#African Grey cleaning
tiktokparrot · 5 months
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jayjamjary · 2 months
Staying with my grandma for a week is like. Ah. The thinly veiled abuse. I forgot about you.
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bugzboyy · 4 months
Snails — info page 🐌🌿
A snail is a shelled GASTROPOD – large taxonomic class of invertebrates within the phylum mollusca and gastropeda – that includes land snails, sea snails, and freshwater snails. They are typically nocturnal and are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female genitals/reproductive organs.
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A typical shell is calcareous - mostly composed of calcium carbonate - and is coiled into a spiralled pattern (the number of spirals depend on the type of snail).
The body consists of: the visceral lump, mantle, head, foot, and antennae. It is attached to the shell by one (or multiple) columellar muscle.
Visceral lump -> holds excretory, digestive, reproductive, and respiratory systems
Mantle -> for respiratory function and water balance
Head -> has one or two pairs of antennae and a mouth
Foot -> for movement and digging to lay eggs
Antennae -> for orientation and detecting scents
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A general diet of a snail consists of fruits, such as berries, vegetables like cucumber and lettuce, and leaves, bark, grass, and stems - a good source of calcium is good too!
Snails are omnivorous and also detritivorous, meaning they can feed on decaying waste too.
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🌿Garden Snails
One of, or the most, popular type of snail is the garden snail. Garden snails are a species of land snail in the family HELICIDAE. A typical lifespan is around 2-5 years with diet and habitat needs met.
Their DIET is stems, leaves, lettuce, cucumber, bark, and berries. They can also eat crushed egg shells & other sources of calcium to protect their shells, lay eggs, and help with muscle contraction.
Their HABITAT is usually an undisturbed area with moisture and good water + food supply, like forests, wetlands, old fields, and gardens.
Thick shell -> 4-5 whorls (spirals) + pale brown, brown, or yellow with dark spiral bands
Mouth -> large with a thickened white lip
Body -> brown-grey colour
As Pets:
- provide correct foods + water supply (a water bowl that isn’t too deep or none at all, spraying water inside the enclosure is fine)
- use dechlorinated water to spray inside their enclosure to keep moist
- wash hands before + after handling to prevent dehydration and possible disease spreading (handling isn’t always recommended/encouraged)
- clean soil/substrate (that has no pesticides) every 1-2 weeks
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Giant African Land Snails🌿
Another well-known type of snail is the Giant African Land Snail. Giant African Land Snails are a species of land snail in the family ACHATINIDAE. This species has been/is considered an invasive species. A typical lifespan is 3-6 years, but can go up to 10~, with diet and habitat needs met.
Their DIET is grass, cress, cucumber, lettuce, and cabbage. They can also eat crushed egg shells & other sources of calcium to protect their shells, lay eggs, and help with muscle contraction.
Their HABITAT is usually agricultural areas, forests, and/or wetlands. They are native to eastern Africa.
Shell -> large; the size of an average adult fist (full size), it can reach to approx. 20cm in length + 10cm in diameter, brownish + dark vertical stripes
As Pets:
- provide correct foods + water supply (a water bowl that isn’t too deep or none at all, spraying water in the enclosure is fine)
- use dechlorinated water to spray inside their enclosure to keep moist
- wash hands before + after handling to prevent dehydration and possible disease spreading (handling isn’t always recommended/encouraged)
- clean soil/substrate (that has no pesticides) every 1-2 weeks
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— Anything that can be removed, changed, or added, please let me know! —
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magicalgirlmascot · 2 months
Okay, in the KNPS AU, we know the Mata and the Metru's stances on pets... how about the Inika/Mahri and the various other Toa? (Helryx, we know your favorite animal is the african grey you own who is just as intimidating as you.)
Bfkshdis okay hang on
Jaller: dog and cat person equally. Has a pet golden retriever and she is the sweetest dog on the planet. Wishes his parents would let him get a crab like Takua's.
Hahli: has farm dogs and barn cats and likes them both fine enough but is a horse girl in her heart of hearts. Is trying so hard to keep that under wraps.
Kongu: Bird Boy. Has a pet budgie. Genuinely debating whether it's named Ka or to go with @avita-anarchy 's suggestion and give him a Kia with a missing i in the logo.
Hewkii: gets emotional about tiny dogs. He and Macku have made many jokes about adopting dogs instead of having kids when they're older. Neither of them is actually joking.
Nuparu: allergic to animal dander. Loves lizards and wants one so bad.
Matoro: walking animal encyclopedia. Loves birds, especially chickens. Firm believer in keeping your fucking cat indoors.
Takua: crab :) became somewhat less enamored by regular pets after they had to clean up after other people's pets on the regular.
Krahka: hates cats. Will not explain why.
Norik: president of the Creepy-Crawly Fan Club. Has been working in conservation efforts for endangered lizards and bugs for decades. Matoro thinks he's so cool and Kualus doesn't feel A Kind Of Way about that
Varian: prefers humans. Animal brains weird her out.
Kualus: has been fascinated by birds since he was a kid. You know that post like "oh you're a bird fan? Name every bird" and then they do? That's Kualus.
