#Adam: dude it’s just a plate
adammilligans · 5 months
Adam: Can you do me a favor?
Michael: I would literally cover up a murder you committed, plant falsified evidence at the crime scene, and take the blame for you but go on.
Adam: Cool so can you do the dishes?
Michael: no
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zepskies · 11 months
Smoke Eater - Part 7
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Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x F. Reader 
Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
🔥 Series Masterlist
AN: So I don't know why it takes me exactly seven chapters to get to the smut, but so far that's three different series where that's happened. 😂 (Never Say Goodbye, Break Me Down, and now Smoke Eater. Go figure! 🤷🏽‍♀️)
Word Count: 6,200 Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! For smutty smut and baking shenanigans, tinge of angst.
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Part 7: “Cherry Pie & Lemon Drizzle”
You liked Dean’s apartment. It was on the second floor out of three, and a modest, clean, comfortable space.
Though overall it felt very “dude bro” in décor. You supposed that made sense, considering it was just Sam and Dean living here.
And while you still hadn’t met Sam (he was working late tonight), it gave you a chance to do something you’d been very much looking forward to doing with Dean… 
“Not for nothin’, this is probably one in three of the best things I’ve ever put in my mouth,” said Dean.
True to his word, his mouth was full. You giggled as a flake of pasta spewed from his mouth.
“Oh really? Makes me curious about the other two,” you said mischievously. And you handed him a napkin to blot his face.
You sat across from him in the small dining room adjacent to the kitchen. The table itself was barely big enough to fit in the space, feeling more like a nook than a room, but it sat three people. That was usually enough for Sam and Dean, and occasionally Eileen when she came over.
Dean chuckled, his brows dancing. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll find out.”
Your face warmed at that, despite your amusement. You had made dinner, for which Dean had been more than enthusiastic.
“You mean I get an actual chef making me food? Sign me the hell up,” he’d teased.
Never mind that you weren’t an actual chef. You had focused on patisserie in culinary school. He didn’t seem to mind though, as he’d devoured two servings of salmon and fettucine alfredo, even down to the steamed broccoli. You had to admit, it warmed you inside to see him enjoy your food.
You’d promised to cook for him last week, and he hadn’t let it go until both your schedules opened up enough for you to come over.
He now hummed in satisfaction as he finished off the last bite on his plate and wiped his mouth with the napkin.
“Thanks for this, sweetheart. I needa have you around here more often,” he said, tossing you a grin.
You smiled back. “It’s my pleasure.”
It wasn’t the first time Dean had invited you over to his apartment, but for the life of you, you didn’t know why it had taken you so long to accept.
…Well, okay, you did know why. You were reluctant to leave your grandfather alone, potentially all night. But George had been adamant about you going out for as long as you wanted, on the promise that he’d check in every few hours until he went to bed.
“Okay, ready for dessert?” you asked.
“Uh, yeah,” Dean said. He still thought about those cookies you brought to the firehouse, almost a month ago already.
Damn, has it really been that long? he thought as he helped you collect the dishes from dinner. He followed you into the kitchen, where you already knew the lay of his land.
Sam couldn’t cook for shit, so it usually fell on Dean to be the figure of culinary expertise. But he had no problem making way for you, especially if you were going to look over your shoulder and wink at him like that.
“Good, because you’re going to help me,” you informed him.
Dean’s smile grew. “All right…what did you have in mind?”
While he started on the dishes in the sink, you hauled out even more ingredients from a big grocery bag you’d brought and stored in the refrigerator. He watched you out of the corner of his eye and spotted lemons, among other things.
“Lemon drizzle cake,” you replied. “One of my grandma’s recipes. I just need a mixing bowl and a cake tin.”
“Good, because we’re not very Betty Crocker in this place. Let’s just say my kitchen tools are limited,” he said, raising a brow at you. “You know, if you wanted to bake, I’m sure you’ve got all the proper bells and whistles at your house. We could’ve done this over there.”
You paused to consider the question he wasn’t quite asking, because he had a point. You could’ve invited him over your house instead. You joined him near the sink and leaned against the counter, tapping your nails on the tile surface.
“Well, as you know, I live with my grandpa,” you said.
“Good ol’ George,” Dean grinned. “That guy’s hilarious. Like the fourth Stooge.”
He particularly liked the story you’d told him about the time George had bought you your first makeup palette when you turned fifteen, but hadn’t told you it was face paint…the kind that clowns used.
“And I’d love for you two to get to know each other better. Don’t get me wrong. But barring the fact that we probably wouldn’t have much…privacy,” you pointed out with a subtle smile, trying to ignore Dean’s resulting smirk. Never mind that you two hadn’t needed “privacy” just yet.
“I guess I’m just not used to inviting people over. I’ve been trying to limit the exposure to germs in the house,” you admitted. At Dean’s quizzical look, you had to explain.
“My grandfather had cancer last year,” you said. “He had surgery to remove the mass, and did well, considering his age. He’s in remission now…but I’m still looking after him.”
You’d gone with him to see his primary doctor a couple of weeks ago for that persistent cough. While the doctor seemed to think it was George’s asthma acting up, you’d still scheduled an appointment with his oncologist.
And while your thoughts led you down an all-too familiar path, Dean processed this with a nod of his head. He shut off the sink. After drying his hands, he looked over at you and brushed your cheek with his thumb.
“I’m glad he’s doing better now,” he said. His brows furrowed. “And your grandma passed just a few years before that?”
You nodded, letting out a deep breath. “Yeah. It’s been a long few years.”
So, Dean took an inventory in his mind as he rested a comforting hand on your back. You took care of your family. You could cook. You were beautiful. And still, you kicked ass at your job and seemed to have the rest of your shit together.
He had to admit. The more he learned about you, the more he liked you.
“Anyway,” you shook your head with a smile. “Sorry. Ready to bake?”
Dean’s lips quirked as he followed you to the other side of the kitchen. He stepped behind you and letting his hands fall to your waist. His lips skimmed the side of your head, pressing a kiss there.
“Okay, Rachael Ray,” he teased. “Teach me your ways.”
You were trying to measure out some sugar in the bowl first, but you giggled with a warm blush as he kissed his way down your neck.
“Are you actually going to help, or are you just going to distract me?” you volleyed back.
Dean hummed against the crook of your neck. “Can’t I do both?”
You picked up and egg and raised it level with his face.
“Hmm, should I try cracking this against your forehead?” you pondered.
His teeth playfully nipped your skin in retaliation, making you flinch with a yelp. The egg actually cracked in your hand.
“Shit,” you laughed, and you quickly dropped as much of it in the bowl as possible. But getting fractals of the shell in the bowl disturbed your anal sense of meticulousness. When it came to cracking eggs, you typically had nothing if not precision.
You shot Dean an accusatory look over your shoulder. He just grinned back at you.
“Am I helping yet?” he joked.
You chuckled dryly in response. “Just you wait.”
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A few more minutes and “helpful” distractions from Dean later, you successfully had a cake batter in the bowl. You were hand mixing up a storm and sorely missing your Kitchen Aid mixer. Dean was right though; his cupboards had little more than one cake pan, one mixing bowl, and one wooden spoon.
At home, you had a modest collection of cookware and bakeware that rivaled Williams & Sonoma. Though that had been a gift from your grandparents, when you graduated from culinary school. (Your grandma had picked them out before she passed.)
“What’s your favorite dessert?” you asked Dean. You were pretending not to catch him sampling the batter with a finger while you buttered the cake tin.
“Ever?” he asked, rubbing a licked finger on his jeans.
“Yeah. Number one top favorite.”
“Hmm,” he contemplated with a cross of his arms. “Pie, I guess.”
You smirked. That explained his little man-child display a few weeks ago, when you’d tried to share his blueberry pie on your second date.
“What flavor?” you asked.
“I dunno. I’m not real picky,” he said.
“Come on. Everyone has a favorite flavor,” you reasoned. “I’m more of a cake girl myself, but even I love a blueberry pie.”
Dean eyed your teasing grin with a growing smirk of his own. He remembered that day in your office just as well as you.
“Okay, fine. Apple, I guess,” he replied. You gave him a mocking look.
“Really, the most basic of them all?” You tsked at him, shaking your head. “What happened to Mr. Rocky Road?”
Dean chuckled, but he leaned against the counter next to you. Instead of giving it to you right back, as usual, he looked more thoughtful. A gentler look grew on his face. It caught your attention.
“You know, one of my earliest memories…” He looked up at you then, more self-deprecating.
You realized he was about to admit to something, maybe embarrassing, or maybe just vulnerable. Your smile softened too as you paused in what you were doing.
“You can’t leave me hanging on that one,” you said. And you drew closer with a hand soothing up his arm.
He glanced over at you. “I remember being…four, probably. My mom made pies during Christmastime. Cherry, pecan, whatever. But my favorite was her apple pie. I still remember it, because I haven’t had a pie since that tasted like that one.”
Your heart clenched, but your insides also warmed. Not just at the story of his mother, but the way Dean told it, his voice softer, steady, and deep. It told you a lot about him without him having to explain; just like you, he knew what loss was.
You curled your hands around his bicep and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. Then your gaze drew back up to his.
“Have you talked to your dad since the last time?” you asked, a bit cautiously. “About his investigation of the fire?”
Dean sighed deep through his nose. “No.”
But despite his father’s warning, he had spoken to Sam.
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“It’s different this time, Sam. The brand marks are the same,” Dean argued with his brother, this time in the living room. He sat on the couch while Sam stood, trying to process everything Dean had just told him about Mary’s potential murder.
“You saw the pictures yourself?” Sam asked.
Dean frowned. “No, but Dad—”
“Dean,” Sam cut him off as he gripped at his temples in frustration. “This is what he does. He sees evidence where he wants to see evidence. I’ve been down this road with him too, you know.”
“Yeah, I know,” Dean gritted out. John had roped Sam into helping him a few times, using his ADA status to look into different leads that ultimately hadn’t panned out.
“They always look like connections to him, but they never end up being anything more than his obsession,” Sam said.
He was firm, and Dean understood why, but his gut was telling him that it was different this time…
Still, he had no choice but to let it go. For now.
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Dean shook his head of that memory. Instead, he tried to focus on being here with you. He liked this little yellow sundress you had on, despite the fall chill starting to set in outside. As usual, your hair was clipped up away from your neck while you got ready to put the now full cake tin into the oven.
He came over behind you and freed your hair from the clip, letting it all tumble down. You yelped and glanced over at him.
“Dean,” you chided, even though you were smiling. “My hair’s going to get in the batter.”
“I’ll keep it away, don’t worry,” he said lightly. He curled some of your hair around his hand so he could once again press a tantalizing kiss to the back of your neck. He felt you shiver.
You subtly leaned back against him, even as you whined in protest.
“Can you just let me get this in the oven?” you asked on a laugh. He smirked against your skin. You did manage to get the cake in the oven, but his lips and teasing hands were unrelenting as you tried to start cleaning up.
So you felt you had to take matters into your own hands. A mischievous idea had you smiling. You reached out for some flour that had spilled on the counter.
You turned, and before he realized what you were up to, you marked his forehead with an arch of white against his skin.
“Simba,” you said in a deeper voice, trying to mimic Mufasa from The Lion King.
Dean’s brows rose along with his widening eyes. He’d never seen you do something that childish, but it sparked his competitiveness as he blinked a bit of flour out of his eyes.
“You’re real proud of yourself, aren’t you?” he asked.
Your little smirk was answer enough. You flicked a bit more flour onto his shirt.
Dean chuckled darkly. “Okay, you asked for it.”
Both a gasp and a giggle caught in your throat.
“Oh, no.”
He reached past you for some flour off the counter and flicked it down at you, into your hair, across your face. He grabbed your flailing wrist and marked your cheeks. All the while, his grin grew ever deeper at your shrieking protests.
But you grew devious. You stuck two fingers into the bowl and scraped out a gob of raw, yellow batter. You were fully prepared to fling it into his face, but Dean grabbed your wrist.
“Ey, ey!” he raised a warning finger with his free hand. “You’re about to take this to a new level.”
You met his gaze through your lashes with a playful smile. “So?”
Dean raised a brow at you. He could admit, you had audacity. All he could do was call your bluff.
He took one of your battered fingers into his mouth. Your eyes widened at the feel of his soft tongue swirling around your finger, sucking it clean. All the while, his eyes never broke from yours.
Lord have mercy, you thought. Really, it was the only coherent one in your head.
He soon released you with a soft pop, before he did the same to the second finger.
Your breath hitched, and your blush was a living thing spreading down your neck, even as warmth pooled between your legs. By the time your second finger slid out of his mouth, you had to reach back to grip the counter just to steady yourself.
His arm slipped around your waist, and you reached for his face with both hands, bringing him down for the hottest kiss you’d ever had in your life. Teeth clicking, lips and tongues warring and devouring. Your fingers slipped roughly through his hair, while he gripped your hips and ass with a passion just shy of bruising.
You almost didn’t register the way his hands slipped under your thighs, to then heft you up onto the counter. You gasped into his mouth and clung tightly to his shoulders. He chuckled and positioned himself to stand between your legs.
“What, need a little warning?” he teased. Though he was breathless as your soft lips veered away from his, starting a burning path across his jaw and down his neck. You left the remnants of your lipstick all along the way, but it was the occasional graze of your teeth that had him moaning for you.
“Maybe,” you whispered coarsely against his skin, uttering a small laugh, “Sometimes I forget how damn strong you are.”
He scoffed. “Sweetheart, if I can heft a grown man on my shoulders up a flight of stairs, I can get you up on a little counter.”
