#Alright later losers hope you're all doing well
ashilean · 1 year
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"I believe that mask belongs to me."
It has long been my intention to--if not actually becoming active here again--at least keep this place relatively up to date. So here is the last of BIONICLE month from 2020, most of which is now very old or out of date but still nice to have all in the same place. I believe the remaining prompts were for a toa of water, toa of air, turaga, matoran, adversary, and titan (which is the Hydraxon piece above).
I'm fairly certain at this point all of the custom masks were designed by KhingK and the cordak blasters are my attempt to ape BobtheDoctor27's really slick stud shooter ones. Hopefully get to posting my modern projects here soon!
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muxshwriting · 4 months
who we are
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Max Verstappen x reader
summary: both of them dreaming, both hoping. But the second one tries to make it reality, it all crumbles down || warning: miscommunications, angst, fluff || word count: 1494 || masterlist
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Everyone knew Max and Y/N loved each other. The only people who didn't know that were Max and Y/N. You'd been friends since childhood, growing up a few doors down from Max. You'd followed him to every karting race you could, cheering him on from the sidelines no matter where he finished. When Jos was unhappy, he would spend a weekend at your house, spending all his spare time either karting or with you.
He was your first kiss, when you were both barely teenagers but wanted to know what it felt like. Max had offered, ever so kindly, to show you and you had agreed.
As you grew, many people expected you to grow apart, as you studied at university and Max travelled the world but you never did. You would stay in touch with Max all year round, visiting races when you could. And during the off season, Max would come back to the Netherlands, joining your family for the holidays and taking you abroad. You had gelled with his friends immediately, fitting into the group as if you had always been there. Despite fitting in so well, you and Max could always be found apart from the group of an evening.
You would be tangled up with each other, your legs slung over him and his am resting lazily around your shoulders. If anyone asked, it didn't mean anything. You were friends, best friends. You just found comfort in each others company and liked the warmth the other provided. There was no other reason for your behaviour at all...
“Y/N?” Daniel is tapping you on the back, getting your attention. You were at the home grand prix, waiting for Max to finish up in his driver's room after the race.
“What’s up?”
“Max is asking for you.” He pauses. “It's Jos and it's… it’s pretty bad.”
Before he had even finished speaking, you were rushing out of hospitality and heading towards Max's motorhome. His father was never happy unless Max was winning everything all of the time. Max had placed second, a very good result, especially considering the wet conditions. But second is the first loser to Jos and therefore, Max was a disgrace to the Verstappen name.
You slowly open the door to see a teary-eyes Max looking up at you. You open your arms just in time for Max to fling himself into them and cling on tightly. "Don't listen to Jos, Max. He doesn't know what he's talking about."
"He's my dad."
You wrap your arm around his shoulders and pull him closer. "You're an adult Max. You don't have to listen to him anymore."
"He doesn't understand." You press. "He was never as good as you, alright? He'll never know the feeling of crossing that line first, of winning the championship. You do, you know the feeling ten times over."
"Okay." You smile at him, relishing the feeling of him in your arms. "A bunch of the drivers are going out tonight, you feeling up to it?"
Max nods, slowly pulling away. "I'll pick you up from your room?"
"I'd like that."
Later that night, you smoothed down you dress, fiddling with your hair as you waited. The soft knock on the door sent your heart racing, knowing that it was Max. As you opened the door, Max was bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, a smile playing at the corner of your lips. He tenderly offered you his arm, his shirt falling open just a little more.
The club was packed, full of drivers, their friends and plenty of girls. A small hint of jealousy stirred in your stomach but you pushed it down. Max wasn't yours. You didn't have the right to be jealous when you couldn't even admit it. Danny found you an hour later, moping in a booth you watched Max dance with another girl.
"What are you moping about?"
You motioned your head to Max and the girl. Danny chuckled at your apparent jealousy and slid in next to you.
"I wouldn't worry about some random girl, he's only got real eyes for you."
"Yeah right."
Danny huffed. "You guys fit so well together, you're perfect!"
"You know we don’t work Danny. It would never work out."
"Of course you could be together!" Danny slurred. "Max loved you since you were kids. He’s just scared of his feelings. He doesn’t want to ruin anything."
Danny looked confused. "What did I say?"
"You said Max loves me."
Danny grinned, sleepily. "Yeah. He does, he really does but don’t tell him I told you. You’re not supposed to know."
You leave Danny to figure out where his limbs are and search the crowd for Max. In your conversation, he'd abandoned the girl, now laughing with a couple other drivers and nursing drinks. You lock eyes across the dance floor, weaving through other people to reach one another.
Underneath the fluorescent glow of the club, two hearts beat in rhythm. You and Max stood facing each other, your eyes locked in a silent conversation that spoke volumes. It was a moment suspended in time, the world around them fading into the background as you leaned closer, drawn together by an irresistible magnetic pull. Your breaths mingled, warm and hesitant.
And then, with a trembling hand and a surge of courage, you close the distance between them, your lips brushing softly against Max's in a delicate dance of anticipation. Max surged forward himself, pressing his lips back into yours, melding perfectly together. Time seemed to stand still as their hearts collided, the world falling away as they lost themselves in the sweet ecstasy of that kiss.
It was a kiss filled with longing and desire, a silent proclamation of the feelings that had blossomed between them, unspoken but understood. In that fleeting moment, everything changed, their bond deepening with each beat of their hearts. As they finally pulled away, their lips still tingled with the ghost of their embrace.
But Max said nothing. He stared.
Someone bumped into you, pushing you slightly further away. Max didn't move. He just stared at the spot you had been in as you were tussled away by the crowd. You waited by the bar, trying to spot Max amongst the chaos, trying to find him again, to say something, anything. But he had disappeared.
Max hadn't spoken to you since the kiss. It had been a whole week and you had heard nothing. He was answering other people but ignoring all your messages. You had sent him one that night asking if you had overstepped. He had read you message, he had read all of them but he had replied to none.
You had come to the next race anyway, wanting to support him regardless. Danny stuck by your side, welcoming you to his side of the garage so you could avoid Max. You hadn't told Danny exactly what happened, just that you and Max weren't talking.
Your peace was disrupted when Max wandered over to ask Danny for something. He spotted you and paled, his eyebrows creasing together and his eyes softening. Without a word, he turned on his heel and fled, passing a very confused Daniel in the doorway.
Danny bounded over, glancing at a retreating Max. "What's going on with you and Max? He looks like a sad cat."
You sigh. "I kissed him."
"You kissed-" The outburst was immediate. "When?"
"At the party last weekend."
"Why is he so miserable then?"
"I don't know! He hasn't talked to me since. He's not answering any of my texts."
"He’s an idiot." Danny suggested. "Maybe he’s hit his head and forgotten who you are? I’ll go talk to him, alright?"
Danny's pep talk must have worked wonders because it took less than ten minutes for Max to come and find you again, silently sitting down next to you. "I want to talk to you."
"About what?" You’re secretly hoping he wants to tell you that he fucked up, that the kiss meant a lot and that’s why he stayed away, but your brain tells you to think realistically.
Max frowned. "I don’t really know…"
You stay silent, simply looking at Max and waiting.
"I was an idiot." He confesses. "You deserve a whole lot better than what I can offer you… I’m sorry I can’t give you what you deserve."
"No! I fucked up and walked away and then I was too afraid to text you back because I thought I’d ruined it. Then I actually ruined it by ignoring you. When you kissed me, I panicked mainly because I didn’t think it was actually happening and then I realised it was actually happening but you had pulled away." Max said hurriedly. "I just really want to kiss you."
The smile that covers your face is contagious. "Then kiss me."
You and I burned out our steam, chasing someone else's dream.
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fallen down my f1 rabbithole... i'm definitely mentally stable xx
taglist: @aoi-targaryen
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idyllcy · 1 year
and on and on, i'll be by your side
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word count: 11.9k
warnings: non-explicit sex, unstable family relationship (reader)
summary: senior year romance means everything from fluff to angst to teenage hormones
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"I like you. let's date."
Jason chokes on his water, coughing as you hand him a napkin to wipe off the water.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"Let's date?"
"before that."
"I like you." You blink at him, raising a brow. "What? Can't believe it?"
"No. I was not expecting to get confessed to on the first FUCKING DAY OF SENIOR YEAR." He hisses. "Why are you even asking me out? You had a crush on some other guy all the way until like before junior year ended."
"Yeah..." You tap your chin. "You see, I had a revelation over summer while we studied at the library together."
"I don't want to hear it."
"Well too bad!" You shrug, smile on your lips. "I thought, hey, I've kinda been on and off with my feelings with you for a while now, why not just get the closure I need?"
"So you asked me out without expecting me to accept your confession?" Jason hands you the second sandwich Alfred packed.
"Yeah!" You hum. "Thank you."
"And if I accept your confession?"
"Then we date." You shrug. "I have no L in this situation."
"What if I leave you hanging?"
"I have one L in this situation." You grimace. "You're not that mean, right?"
Three years. Jason Todd has been in love with you for three whole years — sitting through your hopeless rants about how attractive you found the most mediocre guys in the school, on the verge of going insane when he had practically turned into your ideal type only for you to pat him on the chest and tell him he'd definitely pull. Jason Todd had not expected you to casually drop the bomb that you had liked him on and off or the question of dating on the first day of senior year, the two of you sitting in your shared English teacher's classroom. He can feel his teacher's eyes on the back of his head as he stares at you incredulously.
"I'm not that mean," He shakes his head, heart racing in his head. "We..."
You look at him expectantly.
"Is it taking advantage of you if I agree to date you?" He winces.
"Nope! If anything, it could be me taking advantage of you." You beam. "Is that a yes?"
"Uh, yeah." Jason really hopes this doesn't come to bite him in the ass later. "Sure. Let's date."
You grin. "Should I call you babe?"
"Too fast." Jason deadpans. "If you don't finish that half of the sandwich I'm going to take it."
You gasp in fake offense. "I'm savoring it."
"Not with the lunch bell ringing in five minutes."
"I hate you." You grumble, going back to your sandwich. "What do people who date even do?"
"Well, they—"
"If you pull a single date idea from one of your classics I will throw this sandwich at your face."
"Alfred's hard work!" Jason raises a brow. "You dare disrespect that?"
"Either this or my backpack." You mumble, finishing the sandwich. "The backpack it is."
"I was going to say we could start with the park, but if you're going to smack me with your backpack, then I'd say we just break up." Jason jests.
"World's fastest breakup." You mumble. "We could break a world record with that."
"That's impossible. Someone out there has broken up faster than this. Also, I never said we'd break up." He mumbles. "I was threatening you."
You shrug, the bell going off.
"What's your next class?"
"I sent you my schedule like two weeks ago!" You gasp. "You didn't memorize it?"
"Alright," Jason sighs. "What's my next class?"
"Creative Writing. Bingo, loser."
"You can't do this to me." Jason grumbles.
"Oh, I can and I will." You grin.
"Have fun in your TA period." Jason walks in the other direction.
"You did memorize it?!" You yell at him in the hall as he walks off. "Liar!!!"
Jason ignores you, speeding up instead. The realization would settle in later, he thinks. The realization that after three years of pathetic pining on his end, you had asked him out on the first day of senior year with no will to continue living in Gotham. It was uncertain. Maybe you were just using him so you could say you had a boyfriend in high school. He would let himself get used, as long as it was you. In that case, he might as well put in the full effort to have you fall harder. Starting with... your ideal date, he supposes.
He sighs, looking through the list of books you had sent him earlier during summer that you completed, grimacing at how many questionable ones you had read. Though, that's not his problem. The two of you loved reading, even if they were totally different genres. Thankfully on his end, you had ranked them based on how much you liked them. He starts with the first book, a long night ahead of him.
"Hm?" Jason holds down the thug with his foot. "What?"
"Are you listening to an audiobook on duty?"
"What of it?" Jason knocks the man out with the back of his gun.
"Why are you listening to smut while on duty?"
"Little wing, did you get a girlfriend?"
"Why else would you be listening to romance while on the job? Obviously for research."
"He could also have a crush."
"I think it's his friend from school." Dick reasons. "He's had a crush on her since forever—"
"Oh my god, can you both shut up?"
"Get back to work." Bruce's voice rings on the line. "I don't care what he's listening to. As long as he's getting the job done."
Jason lingers in the city once patrol is over, scouting out an area to take you that wasn't the park. You hadn't looked that excited for the park when he joked about it. You did mention an arcade at some point early on in your friendship, and there was one in the area. Jason would have to take you by bike there. It'd be hard to park in the area. He pauses at the sight of the mall. You work there, huh?
"Mall. Are you deaf?"
"I have work this weekend." You blink at Jason. "Did you forget?"
"You dumbass. You work in the mall. I'll take you after work."
"I'm going to be all sweaty and gross!" You grimace.
"You sweat from a gift shop job?" He raises a brow.
"That was an excuse. I'm going to be dressed in a white tee and jeans. I'm barely going to look presentable." You frown.
"I'l give you my jacket. We can match."
"And have your chest out for the whole world to see? No." You deadpan. "Oh... maybe a compression shirt."
"What was it about not letting the world see my chest?"
"If you're going to wear something slutty I wanna match. You can wear your baseball jacket." You tap your chin. "Or we can both wear tees and jeans. I wanna wear a compression shirt too..."
Jason contemplates the idea of letting the world see your chest.
"No complaints?" You tilt your head.
"Wear what you want. I can fight." He smiles.
"Omg," You gasp. "Like a booktok boyfriend!"
"I'm defenestrating you."
"Jokes on you I'd be into it." You grin, eyes crinkling from how hard you were.
"Do you want me to bring you a change of clothes?"
