brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
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heeseung-min · 11 months
"Oh! You got flowers again! It's the fifth time this week."
You stared at the bouquet of lillies. It's your favourite flower but you felt creepy after reading the notes that this person left for you.
I hope you like this flowers just how I like to see you every night you come home.
You discarded the flowers while your coworkers stared at you with confusing expression.
"Why did you throw that?"
"Yeah, you should be grateful you got admirer."
"Can you guys just shut up and mind your business?"
With that, your coworkers started to leave your table and went to their seats. You spent your day with stressing over the work and about the secret admirer words. It made you feel agitated on your surrounding.
"Y/n, do you want to have lunch together?"
Heeseung asked you as he keep his place nice and tidy before turning to you waiting for a response.
"Sure, let me finish this first."
While you were eating with Heeseung, you got a text from unknown number. You put your cutlery down before taking the phone.
Even when you're eating, you still look beautiful.
And below the text, there was your picture captured while you were eating. You immediately looked at your surrounding trying to find someone suspicious but everyone in there seems busy with their work and foods.
"Are you okay, Y/n?"
"Yea...yes. I'm good."
"Did something happen? Why were you looking everywhere?"
"Nothing, can we just hurry up? I remember I still didn't finish the report I need to do. I don't want Mr.Park to be mad at me."
Within five minutes, Heeseung and you finished lunch and paid the meal. Your eyes were looking everywhere when you went out from the restaurant. You felt frustrated when you didn't see any weird person.
It's night and you were waiting for your bus when suddenly a man sitting too close to you.
"Hi, I've seen you few times here. I also work in the same building as yours but in different department. Would you like to go out together?"
"I'm sorry but I have a boyfriend."
The man scoffed and then hold your hand tightly while insulting you.
"Oh you think you are that pretty? Am I that ugly? Do you think I'm dumb to not know you don't have a boyfriend?! You whore-"
You gasped loudly when the man got punched by your boss, Park Jongseong. The tight grip on your wrist finally went off and you winced a bit while trying to move your hand.
"Stay away or I call police on you!"
The man quickly ran away after Jongseong said that. He turned to you and checked on you in case the man hurt somewhere else.
"Are you okay? Do you need to go hospital?"
"I'm...I'm fine. Thank you so much, Mr. Park."
"Let me send you home. I don't trust that guy."
When Jongseong reached nearly to your house, you realized that you never tell him your address. You glanced at him who looked so relax while driving as like he really knew where do you live.
"Make sure to lock your windows and door, Y/n. Who knows the guy might be trying to break in."
"Thank you for the ride, Mr. Park. I really appreciate it."
After he went off, you immediately ran to nearest police station in your neighbourhood and told them about Park Jongseong possibly being your stalker.
"With this info, we can't really confirm him as the culprit. So, we hope you can wait for any update from us."
You came home with disappointed feeling when the police officer said that. Even when you wanted to sleep, you keep thinking about it. You decided to swallow a sleeping pill before laying on the bed.
Beep beep beep beep
While you were deeply in sleep, a man pressed on your door lock pad and you didn't notice or even heard your door got unlocked from outside. You can't even heard footsteps coming towards you.
The man aka your stalker smiling at the sight of you sleeping peacefully. He went to sit beside you and caressed your face.
"You worry about wrong person, darling."
[Part 2]
Ayo, it's really been a long time🤓🤓so sorry for not posting anything😣😓 i hope this one can satisfy you🤗 i bet yall cant guess who the stalker is🤣🤣
Taglist: @obsessed1with1straykids @huggyuvita @duolingofanaccount @stacey-stonem
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dougielovelove · 8 months
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imagine this: you are a captain of another task force, who is having to work together with TF141. It's all going well actually, you and Price agree on most things and your soldiers are very good at what they do, so the missions go pretty smoothly.
But... there's something that's making you very... intrigued. There are two of Price's soldiers who seem to have... something on you. What was their name again? Gaz and Soap?
Every time you walk into a room and they're there, they shift uncomfortably in their seats, and glance at each other. You might think it was just your paranoia, but these two make a point of always questioning your orders, and always teasing you. And by teasing, I mean: dropping something and purposely bending down to pick it up right in front of you, purposely pressing their butt into your crotch when you're helping them aim; stuff like that.
You're in the locker room now, taking a shower after another exhausting mission. You were lost in your thoughts, already planning your next steps for upcoming missions and stuff, but your train of thought was cut off when you heard the showers on your left and right turning on.
You are a little startled by the sudden noise, and when you look, you notice that Gaz is on your right and Soap is on your left, also taking a shower. Great.
You continue taking your shower, looking at the wall in front of you, somewhat tense. Wait... why do THEY make YOU feel tense? And once again your thoughts are interrupted when you feel a hand on your shoulders. Gaz.
"You look kinda tense Sir... want us to help?"
And that's how you got to where you are: Soap on his knees in front of you, sucking your cock, taking him deep down his throat while cupping your balls, and Gaz behind you, eating you out as if you were the last meal on earth. You put a hand over your mouth, trying to suppress your moans, but the feeling of Gaz's tongue going deep inside you and Soap's mouth holding you like it was made to take your cock is too much to contain. Your moans become even more difficult to contain when you feel Gaz insert one of his fingers into your hole, looking for you prostate and finding it successfully, hitting it over and over. With one free hand, you hold tight to Soap's hair, your hips instinctively thrusting slowly forward, making him choke a little at the sudden movement.
When you feel Gaz insert another finger, you can't hold back, and you reach your final climax, cumming on Soap's mouth, filling his mouth with your sticky hot cum.
And now you kind of realize that when you walked into a room and they shifted uncomfortably in their seats, it wasn't because they didn't like you. Quite the opposite! They did this so no one would see the bulge forming in their pants when they saw you.
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fivestar-outlaw · 1 year
New Horizons (Park Seonghwa) (Ch.1)
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Chapter 1: Turnips
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
Words: 2.0k+
Warning(s): None
A/N: aYO first story on this blog, hello everyone. I hope you enjoy this self-indulgent series. I lub Seonghwa so I knew he had to be the first one posted here.
Reader is implied to be living in the US bc uh TIMEZONES ARE FUCKY and i didnt realize how reliant i was on mine (PST) when looking up KST
Italicized is English, just an fyi
Summary: Attempting an all-nighter while playing Animal Crossing alongside your bias, you didn't expect your turnip prices to be such a high amount... nor did you expect Park Seonghwa to actually accept your offer to sell his turnips on your island.
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You take a small bite of your snack before you made your avatar walk around your island. Seonghwa's livestream was playing in the background and he, too, was playing Animal Crossing. You made sure to stop and talk to the villagers who you came across outside, pull up some flowers before they overwhelmed areas on your island, and dug up some fossils, which you set aside to get assessed later. Right now, you planned on taking your turnips you bought from Daisy Mae to Nook's Cranny. With the help of time travel, your game was set during the day rather than matching the bold 4:40 am on your phone.
It was a chill all-nighter. None of your classes assigned homework over the weekend, you had the weekend off from your part-time job, your roommate was out of town until Sunday... You didn't mind ruining your already rocky sleep schedule to play Animal Crossing along side your bias.
Before you got into Ateez you already had been learning Korean, figuring having a language degree would help you with future careers. You had been a fan of Ateez for awhile. You adored all of their personalities and enjoyed their music, but for some reason you gravitated towards Seonghwa. You then started collecting albums when you had the extra money and made sure to check into their live streams when you could. Seonghwa even pulled you out of your Animal Crossing burn-out too which you were grateful for.
Currently, you finally got your avatar to Nook's Cranny, your turnips in tow. It was the last day to sell and the previous prices were all bellow a hundred bells. So you prayed to the Lord Tom Nook and hoped for good prices. You tapped the check prices and waited eagerly to see how much they would take for the turnips. Your eyes widened when little Timmy answered the prices.
660 bells.
