real-artemis · 1 year
the annoying thing about ska fans is that they're so optimistic that they'll completely forget about everything that happened in the ska scene before they were alive. its getting better with the 4th wave nowadays but damn...the 90s kids ONLY remember the 90s...
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moneymartin · 3 months
jealous possessive Lottie hcs?:3
🦌- jealous!lottie hcs
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used nat as the punching bag here but this includes every other yj or wtv. this is so lowk kinda long sry i got lured in real deep. also probably makes no sense lol!
honestly i don’t think she’s a very jealous girl… she’s moreso the type to just cling to you a lot cause she’s scared 😭
but ohhhh my lord when she sees you with someone from her team it’s all over
she starts off easy probably asking simple questions like “oh, what were you and nat talking about yesterday at lunch?”
she doesn’t wanna seem too obvious but you can tell there’s something wrong
when you and that specific teammate hang out a lot more lottie tends to take much more notice. she’s noting down the times you come back to her place after that hangout and shit
the times are extremely repetitive and you come home around the same time which makes her believe you’re hooking up with them…….
that makes lottie become a lot more mean because she truly does not have the heart to end things with you. she can only be mean. also i genuinely can’t see her breaking things off i know she’d be a mess 😣
when you ask her questions it’s kind of like the typical jealousy filled answer.
you ask her for the homework answers and she’ll say “go ask nat.” and you can’t really get them out of her cause she’s so mad. you’d literally ask her “what’s for dinner” and she’d respond with something completely unrelated like “maybe nat can make you dinner??” OMFG WHAT A BJTCH
before one of the hangouts you have with that person lottie pulls you to the side for a few minutes before you leave
she’s on your lap and biting your neck to mark you up >__< leaving hickeys on your jaw and neck and on your collarbone. WHEW
the person you’re always with notices them and asks you whats wrong but you just say it’s a bunch of bites 💀💀
after that lottie tends to mark you up a lot more. especially in bed. scratching your back and arms as hard as she can. not to the point where it bleeds i think just to the point where they’re extremely noticeable
when you come home and she sees a ‘new hickey’ she is DONE! it’s not even new though it’s literally her’s she jus doesn’t remember it -_-
but she’s too fed up and takes you up to the bedroom to strip everything off of you
she takes her anger out on you during the sex…
like she’ll probably drive into you with her strap soo hard. it’s smth you aren’t very used to yet but she could care less
also tries to choke you too but you do that little tapping thing on her hand so she can stop. she feels bad but keeps going anyways cause shes so fucking jealous
during it she’ll grunt things out like “can they fuck you like i can??!” and it gets you real confused 😭 “bet they can’t be this deep in you, huh? is that right?!”
afterwards you’d confront her about it though. asking her what she meant by that and then she says “well, you’ve been hanging out with (whoever) wayy too much, and i- i got jealous and…”
she babbles on a bunch and starts crying even though you’re the one who practically got ripped in half!!!
you manage to comfort her though saying things like “y’know i’m just hanging out with them because they’re my friend. i’m not that type of person, lott.” while you wipe away her tears 😞💔
anyways she somehow starts to fall asleep before you do while she traces the scratches on your back
in the morning she kisses all of the purple and reddish hickeys on your skin to apologize for being jealous and way too rough the night before. she also kisses the scratches and helps you treat them with some creams ☹️
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web1entropy · 4 months
[redacted] & ren headcanons (1/?)
characters: [redacted], ren, angel | reader word count: ~900 (not proofread) content warning: other than typical yandere themes, light angst, & wiretapping, the post is fairly tame a/n: i'm using the term 'headcanons' very, very liberally here. this post serves as a way for me to get a better feel for ren\ [redacted] (more so the latter than the former).
–whereas ren types in a way that exudes warmth\ friendliness by injecting as many emoticons (as socially acceptable) and tries to match your texting energy by responding in kind (sending memes back, responding with a sticker, or reacting to your messages), the opposite is said for [redacted].
–[redacted]'s texting style leans more towards being terse and straight to the point, thereby coming off as a bit... dry. moreover, they prefer to abbreviate most words to save milliseconds from *being away from you typing. you could write the most long-winded paragraph with multiple subtopics nested within and they'll respond with a simple "lol yea" or "oh?" before maybe offering a further commentary on whatever you wrote.
–they try to offset this effect by responding with a (purple) heart (if it's contextually appropriate).
–to further elaborate: it's not that they're uninterested in talking with you (as if such a concept is even possible; their leg rapidly bounce from exaltation as their eyes are glued to the screen because holy shit-- you're talking to them over anyone else, which means that your attention is on them and no one else!), it's more so that they don't have anything to share and they prefer that the focus of the conversation shouldn't shift away from whatever you wish to talk about.
–80% of the time, the conversation will conclude in [redacted] asking if they could call you instead. in general, they'll always opt for voice-to-voice communication since a little indelible past incident that had occurred on an online forum (?!) made them detest texting.
–chatting with you through video or voice calls assuages past memories of staring vacantly into nothing, one hand partially covering their face while the other picks up lint from their clothes, a frigid sensation spreads from deep crevices of their heart to the end of their limbs as they listen to the audio from their monitor of you speaking with some person (i.e. your friend). in your voice, they hear a vivid lilt that is a sharp contrast to the tone you've used with them when they attempted to approach you in real life.
–after doing it on photographs they own of you for years, it's no wonder one of their favourite act of physical contact is gently tracing your countenance: from the bottom of your chin, up to your lips, moving high to the arch of your apple cheeks— upon which their thumb lingers there for a few seconds, lightly stroking the spot below your eye —, then drawing upward from your temple to the outline of your eyebrows. finally, they consummate this gesture by placing a peck on the tip of your nose.
–[redacted]'s sense of humour is a derivative of a specific form of trolling -- being as provocative as possible while hiding behind the scrim of sincerity. it took time and practice to learn how to perfect and effectively manipulate a persona that can elicit a strong response from others. along the same vain, (affectionately) bantering with them is a bit of an issue since it's hard to get a rise out of them. it's further complicated by the fact that they know you more than you know yourself. nevertheless, it becomes easy to tease back once you find out that their weak spot is anything related to you :3c.
–it requires a decent degree of social and emotional intelligence to play a persona (whether it's acting out whoever is your current subject of affection or impersonating someone for nefarious purposes :3) and make it convincing to observers.
–Unfortunately, they don't have a meme folder on standby-- so they were taken completely off-guard when you hit them with a meme in lieu of a response. cue a distressed ren frantically searching up 'funny meme' on google images (of all places) while muttering 'not funny. gross. not funny. absolutely not. not funny. what the hell does that even mean?!'
–you're the only person [redacted] have saved to their contact list (and the only number they've memorised by heart). on nights that drag long and sleep deprivation begins to set in, hunched in front of the intense artificial light of their monitor, their gaze lingers on the 'dial' button on their screen as they can feel the dull ache in their heart stir over how easy it is to reach you; yet, they know good things never came easy to them.
–ren's freak out at the movie's jump-scare was a genuine reaction, not because he's afraid (as one might surmise), but because of how high-strung he is from that day's rollercoaster of events-- and now he's in your apartment watching a movie together like it's the most normal thing in the world?! he was deep in his reverie of domestic bliss and before it got cut short by the ear-piercing scream from the tv.
–they might or might not have attempted to make a short video game confessing their feelings to you. they'll resume their project after the events of the story and make it as an anniversary surprise.
–[redacted] being a fan of gothic music... i needn't elaborate more...(also I firmly believe from the bottom of my heart that pictures of you by the cure is one of their favourite songs.)
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gyupinkys · 11 months
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Yandere Jihoon x fem reader.
WC: 3.8K
Jihoon was never one for relationships. His stoic behavior tends to bore the ladies, but he's had is fair share of flings. However, when some low life hacker tries to access his files; he cant help but look into you more, and some more, and a little more until he becomes obsessed. Jihoon makes it his mission to find you.
WARNINGS: YANDERE, stalking, DUB CON, phone sex, spying, unconsented filming, use of sex toys, fingering, mention of kidnapping, sugar daddy Jihoon, bratty reader.
A/N: i love this fic and I love you woozi.
One semester left… just one. Why on earth would they raise your tuition by $5,000? Are they forgetting both of your parents are dead and you have no job? The financial aid office is no help and you're already about $10,000 in debt. How nice. You look at your computer, contemplating. There's always that option… no it’s not safe. But damn you need money,  you need your degree, you need to get out of this fucking city and start over. You look down at your cat Bruno sitting at your feet. 
“Should I?”
He just gives you a judgemental look and walks away. This fucking cat…
You have no other choice. You pull out your spare laptop, not risking your pc getting any viruses. A few months ago you drunkenly stumbled upon a website on the dark web that gives you access to IP addresses of major company computers. You very easily figured out how to access their files, you can see everything; their expenses, investments, and payments. It would be so easy to transfer money to an offshore account and cover your traces. Scrolling through the list of companies you try to find one you’ve never heard of. More popular companies tend to have more security. 
“Universe factory?”
Hmmm. Doesn't ring a bell. It’s located about fifteen miles from your apartment so you aren't worried about them finding you. Weirdly, you can't find any bank accounts linked to this company. Scouring through some files, this seems to be a music company of sorts? You find samples of songs, lyrics, beats, and oh shit.. Drug shipments? Why is this in the music files? You try to dive deeper only for your connection to completely cut off and your computer blue screens. Fucking hell. The computer won’t turn back on and you won't have a chance to cover your tracks. So much for being computer savvy…
“Fuckkkkk” youre actually fucked. These people are clearly good if they are able to shut off your computer so they may have  already found your address by now. You're hoping your vpn and security walls help you. You get up and start to pace. Why on earth did you think this was a good idea? Of course you somehow chose the shadiest fucking company on earth. There's nothing to do now but stress and wait for your likely impending death.
“The fuck?”
Jihoon’s studio is his safe space. He’s lucky Cheol lets him pursue his passions on the side, this mafia thing tends to take up a lot of his time so being able to unwind in his own space is a treasure. But when he returns to his computer he senses something is wrong. Someone’s gone through his files. Now, Jihoon wouldn't be too worried if all that was on this computer was his music, but recently he’s been using the Universe factory as a coverup to store documents from past business deals. Now this couldnt have been the work of some amaetur, in order to get past all his security takes some real skill, and to be able to do it without a trace? Hm…
Jihoon looks through his files, trying to catalog all the incriminating evidence.
“Tiger’s super wicked diss track?” he speaks in disbelief. When the fuck did Soonyoung get in his studio? And record a fucking distrack? 
Jihoon runs a program to see the location of the last user to access his encrypted files. Nothing? Hmm… This is too random to be a coincidence, this person must've found his IP address and started from there. He decides to be bold and search his IP addresses on his self made database, it wouldn't hurt. 
 “ “FoundYou.com”? What the fuck?”
Well he hit the jackpot. He was able to look at who accessed this website in the past 24 hours and who interacted with the universe factory link. He traced the computer to a rural part of antarctica… ok that's definitely not the real location.  He digs a little deeper finding layers and layers of security. He’s starting to think this may not be some silly hacker and could be a rival mafia pulling at strings. After an hour he’s confident he’s found the real address and hacker. About fifteen miles from him lives a Y/N L/N, full time student, studying in computer science, $10,437.76 in debt and an orphan… hm. He looks up your instagram and woah. He wasn’t expecting you to look like that. He sees your friends, finds their instagrams, just to see more pictures of you cover his bases. Your college friends speak highly of you, your highschool friends love you, oh wow even your elementary school friends still hang out with you. He digs a little deeper, just to know who he’s dealing with. You adopted a cat a year ago, a cat who visits the vet very often. Gestational blockages, broken arm, not eating, bladder infection… This cat seems like a handful. 
“Bruno? Like Bruno Mars or Bruno from Encanto?” he whispers to himself. 
You visited the hospital last year from a broken pinky, your dermatologist keeps increasing the strength of your acne medication, you take very strong pills for your cramps. Car accident when you were 7, therapy for 10 years and dead parents?… Figures. 
Your credit card statement says a lot about you. $7 matcha lattes three times a week despite being in debt. $15 chipotle bowls and 12am Mcdonalds. You really like shopping at Adam and eve… freaky. You bought $100 worth of things from amazon yesterday. You sure do buy a lot of cat toys on amazon, this cat is spoiled. Hair dye, batteries, water bottles, 12 pound bag of skittles? 
“Woozi, what are you doing?” Soonyoung whispers in his ear.
Jihoon jumps, “When did you even get in here?”
“You get too immersed in your work, but why are you on amazon?”
“None of your business get out! AND WHEN DID YOU RECORD A DISS TRACK IN HERE.”
Hoshi’s eyes widen and he quickly makes his exit leaving Jihoon alone again. He knows he’s being a creep but he doesn't have it in him to care. You’re just so interesting.  
“Bruno there's no one at the door stop growling.”
You open the door to show him no one is outside, but low and behold sitting outside your apartment is a large bouquet of hydrangeas… your favorite flower. 
“The fuck?”
You further inspect the flowers, seeing a note in the center.
“My precious little hacker, I’ll be seeing you soon. P.S check your bank account - Woozi’s Universe factory.”
You drop the flowers. Oh my god.You figured something like this would happen but now that it's happening you're freaked out. God, you should have minded your business. Now the little money you had is probably gone as some sort of twisted revenge. As you login to your bank app you're sure you've lost your mind and you're seeing things. $20,000 was wired to your savings account.
“What the fuck.”
You know better than to touch this money. It’s too good to be true. But, this would pay off your debt and get you a better apartment… fuck. You check your email to see what time the money was wired only to see an email from your school saying there were changes made to your account. Can this day get any worse? But it somehow gets better, not only is your tuition paid but all your debt is cleared… you must've suffered a head injury and you're making all of this up while in a coma. 
“Bruno, I might be killed in the next 7 days… Then you’ll have to fend for yourself.”
“Bruno, I might be killed in the next 7 days.. Then you’ll have to fend for yourself.” your sweet voice rings out. 
Jihoon had to see your reaction to his gift. He’s glad you didn't notice the green dot on your mac as he watched you through the webcam. He loves the way you talk to Bruno like he’s a human.
It took a lot of digging to figure out your favorite flower, it was one of your security questions for your bank app. He hopes you appreciate his generosity, it’s not everyday that he goes out of his way to spoil someone. He sees you looking absolutely bewildered and he can’t help but smile. But this smile quickly drops when you turn to your computer and your eyes widen, presumably seeing your camera is on.
“YOU FUCKING CREEP!” you scream as you power off your computer, leaving him staring at a blank screen.
He just smiles in response. He’s gonna have so much fun with you.
The gifts don't end. Everyday at 4pm you arrive home and on your doorstep is  something new, perfume, jewelry, bags, clothes, cat toys. This person must be rich. Though today the bell never rings. You even stand in your hallway looking for the delivery but it never comes. 
“Well isn't that weird?” you say to yourself as you unlock your door.
“Bruno?” Usually he comes running up to you when you unlock your door.
You see Bruno inspecting a bright red gift box sitting on your kitchen counter. You stop dead in your tracks. How the fuck did they get in your apartment? 
“Bruno! Move away from that.” you say and scoop him up. 
Oh god. This is getting insane. Leaving the gifts on your doorstep is one thing but coming inside? 
You stare at the gift for an hour. You're too afraid to open it. That is until it starts to vibrate. Is this a fucking bomb? You jump and open the box, seeing a brand new phone… Um Ok? The phone is receiving a call from an unknown number and obviously you don't answer it, setting the phone back down only for the same number to call again. You hesitantly answer. 
“Hi, my love.”
“Who is this?” 
“Don’t worry about it, yet.”
“Ok, I’m gonna hang up.”
“Y/N, I wouldn't do that f I was you.”
“Stop being a fucking creep and sending shit to my door step.”
He just laughs.
“I left one more gift for you, why don’t you go look.”
You sigh and walk to your door, looking out the peephole first and opening it, picking up the large box.
“Are there killer wasps in here?” you sarcastically say.
“No, there are no wasps,” he laughs.
You open the box and pause, turning your head to your computer to see your camera is on.
“Are you watching me?”
“I’m always watching you, love.”
“God, youre a fucking creep, I should call the cops.”
“And tell them what? You tried to hack me and steal money from me? That you're a dirty little hacker and a thief?”
You’re starting to get upset, this is fucking insane.
“Open the box, love.”
You look at the computer and flip him off before opening the box. You gasp. This fucker sent you sex toys? 
“Is it so bad I want my baby to feel good?”
“I’m not your baby! I don’t even fucking know you.”
“I know you don’t know me but I know you. I know everything about you. Your favorite color is blue, your favorite food is Japanese curry, though you eat kimchi fried rice the most. You adopted Bruno because you needed something to keep you company since you don't really date. Your best friend moved away eight months ago and you two don't really talk anymore. Should I continue?”
“What the fuck.” you say with wide eyes.
“Baby, don’t get scared. I’m just so in love with you I need to know everything.”
“Um.” What do you even say to this?
“And don’t pretend this isn’t your darkest fantasy. I’ve seen your tumblr search history.”
Your eyes somehow widen. He got you there. Just the idea of having a clearly rich man obsessed with you would be enough to make you wet if he wasn't a pervert. 
“I want you to take out the shibari.”
You pull out a pretty blue vibrator. It’s even your favorite shade of blue. 
“I want you to use it for me.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Baby, I wouldn’t want to do things to make you upset, but I need you to listen to me. I’m not above blackmailing you and I’m sure you wouldn't want me to come snatch you up.”
Your jaw drops. 
“Youre fucking crazy!”
“Baby, you just make me feel so many things for you.”
You groan, cursing yourself for ever being greedy and trying to steal.
“What do you want me to do?” you sigh out.
“Take off your pants and sit on your desk chair.”
“Do I have to?” you pout looking straight into the camera.
“Yes, baby. I want to see you.”
Why is this making you wet? God, you fucking hate that this is exactly the smut you would always search for. You groan at the situation, yourself, at this mystery pervert.
You shimmy out of your pants and sit in your desk chair. You put the phone on speaker and set it down.
“Now what?”
“Turn it on and rub it over your nipples.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I’m sure the guys waiting outside your apartment would love to do it for you.”
Your heart drops to your ass and you turn it on, quickly putting it on your nipple.
Jeez, this thing is powerful. You let out a breathy moan disguised as a sigh.
“Run it down your body.” 
You slowly drag the vibrator down your body, your breathing becoming heavy. 
“Put your legs up on the chair and put it on your clit over your panties, I wanna see you soak through them.”
You put the head of the vibrator on your clit a little too hard making you jump.
“Slow your roll baby.” he laughs, making you roll your eyes.
This vibrator is on a different level from the shitty ones you have. It feels like you're being stimulated throughout your whole body, everything is vibrating and you feel yourself leaking. 
“I can see you getting wetter baby, fuck. I bet that pussy tastes so good.”
You moan, pressing the vibrator harder against you, feeling your toes curl.
“Does it feel good, baby?”
You close your eyes and nod, swallowing the shame. “It feels really good.”
“Move your panties to the side, let me see.”
You pull your soaked panties over and press the vibrator to your swollen clit. He lets out a deep groan. Jihoon can't believe his eyes, it’s like a dream come true. Your pretty pussy dripping wet just for him, you whining and moaning like all you can think about is cumming. He pulls out his hard cock, beginning to stroke himself, imagining he was fucking you. He would give it to you however you wanted, let you come as many times as you desired. No matter how bad you treated him, he would be on his knees begging to make you cum. The hold you have over him is unfathomable.  You’re truly like an angel sent to heaven just for him and he'll be damned if he doesn’t get his hands on you. He doesn't even have it in him to feel bad about watching you, listening to you, exploring you. In his mind you’ve been his from the moment he first saw you. His to worship, spoil, love until the end of time. You’ve become his muse, his lyrics flow out with only you in mind, he makes songs with the purpose of you hearing them. You’ve taken him over completely and he is so irrevocably in love with you. You don’t even need to love him back, he already has enough love for the both of you, and it's not like he wouldn’t be able to force you. A little isolation does wonders on the brain. 
“I need more,” you whine out.
“Tell me what you want.”
You just whine more in response, too embarrassed to speak. “You want to use your fingers?”
You nod furiously, opening your eyes to plead with him.
“Ok baby, slide two in for me. I want you to make yourself feel good.”
You listen and slide your fingers in, pumping them straight into your g-spot. You feel yourself on the verge of an orgasm, your moans becoming louder and more frequent.
