stormyoceans · 1 year
As much as jimmysea are dear to me in a personal level, Last Twilight is not for us, not just for nomnoms. This show is for this wide community of beautiful people. Day is the first thai bl main character with a sight impairment, a differently abled character. Even thinking this mere thought makes the eyes teary and makes the show worthy to look forward to. Again not for us specifically, but for the whole community. It's such a huge step forward and it should be acknowledged even for thinking of such a story with such characters. Because its realistic, they exists. Even Mork, there's so many of us who are just full of dreams but somehow stuck and lost on a way forward, bounded by the society expectations, values, belives, pressure so that it blinds the ability to forsee a future that is completely yours, successful and how you always dreamt of. This is what Mork represent. Together these two characters could bring hope, show hope and give hope to everyone who might need it. So this show is worth looking forward to and it's okay to have such expectations.
even taking jimmysea out of the picture, last twilight was always going to be the series i would have been most interested in for this year. like you said, day is a differently abled main character, while mork is someone struggling to make ends meet, but despite all their differences (in personality, background and social class) the one thing they have in common is that they both have lost faith in the future, so i think that seeing what happens when these two characters are brought together and slowly start to change the way they view the world is gonna be incredibly interesting and important (which is also why im always a bit baffled when people say they want the show to have a sad ending but that's a whole different story). if done right, i agree that this series could bring hope to a lot of people and give a very powerful message, and that's definitely why i have such high expectations for it and ardently hope that everyone is gonna give it a chance
i do admit, though, that im really glad jimmy and sea were taken for these roles. if we couldn't get any actor with a visual impairment to play in the show (because the industry is still fucked up and doesn't give equal opportunity to everyone), i think the two of them truly were the best choice, because like youtube user DutchCupcake wrote in their comment under the last twilight trailer, "they both have a calmness and maturity over them that suits the characters really well". i also know they're gonna treat this story with the care and respect it deserves SO I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 months
What you'll find here (refreshed Intro post, 16 June, 2024)
I generally post whatever is on my mind, especially contemplative and/or silly. Disability rights, queer rights, literature and the arts are perennial subjects.
Rest Assured: I will never make a “Reblog, or else you’re a bad person,” or “Reblog, or else bad things will happen.” post.
(Though I may ask for signal boosts, if someone is asking for specific help / advice, and needs to get their message out)
What counts as "Good Manners" around here:
Don't be mean. There's no need to be mean. Remember, wherever you go, there you are.
Praise what you enjoy before criticizing what you don't.
When you do give criticism, let it be reasoned ("It sucks!" isn’t reasoning).
Don't belittle, or mock, people for the things they enjoy (or what they don’t enjoy, either, respect people’s squicks, even if they seem odd to you).
If you must post provocative things, aim for provoking laughter, and provoking thought.
Remember that anger can splash onto innocent bystanders, and people "reading over your shoulder." If you must have an argument with someone in particular--rather than an argument for or against an idea--take it somewhere else (Send a private message or ask to the person)
When in doubt: Puns!
My blocking policy: When I get a notification that I have a new follower, I check, and I will block
Blogs I suspect of being a bot.
Tumblrs marked as belonging to TERFs by the app Shinigami Eyes.
Likewise, Tumblr users who want to exclude Asexual and/or Aromantic folk from the queer community (the Venn Diagram with TERFs is a near circle).
Any user that tags my posts with “q-slur." Since "Queer" is the term with the broadest definition, and widely accepted through academic consensus, I use it freely. If that word makes you uncomfortable, you would not be happy here.
Ableists . (Link to the American Wikipedia article on Ableism). This includes anyone who shows support, or asks for support, for Autism Speaks. I see a blue puzzle piece, I block immediately.
Any blog (or Anon who sends a message to my Inbox) that discourages voting in United States elections.
And Finally:
With help and suggestions from many others (some of whom wished to remain anonymous) I designed the Disability Pride Flag (Which is different from the Disability Rights Flag of the U.N.). Here is the flag as designed for computer monitors, mobile phones, and other backlit screens:
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To the extent possible under law, Ann Magill has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Visually Safe Disability Pride Flag. This work is published from: United States.
I also designed a version in fully saturated colors, which I recommend for physical media, such as actual flags, tee-shirts, print materials, etc. (Since physical media is more likely to be viewed at a distance, and atmospheric haze naturally filters bright colors).
I've put the full saturation version behind the cut (But please use the version above for online art):
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ltleflrt · 2 years
Helllo 🙂
Alright so the whole ao3 tos violation drama is ongoing on twitter and since your name is somehow what these people are using to legitimise their arguments, I’ll super appreciate it if you could clear up a couple of things for me.
Do you also believe the person they’re calling out is behind this? There doesn’t seem to be much proof about it except for the “everyone knows” and the google doc and some unknown insider. I’ll basically take your word as proof because I trust you.
And second, were any of your fics ever in trouble with ao3 because of this thing? It’s very hard for me to accept ao3 deletes fics because someone in the comments mentions getting a physical copy. The whole spin these people have put on this is just *shakes hands*
Thank you and I’m sorry the trolls try to stop you from making physical copies of your work. Their “well someone’s making profit” sucks!!!
I'm going to preface this with a reminder that I'm not active on Twitter, so I do not know everything that's going on there.
Do I believe the person they're calling out is behind it? Well, I believe she started it. Or at the very least was extremely vocal about her opposition to printed fics in a forum where she whipped up people who respect her opinion into having the same opinions.
I don't have proof. It has been several years since I was targeted, and I did not save receipts. I'm bad enough about doing that with things I buy in the store, so I certainly don't keep track of shit like that for fandom drama. Everyone who attacked me was on anon, and at the time I was naive enough to think it was okay to share my links publicly, so I have no idea who decided to impersonate CW/WB and report me for copyright. (I seriously doubt it was actually someone at CW/WB doing the reporting.) Someone came to me privately at the time and explained that she saw the drama go down in this person's FB group and showed me some screenshots. Here's the first anon message I got about it, and as you can see that was 5 years ago. If you check the comments you can see that someone mentions thinking they knew who it was.
I have also seen a recent screenshot where someone posted pictures of printed fics that they purchased on FB, and she responded negatively to it and said that she didn't think that the author getting zero profit was good enough since Lulu makes a profit. That's basically the same thing she and her groupies were talking about 5 years ago when they were bitching about me, so the tune has not changed in all this time. And during the conversation that followed they were patting themselves on the back for just printing their favorite fics on their home printers instead. That's what set me off on this rant. That screenshot was shared in a private discord server, and I don't intend to make it public. There are people in that FB group who don't share that person's views, and they'd like to remain anonymous.
So back to the original question. Do I think she's behind it? Yes. I've seen her name on things. And I've also seen how she has a little group of super-fans who take her opinions to heart without actually thinking about it very hard.
After the anons jumped all over me several years ago and reported my Lulu account, I just created a new account and moved on with my life after that, and am more careful about letting people buy prints than I was in the beginning. (I also stopped doing free giveaway drawings, because I didn't want to risk an unknown hater getting a free copy. Fuck them.) I didn't call anyone out, and just kept things to myself. However, when another author friend of mine had a similar experience a few years later, we compared notes and found that it was the same person whipping up outrage. My friend happens to be active in the FB group, where I am not, so she sees more of the drama there. Based on the fact that she told me the name, and I was like "oooh that person", I'm inclined to believe my friend about what she witnessed.
Any time I see another author deciding to make their prints available, I make sure to warn them about keeping their info secure, and that's the extent to which I generally get involved. Unless someone asks me about it privately, then I'll name names.
On to your second question. I have not been reported for anything on AO3 (yet, *crosses fingers*, cuz the trolls try really really really hard to punish those they disagree with). I don't think I've mentioned my printed fics in any comments. I had it in my profile for a while, with all in caps ZERO PROFIT to cover my bases, but eventually took it out to be better safe than sorry.
I'm speculating, but I suspect the AO3 reporting might have gained traction because one author got sick of having their Lulu account get stealth reported (because the trolls will pretend to be your friend and will pay actual dollars to access the links in order to report them), so they made their own website. They order the books in bulk, and then take orders through their direct website. Due to this, it's nearly impossible for them to avoid some kind of profit, due to being unable to accurately determine how much everything is going to cost to the penny, so they round up a little to make sure everything is covered. It's possible (again, SPECULATION), AO3 went ah that's the Forbidden Profit, and slammed the ban-hammer down.
Another author eventually rewrote one of their fics as an original and is selling it. I don't know if their AO3 got reported too, but that might be a potential connection to profit as well. I do know that when I first started getting angry anons 5 years ago, a few of them didn't like the idea of filing off the serial numbers of an AU and selling it as original fiction either. So it wouldn't surprise me if the Reporting Trolls still conflate Fic For Profit and Fic Rewritten As Original For Profit and went on an AO3 reporting spree for that author too, even though the situation is slightly different.
I don't work for AO3, I don't know what they're specifically looking for. But I do believe they'll delete a fic if they find something against their TOS. But I also think they're not going through it with a fine tooth comb until Reporting Trolls do it for them and find the teensiest scraps of evidence to supply them.
My take on all of that is that I hate everyone who disagrees with zero-profit fic prints, and I hope they all develop a nasty, incurable toe fungus. And until I see that one person who I believe is the ringleader of the anti campaign go "y'know what I changed my mind, here's my fic printed on Lulu too!" I'm going to think she's sus based on the screenshots I've seen and the conversations I've had with people in her FB group.
Also, why do you need proof? What's your stake in all of this? Are you planning on printing your fics and want to avoid drama? If yes, just keep it off FB. If no, then why does it matter? Continue reading that person's fic if you enjoy it, and ignore the drama. Don't report your fellow fans for zero-profit fic prints.
Anyway, I hope this answers your questions. Feel free to come off anon and message me privately about it, and I'll be a little less vague. I still don't have any proof if you want it, but I'm happy to talk about it with people.
Edit: the "you" in the proof paragraph isn't necessarily You, Nonny. I'm sorry, my brain got pissy at hypothetical requests for proof and I got carried away lol...
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saturnsummer · 3 years
flutter and kicks
notes: from lay's @/__ryubeom tweet + a pregnant solhwi anon ask. in headcanon form since it's more spontaneous! 
hello tumblr fam! i know, it’s been long... but ficfest and all has kept me kinda busy. a little different this time! a headcanon after a long time, since it’s more fun and easy on the eyes!
extra notes: drumstick reference to hospital playlist episode 4! a little reference to @scripturiends twitter au “dynasty” at the end. have fun! as usual, grammar mistakes by me!
attorney sol and prosecutor joon hwi have been married for a couple years, now well into their early thirties.
sol and joon hwi always take walks in the parks and wondered what it would be like if they had their own.
sol was initially hesitant, with her experience of broken families and having no dad figure. what makes her think her child could grow up in a loving family, if she didn't have one she could be a role model or look up to?
but joon hwi had it worse, having been an orphan from young, and raised by his uncle, his cousins, aunts and relatives ostracising him. yet, he still believed in the happy family he always wanted with sol.
he dreamt of kissing his kids good morning, sending them to school before going to work and sending his wife to work. on nights, they would work on their kid's homework together in fun ways and tuck them in bed after bedtime stories. they would spend the weekends at parks, meeting with seungjae's kid, and the children of their friends.
sol came round eventually, seeing how joon hwi never stopped believing. this time, it was different. joon hwi is not her father, nor is he her step father. he is han joon hwi, the man that saved her lives multiple times. han joon hwi, the man that stood by her when lee man ho was her biggest threat to her family. han joon hwi, the man who loves her, despite being a klutz in school.
he is han joon hwi, the man that loves her for every imperfection and perfection she has.
sol and joon hwi start trying for a baby, which is especially timely when kang sol's mom asks when is she gonna have a grandchild to hold and byeol pipes up saying she would love to have a brother as opposed to sister. (15 years with sisters have made her wonder what it would be to have a little baby boy in the house instead.)
a few weeks after their first time trying passes and sol has been feeling more tired. she's been busy with case after case at kang and park, so she doesn't think much.
only when she misses her period, she freezes. as stressed as she was, even in law school, she has never missed her period or was late. with shaky breaths, she wonders at the slightest chance of having a little life grow in her, as her hand unconsciously travels to her stomach.
sol is excited, but nervous at the thought that maybe nine to ten months later, she would have a child she can call her own in her arms.
over the weekend, sol raised this to joon hwi. joon hwi stops everything and even though he is beyond excited, he stays calm looking at how nervous sol is. together, they go out to get two pregnancy tests, where sol takes it.
the ten minutes of waiting were a complete torture for sol, as she paces back and forth.
"sol, stop pacing. you're going to burn a hole in our floor."
"joon! what- what if it really happens? i'm not ready! how are we ready? you just started your career in the prosecutor office, and i'm buried under cases! i can barely take care of my mom and byeol and myself, what about the child? oh no, what if i'm a bad mom?"
"honey, sit down. look, we'll get through this together okay? no one is ever ready for their first kid. remember seungjae-hyung? he freaked out the day juyeon-noona went into labour and he's a doctor! it's okay, just calm down, alright? do you want warm water?"
when the timer rings, they look at both the tests, showing the double lines indicating a positive test.
sol was pregnant. sol was going to be a mother. joon hwi was going to be a father. their family was starting.
shaking, sol finally let her emotions hit as her tears fall. she was so caught up worrying about herself, life, her work, family; she hadn't had time to process her own feelings on her own. she wanted the feeling of joy of holding her child. she wanted to know what it was like to share a mother's bond with a child.
joon hwi, looking at his wife, only hugged her as she teared up in happiness. his dream of having a family is finally coming. even better, his best friend, his biggest cheerleader, was next to him.
"what are you crying about? you should be happy!"
"j-joon h-hwi ah... we're going to be parents.."
but their journey was far from over. they booked an appointment with juyeon and made juyeon stay quiet about this. seeing the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeats of their unborn child was enough to move sol to another round of sobs and joon hwi held his wife's hand while the tears ran down his face. together, they smiled, knowing that a life was born and growing.
all could have been hidden, but seungjae walked in that moment, asking if his wife wanted to join for lunch. sol and joon hwi were prepared to lie, but having a printed ultrasound scan in their hands, and the fact that they were in juyeon's clinic, a OB-GYN clinic, confirmed suspicions.
"juyeonnie, do you want to go for— joon...hwi?"
"ah, congratulations sol. congratulations joon hwi." seungjae only smiled looking at the best people he knew become parents. he recognised the pride in joonhwi's eyes, the same eyes he had when juyeon told him they were expecting.
the new parents smiled at their brotherly figure as they wished them a good lunch.
but out from the corner, yeseul spotted joonhwi and sol as she walked into the clinic and she locked eyes with sol. sol slams the door shut and drags joon hwi back and groans, letting a defeated whine.
"sol-ah, what's wrong?"
"yeseul is here! she's probably here for a regular check up, the one she told me about last month!"
and with that, their phones started beeping with countless notifications.
yeseul could put two and two together, especially when it wasn't just sol, but joon hwi in the clinic as well. she texted her boyfriend, bokgi, who spat out his soup when he was eating with yebeom, who sent a string of messages to the group chat.
when sol opens the door again, yeseul only gives a sheepish smile.
"yeseul ah..." sol sighs and joon hwi only smiles, too happy to hide this secret.
"sorry unnie, i can't miss the moment. congrats unnie, oppa! hello, seungjae-oppa, juyeon-unnie!"
"thank you, yeseul. we'll see you next week, as usual?"
behind them, seungjae grumpily argues with his wife.
"why are my ex-classmates seeing you more than i do? i literally work, like, five blocks down at the police station! they live all over seoul!"
