#Agente Logan
perfettamentechic · 2 years
Fausto Sarli
Maestro italiano dell'haute couture: Fausto Sarli #faustosarli #hautecouture #fashion #design #moda #sarlicouture #roccopalermo #weddingdress #cratoredistile #creatoredimoda #storiadelllamoda #perfettamentechic
Fausto Sarli è stato uno stilista d’alta moda italiano. “Scultore dell’alta moda“, uno degli stilisti più creativi dell’haute couture italiana, ma anche uno dei creatori di moda più schivi e riservati. Gli atelier Sarli si trovano a Roma, Milano, Napoli. Sarli nasce a Napoli, il 9 maggio del 1927, dove cresce a contatto con stoffe e tessuti presso l’Atelier materno ed eredita, sin da bambino…
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
TW: Wolverine Badonkas
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I laughed rewatching because like
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orangeslikesbread · 2 months
if I had a nickel for every fandom I'm in that has a man being held at gunpoint by his boyfriend. I'd have three nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened three times right?
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faramirsonofgondor · 2 months
I love Challengers
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Since Channing Tatum Gambit ended up in the Void, I can just imagine Lance Hunter and Bobbi Morse from the “Most Wanted” timeline being there too. And like Gambit, they don’t even remember their timeline because they got pruned as soon as it started.
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vertigoartgore · 5 months
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Uncanny X-Force Vol.1 #25 cover by Jerome Opeña & Dean White.
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greyciees · 5 months
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Been playing to much of My time at Sandrock recently….
!!!!!Slight game spoilers?? under the cut!!!!
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thingsasbarcodes · 5 months
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)
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vampirekilmerfic · 28 days
Agent Coulson, Wolverine, and Captain John Price all walk into a bar... and proceed to adopt every living soul inside. Before the night is over at least one fight will break out between Price and Logan over who is a more suitable father.
Natasha, Marie, and Farah will inevitably be called to "...come and collect your dads. They're getting grabby again with the new batch of recruits from the base."
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fmchibi · 2 months
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not me crushing hard on Logan... again 😗
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bestqprshipbracket · 7 months
Best Polyamorous Ship Group 1 Round 2
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tnt-tourney · 1 year
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ROUND ONE -- Bill Preston and Ted Logan VS. Leonard Church and Agent Texas
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spilled-coffee-cup · 5 months
I need to find a writer that writes for both formula 1 and criminal minds I have a request I've been cooking up but can't write because I'm shit at developing stories :D
But like trust me on this, ok?!, see the vision please.
Idea under the cut 🫵🏻
BAU agent attends a Formula 1 race weekend in their free time/for leisure (maybe USA as a triple header in the calendar for this or something) but ends up recognizing an unsub that the fbi couldn't catch at the time or someone that was a suspect in a cold case (or something like that), and like agent mode because maybe he's just being weird and suspicious, so yeah shit happens right, or maybe weird shit had been happening recently that our BAU agent suspected had to do with this suspect, like his style, MO or something like that.(Doesn't have to only be an unsub from only the US, maybe it's a case where Interpol wanted the help of the fbi/ bau, like international yk, idk you tell me)
Now in some way/whatever agent bumps into Logan and he like, is interested in agent so he tries to make conversation and something and he notices her being like tense when the weird suspicious guy is around or agent looks at the weird guy a lot and Logan notices and he offhandedly tells agent how he's seen the same guy around the garages for a while and pinned him out for some weird behavior or something and what he describes fits the MO agent suspected fit with the guy...now insert BAU things happening and all that.
(tag me if you write it I beg, it's a need not a want)
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teddypines · 4 months
The weekend with Alpine (Part 1)
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- Sumary: Cat has a sleepover with a rather upset Alpine. Alpine doesn't like the new appartment Steve and Bucky have. Note: Doing this in parts because my idea got too long for just one story. This is like the longest story I wrote so far, this is like 2000 +/- words for just the Friday part of the story. Also a small part for Logan and Professor X :). Art/picture is from Google, credits go to whoever made it.
Part 2.
The weekend was slowly approaching and Steve and Bucky just moved into their new apartment in Brooklyn. The only problem was, Alpine didn't like the move and it took a toll on the little feline. So in an attempt to cheer Alpine up, Steve and Bucky were going to take Cat with them for a little sleep over. They only had to ask everyone and convince them it was a good idea.
“Come on Tony, it's just four nights. I know Cat has never really been anywhere else besides the compound, but Alpine really needs a friend. He hasn't been the same since the move.” Steve explained to Tony as he and Bucky tried to convince him. “Well have you asked Cat if she wants to go in the first place?” Tony responded as she spun around in his spinny chair towards his other desk. “Because if she's okay with it, then I'm okay with it.” 