You immediately sell your turnips to them, making a lot of bells in the process. Finally, you could give Tom Nook a sizable amount of money towards your last loan payment.
Seonghwa's voice, sounding frustrated, caught your attention. You looked at the livestream and saw he was holding his switch up. You could make out that his turnip prices were a mere 34 bells and he mentioned the prices have been like that for him all week.
"That sucks." You murmured to yourself.
For the hell of it you quickly type up in chat that you'll let him come sell his turnips and added the price being offered. You saw how fast the chat was going but you decided to tempt fate. After double-checking for any spelling errors you hit send.
The chat stuttered for a bit, your message right in the middle. You figured it was on your end but then you saw Seonghwa's eyes widen and watched as he scrambled to touch something on his phone. He spent a few moments typing and then hesitating on whatever he just did. You heard him sigh, tapping his phone before setting it down off screen in front of him.
Then, you saw a notification pop up on your end. Curiously, you opened it and when you did, your eyes nearly popped from your head.
Seemed as though Seonghwa, through the Ateez account, direct messaged you.
'Can I sell my turnips after stream?' It read. You immediately go and click the profile, just in case it was someone trying to pull your leg. All that did was lead you back to the official account. You tried it again a few more times just in case but it was the same result.
Seonghwa actually messaged you.
You could hardly contain your excitement coursing through your veins. You took a deep breath, switched your phones keyboard over to Hangul and carefully typed up your response despite your shaking hands. You had to pause several times on what to say but after a few minutes you responded.
'Sure! Just let me know when I should open my island and I can send you a code. I apologize for any mistakes in this message. I figure it would be more comfortable for you ^^.'
You hit send and put your focus purely on the livestream, your game forgotten about. You watched as a few moments passed by and saw Seonghwa glance towards his phone. A small smile grew on his face as his eyes trailed back to his game.
You focused back on yours. You got those fossils assessed (all were ones you already had), visited Brewster, found a gyoird, and stopped by at Marshal's house. You still cringe at how you accidentally told him yes when he asked to move. You caught it too late and the game saved the decision. Your little squirrel you spent hours island hopping for was leaving.
"I'll miss you buddy." You sigh to yourself as he told you he'll miss the island. None of your friends still played nor had space on their islands to save him for you. Maybe Nookaz-
"Yes!" You heard Seonghwa exclaim and you glance back over to his stream. "Cephalobot wants to move." He had such a big grin on his face as he proceeded to tell the robotic octopus villager to move. You couldn't help but smile along with him before focusing back on your island.
About an hour passed when Seonghwa said goodbye to the stream, making a heart with his hands, before shutting it off. You stifle a yawn and grab your phone, bringing up the messages between you and the offical Ateez account. You weren't sure if you were to message first or if you should wait for him to message you. You stood up from your chair and stretch your limbs, hearing a few satisfying pops.
You glance down at your phone and promptly sit back down.
'Ready when you are.'
You smile and start heading to your airport to get a code for him when you passed Marshal's home. You stopped your avatar when an idea popped into your mind. You picked up your phone and quickly typed up a message.
'If you don't mind time jumping to get an empty spot on your island and don't mind swapping friend codes, I have Marshal ready to move if you want him. I accidentally said yes when he asked to move. Only if you want to of course. :)'
You hit send, took a deep breath of air, and looked away from your phone, too nervous to see his reply.
"The worst he will say is no. And understandably so." You say to yourself under your breath. You didn't want to even look at the message but decided to calm your nerves. You turn back to your phone and saw he messaged you back.
'That would be great. Thank you, Atiny. Give me a few more minutes please.' You then saw he sent his friend code.
"Okay, what the hell?" You couldn't believe it. "I guess he really is serious about this game." You chuckled and pressed the home button. You typed in his friend code, making use of the Switch's touch screen and sent him a friend request.
You saw you were immediately added back. You take another deep breath and open your game back up. You went to your airport and opened the gates up for friends. You let your avatar stand idle as you waited. You figured he'd have to time travel a day to get Cephalobot in boxes and then travel again to have an empty plot for Marshal.
You got up from your spot and quickly got a drink of water. You couldn't stop the yawn escaping past you lips, the lack of sleep is starting to hit. You quickly return to your couch and plug your switch back into the dock since the battery was getting low and grab your controllers, the game appearing on your TV screen now. You unlock your phone and opted to lay on your side on the couch, viewing the new message Seonghwa sent.
'Almost ready. Hopping back on now.' His message read.
'Gates are open :)'
A minute passed when you got the notification a friend was arriving to your island. After the little animation finished you see his avatar walk into the airport. You quickly do a little wave and walk out, seeing he is following. You lead him to your Nook's Cranny and wait outside as he goes in to sell his turnips. You simply wait outside so you could take him to Marshal next when you see another message pop up.
'Can I buy the cabinet?'
'Go ahead. I am outside and will take you to Marshal when you are done.' You smile and do nothing to stop another yawn from escaping.
A few moments pass and his avatar walks out of the store. He stays still for a moment before he does the little 'joy' reaction, which you return. You then start heading to Marshal's home with Seonghwa in tow. If sudden tiredness hadn't washed over you, you'd probably much more outwardly excited.
You finally get to Marshal's home and watch as Seonghwa's avatar enter; you opted to stay outside again. Another yawn left you and you had to blink a few times to keep your eyes open.
"I'm just not built for all-nighters anymore..." You mumbled to yourself. You realized sitting up may help keep you awake, but you were just too damn comfortable laying down as you were. Your eyes droop but you were trying your best to stay awake to see him off your island.
You hear the door in game open and close and see Seonghwa's avatar leave. He did another joy reaction and stayed like that for a moment. You get on your phone again and saw he had sent a message.
'Thank you again, Atiny <3 your island is cute.'
'You're welcome, Seonghwa'
You watch as his avatar heads back into the direction of your airport, though, you did not stay awake long enough to hear your game let you know that a friend has left the island.
You woke up about eight hours later feeling like you were hit by a car. You couldn't tell where you were for a moment, what time it was, what year it was,and your stomach ached with hunger. Finally, your eyes fully adjusted to being awake, though you didn't have the energy yet to lift yourself up off what you know realized was your couch.
You lay there contemplating life, cursing your past self for trying to do an all-nighter. You glance around and saw your Switch controller and phone on the floor. You then look to your TV and saw it was off. You had a half drank glass of water on the coffee table and an almost finished snack.
You finally sat up, making sure to stretch your limbs. You felt more awake now. You pick up your phone and curse at the low battery life. Quickly you unlocked it and then nearly dropped your phone, the messages between you and the official Ateez account were still open.
You played Animal Crossing with Seonghwa.
You played Animal Crossing with Park Seonghwa.
You take a deep breath to calm every emotion hitting you and get up to turn your Switch back on. You grab the controller and immediately look to your friends list.
He still had you added.
"Should I unfriend him...? He didn't unfriend me but..." You sighed. You go in and change the time and date to match real life before opening the game up. You quickly press through the usual Isabelle announcements.
When your avatar exited the house you noticed you had in game mail. You figured it was probably a goodbye letter from Marshal. You had your avatar open the mailbox and to your surprise, Seonghwa had sent you a letter and a present.
'Thank you again for letting me sell my turnips and for letting me have Marshal. Let's send gifts!'
You favorite the letter and take the present. You opened it and felt immediate excitement. He sent you a piece of artwork you knew you for sure didn't have for the museum. You could barely contain your excitement at the prospect of being Animal Crossing buddies with Seonghwa.