Ahkmou: says his favourite animal is snakes because snakes are cool and badass but actually it's goats.
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thebunnylord · 1 month
In my modern httyd AU, I interpret Dagur to be a former steroid and meth addict. After deciding to get clean and spending time hitchhiking across the country and camping out, and helping Hiccup and Toothless after a paragliding crash, he decided that he was going to change for the better. So he took up a volunteering opportunity at the rider’s animal sanctuary. Of course he was first given a hamster (shattermaster) to teach him the basics of animal handling, later he adopted a three legged pit bull that was rescued from a dog fighting ring.
He’s not allowed to handle the more dangerous animals yet, but working with animals has been very therapeutic for him and kept him clean, and be able to reconnect with Heather and wind shear (who I interpret as an African grey parrot). He still has starter master who surprisingly formed a bond with sleuther. Like they will sleep together and groom each other and hiccup will often receive pics of sleuther snuggled up on the floor with shatter master sleeping on his paws.
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earthyaries · 4 months
hii!! I’ve seen your style readings and i need help curating my style . I hope your having an amazing day ty in advance❤️
Description:female,5,2 lightskin African American with 3b-c type curly hair and hourglass figure
Hi ! Tysm for purchasing one of my style readings <3 I enjoyed putting this one together for u & I rlly hope u find it helpful !!
(Chart details were sent via DMs)
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1H - Aries (ASC) + Taurus: Leathers, denims, chunky shoes, & piercings + hydrated skin, glowy makeup, & healthy hair. Combine feminine & masculine style elements to enhance ur beauty while still showcasing ur natal chart’s energy. Take xtra care of ur face, neck, + hair/scalp (as Aries rules the head & face and Taurus rules the neck!). To express ur Aries ASC, wear: hoop earrings, glasses/sunglasses, unisex clothing, outdoor/sportswear, tinted gloss, lashes, &/or a signature haircut/style (even better if it draws attention to ur face!)
2H - Taurus/Gemini: The 2H is all about self esteem, so incorporating the 2H into the way we style ourselves will give us more self confidence. Taurus, ruled by Venus, loves all things luxurious; u may look for high quality fabrics & brand names, and u likely feel more confident when wearing them. Gemini (ruled by Mercury) loves to be stimulated, so u may find that u look & feel ur best when playing w diff shapes, colors, & textures! Keep ur hands groomed- whether it be doing ur own simple mani’s or going for more intricate, fun sets of nails :) Wear rings (Gemini) & necklaces (Taurus) often.
Sun in Virgo (6H): The sun rules over self expression; we can use our sun signs as a tool for fashion, & doing so will bring forth more confidence, as well as make us feel more in tune w our charts. Your sun is in Virgo in the house of Virgo; subtle colors & solid prints are ur best move. Baby blues, pastel pinks, bluish reds, muted purples, greys, soft blacks, pale greens, + ivory. When shopping for new clothes, pay attention to the fit of the piece; for special clothing & events , look into getting ur pieces tailored ! W ur eye for detail, u’ll be sure to notice & appreciate the difference it makes.
Venus in Virgo (6H): Venus rules over personal aesthetics & all things "beauty”. Your Venus is in Virgo in ur 6H, same as ur sun. You’ll feel most like urself when ur look is simple & understated. Instead of applying full glam, opt for a glossy , glowy “clean girl” makeup look. When doing a heavier look, choose either the eyes or lips to embolden (not both!). Wear ur natural hair color & texture and find a few suitable ‘everyday’ hairstyles that u can rotate between.
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granulesofsand · 7 months
We haven’t slept in two days, which is not awful but does give us the sense of humor of a 12 year old.
I want to clean up our wheelchair so that we can go places and exercise the same day, and someone keeps parroting every question abled people ask like ‘what happened 🥺’ ‘how did you get hurt 😰’ ‘what’s wrong with yer legs 🤠’ and someone else went ‘Bear,’ and the one who wouldn’t shut up went ‘the gay kind 🤗’ and that’s been a snapshot of what d along with these fuckers is like.
Also I think we have factives of African Grey parrots, which are not unlike the other critters but only talk in that mimicry voice. This is the highlight of my week, they did form from new trauma and they are literal birds. And they keep alternating between high-pitched screams and ‘rat rat rat’. Weeeeeee
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Enn:Es na ayer Abaddon avage
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Other names:Appolyon, Apollyon, Appolion, Abbadan, Abbaton, Abadon
Originally, Abaddon was a place and not an angel or being. In rabbinic writings and the Old Testament, Abaddon is primarily a place of destruction and a name for one of the regions of Gehenna (see Hell). The term occurs six times in the Old Testament. In Proverbs 15:11 and 27:20, it is named with Sheol as a region of the underworld. In Psalm 88:11, Abaddon is associated with the grave and the underworld.
Abaddon (Apollyon) is the angel of death, destruction, and the netherworld. The name Abaddon is derived from the Hebrew term for “to destroy” and means “place of destruction.” Apollyon is the Greek name.
In magic Abaddon is often equated with Satan and Samael. His name is evoked in conjuring spells for malicious deeds. Abaddon is the prince who rules the seventh hierarchy of demons, the Erinyes, or Furies, who govern powers of, discord, war, and devastation.
