barrycoganart · 5 months
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Metal Muscle.
If there’s any racer you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of, it’s Pork Chop of the Metal Maniacs. If his size doesn’t frighten you, then his aggressive racing style will. Especially when he starts swing his hammer or anchor. Here he is in his car Jack Hammer preparing to enter the racing realm. Enjoy!
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zentendo · 9 months
Turbocharge Your Ride: Milestone and Mattel Unveil AcceleRacers Expansion Pack for Hot Wheels Unleashed 2!
Milestone, the powerhouse in global racing game development, and Mattel, the iconic toy company, drop a bombshell with the announcement of the AcceleRacers™ Expansion Pack for Hot Wheels Unleashed™ 2 – Turbocharged. Brace yourselves, as this expansion, set to release on December 21, 2023, promises an adrenaline-fueled experience with four new vehicles, a cutting-edge environment, and two…
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waksworldrebooted · 7 months
Motorcity x Hot Wheels Acceleracers AU
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Done up The Burners as Acceleracers drivers for funsies. In this AU, the team are one of the many drivers that got left behind after the main group went to The Acceledrome.
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uncleshrimp · 1 month
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A quick idea from my childhood
Like what if Kurt lost to Markie and got taken.
Some people think Kurt would stay untouched by Gelorum and only tortured etc, or get mind controled.
Let's introduce it like this:
- Kadeem was so loyal, he never revealed the place of the acceledrome, even if they were breaking him down bit by bit.
I think after they changed him so much he lost most or some of his memory or maybe it corrupted itself in some way, (because he'd been confused when asked about his people back home) and let's be honest, the human body can be tough but at the same time very fragile, do something wrong and things can stop being so good.
That's why i think they needed more humans, hence the sweeper holding cell. If they really wanted to. They would kill them at any time in that thing (yes i know it's a children show and plot armor exists, especially for Kurt with his open car stuff and motorcyclists)
- In my opinion Wylde always cracks under pressure, even with his cocky prison line to Gelorum, once his arm went bye bye, he cracked and revealed it.
- Kurt tho, has been pushed a few times by Gelorum already, once even to his limits when it comes to his ethical code. So i guess he would need a bigger push to reveal the headquarters. To work for her again.
Karma said it once, he doesn't trust people because he thinks they're just like him, keeping secrets and not revealing true intentions, meaning he might not trust himself.
I wonder if it was before hw35 or after he started seeing himself not as trustworthy. Maybe Gelorum might be one of the causes. He spied once, got manipulated, almost killed people, well... I would not trust myself either after that.
Hence Gelorum makes him kinda like her, still human looking but at the same time robotic as ever. To ironically show they might not be so different after all this time, that he will never get rid of the Gelorum side in his mind (Cause i think she might have hunted his mind for some time?). To guilt trip him even more! Ahahaah!
Also him being a Human/drone hybrid? I'm thinking about making him more into the human side but i dunno.
I'll make some more stuff to this if someone would like, gheee....
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acceleracers-baby · 7 months
Acceleracers HC’s! Game Night! Metal Maniacs Edition!
Metal Maniacs
(Taro Kitano, Tork Maddox, Monkey McClurg, Porkchop Riggs & Mark Wylde)
+Bonus Round
(Doctor Tezla & Lani Tam)
Metal Maniacs
Taro Kitano - Taro has one of the best poker faces in the world. He’s impossible to read, and on top of that, he always seems to be able to pick up on everyone else’s tells. After an entire lifetime of stoicism, he’s learned that, in most cases, waiting and watching is a much better option than verbally bluffing out a hand. He enjoys Five Card, but his favorite is Texas Hold ‘Em. Other than poker, he’s a big fan of the game Sequence. He likes the mix between strategy and luck.
Tork Maddox - It’s not so much a party game, but Tork seems like the type of guy to really enjoy Pool. He used to make the Maniacs meet at the local dive bar for a couple rounds, but eventually they fixed up an old beat up one that they found at the junkyard. It’s definitely got some character, but now they don’t have to worry about assigning a designated driver. Plus, with all its dents and and scuffs, it fits in more with the Maniacs.
Monkey McClurg - Monkey plays Dungeons & Dragons. I will take no notes. But for real, could you imagine the Maniacs finding out he plays this big nerd game. I feel like they’d give him shit for it for at least a week, but when Monkeys all like ‘don’t knock it till you try it.’ He’s basically daring them to play. Of course, eventually they give in and he makes a big night out of it. Snacks, drinks, lighting, the works. He even helps them all make characters he thinks fit them the best. None of the Maniacs would admit it, but they all had fun that night.
Porkchop Riggs - With all the truck stops and diners he’s been to, Porkchop is a master at Checkers. When he was young, he would actually ask people to play with him while they waited for their food or for a shower room to open up. Because of this, he got really good at it at a decently young age. Y’all ever hear the saying, “they’re playing checkers, I’m playing chess.” That’s Pockchop accept he’s playing Checkers like Chess. Other than that, he also loves playing Go Fish!
Mark Wylde - Mark has a love hate relationship with Uno. There are times where he loves it, and there are times where it makes him want to pick up the chair he’s sitting on and lob it across the room because his dickhead brother just skipped his turn and stacked a plus four so now Mark has to pick up sixteen cards. However, when Kurt gets to Uno and Mark gets to give him the same treatment, he claims that Uno is the best game ever created. It’s a fine line he walks.
Bonus Round
Doctor Tezla - You think Tezla has time for games??? You think this stressed out mf has time for a nice round of checkers??? Who do you think you are????? That being said, Tezla cannot go a week without playing at least one game of Chess. It’s a good stress relief, and it keeps his mind sharp. He really only plays it with Gig, but Lani has since joined their little club too. Eventually, Tezla even asks Karma to join them.
Lani Tam - Despite playing Chess with Doctor Tezla, it’s not her favorite game. She mainly does it to pick his brain and see where his thoughts are for the day. Usually, his game reflects his current state of mind, which unfortunately, is almost always slightly unhinged. I feel like Lani’s favorite game would be Mafia. Specifically when people are getting way too into it and holding fake trials on who they think the Mafia members are. As much as she tries to unite the two teams in the Acceledrome, she loves the fake drama that comes with playing Mafia.
——— Thanks for Reading ———
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deep0154 · 5 months
Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 ACCELEDROME gameplay part 3
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distancealliance · 4 years
The Handium. Custom car from MrXano
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zed-36 · 3 years
Progress Doesn't Rest - Tezla
a short little fic toe xplore Tezla's character, as i get the hang of it (and Gig).
Suddenly halted by the roadblock that was his crash, Peter Tezla contemplates his next move. Everything has slowed to a halt as he's left alone in the Acceledrome, unable to drive and barely able to get around. But having other's do his work frustrates the part of him that would like to control all the outcomes... even if current events have shown him clearly that he can't do that.