“Turn it off”
Your eyes fly open. “What.”
“You heard me baby, turn it off.”
“No, no please I’m so close.”
You turn it off and throw it to the side, so insanely frustrated. 
“What is your deal!”
“You’re not cumming unless it's around my cock, baby.”
This man never fails to surprise you. “And what makes you think I’ll fuck you?”
“Trust me when I say that won’t be an issue.”
“What makes you so sure I just won’t finish myself off when I hang up?”
“I’m always watching, baby. It’s crazy how small they make cameras nowadays.”
“Fuck you Woozi’s Universe Factory.” you say not even able to take yourself seriously.
He just laughs. “I’ll be seeing you soon my love.”
“Is he named after Bruno Mars or Bruno from Encanto?” a deep voice rings out from your couch as you enter your apartment making you scream.
You turn to run out your apartment only to see two giants standing in your hallway blocking your exit. You groan and turn back around seeing Bruno sitting in the man's lap. Woah. Is this your stalker? Because if so, you have zero complaints. You’ve never been one to like guys with long hair, but his curls are just so hot and his lips.. How are they so plump? He’s wearing a tight black turtleneck and slacks with a gold chain. He looks so fucking hot, suddenly your not as pissed that he forced you masturbate for him. 
“Who are you?”
“You know exactly who I am, my love.”
“I don't know your name. Do you want me to call you Woozi’s Universe factory?”
He breathes out a laugh. “My name is Jihoon, love.”
“I’m sure you already know my name and give me my fucking cat.” you go to grab Bruno who hisses at you. You gasp.
“You little traitor.” you growl. “The real Bruno Mars would never treat me like this.” you say threateningly to the cat. 
“Ahh, Bruno Mars. I love that guy.” Jihoon says as he lifts the cat to look him in his eyes. “You want to stay with me don’t you?” to which the cat purrs. 
You’re more shocked at your cat's betrayal than Jihoon breaking into your apartment.
“Y/N, sit with me”
He raises a brow at you.
“Fine, but not because you asked.” you pout and sit next to him.
“Are you not scared?”
“Honestly, you're too cute for me to be scared of you. Like look at these cheeks.” you say and squeeze his cheeks making him grab your hand and pull it away from your face.
“You don’t know who you're messing with, my love.”
“I mean if you were going to kill me you would've done it already. And I know you're not going to anyway because why would you waste all this money on someone you were going to kill?”
He smiles. “So smart, baby.”
Why is he calling you baby and love? This is actually kind of spooking you.
“What do you want Jihoon?” 
“I want you to come live with me.” 
Your eyes widen. The fuck? Your feelings must be visible on your face because he continues.
 “So, you just want me to get up and leave with you?”
“Why would I come with you? You've done nothing but stalk and harrass me!”
“I’ve have not been stalking you, love. Everything I’ve done is a result of your actions. You decided to try to hack me which gave me access to everything.” 
“You're just trying to manipulate me!” you say and stand up.
He looked deeply offended by this. “Manipulate you? Tell me one thing in what I said that's not true.”
He has a point. You're just grasping at straw to be honest. “What If I don’t want to go with you.” you pout and stomp your foot looking like a child.
“Then I’ll take you by force.” he says with a straight face.
Oh. You weigh your options. Would you rather live in this hell hole remaining broke and sad or go with him and drain his pockets? You don’t even know where he’s taking you, he could be bringing you to a cabin in the woods to lock you up and kill you. But it’s not like you have an option and you would much rather do this the easy way.
“Ok fine. But not because you told me to” God, you sound like such a brat.
Six months later
“Yes baby?”
“Can you buy me this?”
He groans. “Baby, what else could you possibly buy? You have it all.”
You show him your phone.
“Baby, you have this bag in three colors.” he deadpans.
“OK? This is my favorite color though.” You say like it's the most obvious thing on the planet.
Despite his grumbling he gets up and takes out his wallet, handing you his black card. Jihoon can never say no to you. Anything you ask for is yours, no matter what. Your life has completely changed since meeting him. You wouldn't say he’s your sugar daddy because you're equally as in love with him as he is with you,  but, lord does he spoil you. You moved into his high rise apartment and completely renovated it to your taste without a single complaint from him. He bought you a new wardrobe, new cars, bags, jewels, anything you could ever dream of. And the sex.. It’s just incredible. And Bruno is as spoiled as ever. He’s Jihoon’s baby despite Jihoon pretending to dislike him. You know what Jihoon does for a living, that's none of your business though. All that you care about is keeping him and yourself happy. You’ve grown more than accustomed to this lifestyle, not knowing how you functioned before meeting him. 
“Thank you Woozipoo”
“Stop calling me that” he groans.
“If you want me to stop you’ll get out this fucking studio and come to bed.”
He rolls his head to you. “Why would I do that?”
“So I can thank you for being so good to me.” you say into his neck making him groan. 
“God, baby don’t say things like that.”
“I can’t tell my man how much I want to fuck him?”
“Get your ass in the bedroom.”
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scarletttries · 10 months
NSFW Headcanon Request: Steven Grant (Moon Knight)
Pairing: Steven Grant x F! Reader
Word Count: 1.8k (Explicit)
Request: "If you are still taking requests from the prompt list… what about Steven Grant and the Alleyway/Alley corner? I recently found your blog and it is *chefs kiss*"
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Steven Grant + Alley/Alleyway: (prompt list here)
- Working under the guidance of an ancient Egyptian goddess was hard enough, without having to track one of your counterparts halfway across the globe every time he had a crisis of confidence. Marc Spector had been a thorn in your side for years on the job, his stubborn and erratic personality making him a nightmare to work with and the last person you'd willingly spend time with.
- So when you landed in London and started tailing him to see what shit he was pulling before you made your move, you could hardly believe the the change you saw in him - his arrogance facade faded into a sweetheart who took pride in showing little kids around a museum and helping them pick out toys, even if it seemed like a bittersweet irony that he always strayed into the Egyptian exhibits first. The man had become a creature of habit, taking the same route to and from work every day, stopping at the same places, and generally being far too easy to track for your liking.
- You were sure it was a trap, some fucked up game Marc was playing with you, but that didn't stop you deciding enough was enough and confronting him one night. He'd just finished his shift at the museum, leaving late after being punished with inventory, and as always got the bus back to his side of town. You were sure he'd noticed you sat with your back to him on the bus, but he chose not to say a word which only left you feeling more confused about this game of cat and mouse.
- Finally he slipped down the dimly lit alley that took him almost all the way home, footsteps speeding up slightly, like subconsciously he could sense that he wasn't alone on his journey.
"Marc!" You called out, stepping into the alleyway and blocking his path, his strict daily pattern making him just too easy to intercept. You expected him to start running, to scale the walls beside you, but instead you just heard a quivering voice, with a slightly unplaceable accent, reply,
"Umm, my name's Steven. With a v."
- As you strode closer the cowering man didn't back away, or even try to move a muscle, his wide eyes tracing over your silhouette as he took you in, surprised by the colour flushing to his cheeks and his rumbled brain choosing your beauty to focus on above all else.
"Fuck off Marc, you don't think i'm falling for that do you? We have work to do." You sighed frustratedly, feeling a tinge of guilt as he shook his head vigorously, eyes apologetic and soft, the antithesis of every interaction you'd had with Marc Spector.
"I'm really sorry, I don't know who that is, but I promise I'm just Steven, and we've never met before. Except you were on the bus before right?"
"So you did notice me tailing you?" You countered quickly, trying to get the truth behind the spark of recognition in his eyes. He gulped and nodded, suddenly very self conscious,
"It's hard not to notice a woman as pretty as you."
- His gentle smile, the warmth in his words, the slight hint of both fear and excitement in his eyes, this was definitely not Marc - and you were starting to feel more and more pleased with that fact as you let a smile creep across your cheeks, like everything that bothered you about Marc was reversed here, but in same gorgeous muscled package that you'd wanted to get a better look at for years.
- You only had to take two steps forward before Steven backed himself against the wall, desperately confused by the overlapping feelings of intimidation and arousal building up inside him, sure no-one had ever looked at him quite this way before, the happiest a deer has ever been to be in headlights.
"You're not so bad yourself Steven with a v, and SO much more charming than the guy I was looking for." You purred, inching forward until your body brushed lightly against his, the contact enough to know he was just as interested as you are.
- He didn't know quite how he ended up here, but Steven's mentally cheering himself on for managing not to mess this up yet, confident that anything else he says might be the thing that scares you away - not that you seem like the kind of person who's ever scared really. So he decides not to open his lips again, and instead listens to the voice in his head that tells him to lean forwards, setting his lips lightly against yours, testing the tempting waters he'd let himself sink straight beneath.
- You're leaning into him in no time, fingers trailing through his hair as your lips part, tongue taking control of the kiss and showing him he really doesn't need to be gentle with you. It's been a long time since you'd been able to take a break from work to have a little fun, and even if you still have to hunt down Marc, you can take a night off to enjoy a sweet British guy who takes way too long to build up the nerve to put his hands on your waist.
- You use your arms looped around his neck to pull his body flush against yours, grinding your hips against him and swallowing the whimper he lets out in response. His eyes are clenched shut as he tries to keep some semblance of self-control, mortified by each of the soft moans that slip out at every brush of your hips, determined not to let this opportunity get away from him. He lets his hands drift down your hips, skimming over your thighs as one gingerly reaches under your skirt, stopping when it finds the wet patch starting to form on your panties in all the anticipation.
"Bloody hell love." He breathes out as he starts to toy with you through the slick fabric, the sweet noises his touch elicits emboldening him to apply more pressure, rubbing firm circles over your clit, feeling your breath falter against him. He captures your lips in a greedy kiss as slips his fingers inside the fabric, his thumb returning to your clit as two fingers slide inside you, the delicious stretch almost enough to buckle your knees. His free hand keeps you pinned to his chest as works you up, every touch leaving you panting against him, your kiss trailing to his neck, leaving a bruise he'll wear with endless pride tomorrow.
- As his relentless pace starts to build the pressure inside your core, your thighs tremble again, making it harder and harder for you to keep upright in his arms, his own aching need growing inside his straining trousers. When he hears you moan out his name, he decides it's now or never, taking his hand away just short of your bliss, the whine that escapes your throat entirely involuntary.
"Just a second love, I'll be all yours again soon." Despite his clear power over you, he still stumbles over the words as he glances over his shoulder before undoing his belt, slipping his trousers down just far enough for his throbbing manhood to spring free, the cold night air making him hiss through his teeth at the sensation. Dropping to his knees he places a constellation of gentle kisses on your inner thigh as he slides your soaked panties down your leg, handling you oh so delicately as he helps you step free of them, stuffing them in his pocket before bringing his lips to sensitive skin again.
"You really know how to make a girl weak in the knees." You praised, surprised by the sweet giggle your comment drew from the man. The comment spurred him on to pull your thighs around his waist, rising back to his feet and pressing you against the wall behind you, now face to face again with so little fabric between you.
- Reading the uncertainty on his face you quickly nodded, squeezing your legs around him until you felt him start to slide inside of you, his fingers barely doing his size justice. Pure elation flashed across his face as you moaned out his name, the way he filled you quickly bringing your building pleasure back to the brink again. His hands gripped your ass hard as his hips bucked against you, sharp thrusts fucking into you over and over, his lips hungrily swallowing yours like he'd been starved pf the sweet affections of a kiss for as long as he could remember.
You grabbed at his broad shoulders, struggling to stay upright as his pace quickened, holding off his own release with everything he had before he could give you everything you needed. You were grateful he lived a pretty quiet side of town, the noise of the two of you echoing through the alley, the danger of getting caught only heightening all your senses as Steven's needy whines grew with the frantic pace of his hips, fighting his release but losing the battle in such a salaciously hot situation. You couldn't help but think you might need to extend your time in London to find out what other talents this Steven held, all thoughts of Marc long gone as a his new heavy rhythm brushed just the right spot inside you to have your head rolling back against the cold brick wall as you clenched down around him, your release all the more satisfying for his immediately following it. He clung to you like you were the first life preserver he'd been thrown in a very long storm, panting and moaning as your waves of pleasure seemed to ripple straight through him too, his lips chasing yours even as he desperately struggled to fill his lungs.
- As you come down from your high you'd have to tap him on the shoulder,
"Steven, you can put me down now." Straight back to bashful and embarrassed he'd apologize and pull out of you, cursing the whimper he let out as he finally left your soft warm entrance, dropping to the floor to ensure you were safely back on your feet, and feeling his heart do a flip as he caught a glimpse of his cum starting to drip out of your pussy and onto your thigh.
- By the time he's started to redress himself you're halfway down the alley, disappearing into the dark, leaving him calling after you,
"Am I going to see you again?" He wants to shout your name, but realises he never found it out.
"Maybe. I know where to find you Steven with a v." You replied without looking back, smirking to yourself at the thought of showing up at his door any time you wanted. You only missed the proud smile he gave himself as he pulled your underwear out of his pocket, knowing he'll struggle to think of anything else on his lonely nights now, mumbling to himself 'more like Steven without a v.'
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Waking Lions 2
Find the series masterlist
Remember last chapter I warned you reader is bisexual? Yeah. Also due to her work, reader has multiple nicknames, and we see another nickname in this chapter.
This chapter may feel a little slower but we’re building up to good stuff, I promise! 
Once again, speaking in italics is speaking in another language. 
Warnings: Swearing, mentioned sexual activity, mentioned events from CoD:MW, spy shit. 
Word count: 1.8k
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After your business in Turkey was concluded, you hopped on a series of planes to Mexico to go visit another old friend. This one very rarely gave you any kind of intel, but she was fun. So it was worth the trip.
Besides, you were craving good Mexican food. 
She even sent a few of her men to pick you up. One took your bags, another held the door open for you into the SUV. 
The royal treatment.
The drive was long and quiet. You weren’t overly interested in talking to the underlings, and she had likely warned them to silence anyway. That was one of the reasons you so enjoyed her company. She was smart. 
The car stopped, and you waited while one of the men hopped out and got your door for you. “This way,” he murmured in English. Your lips twitched but you followed him sedately. 
This time, she’d brought you to a very nice home. Not modest. Three stories, with a good-sized car garage. 
This one was new, and idly you wondered when she’d acquired this. 
“It took you long enough,” she called in Spanish, walking down the stairs as you entered the house. 
“You didn’t invite me for too long,” you shot back, smiling. As always, she was a vision, even dressed simply in a dark top and pants. “Valeria.”
“Marigold.” Valeria stepped down onto the entryway floor, walking up to you. “You changed your hair.”
You smiled. “Every so often,” you agreed. “Can’t let people get too used to one style.”
She chuckled, lifting one hand to trace one finger over the apple of your cheek. “When are you going to come work for me, hm? We both know I can make it worth your while.” 
“Not today, Valeria.” This was an old game between the two of you, as old as her rise to power. You may have helped her along some. For the right price. Information helped win wars, after all. 
She caught your chin between her thumb and forefinger, holding you steady, searching your gaze. Then she nodded once. “Come. Lunch is ready for us.” 
You followed her, unashamedly looking around. “This is a nice place,” you hummed. 
“I’m glad you like it, since you’ll be staying here.” She looked over her shoulder at you, amused. “For however long you want.”
“You are a temptress.” 
She led you to a table outside, already set for the two of you. This part was easy - you both enjoyed eating and flirting, with nothing of real consequence being said. She always tried to pry just a little more out of you, and you always diverted and redirected. This had been the game for as long as you’d known her. 
“I do have work for you, if you’re interested.” Her gaze was heavy-lidded, sweeping over you slowly, warm and familiar.
“Mm?” You leaned back in your chair, folding your hands loosely over your tummy. 
“I need to know what the Americans are up to.” 
You scoffed a derisive laugh. “The Americans don’t know what the Americans are up to,” you grumbled, waving one hand. “I’ll need something more specific to get you any good intel.” 
She leaned forward, hands on the table, chin tipped to hold your gaze. “I need to know how distracted they are.” 
You mulled that request over slowly, carefully. You knew her business. She’d known you long enough to give you free reign. Much like Laswell, Valeria knew you gave her solid intel. “Is there a specific department?” you asked cautiously. “Or a specific distraction?” 
“I don’t want them to have so much time they begin sniffing around my operations.” 
And that, well, that made sense. Didn’t necessarily make things easy, but it made sense. “I’ll need a few days.” 
“Standard rules?”
“Of course.” 
Valeria smiled. “Well then. Since you’ll be here for a few days…” She stood and took your hand, tugging gently until you stood as well. “I should show you to your room.” Her voice dipped, low and sultry. 
“You should,” you agreed, lips curving in an inviting smile. 
Valeria tugged your hand, leading you away from the table. 
This was one reason why you kept coming back. She just knew how to treat you right. 
The fact that she could deliver mind-numbing orgasms was a definite plus, too. 
Later, after Valeria left to do some business, you set up your computer. You’d promised to get her some information, after all, and that didn’t just drop into your lap.
Not without some prompting, anyway. 
Sources appropriately prompted, you turned instead to the news. It was always good to keep up to date on what was happening - kept you from accidentally wandering into too much trouble. It also gave you time to decide where you wanted to go next, after you got Valeria her information. 
The whole world was open to you, after all. 
Your research paused for dinner, and then you went right back to it. It had been a while since you’d been to Greenland, and you wouldn’t mind a quieter couple weeks. Then again, Africa had many choices and potential for quiet as well… Decisions, decisions. 
You blinked at your phone when it started ringing. Not that many people had your number. 
“Ace.” Laswell sounded stressed. Oh this could not be good. “I need a favor.”
“I don’t do favors,” was your immediate response. Because you didn’t. Mostly. 
But Laswell pulled out the big guns. She pulled out your birth name, the one you’d left behind years ago, the one she’d scrubbed from every system. 
You went rigid, swallowing hard. “Katie Kate.” 
“I need a favor,” she repeated, softer, gentler. 
You closed your eyes. Fuck. Fuck! “What do you need?”
“I need you to find someone for me. Cartel.”
“You know I don’t do names.”
“I don’t need a name, I need a location.” She paused and then pulled out her final trump card. “He’s working with Gray.” 
You stopped. For a few moments, the world faded to nothing but a pair of gray eyes. Then you swallowed hard. “Should have led with that,” you muttered, hunching your shoulders. “Who am I finding?” 
“Carlos Torres.”
“Fine. Am I calling you back with this?”
“No. I’ll have someone meet you.”
“No, not here. I’m not planning to be anywhere helpful to you for at least a week.” 
Laswell sighed, short and sharp. “Fine. I’ll provide you with a number for a burner phone, but you won’t get me, so behave yourself.”
“One of these days, you’re going to rack up debt, and I’m going to call it in.” 
“Not today.” Laswell hung up. 
You let your phone drop to the bed, heart pounding. Twisting, you looked out the window, suddenly feeling exposed and uncertain. Valeria ran a tight ship. She wouldn’t allow unauthorized people here. Not here. It was just your paranoia, you just needed to work it out of your system. 
A nice hot shower made you feel more settled in your skin. And screaming into your pillows helped. 
By morning, you were back under control, skipping down the steps to join Valeria for breakfast. You had no idea when she’d gotten back, but she was as immaculately put together as ever, and even greeted you with a kiss to the cheek. 
“Sleep well?” Her gaze lingered on your face. 
“Oh yes, the bed is quite comfortable.” You smiled, helping yourself to food at her wave. “You really are trying to tempt me into a singular living.” Your grin showed teeth, but it was all in good fun. 
“You already know that.” Her smile was a dangerous, glittering thing, a velvet-wrapped dagger. “How long will you be staying?” She switched to Spanish, pouring a drink for you. 
You shrugged. “Likely a few more days, at least until I hear back,” you answered in kind. 
She nodded once, looking thoughtful. “Do you need to be by your computer all day?”
You blinked, surprised. “No, I’m not expecting anything urgent today. Why?”
“I want to take you riding, see more of the area.”
You waggled your eyebrows playfully. “Riding, huh?” You switched back to English to load more suggestiveness into your tone.
She swatted your arm, light, playful. A teasing reprimand, but still a reprimand. “Well, if you’d prefer to be a brat about it…”
You held your hands up. “I apologize, you know I like to tease. I would love to go with you.” 
Her smile had the distinct flavor of a woman who was used to getting her way, and was not surprised when she got it yet again. “After breakfast, then.”  