Steve and Bucky looked at each other and then back at Tony. “Alright. Do you know where Cat is?” Bucky asked Tony as he slowly grabbed onto Steve's hand. Locking his fingers with Steve's. 
“There is only one place she can be if she isn't around one of us” Tony answered with a small smile. He continued to tinker on his helmet. Of course Bucky and Steve knew immediately where Cat was. They left Tony in his lab to look for Cat in Coulson's office.
The moment Bucky and Steve walked through the door of Coulson’s office they were met with two other men and Cat on one of their laps. Cat looked up at Bucky and Steve from her spot on Charles’s lap. She gave them a soft meow before nuzzling back against the professor. Coulson looked up at Bucky and Steve and gave them both a soft smile. “What can I do for you two? I hope it’s not much since I am in the middle of a meeting.” Bucky nervously rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a bit embarrassed about interrupting Coulson’s meeting. “Well, we were looking for Cat. Wanted to know if she would like to spend the weekend with us. We have this new apartment, but Alpine doesn’t seem to like it a lot and we are kind of worried about him. So we thought that bringing Cat over might make him feel a bit more at home.” Bucky overexplained as the three men and Cat looked at Bucky. 
“We just need to borrow her for a bit so we can take her to Loki or Wanda for an answer.” Steve said quickly. “She would like to go,” Charles said in answer. “So no need to go to your friend for an answer. Cat would love to go with you and see Alpine” 
Cat quickly meowed after Charles was done telling everyone about her answer.
Steve looked a bit baffled and Bucky just blinked in confusion. “How do you know that?” Steve asked after a good few minutes of silence. “The professor can read minds, he’s telepathic” Logan answered a bit grumpy as he folded his arms over his chest. He thought it would be obvious that everybody knew who he was, but he was wrong. “Well you don’t really need telepathy to know what Cat wants. She’s already always so clear about what she wants.” Coulson said with a fond smile.
“Yes, thank you Logan for explaining and yes I have to agree with Mr. Coulson. Cat is a very outspoken cat . Now you two better get Cat’s things ready, she really wants to go and see Alpine now” Charles said as he placed Cat on the floor. Cat looked up at him and gave him a soft meow in thanks. 
Steve and Bucky just nodded and said their goodbyes to Coulson, Charles and Logan. “We better look them up once we get home.” Bucky said when the two of them were out of the office and out of ears reach. Steve nodded as he carried Cat in his arms to get by a bit faster. The two of them got everything that Cat might need over the weekend. There was now only one problem, getting Cat into her travel basket. It was clear that Cat didn’t want to go in the cage, but she had to for her own safety. “Come on, Cat, Please it’s just for a few minutes!” Bucky said as he tried to push Cat into the cage. 
“Buck, be careful, you know Cat doesn’t like to be pushed into things she doesn’t like” Steve quickly but carefully grabbed Cat from Bucky’s grip. “Let’s just see if she goes in herself,” Steve carefully put Cat down. “Please, Cat, could you please go in?” Cat looked up at Steve and then at Bucky before slowly walking away from her travel basket. 
“Yeah, nicely done Steve, now she won’t go in at all!”
After a long struggle of getting Cat into her travel basket and a lot of scratches and meows in protest the three of them were finally on their way to Brooklyn. Cat kept whining and meowing in her cage, not liking that she was in such a small space. It was like she was constantly meowing about if they were there yet.
“Yes, yes we are almost there Cat, stop your whining, please.” Bucky said as he tried to focus on the road. Hating how busy the streets got on Fridays. Steve gave Bucky a small slap on the thigh. “Don’t tell Cat to stop whining. She is scared and uncomfortable. You would whine too if you were in her situation!” Steve said as he gave Bucky a stern but soft look.
Bucky looked at Steve, knowing he was right, but he didn’t want to admit to that. Not really when he was finally getting better and feeling happy. He stopped the car in front of a red light and looked back at Cat in the backseat of the car. “Sorry Cat, I know you are scared, I would be too, but we are almost home. Just 3 more traffic lights okay?” Cat answered with a soft meow and leaned against the side wall of the travel basket, tufts of cat hair sticking out of the side.
Steve gave Bucky a soft smile and held onto his hand until the light turned green and they could go home.