"No. I'll just wear my tee and jeans." You hum. "And your jacket?"
"And my jacket." Jason takes it off, helping you into it. "There."
"You can wear a white tee and jeans." You smile. "And bring a sharpie. I want to draw on your shirt."
"Got it." He hums. "Anything else you want?"
"Can you bring me coffee?"
"Your usual?"
"Yes please."
The rest of your friend group tells you you seem to be happier these days. You joke that it's because you're ahead on your college apps. They don't pester you beyond that. You're glad they don't. You don't know what kind of madness your friend group would pull if they found out you were dating your best friend. They'd probably... you don't want to think about it.
"Hey," Jason hums, handing you your cup of coffee as you step out of the store, shift over.
"Hi," You hum, pressing the coffee to your lips. "Thank you."
Jason fishes out a Sharpie from his pocket next, handing it to you as you find a place to sit down, the smell of the pen filling the air as you scribble weird characters onto his back.
"What are you drawing?"
"The skrunkly." You mumble.
"The soots from Spirited Away?"
Jason waits for your to finish, handing you his phone to take a photo of your artwork. You click into his BeReal instead, taking a photo of his back and then of you, sharpie still in hand. You are picking violence today. Does this count as a hard launch? You don't know. All you know is that the baseball team is going to jump Jason for not telling them he has a girlfriend. You type out a caption, handing him his phone back as he stares at the drawings.
"You should apply as an art major."
"I don't have a portfolio." You deadpan. "Unless you count the shirt."
"Or the sketchbooks full of our classmates' faces."
"Or that." You close the sharpie, putting it in your pocket. "Where to?"
"I brought my car. You wanna go anywhere?"
"I wanna go... with you? To your home?" You pat his shoulder twice. "I'm kidding. Let's hit up the arcade."
"Sure." Jason hums. "Oh, did you get sharpie on my skin?"
"Want me to check?"
You run your hand under his shirt, lifting it as you check for marks. You pause, admiring his back.
"You've got a lot of scars."
"You know what it's from."
"Your nighttime activities."
Jason can practically see you wriggling your brows at him.
"Yeah. Call it that."
"Can I be part of that?"
"Depends how you want to be part of it." Jason hums. "No marks?"
You let his shirt fall back down.
"Shall we go?"
"Let's." You hum, standing up with him, slipping your hand into his, the two of you head for the escalators.
Jason SUCKS at dance dance revolution.
You discover it after hitting the arcade, his weird skills in pulling out plushes from the crane machine and his eerily good aim at shooting games knocking the air out of you, but you find that no matter how fast he was on his feet as Red Hood, he sucks at dance games. Which brought you to this point.
Jason gawks at how high your score is.
You laugh, tickets spilling out from the machine, holding the bar as Jason stares at his score, offended a score that low could even exist.
"I kicked Dick's ass last time we played."
"Sure, totally believe you." You grin. "How many years ago was that? Four? Five?"
"I'm going to defenestrate you."
You snort. "I thought I told you I'm into that."
"From the top of Wayne Tower?"
"I'll call Dick for help." You hum. "He'll save me with that tight suit of his o—"
Jason slams a hand over your mouth, glaring at you.
"I'm kidding." You pull his hand away. "Why would I ask him for help when my boyfriend is right here? Oh, right. My boyfriend's the one defenestrating me. I should call Tim instead. He'd probably be in the building anyway."
"Or maybe your dad. He'd probably be in the building too."
"Or I'll just fall to my death and force you to live with the guilt of—"
Jason grabs you by the face, glaring at you. "That's enough."
You jut out your lips, grinning. "Are we about to kiss?"
"Too fast." Jason sighs, letting go. "Are you happy with your plushies or do you want more?"
"How many more coins do you have?"
"Can I get three more?"
"Which ones do you want?"
You hold onto the bag of plushies as Jason wins you four more, the coins running out and a laugh spilling past his lips when you ask him for help. It was nice to not play at a rigged crane game, but Jason's ability to pull every single plush on the first try was baffling.
"Hey, how are we getting home? Didn't you take your bike?"
"I drove today." He deadpans. "Your memory game is still real strong, huh?"
You gasp, feigning shock. "I have GREAT memory."
"When's my birthday?"
You purse your lips. "Can you get my phone?"
"I'm hurt."
"August 16." You laugh. "I celebrate it with you every year. Did you actually think I didn't know?"
"You have terrible memory."
"I'm offended." You grumble. "We can split the children."
"Shared custody?"
"We're not... divorced?" You raise a brow at him. "Unless this is a breakup call—"
"Nope. Which ones do you want?"
"I want the franchised ones."
"So like, more than half of them."
"I'm kidding. I want the Nightwing one."
"Not the Red Hood one?"
"I didn't finish saying which other ones I wanted. I want all the Batman-themed ones." You mumble. "Especially the Red Hood one."
"Why the plush," Jason leans down, lips to your ear, blowing on it, "when I'm right here?"
"Are you saying you'll stay at my place forever?" You raise a brow at him, leaning back.
"I don't see why not."
"Absolutely not. My parents would have a heart attack if I brought a boy home." You grumble. "You've met them before."
"They've seen me. They've never met me." Jason shrugs. "Do they know you're on a date?"
"No." You hum. "I can tell them you dropped by and we were at the arcade."
"They're fine with us hanging out?"
"They just don't want me to date. Not when college app season is in swing, at least." You pause. "Where are you going?"
"Gotham, obviously."
"Ugh." You grumble. "Wish you'd leave the city with me."
"I know." You mumble. "You have to stay."
"And you have to go."
There's beauty in Gotham, you admit, but it's not the city you can see yourself living in the long term. Not even when your boyfriend would make sure you never die or get hurt. Not even if his entire family ran around keeping the city safe. You wouldn't be able to live in a city like this, even if you were used to the spontaneous kidnappings and death threats floating around the city. Even if you were used to the life in Gotham, you couldn't see yourself continuing down the road.
"What happens to us after high school?" You grimace.
"We'll figure it out." Jason hums. "Enjoy what we have for now."
The drive home is quiet, a silence that's comfortable for the two of you. It's a silence that rests in the air when the two of you are too tired to talk to each other, familiar to the two of you, a constant in your lives. You bring everything upstairs, falling asleep immediately, too tired to explain where the plushies came from and why you had been gone for so long.
Jason watches as you apply to the bigger schools, a thousand extracurriculars tucked behind your application, a hundred awards to cram into the five slots. You had more than he could imagine. He knew you had been an overachiever, but he hadn't known how hard you worked. It showed on your application, and it showed in December when you were accepted into your dream school with a full ride.
"You're leaving for good, then?" He rests his head on your shoulder, watching as you accept the offer.
"Yeah." You chew on the straw to your milk, puffing air into your cheeks.
"Will you miss me?"
"Babe, it's December." You remind.
"Yeah, but will you miss me?"
"I'll miss you more if you take me to Winter Formal."
"I already have a proposal in plan. Be patient." He grumbles, biting into his apple. "Are you going to ask me to Winter Formal?"
You smile. "Apple."
Jason sticks his tongue out, a piece of laminated paper on his tongue, glancing at the words.
"Yes. I'll go to Winter Formal with you. How'd you even get the paper in there?"
"Secret." You laugh. "I rolled it up and jammed it in there and then put edible paint on to cover the marks."
"Creative." He grins. "Love you."
The two of you stare at each other as you register Jason's words, and your lips part before closing again.
"You love me?" You crane your neck to look at him better.
"You don't?"
You laugh. "I love you too."
"Maybe I should apply there." He mumbles.
"You can't leave Gotham."
"It's not that I can't." He corrects. "it's just that I don't want to."
"Right, right." You nod. "But it's fine. Gotham needs you."
"Yeah." He mumbles. "That's not far, is it? I can still visit."
"Yeah." You hum. "No. It's four hours."
You laugh. "We'll figure something out."
Jason matches with you for Winter Formal, showing up with your favorite flowers, flowers matching the color of your dress and his corsage, your house empty for the night. Jason wonders some days why you never introduce him to your parents, but it's not his place to pry. He had terrible parents on his own. He doesn't even want to think about what could have happened had his birth mom gotten the chance to ruin his life like she wanted to. But it didn't matter, especially not when Winter Formal is crashed by a supervillain and he's forced to take action.
You laugh when he finishes, hand held out to help you from the ground. His siblings are scattered throughout, Dick and Bruce talking to Gordon, debriefing the whole situation. He lingers by you, checking your skin for any injuries of sort.
"Sorry Winter Formal got ruined." He mumbles through the helmet.
You pat his chest twice. "Can we get Batburgers?"
"With my helmet on?"
You roll your eyes. "Whatever you want."
"Yeah, we can," He hands you his car keys, swinging onto a nearby roof to change out of his clothes, mask off. You open the door for him as he slides in, the two of you one of the last to leave. "You aren't mad Winter Formal got ruined?"
"No. I like seeing you in action." You smile. "Besides, your brother—"
"We have got to do something about your addiction to Nightwing." He grumbles, driving off. "Drive through or walk in?"
"Drive through." You observe the helmet. "Does this have any defense mechanisms?"
"If you try to pry it off my head, it cuts your finger. The needle has poison on it too."
"Damn." You mumble. "Anything else?"
"It's got a bomb built in."
"WHAT." You blink at him. "You can self-destruct?!"
"Mhm." He hums. "Your regular order?"
"Can I get ice cream?"
You pull the bobby pins from your hair as he orders, staring at yourself in the vanity mirror. There are a couple of bloodstains on your dress that definitely don't belong to you, and you spot the same stains on Jason's dress shirt, tie loosened and unbuttoned to relax a little. You wonder why they targeted your school's dance. They could have gotten more money if they held the nearby private school hostage. You shrug as Jason pulls up to the window to pay.
"Here." He hands you your order as he pulls into a nearby parking lot, his own order on his lap.
"Why'd you think they targeted our school?"
"Because of me," Jason bites into his burger. "Billionaire's son."
"The private school has more rich kids." You reach for a napkin.
"Yeah, but my father's a billionaire. Those kids are all millionaires. Their net worth isn't even worth mine."
"True, huh."
"Are you sure Winter Formal wasn't ruined?"
"No. I got to see your tits bounce while you fought."
"No. Your chestplate kept it in tact." You chuckle. "I'd like to see you shirtless sometime."
"Why not now?"
"I am not fucking you in an empty parking lot at 2am."
"I am not letting that be my first time."
"Alright, fair enough." He mumbles. "Where should our first time be?"
"Forgot you're a virgin despite the body." You lick your fingers clean of the sauce. "Don't ask me."
"You wanna fuck in Bruce's room?"
"Not a hotel."
"Definitely not a hotel."
"In the Batcave?"
"Jason, I love you, but we are NOT fucking somewhere where your dad can catch us on the cameras."
"Your house."
"Then where?" He picks up his soda, blinking. "College dorm."
"I'll let you fuck me at the hotel I'll be at before moving in for college." You shove the spoonful of ice cream into your mouth.
"Bet." He grins. "I'm holding you to that."
Jason's ability to drive in Gotham surprises you some days. The two of you have been to every corner of the city, even to the places the two of you are definitely not allowed to visit. The abandoned factories, the galas that you never receive invitations to, everything from head to toe had been visited before. But every place is an adventure, even when the two of you are laying in the grass of Gotham's empty parks, naming the shapes in the sky, bloody red mixed with a sickly green. You find that it reminds you of Jason's eyes, pretty grass-colored irises reminding you of flower fields.
"What shape is that?"
"I don't know," You mumble, staring at his face. "I'm not looking anymore."
"What are you looking at?" He raises a brow at you.
"Your eyes." You blink at him, a stupid smile on your face. Jason looks at you with the same smile on his face. The smile of two idiots in love.
"Yeah? What about them?"
"They're pretty." Your fingers press to his chest for support as you lean in closer, staring right into them. "They look like the fields in the Alps. Like a cottage in the fields I wished I lived in, like the comfort of the morning dew that helps ground me."
"You like my eyes that much?"
"I like everything about you." You mumble.
"Can I kiss you?" His voice is barely above a whisper.
Jason kisses you with fervor — passion you forget he has sometimes. He kisses you like you're the last person in the world, making your lashes flutter and head spin from the taste of his lips, your nails digging into his biceps, moan slipping past your lips as his fingers dig into your waist to pull you to sit up. You pull away with a hard inhale, Jason chasing after your lips immediately, hands flying to your face, tongue pressed to yours, barely breathing himself. You wonder if his lungpower came with the vigilante business. You certainly can't keep up, pushing him away at some point, panting.
"One more."
"No." You grumble. "Can't breathe. Head spin. I'm going to die."
"Most that'll happen is you'll pass out." He grins.
"No more." You point at him, eyes hard. "I'm not passing out at a park... or getting arrested for public indecency."
Jason laughs, pulling you close, resting his head on your shoulder, arms wrapped around your waist snuggly. You frown, running your hands through his hair, closing your eyes to see if you can listen to his heartbeat with how close his chest was pressed to yours. You hum gently, letting the vibrations rumble between the two of you, the sun peeking past the clouds in Gotham for once. You wonder how many more times you would get to do this.
"I'm going to miss you." You mumble into his skin. "A lot."
"I'll drive up to you every weekend."
"That's four hours and a shit ton of tolled routes." You mumble.
"Daddy's got money to spare."
You laugh, leaning further into Jason's body, smile making way onto your face again. "Yeah? How about you fly over?"
"Wow, babe, I thought you cared about my carbon footprint."
"Then go by boat." You hum.
"Not a bad idea. You want a rich boyfriend who knows how to sail?"