You snorted in response. Perks of dating a firefighter.
And you shoved off his plaid shirt from his shoulders. Dean helped you by letting it drop the rest of the way to the floor, followed by his black undershirt.
You couldn’t believe this was the first time you were seeing him with his shirt off. It was a damn shame, really. But you caught the bit of smugness curving his lips at the way you were ogling, first with your eyes, then with your exploring hands over his toned arms and chest, and the solid plane of his abs, all the way down to his belt. You started undoing the clasp.
Dean couldn’t believe he was doing this, but he stopped you with his hands gently curling around your wrists. You looked up at him in confusion. To him, you looked unbelievably sexy then. Thoroughly kissed, hair tousled, a strap of your dress fallen to one shoulder while your lacey black bra peeked through.
Just the memory of having your curves in his hands had his dick hardening in his jeans, but he blew out a breath.
“Dean?” you asked. “What’s wrong?”
His hands tightened on yours as he peered down at you. “Are you sure?”
You blinked incredulously. “Did I look not sure?”
He paused, licking his lips. He raised a hand to hold your cheek.
“I just…you know I’m trying to do this right with you,” he said. “I just want to know…”
He couldn’t seem to finish what he was trying to say, but you thought you understood. You smiled up at him warmly. You leaned up for a kiss, softer this time.
“Dean, I trust you,” you said. And you could finally say it with no reservations. “I think this feels real. More real than anything I’ve had in a long time… What about you?”
When Dean smiled, it was warm, melting away the doubt in his eyes.
“Yeah, me too,” he said.
He seemed sincere. Maybe this man spared few words when it came to how he felt, but you’d seen a glimpse of the deeper parts. He felt things deeply, down to his bones.
His fingers sunk into your hair, and he guided you into a kiss. It was slower, but no less heady and wanting than the first. Your arms wrapped around his middle, letting you flatten your palms against the muscles in his back. But just as you were getting comfortable, Dean broke the kiss. He flashed you a smirk.
Before you could ask what the hell he was about to do, he’d hefted you back into his arms and over his shoulder. You squawked in protest as your whole world tipped over. Your face thudded on his back with a soft oof, your hair loose and falling like a curtain. Your hands accidentally fell against his ass.
“Ooh, someone’s handsy,” Dean teased.
“Dean!” you exclaimed, despite your peals of laughter. “Is this really necessary? I think I can find your room just fine.”
“Call it an officer’s escort,” he supplied.
“That’s for policemen!” you argued.
You couldn’t see it, but you could imagine the way he was grinning from ear to ear as he carried you through the apartment. You never noticed just how long his bowed legs were as he strode onward. But it felt like his shoulder was digging into your appendix.
Grunting in frustration, you slapped his ass again for good measure.
Dean laughed. “Hey, you’re only fueling my fire, baby.”
He slapped your ass right back, since he had an even better vantage point. He even slipped a hand underneath your little sundress and squeezed the inside of your thigh teasingly.
Your answering yelp, and the futile kick of your feet, had him laughing harder. His cheeks were aching.
Finally he reached his room, where he shut the door with his foot. He was gentle as he eased you off his shoulder and laid you down on his bed. You let out a breathless huff once your head hit the pillows. Your face was all red from being suspended upside-down, your hair a mess, and your dress pooling over your folded legs.
You gave Dean a playful glare. “Get over here.”
His smirk deepened, but he obliged you. He chucked his shoes off first, just like you let your sandals slip off the side of the bed.
He soon made his way up the bed, until he was hovering over you with his arms braced on either side of your head. He liked the way you were all laid out for him over his sheets, your wild hair spread over his pillows. He’d pictured something like this before, but nothing came close to having you for real.
He just didn’t know you’d been dreaming of the same thing.
You hadn’t allowed yourself to truly fall for someone, not in a long time. You’d been too focused on pivoting after school, on building your career, on taking care of your family. You’d dated here and there, but nothing had stuck for more than a few months. Even then, you’d never felt half of what you felt right now.
It scared you a little, but it also made you feel alive. Being with Dean made you feel that way.
So you took his face between your hands. His stubble rasped against your palms and the pads of your fingers. You didn’t mind that though. He’d left it a bit long for a shave last week. When you’d mentioned off-hand that you liked the thicker scruff (thinking it made him all the more handsome), he’d kept it for you. 
Now, he seemed like he was waiting on your cue.
You guided him down to you. He kissed you hot and slow, while a hand moved to your waist and clenched in the material of your dress. He slipped a heavy thigh between both of yours. The pressure was welcome, but you wanted friction.
You bunched up the skirt of your dress and aimed to slip it off, but Dean stopped your hands.
“That’s my job,” he teased.
“Then how about you get to it?” you countered with a smile. He rose a brow at you.
“A bit bossy, but I can dig that,” he smirked.
His kisses dropped against your neck, down your exposed neckline, and he peeled down the straps of your dress one by one. Your breathing became more labored as he touched you, squeezing a breast over the bra as he exposed more inches of your body.
Your fingers carded through his hair on a sigh as he made his way further down. Though he finally got impatient enough to work your dress off all the way, followed by his jeans and your bra and matching lacey panties. He lavished attention what felt like all over your body.
Really, he was just strategic. He stopped in places where you lost breath, moaning his name. Like the spot just under your ear, where he sucked hard enough to make you see stars. Or over your breasts, taking a pebbled nipple in his mouth, swirling with his tongue like he had the cake batter off your fingers.
His hands mapped out the soft planes and curves of your body for the first time, sometimes smooth and grazing, sometimes adding pressure that made warmth continue to pool between your legs.  
He went further still, wrapping an arm around your thigh and pressing nipping kisses along the inside. All the while his mouth drew closer to the place you wanted him the most. Even though you still raised up on your elbow and gave him a questioning look.
“Really? You want to…” Your voice came out in a whisper.
Dean looked up at you with puzzled brows. “Why not?”
You shook your head, your eyes widening marginally.
“No reason, I guess. I, um…I’ve never had someone do this for me first.” And certainly not on the first time having sex.
Dean frowned.
“Really?” he asked. “A guy’s never gone down on you first?”
You blushed. “Well, maybe with his fingers, but not…”
He shook his head and let out a breath. You felt it between your thighs, and your core clenched in anticipation.
“Okay, baby. I gotcha,” he said. He guided you back down with a gentle hand. “Just lie back and relax.”
You smiled, despite your lingering blush, and you stroked the hand that rested above your stomach. That hand soon slid down as he once again kissed and licked down your thighs. They quivered a bit as his fingers slipped between your folds.
“So fucking wet for me already,” he said in approval. You peered down at him, unable to help a smile.
“You want a medal?” you quipped.
Dean’s brows rose.
“Oh, I’m about to earn it.” His eyes found yours. “You know what my real favorite pie flavor is?”
Your brows knitted together. “What?”
A familiar smirk crossed his lips. “Cherry.”
Before your choked surprise could be broken with a laugh, he began. 
And he wasn’t lying, about any of it. The pads of his fingers began toying with your clit, and that alone had your breath hitching and your hips squirming.
He held you down with one hand on your lower belly while his tongue joined his fingers, seeking your heat and finding the hot channel where you craved to be filled. You gasped.
“Oh, God,” you uttered. Once his warm tongue began rolling inside you, you almost couldn’t breathe.
He worked you over with fingers, lips and tongue until you were arching off the bed, fists clenched in his hair and in the sheets, releasing broken gasps of his name. He didn’t relent until your thighs stopped shaking around his head. Your knees were damn near pinning him there.
He eventually withdrew, wiping his mouth and nose with the back of his hand. He moved smoothly back up your body and heeded the pull of your hands on his arms, and then his face. You tugged him down for a sloppy kiss. 
“How’s that for a first?” he asked breathlessly. His tone was teasing, but he was half-serious you thought, by the look in his eyes.
You were honest, without a hint of a joke. “Fucking incredible. Just like you.”
Dean wouldn’t admit it then, but what you said warmed him. He looked down on you with a smile.
Your hands caressed his face, down his neck and firm chest, and further still to caress his straining length over his boxer briefs. Dean let out a halting moan at your gentle touch. 
“What if I want to return the favor?” you asked with a smile. He made a sound deep in his throat when you cupped him more firmly, letting your thumb brush over the head.
Well hello, you thought. He was thick, and a bit bigger than your first thought. Your already sensitive core tightened at the thought. 
Meanwhile, Dean squeezed your arm. His hot gaze bore into yours.
“Very, very tempting.” His thumb brushed your lower lip. “I’ve no doubt you’ve got some talents yourself.”
You smiled under the pad of his thumb. Part of you was contemplating some retribution, sucking it into your mouth the way he’d done to your fingers in the kitchen.
“But I’m thinkin’ I want to skip to the part where I have you coming apart all over again,” said Dean. His head bowed near your ear, though his lips skimmed the side of your face. “This time, from the inside.”
His voice was deep and threaded with grit. You bit your lip on a giddy laugh. You managed to nod, sweeping your shaky fingers through his hair.
“Okay, next time then,” you promised and gave him a sensuous kiss. “But first, just want to make sure you’re ready for me…”
You leaned down to slide his underwear for him, down to his knees. He helped you the rest of the way, kicking them off his legs. When he came back, you were sitting up.
You soothed warm hands along his thighs and took his cock into your hands. Dean dropped his forehead onto your shoulder with a grunt, again squeezing your arms as you touched him properly for the first time.
Dean had a habit of impressing you, and this was no different. You liked the feel of him in your hands, warm and thick and heavy.
After licking your hand to coat it with some wetness, you experimented for a moment in how you stroked him, trying to get a feel for what he liked just as he had for you. He gasped and jolted on one particular twist, and he finally stopped you with a hand on your wrist.
“Okay, baby. Keep that up and we’re not gonna get much farther for a while,” he said coarsely.
It was satisfying to know you’d made him feel even a fraction of how he’d made you feel.
You pressed a purposeful kiss into his neck. “I told you, next time I’ll take care of you for real.”
He chuckled, cupping the side of your face.
“Oh, you’re about to. Believe me,” he said.
He kissed you long and deep, until you were once again breathless. The two of you were kneeling in the middle of the bed like you had all the time in the world. And yet, you wanted him more than ever.
“I’m on birth control,” you told him between more fervent kisses, hands drifting, feeling skin to warm, dewy skin, breaths mingling.
“And I’m clean,” he said. You nodded, hesitating…
“It’s our first time,” you said. “Condom, just to be safe.”
He hesitated only a beat before he nodded back, agreeing to your request. “Yes, ma’am.”
He broke from you briefly. He turned and dug into his nightstand while your nails drew light patterns down his back. It was distracting in the best of ways. A trill of excitement had his hands moving quickly, ripping the foil packet open and fitting himself with the condom.
When he was ready for you, he turned and hooked an arm around your waist. You twined your arms around his neck, and once again, you let him lay you down. His kiss came first, and then his fingers between your legs, past your folds to stroke you back to life.
You moaned into his mouth and wrapped your legs around his hips. Though he surprised you again by hooking your legs over his shoulders. Your brows raised at him, and he shot you a wink.
“Trust me, you’ll like it this way,” he said.
You did trust him. Your hands caressed down his neck, down his chest, and you subtly urged him with your heels on his back, encouraging him where you both knew he needed to be.
And with one slow push, his cock was stretching your inner walls with slow, delicious friction. You both groaned at the feeling. His forehead pressed against yours. His hand trembled slightly, brushing your hair away from your face. And he began moving inside you in steady strokes.
Dean was putting his all into this tonight. He thought your promises to take care of him next time were as endearing as they were sexy as hell. Even now, you were touching him wherever you could reach, occasionally moaning his name in his ear, encouraging him with every thrust inside you.
Fuck, he was right, you thought. He was reaching places deep inside you, filling you to the very brim. And you were already on the edge of pleasure, brows furrowed, biting your lower lip so hard that your teeth nearly broke the skin…
Your fingers slipped down between you to further part your folds and rub your already sensitive clit. Dean caught the hint and moved your hand to do it himself, as in time with his thrusts as he could. Finally, you unraveled for the second time that night. Your gasp gave way to a moan.
Your tightening walls gripped him like a vice. His release hit him with the same force, choking a near shout out of him. His hand was a bit too tight in your hair, he realized, so he forced himself to ease up.
He petted over your hair instead as he came down with ragged breaths. After he released your shaky legs back to the bed, he leaned mostly on his elbow and thigh instead of sinking all his weight onto you.
You appreciated that. You soothed up and down his back while you panted for breath.
“Wow,” you managed to say.
Dean’s chuckle took him by surprise too.
“Yeah,” he agreed. He turned his head to press a sloppy kiss where your neck met your shoulder.
Just then, a distant-sounding jingle reached your ears. It was familiar…and you remembered it was the alarm on your phone, which was probably in the kitchen.
“Oh shit,” you gasped. “The cake’s still in the oven.”
He blinked. “Well, I don’t smell burning, so we’re good.”
“Dean! You’re a firefighter, remember?” you laughed, but you still tapped his shoulder so he’d roll over. Reluctantly he did, but he still took you with him, even after he’d slid out of you.
You yelped and clung to his shoulders to balance yourself. “I gotta get the cake!”
“Five more minutes,” he grumbled into your neck. He also liked the way your breasts were pressed against his chest.
“It’s going to be so…damn…burnt!” You punctuated each of those syllables with a playful smack on his arm, until he finally released you with a lazy smirk.
You shook your head and huffed in amusement. Sliding out of bed, you searched around for your dress. The first thing you found was his discarded undershirt. You slipped it on real quick and cautiously padded out of Dean’s room. You didn’t know if Sam was back from work, but this was not how you wanted to meet him.
