mynameiselicomics · 6 months
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divinities-hymns · 2 months
One of the worst things about being autistic and a writer is having to write emotions, I can’t even describe my own feelings what makes you think I can describe someone else’s 😭
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NPD + alexithymia culture is being so tired when people keeps using empathy as a way to decide if a person is good or bad. .. ?? I can't even tell my own emotions and now i'm no different than a bigot or a criminal for not understanding other's ???
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monkmain · 6 months
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Art dump
I’ll probably start posting Light Origins mostly on weekends because I just don’t have the motivation on weekdays
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birdofdawning · 1 year
So anyway my asexual, alexthymic, autistic self decided to write a romance story filled with angst and feelings and two people realising that they need to be together, so I guess I'm doing that now
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sensible-tips · 1 year
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Mindful Monday- “ Why Is It So Hard for Some Men to Share Their Feelings?”
Get the answers from PsychologyToday.com here
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sillygalclaire · 3 months
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My friend told me to take the CAT-Q because she believes I have a lot of autistic traits
Update: I got 121 lmao 😔
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wh3nd01want1t · 3 months
Don't try to wake me up
Even if the sun really does come out tomorrow
Don't believe anything you say
Anymore, anymore, in the morning
Bricks to this old house are breaking
Steel would have weathered, but now forlorning
It's alarming how loud the silence screams
No warn, no warn, no warning
Addictions fill the table where the family used to sit
And conversate, conversate to the sounds
To the sounds of a record player
With it's jumping needle and the lights that grow dim over time
With downcast eyes
There's more to living than being alive
With downcast eyes
There's more to living than being alive
Are you where you want to be?
So beautiful and only twenty-three
Opposition rests in the hearts
With no, with no, with no opportunity
It's not that we don't talk
It's just no one really listens and honesty fades
Like a politician lost in the course
All smiles and no one remembers our names
With downcast eyes
There's more to living than being alive
With downcast eyes
There's more to living than being alive
With downcast eyes
There's more to living than being alive
With downcast eyes
There's more to living than being alive
Don't try to wake me up
Even if the sun really does come out tomorrow
Don't believe anything I say
Anymore, anymore, in the morning
With downcast eyes
There's more to living than being alive
With downcast eyes
There's more to living than being alive
With downcast eyes
There's more to living than being alive
With downcast eyes
There's more to living than being alive
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this-is-me19 · 6 months
Self-Injury and Alexithymia connection
Info below the cut copied from the article and highlights for quick understanding.
Self-harm, defined for the purpose of this review as any act of self-injury without explicit suicidal intent, is an increasing public health concern, with potential long-term implications for those who engage in it. Previous research has identified a correlational relationship between self-harm and alexithymia, an emotion processing deficit characterized by difficulties identifying and describing feelings, and an externally orientated thinking style. Through a systematic search of the literature, the current review examines the association between alexithymia and self-harm. A meta-analysis based on 23 studies found a significant, positive relationship between self-harm and alexithymia, with a medium effect size (g = 0.57, 95% CI 0.46-0.69). All 23 studies used the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS20) to measure alexithymia. The alexithymia subcomponents difficulty identifying feelings and difficulty describing feelings were significantly associated with self-harm, but there was no significant association between self-harm and externally orientated thinking. The effect size of the relationship was significantly larger in adolescent samples compared with adult samples and in female compared with male samples. The definition of self-harm did not affect the effect size of the relationship between alexithymia and self-harm and the results are consistent with previous meta-analyses focused more narrowly on non-suicidal self-injury and, separately, suicidal behaviors. Heterogeneity between the included studies was high. The results support an affect regulation model of self-harm, in which self-harm is used to regulate an emotional experience that is poorly understood.
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mynameiselicomics · 6 months
I was struggling with interoception issues affecting my job and when I struggle with things I tend to look them up on social media to see if people have tips for dealing with them.
It was pretty wierd to see one of my comics pretty high up in the tag. Just like 'oh, hello. It me.'
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
Sometimes I think about how Seishirou more or less committed suicide because he feel in love with Subaru. And how there's Subaru, broken and beaten down yet still too kind, finally having person he longed for for so long feel something for him in return - only for that person to choose literal death over loving him.
We as readers do have some insight in Seishirou's psyche and why he couldn't live with knowledge he's capable of love, but Subaru doesn't. I doubt he understands why Seishirou activated Hokuto's spell despite being aware of it. If Seishirou's last words were some sort of admission to Subaru meaning more to him than Subaru thought, then taking Subaru's low self esteem and depression into consideration, I won't be surprised if he somehow blames himself for what happened
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
I dont know when this happened but when I get stuck on something I've started thinking. "Okay. So I can't do that right now, but what CAN I do." And what happens is so long as I do the thing in a different way I can get enough done that I can the flip back to what I need to do to finish.
So like. Maybe I can't make myself something to eat right now. But what can I do? Well I can go grab something to eat. So I'll look around and wait. I probably can grab some small stuff and lo and behold I end up assembling a small platter of food. Or I see some kd and make that bc its not too bad to do. Or maybe there's even leftovers!!!
This applies to a lot of things tho. Like I need to write and email but I don't wanna bother typing it out and I still wanna send it from my computer (dont even ask why. I'm not sure why im so inflexible but It's partially bc it's harder to proofread it on my phone). I have it mostly done on my phone so what can I do? I can copy and paste and make a really rough version, then save the draft and finish on my computer.
All the steps are done. It's just *ever* so slightly different and it's in such a way that the worms in my brain think "yeah. That's doable"
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monkmain · 6 months
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A new wc oc with Alexthymia (look it up)
he was born with it
his emotions are represented by little elemental cat ghosts
water for sadness wind for confusion plants for curiosity etc.
He was originally a loner but was found alone after his mother died and was taken in by the clans
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birdofdawning · 1 year
Thinking I might be sad but then realising it's the fanfic I'm reading
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Pros of burying yourself in fiction: Ignores reality
Cons of burying yourself in fiction: Every second of not doing it means reality dumps on your head 10x harder
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shibitct · 4 months
I am once again having an aspec crisis thank you
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