"And get to brag to all those rich kids who can't date for shit about it? Yeah." You hum. "Plus, you'd look so hot sailing while shirtless in nothing but swim trunks."
"You think about me shirtless more than I can imagine." He rubs soothing circles on your waist. "What else do you think about?"
"Think about your tits."
"Pecs, baby."
"Think about biting them."
"In a—"
"In a completely normal way. Just. The urge to bite and squish?"
"In the neurodivergent way?"
"Yeah." You hum. "But I also think about you at night."
"Worry about you. Who's going to patch you up when I'm gone?"
"Yeah, but," You swallow. "I won't know if you're alive or awake the next day."
"I can text you."
"I should just take you with me." You sigh. "Pack you in my suitcase."
"You want me to go to college with you?"
"Yeah." You mumble blissfully. "In my perfect world."
Jason opens his mouth before you cut him off by pulling away from him.
"Jay," You mumble. "Do you think we're going to break up?"
"Do you?"
"I hope not." You mumble. "I wouldn't dare to."
"I don't think we're going to break up." He hums. "Not with the way I'm in love with you, at least."
"Yeah." He whispers back to you, pressing his forehead to yours, noses brushing. "Not at all."
"That's all I need to hear." You grin.
Jason takes you to prom, as all high schoolers do, arm around your waist as you press the lemon water to your lips. There's no punch out of a fear that people are going to drug it, even when everyone is searched. You wonder if you want to go to the afterparty as you dump the rest of the drink. It's nasty. You wish there was soda. At least you could work a mocktail with a Sprite and the fruit on the table. The prom location is awful too despite the pretty paintings. It smells like a high school boys' locker room.
"There's karaoke in the back," He mumbles into your skin, pressing a kiss to your neck. That too. Jason's been getting more and more frisky. He should really have some sense of shame. "Without too many people."
"There's karaoke?" You ignore the way he squeezes your waist.
"Far back. Behind all the paintings."
"Oh, fuck yes." You mumble, making a beeline for the back, bolting to the first seat by karaoke you find. Jason texts you the list of songs available and asks you if you want to sing a duet. He watches you laugh at his text and send him a song, reminding him to ask when the two of you were going. He stands behind you, hands running up and down your neck, fingers digging into your back.
"You giving me a massage?" You rest your hand on his as he pauses.
"How are your feet doing?"
"Much better now that I'm sitting down." You mumble.
"Need to swap shoes with me?"
"I'll be fine." You hum. "You ready to sing?"
"Two losers who never speak up in class singing? You bet." He laughs.
You toss your friend your phone to record the two of you.
Jason may suck at DDR, but he's a great singer. His voice rings through the room, and you're sure more than one of the students in the room has fallen for him just based on his voice, but you're having fun singing a duet with him. It's always nice to be reminded that Jason sounds like an angel despite the build. You'd have him sing with you when he drives you up for college, you think. Yet, you yell the lyrics to the Taylor Swift song with him anyway, screaming the high note and bursting into laughter afterward. Jason continues singing, holding his hand out for you to get up.
It's the highlight of your high school life, you think. The highlight isn't when you got into your dream college, the highlight is Jason Todd serenading you at prom to a Taylor Swift song. You continue singing along with him, ignoring the way your heels hurt like a bitch. Maybe you'd have him drive you to get another Batburger. Even better, you'd have him grapple you to get Batburgers. That would make the night better, you think. You'd love to fly with him.
Jason finishes, mocking a bow to the crowd, the students cheering at him.
He pulls on your hand to have you bow too. You oblige.
The two of you leave prom early. Jason pulls you away from the karaoke room immediately when you finish, the two of you bolting for his car. Your heels click against the cement of the parking lot, digging into your feet, and you spin, your phone in Jason's hand as he takes photos of you. You hope he's good. Maybe he's one of those boyfriends who manage to catch photos of you at your worse. Oh well. The idea of it makes you laugh, the high from too many students ringing in your head, the deindividuation getting to you. You smile at Jason loopily, and your camera clicks in his hand, the moment immortalized.
"For your information," Jason catches you by the waist, showing you the photo of yourself. "You look gorgeous."
"Should've had Tim take photos of us before we left." You mumble. "Can you carry me back to the car?"
"My pleasure." Jason sits you on the sidewalk, helping you out of your heels. He throws you over his shoulder, resting his hand on your ass as he takes your heels in the other hand. "This good?"
"I feel like a sack of potatoes." You laugh. "But this is fine."
"Wanna go anywhere after this?"
"Can we grapple to get Batburgers?"
"You want to grapple?" You can feel Jason raise his brow.
"Yeah." You mumble. "Can we?"
"You good with flying? Your dress is too slippery, babe." He pats your ass.
"Oh, come on."
"Silk is too slippery." He hums. "We can do it another day."
You grumble. "Can we still get Batburgers?"
"With ice cream?"
"Yes, please." You mumble as Jason opens the door to your side, settling you into the seat and putting your heels next to your feet.
"I have a change of shoes in the back of the car because Dick told me that heels make your feet hurt after a while." He kisses the corner of your eye. "I also have a change of clothes if you don't want to ruin your dress."
"Jay, I'm going to marry you," You moan in bliss. "I'll pop the ring."
Jason laughs. "I can pop the ring."
"Yeah?" You turn your head to look at him, loopy smile on your face.
"Absolutely." He laughs.
The two of you sit in the parking lot again, Jason's shirt pulled over your dress to avoid ruining the silk, biting into the burger.
"This is bliss."
"Babe." Jason hums. "Why'd you ask me out again? Not the reason you told me. I think you asked me out for another reason."
You blink at him, swallowing the bite in your mouth. "I asked you out because I actually had a pathetic crush on you."
"Yeah. I fell for you as soon as you showed up looking like my type last Halloween. I didn't know if you did it on purpose, but holy shit I had to use every last ounce of self control to stop myself from just pulling you by the collar and making out with you in the middle of the hallway. Jay, you're hot as fuck." You muffle a laugh. "Wanted you so bad that day."
"Not anymore?" He raises a brow at you.
"Still do." You bite back into the burger. Jason watches as you chew and swallow. "If anything, even more now."
"Why haven't you told me?"
"Every time you've made out with me," You sigh. "We've been in public."
"What's a little public indecency? That's definitely not the most illegal thing I've done." He taps your thigh, squeezing it.
"It would be the most illegal thing I'll do." You grumble. "Nothing illegal before college, please."
"Anything for you." He reaches for the ice cream. "Can I have a bite?"
"Finish the whole thing if you'd like." You finish the burger, reaching for a napkin. "Got a little greedy tonight."
Jason laughs.
"Right." You make sure your fingers are clean, pulling the shirt over your head. "Chose this dress because it's crazy easy to take off."
Jason raises a brow as you reach for the ribbon on your back, pulling as the whole dress comes loose on your body.
"Isn't public nudity also a crime?"
"Sure," You reach for the shirt again, pulling it over your head. "Hope you liked looking at my tits."
"Would rather be sucking on them."
"Wow, Freud would have a field day with you." You mumble. "Maybe when we're not both dying."
"Do you have a curfew?"
"Told my parents I'm going to the afterparty." You shrug. "Clearly not."
"What time are you supposed to be back?" He runs his hand up your thigh again.
"We are NOT fucking in a parking lot."
"Never said we had to." He grins. "B's got a billion safehouses around the city."
"You're going to fuck me in a safehouse?"
"And? There's no cameras there."
"You're doing all the work." You grumble.
"Wouldn't dream of having you do anything your first time."
Your back slams into the seat as he races off to a safehouse.
Jason makes quick with what you're wearing, tugging his shirt over your head, lips pressed to your skin, biting and sucking where you would let him, desperate to taste every single inch of you. You whimper multiple times, and at some point, you stop him, fingers pressed to his chest, lashes fluttering as you struggle to stay awake, apology spinning in the air as your back met the mattress again, mumbling about your exhaustion. Jason leaves you alone after it, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, pulling your makeup remover from your purse, wiping the makeup from your skin as you rest in his arms. It was domestic. He liked it.
The two of you fall asleep like that — half naked, too tired to shower off the nightmare called prom.
Jason doesn't like visiting your place while in gear. He's usually bloody with someone else's blood by the end of patrol, and he'd rather bleed out in the Batcave than your room, but he doesn't have much of a choice this time, gash too big. He calls for backup with a press of the button, letting himself rest on your balcony for a moment.
"Jesus fucking christ," You throw your window open, first aid kit in your hand. "Do I need to get used to this?"
"You're fucking lucky I chose sportsmed as my pathway in high school, you nerd." You grumble, sterilizing the needle and disinfecting his wound. "You need stitches."
"Shut up and take it." You shove a cloth into his mouth. "That's clean. Bite if it hurts."
"I've taken worse befo— oW!" He bites into the cloth as you start stitching him up. Your fingers are fast, and in a couple of minutes, his wound is stitched up. You wrap the gauze and bandage around his waist, securing it. Jason notices you're frowning the whole time.
"Not the first time, huh?"
"I hope it's the last." You grumble. "Did you call for backup?"
"Night's coming."
You sigh, leaning back against the railing on your side. "What happened?"
"Some guy with a sharp ass knife."
You raise a brow at him.
"It was a henchman. Six to one."
"Fucking hell." You grimace. "You're not gonna die one of these days, right?"
"I've dodged death once. I can do it again."
"Don't say shit like that." You grumble.
"Little wing! Oh, hey," Nightwing smiles at you, and you nod.
"I stitched him up. Have Al check him at home too, please. He's got more experience than me."
"We will. Thanks for patching him up."
"I hope it's the last time." You grumble. "Are you going tomorrow?"
"Might stay home. Send me the notes?" You don't need to see Jason's face to see him wince.
You've visited the Wayne manor more than enough times to know how to get to Jason's room, showing Alfred the notes from school, a grin on your face. You apologize for intruding, only for Alfred to tell you you're welcome whenever. You wonder if his family knows the two of you are dating. You have a feeling Tim caught his BeReal from when the two of you first started going out. Oh, well. It wasn't as if you needed to hide it from his family. Your parents were the harder ones.
"Hey," You wave at Jason. "Brought your notes and homework."
"Thanks. Anything from Lit?"
"Nope. Still the end of year project. You gonna be there for AP testing?"
"Yeah." He mumbles. "You gonna sleep while testing again?"
"Yeah." You deadpan. "Hundred percent."
"C'mere," He grabs you by the waist, sitting you on his lap as he continues on his laptop.
"Whatcha up to?"
"Hacking the CIA's firewalls." He mumbles, fingers clicking on the keyboard.
"That's a Tim answer." You raise your brow. "Why are you doing it?"
"Wanted to see if I got rusty."
You watch as he does, blinking in surprise when he manages to get into the files, scrolling through the files.
"Are you deleting your file in the CIA database?"
"I do it to fuck with em." He smiles. "Wanna read my file?"
"Fuck, yeah." You mumble, scrolling through all the information they had on him. "They never got your blood sample?"
"Never. The goons who get my blood don't have the equipment for DNA matching, and they would definitely not work with the CIA."
"You're on a watchlist, then?"
"I run crime in Gotham."
"An antihero." You point at the line in the file. "You minimize crime by controlling it from within."
"It's good to have a leg in everything."
"That's a lot of legs." You count on your hand. "Way more than two."
"You know what I mean."
You grin. "Yeah. I do."
"Wanna go anywhere before grad?"
"Wanna drive to New York?"
"And blow daddy's money?"
"Your daddy's money," You tap his chest playfully.
"He won't even notice." He smiles. "Motor or car?"
AP testing could be a lot better. You sleep through half of it, finishing your multiple choice and essay questions too fast, exhaustion all over your face when you finish, calling your friend your savior as she hands you your coffee order. You could leave early if you really wanted to, but you don't, for some weird reason, and you stick by the rest of your classes, physically exhausted from all of the APs. Your coffee does little to minimize the psychic damage you received while taking the exam.
Even when Jason takes you to get dinner together, you're half picking through your food, half actually eating.
"I can't wait to graduate." You mumble. "At least we don't need to be here during finals week."
"You gonna travel?"
"Wanna fly to Bruce's place in Hawaii?"
"Too cliche," Jason mumbles. "How about his mansion in the Alps?"
You gasp. "Deadass?"
"I can ask. I doubt he'd say no." Jason reaches for a fry on your plate, his empty.
"Want the rest of them?"
"Not hungry?"
"Not really." You reach for the second half of the sandwich. "Burnt out, more."
"Wanna take two weeks of independent study to run for the Alps?" Jason blurts.
You blink at him incredulously. "My parents would kill me."
"Not if I have Bruce lie and say it's for a camp."
You tilt your head at him. "My dad hates your dad."
"He does?"
"Daddy issues. Inferiority complex." You chew on the sandwich. "Doesn't matter. Send me a ticket. I'll lie and say it was for a class project to try and figure out the probability of lotteries and by some weird stroke of luck I got it."
The lie works, and the two of you take two weeks of independent study for the Alps, something only three people know the real reason for. It's really only Jason's family. The two of you both have stellar grades — it doesn't matter if you take a break. You wander into the Wayne mansion, surprised at everything you see. It's kept in crazy good condition despite the lack of servants.
"You guys got a maid here or something?" You mumble at the lack of dust.
"Bruce had it cleaned a couple days ago because I said we'd be coming."
"Can we wear cute clothes and head to the farmer's market?"
"Of course."
You pause. "Are we still going to New York?"
"Do you not want to anymore?"
"No." You hum. "I'm down. I just figured since we're in the Alps..."
"We're still going unless you cancel."
"Not canceling." You cross your arms. "Definitely not cancelling."