Valeria kept you out all day, showing you around. Showing you off, subtly but definitively. Though she rarely introduced you, no fewer than a dozen of her men saw you with her. 
You were a little irked by her gall. A little turned on, too, if you were honest with yourself. 
But you still had mixed feelings when you saw that your people had gotten back to you with the information on the Americans. Laswell’s information hadn’t come through yet - if you didn’t hear back in the morning, you’d have to start leaning on people. 
Valeria thanked you for the information with a wire transfer and another orgasm. She also somehow got you to promise to stick around for another two days. 
You still weren’t sure how she’d gotten you to agree to that. 
It took another day before you got a location on Carlos Torres. You waited until Valeria was out of the house again attending to business before you called the number Laswell had sent you. 
“You have the information?” 
You smiled slowly. “Well, hello again, Captain,” you purred. “What a pleasant surprise!”
He sighed, short and sharp, on the other end. “Do you have the information or not?” 
“I do.” You pouted, just a little. “You sure know how to ruin a girl’s fun, Captain.”
The silence on the other end was pointed. Very pointed. 
So you gave him the intel, including last known coordinates. 
Captain grunted once. Apparently that counted as acknowledgement.
“And, Captain? You should hurry. He won’t stay there long.” You hung up without giving him a chance to reply. Sighing, you rubbed a hand over your face. 
Sometimes you wondered if you were getting too comfortable. And sometimes you just wondered about your sanity.
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𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕡𝕚𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 - 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝟤 (Fujin x Reader)
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Official Masterlist - Part 1
Summary: Raiden is a very clear obstacle when it comes to the expression of love between you and Fujin, but the two of you don't mind tiptoeing around him for the time being. That is, until it begins to weigh on you, and the consequences of you inevitable discovering hung over you.
Word Count: 9k words
A/n: so you guys seemed to like the last part, and I absolutely adored this story so I was really keen on doing a part 2 anyways. Also I didn't mean to make it so long, I just couldn't stop writing T-T.
Warning/s: you guys literally fuck in this (you sickos like that shit anyways).
I'm color-coding my moods, You're yellow, I'm natural blue, Let's get together and be green like my insides.
The two of you were reckless together, as if you were two teenagers discovering love for the first time and were experimenting with each other - souls and bodies.
At least I'll match your eyes, Jealous and hypnotized, Let's match our faces and be equally in love.
If you and Fujin weren't busy trying to be socially acceptable and concealing your relationship from his overprotective brother, the two of you were busy stealing kisses and feeling each other up in hidden corners of the Shaolin temples.
Part of you thought it was fun having to be so careful with him - like it was a game, and whoever's ideas got them caught first was the loser.
As exhilarating as it all was though, you couldn't help but feel a sense of discourage knowing that you had to hide your relationship simply because you were a fool, and everyone knew that Fujin was way too good for you.
But, how could you turn down the opportunity to play a little tonsil hockey in the furthest corner of the temple's gardens?
There, the two of you laid on the grassy ground, engaging in a less than godly type of kissing which allowed each of your hands to wonder to places they probably shouldn't have in a public space.
Your hands explored each other's bodies, fuelling the flames of desire. The thrill of the chase and the excitement of being discovered heightened your senses, adding an electrifying intensity to every touch. In those stolen moments, you were fully present, consumed by the intoxicating connection you shared with Fujin.
You felt his hand find it's place to your butt, and you pulled away from the kiss, your breath a little heavy as you spoke.
"...we can't do this here," you told him, noting the way things were beginning to escalate. "Oh? Why not?" he asked, a devilish smirk to his innocent face as his hand fastened where it was. "Because it wouldn't be very flattering if we got caught like this, now, would it?" you asked him, tracing your fingers along his bicep which seemed to be a mistake as it only turned him on just a little more. "We won't get caught, there's no one here," he whispered to you, leaning back in closer to you as his nose brushed briefly against your neck, "if you can remain quiet, that is."
His lips met your neck, and you couldn't help the sigh that passed your lips as you tilted your head back, submitting to his actions. He took advantage of your submission, and sunk his teeth into your soft skin. You gasped at the feeling, lacing your fingers in his hair and giving it a gentle tug.
You surrendered to the overwhelming desire, allowing yourselves to indulge in the passionate dance of entangled bodies and whispered moans. The grass beneath you provided an imperfect cushion, but the discomfort was a small price to pay for the blissful moments shared between you.
His fingers found the cute little buttons of your tight tank top which was designed to be light and easy to kombat in, though still beautiful and a reflection of the culture you were raised in. He began undoing these buttons, there were only three, and he undid them, revealing a generous amount of your cleavage. He reached into your shirt and felt your bare flesh, and as he played with your body, all you could do was relax into his touch and enjoy every bit of toying he did.
The crunching of footsteps nearby alerted the two of you, followed by familiar voices which seemed to be discussing something. You and Fujin were quick to tear away from each other's bodies, fixing yourselves and straightening up before anyone could see you the way you were.
Soon, the group came into sight. It was Raiden, and following him was your friends, Liu Kang and Kung Lao. They seemed to be discussing something rather important, but paused all together when they saw you and Fujin sitting together in the gardens.
As they approached you Raiden's eyes narrowed slightly, his stern expression revealing his suspicion. Liu and Lao, on the other hand, wore expressions of mischief, like they knew exactly what you had been getting up to. Lao made a face from behind Raiden as if to pretend he was kissing the air, and your face flushed a deeper red than it already was. Their presence only intensified the weight of secrecy that burdened your relationship, as they were among the few you trusted with your true selves.
You quickly rose from the grass, attempting to appear nonchalant, though your racing heart betrayed your composure. Fujin followed suit, his eyes darting from one person to another, searching for a plausible explanation.
"Brother, what brings you by the gardens?" Fujin asked, much more composed than you were. "We were discussing the upcoming tournament when we stumbled upon you two," he replied, his voice tinged with suspicion. "It seems we interrupted something." "Not at all, Raiden," Fujin lied, way too easily, as he looked to you, "we were just enjoying the day - the gardens are quite lovely around this time of year."
Raiden's gaze shifted between the two of you, his expression remaining stern but tinged with a hint of concern.
"I hope you both understand the importance of maintaining decorum and upholding the honour of the Shaolin temples," he admonished, his voice filled with a mix of authority and care. "Of course brother, always," Fujin nodded, while you tried not to look toward Lao who was most definitely making more lewd gestures to tease you.
Liu Kang and Kung Lao exchanged amused glances, their lips curling into mischievous smirks. Lao couldn't resist teasing you further.
"Oh, yes, the serenity of the gardens," he said, his voice filled with feigned innocence. "I'm sure you two were enjoying each other's company in a... shall we say, particularly serene manner."
You were bursting with embarrassment, and before you could show any more of this to Raiden, you decided it was best for you to leave.
"Uh, i-if you'll excuse me, Lord Raiden..." you spluttered, intending to walk past him. "(Y/n)," he addressed you, causing you to stop in your place beside him. "Buttons are usually done up."
Your blush deepened once again as you realised what he was referring to, covering your chest with your hands as you ran off in embarrassment. Naturally, as you ran away, you did up the buttons of your tank top, trying to save the little dignity you had left.
It seemed that no matter how careful you and Fujin tried to be, you were always on the verge of being caught. The thrill of secrecy was intoxicating, but it was starting to wear thin.
Once you were out of sight, you slowed your pace and took a moment to catch your breath. Your mind was racing, replaying the encounter over and over again. The teasing from Kung Lao, the suspicion in Raiden's eyes—it all made you realize just how fragile the façade you had built really was.
Finding a quiet spot away from prying eyes, you leaned against a stone wall and let out a sigh. The reality of the situation was starting to sink in. You and Fujin were living in a constant state of secrecy, always hiding your love from the world. It was exhausting, and deep down, you knew it couldn't continue like this forever.
You didn't see anyone for the rest of the day - you didn't want to see anyone, not even Fujin. You weren't mad at him for what had happened, you were just upset that this was the way things were. You were lucky enough that you could confide this stuff in your friends, and that they wouldn't go and mouth off to Raiden about it, providing you somewhat of an emotional outlet so that for the time you spent with them, you could pretend that you weren't a wind god's dirty little secret.

The birth of nightfall was making it's presence on the horizon as you made your way to a nearby waterfall with a towel and spare clothes at hand.
While there were baths in the Shaolin housing, you were one to enjoy the warmth which spring brought, and along with it the refreshing feeling of bathing in the Shaolin waterfalls, known for their magical healing properties.
You undressed and stepped into the cool water, letting it envelop your body and wash away the remnants of the day's events. The waterfall cascaded down, creating a soothing sound that eased your troubled mind. As you immersed yourself, the weight of secrecy slowly lifted, replaced by a sense of tranquillity.
You closed your eyes, allowing the water to caress your skin and rejuvenate your spirit. The colours of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, casting a beautiful glow on the surrounding landscape. In this moment of solitude, you found solace and a chance to reflect on the complexities of your relationship with Fujin.
Being with him was unlike anything you had experienced before. The connection between you was undeniable, and the passion that ignited whenever you were together was intoxicating. But the constant need for secrecy cast a shadow over your love, preventing it from fully blossoming.
The sound of someone approaching alerted you as you covered your body with you arms as well as submerging yourself down to your neck in the water, watching to see who it was that disturbed you at such an intimate time.
Relief washed over you as Fujin emerged from the dense forest which hid this little waterfall away like it were a sanctuary, and your body relaxed once more.
"Fujin, you scared me," you chuckled, looking over at him, "what are you doing here?" "I was looking for you," he told you, standing at the edge of the water, "though I should've known to look here first - I know how you love the water this time of year."
Your face flushed red again as you smiled at his thoughtfulness, the way he retained all these memories of you that you'd otherwise think were useless.
"May I join you?" Fujin asked, cutting through the momentary silence.
You were slightly surprised and taken a back by his request, though how silly would you be to turn down a chance to skinny dip with this gorgeous man.
"...o-of course," you spluttered, "be my guest."
He gave you a single nod with a mischievous smile, beginning to disrobe with not an ounce of shame in his beautiful body. You felt like such a pervert watching him, but you couldn't look away. He took his shirt off, and you couldn't help but admire his chiselled torso, and the way his glowing tattoos complimented his muscly biceps.
He knew you were watching and enjoyed the way he could make you so flustered just by taking his clothes off.
Fujin stepped into the water, causing ripples to dance around his feet. The cool water embraced him, just as it had embraced you moments before. As he waded closer to where you were, the moonlight caught the droplets on his skin, creating a mesmerizing sparkle that made him appear even more ethereal.
You averted your gaze, suddenly conscious of your own nakedness and the rising heat in your cheeks. But Fujin wasn't one to let you off the hook that easily. He moved closer, his eyes fixed on you, and a playful smirk graced his lips.
"Is there something on your mind, my love?" he asked, his voice dripping with teasing.
You crossed your arms over your chest, attempting to hide your vulnerability.
"Just... admiring the view," you muttered, your voice barely audible.
Fujin chuckled softly, his laughter carrying through the air like a gentle breeze. He moved closer still, until he was standing right in front of you. The water now reached up to his waist, creating a barrier between you and the rest of the world.
He reached out a hand and gently brushed a strand of wet hair away from your face. His touch was tender, his gaze filled with an unspoken promise.
"You know, my feather, there's no need to hide. Not from me."
You felt a mixture of emotions coursing through you, the vulnerability of being completely exposed both physically and emotionally. Fujin's words resonated with you, reminding you that he was the one person with whom you didn't need to hide or pretend.
Fujin reached out for you, grabbing your arms and gently pulling them away from your body. He stared down at you, admiring you for everything that you were, body and soul. His gaze was intense, and you could feel it burning through you, but part of you liked that feeling.
He drew you in, placing his hands on your waist as your naked bodies pressed together, allowing you to rest your own hands on his chest as you looked up at him, timid and flustered.
In that moment, with the sound of the waterfall echoing in the background, you surrendered yourself to the vulnerability and passion that enveloped you. Fujin's touch sent shivers down your spine, and the intensity in his eyes ignited a fire within you.
His lips met yours in a gentle yet fervent kiss, his hands tracing patterns along your back, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. The water embraced you both, creating a sensuous and intimate atmosphere that allowed you to let go of the weight of secrecy.
Lost in the moment, you let your hands explore his body, feeling the sculpted muscles beneath your fingertips. Every touch, every caress, was a testament to the connection you shared with Fujin. There was no need for words; your bodies spoke a language of desire and longing that only the two of you understood.
As the passion intensified, the boundaries between you blurred. The water embraced you both, creating a symphony of cascading droplets and muffled moans. Fujin's lips travelled from your mouth to your neck, leaving a trail of lingering kisses that ignited a delicious ache within you.
Time seemed to stand still as you surrendered to the moment, your bodies moving in perfect harmony. The rush of the waterfall provided a soundtrack to your love, drowning out the world and allowing you to focus solely on each other.
Underneath the waterfall, you and Fujin became one, merging your bodies and souls in a dance as old as time. You felt him move inside of you for the first time, and your body reacted pleasantly to the feeling. He sighed at the sounds you made in reaction to his movements, pressing his fingers into your waist a little harder than he had meant to as the two of you continued this beautiful dance.
Time became an abstract concept as you and Fujin rode the waves of pleasure together. The sensation of his touch, the warmth of his body against yours, and the sound of your mingled breaths filled the space between you.
As the intensity built, you could feel the tell-tale signs of release approaching. It was as if the world held its breath, waiting for that climactic moment where your desires would be met. And when it came, it was a symphony of pleasure, a crescendo of shared ecstasy that left you both breathless and sated.
You held each other, the water cascading around you, as you basked in the afterglow of your lovemaking.
The moment was a culmination of everything you had been feeling and longing for. There, in the embrace of the waterfall, you felt a sense of freedom and intimacy that surpassed any previous encounter. The weight of secrecy and the fear of being discovered were momentarily forgotten as you clung to each other, hearts beating in unison.
Fujin's arms wrapped around you, holding you close, as you rested your head against his chest. The water continued to cascade down, providing a gentle symphony that soothed your weary souls.
"I love you," he whispered, his voice filled with a tenderness that melted your heart. "No matter the circumstances, no matter the obstacles we face, I will always love you."
Once again, you found yourself fallen to the ground, courtesy of your opponent yet close friend, Liu Kang, as you two as well as Kung Lao participated in a training session lead by Master Bo' Rai Cho.
It was unusual that you gave in so easily. Even though your peers were considerably stronger than you, you usually put up a decent fight, especially in terms of skill and agility. But today, you simply couldn't focus, not with everything that was happening in your life at that point, secret or not.
As you lay on the ground, catching your breath, Liu extended a hand to help you up. You gave him a cheeky smile, sitting up and grabbing his hand as he pulled you to your feet, habitually wiping away the blood-dirt mix which had formed on your face from repeatedly falling on it like a mother cleaning the food off her child's face.
"Is something the matter, (Y/n)?"
You turned to face your master, the man having called you from his place to the side of the training ring with Lao at his side, awaiting his next turn to kick one of your asses again.
"You seem very distracted," he pointed out, tilting his head in a thoughtful manner, "is something on your mind?"
You took a moment to gather your thoughts, considering whether or not to confide in Master Bo' Rai Cho. While he was a skilled and wise teacher, you weren't sure if you were ready to delve deeper into your feelings regarding the situation. The weight of secrecy was still heavy on your shoulders, and you feared the consequences of exposing your love to others, even when you and Fujin had already confided in the master of your relationship.
"I... I'm just going through some personal issues," you finally replied, opting for a vague explanation. "It's nothing that will affect my training, Master. I'll do better next time."
Master Bo' Rai Cho observed you for a moment, his eyes filled with understanding. He was perceptive, and though he couldn't pinpoint the exact reason behind your distraction, he respected your privacy.
"Very well," he said, nodding. "Remember, (Y/n), it's important to find balance in all aspects of your life. If there's anything you need to talk about, my door is always open."
You gave him a nod, smiling gratefully at his offer as you traded places with Kung Lao and watched as he and Liu sparred. Your knees were drawn up to your chest, and you held your legs timidly, lost in your own thoughts. The training session continued, but your mind remained preoccupied with the internal battle you were facing in secret.
As you watched Kung Lao and Liu Kang engage in their kombat, you couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. They had each other's backs, supporting one another without hesitation. You knew they'd both do the exact same for you - they were awfully protective of you, having treated you like their baby sister since you were all kids. But the camaraderie and trust between them were evident, and it made you long for a similar level of openness with Fujin.
You were startled when you heard someone approach from behind you, spinning your head around only to smile sweetly when Fujin made his presence known.
"Fujin," you greeted, relief flooding through you as you took in his familiar face. "Come to watch us dick around when we're supposed to be training?"
He grinned at your remark.
"It is always a joy watching one of you fall on your face," he chuckled, reaching down and brushing over your face a little with his hand, "and by the looks of it, you were the one who fell on their face today."
You playfully swatted his hand away, a smirk tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Hey now, don't get too comfortable. It won't be long before I'm back on my feet and showing these boys how it's done," you retorted, though the humour in your voice was tinged with a hint of frustration.
Fujin's expression softened as he took in your demeanour. He knew you well enough to sense that something was bothering you, even if you tried to hide it behind your usual banter.
Before he could ask though, your conversation was interrupted by someone.
The two of you turned to the voice which had called his name, finding that it was Lao who called for him, and that he and Liu had finished their spar with the likely winner of course being Liu. He was waving at the wind god.
"Won't you come spar with me?" Lao requested, "I'm pretty sure I could take a wind god." "Please," you scoffed, shaking your head, "you'll be down in an instant."
Fujin chuckled at your remark, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He turned his attention back to Kung Lao, considering his friend's offer.
"Very well," Fujin replied, a playful glint in his eyes. "But don't blame me when you're eating the dirt."
Lao grinned mischievously and stepped into the training ring, preparing himself for the impending battle. Liu stepped out of the ring and took a seat beside you, the two of you sharing a cheeky grin between each other. You watched with anticipation, knowing that despite Lao's confidence, Fujin's powers as the God of Wind would be a formidable challenge.
The two kombatants circled each other, their movements fluid and calculated. Lao attacked with a series of rapid strikes, his agility and speed on full display. But Fujin effortlessly dodged and countered, his control over the wind allowing him to evade Lao's attacks with ease.
You marvelled at Fujin's grace and skill, his movements like a delicate dance in perfect harmony with the elements. It was a reminder of why you fell in love with him in the first place. As the spar continued, the air crackled with energy, a testament to the power that Fujin possessed.
Despite Lao's best efforts, Fujin gradually gained the upper hand. He used his wind manipulation to create gusts that disrupted Lao's balance, leaving him vulnerable to Fujin's counterattacks. With a final powerful gust, Fujin sent Lao flying backward, landing on the ground with a thud.
The training session came to a halt as everyone turned their attention to the fallen warrior. You and Liu rushed over to Lao's side, alarmed at the volume of the thud which he made when he hit the ground. Fujin joined you, his expression filled with a mix of concern and satisfaction.
"Lao, are you alright?" you asked, helping him sit up.
Lao grinned up at you, rubbing the back of his head.
"I'm fine, just a little winded," he replied, his voice laced with both admiration and slight annoyance. "Your boyfriend packs quite a punch."
Fujin extended a hand to help Lao up, his expression playful.
"You put up a good fight, Lao," Fujin said, a hint of pride in his voice. "But perhaps you should reconsider challenging a wind god."
Lao accepted Fujin's hand, pulling himself up with a sheepish grin.
"Duly noted," Lao huffed as you brushed him off, like he and Liu frequently did for you.
"Fujin," Bo' Rai Cho cut into the conversation, still at his place from outside of the ring, "your skills are valuable. I would like to see you spar with the other two now, if you'd be so kind. They have been slacking as of late."
"We haven't been slacking!" you defended playfully, punching Lao's arm in a friendly way, "Kung Poa's just a smart-ass." "Yeah, where do you think I learn it from?" Lao teased as he grabbed a hold of you, putting you in a headlock, "(Y/n), king of all smart-assery."
You groaned as he ruffled your hair, and before you could bite him again, Fujin spoke up.
"Sure, Master Bo' Rai Cho," Fujin replied, his voice filled with confidence. "I'd be happy to oblige."
Kung Lao unleashed you from your makeshift prison, and you all stood around, awaiting your master's instructions.
"Liu shall spar with Fujin first," Bo' Rai Cho directed.
As you and Lao stepped out of the ring, Liu and Fujin circled around each other in a challenging way. You knew this was sure to be a decent fight.