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tomiyeee · 3 years
for the Acceleracers / World Race ask meme, #15 Random headcanon / theory?
yaaayy more acceleracers asks!! :D
aaand im gonna talk about nolo’s relationships with other characters again bc i LOVE that guy
15) Random headcanon/theory about [Nolo & Lani’s relationship]
nolo isn’t usually very quick to trust people he doesn’t know. his first impression of lani was that she was overbearing and maybe even a little bit annoying. he’s been driving since before he could drive dammit and here she is tryna give him advice?? i’m not even sure he knew her name at all in ignition and the like..2 lines he had directed towards her in that movie seemed more annoyed than anything.
but after spending some time with her during their downtime and during realms that he didn’t take part in, he warmed up to her pretty easily. by speed of silence he’s already helping her out around the acceledrome and by breaking point they’re close enough to even have a little bit of a heart-to-heart. while i wouldn’t necessarily call them best friends (though that could be my vert/nolo/shirako bias speaking) and i personally can’t see them being romantically involved, they are able to confide in each other for some things and just genuinely enjoy each other’s company.
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⁂ Moving Metal #6: Loss of Senses
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When morning finally arrived, I entered the cafeteria, taking a seat next to Tork who nodded in acknowledgment. He and Karma were the only ones in there at the time, so I was able to get some peace and quiet as I rested my head on the metal table. It was cold and felt good against my pounding head.
“You’re not eating?” Tork questioned.
“Don’t have much of an appetite this morning.” Which totally isn’t because I had a guilt-ridden nightmare which led me to end up passed out against a Teku car. Yeah, that totally didn’t happen.
He remained silent and I worried that he was going to ask me something other, but my saving grace appeared in the form of Taro. He sat across from me after grabbing a tray of food, his eyes narrowed at me.
“You’re up early,” He sounded suspicious.
“Is that a crime now?”
“You hate mornings,”
Damn you, Taro. Why do you have to pay so much attention to others, huh? “I’m turning over a new leaf, so what.”
The door opened and in walked Vert and Shirako, both of whom smiled at me. I cleared my throat as I stood up, mumbling about how I was going to go work on my car. I could feel multiple pairs of eyes on my back but I did my best to ignore it.
Mark was already at the cars, working on his Spinebuster. He nodded at me when I approached but said nothing. I was thankful that he kept his mouth shut for once.
My eyes scanned the length of my Night Hawk as I remembered the feeling of rejection from that night. I reached out, hesitating for a moment, before letting my hand rest on the hood. The metal was ice cold, just as it had been before, but it didn’t feel quite as distant.
I bowed my head as I rested my other hand on the hood, ‘Night Hawk… I know I’m not as strong as I pretend to be. As a car belonging to the Metal Maniacs, you deserve someone with a stronger will behind your wheel, but I… I won’t give up. I will keep fighting and moving forward, even if I have to destroy those in my way. I hope you’ll continue fighting by my side.’
“You look like shit,” Mark commented, raising his brow when I met his gaze.
I scoffed, “You ain’t no field of daisies, either.”
“Did you even sleep last night? And what the hell happened to your hands?”
“Will you quit with the third degree already? Damn,” I popped the hood of my car and started my routine check to make sure everything was in order and ready to go.
“You’re acting pretty defensive, kid.”
“And you’re acting pretty annoying, kid.” I scowled, pointing the wrench at him. “Don’t forget I’m older than you.”
“Are you sure? I mean, you’re pretty short,”
“What does being short have to do with age? Work on your car and be quiet, will ya?”
“Che,” He glared at me but did as he was told. It wasn’t long before that damned alarm sounded again.
Please, for the love of god, let it be something simple this time.
“A new realm is opening,” Dr. Tezla announced over the loudspeaker.
Yeah, because we couldn’t hear the alarm.
“Hey, kid!” Porkchop pulled up beside you in his Jack Hammer. “Wanna roll with me this time?”
I dropped the hood into place with a nod, hopping into the passenger seat. He took off before the door even closed, following close behind Shirako. We entered the ball of light.
We were in a cavern, dark and damp. There were bright yellow crystals edged into the walls and ceilings which gave off a faint glow, but that clearly wasn’t enough for Shirako. Soon after entering, his car started to glow like a damn disco ball that was exposed to radiation.
“Turn off the lights, Teku, I can’t see!” Porkchop complained, swerving back and forth across the track as he did his best to see past the blinding lights.
“He’s more than just a stereo on wheels, he’s a feckin’ rave on wheels,” I muttered, earning a sharp look from Porkchop.
As is the Maniac way, he increased his speed so that he was beside the male before ramming into the side of his car and sending him into the wall. From the passenger seat, I could see Shirako’s smirk as he eyed Porkchop and I knew what was coming.
His lights were off due to the impact but were quickly replaced by his bass-centric stereo system.
“Now I can’t hear!” Porkchop complained, and I had to agree.
Being that close to the music was making the Jack Hammer shake. I briefly worried that it was going to shatter the windows, but we had bigger problems to worry about. The bass from his music wasn’t just shaking the car, it was shaking the cave and sending stalactites falling onto the track.
“Look out!” Kurt’s voice came through the radio, followed by the sound of tears squealing.
Porkchop narrowly missed a rather sharp looking stalactite that hit just inches from his car.
“Shirako! The sound waves, they’re bringing down the stalactites!” Lani was practically screaming over the sound of his music. Even then, I was barely able to register what she was saying.
I really wished that the track would break off like it had in the Swamp realm.
“We got drones, Maniacs!”
Sure enough, as soon as Mark’s voice came through, two green and black cars were hot on our tail, but they were having about as much luck as we were. One of them misjudged the distance of the rock sticking up through the track and slammed right into it, exploding on impact. The other one managed to dodge but spun himself out doing so.
“Jeez, these guys are endless,” I muttered as three more drones took their place.
“On the bright side, we lost the stereo on wheels,” Porkchop said.
I had been too wrapped up in the chaos to notice, but we had pulled ahead of the pack. “Hey, Porkchop, I don’t suppose you have that anchor in here, do you?”
“Left it in the big rig,”
The car suddenly jolted as a giant bat landed on top of the roof, its claws digging into the metal. It leaned its head down, trying to bite him through the open window but he dodged and punched it in its mouth. Using that as a distraction, I pulled my blade from under my shirt and pulled half of my body out of the window. It noticed me just as I reared back, slamming the metal into its neck. It screeched out in pain and released its grip on the car.
My gaze met Shirako’s as he pulled up behind us, two bats clinging to his car. I could faintly hear someone come through the radio before Shirako started blaring his music again. The sudden increase in volume made Porkchop serve, but he grabbed my legs and roughly pulled me back inside just as the side of the Jack Hammer skimmed one of the rocks.
I breathed out, offering him a grin. “Thanks,”
He laughed at the adrenaline rush, pushing the gas pedal to the floor. We went soaring through the portal, skidding to a stop back in the Acceledrome. An accelecharger materialized in front of him, glowing a chocolate brown.
Seconds later, Teku music filled the drome as Shirako skidded to a stop beside us.
I grabbed onto the accelecharger, feeling raw power surge through my hand.
“Hey, the race is over, turn it off!”