"honey, let me see yeseul first, okay? then let's go get lunch. i heard they are serving drumsticks in the canteen today.”
pregnancy wasn't easy for sol. she insisted on working, despite attorney park's orders to take on lesser cases in court. sol couldn't find it in her heart to reject her clients.
yeseul, working closer to sol, would lunch with her to make sure she eats for the sake of her baby. joon hwi did his best to join, despite sol's arguments to not bother and that she can care for herself.
her morning sickness was bad, and she would wake up giddy and nauseous. many times, joon hwi wanted to call jiho to ask him to cover him, but sol would not let him do it. she'll pull herself together and go to work, and promise to take work lightly.
on days she couldn't get out of bed and she was too tired, her mother would come over and cook her nutritious soups, stock their fridge with vitamins and supplements and tonics for sol.
sol's cravings were also odd. she was never one to like sweets, but she found herself craving sugary cakes, cookies and pastries. joon hwi made it a point to stock their cabinets with cookies and buy a cake whenever he could for his wife.
joon hwi was honestly the best husband anyone could ask for. he helped to tidy the house, clean the house while sol was resting. he made soups and tucked sol in bed on her down days.
sol felt bad that she was being cared for and doing nothing in return, but joon hwi would always remind her that she was already doing the most important job, which is to literally grow their kid inside her.
many nights before bed, they would sit together and their hands would rest on her stomach, as they whisper sweet things to their to-be child.
when sol first felt the kick of her child with joon, they smiled so wide, all exhaustion from reports and arguments in their offices were gone. all that mattered was their child responding.
yeseul was beyond excited, as she helped sol with getting furniture and clothes. the study group came together to help them set up a new cot in their small apartment, as the ladies sat while looking at the men, fixing a cot with much difficulty.
aunty yeseul was the first to buy a stuffed bunny for her unborn child, and sol b, even though she was usually cold, offered to babysit in the future.
eventually, attorney park made sol work at home instead of going to the office. she argued that professor kim eunsook was able to teach while pregnant, but attorney park only said "yang jonghoon's orders" and it was enough to shut her up from any complaints.
of course, professor yang. the only person attorney park really is afraid of and listens to.
when they found out that sol was having a boy, joon hwi was lost in thoughts, wondering if he will grow to be like himself. but sol only placed a hand over his and gave a comforting smile.
"remember what you said at the beginning? whatever it is, he will be of the next generation. from him, it will be different."
they then would discuss how they wanted joon hwi's dimples, sol's twinkling eyes and cheekbones and joon hwi's charming smile.
closer to the due date, jiho stepped in to cover for joon hwi as he started to work half days, afraid of leaving his wife at home. sol, now heavily pregnant, really only commuted to the bed from the bathroom and then to the table, where she would spend most of her time reading or doing something relaxing.
yeseul made sol put her on speed dial with sol b, just in case, and so they would be the first to know too.
the morning came when sol woke up to a wet bed and shook joon hwi awake when the contractions kicked in. joon hwi snapped out, grabbed their hospital bag and guided sol to the car where both of them spent the next day in the hospital as sol went through nine hours of labour pains, and another two hours pushing her baby boy.
joon hwi never left once, standing by her side and holding her hand as she pushed her baby out, wiping away the sweat from her face.
when the time came for him to be held in his mother's arms, sol only smiled, knowing that as tough as the past ten months of working, no caffeine and staying up late nights was, it was all worth it for the little life in her arms.
as his son's hand grabbed onto joon hwi's finger, joon hwi made a promise to love this child unconditionally, to guide him in the right direction and bring him up well. sol was right. from him onwards, it will be different.
welcome to the world, seungjun.
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himitsu-luna · 4 years
✿。♡Jaemin as your husband ♡。✿
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Jaemin is the type of husband that shows everyone he is your husband. How? "This is my spouse. Beautiful, right?", he tells anyone who talks to him randomly, even if no one asked anything// He is always bragging about his wedding ring and showing it to everyone, especially when he feels there's someone that has second intentions over him or over you// He keeps all the photos of your wedding in his phone, so he can tell the story of you as a couple everytime he has the chance to do so - "Have I ever told you how I met Y/N? Oh yes?! Four times? Ohh maan, I still remember it clearly.. I was there and..........." - and continues the story for the fifth time to the same person.
Speaking of pictures, he likes to take hundreds of photos of you. And at the end of every year, he prints every single one of them and builds an album with your special moments.
He frequently has a look at these albums, and afterwards he acts even more caring towards you than he already normally acts
He is extremely caring and nurturing, and there's no one in this entire world who would take better care of you than him.
He worries about the things you worry. Your matters are his matters. He reminds you of your schedules, of taking your medicine, of the birthday of that third degree aunt of yours you don't actually talk to anymore, but that he knows because he basically knows literally your entire family.
And speaking of family, your family simply love him. Since the first meeting, Jaemin just snatched everyone's hearts. He values and treasures your family sincerely.
He is a gentleman, extremely respectful, and treats you like royalty.
He happily cooks for you. And he is very considerate even with the food. He knows everything you can't eat, everything you dislike, and even asked your family about the recipes you grew up eating, so he can still cook them for you.
He has at least ten different nicknames for you. "Sexy" is his personal favourite, used with moderation at family gatherings though. I'm sorry, I had to do that xD
He is the touchy touchy type of hubby. Of course he will always respect your boundaries, but he likes it so much to feel you close to him, not only emotionally, but physically too.
Hugging, kissing, cuddling, holding hands, giving massages are his favourite things to do with you.
He also loves to act all flirty with you. Your flirt battles are insane.
When you go out with your friends, ohh well, they definetely feel like a third wheel. The amount of attention and love he gives you even in public is truly enourmous.
You often catch him looking at you intensily. It's still easy for him to get lost in your traits, even after years of marriage. He gets very distracted around you, and people always pick on him because of it.
If there's something he enjoys better than time alone, that would be time alone with you. He easily easily trades any night out with friends or any event for a good calm day with you. Just the two of you, watching a movie, talking, sleeping all cuddled up, that's the paradise for him.
He is very observant, and he knows all of your details and expressions. He is able to notice the slightest change in your mood just by seeing a tiny different muscle contraction in your face.
He has a very comforting and reassuring touch. He doesn't need to say anything to make you feel better and safer. When you're sad or feeling down, just looking at him and receiving his embrace make you feel that everything is going to be alright.
He is the type of person who doesn't impose his opinions, thoughts or beliefs over you. He is a good listener, hates conflicts, and is pretty much understanding, open minded and goes with the flow.
So, he being able to read your moods + he being very chill and understanding = a peaceful marriage.
If he nags or gets angry at you, it's because you probably are not taking care of yourself, or because you're doing things that will not end up nicely for you. In these cases, he doesn't hesitate in giving you a good talk. When he is angry, he can act either really emotional or really cold. And it can be intense. But that's because he cares a lot about you.
He is a little protective, especially when it comes to your feelings. No one who dares to hurt you will get away with it. He makes your enemies his enemies. He death stares anyone who he knows have some problem with you. It's honestly quite frigthening.
Your house would be pretty simple, large, kinda monochrome, decorated mostly with neutral colors.
If you want to, you two would definetely have a dog as a pet. He would insist for you to adopt one, actually.
He is the romantic type. Not that type that would do big extravagant things though. But he routinely does some cliché things in a small scale. For example: bringing you a very simple breakfast in bed whenever he can; buying your favorite flower on his way home; lightining candles at an ordinary dinner just to make something different; carrying you from the sofa to the bed while planting hundreds of kisses on your face.
He can't sleep without telling you he loves you. Even when he goes to bed first, he will sense you laying beside him and will say half asleep "I love you". It's a habit now, but it's not banal at all. He means every word he says.
Overall, Jaemin is that type of husband that gives you that strong feeling of family. You found your home in his arms. You are truly loved. You won't ever feel you have to do things alone anymore. You proudly say "This is my dear husband". And he, even more proudly, repeats "Yes, I'm your dear husband".
•° Anon, thank you for the request! I hope you like it! <33
•° taglist - @starrdustville @mairah-shaikh @mairahshaikh @cupidluvstarrz @kpopsnowball @kaepopsicle @purplepsycho03 @najatheangel @dundun-baby
* If you want to be added to or removed from the taglist, just send me an ask or a message (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
•° Masterlist
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Missing in Action
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Request: Can you write a fanfic where Hotch's daughter gets kidnapped and Hotch and his team have to find her?
A/N: Thanks for the request, anon! This is my first Hotch request and I usually don’t write for Hotch but everyone needs a lil challenge here and there right? I’ve decided to make this a two parter because I love suspense and since they asked for a fanfiction imma give them a fanfiction. Hey, it might even be three parts who knows? Hopefully y’all enjoy it, I’ve watched a lot of The FBI Files lately so I’m adding a ~sprinkle~ of that in here as well. I was very nervous while writing this but hopefully it’s decent 😬 p.s. I put y/n still so you can insert yourself as Hotch’s daughter if you’d like or create a name whatever floats your boat
Category: Angst
Content warning: Kidnapping, mention of violence, crime scene, blood
Word count: 2.5k
Hotch packed up his briefcase for the day. He had promised his daughter he would pick her up from soccer practice. He had also promised her and Jack they would go out for dinner since they hadn’t done so in months. He had instructed Jack to meet his older sister at the soccer field after his school book club meeting was over.
He looked at the time on his watch and saw it was quarter to six. The two of them were probably already ridiculing him because of his tardiness. He checked his phone to see if she had texted him complaining yet. There was no notification which caused him to raise an eyebrow. Y/N was usually very vocal about her dad being late when he was the one always telling them about being punctual.
To his surprise his phone started to ring. For an instant, he thought it could have been Y/N calling him but the caller ID said Unknown Caller. He hesitantly answered it, anxious to know who would be on the other line. Before he could even greet the other person on the line, he heard Jack’s voice yelling in a panic.
“Jack, buddy, slow down. What do you mean your sister was taken?” Hotch asked.
The next few words Jack told him sounded unreal to him. His mind couldn’t process even the slightest possibility of Jack’s story to be true. Jack had seen a black car pull up at the corner of the sidewalk where his sister was standing waiting for him. He was just a block away when he saw a man jump out of the backseat and grab Y/N. He shoved her in the back and then the driver sped off.
“Jack, where are you right now? You’re at school? Okay, stay there for now. The police are at the scene right now? Okay, okay, I’ll be there soon. Bye.”
He hung up the phone and for once didn’t know where to begin. His mind was racing in overtime trying to think of who it possibly could be, if Y/N was okay and how long he had to find her. He ran out of his office to go towards the bullpen. He watched as everyone stared at him in confusion as he tried to form the right words to tell them.
Everyone had already packed up for the day and were almost on their way out by the time Hotch came to them. The look on his face was one they hadn’t seen since Haley’s death. They anticipated the worst to words to leave Hotch’s mouth.
“Y/N was kidnapped. We have to act now.”
Every single team member’s face filled with dread as they realized how little time they had to find Y/N safe. With no other words exchanged between anyone they made their way to the briefing room. Hotch let everyone walk in front of him as he still tried his best to comprehend the whole situation.
He felt someone gently touch his shoulder. He turned around to see Rossi looking at him with his famous look of determination. It was visible to him Hotch was in a place of discouragement that he had to break out of if he wanted to get his daughter.
“We’ll find her, Aaron,” Rossi said.
“We realistically only have two and a half hours before the possibility of finding her alive becomes slim. We have to make a move on these sons of bitches now,” Hotch said.
Rossi nodded. “Let’s do it.”
They made their way into the briefing room as soon as Garcia pulled up phone records from Y/N phone. Hotch sat down as he analyzed the screen in silence, checking every phone number to see if there was one out of place. His eyebrow raised as he saw a number he didn’t recognize and it only showed up once in her call log. She had ignored the call and according to the time the call was made she was taken about five minutes after.
“Garcia, can you check if the last number on her call log is anywhere else in her call or text history?” Hotch asked.
“Of course, sir,” she said before searching for the number.
She pulled up a text message sent to Y/N. It was an attachment. It was sent recently which confused everyone considering they already had her in their grips. Garcia went ahead and opened the attachment to reveal the picture. It was a letter addressed to Hotch.
Aaron Hotchner,
Expect a call from us around 7 p.m. You have my word your daughter will be safe until then. It’s up to you to agree or disagree with our demands which will ultimately determine her fate.
“Garcia, can you trace the number?” Hotch asked.
“It’s a burner number from an app. It’s out of service now, but I will trace Y/N’s location on her phone,” she said.
“We have about half an hour to go over possible suspects who could be responsible for this,” Morgan said.
“It seems personal, so it’s more than likely that Hotch and the perpetrator have come into contact. It seems especially personal since they want to call Hotch to tell him what they want from him instead of detailing it in the ransom letter,” Reid said.
“It seems whoever wrote the letter is the leader since he says ‘we’ and ‘our’ but only says ‘my’ when referring to keeping his word of keeping Y/N safe,” JJ said.
“Jack said there were two men who had abducted her but it’s less than likely the leader of the group would be one of the two doing the kidnapping. For now, we know there are three suspects but there could be more. Morgan, Prentiss and Reid will go to the kidnapping scene while the rest of us wait here for the call to come. Please bring Jack here when you’re done at the scene. He’s at school waiting to be picked up,” Hotch ordered.
Morgan, Reid and Prentiss nodded as they got up from their seats. They left the room in urgency as the time was slowly ticking away on Y/N. Hotch didn’t take his eyes off the screen as Garcia did her best to search for the phone. JJ and Rossi looked at him as they tried to remain calm for him. They knew as soon as Hotch found out he had his daughter it would send him over the edge. They wanted to avoid a possible repeat of the Foyet situation.
A map popped up on the screen with a red dot pinging on the location of Y/N’s phone. It was pinging in a lake not too far from the area Y/N. was last seen. Garcia touched her throat as she felt it run dry as she thought of the worst. She looked over to Hotch who was already looking in her direction. He looked calm and collected enough for the whole room.
“Don’t worry, Garcia. She’s still alive, they just dumped her phone, so we can’t trace them. Don’t give in to their fear tactics,” Hotch said.
Garcia took a jagged breath. “Of course, sir.”
“JJ, call Prentiss to inform them to go by the lake just off highway 66. Let’s pull up the street footage to see if the camera’s caught the getaway car.”
Morgan, Reid and Prentiss looked over at where the voice had come from. They saw detective Broderick of the Arlington police department walking towards them. Morgan and Prentiss held their hands out to greet him with a handshake while Reid waved. He walked them over to the area where Y/N was taken from.
The area was riddled with pylons to identify every piece of evidence. They saw there was a trail of shattered glass on the road. Morgan went over to look at the pieces. He took out a pair of latex gloves from his pocket to put on. He picked up a shard to examine it.
“We sent samples of the glass to the FBI forensics lab in D.C., so hopefully we can determine the make of the car that way,” detective Broderick said.
“Our tech analyst is looking through street camera footage to see if the car was caught driving through this area. Y/N must have kicked out the backseat window, so someone could see her. Dangerous move, but helpful,” Morgan said.
“We should also get some of your officers down to the lake off highway 66. Y/N’s phone’s there but there could be other evidence there as well,” Prentiss instructed.
“You got it. You think they’re going towards the D.C. area? Should I send units out that way?” He asked.
“Not exactly. They could have just dumped her phone there and other items to throw us off. They’re most likely still in state because they still have to call Hotch. Whatever exchange that needs to take place has to take place nearby,” Reid said.
“Makes sense. I’ll send some cops down to that area for you.”
As detective Broderick radioed in for police officers to the location of where Y/N’s phone was, Reid noticed something on a piece of glass. He took out his latex gloves to put on before crouching next to the shard. He picked it up and saw what appeared to be blood. Then he noticed another shard with more of the red substance on it.
He called over an officer to give him an evidence collection bag. The officer handed over a bag to him. Spencer put both shards into the bag. As he tried to look for any more shards on the ground that could potentially be evidence, he saw Prentiss walk into his sight. She crouched down close to him but she looked at a completely different area of glass shards.
“I think that might be a partial print,” she said.
“Where?” Reid asked.
She pointed at a shard in front of her. She carefully picked it up to show Reid in the reflection of the dim sunlight a possible partial print. Reid nodded his head in agreement to the fact that it could be a partial print.
“Let’s get this to the lab along with the other shards in this specific area. Maybe we can find another shard with the rest of the fingerprint or even a palm print somewhere.”
Hotch, JJ, Rossi and Garcia waited around the round table for the call to come through. They were informed of the evidence being processed at the FBI forensics lab in D.C. for clear identification. They had also been informed that the area where Y/N’s phone was found also had her soccer bag tossed into the river as well. They were still actively combing the area for any further evidence.