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annie-of-the-arts · 4 months
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[id: a comic featuring xiv and tal. it goes as follows: 1: Xiv and tal are sitting with one another, eating pizza. Xiv is eating a crust and Tal's eating a slice of pizza. Tal's wearing a crop top and jeans while xiv is wearing shorts and a t shirt. Tal looks at Xiv's crust, asking them "Xiv, why do you like this type of pizza so much?". Xiv, tilting their head, cheerfully responds: "oh haha i dont know!! it's really nice and chewy but tough at the same time you know? just love biting into it haha!!" It then zooms out to show them sitting next to each other. Tal then looks away from Xiv, taking a bite out of his pizza. he says "*crunch* okay cardboard muncher" Xiv looks surprised, responding with "(caps) Wow okay fuck you too i guess. (end caps) not my fault you don't have refined tastes dude." 2: a timeskip, indicated by a box with the word "Later" in it. Tal, in an apron that says "stick your cook in a panini press" and a v-neck crop top. He looks dejected at a muffin tin he's holding with oven mits, thinking "wow these sure do look like they taste like cardboard. must've mixed the batter wrong-" It then zooms in on his face, as he thinks "wait a fucking second" in realization. 3: Tal goes into Xiv's room, now without the apron on, but still holding the tray. He says "ayo xiv got some tough muffins i messed up on eat up" It cuts to Xiv, holding their hands out in a grasping motion, excited to eat the muffins as they say "(caps) Oh my god blessed day gimmie." As Xiv is cheerfully eating their muffins, Tal says "you know xiv sometimes i question-" Xiv then stops eating for a moment, turning around to say "Your gender?" with complete sincerity. It cuts to Tal, shocked, as he says "Xiv how the fuck do you know about that." /end id]
tal "i might be nonbinary but i have a job so idc about that" tal vs xiv "knew the moment tal walked into the room something was afoot" chao. fight. also about pizza too
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zyonsay · 9 months
Hihi can i request a scenario where max is in a relationship w the m!reader but he accidently reveals it on stream (while streaming w team redline)? Happy christmas :)
Wrong Moment MV1
Fem aligned people may read but not f3tishize my work!!
Summary: Read the Request above! <3
Reader: Male
Warnings: Slight Angst, Max Emilian Verstappen
Now playing: 'Partner in Crime' by Madilyn Mei
AN: Hey there anon! Thanks for the Request! This turned out to be slightly angsty at the end, i dont know what happened or when it happened lmao I hope that's alright! Merry Christmas sweetheart <3
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Your day at work was absolutely horrible. Max has offered to take care of all the costs, so you can quit your work, but you refused. Living on your partner’s costs would just make you feel dependent, and you disliked the idea of that. The application at another workplace was sent, you were waiting for an answer, and you’d be running the hell out of there.
An exhausted huff left you as you sat your bag down and slipped off your shoes, Jimmy and Sassy immediately came running over to you, rubbing along your legs for attention. You gently scratched their chins and pet them a few times before entering the kitchen.  After turning on the kettle, you shuffled your way over to Max’s office. The door opened silently; the handyman was here to oil the hinges last week. Using the opportunity, you snuck up behind your boyfriend. After waiting for a second or two you leaped forward and wrapped your arms around him. Max gasped out of shock, but soon recognized your hands and your sweet scent. Without thinking much, he turned his chair around and hugged you. “How was work baby?”, you only groaned in response, earning a light chuckle from your boyfriend. Comfortable in the warm embrace, you didn’t notice the chat on Max’s screen going batshit. “Ayo mate, who’s that?”, Enzos voice rung trough the room. Startled, you looked behind Max, seeing the screen. Shit.
“You’re live Max?”, your voice was nothing more than a whisper. His friendly eyes widened as the realization kicked in. “Sorry mates, I gotta go.” He swiftly spun his chair around and pressed ‘end stream’. He then turned back towards you; shock still evident in his features.
You pressed your lips together, not knowing what to do with the situation at hand. A quiet sigh escaped you, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were streaming.” Silence.
He gently pulled you closer, holding you as if you were a delicate butterfly, whose wings would break if he held on too tight. “It’s not your fault. I need to call Christian. We need to work this out fast.” He broke the embrace, looking up at you through his golden-brown lashes. “I love you.”
He then scrambled out of his chair, fishing his phone out of his jeans while leaving the room. A singular pearly tear ran down your cheek, though shortly followed by a glistening river. A soft sob got stuck in your throat. This wasn’t good. It wasn’t the right moment for anyone to find out.
Slowly your knees gave in and the sobs erupted from your heavy chest.
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mitsuristoleme · 7 months
Ayo it's me !
SO uhhh
Damn that's my first time requesting something and I'm actually nervous, so it's about that nightmare thing I talked about, so maybe I thought you could write something (like anything it can be very short), IF you can write for Choso (if you don't i get it) comforting reader after a very realistic nightmare and reader is still scared after waking up because it was basically taking place in that same room and still feels like they're in the nightmare (I don't know if it's clear, but basically waking up still scared and having trouble calming down and feeling reassured because what if it's real)
Rereading this I'm realizing it's confusing, but hopefully with that post you answered to you understand a bit ;; and if you don't write for Choso maybe you can do it with any other (adult) JJK character, I'd be fine with it!
hihi! sorry this took so long D:
i really hope i managed to write what you described
this is my first time writing choso (and anything nightmare related in general) so forgive me if he’s ooc😭😭 and im also sorry this is a bit short, ive been pretty swamped with finals
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cw: nothing particularly??? reader has a nightmare, no pronouns used, not proofread
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you shot up in bed scrambling for your glasses, your blanket pooling around your knees as cursed energy rushed to your raised fists, ready to fight.
“sweetheart?” came a rumbling voice from next to you, making you flinch.
“hey, hey, its just me. just choso. whats wrong honey?” your boyfriend’s words were followed by a warm hand gently tugging you back into a sleeping position.
he pulled your face into his chest, careful to not smoosh your glasses, a soothing hand running across your back.
you nodded, letting yourself fall limp in his hold, trusting choso enough to take care of any threat.
“you wanna talk about it baby?” he asked, as he leant back to look at you in the dim lighting provided by the barely cracked open door of the bathroom.
“not really.”
he hummed, gently taking your glasses off to rest them on the dresser on his side of the bed, switching on the lamp while he was at it.
“the light make you feel safer?”
you could tell he wanted to say something else, but you really didnt want to talk about the horror plaguing your dreams.
your bedroom was supposed to be your sanctuary and the stupid nightmare had ruined every ounce of safety you felt in your bed.
you tugged your boyfriend closer, hand reaching up to tangle in his hair, that he’d started letting down from his ponytails while slept.
he draped his arms around your waist protectively, something he did often, especially in public (you’d come to learn that he was incredibly protective of people he held close to his heart)
“i gotchu,” he mumbled into your hair.
you sighed shakily against the crook of his neck, a few tears escaping your eyes as the adrenaline wore off.
before you could register the loss of his warm hands from your waist, his thumb was gently wiping away the tears from your face and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
he held your face, thumbs catching the wetness as it fell, kissing you gently, and staying there until you stopped crying.
“cmere,” he said, rolling you over his chest to his side of the bed, further away from the door, “no facing the door tonight, ‘kay? we’ll keep the lamp on so its less scary for you, yeah sweetheart? and if you still cant fall asleep, ill stay up with you.”
you began to protest, but he cut you off.
“aht, aht. i dont need to sleep, and even if i did you’re more important. so shush and cuddle me.”
you smiled softly at him, making your way into his waiting arms.
“thank you choso.”
“anytime, love.”
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please dont repost or copy my work without my permission
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
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midnightsun-if · 1 year
Scarlett got me kicking my feet in my air and giggling like a high school girl. Tbh she probably could glare at me and I'd go "hehe oh my god stoooop 🥺😊" and the fact she'll only be nice to the MC when we romance her??? Hand in marriage, can't wait to make my mc oblivious to any of her ice queen act and instead be head over heels like a fool while everyone else is like "ayo?" <3
Scarlett would find that behavior quite puzzling at first, but she’d slowly grow to find it cute. A facet about your MC that’s endlessly charming. As the romance progresses you’d definitely see Scarlett gloating about it too— in her own way. Putting an almost possessive hand on your shoulder when someone makes a comment about it, an icy arch to her brow, as a saccharine smirk tugs her lips upward. It would be the beginning stages of her realizing that you’re hers, and she’d be damned if she didn’t make it official. (Even if it’d take her a bit to get to that stage of actually claiming you.)