But Shirako was too enraptured by the music to hear anything that was said. Mumbling angrily, Porkchop pulled off and parked his car.
Dr. Tezla approached us. I couldn’t see his eyes behind those dark glasses of his, but I just had the feeling that he was very excited. “You got another accelecharger,”
I glanced at Porkchop, but he was too busy mumbling under his breath as he kicked a few loose tools lying on the ground. Hesitantly, I placed the charger in his open palm, watching him walk away without another word. I still didn’t trust that guy, and after feeling the power contained within the accelecharger, I didn’t trust him even more.
Who’s the say he isn’t the bad guy and the drones are just trying to stop him?
The line between good and evil was seriously being blurred here and it was driving me crazy. I needed a serious break.
Sliding into my car, I started the engine. It roared to life like an angry lion as I pressed on the gas, tires squealing from the sudden force. Taro yelled my name as he stepped out of his car, but I acted like I didn’t hear it and took off down the ramp leading out of the Acceledrome.
The speedometer rose as I pressed the gas pedal further to the bottom of the car. I was worried that someone would follow me and I just wanted to get away as soon as I could. Once I was out of the winding cliffs, I could disappear in the endless expanse of desert.
I’m not sure how long I drove for, but I finally came to a stop at a cliff overlooking the ocean. I stepped out of the car and approached the edge, feeling the wind blowing around my body. My arms raised on their own, spreading out like wings.
It felt so freeing like I could just fly away from all of my problems. As much as I hated to admit it, I knew it was just a fleeting emotion.
I fell back onto the dirt, my back resting against the front of my car. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky that day. It was just a blank canvas of pale blue.
My hand clutched around my pendant as my eyes slid closed. ‘I wonder what you’d say if you were here, dad. Would you be proud of what your daughter has become? Would you be disappointed? Would you care at all?’
No, if he were here, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I’d probably be in prison, to be fair. The only reason I’m free now is because of Taro and Tork, but if dad hadn’t died, I never would have met them.
As much as I miss my dad, the thought of never meeting the Maniacs… that thought hurts worse. I love my dad, but we were never a family, we were just two people that shared the same blood.
“I wonder… how long will this last before it all comes crashing down?” I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. How long would it be before everyone learned the truth about me and turned their backs on me? Only Taro and Tork knew about my past, and even they don’t know the whole story. Granted, Taro knew more than leader did, but that’s only because I had a mini breakdown and couldn’t stop running my mouth.
Night descended upon me before I realized it, the temperature dropping drastically. Every time a gust of wind blew by me, my body would shake, but I had no desire to move. My legs and ass had fallen asleep, going numb against the hard ground.
A part of me wanted to stay there forever. It was peaceful, quiet, and didn’t ask bothersome questions. Would anyone come after me? Probably not. I had turned the radio off and disabled the GPS so they couldn’t find me.
The other part of me wanted to return to the safety of the Maniacs. They were rowdy and loud, and not the least bit subtle or gentle, but it felt safe with them. It felt warm. It felt… like home.
Pushing myself to my feet, I stretched to wake up the muscles that had long since fallen asleep. They started to tingle like they were being pricked which made me do this weird looking dance to get rid of the feeling.
Just as I opened the door of my Night Hawk, a pair of headlights blinded me. There’s no feckin’ way they found me…
The headlights turned off. That was definitely not a Maniac or a Teku.
The door lifted up and a man stepped out, dressed in a blue suit and tie. “We finally meet, Jae Wesley.”
“The hell are you?” I demanded, my hand automatically reaching for my blade.
He held up his hands and offered a smile. “Easy, there. I’m not your enemy.”
“Really? ‘Cause you damn sure look like one.”
“I knew your father,”
With those four words, it felt like the blood in my veins froze over.
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ask-the-phan-site · 3 years
Phan Cam: When Two Flames Meet
NOTE: I know that the Vert Wheeler from the World Race/Acceleracers and the Vert Wheeler from Battle Force 5 are officially two completely different characters, but in this timeline, they are the same person. Please don’t be upset about this.
>The Sault Flats outside of Handler’s Corners. After coming back from celebrating Violet’s Birthday and hers and Oracle’s graduation, me, Fox, Taro, and Vert came out here. Sheriff Johnson was busy with some stuff, so Vert said that it should be fine to race here. We watched Taro and Vert race each other in their cars, the Plymouth Road Runner and the Saber. Me and Fox were the finish line with the motorcycle that Max Modell let me borrow by now is mine when he gave it to me. After about 5 minutes, they came up.
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It’s a photo finish!
>Taro and Vert come out of their cars and go to me and Fox where I took a picture of the finish. We look at the picture to see... it was a tie.
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Close, but no dice, huh? That’s a bummer.
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I just need a little more speed.
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Maybe if you did a few modifications with the thrusters, you might be able to help the car deal with the Salt Flats’ more dryer terrain.
Taro and Vert: ...
Fox: I’ve done a bit of reading during our break back in Japan.
Joker: It’s true. My dad and Uncle Toby even taught him a few things.
Taro: That makes sense.
>I open the hood of Taro’s car and me and Fox take a good look. I also know a thing or two about cars thanks to reading books, all that time we were in New York, and from what my father taught me... Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to use my Third for a little help. I use it to take a look... and I have something.
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Vert: (a bit surprised) Your Nitrox 2 Booster? You still have it? I thought you got rid of it after Tezla kicked the bucket.
Taro: Well, the secret of getting into Highway 35 may have died with him, but the formula for Nitrox 2 is still in Gig’s databank and Lani keeps sending them.
Vert: You and Lani are still in touch?
Taro: Yes. I still don’t see us getting back together anytime soon, we’re still good friends and gives us the Nitrox if I ask for it. I’m surprised you never talked to her after all these years.
Vert: I never had need to. After Dad convinced the Silencerz to let me go, I had to drop away from the others for their own safety and mine... But I guess the universe had other plans.
Taro: You mean these Sentients, Battle Keys, and Battles Zones that you and your new friends deal with?
Vert: Pretty much.
Taro: Well from what I can tell, it’s pretty safe now.
Vert: I’ll talk to Lani and the others when I’m ready. For now, I’m starting with the Teku. Looking at this things, sure brings back a lot of memories.
Taro: Sure does. We’ve come a long way since the World Race.
Fox: What was it like? The World Race and Highway 35? You make it sound similar to what Vert is doing. Besides, this happened around the time my mother died and now I’m curious.