In Job 26:6, Abaddon is associated with Sheol. Later, Job 28:22 names Abaddon and Death together, implying personified beings. In Revelation 9:10, Abaddon is personified as the king of the abyss, the bottomless pit of hell. Revelation also cites the Greek version of the name, Apollyon, probably a reference to Apollo, Greek god of pestilence and destruction.
Abaddon destroys false illusions and masks, however once the truth is revealed the foundation of truth is planted. He transforms the energy and core power can rise from the depth of our soul. Abaddon reveals the practitioners core power just as he crushes and destroys. The practitioners courage comes out a destroys the illusions. He is a powerful guide and imitates the journey through the depth of darkness. The journey of the abyss is one of countless trials and lessons. Abaddon is one is an incredible teacher and Advisor and reveals the truth of the dark depth within.
Call upon Abaddon for
⬩Destroy false illusions
⬩Destroy masks
⬩Truth within even ones we don't wish to hear
⬩Ask him what else he will work with you on⬩
⊱•━━━━━━⊰In Ritual⊱━━━━━•⊰
Enn:Es na ayer Abaddon avage
Sigil:Posted above
Plant:Chamomile, Calendula, Aloe, Elder, Tillandsia Xerographica, African Blackwood, Walnut, Eucalyptus
Incense:Black Copal, Benzoin, Dragons Blood, Labdanum, Opoponax
⬩Red, black, purple, metallic grey, silver candles or objects
⬩Ask Abaddon what he likes⬩
⬩It is important to learn protections before trying to work with any spirits. You can get tricksters and parasites if you don't.
Cleansings- cleaning your space of negative energies. You can burn herbs or incense for this.
Banishings- forcing negative energies out of your space. The lesser banishing ritual is one of the most commonly used.
Warding- wards keep negative energy out of your space. Amulets, sigils and talismans do this.
Set up a your space and do a cleanse and banishing. Have wards up in your home. Meditation is to calm yourself and get your mind ready. The sigil (symbol) is what you draw on paper. The enn is what you chant or say to call forth the spirit.⬩
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viettna · 2 months
Help a college student help a bird
TLDR: healthy parrot stuff is expensive, I am but a college student who never chose to have this bird in the first place, but I still want the best for her. Please help
--- Hey guys! I started a gofundme for my uncle's parrot! I am raising money to get healthier chop and treats as opposed to her current Zupreem fruitblend + constant access to seeds and daily several nutriberries. I know a lot of times, gofundme's for pets are not well received because then I "shouldn't have gotten it in the first place" or "need to rehome" but /she is not my bird/. I am trying to do what I can to help her but I did not do this to her. My uncle means well, but his husbandry information is outdated, and he is blind and unable to see the true extent of the effect on Cake. I can barely even afford my own rent, I cannot take on the finances for this bird. I will put in the time and energy to feed, clean, train etc, but I really need a few dollars from those in a more financially stable place, or a reblog to find more of those people. If you need to FaceTime to see the reality of the situation and that this bird exists, please DM me, I am happy to prove it if it means getting her better care. If you want me to do something small in exchange, maybe a short poem or something, I am open to the idea of that too. Here is the gofundme: " https://gofund.me/601f714a Hey there! I'm reaching out because Cake, an African Grey parrot, really needs our help to get better food and safe toys while his owner navigates some challenges. Even a small donation can make a huge difference for Cake, so please consider clicking the link below to donate or share the link with others. Thanks so much! " For full transparency, that is not my real name as I don't feel comfortable putting that on blast but that doesnt make anything else less true, I swear
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ndeep1234 · 7 days
Best Pets for Home: Top 5 Pets and How to Choose the Right One
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Finding the best pet for your home involves considering factors like space, time commitment, family dynamics, and personal preferences. Pets can bring joy, companionship, and responsibility to a household. Whether you're looking for a furry friend, a feathered companion, or a low-maintenance pet, there's something for everyone. In this article, we'll explore the top 5 pets for home and offer insights on how to choose the best one for your lifestyle.
1. Dogs
Dogs are often considered the ultimate companions for families and individuals alike. They are loyal, loving, and provide a sense of security. However, owning a dog requires time, effort, and patience.
Popular Breeds for Homes: Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Beagles, and Poodles.
Behavior: Dogs are social animals that thrive on interaction and activity. They require regular exercise, mental stimulation, and companionship.
Weight: Varies widely by breed, ranging from 5 lbs (2 kg) for small breeds like Chihuahuas to 100 lbs (45 kg) for larger breeds like Great Danes.
Food: Dogs require a balanced diet of protein, vegetables, and grains. High-quality dry dog food is a good base, but some dogs may benefit from fresh or raw food diets.
Advantages: Loyal, protective, great companions, encourage exercise.
Disadvantages: Require a lot of attention, training, and regular exercise. Some breeds are prone to health issues.
2. Cats
Cats are independent, low-maintenance pets that are perfect for smaller homes or apartments. They can be affectionate without being overly demanding and don't require the same level of attention as dogs.
Popular Breeds for Homes: British Shorthair, Siamese, Persian, and Maine Coon.