The halls were quiet, so you didn’t think he was home yet. You managed to get to the kitchen unscathed, where you turned off your timer and grabbed some oven mitts. You opened the oven and pulled out the cake, setting it down on the counter. Your eyes narrowed at the almost perfect dome on top.
“What’s the verdict, Chef Ramsay?”
Dean leaned in the doorway, dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants and nothing else. The view was delectable, but you sighed and gestured at the cake with a shake of your head.
“It’s burnt.”
“What? No, it’s not,” he refuted. He joined your side and stared down at the top of the cake, which was half browned. “Looks all right to me.”
“Trust me, it’s going to be dry,” you said, “even with the lemon drizzle on it.”
It was the perfectionist in you that smarted with disappointment. You didn’t want to serve anyone something you weren’t proud of, especially Dean. But he just leaned over and pressed a kiss to the side of your head.
“Don’t beat yourself up,” he said. “I’m still gonna eat the crap out of it.”
You glanced at him, unable to help a small smile. He grinned back.
“Anyway, I think it was worth it. Don’t you?” Dean said. He pulled you in towards him by your waist, and you went willingly, resting your hands against his bare chest. You let your nails drag against his skin a little as you contemplated.
You looked up at him with a grin of your own.
“Yeah. Definitely worth it.”
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Dean later sat with you again at the table, this time with your chairs closer together as you each ate large slices of delicious cake (even if it was a bit dry). Out of the corner of his eye, he noted the copious number of dishes still left in the sink and the flour and batter sprinkled across the counter.
He knew Sam was going to have a conniption when he got home (in the morning at this rate). He was probably crashing at Eileen’s apartment tonight.
Good, Dean thought. That meant he’d have the place all to himself, with you.
“You know, I just realized something,” he said.
You knew that look in his eyes. He was about to say something smartass.
“What’s that?” you asked. He reached out and thumbed at your chin.
“I just got my dessert twice in one sitting,” he remarked. “That’s pretty damn good, if you ask me.”
You snorted in laughter. You also blushed, but you were unable to stop smiling either.
You set down your fork and eased back from the table. Your hand on Dean’s shoulder encouraged him to do the same, so you could sit across his lap. He welcomed you with a warm hand on your bare thigh. Already it was creeping under the shirt you borrowed.
You stroked his cheek with the back of your hand and gave him a mischievous smile.
“Think you could handle another serving?”
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AN: 🫣 Was it everything you wanted it to be? lol I love me some baking innuendo. What did you like more: eating the cherry pie or making the lemon drizzle? 😏❤️‍🔥
In Part 8, Dean's past comes a knockin'...
Next Time:
While you were getting dressed, a phone buzzed on one of the nightstands beside the bed. It was Dean’s phone.
You went over to it curiously as you fixed the straps of your dress. The screen showed a missed text message from last night, around 10:00 p.m., and another one this morning. You read the latest one with a sinking feeling in your chest.
From Marissa: Surprised I didn’t hear back from you last night. The offer still stands. 😘
Keep Reading: PART 8
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Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Series Tag List (Part 1):
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weird-an · 1 year
It's a date.
Billy would never admit it, but Steve knows it is one.
They sit in the shitty diner, just outside town. They play the "latest hits" that are at least a decade old, the food is stale, but nobody looks twice at the customers.
Billy has been silent for the whole day so far. He didn't even flirt with the waitress. He's been chewing on his cheek.
"What's going on?" Steve asks. He can't take it anymore. Billy's knee hasn't stopped bouncing since they go here. Billy is never like that. He's always coolness in human form, loose lipped and charming.
Billy clears his throat. "I-" he starts and stops.
"I don't like you." Billy finally mumbles and glares at the plate in front of him. His burger has fallen apart, a tomato bleeding out on the porcelain. His jaw works.
Steve's heart stutters. He knows it's just convenient. He's got a dick and he's down for it. One day Billy will leave him behind and Steve's still going to answer, if he ever calls.
"Yeah?" he asks, trying to sound unfazed, but fails.
"I don't like you," Billy repeats.
"Dude, I get it. Don't rub it i-" Oh. Steve's mouth snaps shut.
Billy's face is almost as red as the tomato on his burger. He tugs at the pink straw in his milkshake. Steve can see his Adam's apple bop as he swallows.
His pulse flutters. He hopes he isn't about to do something really stupid. He hopes he's right. He hopes he knows Billy well enough.
"I... don't like you, too?"
Billy's lips split into a giant grin. Happiness lighting up his face in a way Steve has rarely seen before.
"Good," he says. "I mean... cool."
"Yeah.. cool," Steve echoes.
Billy's smile only grows bigger. Steve didn't think that was possible.
"You know, I could rub it in, if you want to-"
"Just eat your stupid burger," Steve laughs.
He really doesn't like Billy and Billy doesn't like him. He's so fucking happy about that.
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scekrex · 3 months
Adam loves m!reader but reader doesn’t believe him after Adam got drunk one day and had strippers all over him. so as a act of true love during extermination Adam kills the people who ended readers life on earth and sends him a video with the bodies in true Adam fashion. Reader realizes the first man would do anything for him.
Vengeance is the only drug and I can't get enough
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, canon typical violence, kinda explicit description of murder
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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Adam wasn’t sure or when it happened, but when he found himself sitting on a chair in the middle of a party room, surrounded by strippers, he thought of himself as quite lucky. You were in the back of head, yes, but the majority of his mind was dizzy by the alcohol he had drunk and by the lust his body felt when seeing all those pretty chicks and dudes surrounding him. One of the dudes reminded Adam of you, he looked the part and that was all his dick needed to get it going.
The brunette made grabby hands at the stripper that looked similar to you, and once the man was close enough, greedy hands grabbed his waist and he found himself sitting on Adam’s lap. The first man attacked the poor stripper’s lips quite hungrily, growling out your name as he pulled the stripper’s hips flush against his own.
You were just getting back from getting a glass of water when you saw the scene that played out in the middle of the room. The drunken angels surrounding them only cheered Adam on, none of them cared that he was in fact very much in a steady relationship. You stepped over to the scene and some angels - those who knew what was best for them - went quiet the moment they saw you approaching Adam and the stripper in his lap. Some others - those who had consumed too much alcohol - kept cheering, they most likely thought you would join them. But you didn’t, instead you spilled the water you had gotten for Adam to sober him up a little all over his head.
“What you’re doing there babes, is called cheating,” you hissed into Adam’s ear, the anger in your voice was audible, though the brunette sitting on the chair was the only one hearing those venomous words spoken by you. The first man turned his head to look at you and you saw how something in his eyes shifted - the look-alike was no longer enough, not when the real deal was right in front of Adam’s face. He was eager to push the stripper off his lap, his left hand grabbed your neck and it was obvious that Adam tried to pull you in for a kiss. But you grabbed the wrist of the hand that was grabbing your neck and yanked him off the chair and onto his feet instead. “We’re leaving,” you grumbled as you dragged Adam through the house of the bassist of Adam’s band.
After that night the bond between you and Adam wasn’t the same anymore. And while the brunette partly understood your anger, he also made it clear that he thought of your reaction as ‘too much’ and ‘over the top’, a description you didn’t like for obvious reasons. Who knew what would’ve happened if you had taken just a little longer. You tried to convince yourself that Adam would never cheat on you, no matter the circumstances, but after what you’ve seen, you weren’t so sure about that anymore.
“Listen babes,” Adam said, his voice a little too relaxed for how serious the situation was, “You’re angry, that’s cool. I’ll simply make it fucking up to you.” He lazily reached up to get a ricecorn out that apparently got stuck between his teeth. You raised an eyebrow at the first man sitting across the table, lowering the fork and the knife in your hands as you bitterly spoke, “Yeah, and how are you gonna do that?” Adam shrugged before he responded, he seemed so careless and unaffected by it all, like it wasn’t a big deal. “You’ll see,” and with those words he got up from his chair and carried his plate into the kitchen, “For now I have to fucking go though, extermination ‘n’ shit, the ladies are waiting already.” Adam held up his phone, showing you the groupchat of the exorcists. His so-called ‘Ladies’ were indeed quite impatient asking where he was.
The brunette rounded the table, pressed a quick kiss to your head and then left without another word. You were furious, and who could blame you? Adam wasn’t taking this seriously and it showed. Was he right, were you really just too sensitive? Were you overreacting?
Once the first man reached Hell’s ground, he went on a hunt for two specific people, people who harmed his boyfriend back when he had been alive. And those two people were surprisingly easy to find and separate from the other sinners roaming Hell’s pride ring. On his way down Adam unlocked his phone and opened the camera app of his device, starting to record the following minutes.
He landed quite elegantly on hellish ground, caging his chosen victims in by keeping his wings spread, the panic on their faces was delightful to Adam, he liked the fear that filled their eyes and caused their bodies to shiver. And despite the fear that so obviously lingered in their bones, they tried to pick a fight.
Bold of them to assume they’d win against someone like Adam - let alone Adam himself.
The camera of his phone recorded how frightened the two sinners looked and Adam was quite eager to grab the head of one of them. Thick black hair covered Adam’s hair as he pulled the murderer of his boyfriend close to his body, his voice deep, filled with hatred and disgust as he spoke, “You fucked with my bitch,” effortlessly the brunette angel let his axe appear, it floated above his head for a moment, then he tossed the sinner roughly to the ground and with his free hand he reached out and grabbed the weapon he loved so much.
The other sinner was running, running from Adam and the other exorcists, nothing Adam could care about in that moment, he’d get to the other cunt later, for now he focused on the sinner that was trying to get up from the ground. “And fucking no-one fucks with my bitch,” the eyes of his mask glitched in excitement as his grin grew wider and wider, making the angel look like a maniac.
One quick look on his phone screen confirmed that the angle was correct to record his following actions and without hesitation he sent his ax flying down, right onto the sinner's neck. The sharp angelic blade slid effortlessly through the sinners skin and bones and the first man chuckled quite amused at the sight of the sinners head rolling away from its body at the impact.
For a short moment he switched to his front camera, recording his grinning face, then he flipped the camera back and made sure the sinner’s head was visible in the video. He grabbed the bloody head, held it in front of his crotch - he was careful to not get the sinner’s filthy blood to close to his own body - and then thrusted his hips into the direction of the head he was holding in his hand, taunting the beheaded sinner by pretending to fuck his mouth as a deep, maniacal chuckle rumbled through his body.
Carelessly he dropped the head to the ground and with a small beam of holy light he pulverized the corpse - he wanted to make sure that not a single thing was left of the cunts that harmed his boyfriend.
Then he went to hunt the coward who had decided to go for a run - a run from Adam, a run he’d so obviously lost.
His ax scratched against the hellish ground he was walking on as he approached the stupid sinner who had run right into a blind alley. A quite violent sounding chuckle vibrated through Adam’s entire body as he spread his wings once more to cage the other sinner in. With ease he thrusted the pointy spear-like tip of his guitar towards the bitch in front of him, piercing his chest.
The sinner sank to his knees, screaming and crying in pain as Adam stabbed him like that over and over again, spilling the sinner’s blood everywhere. The smaller being was laying on the ground, not able to move and Adam took his sweet, sweet time to position his phone on the ground so the camera would catch his next act. His ax was gone as he hovered over the slowly dying sinner. His eyes held hatred in them, so much that it reflected in his mask - so much that the eyes of his mask glitched yet again.
“Time to fucking die, cunt,” he spat out as he slowly kneeled in front of the bleeding and crying sinner. He grabbed the sinner's head, his hands firmly framing the face of his next victim before he released a small beam of holy light from his palm, pulverizing the head of the weak being in front of him. His fingers dug tightly into the corpse's arm, tearing it away from the torso.
He pulled the sinner apart with his bare hands, limp by limp, gut by gut.
When Adam came home from extermination day, you were already waiting for him in the hallway of the house you shared. Judgemental eyes looked him up and down, the angel was covered in sinner blood from head to toe, even his mask was a mess. You had your arms crossed as you looked at the proud grin on his face - he knew you’ve seen the video.
“You’re gross,” you spoke quietly as you approached the taller angel slowly, yet your words sounded playful, a little mocking even. Your hands grabbed a hold of his hips and pulled his blood covered body flush against yours as a small smirk curled around your lips. Adam responded with an equal smirk on his lips, he took his mask off and tossed it carelessly onto the ground. His hands came to cup your face as his rough voice spoke, “Yeah, but luckily you like it fucking gross.”
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henza-hex · 6 months
Corey's Pov
Today I will meet my new roomate. The last one wasn't bad at all, but he always let the dishes dirty and forgot some of his underwear through all the house.
I fixed and cleaned everything to wait for my new roomie, I even prepared a dessert, like my famous tiramisu, and ordered a pizza. Always want to make a good first impression, because it will be easier to deal with him after.
I heard the door and it must be him. I combed my hair in a perfect side part and ran to greet my new roomate.
I opened the door and...
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He was an unit of a man, large pecs, biceps and quads, his clothes were tight on his body, and as he entered with a carefree look, I could check on his ass, and his cheeks were almost eating his shorts. I was staring for so long that I didn't notice that he even said hi.
He threw his backpack on his bed and said, "Do you have anything to eat?"
I woke up from my trance and said "Yes, yes I have everything prepared. Hope you like pizza, everybody does."
"Of course I do!" Before I could serve the plates on the table, the guy already snatched two slices with his hands and started to eat it ferociously.
"Hmm... what's your name?"
"Adam" he said with his mouth full.
"And what do you study?" I was waiting for him to pick my slice, but he never stopped eating. Conversation goes and he almost ate the entire pizza alone.