The air around them seemed to shift as they faced each other, their focused gazes locked in. Liu initiated the spar with a swift roundhouse kick, but Fujin effortlessly dodged it, demonstrating his agility and speed. He countered with a series of precise strikes, each movement calculated and powerful.
Liu retaliated with a barrage of punches and kicks, his attacks infused with fire as he tapped into his inner power. But Fujin's wind manipulation allowed him to create a barrier that shielded him from the flames, rendering Liu's attacks ineffective.
The spar continued, and the intensity grew with each passing moment. Fujin showcased his perfect control over the wind, using it to enhance his strikes and create whirlwinds that disrupted Liu Kang's balance. Liu, however, remained relentless, his fiery attacks fuelled by his determination.
As the spar reached its peak, the training ring became a spectacle of elemental forces colliding. Gusts of wind clashed with bursts of fire, creating a captivating display of power and skill. The ground beneath them trembled from the impact of their strikes, and the air crackled with energy.
Despite Liu Kang's incredible speed and fire-based attacks, Fujin's control over the wind proved to be a formidable advantage. He maneuvered with grace and precision, countering each of Liu's moves with calculated strikes and gusts of wind.
In a final display of power, Fujin summoned a tornado-like vortex, sweeping Liu off his feet and sending him crashing onto the ground.
Fujin approached Liu Kang, extending a hand to help him up. Liu Kang accepted the gesture, his face covered in a mixture of admiration and exhaustion.
"That was an excellent fight, Fujin," Liu Kang said, panting heavily. "Your control over the wind is truly remarkable."
Fujin nodded, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
"You fought valiantly, Liu Kang," Fujin replied, offering his respect. "Your fire is a force to be reckoned with."
"Excellent work, Liu Kang," Bo' Rai Cho praised his student, shortly after turning toward you and nodding, "(Y/n), it is now your turn."
As you entered the training ring, you locked eyes with Fujin. There was a glimmer of anticipation in his gaze, mirroring your own.
"Don't you dare go easy on her just 'cause she's your girlfriend," Kung Lao shouted from the observation stand, "show that goof-ass no mercy!"
You chuckled at Lao's comment, shaking your head in amusement. You knew he was just teasing, but deep down, you also knew that Fujin wouldn't hold back. He respected your abilities as a fighter and knew you could handle yourself.
Fujin stepped forward, his expression serious but tinged with affection.
"I would never go easy on her," he replied, his voice carrying a playful undertone. "She's more than capable of holding her own."
You grinned at his response, feeling a surge of confidence welling up within you. You had trained hard to reach this point, and you were eager to demonstrate your skills to Fujin, even if it meant facing off against him.
As the two of you circled each other in the ring, you could sense the anticipation building among your friends and Master Bo' Rai Cho. They were all familiar with your determination and your ability to surprise them with your resourcefulness in combat.
The moment arrived, and Fujin made the first move. He lunged forward with incredible speed, attempting to catch you off guard. But you were prepared, swiftly sidestepping his attack and countering with a series of quick strikes. The clash of your blows echoed in the training area, filling the air with the sound of determination and dedication.
Time seemed to blur as you and Fujin engaged in the intense spar. Sweat dripped from your brow, your muscles burning with exertion. But you refused to let fatigue get the better of you. You were fuelled by the desire to prove yourself, not just to Fujin, but also to yourself.
In a burst of adrenaline, you launched a flurry of strikes, each one executed with precision and power. Fujin defended himself with skill, his wind manipulation providing him with an advantage in manoeuvrability. But you persisted, your movements becoming more fluid and controlled.
Suddenly, you saw an opening—an opportunity to land a decisive blow. With a swift and well-timed strike, you managed to land a hit on Fujin, causing him to stumble backward. It was a small victory, but it filled you with a sense of accomplishment.
You thought this was the end, that you had overpowered him and won. However, you were gravely mistaken.
As you let your guard down, he channelled his wind powers, creating a powerful gust that sent you flying backward. You were thrown off balance, and in one swift movement, Fujin reached up and hit you. Now, his intentions were entirely with hitting your chest to knock you back. However, he miscalculated his movement, and his partially curled up fist met your nose. You fell back with a thud, and as you did, a generous amount of blood began leaking from your nose.
Before you could fully regain your senses, Fujin was already by your side, extending his hand to help you up. His eyes held a mix of concern and determination.
"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine worry.
You nodded, accepting his hand and allowing him to pull you to your feet. Despite the setback, you couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for Fujin's skill and resilience. He had taken advantage of your momentary lapse and turned the tables on you.
"I'm fine," you replied, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. "That was a good move. You really know how to keep me on my toes."
Fujin's lips curved into a smirk, a playful glint in his eyes.
"Always," he said, his voice filled with a mix of pride and affection. "I wouldn't want you getting too comfortable."
You grinned, trying to look annoyed though anyone could see that you were simply happy to just be in the moment with everyone. Fujin began wiping away at the blood that was pouring out of your nose, wiping that blood onto his own shirt in an affectionate way as he helped you to the observation stand.
"You know it's a healthy relationship when one of you can punch the other in the nose and it's alright," Lao teased, earning a playful glare from you.
You took a seat next to Liu, who handed you a towel to help clean up the blood on your face.
Master Bo Rai Cho turned toward all of you, though he was naturally focused on you at that moment, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and amusement.
"Are you alright, (Y/n)?" he asked, his tone light-hearted but genuine.
"Ahh, she'll be fine," Lao bantered, throwing an arm around her shoulder and pulling her into him roughly, "she's tough. I broke her arm when we were kids and there wasn't a single tear. Psycho hose beast."
You chuckled at Lao's comment, despite the throbbing pain in your nose. You appreciated his light-heartedness and how he tried to lighten the situation.
"I'll live," you replied, dabbing at your nose with the towel. "Just a little battle scar to remind me not to let my guard down."
Bo' Rai Cho nodded, a smile playing on his lips.
"Indeed," he said, his voice carrying a hint of pride. "Remember, every defeat is an opportunity to learn and grow stronger. And you, my dear, have shown remarkable resilience."
You felt a swell of gratitude toward your master. Despite the occasional hardships and challenges, he had always been there to support and guide you, both as a mentor and a friend. His words resonated deeply with you, reinforcing your determination to improve and overcome any obstacles that stood in your path.
As you sat there, wiping away the last traces of blood, you looked around at your friends, each one wearing a different expression. Liu had a mix of concern and admiration on his face, while Kung Lao had a mischievous smirk. And Fujin, your partner in both love and kombat, watched you with an unwavering gaze, his eyes filled with affection.
This. This was what you longed for, to be open with everyone about Fujin, to exist as lovers where everyone could acknowledge and accept. Though, you knew you had a long way before that was ever possible. For now, you would enjoy these moments within this small group, of your two friends, your master, and your lover, and would save your sorrows for when you were alone, not allowing it to taint the perfect atmosphere you were surrounded by.
Fujin squeezed your hand gently, his touch grounding you in the present moment. You turned to him, a soft smile on your lips, grateful for his unwavering presence by your side.
"Thank you for always believing in me," you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity.
Fujin returned your smile, his eyes shining with affection.
"There's never a doubt in my mind," he replied, his voice warm and reassuring. "You are a force to be reckoned with, and I am honoured to stand beside you."
You leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss against his cheek, feeling a surge of gratitude and love for the wind god who had become such an integral part of your life.
"Ew! Get a room you two!" Lao teased, making a fake spewing noise.
You rolled your eyes at the smart-ass, throwing your bloody towel at him.
"Jealous, much?" you ribbed, cocking a brow at him.
Lao feigned offense, dramatically clutching his heart.
"How dare you suggest such a thing!" he exclaimed with mock seriousness. "I'll have you know, I'm perfectly content being one of two third wheel's to your lovey-dovey escapades."
There was a brief burst of laughter amongst all of you, directed at your absolute joker clown of a friend though the atmosphere was undoubtedly loving.
Training concluded for the day, and you all settled for dinner together with empty stomachs, but full hearts. Though naturally, your nagging thoughts would return, as nothing good can last forever.
You hated walking the halls of the Shaolin temples on your own, because no matter the time of day, the hallways were always dimly lit only by the little sunlight which made it's way into the buildings. It was spooky, and gave you the creeps, especially when uninvited vermin made noises which would startle you, only convincing you further of the presence of ghosts.
As you hurried through the shadowy corridors, your footsteps echoing faintly, you couldn't shake off the eerie feeling that engulfed you. You quickened your pace, keen to head out to the field to catch some fresh air.
You almost screamed when you felt a hand clasp you wrist from behind you, dragging you into a dark corner of the temple. They clasped a hand around your mouth, and before you could hit them, they revealed themself.
Only Fujin would scare you like that.
You let out a muffled gasp as Fujin removed his hand from your mouth, revealing a mischievous grin on his face. Despite the initial fright, a mixture of relief and annoyance washed over you.
"Fujin! You scared the shit out of me!" you scoffed, crossing your arms, "you know how much walking around here alone scares me." "I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist," Fujin chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist, "you're so cute when you're frightened."
You rolled your eyes playfully, but couldn't help the slight smile that tugged at your lips. Despite the scare, being in Fujin's arms always made you feel safe and loved.
"Well, I'm glad my terror amuses you," you teased, resting your hands on his chest, "but is there any reason you frightened me here in particular?"
Fujin didn't say anything to this, though his actions spoke much louder than any words could've. The man leaned down and captured you in a lustful kiss, his lips moving against yours with a fervour that sent shivers down your spine. The dimly lit hallway suddenly faded into the background as you lost yourself in the intoxicating sensation of his touch.
His hands roamed your body, igniting a passionate fire within you. The world around you ceased to exist as you surrendered to the moment, your heart racing in sync with the rhythm of your kisses.
With a surge of desire, Fujin lifted you up effortlessly, your legs wrapping around his waist. The coolness of the temple wall pressed against your back as he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth. Time seemed to stand still as your bodies melded together in a dance of passion and longing.
Before things could escalate, however, something always went wrong.
You felt your heart sink to the pit of your stomach at the sound of that voice, Fujin dropping you back to your feet as the two of you turned to face this consequence you had been evading successfully for a good long while.
Though obviously, the jig was up. You were found out.
"What..." Raiden began, lost for words as he looked between the two of you, "...what is the meaning of this?"
You exchanged a nervous glance with Fujin, the passion from moments ago fading into a mixture of apprehension and guilt.
"Raiden," Fujin spoke up, his voice filled with both determination and a touch of regret, "we were meaning to tell you. It's just... it never seemed like the right time."
There was a moment of silence, so thick and tense that one could've cut through it with a blade. Though, no matter how uncomfortable the silence, you didn't want it to go away - you weren't ready to face these consequences, yet here you were. You could feel Raiden's harsh gaze on you, intensely, and you felt as though you were about to implode with how fast your heart was being.
You didn't dare look up at Raiden when he addressed you, only listening to hear what he wanted of you.
"I'd like to speak to my brother in private," he said, firm and harsh in his words, "so I'd appreciate if you left us alone."
You didn't say anything, only rushing away with your head down as you felt tears prick at your eyes. As you hurriedly made your way out of the dimly lit hallway, tears streamed down your face, blurring your vision. The weight of guilt overwhelmed you.
The temple corridors seemed to stretch on endlessly, the shadows elongating and distorting with your turbulent emotions. Finding solace in a secluded spot outside, you leaned against a stone wall and let the tears flow freely. Each drop carried a mixture of remorse, fear, and uncertainty.
"Fujin," Raiden began, his voice dripping with anger and disappointment, "I cannot believe you would go against my orders to stay away from her. Does nothing I say mean anything to you?!"
"I told you: love chooses it's own path, and it chose her," Fujin reminded him, his own voice stern though his nature was gentle, "it was only a matter of time."
Raiden's anger intensified as he clenched his fists, his eyes sparking with electricity. He took a step closer to Fujin, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and sorrow.
"Fujin, you know the dangers of personal attachments," Raiden said, his tone sharp. "Our duty to protect Earthrealm comes before our own desires. We cannot afford to let emotions cloud our judgment."
Fujin stood his ground, his expression resolute but tinged with sadness.
"I understand the risks, Raiden," Fujin replied, his voice steady. "But love is not a weakness. It can give us motivation, and purpose. My feelings for (Y/n) do not diminish my dedication to our cause." Raiden shook his head, his disappointment evident.
"You speak of love as if it exists in isolation," Raiden said, his voice laced with frustration. "But love has consequences, Fujin. Consequences that can put us all in danger."
Fujin's gaze remained unwavering as he met Raiden's intense stare. "I am aware of the potential consequences, Raiden," Fujin said firmly. "But I refuse to deny myself the happiness and connection I have found with (Y/n). I believe we can find a way to balance our love and our duty."
"You are a fool!" Raiden shouted.
"No, you are the fool, brother!" Fujin snapped back at him, his gentle nature washing away with frustration. "There is nothing you can do or say that will stop me from pursuing this relationship with (Y/n). I love her, and my feelings will not change to accommodate anyone."
Raiden's anger flared, his fists tightening even more. The air around him crackled with electricity as sparks danced across his body. Though he would not continue this confrontation here, the man turning away from him and storming off elsewhere.
As Raiden turned away and stormed off, Fujin watched him with a mix of sadness and determination. He knew that his actions had strained their relationship, but he couldn't deny his love for you. Fujin had never felt such a deep connection with someone before, and he couldn't imagine his life without you by his side.
With a heavy sigh, Fujin decided to give Raiden some time to cool down before attempting to talk to him again. He understood that his brother was driven by the responsibility to protect Earthrealm, but he believed that love could coexist with their duty. He just needed to find a way to convince Raiden of the same.
With your tears easing up, you could feel yourself cooling down. Even so, your emotions were still overwhelming, and you feared the worst when you thought of how this would effect your relationship with Fujin.
Though, as you reflected on the situation, you hadn't yet noticed the menacing presence looming over you until he made himself known by speaking.
You jumped a little, startled when you turned around and saw Raiden, standing a few feet away from you. You quickly wiped away your tears, trying to compose yourself in front of Raiden. His expression was stern, and you could sense the disappointment radiating from him.
Taking a deep breath, you steadied your voice.
"Raiden," you said, trying to keep your voice steady, "I... I'm sorry. I never wanted things to turn out like this. It's just... Fujin and I, we didn't plan for this to happen."
"(Y/n), you will no longer see Fujin." You whipped your head back around at this, shocked at his order.
The words hung in the air, causing your heart to sink further. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. It felt like a heavy blow, threatening to shatter the now presumably weakened connection you had with Fujin.
"Excuse me?" you asked in disbelief.
"Your bond with Fujin is hindering his duties as a protector of Earthrealm," Raiden elaborated, not a single hint of sympathy in his voice, "and because of that, I must ask that you cut ties with him and avoid each other."
Raiden was taken back by your blunt, harsh response, watching as you stood up from where you were to face him. Though, his stunned state didn't last him very long, as rage overtook him. His eyes flashed with anger as he clenched his fists tightly, sparks of electricity crackling around him. His disappointment turned into a fierce determination to assert his authority.
"You dare defy me, mortal?" Raiden's voice boomed, his divine power radiating with an intensity that shook the air around you. "You have no say in this matter. I am the Thunder God, the protector of Earthrealm, and I will not allow my brother's loyalty to waver because of a mere human."
His words struck you like a physical blow, but you refused to back down. Your love for Fujin was strong, and you couldn't accept the idea of severing ties with him.
"My relationship with your brother is none of your business!" you snapped at him, noting the way a storm began brewing around you, "love is not something you can control or dictate. Fujin and I have found something special, and I won't let you take that away from us!!"
Raiden's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with a mix of anger and disappointment. He took a step closer to you, his powerful presence dominating the space around you.
"Very well," he said in a low, menacing tone, conjuring electricity between his two hands, "if I cannot convince you, I will force you."
Your face paled when his previously white electricity turned a dark red, and before you could comprehend what exactly was happening, he struck you with his godly powers.
You fell to the ground, crying out and seizing as the electricity commanded of you.
"Yield," Raiden demanded of you as he watched you writhe on the ground before him.
"...n-never," you spat.
As you tried to recover from the blow, Raiden hit you with another shock, causing you to cry out once again, seizing and wriggling in pain.
"Each surge of energy I send through you will be more powerful than the next," Raiden warned her, preparing yet another blast, "submit, or face the consequences."
You coughed up blood as you looked up at him, and though you were in immense pain, a devilish smirk plastered itself to your face, and you spat the blood out.
"...ha...I could do this...all day," you wheezed, a painful chuckle passing your bloody lips.
Another strike hit you, and like he said it would be, it was more intense than the last. You seized uncontrollably, feeling tears prick your eyes though you wouldn't give him the satisfaction of tears.
Just as the pain threatened to overwhelm you, a powerful gust of wind suddenly swept through the area, dispersing Raiden's electrical assault. You gasped, looking up to see Fujin standing before you, his eyes blazing with determination and anger.
As you laid your head down in relief, looking over to the side, you saw that your friends had been observing from afar, staring at you in panicked states though you figured Fujin would've told them to stand back while he took care of this.
"Enough, Raiden!" Fujin's voice boomed, commanding attention. "Fear and control are not the ways of a true protector."
"You dare interfere, Fujin?!" Raiden growled, his voice laced with anger.
Fujin stepped forward, his presence radiating strength and resolve.
"I dare to protect what is right," he declared, his voice steady despite the underlying anger. "Love and compassion are not weaknesses, Raiden. They are the very essence of our humanity."
Raiden's expression contorted with a mix of fury and frustration.
"You have become weak, Fujin," he seethed, sparks of lightning crackling around him. "You let your emotions cloud your judgment."
Fujin's eyes blazed with determination as he met Raiden's gaze.
"No, brother. It is you who has lost sight of what it means to be a protector. True strength lies in understanding and empathy. You must learn to embrace the bonds that connect us rather than seek to control them."
The two gods stood in opposition, their powers crackling in the air, representing the clash between duty and love, control and freedom.
"You will not sway me, Fujin," Raiden spat, summoning a surge of electricity that crackled with dark intensity. "I will show you the power of a true god!"
Without any further hesitation, Raiden struck first, sending forth a barrage of lightning bolts aimed at Fujin. The air crackled with raw energy as the bolts surged through the battlefield, aiming to overpower and subdue Fujin's defenses.
But Fujin was swift and agile, his mastery over wind granting him unparalleled mobility. He gracefully evaded the lightning strikes, dancing through the air with the finesse of a leaf carried by a gust of wind. As each bolt missed its mark, Fujin retaliated with focused precision.
He conjured powerful gusts of wind, directing them toward Raiden. The gales howled, pushing against Raiden's electrical assault, threatening to disrupt and disperse his attacks. The winds swirled around Raiden, testing his control over the elements and challenging his dominance.
Raiden, unwilling to be outmatched, amplified his electrical powers, intensifying the bolts of lightning. The sky crackled with energy as he unleashed a devastating surge, aiming to overpower Fujin's wind manipulation and break through his defenses.
The two godly forces clashed with immense power, their energies creating a dazzling display of light and sound. Bolts of lightning clashed against the powerful gusts of wind, causing explosions and shockwaves that reverberated throughout the battleground.
Fujin pressed his advantage, using his mastery over the winds to control the battlefield. He summoned gusts of air that circled around Raiden, restricting his movement and limiting his ability to retaliate. The once all-powerful Thunder God found himself trapped in the whirlwind, his authority challenged by Fujin's unwavering determination.
With a final surge of wind, Fujin sent Raiden hurtling through the air, crashing into the ground with a resounding impact. The force of the impact reverberated throughout the battlefield, momentarily silencing the chaos.
As the dust settled, Fujin approached the fallen Raiden, his expression softened with a mix of compassion and disappointment. He extended a hand, offering Raiden a chance at redemption and reconciliation.
"Raiden, your power should be used to protect and guide, not to control and suppress," Fujin spoke with firmness, yet a hint of empathy in his voice.
His energy cooled down from red back to it's original white, and Raiden sighed, realising the weight of what he had just done as he took Fujin's hand, allowing him to pull his brother onto his feet.
"I am a fool..." Raiden uttered, looking at his hands which he used to commit a horrid act of violence, "I have allowed myself to become a slave to anger."
Fujin's gaze softened as he heard the genuine remorse in Raiden's voice. He placed a reassuring hand on Raiden's shoulder, offering him solace and understanding.