You find out just how much money Jason gets in a month's allowance on the trip. You're not allowed to pay for anything, jaw dropping at the black card that you didn't know a teen could even own, and the sheer amount of cash that Jason had was just baffling. You felt bad at first, only for Jason to pull up his bank records and show you just how much money was in his account. You wish you were born as a billionaire's son. Maybe you should've stolen car tires to get adopted by Bruce Wayne — the thought makes you laugh.
"You feel better?"
"If dating you means self care trips, I'm going to get down on a knee and propose. If we break up, I'll haunt you to your death." You yawn, grabbing another handful of blueberries. "Kill myself, even."
"That's a little extreme. I have no plans to break up with you." Jason pushes his shades up, turning to look at you.
"How's Gotham? Aren't you supposed to be there to control crime n shit?"
"Burner phone." He waves the old device in his hand. "Henchmen."
"Enough." Jason hums. "Wanna go to the fields later?"
"Yeah. Let's bike." You grin.
The fields of grass remind you of Jason's eyes, a green that you only got to see during spring and the rare moments of peace in Gotham. Dare you say it, it reminds you of Ivy's plants sometimes. Or the look of that one time toxins spilled into the river. The green of his eyes is vibrant in all the best and worst ways, but it's still dazzling to you. Laying in the grass makes you remember your date in the park. This time, the fields are pretty much empty.
"Wanna pick up from the park?" Jason rests on his side, fingers tapping your chest.
"I thought I told you I'm not doing anything indecent in public."
"Making out is hardly indecent."
"Your teenage hormones and the way you've been staring at my tits in this dress? Indecent." You yawn, turning to face him. "Does Bruce have cameras in the mansion?"
"Not in the master bath."
"Don't fall asleep this time."
"Oi," You punch him lightly. "Rude. That was after prom. I was tired."
"Just saying."
You punch him again in retaliation.
Jason wastes no time in having you, fingers pressed to your skin again, harder this time, nipping and biting at your skin, ignoring the way you try to tell him not to leave visible marks. You could live with a couple hickeys for two weeks. He nips at your neck, sliding the sundress down your shoulders, tugging at the string hiding your tits from him, lips pressing to you again as your fingers thread through his hair.
Jason didn't think it would be possible to love someone to this extent. He watches as you breathe in his arms, head pressed to his chest, bare skin pressed onto his, chests meeting. His fingers brush your cheek, heart warm and alive, lashes fluttering as he continues staring, hickeys formed on your skin, something you'd probably smack him for later. But he's sure you enjoyed it. He made sure that you did. He holds his breath as you shift in his arms.
"G'mornin." You mumble.
"Mornin'." He smiles.
"'m sore." You grumble. "Bitch." You punch him weakly.
"Was it good, though?" Jason laughs at your frown.
"Yeah." You sigh. "I'll go make breakfast."
"I'll do it."
"You're going to burn the kitchen down. No." You grumble. "Carry me around... I'll cook?"
Jason lifts you in a chair as you tell him to move you around, laughing when he starts ignoring you on purpose, smile on his face when you call for him. He complies after the third time, helping you plate the food and adjusting your seat height so you were comfortable.
"You should cook for me forever."
"I think you should move into my college dorm with me." You deadpan. "Just join me there. Bruce can donate a building or something."
"That's illegal."
"And you're a white man. Pick a privilege."
"Should I go blonde for the full white man privilege?" Jason taps his chin. "Would I look good blonde?"
"You'd give your family a heart attack, that's for sure." You mumble. "We should photoshop you to make you blonde."
"Are you into blondes?"
"I'm into you." You smile, the two of you going quiet before a laugh breaks past your lips. "I've been waiting to use that."
"I can tell." Jason hums, lips pulled into a smile.
"If you go blonde..." You pause. "No. Don't go blonde. Blonde gym rats scare me."
"Excuse you, I am not a gym rat."
"You'll stick out like a sore thumb during patrol." You grimace. "It's all black and then your hair is glowing in the dark like you're a flashlight."
"That's just insulting." Jason covers his mouth. "I wear a helmet, babe."
"It's the truth."
"Bruce would have a heart attack." Jason hums. "Sounds tempting."
"We can bleach your hair while here." You offer. "Your whole head."
"And ruin my perfect hair? No thanks."
"Says the loser with white hair."
"Now that's insulting." He taps your nose, frowning. "You and I both know why I have white hair."
"Cuz you almost died?"
The two of you settle with Photoshop instead, cutting and pasting some random guy's blonde hair on top of Jason's, making him bald in the process. You take a photo to send to Dick and Tim, putting blue eyes on top of Jason's too, turning him into the textbook white man. You fall over in with the chair from how hard you laugh, Jason left to deal with the result of you sending the family his white man portrait. Dick sends a portrait to get edited too, and you go through the whole family, giving them blonde hair and blue eyes. You send the family photo into the groupchat, changing all of their contact photos to the edited version of them in the process. Jason finds it pointless, but from how hard you're laughing, he lets it pass.
"So? Do I look good blonde?"
"You look good no matter what you look like." You hum, leaning into his chest as you delete any evidence of the images on the desktop. "But really, you should join me for college."
"Too much work."
"You're a valedictorian."
"So are you."
You sigh. "I'm going to be all aloneeeeee."
"I'll call you every day."
"You can't promise that."
"We can call while I'm on patrol."
"Babe, I'll be asleep by then."
"With your sleep schedule?"
You go quiet.
"That's what I thought."
"We should send each other photos every day."
"One of those cheesy phone apps?"
"Yeah." You grin. "Or make video diaries."
"I'm not making a video diary."
"I'll make you video diaries to show you what I do in a day." You grin.
"Will I get to see your tits?"
"When I change, sure."
The two of you fly back at the end of the week, the hickeys from Jason all faded and the scratches from you all healed. It was like it never happened — save for the teeth mark you left on Jason's chest before leaving. You just wanted a bite, nothing more.
Both you and Jason turn in all your work when you return, grades still intact, end of the school year at your fingertips, buying tickets for grad. Jason has to buy more tickets from the students because of how big his family is. You joke that Bruce is going to end up with 14 grandchildren. The way Jason grimaces makes you think that it isn't exactly impossible. You don't want to find out.
You help Jason pin his grad cap into his hair so he doesn't look bald.
"Where was this idea when I graduated?" Dick clicks his tongue as you pin Jason's hair down.
"Probably with the girls," You have Jason shake his head to check if the cap was secure. It is. "I saw your grad photos. It's the classic image everyone gets."
"You gonna pin my cap in for my grad too?" Tim hums.
"Don't you have a girlfriend?"
"No?" He raises a brow.
"Huh. Thought you did." You shrug. "I'll do it if you don't have any friends who figure it out."
The two of you head out, waving bye to the Wayns as Jason sits in his car.
"We're meeting in the gym, right?"
"Yeah. No bags." Jason hums.
"I'll just clip all of these," You clip them onto your gown.
Graduation is a blur as you take photos with your friends and with Jason, fireworks going off in the back, lips pressed to his in the darkness, pulling away when the two of you break into your own respective friend groups, photos taken with each other. You wonder if you should just introduce Jason to your parents officially at grad. You find that you don't have much of a choice when you spot Dick with your parents. You have no idea how he did it.
"Little wing!"
Jason groans at the nickname. "Hey, Dick."
"You're done!" Dick puts Jason into a headlock, and you take the flowers from your parents.
"Congrats." They smile at you.
You smile back. "Thank you. Ah, uh, this is Jason."
"We've met." Your mom smiles at Jason and he stands up, sighing.
"Dick, don't be rude."
"No, like," You pause, grimacing. Jason takes your hand, rubbing soothing circles, speaking up instead.
"We're dating."
"Oh." Your mom blinks, eyes wide.
"How long?" Your dad cuts in.
Jason looks at you as you swallow, squeezing his hand. "Since the first day of senior year."
Your dad is about to speak up when Dick spots Bruce and the rest of his siblings, waving for them at the spot. Your mom squeezes your arm, almost as if to tell you that you would talk later about it. Jason pulls you off to meet the rest of his family, Cass placing a lei around your neck, congratulating you for graduating. You smile at her thanking Bruce as he hands you a card. You don't want to think about what's inside of it. You slip that into the gift bag Tim hands you, thanking his family for the gifts, only to get pulled to the side by your other friends' families, more photos taken and leis thrown around your neck. You catch Jason end up pulled to the side by his friends, and you somehow end up in the mix.
By the end of the night, you're thoroughly spent, slouching in the back of your parents' car, exhaustion all over your face.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Your mother's voice is quiet.
"Didn't think you'd approve."
"Then why date him?" Your dad speaks up this time, voice hard. "If you knew we didn't want you dating that Wayne kid, why did you—"
"Cuz I like him." You sigh. "Love him a lot. Love him like the two of you love each other."
"You can't guarantee that. You're only in high school." Your mother reasons. "I'm sure there are—"
"Don't want another." You mumble, curling into the gift bag Tim handed you. "I know he's the one."
The car stops at the red light, and you glance to look at your dad's expression.
"Since when?"
"I told you, start of the school year—"
"No. When did you decide it was alright to keep secrets?" He raises his voice, and you wince.
"Honey, she's young, she'll—"
You blink, exhaustion in your body making it impossible for you to argue back with him, the arguing would have been futile anyway. You wonder if Jason is enjoying his graduation party. Maybe he's getting the night off from patrol since it was graduation. Maybe you'll text him later when you get home. You probably won't. You're too tired for it. Your dad's yelling is tuned out automatically, your body on autopilot when you bring everything to your room and drop it to the ground. You really hope Tim didn't bring you something that would break easily. You'll look tomorrow.
The knock at your window after you shower makes you pause.
"What are you doing here?"
"Wanna go grapple?" Jason smiles.
"My hair is wet. I don't wanna catch a cold."
"Put it in the helmet. It's waterproof." He pops it off his head, locking it around your neck. You glance at his domino mask.
"Do I need shoes?"
"I'll carry you the whole time." He hums. "Lock your door."
"Already did." You adjust the helmet on your head, wrapping your arms around his neck as he warps an arm around your waist. You hear the sound of the hook launch, and you stare through his helmet as he swings you into the air, the city of Gotham beneath you, warm wind of summer blowing against you, the cityscape rendering you breathless. The sound of screams and cars cancel each other out as Jason lands on a roof, adjusting his hold on you so you'd be more comfortable.
"So?" He raises a brow at you.
"It's gorgeous." You grin, turning to look at him. "Do you see this every night?"
"Only when I grapple. Usually I don't get to see because I'm grappling to catch a criminal."
"I love it." You hum.
"Want a batburger?"
"Fuck yeah."
The two of you swing down to the place as Jason puts you down in a booth to order. You fold your legs up, grinning at Jason as he hands you an ice cream.
"How'd you know I didn't want a burger?" You raise a brow.
"Too late for burgers." He hums. "You said you only liked ice cream after two."
"Thank you." You beam, watching Jason stare at you. "Something happen?"
"Your dad looked like he was going to hit you." Jason mumbles. "Did he hit you later?"
"No. He just got mad I kept it from him..." You pause. "And that I'm dating you. They think you're going to break up with me."
"Hope they have fun at the wedding, then." Jason hums. "You're alright?"
"I tuned them out on the car ride home." You smile.
"Alright. Dick was worried too. He said your dad looked like he was going to burst a blood vessel when I pulled you to my family." Jason hums. "Should I have dinner with them sometime?"
"No. They aren't going with me to move for college, so it doesn't matter." You mumble.
"You need help packing? I can send Cass."
"It's fine." You tap his hand. "I promise."
"Are you cutting ties with them?"
Your breath catches in your throat. "I... don't know."
"If you do, Bruce says he'd be more than willing to fund your education." Jason whispers.
"Woah, I'm already part of your family?" You gasp.
"Yeah." He nods. "So if you cut ties with your family, you have mine."
"I'll be fine." You mumble, staring at his hand. "I promise."
Your parents don't catch you. As mad as they could get, they didn't really care about what you did in your free time. Not even when you snuck out. You don't know why they're so mad about the whole dating situation, but given Bruce and Dick's public images, you aren't surprised they'd think Jason would do the same — even given the fact that you had been friends with him since you started high school.
When you get ready for work the next day, you barely notice the way your parents are sitting on the couch like you owe them a conversation.
"Young lady, where are you going?"
"Work." You turn to look at them.
"Or on a date?"
"This is what I wear to work." You repeat yourself.
Your dad raises a brow at you but doesn't speak further when you leave.
You're really contemplating running away from home. You don't have an actual reason to, so you stay home for the most part, ignoring the knocks on your door and hopping out your window when you wanted to go somewhere. Jason resorts to calling you when he isn't jumping in your window to talk with you for a bit. You can do with the distance, but it isn't ideal. The exhaustion from your lack of mobility is catching up to you.
"What do you think could change their minds?"
You frown, finishing first in Mario Kart. "Nothing."
"Not even a dinner?"
You frown. "They don't like the rich."
"They know I'm adopted, right?"
"They won't like that you're an orphan either."
"They're picky."
"Really picky." You grumble. "Last time I brought a boy home, they scared him off."
"They won't be able to scare me off, you know?"
"Yeah." You pause. "Maybe you should eat with them sometime."
You frown. "They're hosting a barbecue next week. I'll invite you."
"You're going to force me into the guest list?"
"It's better with more people." You mumble. "The fact that you were wearing a valedictorian gown might also help."
"When is it?"
"Next Saturday at 5pm." You mumble. "You know how to barbecue?"
"Would it surprise you if I say yes?"
"Yeah." You hum. "You know any of my friends' families?"
"Two. Good terms too."
"Alright. Don't be late."
"Should I bring meat?"