"Rugby. I'm on *he crunched the slice again* the rugby team."
"Amazing" a player, awesome. Probably doesn't even know how to wash his underwear.
He was on the last slice, and I thought of getting it before he did, but he was already on his way to snatch it.
"You must be full, save some space for dessert, haha." I said trying to break the ice.
"Dessert? You said dessert? Oh my gosh, how am I gonna... wait, wait" He pointed his index finger and started ro rub his belly, and then slowly...
He completely relivied himself on the table. He wore a pround grin on his face and said "Now I have some space for dessert"
Adam's Pov
I smiled proudly after the burp I let out and waited for this guy to give me my dessert "What are you waiting for? You said you made a dessert for me" I say irritated seeing how he just stares at me
"Oh...yeah sure" he says with a frown as he walks to the kitchen to come back later with a tiramisu that makes my mouth drool a bit "Damn dude, it looks great, give it to me" I say without even asking if my roommie wanted some and starting to devour it quickly in front of him.
"BURRRRRRRRRRP" a guttural belch comes out of me as I sit back on the sofa better and rest my arms on the headboard with a smirk "Yeah, right on the spot" I say with a giggle as That guy just looked at me with disgust
"Didn't they ever teach you that burping like that is rude?!" The boy dares to say what I just look at him for a few seconds as if he had told a joke and I laugh and then say "listen boy, nobody tells me what to do, much less how to act, I just act like the man I am, you are a simple boy, do you think I will listen to you?" I say mocking as an evil idea runs through my mind and I smile widely.
"In fact I want to thank you for all that welcome lunch you made just for me, let me do it my way" i say as I stand up noticing the big difference in height between the two of us making me smile even more "how easy it will be to dominate you" I think to myself
While that boy began to look at me with fear, I didn't let him react as I quickly grabbed his head causing him to let out a couple of complains "Shut up" I commanded as I turned around and made his head be practically in front of my butt "This will teach you to respect the man of the house" I say and slowly start to lift my right leg, some growls in my stomach alert us and I just smirk "I hope you like the taste of protein shake" I say and finally let the bomb out on him
A gigantic flatulence came out of my butt, making me let out a small moan of pleasure enjoying letting out all that gas that I had trapped since today's training, all my gas automatically hits the scrawny boy that I hold next to my butt and I can hear him coughing loudly by the smell "Damn, that was a good one, huh bro?" I say jokingly with a cocky smile.
Corey's Pov
-few hours later-
Everything will be alright Corey. I didn't think this guy would be this kind of jerk. I even prepared a big welcoming meal for us today, and he... even thinking about disgusts me, but now my room smells like his gas. I just needed a shower, maybe when I come out, the smell will be already dissipated.
I combed my hair in a tight side part and wore my clothes, when I came out of the bathroom..
Everything happened in slow motion. The door opened, and I was greeted with Adam turning around,  gaping his mouth wide at me, and what came next...
A humongous belch came ripping from the depths of his gut right on my face. My eardrums were shaking from the noise, and then I could feel some specks of saliva landing on my face. His belch was so bubbly I thought I could feel some gassy explosions on my face.
My senses were stunned. That burp might have lasted for 15 seconds, and all I could see was Adam holding me with a mischievous grin.
"I think you will have to take another shower" he said.
I was blood red in anger, "Cause my gas messed with your side parting, haha" Adam said.
I touched my hair and it was a mess, he literally blew me away.
The night came and I was flabbergasted by his behaviour. He even messed up with my hair. When I started to argue, he left to gym and I stayed here. His shoes are already stinking, and I can't wait for him to come.
He arrived all sweaty and shirtless from training, he threw his damp shirt on the couch and already went to the fridge for some beverage.
"If we want to live together, you have to stop being a total slob."
He slowly turned to me, drinking a whole bottle of gatorade. He pointed his index finger as a 'wait' gesture, and I could see him strongly swallowing all the drink inside.
"Aaaaaaah, now that's better. Sorry, I couldn't quite hear you under that belch" he spotted a grin.
I came closer, only realising I was entering his stink cloud.
cough "You can't just go into my room and burp and fart on my face! I was here first, one day and I just can't stand your smell, behaviour and this stupid little grin you wear everytime in your face!"
Adam's Pov
I just roll my eyes irritated listening to the dwarf complain again as I force a huge loud fart out of my butt making noise throughout the room "You better shut up if you don't want that on your face" I say threateningly
"Why don't you go and make something useful like a meal for me? I'm hungry after all that training" I say rubbing my stomach hungrily thinking what I could eat as I let my self lay down on the couch with my legs spread easily taking up more than half of it from space.
I started to feel discomfort in my lower abdomen, making a small grunt u forced some of that protein gas to come out as a muffled fart across the couch as I let out a relief sigh "yeah man I had to let that bomb out " I say with pride because of how strong it was and I laugh again.
Corey's Pov
It will be a long semester, Corey...
A collaboration with @gassydumbjocks
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justash02 · 1 year
Womanizer; 03
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A/n; lemme know if you have feedback! It’s always welcome! So are Requests!
Plot; Everyone who knew who Tom Kaulitz was knew that he was girl crazy, he's very well known for having girls around him all the time.
Pairing; Tom Kaulitz x fem reader.
Previous chapter -> next chapter.
Master list
"I wanna be yours."
We walked after Bill and soon found the other boys on the table. "Hiya! We're XO my name's clair, this is Ben and that's y/n!" She said pointing us out.
I'm so happy she's so out going.
I smiled as waved at the boys making them repeat it to me. Bill stood next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side.
He gently pulled close to my ear, "I think my brother wants to fuck you." My eyes widened as I looked at Tom who was already looking at us.
Before I could react I suddenly felt a hand on my hip pulling me away from Bill.
The familiar scent of Adam filled my nose.
"What's going on here?" He asked looking at Bill, Bill laughed and went over to sit next to his brother.
"Nothing much, just told Y/n that she can sing like an angel." Liar. I couldn't help but be amazed by how easy those words left his lips. Kinda impressive how good he can lie.
Adams hand didn't leave my hip and now it was clear to me that he was either being overprotective or jealous.
Toms eyes ran over my body, he looked like he wanted to eat me alive. Not that I would mind...
Let's sit down, it's gonna be begin soon!" Clair said she grabbed me away from Adam making him frown at her but decided to just not say anything.
Before I noticed where Clair was bringing me I was already sitting next to Tom.
He smirked at me before holding out his hand, "Hey, Tom." I felt myself heat up before grabbing his warm and soft hand.
Before he could say anything else the host of the award show stepped on stage and started the show.
Clair tapped my leg and as soon as I made eye contact with her she smirked at me. Cheeky bastard.
A few rewards were giving away but none that influenced us, the time went by fast and it was already break time.
"Bro I'm starving." Tom said, he laid back in his chair, pushing his hips up a bit in a thrusting motion to get more comfy.
"Go get some food then." Gustav said to the boy who was man spreading. "Yeah but the thing I want to eat isn't very appropriate at this moment." His eyes suddenly looked over at me, his intens eyes made me feel small and weak under his gaze, I hate that feeling.
"Dude." Ben said as he shook his head laughing, Tom just smirked at Ben before looking over at Adam. They had a weird stare off before I decided I couldn't handle this amount of cringe anymore and asked Bill if he wanted to go get some food.
The black haired boy nodded and smiled while getting up, he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.
"I'm sorry it I made you uncomfortable with what I said, Y/n/n." He said, "Do you actually think so?" He hummed before nodding.
"Oh definitely. He's a womanizer. He's like a rabbit fucking anything that has a hole." He said laughing. "You're pretty and good at what you do." I awed and put my hand over my heart.
"Thank youuu." I said with a :> face making him giggle. I liked hearing him laugh.
"Not gonna lie I've always admired your way of being, I'm just so jealous that you feel so comfortable being yourself." This made him blush a bit, "It took me awhile but I'm there now I'm also really happy I got this far."
I nodded, understanding what he means, I hope someday I'll also be as confident as he is.
"When are the ANTI music videos coming out?", "We are gonna start filming in like three days, wanna come and watch?" I asked feeling more comfy around the boy.
"Oh, yeah sure! Yeah I would love that!" He said smiling softly to himself as he watched you bring a plate over to him, "By the way," he said as I handed him the plate, I looked up at him curious, "Don't let him get to your head, Y/n, he's my brother but you deserve better then that." I didn't know how to respond.
"Anyways! What do you want?" He said quickly changing the subject.
In the end we sadly didn't win the award, I could tell that the band really upset about it. I could notice they Clair was losing the confidence she had a few days ago at the interview.
I sadly smiled as her and rubbed her back as we walked back to the parking lot. "It's ok Clair, we did great! We don't need some stupid rewarded to tell us that." I tried to tell her but she seemed zoned out.
I gazed over at Adam who was already looking at Clair with a neutral expression, "Clair, we did all we could." Clair just nodded, she gently pulled herself away from me and walked to the car.
"What was that back there?" Adam asked once we were alone, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a cig
"Don't know what you're talking about." I said really not wanting to talk about Tom right now.
"Yes, Yes you do. Why did you let him talk about you that way, that guy sees you as nothing but a piece of fucking meat." He started to get angry with me. I sighed and lit the cig.
"Don't reacted us losing out on me, I didn't see the need to stop him because it didn't mean anything to me." I spoke, but deep down I knew that his words triggered something in me.
The way his body moved around me, the way his words sent shivers down my spine. His whole being is dangerous to me.
He scoffed, looking down on me trying to make me feel small, "If you wanna fuck your way to the top you can, I'm not gonna stop you."
His eyes widened as his face fell to the side from the force of the slap, "Don't you dare ever talk to me like this again asshole." I spat at him turning around on the heels of my shoes.
Clair who was watching the whole thing stood there in awe, "What was that."
"Adam being a cunt."
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piqu3d · 3 months
gambler's prayer
Dick sees Jason everywhere he looks, in every kid he pulls out of a fight, every child he has to hand to the foster system— but when he blinks, reality returns. Logically he’s known that Jason's gone, but three years later he’s still coming to a place of fragile acceptance.
It all unravels when Dick's at J-Mart for a bottle of tylenol at two in the morning and the cashier is wearing Jason's face, eyes green as jade.
Read under the cut, or on ao3.
The flickering, fluorescent overhead light makes the headache building a nest in Dick’s forehead cry out with indignation. The light is bathing the entire J-mart in a sickly green light, forcing everyone inside to squint to see. Dick rubs the pressure point next to his eyebrow as the dude in line in front of him slips two more packs of cigarettes into the large, cavernous pockets of his cargo pants. Gothamites steal to live, sometimes, but this kid is buying six bags of lifesavers and paying with a hundred dollar bill at two in the morning. Dick turns a blind eye when people steal food, even if Bruce probably wouldn’t, but he knows what it’s like to starve. This kid’s just doing it for the thrill.
He takes another pack. It’s comically easy. The cashier, eyes dipped low under the brim of the green J-mart cap, doesn’t say a thing; probably doesn’t even notice. It’s the graveyard shift in one of the most dangerous areas of Gotham. Dick would’ve stopped paying attention a while ago too. There’s a smear of dried blood on the linoleum floor.
Dick sighs, leaning into his left hip. His headache and his morality clash for a moment, and his heart wins out. “Come on, man,” he says. “You took like, six.”
The kid startles and turns to shoot Dick a glare. “I dunno what you’re talkin’ about.”
“I saw it, just-“
The cashier hands back the change, and the kid snatches it and takes off. Dick lets him off without saying anything else, but watches him clamber into a truck outside, void of license plates. 
The cashier’s pale, thin hand remains outstretched for a moment before he retracts it. 
Dick puts his bottle of Tylenol on the conveyor. “Just that.” He always has some painkillers with him normally, but he was driving in from Blud when he realized he didn’t have any, and a tiny 24 hour J-mart on the edge of Gotham seemed better than waiting until he was all the way in Bristol. This is what he gets for waiting until the last possible second to drive to the manor for the holidays. 
Dick looks at the peeling ad plastered onto the credit card reader. 2-for-1 7-up with a purchase of pepper spray.
“6.68,” the cashier says quietly. 
Dick fishes out his card and sticks it in.
“It errored. Try again?”
Dick pulls it out and waits a few seconds. He tries not to let exasperation eat away at his patience. There’s nobody behind him in the line. Actually, the J-mart’s practically empty. 
At the green beep, he presses his card back in. It errors again.
“Sorry, it gets finicky.” 
“Can I just take one of these right now? I swear I’ll pay for them, I just-“
“Yeah, yeah,” the kid says absently. Something’s familiar in the tone, tugging at something in Dick’s memories that he can’t pinpoint. The cashier rounds the kiosk and fiddles with the reader while Dick turns and wrenches open the lid of the Tylenol. He dry-swallows one of them, and then after a moment of consideration, takes one more. When he turns back, Dick catches a good look at the cashier’s profile as he resets the reader.
His breath is wrenched out from his lungs.
The thing is, Jason's been dead for years. Dick still sees him everywhere he looks, in every kid he pulls out of a fight, every child he has to hand to the foster system-- but when he blinks twice, reality returns. He knows that Jason's gone, and after three long years, he's finally coming to a place of fragile acceptance.
All of it is coming undone in the seconds it takes to stare at Jason Todd in a J-Mart uniform, thin and pale. His adam’s apple bobs as he frowns. “I think it just needs a minute. You can honestly just take it,” he says, looking up at Dick. A familiar scar curls around his chin, under a faint shadow of facial hair.
Dick thinks he might need the support of the kiosk to stand. “What’s your name?”
