want
Stranger:what did you have in mind if you didn't have to go
You:yeah tattoo artistry actually i wanted to get an apprenticeship to get started on that
Stranger:haha id let you tat me up i want two right now
You:lmao i don't think you should
Stranger:ill be your first patient
Stranger:lol dont give up on that
You:i've actually tattoo people before ha
Stranger:do you think its just a stage in your life or is it what your passionate about
You:it's definitely a passion
Stranger:haha well keep at it you can still go to school and pursue that :)
You:not particularly what my parents dreamt of but hey what can you do
Stranger:haha you seem stressed im glad you're getting some relaxing time
You:thanks so I mean what about you how's the whole college thing going for you?
Stranger:if only i could stop checking you out :p
Stranger:haha its going im going to be applying to med school so dont judge :p
Stranger:lolol you're like stop flirting with me please
You:med school damn
Stranger:haha you're so judging....you're like steretypical asian kid over here in boston :p
You:yeah that's what i was planning for a while but i just can't do school for that long
You:i mean it's med school like that's huge
Stranger:ahhah tattoo your way through med school
Stranger:side hustle
You:yeah i mean hopefully
Stranger:keep your tongue in your mouth please :)
You:i'll try
Stranger:it's a tease even though you're not doing it on purpose :p
Stranger:do it again i dare you :p
You:you know what you're going into med school for or nah?
You:wait what's your major?
Stranger:i want ot be a sports medicine surgeon :)
Stranger:bio haha
Stranger:love your deflecting skills btw
You:yeah makes sense
Stranger:hahah im making you uncomfortable im sorry
You:not really just i don't know how to respond lol
Stranger:haha i feel like you're a low key flirt
Stranger:but still a bit innocent :p
You:i mean not purposefully no never
Stranger:haha sure
Stranger:there was no sarcasm in that comment
Stranger:now you're just doing it on purpose :p
You:i mean maybe you'll never know ;)
Stranger:hahah stop it
Stranger:dont get me going :p
Stranger:now your finger is almost in your mouth too...you're good :p
You:nope just how i act day to day
You:it's 1 am you should probably get to bed
Stranger:again im not complaining haha
Stranger:ohhh is that my cue to leave
You:not if you don't want to
Stranger:you really think i want to leave a hot girl who is accidentally licking her lips, is funny, sassy, and is kind of a rebel
Stranger:kind of a no brainer :)
Stranger:i cant tell if you're enjoying this or not
You:i don't know what to say to that lol
You:i mean the company is nice
Stranger:haha hopefully you're enjoying the view as well
You:i mean i'm not complaining
Stranger:and i can see you getting uncomfortable :p
Stranger:it's kind of funny
Stranger:and then you lip your lips when you get nervous
Stranger:or just to frustrate me even more :p
You:maybe you're just easy to get riled up?
Stranger:hahah that could be it too but im behaving gosh :p
You:that's true which is very pleasant on this site
Stranger:hahah im a gentleman for the most part
Stranger:except for analyzing every suggestive move you make by accidnet or not :p
You:i mean that's a human thing to do
You:most of the time at least
Stranger:i figured if you didnt like the commentary you would have left by now :p
You:probably yes
Stranger:haha howd i get so lucky
You:i mean that's your opinion
You:but hey i don't judge
Stranger:it's a popular opinion
Stranger:haha oh please you're so judging how mcuh im hitting on you :)
You:surprisingly not
You:and yes definitely on that part
Stranger:haha i think you're enjoying it
You:i mean for the most part people are extremely intimidated in real life
Stranger:i wouldn't be that intimidated if i was there right now
You:i'm 5 9' and agressive i mean you don't get into stanford for being nice
Stranger:i guess you're saying i only have the courage to say these things because im across the country through a computer screen
Stranger:im 6' 4" haha ill be fine :)
You:wait wtf actually
Stranger:yeah haha what
You:ngl it's almost a joke at this point since it's so rare but ideally my partner would be 6'4 so when ever someone mentions it it's just very surprising
Stranger:ahah the omegle soulmate
Stranger:on a thursday night
Stranger:what a find
Stranger:ahah you like died when i told you how tall i was
Stranger:your shirt almost fell off from that :p
Stranger:take it easy over there :p
You:i mean that's like what <13% of the people?