You seriously contemplate asking him if he wants to bring Wagyu, but you decide against it. "Bring beer."
"Ey, we can't drink yet."
"I'll rush to help you. My dad's probably going to get me to buy beer anyway."
"The expensive kind?"
"I'll send you a couple of brands." You pause. "Invite Dick too."
"To charm your mom?"
"Yeah." You grin. "To charm my mom and her friends."
You know your parents better than Jason realizes. When you help him bring the beer into your house, your father's expression softens, asking Jason if he wanted a bottle. Jason turns it down, mentioning that he still has to drive home later, also that he wasn't technically at the legal drinking age — not that it stopped people. You let out a breath you were holding when your dad pats him on the back and walked off to talk to the other people.
"Went well." You mumble. "How good are you at barbecuing?"
"I'm on barbecue duty when we do it at our place."
"You're practically a barbecue dad." You gasp. "Woah."
"You have the build too. You're only missing a hawaiian shirt now." You pat his back. "You can go figure out how to help at the grill, I have to go check on my mom."
"Hope Dick hasn't stolen her from your dad."
"I sure hope not." You wince.
It ends well, the barbecue. You don't get yelled at for inviting Jason, and your mother tells you all about how Dick was such a charmer, a real ladies' guy. Your dad doesn't mention it, but from the way he kept eating, you can guess he liked Jason's grill skills. You should text him about it. Maybe you'd go for their summer barbecues sometime. You don't know.
Your dad pulls you to the side the next day.
"I'm sorry for lashing out." He pauses. "I was. It's stressful, knowing you're dating the second son of a family of players."
"I get it." You swallow. Not really. Your goal is just to make sure he likes Jason now.
"He's... he's good for you." Your dad smiles at you weakly.
You wonder if he's only saying this because Jason wouldn't leave your side earlier. Or maybe it was because your mother had told him that Jason looks at you like you're his whole world. You don't know why. But you suppose his acceptance is enough. At least you're allowed outside of the house now. You tighten the straps of your swimwear around your neck before leaving the house.
"He was good with you leaving?" Jason hands you a helmet for the bike.
"Yeah. Trusts you." You mumble. "Think Dick did a lot of work. Did you thank him?"
"Yeah." Jason hums. "Hope you're not tired of barbecue."
"Am I going to yours for it?"
"You can taste Alfred's cooking, and you can get a little more of mine." He hums. "Arms around the waist, babe."
"I'm excited." You mumble, lips quirking up as you wrap your arms around his waist. "Ooh, rock hard."
"I'm going to leave you here."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Love you too much for it."
The Wayne Manor is a mansion. Well, that much has been established, you suppose. You are, however, surprised to see a giant ass backyard with a huge ass pool. You've never been to the backyard, now that you think of it. Jason's never taken you.
"Did you bring swimwear?"
"Under the clothes," You pull your shirt over your head, ditching the shorts. "Tadaa!"
Jason laughs. "Put the shirt back on. Your tits are for me to see only, babe."
You frown. "Why not your shirt?"
Jason pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it at you. "That good enough?"
"Sure." You pull your arms through, placing your stuff to the side, jumping into the water to join his siblings.
You like the manor. Despite the constant bickering, the place felt warm, and that wasn't something you got often. The house is warm. It's warm as the Gotham sun burns into your back when you sit in the water by the ledge, head resting in your arms, it's warm when the charcoal in the grill burns, and it's warm when Cass pulls you out of the water to dry off before dinner. You could smell the food from where you were in the pool — you might just move here for the food.
Jason fills your plate for you, grabbing a little bit of everything, cutting your steak for you in advance as his family watches in awe.
"Little wing is capable of this?!"
"Steph, you owe me twenty."
"Bruce, you owe me 20k." Cass pokes at their dad as he stares at Jason.
"They bet on you?"
"Heard I got a girlfriend a while ago, and suddenly they started fighting each other over what kind of a boyfriend I would be." He switches plates with you, shrimp peeled and steak cut. "Oyster's clean, by the way."
"I'm gonna marry you."
"We've established this, I know."
You shrug, stabbing the shrimp. "Just reminding you."
"Don't beat me to the proposal, by the way." He points his knife at you.
"Master Jason." Alfred clears his throat, and Jason puts his knife down.
"Sorry, Alfred."
You hold a shrimp to his lips. "C'mon. As a thank you."
"Oh, at least you care." He bites down, chewing. "Don't beat me."
"I hope you get me a red diamond just to empty your pockets." You mumble.
"You want a ring with a gem worth a million dollars?"
"Yeah." You grin, holding a piece of steak to his lips. "You don't wanna give it to me?"
"I'll steal it."
"Oh, how romantic." You quiet down as you start eating the steak.
"You really want a red diamond?"
You glance at him, lips pulled into the fakest smile you can manage. "Yeah."
"Want it before you leave?" Jason raises a brow, the skin on his own shrimp finally peeled.
"You telling me you're gonna propose to me right out of high school? That's a recipe for disaster."
"Babe, we've been a disaster." He hums. "From you not telling your parents to me sneaking you to Switzerland to skip school, we have not been normal at all."
"Don't forget about New York."
"When is that again?"
You pretend to be offended. "I'm breaking up with you."
"I don't know what just happened, but I'm on her side." Dick cuts in.
"Me too."
"Me three."
"Guys." Jason groans.
"It's fine. We never set a date. How about in two weeks?" You hum.
"Yeah." He mumbles. "Wanna leave in the morning?"
"Sure. There's less cars then, huh?"
"We can stay at Bruce's penthouse."
"Does he have a house everywhere? New trivia game, where does Bruce Wayne NOT have a house?" You mumble.
"I don't have a place in Finland." Bruce calls from the end of the table.
You hold a hand over your mouth. "You got a place in Dubai?"
"A whole building."
"Woah..." You mumble. "How 'bout China?"
"Got a penthouse."
You blink in surprise. "Singapore?"
"Own a mansion there."
"You're not even a crazy rich asian." You mumble. "That should be a trivia game."
"For family game night?" Jason raises a brow at you, plate now empty.
"Yeah." You switch plates with him. "Which place does Bruce Wayne not own property."
"You're full?"
"Mhm." You nod. "You can have the rest."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." You mumble.
Jason's driving does not scare you. You feel like it should, considering he drives pretty rough, but it does not scare you. If anything, you're worried about getting ticketed. Well, not like he was driving past the speed limit. At least you have the aux.
"How'd you convince your parents to let you go?"
"Told em it was a girls' trip." You yawn. "Lied straight through my teeth."
"You're awful."
"You're the influence."
"Makes both of us awful I guess." Jason hums. "We're staying at a hotel instead of Bruce's."
"Why's that?"
"Wanna have you without his security cameras."
You laugh. "Your horny little teenage brain."
"Both of us."
"Nuh-uh," You shake your head. "I don't think about jumping you. I think about biting you nonsexually."
You go quiet. "And marking you up. No visible marks this time." You deadpan. "New York is a hot mess and I still need to try clothes on."
"You gonna go shopping on fifth avenue?"
"Will you let me?"
"Go blow my money."
"Then I won't go easy."
Jason leans on the wall as you show him different clothes, doing a little spin for him when he asked. You try a bunch of stuff on only to buy three articles of clothing. You still feel bad for spending his money. Besides, he was paying for the hotel. You really wonder if you should buy him coffee as a thank you or something. Though, as Jason rips the tag directly off one of the dresses you try on, the thought disappears.
"We'll take this one." He hands the tag to the cashier. "Keep it on. You look good."
"Thank you." You grin, taking the bags from Jason as he pulls out his card. You blink as he swipes it without thinking. You wonder if you'd get to live a life like that.
"Thinking?" He takes the bags from your hand again, card in his wallet.
"I wanna be a rich kid..." You mumble. "I'd love to be rich."
"You have me."
"Yeah, but it's still different from being rich yourself." You hum. "Let's head back for the day."
You frown. "I don't want you swiping your card any more."
"Why not?" He moves his bags onto one hand, lacing his fingers with yours. "It's for you. Bruce is fine with it."
"Yeah, but." Your face drops. "too much."
"Alright. But this much," Jason holds the bags up. "That isn't really considered much if you consider—"
"I'm not one of them, Jay." You squeeze his hand. "I'm fine with what you've got me already. Wanna go to the ice cream museum tomorrow?"
"Sure." He smiles. "Make the reservations."
"Got it." You grin.
Because no matter how willing Jason is when it comes to swiping his card for you, he still respects your words. Even when you're telling him it's too much, he knows when you truly draw the line, in the way your eyes harden and your voice drops. Jason would spill his entire fortune for you, anything for you, just for your happiness. That was all that mattered to him — the little sparkle in your eye when you were happy, the small upward tug of your lips when you were content, the way your body relaxed when you were truly at peace. You. As long as you were happy, he was happy. Hand on your cheek and lips pressed to yours, he was happy.
"You gonna miss me in college?" He squeezes your cheek as you stare at the NYU banner.
"Definitely." You hum. "You should go here."
"Why's that?"
"It's where all the rich kids go." You grin.
"Daddy's money could get me into your school too." He smiles, leaning down to press his forehead to yours teasingly.
"Then why not use it?"
"Cause Bruce actually values honesty." He pulls away, glancing at the banner.
"And you?" You tilt your head.
"I don't care." He grins. "Want me to get in with Daddy's money?"
"Want you to join me next year with just your grades."
"Want me to leave the city behind for you?"
"Just to join you?"
"One year, babe."
You take a photo with him at your school when you move, scribbling 1 year in pencil on the picture.
A year later, Jason's your dormmate, a new photo pinned on the mini bulletin board in the room.
Jason presses his lips to your forehead as you shift in the morning sun, smile on his lips as he greets you. You mumble a greeting back, falling asleep again. His lips pull into a gentle smile, closing his own eyes. His breathing syncs with yours, hearts beating together, the rays of the morning sun warming his skin as he shields you from the light. You never liked waking up because the curtains were too sheer.
For him, even getting you a star in the sky seemed like a menial task.
After all, if you were happy, so was he.
And as he feels your body relax into the mattress, he's sure you'd say the same for him.
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This is random as shit but I think it’s funny 😭
Can I get some headcanons for Jeff, ben and Toby when their (Gn or masc) s/o is in the kitchen, just in the middle of the night, either staring off into nothing or walking in circles; I’m talking like- 3am, eating coco pops or smarties from the bag/box, walking around the room, staring at the floor. And their s/o being like.. ridiculously tired and still drinking redbull/Monster to keep them awake.
I’m autistic and I do it sometimes because idk?? But yeah this was a funny idea and your writing is great, so I’ve come to you! Don’t worry about these if you don’t wanna write them. Have a nice day/night :)
I'm so glad you like my writing! I do not have autism, but I do struggle with maladaptive daydreaming so, i demonstrate behaviors similar to this! I based some of the headcanons off of that so i hope it isnt too far off 😭 🙏
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Toby is up and down a lot during the night, so he'd probably run into you sometime during one of his many bathroom/snack runs
At first he thinks you're also on a snack run, but when he notices that you are just kind of...staring off into space he becomes suspicious
He steps closer to inspect your behavior, before shrugging and going along with it, grabbing his snack and heading back upstairs, and going back to bed
When he's in a trance like that, he usually doesn't like to be bothered, so he figured he'd just leave you to it
It's about an hour and a half later the next time he wakes up, he stretches, gets up, and walks downstairs
He still finds you there in the kitchen, completely intranced and still slowly eating your snacks
He puffs out his lips and tilts his head with a "hm."
He walks up to you and taps your shoulder, startling you a bit
"Sorry." He says, coming to place both hands on your shoulders "you've been here for over an hour, you ok?"
You nod and rub your eyes "yeah, sorry for worrying you" you say with a yawn
He smiles and kisses your forehead "it's ok, now that I know you're alright"
He takes your hands in his and pulls you towards him gently "now come back to bed, im touch starved" he says with a grin
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Jeff is a very light sleeper, so the second he feels you shifting away from him, he's up
By the time he rubs the sleep from his eyes, you are already out the door, leaving him slightly annoyed that you didn't notice him waking up with you
He throws on a shirt and walks down the stairs, seeing you pacing around with a bag of smarties in hand, eating them as your mind seemingly drifts off into space
He sighs and rubs his face some more, before walking up behind you and trapping you in a hug, placing three warm kisses to your shoulder "what are you doin' up this early loser?"
You exhale loudly and bring a hand up to rub his head "just....thinking..." you mutter
He kisses you again, this time on the cheek "alright, I'll quit buggin' you. Come back to bed soon, though. You know I can't sleep well without you"
He presses yet another kiss to your cheek, before letting go of you and going back upstairs
When you finally decide to head back upstairs yourself, you grab an energy drink so that maybe once jeff falls asleep again, you can come back downstairs and think some more
When you get back into the room, jeff is laying on the bed, seemingly asleep, until he notices your presence
He moves his head to look at you, before sitting up and stretching "pulling an all nighter, huh?" he asks, gesturing to the energy drink in your hands
You glance at it, before nodding "yeah, I guess so"
He sighs tiredly and yawns "alright, i reckon I'm staying up too, then" he says with a grin
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BEN, having no need to sleep, rarely does so
He instead uses his nights to play video games or catch up on some work he fell behind
Tonight, when he had thought you'd fallen asleep, he got up and turned on his PC, pulling up steam and looking for a new game to play
While he was doing this, you got up and snuck out of the room, going downstairs to do your usual routine of just pacing around and staring into space
He plays his new game for quite a while, before getting bored and looking behind him to check on you
When he sees that you are not there, an eyebrow is raised
He pauses the game and gets up from his chair, looking around for you in various places you'd be in
He finds you in the gym, pacing around. He assumes you picked the gym because it's mostly empty, so you won't be disturbed
He walks over to you and steals a handful of your snacks "whatcha doing" he asks with his mouth full
"Thinking" you reply, not bothering to stop moving around
"Kay, well don't stay up too late, I wanna play animal crossing with you tomorrow" he says, squishing your face and kissing your squished up lips
He is about to go out of the gyms door before he pauses and looks back at you "also, bring me a soda once you're done" he then steps out, closes the door, and goes back upstairs
Hes such a little shit, i apologize for his behavior
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got-ticket-to-ride · 10 months
hi sorry but do you have any soft mclennon moments to share too :') the post you made about 22 seconds of longing hurt oh my god
Sorry for the delay in reply anon. I'm actually just a corporate collar acting my way as a temporary secretary every hard day's night, jobbing like a dog, 8 days a week in an English garden to afford a tan in the rain.