Garcia managed to identify the car as a black 2002 Mercedes Benz C Class sedan. The license plates weren’t visible on camera due to the angles they were taken. She didn’t have any success finding that type of car registered to anyone in the Arlington area who had been near the abduction site.
All the information Hotch was receiving was sticking in his mind and he continuously thought of who could be behind his daughter’s kidnapping. He would have honestly rather they have shot him and spare her of any trauma. He swore he would never let anyone harm his family again and it seemed as if no matter what he did nothing protected his family from the demons of his job.
The clock struck 7 p.m. and his eyes darted to his phone on the table. Everyone else’s eyes also followed his gaze. They were anxiously waiting for the call too. They wanted to find Y/N in one piece just as much Hotch did but they couldn’t even fathom the agony he was in being helpless in this situation. His daughter’s fate laid in one phone call.
JJ jerked in her seat as she felt her phone vibrate. Her anxiety towards the situation was heavy for her that it almost felt as if she was in his seat. Her heart still pounded as she looked at her phone even though she knew it was probably only a text from Prentiss updating her about the situation. Which she was correct about but her heart still pounded and her hands still shook from the sudden vibration of her phone.
“They found a tire track, so they’re going to run that by the lab as well,” she said.
Hotch’s phone rang. The sound of everybody in the room taking a deep breath was the only sound next to Garcia typing away as she got ready to track the call. Hotch calmly picked up the phone even as the burning rage inside of him tried its best to come out. He had to resist any hostility during the call at all cost.
“Hotchner,” Hotch said.
“Aaron Hotchner. Glad you picked up,” the distorted voice said.
“What do you want for the safe return of my daughter?” He asked.
“Is this the same guy who doesn’t make deal with people like me? Isn’t that what you said when George Foyet wanted to cut a deal with you? Why the sudden change in song?” The voice asked.
“And look how that turned out,” he said.
“I wouldn’t harm your daughter but if you try to find me as I know your team already is I’ll have no choice to.”
“Tell me what you want and we’ll stop hunting you.”
“Do you promise?”
“I need $500,000 dropped off at 3600 17th street north by 9 p.m. and your daughter will be returned safely to you. She will be in the forest nearby waiting for you. If you deviate from this plan I will not hesitate to inform my partner to shoot her. Are we clear, Aaron?”
“Do you not want to hear your daughter? It’s chilling knowing you don’t want to know for sure if she’s alive or not.”
“I know she’s alive. You can’t fool me with your fake confidence. You and I know you’re going to keep me playing this count and mouse game until 9 p.m. when you realize you messed with the wrong person.”
“Charming, Aaron. We’ll chat later.”
They hung up without another word exchanged. Hotch looked over at Garcia but she slowly shook her head in defeat with tears gradually forming in her eyes. She wasn’t able to ping a signal to the call.
“I think they’re blocking the signal because I can’t find a tower they’re boun-”
“That’s okay. I have a feeling I know who it is,” Hotch said.
Everyone raised a curious eyebrow to what Hotch had revealed. Though the conversation was short and mainly to the point, Hotch had listened out for a few key aspects. The most telling aspect he noticed made him confident in knowing who it was.
“You know them?” JJ asked.
“Yes. I know from the way they said, “charming, Aaron,” Hotch explained.
“Okay, so who’s the guy?” Rossi asked.
“It’s not a guy. It’s a woman.”
Tagged: @shadyladyperfection, @slutforthegubes, @pinkdiamond1016, @spencerreidsthings, @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto, @slutforsr @bxtchboy69, @fallinallinmendes @haihappen5 @mgg-theprettiestboy @siltuz-png @ptrs-prkrs @tclaerh @agentadhd @alexmarie29 @closetedreidstan @mac99martin @blxckhearthood @jesspavlik0vsky @katexrichardson @keniaasf @reidbuck @corishirogane3 @thegoddamncrazycatlady @keniaasf @pastelbabygirl19 @shadybagelsludgecolor @bootycrackraisinjuice @vintagebeauty1496 ​ @laneybobeczko-g​ @littlewierdalien @cynbx
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jinkicake · 4 years
Yay, Stickers!
Akaashi, Bokuto, Nishinoya, Oikawa, Sugawara with a s/o who loves to make stickers!
Akaashi Keiji x Reader
Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
Nishinoya Yuu x Reader
Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Sugawara Koushi x Reader
For anon~ I think it is so cute that you make stickers, I love them so much! I always use them to decorate letters that I send to my friends! I had so much fun writing this, I like writing little scenarios/drabbles like these.
WC- 2,135
Akaashi Keiji
Akaashi is a quiet admirer but he always makes sure to compliment every single sticker you make
“This one is very cool.” “I like how this one turned out.”
He would be so polite when asking for a sticker, mainly because he doesn’t want to bother you and make you go out of your way to make an extra one just for him
Akaashi, don’t you know we would move mountains for you?
He would put his favorite stickers on his notebooks, just so he has something to smile at whenever he is in class
If he gets bored he just traces over the design with his finger and thinks about you </333
Whenever you bring him stickers in the morning, after you made them the night before, he would turn soooo red
He would blush so hard and thank you over and over again
Akaashi would be the type to make a scrapbook and he uses his favorite stickers with some of his favorite pictures he has of you
His favorite sticker you made is the little owl because it looks like him, it just makes him smile
“Keiji!” You call out to your boyfriend who is waiting in front of the school. You greet him with a smile and pull him into a hug which Akaashi happily returns.
“Good morning (Y/N).” He strokes your hair and you lean into his touch, bathing in the warm spring air. 
“Oh, Keiji, here! I made these for you last night!” You break away to reach into your bag, going through each of the little sticker baggies that you had made the day before. “I was making some stickers for my friends and decided to make you some too!” 
Akaashi watches as you pull out the light blue bag and open it, showing it to him so he can look at all the ones you made.
“These are really cool (Y/N),” Akaashi praises and he hopes you didn’t just hear his voice falter, he genuinely is taken aback by your kindness. “I really like them.” Your face heats up at the fond smile on Akaashi’s face, the admiration makes you feel bashful.
“Thanks, Keiji! I enjoy making them for you!” Akaashi gently closes up the material and puts it into his bag, double-checking to make sure that it wasn’t getting crush or bent. He scoops up your hand in his and leads you into the school while you mindlessly chatter about random things that you saw on that morning.
Bokuto Koutarou
Bokuto collects your stickers like little Pokémon cards
He has an individual carrier just for the stickers, each has their own individual slot
He treats them like photocards and will show them off to Akaashi whenever he comes over
“And this one is a bumblebee, (Y/N) made it for me a few days ago!”
“That is very cool Bokuto-san.”
Bokuto would love to just sit there and make stickers with you
He will lay on your bedroom floor as you work the little machine and tell you random things like what the clouds outside look like
Warning. If you don’t give him enough attention he will turn into Emo!Bokuto
The ace refuses to compete with a machine for your affection!
If he ever loses or misplaces one of your stickers he will feel so guilty and write you a cute little apology letter and stick it in your locker,,,,
Bokuto lets out another loud and dramatic sigh. He lays on your carpet while you sit on the opposite side of him, working at your low table to finish up a few stickers you promised for your friends. Bokuto stares at your ceiling and sighs again, peeking at you from the corner of his eye to see if you look at him. 
You don’t.
Bokuto decides to move his operations to plan b. He drags himself to where you are and throws his head into your lap while he paws at your arms.
“Koutarou?” You glance at him before going back to the machine. Bokuto grabs your wrist and forces it to the top of his head, putting your hand in his hair. “You want something?” You tease and your boyfriend whines at your unmoving fingers.
“Pay attention to me.” Bokuto demands, his voice higher than normal.
“Huh?” You hum and begin to move your fingers through his hair, carding the strands and gently tugging on any knots. “Bokuto I’m trying to focus on this, you can wait.” You hush him by pressing your lips to his gently. Though, Bokuto doesn’t get that it was supposed to be an onetime thing. Instead, he sits up and grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him before he swoops in to capture your lips. He pushes at your shoulders and lays you down on the floor, crawling over you and not once removing his lips from yours.
Let’s just say, the sticker machine was forgotten for a few hours.
Nishinoya Yuu
This mf,,,, he would brag so much about your stickers and just rub it in Tanaka’s face
He would be a show-off but in a very proud way
He would deck out his gym bag in your stickers, literally anywhere he can put stickers he will
Just to be a little show-off
“Oh, where did I get this?” He’d gasp every time someone asked him about the stickers and then Daichi sighs in the background like “Here we go again,”
“My precious (Y/N), made them for me! You want to see some other ones they make?”
Hinata, Tsukishima, Asahi, Tanaka, Kiyoko would be the only ones who entertain him when he describes each of the stickers
Though Tsukishima only feigns his interest to be an ass, he secretly likes how passionate his senpai gets
Nishinoya would have stickers all messily around his room, it’s just a little reminder of you wherever he goes
Every time you give him a sticker, you get thanked with a sweet kiss </33
“See this one is a lightning bolt.” Nishinoya points to the sticker on the strap of his bag and the blonde first-year lets out an interested ‘ah’. The two of them are currently in the gym before practice, it is just Tsukishima’s luck that he caught his senpai right as you left.
“Wow, senpai that’s really cool.” Tsukishima snickers and Nishinoya turns to him with bright wide eyes.
“You think so?! Here, you can have one!” The libero reaches into his bag and thumbs through his notebooks, looking for an extra sticker he knows he has. Tsukishima simply lets it happen, waiting patiently with his hand out. “Ah-ha!”
The shorter boy places the sticker in his friend’s hand with a proud look on his face.
“I was there with (Y/N) when they made it.” He gloats and Tsukishima squints his eyes to look at the sticker. Damn, it really does look nice. The blonde thinks. “And this one is the number four like from my jersey. You want your own number Tsukishima?”
Tsukishima shakes his head but Nishinoya waves him off, already moving his finger to point at the next sticker.
“Which one is your favorite?” Tsukishima finds himself asking and Nishinoya pauses for a moment, letting his eyes run all over the strap of his bag.
“Hmmm, I like them all but I think this one is my favorite!” He points to a heart, one with both of your initials on it, and Tsukishima has to hold back a gag at the sweetness of it. “I love when (Y/N) makes these.”
Tsukishima will never admit it to anyone else, but he found himself slightly jealous of his senpai at that moment.
Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa would collect all the stickers you make
I feel like whatever sticker you make, even if it isn’t for him, he wants his own individual copy
“Oikawa this is a picture of Hisoka you really want it?”
He would give you such attitude like “Of course I want it!” And he would hide his little treasure
Oikawa would brag to the other third years and show off the stickers he has, sometimes he places them in his notebooks so that when Iwaizumi borrows it the ace knows that he doesn’t have someone who makes him stickers
If, for some reason, you make Makki or Mattsun a sticker…. Oikawa will act so betrayed
“Mattsun,,, where did you get that sticker?”
“Oh (Y/N) gave it to me because-“
Oikawa doesn’t even listen he just leaves and runs to wherever you are to complain, like come awn reader, those are his stickers!
He secretly collects every single one you give him and has a little shoebox under his bed where he stores all of them
Oikawa and Mattsun continue their gossip session all throughout lunch as they claimed to be ‘studying’. Not much work has been done though, since there isn’t even a textbook in sight.
“What was I supposed to do? Watch?” Matsukawa rolled his eyes and pulled out one of his notebooks from his desk.
“You saw the fight of the school year and you didn’t record it?” Oikawa fumbles with his pencil and his taller friend scrolls through his phone to find a  a small clip from the fight.
“I can tell you what happened if you want, but it was pretty lame honestly.” Matsukawa says and Oikawa hums before glancing at his friends notebook, he notices a very familiar sticker on the cover of it. Not subtly at all, Oikawa yanks the notebook off his friend's desk and stares at the puppy sticker in the corner of the page.
“Mattsun what is this?” He questions and Matsukawa glances up before going back to his phone.
“Oh (Y/N) gave me that because they said it looks like me,” Matsukawa responds and Oikawa gasps in shock.
“My love gave you a sticker?!” He drops the notebook as if it burned him and Matsukawa furrows his eyebrows at him.
“Says the boy who has given me a hickey before.” He snorts and Oikawa turns bright red.
“That was ONE time and it was to make Makki jealous.” Oikawa defends and Matsuku mutters out an unbelievable ‘sure’. “(Y/N) only gives me stickers,” Oikawa mutters and pulls out his phone to send you a handful of needy messages about his betrayed heart.
Sugawara Koushi
Sugawara would sit there with you while you make stickers
Like you two could spend all day in your room printing them out and getting excited at how cute each individual one is
Sugawara would probably talk about random things and you two would chat freely all while the little machine is humming in the background
Sugawara loves your little hobby, he thinks it is so cute and is really interested in all the stickers you make
He would beg you to make him his own stickers
Like he wants a little volleyball to put on his water bottle or the letter of your first name to put on one of his notebooks
Yes, Sugawara would so brag when someone asks him where he got his stickers
He would gatekeep your stickers LMFAO like it is his and his only!
Sugawara would not waste a single sticker you make, he will always find somewhere to put them
He loves and cherishes everything you do, so of course, he is obsessed with anything you make for him!
“And then Kageyama and Hinata got into a fight!” Sugawara tells you, gasping for effect, he holds his tea bottle close to his chest as you two sit inside your bedroom. The afternoon sun peaks in past your curtains and your jaw drops as you glance at your boyfriend with wide eyes.
“An actual fight?” You wonder and turn your attention fully onto your boyfriend.
“Yes! Hinata full on tackled Kageyama,” He starts and explains what exactly happened in full detail. You cover your mouth in shock while trying to simultaneously work on the stickers in front of you. Sometimes you forget how much dirt your boyfriend has on everyone. It is always the sweet, quiet ones who pick up on all the drama. “And that’s when Tanaka found them and stopped the fight.”
“I can’t believe it, what is in the first year's water?” You scold and Sugawara laughs at your words before picking up one of the stickers in-between his fingers.
“It’s kinda like the thing that happened between Noya and Asahi a few months ago.” He refers back to the heavily mentioned broken broom incident and you agree with the similarities. Sugawara sneakily takes the sticker and sticks it into his notebook, thinking you hadn’t noticed but, you saw the entire thing.
You always enjoy spending time with your boyfriend, especially when it’s quiet and calm just like this.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy
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nct-oli · 3 years
I also miss atots! I wanna read your ramblings so may I ask what are some of your head canon for phutian whether it’s during the series or post-series.
HI!! You’re so sweet. I am so sorry that I haven’t responded to this sooner! Life got really hectic, and it honestly kind of stole my creativity, to the point where I read this back when you sent it, but I could not think of a single headcanon at all.
But I’m here and I’m going to finally talk about some because I rewatched ATOTS with a friend and it sparked some headcanons in the process!!
1) This is probably my biggest headcanon. Phupha and Tian wrote emails to each other during their two years apart. I’ve seen some people say letters, and of course letters are super cute and classically romantic. Plus they are fitting given that’s how Tian was communicating with Phupha when he returned to Bangkok. But the reasons I like emails for them are:
Getting letters domestically to a rural village is one thing, but getting them internationally without some of them getting lost feels a bit less likely. And I think Tian and Phupha would know that. So emails are a more consistent and reliable form of communication.
Obviously Phupha can’t access the internet from the village, but you know who does have internet? Dr. Nam. I very much love the idea of Phupha strolling into the clinic every so often trying to be all cool and not at all giddy to check for a new email from Tian, and Dr. Nam never, ever letting him use the computer without a lot of proud best friend teasing. Remember when Phupha went to Dr. Nam to ask what a scar on the chest would mean? Yes, just like that, except regularly. (And when Phupha doesn’t go to Dr. Nam’s clinic, he could go to town to check his email too.)
