#Adam Taurus imagine
ransprang · 9 months
thank you to anon for your support once more <3
if anyone else wants a personalized fic this is our ko-fi
part 2
Adam Taurus x fem! reader - Space AU
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The spaceship, christened the Celestial Voyager, rested on the launchpad like a sleek silver bird awaiting flight. It was the dawn of a new age, and you stood on the precipice of your life's mission—to explore the stars and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. After years of dedicated study, you had earned your place among a full-bodied crew destined for the far reaches of the galaxy.
The air hummed with anticipation as you walked the corridors of the spacecraft. You had already met your team and got a brief of the place. Everyone seemed friendly but clearly busy, so you were left to your own devices to familiarize yourself with the ship. The crew bustled with activity, checking equipment, calibrating instruments in stabilizing the ship after a successful launch. The main hall was full of an assortment of panels with a sizeable round table in the centre covered with diagrams and maps. But your attention was taken entirely by the large window through which you could see the inky blackness of the cosmos spreading out before you. You walked through the room in a daze, trying to contain your excitement.
“Hey, you there! Why are you spacing out? First time on a spaceship?” A tall man called out to you with a frown.
You turned at the sound, and locked eyes with the most beautiful redheaded man you had ever seen. He had impressive, jet black horns poking out of a bed of scarlet curls. One eye was covered by an eyepatch, but the second bore into you with an intensity you couldn’t help but find yourself drawn to. Before you knew it you were standing mere inches from him, a finger’s breadth apart. “Yes, Sir. It’s my first launch,” you said somewhat breathlessly. The man had an air of authority around him, you wondered if it was too much to salute.
“You must be the new recruit then,” a feminine voice interrupted, snapping you both out of your trance. You turned your head to see a muscular octopus faunus who stood from where she was kneeling over a control board and wiped her hands on her jumpsuit
You nodded again, “And you are?”
“I’m Cece the captain,” she offered you a tentacle, you assumed as a handshake.
You shook her hand/tentacle  and replied, “I’m y/n, part of the Explorer division.”
She gave you a kind smile before turning to the red-haired man, “Stop mooning over the new recruit, Adam. Give her a tour of the place. She’ll need to know the security protocols around here, if something goes wrong,” she said poking him playfully in the ribs.
Adam nodded stiffly, “Right.” Assuming an air of professionalism, he gestured towards a passageway, “This way please, y/n.”
You had already got a tour of the ship but you supposed another one couldn’t hurt. You followed behind him, leaving CeCe to her devices.
“The Explorer division usually gets paired with someone from Security, to serve as a bodyguard,” Adam explained. “Have you already had someone assigned to you?”
You shook your head. You thought you saw a quirk of a smile grace Adam’s lips but it was gone faster than a blink. 
“It’s customary for the Head of Security to be paired with the newest recruit, to balance the gap in experience.”
“Oh, and who’s that?” You inquired, already feeling the beginnings of disappointment.
Adam chuckled, “It’s me.”
“Oh,” your cheeks coloured, “Nice to meet you then.”
“Nice to meet you too, partner,” he replied with a smile, making your heart skip a beat at the last word. 
Adam took you around the ship again, showing you the emergency exits and safety equipment. You paid attention although mostly enjoying the cadence and deep timbre of his voice. 
“The crew is really too big to get into but let me take you around the highlights. The room we were in earlier, is the navigation centre, for charting and changing course,” Adam spoke as you both walked. “This room is for the consultants, no one knows what they do. We don’t know why we brought them,” he pointed at a door, with a plaque saying  ‘Consulting division’ engraved on it from which the sound of laughter and suspicious smoke was coming. “Personality hires,” you nodded sagely. 
He continued to walk down the corridor, as it zigzagged through the spaceship. “The engineering department and mechanics are on the floor below, but don’t go down there unless you want to give yourself a headache. The explorer division should be around here,” he stopped at the entrance of a large rectangular room. “And the security division is right next to them, so you know where to find me.”
You thanked him for his help and retired to your cabin for the evening, tired from the day’s excitement. As you tossed and turned in your bed your thoughts kept turning to that magnetic blue eye and flaming red hair.
The following days on the Celestial Voyager were uneventful but you enjoyed the brief lunches you managed with Adam, where he told you a bit more about his experiences on the Voyager. Although you were careful to keep things professional between the two of you, you couldn’t help but develop affection for the man.
One morning, the intercom crackled to life while you were playing cards with the Consulting division in the lounge. "Attention, Explorers and Security crew of the Celestial Voyager. This is Head of Security Adam Taurus speaking," Adam's voice boomed through the ship, carrying a weight of authority. "We've received a mission from the Captain. The navigation of the Celestial Voyager is being interfered with by an alien planet."
He continued, "The electromagnetic fields here are unlike anything we've encountered before. Our mission is to descend, and find a path forward."
The crew nodded in silent acknowledgment, their determination steeled by Adam's words. The anticipation hung in the air as the ship descended toward the uncharted alien land, the Celestial Voyager gracefully navigating the cosmic currents.
As the ship breached the planet's atmosphere, the landscape below revealed a tapestry of vibrant hues and peculiar terrain. A kaleidoscope of alien flora dotted the landscape.
Adam's voice echoed again through the intercom, "Find your partner, and prepare for descent. Secure all equipment, and be ready for the unknown.”
The consultants giggled as you got up from the table and had to attend to your duties. You grabbed the essentials as you were taught in the academy and made your way to the front of the ship where explorers are meant to meet their counterparts. As you made your way to gather with the explorers, your eyes locked with Adam from across the room, who was busy commanding his underlings.
As the ship descended, dark clouds gathered overhead. Suddenly the Celestial Voyager was assaulted by tempestuous currents. The ship was being relentlessly tossed around like a toy in this alien atmosphere. Alarms blared within the control room as you and the crew struggled to maintain balance. 
Lightning crackled across the sky, illuminating the chaos with brief, blinding flashes. The wind howled with an otherworldly fury, threatening to rip through the ship's protective shields. Thunderous echoes reverberated through the metallic corridors, drowning out the hum of machinery. Despite the crew's best efforts, the Celestial Voyager's descent veered off course.
As the ship hurtled toward the alien planet, the crew braced for impact. You saw Adam run towards you “y/n!” he called out. As your eyes fluttered to close, the last thing you saw was Adam’s arm reaching out to you. 
Groaning, you slowly opened your eyes. Pain jolted through your body. You blinked your eyes repeatedly, trying to make out your surroundings. You weren’t within the grey metallic walls of the Celestial Voyager anymore. No, there was only brown rocky terrain that met your gaze and touched your hands. 
“You’re up,” a familiar voice said. Propping yourself up you see Adam huddled into the corner of the cave with a fire between you both. Despite the fire, the air was cool and damp, carrying the scent of earth and the faint trace of alien flora.
Feeling a bit of a headache come on, you asked “W-where are we? What happened? Where’s the crew?” As you held onto your forehead you felt a surge of panic rising up in you. Adam took quick notice and scrambled to sit next to you. He put a gloved hand on your thigh, “Shhh, don’t worry I’ve got it under control. Just breathe.”
You took a deep breath inhaling the scent of the foreign land. Calming down, your mind finally processed that his hand was on your thigh. You blushed, staring at the contact. Adam’s eyes followed yours thinking you may be uncomfortable being touched by him, “Sorry.” He retracted his hand and you both sat in silence.
Maybe you should say something.. ‘I-” “I-” both of you tried speaking at the same time. He gave you a smile to encourage you, “Go on.” You hugged your legs up to your thighs. “Well I was just going to say thank you, for taking care of me ever since I’ve been on your crew. I really appreciate it.” 
Adam replied, “Of course, it’s my duty to protect you y/n and the others. But I suppose I failed that duty with the storm. At least you are safe, I’m glad. You’re very special to me.”