Hope this finds you well! Here are 22 McLennon moments as compensation for Johnny's 22 agonizing seconds in the pining video.
1.) "I'm Happy Just to Dance with You" scene when they both looked at each other at the same time. And the director had to pan out the scene because it would've been too straight. I know dilated pupils when I see it.
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2.) Inviting your favorite boy to a solo trip to Spain but you stayed in Paris because it was so romantic, sharing a bed, picking out clothes for each other, slurping all the banana shakes, you know normal roommate things according to historians.
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3.) Getting a solo invitation from a hot photographer and bringing along your best boy because you are attached to the hip and can't be separated.
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4.) Their need to constantly touch each other
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5.) Scene in Help (1965), where John is using all his strength to carry George and Ringo's weight and not crush Paul (because boyfriend things)
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6.) Holding hands for mental support during a recording. (John is needy, please forgive him)
7.) Walking Martha like a couple in 1967 - outfits coordinated and all
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8.) Impressions by people who met them:
"[John and Paul] sort of had their own way of communicating. Hardly anything was spoken, they just knew what the other wanted or was getting at and they had the most amazing talent."
"He was like a different animal with Lennon. When they were together they became something else, more than just the two of them together. That communication was incredible. It was like two high-speed computers just fizzing between each other."
9.) John is hiding his cigarette behind him, because he doesn't want to bother Paul with the smoke. (You know, boyfriend things).
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10.) A portrait, king and princess up front. John's thigh just casually resting on Paul's (yet again).
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11.) The spider fingers during a press conference, because they are actually both 12
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12.) That very flirty jam session in Austria in 1965 that was cut short, but they probably continued after anyway
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13.) The way they talk about the day they met sounds like "how I met the love of my life" Happy Honeymoon <3
14.) Quote from Emerick
The lights in the studio were turned off to set the mood; the sole source of illumination was a table lamp next to the wall. The two beatles, lifelong friends and collaborators, sat on high stools, facing each other, studying each other’s lips intently for phrasing.
15.) When they answer each other's songs
Paul in Can't Buy Me Love: "If it makes you feel alright?"
John: "I Feel Fine"
17.) “I could even hear what they were saying off-mike; ‘Oh Paul, you’re so cute tonight’ was met with the reply, ‘Sod off, Lennon.’” — Joan Baez on accompanying the Beatles to their concert in Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Denver. 26 August 1964
18.) Paul looking at John like he wants to eat him later after finishing with "I'm a Loser"
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19.) Giving instructions on how John's hair needs to "look"
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20.) Paul acting as John's walking stick
21.) Paul's heart eyes during this 1966 conference (also that lip bite... eat you later?):
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22.) John the worried boyfriend who checks on Paul in the middle of an interview and doesn't believe him when he just says : "oh, yeah..."
John internally: "come on now, why aren't you laughing at my joke babe? You're unwell!!!"
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The Bottles over and out.
Thank you for this ask. This was quite fun! Would love to hear your thoughts too <3
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jellalism · 10 months
Wriothesley x GN!Reader fic: To soften the pain
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You're in a depressive episode. Wriothesley comforts you.
Word count: 645
Genre: Comfort
Content warnings: Depression; mention of a meal.
Notes: Reader is gender neutral.
Read below or on AO3.
“Wriothesley?” You step through the large doors and move towards the stairs leading to his office. 
“Hi dear,” he responds before you’re even within his field of vision. When you’re high enough up the staircase, you look over the Duke’s desk. Wriothesley is sitting behind it, handling some papers, not looking up.
There’s a surprisingly large amount of paperwork that comes with running the Fortress. You once asked whether the amount of bureaucracy in the Fortress of Meropide couldn’t be reduced. After all, it’s an autonomous entity and is not required to follow the regulations of the Palais Ordalie. Wriothesley had laughed and explained that, even though it’s formally autonomous, the Fortress still collaborates with the Palais, and so must deliver the documents that it requires. Its bureaucracy is inescapable. You often find him in the position he is now, hunched over files.
He doesn’t look up as you enter the office. “What brings you here? Have something to ask, or did you just miss me?” His tone is light and teasing.
You’re not sure how to answer that. You did miss him, but it would be wrong to reduce the reason for your visit to just that.
At your silence, he finally gazes up at you and looks at your face. His expression grows serious and he stands up, walks to you, and places his strong hands on both your shoulders. “What’s wrong? You look exhausted.”
“I am.” You want to speak at a normal volume, but all your throat produces is a whisper. “I feel like shit.”
At those words, Wriothesley pulls you close. For a few moments, he doesn’t say anything; he just lets you soak in his warmth. He feels safe. “I’ll clear out the rest of my day for you. I want to be with you tonight.” He kisses the top of your head.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to go that far…”
“I want this too, you know. You’re not the only one who’s been missing their partner.” He holds you a little tighter. “Haah… I know it’s been only a few days, but I really wanted to hold you again like this.”
You smile slightly — something you haven’t done in a few days. “I missed you,” you mumble. Your voice is muffled as your face is buried in his chest.
“I missed you too, love.” His voice is soft and calming. With one hand, he plays with your hair. “Do you want to tell me what makes you feel so bad?”
You disentangle yourself a little bit from him so it’s easier to breathe and speak. “Not sure,” you mutter. “Sometimes, the depression just hits, you know? Well, maybe you don’t know. I hope you don’t know.”
“I don’t know, but I can imagine.” He still holds you in his embrace. “Is there anything I can do to make it easier? Anything, from a hug to the more practical things.” You’ve talked about depression with Wriothesley before, and he knows it makes it harder to take good care of yourself.
“Maybe… If it’s not too much trouble… You can help me clean the dishes?” It feels silly to ask for something stupid like this. What kind of pathetic loser needs help doing something so basic?
Instead of answering, Wriothesley lifts your chin and presses a kiss to your lips. “I see you talking yourself down. But nobody gets to insult my lovely partner. Not even you.” He sounds stern, but his smile is a teasing one. “I’ll help you clean the dishes and anything else you need. Later tonight. For now… How about we get something to eat above ground? I think you could use a good meal.”
You nod. He stands up, dragging you along with it. “Alright then. It’s a date night now. I promise you you’ll feel better by the end of the day.”
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potchi-fics · 11 months
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✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
have you ever read something where person A likes person B but they just can't seem to confess? as it turns out, person B likes them back? their story either turns good or bad.. NOTE: torpe means when someone can't make a move on their crush. try to listening to the pinoy song "Romcom" by Rob Deniel
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
you hear bada grunt, the chair letting out a small squeak, "my date went horrible."
"again?" you snort. "how? i mean, that's been you're fifth date and you were only with her for like 45 minutes."
"i don't know, alright? we don't seem to click. like, at all." she complains.
a smile overtakes your face, finding her childish behaviour cute. you've always had a crush on her, ever since you two were in high school-- you don't know what happened, you've never had the courage to confess. now here you are, pining on your best friend of years.
her voice snaps you out of bubble, "it's so calming to see you make your own coffee."
"and why is that?" you throw her a quick look.
she just gives you a shrug, refusing to give you an answer.
"you're so annoying, you know that? i give you a question and you can't even give me a proper reply." you give her your middle finger, "what if i punch you right here, right now?"
her boisterous laugh pisses you off even more because you know you can't be mad at her for long. you two finishes your breakfast and head to your university.
"see you later at lunch, loser." she ruffles your hair.
you two part ways. aiki and noze comes up in your sight, and you know what they're gonna say to you.
"why don't you just confess?" aiki tries to ruffle your hair but you avoid her. "wow, are we not best friends?"
you've known them for years, too, just not as long as bada.
noze stops the two of you from fighting like children, "she has favouritism, aiks. and you two stop that, we're gonna be late."
hours pass by and it's finally lunch time. the moment you step out of the room, you see bada standing there-- your sundo. her eyes light up like the stars when her gaze fell on you.
"hey," you look up at her, "been waiting long?"
she grabs your stuff, "nah, just got here like three minutes ago. let's go, i found a new coffee shop."
"if only i drink coffee, i would have palpitations because of the crazy amounts we go to a cafe." you jest.
bada's dance club, team bebe, watches the two of you walk away.
lusher starts, "why doesn't she just..."
"date y/n." the rest of the team finished.
aiki and noze, who were walking by, heard them and exclaimed in defeat.
"right?! good lord, they're both torpes." noze kidds out.
the red haired woman can only sigh, "they're a living romcom."
back to the two of you, you are currently hitting bada as you laugh at something she said.
"no shit?" bada gives you a cocky grin. "okay, ms. womanizer."
you see her open her mouth but a random woman suddenly came to your table.
"bada? fancy seeing you again."
you're guessing this is the woman whom she took out on a date earlier. you excuse yourself to go the washroom, bada was hoping to stop you but the woman was basically hogging her to herself.
you go to the washroom, fixing yourself and gathering your thoughts. but the woman from earlier suddenly came in.
"hi, y/n."
"hello..? you know my name?" confusion etched on your face.
she giggles, "who wouldn't? bada talks about you all the time-- yes, even on her blind dates. no wonder they don't go too well. piece of advice, make a move on her." ending the sentence with a wink.
you stand there dumbfounded for a few seconds before exiting and saying thank you on your way out. you're stuck in a dazed, that information confusing the shit out of you.
"what's wrong? you look like you've seen a ghost." bada feels your forehead.
you stare up at her, "'m not sick."
she returns your gaze.
at this moment-- this very moment, bada feels a gush of air enters her lungs. being like this, so close to you; she realises one thing: you are everything to her.
"do you.." her thumb rubs your cheekbone, making you lean to her touch. "wanna go on a date with me?"
✮⋆˙♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧🦭✧˖°
let's take a quick break from steamy scenes hehe
૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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whomstress · 7 months
Ragatha's Bunnydoll
Paring: Ragatha x Jax
Rating: T
Hello! Long time no fic! This isn't one of my favorites but I've had it for a long time and wanted to finish it I hope you like it!
Jax has never been more angry with an outcome. Caine's adventure ended with a surprise punishment for the loser. Jax, unlike Zooble, who decided to opt out completely, played the game more than halfheartedly. He is much more interested in messing people up than actually winning himself. It was all going pretty great, especially when he was able to bowl Gangle’s comedy mask down the hall until he lost. He went to his room, not caring about whatever Caine was up to, and decided to try and take a nap. It's been days since he slept, so it might work this time. It usually doesn't, but he soon felt sleep fall upon him faster than it had in a long time. This felt like a trap, but he shrugged it off. Whatever it is, how bad could it be?
But, of course, nothing could ever be easy here, could it? He woke up on the main stage, unable to move. Of course he would. Why did he think anything else about this damn tent? He laughed inwardly; at least he could cuss all he wanted in his mind. He tried to call out, annoyed as hell, to someone to get him out of here, but that was impossible too. His mind was intact, but he couldn’t explain how he felt other than stiff as a rock while stuffed with cotton. Then Bubble appeared in front of him, and he was huge. Twice the size of his body. Jax finally felt himself jump at the shock, but he quickly went back to no movement.
“He’s soooo cute like this! I could just eat him!” Bubble said, menacingly opening his mouth to show his sharp set of teeth that were inching closer to Jax. 
Jax barely had time to react when Caine popped Bubble and appeared in front of him. "Well, that’s enough of that! Sorry Jax! I think Bubble is going through another teething phase!”
Jax tried to roll his eyes and say something sarcastic, but found once again that he was stuck. ‘What the fuck is going on!’ he thought. A menacing aura came from him, but even if Caine noticed, he didn't acknowledge it.
Caine came much too close to his face, and Jax wanted nothing more than to finally knock a tooth in. “Well JAX! I’m sure you're wondering, in appropriate language, What is going on?”
Jax just stayed silent, but even Caine could feel sarcasm dripping from the doll. "Yesterday, you told Ragatha the only thing worse than being stuck here was being stuck here as a living doll. So as punishment for today's game, I thought I’d show you how fun it could be! HAHAHAHAHA”
“But unfortunately, it is not in my code to make you new character models. That would require me to transfer your mind, and that is the only thing I cannot control here. However, I can change your form! So what do you think?”
A comically large mirror is placed in front of him, and Jax finally sees exactly why he can’t move or speak. He’s been turned into a small doll version of himself. His body and clothes were felt, and his expression was painted on sly. No wonder he felt like he was stuffed with cotton; he was. Oh, ho, ho, when he got out of this, there was going to be hell to pay.
Before Jax could start planning a premeditated murder, Caine jumped in. “Great! I knew you’d love it! How about you stay this hmmmmmmmmmm... forever?” Jax stayed silent in horror, but Caine jumped in a second later and said, “You’re right, that's a terrible idea! How will you go on more adventures!? HAHAHAHA Dinner time, it is! Have fun!”