"We all stumble along our paths, Raiden," Fujin replied, his voice filled with compassion. "What matters is how we learn from our mistakes and strive to make amends."
Raiden nodded, a mixture of gratitude and shame etched on his face. The brothers stood together, their differences momentarily set aside in favour of a shared commitment to restore balance and rectify the damage that had been done.
Liu Kang and Kung Lao were quick to rush to your side, helping you up into a sitting position as they assessed your state.
"(Y/n)? Are you alright??" Liu asked, cringing when you coughed up a little more blood.
You mustered a weak yet cheeky smile, trying to reassure them despite the pain coursing through your body.
"I've had worse," you boasted, Lao sighing as he wiped the blood away from your face affectionately. "Right, worse being all of your painfully embarrassing moments where you make a fool of yourself," he teased, wiping the blood on his hand onto your shirt, "I still get second hand embarrassment thinking about any of those moments."
You chuckled softly, wincing at the pain but appreciating the lightened atmosphere his teasing brought even in such a dark situation.
"Hey now, those moments make life interesting," you retorted, playfully nudging Kung Lao's arm. "Besides, you've had your fair share of embarrassing moments too, my friend."
Kung Lao raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin forming on his face.
"Oh, really? Care to give some examples?" he challenged, enjoying the banter.
You laughed, a hint of fatigue evident in your voice. Though before you could fill him in on his challenge to you, the three of you were approached by Fujin and Raiden.
The thunder god had an apologetic look plastered to his face, and naturally it was for you
"(Y/n), I am deeply sorry for what I've done," Raiden spoke, his voice tinged with guilt. "You did not deserve the pain I inflicted upon you, nor did I have the right to interfere with your relationship. Please, accept my apologies."
You looked into Raiden's eyes, seeing the genuine remorse and sincerity in his words. You could feel the weight of his apology, and you knew that he was truly sorry for the pain he had caused.
"Thank you Raiden, your apology means a lot to me," you croaked, holding your stomach as you spoke.
Raiden looked between you and Fujin, acknowledging the relationship between you for the first time in a positive light.
"My brother is truly an amazing deity," he praised, placing a hand on Fujin's shoulder, "I was ridiculous to believe that there was no room in his heart for balance, and for that I am sorry. You needn't hide yourselves away from me anymore. I will not criticise you for something that is truly beautiful." "Thank you, brother," Fujin added, resting his hand on his brother's arm as they shared a sentimental moment between them.
Considering you were injured quite a bit from the electric damage inflicted on you, Fujin decided in that moment that it was definitely best to tend to your wounds.
He decided to excuse himself from everyone as he knelt down beside you, scooping you up in his arms bridal style before standing back up and carrying you away to somewhere the two of you could have privacy, so he could heal you.
Even though you were in immense pain, you had never been happier and more relieved. The weight of secrecy had been lifted from you, and you were free to do as you pleased with your lover.
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specialgradefckr · 9 days
Heatwave: Day 3
tw: explicit content, dubcon. 4k+ words. No curses AU. Kenjaku/reader (Kenkaju looks like Geto here). female!omega!reader, beta!Kenjaku, ftm!Kenjaku, we support both good and evil trans people on this blog. It is implied that Kenjaku is also a trans alpha.
Examination kink, praise kink, Kenjaku is an OBGYN, honestly he's not even trying to pretend he's normal, BIG medical malpractice, reader is Feeling Very Weird Things but is Into It, reader can tell Kenjaku is being Not Very Professional but gaslights the shit out of herself bc he’s hot, you go queen.
Prompt: An omega goes for a regular health checkup that leaves them weeping from all holes.
Kenjaku Itadori – formerly Kaori Itadori, you had heard – is a unique individual in his own right. You’d seen the pictures of him before and after transitioning, proudly displayed on his profile, and you can tell why.
It was quite the transformation. A pretty housewife with a bob and a strained smile, to a handsome gentleman who exuded confidence. His hair is actually longer now that he’s presenting as a man, his face broad but still possessed of a delicate nose and lips, a well-defined jawline.
There’s a scar going across his forehead dotted with what look like stitches; it looks like it’s been tattooed over to resemble a chain of stars. What kind of surgery left him with that? A cursory google reveals nothing, but it’s not a big deal anyways.
And those sharp, hooded eyes that always seemed to be smiling at you, in a way that would probably be a bit disturbing if he weren’t so handsome.
He's also an OBGYN, to whom your insurance had directed you. It’s a bit awkward; he may be a beta, but he’s obviously a man as soon as you lay eyes on him, and your heat is… somewhat close.
A low voice says your name, “It looks like this is your first time here, hm? Getting your yearly exam done?”
His tone is easy and conversational, smiling eyes half-lidded at you in a way that’s probably supposed to be reassuring.
You swallow. “Yes. Dr. Itadori, right?”
There’s a silence, but the doctor fills it quickly, “Kenjaku, if you don’t mind.”
You’re not really one to be familiar with people you’ve just met, but he’s transitioned, so it might be that he enjoys hearing his first name. It’s not like it matters either way.
“Nice to meet you, Kenjaku. So uh,” Your eyes glance all around the room, “What first?”
“How about the easy stuff first?” The smile he makes feels a touch too wide, but with kind eyes that nearly close when he grins, it still manages to be disarming.
“I’ll check your scent glands. If you’re uncomfortable, I can call for a female nurse.”
The self-awareness makes you self-conscious. You’d been overthinking this.
He’s just a doctor, a professional. There was nothing weird here.
When his eyes open up some more, it does look a touch… predatory. But his voice is nothing but warm, cooing, almost, in a way that sets you right at ease.
“Please, have no fear. I’m told I have very gentle hands.”
His smile softens as he lifts them up, fingers long and elegant, like a pianist.
You take a tiny sniff of the air again; he’s a beta. Of course he’s a beta. It was much simpler to transition as a beta than any other secondary gender, so that made sense. The tinge of sandalwood in the air was probably a cologne.
Maybe you should ask him what he uses.
With a nod, you slip off your jacket, pulling down the collar of your shirt. It’s a bit chilly in here; gooseflesh prickles over your exposed skin.
When he walks up to you, you’re warmed a little, and the heat of his nearby body radiates through the air.
He reaches his hands out to your neck. Ungloved.
You can’t help your heart racing as he traces over your throat. The swell of skin where your scent was strongest, right beneath his fingertips. It’s hard not to shiver at least a little.
“It’s kinda cold,” You murmur, quietly, just to fill the silence.
Dr. Kenjaku leans in. He’s got a wide frame – strong, broad. So warm you find yourself leaning back, just a little.
“Sorry about that,” His voice is deep, closer to you now. “It does get a bit drafty in here, doesn’t it?”
It’s hard to answer with your heart in your throat.
Stickiness makes itself known on your neck, a layer of secretions from the very gland he traces over. As soon as you realize how wet his fingertips have become your face flushes red.
Before you can open your mouth, he says, “Perfect, perfect, very good.” Something lurches in your chest at the praise, “Your glands are reacting to stimulus appropriately. Nothing wrong, there.”
Ah. Yes. Nothing wrong, he was just checking. Of course you would start leaking – your glands would start leaking, if he touched them like that. It was very rare to touch another person’s neck in daily life, much less the part where scenting glands were.
That’s why it was – it made you a bit antsy. But it’s fine, just an awkward examination. Something to get through.
“Nervous?” You give him a noncommittal hum and he sets a wide, reassuring palm over your shoulder.
“Doctor Kenjaku – ”
“Just Kenjaku, remember?” He squeezes your shoulder, and although the gesture is alarmingly familiar, you feel a little bit of the tension seep out of you, “Don’t worry, what you’re feeling isn’t unusual at all.”
He tilts his face to the side, painfully handsome with his bangs drifting lightly in front of his face.
“Just focus on relaxing for me. Can you do that?”
You take in a deep breath – louder than you would have liked – and let it go. Then you nod at him.
“Oh, we can do better than that. Let me help you.” Another hand on your other shoulder.
Pressing tightly to release the knotted muscle there, he clasps your shoulders with both hands. It’s close to your neck, thumbs edging underneath your scent glands, a tickle that unwinds something heavy in your chest.
Your heartbeat slows to a steady thrum, but there’s a pulse there that doesn’t entirely go away. A delicate throb that ebbs with the tension his hands are working out of you.
Kenjaku keeps going for a moment, humming as his fingertips press into a particularly rigid muscle, working closer into your neck and a bit into your back.
“There you go, very good…” His voice is soft – but that’s just because he’s close, so he doesn’t need to speak so loudly. Kenjaku leans in, “Feel it getting looser?”
It is – your shoulders are. But what was it he was asking about, again? Distantly, you think there’s something weird about this, it shouldn’t really be going like this, but – he’d been otherwise normal, right? Your eyes flick between his hands and his face.
“Just imagine that feeling dripping down your shoulders,” He guides you, hands massaging with his words.
You feel your body following suit. Easy, liquid relaxation pooling as the muscles in your shoulder melt into his touch, starting from your neck, flowing downward over the rest of you. You think for a moment you smell a warm, comforting sandalwood in the air.
Just when it’s about to go on so long you start to really wonder, Kenjaku pulls away.
“Excellent, just perfect.” He’s a bit too satisfied, but you’re too nervous to think more about it until he fetches something from the table.
A scent bursts into the air, artificial and sweet. He holds out something red – a hard candy.
His smile still seems a bit too wide. “A treat for being so good for me. Something to suck on to help you relax.”
The way he says it –
No. No, you’re imagining things. There’s a little slickness you feel gathering between your legs, but that’s just from being – being touched so much. Your glands. That’s why.
You reach out to grab it from him, but Kenjaku moves faster. Long, cool fingers delicately press the candy to your lips. It smells delectable.
Opening up to receive it, his fingers draw into your mouth, pressing down onto your tongue with the candy pinched between them.
As your heart picks up, Kenjaku chuckles, “Say ahhh~. Thought I’d get this part over with real quick.”
It’s sour, so your whole mouth is watering. Sweet, too. Cherry flavored, with a heavy scent. At his gentle prompting, you open wider, even as you swallow away your drool.
He stares intently for a moment at the back of your throat, like there’s anything interesting back there, and pulls his fingers out. They’re sticky, dripping with your saliva, and you flush. Looking away in shame, even though he was the one who put them in there.
Why had he done that again? You’re not stupid, you know this is weird, but you just… for some reason it doesn’t seem like such a big deal. You don’t know. It’s weird.
You’re relaxed now, sure, but you can still feel a pulse in your neck where his hands had brushed against you. There’s a soft, distant throbbing lower down, which you’re trying not to think about.
Even without looking you can feel his cat-like eyes are boring into you, curved like they’re laughing.
But his hands are as gentle as he said they would be. His voice is even sweeter than the candy that’s still tingling on your tongue. You want to believe him. You want him to be… not bad.
“Everything looks good.” His hands are clean, but you didn’t see him wash them. “Are you sexually active?” Kenjaku asks.
“Sometimes,” You say, and then stop yourself from providing any more details.
Do his lips look a bit… wet?
No, no, you’ve got to stop being weird about this. Your thinking this is weird is what’s making this weird. Nothing hurt about the examination, nothing felt bad or uncomfortable or weird. He gave you candy!
The logic sounds a bit childish in your head but you can’t bring yourself to refute it.
And really, is it that important? Is it such a big deal, when you weren’t even that bothered by it? You just need to keep going with the examination. Kenjaku wouldn’t do anything bad.
“I see, I’ll do some extra examinations just to check everything’s okay.” There’s a smile you’d been expecting, a reassuring, comforting tone, no alpha male jealousy or anything, just professional care and consideration.
This was fine. Everything was fine.
He tells you to undress, and you do. Putting on the gown that opened from the front while he sat next to you patiently.
When you get your shirt off, he reaches out and you hand it to him without thinking. He folds it nicely and sets it on his lap, along with the rest of the clothes you hand him. There’s a little plastic bag he puts them in, zipping it up and setting it on the counter as you put on that gown that opens from the front.
You like watching him fold them. He’s so meticulous and graceful, utter domesticity in a lab coat. Handsome face utterly peaceful as he concentrates on his task.
With each article of clothing he passes it by his face as if to examine it before setting it down. You think you see him take a breath, but you’re not sure. It’s not a big deal, anyways.
While you turn in the chair, Kenjaku moves, reaching to help position your legs into the stirrups.
You knew this was coming, of course. You’d felt weird about shaving. On one hand, fuck shaving, no matter how new the blade or how many fancy products you used, you always seemed to get micro-cuts that stung when you washed everything off.
On the other hand, the thought of someone sifting through hair to part your pussy was pretty damn unbearable. The price of looking at any explicit content online was that most of the pussies you’d ever seen, in art or porn, were completely waxed.
Eugh. Maybe you should have gotten waxed. But for a medical exam? That would just be weird.
It’s you. This is all your nerves, you’re the one psyching yourself out. Kenjaku is being so helpful, so friendly, and you’re reading into everything he does. Sure, it’s a little inappropriate seeming in places, but it’s not like you’d protested. And he didn’t hurt you!
If there’s a light in his black eyes as his gaze settled between your legs, that’s probably just…
A normal reaction. You swallow again around the hard candy in your mouth, sourness still buzzing against your tongue. He’s a man, too, right? Any man could be expected to have a reaction. It’s not like you want him to have a reaction, though. Do you?
It occurs to you, as he spreads the lips of your cunt and the bare air meets it, that you are leaking slick.
Fire creeps up your neck, crackling across muscles that had been so carefully relaxed, and you stay still but it adds to the feeling of exposure. Skin wet and naked before his eyes.
Drip. Drip. You are painfully aware of the fact that you’re dripping.
Kenjaku hums, and it’s a pleased sound. This should relieve you, and maybe in some way it does, but you find yourself sucking extra hard against the candy, tempted to crush it between your teeth, as you feel another glob of lubrication slip from your entrance.
“Excellent,” He says lowly, “You’re doing so well, so relaxed for me.”
You don’t know what to say to that. It makes you feel better, you think, but you can’t tell, all your attention focused between your legs.
“Your slick response is really quite extraordinary… I assume you must be near your heat?”
“Yes,” You say.
“Omegas, such fascinating creatures. Your heats must be very productive. Your whole body preparing itself to be bred, in every conceivable way.”
He must hear you whimper, because he follows it with a chuckle, “Oh, don’t fuss. This is a perfectly natural reaction, you know. You’re healthy.”
Dark eyes meet yours. A smile stretching wide across his lips.
“It’s a good thing, don’t you agree? You want to be healthy, yes?”
Yes. Yes, of course you do. He makes another satisfied noise when you tell him so, but this isn’t quite a hum, it’s darker, more rumbly. Almost like a growl. Betas don’t do that, though.
The sandalwood is all gone, so it must have just been his perfume. All you can smell is artificial cherry, and you swallow again, flavored saliva like syrup down your throat.
 You hear him move some things around, glancing over at the table beside him. It’s hidden by your legs, a bit.
“I’m putting it in, now,” Kenjaku says.
The – the speculum. The instrument. That’s what he’s talking about. You know because it’s cool against you, metal sliding against your walls as he pushes it in. It’s not too uncomfortable, just… pressure.
“Now, relax for me, will you?” The way he says it, eyes meeting yours, smiling languidly, you feel your body loosen up at his words. You loosen, quivering under his gaze, “Very good.”
A little bit of extra slick drips out of you. You can feel it, but hopefully, he doesn’t notice. It’s so awkward. You’d never been turned on by these things.
Faintly you’re aware that he’s been too familiar with you this whole time, why should it be so strange for you to be aroused? He kept telling you how all this is perfectly natural, and it was.
Kenjaku is just trying to make you feel comfortable. This whole time he’s been nothing but good to you. He smiles at you even now, one large hand spread over your upper thigh, moving over it with soothing strokes.
“This will feel a little tight. Let me know if it feels like it’s pinching on anything. I’m going to spread you open now so I can see inside you.” There’s a heat in his voice, and eagerness, one that doesn’t help with your current situation.
You have to fight the urge to wiggle, and one of your legs actually does twitch in the stirrup – you’re so embarrassed. Somehow you feel like maybe you’re annoying him, getting in his way, making the exam more difficult for Kenjaku with all your apprehension and twitchiness.
He doesn’t deserve that. His handsome face is still smiling at you. It wriggles uncomfortably in your chest, just like your legs in the stirrups, the thought that you’re making things harder for this beautiful, caring man who just wants to help you.
Why are you so concerned with pleasing him? The question leaves your head as soon as he smiles that beautiful smile and opens his pretty mouth again.
“Oh, it must be difficult, staying still, hm?”
“Yes.” You don’t know why you whimper your answer. Omega instincts. Must be, must be…
“Never fear, my dear, I’ve a solution for that.” His eyes turn to crescents as his smile widens. “You don’t have to worry about anything.”
Somewhere there’s straps, ones he uses to tie your feet into place in the stirrups, and even further up, your thighs. That’s – easier, you think, now. You don’t have to worry about if you’re squirming too much or not.
His hand makes its way back to your thigh, draped over it like another one of the straps. Holding you secure so he can do what he needs. All normal. Everything is normal.
“All ready?” You nod, “Of course you are, what a perfect little patient you’ve been for me. Let’s get you opened nice and wide for me, hm?”
You take a low, shuddering breath. Kenjaku is beaming, so you must be doing really good for him. He’s so happy with you.
His hand is drifting closer to the base of your thigh, where it joins to your torso, just by your abdomen.
Heart racing in your chest, you faintly pick up on your lower half, a throbbing that never really went away. Tensing, trying to close, your legs strain against the straps. Good thing he strapped you in.
It only gets worse when he starts to dilate you, when you feel a pinch against your walls stretching you open, just like he’d said.
“Just like that, yes. You’re doing so well.”
That doesn’t help your racing heart, and in fact it makes it worse. Your entire face is burning as arousal, electric and coursing, races through you.
His eyes are focused on your sex, completely engrossed in his work. Kenjaku’s other hand drifts closer to help spread open your labia.
“There. Let me just take a look, hm? I’ll take a sample of your slick, too, for testing.”
His thumb settles at the crest of your labia, just by your clit. It starts to move, just a bit while his fingers adjust your folds, and then some more, slow, little circles that have your thighs trembling.
You’re leaking, you’re still leaking, so much, and your cunt is gaping between your legs, straining against the metal keeping it spread.
He’s looking at you, inside you, taking it all in, this part of yourself you’ve never seen before. There’s a thrill at the thought, something strange and exciting.
It’s hard not to clench against the speculum, but Kenjaku doesn’t say anything so it must be fine. Natural. His thumb rubs more against your clit, sparks of pleasure shooting up into you.
“Mmm, you’re leaking so well, now. What a good little omega you are. Time to check inside.”
You can feel his fingers drive into your gaping hole, just the warmth of them. They don’t stretch you. You’re already wide open, exposed and vulnerable to his touch, to his gaze, all bared for him to see and do with as he pleases.
“Very good, very good, so good for me. All wide open and letting me in, all dripping in welcome. Don’t fight it, now, there’s no point. My perfect little patient deserves to feel good.”
Helpless to the sensation rushing into your core from the friction rising at your clit. Heavy, lapping at you, pleasure awash –
With a whine and a careless jerk, you cum, cunt squeezing fruitlessly around the instrument as the aftershocks rumble through you.
There’s heat, finally, replacing the sting of humiliation as the bliss radiates through your entire form, letting you finally go lax.
A pressure, distant but firm, nurses at your clit, sending little shivers through you in waves. All you can do is stare at the ceiling, unable to even think of glancing at the doctor.  
But even then, the horror starts to creep in. Shame. The feeling of wetness bursting between your legs, like your brain melted and just dripped out with all your slick.
Did you really just cum? “I- I’m sorr-”
“Oh?” His tone is one of feigned interest, “Really, you should stop your fussing.” Shame trickles through you at his words. Like you’re upset about disappointing him. “I told you, these reactions are perfectly natural, you know.”
“I – uh. Okay, doctor – ” You can hear him correct you before he does, “I mean, okay, Kenjaku.”
It feels so strange to say, while the whole of your body is floating on air.
“Good. Let’s continue the exam, then, shall we? There’s just a little bit left.”
You try not to feel disappointed. You try not to listen to your heart pounding at continue.
“Do you ever engage in anal sex?” He gives you a reassuring smile at your awkward, stunned frown, “I only ask because certain activities expose you to different risks. Ideally, I could also examine you for any tearing.”