She becomes the sweetest of all beans for the MC once romanced though. She’d burn the world to the ground if it meant keeping you by her side, wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone that’d try to harm you, while, in the same breath, would trace nonsensical patterns on your back as she holds you, whispering sweet nothings in your ear, promising you eternity and then some.
I can already imagine various scenarios of the MC reigning Scarlett back once she’s romanced:
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The crowd is bustling within the small café situated in the quaint town of Avalon, a place that had been established upon Aurelian’s founding. It’s a place you’ve visited multiple times, it being the closest town to the school, and the familiar aroma of coffee, cinnamon, and a tinge of smoke, is a welcomed one.
“You know what I think?” Blake remarks, a leftover crumb from the pastry they had just demolished, having shoved the rest of it into their mouth when the rather lively debate, as you’d like to call it, between themself and your girlfriend began to grow a bit more heated, falls from their lip.
“There’s actually a brain between those ears of yours, Herrera?” Scarlett intones, faux shock written across her face, the arm wrapped around your shoulders tightening. “I can’t quite believe it.”
Blake sneers. “Hardy har har, Beauty Queen.” Violet eyes shift towards you, a small pout tugging their lips downward. “Your girlfriend is being mean to me, Anon. Do something.”
“Do not bring my beloved into this insipid debate.”
“I’ll bring whoever I want into this. I’ll even bring Esmé as a character witness.” The aforementioned waitress, who had been headed towards your table with refills, turns around, partially due to not wanting to get involved and because of the glare that Scarlett had leveled towards her, and quickly disappears back into a throng of incoming patrons. Blake’s pout grows even more because of it. “That’s textbook witness intimidation, Voltaire, and I won’t have any more of it!”
Scarlett arches an elegant brow, clearly unimpressed with your best friend. “Do you wish for me to feel sympathetic to your plight?” She leans back, tugging you closer into her side. “I don’t believe I can, I find this all quite amusing in fact.”
With a soft sigh— both due to your best friend’s pleading gaze and at the situation in general— you turn towards Scarlett and place a delicate kiss to her sharp jawline, nuzzling closer to the familiar scent of roses and something darker, sultry in a way, that you still don’t know the name of. A soft purr rumbles within her chest due to the action, the reaction eliciting a smile in response from yourself.
“If you play nice, Scar,” you murmur, pressing closer to your girlfriend. “I’ll let you do that thing you like when we get back to your room.”
Scarlett turns darkening eyes towards you, a predatory gleam striking a wave of heat straight to your core, but the low growl that’s intertwined within her smooth voice causes a shiver to rush down your spine. “And if I don’t, my heart?”
You pout, taking a page out of Blake’s playbook. “Then I’ll be upset.” Another light kiss is pressed to Scarlett’s jawline. “Please, baby, for me?”
At your genuine request, Scarlett immediately softens and places a chaste kiss to your temple.
For a moment, as you stare into the luminescent green of your girlfriend’s eyes, you forget about the world; about Blake, about the other inhabitants of the café, about everything. It’s just you and Scarlett.
Until, of course, your moment is interrupted.
“How in the hell do you do that?” Blake whines, crossing their arms over their chest. “That’s totally unfair. Do you think maybe you could get her to foot our bill too?”
You roll your eyes. “Don’t push it, Blake.”
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4town4lyfe · 10 months
Curtiss Flying Service
The story I promised
“Welcome to Curtiss Flying Service, where every flight will be your best! Please remember to be aware while in CFS and…” You tune out the intercom, digging in your tote bag as the man behind the counter whistles a whimsical tune.
“May I see your passport?” He asks, holding his hand out as you hand it to him. He scans it as you look around, taking in your surroundings. Posters with a blue bird with an almost too happy expression are everywhere, but you’re called out again without getting a chance to really take everything in.
“Where to?” The man asks, handing you your passport. You pause, trying to think of where you’re supposed to be going. What is wrong with your brain?
“C-Canada, Canada.” You mutter out, although uncertain, after a bit of silence, his piercing gaze that contrasts with his cheeky demeanor starting to make you a bit uncomfortable.
He types on his computer, clicking his tongue and looking up at you, his brown eyes looking oddly pretty and his slightly dark circles under his eyes heightening this. If you weren’t disoriented, you might call him cute.
“Sorry, no more available flights.” He says, tapping his fingers. That doesn’t make any sense…
“Wait, what?” You ask, tilting your head in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“I mean there are no. more. flights.” He replies in a slightly condescending manner, making you frown a bit. Okay, buddy.
“Fine, how about Mexico?” You blurt out before covering your mouth, why in the world did you say Mexico?
Click, click, click. He types, it’s almost sounding like nonsense. “Nope, sorry.” He says, almost sounding apologetic but not all the way. You grumble, crossing your arms.
“Are there any available flights, like, anywhere?” You don’t know why you have this odd need to leave, it’s almost suffocating in a way.
He pauses as you finish speaking, he stares for too long. His expression is slightly off, his cheerfulness replaced with a hint of malice, the darkness under his eyes more apparent.
After a while, he finally speaks, his suddenly raspy voice throwing you off. “What’s your name?” He asks, his voice sounding deeper than before. Okay… blud just saw my passport 💀 why’s he asking that?
“Uh…” you hesitantly say your name as he flashes you a toothy grin, his joy coming back, making you feel weirded out by his mood switch.
“I’m Aaron.” He says, proudly gesturing to the name tag pinned on his uniform. Okay, so we’re cute again, erm, what the flip 🤓
“Um, okay.” You say, giving him an awkward smile, so this guy is cute, really… weird. But cute. Okay, I think the weirdness is a turn off, blud seems like the type of guy to become Billy Loomis irl.
You look around again, trying to avoid his gaze. You finally take your surroundings in and you realize that you’re the only person here.
“Where is every-” you don’t get to finish, as you turn back around to see Aaron staring into your soul, eyes wide and fixed, his toothy grin becoming not so cute but legit terrifying, curving up way too high. He also doesn’t seem to notice the red substance coming out his nose and down his mouth, dripping down his chin.
“What the hell?!” You jump back in shock, clutching your chest as he opens his mouth to speak, then the lights go out.
“You’re stuck here, you’ll never get out…” His deep voice repeats, echoing all around as you run for it, attempting to find an exit.
“HELL NAH, HELL NAH, NUH UH!” It’s as if the airport turned into the back rooms, as you’re suddenly in a loop, running as fast as your legs will carry as you hear his approaching footsteps behind.
“WHAT IN THE SCP IS THIS?! LIFE IS NOT ROBLOX!??” You whisper scream to yourself, finally finding a safe spot to catch your breath. Although your time is limited as he comes up behind you, pushes you against the wall.
“Ayo?” You say, raising your brow. Comedy can be the way out, maybe not this time because all of your jokes are falling flat.
(because 4town4lyfe ain’t funny 💀)
“Are we about to kiss right now?” You ask in amusement, okay, that was stupid, because now his hands are around your neck as he gives you a crazy grin. (Crazy hot😭 I’m done gosh I embarrass myself)
“Damn, that’s hot.” You choke out, before socking him in the face, making him let you go as you catch your breath. You catch him off guard and push him against the wall.
“Ha, turned it on you.” You shout before kneeing him in the stomach, making him lean forward and groan in your ear. AYO. Okay, not gonna lie…. JKJKJKJK GET OFF U ODDBALL
As he leans forward and gets you distracted,
he pushes you to the ground, getting on top of you and pinning your arms down.
“THIS IS VERY NOT PG-13.” You yelp, struggling but successfully getting out of his hold and the two of you tussle, but you end up winning because you eat.
You stand up and kick Aaron, making him give up. “WHY YI YI YIPPEE YI YAY, BIATCH.”