This part doesn’t really fit the canon storyline at all given Phupha was still gazing at the only photo he had taken of Tian two whole years after taking it and also Phupha never told the children where Tian was. BUT think of the photos they could send each other. Tian sending photos of himself in various places in the US, his hand with Phupha’s ring always visible so Phupha can be there with him for every adventure. Phupha sending photos of the kids as they grow, the tea sachet business (or whatever the villagers end up doing with Mr. Sakda gone), the very rare selfie by a rather self-conscious chief... sending physical letters limits the number of printed photos they could send each other. Plus printing photos may be a bit easier for Tian, given he can just print them at a nearby Walgreens or something, or even have them ordered online. But that would be tougher for Phupha, needing to leave the village and find somewhere. So emailing photos back and forth would be easier.
Imagine Tian printing every email sent back and forth and collecting them. Imagine him in the library with the biggest smile on his face, printing out emails to and from his mountain boyfriend back in Thailand and his university friends watching him with the most confused but intrigued eyes. I love it. I love that idea.
I remember there being discussion post-finale about whether Tian and Phupha communicated in that time at all. The discussion revolves especially around how at ease they seemed in their Pha Pun Dao cliff reunion and they didn’t quite act as though they had been fully apart for two whole years. And I fullheartedly believe they had contact, even if very infrequent. I think they found a way. And while I do think letters are incredibly romantic and fitting, I just have this fondness to emails. Maybe it’s a result of watching We Best Love recently. I’m not sure.
2) Tian chose to go to the US ultimately on his own. Now, we all know his mother is the one who picked the university for him and “sent him away.” But I do like the idea that, after coming to terms with the fact that maybe running away to Pha Pun Dao immediately wasn’t the best plan, especially if Phupha wanted to forget him, he grew to like the idea of going abroad. It would be his chance to have probably as much freedom as he could get. He wanted to go to the US before he died (episode 3 conversation with Tul). He could take time to himself, without the influence of anyone else, and figure out just what he wanted for his life. And when Phupha showed up at the airport and they got their true feelings out in the open, Tian didn’t feel like his family was pushing him away from the man he loved and the life he wanted; he felt that he had agency in choosing the US and asking Phupha to wait for him, to give him the chance to figure out this new chapter first. I find comfort believing Tian didn’t board that plane feeling resentful but instead feeling hopeful. And when he returned, he wasn’t filled with regrets. He was filled with excitement that he was returning home to Pha Pun Dao and Phupha right on time. (Plus Phupha had more confidence when Tian returned to him that he truly wanted to be there in the village with him, because despite literally traveling the world and seeing so many options available to him for places to build his future, Tian still chose Pha Pun Dao.)
3) The teacher’s house remains Tian’s home too. Hear me out: I don’t mean full time. I’m obviously a massive softie for domestic PhuTian, so I want him to still stay with Phupha. And Phupha probably can’t leave the base permanently, as he’s the chief and needs to be there regularly for his rangers, so the two of them can’t move into the teacher’s house fully either. But Phupha’s room is quite small. I love the idea that Tian still escapes sometimes out to the teacher’s house where it’s quiet and he can still have his own space. A space to lesson plan, to take the students when they need a new environment, to feel connected to his three original months in the village when he fell in love with the people and his person (Phupha). That house was his home, and while Phupha’s place is now also his home, I like the idea that Tian still keeps that house for himself too. At least so long as it isn’t needed by anyone else. (Also, if Phupha and Tian need space, well, there’s no Yod out there to start knocking.)
4) This semi-connects to the last one. When Tian and Phupha finally get married, they have a ceremony in the village and Tian convinces Tul to stay a night in Pha Pun Dao. His parents come to the wedding too, but they stay in a hotel in the city, where Tul stays some nights except for the night Tian gets him to stay with him. Tian and Tul stay in the teacher’s house, and Tian tells him all about his many nights sleeping there. Tul is, well, not convinced of its appeal at first, but watching Tian share his stories with the brightest smile, he decides he can warm up to it a little bit. And after seeing Tian with Phupha, with the kids, and with the rest of the village, and finally understanding how perfectly Tian fits in Pha Pun Dao, it starts to make sense to him why some of the luxuries don’t matter to Tian anymore... will Tul himself ever move to a rural village like that? Absolutely not. He’s not convinced that much. But the joy that village life brings his best friend and the glow he exhibits is enough to leave Tul content for one night on a hard mattress inside a mosquito net in the middle of seemingly nowhere. (No but really, imagine the chaos of Tul trying to live in Pha Pun Dao for a night. I want to watch that so much.)
5) Okay, I hope the couple that got married have a child and that child goes to school under Tian’s teaching. Or someone else in the village has a child. Imagine Tian getting a new student and having to navigate a classroom with early teenagers and a tiny kid. (Headcanon within a headcanon: Tian did a LOT of research during his two years abroad specifically on multi-aged classrooms because he knew he wanted to return to Pha Pun Dao one day and would need the skills.)
6) Longtae and Tian most definitely go on that trip across the border that Longtae wanted (just a couple years late). And they have the best time. Longtae tells Tian about any new stories from university. Tian shares stories about his students and tries not to talk about Phupha too much but occasionally can’t help it, to which Longtae smiles brightly like the cute bestie he is. And the two of them get the CUTEST photos that Longtae prints for Tian immediately when he gets back to the city.
All of these headcanons are for those two years away or after he returns. I’m trying to think of some headcanons for the show prior to ep 10 part 4/4...
6) OH this doesn’t necessarily have to be before ep 10 part 4/4 in the timeline, but Phupha and the rangers apologize to Tian and the villagers for not telling them about Torfun’s death sooner and that burden being left for Tian to carry instead. I just want that settled.
7) HERE’S ONE FOR WITHIN THE SERIES TIMELINE. At the wedding in episode 4, Phupha didn’t deny it when Dr. Nam called Tian Phupha’s guy. So yes, of course Dr. Nam started calling Tian that all of the time, to which Phupha did eventually argue against but he secretly liked hearing it. His guy.
8) I’m back to going outside of the timeline again... all of my headcanons are for after the series it seems. Oops. But Tian most definitely brought the kite to Pha Pun Dao with him, and it hangs very proudly on the wall in their room. Tian tells Phupha about how he had it flying back at his family house in Bangkok, how seeing it blow in the wind brought him comfort when he felt homesick for the village and for Phupha. That knowledge had Phupha smiling for the rest of the week.
I’m running out of ideas. I kind of wanted to hit ten, but I just don’t have ten headcanons off the top of my head. BUT if I think of anymore, I’m sure I’ll post about them somewhere. Maybe I’ll even write a ficlet about some of these... I used to write those here and there, way back when... we’ll see.
Thank you again for your message, anon! You are a wonderful human. I’m sorry for taking so long to respond, but I didn’t forget about your message or ignore it. I just couldn’t get my brain to give me anything to respond with! I hope my rambling was sufficient for you. <3
(Also man, I miss writing about ATOTS so ridiculously much. This felt so familiar and also kind of sad. Phupha, Tian, villagers... come back to us. I miss you.)
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Wait let me try that again - spideychelle + "Angel in the streets, freak in the sheets.”
Tumblr media
You’re absolutely right, Anon, so I’m very pleased that you and @itsjacobperalta picked this prompt! I had a lot of fun with it!
Operation Eight-Legged Freak
Pairing: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones (Spideychelle)Rating: M/NSFWWord count: 2396
Despite being nice enough to give a select number of interviews after Mysterio blew his identity, Peter Parker is continually hounded for more. When the media discovers he has a girlfriend, they go after her too. Until now, she’s held back. Until now, they’ve been safe.
Michelle Jones grants a single sit-down interview and, boy, it’s a doozy.
31. “Angel in the streets, freak in the sheets.”
Operation Eight-legged Freak is a go, MJ texts Peter. She spies through the glass front of the coffee shop, searching until her gaze lands on the most reporter-looking person in there. Taking a deep breath, MJ centers herself and hauls the door open.
“Ms. Jeffries?” she asks, stopping at the table against the wall where a woman with decoratively oversized glasses is leaning too close to the screen of her laptop.
The woman straightens up and half-rises out of her chair with a hand outstretched.
“Miss Jones! Call me Elsbeth.”
As MJ shakes her hand, she focuses on clenching her teeth instead of her grip; the journalist’s gaze is sliding all over her, sizing her up as she probably internally composes some filler for the article she’s writing on Spider-Man’s girlfriend.
MJ wills the potential descriptions of herself out of her head. Peter’s been helping her practice that, reassuring her every time she comes up with a potential physical or character flaw that the press might hone in on. Of course, a significant portion of what he says is bullshit because he refuses to recognize anything about her as less than perfect. Dork.
“I’m just going to grab a drink,” MJ says, pointing towards the short line to the cash register.
“Oh, no, that’s on me. Or, rather, it’s on the paper. What can I get you?”
“Um, just a latte. Thanks.”
The woman gives her a phony smile and gestures for her to sit while she strides over to join the line. MJ takes the chair across from the open laptop and tries to relax into it. While she waits, she mentally goes over her and Peter’s game plan. Texting him might comfort her, but Elsbeth will definitely be watching. Which adjectives will she use to paint her picture of how MJ sits, how she scans her surroundings? She can’t worry about that. This interview is not about the reporter and MJ tells herself that she needs to remember how value she is.
Since the ‘Peter Parker is Spider-Man’ story broke, her boyfriend’s been under a microscope. It didn’t take a hell of a lot of time before the media found out he was dating someone and, though she hasn’t told Peter this, MJ’s planning unholy retribution against whichever little weasel at their school sold her out for a hasty buck. She suspects Brad. The attention now on her is the only thing keeping Brad’s dick un-punched.
Peter’s played nice―nicer than MJ would’ve in his place―in service of the super-persona the city knows and loves. Basically, he doesn’t want to besmirch the good name of Spider-Man. He’s made himself available for a limited number of interviews (decided upon with May’s guidance), in and out of the suit, always patient and smiling. MJ hasn’t been as accessible. As in, she hasn’t done interviews. Any. At all. Between her boyfriend, herself, her parents, Peter’s aunt, and Pepper Potts (who probably finds their exposure problems ridiculously easy to manage after years of wrangling Tony Stark), they determined that the best move was to withhold access to MJ. Now, being seen or used as an object goes against every belief she has, but this is a power move. They’d keep her as the queen among the pawns, the ace up their sleeve.
Turns out MJ isn’t the ace. She’s the joker.
The strategizing just seemed to go on too long and polite requests for Spider-Man interviews turned into microphones jammed in Peter’s face and photographers slipping into Midtown tech pretending to be parents picking up their kids. So MJ and her super-nerd devised their own plan, quickly realizing her time had come to do her part in shaping the Spider-Man narrative.
Half of what the papers and blogs were publishing wasn’t truthful, so MJ wouldn’t be either. She would grant a single interview and fuck with the press so hard that they would see her as an unreliable source of information (and stop asking questions), be made incredibly uncomfortable by her unprintable answers (and stop asking questions), or maybe just confuse them to the point that they couldn’t scrape together an article out of the array of utter shit she would present them with (and stop asking questions). The tabloid they picked out together for MJ’s interview also happens to already be on the other side of credible, which helps with making every word she says to this woman essentially worthless.
Ah, here’s Elsbeth with her latte.
“Do you mind if I record our conversation?” she asks, pulling her phone from her pocket.
“Please,” MJ says. She forces herself not to smile because she’d probably hurdle over polite and go straight to looking maniacal.
The woman taps her screen the second she’s set MJ’s coffee on the crowded tabletop.
“I’d warn you away from drinking coffee so young,” the woman says laughingly as she retakes her own seat, “but I guess you wouldn’t be sorry to stunt your growth.” MJ stares blandly back at her, gently swirling the mug, until she continues. “Because you’re already taller than Peter.”
She shrugs as Elsbeth quietly closes her laptop and slides the phone into place between them, eyes fixed greedily on her interviewee’s face.
“He likes my legs.” Before the instant spark of scandal in Elsbeth’s eye can be transformed into a follow-up question, MJ adds, “I think it’s a spider thing. Some kind of dark fetish as a result of him getting totally fucked by mutation. And you should call him ‘Mr. Parker.’”
Wrong-footed, Elsbeth tilts her head in discomfort at having to apologize.
“Sorry, yes, that was a slip in professionalism―”
“No, because that’s what I call him.” Now she’s just speechless. MJ raises her eyebrows like she’s explaining this to a child. “When we’re fucking.” An unusually mature child. “Should I have said at the start that his fetishes are numerous? My bad, I’ve never been interviewed before.”
It has now occurred to MJ that a liberal sprinkling of profanities through her answers can’t hurt either. Can’t hurt her. This interview’s going to require more redactions than a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey in a children’s library.
“I… I…” Elsbeth covers herself (or thinks she does) with a quick throat clearing and a dainty sip from her own cup of coffee. “No, that’s fine, I just normally like to begin with something more… general.”
MJ sighs.
“I regret to inform you that Mr. Parker’s tastes aren’t really in the realm of general.” She locks eyes with Elsbeth like she’s confessing a big secret. “He’s pretty fucking depraved.” After a second of enjoying the flicker of horror across the woman’s expression, MJ pretends to take pity on her. “Sorry, would you prefer if I call him Peter? You look uncomfortable.”
The journalist is darting her eyes around now, but, as ever, MJ isn’t speaking overly loudly and most of the customers of this place seem to get their drinks to-go; there isn’t anyone sitting at the tables nearest to theirs.
“General questions,” Elsbeth clarifies too late. “I meant general questions, about anything.” Something behind her eyes is beginning to look delightfully haunted and this time, MJ allows herself a grin and nods like she gets it.
“Right. Well, I’ve know that Mr. Parker―sorry, Peter―was Spider-Man since before we started dating.” Elsbeth visibly perks up because MJ knows what’s coming out of her mouth sounds like the first usable information since she walked into this coffee shop.
“That’s fascinating.”
And she does sound fascinated. MJ reminds herself it’s just the greediness behind getting a scoop, not legitimate interest in who Peter is as a human being or his many private sacrifices in the attempt to keep his secret before that dumb fuck Mysterio showed up.
“And,” Elsbeth probes, feeling around in the bag at her feet before extracting a pad and pen for supplemental notes, “what was it that made think your classmate was moonlighting as an Avenger?”
MJ takes a long drink of her latte and glances contemplatively at the nonrepresentational art print hanging on the wall beside them.
“He’s jacked as fuck.”
Elsbeth, who mirrored her by going for a sip when she did, nearly chokes.
“Anything―” She coughs. “―about his personality? That would make you think he’d lead a double life risking life and limb for strangers?”
“Oh sure,” MJ concedes easily. “Peter’s kind of a nerd, but he gets along with everybody. You know, one of those people who can be casual friends with a kid in every social clique? People in the neighbourhood who know him as Peter Parker love him too. He’s very nice.” And then she drops the anvil. “Angel in the streets, freak in the sheets.”
Really, Elsbeth should get into comedy. She’s great at abruptly shifting her expression from relieved to panicked. Jim Carrey made a whole career out of his ‘elastic face.’ This woman should totally find an agent.
“Haven’t you heard that expression?” MJ asks innocently, sliding two fingers through the handle of her mug slowly enough for Elsbeth to notice and potentially take as subliminal messaging.
“I’ve…” The woman trails off, lowering her pen again, and devolves her response into an awkward nod.
MJ laughs as though to herself. When she leans forward conspiratorially, planting her elbows on the table, the journalist flinches. She’d feel bad if the whole pack of media people in this city didn’t suck ass. Peter’s never done an interview with Elsbeth’s paper, and for good reason: one of their photographers followed him around for a week trying to get a shot of him changing in an alley as if he weren’t only seventeen years old. Yeah, today’s interview is more than a little about MJ protecting her boyfriend.
“We do shit you’ve never heard of,” MJ offers without being prompted. It doesn’t look like poor Elsbeth’s up to asking questions anymore. “In Peter’s bed, a missionary’s just a traveling priest and G-O-T stands for Game of Thrones, which we never catch up on because we’re too busy tearing another page out of the Kama Sutra.” She laughs like, isn’t this great? We’re having girl time. “Actually, I shouldn’t imply that G-O-T has never stood for ‘girl on top,’ because Mr. Parker does enjoy me riding his cock from time to time, but if we do that, I’m also wearing nipple clamps or I have my hands tied to a ring in the ceiling or something. That freak fucking loves his accessories.”