You blushed looking into his eye. You’re not sure if it was something in the air, but you leaned in closer to Adam, aiming for his lips. His eye slightly widened, he turned his face away from yours. You felt tears brimming at your eyes, “Fuck, I’m sorry.” Embarrassed, you try to get up, but Adam’s hand was quicker to tug you down and kept you seated next to him.
His gaze fixated on you, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve met y/n. I felt something for you, since I first you. I sometimes don’t know how to handle my feelings for you. I outrank you. It’s inappropriate for me to have these feelings in the first place..” Adam spoke, agitation lining his words.
With your free hand you wiped your eyes, “So.. the feeling is mutual?” you tried to say without trying to sound too happy. Adam’s hand came up to your cheek and caressed it gently, “That’s what you took away from that?” He chuckled. “I cannot act upon my feelings y/n.” 
Maybe it was the alien air, but you felt bold, “Is it alright if I act upon mine then?” You asked innocently. “You’re not exactly my boss, anyway. As you said, you’re my partner. And since we may never get this opportunity without prying eyes, may I kiss you? Just one taste of you. That’s all I ask for.” 
Adam was a bit taken aback, but as you moved closer to him his resolve melted, and he couldn’t help but close his eyes and lean forward to meet your soft lips in the middle. Adam pulled away quickly, “We can’t. I want to, believe me, but we can’t. We don't know much about what happens when our species intertwine and I don’t know if I can control myself. I dont want to put you in any danger.” A wave of dejection came over you, and you sat back down, shoulders slumped. “Alright,” you agreed, trying not to cry. Adam’s face looked stricken at having caused you sadness. “Well, there is something we can try, which I don’t think would hurt you.” You looked up at him in askance. “I want to pleasure you? Is that…acceptable?”
You felt the stirrings of desire in the pit of your stomach and a slow smirk spread across your face as you nodded. 
Adam pushed you back till you lay flat on the ground. He pulled down your pants, and you opened up your legs, parting them wide, showing Adam your vagina and folds, your fluids covering your entrance. Using your hand you caressed your folds, eventually rubbing your clit at the sight of the man before you. You flicked your clitoris, rubbing faster to satisfy the ache in your folds, making you sensitive. Adam got down lower between your legs, and held your hand firmly stopping all movement. He pushed it back, as he placed his mouth on your clit. You felt his tongue, wet, licking your folds. His spit trickled down through your parted lips and into your vagina. It was cooler and like ice to the red stimulated folds. He moved his tongue faster, as you arched your back moaning his name loudly. Adam licked you up like an empty plate, while holding your hips firmly. “Faster… Baby..” you breathed out as Adam obeyed, his tongue moving faster than before, the tip of his tongue tickling your clit. Your legs rested over his back, as your toes curled. Finally, your pussy released into Adam's mouth, as he slurped up your fluids. 
He got up and smiled “Didn't know your kind tasted so good.” You smirked back, “Can't wait to try your kind soon,” you said giggling. Adam gave you a soft smile before extending his hand. “Soon, for now let us get out of this cave. The alien stench is masking your natural scent.”
“My scent?” you asked, worried you were smelly from your previous excursions.
Adam pointed at his nose, “Yeah, perks of being a Bull Faunus. Your scent, it’s hard to resist, it’s the first thing I noticed about you.” You blushed taking his hand. 
You both made your way to the mouth of the cave. The air was still thick with the aftertaste of the storm. Your eyes could only see a gorgeous, incandescent array of cerulean and indigo fauna and flora. 
While the surface of the planet seemed similar to your home planet’s - Earth - soil, the ground was littered with glowing lilac crystals. 
Even though you were both arduously navigating through the terrain for countless hours, you were still in awe of the planet’s beauty. As you both rounded a massive rock formation, the Celestial Voyager came into view. The once-damaged ship stood on the alien terrain, surrounded by a faint luminescence that emanated from the remnants of the storm. The crew, working diligently, appeared as a hive of activity, their forms silhouetted against the glow.
One of the crew members caught sight of Adam’s fiery red hair contrasting against the landscape, “Sir! You’re alive!” The other crew members saluted as Adam walked towards the ship side by side with you, “What is the status?” 
Adam in deep thought looked at another crew member, “Sir, there are still 60 missing. The mission is on hold till we find the missing. 12 are injured, and in the infirmary. The Celestial Voyager will take 6 days to repair to full operational capacity.” Adam replied after a few moments, “Go report to the Captain that I am safe and have been found. Y/n and I will go to the infirmary to get a check up.” 
The crew member silently saluted and scrambled off. Adam got to work, coordinating search parties and ensuring everyone got to safety in the next few days. The next few days were a whirlwind of activity, and you tried to help out wherever you could with fixing the ship or nursing the injured. After all the crew members were either healthy or recovering, Adam finally had a moment to sit down and really reflect. He closed his eyes and thought about the events that unfolded in the past few days. Just as he was reminded of the cave, a cool breeze hit his face. It went so well he realised, y/n was happy at the event of it. Fighting his demons, why was he so stubborn, Adam thought to himself. Finally getting up with a resolve he marched out to find you. 
You were hanging out in the Explorer common room, chatting with your colleagues after a long day’s work. You saw Adam approach you from the side. “Y/n, I need your help in the infirmary.” He stood beside you, extending his hand out in a bid to follow him. Although a bit tired, you jumped up at Adam’s call and followed him as you both exited the room. A few minutes of walking you saw him take a wrong turn. You spoke up, “Adam, the infirmary is tha-” Adam glanced over his shoulder, “Just follow me.” 
Curious, you followed him to his solo dormitory room. He quickly put in the passcode and took you inside. Locking the door he turned around to your nervous form, “Y/n, I can't forget about what happened in the cave, I want to feel you again.” You blushed not knowing what to say, you fiddled with your hands.
“You don’t know how badly I wished to call you mine in front of the crew. How badly I’ve wanted to feel you. Your lips, your cheeks, every part of you. But… you know the rumours. I don’t want to hurt you.” You had heard that Bull Faunus semen was fatal to humans but surely they had to be just rumours, right?. His eye looked from one of your eyes to the other. 
Stepping forward you tried to reassure him “If it’s you, I don’t mind trying. I love you and I trust you, Adam,” you put a hand on top of his. Adam replied, “If you believe in me, I can do anything. Are you sure this is what you want?” You nodded, “Yes, please.”
Adam pecked your lips in reassurance, “Promise you’ll tell me if you feel pain.” You could barely comprehend that this was finally happening and only managed to let out an “Mhm.”
Adam put his hand on your cheek closing the distance. He leaned in, closing the gap between your lips as he began lightly sucking on your lower lip. You reciprocated, mixing your saliva with his. Gods he tasted so good. You could feel your stomach tighten and a flutter in your chest. Your heart beat faster as the kisses got deeper. Adam battled your tongue sloppily as his hands rested on your waist. He slowly moved up his soft palms feeling your body up all the way, entangling his fingers in your hair.
The next few moments got more passionate as he tightened his grip on your hair making you moan, Adam pulled your head back exposing your neck wide to him, he was hungry like an animal for flesh. He placed his wet lips on the crook of your neck as he began biting swiftly, eventually sucking on your skin. You breathed out in relief as you felt your nipples harden, your breasts moved with the rising and falling of your chest, you could barely catch your breath as you felt your vagina dampen. It ached for insertion, your walls expanding, your clit was itching for stimulation. 
Adam carried you up and put you down to lay flat on the strategy table, as he stood at the edge towering tall as he looked down at you, you could see a feral red hue in his eye. Adam’s lips parted, he was trying his best to control himself. He removed his shirt, stretching high to pull it off over his head, his chest, and abs stretched. He reached lower and unbuttoned his pants, while he disrobed himself you fumbled to remove your clothes and show your naked skin to him.  You parted your legs, your whole body felt so exposed. 
Your eyes widened as he removed his pants, his cock was inhumanely large, it curved upwards, thicker than your fist, he was circumcised and fully hard. You saw his pink tip, veins extending from the base to the top. A slight bit of transparent precum dripped from the top, sticky, making his penis tip glisten. 