Jax looked at himself a little longer in shock before mentally slapping himself out of it. 'Alright, you dumb bunny. Suck it up. Sulkings for losers. I moved earlier, which means I can move. I’m getting the hell out of here before anyone finds me. If Zooble gets a hold of me, I’m pretty sure they’ll set me on fire for that prank I pulled today.’ He laughs to himself, remembering their face as their pieces are scattered across the floor.
After about 15 minutes of trial and error, he realized he could move, but only in jerky movements. So he could swipe his arm or jump a bit, but it’d quickly go back in position, and he'd stop moving completely for another minute or two. He managed to get himself off the table, of course, landing face first, but the nice thing about this body was that it was so plush that he’s pretty sure he could be thrown at a wall and it’d only hurt for a second. 'Huh, it makes sense why Ragatha gets way more upset at centipedes than throwing stuff at her.’
A light bulb went off in his head, and if he could groan, he would. ‘Ragatha. This was her fault!’ If she hadn’t annoyed him, he never would have said what he said and gotten into this mess! Yeah, he's been picking on her more lately, but that’s just because she's the funniest to mess with. He’d found out a new way to fluster her by getting very close in her space. There was something addicting about the way her face flushed red and she’d yell his name. It was nice to see her like that.
You know in a funny way.
But it had really gotten to her, and she’d said something mean back, hitting below the belt. So he told her he might have it bad, but nothing could be worse than being stuck here in hell as a damn doll.
He stopped jumping even when he finally could again, remembering her face when he said it. Her eyes held genuine hurt, and her face pulled into a frown. She looked like she was going to cry. He hated it. She was just supposed to fluster again and yell his name. But when she did say his name, it was sad, and he realized that was not what he wanted. He felt an apology he’d never cared to give anyone else on the tip of his tongue before Zooble called his attention, and he retreated again. It wasn’t his fault; she's a crybaby, and he wouldn’t say sorry. Look what it got him into.
Ragatha’s eyes flashed again in his head, and something in his heart squeezed. If he could growl, he would. ‘Stop! It’s over now. We’ve been over this before. She’s not special. If I don’t apologize to Gangle, I won’t apologize to her! It’s not like she’d care anyway. She doesn't even like you.’
“Oooooh! What’s this?” 
Speak of the devil. Just his damn luck.
He feels himself being lifted by similar felt hands as if he’s nothing and he’s face, well, practically whole body, to face with the woman that was just invading his thoughts. Of course, it’d be Ragatha who found him. Doesn’t God hate him enough already? ‘It’s fine. It’s fine. As long as she doesn’t call you c-”
“CUUUUTEEE!” She squeals in such a high pitch that it makes him twinge just the tiniest bit, but she doesn't seem to notice after already examining him more thoroughly. He knew she loved dolls, but he didn’t think she’d say that about a doll of him. She pokes and prods him, admiring his stitching and design. “Oh my God, aren’t you the cutest little doll? I haven’t seen such a well-made doll in ages! I wonder if Caine is making some for us.”
Ragatha takes a little bit of lint off his cheek and smiles sweetly at him. “There you go, sweetheart, all better!” 
Jax can’t talk, but he’s still stunned and silent. He didn’t know she could smile that way. At least not to him. How does he get her to do it again? When did she get so pretty? He ponders that for a single second before he yanks himself back to reality. ‘Snap out of it! She’s only smiling because she thinks you're a toy, not because it’s you.`
“If only real Jax could look as cute as you!” He inwardly rolled his eyes again, but then she said something that made him freeze. "Alright, sweetheart, now that we’ve seen your high-quality craftsmanship, it's time to do the ultimate test for a plushie! How huggable are you?”
Oh no, no, no, NO. He hasn’t had a hug in ages. He’s not losing his streak now! He is NOT- Ragatha pulled him into a soft embrace, squishing her plush cheek against his, and moved a hand to hold his head like he was a real person she was supporting. The hug was so strange. It was firm but so delicate, like a hug you’d give to a loved one after not seeing them for a long time. Like he wasn’t just a doll. Like she wanted his touch. Like she liked him. Like she meant it.
It was nice. He guessed. It's super annoying how long she does it, but also nice. In that plushies are made for hugging kind of way, obviously. She pulls back, and he hates how he misses the warmth of her on his cheek. He almost didn’t want her to let go, but when she pulls back with a dopey smile for him, he really doesn’t find himself minding.
Her face suddenly sank. “If only the real you would let me in.
What? What does that mean? Real me? To his surprise, she keeps talking to him.
"God, the real you drives me insane! You know that?”
He inwardly chuckles, 'Yeah, that’s the plan, sweetheart.’
She slides down the wall to sit with him, hugging him to her, and he realizes he’s going to be here for a while. At least this wasn’t the worst position to be stuck in. ‘Why doesn’t she tell her friends about this?’ Well, actually, he understood more than he liked to admit. He never liked people knowing he was upset either. He understood a lot about her, and he knew the feeling was mutual. And he hated it.
She’s the only one who would ask him if he was okay. Ever. They weren’t even really friends, enemies at worst; if anything was off with him, she was the first to notice. The only one to notice. She’d find him in private or even in the middle of his pranks on her and look at him with that dumb doe eye and ask if he was ‘okay’. Of course he wasn’t okay! He was stuck in digital hell, not even knowing his real name. Nobody liked him here, but he could care less because there was no one he liked either.
“Why does he do this?” Ragatha snaps him out of his thoughts and starts talking again. “I swear we’ve been here for years together, but it’s all the same. As soon as we get closer, he pushes me away. And I know that dumb bunny trusts me! Otherwise, he’d never come to me.” 
Once again, he flinched at her, but once again, she didn’t seem to notice, lost in her own thoughts. Why was she talking about this out loud? What if some other idiot heard her?
“Why does he stay all night? Come into my room just to stare at the wall? So silent, not wanting a single touch, and yet when I go to move even an inch away, he stares straight into my soul? I know what he’s thinking; he has to know I know.” Her breath hitches. “Don’t-”
Leave me
The words fill his head, and his mind goes back to those moments. He’d stare at her until she moved back close enough for him to relax. It had to be less than once a year when he’d come to her, and it didn’t start until he'd been stuck there for a year. It was the closet he felt to anyone here—the only time he’d let himself be vulnerable. And he hated it.
“Why won’t he let me in?” She sighs once again, hugging the plushie closer. “He has to know how I feel about him.”
Oh, he knew exactly how she felt about him and how everyone felt about him. She was right; he’d push her away after that. He usually avoided her like the plague for at least a week in his sort of 'thanks', but then even he noticed his bullying of her would increase. He didn’t know why, but he needed her attention. He hated that she saw through him, but if she didn’t look at him at all, he didn’t think he could stand it. His thoughts are spiraling down when she interrupts again.
“I swear he gets in my face, blows in my ear, and looks at me like he wants to eat me! Even if it is kind of hot.” Wait no. He wasn’t flirting. He’d just been bullying her more. She must’ve finally lost her mind. And yet, despite the initial surprise at the sudden change of subject, he feels his ego bloat not only at her last comment but at the way she’s so flustered at the thought.
She suddenly yanks him up, so he’s back to being face-to-face with her. “Seriously, if you're going to kiss me, just do it already, you idiot!” 
He watches amusingly as she stares at his face, and hers blows up in a blush, cartoonish steam coming from her. But she doesn't put the plush down in embarrassment like he thinks she will. She bites her lip and looks around three times, like she’s making sure no one can see her. 'What is she doing now?’ He thinks.
“This is so dumb! If actual Jax sees or hears this, he’ll never let me forget it.” His ears perk at this, suddenly very interested in what she has planned. Blackmail is always great.
She blows out a warm breath that he can feel touching his face. “Screw it. It’s just pretending anyway.” He watches intensely as she closes her eyes and begins moving in. He can’t believe his eyes. No way. Is she really?
She’s much too quickly an inch away when he thinks, 'God, she’s beautiful.” 
Her lips touch his painted-on mouth only for a moment before a large cloud of smoke poofs him back to his real body with their lips still connected. Ragatha pulls back in surprise, yelping his name, “JAX! What are you? How are you?”
But he doesn’t let her finish instantly connecting their lips again. Still in disbelief, she tries to pull back to get an explanation, but he brings her lips back to his more eagerly each time she whispers his name against his lips. He moves her like a ragdoll, ha, onto his lap, and she melts in his grip. She’s not sure how or why this is happening, but she can’t bring herself to stop.
It’s soft and rough at the same time. Like trying to make up for lost time. Hot breath and soft lips clash and move together in a delicious touch. He whispers her name as he brings her impossibly closer to him, and she feels a shiver crawl along her skin. Goosebumps. She didn’t even think she could have them, but if she didn’t feel them now, she knew she never would.
Jax reveled in her little squeaks, tender gasps, and the music that was his name on her lips. Like a punch in the face, everything made sense now. How he felt. What she meant to him. What he meant to her. She liked him, and he loved her.
They finally pull apart from each other, gasping for air. They stayed like that for a moment before he started to burst out laughing. She wanted to laugh along, but that was definitely his laughing at her, not with her laugh. Ragatha looks suspiciously at him and says, “What?”
“I can’t believe you poured your heart out then kissed a doll of me!” Her face glows as red as her hair, and she goes to pull away in annoyance, but he pulls her back with a smirk. “If you wanted me that bad doll face, you shoulda just asked.”
“You’re such a jerk,” Ragatha pouted, but she could see the humor in it. She complained about him not explaining his feelings for at least 10 minutes to a plush, only to do the same thing.
“Yeah, but I’m your jerk now, baby.” She looks back at him, and he’s once again looking at her with hunger in his eyes, making her gulp and her blush rise again.
“You look like you want to eat me.” She says in a shaky voice.
"Hmmmm, that cause I do,” He pulls her closer, and she gasps, ”Good thing you like it.”
Her eyes hood, and she moves in, but he pulls back, leaving her disappointed. “Say it first, say you like it.” His mouth stretches like a Cheshire grin as she squirms underneath his stare.
She looks him in the eye and reaches a hand up to cup his cheek and rub a thumb along his skin. She smiles warmly at him as she sees his eyes widen in shock. “I really like you.”
He searches her eyes, looking for lies, but he can’t find them. That’s not what he asked for, but he can’t find himself upset when she’s finally looking at him like that. He hates that he finally feels his own blush rise, and he presses his lips hard together before crashing back into her lips. “Prove it."
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mncxbe · 1 year
could i request something with the superstition of “if you can tie a cherry’s stem, that means you’re a good kisser” and dazai? i feel like he’s the type of loser who’d believe that sentiment
This may be the cutest request I got and YES he would definitely fall for that and would struggle to master the technique. I hope you like it anon♡
Cheri Cheri lady🍒
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Was a kiss all it took to earn a date with you?
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡
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It was the end of March and the cherry trees were almost in full bloom in Yokohama. The sweet, honey like scent of the flowers and the rosy petals, blown by a gentle breeze, were enough to make you feel like you were in another world.
Seeing the blossoms was all you could think about all day at work. Dazai noticed your aloof, almost nostalgic mood but didn't bring it up until the two of you left the office.
"Is everything alright? You seemed distant today"
"Yea, perfect actually. I was just really excited to see the cherry trees. Wanna join me?" you replied in a cheerful tone
The man could barely hide the look of surprise on his face. "Sure, I'd love to"
The two of you walked along the crowded streets of Yokohama until you reached Yamashita park. The trees bore a foliage of brilliant green and the air was fresh; it smelt like spring. As you strolled around the park Dazai noticed that pink and white petals covered the ground from place to place.
The cherry trees lined the wide alley next to the river.
"I used to come here with my parents when I was a kid" you began talking "We would sit next to the railing and look at the trees. My dad would often buy us cherries from a shop nearby and I remember they had this slightly sour taste, but nevertheless I loved them and~ oh sorry I'm kinda oversharing now"
"There's no need to aplogize. I like listening to you talk" replied your colleague. You took a seat on a bench under one of the blossomed trees and remained silent as you admired the scenery.
Dazai on the other hand only had eyes for you. He took in your features and couldn't help but marvel at how pretty, how serene you looked. You had a certain glimmer in your eyes, a longing of some sort but he couldn't quite place it. Occasional gusts of wind would blow the pink flowers off the branches; the petals delicately falling on your dark hair. He wanted to brush them off, to tuck a strand of your silky hair behind your ear and caress your face but he resisted the urge.
Instead, a caravan nearby caught is attention. The man was selling cherries. He swiftly got up and made his way to the merchant, buying a bag of cherries.
"Look what I just found" he said with a mischievous grin on his face as he dangled the bag in front of you.
"Thanks. I'm surprised they still sell them here." you replied, popping one of the fruits in your mouth. They had the same sour taste you so fondly remembered...
Half an hour later the sun began to set, painting the ink blue water of the river in a hue of red and orange.
"You know, Osamu. People say that if you can tie a cherry's stem with your tongue that means you're a good kisser."
"To tie? Really? How does it even work?"
He took one of the stems that had been discarded next to you and put it in his mouth. A smile rose to your lips as you watched the man next to you struggle to form the knot. After a few tries he finally got it.
"See, there's nothing I can't do. I'm a great kisser."
"I don't know about that. It's just a saying, it doesn't prove anything" you mocked playfully.
"Well then, how about I do something else to convince you"
His fingers slightly bruhed your cheek on their way to the nape of your neck and he pulled you closer to him, pressing his lips against yours. You softened in his embrace as his other arm went to the small of your back. The kiss was gentle and warm at first, but his tongue eventually slid past your lips earning a soft moan from you.
You felt Dazai smile. Being satisfied with your reaction he quickly pulled away, leaving you gasping for air.