Once Steve and Bucky finally got home to their apartment Cat could get out of her travel basket. Alpine was on top of his cat tree near the window, not caring that Bucky and Steve brought home several cat things. He didn’t know that they brought Cat with them. Cat let out a soft meow when she got out of the cage, Alpine looked down at Cat and felt a little happier. He jumped down from the cat tree and greeted Cat. 
Steve set up the few things Cat needed before starting dinner. Bucky sighed and started to help Steve with dinner. 
Cat licked Alpines head and started to purr, happy to see her friend again. Alpine grumbled a bit before slowly walking away to show Cat around the apartment. He still didn’t like it, but Cat needed to know where everything was so he showed her. 
(Cat and Alpine’s pov) 
“And this is their bedroom. They have a cat bed near the end of the bed, but they really don’t mind it if we sleep on the bed with them.” Alpine explained as he jumped onto Steve and Bucky’s bed and lay down on the sheets. Cat looked up at Alpine and tried to jump onto the bed as well. “hmpf. Why is this bed so tall?!” “The bed isn’t tall, you are just smaller than me.” Alpine answered while watching Cat struggle to get on the bed. “I am not small!!” Cat yelled as she finally got onto the bed. “Am average, like most cat’s” 
“No, you are small, just accept it” Alpine smirked. Cat curled up beside him. “No, not small!” “You are small, Cat. Truly, you are small, sweet but small” Cat pouted and pushed Alpine away, which made him fix the hairs that got roughed up. Cat looked at Alpine, trying to figure out why he was sad in the first place, but he didn’t seem all that sad. She decided to let it be for now and curled back up to Alpine’s side for a nap. Alpine didn’t sleep even when it was the perfect moment to take a nap. He just couldn’t stop looking at Cat. The sun that made her Brown and orange spots glow, how calm she looked even in this completely new place. She always amazed Alpine, even the small things that nobody but him noticed. It made him a bit more peaceful knowing Cat was with him right now. Unconsciously telling him everything was safe and going to be okay.
After a few hours of napping and Alpine looking at Cat it was time for their dinner. Bucky called out for the two of them from the kitchen. Steve in the meantime was setting up the dinner table for their own special dinner. Take away from the amazing Italian place down the street. Cat happily trotted towards the kitchen with Alpine slowly walking behind her, not as excited as she was, but happy to eat nonetheless. “Come on Alpine, won’t want Cat to eat your dinner while your still on the way” Bucky teasted his fluffy friend. He held two bowls with each cat’s favorite cat food. Bucky waited for both cat’s to sit down near the bowl holder before setting down their bowls for them to eat. Alpine started to eat, but Cat looked at the bowl of mush. “Alpine? What is this? It smells funny.” Cat asked as she touched the wet mushy cat food with her front paw. Before Alpine could even answer Cat, Bucky had already picked her up. “Come on Cat, don't play with your food. You’ll like it, I promise. It’s the same brand you always have, just a different flavor.” Bucky tried to reassure Cat, knowing the small calico cat a bit too well. “Did she smash her food already?” Steve asked concerned, he stopped setting the table to come over and check on them. “No, not yet, but i think she was about to”
Alpine looked up at Cat and gave her a taunting look as he chewed on his food. Cat growled a bit and gave Bucky a small smack on his cheek. Steve bursted out laughing when Bucky gave Cat a look of bewilderment. He did not expect Cat to just slap him over a change in her dieet.  
“Now that was unnecessary” Bucky said and put Cat back down on the floor in front of her food bowl. “Just try it, Cat, please.” Cat looked at her food bowl, taking a quick sniff of the mush inside it. She took a small bite and swallowed soon after. She didn’t like the flavor, but ate everything that was in the bowl so she wouldn’t upset Bucky. Steve saw that Cat didn’t like the food, but wouldn’t dare tell Bucky about it. Not wanting to take the chance of breaking Bucky’s heart. 
Bucky smiled at the empty bowls and picked them up to be cleaned. He smiled at Steve and started to unpack their take out. Steve let out a sigh as he sat down at the dinner table “Buck? You do have Cat’s regular food here, Right?” “Yes, of course, why do you ask?” Bucky gave Steve a look while setting down dinner on the table. “Nothing, just make sure you give her that from now on, okay?” Bucky gave Steve a questionable look but nodded his head in agreement. “Fine”
After dinner and a few hours off cuddling on the couch Bucky and Steve went to bed. Cat jumped at the opportunity to sleep on the bed with them. She looked back at Alpine with a worried look. “Aren’t you joining?” “No, I don’t like sleeping with Bucky and Steve anymore. It just doesn’t feel as safe as it used to.” Alpine answered as he jumped on top of his cat tree. Cat looked back at Steve and Bucky and then quickly ran over to give them both a quick goodnight meow before running back to Apine. “Can I join you tonight Alpine? Please” Alpine gave Cat a look, nodding his head slowly as he made room for her on the cat bed. Cat climbed her way up and lay down next to Apine. “Good night, Alpine” “Night, Cat” 
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laundrypause · 6 months
Wait actually, Logan rookie agent and Alex veteran agent.