The kid stares at him. He’s got a name tag, but Dick can barely see under the dim fluorescent-green lights, much less with his blurring vision. 
“I said you can go,” he says hesitantly.
“Jason?” he answers quietly. “What-“
“Fuck,” Dick says, and his knees are buckling, he’s gripping the magazine rack like he’s losing his mind. And maybe he is, because he looks at a stranger and all he sees is his little brother. “Do you—Jason?”
“Do you need me to call 911?”
“No, no, I don’t… think so,” Dick breathes, rubbing his eyes. He’s scaring the cash— He’s scaring Jason. “You don’t remember me?”
Jason (Jason, Jason, Jason) goes still. “Should I?”
“I’m your— well, this is going to sound crazy,” Dick says, holding onto some thin strand of reality in this dream of a J-Mart in the middle of the night in December.
“Yeah,” Jason whispers. “It sounds crazy. But everything’s been insane for as long as I can remember. I don’t remember you; I don’t remember anything.”
“Three years ago,” Dick says abruptly, because the words are squeezing a vice around his chest. “Jason passed away. I watched his coffin go into the ground.”
Jason’s jaw flexed. “I… woke up in a home for addicts. I don’t remember anything from before that. Even everything since then has been… hazy, but…” His eyes go hard. “You manipulating me?”
“What? No, I would never.”
“Plenty of people’ve told me that they’ve known me, tryna get me to go home with them.”
“Jesus.” Dick is going to be sick. Hope shoots up like a weed, wiggling between the gaps in his brick-and-mortar shields. “There’s a scar on your right shoulder that goes down into your ribcage. Looks like a big bite mark. You got it from Killer Croc when you were fourteen.”
“Shit, man,” Jason says immediately, but it’s thin. “What’s my last name?”
“That wouldn’t prove anything to you, anybody could know that— oh.” Dick looks at his little brother’s green eyes. Jason isn’t testing him. He’s asking him. “It’s Todd.”
“Jason Todd,” Jason says, forming his lips with a furrowed brow.
“I’m your brother. Your older brother.”
Jason pauses, looks at Dick’s face and narrows his eyes. “That’s a stretch.”
“Adopted,” Dick adds. “Bruce-“ (Oh shit, Bruce) “Bruce Wayne adopted us.”
Jason’s eyes go wide like marbles. “No shit. The billionaire?”
“The billionaire,” Dick echoes. “He— we both thought you were dead.”
“Oh,” Jason says, strangled. “Okay.” Something’s odd about his voice— it’s missing a certain inflection, but that could just be lingering trauma from waking up to a world you don’t know.
“Come with me,” Dick says, and it sounds like a request but no matter what he isn’t leaving without Jason in tow.
Jason tenses and stammers, “But— I— I’m on shift ‘till five.”
“You don’t need the job. You’re the kid of a billionaire, remember?” Dick says, as lightly as he can manage.
Jason hesitates. “This isn’t a joke?” He asks quietly. His tone is raw, afraid.  “I’m gonna lose my job if I just leave. I’ll lose everything.”
“I swear to god, Jason. You’ve been wondering what you lost before you woke up, right?”
Jason nods.
“It was a family. And we’re still here,” he says.
Jason bites his lip unconsciously. “Okay,” he says. “Okay, but if you pull anything weird, man, I’m going to punch you and run.”
“Great plan,” Dick says absently, already thinking about the best way to handle bringing him home.
Bringing Jason home.
He can’t just pop up with Bruce’s dead son and say ‘surprise.’ He also needs to test Jason’s DNA— because despite the joy roaring in his blood, there’s still a current of distrust and justified disbelief.
Is it so difficult to think that maybe, for once in their goddamned lives, they received a miracle instead of a tragedy?
He pockets the Tylenol with numb fingers and follows Jason out the door. Jason’s got a backpack with him now, ratty and abused. Dick doesn’t step out of the J-Mart until Jason’s cleared the doorway. He can’t let his little brother out of sight.
The bell to the door jingles as it shuts behind them. The light continues to flicked on the other side of the glass. Outside, the polluted night sky suffocates any sources of light.
Jason reaches in and flips the sign to closed, then locks the door. His slender hands are trembling as he handles the keys, and Dick doesn’t let himself think about how little food he’s been getting living off of minimum wage.
“Do you have a car here?”
Jason blinks up at him. “No.”
“How did you get here?”
His already wan complexion pales. “The owner lets me sleep in the back for workin’.” He looks at Dick like he’s going to judge him for it.
Dick processes this. Swallows. Thinks about his words carefully. “I am very, very proud of you for surviving.”
“Wasn’t intentional, I mean, I don’t even remember the dying part,” Jason says.
“For three years. On your own. In Gotham. No memory. I’m proud of you,” Dick tells him again.
Jason looks at him like he’s insane. “Thanks,” he says, and it’s the tone of his voice that tells Dick he heard him. Good.
“Okay,” Dick says, gently clapping a hand on his little brother’s shoulder. If it weren’t for the change in height and the flinch, the moment could be three years ago. “It’s going to be okay.”
Nothing else matters. If this is Jason (and it is! It must be!) then no matter what, they’ll be okay.
As Dick pulls out of the parking lot, his hands tremble against the wheel.
In the passenger seat, Jason looks out the window, his hands sitting limply in his lap. The J-Mart cap sits on his head, strangely grounding.
The roads in this area of Gotham are unlit and grimy, but the night yawns into darkness ahead of them like a hopeful unknown. Dick grips the wheel, Jason next to him, and hopes this drive, this moment, this dream, never ends.
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bitchinbarzal · 9 months
have we seen adam’s reaction to finding out mama f is pregnant (like i know it’s his niece but he’d be so excited)
We haven’t!
They tell Adam in Nashville because frankly he’s a third party of their relationship they can’t not tell him.
Adam’s still on the draft high and they’re at breakfast, she’s not eating and Adam’s questioning if she’s ok. He’s quite worried.
The two share a knowing look before they silently agree to tell him, ultimately scaring Adam a little more
“You two can’t break up” is the first thing he says “You’ve been together longer in my life than you haven’t so you just can’t”
Luca laughs, grabbing his girlfriends hand and squeezing it “Adam we’re not breaking up”
The little brother lets out a sigh of relief “well what’s wrong then?”
She takes a deep breath and says “Adam, me and Luca are having a baby”
Adam’s fork clatters to the plate infront of him and his jaw becomes slack
They both watch for his reaction either good or bad when his face breaks into a smile and he says “I’m gonna be an uncle? Dude! You’re gonna be a dad!”
“I know!” Luca replies “So you’re chill with this then?”
Adam nods “this might take the top spot of this weekend”
“You just got drafted to the NHL!”
“Hey, my nephews in there… the NHL is nothing”
“It could be a niece!” She argues back to which Adam laughs
“No… I mean what would I know what to do with a niece?!”
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belowzion · 9 months
Adam and Why I Felt His Character Disappointing
Sooo, I have watched the first two episodes of Hazbin Hotel! While I did really enjoy Status Quo (The song, the fact that Vox loses his first match against Alastor in the show is quite sad.) the rest of the show, I had a lot of problems. Especially the way they handled Adam.
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(Look at this lil' shid.)
The dude-bro thing is just too much. It feels like his entire character is just Mammon but Angel.
Now, I've been working on rewrites for months now, slowly turning it into my own piece of fiction. Funnily enough, me and Vivzie had the same idea of taking from Paradise Falls. I feel like the book is great and can have many different ways of interpreting it. However, I am not here to talk about Lucifer, so lets instead get back to Adam.
So, let me tell you all about Adam in Below Zion and how he is in a bit of an odd spot considering Angels...:
Adam is in his luxury spire, pacing around, phone in hand, another hand flailing, disappointment, sadness and anger is felt in the presence of his holy living room.
"You hold the keys to the Well of Souls, you lead an army of an entirely new species of Angels! And you're letting these absolute nutjobs beat you!? Adam, come on! You're better than that! I mean for fuck sake man, you have the name of the first human! He got like... 100 percent of woman in his time!"
"Good on him, but i have 0 percent. I'm telling you, there's something wrong with women. They Never go for a nice guy like me, only for douchebags who probably don't even treat them right!"
"Well, Adam. Do tell me… how would YOU treat your woman?" "Well, i treat M'lady like a queen, of course! They don't know how good they would have it with me!"
"... M'lady...M'lady? Adam... you don't treat woman like... oh my... Mrghhh! Look, this is the third time this week. Why don't you just come over to me and... we'll talk bro to bro. How does that sound, hm?"
"...I don't know what you have, the Virtuosos (opposite of sinner, worships angels despite flaws) tell me it's Top gentemanly behavior of the century. And yes... I'd love that. I'm coming. And i'm bringing my emotional support Lute."
"... Just... just come over here and we'll fix you up... or attempt to at least..." Adam sighs, and hangs up. Lute comes out of Adams room with a suggestive smile, like she always does.
"Mmm, we're visiting Master Lucifer, sir?"
"We are, my dear Lute."
He says, kissing her forehead.
"Just a trip for a talk between bros. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?"
"Indeed, sir... Would you like me to transform?"
"That would be preferable for the way... yes. Makes getting out of town easier."
She nods... and folds into a brilliant lute! And then... Adam is off... taking flight to meet with Lucy...
Adam is an agent of Lucifer whom is... okay, lets not beat around the bush here. He is an incel. The odd thing here is that, Exterminators are an unofficial branch of Heavens military. So unofficial that even Arch-Angels don't know about them. They are robotic angels, made by Lucifer and a dear friend of his, trained and maintained by Adam. Adam is also not the leader of the Angels. He works at a very high position, that being that he guards the Well of Souls that leads to the conjuration of all the souls on Earth. All Exterminators are made for Lucifer and Adam. The marks on their eyes are the Mark of Lucifer. They belong to him. They do whatever HE wants.
This makes Adams girlfriend a robot.
He has an AI girlfriend.
He objectifies women to no end.
He is also very good at his job as being Lucifers mole in Heaven. While Sinners do pacts with each other, Adam allows Lucifer to have a foothold in Heaven, years after he got kicked out...
Adam is in his luxury spire, sitting at his computer, with a plate of pretzels on the desk, phone in hand, screaming wildly to it!
"What you're suggesting is ABSOLUTELY ludicrous! I will have NONE of it! You will deal with the Brightwing family until next week or I'll make sure to put that pact to good use!"
From the phone, a rather paniced individual speaks!
"Hah, BITCH! You think you have any say in here!? Killing the guys children- what don't tell me YOU have any children!? You do?! Well, uh, thats the thing! Noooot anymore you don't! I'll see you again soooooon~
The other angel on the phone seems to speak in an extremely agitated and afraid tone! Pleading!
"Oh! Changed your mind have you!? Great, GREAT! NOW! I got the whole thing planned out for you, so YOU can't mess this up! Sending you the docs. DON'T. MESS. THIS. UP! BYE, ASSHOLE!"
He hangs up and grins triumphantly…
He continues to deal with the usual fluff. Lucifers extend into heavens business. Angels need a good amount of convincing to stay in line sometimes, but it's good work, and… dare he say it, fun~ With how he feels life is treating him, it feels Great to be able to make the lives of others even worse. It having such a positive impact on the work of his best bud is of course a wonderful bonus!
He is a lonely asshole that lives off of the misery of others and finds purpose in serving someone like Lucifer.
He is a villain, but he is a lot more complicated than just being a dude-bro.
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
Chapter 5
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pairing: bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw x twin sister!reader; (eventual) jake ‘hangman’ seresin x bradshaw!reader
characters: y/n bradshaw, nick bradshaw, bradley bradshaw, penny benjamin, amelia benjamin, tom kazansky, sarah kanzasky, ron kerner, henry ruth, rick neven, kendall adams
word count: ~2.9k
warnings: fluffy, angsty, being a single mom, crying, grief, letting go of grief, fear of forgetting, canon character deaths, i believe that’s it
a/n: i’m sorry.... and i’m going to be entirely honest with you guys, i don’t know when the angst will end
series summary: daughter of goose and carole and twin sister to bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, y/n bradshaw also got her papers pulled when she tried to enlist in the Navy. which turned out to not be as bad as she thought.
chapter summary: lil nick is now one! but it brings a lot of the feelings to the surface for duckie.
ch. 1  ch. 2  ch. 3  ch. 4  ch. 6
********** (23 and 1)
It was Nick's first birthday party.
His birthday had actually been Monday, but you couldn't put together a party on a weekday. So instead you planned it to be on the Saturday afterwards.
After getting Nick dressed in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, along with a pair of little boots, you got dressed yourself. Penny had gotten you a shirt that said 'boy mom', so you put that on along with a pair of leggings and sneakers.
You pick up Nick and walk out to your car. "Alright, Nicky boy, let's go see everyone. Are you excited?" Nick clapped and made noises of excitement. You smiled and kissed the top of his head, "Good, me too."
The drive to the Hard Deck wasn't long, and when you got there, you were a little surprised at the turn out.
The parking lot had a good amount of cars in it; some you recognized, others you didn't. Like Penny's car, the Kazansky's, and a few others but that was it.
You got Nick out of his carseat and went inside. "Come on, bubba."
When you walked in, everyone turned to greet you.
After you made some quick small talk with a promise to catch up later, Ice came up to you and took Nick from you. "Hi birthday boy." He placed a kiss on his cheek before kissing your temple, "Hi, honey." "Hey Uncle Ice."
You looked around seeing all the decorations.
There were black, yellow, and white balloons, some of the white ones had smiley faces on them. The table cloths were black, the plates were yellow smiley faces, and the cups were white. Two walls had been designated for photos; one said 'one happy dude' and the other just had a smiley face.