Adam kissed your clit, the taste from last time still lingering in his mouth. He then moved up to your body, kissing you slowly from the groin to your belly, eventually sucking on your breasts as if he were eating them up. He moved on to your neck and back to your mouth, his hips firmly between your legs. His long cock was against your belly, it was wet with precum. Adam had wrinkles between his eyebrows “I promise I will not let the cum touch you. I will try my best to keep it away,” he added blissfully, forgetting about the beads of precum lining the head of his cock. He used his hand to guide his penis to your vagina, while rubbing it down your skin all the way till your entrance. Adam pushed his tip in, the girth wide, red walls stretching to envelope him. You gritted your teeth, a tingle went up your spine, pleasure mixed with pain. 
Your vagina was wet, with his spit and your fluids. He easily slipped in a bit further, his thick white creamy precum lubricating your insides. Adam’s precum made his penis feel hot, like a strong iron rod.It did something to you, as it touched your vaginal walls, it entered your bloodstream. Everything became a fever dream, You felt frantic, touching your own body with one hand and his with the other. Feeling skin up and down, if only you could just merge together. Just when you realised he was an aphrodisiac. Adam stopped immediately pulling out in a haste, “are you okay?” He spoke in a panic. You got up to sit, eyes glazed “Adam, I…I…” Barely being able to say your words as the man before you sweat in fear. You finally sputtered out “I want you to fuck me. Fuck me right now.” He looked at you confused, still breathing heavily, he tilted his head “Are you sure?” He questioned. You said with surety in your eyes, begging him at this point “Please, please fuck me.”
Adam once again inserted his massive dick inside you, as he pushed further in, your groin bulged out due to his sheer size. You could see his stick enter, as you breathed heavy, getting filled up by Adam. He stopped to look you in the eyes, “Are you alright, my love? Do you want me to continue?” You purse your lips together and nodded with a hitched breath. No matter what he was, you didn't want this to stop, he was already inside of you. Adam pushed on deeper as you opened your mouth to let out a sigh, you hugged him tightly digging your nails into his soft skin. He was hugging you too, wrapping his arms around your body, taking you into his embrace as he penetrated you. 
Moving his cock deeper, You bit into Adam's shoulder to hold yourself together as you could feel your muscles contract and expand at the same time. Adam stopped again, waiting a moment for you to get used to his size, “You will tell me if it hurts okay? Promise?”, You turned your head towards him, lips just centimetres apart “Yes, promise.” Adam began slowly moving in and out, his cock covered sticky, he pumped it. The faster he went, the cream from your vagina left a ring around his base, his balls slapped against you with each thrust. He used one hand to rub your clit as he pumped. Your g spot and clit stimulated together you breathed faster than ever before, Adam panted as his tip got redder, veins shining with slick. Adam caught inhumane speed, thumping echoing through the cave as you moaned loudly enough to cover the sounds. You felt your lower belly contract and as you released, you squirted a milky fluid that covered Adam’s cock making the pumps sloppier than before. 
He rolled his eyes back as you could see the veins around his groin strained, just waiting for his penis to shoot out his white cum. His balls had contracted smaller, more compact ready to ejaculate. When suddenly he pulled out rashly and rested on his knees panting, sweat dripping from his brows down to his neck. He pursed his lips as his cheeks were violently red. You relaxed yourself, your body gleaming with a thin layer of your sweat mixed with his. After a few minutes of cooldown he stood up, cock harder than ever. “On your knees.” He commanded, as you obeyed. Now with his member in front of your lips, you worried how you were going to fit all of that in your mouth. 
You licked the tip, continuing to lick all the way to the base. You could taste yourself, closing your eyes and felt the ridges of his cock against your tongue. You finally took it in, only reaching the quarter point it was already touching the back of your throat. You moved it in and out, gagging every time, your spit dribbled down his cock and your chin. Using your hand to massage the rest of the remaining length of his cock, Adam rolled his eyes back as he let out a sigh. He used his hands to gather your hair up in a pony, making it more comfortable for you. He thrusted his hips forward, as you held onto his arms for support. You gagged and choked as he rubbed his tip against your soft throat and cheeks. Your tongue worked hard licking his penis round and round till he suddenly jolted out of your mouth and used his hand to hold his cock tightly as if choking a snake and shooted out a thick stream of white cum. Hot, falling on your chest and breasts it trickled down and dripped from your nipples onto your folded thighs. He breathed heavily and his stomach contracted as he released his liquids. 
Your skin began to burn, it felt as if your whole body was in heat. You began clawing at his hips, his cock looking unnaturally alluring, “Fuck” you moaned. Adam panicked and held out his hand asking for yours, assisting you to stand up. Cupping your cheeks he asked “are you okay? Tell me?”, You bite your lower lip, you had entered an eternal loop of having sex with Adam if he keeps cumming on you or in you, but right now you didnt mind. “Fuck me, I said fuck me again, will you?” Adam smirked, “Alright If you insist.”
your aliens,
admins sar, san & sav
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massivementalitynut · 4 months
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My Ever After comm of Adam from @zestivivi
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sunroseofthewood · 9 months
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Team RVLT got arrested
(check out the au this art is based off of here!)
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rwby-confess · 3 months
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Confession #115
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in hindsight the black trailer is a little bit funny
blake: what about the sdc crew members??
adam, trafficked and blinded as a child by the sdc: ???ok, what about them???
homie wasnt being edgy, he was genuinely confused behind the mask lmao. he didnt jump the train cause he thought he'll catch up with her later over pizza
"huh guess blake wants to take care of that end of the train personally and stop it from going too far along the tracks, good for her glad to see her taking initiative, anyway"
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anthurak · 4 months
So here’s an interesting little detail I noticed while rewatching some of the Beacon arc:
Out of all the various disposable pawns, patsies and stooges we’ve seen utilized by Salem over the course of the show (not counting the stooges who make up her inner circle), it’s funny how the only one who seems to actually recognize how much of a pawn he really is, is TORCHWICK of all people.
Like when you look at Roman’s scenes with Cinder and her minions, and particularly his final fight with Ruby in Volume 3, it’s pretty clear that he was always acutely aware that he was a very small piece of a MUCH larger game.
Just compare that to the likes of Adam, Leonardo, Jacques and Ironwood, who by all rights were all COMPLETELY oblivious to how much they were getting played, or just how little they mattered to Salem.
And that gets even more interesting when you consider that Roman was probably the smallest piece in terms of both status and overall significance compared to Salem’s other pawns. Like I actually don’t think for a moment that Torchwick ever actually met Salem or even KNEW about her by name. I imagine all Roman knew was that there was some boss/mom that Cinder was reporting to.
Instead, Torchwick was able to look at everything Cinder was doing and plotting, between manipulating the White Fang, securing several warehouses of stolen dust, planning a full-on grimm-incursion of Vale during the Vytal Festival with the ultimate aim of toppling one of the four Huntsman Academies. Not to mention I imagine Roman had at least an inkling as to the whole Maiden business that Cinder was after, plus the fact that she seemed to be able to control grimm to a degree. Maybe even guess that this was a plot years if not decades in the making.
And it’s pretty clear that Roman took one look at all this and rightly surmised that he was a bit player in a truly MASSIVE game. As he implies to Ruby during their final fight, Torchwick may not have known much about Salem or her plans, but he knew ENOUGH that he didn’t want to be standing AGAINST her.
Again, just compare that to someone like Adam Taurus, so-called big-shot revolutionary with his big plans to topple the oppression of the humans… who seems to have had no fucking clue that his new ‘friends’ were fully intent on sending him and his followers out to die as a DISTRACTION for their own plans.
Or of course, James Ironwood the big, strong (self-appointed) defender of Atlas and (also self-appointed) last, best hope for humanity, who to his dying breath seems to have been ENTIRELY oblivious to just how completely Salem and her minions were playing him like the cheap kazoo he was.