“Yes,” You say, even though you only tried it once, years ago.
It almost feels like you’re not saying these things at all, like you’re barely inside your own body. You just happen to be an observer from within.
“Here,” Kenjaku stands, undoing the straps on your legs, “This would be more comfortable on your stomach.”
Your heart, you think, is beating out of your chest.
Something primal within you trills at being put on your belly, having your legs strapped back in. Ass up, presented to another for their examination. Ready to be bred.
“I’ll just examine the entrance here, it’s unlikely you’d have any injuries further in without any external signs.”
The lubricant he uses is surprisingly warm and gooey, coating your hole with complete ease. The same thumb that rubbed over your clit spreads at the edge of your rim, pressing it outwards.
“There we go. You were producing so much slick, it would have been a shame to waste it, don’t you think?” He doesn’t pause for you to answer, “Really, you’re leaking now, too. Your heat may start as early as tomorrow.”
You can feel his eyes on you. Feel the stretch in your asshole as he works it open.
“You must be practicing very safely. I don’t see any signs of injury at all.” His finger traces around your rim, pressing, pressing, “So tight. Although, it’s a myth that these orifices can be stretched out. They’re muscles, you know, they can tense and relax.”
It occurs to you that Kenjaku really likes to hear himself talk. Then it occurs to you – much more startlingly – that you like to hear him talk, too. That you’re dripping the more you hear his voice.
“Let me feel inside, just a bit. I’ll squeeze more of this in so it isn't uncomfortable."
More of it? How much had he collected? But that thought fades out of focus quickly.
You whine as you feel your own slick gush into you like jelly, followed by a prodding fingertip. You can’t help but squeeze around him, and he just laughs.
“There, you see? So easy to flex.”
Then he takes the finger out. You blink.
“All done. Now, wasn’t that easy?” You can feel him undoing the straps around your legs as you lie there limply.
It was – it wasn’t – it was – it was – words fail you when you try to think –
Over? It’s over?
You can still feel everything down there, painfully wet, swollen, and throbbing.
“You may feel some discomfort, of course, but that’s only to be expected with your pre-heat. The important thing is that you’re totally healthy – in perfect breeding condition, really.”
Shivering, you sit up in the chair. Kenjaku hands you your clothes, one by one. After a moment of watching you, dazed, trying to put them on, he takes you by the hand and pulls you to standing.
He helps you dress, and you let him, stretching your arms out, holding still idly while he maneuvered you and slid on your clothes.
You step into your panties and he pulls them up for you, right against your still painfully wet cunt.
Hands on your shoulders, rubbing fondly when you shiver. “Excellent job, today. I’m so glad you came. Your health is very important to me.”
You believe him without even thinking about it.
Kenjaku guides you to the door with a hand on your waist, slipping your purse over your shoulder, steadying you. So attentive.
“Careful now,” His voice is low and steady and rumbles through you.
“You’re a beta, right, Doctor – Kenjaku?” You hear your voice ask.
“Well, I never said that,” Kenjaku gives you a wide, cryptic smile. “Alphas and omegas look just like betas until they present, male or female. There are many biological mechanisms connected to secondary sex development that are useful for gender affirmation therapies.”
“Oh,” You say, catching very little of his response.
A hand darts up to wipe some drool from the corner of your mouth. You can still taste the cherry.
You leave like that. Dripping from every hole.
Two days later when you’re just about to enter your heat, you get a call. Somehow, you’re right on the cusp of it, just barely coherent and able to converse.
“Hello there, my favorite patient. Your heat was so close, I was worried about you as your doctor. Do you have a partner for your heat, or do you need me to oversee your care?”
The answer leaves your lips before you know it –
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leejenowrld · 6 months
Hi love, I just wanted to pop by and say how much I loved My First and Last. It’s been a while since I really felt satisfied after reading a fic <3 I also think it’s cute how you’re allowing us readers to explore more into Jeno & y/n’s relationship! I do hope one day you’ll create a master list so it’ll be easier for us to get back to them since I know you’ll be creating a bunch of one-shots and responding to scenario requests. If it’s not too much to ask, I’d really like to see how Jeno cares for her when she has a moment of insecurity/anxiety attack (.◜◡◝) Thank you for blessing us with this fic once again, I’m looking very forward to reading more from you!!
heyyy!! thank you so so so much !!!! glad you enjoyed it. and same <3333
tumblr has shadowbanned me so i’m very upset and madraww and frustrated but i’ll let you know how jeno reacts are to her anxiety :) if you want an actual one shot of it i’m sure to do it in the future (when i’m not shadow banned)
so for yn it does happen quite regularly, she gets very stressed and doesn’t deal well with pressure or when she’s under pressure. a few times jeno can sense she’s gonna have a panic attack (cus he knows her really well, like the back of his hand) and it’s really fucking sweet he is able to prevent it before it happens :(( it’s like a magic power of love. he does this by calming her down before her nerves can take over, he’ll comfort her and reassure her that everyone will be ok :(( he’ll use reasoning, like for example she used to stress a lot about assignments and exams and he’d just point out the facts to her, eg you’ve done so much revision, you never fail anything, and it works !! he helps the issue get to the back of her mind. and an easy one, lmao he just kisses her and holds her, she forgets everything and the world melts around lol
but when it does happen. and it does. so if he’s not there she’ll call him over or text him and he comes asap, he drops everything and goes over to his girl immediately.
he’ll immediately bring her into his arms and just holds her close, the warmth of his body and his heart beat against hers helps her loads. he also likes to trace soft patterns on her back with his fingers
a kiss on her temple or forehead, whispers of sweet affirmation
he creates a nice environment, dimming the lights, lighting a few candles, and playing her favourite songs
his gf is a psychology major so ofc he knows a few breathing exercises and stuff like that! he will guide her through synchronized breathing, his breath aligning with hers, a way of him telling her that he will always be there for her
he lights her fav candle and scents
he just listens! like he fr just nods and hums as she explains herself. she tends to ramble and sometimes not make a lot of sense because ppl can get like that when they’re feeling a lot but he never shows that he doesn’t understand her point :(( he just listens to her and makes her feel heard. and also if she isn’t making sense, because he knows her so well he can always understand what her point is, he helps her articulate her feelings, he’ll be like “oh so you mean this”
he alsoooo will help her do what’s right. like say she’s stressed cus she’s arguing with her friend, he’ll listen to her and make her feel understood (cus she always is in the right lol like my girl never does no harm, she doesn’t cause any shit)
their communication got iffy in the one shot but now it’s one of their strengths :D
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tokiwarcube · 14 days
Pickles fluff alphabet? 💐😸pwease!
Strap in babe, this one's a doozy!
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
It’s honestly pretty varied! Whether you’re taking over the biggest nightclub in the country together; gaming; watching some trippy TV show while blasted out of your minds; or going for a late night drive… it’s something new every day! Especially if you have the free time to match. Although I will admit… he’s rather partial to just lazing around Mordhaus with you.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your patience, kindness, and resolve. I talk about this a lot in later letters, but your steady presence in his life is unlike anything he’s ever seen, much less had. On a more physical level though… thighs, calves, and hips. Lord God, he is insatiable.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
I talked a bit about this in his relationship headcanon post, but he is actually surprisingly good at comforting his partner despite never having received it much himself.
If you’re okay with being held in moments like these, he’ll sit you down and pull you towards him to place his lips to your temple. He murmurs the kindest words against the skin there, letting his hands soothe the stress of the moment. Although most often one ends up threaded through your hair, shielding you from the world as his thumb traces gentle patterns. You’re going to be okay. Everything always works out, I promise.
Alternatively, if you want to talk about it, he’s a great listener. You are more than welcome to pace around his room and rant for as long as you want. He might not offer solutions, but man, he makes you feel heard.
“Yeah babe, that’s fucking bullshit! Fuck that guy!”
He’s got a damn-good sense of humor that he rarely hesitates to invoke.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Honestly? After decades of drug-induced fogginess, dating you has finally taught him how to appreciate the moments as they come. The whole concept of “future” is one that he struggles to really attach himself to, since he just really loves what he has now. He just knows that no matter where life takes the two of you, you’ll be there together.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
I feel very wishy-washy giving this answer, but genuinely, it depends. On most things, he’s pretty passive! He’s content to let you take the lead on quite a bit, especially if it’s not something he feels super strongly about. But he can stand firm, make decisions, and lead when need be — especially if it concerns your health or well-being.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights, while rare, tend to revolve around one of two things. Either A.) His lifestyle choices, or B.) Family. Listen — he’s made progress with his family, but there’s still a piece of him that feels like he has to show up when they call (however rare that might be.) And when he does, he tends to be… touchier, afterwards. More likely to snap, and say shit that he doesn’t mean. He’s got a temper, and his family really brings out the worst in him. Especially if you press on it, even with the best of intentions.
Give him a bit of time — he always apologizes sincerely, and fights like these genuinely don’t happen often.
As for lifestyle… he’ll try to cut back on the drugs and alcohol if you ask, but it’s unfortunately become a keystone of his life. So any attacks on that feel like an attack on him.
But beyond that, Pickles is very easy to forgive after arguments — he really does value communication, and a sincere apology and a conversation is enough to bring him around again.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He is immeasurably grateful for your presence in his life, both as a friend and as a lover. I don’t want to harp on it too much since I elaborate on it in some of the other letters, but for right now, just know that you are a key part of his life.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Nah, not really. There’s nothing really worth keeping secret, you know? He’s not doing anything that would really warrant that, and even the embarrassing shit is fun to share if it can get a laugh out of you. The most he really keeps “secret” is the extent of his insecurity, and even then, it’s a bit... obvious.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Both! You’ve definitely helped him grow as a person, in the sense that he’s not as horrifically anxious. He has his moments of course, but the love and security you bring to the relationship has helped him so, so much. Not to mention your help with regards to his family life — he cannot thank you enough for standing by his side when things get rough in that department, and just by sticking with him, you’ve shown him that he doesn’t need to tear himself apart to be loved. You’ve also shown him how to appreciate life as it comes — not just to enjoy the reprieve of thoughtlessness when the high of his drug of choice kicks in.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Yes and no. Maybe not so much with “regular dildos,” — under most conditions, he’s content to just tell them to fuck off. Even does it with a little smirk, the smug prick. But once they start actually hitting on you? All bets are off, and he’s liable to start swinging if they aren’t taking no for an answer.
He trusts you, he just doesn’t trust other people. It takes a little bit of conversation to get him to understand that if he really trusts you, then he’ll believe you when you say you’re not gonna get swept off your feet by some regular jackoff.
Seth is a separate deal entirely, though — it doesn’t take much to set him off when Seth is in the room, nevermind near you. Again, this man has taken everything from him, in his eyes. You can’t blame him too much for having a shorter fuse.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Oh, absolutely he’s a good kisser. Kissing Pickles is like a moment of peace in a world that never seems to shut up. Lazy, but sweet. Your first kiss was much of the same, his own lips upturning as you met in the middle.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It takes quite a while for him to work up the courage, honestly. He’s a complete dumbass in the crush phase, but once he remembers that you’re you and he knows you… it’s easy to fall into a relationship with him, but he needs the confirmation eventually.
Hell, you might have been under the impression that you were dating for months! But a night will come where you’re hanging out, just the two of you, and he’ll just… ask if you want to go out this weekend. It’s clear that this holds a whole hell of a lot more weight than your usual outings though, if his reddening ears and rapidly darting eyes are any clue.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
The whole thought of marriage stresses Pickles the fuck out, honestly. It’s been built up as this really big thing that he just doesn’t know how to handle. Churches, family, classy photos… he has this very stiff view of marriage that makes him queasy. In his mind, it’s everything he’s been trying to run from since he was 16.
It’s only once you two talk about it and he realizes he doesn’t have to conform to those rigid ideas that he really starts to think about it. You mean you can actually have fun with these things? And that getting married doesn’t automatically place him in some dead-end job in the suburbs? And that you can just do it because you love each other? Well, now you’ve got him thinking.
There does come a time when he realizes that he really, really wants to marry you. And sure, you’ve talked about it ad nauseam — you’ve said a million times that you’d marry him if he wanted to. Logically, there’s no reason for you to reject him… and yet the little box feels like a lead ball in his pocket, staying there for months before he finally works up the courage on a quiet night in.
As for the ceremony… it depends on how far he is with separating himself from his family, honestly. There’s a good chance that he might invite them (probably at the last second, weighed down with the guilt of “what-if”), which does nothing but give him the world’s longest anxiety attack for the bulk of the ceremony.
But you know, it’s fun anyways. He was adamant about wearing his nicest suit (the one you had absolutely fallen in love with a few years prior while out on one of your rarer, fancier date nights — he never forgot how you flustered, how your eyes dilated, how you were so quick to get out of prying eyes to get your hands on him… He knows it’s your favorite, and damn if that doesn’t give him a bit of a confidence boost,) but that’s just about where the formality ends.
The initial procession it’s its own form of magic, with harp versions of all your most meaningful songs ringing through the open air (their brutality masked by the serenity of the instrument, much to your shared amusement as his family exchange shocked glances with one another). His vows are sweet, and so undeniably him. He had considered rewriting them to be more “acceptable,” after inviting his parents, but after planning the wedding a bit more with you, he remembered — this is about the two of you. And sure, they scowled when he spoke, but your grin made everything feel right. This is where he’s meant to be. Fuck them.
And the kiss, oh the kiss. He can’t help but smile in the moment, hands cupping your face — he never thought he’d be here, nevermind with someone as incredible as you.
And once all is said and done? Controlled chaos as the festivities begin — like I said, it’s a fun wedding! It’s metal as fuck! And through it all, he never once leaves your side.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He’s a “babe” kind of guy, plain and simple. When he’s tired, or just feeling a little whiny, he tends to drag out the “a” — the accent makes it more endearing than it should be. “Dude” is also completely fair game, sorry.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s painfully obvious, to everyone around him. Before you’re dating he gets all clammy and awkward, and does really stupid shit to try and impress you. Everyone knows, because the moment you walk in the room he becomes a bumbling idiot who can’t seem to keep his mouth shut… but hey, he pulls it together. Eventually. Once you’re dating and stable, it’s still pretty damn obvious that he’s completely whipped.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He has no shame about PDA. He’s not obscene in public with you (unlike some people), but in front of the guys? He has absolutely no qualms about it. Might even be a bit insufferable with it, if the boys have been getting on his nerves. He loves bragging about you too — you’ve gotta muzzle him if you want to keep your name out of the tabloids.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He always knows when you’re gonna have a nightmare — some weird, preternatural sense that he chalks up to one too many bad trips and nightmares of his own.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s not romantic in the traditional sense — candlelit dinner dates are way too stuffy for him, and he’s never really seen the point of big bouquets. But he has his own little romantic quirks — dragging you out of too-noisy bars to gaze at the stars when he notices you getting antsy… innocent little touches that make your brain go fuzzy… murmured words of adoration when the lights are low… He’s not a romantic in the traditional sense, but damn if he doesn’t make your heart flutter anyways.
And he’d do damn-near anything to make you happy, you know. He’s pretty creative with actual date ideas! Even if his “favorites” are more casual, he’s damn creative when he actually wants to go out. I’ll say it a million times and then a million more, but it’s one of the many benefits of being 1/5th of the 7th most powerful economic force.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Fuck yes, absolutely. If you’ve got a dream, he’s doing as much as he can to make it a reality.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He’s a definite thrill seeker — again, it comes with the fame (and money.) He’s got the world at his disposal, and he wants to do everything he can with you. But he has his little subsections of routine that he clings to — you’ll be in partying in Berlin one night and in Dubai the next, but the mornings still belong to your well-crafted songs and dances.
It’s less about spicing up the relationship though, and more about wanting to live life to the fullest with you. The two of you could be getting blasted on the couch, or even just watching some god-awful old movie, and he would be just as happy. And oftentimes, that’s exactly what you’re doing.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He thinks he knows you pretty well, and honestly? He does! It surprises you sometimes, just how observant he is. Hell, sometimes he knows what you’re feeling before you even realize it yourself!
(Do you want me to tell him to shut up? You’re doing that thing, the thing with your eyebro— No, yeah, you do. Babe. You know what I can just—)
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You’re just as much a part of his family as the rest of Dethklok — you’re such a cornerstone of his life, and honestly, he’s not sure what he would do without you. Your love and stability is unlike anything he’s ever experienced before — and sure, he loves the guys (don’t tell anyone he said that), but they don’t know how to get over themselves enough to just fucking talk sometimes. Things are natural with you. Safe.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
I mentioned this in the tags of his relationship headcanons, but I decided I need this to be known.
This man is pretty shit at taking care of himself. Always forgets his inhaler at home, never remembers to eat, etc. And you’ve noticed this over the time you’ve shared together, and have started preparing for those little things. Especially because he gets so damn cranky when his blood sugar is low.
You’ve been caught passing him so many Werther’s Originals in public that he now has an unwilling sponsorship with them. He hates it so fucking much, and because you think its hilarious, it’s the only candy you bring.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
I’m just saying, his animal form is very fitting. That man would happily spend the rest of his days blasted out of his mind and cuddling with you.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He’s so unbelievably whiny, it’s unreal. If the two of you are in a situation where you can’t call, he’s the type to send little voice notes about his day, just so he can hear your response when you’re free. He gets a bit clingier with the rest of the band in the meantime… and drinks. Sorry.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
To the Doomstar and back again.
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theplanetplu20 · 1 year
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pairing(s): larissa weems x reader
warning(s): overthinking, mentions of past toxic relationships, self depreciating thoughts
summary: You want to make things official with larissa but you can’t help but overthink it all
word count: 1.7k
A/N: this was purely self indulgent i’ve been in such a shit ass mood and my brain as been all over the place, i’m super fucking anxious and on top of the i start testosterone so my hormones are all over the place i just need to let it out so here we are dbdhf as always pls let me know what you think and enjoy :)
I woke up and immediately knew she was gone without opening my eyes. Being the principal means she has responsibilities and things that need to be done causing her to wake up even before the sun. Although it’s admirable and I respect her for how much passion she has for being the principal here, I just wish I could wake up next to her every morning. To feel her breath on my neck and her stray hairs tickle my face, to gaze into those big blue eyes tracing the wrinkles that prove she’s lived and laughed which I find absolutely breathtaking. Her skin was soft and it was almost addicting to touch. I never want to leave when she’s near and when she’s gone all I can think of is when I’ll see her next. but she is not mine. not that I don’t want her to be I would want her even in death. it’s just in the past things haven’t always worked out in my favour so I’ve been waiting for her. I don’t know why but in my silly mind somewhere it makes sense that if she’s the one who asks for us to be official it means she really actually likes me and wants to be with me (as if she hasn’t already been in my bed but that doesn’t mean she wants to be in a relationship with me).
This is where I decided to stop the spiral that was clearly starting to happen to actually get up and get ready to teach my botany class. Hopping into the shower she’s still the only thing on my mind. Reminiscing on the way her hands grazed my skin and how she whispered sweet words in my ear. Last night, among many nights, I had stopped by her office for wine and conversations that always have me hanging off her every word. We had been flirting back and forth throughout the little meetings that we’d been having for the past few weeks. Then more recently, falling into bed with her after one too many glasses, sometimes just to peacefully sleep and well other nights sometimes we do a little more than sleep. I’ve honestly really enjoyed getting to know her, from her time at Nevermore to before I came to work here. She filled me in on what had happened with the previous botany teacher and how Marilyn almost killed her. I have never hated a person more when being told that story but I'm very thankful to Wednesday for being there so Larissa could too.
After dressing for the day I made my way down to breakfast hoping even to get a glimpse of the blonde goddess. I scanned over the crowd to see if she was maybe there but after seeing her nowhere to be found I begrudgingly grabbed some fruit and water and sat down with the rest of the teachers. As I quietly eat my food I can't help but feel sad that I still haven’t even seen a strand of perfectly placed blonde hair.
At least teaching will be a welcomed distraction. I’ve always loved teaching and it was easy to get lost in telling the kids about the plants, their different abilities and each of their needs. I even enjoyed the rare casual conversations between the students, mainly enid if I’m being honest. When lunch rolls around I am once again disappointed by the lack of presence of a certain principal, but I'm sure she’s very busy I tell myself. It’s just that she always made time to see me and it had always been the highlight of my day. Recently it had felt I was starting to see less of her, maybe not to her fault but I couldn't help the places my mind went to. Thoughts of not being enough or even what she's looking for plague my mind and all of a sudden I can’t stop the avalanche of negative thoughts that roll through my head. My first thought is to run to her and have her reassure me it’s all in my head, but I don't want to have a repeat of the last time.