"Guys, this is so cute. Thank you for doing this." Penny smiled, bouncing a two year old Amelia on her hip, "Of course, Sweetheart. Do you wanna see the cake?" Amelia looked at her mom, "Cake?" "Yes cake, Ames." "Wan' cake." "And you'll get cake, you just have to wait okay?" "Otay." Penny passed Amelia to Sarah and took you back to the kitchen.
When you got in there, someone was leaning on the counter.
It took you .05 seconds to recognize him. "Bradley!" You ran to him and hugged him tightly. 
"Hey, Duck," he hugged you back, picking you up a little bit. "Where's my nephew?" You pointed to the door, "Ice has him." He smiled and pecked your temple, "I need to go see the birthday boy."
Penny walked to the fridge and pulled out a yellow smash cake. “We decided to keep it simple. I hope that’s okay.” You nodded, “It’s perfect. Simple is really good, considering that kid destroys everything. I’d hate for a lot of work to go into a cake just for it to get ruined.”
She pulled out another cake, this one rectangular with smiley faces, “This one is for the guests. And I made some lemon cookies.” You hugged her, sighing a little, “Thank you, Penny. Really, thank you.” She tightened the hug, “Of course.”
Bradley reappeared in the kitchen, “Hey, there are some people here you need to come see.” Your brow pinched together, you had already seen everyone, “Who?” His smile widened, “Just come see.”
You casted a confused glance at Penny who just shrugged.
You followed Bradley out and over towards where Ice was. He was surrounded by other men his age and they were all just talking as Nick played with a toy.
When he noticed you, Nick made a little grunt noise and held his arms out for you. But you weren’t close enough. So, when you took too long to get to him, he made another noise of displeasure and this time he caught Ice’s attention.
“Hey, what’s wrong little man?” Another grunt and he dropped the toy. “What do you-” Ice turned his head to see you, “Oh, I see what you need.” You got there and Ice passed Nick to you. “You just saw your mama.”
One of the men in the group spoke up, “Duckie?”
You looked up at him, bouncing Nick and pulling his little hand away from your necklace. “That’s me.” By the time the words left your mouth, you recognized him. “Slider?” “The one and only. Wolfman and Hollywood are here too.” They both smiled at you.
“Wow, it’s been a while,” you gave them side hugs. “I’ll say. The last time we saw you and Bradley, it was your 16th birthday,” Wolfman said as he squeezed your shoulder. “Now you’re a college grad with a one year old and Bradley’s a pilot,” Slider said, wrapping his arm around Bradley’s neck to give him a noogie.
Bradley laughed and shoved the tall man away, “Alright, alright. Watch the hair, watch the hair.”
Wolfman crossed his arms, “You know, I’m surprised you-” He stopped talking when he saw Ice shaking his head behind you and Bradley. Bradley raised a brow, “Surprised I what, Wolf?” “That-that uh, you grew a mustache! I mean you tried once in high school but you shaved it when your girlfriend said it looked bad. But I mean look at it now, it looks so natural and you look a lot like your dad.”
Your brother nodded, “Thanks Wolf.”
You and Bradley walked away to mingle with other guests. And Ice looked at the three in front of him.
He gestured with his finger, “You guys can’t say anything.” “What do you mean, Ice?” Hollywood asked. “I mean-” Ice glanced around before stepping closer and lowering his voice. 
“I mean, they don’t know Carole never wanted them in the air.” Slider’s brows pinched in confusion, “They don’t know? Then why isn’t Y/N a pilot?” “Maverick pulled their applications to the Academy.” “Why would Maverick do that?”
Ice put his hands on his hips, “Because Carole asked him too and he wasn’t sure they were ready for it…” “And they don’t know that’s the reason?” “No, and it’s not our job to tell them. So zip it!”
After talking more with your guests and opening gifts, it was time for cake.
You grabbed a microphone and addressed everyone. “Hey, everyone! Hi. Before Nick destroys this cake, I just want to thank all of you for coming out. I know Nicky is just loving the attention, so without further ado, let’s have some cake!”
Bradley set the cake in front of your son and Nick’s eyes went wide and you could see amusement flicker in them. He clapped his hands and giggled. You pass the mic to Penny and walk over to your son’s high chair. “Okay, bubba, dig in.” Nick grinned and immediately started to plunge his tiny fists into the dessert.  
Everyone cheered as the cake and frosting smeared on the tray and on Nick’s face.
You laughed as you watched your son draw in the frosting with his fingers. You smiled and messed with the blond hair on top of his head, “I’m so glad I changed your shirt.”
He turned to you and grinned, cooing as if he understood you. He held out a tiny fistful of cake towards you. “Is that cake good buddy?” He cooed again and waved his fist. You got a little closer and Nick pushed the cake against your lips.
Everyone laughed and you pulled back surprised. You laughed and licked the icing off your lips. You smiled and kissed his cheek, “Thank you Nicky.” He laughed and clapped his hands before taking another fistful and pushing it into Bradley’s mustache.
“Okay everyone, who’s ready for cake?” Penny announced as she started to cut the guests' cake. Everyone got up except for you and Bradley, Ice was going to grab a piece for both of you.
Nick kept eating his cake and occasionally offering you or Bradley a fistful. You smiled and kept playing with your son's hair.
But despite your valiant efforts, Bradley could see the pain you were trying to hide in that moment. He knew you better than anyone, so he saw behind the curtain. He could tell you were holding back tears.
He watched your eyes finally gloss over when you made eye contact with your son. Nick grinned and cooed innocently at you and your lip trembled as you smiled back.
You sniffled, but kept your smile as you swiped a thumb over the apple of Nick’s cheek. “Oh Nicky, I wish your daddy was here.” You tried to say something else but your throat burned with tears.
You cleared your throat and looked at your brother, who was pretending he wasn’t watching you. “Hey, I’m gonna step outside. It’s getting a little stuffy, I’ll be right back.” You got up and went to the back deck.
Bradley looked after you with sympathetic eyes before moving his gaze back to Nick.
“Rooster, here’s your cake,” Ice said, holding out the plate. “Thank you, Ice.” “Where’s Y/N?” Bradley gestured outside, “She’s outside.” “Oh, I’ll just take this out to her.” Bradley reached out and touched Tom’s arm, stopping him.
Ice looked at Bradley, and just knew; Mav had given him that look before when it came to Carole.
He nodded and just sat the piece down, patting Bradley on the shoulder before walking away.
Bradley gave you a few minutes before going outside after you.
He grabbed the slice of cake and got Penny’s attention. “Hey, Pen, can you watch Nick for a minute?” “Yeah of course.” “Thank you.”
He stepped out the backdoor.
You had moved from the railing to be curled up in a deck chair. Your eyes were distant but he could see you trying to pull yourself together.
He walked over and sat by your feet. “Hey Duckie.” You didn’t say anything, but your eyes flicked over to him. He sat the cake down, “I brought you a slice.” When you still didn’t respond, he turned to you.
“What goin’ on, Duckie?” You swallowed and picked at your nails, “I don’t know, Brad. I was doing so good…” “Y/N, you’re gonna have your days. That’s okay.” You looked at him.
“It’s my son’s birthday party, today is not the day.” You started to cry again.
“I don’t know what to do Bradley… This is a lot harder than I thought it would be,” you looked at your hands in your lap. “No one ever said it was gonna be easy. Grief is messy and unpredictable,” he grabbed your hands. “It’s been two years, Bradley. I thought I’d be better…” “Y/N-” 
You interrupted him to voice what was plaguing your mind. “Bradley, Nick is one and he will never get to know his father. At least we got to meet Dad and know how much he loved us. But Nick will never get to know that and it hurts.”
You pulled your hands from his to wipe your eyes. “It hurts so much. And I don’t know how to make it stop.”
Bradley doesn’t know what to do, this is not his level of expertise. All he knows is that something as simple as a few words won’t fix this.
“Y/N, there’s not a lot I can say to make this feeling go away.” “I know, I’ve just been keeping this in for too long. Thank you for listening.” You hugged him and he hugged you back.
He decided to say the only thing he could think of. “You’re doing a great job. Nick has the best mom in the world.” You sniffled and pulled back, “Really? Cause I don’t feel like it…” “Yes, really.” He smiled at you and hugged you again.
Inside, Penny and Ice watched from the window..
Penny had just cleaned Nick up and changed him into the outfit he showed up in.
“She’s having a hard time,” Ice observed, arms crossed over his chest. Penny sighed sadly, and opened her mouth but Nick had other plans.
“Mmmm! Mmmm!” He attempted while pointing to you with his little hand. “What was that Nicky?” “Mma..” He whimpered a little frustrated. “I think he’s trying to tell us something.”
Ice noticed tears in his little eyes as Nick flailed his arms again. “Yeah, he wants his mom.”
They shared a look and stepped outside.
The door opened and you and Bradley looked towards the door.
You quickly wiped your eyes when you saw Nick. “Oh hey guys, Nick okay?” “He’s okay, just wants-” Penny was cut off.
Your jaw dropped and both you and Bradley stood up slowly. “Did-did he just?” “I think he did, Duckie.”
Nick leaned toward you as he said it, making grabby hands at you.
You stepped forward and scooped him up and planted kisses all over his face, “Oh, Nicky baby! You just said your first word!” He giggled and said it again. You laughed and held him to you. “Oh my sweet boy!”
You sat down and held him to you, tears coming to your eyes for a whole new reason.
“We need to tell everyone!” Bradley said, just as excited his nephew said his first word. You waved him away, “Sure, but I need some time alone with my baby. I’ll be inside in a little bit.”
Bradley nodded, smiling as he placed a kiss on top of your head before going inside.
After a few minutes you went in and everyone fawned over Nick; and then about an hour later, people left.
You laid on the couch as Rooster slept in the chair and Nick had dozed off in his play pen.
Your eyelids began to feel heavy as you watched reruns of crime shows and soon you were asleep.
You sat on the couch, head on Kendall’s lap as you looked at the playpen where Nick had fallen asleep. Kendall played with your hair, humming a tune as he did so. 
“I miss you,” you quietly said, turning your head back to look up at him. “I miss you so much.” Tears slipped from your eyes and Kendall wiped them away. “I know you do, sweet girl. I know. But you’re doing such a good job. I’m so proud of you.” 
You sat up, “I wish you were here. To watch him grow and turn into a mini version of you.” You rested your head on his shoulder, “He said his first word today. Gosh, I’m so proud.” 
He kissed the top of your head, “I know. I’m always watching. I’ll always be watching over you and Nick.” He stood up and took you with him.
He walked you over to the playpen, “I will be there. For every milestone, every step of the way. Maybe not physically, but I’m there. I’ll see it all.”
You nodded and wiped at your eyes. “I wish he knew how much you loved him before he was even here. I wish you got the chance to show him that. Bradley and I were lucky to know how much Dad loved us before he died.”
Kendall smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, “They’re watching over you too, you know. Your parents. Your dad gushes over little Nicky every chance he gets and your mom, oh goodness your mom.” You both laugh. “She is so so proud of you and the woman that you’ve become.”
It was quiet for a few moments as you and Kendall watched your child sleep peacefully.
“You can let go, you know,” Kendall said out of nowhere.
You stepped back, confused, “What?” “You’re holding on, Y/N. It’s okay to let me go. You deserve to be happy.” You shook your head, “I can’t let you go Kendall.” “You’re hurting, Y/N. You’re suffering because of me. Getting past this-”
“No! I won’t!” You sank to the floor. “I can’t…” Kendall knelt beside you, “Why?” You looked up at him, “Because I’m afraid of forgetting you if I do…” “Sweetheart,” he wrapped his arms around you. You clung onto his shirt, “I don’t want to forget you.”
He rubbed your back, “Sweetheart, I want you to listen to me. Don’t say anything, just listen.” You nodded. 
“Just because you let go of this feeling, this pain, doesn’t mean you’re letting go of me. Because I will always be yours, no matter what, I’m yours. But this pain, this grief, is not all that’s left of me.” 
He tilted your chin up to look at him, “You have the product of our love just feet away from you. Our love will always be here-” He pointed towards Nick. “-and here.” He pointed at your heart. 
Kendall kissed your forehead, “You won’t ever forget me. I don’t think it’ll be possible. Especially with our little boy over there.” You chuckled a little bit, smiling as your head fell to his chest.
“But you can’t let yourself stay in this cycle. It’s not good for you or Nick. And while grief is ugly and unpredictable, you can get past it. I know you can, because you’re just like your mother. So try to let go of the pain and hold on to the love.”
You nodded, understanding what he was saying. “It’ll be a long road, but you’ve got support. And don’t think that you can’t have bad days, but don’t try to go through them on your own. Okay, I hate seeing you cry.” 
“I’ll try Ken.” He smiled and squeezed your arm, “I love you.” You gently kissed him, “I love you too.”
lil nicky is one and said his first word!! and duckie and rooster got a special visit from some of their dad’s old classmates
duckie also got a special visit from her late love and got a little closure
if you want to be added to the ‘duckie’ taglist or my top gun taglist lmk!! 
tags <33: @roosterscockpit @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @hisredheadedgoddess28 @malindacath @bananas1234 @avengers-fixation @shawnsblue​ 
i’ll put these in the comments as well
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seas-storyarchive · 6 months
Wine On - Garden Gang what if
Summary: Has light Radiorose, but mainly because the Deer is tired of the rest of the Garden Gang and Hotel Crew
Also: it's my bday today, so I'm giving all of you a gift.
Bad idea to get everyone drunk off of Al's aged since the days of Eden liquor. Bad idea.