Or just Jacques Schnee the big-shot corporate overlord who wasn’t even important enough to know about any kind of scheme. All he needed was Watts dangling an election win like keys in front of a baby to be a dutiful little pawn for Salem.
Though funny enough, to Jacques’ credit; the moment he hears about the heating grid going down he does seem to immediately catch on that Watts played him for a chump.
And it’s rather amusing that this is more than can be said for the likes of the ‘Faunus Revolutionary’ who bent the knee to a human girl who kicked his ass, or Ol’ Jimmy the Child-Shooter himself.
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but-a-humble-goon · 11 days
Adam Taurus Stans confuse me. Like, of all characters to die on they chose the Worst Guy in the show, and will swear up and down how cool he is on account of “black and red Iaido sword fighting is cool.”
For the exact same reason they get mad at the RWBY girls for developing outside of their initial seemingly two dimensional personalities. RWBY early on managed to attract the kind of people to its fanbase that subsist entirely on shit like Sword Art Online (or worse). Anime where the girls exist solely to be assembly line waifus distinguishable entirely by a small handful of endlessly repeatable shallow personality types so ubiquitous they literally have their own names
Category:Dere Types | Dere Types Wiki | Fandom Likewise the men exist solely to be avatars of pure, shameless power fantasy. Bland, empty cyphers the male audience can more easily project themselves onto. We call it bad writing, they call it the entire point. A lot of people like to use Jaune as their self insert but he is a gigantic loser and some people aren’t into that. Emphasis on some because the entire harem genre is built on loser protagonists which is why this fandom has so much of that going on. But still a lot of people were waiting for their Kirito. A badass edgy sigma male Gary Stu. Ren's much less of a loser than Jaune but also very much does not fit into that category. Wouldn't you know it though, there is exactly one other relatively age appropriate male character in the show from the start and he totally does meet that criteria if that's what you're looking for. In fact he fits the bill suspiciously well... Before we knew anything about him, before he'd had any screentime outside of the trailer and one five second long ending reveal in Volume 2, Adam Taurus had already been pre-selected as the designated male power fantasy self insert by a huge swathe of the audience. And to be fair that was intentional on the part of the show. It's not an accident that Adam is a walking goulash of things weebs are hardwired to have wet dreams over. The entire point of him was to brutally deconstruct the exact archetype of character he represents. The problem is we're dealing with media literacy on par with the average deep sea invertebrate. So season 3 happens and all the normal people went "oh wow that Adam Taurus guy is a creepy abusive psycho stalker and a complete monster, I can't to see him get his comeuppance" but all of the guys I've been talking about were instead sat there like "...so when does the power fantasy begin?" Then by the time they realized two entire seasons later that they were the ones being made fun of they were already very committed to this character. Channels like Eruptionfang had already put out playlists of media analysis videos examining the complexities of this completely made up version of the character that existed solely in the realm of their imagination who, were he ever real, would be the perfect sigma male antihero they were so desperately waiting for. Bit hard to just accept you were wrong by that point.
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I feel like everyone's had, like, one line or beat that has made them lose it since the Bumbleby confession, but for me it's Blake considering one of the things that makes her love Yang that "you do what you say" because it manages to be simultaneously so beautiful and romantic and so heartbreaking at the same time.
Because that is something Blake actually thinks about, something which stands out and that she sees as a positive worth pointing out. Because her experience, the dominant one, of a 'relationship' is what she had with Adam, and I feel like she probably never quite knew where she stood with him. Ultimately, Adam Taurus was always kind of a liar. It's clear, for example, that the White Fang was never really about Faunus liberation for him, it was about pride and spite and revenge. Looking back at the 'Black' trailer, Blake doesn't seem to even know the plan is to blow up the train until that moment; that clearly wasn't the plan Adam had told her.
You can only imagine how many times this happened before Blake finally realises that he's not worth it anymore. How many plans 'changed', how many times did Adam tell Blake one thing when he clearly always knew what he was really planning.
We don't know if Blake has any other romantic background, not technically. I'd suggest she doesn't, that she grew up with the WF and never has any suggestion of interest in romance, aside from a brief flirtation with Sun when they first meet, before she falls for Yang. Adam is probably her only experience of a relationship, and it was almost definitely one defined by him saying one thing and doing and meaning another. I imagine that's part of why Blake is so slow to trust when we first meet her; she's so used to the person she cares about the most lying to her.
But Yang doesn't. Yang Xiao Long is sincere, and honest, and even if she might, at points, be a little hesitant to open her feelings up, when she does they are always the real deal. Yang has ideals, real ideals, and she makes decisions based on those beliefs, and she sticks to those decisions. She does what she says.
To Blake, that is the point of punctuation, the thing that caps off that list of all the things that makes her love Yang. That, for the first time in her life, she can love someone who she can trust to do what she says. I think the connecting theme with Blake's list of things about Yang is that she makes Blake feel safe, something she clearly never had with Adam. She knows Yang will always be honest with her, and that's why she loves her.
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hammerhead-jpg · 7 months
Idk if I'm ever gonna finish the refs for my redacted ocs, but here are their logos
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I could make some doodles of their designs or smth idk....
I wrote some info about them under the cut if ya curious (that ended up being a lot longer than I expected so behold)
I already made a ref sheet for Taurus so I already wrote down some info about him there so you can go see that if you wanna
I can only imagine since I established that he's friends or at least knows every single redacted de(a)mon and also is a part of the chorus that if he would be on the redacted channel he'd successfully force himself into practically every storyline.
Practically all redacted ocs that I made I more imagine as side characters than as "main" characters so they don't really have a listener, but I guess his listener would technically be freelancer.
I imagine he remembers the cacophony well, even though he wants to forget it.
Gin Asari
I'm very aware that Gin wouldn't really work as a character since, to be a sibling to a listener would mean to not have them have a distinct background, race or gender (or at least agab) since this is specifically an identical twin brother, because unless them and the listener are not blood related (and in this case they are) the characters background, race and gender would allude to the listeners background, race and gender which you're not supposed to do. But because I have already made up the listeners background race and gender as if they were an oc as most people do, I haven't really thought about this.
Anyways, this is Gin Asari! Lovely's twin brother! And if you haven't noticed they are the main character of the oc fic I wrote some time ago. I actually made 4 more chapters for that fic but didn't post it since I thought it wasn't good enough and also people hate fics written in first person for some reason.
I don't really remember why I made this oc either, I guess just because I wanted to explore the idea of a electro-energetic baddy, even though they don't really have their electric powers yet since they haven't experienced a traumatic enough experience and Lovely hasn't told them in fear that they would try to traumatize themselves on purpose to get them. I also wanted to explore Adam's backstory through them (btw I fucking struggled to make the timelines align to find out what age they are).
For those of you who haven't read the fic ("the fic" meaning also the chapters I didn't publish so I guess that's like all of you) here's a quick summary: Lovely's twin brother (who at this point isn't in contact with Lovely since Lovely ran away from their parents when they were 16) is chilling in med school with their roommate: Adam Jessup. That is, all until Adam disappears one day and is found dead in a car crash, except, Adam didn't really die and he just got turned willingly. Adam returns one year later by sneaking into Gin's room. There, Adam descides to feed on them and after realizing they're willing to let him feed on them, let's them live and starts a very unhealthy relationship where he returns to feed on them every week or so. That is until he gets addicted to their humanborn latent electro energetic blood and every week or so becomes every night. The induced anemia and stress from overworking themselves due to their parent's high expectations, Gin's mental state starts to decline. That is until they find out that Adam is a literal serial killer and he basically tries to murder them since they didn't want to continue their relationship. They run away to Dahlia, both from him and from their parents, until a couple of years later they meet Lovely, now a vampire, by chance, and they catch up and learn that Adam has been upgraded to a decapitated skeleton under a broken down rollercoaster.
I realize that I mostly wrote their backstory and not their current story, like I don't really know what happens after they catch up with Lovely. Do they descide to keep in touch with the Solaire clan or do they go back to their normal life? Does Lovely tell them about the whole electric energetic thing? Do they befriend the other vampires? I don't know! I haven't decided yet.