She takes a tranquil sip of her coffee. It’s actually pretty good and strong enough to keep her bouncing along through this interview. MJ respects an establishment that doesn’t skimp on the caffeine in favour of a mountainous topping of whipped cream. She might actually come by here again sometime.
“Ok,” Elsbeth says with sudden sternness, face contorted in a smile that hints she’s trying to convince herself that, somehow, everything will be fine. “We’ve covered all my questions―” MJ nearly snorts coffee out her nose at this barefaced perjuring. “―so I’ll just,” she explains, shoveling her things into her bag, “give you a call if I need anything else.”
MJ smiles as the journalist gets to her feet.
“Sure thing. I’d shake your hand,” she says, looking up at Elsbeth from her chair, “but you don’t want to know where mine have been. Or, if you do, that’s something we can cover in that phone call.”
The woman gives a nervous laugh and puts her palms up to ward off a handshake.
“No, that’s… we’re good. We’re all set.”
“‘K, great.”                  
“Thank you for your time.”
The disturbed look mounts Elsbeth’s face before she’s completely turned away from MJ, which just adds to MJ’s delight when she gets to call out to her.
“By the way,” MJ says as the journalist turns, fight or flight likely seconds from kicking in judging by the tension of her stance. “You know I’m a minor, right? So publishing anything I just told you would look pretty bad.”
The woman probably suspected this in the rational part of her brain that MJ’s spent the last half hour scaring into hiding, but she certainly looks irritated by the reminder.
“I guess you’re right,” she acknowledges tersely.
MJ nods to agree that, yes, she is 100% correct, and swallows the last of her coffee.
“Also, because I know you work for the kind of place that likes to share tip-offs with other scummy publications, I’d like you to feel free to spread the word that Spider-Man and his girlfriend are not to be fucked with. And neither is Peter Parker.”
After the woman flees, MJ slumps back, hand shaking as she rotates her mug in its saucer. When the quiet grinding noise breaks through the pounding of the adrenaline-accelerated heartbeat in her ears, she reaches for her phone instead.
Tell me how it goes, Peter texted.
She’s too jittery from confrontation and caffeine to sit any longer, so she pushes away from the table and calls her boyfriend instead, raising the phone to her ear once she’s on the sidewalk with her hood pulled up; it’ll take a little time for the warning to be distributed and, in the meantime, she doesn’t want to be recognized. One interview was enough.
“MJ?” Peter asks from the other end of the line. “How was it? What happened?”
She’s silent long enough to realize she actually isn’t sure how to put it into words.
“I’ll tell you everything when I see you, but there is one thing you should know right away.”
“What is it?”
“I think I made up a sex position.”
The truth―the real truth―is that they’re seventeen, missionary has been a trusted friend, and MJ’s only ever made brief eye contact with a copy of the Kama Sutra from across a display table at a bookstore. She hears her boyfriend inhale sharply before responding with obviously forced coolness.
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm. We’re gonna try it.” If her adrenaline’s up, so is her bravado.
Peter fumbles his words, communicating nothing at first, then, “Why was that something I had to know right away?”
“Because,” MJ says, straining to make out the signs above the upcoming storefronts, “I’m planning on stocking up at the sex shop in the next block and I need to know if we’re going to have your apartment to ourselves when I get there.”
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
One of my fave Disney Princess stories is how she often implied that one of her 3 male LGBTQ+ actor ROOMMATES in LA is Oliver Stark. She said her roomie was a regular on 9-1-1 (dating back to s1) who was in every episode, was young (25-35), hot and unmarried. Oliver is the only guy that meets her stated criteria. Since she also said 2/3 of her LGBTQ+ roomies are closeted (and the 3rd is out), what's she implying about Oliver? Who outs close friends? It'd be horrifying, if it wasn't ALL LIES.
I’m just looking through some posts and found a bunch referring to her roommates as “L” and “A” -no mention of the 3rd one but I know she has claimed 3 in the past. I found this post about “L” calling her baby and clearly flirting so IDK what she is claiming with this. 
She says she is staying in the mansion of the wealthy roommate so here we have mention of the hot gardener (as an aside, how many WalMart and Sam’s club stores are there in 90210-ok I looked the nearest Sam’s club is almost 40 actual miles which in LA is 3000 miles; WalMart is only 10 miles. I used “90210″ so super generic and I’m not sure that is where she claimed she lived- but the rich dude who owns the huge home and drives a BMW SUV he freely let’s random model/actor/influencers use isn’t driving 40 miles to Sam’s Club to save on chicken salad.) 
La chronicles: I was tricked.
L: baby, I’m running to the store, wanna go?
Me: nope I’m staying here and salivate over this fan fiction and the gardener…. Whichever goes shirtless first.
A: *barks out a laugh* don’t molest the gardener.
Me: who me?
L: come on baby..
Me: noooooo. Sex and intrigue.
A: *Snorts*
L: I’m going to that little organic place you love…..
Me: chicken salad????? With the sprouts.?????
L: yep yep.
Me: okay!!.
A: have fun
Me: *running out the door shouts back* tell me if he gets nnnneeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiidddddddddd
L: BABY!!!
Me: what? He knows he is hot….
(Thirty minutes later.)
Me: the fuck is this?
L: I said I needed to go to the store….
Me: no oo you said organic grocery…
L: yeah and I’ll get your chicken salad after we stock up.
Me: but that’s sams
L: pretty and brains
Me: but but ….. only place worse to be on Saturday is hell mart!!!! I don’t wanna go in there..its gonna take forever
L: suck it up buttercup
Me: I was fucking tricked.
L: lead by the tummy…….
More about “L” who is apparently famous enough to have fanfiction about himself which he can readily find.  .  
Watching Nomie
Youd be surprised who visits tumble land.
L loves reading fan fiction about himself (he says he gets more game online than he ever does in real life) and tumbler. 😂🤣🤣😂😂😂. He has a ridiculous fascination sharing gifs of himself. he’s a goober. They crack him up.
Below is her post about how she was bearding and had to hide “A” -is he her  boyfriend of husband now she is hiding him along with her kids. Her kids were never living in CA that I ever read.  They were in South Carolina she occasionally talked about being separated from her teenage kids but that it was her time now and her career was important. She would write about being in LA most of the time-cryptic parties and work posts- and going back and forth to SC though she rarely posted from SC- except during one of the hurricanes.
Anonymous asked:
Hmmm ok I'm slightly intrigued maybe u do get it But most probably you don't Have you ever given up and gave away something you shouldn't have because you thought it was for the best and that guilt just fucking eats away at you every day I have lied to everyone even my family to hide something I didn't even know about The work was more important and I would have sold my soul to get what I wanted I just don't know now if any of it was worth it and tbh I don't think the big guys even think it
answered: Yeah.
I had to hide my kids for two years when I first got back heavily into modeling and switching back to acting. Was also bearding. Because I look so much younger than I am, they were afraid it would show negatively work wise. Also they didnt want questions about A and the minis. (I’m still cast as characters ten years younger than the actress that usually plays my mother. Its the cheeks and the voice).
One day I fucked up and mentioned my kids and it got in print when they were talking about fashion week. A was cool about it. But it resulted in a huge move for the minis and the whole family had to adjust. Mine and his.
There are other times I purposely fuck up. Because you just get sick of juggling. Other times its an honest mistake and then you deal with the shit and move on.
So now she and “A” have minis (kids) and they had to move. I’m not sure what the hell she is trying to spin here but clearly he isn’t the platonic roommate hanging out in LA. 
I found posts tonight where she claimed she has two friends in Hollywood who are gay and came out and one friend who slammed the closet door so hard it shook after he got an important role. 
I had no idea about Oliver- good sleuthing. 
She claims she’s pan and that gives her permission to say rude and misogynistic things 
Anonymous asked:
Who is gonna tell Darr/en he looks like M/ia's "best gay" in most of the pictures of them together where they are supposed to look in love? Especially the ones from last night lol
Just ya typical queer (I’m pan so imma say that). With his beardy.
Or hag. Whatever term ya wanna use.(X)
She HATED MIa...called her Amelia and wrote incredibly offensive-downright hateful-posts about Mia under the pseudonym The Ghost- who just happened to call her Amelia. Anons would ask Disneyprincess question for The Ghost and Disney would either answer them on The Ghosts behalf or claim she would relay the message/ask The Ghost. Yeah right. She even wrote fanfiction under that pseudonym. It was super bad -sentence structure, plot development, and character development were all grossly missing. It was basically BWP (bullying without plot). The stories are gone now- I have scoured the web looking for them.  I could kick myself for not saving some of them...if anyone has one, I'd love to see it.  The plot line of one was Mia ordering Darren around her office telling him she had complete control over him while he coward in front of her.  Darren meekly declared he would win in the end, but Mia just kept ordering him around. 
These are kinds of posts who would make about Hollywood -keep in mind there was nothing before this post that make it understandable- I'm not exaggerating when I say this was typical: 
Nomie party
You did????? When? Was I annoyingly perky or in professional mode??
That’s freaking awesome. We must have lunch.
Didn’t post the ask cause that was too many details on that party. 😂😂 already been in trouble thanks.
Glad I’m not the only one that thought he is an ass.
Anonymous asked: (X)
When did you see them out? Details
Can’t really say where I was as it included what I was doing and with whom. But it was here after the first of the year
I already posted this but it bears repeating- she, like Abby, won’t give away all their secrets aka they won’t give specifics (X)
Anonymous asked: 
there is evidence of Wll and aash kissing in the clubbbb?!!!!!!!
That I can’t tell you. I know I’ve never taken a picture cause why would I? but I mean folks do snap pictures when folks are out and folks get things in background photos that people prefer not be seen publicly.
However I will say if you do some digging, there are a lot more cuddled up w/a pictures out there. One just needs to have the time and be invested enough to look.
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shadowmaat · 6 years
Your SPN “family” is killing someone
SPN fans love to market themselves as a “family.” They love to boast about how loving and supportive they are, they will show off how much money they’ve raised for various charities, and they truly, honestly believe that they’re one of the greatest fandoms out there.
It’s all lies.
Anyone outside the fandom can tell you that SPN fans are among the most vicious, the most toxic, and the most rabid fandoms currently in existence. They can tell you horror stories about personal experiences or share articles written about fans who have sent death threats to the producers, the actors, the significant others of the actors, and anyone else who attempts to interfere with their “vision” of the show and their personal place in it.
However, all of that is nothing compared to the decade-long war SPN fandom has waged against Elicia “Euclase” Donze (currently @eliciaforever), an artist of incredible caliber who has been creating fanart for the show pretty much since the beginning. SPN fans aren’t “loving and supportive” of Elicia, they’re the opposite. They’ve developed a froth-mouthed irrational hatred of her that is deeply-rooted in misogyny, even if a lot of the people sending her death threats on a daily basis are women, themselves. This isn’t the work of “a few haters,” it’s an entire dedicated network of people committed to the cause of destroying Elicia’s life... and they’re succeeding.
How bad is it? Here’s a sampling- and it’s JUST a sampling:
They send her death threats. Daily.
They send her rape threats. Daily.
They send suicide-baiting messages (such as “drink bleach” and “do the world a favor and kill yourself). Daily. 
They threaten violence/rape/death to her if she considers attending a convention.
They do the same if she considers helping out with various charity causes. LET THAT SINK IN: they threaten her life for wanting to help a charity.
They have campaigned to get her websites shut down for copyright infringement.
They’ve successfully banned her from sites like Redbubble so that she can’t make any money off prints.
They’ve caused her to delete her tumblr blog multiple times.
And that’s just the tip of the toxic iceberg. They’ve also:
Outed her to her family without her permission.
Sent lies about her to the people offering her work in order to make them cancel.
One woman (who did at least get caught) withheld a payment check for work that Elicia had done because she hated Elicia and didn’t think she “deserved” the money.
One  person who claimed to support Elicia faked her own suicide in order to make her feel guilty for not appreciating their misguided attempt to help.
Most recently a group got together and faked a commission order, leaving Elicia out the $2500 commission price that she needs to fix her house and feed herself and her cats.
Think it’s a simple case of “just turn off anons” or “just ignore them”? Try again.
If she ignores them, the threats get worse.
If she turns off anons they find other methods to communicate their threats.
If she blocks them, they get around it and become even more aggressive.
And if she ever dared to publish the names of her attackers? Can you imagine how much worse it would get?
These people claim to know where she lives, know where she works, know how to get to her. They claim to know personal details about her private life and movements. They can get to her if they really want to, and just because they haven’t yet doesn’t mean they won’t. I think at one point there were over 3K hate messages in her inbox before she got people to help her go through all of them. You can’t tell me that’s “only one or two bad apples.”
There’s also the gaslighting. There are people who cozy up and pretend to support her in one message only to spew vile threats in the next. She blocks the hate only to find out that some of the “good” comments are gone, too. She blocks the threats only to find out that a mutual is now gone. How is she supposed to trust anyone when she can’t tell friend from foe?
I’ve seen people say “those people aren’t real fans” or “they don’t represent us” but they are and they do. There are Big Name Fans among the people sending her daily threats. These aren’t some randos, they’re people known in the SPN “family.” They absolutely goddamn DO represent the fandom as a whole because they are the fandom’s spokespeople. And Fandom has done nothing to stop them or anyone else from doing what they’ve been doing every day for LITERALLY OVER TEN YEARS.
There are people who have grown up hating another fan and trying to get her to kill herself. There are people who are dedicated to destroying the life of a workaday artist simply because they can’t stand to see how good she is. These people are succeeding, and all SPN fandom has done is fight back against Elicia.
“Not ALL fans!” they scream, as they try to discredit her.
“Not ALL fans!” they scream, as they call her a fake, an alarmist. As they accuse her of blowing it out of proportion or making it up to get attention.
“Not ALL fans!” they scream, as they demand she break open her life and produce evidence that they’ll turn around and say is fake.
“They don’t represent us,” they claim, as they turn around and reblog something from one of Elicia’s attackers.
“Sounds fake to me,” claim her attackers, as their fawning admirers gush and agree.
The SPN “family” is slowly killing Elicia. She has bleeding ulcers caused by fandom that she can’t get treated because she can’t afford it. And she can’t afford it in part because this wonderful supportive “family” sabotages every attempt she makes to make money off her art. She has a house full of burst pipes and spreading mold that she can’t afford to fix and can’t afford to move. She has cats she’s trying to take care of in addition to herself, but money is scarce and every morning she wakes up to in inbox full of “go kill yourself already” and “I can’t wait until you finally die” and “nobody cares about you, stupid bitch.”
TEN. YEARS. This has been going on for over ten years and it isn’t fake and it isn’t exaggerated, and it isn’t going to just go away. And every time someone tells her to do something obvious like “just turn off anons” and she snaps at them, there’s a good chance that those people turn around and join the attack. HOW DARE she not be grateful to them? HOW DARE she not publish all the nice things they’ve said? HOW DARE she exist?
It’s an endless cycle of violence. And every time someone acts as if she’s responsible for this or that it’s her fault this is happening because she didn’t do This Thing all it does is add to the load of shit she’s already bearing.
None of this is her fault. It’s yours. It’s ours. All of us. Even if we aren’t in SPN fandom we still allow this culture of violence to continue. “That’s just the way fandoms are,” we say, as we shrug it off and move on. “If you don’t like it, don’t particitate,” we say, as if it’s ever that easy. Elicia doesn’t have the luxury of moving on, not when she’s under constant siege.
It’s time to stop pretending everything is okay. It’s time to stop pretending this is normal. Things need to change before it’s too late. Stop burying your head up your ass and do something. Speak up. Speak out. Call out bad behavior when you see it. Stop coddling the monsters and punishing the innocent.
If you can afford to, you can also help Elicia by buying her a ko-fi. You can reblog her art. You can support her without expecting her to grovel at your feet or expecting her to provide evidence of wrongdoing. You can LISTEN. And you can ACT. Enough is enough.
23 notes · View notes
my9percent · 6 years
This is for the anon who requested a high school scenario with Zhengting. Sorry for not updating so often but do know that requests are open for Nine Percent and all the other IP trainees!