Behavior: Cats are curious, playful, and generally independent. While some cats are very affectionate, others may prefer solitude.
Weight: Typically between 8-15 lbs (3.5-7 kg).
Food: High-protein, grain-free dry or wet food is recommended. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their diet should primarily consist of meat.
Advantages: Low maintenance, independent, ideal for small spaces.
Disadvantages: Can be aloof, may scratch furniture, litter box cleaning is required.
3. Fish
For those looking for a low-maintenance and visually pleasing pet, fish are an excellent choice. A well-maintained aquarium can add beauty to any room, and fish are quiet, peaceful pets that require minimal interaction.
Popular Species for Homes: Betta Fish, Goldfish, Guppies, and Neon Tetras.
Behavior: Fish are calming to watch and can be mesmerizing with their graceful movements. However, they do not offer the same level of interaction as other pets.
Weight: Varies depending on the species, but most common household fish are small and lightweight.
Food: Specialized fish flakes, pellets, or frozen foods based on the species.
Advantages: Low maintenance, aesthetically pleasing, quiet.
Disadvantages: Require regular water changes and tank maintenance, no physical interaction.
4. Birds
Birds can be wonderful pets, especially for those who enjoy animals with personality and intelligence. Birds range from low-maintenance species like parakeets to more demanding species like parrots.
Popular Species for Homes: Budgies (Parakeets), Cockatiels, Lovebirds, and African Grey Parrots.
Behavior: Birds are social and often form strong bonds with their owners. Some species can even mimic human speech and sounds.
Weight: Varies by species; small birds like budgies weigh around 1 oz (28 g), while larger parrots can weigh up to 3.5 lbs (1.5 kg).
Food: A balanced diet of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and specialized pellets is necessary to keep birds healthy.
Advantages: Intelligent, interactive, can be trained to talk or perform tricks.
Disadvantages: Can be noisy, require social interaction, and may become destructive if bored.
5. Rabbits
Rabbits are great pets for families or individuals who want a soft, furry friend that is relatively low maintenance. They are quiet, social animals that can be litter-trained and kept indoors or outdoors.
Popular Breeds for Homes: Holland Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Lionhead, and Flemish Giant.
Behavior: Rabbits are social animals that enjoy being around people. They can be litter-trained and love to hop around in open spaces.
Weight: Depending on the breed, rabbits can weigh anywhere from 2 lbs (1 kg) to 15 lbs (7 kg).
Food: A diet consisting mainly of hay, fresh vegetables, and rabbit pellets.
Advantages: Quiet, can be litter-trained, good for small spaces.
Disadvantages: Require regular grooming, need space to roam, can chew on furniture.
How to Choose the Best Pet for Your Home
Choosing the best pet depends on several factors:
Time Commitment: Some pets, like dogs, require a significant amount of time for training, exercise, and attention. If you have a busy schedule, consider low-maintenance pets like fish or cats.
Living Space: Consider how much space you have. Larger animals like dogs and rabbits need more space to move around, while fish and small birds can thrive in smaller areas.
Allergies: If you or a family member has allergies, hypoallergenic pets such as certain dog breeds (like poodles) or hairless cats may be a better option.
Family Dynamics: Pets like dogs can be great companions for children, while smaller pets like fish or birds may be more suited to families with older children who understand how to handle animals gently.
Budget: Some pets require more financial investment than others, not only in terms of initial costs but also in terms of ongoing care, food, and veterinary expenses.
Experience: First-time pet owners may find it easier to start with low-maintenance pets like fish or small birds, while more experienced owners may opt for dogs or rabbits.
Final Thoughts
Owning a pet is a rewarding experience that comes with responsibilities. Whether you choose a loyal dog, an independent cat, a peaceful fish, a chatty bird, or a soft rabbit, ensure that you are prepared to meet their physical and emotional needs. Researching the specific requirements of each species and breed will help you make the best decision for your home and lifestyle.
What is the best pet for first-time owners? Cats and fish are excellent choices for first-time owners due to their relatively low maintenance needs compared to dogs.
Are rabbits good pets for small apartments? Yes, rabbits can be kept in small apartments as long as they have space to hop around and plenty of enrichment to prevent boredom.
What is the most low-maintenance pet? Fish are considered one of the most low-maintenance pets, as they require little interaction and only need regular tank cleaning and feeding.
Do birds require a lot of attention? Some species of birds, like parrots, require a significant amount of social interaction and attention, while smaller birds like budgies are more independent.
Can dogs be left alone during the day? Some dog breeds can be left alone for a few hours, but most dogs require companionship and exercise throughout the day. Consider hiring a dog walker if you have a busy schedule.
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tiktokparrot · 5 months
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jabbage · 11 months
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ingeniousmindoftune · 2 years
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Description: in which you were a sex trafficked victim. Jay is undercover as Dorian when he meets you. Feeling unloved and distance between him and Upton, he forms a romantic and secret relationship with you. But, your romantic relationship could come at a deadly price.
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Request: Can you do a Jay Halstead one?
Pairing(s): Jay Halstead as himself/Dorian Grey x African!American Reader.
This is part one of many. Think of this as the prologue.