I'm trying to figure out what this fool's nickname would be besides just Meth.
I thought to myself "what was the first de(a)mon created like? What are they doing?" So I started brainstorming ideas until they eventually became an oc.
So Methuselah (named after the oldest known star, I wanted to be the first star given a name but all that popped up was the oldest star), an inchoate, the first created demon, the one who has lived for thousands of years, fought in the cacophony and created the chorus and serve as kind of a makeshift leader of it.
Some may say that Meth here is what you would call a mary sue but you know as they say when I create a character that's the world's best assassin, a science experiment possessed by a god of anger who has a corrupted form that slowly kills them when they use it, they get called a Mary Sue, but when Asagiri Kafka does it it's "I love Chuuya Nakahara!!"
If Taurus is jaded by his long ongoing life Methuselah is the most jaded of them all. Just basically barely cares about the things going around them. Even if they did care about keeping relationships everyone except some of the chorus members is scared of them due to their overwhelming power, both magical and political.
When the ruling council descided to include de(a)mons in it they were the first demon asked if they would want to join as a representative for inchoate demons their response was to spit in their face and say "was that the answer you were looking for?"
I imagine that they are currently dealing with the whole Hush situation, and that in the first time in thousands of years, they're scared of death. After the cacophony in which they almost died, saw many deaths including the death of their first and only friend, they thought that if another life threatening situation occurred they wouldn't be scared to die for the cause, but now that they're faced with a person that is not only stronger than them but could kill them in a second, they're scared of death after so many years of being untouchable.
Miles Deen
One time, my lovely mutual @cyc-chilla once said in a post about wether or not redacted characters get biches, that Frederick only seems to attract extremely shady and terribly shifty dumpster opossum men, and I thought to myself "he absolutely does"
So Miles Deen was born.
If you identify as a garbage dwelling raccoon trash goblin you obviously haven't met Miles
The icon of the two bandaids and the description of "the thrall" doesn't encapsulate him well enough, it should've been an icon of a garbage can and he should've been titled "the trash dweller" if I wanted to be accurate.
Basically, Miles is an informed unempowered guy who was a couple of years ago attacked by a shade, but instead of having all of his life force drained, he only got half of his life force drained and later found out via seer that he would only live to 27 (he's currently 25, 21 when he found out)
He's also homeless because he got kicked out of his parents house after he couldn't find a job due to his clinical depression, so as you can imagine his life wasn't looking too good.
But, he descided to keep living and use the fact that he's going to die young as a motivator to live without fear and also made a bucket list of things he wanted to do before he died.
One of those things was being fed on by a vamp, and that is how he finds himself on Solaire clan territory and is found by Fred. The rest is history.
Fred is convinced he is insane but he kinda likes that about him. Bright eyes does not like him at all.
He somehow always gets himself into trouble and then the clan is forced to protect him in all kinds of batshit situations.
If he was actually on the redacted channel, he'd probably never appear or would maybe be mentioned by name once, just because I descided to make a character for a deleted discontinued series.
Sadly, I think his story probably would end with him dying peacefully in his sleep, since he wouldn't want to get turned and him getting turned would be kinda a stupid thing writing wise since it's kinda stupid to build up the idea of a character dying only to have them live anyway (and his whole character is built on the idea that he's going to die young)
Ezra Solaire
One day, I thought to myself "Christian needs a gay awakening" and so he did.
Ezra is a cayote shifter and part of the Solaire clan, raised by William since birth.
He seems very sweet, and he is but he's also brutally honest.
He'd never let a vamp feed on him (William even set up that you are to be executed if you attempt to feed on him without his permission) but he does donate blood to the clan often. He has so many "I donated blood" stickers.
I imagine he's friends with Darlin', which is how he ended up meeting the Shaw pack
I keep thinking about what his talk with William would be like after the summit, cause it would be absolutely heartbreaking
Because I imagine Ezra was one of the people that wasn't told about the plan, so with Ezra who just wanted a normal life, now learning that the Solaire clan which they already didn't like being in since about 90% of the clan didn't like them, is/is going to become some sort of vigilante assassin squad and also feeling like their relationship with the Shaw pack is destroyed, the place where they actually felt like they had a normal life and a family, I can only imagine how upset they'd be.
But on the other hand, William is like a father to him and he couldn't imagine how it would be to leave him, and he'd also be leaving behind the few people he was close friends with in the clan (like Vincent) and he also wouldn't think it would be right to have William supporting him financially with a house and a job when he was leaving the clan, so he would have not only have his financial and social support cut, but also physical since, I forgot to mention but, he has multiple sclerosis and is disabled, so he sometimes needs a caregiver to help him do everyday tasks (which would usually be by William, Vincent or an assistant William hired). So yeah, I can only imagine how he must feel.
Atlas Madden
Watch out John I'm stealing your name or smth
To be completely transparent, I did create Atlas just to ship him with Scorpius. I know I'm cringe but I'm free
Atlas is a freelancer who works as a healer, but also has an interest in water magic and shifter magic. How is a non-shifter good at shifter magic? He isn't! He likes morphing into a disturbing half wolf half human creature and scaring people in it!
So umm I may have brainstormed Scorpiuses backstory on a whim by accident...whoops...hate when that happens
So going forward any Scorpius lore I drop is my headcannons and not actual lore
I swear this is important to Atlas
Okay so: I imagine that before being captured by close knit Scorpius worked in this kind of strip club where the whole shtick was that incubi were the strippers. The strippers weren't also escorts but if they chose you you could potentially go home with them.
That's how Scorpius and Atlas met.
Atlases friends brought him to this strip club mostly as a joke and Atlas was kinda uncomfortable the whole time.
Until he caught Scorpiuses eye, who then decided to enact his flirt persona and bring him home.
After that, Atlas eventually became his charge and they would meet every so often.
They both agreed for no strings attached, Scorpius didn't really like hookup culture but needed to get energy one way or another, but Atlas wanted him to know that he respected him as a person and wanted them to be at least friends.
One day, Atlas pushed the friendliness a little too far and Scorpius told him that he doesn't need to try to appeal to him so he could feel like a good person. Atlas got offended by this because he really just wanted to be nice, not because he wanted to pat himself on the back.
An argument ensued and Scorpius left without getting an energy feeding. He went on, trying to find somebody else to feed on, and that is when he gets tricked and captured by close knit. With no way to communicate to Atlas, Atlas believes Scorpius left him for good.
I have a lot more planned out for them but that takes place after Scorpius leaves the basement, which as you can see he hasn't yet, so I'm obviously waiting til that happens so I'm not writing lore for something that hasn't happened yet.
So um yeah
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matt0044 · 8 months
Who would you say your three favorite heroes and villains are from RWBY
Ruby Rose. Especially after Volume 9. Christ, that meltdown was so deliciously messy. "Likable" can bite it. My favorite characters are human.
Ilia Amitola. Many gripe about the Volume 5 short of her telling Blake's backstory but Cherami Leigh works her magic in selling how vulnerable she is opening up to somebody she loves. Hell, it SHOWS how much she values Blake in the form of talking about a painful past. It also invites a lot of imagination of how she found out. My headcanon is that she called her mother on break when the mine collapsed during the feed.
Little. They're a little guy. Luci Christian voices them. Nuff said.
Adam Taurus. Both as a villain and this bizarre fandom phenomenon that I've made posts at length about. One that General Ironwood clearly sought to inherit.
Cinder Fall. How will it end for her? Will she break away from Salem and try to gather the Relics to burn the world down for her own reasons? Will she possibly see the light albeit begrudgingly? There's no telling with her.
Roman Torchwick. Specifically in how his final scene encapulates all that RWBY intends to stand against. Specifically his "real world" rant. I can't help but feel like too many fixate on him for that and don't realize that he's suppose to be wrong about how hope is for fools. Especially after the past decade.