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           Everything was starting to blur together. Fonts, colors, words and faces. They were all swirling together into the biggest mess of the century and you regretted the day when you accepted the role of editor of the student yearbook. It was because you were artsy and voted Most Organized of your year, but little did your teachers know, you had barely any interest in the position.
           The yearbook was going to be a monster of a masterpiece. It was leather bound (the result of your endless begging and ten page proposals asking for budget from the treasurer), and you managed to make connections through your uncle to find a printing company willing to give you golden engraved letters. It was set to be one hundred pages, half of it filled with official photos of your peers, and the other filled with blank pages for messages and also picture memories that were submitted.
           However, all of that meant you had to spend countless hours shifting through the photographs, trying to identify everyone and also making sure that no person appeared on the same page more than three times. That was the principle’s rule.
           There was one person who seemed to be making that job difficult. He was everywhere. You sighed and flipped through the yearbook, trying to find him in your class of eight hundred. Where could he be? All the names were in alphabetical order and when you neared the end, you saw that there were two people with the same photo. You let out an internal groan.
           “Zhou Yanchen, Zhu Zhengting.” You have vaguely heard of both people before but heaven help you if you knew one from the other. All your problems would be solved if you could ask someone but the teachers had asked you keep the pictures used in the yearbook secret. Instead, you would have to ask around and hope that your friends had photos of either one of them.
           For a school this big, even the popular kids seemed to have flown underneath the radar. One look at the boy’s megawatt smile and you knew he must be somebody well known in the school. It was a shame the two hundred or so people on your Facebook friends list didn’t know him.
           It was frustrating. Your school separated everyone by prospective majors and so it only made sense that the people you knew only knew the people in your major. It was an endless cycle and so you decided over the weekend that you would spend a good part of your break time stalking the buildings of the other subjects.
           You were huffing by the time you reached the other end of the campus. Each school was separated by what seemed to be a million acres of greenery. The principals really did not want the students from the majors comingling. The dance school was more modern than the other buildings and you admired the wall to ceiling tinted glass.
           “Need help?” You whirled around to see a guy looking at you. He was smiling and you immediately recognized his face.
           “Finally,” you breathed before you realized that it was an odd response to his question.
           The boy’s face raked over your school uniform and he raised an eyebrow. “You’re from here. Another major?” The slight change in his tone made you realize that your response earlier probably seemed a little demanding and self-entitled.
           “Sorry. I’m the editor for the yearbook and I was actually looking for you.”
           His face contorted in surprise. “For me?”
           “Yes. What’s your name?”
           At this question, the corner of his lips quirked. “You said you’re looking for me, and yet you don’t even know my name. Are you sure you found the right person?”
           The long walk and the frustration through the weeks was starting to bubble up. You took a deep breath and chanted to yourself to be polite. “Are you Zhou Yanchen or Zhu Zhengting? The two of you have the same photo and now I need to correct the mistake and find out whose photo it is that I have a duplicate of.”
           The boy grinned. “What if I told you I was neither?”
           He was playing with you; you knew it. “Well I spent thirty hours matching all the names and yours are the only ones that are wrong. So please tell me which one you are.”
           He swung his backpack playfully over his right shoulder before leaning in. “And what do I get out of it?”
           You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes. “Well for starters, you actually get to have your proper name in the yearbook, and the other guy gets to have his actual photo in there because right now, there are two of you.”
           The boy chuckled. “Then let it be. Yanchen can live without his face in the official photobook. He wasn’t feeling well the day the photos were being taken. Besides, he’s more than represented in the other pats, I’m sure.”
           But you had long stopped listening to him ramble. The moment you heard him say Yanchen’s name, you had made the deduction that the one in front of you was Zhu Zhengting. It was now a matter of tracking down the other and getting the official photo.
           “Hey, where are you going?” he called as you started down the hill to head back to your dorms.
           “Thanks, Zhengting! That’s all I needed!” If you had turned back, you would have seen the dancer staring at you wistfully as you disappeared through the field.
           It was the last day before publication and you were exempt from your classes Your task was to spend the entire day in the cramped office, going through every minute detail to ensure that there was nothing wrong once the expensive production was complete. It was hour seven and only two in the afternoon. Again, you reaffirmed that this would be the last time you let teachers volunteer you for something.
           Your eyes were blurring. All the stiff, smiling faces were beginning to merge together and you started to wonder why all high school students all looked alike. There was a knock on your door and your head shot up.
           Before you could even tell the person to come in, the intruder already did. It was Zhengting and he was holding a brown bag that smelled amazing. “Hey,” he smiled. “It’s me, Zhengting.”
           You couldn’t help the sarcastic comment. “Oh so now you’re willing to tell me your name.”
           He managed to look absolutely contrite. “I’m sorry. But I brought a gift. I heard from someone else in the art department that you were holed up here so I figured you needed a break. Do you mind having lunch with me?” Even though his mouth was asking the question, his hands were already unwrapping the boxes to reveal bento boxes filled with food.
           “Well, I suppose. If you so insist.”
           The introvert in you was panicking. What would you even say to him? What is there to say to him? Why was he doing all this? As off-putting as he had been during your first encounter, Zhengting was nothing but a gentleman now. He placed the food in front of you and waited for you to start eating before beginning his own meal. You saw his eyes dart curiously around at the space and you grinned.
           “Are you looking for my staff because I’m really a one woman show.”
           He let out a low whistle. “Wow, so you’re the one who is going to single-handedly put together our book of memories? That’s amazing. You’re so impressive.”
           The compliments made you blush and you coughed. “Well, I had help from the student associations.”
           Zhengting hovered over the sample you had been pouring over for the last few months. “May I?”
           “You really shouldn’t but I guess you could if you promise not to breathe a word of the contents to anyone.”
           “Oooh, a secret. I love secrets.”
           His fingers etched across the embroidery and when he flipped to the page with his photo, he suddenly gave you a grave look. “Uh, I think you wrote my name wrong. That’s not me.”
           The rise of panic immediately made you choke on your food and you nearly grabbed the book away from him. “What do you mean?”
           It was clear that whatever joke he had been meaning to play evaporated the moment he saw you nearly die of asphyxiation. “Are you okay?” His hands patted your back and you finally caught a gasp of air.
           “Yes. Now tell me what’s wrong.”
           “I guess I’ll have to take you out to dinner as an apology because I swear, I just wanted to make a joke.”
           When your eyes narrowed at him, Zhengting quickly handed the yearbook back to you and swallowed. “Please, I promise to help you for the next however many hours, with no pranks, no jokes, all seriousness.”
           Despite how annoying he has been, you were still a big softie and his earnestness had earned him points. Without dropping the glare, but now softened by amusement, you threatened, “I swear if you put another toe out of line, I’ll mark your photo out and replace it with Yanchen’s.”
80 notes · View notes
velvetchen · 7 years
Anonymous | pt. vi [final]
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[ back to masterlist ]
Scenario: Tumblr AU Pairing: Chanyeol/Reader Word Count: 3804 Rating: T
Summary: Can you fall in love with someone you’ve never met? You just shot to tumblr fame when the latest chapter of your webtoon went viral. Messages start flooding in – hundreds of people saying things good and bad alike. One anon catches your eye, and you find you just have to reply to them…
<< previous part 
[6:44 PM] Jia: so have you replied yet? [6:51 PM] You: no [6:53 PM] Jia: it’s been three days the poor guy’s probably a shell of a man by now [6:54 PM] You: jIA [6:54 PM] You: HE’S AN IDOL [6:54 PM] Jia: oh yeah i forgot that means he doesn’t have a heart [6:55 PM] You: ugh stop [6:55 PM] You: okay maybe i should [6:56 PM] Jia: you should [6:56 PM] Jia: you will [7:09 PM] You: fine, i will
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EXO’s Chanyeol meets with fan?
Last night, photos of a certain idol meeting with a woman at night were posted on a blog. Since then, the photos have been removed from that site, but you can see them here. Chanyeol is wearing a black hoodie in an attempt to avoid being recognized but his face is clearly visible in the photo.
But, the photo is taken from opposite Chanyeol, so we can’t see who the woman is.
cr. to anonymous
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[10:04 PM] You: hey [10:04 PM] You: i’m sorry i kept you waiting so long [10:05 PM] You: i honestly didn’t know how to respond to that? [10:06 PM] You: even looking at the message is making me freak out >.<
C is typing…
[10:07 PM] C: it’s okay :) [10:08 PM] C: i wasn’t expecting anything don’t worry [10:08 PM] C: i just wanted to get it out [10:09 PM] C: i hope it’s not too weird now [10:11 PM] You: it’s a little weird but i think i’ll manage [10:11 PM] You: thank you for being honest [10:12 PM] You: you understand if i need some space, right?
[11:22 PM] C: yeah no problem
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Anonymous asked: You aren’t safe from us. Stay away from him
Anonymous asked: We know it’s you
Anonymous asked: Bitch leave Chanyeol alone
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You aren’t following this user. Do you want to report spam?
ssih943: It’s me again!
ssih943: Your biggest fan :)
ssih943: If you haven’t guessed already, I was the one who took those photos
ssih943: You’re welcome
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Posted on 3 December with 203 notes
Hi everyone! So I’m sure all of you know about the issue with me and a couple of anons that were giving me a hard time. I don’t want to confirm or deny anything in particular because it might trigger more hate, whatever I say, so I’m going to make this my last post on the topic. I’m also not going to answer any asks about this issue, the photos that were uploaded, or C. I hope you all can understand and help me sort this out on my own. Thank you!
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[9:33 AM] You: hey you there, can i talk to you? [9:49 AM] You: chanyeol?? [10:14 AM] You: are you there?
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Posted 4 December with 66 notes
Firstly, I swear I’ll get back to the theories as soon as this gets cleared up. I want to say I’m really worried about S (I’m sure you all are too). So I thought let’s get together and do our thing and find out who this anon is. And get them to back off once and for all.
Meanwhile, let’s send her supportive messages! Fighting! ~
A lot of you have been sending in messages about the reblogs on her posts. So far we have a bunch of users that have reblogged her posts with mean comments, but there’s only one anon that’s been uploading the photos/doxxing, and so far all of them just seem like regular blogs, half of them don’t even post SS. Keep looking guys!
Okay so I tried this thing
The blog that posted the photos? I traced it to a dead facebook account that had a few leftover posts. Aaaaand in the photos section, there’s a screenshot (unrelated) where in the corner you can see this icon
Which is for HideMe VPN. I cracked up, HideMe is The Worst VPN ever, this person must WANT us to find them.
So HideMe is specific to Korea, I know that much. And it offers five countries to hide your IP: the USA, the UK, Netherlands, Romania and Japan.
Coming to the next part of my plan: the SS blog has a pageview counter! So we can see who’s logged on and when. I’m going to monitor the pageview counter and see if there are any visitors from the HideMe countries. There are actual legit visitors from these countries I know, but I'm going to see if any of them correspond to the hate comments. I’ll update with progress as I go!
If any of you want to help me stakeout, you’re welcome to join! Shoot me a message on here or on my twitter. 
^^ This is an excellent idea! Shortcakes, please help El @sshortcakess out, I really think this might work!
It’s been a couple of hours and a lot of you have messaged me wanting to help, so thank you, guys! So far we have 130 hits from Japan (lol good luck with that), 30 or so from the USA, and 12 from the UK. I’m trying to see if I can message S and ask if anyone has sent anything recently.
Since this is a stalker anon I’m guessing they’ll be obsessively checking S’s blog, and since they’re from Korea obviously and S is also from Korea, they’ll most probably be checking from about 9am to 12am KST (UTC +9), because that’s when S is online. Sorry, my psych major is showing, hehe. I’ll try this and then update. 
Update: S replied to me! She said the blogs oo3043j and ssih943 have both been messaging her pretending to be the ‘stalker’. They’re both empty bot-like blogs but I’m looking around for something I can use to track them.
I’ve created a fake tumblr to follow both of those blogs, because they like every single one of S’s posts and I can try to get a read on where they are.
More updates to come!
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[1:12 AM] C: sorry, i was on a flight! [1:13 AM] C: going to be a bit busy for the next few weeks, comeback promotions [1:14 AM] C: hey now that you know who i am, you can listen to our music!
[1:55 AM] You: oh don’t worry, i understand :) [1:55 AM] You: take care of yourself please ~
[3:23 AM] C: i will!
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[12:15 PM] You: hey! [12:15 PM] You: we haven’t talked in a few days, is everything good?
[3:35 PM] C: oh sorry, S [3:35 PM] C: i’ve been really busy! promotions are tiring me out a lot [3:35 PM] C: i hope you can find it in your loving, generous heart to forgive me T_T
[3:59 PM] You: lol don’t worry! [4:00 PM] You: i hope you’re taking care of yourself
[5:19 PM] You: hey, chanyeol?
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[5:26 PM] You: jia, do you think he’s avoiding me? [5:27 PM] You: sent a photo [5:27 PM] You: i mean he did say he was busy but it’s been three days [5:28 PM] You: and he wanted me to text him
[5:46 PM] Jia: okay Y/N to be honest [5:46 PM] Jia: you’re as thick as a wall sometimes [5:47 PM] Jia: firstly you stomped all over his love confession [5:47 PM] Jia: then you asked him to “give you space”, which he did, like some kind of unearthly gentleman [5:48 PM] Jia: now you’re bothering him during comeback promotions and expecting him to reply as usual??? [5:48 PM] Jia: don’t you think you’re being sort of selfish? [5:48 PM] You: well when you put it that way… [5:49 PM] Jia: and he’s STILL being nice to you [5:50 PM] Jia: damn you have it good [5:50 PM] You: i guess i am being kind of selfish ;-; [5:51 PM] You: but i don’t know what to do [5:52 PM] You: i just want things to go back to how they were when we started talking [5:52 PM] You: everything’s just happening too quickly [5:53 PM] You: the stalker, the hate, his confession? [5:53 PM] You: i don’t think i want this [5:55 PM] Jia: okay let’s take this one step at a time [5:56 PM] Jia: the stalker and the hate? you can’t do anything about that right now [5:56 PM] You: you’re right [5:56 PM] Jia: but with chanyeol? you can! [5:57 PM] Jia: do you want him or not? [5:58 PM] Jia: really think about it, because i don’t think you guys will be able to keep in contact if you reject him
[6:06 PM] You: i don’t know, jia [6:07 PM] You: i think i might like him too
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Posted on 7 December with 166 notes
Hey guys! I’ve been invited to a WEBTOON special fanmeet in Seoul this Saturday! If you’re there, I’d really love to meet you! You’ll also get to see your other favorite authors, like mika-chan, essstar, and quimchi! The event will begin at 9 am (KST, of course) and if you’re lucky you’ll get to have lunch with us! I look forward to meeting you all!
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[6:17 PM] Jia: are you sure?
[6:21 PM] You: i don’t know ;-; [6:22 PM] Jia: okay now the relationship queen (me) is going to ask you three questions [6:23 PM] You: go for it [6:25 PM] Jia: how often do you smile during your conversations? [6:26 PM] You: pretty often actually [6:26 PM] You: more than i thought i did [6:26 PM] You: does this mean i like him? oh no [6:27 PM] Jia: shhh i’m not done yet [6:27 PM] Jia: did you think he was attractive? [6:28 PM] You: what kind of question is that hahaha [6:28 PM] You: of course i did [6:30 PM] Jia: okay last question [6:30 PM] Jia: if you didn’t know each other at all, and you met on the street [6:31 PM] Jia: pretend he’s not an idol just for this [6:32 PM] Jia: if he asked you out just like that without you knowing him, would you say yes?
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Anonymous asked: you’re already having your second fan meet! I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to see you there -hand anon xx
Ahaha I can’t wait to see you too, hand anon! I hope you’ve washed my autograph off so I can sign it again!
Anonymous asked: is C coming to your fansign lol 6v6
I’m not discussing him sorry
jinhosgf asked: i printed out the entire first episode for you to sign this time! - hand anon xx
Ahhh why the first episode (it’s my least favorite) I’ll sign it for you, though! <3
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[7:14 PM] You: you know, i think i would [7:15 PM] You: i would
[7:19 PM] Jia: you have your answer then. go get him! [7:19 PM] Jia: ;)
[7:45 PM] You: hey, chanyeol [7:46 PM] You: i really hate bothering you like this [7:46 PM] You: but it’s kind of important, can we talk?