Husk was on a ceiling rafter with Lute and they were fighting over the space, Angel was running around nude with a lampshade, Niffty was running to and fro everywhere, Cherri was taking shots off of Saint Pentious' body as he lay wasted on the table, Vaggie was crying to Lilith who was comforting her, and Lucifer was still chugging the liquor with Eve and Adam.
Where Al was? That was a mystery. He'd vanished after hour 2 of being drunker than anyone had ever seen him. And that was 3 hours ago.
"Guys.. we need to find Alastor." Charlie said, finally.
Lilith, Lucifer, Adam and Eve all laughed.
"What's so-"
"Kid, he sent a text. Lookat.." Adam showed her the phone.
Charlie read it out, "about to go the the flower garden. Don't tell Charlie." She was confused, looking at Adam. "What does he mean by-"
"Char-char, shh. Charlie ain't s'pposed ta hear that Antlers went ta his lady friend's to finally get *hic* tapped out like a light switch." Lucifer said at the bar. "Dude's about to be bow chicka wowed!" This drew a laugh from almost everyone.
"About time." Eve said, slamming her bottle down.
"Oh.. well, good for him I guess.." Charlie said, giving in to temptation and grabbing an unopened bottle to drink from.
"How'd you sleep?" Rosie asked Alastor, he'd shown up at her place drunk out of his mind and collapsed onto her shop floor.
Alastor gave a thumbs up. "Best sleep ever." He smiled at her, looking at the frilly gown she'd dressed him in. "I feel pretty." He leaned on her. "Am I pretty?"
"Gorgeous." Rosie chuckled, wrapping an arm around him.
"I don't wanna go back to the hotel yet. I'm not about to be the only sober one." Alastor murmured as he yawned.
"Good, I like having a deer to cuddle." Rosie moved her other hand up to cup his face and kiss his cheek.
"Thank you, for not taking advantage of me, in that state.." Alastor didn't elaborate further.
"Oh babe, I would never." Rosie kissed his cheek. "And I wouldn't let anyone else see you that way. You're too innocent for that."
"Me? Innocent?" Alastor chuckled, before his stomach growled.
"Aw, does my deer want a snackie?" Rosie pinched his cheek.
Alastor bit her fingers, just a nibble, grinning. "Yes, but you'll be more than enough."
Rosie laughed, kissing him. "Stay put, lover boy, I'll go fetch you a nice leg."
"Big enough to share? I don't want to eat alone."
"Of course, you clingy drunk buck." Rosie pinched his nose before she left to go retrieve the piece of meat.
There Alastor stayed with Rosie, talking about everything and nothing.
"Your mother, tell me about her." Rosie said after finally convincing Alastor to let her do his hair, deciding to put her spare set of curlers in his hair to be careful of his ears.
"Most loving woman you'd ever meet." Alastor chuckled. "She'd make you feel like you'd always been part of the household. Give you a simple chore, a cuppa, plate of whatever she'd made that day." He sighed. "I miss that, honestly. But, given my sins.."
"Why not try, Al?" Rosie asked him, knowing what that would mean.
"I.. I'm afraid to lose the only.. I- I mean.." Alastor, the radio demon, tongue tied? Oh, this was a treat.
"I know. I'd miss you too much too." Rosie kissed the top of his head. "The man who taught me what love could be."
Alastor hummed, smiling. "I'd miss how freely you can move me. Like a mannequin in your shop. The only woman who will ever truly have my heart in a way I thought not possible."
They lapsed into a silence filled with love, Rosie finishing up with curling his hair. Alastor quickly returned the favor, using her brush to untangle her hair and brush it out into waves of white before putting it into a messy french braid.
From there, the two danced. To music and laughter. Just the two of them.
The hotel? Oh..
Lucifer, Vaggie, Lute and Adam were all drunk and sharing a braincell that had them flying around a passed out Lilith and Husk like vultures.
Niffty had flooded several toilets - how? No one dared ask.
Cherri had disappeared with Pentious.
Angel and Charlie were drunk dancing on the bar and screaming karaoke. Eve reviled in the chaos, laughing between swigs of her bottle.
Yup, Alastor would be one angry deer when he came home. Especially concerning the snapping gators that had just escaped his room - thanks Niffty.
Alastor returned the next morning, Rosie having driven him to the hotel herself, opening the door. What greeted his curly head was a disaster. A mess. Shit he was NOT dealing with. He closed the door and walked back to Rosie's car, sliding across the hood and then getting into the passenger seat.
"That bad?" Rosie asked with a laugh.
Alastor nodded. "I'm just going to hang about Cannibal Town today."
"Perfect. Oh, hey! Let's go to the theater! They have black and white shows today." Rosie started to drive away from the hotel.
"Rosie, take me on your magic journey. Be my guide." Alastor said, turning the radio on to jazz.
"As you wish, my dear deer." Rosie laughed as they sped down the road, soon joined by Alastor.
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gvtted-ratz · 7 months
List of Fics/Drabbles/Headcanons We Made (all links go to our ao3)
Works: 25
@gvtted-ratz is the main writer and owner of the ao3
@rppik is the proof-reader and co-writer
It is not our responsibility to baby/take care of what you take in. So if you don't like something, do not read/interact.
Fem aligning/identifying ppl dni with our mlm works (we may end up blocking you if you do).
Only registered users can view/comment on our works on AO3.
Remember to read the tags/ratings on the works. We use them for a reason, and we would like you to pay attention to them for your own safety/comfort. None are/will ever be Fem!Reader. GN, Male/Masc, Trans Male, Neogenders, and Nonbinary only.
Rules for requests are here!
• Single-Standing Marvel Fics - X Reader (unfinished)
• Single-Standing Marvel Ship Fics - Ships/OTPS (unfinished)
• Sharpshooter - Frank Castle/Matt Murdock/Male Reader (complete)
• Hitman - Frank Castle/Matt Murdock/Male Reader (discontinued)
• Arkin O'Brien/GN!Reader (complete)
• All Slasher Fics - GN+M!Reader (complete)
• Alive - Jason Voorhees/M!Reader (complete)
• Odd - Hannibal Lecter/M!Reader (discontinued)
• Freakiest Freak - Hannibal Lecter/Billy Lenz (complete)
• The Collection - The Collector/M!Reader (complete)
• Slasher Headcanons - GN+M!+Nonbinary Reader (complete)
• Two Messed Up Individuals - Harry Warden/Billy Lenz (complete)
• My Life's So Pitiful - Mark Hoffman/Adam Faulkner-Stanheight (complete)
• Romantic Dreams - Karkat Vantas/Dave Strider (Drabble) (complete)
Marble Hornets:
• Eldritch Deity - it/Its!Deity!Reader (unfinished)
• Single-Standing MH Fics - X Reader (unfinished)
Dead Plate (game):
How Much Do You Hate? (It's Not Enough) - Rody Lamoree x Vincent Charbonneau (complete)
The Batman (2022):
• All Riddler Fics - The Riddler/Reader (unfinished)
The Price Of Flesh (game):
• To Stare Is To Buy - GN!Hacker!Reader Series (3/10 complete)
Boyfriend to Death (game):
BEWARE - Lawrence Oleander/M!Reader
Duskwood (game-everbyte):
• You’re Looking In The Wrong Place - Richy/M!Reader/Phil (unfinished/possible rewrite later)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2:
• Single-Standing CODMW2 Fics - X Reader (unfinished)
That's Not My Neighbour (game):
TNMN Headcanons - X Reader (in progress)
Do You Have The Guts? - Hoon Man/GN!Doppleganger!Doorman!Reader (complete)
Uncanny Valley (scopophobia studios):
Correct Ending - John Doe/M!It/Its!Reader (complete)
Will be updated whenever a new work is made/ finished
Feel free to send in some requests. Or just brainstorm in our box. We are happy to listen and try out sometimes. If we're uncomfy with something, we'll tell you.
Edit: Usually, we use it/its if it’s self-indulgent, since we're a dude who uses them and we have never seen them in fics. We make sure to put that in the tags if those pronouns are used.
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sawtastic-sideblog · 8 months
Bringing this back for part 6. I haven't been writing lately and just needed something fun and easy to do to bring me back into it. Enjoy.
Jill: Birthday dinner for John tonight at 7. Don’t be late.
Lawrence: Do I need to bring anything?
Jill: If you want to bring a side or a dessert. Oh and some plates.
Lawrence: Sure thing. Do you have a preference of what dish it is or brand of plate?
Amanda: aren’t all paper plates the same?
Mark: No, apparently some are stronger and some are thinner. 
*Adam Standheight sent a photo*
Jill: Adam, I normally don’t ask questions I don’t want to know the answer to, but what the fuck?
Amanda: MY EYES!!!!!
Mark: Could’ve gone my whole life without seeing that.
William: It looks broken?
Logan: How did you break it?
John: Have you been to the doctor?
Adam: It was meant for Larry only. I wanted his professional opinion on if I should go to the doctor.
Lawrence: Adam, you have a compound fracture in your forearm. How are you not at the hospital yet?
Adam: Because I am stuck. 
Mark: Where? I’ll come get you.
Adam: Funny story. I stopped a robbery. Two big dudes were trying to rob a lady of her purse. I took pictures. They saw me and chased me. They left the lady alone.
Amanda: And they beat the shit out of you?
William: Did they do this to you?
Adam: No. They never got the chance because I ran fast. I made it to the rich people lake houses and went to jump over a canoe. 
Jill: Did the canoe somehow break your arm?
Adam: Technically yeah. My foot clipped it and I landed weird on my arm. I rolled down the bank a little and I’m now caught in a net of some sort. I panicked and now I’m just here.
John: Do you know where you are?
Adam: In a net. I feel like a fish. Or a butterfly.
Adam: Oh shit. I hear voices. 
Adam: It’s the homeowners!
Lawrence: Adam?
Mark: Adam?
John: Are you okay?
Amanda: What if they killed him?
Logan: I’m sure he’s fine. The homeowners are probably shocked.
William: Mark, you’re a detective. Detect where Adam is.
Adam: I still live. The homeowners helped me out of the net and gave me ice. They called an ambulance for me so now I’m waiting outside on the front porch. 
John: Are you okay?
Adam: My arm is throbbing.
Lawrence: Naturally with a compound fracture. Any other injuries?
Adam: None that I can feel right now. My body has pretty much gone numb except my arm. 
Lawrence: Try no to move your arm anymore. I’ll meet you at the hospital. 
John: Me too.
Jill: Lawrence, what do we need to do to make Adam a bit more comfortable when he gets home?
Lawrence: Make sure he has something to prop his arm on, we’re going to need ice, some cloths to put between the ice and his cast, over the counter pain medicine. 
Lawrence: Adam, did you break your dominant hand?
Adam: Whatever the left one is.
Lawrence: You’re right handed so you’re good.
Lawrence: If anyone has a small stress ball, kind of like the ones you use when you give blood, he’ll need one. 
Adam: What is all of this for?
Lawrence: You. You’ll need to prop and ice your arm to try to prevent any more swelling, the pain meds is to make sure you don’t get too dependent on the heavy stuff the hospital will more than likely prescribe, and the stress ball is to keep your hand moving.
Adam: Hey Chris and Pam’s daughter just came home. It’s the girl I helped.
Adam: Her name is Claire.
Adam: She hugged me.
Adam: We’re all hanging on the porch. I hear sirens.
John: I’ll meet you at the hospital.
Lawrence: I’m out front, John. You can ride with me. 
Adam: I feel bad. What about John’s birthday dinner?
John: We’ll postpone it. You’re more important.
Jill: I’ll order us some pizza. Extra cheese, Adam?
Adam: Yes please.
Amanda: I call dibs on signing your cast first.
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hey soldaverikatnepfef fandom (me)
hcs below the cut
Sollux!!!♊️ (He/She/It)
-bigender in the sense he is bigender, bisexual in the sense she doesn’t understand it but likes the number two
-color blind as fuck
-trades fidgets with nepeta, troll autism troll autism solidarity
Dave!!!💿 (Any prns but defaults to He/Him)
-gender so covered in irony at this point even he doesn’t know if he’s cis or not
-sol pierced his ears with a needle and ice cube because “that2 the way iit2 done on alterniia”, as soon as he was out of sight he cried about it
-this isn’t my hc originally but dave with scars from being so close to the green sun… wow
Eridan/Eri/March!!!♒️ (She/They/He)
-genderfluid march i love her
-the cape?? the stripes?? zero swagger
-their carapace is more like an isopods than the lowbloods, that’s just a note for me more than anything
Karkat!!!♋️ (He/They)
-his hair is naturally white but their so adamant about hiding no one even thinks about it
-aside from their eyes in his pre-adult molts he looks more like a rustblood than a mutant, that’s how they get away with it!!
-exclusively wears baggy clothes
Nepeta!!!♌️ (She/He/It/Mew)
-just a little creachur
-loves her moirail so much meowrails forever
-avidly shares mewr clothes. too open about being nude around its quadrantmates
Feferi!!!♓️ (Sea/Her, any ocean neos)
-she has a tentacle tail in her adult morphs
-she has bioluminescent tendrils and reallllly sensitive eyes so she has trouble seeing on land
-her plating is like a coelacanth’s! (note for myself again)
and here’s like their quadrant dynamics
Sollux <>/<3< Dave, they vacillate pretty violently
Sollux <3< Eri, very healthy kismesistude
Nepeta c3< Karkat, Sollux, anyone who vacillates as much as they dude needs a little boost
Nepeta <3 Feferi, catfish smooch smooch smooch
bonus: Nepeta <> Equius, their like perfect moirails. Equius sometimes slips in and out of their quadrant mess
Eri <> Feferi, Nepeta is helping them fix their moirallegiance
Sollux <3/<>/<3< Karkat, brother they are a vacillating mess. best bug bros
Nepeta c3< Sollux, Karkat, mew’s taking care of her boys🫶🫶
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boytumms · 2 years
Hi! I wrote the story about the magical stomach/intestine filling contents! The one with the competitive eater from about two months ago
So, a story about magical stuffing
Two guys sat in their college dorms, bored out of their minds. One, Adam, was training to become a mage, the other, Mason, training to be an alchemist on top of already being a mage. Both were in their second semester of schooling, being fairly new to their trades.