Stranger:hahah im not a statistician but im pretty tall
Stranger:in multiple areas if that counts for anything :p
You:i was right 13.59% yeah
Stranger:gald you moved right over my last comment :p
You:it would be disappointing if things were disproportionate
Stranger:hmm true haha licking your lips at the thought of that
Stranger:it's okay deep breaths
You:haha very funnt
Stranger:haha im partially right
Stranger:its okay
Stranger:im waiting for you to completely lick around your whole mouth :p
You:you're really going to have to get lucky for that
Stranger:haha im pretty convincing :p
You:true true
Stranger:hahha you're so hard to read
Stranger:i love it though
You:glad you do
Stranger:almost as much as you'd like seeing how proportionate i am
You:i mean i'm not asking but
Stranger:dont lie you're curious :p
You:well curiosity killed the cat
Stranger:haah you're like is he going to be bad
Stranger:or remain a good boy
You:hopefully the latter
Stranger:i think you'd like a little of both but i dont push limits
Stranger:just talk about it
You:that's always good
Stranger:oh please
Stranger:you've been teasing me all night
You:oh sweetie it hasn't even been an hour
Stranger:i know hmmm i could tease you back
Stranger:but id need the okay first :p
You:sure i don't mind
Stranger:lick your lips if you want the tip :p
You:but also it's 1:30 over there so are you even thinking straight
Stranger:haha im in a good state of mind
Stranger:i didnt see did you lick them :p
Stranger:hmmm all the way around or not allowed :p
Stranger:haha you sure you want it :p
You:i'm sure it's nothing i can't handle
Stranger:should i keep going
You:i feel like i should stop you
Stranger:full lick lip if you want more :p
You:my lips are sealed babe
Stranger:fair enough
Stranger:i thought you might want a second look
Stranger:your eyes said you did
You:maybe i did but, hey you can't always get what you want
Stranger:hmm you can
Stranger:but i dont want to push it if you dont want it :
You:i'm not feeling up to it but from the glimpse i'm sure it was would be more than enough if i was there
Stranger:haha i dont want to even know what would happen if you were here
You:it's a damn shame
Stranger:lol oh btw is this a one time convo or do i get to see you again
Stranger:i could show you once exactly what you'd be working with :p
You:it's whatever you want it to be
Stranger:do you have snap or skype
You:i have a snap
Stranger:hmm question is do you want to give it to me
You:well, jss7461
Stranger:haha okay ill add you later
You:okay then
Stranger:lol now im riled up haha and you denied me from going further so unfair
You:life's unfair you're just gonna have to roll with it
Stranger:you love that you're doing this
Stranger:dont you :p
Stranger:lol i see the pure joy on your face :p
You:i mean come on where's the fun in that
You:denial is always fun to play with
Stranger:it is
Stranger:so is you with your shirt falling off more and more
You:yes it is very much so
Stranger:i actually do have to go to bed soon though
Stranger:which sucks
You:it is almost 2am over there
Stranger:yeah im going to add you and then go
Stranger:we'll see if you add me back tomorrow morning
You:okay then
Stranger:im typically an optimist
Stranger:but im not sure with you
You:that's me
Stranger:okay i added the right girl
Stranger:good night
You:night sleep well
Stranger:thank you for putting up with my antics
Stranger:im ryan btw
Stranger:good luck on your finals btw
You:nice to meet you ryan
Stranger:although you probably dont even need to study stanford
You:and thanks
Stranger:lol seriously dont give up on the tattoo dream
Stranger:i think that would be sick
You:i won't
Stranger:you can figure out how to twist it in your favor
Stranger:be innovative
You:i mean show up stanford with a half sleeve would be both very intimidating and very cool
You:hopefully i do
Stranger:lol will you actually be fully dressed when you sned me a selfie tomorrow
You:of course of course
Stranger:or willl you still be in bed haha lounging in next to nothing
Stranger:oh so you're going to add me back
Stranger:or still havent decided?
You:i'll add you back and fully expect a picture around 9 am your time
Stranger:oh i have to snap first
Stranger:we'll see if you added me back by 9 AM my time
You:nope i'll surprise you don't sweat it
Stranger:time is ticking
You:i've got to repay you somehow for putting up with all the teasing
Stranger:oh god now you're making me wonder
Stranger:its prob going to be a ridiculous selfie with a weird filter
Stranger:anyways ill have to wait and see
You:oh no i just don't do that
Stranger:night hahah
Stranger:looking forward to tomorrow
Stranger:hopefully you got my add
You:night sleep well and me too
You:i will
You have disconnected.
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