>Taro and Vert begin telling us the story of the World Race on Highway 35 which turned out to be entrance to a series of other dimensions in which Dr. Peter Tezla arranged a race involving five teams: The Scorchers (in which Taro was the leader), the Wave Rippers (which Vert was the leader of), the Street Breed, the Road Beasts, and the Dune Ratz. At first Taro and Vert didn’t like each other, but eventually warmed up to each other. It also turned out that Dr. Tezla invented the race as a way to gain a treasure known as the Wheel of Power before an evil organization of robots known as Clyp could get it. The Wheel of Power was returned to its proper place. After two years, Taro and Vert left their teams to join others, Taro joined the Metal Maniacs and Vert joined the Teku. After going through a series of races, they defeated Clyp, but Vert was captured by a secret organization known as the Silencerz in which his father, Jack Wheeler, was a member of. He managed to convince the other Silencerz to let him go, but after that, Mr. Wheeler’s days as a Silencer were over. After that, they moved to Jack’s old hometown of Hander’s Corners in hopes of starting over. But then one day, Mr. Wheeler was caught in a Storm Shock and was sent into a Battle Zone which was created by an interdimensional race known as the Sentients. After some years, Vert ended in a Battle Zone himself the same way where he met the Blue Sentient Sage who gave him the Saber and they formed Battle Force Five. During their adventures to find the Battle Keys which are used enter the Battle Zones, they found Mr. Wheeler alive and well.
Joker: That’s sound like quite the story.
Vert: And it just keeps getting better. The Teku invited me back to help some new rookies with a new racing sport known as the Infinite Loop. I accepted it, mainly to help reconnect with the others.
Taro: I see. You’re getting just as much action as I am... If you call what happened in the past few years action.
Vert: Yeah, what have you been up to then?
Taro: If you’ve been online, you pretty much know what happened. Things with the Metal Maniacs didn’t work out, so I left and rejoined the Scorchers to get them back into shape... And for Thanksgiving, I find out I’m a dad.
Vert: (a bit surprised) A dad?
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Vert: Wow. You didn’t ask for support, did you?
Fox: I’m 19-years-old and I just finished my first year of college. I’m find and I’m already getting into making a living as an artist.
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And I have someone special in my life.
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>Me and Fox get together lovingly.
Vert: (happy) Right on.
Taro: I’m happy for you, Yusuke.
>We all look at the Nitrox 2.
Vert: You think we’ll ever race on Highway 35 again?
Taro: I know we will. Even though the secret of how to get there died with Tezla, we’ll find a way.
Vert: How? Believe it or not, me and the gang actually tried to open 35 ourselves. We thought maybe one of the Battle Keys could help take us at least close to there, but they only took us to the Battle Zones that’re connected to. Sage says that Sentient technology is much different than the Accelerons’.
Taro: So you’re no closer than we are. Me and the other Scorchers thought about using the Nitrox 2 since that how you usually get into that place. But since the destruction of Tezla’s Cube and his death, the formula alone isn’t enough.
Vert: Even the Acceledrome can’t help?
Taro: No. Lani says that unless we can find Tezla’s old research on Highway 35 and all that other stuff, there’s nothing they can do. But I know we’ll find someway. There will be another World Race in the future.
Joker: You know... you maybe right.
Taro: What do you mean?
Joker: I don’t know if it’ll work... But I think we can help.
Taro: (a bit surprised) Really?
Joker: Have you ever heard of W.E.B.?
Taro: The Worldwide Engineering Brigade? Yeah.
Fox: We have friends there who might be able to help. We even have a friend on Planet Arus who might be of some help as well.
Joker: And I’m sure our other friends in M.A.Y.H.E.M. would like to help, too.
Taro: Yeah, I can imagine some of those agents wanting to join in the race. You’d really help us?
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Why not? We’re all friends here.
Taro: ... Thanks, Ren. And thanks, Yusuke.
Vert: Yes, thanks. Though, I hope you don’t mind I try to get Sage, Sherman, and Tezz in on all this. We might need their help.
Joker: I don’t see why not... But it’ll have to wait until after we’ve taken the sheriff’s heart.
Rank Up!
Confidant: Taro Kitano
Arcana: Force
Rank: 2
Joker: (checking my phone) Speaking of which, the sheriff’s job is finished. We better high tail it before he comes to check the Salt Flats.
>With that, Taro and Vert get back in their cars and me and Fox hop on the motorcycle and all drive off.
>To be continued...
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zentendo · 9 months
Unleash the Velocity: Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Introduces AcceleRacers Expansion Pack with Four New Rides!
Buckle up, speed enthusiasts! Milestone and Mattel are revving up the excitement with the latest expansion pack for Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged. Brace yourselves for the pulse-pounding addition of AcceleRacers, set to drop this week with an adrenaline-fueled lineup that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Hot Wheels Unleashed 2: Turbocharged Welcomes AcceleRacers Expansion…
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acceleracers-baby · 7 months
Another Small Acceleracers Rant!
Mark Wylde Edition!
Does anybody else think about the fact that Mark low key had a very justifiable reason to be upset when Monkey comes back without his car in Speed of Silence??? Cause I think about that a lot.
Don’t get me wrong- I love Monkey, and the rest of the Metal Maniacs, but the way Tork just lets Monkey, who (in my opinion) is one of the worst drivers in the Acceledrome, take Wylde’s car as he actively objects to it, is so sad to watch. Like, I know that Tork & Monkey had no idea what would happen inside of the realm (Marks car getting ripped apart by the sweeper), but also I couldn’t imagine having a friend STEAL my car because another one of my friends told them to and then show back up empty handed 💀
Again, very happy that Monkey lived to tell the tale but???? I would be upset too??? I think it hits a lot harder due to the fact that Wylde, after being betrayed by his brother twice, probably felt like he had finally found a place where people treated him as an equal and accepted him only to have one of them take his car (that he’s probably spent a shit ton of money and countless hours working on) and completely destroy it. THEN when he confront Monkey and Tork about it, they basically were like “well it was an accident so what are we supposed to do?” Essentially brushing off his feelings of frustration.
Maybe I’m crazy, but if my brother almost got me killed (during the Ice Track on Highway 35), then invited me into a shady business deal before inevitably bailing and letting me serve time in PRISON, AND THEN my friends stole my car, totaled it, and got apprehensive when I get upset about it, I TOO WOULD BE PRETTY PISSED. I would literally never trust anyone ever again 😂
Not to mention that right after he gets a new car and challenges Tork to a race for leadership of the Metal Maniacs, which everyone seemingly agrees to, they literally ignore the fact that he wins the race 💀 That being said- the Metal Maniacs are right. It takes more than one race to make a leader, especially when said leader is making irrational and self-sabotaging decisions. It was just one more think to push Markie over the edge.