In my previous relationships, I was told I was too clingy and sensitive, and that all my overthinking was too much. The need for reassurance was just too often and I was just too much. I don’t want to scare her off before I even get a chance so instead I put everything to the back of my mind and push through as always. As my last class of the day rolls around it starts to become clear that I’m not 100% myself as I keep dissociating to clear the thoughts from my head.
“Hey, prof. You okay?” A student in my class asks me as they leave the room
“Yeah of course, just didn’t get much sleep is all,” I say with my usual smile
“Right, okay well make sure you get some sleep, see you tomorrow!” They smile and run out of the door. Once I see that the door had closed fully, I slump back into my chair exhausted emotionally and physically. I start grading papers and working on later assignments that I will need while contemplating whether or not I should stop by Larissa's office as usual. After having a full blown argument in my head my insecurities once again rain trumpet when I decide it's best if I just go back to my own dorm for once. With the excuse that she’s probably really busy and would rather be alone. I decide to distract myself with reading and other small activities that usually bring me joy which doesn’t seem to be working all that well. I eventually give up and fall asleep feeling like something is missing.
The next morning seemed to go by even slower than the last with still no sign of Larissa causing me to question whether or not Larssia had even shown interest in me during those nights or if I had wanted it so bad I made it all up in my head. I almost broke and went to see her when I suddenly received an email from the woman herself asking to see me really quickly in her office. Assuming it must be school related otherwise she would have texted me, I rush out of my classroom and make my way to see her.
When I arrive at the door I can’t help but feel the butterflies start in my stomach in anticipation of seeing her. Even though my thoughts are hell bent on convincing me she wants nothing to do with me I’m afraid my heart will always be with her. I hear a faint come in so I slowly make my way into the office. I look up to see her sitting at her desk playing with the edge of one of the papers laying in front of her.
“Y/N, please come sit” she gestures to the seat across her. “You didn’t come by last night” she states.
“I didn’t know you wanted me to,” I say back looking anywhere but at her so I don’t reveal my true feelings.
“Of course I did… I…” she trails off seemingly not knowing what to say before she blurts out “Why have you been so distant all of a sudden?” She questioned, at first I thought she was mad before I just barely hear her mutter “did I do something wrong?”
“omg no, no you could never” I move from my spot across from her to kneel by her side. Taking her hands into mine I bring each to my lips placing delicate kisses along the back of her hands. I glance up at her concerned eyes already upset with myself for causing her to doubt herself. “it’s not you, this is probably the stupidest thing to say but really it’s me and my stupid brain..” I glance over at the fireplace before looking back at her obviously patiently waiting for me to explain. “ I just... I don’t know. When you suddenly got too busy to come to see me through the day I thought maybe… I don’t know what I thought.” I did though, I just didn’t want to say. Her hands move from my hold up to my face to caress the line of my jaw comfortingly.
“It’s okay if you can’t find the words, darling,” She says kindly not knowing how hard it was for me not to just dump all my past relationship drama right then and there. I sigh knowing I have to start owning my shit and realizing that she might be more understanding than I initially assumed. I stand up and see her questioning gaze wondering what I’m doing. I pull her up by the hands that were just holding my face before switching so that I was now sitting in her office chair and pulling her back down to sit in my lap.
“ I know I probably shouldn’t have just hidden away, I have some unresolved trust issues that I definitely need to work through. I just don’t want what we have to just go away and I was worried maybe you had changed your mind about me. I love what we have but… would you be mad if I maybe wanted... More though?” I could barely look into her eyes, scared of rejection and scared of losing her. Her hand comes up to my chin guiding my eyes back to hers instead of anger or disgust like I had imagined her eyes were soft and curious even.
“more?” She inquired maybe not understanding but more probably because she wanted to hear me say it out loud and I could never say no to her.
“Would you want to be my girlfriend?” The smile that made its way onto her face at my words got rid of any doubt that had formed in my mind.
“would you want to be my partner?” She asks me back, causing me to smile equally as big as her.
“I thought you’d never ask.” Her hands grab my face and smash our lips together.
I have lots to work on, but at least I don’t have to do it alone.
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foxes-that-run · 6 months
do you think Hits Different is haylor coded?
Hi, to me it is, though I think it is ambiguous as I think Taylor's feelings might have been. Aaron indicated it was an earlier song on Midnights. It was possibly written not very long after Renegade.
Aaron mentioned it as one of the songs they wrote together, he mentioned it when saying they wrote High Infidelity in L.A. after Taylor saw Harry at the 2021 Grammy's. He mentioned The Great War also. (31 mins in Broken Record podcast)
I guess this somewhat depends on one's view of the Joever timeline and the Haylor aspects of Folklore. At that time Harry wrote As it was and LOML which are about moving on and there was a lot of reporting around OW.
In this pretty unsettling short she wore an Opal, Taylor's worn Opals since 2014 including the Cardigan video and says 'Opal eyes' in Ivy.
I washed my hands of us at the club You made a mess of me I pictured you with other girls in love Then threw up on the street Like waiting for a bus that never shows You just start walkin' on They say that if it's right, you know Each bar plays our song Nothing has ever felt so wrong
Taylor has been a mess in:
All You Had To Do Was Stay: I’ve been picking up the pieces of the mess you made
Dancing With Our Hands Tied: I’m a mess but I’m the mess that you wanted
Illicit Affairs: Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
Also the only other bus lyric is The 1: I thought I saw you at the bus stop, I didn’t, though.
Bars feature a lot on Reputation, so many associate them with Joe, (who she started dating after a lot of the album was recorded.) however to me most of those songs are Haylor.
Oh my, love is a lie Shit my friends say to get me by It hits different It hits different this time Catastrophic blues Movin' on was always easy for me to do It hits different It hits different 'cause it's you ('Cause it's you)
The Catastrophic blues, to me are most similar to Peace: "If your cascade ocean wave blues come." but I hear the lyric as Taylor is depressed.
'Movin' on was always easy for me to do' indicates Harry to me because, he is someone she hasn't been able to move on from because of the cyclical nature of it:
End Game "We tried to forget it, but we just couldn't" and "And I can't let you go, your handprint's on my soul"
DBATC: "Chandelier's still flickering here / 'Cause I can't pretend it's ok when it's not"
I used to switch out these Kens, I'd just ghost Rip the Band-Aid off and skip town like an asshole outlaw Freedom felt like summer then on the coast Now the sun burns my heart and the sand hurts my feelings And I never don't cry (no, I never don't cry) at the bar Yeah, my sadness is contagious (my sadness is contagious) I slur your name 'til someone puts me in a car I stopped receiving invitations
Taylor has also described Harry is irreplaceable, not a switchable Ken:
Question..?:"Cause I don't remember who I was / Before you painted all my nights / A color I've searched for since" and "Does it feel like everything's just like / Second best after that meteor strike
Ready for it: "And he can be my jailer, Burton to this Taylor / Every lover known in comparison is a failure"
Gold Rush: "And the coastal town / We wandered 'round had never / Seen a love as pure as it"
Finally the drunk, slurred name lyrics, (hard to slur Joe), and
Cruel Summer: I’m drunk in the back of the car and I cried like a baby coming home from the bar
Death By A Thousand Cuts: I get drunk but it’s not enough ‘cause the morning comes and you’re not my baby
I find the artifacts, cried over a hat Cursed the space that I needed I trace the evidence, make it make some sense Why the wound is still bleedin' You were the one that I loved Don't need another metaphor, it's simple enough A wrinkle in time like the crease by your eyes This is why they shouldn't kill off the main guy Dreams of your hair and your stare and sense of belief In the good in the world, you once believed in me And I felt you and I held you for a while Bet I could still melt your world Argumentative, antithetical dream girl
Joe's worn a few baseball caps, though Taylor has also referenced Harry's hats before. In early interviews Niall said he wore them to hide his hair in public, so he wears them a lot. Including this green beanie in the 22 MV.
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Bleeding is a Haylor Theme
Trace the evidence / Wrinkle in time reminds me of Right where you left me, "They expected me to find somewhere / Some perspective, but I sat and stared"
Hair, Stare and Sense of belief describe Harry well:
Hair (Style: long hair, Shake it off: hella good hair, Gold Rush: Hair falling into place)
Stare (Style: daydream look in your eye, Delicate: look into your eyes, Exile: eyes add insult to injury, Gold Rush: Twinkling eyes)
Harry has a belief in the good in the world, Joe may too, we don't really know him.
Finally the Argumentative, antithetical dream girl - reminds me of Gold Rush "At dinner parties, I call you out on your contrarian shit". Harry describes Taylor in Sweet Creature "It's hard when we argue We're both stubborn, I know" Kiwi "Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect" and Woman "I told you, but I know you never listen."
I heard your key turn in the door down the hallway Is that your key in the door? Is it okay? Is it you? Or have they come to take me away? To take me away
Finally, hallways and doors both feature a lot in Haylor songs, here the muse has a key. I guess this also depends on a perspective of the pandemic time, I don't find it a stretch to think H had a key to Taylors home. As far as I wonder if she even has a literal key anymore...
Have they come to take me away reminds me of:
Wonderland: And in the end in Wonderland, we both went mad
Say Don’t Go: The waiting is a sadness fading into madness
Don’t Blame Me: "For you I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I would lose my mind" and "Don’t blame me, love made me crazy"
I Wish You Would: This mad, mad love makes you come running
Blank Space: Magic, madness, heaven, sin
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angelmichelangelo · 1 month
for angst prompt: “how did this happen?” with mikey? love ur work btw
tw: implications of child abuse!
Leo comes back from his run with a knot in the base of his neck, a sheen of sweat drying tacky across his forehead, a satisfied ache running along the underside of his biceps.
It’s late — or at least, it’s early, technically, the night having slowly meshed with the morning, the moon still creeping across the sky to make way for the sun in just a few hours, the patrons of many a city nightclub now stumbling home to sleep the next day away.
What Leo isn’t expecting to see Mikey stood at the stove over a simmering pot of water that has slowly started to bubble at the surface.
He turns, facing his brother, face breaking into a grin. “Oh,” he says. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Leo says in turn with a exhausted sigh; now that he’s stopped does he fully feel the effects of his run, ebbing its way through each of his bones and joints like lava solidifying him in an instant, he’s wooden and stiff when he drops into the kitchen table seat. “What’re you cooking?”
Mikey hums, gently twisting the wooden spoon around the broth. “Just some ramen,” he explains with an easy shrug of his shoulders. “You didn’t have dinner, so…”
Leo’s chest clinches tight. “Ah. Mike,” he says, an aborted and choppy attempt at an apology. “You didn’t have to stay up.”
Mikey cuts him off with a raspberry blown past his lips and an absentminded wave of his free hand. “Don’t sweat it,” he tells him, like there’s no room to argue with him on it. “I was up anyway.”
Leo doesn’t press him on it, not when he’s stood there with his shell facing him, looking a little more hunched than he should be.
Leo traces his finger over a knot in the wood of the table, drawing it back and forth over the uneven swirl.
“Bet Raph was mad,” he says in a low voice. “He always is.”
Mikey hums. Something tells him that he doesn’t quite want to agree, but he does. “You know how he is.” Leo hums back. It’s as far at that conversation will go before they both snuff it out – not wanting to temper that particular fire, Mikey continues to stir the noodles in the pot. “Have a good run?” He asks, like it’s a genuine question and not just space-filling small talk. Leo stretches his calves out, feeling the lingering burn behind his knees. “Yeah.” He tells him truthfully. He was already missing the rush of warm, summer air skim past his face, past his body. “It was nice. Maybe you should come with, next time.” He offers almost every single time, extending out that wonky, bowing olive branch to each of his brothers. He’d often met with abrasive resistance between Raphael and Donatello, but at least when Mikey turns him down, he has to sense to be jovial about it.
“Psh, yeah right,” he says, still turned away, his shoulder shake a little from the laugh he forces outwards. “I’m perfectly happy with my Desperate Housewives reruns, thank you very much.” He’s dishing up the food when Leo scoffs a playful laugh. “Well. If you ever want to…” his words trail off when his brother turns to hand him his dinner. There, around his usual smile is a bruise and a split lip, once hidden by the shadows of their home, now illuminated beneath the buzzing glow of the kitchen light, Leo stands up quickly, drawing the chair he was sat on, back so harsh, it groans out against the floor. Mikey winces at the sound, but Leo bypasses it to inspect his brother’s face further. “How did this happen?” He asks gently. The bowl is set carefully on the table, curls of smoke rising from the broth, Mikey tries to smile again, but his lip only cracks wider, and a fresh dot of blood emerges from beneath the skin. “Ate shit during training,” he explains with a breezy shrug of his shoulders. He squints, the purple bruise around his eye shifts as he does so. It hasn’t quite fully formed yet but come morning, there’s a chance it’ll have doubled in size, swelling his eye shut. “S’my fault though,” he adds rather nonchalantly. He passes Leo a fork despite the fact he’s still gawping at his abused face. “I wasn’t really listening,” he tells Leo, suddenly fidgeting awkwardly with his hands when he doesn’t stop staring and eat his dinner like intended. “I messed up this defensive stance. It was easy, really.” He’s still smiling. “Guess I won’t dick around tomorrow unless I want one to match, huh?” Leo isn’t really so sure as to what to say. He stands there, taking in the lilith form of his youngest brother, standing beneath the humming, flickering kitchen light, watching expectantly for his brother to finally sit and eat his noodles. So Leo does exactly that. Mikey’s busted lip trembles when he does so. “Maybe,” Leo says, voice raspy he has to try again after quickly clearing his throat. “Maybe I can go over it with you,” he suggests. “Tomorrow.” Mikey sucks in a small, shuddery breath. “Yeah.” His voice is small and far away sounding. Leo knows there are stronger olive branches to offer that aren’t just training and late night runs and such. But he’s barely holding on himself. The ramen burns deliciously at his lips as he sucks it down. He glances upwards to Mikey once more, still standing there, he doesn’t find the strength to find more than just one, measly branch. “Thanks, Leo,” his brother says, mustering up all the strength in the world to truly sound grateful. “Thanks.”
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preemptively sorry for how fucking long this is it is YOUR FAULTT THOUGH!!!! large bowl of seeds for u. it is almost 2am sorry.
SO. there are. two ways to assign the prime defenders powers etc. the first way is just, like, categorize their existing powersets within the prt framework, & the second is to give them entirely new abilities based on the way worm works. delightfully, all the powers they Do have work really well for the most part, so even that doesn't require a ton of shuffling.
categorizing their pre-existing powers:
wiwi-- breaker w/ a shaker subclass. neither of them rated very high, but that's already a rare and versatile enough combination!!
dakota-- brute babeeeey!!! brute/mover its so straightforward. hell yeah babey. i don't know what he'll end up looking like post-heart removal & stuff but my guess is that'll end up looking more like a mover/striker.
vyncent-- now THIS one gave me trouble. i... hm. to say this without talking about stuff that i don't think has come up much already, (hey!! you're at that clockblocker pov! directly related to what flechette says!) i'd call him a grab-bag cape, irt the greats at least. post-greats-- again, i don't know what his powerset will look like after this arc! but if he's going all in w/ the fire magic, that would for sure be some striker shit! :]]]
giving them new powers... man i'm reining myself in so hard from five more paragraphs on Why exactly i'm saying all this.
wiwi still breaker for sure, maybe breaker-master, maybe master-stranger. yknow. powers are fluid, the prt categories are pretty rigid. i... don't know. enough about his situation yet to be clearer than that vague idea yet-- i really like the idea of him just. ditching his body & using a noncorporeal form but he still has to keep an eye on his body i think that's great. the noncorporeal form would b able to change its visibility but still b limited by proximity to the body. & fluctuating energy shit powered by fluctuating amounts of recent-death in the area, maybe probably also limited in that it's only accessible in his breaker form.... also i think u will appreciate this style note from the [UNNAMED PARAHUMANS TTRPG] i'm referencing a lot here.
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dakota--in this situation he probably would not. have that mechanical heart and shit. he' would still be a mover/thinker-- thinker rating is for faster mental processing + senses imminent pain for the people in his immediate vicinity. not danger, just pain; it immediately registers ambiently & can be generally traced back to whoever it is. no he can't turn it off ever, it manifests as feeling a similar level of pain, yes it works on himself. + mover-- he can fucking fly. no super strength, just very fast flight & the general "won't splat himself flying into something" capabilities, which meshes well w/ the faster processing & reflexes. i'm split on how exactly this would work mechanically but i will NOT go into that now. i am also not going into the 15k discussion in my brain on why dakota 'notoriously bad at thinking about things' cole would be a thinker but u gotta trust the process ok??
vyncent-- trump!!!! somehow this is the only straightforward one to me? he can copy powers at the full strength or ability level of the original for an unspecified amount of time that's usually 1-30 minutes by touching the cape. crucially, he doesn't have any edge on how to use these powers + can easily misuse or become extremely overwhelmed by them. he's easily the most powerful out of the three of them <33
ashe-- ashe is NOT HERE currently and also it's 1:30 am so i gotta go fucking sleep soon BUT they would be a master. easy. :o) they can make some lil guys n do stuff with them!!!!
in general these are pretty fucking cracked abilities, all of them would b oosely above a seven or so in a number rating once they're really settled in their powers-- this is mostly because i'm assuming that they would still be heirs-apparent to the prime force equivalent, which would b the triumvirate :]] anyway. good lord. this is like the cliff notes edition of what i've been thinking and scribbling in the notes app for the past several hours. sorry if it's fucking incomprehensible. gn!!! <333
AAAAAH FUCK YESSSSSS OKAY OKAY OKAY my response is probably going to be equally as long. so it's fine. oooouh buddy.
I KNOW WHAT BREAKER MEANS NOW !!! I dontttt think ive learned shaker yet. breaker is like.... breaking the laws of physics/shifting planes or whatever. PERFECT for william hell yes. for putting them actually in worm world ... ughhhh breaker/master william is REALLY cool. I havwnt learned stranger yet but i think he would develop a complex over being classified as stranger <3 (like how weld doesn't like that he's classified as a brute even though that's not exactly what it means, he just doesn't like the word) . GODDDD just thinking abt putting pd boys in worm is fucking me up haven't they been through enough. I want to see them all in a fit of despair. william ditching his body is SO good I miss when he would do that, also the powers being limited by how far away he is AND THE AMOUNT OF RECENT DEATH IN THE AREA. holy shit. that's so fucking good . im sure he would not overthink at all the fact that he is stronger when more people around him have died . I'm sure he'd do awesome in the leviathan fight for sure for sure .