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bestfriend491 · 2 years
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Date Created : 13 - 12 - 2022 | Last Updated : 20 - 03 - 2024
Fic Total: 28
~ Through This : Angst, Hurt/ Comfort
Summary Sentence: After Okoye is dismissed of her title as General by Queen Ramonda, she meets you at home and you comfort her.
~ Lies of Omission Part.1 : Angst
Summary Sentence: After months of lying to Okoye about a medical condition, secrets are revealed.
~ Lies of Omission Part.2 : Angst, Fluff
Summary Sentence: Okoye deals with the aftermath of learning about your past and your secrets.
~ Reality Check (Lies of Omission Part.3 : Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Summary Sentence: After a good day with Okoye, your past come back to haunt you.
~ Told You So : Fluff
Summary Sentence: You get hurt because of your confidence and Okoye helps you with your injury.
~ Morning Sun : Fluff
Summary Sentence: A morning with Okoye
~ The Honour Would Be Mine : Comfort, Fluff, Angst
Summary Sentence: You tell the beautiful General that you love her, and so much more.
~ I'm here : Angst, Hurt, Slight Comfort
Summary Sentence: Your sister is killed during the battle of Wakanda and Talokan. Now you and Okoye must adjust to the news.
~ Jealously Jealously : Angst, Hurt/ Comfort
Summary Sentence: Okoye struggles with your Friends with Benefits situation.
~ Maybe, Maybe not, I wouldn't be able to tell you : Fluff
Summary Sentence: You don't have a sense of smell, and Okoye is the only one that knows that
~ Avoidance : Hurt/ Loads of comfort, Fluff
Summary Sentence: You avoid telling Okoye about an old injury in fear that she will leave you.
~ Kill Okoye : Angst, Hurt, No Comfort,
Summary Sentence: Sza's Kill Bill mixed with Tyler Perry's Acrimony
~ You can deny it all you want : Domestic Fluff
Summary Sentence: You bring a stray home and Okoye tries to deny her love for them.
~ Realizations : Soft Relationship
Summary Sentence: Okoye sees with kids and suddenly her desires for the future are very clear.
~ Worthy : Comfort
Summary Sentence: Your love language is words of affirmation and Okoye isn't used to that kind of love.
~ Want Me Back Part.1 : Hurt, Angst
Summary Sentence: Okoye has become neglectful in your relationship and you finally snap.
~ Want Me Back Part.2 : Angst, Comfort. Fluff Ending
Summary Sentence: Okoye has bettered herself and wants you back.
~ Hateful Love : Angsty Fluff
Summary Sentence: yours and Okoye's relationship dynamics tends to make people think that you hate each other. That's far from the truth though.
~ Smooth Talker: Fluff
Summary Sentence: You've used pickup lines to woo your way into Okoye's heart, and at some point she falls in love with your goofy self.
~ Super Powers : Fluff
Summary Sentence: Everyone wants to know what superpowers you have that make Okoye change completely.
~ Fooling Around: Fluff
Summary Summary: You're a very unserious Dora Milaje when Okoye's around. Or maybe you're just unserious in general.
~ I'd do it all over again : Angst, Hurt and Comfort, Happy Ending
Summary Sentence: You waited a long time to be with the one you love.
~ Propriety: fluff, getting together, soft
Summary Sentence: Your crush on Ramonda is exposed by accident.
~ Holding you tight tonight: Angst, Hurt and Comfort
Summary Sentence: Ramonda doesn't know everything about your past, but she's there to listen.
~ Introspection Part 1: hurt, angst, fluff,
Summary Sentence: A childhood event leaves Nakia searching for answers, and searching for you.
~ Introspection Part 2 : Angst, Hurt, Comfort, Healing
Summary Sentence: Nakia fights for you even when you don't know how to fight for yourself.
✐Ayo x Aneka x Reader
Coming Soon...
✐Ayo x Aneka
~ Jurisdiction: Angst
Summary Sentence: In the wake of Talokan, and after Aneka quits the Dora Milaje, Ayo is left to deal with the aftereffects
~ My Adored One : Getting Together
Summary Sentence: Not even the fiercest of warriors can deny love.
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Drabbles and Headcannon total: 10
~ Thought 1: Exaggerated Storylines
~ Thought 2: She catches you singing in the kitchen
~ Thought 1: When she’s jealous
~ Thought 2: She makes you reckless
~ Thought 3: When you have an argument
~ Thought 4: Is she competitive?
~ Thought 5: Is she competitive? part 2
~ Thought 6: You know you saved my life, right?
~ Thought 7: Your shield of protection
Coming soon...
✐Multiple Characters
(N=Nakia, Okoye=Okoye, R=Ramonda, AAR= Aneka x Ayo x Reader, AA=Aneka x Ayo)
~ Thought 1: What's Wrong? (N, O, R)
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Ayo ,So would it be possible to get some Mariver (Marie x Shiver) Hcs up in here? (With possibly some mutual pinning at first?)
yo mariver is a very cute ship <3 i think i posted some hcs about them before (or maybe i forgot and its in my drafts whoops i think i posted it tho) but i shall give you the pining!! Story mode spoilers for obvious reasons
Marie and Shiver first meet when Deep Cut is like trying to bandit everything in alterna right but oh my god imagine Marie's internal gay panic when she sees Shivers gay ass "Even sharks call me cold blooded..." and the flick of their fan?!?!?
To everyone else (except maybe Callie) she looks completely normal but on the inside Marie's heartbeat just skyrocketed and she's just standing there like :0
Love at first sight essentially lmao
Deep Cut is too focused on making their presence known that Shiver doesn't really get to take in Marie's presence until they decide to work together and they realize agent 1 and 2 are THE squid sisters
I think Shiver would have had like a celebrity crush on Marie during the height of the squid sisters popularity and then it definitely dies down once they start promoting solo and taking a break from music, so when Shiver actually meets Marie - not Marie of the squid sisters - they're starting to crush on her for real
thankfully after deciding to team up, deep cut and the squid sisters aren't trying to splat each other for territory anymore so they start to hang out casually as friends
then that turns into just Marie hanging out with Shiver and eventually one of them starts joking about "oh we're going on a lunch date?"
and the other is like "haha yeah a date :)"
they wouldn't even realize they've been flirting with each other this whole time, they just have massive crushes on each other and are too caught up in liking the other person they dont even think about if the other likes them back
i think Shiver would be the one to say something first because they just can't hold it back anymore and they tell Marie, "You're incredible and I really like you in more than a friend way, but it's okay if you don't feel the same-"
Marie has to interrupt like, "wait- you like me? I thought I was the one liking you??"
and they laugh and realize they've been so oblivious to the other person's flirtatious behavior (bc both of them are kind that way in general around anyone)
after they talk about their silly little crushes on each other they officially ask each other out and start formally "dating" as significant others <3
bonus: callie and frye have been meeting up with each other while mariver is on their not-dates and talking about how the two of them are so in love but they are absolutely oblivious, so they make a bet, frye saying shiver will confess first, callie saying marie will confess first, and whoever wins gets all you can eat crusty sean's for a day. frye is obviously very happy with her win.
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skylarstark4826 · 4 months
Shuri gives birth by the water.
Well, not exactly by the water, but in a hut that’s built next to the river that borders Wakanda.
The very same river where she first met the man who changed her life a few years back.
Ku’ Kul Khan.
Her love.
He waits outside, with M’Baku, little Toussaint, Attuma, and Namora who float in the river while women from the border tribe flutter around the place, coming in and out of the hut where she is lying in pain, holding onto Aneka and Ayo while Okoye soothes and cleans her forehead from the sweat and Nakia stands between her legs encouraging her to push.
Her screams scare the birds around and they fly away as soon as their wings flap and their legs lift them.
Outside, his expression changes between nervous and worried, and when he tries to get up and go to her M’Baku just drags him back down and pats him on the back of the shoulder blades.