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tomiyeee · 3 years
Hot wheels ask: 15, 19, and 20 because I love controversy
15) Random headcanon/theory about [insert character/faction/event/etc]? (Or if no topic is given, pick your own!)
lani can speak (or at least understand) pidgin! being from a hawai’i, it’s very likely she grew up around people who speak it. half my family does (well more like 2/3 cuz that side’s big) but i dont unfortunately, so i can’t really do much with this hc. i can still hc it and talk about it here tho lol
19) Do you have any unpopular opinions about the series?
i wish tork and dad wheeler were more popular than they are. i dont expect them to get like a bunch of fanart or anything, i hardly draw them myself (unfortunately nolo is constantly hogging all the space in my brain). but i see a lot of ppl who are indifferent towards them, esp dad wheeler where it tends to border on dislike. it’s unfortunate bc although they don’t get much in canon, what is shown of them is very sweet. like tork being very empathetic and trusting towards other drivers (both teku and MM), going out of his way to protect/help nolo and markie even if they very much don’t deserve it just cuz tork’s a kind-hearted dude like that. or like dad wheeler outing all the silencerz in BP just to protect shirako (who he supposedly thinks of as a “street punk” that he doesn’t want near his son) and him subtly trying to keep vert out of harms way by discouraging him from racing for tezla and then protecting him (along with who i hc was alec) from the drones in the acceledrome towards the end of ult race. also he is a dilf. they both are just very good characters who deserve so much love, from the fandom and the writers
20) What would you like to see/have seen in a continuation?
i’ve heard some people say that the supposed continuation would be mech-themed instead of cars, since that was becoming popular at the time. if that were true, i would like to see them incorporate mark’s new robot arm into it somehow. i also think it’d be a really cool new theme to work with since a lot of the characters are already pretty tech-savvy.
i’m not sure i’d trust the writers to make such a drastic change in the series though, for multiple reasons, so alternatively i would like to see kadeem make a comeback. his ending was so terribly done and really made the rest of what happened to him in acc feel completely unnecessary. i could forgive most of it though if he’d had a chance at redemption and to build his character more. his involvement with the drones and what he went through gave him some potential for interesting character development--much more so than what was given to him in WR/the beginning of Acc (he’s just a nice guy who wants to do good, which is admirable but also makes for a pretty boring character arc on its own)--but that was all thrown out the window in ult race :(
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⁂ Moving Metal #2: Wheel of Power
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Believe it or not, it took us a full day to reach Highway 35, and by the time we did, the sun was beginning to set. The sky was alive was dark red and orange, swirling together like an angry blaze. Sandstone covered the ground we drove on, kicking up dust something horrible. I had to roll up the window pretty quickly, all while ignoring the ‘I told you so’ look from Taro who had warned me about the window just an hour prior.
I turned up the AC because of how hot it was outside. The middle of summer in the desert at sundown. Can you imagine my struggle?
“Hey, Taro! Wylde’s here!” Monkey’s voice came over the radio, followed by loud coughs as said Maniac sped past us. Unfortunately, Monkey didn’t have the Taro warning system like I did and his window was down. “Hey! This isn’t a race!”
“It’s always a race.” Came Mark’s reply, making me resist the urge to slam my head against the dashboard. He really was impossible. He increased his speed, slamming his car into the female from Teku before hitting his brother’s car from behind. He quickly claimed the lead even though, as Monkey stated, it was not a race.
About ten minutes later, a building came into view. It was square, probably about three stories tall, and looked like it could fall apart with just a gust of wind. The walls barely covered the metal piping that held the building together.
A dark-skinned man with dreads stepped out of the shadows like some super villain, but when he spoke, his voice was something you’d expect from a hero. The man and Vert exchanged pleasantries.
“Vert. It’s been a long time.” The man had some type of accent, but I couldn’t place it for the life of me.
“Good to see you again.”
Monkey stepped forward. “Is that Tezla?”
I rested my forehead against Taro’s shoulder in place of a facepalm. I had been told the exact same stories that Monkey had and I knew that this man, whoever he may be, was definitely NOT Tezla.
“My name is Kadeem.” The man said with an air of pride. A few more notches North and it’ll border arrogance. “Who are you?”
“He’s just a freaky little Metal Maniac, Kadeem.” Kurt’s comment made both Taro and myself tense up and push away from the car.
I growled in annoyance. “Better a Maniac than a pansy Teku!”
“Yeah!” Mark agreed, slinging his tattooed arm over my shoulder. “Metal Maniacs are the best! Like me, Taro and Jae, huh?”
“Real drivers are Teku!” Kurt argued back.
“Let’s test that then, aye?” I cracked my knuckles as I stepped forward, daring him to move. The Metal Maniacs are multi-skilled, you see. Not only are we badass at driving, we’re damn skilled at beating the snot out of people.
Kadeem’s laugh broke through the tension. “Yes, I see how it is.”
He and Vert started to speak to one another, but I was too angry to care as Kurt an I stared each other down. He may be older than me, but I know I can beat him in a fight, and man did I want to beat his ass. I inched forward, but Taro grabbed the back of my shirt, pulling me back to our side and giving me a look that clearly stated ‘knock it off’. I scoffed in annoyance, shooting the Teku one last glare before looking away. The day will come when I can beat that prick’s ass, but today is clearly not that day.
“So, if this is so important, it must pay a lot. Right?” Monkey’s question caught my attention, seeing as how I want to know the answer as much as he does.
Kadeem only laughed in response.
“Is that a yes?”
His laughter grew louder.
I pinched the bridge of my nose. The horrid combination of heat, anger and now this guys laughter had finally weighed down on me, gracing me with a splitting headache I knew would be near impossible to get rid of. I barely registered Taro gently pushing me toward the passenger seat.
Though it doesn’t happen very often, sometimes I get overwhelmed and when I do, I get these crippling headaches that render me… well, pretty much useless. Taro has been there for most of them, so he knows what to expect by now.
When the pain finally subsided enough for me to open my eyes, I found that we were in the middle of this strange rock maze. I faintly made out the sound of Kadeem ordering us to stay behind him.
Taro glanced at me.“Still with me?”
I grunted in response, trying to force myself to get a grip. I avoided looking out the window since the swirling of colors didn’t help my headache and only served to make my eyes hurt. Instead, I chose to stare at the back end of the Spinebuster, who happened to be in front of us. Before I realized what was happening, we had flown off the edge of a cliff and through a camouflaged opening in the side of a large rock formation.
We drove down a narrow hall before it opened up to this huge dome with a track twisting and turning towards the ceiling. I had never seen anything like it in my life. And just like that, the amazement overwhelmed the pain inside my brain. Taro opened my door but ordered me to stay put just to be on the safe side. I did as I was told.
“Woah, check it out.” Vert seemed just as amazed as I am, which seemed a bit strange considering what he must have witnessed during the World Race.
A bright yellow light shot out from the center of the dome, forming a man’s face. I knew instantly that the face belonged to Tezla. “Welcome… to the Acceledrome!”
His voice was loud and bounced from wall to wall, rattling my head.
“Gelorum and her drones have the wheel of power. Before the wheel was taken, I discovered that it’s more than just a source of power. It’s the key to something much bigger than Highway 35. Countless new tracks and unique new worlds that I call, the Racing Realms.”
Jeez, this guy sounds like a friggin’ commercial or advertisement. Can he get any more melodramatic?
“Reaching the end of Highway 35 was only the first step mapped out for us by the Accelerons.”
Monkey’s vehicle squealed to a stop behind us and I clenched my jaw at the sound, glaring at him as he popped the top half of his body out of his sunroof. “Did I miss anything?”
The group collectively turned to stare at him before looking back to the hologram.
“The journey of discovery… begins here.” The face swirled into a blur before a large ring appeared in its place. Two smaller rings were inside the first, like those Russian nesting dolls. It spun around in a slow circle.
We followed Kadeem to a room with a large table and plenty of chairs. Naturally, the Teku sat on one side, while the Maniacs took the other. Kadeem took the head of the table.