“Dude, I’m so bored,” Mason said, sighing as he looked at the mage. “Do you have any ideas for what we could do to pass the time? Neither of us have classes for the rest of the day either,” Mason said, looking at his watch for a moment.
Adam shrugged, looking at his pile of text books for a moment. “I have a test in one of my classes tomorrow if you’d like to help me study?” Adam asked, picking up one of his books as he spoke.
“Sure. You’re grades suck anyway,” Mason teased, laughing as Adam punched his arm. “Alright, I’ll help you. What’s this test on anyway?” Mason asked, sitting up a little as he spoke.
“It’s on portals. My teacher is going to ask me to open two portals to transport small objects from one side to the other. I just have trouble with accuracy placing the portals, that’s all,” Adam said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“That’s easy. Just focus super hard on where you want the two portals to show up, even if it’s simply in this room,” Mason said, pointing to the space around them. Adam seemed to think for a moment before he nodded, looking in his textbook for a moment.
Mason watched as Adam casted the spell, smiling when he saw that a small portal had appeared in front of Adam. “That’s great! Now you need to make the second portal appear,” Mason said, cheering his friend on.
Adam seemed confused though, checking his book and mumbling words. “Both are supposed to show up at the same time. It’s gotta be close by, let’s look,” Adam said, standing and beginning to search the room.
The two guys looked for nearly half an hour, but couldn’t find it anywhere. Adam and Mason sat back on the couch, thinking for a moment on how to find this mysterious portal.
“Well, what if we put something into the portal? Something safe in case it’s somewhere nearby or by someone? I’ll go get the cookies I made earlier. Those shouldn’t harm anybody,” Mason said, standing to grab the food from the kitchen.
Adam stared at the small portal, wondering if he should close this set of portals and open a new set. The problem was, he hadn’t learnt that spell yet. But he could probably find it somewhere in his text books.
Mason came back in, interrupting his thinking as he held a plate of cookies. “Let’s see if we can find the portal,” Adam said, picking up a cookie and holding it over the portal.
Adam dropped it, waiting a moment to see if anything happened. Both the guys looked around for a mysterious cookie, listening for the cookie dropping in case it was somewhere else. Adam grabbed two more and dropped them into the portal, again looking around.
Adam paused for a moment, looking at his stomach as he felt a little bit of food settle. Could the portal have placed itself inside of his stomach? Adam dropped several more cookies in the portal, his suspicions being confirmed as he felt the cookies settle in his stomach.
“The portal is inside me! I felt the cookies go into my stomach! Mason, I don’t know how to reverse this spell yet! What do I do?” Adam asked, looking at his roommate as he began to panic. Mason set the cookies on the table, grabbing his friend’s shoulders with the most excited look on his face.
“Sorry, but I’ve snuck through your journal a few times. You like stuffing yourself, right? Let me do it for you,” Mason said, dropping some more cookies into the portal. Adam paused at the words as he felt the cookies settle inside, the idea actually sounding rather pleasant since it had been awhile since Adam had had time to himself.
“Only if you stop when I say so. I know my limits and I really don’t want to die today,” Adam said, his cheeks turning pink as he spoke. Mason picked up the cookies and dumped the rest of the plate in the portal, making Adam groan slightly at the feeling.
“Alright. Why don’t you sit on the couch while I get more food? I’ll be doing the work today,” Mason said, smiling as he took the plate back to the kitchen. Adam would’ve been lying if he didn’t say he was nervous, wondering if it was going to be ok to let someone else do it.
After thirty minutes, the front door was knocked on. Mason answered and payed for the fast food he ordered, turning around with a beaming smile after closing the door. “Here’s the food! I got a lot so we can stuff you nice and round,” Mason said with a smile, picking up a cheeseburger out of one of the bags.
Mason placed the whole cheeseburger in the portal before Adam could say anything, the mage huffing a little at the sudden weight of the burger. Adam watched as his stomach seemed to press out slightly, rubbing his stomach a little as he felt comfortable full. Mason repeated this process with four more hamburgers, Adam rubbing his stomach as it bloated little by little.
Adam was now uncomfortably full, rubbing his small bump of a belly for a moment. He looked up when he heard the pop of a soda being opened, his eyes widening as Mason began pouring a two liter Sprite in the portal. Adam felt the carbonation in his stomach, watching as his poor stomach doubled in size. He immediately began burping, the carbonation slowly inflating his already full stomach.
Mason didn’t waste any time before he picked up another bag, opening it and pulling out some French fries. He dumped in container after container, not leaving room for Adam to say anything as he felt the food mash into his stomach with the soda and burgers. The mage was still a burping mess, sighing as he felt the carbonation finally go away.
Adam gingerly pressed against his stomach, sighing as he saw the small food baby that rested in his stomach. “Alright, I think I’m done. That was a lot of food,” Adam said, rubbing his stomach as he spoke. His shirt definitely fit more snuggly now, but it wasn’t tight. Mason didn’t like that.
He picked up another burger, looking at if for a moment before he put it in the portal. “I was gonna have a few, but you seem to need them more,” Mason said, watching as Adam stared in horror. Mason added five more cheeseburgers after that, watching as Adam became a moaning mess. Ten cheeseburgers definitely wasn’t a light meal.
Adam’s stomach was now gently tugging at his shirt, the male panting slightly at the pressure in his stomach. Even his sweat pants were beginning to slide under the curved dome of his stomach. But that didn’t stop Mason, he seemed to be enjoying it too much. He opened another two liter of sprite, watching as Adam shook his head no.
Mason poured the Sprite anyway, watching Adam hold his distended abdomen as his stomach gurgled and bloated more. Adam’s shirt slowly slid up as his stomach expanded, burping soon emerging from Adam’s mouth.
“This is how it’s done, but you’re not even close to what I have for you,” Mason said, grabbing some more food as he spoke. This process went on for another hour, Adam complaining as he was force fed more food. Mason gave him the last of the food, sitting on the couch next to Adam.
“There, all done. Now look at you, you’re so helpless,” Mason said, chuckling as he placed his hand on Adam’s large stomach. He had placed so much solid food, that his stomach was going to take awhile to break down the burgers he had fed him whole.
Mason sat next to Adam and immediately began to massage at the tender abdomen of his friend, watching as Adam visibly relaxed. “That feels so freaking good…” Adam said, slowly falling asleep as Mason continued to help the food work through his system.
“Let’s do this again another time. Just let me digest this first,” Adam said drowsily, eventually falling asleep as Mason continued to massage his swollen abdomen. Mason could only chuckle, knowing that this would’ve happened anyway, even if Adam didn’t want it too.
AKNDJABDNABS HELLO AGAIN!!! Thank you for sending in another story, I do love me some magic stuffing :)))
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cyberrat · 1 month
86th Batch Of Fics: 9th Fill
Adam/Lucifer – Part 2/2 – feeding kink; overfeeding; blowjob – Lucifer might be nervous about it but he just knows what gets him off, okay?
Lucifer doesn’t know what’s going on inside Adam’s head, but somehow he’s actually letting him… do… stuff. Like rubbing his hands all over his belly, the heels digging in nice and firm to massage his guts and try helping move things along.
Adam leans back in his chair, his head hanging over the backrest. He sounds downright pornographic when he groans. “Fuck… fuck you’re such a crazy bitch for this. What kind of nasty little fucker-” he trails off without continuing.
Lucifer just swallows thickly. He keeps watching his own hands looking so… small on Adam’s massive gut, massaging him.
He wishes he could pull Adam’s robes up to around his fatty tits so he can feel his hairy gut without any barrier. It’s just that he doesn’t think Adam is ready for that yet.
Finally, he burps and starts to sit up a little bit again. “Yeah, fuck… I needed that.”
He’s such a slob. Lucifer almost drools watching him reach for that plate piled high with pasta. He tries to remain nice and still – maybe Adam will just forget that he is there? Maybe he will just let him stand there and feel up his stomach while he slurps down the saucy spaghetti, his lips becoming shiny with oil…
“Hey fucker… you get off on this, huh?”
Lucifer blinks rapidly, then glances over at Adam. He feels flushed and feverish and…
He swallows thickly and takes his hands away from Adam’s belly after all. His voice is breathy and low as he admits softly: “Yes.”
Adam looks unconvinced. Or maybe just unsure whether Lucifer is being honest and is actually just fucking with him? He scoffs and looks away. “Yeah, sure. You wanna suck me off while I eat or some shit? Damn, dude. I know you’re like… the daddy of Hell or whatever but that’s kind of fucked up. Like what happened to you? You were such a cute little… like… guy or something.”
It’s the first time in recent memory that Adam brought up Eden himself. Maybe that’s something… extraordinary, but Lucifer can only fixate on one thing: “Yeah… yeah, I’d like… like that, you know?”
Adam blinks at him. He sits there with a fork full of pasta and his mouth hanging open, visibly thinking about what Lucifer just said and trying to figure out what it means. “Wha-?”
“I can suck you off while you eat,” Lucifer explains breathlessly. He already lowers himself to his knees and crawls under the table. Adam sounds like he is choking on a bite that he hasn’t even taken yet. Maybe he wants to protest or something but he must realize how insane it would be for him to deny a free blowjob by Lucifer, so he quiets down again.
It’s… awkward, honestly, but Lucifer can’t deny how desperately horny it gets him to slowly push up Adam’s robe and see that he – of course – is going commando. Or to see how firm and big his stomach is. It is resting on his thighs and plunging his cock into complete darkness.
Not that Lucifer needs a map to find the fucking thing. He pushes Adam’s knees apart and crawls between them.
“Shit you’re… you’re such a freak,” he can hear Adam stutter.
Lucifer ignores it. He’s stuffing his face between Adam’s thighs and hates that he can’t smell how thick his body odor is here. At least he can feel how warm he is. He’s sweating. Of course he is. Lucifer groans, pushing his face into the lower swell of Adam’s stomach.
“Keep eating…” he mumbles against the other’s skin.
“What did you say?”
Lucifer has to pull away. He’s panting, his body feeling impossibly hot. “Keep eating!” he barks out, far more authoritative than he has been in… years. Decades.
As if through a miracle, Adam does not start to be a brat and deny him. He simply… starts eating. Lucifer can hear him chew.
Goosebumps break out over his body. Sucking Adam’s cock into his mouth is but an afterthought to him listening in to the fatass stuffing himself and feeling up his big, firm stomach as he does so.
It is no surprise that Adam is hard for him. Maybe that is the burden of the first man. Always horny; always ready to pump some kids into a nice, fertile womb. Maybe everybody around him should be a bit more understanding if he constantly behaves like a jackass-
“Fuck, you cook really well, though… should’ve been a chick after all, you know that?”
Lucifer hums. He digs his fingers into Adam’s stomach but can’t make himself be as annoyed as he probably should be. As a father to a very capable, wonderful young woman. Fuck but he is so addicted to Adam’s cock.
It’s been so long. So stupidly long since he last had the pleasure of playing with it. Tears itch at the corners of his eyes. He is just too sentimental for his own good.
Beneath his hands, Lucifer can feel Adam’s gut gurgling again. He groans around his cock, delirious and eager, the morose thoughts from before having left just as quickly as they came.
Oh wow who would have thought that Adam would be such an effective antidepressant?!
Lucifer pulls back a little; just enough that he can start laving his tongue against Adam’s glans again and again, licking up what pre-cum he generously is leaking for him. He’s always been messy, after all… A messy break-up, a messy fuck… a messy eater.
Lucifer can hear him slurp above him and nearly bites Adam’s dick in excitement. He peers up but past the huge gut and the table he can’t see his mouth which is a damn shame. He can at least imagine it, though. How his plump cheeks pull in, his lips shiny with grease sucking the last bit of pasta into his mouth.
“Shit, that really hit the spot…”
Adam is groaning as he says that. He’s leaning back, his large hand with the hairy knuckles appearing and carefully rubbing his aching stomach. It sounds like he is done eating and… and that’s far too early. Far too early. Lucifer can’t have that.
He pulls off Adam’s dick with a pop, one hand curling around it to give him a nice sloppy handjob. Keep him docile and amenable while Lucifer croons: “Just one more bite. Okay? There’s still so much food. You can do just one more, hmn?”
There’s silence long enough that Lucifer thinks Adam will start arguing again; but then he whines and there’s the sound of him pulling a bowl a little closer. “Oh fuck… fuck, you’re such a nasty freak, shit- just don’t stop doing what you’re doing, freak.”
Lucifer hears the crunch of Adam biting into one of the tacos he’s made for him. It sounds reluctant. But he’s eating again. Slow. Painful. Lucifer is nearly vibrating, his tail lashing against the ground with dumb excitement.
He’s about to shoot his load. Just… just a bite or two more. Crap.
“H-h-Hah,” he whispers, pressing feverish, suckling kisses against Adam’s wet glans.
Above the table, Adam groans; a weird mixture of lust and pain. He takes another noisy bite; and Lucifer shoots off hard.
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