It's a testament to see the great Ku’Kul Khan allow the king of Wakanda to drag him back down to the sand. Nobody who knew him two years before would have thought that he would be so calm by the human’s touch.
Minutes pass that feel like an eternity for the god, and he finds himself truly scared for the first time in his long life. Shuri, the love of his life, is hidden away from him and he feels helpless for not being able to be in there with her, helping her as he should. Around him, the men look ahead at the clear surface of the water where little waves rippled every once in a while and try to ignore the shouts inside the hut.
Then, all of a sudden the screaming stops, and a baby’s cry is heard.
Namor stands.
The men behind him follow and his Generals in the water come out from the river.
Drums start to beat, and music can be heard almost immediately while the women start to come out from the hut. Namor can make out Okoye in the center of the group holding onto a small bundle and dancing along with her sisters. He doesn’t understand their language or what they are chanting and singing, but it sounds...happy and he cannot help but smile.
The women continue to dance around Okoye and his child, because he is certain now that the bundle holds his baby, and he in turn starts to move. To his right, little Toussaint jumps down from where he is nestled in M’Baku’s arms and runs to the Dora Milaje who welcome him with huge smiles on their faces and allow him to pass to where Okoye is still dancing.
When they turn and realize that he is making his way to them, they allow him to go through, not making a single move to attack. The joy of having a new baby for their royal family amongst them makes them soften towards him and they give him congratulatory smiles and cheers as he walks. Okoye lifts her eyes from where she is focused on watching over the baby and stops singing. The former General of the Dora Milaje greets him with a nod and passes him the bundle of white cotton in her arms.
He grabs the baby with one hand by its little head and the other by the little feet that peak through the blanket and immediately he starts counting little toes and fingers.
Five little fingers in each hand, and five little toes in each foot.
The baby is already perfect and he hasn’t seen the face yet. Though he is a little disappointed when he checks the ankles and finds that the baby didn’t inherit his wings, nonetheless, he is happy.
The baby lets out a yawn and Namor finally looks up.
A baby girl.
He is the father of a little girl and his heart swells with pride.
She grabs his finger with her two little hands and stares at it with curiosity. He lets her explore for as long as she wants and doesn’t move, not wanting to scare her with a sudden movement while he in turn explores her beautiful face.
She exudes calm, and, it’s a little strange because moments before she was crying so hard that she spooked what was left of the doves around the place.
Ku’ Kul Khan takes a moment to memorize her expression and he smiles at her. His daughter’s eyes were dark, almost black, and her little face round and chubby, though her hair felt soft to the touch and straight, he couldn’t help but chuckle when he realized that it was spiked and all over the place. Her skin is neither dark nor tan, she is rather mixed, and if someone were to ask him he would only be able to describe the color as a chestnut-type of color.
She seemed to be a perfect blend between his love and himself.
Drops of water fell on the blanket and the baby’s little belly and she made a noise that Namor figured out was to show her discomfort at the new sensation. Then he realized that the drops of water had come from his eyes and that he was crying.
That was another new feeling. Crying of joy.
Tears of joy were something that he had never experienced in his five hundred years alive, they were something that he didn’t even feel when his mother was alive and he remembered how much she loved to tease him for that.
“Ku’ Kul Khan, you will meet a woman one day that will make you cry tears of joy for all the happiness she will give you and when that day comes, you’ll think of me, and wherever I am, be sure child, that I will be laughing...” She used to say to him whenever he came back to her complaining about the sappy couples around their city and how they interrupted his games with his friends.
And by Chaak, his mother was right, because here he was now holding his firstborn child with a heart full of joy and feeling the greatest love he could feel for her and her mother.
He didn’t know when, but he had stopped feeling like “el niño sin amor” a long time ago and it was all thanks to Shuri and everything she had shown and taught him about what it was to love someone. He owed his wife so much and he didn’t even know where or how to begin repaying her.
But he had a good start now, with their baby.
He would love and protect her and Shuri until his dying days and Chaak help him, he would try his best to be the best father he could ever hope to be for his little girl and the best husband Shuri could need and want. They would not know hunger or pain. His girls would only feel happiness and love and protection.
Around him, the people were still quiet, allowing him his privacy with the baby. He felt movement a few moments later and found that Nakia, Aneka, and Ayo had left the hut and were standing next to the door.
Nakia motioned him to enter the place and he cleaned his eyes, wrapped the baby better in her blanket again, and walked inside. The door was large enough for him to pass comfortably but he had to lower his head a little bit when he was already inside. The hut had only two rooms, a bathroom, and the room where he was standing. In front of him, lying on a bed was Shuri with a small smile on her tired face.
“Did I do good my Ku’ Kul Khan?” She teased him.
He could only give her a loving smile as he passed her the baby.
“So good my love, I’m so proud of you,” He said as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.
Shuri hummed pleased and placed the baby closer to her naked chest.
“Have you thought what we’ll call her?” He asked as he laid down next to her carefully.
Shuri hummed again and grabbed his left arm to lean into.
“I know that our customs dictate that we give her a name according to our own cultures, but I was thinking that we should do something different...” She said before kissing his bicep.
Namor looked down at her with interest then. “What do you propose?” He asked her.
“I was thinking of a Greek name. Melinoa. We can call her Meli for short.” She replied.
“And what does Melinoa mean?” He asked again.
“I looked it up, it means propitiation-minded. And it’s a good meaning Ku’ Kul Khan, with it, she can be the one who can fully bring peace between our kingdoms when her time comes to reign Talokan.” Shuri explained to him before looking down at their baby who continued to look at them with curiosity.
Namor seemed to think about it.
“So, the one who placates and brings peace?”
Shuri nodded.
“I...like it.” Namor smiled and kissed her.
“Gurgh...” the baby nestled between interrupted making her parents split and laugh out loud.
“Yes, Meli, we know, we like your name too...” Shuri whispered before leaning down and placing a kiss on her little forehead.
At that very moment, the rest of their family decided to enter the small hut, and Toussaint all but ran from M’Baku’s side to the bed.
“Can I see the baby, Auntie Shuri?” He asked jumping up and down with a huge smile.
“T’Challa! Let your auntie rest!” Scolded Nakia from the window on the other side of the room.
Namora rolled her eyes but a small smile could be seen underneath her breathing mask.
“It’s okay Nakia” Shuri lifted herself on the bed as her husband made sure that the blanket covered her naked chest. “Here, seat him down love,” She asked Namor to lift her nephew so that he could crawl to her.
The young boy was immediately enthralled by the newborn in front of him and took great care to hold her as gently as possible when Shuri and Namor sat him down between them and gave him the baby.
“This is your cousin T’Challa, can you promise me that you will take care of her and protect her as she grows?” Shuri looked into her nephew’s eyes as she asked him this.
Toussaint nodded as solemnly as an eight-year-old could and then looked down to trace his baby cousin’s face with the pads of his fingers. Then, all of a sudden, the baby let out her first proper giggle and Toussaint looked up at his mom with a huge smile on his face.
“You heard that mommy? She laughed with me!” He told her excitedly.
“Yes baby, she must like you very much already!” Nakia encouraged her son and next to her Ayo shook her head with a smile.
“So, have you thought of a name?” Aneka asked from where she was standing next to Ayo.
Shuri and Namor shared a look and a smile.
“We decided not to give her a name from one of our cultures and go with a different route.”
“What do you mean?” Okoye asked confused and Attuma who was close to her by the door narrowed his eyes. Around them, the rest of their family was as confused as the former general of the Dora Milaje.
“Shuri and I had been talking ever since we found out that she was pregnant that we didn’t want names that could tie them to our cultures. We felt that it would be binding to the baby to have such a heavy burden, with her being wakandan and talokian seemed enough, and we also didn’t want to give her names that already had a past in our cultures...we wanted something new and entirely hers, so Shuri decided to investigate and looked for names of different cultures around the world and we just agreed on one.” Namor explained.