In the center was a miniature ring, an exact replica of the large one.
“Which one is the wheel of power?” The female Teku questioned.
“They are both holograms,” Kadeem answered as a female in overalls entered the room, picking up where he left off. That robot was right behind her.
“Exact three-dimensional recreations.”
“Lani!” Vert smiled. “It’s great to see another Waveripper.”
The name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t quite place it. She certainly didn’t look familiar to me.
“I’m not driving, Vert. I’ve been working with Tezla in the Acceledrome. He didn’t tell me who was coming.” She narrowed her eyes at Taro and it clicked.
Lani… the reason the name sounded so familiar was from Mark and Taro’s World Race stories. She was one of the drivers and apparently she and Taro dated for some time before breaking up. Judging from that look and the tone of her voice, it didn’t end on a happy note.
“Awkward,” I muttered to myself, earning a glare from the man next to me. I coughed and shifted in my seat as the robot started to circle us.
“While studying the wheel, Dr. Tezla recorded a unique pattern of its wavelengths and vibrations.” It explained.
“Yeah, yeah. Scrap the lecture, Gig. We’re here to race.” Mark placed his huge feet on the table, leaning back in the chair with his hands on the back of his head. Typical Mark.
Wait… what did he say? Gig? So I guess that robot does have a name. Maybe I shouldn’t go around saying ‘it’ anymore.
It, I mean, Gig, continued. “The holographic image resonates with the same imminations of the actual wheel of power.”
Monkey looked confused, as usual. “Is he speaking English? He’s speaking English, right?”
“In a very real sense, the image is the wheel.”
“And that means…?” The female Teku asked what we were all thinking. I should probably learn her name, too, huh.
Lani answered, “Dr. Tezla believes the wheel of power has been opening the Racing Realms.”
“My headache is coming back.” I groaned softly.
Taro stood and walked toward the glass wall over-looking the large wheel.
“And that Gelorum’s racing drones have been entering them,” Gig added.
“We must reach the end of the next realm before the racing drones.” Kadeem had become very serious. The change from cheerful weighed heavy on me. It all felt like a dream, but it also felt like everything was about to become very real very fast.
“Why should we? Last time it was to get the wheel for Tezla. What does the doctor want now?” Kurt accused.
Where the hell did he even come from? He was not sitting there a minute ago.
“The drones have already accessed several racing realms.” Gig explained. “Dr. Tezla believes that with each new realm, they become more powerful.”
“Whatever’s at the end of the racing realms must be even more powerful,” Kadeem added.
Monkey laughed and I knew what he was going to say before it even left his mouth. “Well if it’s that powerful, it must be worth a lot of money! Right?”
Kadeem started to laugh again, and I was growing annoyed by it. It’s not that difficult to just say yes or no.
“Why is he laughing?” Monkey asked, sitting back down in defeat.
“Now more than ever, the best drivers are needed.” Gig said just as a loud alarm began to echo through the building.
“It’s moving,” Taro announced. Sure enough, both the large and miniature wheels were now turning, each ring moving in a different direction.
Lani approached the window. “A new realm is about to open.”
“Alright, come on!” Mark sounded like a kid on Christmas, and I found myself smiling. “Let’s go!”
“We need Nitrox,” Vert announced.
The alarm grew louder as we got back to the cars. Those who already have the tanks installed refilled theirs, while the rest installed the tanks themselves.
The smallest ring stopped moving, the symbol on its side illuminating. It looked like a baby snake or a worm… or maybe just a squiggly line.
Monkey picked up the tank of Nitrox, looking between it and Taro. “What exactly does this juice do?”
“You’ll see,”
I raised my brow at Taro’s response.
The second ring stopped.
The third stopped and then a large ball of blue light appeared in the middle of the smallest one.
“The racing realm is open,” Gig announced, barely audible over the screeching of the alarm.
I hopped into the passenger seat and Taro took off before I could even close the door. One by one, the drivers formed a line and entered the sky-high track. A machine sped up the vehicle, the force pushing us back against our seats as the speedometer soared to life, easily reaching almost two hundred miles per hour.
“You must be going three hundred miles per hour when you’ve reached the wheel,” Kadeem announced over the radio.
His words made my stomach tingle as the adrenaline inside my body stirred to life. My lips twitched up as our speed gradually increased. One more machine at the end of the track propelled us past the three hundred mark as we soared into the swirling blue abyss.
I heard the realm before I could see it.
Thunder, loud and angry, rattled the car as the flash of bright light faded. Mark’s cries of there being no track snapped me out of my daze and I frantically looked around. We were falling through the air, surrounded by thick clouds of purple and black. Thunder roared overhead and lightning struck down in the distance. It felt like we fell forever, my heart sinking at the thought that there might not be a track at all. Monkey started screaming and my heart pounded faster against my rib cage.
It felt like an eternity of falling and I briefly wondered if this was hell, when the track finally came into view. My heart rate didn’t slow until the wheels touched the track and we zoomed after Kadeem and Mark, who had landed first.
“Yo, this is wicked.” I stared at the swirling clouds lit up by strikes of lightning, cutting through them like a knife through warm butter. Don’t ask me why, but I’ve always had a thing for storms. They always made me feel peaceful and happy, though a part of me was wishing that it was raining, as well.
“Does anybody know what’s holding this track up?”
I couldn’t tell if Kadeem was being serious or joking.
“Ask the Accelerons,” Taro commented. I found myself grinning at his response.
The track started to turn, creating a tornado down into the clouds. The lightning was no longer in the distance – it was dangerously close now.
The track changed direction again, shooting up into the sky and forming a loop like a roller coaster then plunging straight down in the most wicked verticle line I’ve ever seen.
“Can anybody hear me? What’s the situation?” Lani reached out over the radio.
Monkey was the one to respond and I almost started laughing. “Whatever this dude’s paying us, it’s not enough!”
“Who said anything about being paid?” Gig asked. If he hadn’t been a robot, I would swear that he said that sarcastically.
I howled with laughter when Monkey screamed after hearing the response. I had never felt as alive as I do at this moment. My adrenaline is pumping, working through every inch of my body. I want to drive so badly! Why did I have to leave my car behind and ride with Taro to the race?
After the track straightened out, lightning rods appeared on both sides of the track. Lightning struck down from the sky like a vengeful god, sending power to the rods as they connected with one another through the currents of electricity.
Taro dodged the shocks as they flew from the rods to the track itself, making the drivers swerve back and forth to avoid them. I could see a flash of light hit Kurt’s car, the window shattering as it lost all power. I vaguely wondered if we should help, but the thought was quickly left behind as we passed him. He has his own teammates to help him.
We didn’t just have the lightning to worry about anymore. The farther we got, the harder it became to see thanks to a thick cloud of fog. I could barely see the tail lights of whoever was in front of us.
We were both struggling to see, but I guess Taro’s sight is slightly better than my own. He noticed the car heading straight for us way before I did, and he managed to swerve to avoid it. Unfortunately, the sharp turn of the wheel sent my side of the car straight into one of the lightning rods. The sudden stop sent a jolt through my body as the straps of the seat knocked the wind out of me. Man, having boobs is really inconvenient!