[9:12 PM] You: chanyeol?
[10:55 PM] You: hey, you okay?
[1:06 AM] You: are you avoiding me? :(
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Posted on 8 December with 29 notes
Okay! Update, finally. I’ve narrowed it down to three IP addresses that have been the most frequent visitors from the mentioned countries. A little bit of hacking (shhh, I learnt it in my White-Hat course, I’m a licensed ethical hacker FYI) and I’ve confirmed that one of the three users is from Seoul! It has to be them, otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to stalk S irl - she lives in Seoul. Thank you guys for all your help! I couldn’t have done it without you!
tags: #i’d tag all of you but some of you wanted to stay anonymous #i’ve told S that i found the stalker #we’ll see if she replies #if she’s okay with it #i’ll investigate the identity of the stalker #hopefully stalker doesn’t try to go to the fan meet #my post #strawberryshortcakecomic #strawberrystalkerscandal
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[5:25 AM] C: i’m not avoiding you [5:25 AM] C: i told you i’m really busy, i’m not available to talk [5:26 AM] C: honestly, you’re being a little insensitive [5:27 AM] C: also, you rejected me and now you still want to be friends like nothing happened? [5:27 AM] C: i’m sorry but i can’t do that [5:28 AM] C: either you want me or you don’t [5:28 AM] C: don’t do this to me. i’m stressed enough already
[8:13 AM] You: chanyeol i’m sorry i was sort of drunk and it was the middle of the night [8:13 AM] You: i didn’t think you would take it like this
C is typing…
[8:14 AM] C: that’s no excuse [8:14 AM] C: if you were drunk, then you really meant what you said [8:15 AM] C: and you didn’t think i’d take it like this? [8:15 AM] C: what’s that supposed to mean? [8:16 AM] C: of course i’d take it like this [8:16 AM] C: you can’t take advantage of me [8:18 AM] You: i’m really sorry please talk to me [8:18 AM] You: like i said, i have something important to tell you
[8:34 AM] C: i don’t want to hear it right now [8:34 AM] C: i’d like it if you left me alone
Calling C…
The person you have dialed has rejected your call.
Calling C…
The person you have dialed has rejected your call.
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Calling C…
“Chanyeol, are you there?”
Call ended 0:08
Calling C…
This number is switched off.
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Posted on 10 December with 12 notes
I’m at the venue! It’s not time for the doors to open yet, but I see a lot of you here! I wanted to express my thanks to you all for coming and supporting me, despite the events of the past month. I feel a connection to all of you, and I’m grateful I have you in my life.
tags: #s liveblogs #seoulwebtoonfanmeet
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Posted on 10 December with 34 notes
On S’s request, I’ve investigated the stalker’s profile and identity. StrawberryStalker is 19-year-old Lee Da-eun from Seoul, and on top of harassing S, she’s had three warnings for public misconduct and another two for underage drinking. She’s a sasaeng fan of EXO’s and has been seen at several of their showcases with “hate” signs. She stalked EXO’s Sehun for a month when she was sixteen and spied on their dorms with a camera, which she was given disciplinary action for. You might have also seen k-articles about her leaking the dorm photos on her twitter.
tags: #we’re dealing with a pro here guys #she’s not on the guestlist for the fanmeet according to webtoons #but you never know #S be careful! #strawberryshortcakecomic #strawberrystalkerscandal
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[2:07 PM] You: just finished the fan meet + lunch :) [2:08 PM] You: it went so well [2:11 PM] Jia: i’m glad! [2:11 PM] Jia: sorry i couldn’t make it [2:12 PM] You: no worries, you’re here in my heart <3 [2:13 PM] Jia: too cheesy [2:13 PM] You: i know [2:13 PM] You: so cheesy my stomach hurts [2:14 PM] Jia: lol [2:16 PM] You: hold on [2:16 PM] You: my stomach actually hurts? [2:17 PM] You: shit jia it hurts really bad [2:18 PM] Jia: oh my god, what did you eat? [2:19 PM] Jia: Y/N??? [2:21 PM] You: i didn’t eat anything spoilt or bad if that’s what you’re asking [2:22 PM] You: it was super spicy  [2:22 PM] You: but nobody complained and they’re all fine now [2:23 PM] Jia: hold on, i’ll call you and talk you through it
Jia is calling…
“Shit, Y/N, you do not sound okay.”
“I feel...really nauseous. And - ugh -”
“Did you just throw up? Y/N? Shit!”
“Oh my god, oh my god-”
“What is it?”
“Jia, it’s blood, oh my god, I just threw up blood, what do I do?”
“Okay, calm down! Do you have any other symptoms?”
“I feel really lightheaded, and...and…It’s hard to breathe...”
“Oh god. Y/N, hold on, I’m calling an ambulance.”
“No! I’m fine!”
“You are not fine, you’re throwing up blood!”
“Y/N? Are you there?”
“Hang on, Y/N, the ambulance is on its way-”
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You opened your eyes and immediately shut them. The light was too blinding. Groaning, you braced yourself and tried again.
The first thing you noticed was the cannula in your peripheral vision. Then, the steady beeping of something in the background. A pinch in the crook of your left elbow, which was held straight by a strap at your wrist.
“She’s awake.” You tried to lift your head to find the source of the voice, but the movement was too hard. “Her face looks fine. Blood is clean. Blood pressure slightly below normal, but within the limits, so she should be fine. You don’t need to worry.”
“Oh, thank god.” That was Jia. “Can I go in?”
Something else was murmured, and then you heard two pairs of footsteps walk in and stop by your bed. An unfamiliar face leaned over you and pulled down your eyelids to examine your eyes.
“Jia?” You croaked after the doctor had leaned away.
You felt her hand slip into yours. “Y/N. Hey. You’re okay now.”
“What happened?” Your throat felt ripped open and dry. You coughed. “Can I have some water?”
The doctor muttered something to Jia, then walked away. Her fingers rubbed soothing circles into your palm. “Cyanide poisoning, Y/N. You were extremely lucky you survived.”
Your world stopped. “Poisoning? Cyanide?”
“Yes. Someone messed with your food at the fanmeet.”
You couldn’t wrap your head around it. “...Fanmeet.”
“Yesterday. You’ve been in the hospital for a day and a half. You were in a coma by the time they got to you. It was still soon enough that they could find out it was cyanide poisoning. If they hadn’t got to you in time, you would have died.”
“Mhmm. They couldn’t find out initially because I told them you had been throwing up blood. Turns out the blood and the stomachache were because you also swallowed glass powder in your food.”
Your blood ran cold; you felt dizzy. “It was the stalker?”
Jia shifted closer. “Lee Da-eun, right? She was at the fanmeet. It was her. I’m sorry, Y/N.” She sighed. “In a way, she also saved your life. If she hadn’t put in the glass powder, you wouldn’t have noticed something was wrong in time.”
You groaned again. “Jia, that’s not a good thing.”
“I know! I didn’t say it was. Hey, are you sure you want to-” She winced as you shifted, moving stiffly, avoiding the IV sticking out of your arm.
With great effort, you sat up, leaning on your pillow. “I’m okay.” Then you looked to your right and froze. Slumped in a hospital chair, fast asleep, was Chanyeol, his hoodie pulled up over his bright red hair and his gangly limbs hanging off the seat. “What’s...what’s he doing here?”
Jia gave you a soft smile. “He came to see you,” she said. “He’s been here all night.” You glanced at the clock - it was three in the early morning. Despite your fight, despite his busy life, had he really come here to see you?
“Tell me I’m dreaming.” At that, Chanyeol stirred. You watched as he blinked his eyes open and nearly fell out of his chair, scrambling back up at the last second.
He met your eyes. “You’re awake.” His voice, deep and raspy from sleep, gave you an involuntary shiver. He looked at Jia. “She’s awake.”
Jia smiled knowingly. “I’ll leave you alone.” She stepped out quietly, shutting the door behind her. Now it was just you, Chanyeol, and an awkward silence.
You cleared your throat and started to speak at the same time as he did.
“Thank you-”
“I’m sorry-”
You both burst into laughter, him into a nervous chuckle, you into a tiny giggle that ended with a cough. “You first,” he said, eyes gentle, smile gentler, as he looked at you.
You blushed. “Thank you for coming to see me. It means a lot. I know we weren’t in a good spot, and you’re busy, but you still came. So thank you.”
“I would have come even if I was halfway around the world. I mean it.” He meant it. “I’m sorry I was rude to you earlier.”
You snorted. “You? Rude? Yeah, and I’m part of EXO.”
Chanyeol grinned, eyes twinkling. “So I’m forgiven?”
“There’s nothing to forgive.” You smiled back.
A moment passed. “So, are you going to tell me that important thing?”
Again, you felt heat rush to your face. “I, uh. I was thinking a lot. And…”
“Ilikeyouback,” you said quickly, the words slurring. “As in. I like you, the same way you like me.”
You hadn’t seen anything more wonderful than the happiness that dawned on his face like the sun. His grin grew impossibly wider, his eyes turning into little half-moons. “You do?”
“I do.” You bit your lip.
“Well, now I really hate myself for not listening to you earlier.”
You laughed, patting the side of the bed. “Come here.” He obliged, moving his chair closer until he was at the edge. You held out your hand, and he took it.
“I think we should start over,” you said slowly, and he nodded. “Hi, I’m Y/N, and I’m your biggest fan.”
“Hi, Y/N. I’m Chanyeol. What a coincidence, I’m your biggest fan too.”
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Posted on 15 December with 559 notes
I really hate to announce this, but in the light of what’s happened, I have to. I will be leaving tumblr to focus on real life and making SS better. However, I’ll still be posting on WEBTOON. After today, this blog will be deactivated. 
To answer the hundreds of questions piled up in my inbox, here’s a small FAQ: 
What happened? Long story short, I was poisoned by the EXO sasaeng who’d been stalking me and C for the past month. She’s in jail now. I’m not in any more danger from her.
Am I okay? Yes! If it weren’t for some incredible doctors, I would be dead right now. I was in the hospital for a few days, but now I’m much better and I’m back at home, ready to crank out the next few chapters of SS!
What about C? Let me just say that YoonJin isn’t the only ship that’s sailed. C is, in fact, Chanyeol from EXO, and here is an interview where he officially announces our relationship! I’m excited to see where it goes, and for the next episode of my life. 
What now? Well, the next update of SS, of course! It’s up on WEBTOON!
I love you all so much and I’ll see you soon! <3
~ S
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a/n: ahhhhhhh it’s OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
poll about possible sequel/spinoff: pls vote!
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franeridart · 7 years
Would you ever consider uploading your Kekkai Sensen piece onto Redbubble? My friend and I are massive fans and I would love to own a print or tshirt with it on it!
Done! Just click on available products to see all the stuff it’s on! :D and thank you for liking it!!!
Anon said:YESSSSS qlu is such a good fic!!!! literally the writing is.... so good and so in char!!!! loved seeing art of it!!!!!!
YAH!!!! Asma’s one of my top favorite bakushima writers, she’s got such a good grasp on them and her storytelling style is always incredibly on point, I love reading her stuff so much !!
Anon said:I highkey love your art.
Anon said:Ahh I saw art of that scene before and thought I was content with that but OMFG YOURS IS FUCKING AMAZING
THANKS I’m super glad you liked it!!!! You shouldn’t make that sort of comparisions tho, anon :O 
Anon said:I honestly love the fatgum fam so much (they're actually the only reason I'm reading the series alongside Tsuchako; I saw your pictures of them, fell in love, and proceeded to speed through the manga in hopes of seeing them) and seeing your art of them makes my day.
OH BOY I’m happy you liked that one!!!! And I hope you’re enjoying reading bnha regardless of whether the fatfam or tsu and uraraka are on screen, anon !!!!
Anon said:I'm ganna scream if none of the bakusquad members end up running through those doors and tackle Kiri tbh, especially Mina considering we had a flashback to her during his fight
I would actually point more towards Kaminari being the most probable one to react on screen, since he’s always got something to say in scenes like this one - and in general towards Kami, Baku and Sero being the ones to... confront? Kirishima specifically about this mission, not because I don’t want Mina to be there too! But generally as far as past arcs go Mina seems to be more part of the girls group than anything, and since Tsuyu and Uraraka were there too she might be between the ones reacting to Tsu and Ura more specifically (like she was the one to fawn over the two of them after their first day of internship) while Sero, Baku and Kami were the ones to react on screen to Unbreakable AND the ones Kiri spoke to about his insecurities to begin with... then again, given the flashback I do hope Mina will be proud of him on screen......... aaaahhhhhhhh I guess we won’t know until Horikoshi will finally show us, will we? ;u;
Anon said:slides you one (1) dollar and half a corn chip, "so um tododeku?" ps your art is beautiful and soft I love
Thank you! And I guess I do have a tag for them? Tho it’s mostly old stuff.... ahhhhhh it is my fav Deku ship, so I might draw more in the near future! Keep the dollar and half corn chip for now haha
Anon said:hello! that food that you drew looks?? delicious??? i would gladly eat it,, anyway sorry for the weird message! have a nice day!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH it was seriously fun to draw too, I’m happy you like how it came out!!!!!
Anon said:YOUR HAIKYUU ART AAA I LOVE!!! 💕💕and also bnha just,, that tALENT MY GUY👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 kill me now pls 😍😍
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:pls draw some miritama!!!
In the future, for sure! They’re one of my favorite bnha ships, after all!!
Anon said:THE MATSUHANA!!! yes, bless that post, thank you for seijou third years
Anon said:I just wanted to say that when I am in a depressed funk your art always makes me feel a bit better :)
Ahhhh boi that does mean the world to me!!! I’m so happy I can help you out a bit, anon!! ;u;
I’m sOBBING thank Y O U ;O;
Anon said:I really miss ur haikyuu stuff but u have stopped doing 'em... draw something for me please?😽
Can I ask you to not, like, dismiss the fact that I have, in fact, been drawing haikyuu? Aside from the last one, since I got this ask before posting that, but in the past month as I have made present more than once in answer to asks exactly like this one I HAVE been drawing haikyuu again - you think it makes me feel good to have hours of work been treated as if they never happened? That it makes me want to draw more? Just to have even more people come in my inbox and ask me why I’m not drawing haikyuu anymore, as if the stuff I drew doesn’t even exist? If you meant this ask as in “you’ve stopped drawing only that”, then I’m sorry, but bnha is the fandom that’s making me the happiest at the moment, I’m not stopping drawing for it. I am willing to draw more haikyuu, when I feel inspired to do so, but only if you guys stop treating hours of work as if they never existed. It’s really, really not a good feeling, nor something I have the wish to feel any more than strictly necessary - if the stuff I draw has to end up ignored anyway, then I’m just straight out not gonna draw it anymore
Anon said:Bi i love your art a whole bunch
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!! ;u; thank you lots!!!!!!!
Anon said:I cry, everyone you draw is so pretty and the background in that bakushima pick you posted a few days ago was amazing (the starry one, where they're holding hands), I stared at it for hours.
BOI I’M SUPER HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE !!!!!!!!!! I was really unsure about it but seeing you guys like it is making me incredibly happy!!!!
Anon said:your KiriBaku Baccano AU is everything I never knew I needed mostly because I didn't think anyone else remembered that anime
You and me both, anon! The baccano fandom sure is a silent one, despite its name hahaha 
(..........................baccano means racket in italian, ignore me)
Anon said:can you draw bakugou finding out kiri's in the hospital? ily
I’ve drawn stuff sorta for that scenario thrice already (x x x) but for anything more specific I’m gonna have to ask you to wait for after I’ll know for sure if Horikoshi will give me a canon version of that or not! I really do hope to get that scene in canon, but if Hori will fail me I’ll most probs fill the void for myself again haha
Anon said:GOSH the way you draw kaminari is so CUTE
Anon said:we saw Kirishima recently being taken on that stretcher, how do you think bakugo would have reacted to Kirishima being that hurt (assuming they're in love at this point) ?