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
Team RWBY and JNPR are captured by the White Fang, but to pass the time, they play FMK, and Nora questions Jaune, FMK between Sienna Khan, Eve Taurus (Adam R63), and Ilia.
Jaune: I just want to say thank you very much. I don't know what would have happened if I had stayed with that crazy woman.
Sienna: No problem.
Jaune: I just have one question.
Sienna: Hmm?
Jaune: Why are we still tied up?
Sienna: It's simple. We didn't come to rescue you. We went to rescue the priest, he is a very important person in our community. He runs the orphanage and gives the homeless people food and a place to sleep.
Jaune: Wow, what a nice man.
Sienna: Indeed. But imagine my surprise when, upon rescuing him, I find the future heiress of Schnee Industries, Weiss Schnee, the champion for 4 consecutive years, the invincible girl, and our beloved Blake, the daughter of our previous leader. So, I'm going to-
Jaune: -use them to get money in exchange for their freedom?
Sienna: Y-Yes. How did you know I was going to say that?
Jaune: The way you said it was too obvious.
Sienna: O-Oh
Eve: *Slaps him*
Jaune: What the fuck!
Eve: How dare you disrespect our leader!
Sienna: Eve, stop! I don't think that was his intention. Thinking about it, I think I was very obvious with my plans.
Ilia: Sienna, forgive me for interrupting you. I keep trying to call Beacon academy about the ransom cost but they don't answer.
Sienna: What?! What could be more important than his students?
Prof. Ozpin is drinking a large jar of super concentrated coffee, while the other professors cheer him on.
Port/Oobleck: Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Back to the White Fang.
Sienna: *Sighs* Just keep trying.
Ilia: Yes ma'am.
Sienna: Looks like we'll have to wait until they answer.
Nora: I know a game we can play to pass the time.
Jaune: Nora, if you say the FMK game again, I swear to Oum I'm going to....
Nora: I was going to say charades but that game is so much better. Thank you Jaune!!
Jaune: Wait no! Your game is much better!!!!
Nora: Jaune who would you Fuck, Marry, or Kill? Sienna, Eve, or Ilia!
Sienna: Excuse me?
Eve: WHAT?!
Ilia: Eh?!
Jaune: I hate you!
Nora: And I love you! Now, answer the question.
Jaune: No!
Nora: Say it!
Jaune: I don't wanna!
Nora: Say it you pussy!!
Jaune: Fuck you!
Nora: Fuck me then! I'm right here!
Jaune: *Blushing* What?!
Nora: You heard me. Be a man and fuck me!
Jaune: Ok this is getting really weird.
Nora: The only weird thing here is that you're not fucking me!
Sienna: Enough!! You, John...
Jaune: Is Jaune.
Sienna: Whatever. I'll let you and your friends go if you answer her question.
Jaune: Really? Why that?
Sienna: To be honest, I'm curious.
Jaune: Ok, if you're going to let us go… I'd fuck Eve…
Eve: I will never fornicate with a human!
Jaune: Marry Sienna...
Sienna: I see~
Jaune: ...and kill Ilia.
Ilia: Wait a minute, you would kill me. But would you fuck Eve? Do you have a death wish?
Jaune: What can I say, with that attitude it makes me want to fuck her.
Eve: Excuse me?!
Jaune: Just think about it, a girl with her attitude, being dominated by her enemy. And little by little she lets herself be tamed until she is addicted to the dick.
Sienna: That sounds very hot.
Blake: So hot
Ilia: Yes, I can see it. Very hot. Good choice.
Eve: *Blushing* Eh?! I would never let myself be defeated by something so lewd!
Blake: Oh~ I think she likes the idea.
Eve: *Red* Of course not!!
Sienna: Yes, she likes it. Do you want me to leave you alone with him?
Eve: NO!!!
Sienna: *Laughs* Don't worry, we're just playing.
Eve: I hate you all.
Sienna: Anyways, why would you marry me?
Jaune: Well, I was thinking that if I could marry you, I would love to see your face every morning when I wake up.
Sienna: Do tell~
Jaune: and maybe have a little one who wakes us up with all his or her energy by jumping on the bed.
Sienna: *Blushing* O-Oh! I see.
Ilia: Ok, that sounds really good. You're right, it was the best choice to kill me. 10 out of 10. I will die for you again.
Jaune: Thank you. So…
Jaune: ...can we go now?
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ransprang · 10 months
thank you to anon for requesting on our ko-fi again <3
if anyone wants a fanfic this is our ko-fi
Adam Taurus x fem! reader: Childhood friends to Lovers
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“There’s a stupid expression on your face.” 
You sighed, ignoring both the question and the gorgeous man asking said question, resolutely. A large finger poked at your cheek roughly, “What’s wrong with you,” Adam asked again. 
Adam and you were relaxing on a park bench, the sun was shining bright in the sky, illuminating Adam’s features, as though there was a halo surrounding him. Unable to resist, you let another despondent sigh fall from your lips. Ever since you had discovered your feelings for your best friend since middle school, nothing had gone your way. You had tried so hard to deny the existence of those feelings, and failing that, tried to pretend it was just strong feelings of friendship. But you couldn’t will away how your heart raced at every light brush of his skin, or how your eyes lingered on his, unwilling to part with their object of desire. Eventually you had accepted it and decided to confess, but even then the words would just not come out properly. 
It was madness. First you had asked the neighbourhood baker for advice who had been unsurprised to hear of your feelings but muttered sagely, “Sweet words sound best coming on sweet things.” And so you had hatched your first plot, to write your confession on a cake but the rain that day had other plans. Next, you had asked your hairdresser who recommended serenading a lover with a song was the way to go, but even if you had some musical talent, you really couldn’t help things if the speaker caught fire right before your performance. The old lady across the street had recommended writing a love letter, but unfortunately the postman must have had a vendetta against you since it never arrived. Finally you asked your friend, who recommended getting wasted, a plan you adored all the way until you were heaving your guts out while Adam stroked your hair sympathetically. 
The universe was just determined to ruin your confessions. You glanced up irritably at Adam, who just cocked his handsome head to the side in mild concern. 
“Nothing is wrong with me, I'm fine. I just love-” 
The loud honking of a goose drowned out the rest of your sentence. You hadn’t even known there were geese at this park.
“What was that? I didn’t hear you,” Adam asked.
You grit your teeth and stomped away, vehemently cursing all the geese in the world.
Adam stared as you left, baffled but content for now to leave you to your demons.
You were laying in bed, dejected, thinking over your failed confession attempts when suddenly your phone lit up. Your eyes gleamed in delight as you saw who it was from. 
one eyed bestie: netflix? i’m bored and you look depressed. 
“stfu, i’m coming over,” you typed out and sent off your reply. 
Throwing on a hoodie, you ran to his door and knocked, still dressed in your pyjamas. “Honey, I’m hooome~” you called out as Adam opened the door. 
“Sorry I’m not in the habit of letting homeless people in,” he retorted, letting you in with an amused smile. 
As you stepped in and realised the entire living room had been converted into an elaborate pillow fort. The living room, which usually has a simple sofa and a TV in front of it, was now transformed into a cosy haven. Bed sheets spread from the sofa to the walls, the lights were tastefully dimmed as the sheets draped in the front like a door. Inside was a duvet, lined with multiple pillows, there was a laptop set up inside placed inside as the warm light enveloped you two. 
Your heart swelled and you felt your face heat up. “You did this for me?” 
Adam rolled his eyes fondly, “No, I just like decorating my entire house like a pillow fort. Go get cozy, I’ll bring some snacks.” He smiled with pride looking at your shocked expression.
You snuggled into the duvet, sitting opposite the TV screen and pulled a couple of pillows onto your lap. Adam had gone into all this effort just to cheer you up. Feeling giddy at the thought, you buried your blushing face into the pillow. How were you meant to control your feelings if the man acted like that?