Warning(s): unconsensual sex, abuse, mentions of gore, triggering actions, trauma, adultery, double life, some Smut, some fluff, and more. If you aren’t the age of 18 do not interact. Negativity will get you blocked. Read at your OWN risk! 2K words
“Hi.” You grinned rolling over to his side of the bed, lying on top of him.
Your leg wrapped around his leg as he laid under the Snow White comforter and sheets in the fancy hotel room he’d gotten for the two of you. He planted a kiss on your lips. “Hey, Goodmorning beautiful.” You smiled, rubbing your hand back and forth on his chest. For months, you and Dorian (Jay) had been in an intimate relationship behind closed doors, and behind his boss. (Undercover)’s back. You were a runaway at the age of fourteen, you lived on the streets until you met a man you knew as Kevin Rayez, you thought he was kind and sweet and he was at first. He was kind, sweet and generous. He had taken you in, fed you, clothed you. He was grooming you, over time you and him forged a relationship. Sexual relationship. The creep didn’t even wait until you were old enough. He pursued you at just the age of sixteen.
Then once you were in your thirties, things went to bad.. to worse.
He would force you to sleep with his friends, and other men while he got paid for it. From there, he trafficked you around the world. Forcing men on you until you were in your twenties. When you were twenty-two, he forced you to start running the house with the girls he’d trafficked over the years. You were still his top girl so occasionally you’d still have to mess around with the men he told you to or he’d beat you. You’d tried to run, but that didn’t end too well.
Then, along came Dorian Grey. (Dt. Jay Halstead.)
[Flashback: The Introduction]
You sighed deeply looking at the red and blue bruises that covered your body, along with the bite marks from the man in the other room. “Get showered and dressed, I have someone coming and I would like you to be dressed and looking good, and cover those up.” He plants a kiss on your cheek. “Alright?”
“Ok.” You simply responded, he slapped and grabbed your bottom, giving it a nice squeeze. “Okay what?”
You looked up at him and forced a smile. “Ok, daddy.” He smiled. “Good, good. Be down in five minutes, be longer and things won’t be good for you. Okay?” He planted a kiss on your forehead then your head. You nod your head going to turn on the shower, you step inside delicately using your body scrub over your body, your soap and body wash. Once your routine was finished, you cleaned your coochie with water and the outside with your feminine wash. Having all of these men running through you, it made you feel dirty. You wanted out but it had become too hard to walk away from this life.
“You made it, and just in time too.” Kevin smiled up at you. “Come, come..”
You smiled a tight-lipped, forced smile, walking around the couch and sat next to him. You held your head low, and over to him. “Babe, this is someone I want you to meet..” he pulls you in closer, your eyes went from Kevin’s that was holding your wrist and pulling you closer to the man standing in front of you. Tall, beautiful man. His blue eyes pierced straight through her soul, the corner of his lip rounded as if he was about to form a smile. You nervously reached out your hand. “Hi.” Dorian shook your hand. “Hi. I’m Dorian.” He smiled.
“Y/n.” You introduced yourself back.
Kevin removed the two of your hands. “Dorian, this is my wife. As long as you’re staying in my home and, handling my business.. I would appreciate that you keep your eyes and hands to yourself,” he kissed your lips, then your neck. “This one’s all mine.” You forced a smile looking at Dorian in the corner of your eyes, he was observing the body language between you two. It spoke volumes.
“All right. I can assure you, I’m not here for that. I’m just here to help out here as much as I can.”
Kevin nods. “Good, you came highly recommended by Daniel, so don’t disappoint. I usually don’t let outsiders in on my operations, but, if Daniel says you’re cool.. you’re cool with me. Baby, why don’t you go and grab me and the man some drinks. And get dinner started? Yeah?”
“Okay, daddy.”
You stood up and walked out the room. You went to Kevin’s office grabbing his scotch and two glasses. Filling both with ice, walking out you handed Kevin’s to him, and went to hand over Dorian’s. His hand touched yours and it caused your hands to shake and a feeling you’d never felt down your spine. “Thank–” He started until you accidentally bumped your toe on the edge of the coffee table spilling the scotch all on Dorian. “Ouch!”
“What the hell woman?” Kevin stood up looking down at you, slapping you hard across the face sending you to the floor.
The glass broke and a piece went into your arm. Dorian’s jawline clenched. “It was an accident, Kevin.” He got down beside you, helping you clean up the mess. “She can take care of that on her own. She’s so incompetent.” You wiped your tears with your bloody arm. “I-I’m sorry. I'm so sorry.” You apologized. Kevin scoffed. “Leave her, Dorian.”
“Boss, she’s hurt.. just let me wipe her wound.”
Kevin smacked his lip. “When you’re done, meet me in my office. Down the hall, first door on the right. We will get you another drink.” He looked down at you. “And when you’re done, you think you can manage to whip up dinner without injury?” You nod. “Words. Speak.” He pressed his fingers together moving his hand up and down. “Yes. I-I can manage.”