CW: Violence in gen. Think Mission Impossible
Logan goes on a mission for the first time and it goes so horribly wrong, he's benched and is demoted to desk duty. It's like "I almost killed my partner" bad. Then a few months goes by and he gets notice that he's finally been put out of his guilt and misery and he's going to go on a mission in a week's time. The problem though? He's going to get a new partner which is none other than Agent Alex Albon. Infamous for rising up to the top when nobody was expecting it, he's skilled in 3 different martial arts, a marksman and helped take down a notorious gang in his rookie year. So yea, no biggy. It's fine when they meet, Alex's funny but he's really, really sarcastic so sometimes Logan doesn't know if he's actually being serious or not and just awkwardly stammers out a laugh. Their dynamics is quite confusing to the other agents. Even so, Logan is not complaining at all. Anything to get him out of desk duty and truthfully, he doesn't really mind you know, working with Alex. Alex is nice. Really nice to look at to work with. When they do finally go on the mission, Logan assumed this would be an easy one. Just some plain ol' recon, still dangerous if you slip-up but not too life-threatening. And it was, that is until they saw something they shouldn't have seen and now their agency is getting threatened. But why should the agency care? They're called a secret impregnable fort for a reason, right? Wrong. The bad guys break into the agency guns blazing and overall 0/10 would not try again. There weren't any casualties, just a few minor injuries. The agency doesn't employ some of the most talented agents for no reason. Unless you count Logan getting shot in the arm and kidnapped a major injury. His kidnapper was a few inches shorter than him, had wispy blonde hair coming out of the black balaclava he was wearing and was pretty built. Had kind of a similar accent to Oscar but not. The agency tries to save him, keyword being tries because they did try, they just didn't see this unprecedented situation. Which was Alex moving to JOIN the bad guys??? Apparently he's a double agent which is great hahahaha, not like Logan had bared his soul to him or actually fallen for him or anything.... Yea, so the agency fails to save him because Alex takes out an honest to God syringe and plunges it into Logan's chest, embedding it deep into his body. Last thing Logan remembers before darkness overcomes him is a gunshot ringing but he can't find it himself to see who's hurt, he's ..just...so....tiiireddddd.........
"You're up"
Groaning, Logan rubs his head, trying to cease the throbbing headache he's currently experiencing.
"Would've woken up sooner if you didn't give me such a big dose. Trying to kill me Albon?"
Yea, so maybe Logan's a double agent too...whoopsie. He's just that good of an actor. [Cue my brainrot of actor Logan and driver Oscar or Alex, I'm not picky]
"Nah, I like your face too much to kill you Sarge"
"Right, if you two lovebirds don't mind, we've got work to do."
Logan takes notice of the man off to his left. He has one hand in his pocket and the other sweeping up his blond hair to the side, an exasperated look on his face.
"No wait, let's rewind back to when you literally shot me in the arm. What the fuck Liam?"
"I needed to do it! People would've talked if you had only like one scratch"
"Oh and so you thought hmm a gunshot wound would be the next best choice?"
"Stop complaining man, our work isn't done yet. It's time we move on to phase 2."
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agentwhiskeysdarlin · 11 months
Kinktober 2023
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This years Kinktober is going to look a little different. Due to a whole lot of things I was only able to complete five fics. So starting October 22nd I will start posting and I will be posting a fic every other day up until Halloween. I also will be leaving the prompts a surprise until I post them! Massive thanks to @clint-aww-no-barton as always for not only putting up with me but being my unofficial/official editor.
I will be posting this post ahead of time with tags so if you want to be tagged in any Kinktober fic please let me know! I will be using taglist from last year along with most recent taglist from fics.
Also I will be using the tag agentwhiskeysdarlinkinktober if you don’t want to see any of this you can mute!
All fics will be posted at 7pm central time.
Day 1: Bath & Praise-Jack Daniels
Day 2: Breath Play & Thigh Riding-Aleksander Morozova (The Darkling)
Day 3: Public Teasing & Edging-Logan Delos
Day 4: Roleplay-Joel Miller
Day 5: Knife Play & Sugar Daddy-Billy Russo
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