The Wakandans still looked confused. But the Talokians were even more so.
“We decided to name her Melinoa, and she’ll be known as Meli from now on.” Shuri proudly said.
Everybody went silent.
“Isn’t that the name of Hades and Persephone’s daughter? You know, the one from the myth?” Nakia asked breaking the silence.
“Yep,” Shuri looked happy at the fact that Nakia had managed to make the connection.
“Interesting choice Shuri” M’Baku said from the door.
“Well, I like it, auntie,” Toussaint said expressing his support for his aunt and Namor shuffled his hair playfully.
“Thank you ‘Challa” Shuri looked at her nephew with a smile.
“Reina Melinoa of Talokan” Namora tried the feeling in her native tongue and when she found that she liked it, she nodded at Attuma who followed doing the same.
“She would be the first of our kind to reign with a foreign name, but I must say that I support the decision cousin, even if it's a little unorthodox...” Namora spoke again looking at her king and queen in the bed.
“Thank you child” Namor expressed his gratitude to the younger woman. Namora nodded before heading back out of the hut. She had promised to tell their people when the heir was born and she was now returning to the water after having seen her new cousin.
Attuma turned to follow her but not before grabbing Okoye’s hand and turning her around to put their foreheads together and whisper something to her. When the two talokians left the small hut, M’Baku was finally able to enter, but just like Namor, he had to lower his head a little bit so that it wouldn’t go through the roof of the place.
He then leaned down again and kissed Shuri on the cheek before going to stand next to Aneka. Shuri then decided it was time for them to hold the baby for the first time and ordered her husband to pass the baby to Ayo who looked slightly lost at the art of holding a baby but soon with Aneka’s help she got a hold and was whispering sweet nothings to her little ears.
After the couple held Meli, it was M’Baku’s turn and Shuri laughed at how tiny her baby looked nestled in his big arms. He stuck his tongue out at her in a playful manner and she laughed even harder. Okoye, of course, passed as she had already held onto the baby and was content to keep hugging Toussaint.
By the time the baby made its way to Nakia, Meli was already fast asleep and more than happy to stay in her aunt’s arms.
“She reminds me a little bit of the queen Shuri...” Nakia whispered.
Shuri's throat constricted and the hormones took over for a moment, making tears fill her eyes and fall onto the bed.
“She does, doesn’t she?” She asked after finding the strength to speak.
Nakia and Okoye nodded.
Namor hugged her from the side and kissed her on the side of her head before leaning down and cleaning her tears away.
“She looks down on you both and I’m sure she’s proud Shuri” Okoye comforted her.
“Thank you Okoye,” Shuri said turning to look at her.
Okoye only nodded, cleaning her tears away.
And for a moment everybody was solemnly quiet, enjoying the happy moment and thinking about the royal family who they were sure, were looking down at Shuri with pride.
Then M’Baku spoke breaking the silence.
“So...when will you be having the next one?”
Shuri just threw a pillow at him while the rest of the people in the room laughed.
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bcofl0ve · 11 months
kaia gerber bookclub brief - cleo wade episode
(as a kaia fan these summaries will be more kaia centric than guest centric, if you guys would prefer me do more summarizing of things the guests say lmk!)
beginning bit with just kaia, says she's excited to try the prerecording thing because it takes away the pressure of being live/timed/cut off (austin i am ounce again asking you to fix y'alls router!!!!!!)
nooo kaia don't say you dogear your books nooo (it's okay i do too)
the way she says "hi!"to cleo at the 1:46 mark is SO cute i'm gonna trim it down later and post she's so baby girl
lauren dern is who introduced kaia to cleo
first question was asking cleo how she's found her voice in her writing- which kaia prefaced by saying she feels intimidated by poetry.
cleo brought up mary oliver and kaia mentioned that she also really liked her
kaia saying she researched by reading past interviews cleo has done was a real cute moment wah she's such a sweetie
i assume this was filmed a while ago bc of the following:
"i had a friend say to me the other day- i'd rushed home from a really long flight and it was her birthday and i rushed to a dinner and i was so tired but i was like i need to show up for everyone this is what i have to do. and she goes- she was turning 28 (so this was ayo then? the flight i assume coming back from paris)- "i can't wait till you turn 28 and you text me and you say i'm tired i don't feel like coming i love you." she's like- i'll be so proud of you."
realizing midway through that was about ayo made me read it in her voice typing it LOL friend of the year!!! she truly seems like such a great gal
next question is about forgiveness and remembering love even when it's hard. really liked cleo's answer to this essentially saying that everything can be seasonal f you look at it a certain way and to embrace the nature of things.
kaia saying friendship breakups are harder than relationship breakups and that they feel like open wounds that live in us...soooooo real.
skipped typing the 3rd question oops but it was about showing love to yourself
4th question: how do we move forward from [unhealthy] things we've learned especially from our family dynamics
cleo mentioned being obsessed with a guy in her twenties and kaia's little exhale laugh (17:42 time stamp) made me giggle...#real i'm obsessed with him too dw!
topic is moving to social media, kaia says she tries not to go on it very often
5th question is about what social media has done to people's empathy.
while i listen to cleo: there's a few jump cuts and i can't help but be a little nosey about what was maybe edited out but i think that nosiness defeats the purpose of what they're talking about rn so maybe i shouldn't say that haha
kaia said it's reflective of how she's doing when she chooses to obsess over the one negative comment as opposed to the positive ones. bby ):
"i think social media has made it so these thoughts that we convince ourselves no one else would ever notice about us are written for everyone to see"
i'm glad she has her comments off for herself but man it makes me sad that she sees the nasty shit people say else where.
generally speaking listening to this niche of talk from celebrities is always so interesting in that i'm like wow so true! while at the same time typing this on a gossip blog and in a very big way being a "part of the problem". much to think about.
cleo talked a lot about people thinking celebrities belong to them and kaia very much echoed all of that
kaia circled back to the positives of social media and talked about the march for our lives. as someone who has on and off worked with march that made me smile! jaya, laura dern's daughter occasionally goes to events too lol i have friends that have met her.
okay now we're getting to the blurb that she posted on Instagram so i feel like summarizing that would be kinda redundant haha
but kaia holding her book open with her hair like this is sooo princess belle core.
i like this format a lot better than the instagram lives tbh
for some reason it's easier for me to pay attention?
little end bit with just kaia. her little thank you to the viewers was so youtube vlogger core but in a very endearing way. okay miss youtuber!!!
and that's it! excited for the revamp of book club that seems to be in the making and the future of it. you can tell that kaia loves doing it and i like listening to her!
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neptoons1998 · 2 years
Chili Brownies
Summary: Everything is going quite well in Okoye's life. Her family was healthy, her business was booming, and she learned to fall in love again. Too bad the universe loves screwing with our girl.
A/N: I'm back! this one is in the same universe as Rolling Dough.
Chapter 1
Life for Okoye was finally coming easy for her. Essicaly when she was around her Attuma. The man could do no wrong in her eyes. Okoye wouldn’t lie it did take her some time for her to get used to the idea on rely on someone. That said person actually shows up and helps. It only took two days for the man to confess his feelings. The couple decided on having a date inside tonight, Okoye learned Attuma knew a way around the kitchen. He wasn’t a disaster like Okoye when it came to actual cooking. “Baking is completely different,” Okoye plead as she failed miserably to hold back her own laugh. 
“Whatever you have to say to make yourself feel better,” Attuma chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. After dinner, Okoye was cuddling under Attuma’s chest as they half-watched some action movie on the couch. 
“I want to tell you how I feel about you,” Attuma said; Okoye came to the realization that she might like cuddling and all that cute shit she saw Ayo and Aneka do when they come to her house after all.
“Oh,” Okoye replied taking her eyes away from the action-flick movie they decided on watching. Attuma took a deep breath, “I love you, Okoye. I knew I was going to fall in love with you the moment I step foot in your bakery. And I want us to be together for a long time.”