Adam decided to walk back into the fort right at that moment, giving you a slightly judgmental look as he put down a small table in front of you with pocky sticks in a cup and some other snacks you liked. You grabbed a piece to munch on while Adam’s fingers made use of the remote controller. He opened up Netflix. Chewing your pocky, “Which movi-” before you could even finish, your eyes widened and a gasp left your lips. Adam put on a movie you’ve been trying to get him to watch for ages now. He smiled at your reaction, “Just be glad I’m being extra nice today. This isn’t gonna happen ever again.” 
You cooed at him teasingly, “Yea yea you say that now. I know you’re gonna watch it 10 more times in secret.” Rolling his eyes again, Adam scoffed and turned his attention to the movie. 
As you lay in the comforting cocoon of your warm blanket, a gentle heaviness settled over your limbs as you both watched the movie. You instinctively drew closer to Adam, who was radiating heat. You rested your head against his sturdy shoulder, sensing a subtle tension in him, which was quickly replaced by a serene calm as he nestled his auburn head atop yours.
Despite the drowsiness, you made a feeble attempt to keep your eyes open. But it had been a long week with a whole lot of plotting and attempted confessions, and so your eyelids fluttered closed. In the quiet moments before sleep claimed you, your thoughts your thoughts gravitate back to Adam. Your affection for him flooded your mind, and you couldn't help but dwell on how sweet he was to you. Even if it was only for tonight, and even if he didn’t even know of your romantic feelings for him, he had made you feel special, adored and cared for. Ensconced within the warmth of those feelings you slept better than you had in weeks.
When your eyes opened next, it was already morning. Painfully bright sunlight made you wince as you awoke. Blinking a few times, you groggily looked around. Unsure of how, but you had ended up sleeping on a pillow on the floor, with Adam nowhere to be found. You slowly propped yourself up, yawning. 
Where is he, you wondered. You got up and out of the pillow fort, stretching and groaning. You saw the doorknob of the flat turn and you were rewarded with the sight of a flushed and sweaty Adam donned in a black muscle tank and gray sweats as he returned from his run. He looked at you and hesitated and.. became more red?
Still too sleepy to notice anything was amiss, you ran your eyes over his physique appreciatively. He coughed pointedly, breaking you out of your trance, “Oh damn you’re awake, and I just found the perfect place to bury your dead body on my run” Adam teased.
“Very funny” you deadpanned. “I was even considering making you breakfast after you were so nice to me yesterday.”
“I’ve changed my mind now though, you can starve,” you declared before flipping him off and heading back to your house to begin plotting your next confession.
After the sleepover and a couple more failed confession attempts involving an ‘I love Adam’ t-shirt being mysteriously stolen from your wardrobe, you noticed Adam had been acting.. a bit strangely. He could barely look at you before turning bright red, and he jumped every time your fingers brushed against each other. Unsure of what you did to put him so on edge, you knew you needed to fix it. You laid down on your bed kicking your feet, pulling up Adam’s chat. you: hey loser. wanna go camping like that time when we were 12 and we both peed in the forest for the first time?
You stared at the screen as little bubbles instantaneously appeared. one eyed bestie: sounds good, but i won’t save you if a bear attacks us in the middle of the night 
You giggled and started preparing for the little getaway.
The camp was set on a hill near your neighbourhood, lamps shining against the evening mist settling on the leaves. You were making the beds in both your tents as Adam worked the firewood, setting them alight, till they glowed bright. You turned away from the tent and witnessed the sky behind was twilight purple, the trees black and Adam was shining with the fires light. He smiled, proud of his work, Adam’s smile was so beautiful, pink lips, lightly glistened wet. Lines formed by his eyes, his imperfections were so perfect. 
You bit your lip at the beauty standing before you, as Adam turned around to see you looking at him. He blushed as he met your gaze, almost tripping over the log beside him. It set the side of his shoe on fire as he stomped it repeatedly to put it out. He looked back at you noticing you were still in awe. He sighed in relief. 
“Are you planning to help or should I do everything?” you teased as you sat back and relaxed on the bed you had just made. “Am I your little worker?” He chuckled, adding, “Fine what do you want me to do?” you got up “Watching all the hard work with the firewood has made me very thirsty, could you fetch me a beer?”  
Adam cracked upon a couple of cold ones and sat next to you on the bedroll. You both clinked your bottles as Adam and silently looked up at the sky. 
The stars had begun appearing, you felt a yearning in your heart as you took another sip of your bottle. You were so far away from the stars, just a tiny speck but oddly, you felt the same distance from Adam who was right next to you. If only he knew how much you loved him, you felt your eyes tear up. Or maybe it was the alcohol, you could feel the heat rise up along with the confidence. Perhaps this time you won’t hurl out your insides.
“ADAM!” you yelled, breaking the silence. He turned towards you, wide eyed, “WHAT?!”. You closed your eyes tightly “Adam I love you!” You opened your eyes, big drops of tears forming, “I have loved you for so long”. Adam calmly used his hand to wipe your tears “Took you long enough. I know.” You were visibly shocked “What? What do you mean?” Adam chuckled “You told me in your sleep, in the pillow fort.” He had a sheepish smile as he leaned in to give you a kiss. He pulled away and whispered “I love you too” as he gave you another kiss. He could feel your smile against his lips. 
Adams' kisses got increasingly aggressive as he pushed you back onto the tent floor, your hands gripping his shoulder maybe to try and tame the man losing his control. You moaned into his mouth as Adam pulled away “Now that I know your feelings, let me show you mine.” You just wanted to melt into Adam’s arms, you couldn’t even believe this was happening to you. 
Your hands still on his shoulders, nails digging through his t-shirt, as if you were begging him to just eat you up. Adam’s keen blue eye peered into your eyes, as he noticed you were desperate to have him. “Look at you, I want you to beg for me,” he said in a low groan and a slight smirk. You gritted your teeth, you wanted to stand your ground. After all you had been through so much to say I love you, but you needed Adam. “Please fuck me” you said, shocked at your own words and conviction. “Good girl,” Adam grunted as he sat up straight, removing his t-shirt bearing his pale toned chest. 
The muscles and lines defined by the moonlight, you could see his v line go down the top of his jeans. You could now see the imprint of his hardened penis throbbing against his pants. Adam unzipped and pulled down his jeans as his member sprung out. His dick was long and hard, tip was pink with a vein extending down. You could see it pulsate, waiting to be rubbed. You extended your hand to hold it just as Adam caught your hand, “You really think you can do as you like?” He was losing his composure as he took in a hitched breath, “Tonight I’ll be in charge.” He pinned your hands above you as he used his knee to part your legs. Adam used his hips to position his cock by your entrance. He first moved to rub your clit and slid his cock through your folds, teasing you, spreading your wetness, watching you whimper. You could barely manage to whisper “Please, please put it in.” 
Adam finally brought his cock at your entrance again and thrusted forward, inserting his tip inside, as he released a sigh. The relief of his penis tip finally buried in your soft warm walls, he thrusted fast and quick finally putting his whole length inside of you. You tightly wrapped your legs around him as you rolled your head back simply feeling him inside, just then Adam groaned, “You didn’t say I love you sooner, now be a good girl and take my punishment,” he said thrusting, with a smirk. 
He held you by the waist and flipped you to be on top as he laid down. You moaned “Oh Adam,” as you could feel his cock inside your body, you straddled him as you began moving your hips back and forth. His tip was hitting your sensitive g spot, the base of penis was rubbing again and again on your clit. You could feel yourself get closer as you began moving up and down, smacking your ass against his hips. He saw your breasts bounce, cupping them in his hands he squeezed teasing your nipples with his thumbs. 
Adam noticed you get closer as your moans got louder and louder in the quiet forest, he firmly held your hips as he started thrusting from below, you felt a surge of pleasure spread across your folds, as you felt a warm sensation rise from your pussy up to your abdomen. You orgasmed, releasing a loud moan and you bent forward on to Adam’s chest. “You’re not done just yet, not till I’m finished.” 