“Are you ok?” Dorian asks helping you to your feet
You just looked him in the eyes. He held your waist. “Y-yes. You should go.” He shook his head. “I'm good. Where’s the first aid kit?” You pointed towards the bathroom. “In the cupboard.” He nods, going to get that, you sighed and hissed as you looked at the blood running down your arm. Shaking your head, you just wanted this all to be over. And wanted to just.. go away. Dorian entered the room with the supplies, once he cleaned up your wound, he helped you clean up the glass.
“Thank you.” You said to him standing to your feet. Your eyes locked with his. His with yours.
He smiled lightly. “No problem, Y/n. How’s your toe?” He chuckled, you blushed shaking your head. You were about to answer when you heard someone clearing their throat. “Tonya.” You stepped back from Dorian, turning your attention to her. “What’s going on here?” Tonya was Kevin’s sister, and business partner. She also was the only one who truly seemed to care about you and your well being, and always protected you when she could from her brother. “Nothing.” She nods her head, “Run along.” She told you. You sprinted away.
[end of flashback]
“You know it’s only a matter of time before he finds out about us, Dorian.” You sighed, placing your chin on his chest
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He leans down kissing your lips. “He won’t find out, and just trust me.. soon, I’ll get you away from him.” He ran his hand up and down your back as he held you in his arms. “I want you right now, climb on.” You giggle, getting on his stomach, pushing yourself down to his hard-on, you moaning as you slowly road his dick pressing against his stomach. “Mmm,” you moved your hair to the side as you rode him up and down, he held your hips, guiding you up and down. “Mm, shit. Give me a kiss.” You leaned down, careful not to break your rhythm, his lips pressed against yours. You both moan in sync. You giggle as he flipped you both over, thrusting in and out of you
“Mm, yes!” You moan.
You both stared into each other’s eyes intensely. You broke eye contact, you couldn’t no longer look him in the eyes as you moaned louder, creaming all over his dick as his thrust became harder and deeper. “Ohhh! Dorian!! Fuckkkk!” You screamed out in pure pleasure.
-Hours Later-
You sat up on your knees. “Mm, you leaving?” You pout.
“Yeah, I have some work I have to do. I’ll come check on you later. You sure you gonna be okay here until I’m able to make it back?” He holds your naked body to his clothed, his hands running down your soft brown skin, over the scars, the bruises. “I can’t wait to get you away from him, this life.. you don’t deserve this.”
“Dorian, let’s be real. You can’t take me away from him. He will kill me.”
He shook his head kissing your shoulder. “I’ll never let that happen, you hear me? I love you.” You looked him in the eyes. “W-what?” He smiled, kissing your lips. “You heard me. I love you. Imma protect you.”
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-As Halstead
Jay walked into the locker room, sighing deeply. He looked at the photo of him and Hailey that was taped to the locker. Jay was always an honest, caring, loving and noble man. And he loved Hailey. But he loved Y/N.. more if that made sense. Hailey and Jay had been having marital problems for a long time. She’s always been distant with him.. off putting. A little like Y/n in a way but, things with Hailey were just.. sideways. They were separated right now, and he’s been working undercover for the last couple months, but today was the day he’d officially came back to the unit.
His double life was starting to take a toll. He never intended to fall in love with you, but he had. He felt ashamed , unlike himself. And he didn’t know where to begin or.. how he would even tell Hailey that he’s stepped outside of their marriage— even if they were separated– and now you were carrying his child. And he needed to get you out of the situation you were in while Kevin was out of the country on business. “Halstead?”
Jay was knocked out of his trance. He grabbed his badge wrapping it around his neck, grabbing his jacket and closing the locker behind him. “Ruzek.”
The boys shared a brotherly hug. “So glad to have you back.” Jay nods and smiles. “Thank you.” Upton entered the room, she rubbed the skin between her thumb and index finger, Ruzek smiled. “I’ll leave you two to it.” He patted his back, before leaving. Jay rubbed his neck slightly. “Hey.”
“Hey.” She smiled a toothless smile, looking at the man she did love but found herself becoming distant.
He didn’t know and she didn’t know the man he was becoming. “I been calling..” she trailed off. “Yeah, I know I’ve been meaning to get back to you, but you know how it is being under, I can barely get away. You know.” She nodded. “Yeah, but how’s things going?”
“Uh.. it’s gotten complicated but, I’ve gotten closer to–”
He was cut off. “Hey, upton- Halstead!” Kevin smiled walking over and embracing Jay with brotherly love. “Glad you here but hey, we just caught a case.” Jay nods. “We can talk about this later.” He looked at her, walking past and going to the briefing room. It all felt so weird, being back here, being around his friends. If all just felt weird and out of place. He looked down at his phone seeing a message from Tonya.
Tonya: 911. Out back.
He frowned. “Hey uh.. I gotta,” he didn’t speak another word, he grabbed his jacket and wrapped it around him rushing out, he closed the gate doors behind him and walked out the back of CPD. He furrowed his brows.
“So it’s true..” Tonya chuckled shaking her head. “You’re a fucking cop!?”
Jay held his hand up. “Tonya..” she scoffed shaking her head. “None of that matters right now, I went back t the hotel to pick up Y/n..” he furrowed his brows. “Okay and? What happened? Where is she? Please tell me you didn’t bring her here.”
“She’s missing.” Tonya told him. “When I got there..”