“You okay, Taro?”
He was rubbing his head, growling in anger. He said he was fine, but I could tell that he was feeling the impact as much as I was. Well, you know, except the whole boob-in-pain thing.
“The racing drones are here,” Kadeem announced, and it clicked into place in my mind. That’s what that thing was? Because he sure as hell was not racing!
“Where? I don’t see any racing – ” Monkey’s voice suddenly got very low. “- drones…”
I scowled. “Let’s kick some ass, Taro!”
He nodded in agreement and we took off, passing a broke down Mark on our way. I radioed to make sure he was good, to which he promptly made fun of me for quote ‘worrying about him’. Pft, that’s the last time I ask him if he needs help!
The fog was starting to clear and I could finally see up ahead of us. “Taro, we caught up to the drones!”
Without a word, he pressed down on the gas and rammed the closest one from behind. The force of the impact sent the drone spinning out and we zoomed past. In front of us was Kadeem, with a drone in front of him.
“Good, Taro! We can take on these drones together!”
“I’m gonna pass you.”
I whipped my head around to see that the drone had recovered himself and was now behind Kadeem with another one close behind. Just how many of these things are there?
The drone at the back of the line did something strange – he hit the drone in front of him, sending him off the track. It was then my eyes caught sight of the wire attached to the back of Kadeem’s car, dragging him over the edge.
I glanced at Taro, but he was too focused on the track in front of him. Biting my lip, I decided not to say anything. Kadeem had been racing these realms long before we came along. He’ll be fine.
I turned around and shook my head. I had to stay focused on the task at hand. Even if I’m not the one driving, I can still assist Taro.
Three drones were driving in front of us, forming a wall to prevent others from passing. Taro increased his speed and rammed the one in the middle. The force sent the drone struggling for control and in that struggle, he managed to miss a ball of lightning that hit the track.
I screamed Taro’s name, but he didn’t have enough time to dodge it. It hit us head on, encasing the car in electricity and sending us rolling across the track. I could feel the pain surging through my entire body. It was nothing like earlier when he hit the rod. No, this pain was intense and horrible, like I had just shoved a wet fork into a light socket. My body started to grow numb, and I struggled to keep my eyes open.
“Ta… ro…” I managed out, but he was out cold.
I tried to hold on. Maybe if I could stay conscious until the pain subsided, I could recover from it. All I could think about was the unconscious man next to me. I started to remember my life before I met him and the other maniacs, how drastically everything changed after I met them after they took me in. After they became my family.
I tried to reach for the radio, but I couldn’t feel my arm. My body felt heavy like I had a garbage truck sitting on top of every limb. It was becoming harder to keep my eyes open, and I fought as hard as I could. I don’t know how long I lasted, but my body finally failed me and my eyes closed. All of the sounds around me started to fade until there was nothing left.
Nothing but darkness and silence.
Is this where I die?
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⁂ Moving Metal #3: Welded
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I felt a sharp tug and I registered the sound of my own groans of pain. It felt like I was moving but my eyes were heavy and it took a lot of strength to get them open. By the time I managed it, I felt exhausted, like I had just run a marathon. My vision blurred a few times before I was able to make out the scenery around me. I was moving, and fast, the purple and black clouds nothing but a blur.
I could faintly make out the sound of thunder, but it was much calmer now and there was no lightning in sight. A bright light filled my vision and I thought I was falling unconscious again but the light soon faded. I was jolted again, the harness pressing tight against my chest.
With a grunt, I wiggled around until I managed to get the damn thing off. I wasn’t moving anymore.
“Jae! Taro!” Monkey’s face appeared by the window and I blinked in confusion.
Why the hell is he yelling my name?
And Taro? My eyes fell on the unconscious man next to me and I struggled to reach over to him. The passenger door squeaked open and I felt warm hands grab my arms, preventing me from moving them any farther.
“Easy there, Jae.” Mark’s soft voice reached my ears and I stopped struggling against his hold, looking at him questioningly. I don’t understand what’s happening right now.
Why is he acting so kind all of a sudden?
Why is Monkey acting so concerned?
And why the hell is Taro unconscious?
I winced when that horrid alarm started to sound again followed by a screech like nails on a chalkboard. Vert cried out and tires started to squeal. Seriously, what the hell is happening right now?
A red and white vehicle pulled up beside us and Lani stepped out, opening up the back. “Come on, let’s get everyone to the infirmary!”
“No! We have to get back in there and find Kadeem!” Vert argued.
Find Kadeem? What is he talking about?
I tried to sit up to see Vert but Mark pushed me back down and scoffed. “You can’t even find half your car.”
What kind of insult is that? I looked at him strangely. Had Mark hit his head?
“Hey, back off! Markie.”
Shit, I cursed, pushing Mark away as he attempted to keep me in the seat. I have no idea what the hell is going on and I’m tired of sitting here feeling like a damn two-year-old.
“The storm realm can’t be re-opened.” Gig explained. “The wheel of power decides which racing realm to open and when.”
I managed to push the burly man out of my way. With one hand clinging to the roof and one hand threatening to rip Mark’s shirt, I managed to pull myself out of the car and onto my feet. They wobbled like they wanted to give way but I managed to keep them steady.
“Great! One realm’s enough for me.” Monkey commented.
Kurt limped over, his voice angry. Wait, why is he limping? “Typical Metal Maniac. The Teku aren’t afraid to try again.”
“Scrap the Teku!” Monkey responded. “Metal Maniacs do whatever we want! Right, Wylde?”
Wylde left my side, approaching the group. I nearly lost my balance at the lack of grip in my hand, but my body leaned against the car and I regained my support. “Nobody scares Wylde away from a race.”
“What? You want to go back in there?” Monkey couldn’t believe it. “Look what those drone dudes did to us.”
“Look what they did to me.” Everyone’s gaze turned up towards the platform where a man stood. His face was the same as the hologram, so I knew this was Tezla. What surprised me was the fact that his entire body was covered with a metal cast, from his neck to his feet.
The drones did that?
“We have work to do.” He said before turning around and walking away.
Monkey helped Lani get Taro into the back of her Nomad. Kurt refused help.
“Come on, Jae.” Monkey reached out for me but I held my hand up and shook my head. “You’re hurt!”
“I’m fine, Monkey.” I took a deep breath, slowly pushing away from Taro’s car. Once I felt safe enough that my legs would actually support me, I let go. “I just need a minute. Please.”
He stared at me with worry, but finally shook his head and walked away. The Nomad took off for the infirmary. My eyes never left it until it disappeared from sight.
Taro… please be okay.
Everyone had begun working on their cars. I sat on a set of tires beside Monkey, still not feeling a hundred percent, but still doing better than Taro, who remained unconscious.
Kurt hit something, I’m not sure what since I was barely paying attention, but both Monkey and Mark started laughing at him like it was the funniest thing in the world.
“Nice one, Kurt!” Monkey managed through his laughter.
