iamsofuckinggay · 9 months
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Man I cant do backgrounds
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This is for the people who didn't know they were gay or bi or pan or ace or aro in their childhood.
This is for the people who had crushes which could be deemed straight and then came out as gay later in their lives.
This is for the trans or genderqueer or fluid or nonbinary people who did not experience dysphoria in their agab.
This one is for the people who don't want to take T or E or have gender-affirming surgery but are still trans.
This one is for the sex-positive or sex-neutral aces who are told that they aren't ace because they aren't disgusted by sex.
This one is for anyone who has been told, "You just need to find the right girl/guy!"
This one is for all the queer people who have been told that they cannot be queer because of their religion, race, ethnicity, etc.
This one is for all the queer people who were told that they weren't queer just because they didn't fit into somebody else's idea of what being queer is like.
Nobody can tell you how to be queer. The only one who gets to decide that is YOU. Queer people do not need to bend themselves over backwards to make others comfortable.
We have always been here and we will continue to be here, and everyone else will just have to learn to accept that.
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angelxd-3303 · 1 year
Nightmares were no stranger in the GoldenHeart household. Even if the Institute was gone, and with it the Director's influence, that didn't keep all three people from sometimes jerking awake after their dreams showed them their deepest fears. Ambrosius was haunted by visions of his lover lying in a pool of blood, arm nothing but a stump, while he's helpless to save him. Ballister is plagued by visions of the Queen's death, always left wondering if he could have saved her.
Nimona's nightmares consisted of Gloreth. It would start off happy, with her carrying an elated Gloreth on her back as a horse. Napping amongst the foliage and exploring the forest with her. Then, it would shift. Much like her.
"No, Gloreth, wait!"
"I'm not a monster, I promise!"
No matter what she pleaded, the dreams were always the same. A sword pointed at her heart. A gaze that bled uncertainty, ignorance, distrust…
"Go back to the shadows from whence you came." With that declaration, pain. Blinding, burning pain. Then…nothing. A vast expanse of nothing that left Nimona feeling hollow. Like someone had scraped out her insides with an ice cream scoop.
"DAAAAAD!" The scream jolted Ballister and Ambrosius from a rare bout of restful sleep. Fast little footsteps thundered down the hall and both men jumped up. Bal ran to the door, throwing it open. There, standing in the hall, was a frantic and very confused…
"Nimona?" Bal inquired. He looked…younger. Smaller, with longer hair that was a darker red than usual. Big pink eyes looked up at him,and tears began to spill over as Nimona let out a wail. Ballister had her in his arm before he could think. He turned to Ambrosius, who stood in the doorway shocked.
"Grab my arm, Bambi." Ambrosius reached for him, before remembering what he meant and running back into the bedroom. Bal sighed, turning back to the panicked child in his grasp. Nimona clung to his nightshirt, hiccuping and sobbing.
"I'm not a monster, Daddy, I'm not!" She wailed. Ambrosius returned, helping Bal put on his arm. He stood, scooping Nimona up. As he cradled her to his chest, Ballister pressed their foreheads together.
"I know, Mona. I know. You're not a monster. I know, it's ok. You're ok." She threw her arms around his neck, still sobbing. Ambrosius came closer, petting her hair.
"It's ok, sweetheart." He murmured. "They're the monsters, for sending you away. What happened is not your fault, ok?" She peeked up at him from her hiding place in Ballister's shoulder, sniffling. Ambrosius wiped her tears with a smile. The trio migrated into Bal and Ambrosius' room, and the former sat legs crossed on the bed. He cradled Nimona close, letting her cry into his shirt. Finally, she seemed spent, and went limp against his chest. 
Ballister gently kissed the child's cheek, humming softly as he rocked. Nimona cuddled into his chest, sighing. Bal hummed sympathetically.
"Bad dreams, kiddo? That's no fun." Nimona shook her head with a sniffle. Ambrosius sat beside Ballister and brushed a strand of hair from Nimona's face. With a deep sigh, he guided his boyfriend to lay back down on the bed. The pair curled around Nimona, both holding her and soothing her whimpers with soft reassurances. Eventually, she fell asleep, and the tiny child was replaced by a stockier teen with a far more shaved hairstyle. The scared furrow of her brow remained, even in sleep. Ballister and Ambrosius made eye contact, and the blonde smirked.