He wrapped a strong arm around your back flipping you below again. He got on top, still inside you he began pounding. He used his hands to hold your legs open as he got faster and faster, you could see Adam’s stomach contract, his v line contort, he was about to release his cum inside you. Adam moaned, as beads of sweat rolled off his face, he pumped you a final few times as he loosened his grip on your legs, squirting out his white cum inside. You felt a sense of satisfaction, as he collapsed on top of you.
“I love you so much,” Adam whispered to you, nestling his face in the crook of your neck. Your eyes twinkled as the stars shone brightly above, you were in shock and awe at what had just happened, as if the stars above had finally listened and made your dreams come true. “I love you too,” you replied, and this time you managed to say the words successfully.
your childhood,
admins sar, sav & san
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massivementalitynut · 3 months
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My Burnout Comm of Adam from @iwanttobeaseme
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Unpopular RWBY Opinion: Watts should have had a mega corporation and been the corruption behind Atlas instead of Jacques and the SDC who should have been underdogs.
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Now I’m incorporating this into my reimagined AU and this is more about what I believe another story could have been told with the world of rwby, it’s concepts and what they could have been instead, so take this with any kind of seasoning you like.
And anyone looking for AUs that work on making Jacques a bastard, RWBY: Remnants and RWBY: Evermorrow, probably FRWBY, and plenty of other people getting that down, so the concept will survive my non-contribution.
Looking in retrospect with The Schnee family and Atlas and what we know about Watts. I think Watts should have had the corrupt corporation with unethical Faunus labor that has influence in Atlas and The Schnees and the SDC should have been among the smaller underdog companies being crushed by them.
Just looking back at the criticisms of the Schnee's and how Nicholas kinda dug the SDC's grave way before Jacques did when he wrote a deal that basically bled Vaccou dry, and once again Watts' contribution to Atlas, it had me thinking about this.
Imagine if Watts had his own megacorporation lets say for this case, GigaWatts Industries, which used slave labor in its factories, he got his way and was elevated to the mastermind of Atlas with countless of companies and even Atlas Military hiring him for tech(like OCP from Robocop) crushing smaller companies such as SDC by providing alternative Dust Mining, notably to spite Jacques who he has a bitter history with. And the SDC and The Schnee's are one of the few companies who give Faunus honest work.
Basically my idea is Jacque's late wife Willow was a scientist who worked with Arthur and Pietro and let's just say Arthur was miffed a "fellow genius" chose a "clown of a businessman and former huntsman" over him to produce "successful prodigy" with, one thing leads to another and Willow is killed by Anti-Faunus milita who GWI provides tech to. Jacques becomes cold and bitter and is certain Watts had something to do with it, but still good intentioned for his children and company. And now both Arthur and Jacques are at each other's throats, giving the SDC and White Fang a common foe, and keep in mind, this also involves Adam Taurus being a former slave to one of the GWI factories and is an initial-antagonist-turned-good.
In a Weiss-Centered arc. Involving a cool gun/sword/baritsu fight between Jacques and Watts and later Weiss and Watts.
It's not much, but just a though that's been cooking in my brain for a while. I could go on, but I'd just be rambling away.
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emperorverse · 1 year
The Emperor-Verse: RWBY: Saints of Remnant, a reimagined AU(More details in Keep Reading!)
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Once there was a world by the name of Omnibus. Created by the supreme deity The Author Allfather through the mysterious entity The Storyteller, this world was composed of four holy and mighty kingdoms, ruled by The Author’s Patron Saints whose reign protected the people, human and faunus alike, with their mighty armies, hunters, and their own holy powers from barbarian hordes, and the hordes of The Grimm who were the incarnations of hatred of the fallen seraph Grimmel The Black and his fellow fallen angels
In the dreadful world-shattering war of Ragnarök, the glorious age of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty, and the days of Romance, Heroism Adventure, and Eucatastrophe came to a tragic end.
Now all that remains is the world that is Remnant
But there is a prophecy made by Ozma The First Time Wizard before his death at the hands of The Witch-Emperor, that one day the bloodlines of the original Patron Saints and the families betrothed to them will return to take up these powers, rally armies of the righteous, vanquish the darkness and restore the holy kingdoms and Omnibus and reign over them once more.
Sinners will become Saints
Legends shall be restored and new Legends will be born
And what was a Remnant, Shall Be Whole Again.
But until then, the Hunters lead a struggling battle against the Grimm while the modern kingdoms suffer under corruption of all kinds, both to the benefit of darker forces who have horrifying intentions for the world.
Cue Ruby Rose and her older half-sister Yang Xiao Long, they are about to enter Beacon Academy after being approved by the eccentric Professor Ozpin Pine along with the heiress Weiss Schnee and the introverted faunus Blake Belladonna forming team RWBY
Ozpin has also enrolled a few other students and transferred others.
The former forming team JNPR, and the latter being Team SSSN of Haven Academy
Ozpin seems to have his eye on all of them, but what for?
Heavily inspired by CS Lewis's series The Chronicles of Narnia
Main Ships Contained:
Iceberg/Arctic Water
and some other ships
Also will contain unorthodox reimagining such as Adam Taurus(He's an initial antagonist turned good) and the White Fang and Jacques Schnee and the SDC with their Canon!Counterparts replaced with substitutes among other things
Currently the concept is in the works in a series of notes.
Details of the Emperor-Verse
Now I'm sure there's some questions you probably are all asking which I assume are the same questions as my blog
“Why are you using your Religion?”
Mostly due to it being a strong foundation, notably theology, for most of my stories, there are many strong foundations of storytelling, religion, history, you can even fantasize science if you put the imagination, time, and effort into it.
After doing some soul searching and listening to the Narnia books on Audible, it became another important element in making this au and I might include elements of CS Lewis’ Space Trilogy
This AU is set in my fictional Multiverse The Emperor-Verse which Narnia is implied to exist in, or I should say had existed in(its set after The Last Battle)
“Isn’t this kind of entitled and disrespectful?”
Disagreement isn’t necessarily malicious, and entitlement is not inherently bad if its your opinions and subjective feelings which people are entitled to.
Tolkien was heavily inspired by his distaste for how Shakespeare handled certain concepts, such as the Ents when he was upset and dissatisfied that there were no walking talking trees in the Enchanted Fortest of Macbeth, and the Valar Aule the Smith and the origin of the Dwarves make him something of an Anti-Prometheus
Not to mention Philip Pullman, the author of His Dark Materials Trilogy, made it out his distaste how CS Lewis made the Chronicles of Narnia and his overall beef with Christianity, and nobody seems to take issue with that.
I’m not saying the direction RWBY went with V3 or Pyrrha and the rest of the cast potentially ending tragically in some way or another is objectively bad, it was just not my taste
And I am not saying every normal RWBY fan/RWDE person who liked it is an elitist about it nor are all of them trying to insult me and attack me personally or say my ideas are bad
Nor I’m not trying to change canon or its “trajectory” , nor am I doing this to spite Monty, especially when I never knew the guy. This is a difference in handling ideas and concepts.
I’m doing my RWBY AU, which will most likely be revamped into an original story since it takes a whole different directions with the characters and world, but it's mostly because with post V3 and now in retrospect I saw what this world, characters, ships and other ideas could have been all in a story I believe is worth telling. And I was disappointed that it wasn’t.
I mean yeah it's also due to personal tastes and preferences and subjective feelings, at least I’ve been told, but I also try to integrate that in a meaningful way.
So I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer, which will most likely be put on AO3 and FanFiction.Net, and who knows, I might get a few artists to commission to redesign some characters or illustrate some scenes if anyone is up for it.
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We could've had a grand battle between the White Fang and the SDC in Atlas, with Adam leading the charge. Perhaps at the cost of his own life to bring the hated corporation to its knees. A troubled and misunderstood faunus martyred for the cause... Nah let's have the ex obsessed incel who tries to sink a lesbian ship and dies pathetically doing so.
No no you don’t understand all violence is bad regardless of circumstance unless you’re standing up to your abuser but only if your abuser is a single person and not, like, a group of racists.
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