She was cut off by Upton running out back. “Jay, we leaving? You coming? Is everything ok?” He rubbed the back of his neck. Tonya laughs. “Wow. Jay? What’s your real name.” He sighs. “Jay.. Jay Halstead.” She sucked her teeth. “You go. Do your job. I’ll find her..”
“Wait,” Jay moved closer to her. “Don’t tell her about this. I want to be the one to tell her and don’t tell your brother.”
She laughs. “I won’t. Long as you keep me out of your little Investigation.. but there’s something you should know.. when I got back to the hotel, there was blood everywhere. You might want to come clean about being in that room or.. stall your people.. I’m sure they investigating it. I can have-”
“Wait hold up, go back, there was what? WHAT ARENT YOU TELLING ME, TONYA!?”
Upton just stood there. Confused, trying to make out what was being said until she heard him shout. Tonya pointed her finger in his face. “It’s gonna be handled. I’m sure she’s all right. I will find her.”
“No.. no.. imma find her.” He brushed past her. “Halstead!” Voight shouted.
Jay turned and looked at him and upton, “Get in.” He told Tonya, she ran around getting in the passenger. He got in his truck and started up the vehicle, speeding out the precinct. “Why you didn’t lead with that Tonya? I need details.. everything you saw or can remember..”
“I’m sure she’s fine.. Dorian, Jay whatever the hell your name is. My brother wouldn’t kill her. If anything he’d rough her up.”
Jay shook his head. “And you think that’s okay?” She shook her head. “No. But I did warn the two of you to stop what you’re doing. If she’s killed, it’s on you.” She spoke with venom looking away from the road over at him. “On you.”
“If anything happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself.”
She shook her head. “Well something did. I don’t know what happened in that room but I’m actually scared.” Jay’s phone rung with Voight’s number. He let out a sharp exhale, answering. “Halstead. Where are you?”
“Something came up. I have to handle it.”
He shook his head. “You want to explain to me why the hotel we’re investigating has your undercover alias name on file? And why I have a room a mess, ransacked and blood everywhere. Jay, what’s going on? Come talk to me before you do anything stupid.. we can do this.. together.”
“This is my mess. I’m going to fix it. Just tell me, is there a body?”
Voight went silent. Jay pulled over and slammed on his break. “Voight, is there a body?”
“Yes.” Jay and Tonya both looked at eachother.
Tags: @xsweetdellzx @laylasbunbunny @hinatasfleshlight @skyesthebomb @bbygirlchristina @lovesanimals0000 @briana-mishell24 @piccasoe @wandasbitxh @90sisthenew80s @tribalqueen20 @panicsinvirgo @star017 @zenxn20 @pearlkitten33 @rosegoldcoco
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greenmaneheart · 1 year
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~Griffis Supspecies Height Comparison + Info~ ------------------------------------ Just doing this for fun~ I made this so I can use this to design more griffins oc if I want to save time. Also explaining the differences. Not just for these that I show here, also included for other bird species. Of course, I can't filled all in here. Just try and use common senses, if you can.
There's a few things that I explained based in my universe world, so, just want to make that clear.
If the pic is kinda hard to see here, you can view the full and close up image on DA: https://www.deviantart.com/greenmaneheart/art/Griffis-Supspecies-Height-Comparison-Info-in-des-978901373
I will explain more details of what features they had. have fun reading~ ------------------------------------
Very small - HUMMINGBIRD
This also included other small bird species such as kingfisher, kookaburra, cockatiel, parakeet, parrotlet.
They have a certain natural ability based on what bird species they are; kingfisher griffins can catch fish. Kookaburra griffins can make loud and chaotic cry. And more.
Their small size makes it easy for them to fly swiftly or hide in small spaces. ------------------------------------
Medium small - OWL
This included all types of owl species out there.
They can fly without making a slightest sound of their wings flapping while flying.
Their common traits are usually quiet, watchful, sly and deep-thinkers. They seem more active hunting during night time, making them nocturnal creatures.
Owl griffins are considered as the calmest griffin compared to other subspecies griffins.
They are not usually aggressive and only do so when it's necessary like defending their home.
Despite also being considered as a predatory kind, they're pretty calm. ------------------------------------
Medium - MACAW
This included all types of macaw and medium-sized parrots species such as cockatoo, African grey parrot, scarlet macaw, black palm cockatoo and more.
Their habitats are usually in the jungle or rainforest.
Some have the ability to mimic sounds. Their special beak is for macaws, able to crack open any hard nuts easily, without any tools.
Their common traits can come in pretty friendly, intelligent, crafty and creative. They're considered as the smartest and creative subspecies of griffin. ------------------------------------
A common griffin, half eagle, half lion. However, this also included all types of eagle species, including hawk and falcons. Usually predatory birds.
This type of griffin has the biggest wingspan of all other griffins. A strong flier and the fastest flier than all other griffins.
They are also considered the strongest griffin subspecies.
They are also common subspecies and the most populated compare to other subspecies griffins.
Most of these griffins are very well known to hunt any certain food or animal easily. ------------------------------------
Medium Large - PEAFOWL
Male peacock griffins are usually a bit bigger than female peahen griffins.