"Dad, huh?" Ballister let out a breathless laugh.
"Not a word to her about this tomorrow, Ambrosius." He ordered, albeit quietly. Chuckling, Ambrosius leaned in and kissed his boyfriend. They snuggled into the soft pillows, soon following Nimona into a peaceful sleep. All the rest of that night, no nightmares plagued the GoldenHeart household. And if there were, they'd face all of them together.
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dearest-painter · 1 year
Can you do a skit where Nezuko! Reader and Spidercat are running away from Miguel and avoiding him at all cost?
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Nezuko!Reader:*Playing with spidercat happily*
Nezuko!Reader:*Picks up Spidercat and runs* MHMHM! (GO FUCK YOURSELF OLD MAN!)
Miguel:Y/N PLEASE STOP RUNNING FROM ME! *chasing Nezuko!Reader*
Peter B:*recording*
Miles:S-shouldn’t you help my sibling?
Peter B:Jessica’s got it, it’s her week with them
Miles:Is this like divorced couples type of week shit?
Peter B:Yup basically, I have next week with them and I’m only allowed to help if they or Jessica ask me so Imma just record all of this
Miles:alrighty then
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rroaddkill · 6 months
Happy Trans Day Of Visibility 2024!
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Trans is beautiful! Being proud of yourself is beautiful too!
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
"We need more redemption arcs that're about found family instead of romance!!!"You guys couldn't even handle Prince Zuko
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
actually sanuso would have children and they would call usopp "dad" and sanji would either be also "dad" or "mom" depending on the day or what comes out first because these two would raise their little ones being inclusive and supportive of their genderfluid parent
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Publishes three chapters of a new The Hollow Fanfiction instead of updating my current ones.
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krsonmar · 3 months
This is important
Sometimes radical acts of self-love and asserting your adulthood mean that despite surviving a horrific year in your personal life, no one in your life bothered to buy you the Matrix Build-a-Bear you want need in your life and which will definitely go a ways toward healing your wounded spirit, so when it goes on clearance, you learn your lesson from all the times you tried to be """fiscally responsible""" and missed out on something you now can't have and you BUY YOURSELF THE DAMN BEAR because you DESERVE IT and because no one else cares and you're an ADULT so you take care of your GODDAMN BEAUTIFUL AND UNDEFEATABLE SELF YEAH dammit
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asherfox04 · 4 months
All four of my favorite characters who are LGBT! <3
Characters from left to right
Tony (EarthBound)
Vivian (Paper Mario)
Shinto (FNF Hypno's Lullaby)
Glen/Glenda (Seed Of Chucky)
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iamsofuckinggay · 9 months
This dress
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aroace child of aphrodite. thats it thats the ask.
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dearest-painter · 1 year
May I ask for skit about Nezuko! Reader snitching on Miguel’s yandere platonic protective to Earth 42! Miles, Earth 42! Rio, Earth 42! Aaron and Nezuko! Reader telling them on how Spidercat got taken away from them?
Got you!!
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Spidercat:mow mew mrow (calm y’all’s tits)
Nezuko!Reader:*Happily cuddling Spidercat*
E42!Rio:If I see him I’m going to show him why he should’ve never taken away spidercat from you! I’ll fucking show him to think THREE FUCKING TIMES!
E42!Aaron:Ill let you go first then me and Miles will jump in, we’re jumping his ass!
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electricfied-wolf · 1 year
*Through gritted teeth* Electra is genderfluid. Do not make them cis in your writing I know that humans weren’t accepting of gender fluidity in the ancient eras but that doesn’t mean that those feelings didn’t exist. Queer people have always been around let them be fucking queer in your medieval aus or whatever dammit
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
reading through my abandoned tedoire longfic and i forgot how unhinged i had made teddy 😭😭 he’s a sweetheart to people who know them but hes just an asshat to just as many people outside her circle
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carlisle06art · 1 year
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Metal 😈🤘🔥
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