Okoye could feel her heart beating fast as she looked deeply into Attuma’s eyes, “I-I like you. A whole lot too.”
Attuma smiled at her letting their foreheads touch, “One day I’ll get you to say what you truly feel, Okoye.”
It was a quiet day at the Runaway Dount. Aneka was playing music way too loudly, while Okoye just finished wrapping up paying bills for the store. These past couple of months have been very nice. Does it have to do with a certain man in Okoye’s life? 
“So where’s the Jolly Green Giant  take you out tonight?” Aneka asked. To say her cousin and sisters were over the moon that Okoye was finally moving on is an understatement. No longer the woman felt stuck in her life she was able to live the life she wanted to. 
“He said found this Thai place around here, while he was jogging the other day,” Okoye recalled she most definitely will not be bringing up that he was thinking about her why on his run. As much as she loved her family she knew how they take an inch and try to run into a mile. 
“Ah,” Aneka sighed, “How romantic, but as romantic as my lovely Ayo.” 
Okoye rolled her eyes at that response, “Good to know that my sister is treating you right
“Yes, always the best, esp-”
“I DON’T WANT TO KNOW!” Okoye shouted as she plugged her ears. As she waited she looked at her display case, I should probably make some more Old Fashions donuts and some Strawberry frosted as well, the owner thought. She could always trust Aneka to take things way too far. Her sister loving that she had an effect on her crackled at her. Just before Okoye was about to boss her sister around the door’s bell rang out. 
“Hello, welcome,” Okoye called out as she turned back to the front, “What ca-”
The words died in her throat, why can’t the world give her a break? Here she was finally moving on with her life. Everything was coming together, and now this!
“W’kabi,” Okoye croaked.
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 28
“Maybe you guys just need to fuck in a church again.” WTF HOW DID U KNOW THAT HOBI ?? IM SOO SCANDALIZED WTF MAN?? GIVE US A WARNING
“he told me, he was very proud of it.” ofc kook did it
“I don’t understand the obsession people have with coffee in general. It’s so bitter.” FUCKING TRUE HATE TAE AND COFFEE GANG tho i like latte cuz its more milk yum
wiat i meant tea sorry WAIT IM NOT SORRY FUCK YOU TAE TOO BYE
“They fucked?” Hoseok gasps, making Seokjin facepalm himself. HOBI NO U SAID U ARE NOT A CLOWN BUT THIS IS NOT HELPING YOU HOBARI (says another clown) (clown to clown bonding/connection)
"Seriously, I hope he bumps his little toe on a corner and as he jumps around in agony he steps on a lego and then as he leans down to rub his aching feet he hits his head on a corner. That’s what I wish upon his stubborn butt.” would u like the list i have love? i have already read it twice for joon and once for the rest of them
“Oh, okay. He told me to come too, isn’t that crazy?” he says and laughs shyly, scratching his stomach in a nervous manner. beetroot is so funny BUT I CANT GRRRR WAIT BEETROOT IS RIGHT THEY NEVER WERE TOGETHER UNLESS THEY FUCKED AND they are going to fuck in the chapter ho ho ho yoongi u sly my i see u
oh hoo they are fighting yum AND THEY ARE TLAING YOONGLES U ARE SMART wait THAT MEANS GIVING BEETROOT ATTENTION NO ah hey kook im sorry lets go back to being cute im really a hoe wow (when realization hits u)
let me turn on the ac its getting too hot from yoongi talking dirty and kook moaning
SHE SAID NO FUCK TOO GOOD WHY IS UR SMUT SOO GOOD??? TOO ADDICTING HOLY FUCK SHE SAPNKED HIM SO HARD oh shit why can i already feel the impending doom of dom drop coming
“imagine her as a vampire Kook. Imagine what she could do.” shudders in remembering many oneshots
“Ah Mistress”, Jungkook moans with his voice pitched. you have successfully killed me
Yoongi had the audacity to reach under your shirt and pinch your nipple,THAT MF
THE WHOLE HAND??? does he have a black hole up there
his thoughts please he is soo cute i wanna die GIVE HIM EVERUTHING HE DESEVRES FUCK THE WORLD
FUCK WE DENY IT AGAIN this is too hot
i was holding my breath cuz this was too hot goosebumps everywhere
“this was the first time in sixty years that I wasn’t chained up and constrained during sex.” shit noo but im happy for him
oh thanks yoongi and jungkook for the reassuring he really wanted that, got scared for a moment
“he told me, he was very proud of it.” ofc kook did it
he's just a cutie <3
“I don’t understand the obsession people have with coffee in general. It’s so bitter.” FUCKING TRUE HATE TAE AND COFFEE GANG tho i like latte cuz its more milk yum
same jfadsjf I hate coffee
wiat i meant tea sorry WAIT IM NOT SORRY FUCK YOU TAE TOO BYE
wait. so you hate tea? lmao can't relate it's way too versatile to be hated
oh hoo they are fighting yum AND THEY ARE TLAING YOONGLES U ARE SMART wait THAT MEANS GIVING BEETROOT ATTENTION NO ah hey kook im sorry lets go back to being cute im really a hoe wow (when realization hits u)
I love kookie I couldn't be mad at him fr
me fr
let me turn on the ac its getting too hot from yoongi talking dirty and kook moaning
jfsdj me fr i love this trio so much ngngn
SHE SAID NO FUCK TOO GOOD WHY IS UR SMUT SOO GOOD??? TOO ADDICTING HOLY FUCK SHE SAPNKED HIM SO HARD oh shit why can i already feel the impending doom of dom drop coming
hahah I love that you are loving it <3
“Ah Mistress”, Jungkook moans with his voice pitched. you have successfully killed me
gooooddd I need to write more sub!kook againnnn
his thoughts please he is soo cute i wanna die GIVE HIM EVERUTHING HE DESEVRES FUCK THE WORLD
me fnadsnf
i was holding my breath cuz this was too hot goosebumps everywhere
ehehhe thank youuuu <33
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shreddiesssssssuwu · 1 year
Hiiiii I was wondering if you could write a jake fic with him liking the femreader and she doesn't notice
a/n: Enhypen request I see🫠🫠 I love them so let's goooooo
How did you not realize?
Jake and you have been childhood friends
you've supported him his whole life, especially on i-Land
whenever he gets free time, he tries to call you
"Hi beautiful!"
"Hey Jake! how's practice?"
"Did I mention you look drop-dead gorgeous today?"
"Aww, thanks dude!"
Jake sighs at your oblivion and shakes his head slightly at your cuteness
Sunghoon, Jake and you are probably tightly knit friends by now, so you're used to Sunghoon being around y'all when Jake calls or meets up.
But today, when you guys met up, something was off with Jake. he seemed.... flustered?
"[Y/N], I... I need to tell you something..."
"Jake, is everything okay?"
"Will you go and have a cup of coffee with me??!"
"Just got this, you look worried... Damn you had me worried! But yes, I'll go get coffee with Sunghoon and you!"
You can hear Sunghoon laughing in the back.
Jake slapped his forehead and said, "No, I mean... like.... like a date?"
"Yes! I need to go get my books though, so can you wait for a bit?"
"Wait what? What do you need books for?"
"The date? The study session...? Isn't that what we called them?"
Sunghoon's laughter is uncontrollable at this point
"What happened to you, dude?" you speak.
"I wanna go out with you, [Y/N]. I... I like you..."
Your eyes widen just a tad bit when the puzzle pieces click together and you went red.
You felt dumb but you said to an anticipating Jake, "Oh... yes... I'd go on that non-study session date with you..."
Jake lets out a hand for you to hold.
You take it and walk with him to the coffee place.
"Ayo, what am I meant to do now?!" Sunghoon screeches.
"Ignore him, darling, just ignore him" Jake said, looking at the view in front of him.
a bit chaotic but still it was cute I hope🤧🤧💕💕
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