DAKOTA BRUTE <3 DAKOTA BRUTE/MOVER I LOVE THIS A LOTTTTTT hellbyes. awesome. it's so perfect for him <3 worm world I'm SURPRISED u didn't stick with brute for him. eyes emoji. I trust your judgement but now i am Thinking... Hmm..... YOU BRING INTO QUESTION something I have been thinking about. and I'm going to probably get derailed a little here but stay with me. how the way powers manifest directly relate to the trigger event. because for a WHILE before we learned taylors I was like "OH i bet the powers are going to be directly related to what traumatic thing happened to them" and then we learn about taylor and grue and a couple more and I kind of lost that theory because while you can. technically draw relations between their powers and their events it seemed like too much of a stretch to do . HOWEVER now my thinking has changed AGAIN and I think the powers ARE related to specific trigger events but it's not as straightforward as "oh something scary happened to you with bugs so now you have bug powers" I think it's gonna be more complicated than that. WHICH. THE WAY THIS RELATES. BACK ON TOPIC NOW. to DAKOTA . assuming his trigger event is still he and katori falling off the building I think it's AWESOME that his powers would manifest as FLIGHT for one. and the fucking. pain sense thing. fuck me up. dakota extreme hero complex cole would be so fucked up by a power where he ambiently senses pain from the people around him at all times and cannot turn it off. I'm sure he would feel so normal about being around william chronic pain wisp 24/7. also I can SO CLEARLY imagine how this power specifically would lead to him getting super overwhelmed in chaotic situations like he does in canon. and just fucking. bolt out of there because it's too much. again. he'd have such a wonderful time in the leviathan fight
I AM AT CLOCKBLOCKER POV !!!! actually technically I'm on kid win pov now but I haven't finished his chapter yet. vyncent grab bag cape..... yeah... I think it would be EXTREMELY funny imagining the PRT in pd world trying 2 classify vyncent like. what the fuck does this kid do . what do we do with him. hes got other guys in his head that give him powers. is he a master??? no he can't fucking control them. is he a striker??? only SOMETIMES. is he a blaster?? AGAIN ONLY SOMETIMES. cannot classify him bitch!!!!!!!! giving him worm powers though.. UGH. being able to touch someone and COMPLETELY copy their powers but only for a short period of time???? I fucking love that a lot. he WOULD be the most powerful out of them!!! I can hear taylors inner analysis dialogue about him now and it's very similar to the clockblocker "DONT LET HIM.TOUCH YOU" panic. loooove imagining this playing off of the rest of pd,,, i know there was AT LEAST one time where he had william sort of transfer some of his ghost powers for a minute? I think it was during the lich fight in the theatre but i just remember vycnent floating and going intangible and NOT KNOWING how to control it or anything. loveeee that. in world dynamics I feel like vyncent would be a late addition to their team (instead of coming from another world maybe he just. had his trigger event happen way later than the other two..or something.) and not trusting them as much at first/being REALLY shaky using either of their powers but after a while being really comfortable in a fight with using either Williams or dakotas powers in a fight. Just like. imagining the fluidity of how they'd work together in a tense situation assuming they're not being complete dumbasses <3333 UGH it's really good
AAAASHE ASHE ASHE IM SOOO SO GLAD YOU INCLUDED ASHE IN THIS I miss him.so much every day. from what I know so far master involves having/making/controlling some sort of minion (cannot think of a better word than that rn) AND I THINK THATS REALLYYYY perfect for ashe. i assume he would actually work pretty closely to canon in that his limitation would be the book? or if he doesn't have the book maybe his limitation would be a) having only a few different types of things he could summon (the big hand, the water fairy, duck etc) and/or b) only being able to control them.for a short amount of time after they're summoned so he has to be quick about dismissing them. can't keep the demon hand around for too long or it might start picking things up and throwing them at random. putting teammates in danger bc he can't control it anymore etc etc. alsooooooo in clockblocker pov they VERY briefly mentioned the possibility of having secondary trigger events (?!!!!?!?!) and you know I locked onto that SO FUCKING HARD. ashe being born with powers and then his secondary trigger event being his mom's death <3 im.NOT even going to attempt to talk about how the trickster would work in worm world/if it would even exist in this setting bc i don't know enough about the types of powers and things yet..but just know. I am keeping this in the back of my mind "this is a fun surprise tool that will help us later" style
#also side note but can i say. thw whole time i was reading the leviathan fight a persistent thought in the back of my mind was#“man i really wish they had a cape here who could control water- THEY NEED TIDE... THEY NEED TIDE SO BAD”#so like..really normal about putting prime defenders SPECIFICALLY in the leviathan fight. teehee (<< most diabolical laugh youve ever heard#I HAVE A LOT MORE THOUGHTS ABOUT WILLIAM TOO BUT..HMMMMMMMMM DONT THINK I CAN SAY SOME OD THEM YET#EXTREMELY interested 2 see whether ur thoughts on specifically him and dakota#will change after both the training arc and certain other events <3#hehehehehehehee#GOD I CANNOT STOP IMAGINING. PD IN WORM.WORLD. they would suffer so fucking badly man.#william wisp guilt complex about his powers turned up to 200#HAVING A LOT OF THOUGHTS ABOUT ASHE ALSOOOOO . AS ALWAYS#now that i know more abt power classes i am VERY confidently going to put mark down as a tinker/striker.#with the tinker rating being SLIGHTLY higher than striker bc he uses the things he makes to amplify his naturally weaker striker powers.#tiiiiiide im thinkingggg would be. whats the elemental one.#not breaker bc thats specifically about breaking physics and i dont think that works for him.#is it shaker?????? i dknt think ive learned shaker yet.#U ARE MORE EQUIPPED AT THIS THAN ME whats tide. tide would also for sure be a case 53 right. i havent exactly learned what that means yet#but im assuming its the whole artifically giving people powers thing and. thats tide baby. idk if clones would work in worm world#so maybe its him and his regular siblings all being specifically given elemental powers#so they could work together as some super crazy powerful team. and then. that Doesnt happen <3#(idk if u have listened to the tide oneshot yet but. its good. if you ignore dodgeboy)#ANYWAY. i should start getting ready for work now. im having so many thoughts about this norlw#hollyyyyyy shit#infected my brain with worms (pun intended)#asks#friends!!!#intertexts#wormposting#jrwi pd#<< only tagging so i can find this later when i learn more and can properly yell about it#new haven wards
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dalgikiss · 1 year
lonely hearts club
VIII: one for the money, two for the show
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Bakugou, as it turns out, is very comfortable with public displays of affection. 
He slides his arm over your shoulders as you hastily shove your notebooks away. “Did you finally pay attention today?”
You shrug his arm off, slinging your bag over your shoulders instead, “Even if I didn’t, you’d still help me out right?” 
“What makes you think you’re special compared to the rest of the idiots around here?”
“I’m your girlfriend,” You’re surprised by how easily the word rolls off your tongue, “Are you saying I’m not special?”
From the corner of your eye, you can see Kirishima pause from his movements. You think it sounds nice, being Bakugou’s girlfriend. You shift so you can rest your head along his shoulder, warm eyes tracing the curve of his jaw and admire the fiery red of his eyes. 
It’s easy to pretend like this isn’t all an act. He rubs your shoulder, his thumb soothingly creating random shapes and signs onto the expanse of your skin and you shiver a little, it tickles. 
It’s easy to pretend like he really likes you when he does that. A little too easy. With a sudden jolt of panic, you hurriedly glance to where Kirishima was still quietly putting his things away. Bakugou side eyes you for a bit, before following your gaze and sighs. 
“Yeah,” He finally responds, “You’re my girlfriend”
Bakugo never stops moving his thumb, his tone of voice never changes from how it usually is, but your stomach sinks anyways. 
You let him squeeze your fingers until it’s numb, until the two of you are far and out of sight from prying eyes and listening ears. Bakugou almost immediately drops your hand when you both turn the corner, leaving you to inspect the soreness of your palms. 
Bakugou scans the hallways, red eyes finally settling on your smaller form while you gently massage away the pain. He lets out a sigh, his chest deflating with the exertion. “That shit was terrifying,” he mumbles, creases forming between his eyebrows. 
Something uneasy settles in your bones, the world beginning to spin around your feet from the corner of your eyes. Bakugou glances over at you when you don’t respond. Your thumb moves over your hand mindlessly, while you stare blankly at the floor. 
You don’t like it, you mull over the feeling in your head, your thumb continuing to glide over your hand- the weird feeling in your bones, the way your stomach feels heavy even though you haven’t had anything but coffee, you hate it all. 
“- Hey, are you even listening?” 
Bakugou flicks your forehead, hard. Your hands immediately fly to the throbbing spot, delicate facial features marred, but the sting from your forehead is much more welcoming than the uneasiness that lies in your body. 
He scowls, “What the hell were you thinking about?”
“Nothing,” You say, a little too quickly and he raises his eyebrows in suspicion. You wave your hand absentmindedly, “I was just dozing off. Anyways, what were you saying?” 
Bakugo stares at you for a little longer, before shaking his head dismissively, “It’s nothing. Are you sure you’re okay?” 
He steps half a step closer, bending down to meet your doe-eyed gaze, nose brushing against yours, “Did something happen?” 
The smell of caramel invades your senses, and you’re suddenly all too aware of the heat emanating from Bakugou’s body. You furrow your eyebrows, finding it hard to put your thoughts in order. “I-” your voice is barely but a whisper, and you try again.  For someone who spoke all the time, all words had seemed to fail you. 
“I just-” 
His eyes are so pretty
You shake your head, taking a step back to regain some space between the both of you, feeling heat emanating from your cheeks, “It’s nothing. I think I have to get more used to being called your girlfriend, that’s all”. 
Bakugo narrows his eyes at your quiet admission, paying attention to the way you avoided his eye contact, the way you pulled yourself backwards from the close proximity. He snorts, leaning back although he doesn’t miss the way your fingers twitch by your side as though to pull him back towards you. 
“Is that all? If that’s the case, I’ll just take you out again, stupid.”
He reaches towards you, pushing your head backwards with a finger, leaving you to nurse the bright red mark while you stare blankly at him, unable to process his words.
“A date.” Bakugo repeats himself, “I’ll take you on a date again.”
“Why?” You ask him dubiously, “Did you hit your head or something?”
“Did you not hear yourself literally 20 seconds ago? You said you’re not used to being called my girlfriend right? So I’ll take you out until you do. Besides-” He shrugs his shoulders, beginning to turn around and walk back to the dorms, his hand outstretched waiting for yours, “Kiri will believe in it more when you don’t constantly look like you have a stick up your ass around me”
Right, it was all for Kirishima to believe in the act. You stare at his outstretched hand for a moment, feeling the pounding of your heart thud louder against your chest before glancing up at Bakugou, who stares back at you expectantly.
You let your slim fingers slot into the spaces between Bakugou’s, and you can’t help and feel as though it was meant to be there. Bakugou squeezes your fingers once. 
Your thoughts seem to echo louder with every footstep the both of you take. 
just an act
just an act
just an act
Bakugou thinks you’re acting slightly strange, a puzzled look on your face replacing the smile he had grown accustomed to seeing. He drops you off at your door, feeling Kirishima’s stare boring into his back and yet, you hardly seem to notice, too engrossed in your thoughts. 
“Hey,” He gently pushes you towards your door, “Go inside. I don’t want to stand in this damn hallway the whole day”
It’s like the words are going straight through you, Bakugou furrows his eyebrows when you don’t retort back in your usual manner, all smiles and sharp words that contrast, but instead, merely utter a small ‘oh’. 
Your door slowly opens but before you can step inside, Bakugou intercepts you again, turning you around to face him once more with a hand on your shoulder. 
“Sunshine,” Bakugou’s voice is soft, a tone that was extremely uncharacteristic of him, surprising you, “What’s going on in that damn head of yours? You’ve been acting weird” 
You raise your eyebrow slightly, “I didn’t know your voice had a low setting” 
Bakugou snorts at your retort, although he can’t help but feel slightly relieved that you seemed a little more like yourself. Before he can say anything else, your eyes shift somewhere behind him. 
“Hey,” you whisper, taking half a step closer towards him and despite knowing this was all just an act, Bakugou can’t help but blush at how close you are, “I hope you’re okay with this”
Before he can ask what you’re talking about, Bakugou can’t help but hold his breath when you tilt your head closer to him, your hand reaching up to caress his cheek. 
“Wh-what-“ Bakugou struggles to swallow, his heart beating faster and faster with every moment you keep your face close to his lips, “what are you doing?”
You shush him quietly, “He’s looking. We have to make it look real, right?” 
Just an act
You laugh, a puff of air caressing his lips. It would be so easy, Bakugou thinks to himself, to kiss her, to taste the mint chapstick on her lips, to feel the soft skin of her cheeks against my hand-
He blinks when you slightly pull away, your signature smile returning on your face. 
“I was pretty good, wasn’t I?” You bean proudly, staring expectantly up at your fake boyfriend. Bakugou stares at the curve of your lips for a second too long before nodding. 
“You were alright” 
You roll your eyes at his response before lifting up onto your toes, pressing a small kiss to his cheek, darting back into your room. 
“Good night!”
Bakugou stares at your door as you slam it shut, in shock at the feel of your lips on his cheek. Without another moment, his cheeks immediately turn a bright shade of red, the spot where your lips pressed against him tingling. 
The next morning, Bakugou steadily avoids your gaze, feeling his cheeks heat up every moment he even slightly thinks about the kiss. You don’t seem too concerned with the lack of interaction though, Bakugou notes this as he gazes at you from across the classroom, watching as you teach Todoroki a hand-clapping game, giggling every time he messes up. 
Bakugou bristles slightly when Todoroki makes yet another mistake, leading you to laugh wholeheartedly and interlock your fingers with his, shaking his hand back and forth, while Midoriya tries to explain the premise of the game once more to the confused player. 
You’re his (read: fake) girlfriend, shouldn’t you know better than to grab another boy’s hand?
Bakguou grips his pencil a little too hard as he continues to watch over you, your pretty smile only driving him furthermore insane when you place both of your hands on Todoroki’s cheeks. 
With a huff, he pushes his chair back, the bottom of it scraping loudly on the floor. The rest of the class stares at Bakugou curiously, waiting for his next move. “What are you all looking at?” He barks, and his classmates simply roll their eyes as they return to whatever they’re doing. Kirishima stares at Bakugou unabashedly, as though challenging him. You don’t seem to have paid any attention to Bakugou, all too familiar with his erratic behavior, continuing to dote on Todoroki and Midoriya. 
He clears his throat, averting his gaze from Kiriishima’s questioning one, making his way over to you. “Yo,” Bakugou holds in his breath as he slips his fingers underneath your chin, gently pushing your face towards his direction, tearing your gaze away from the two boys in front of you to focus on him.
“Come outside with me for a second.”
You stare up at Bakugou, long lashes sweeping across the tops of your cheek with every moment that passes. Bakugou lets out the breath he’s been holding when you nod, letting go of holding Todoroki’s hand. You stand, smiling to your friends before following Bakugou out the door, his hand holding yours behind his back. 
He stops just slightly outside the classroom, away from prying eyes (or his best attempt to stray away from prying eyes, you could easily see Midoriya and Todoroki staring at you from the windows, and even Uraraka and Mina had begun slowly creeping towards your spot to get a better chance of eavesdropping. Kirishima had also stopped mid conversation with Kaminari, the pair of them coordinating their movements with Uraraka and Mina to get the best information). 
“What’s up?” You prompt, deciding not to mention any of your classmates behind Bakugou, “Is everything okay?”
Bakugou glares at you, but you don’t take it to heart. You’re beginning to get used to his stares, slowly learning to decipher his moods through how angrily he furrowed his eyebrows. Today he looked more… confused? 
You mimic his expression and Bakugou snorts, his thumb reaching out to smooth the wrinkles in between your eyebrows. 
“You look constipated”
“Then you must be constipated since I was copying your expression” 
He rolls his eyes at you, and you giggle. You place your hands on his cheeks, caressing the sides of his face. Something in your chest flips at the way Bakugou leans into your touch, his head twisting to the side slightly to skim his lips over the inside of your wrist. 
His cheeks begin to turn a bright red, his gaze averting yours. He mumbles something into your palm, his lips never leaving your skin. You cock your head to the side before leaning closer towards him. Since when was Bakugou so quiet? 
He huffs, repeating himself once more, “Shouldn’t you keep your hands off of other guys? You’re my girlfriend”
You blink.
A grin begins to spread across your face despite your best efforts. 
“Oh?” You tease him, pushing his face so that he looks at you, “Are you… jealous?”
“No!” Bakugou practically barks at you, earning some stares from some students who happened to be passing by. He clears his throat, lowering his voice, “You can’t go around touching other guys if we’re dating. How do you think it’s going to look to everyone else?”
“We’re fake dating,” You correct him, and Bakugou simply rolls his eyes, placing his arms around your waist. He pulls you in closer, letting your hips settle across his. 
You pretend not to notice the rapid beat of your heart at the small movement, determined to keep your gaze steadily on Bakugou.
“Whatever,” Bakugou ignores your correction, “Either way, the rest of the class doesn’t know that so I think you should keep your hands away from the rest of the idiots in our class. I don’t want their gross ass germs on me when you touch me.”
You raise your eyebrows, leaning your face closer to his, your lips a hairbreadth away from his. Bakugou’s fingers tighten slightly on your waist, before relaxing although there was no denying the heat emanating from his face.
“Are you implying I should only keep my hands on you?”
He hesitates slightly, before nodding. It’s your turn to blush now, eyes widening. 
“I um-” Your mouth feels dry, dry, dry. You close your mouth, deciding not to say a word. Instead, you simply nod, placing your hands on Bakugou’s upper arms. 
Someone behind the both of you - you suspect it’s Kaminari - shouts, breaking the silence that had embedded itself between you and Bakugou. 
In a blink of an eye, Bakugou whips around, snarling at the onlookers. Profanities spill out of his mouth in such creative ways, you’re quite sure your mother would have fainted if she even had the faintest idea of what was being said.  
Despite all the chaos and commotion that ensues, his hands never leave your hips.
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pandemoniclucio · 1 year
Hi love! I really adore your work and i already read all the headcanon ^^ can i request main 6 arcana headcanon, mc is a assassin who likes to scare the m6 because the mc have ability to sneak and steal something?
Hi, sorry this took so long, I've been meaning to get to this for a while but school and my family are becoming a bit of a nuisance. Then I went on a mandatory school camp. Now test week is ahead
The Arcana HC's # 16
For this I'm just going to make MC a partime magicain and assassin. Also MC is basically a sweetheart to their LI's but can scare the shit out of people, like Yor.
They were absolutely stunned when you told them you are an assassin who knows magic. They thought that you were a force to be reckoned with.
Though they didn't notice anything strange about you when you first met, they did find it odd that everyone else around, even the bandits were avoiding both of you.The then realised it was probably because of the assassination gig.
They don't mind that you are an assassin but they try to persuade you to do less assassination tasks and trying more things in your other profession instead.
Despite knowing you longer than the othf the LI's they, still get scared when you sneak up on them and silently slip Fasut away from them. If they are lucky enough to still have Faust around they will try too get her to wrap you up as payback.
She thought it made sense. You're skilled with a variety of weapons and know how to remain unnoticed, but she was surprised that you weren't a spy instead since she doesn't take you for a trained killer.
As soon as you were done revealing that bit pf information she began tracing through her memories of you and noticed the small things that could've implied something about your other job, including how easy you were able to catch her guard.
Its very hard to spook Nadia, but you somehow manage to do it effortlessly. If you scare her enough she will defend herself by throwing the nearest object or trying to get a giid slap, luckily your fast enough to avoid it and if not she'll be scared for a few seocnds before laughing about it. Will try to use your skills to scare her siblongs.
She has admitedly doesn't like that you're a highly paid contract killer, but she admits your services would come useful. She also finds you surprisingly convinving when she's become fed up with visiting noble and other problems but doesn't fall for your request unless you bring proof the person is bad.
He thought you were joking, but then he remembered the evens that befell him at the shop, then he grew nervous as be began to ask about your other job.
During your conversatiom, he flashed back to when he broke into the shop. You threw that vase with such accuracy and even looked ready to take him on in a fight. Absolutely terrifying now that he knows you could've killed him.
Depending on the time and how many people are around, he will either be running to the nearest corner or become horny which concerns you.
He doesn't worry much about your other side of work, until you get injured, which thankfully rarely happens. He also knows that at least no one would mess with him if he gets drunk.
He was abslutely shocked, he was glad that this life wasn't very forced upon you, although he isn't the biggest fan of the killing part of your job.
He did the way you held your hands near you as if you were ready to pull a weapon out, then paid attentionto how well you're able to disapear into the shadows.
He personally doesm't het frightened that easily but he finds it terrifying when you pop out of nowhere, the most of a reaction you'll get out of him a scared face before he realises its just you.
He doesn't like your other job at all, but he won't openly admit it to you. Despite his reservations he's not that worried about anything happening to you, if anything he feels sorry for whoever founf their way on your hitlist.
She kind of had a suspicion that you were more than just a sneaky magician, so your reveal just blew her away. As sson as you both get some free time, she bombards you with questions of your double life.
She tries to recall any moments and events that might've pointed to your job. She feels like a fool for not noticing but is happy that others don't notice at all.
She tries to be ready for your scares, she ultimately fails, get scared for a few moments before laughing at the whole event. That doesn't stop her from trying to fail at at scaring you back either.
She doesn't mind your job, you do what your good at, you make coin, and most of the contracts are picked by her so she knows your not going after an innocent civilian.
He had conflicting thoughts on the revelation of your side job but wasn't bothered by it, he thought it was cool that you had something similar about your lives.
He know realised how much sense it made that even though he was a ghost at the time you were able to spook him by sneaking up on him.
If you ever decide to scare him you will get one of two reacactions. 1 - Where he ends up being overdramatic and swears he'll get revenge. And 2 - Where he ends up trying to strike back. This can either be playful or seroius depending on his mood.
As long as he's not your target he doesn't mind. Hells, he'll even train with and join you, since your job wasn't too far off from his mercenary days.
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