However, this size can come from other types of bird such as Lyrebirds and birds of paradise.
Usually the royals are a bit bigger compared to it's average size.
Peafowl griffins are considered as the most beautiful creatures in Griffonia due to their unique pattern and colorful feathers.
Peacock griffin can fly but not as fast as other griffins. Peahen griffin cannot fly properly and can only glide.
Certain peafowl families will wear a certain gem on their forehead to easily identify their close relatives and family. This also to show off their beauty and high quality of themselves.
This has been going for many generations and now considered as their tradition.
Most peafowl are from the royal family. They live in a high ground place called The Proud Tree Kingdom.
They're usually very graceful, elegant, and well mannered. They always try to maintain their appearance to stay clean and beautiful to show that they are more superior than other griffins. ------------------------------------
Very tall and large - OSTRICH
Ostrich griffins are considered as the largest griffin subspecies.
They are also one of the griffins that cannot fly.
Females can have pale, pastel, whitish or brown color feathers, while males have dark coloring feathers.
However, as a normal ostrich would have, they're able to run fast compared to other griffins. Their highest speed limit is almost the same speed as the normal griffin's flying speed.
Most ostrich griffins participated in a racing sport game, and so were considered as professional racers.
These griffins can usually be found in many populations living somewhere in the desert western land, which is where the racing stadium for ostriches is located.
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sweetlilbird · 2 years
if the skeletons could have a pet what animal/s would they pick?
(i'll leave it to you to decide whether the creature is within the realm of possibility for pet-ownership kjdfgkfdg)
Oooh, good question 👀
Sans: If it were possible, Sans would absolutely love to own a Red Panda. Despite their adorable faces and cuddly bodies, they actually don't like interaction with others, preferring solitude, which is something Sans could totally get behind.
Papyrus: Papyrus is a cat person all the way (as are most of the other Papyri). However, he specifically loves the Scottish Fold breed! He constantly fawns over their cute little ears and big eyes.
Red: Red actually isn't a huge pet person, he thinks they smell and he's not very good at taking care of himself, let alone another animal. Though, he does think about how funny it would be to own an African Grey bird and teach it a ton of swear words.
Edge: Probably the biggest cat guy out there! Doomfanger is a fan favorite for his pet, and while the breed of Doomfanger isn't necessarily canon...I see her as an all black Oriental Shorthair. Seriously, if Edge were a cat, that's what breed he'd be.
Blue: Blue loves dogs! His favorite breed is the Dalmatian, the signature dog of firehouses all around the country! He also loves Golden Retrievers.
Stretch: Stretch has an affinity for all things amphibious, especially frogs! He thinks they're so cute, and he'd love to own a bunch of Australian Green tree frogs some day.
Indigo: He doesn't like pets at all; they smell, make messes that he'll have to clean because no one else will do it, and they cost a lot to care for properly. Though, he wouldn't mind having a Budgie or two, sitting on his shoulder as he works on paperwork.
Cash: Cash loves cats too, but he prefers the bigger cats! Lions, tigers (but not bears), and even bobcats! He really loves the snow leopard the most.
Black: A Chihuahua. No, I will not elaborate.
Rus: Rus likes snakes, specifically Ball pythons! Their little tongues are so cute~ Rus also loves spiders of any kind!
Fellswap Gold:
Wine: He likes dogs, with a preference to the larger breeds. He's always wanted a Dobermann Pinscher, but he dislikes the practice of cropping ears and tails.
Coffee: The second biggest cat lover, right behind Edge. His favorite breeds are the Maine Coon and the Norwegian Forest cat, both majestic floofs in their own way!
Bear: Bear is a big guy, so he's a little hesitant around smaller animals, but he loves all types of rodents! His favorites are Dumbo rats (those ears though!!!) and Capybaras.
Sugar: Despite being a cat guy, he can't handle the amount of hair they shed due to his allergies, but he likes the Sphynx breed! Sugar would make them little sweaters and hats to keep them warm.
Thank you for sending a question! This was a fun one to answer!
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pangolin-404 · 1 year
I haven't seen anyone talk about this but like. Caligula is definitely dead. Misty was in that cult for how many days, and how many more until she returns home?
The only time she's thought about Caligula since entering the cult was for her initiation, and even then, that was a caricature supporting her affections for Walter. A part of me wonders if she loves Caligula because he, being a pet parrot, is intelligent but dependent on her, and since she has her old obsessions to pursue, she eventually loses focus on keeping him alive.
Sure she cleans his cage and feeds him but an grey parrot is not an animal to be kept as a pet because their physical and emotional needs can't easily be met in captivity. She pursues her passions (she clearly loves african grey parrots, one's on her phone background, on her tote bag, it's her reddit username) to the point of damaging those passions for her own enjoyment. like. she's not a stupid person. she puts thought into his care. but not enough to accept she shouldn't own him
She forgot about this bird that is dependent on her for everything. One of the few times we see Misty openly lose her gourd was when Caligula's life was threatened; she loves him and will throttle someone for him. But she's left him alone for... how long, now? How long does it take for a bird to starve? She's going to shamble home from Lottie's cult and that bird is going to be dead in his cage.
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