Vert offered to help him, but Kurt stood, declining the offer.
“You’re in no condition to keep working, Kurt.” Lani stood with her hands on her hips. “None of us are.”
“The next racing realm could open at any time.” Dr. Tezla walked up to her.
“So we skip the next realm, so what?” Kurt sounded annoyed as usual. I wanted to roll my eyes, but I actually agreed with him this time. I couldn’t stop thinking about Taro.
“The strange powers you reported.” Tezla began. “The things their cars can do. I believe they earn new powers every time they complete a racing realm. Soon, it will be impossible to stop them.”
“Stop them from what, exactly?” I questioned, more to myself. “World domination?”
If anyone heard me, they chose to ignore me, though Tezla did send a glance my way.
“It’s already impossible,” Lani complained. “The cars aren’t ready and… we’re all exhausted!”
“They are only human, Dr. Tezla,” Gig added. “Unfortunately.”
I scoffed.
“They can’t go against the drones again, not now.” It almost sounded like Lani was begging.
Monkey was inspecting something when he nudged me. “Woah, wait wait. Does anybody else hear music?”
I looked at him strangely but realized he was right. I could faintly hear a booming, like bass.
Monkey jumped down excitedly. “That must be my ride. I got in touch with Tork. Yeah, I told him what happened.”
“That’s no Metal Maniac,” Mark said, but Monkey wasn’t listening. He was right, though. That music clearly belonged to a Teku, or at the very least, someone that liked their music. We exchanged a look.
The sound grew louder as they approached the hideout and soon the sound of Teku music mingling with the sound of roaring engines and squealing tires filled the drome. Sure enough, two Teku cars had arrived, barely missing Lani and Tezla as they slid to a stop.
The first I had never seen before. He was short and wore headphones. It was obvious that the music was coming from his car, tricked out with too many speakers to count. He tapped a button on his bracelet and the music shut off.
“Yo, let’s pump up the bassline.” He said, bobbing his head to the music now playing in his ears.
The second driver was Nolo.
“You had no right to reveal the location of the Acceledrome!” Tezla pointed angrily at Monkey, who made a face in response.
“Hey, hey! I don’t talk to Teku, okay? You can drop that right there.”
Kurt, now using crutches, hopped over to them. “I told them because we need help.”
“Listen. What we are doing here must be kept secret.” Tezla demanded.
I narrowed my eyes at him. I didn’t trust this guy as far as I can throw him. And boy did I want to throw him.
“Why?” Kurt asked in a mocking way. “Who you afraid of?”
“The drones,”
“The drones are finished!” Nolo screamed. “Nobody beats the Teku!”
“You mean, ‘Nobody but the Metal Maniacs’.”
I groaned. Damnit, Mark. Can’t you keep your mouth shut for five seconds?
“I mean nobody.”
“Mark,” I slowly stood up. My legs were still a bit weak, but I had regained quite a bit of strength so far. “Knock it off.”
“Yeah yeah, whateva.”
The roar of an engine made my head whip around towards the entrance of the dome. Tork’s car came into view and I felt relief wash over me.
“Aha!” Monkey felt the same relief as he headed toward the car. “Now that is my ride! Hey, let’s get out of here, Tork.”
“After what you said the drones did to you, Taro and Jae? No way.”
I smiled as I slowly made my way over to our leader. I’m not sure what it is about him, but he always puts my mind at ease. He’s a damn good leader.
But Monkey wasn’t having it. “That’s the idea of leaving, Tork, so they don’t do it again!”
“Nobody does this to my guys!” He announced. “We’re welded.”
“Let’s just get out of here, okay man?” Monkey begged.
Nolo felt now was a good time to add his two cents. “Send this Maniac scum back to the junkyard!”
I growled, feeling my own anger rise. Monkey tried to hold Tork back and sent me a look to try and help him, but I was all for seeing that prick get his ass beat. No one talks about my brothers like that!
“Get off me, Monkey!” Tork easily picked him up and set him to the side, approaching Teku’s leader. I was next to him in a second, ignoring the shooting pain surging through my body. “You better watch it, punk.”
“Stop trying to act tough, Nolo,” I growled, my hand gripping the back of Tork’s shirt as a way to stabilize myself.
The sound of a big rig horn echoed through the dome, successfully gaining everyone’s attention.
“Is that…?” Monkey shot up but quickly shook his head. “No, it couldn’t be. He said he’d be gone for months.”
Tork helped support me as we turned in the direction of the sound. I already knew in the back of my mind who it was and I couldn’t stop the smile creeping up. I should have known that he would come the second he heard what happened.
“Did you tell him?” I whispered to Tork.
He nodded, “Of course I did.”
Ol Smokey, the name of Porkchop’s big rig, burst through a door off to the side that I hadn’t even noticed before, its horn blaring. He slammed on the breaks and the trailer slung to the side, revealing four rugged Maniac cars, one of which belongs to me.
The bulky man stepped out of the cab and Monkey approached him. “You really didn’t have to come, Porkchop.”
With a low growl, he grabbed the strap of Monkey’s bag and hoisted him into the air. “Alright… Who did this to you?!”
“Help!” Monkey cried out, his feet dangling a good foot off the ground. The Teku had grouped up now, watching the spectacle.
“They’re gonna pay,” Porkchop growled again. “You hear me?!” I shifted my weight from one foot to the other and ended up catching his eye. He dropped Monkey and rushed towards me.
I swallowed hard and attempted to back away to avoid the large man, but I ended up losing my footing – and by that I mean I moved too fast and tripped over my own foot, sending me to the ground. I closed my eyes, waiting to be jumped, but it never came.
Tork was standing between me and him.
He growled again, eyes narrowed at me. “Tell me who did this! I’ll rip ’em to shreds!”
“Stop monkeying around, Porkchop!” Tork ordered.
I cleared my throat and shifted to a more comfortable position on the floor. “I’m fine, really.”
I don’t think he fully believed me, but he did calm down a bit, muttering a ‘whatever’. This, in turn, made me calm down knowing that I wasn’t about to be squashed like a friggin’ pancake by a man three times my size.
Remember when I said Tork is the largest in our group?
Well, that’s not completely true. While he does have the most muscle, Porkchop is easily the tallest – so he not only has muscle but also height, making him someone you do NOT want to cross.
Or worry, apparently.
“Hey!” I turned towards the voice and my eyes widened. “Let’s get even.”
I scrambled to my feet, nearly tripping again as I rushed towards Taro. I must have looked like a fool, considering how many times I almost tripped crossing the distance to him, but I didn’t really care.
I slammed into him, my arms wrapped tight around his torso. He had a brace on his leg and arm, but other than that he seemed fine. I felt more grateful at that moment than ever before.
“I’m glad you’re okay, Taro,” I muttered softly. “I was really worried.”
He patted my back, not quite affectionate enough for a hug. “What about you?”
We separated and I offered him a reassuring smile. “A bit banged up, but I think you got the worse end of the deal.”
He shrugged. “I can live with that. Now let’s go, we got work to do.”
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