Again, I’m gonna answer this one once I’ll know for sure Horikoshi won’t give me the canon version! If we’re lucky we’ll know in a couple of days !!!!! ;u;
Anon said:AAAA THE LIL MUMMY KIRI!! The newest chapter ended me, Horikoshi owns my soul and he aiNT TREATING IT RIGHT!
Anon said:Is it me or is Kaminari's fringe slowly taking over his face? I love it!
If you’re talking about my art, then yeah, sorta! Thank you for liking it! Tho I have to admit I’ve kind of always drawn it like that, I don’t understand in a practical way how with his parting that far on the side his fringe doesn’t fall in front of his eye and that sort of subconsciously ends up showing in the way I draw him haha
Anon said:i praise lord yeezy everyday for how much kiribaku you draw, you're the real mvp 🙏🙏🙏
;O; thank you my friend, you’re way too nice!!!!!
Anon said:I have that headcanon that Bakugou actually uses LOTS of emojis in his texts. Kirishima is stunned when he first finds out (and no one believes him)
If you’re talking about emojis and not kaomojis then I’m with you on that lmao mostly cause I feel like Bakugou would be a really lazy texter but would at the same time be the type to dislike writing without capitals or proper punctuation and so on, so to avoid having to put actual effort into texting he just answers (when he answers) using one single emoji and thats it. It’s up to his interlocutor to understand what he meant with it. Up until now the only people who get it 100% of the times are Kirishima, Sero and surprisingly Todoroki.
Then again, I do think you meant kaomojis lmao
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xennariel · 7 years
fanfic asks: all.
lol Thanks! This took me forever.
1. Do you have a word-count goal for 2018? - Not really, but another 100k would be nice to achieve.
2. Will you participate in any fandom exchanges or fic challenges, etc?- Hopefully Royai Week again and Royai Halloween week since I just was feeling crappy and was too busy to do it last year.
3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom in 2018? Which one? - Not really. I have been meaning to delve into WoW fanfiction for a few years now, so maybe that, but it’ll probably just be FMA and my own stuff again because I’m a loser. lol
4. Do you think you’ll stop writing for a fandom in 2018? Which one? - Who knows. It seems like my fics aren’t entertaining anymore or whatever, but I lost quite a few readers in 2017 so that may end up being a deciding factor in whether I continue FMA fanfiction or not. As of now, I don’t think I’ll stop writing for the series though.
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet? - I would really really like to finish Through Eyes of Flame, but it still has a long way to go and, again, because of lack of readers, my motivation to write it is very very low. I’ve had the next chapter halfway completed since September and every time I look at it to try to write for it, I just give up and work on something else. I’ve been working on that fic for almost two years and I just want to finish it already. I think I posted a snippet before, but here’s a bit of the chapter that’s been halfway done for months now:
Red light crackled around Gluttony’s wounds, each bullet hole closing within seconds. No matter how many vital points Riza hit with deadly accuracy, it all proved futile. The hulking homunculus held her off the ground by her throat as she continued to struggle and fire bullet after bullet into its skull. She grit her teeth as Gluttony’s hold on her neck tightened and the click click click of her gun’s trigger indicated she was out of ammo. She dropped her hand to her side and the gun fell to the ground with a clatter.
This was it. This was how she was going to die. She would no longer be able to protect Roy. But at least he would live. He would not be incriminated for what they were doing here. He would go on, working toward their goal without her, and that was enough for her.
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list? - I would love to start writing the Royai mermaid AU I’ve been thinking about a lot. Also perhaps my “Riza was an alchemist the whole time” au. I’ve had so many ideas for those that were stewing around all year, but I didn’t start them because I wanted to finish TEoF first.
7. Will you change anything about the way you interact with other writers? - Definitely try to comment more. I comment every chance I get, but sometimes I still can’t figure out what to say or have a weird anxiety build up that makes me not want to comment, so I want to work on that and make sure every fic I read gets at least an “I liked this” or something. Also if I wasn’t so anxious I’d strike up conversations more often on here with other writers, but I feel like I just annoy people so I avoid talking to anyone unless they talk to me first. It’s stupid, I know, but I just feel like they’d message me if they wanted to talk to me, you know? I need to work on that.
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is 2018 the year? - Ummmmm… I don’t think so? Well, scratch that, I have a lot of horror/tragedy/angsty ideas, but I can get very dark and I have found that I hold back quite a bit with fanfiction in that department. Like… I feel like people would avoid me and not read my stuff if it got that dark so I tend to just write fluff and minor angsty one shots. I even held back on my fic Hollow because I felt like it was getting too dark so I cut a lot of stuff out, rushed it, and lightened it up a bit. I realize people like angst and such, but I worry about scaring off readers. It’s weird. SO, with that said, I would like to write some kind of fic that’s super dark, but I don’t know if anyone would read it. That’s what my original novel is for. lol
9. Short term goals… what do you hope to complete this week or in January? - I would love to get the next chapter for Through Eyes of Flame finished and posted by my birthday (Jan. 31). Other than that, I have no plans, but that might change if people send me prompts or something. An anon keeps sending me the prompt “May wasn’t there on the Promised Day and Roy has to burn Riza’s wounds closed.” I like the idea, but I’m not confident enough to write it. I know nothing about the nitty gritty medical details that would go into that so I feel like my attempt would be bad and unrealistic and honestly the only outcome I could see would be Riza dying anyway because burning an artery and just that whole area is bad news and wouldn’t end well, especially because Roy would probably be nervous and have shaky hands and mess up.
10. Will you keep a record of all the fics you write and/or post this year? - Probably not beyond posting them to FFNet and AO3. I never really thought about keeping a record of the stuff I write.
11. Would you like to try any new fanfic genres or tropes in 2018? - I think I answered this above, but more Angst and stuff in that vein.
12. Will you change anything about the way you edit or rewrite in 2018? - I want to get better at description and make my prose sound nicer. Right now, my writing is very straight forward and not flowery at all. I don’t necessarily like flowery writing as sometimes I have no idea what the author is trying to say if it gets too flowery and purple, but I feel like my writing is very lackluster and missing something. So I’d like to get better at showing and not telling more often.
13. Aside from fanfic, are there any other fan works you’d like to try creating? Fanart, or fanvids, gifsets, or podfic?- I’d love to get back into drawing far more often. I used to draw all the time in high school. I gave it up for so long after I graduated and I miss it. I only drew a few times last year, but I’d like to pick it up far more often. Like, maybe even do a monthly request type thing where I take requests once a month and draw for people instead of going for, like, five months and then being like “I feel like drawing, send in requests.” I’d just like to do it more often.
14. Have you ever lost large chunks of your work in the past, due to not backing up your work? Will you change your methods in 2018? - Oh yeah. I’ve lost so much stuff because my hard drives have crashed several times in the past, like, ten years. All my old original writing was lost to the void in high school when my Mac’s hard drive crashed for the first time. I did manage to print some of it off though, which I found recently, but it was only a fraction of what I had written in my high school years. It honestly wasn’t great anyway, but it’s still upsetting to lose stuff I worked on for years. It’s why I use Google Docs mostly now and I do have a thumb drive that I download stuff onto occasionally now.
15. Do you foresee any personal or professional obstacles in 2018, that would keep you from creating fanworks?- I really really want to finish my original novel, so fanfics might take a backseat to that if I feel like I’m not keeping up with it well enough. My dream is to be a published author, even if that means publishing myself. Also my dog isn’t doing so well recently and if his ailments progress as rapidly as they seem to be right now… Well I hope it doesn’t come to anything serious, but losing him might take a huge toll on me and I know I’ll probably fall into a serious depression for a long time. Which is why I want to finish my original novel as soon as possible, because I know if I lose him I’ll never finish my book, at least not for a few years.
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted? - Nope, I always post stuff, even if it’s a WIP multichapter. I tend to be proud of stuff and want to get it out to share it asap. It’s why lack of hits/comments/shares upsets me a lot of the time. I wouldn’t share my work if I wasn’t proud of it, but lack of hits and response makes me feel like everything I do is shit.
17. Do you typically answer all comments/reviews individually? Do you plan to change the way you interact with your readers this year? - Yes, especially on AO3. It’s a little harder on FFNet since you have to PM the person and I didn’t even realize you could respond like that until recently. I definitely plan to thank and respond to people individually more often so they know just how much I appreciate their comments.
18. Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method?- Honestly, I really should write the whole damn thing and then post it, but I post each chapter as I go. My problem is that I have a difficult time staying motivated to write something without feedback from people. It’s why writing my original stuff can be so hard at times. I really would like to finish a thing before I begin posting though because that way if I lose motivation, I don’t disappoint people by either not updating for a long time or never updating again.
19. Would you consider non-fandom writing events, like NaNoWriMo or writing contests?- I did Camp Nano where I managed to write 25k words for my original novel. It’s what really helped me get going with that. I wanted to do the actual NaNo event, but was depressed and busy during that time. I would like to do both this year though and maybe finish my book then (though I’d like to be done with my book sooner than that.)
20. Any plans to work on original fiction this year? - Yep, as I said before, I want to finish my book this year. Even if no one reads it, it’s been my dream since middle school to finish and publish it and this is the time I’m going to actually do it. No more sitting on it wishing it would just magically be written for me. Even if people don’t like it, I’m going to finish it because I like it.
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ryodan · 7 years
I was wondering what interested you about your religion enough to convert to it,I'm sorry if This is to personal a question,and I hope I haven't offended you.(I myself am not religious)
I am fine with personal questions, anon, so it’s okay. Well to be honest with you it was a lot of things that drew me to Islam. First off, I’d like to say that I’ve always been a very logical person. I like clear cut, direct facts, and that’s why I’m a physics student haha. When I was first in my ‘religion search phase’, most of the ones I had come across were based off spirituality and all these lovely things that I personally couldn’t find a religion in as they seemed more like an ideology than a religion to follow. I gave Judaism some thought, but although I have come to have a soft spot for their familial values, It wasn’t enough for me to convert. As for Christianity, and I know a lot of Christians say this chapter is allegorical, but I was ready to rule it out by the first chapter of the book of genesis. As I said as a person who likes facts, reading something like the Earth and plants were created first and then the sun was a bit too far fetched to commit to. I did continue reading, and searching, but that only made me shy away from it further. I think the quote i’d use her is ‘so you began to follow a religion and called it “love” in disguise because love can be good but love can be blind’. The worshiping of Jesus is also a man made invention so again, Christianity is a religion I heavily shy away from. When I came to read the Quran (I am half arab so I started reading it in Arabic, altho it was very hard at times, it is the only way to see its beauty, none arab Muslims get shown this beauty by either going through the steep road of learning Arabic, or us Arab speakers doing our prophet given duty of teaching the message of God to humanity when they ask to ofc) I think I was really surprised by how phonic and beautifully strung it is. The internal rhythm, the rhyming that lasted an entire chapter, the words were always strong, never even remotely colloquial, and I always still say the book you truly feel the power of a God from is the Quran, in fact in the shortest chapter of the quran there are 11 linguistic devices used in 3 words, including a prophecy that came true. And that is not even a new concept to the Quran, the language of it in itself is a miracle, there is a nice example of this in a lecture i quite like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84Z25CLXE1w. And a good chapter showing how phonic it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WvHMNuhH3Y   I also really appreciated how even if the words were incredibly poetic, it was still a very direct book. I liked the morals behind it. Equity, freedom of thought, justice, freeing of slaves, kindness, compassion, pity, tolerance, brotherhood, love, it’s peaceful but it’s not pacifist, the power of God truly comes to show in the format that’s like ‘here is why you should believe, here are things you should keep in mind if you do..if you dont want to, there is no compulsion in anything, its not exactly like God who created this entire universe needs you, but if you do want to save yourself from a hell so gruesome it makes your days on earth feel like hours,then I suggest you have an open mind’. I also liked the story of creation, in the sense that it wasn’t a damnation onto Earth as in the bible, I also liked how the angels themselves predicted how humanity would act with the blood shed and corruption. Stories of prophets even though had their fair share of glittery miracles, were still logical. For example: Jesus’s birth in the Quran is a lot less fun than in the bible, there are no mangers or Josephs or singing angels, it’s a woman in hard labor, in the middle of the desert screaming in agony, at some point even hoping she would just die instead of face all of this pain and probable future humiliation on her own, until God comforts in a miracle her through her own child, and surprisingly it feels a whole lot more authentic and touching than a singing angel. I personally prefer this to be the first miracle rather than water to wine one haha ‘So she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote place.And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said, “Oh, I wish I had died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten.” But he called her from below her, “Do not grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream. And shake toward you the trunk of the palm tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates.So eat and drink and be contented. And if you see from among humanity anyone, say, ‘Indeed, I have vowed to the Most Merciful abstention, so I will not speak today to [any] man.’ ”Then she brought him to her people, carrying him. They said, “O Mary, you have certainly done a thing unprecedented.O sister of Aaron, your father was not a man of evil, nor was your mother unchaste.”So she pointed to him. They said, “How can we speak to one who is in the cradle a child?”[Jesus] said, “Indeed, I am the servant of God . He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet. And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and charity as long as I remain alive And [made me] dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me a wretched tyrant.And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive.”
Okay, so if there are so many miracles which seem outside the scope of logic, and you are a person of science how did you convert? I think the actual time where I started crying realizing I was already a Muslim was when I was reading the verse ‘And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.‘. The Quran is full of science that in no way shape or form was known to the 7th century arabians living in a desert. From the expansion of the universe, to the embryonic development, to the orbit of the planets, to the reflection of light and to the finger prints we have. There is a video mentioning most of the scientific miracles of the Quran here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d16CpWp-ok&t=304s. It also predicted battle outcomes after the prophets death, and identified points in the land that were yet to be known to humanity and then it hit me that all of this was revealed to man 1400 years ago,to a man who could not read or write but would just recite what he was told. That was when I fell in love with not only the merciful God of islam (who said when he first created the universe he decreed upon himself that his mercy precedes his anger) but truly the greatest man to have walked this earth Mohammed Ibnu Abdullah. If I were to explain this mans appeal, and how strong his message was I’d use his followers to vouch for it, The first muslims were tortured severely, and the first martyr in Islam was  a woman named Sumayah, who was stabbed in her privates,spat on, and murdered but she still would not go back on her faith no matter what they did to her. Another story of a companion,a black slave called Bilal Ibn Rabah who was forced to labor with a sizzling hot rock on his back, as well as whipped and yet proclaimed ‘ahad, ahad’ ‘one God, one God’ to the pagans of Arabia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49SpfNxy4_8 
what drew them individually to Islam was (at first) the man who’s message demanded for womens rights at a time were women were buried alive, and demanded rights for black people saying that there is no difference between a black man and a white man except by righteousness and good action. He was soft and lenient, but still a respected leader. A man who he didnt even let animal rights out of his sight, forbidding his followers from even showing the cattle the knife when you slay it to eat it as not to scare it ‘you have no right to kill the animal twice’, a man who entered the city that tortured him, threw him out with his head hung low saying ‘today is the day of forgiveness’ , a man who walked through a city that stoned him until his shoe was filed with his blood yet harbored no ill feelings to the people, saying there might be a future believer among them, a man who just as God stated is ‘a mercy to all of man kind’ Here is a series about him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al8VKtn3ilI and a slam poem about terrorists tainting his name https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQVMdh6d3h0
Reading his stories, his sayings and the book of God that he recited made me whole heartedly believe in this religion. Islam brings me ease of mind, I love it more and more the more I read and search into it (i recommend the blog @partytilfajr for clearing up any questions you might have and I can help in any way too), it makes reasonable and scientific sense and yet it is such a beautiful miraculous message. It mixes ideology and faith, but still encourages free thinking and freedom and I am proud to say I have submitted my will to God and I bear witness that there is only one God and Mohammed is his final messenger 😊 
To my past atheist self I say
He Was The Creator of the Universe, for all we know even Moreand So Whatif we can’t see him, i mean what you acting like our universe is smalli mean there still so much we’re still yet to explorei mean there’s still so many things as human beings we still haven’tseentouchedheardor sawi mean our eyes can’t even handle the sight of the Sunso how can we possibly handle the sight of our Lord
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