"So, what do you think? I'm quite a good kisser, aren't I?"
You nodded slightly; your cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink. Dazai ate one more cherry before leaning in again, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear.
"There's other things I can do with my tongue too, bella."
"Osamu!" you snapped at him, playfully slapping his arm. "Don't say that here"
He only laughed, eyes locked with yours. When the sun was almost down you got up and, grabbing the empty bag of cherries, motioned him to get up.
"We gotta go now"
"Why? The trees are beautiful under the moonlight too. We should stay a bit longer."
"That would ruin tomorrow's date, wouldn't it?" you said with a wink.
"A date? Was a kiss all it took to earn a date with you?" he teased but got up and followed you.
"What can I say, Osamu. You're a great kisser."
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guardian5tiger3 · 1 year
Alright. That's it.
What's their karma?
Tarot + intuitive messages.
*I'm definitely doing more of these later so if none resonated dw .
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3 4 5
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Group one
Their karma is slow but steady and it's funny cause they've been scared of getting karma for a while. True assholes. Some of you it's possible you could have been pointing something out about this person and everyone was like oh but this and that and just somehow missing the point one way or another. If that's the case then also they just like seemed to get away with it somehow in the past. I'm really getting someone being like, "bruh." Like it's so obvious in a way. This person feels like a f*cking child I'm ngl. Like they're dumb ASF. They don't get it. I don't know if that just reminded me of the song but I just thought of a song called get it where you fit in by too short. Haha. You guys more or less depending on the person have some level of spiritual authority. I literally I kind of hope this is a metaphor but I got like a person being inside of a burning building. Also like to be asleep ina. Building that's falling apart. Like I'm honestly getting some eery vibes so holy shit that's only if this person is straight evil ok if that's real. For a lot of you I'm not gonna lie I'm picking up on like someone who does bad things when no one's looking to as a lot of you can probably imagine and I initially was brought me to say this was I picked up on animal abuse. Someone here this person pretends like their a good person and you must be intuitive because this person is coming out as someone who literally for an example like is involved in one of those dog fighting things like in Beverly hills Chihuahua like something like that. I'm not gonna lie this could be indicating cult involvement and I'm talking about child sex trafficking and the real system connected to the government ,underground tunnels, Hollywood, etc. So some of the people receiving karma are apart of this here ok so good job guys on fucking with them . At the least I'm picking up that your souls are trapping them and getting them caught up and or the rest of you you guys have authority to kind of say okay fuck them up now and they get fucked up. Seriously. I'm almost getting that things will make more sense in the future yes for some of you where these are the worse people they're just gonna straight up die, for some of them it's severe illness. Overall I see them getting caught which somehow is karma enough for them all. I'm seeing a lawsuit for a few people. I'm getting a lot of panic from a good amount of these people in the future. So for this pile it's definitely different depending on who and honestly I immediately picked up on that but base minimum punishment it seems for all of you guys is these people get caught and reprimanded I believe is the word I'm looking for. For those of you where it's possible the worse things apply I'm seeing this ties into a bigger picture in the world so for those of you thank you for your service to humanity because you fighting against evil tells me you're a spiritual warrior here for these reasons and you're doing your jobs well. ☮️
Group two
Right off the bat you guys have some intensely good energy and you are meant to thrive socially. For the persons being asked about it seems like they're cold and lonely and if anyone is in their lives that person or maybe people are also that way too. The best they can get out of life is money and honestly they don't even spend it in cool ways so like the actual possessing of currency. So what I'm getting from this is these people are losers. Uhmm but for a lot of you alot of their money is being taken away and then it sort of seems like they're gonna try to fake a good heart or something like that.. they're gonna try to blend in somehow. Seems like they're trying to climb a ladder and they really think they're gonna get rich. Or just be even better off than before ☠️ so this is turning into a grilling session. Cause wtf. This is spirits prediction and they know what their talking about but oh my fuck you guys like whoever has to deal with this person or people whatever , like their poor guides I don't even feel like their guides I feel like these are spirits or something trying their best to make shit around them happen hoping for any results less than negative. They're really trying to do what they gon and have done did to these mfs to try to open their minds and show them that's there's like parts of life that require you not to be dumb and low vibing ASF . Overall the karma is mainly to be outcasts and alone and overshadowed for some.
Group three
Ok for a lot of you first of all of these people are who they say they are and doing as well as they say then why do they feel the need to defend that so hard. Honestly a lot of these people seem like the type to have a huge ego where as they don't want to admit to themselves that they're the problem so their lives just suck and they're like damn why is life like this everyone is screwing stuff up and life is being suck ass but I am clearly great so how could this happen to me. Ok. I'm not gonna hide anything from you guys somebody is going to get an injury of some sort to their private parts I am so sorry. Either they did magic and it's going back on them or someone did this to them and it's going to effect them because they deserve it or both ☠️they also a lot of them manifest shit for themselves because of how they talk or what they say right and or think too. Dear God you guys I'm seeing a lot lot of private part issues so you guys know why you're here you probably know that these people deserve this I guess, I'm assuming, maybe. Some of you don't. Now you do. Someone's dad might disown them or something about their dad right and this person already has issues with their dad so they're probably gonna snap at that point that's for someone in particular ok. I'm definitely seeing for a good few of you this person getting herpes or some type of disease like that's gross as hell. I'll leave it at that. Ok peace.
Group four
You guys are sweet, some of you know this some of you don't but the people I'm reading on most of them are apart of chaotic groups getting karma for all being bad people. This person played with you somehow ok I'm getting like whoever picked this pile yall are all so sweet I'm glad to be in your energies especially after ⬆️⬆️⬆️ haha. I digress. They're never going to find love really and that's sad. You all will so don't worry. The best these people will get is being hopeful for their futures and being incorrect. So delusion almost. You guys are powerful and somehow you having crossed paths with this person has led them down a certain path. They're going to have to deal with their inner issues and everything on the inside and you guys this is this person's greatest fears . Within themselves. A lot of them are not gonna be ok. Don't feel bad cause this is positive anyway technically ok either they're there and you suffer internally even if you try to ignore it . Or you deal with it. But these people like there is a good reason they were ignoring this madness before. Not anymore. They're not gonna let their inner demons have them running around being idiots anymore. And if they do some of them will genuinely end up in jail down that road but I don't see that for most of you. It's kind of like they thought something was funny then all of a sudden cause their demons are brought up it's like oh.... It's so not funny anymore .(to them ok) you also might be taking some form of energy from them that is like somehow coming off like a token or like ,, I'm not really sure but it's reminding me of the stars somehow. Like, in the sky at night stars. Super strange. You guys are cool.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Mariah's Tale as told by the treacherous twin @harlowsbby
Heaux Tales of Jack Harlow
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(Listen to Aura by Mariah the Scientist as you're reading)
I couldn't help but to chuckle, I mean what were you expecting? He's let you down several times before, but I was always so blinded by his love.
"Come on she's lying I don't have a wife or kids if I did, you'd most definitely would've already known about it I mean l'm Jack fucking Harlow."
Neelam gasped she knew Jack was capable of many things but calling her a liar?? Especially when she knew she wasn't lying was crossing the line.
"Please Mariah, let's go back to your place and talk things out." He pleaded and begged; I remember shaking my head at him.
"It's always my house Jack it's never let's go back to your place to chill." He was caught off guard; he didn't expect me to say that. 
"Well, I mean you know Urban and sometimes the guys crash at my house for a few days, and we don't exactly live in the same city." Excuses that's all he ever did was give me excuses after excuses.
One thing you learned was if a man really wanted to be with you, he'd jump through obstacles to be with you but that wasn't the case with Jack. He had a family and wife blocking his chances.
"Just face the facts Jack I know what you did, and I have to leave, I love you well I loved you and I can't forgive you, I'm sorry." | squeaked out and pushed past him with glossy eyes.
"Thanks a lot, Neelam.” She scoffed and got up.
“She had to know, and I can’t believe you hid that from her and all of the other girls for that matter except Grace! You’re married with kids Jack. And married to my best friend I should add” Jack knew you’d find out sooner or later but he was hoping it was later or not at all. 
“Why do you even give a fuck now? You’ve been helping me coordinate this shit so she doesn’t find out.”
“Because she doesn’t deserve this! You need to stop before I tell her.” Neelam added while challenging him. 
“Okay, so tell her. What is she going to do? Leave me? Ain’t no way in hell she would get a divorce from me.”
A Few Days Earlier
"Jack, stop it!" | giggled and pushed him off me as he gave me a grin and tried tickling me again. I squealed and tried running across his California king bed, but he of course grabbed me by my ankle and dragged me to the bottom of the bed.
"I don't think so baby girl, you've been a big baby all day so Imma tickle the attitude out of you."
He then proceeded to tickle me like there was no tomorrow squealed and laughed, begging him to stop but I didn't really want him to stop.
"What's the magic word baby?" His eyebrows raised waiting for my answer, but I was stubborn and there was no way I was giving in that easily.
"That you're a loser?" He smacked his lips and began to tickle my sides even harder, I squealed and moved around till I finally had enough.
"Alright, alright l'm sorry Jack just stop it." You giggled and he laughed before getting off of you.
"So do you have any plans for today?" You asked him. 
“Uh I think l'm just going to go down to the studio for a bit and finish up a few songs." He said while fixing up his hair in the mirror.
Jack had flown you out to Louisville for a bit, you stayed in Las Vegas so whenever he had downtime he’d fly you out and spend time with you or he’d of course fly over to you.
The two of you met after his performance at Zoku nightclub and the rest was honestly history.
"Can I come with you? I mean l've been stuck in this hotel room for the past three days." You laughed and watched how his face suddenly got pale.
"For what? I mean you never come to the studio with me baby. He did have a point there, but you were bored and wanted to see more than just four boring walls. 
"Well, I know that but what if I come today unless that's an issue? I just don't see why it would be an issue though." You mumbled that last part.
Jack knew he was in some shit because his wife was supposed to be at the studio to spend some time with him. The time was ticking, and he was honestly running out of excuses.
"Well how about this baby I go to the studio, and I meet up with you at Urban's place later? Ace is having a little get- together for the release of his solo project so we can meet up there and then leave early to get some food or something?"
Excuses he always had some type of excuse, you thought. You wanted to know what he was hiding because not even a few nights ago he had left the room two, maybe four times to take some call from "Neelam."
You gave him a tight-lipped smile and nodded your head. "I mean sure that's fine with me but what will I do till then?”
You asked him. He reached into his wallet and pulled out his credit card.
 "Go around and shop for a bit, just buy whatever you want and something cute for later."
He wiggled his eyebrows making you giggle.
"Alright I'll see you later Jack." "I'll see you later, baby. I love you and stay safe."
Later On That Day
You honestly had no clue or idea where you were going since Louisville was so small yet so big at the same time. 
You were getting frustrated all you wanted to do was spend quality time with Jack but obviously being at the studio was a bigger priority.
Looking up and reading all the names of the different shops you finally found one that caught your eye. It was a shop for lingerie and Jack did say get something cute to wear that night.
Once inside you were greeted by one of the workers. A short dark-haired women gave you a welcoming smile 
"Hello honey, welcome to blue bunnies where you can find anything and everything to please not only you but your partner as well. Is there anything you're looking for?" 
"Uh, just something small and cute. It's a surprise for my boyfriend."
"Do you know his favorite color at all?"
"Hmm it's purple." The worker proceeded to show you all of the different shades of purple lingerie she had before you settled on a lilac matching bra and panties set.
"He's going to love it." The lady said, making you smile bashfully, after you bought everything, you decided to go get some lunch at Morris Deli.
When you arrived you noticed a lady and some kids that looked awful a lot like Jack, but you didn't pay it no mind, until you were starting to make your way out of the door and heard a voice on the women's phone that sounded awfully familiar to Jack's.
"What? How come the credit card company sent me an email saying I bought stuff at blue bunnies?" The lady said which made you freeze and maybe you were overthinking it a bit, but you were the only person in blue bunnies as far as you knew. 
“I got you something special, that's why. Now did you get my sandwich? I'm starving over here baby." Now that you had a chance to hear that voice loud and clear it had to have been Jack, you could pick his voice out of a line up.
You quickly rushed out of the store and sprinted back to the car Jack had let you borrow. Once inside you started thinking back to the lady that you saw and how one of the kids looked identical to Jack down to his curls and freckles and the little boy was Jack to a tee.
"He has a... he has a wife and kids." You said out loud. Your stomach turned. Even though none of this was your fault and you had no idea he had an entire wife and kids at home. You suddenly had this burden that you were the reason his kids were going to be fatherless.
Later That Night
When you arrived at Urban's house you had a million things going through your head at once. 
You didn't want to seem as if there was an issue or a problem but how were you going to manage to do that when there was a problem.
Before you were able to knock on the door it was swung open by Jack. 
"Baby I missed you so much." He pulled you into him, wrapping you in his warm embrace. You wanted to hug him back and kiss him and smother him with your love but knowing what you know now wouldn't let you.
"Hey... Jack" you said awkwardly, making him pull back. 
"What's wrong babe?"
 "I just don't feel that great is all." 
"Well come inside and get some water and maybe lay on the couch and you'll feel better."
You followed him inside and were greeted by Urban and the guys.
"What's good Mariah?”
 Ace smiled and pulled you in for a hug. 
"Hi Ace, congratulations on your newest song." He thanked you and you went to sit on the couch. You observed Jack as he sat across from you on his phone blushing and smiling at God knows what, probably his kids or his wife.
"Why don't we all play a game or something?"
Neelam asked which broke your attention away from Jack. 
“What game?” 2fo asked.
“Truth or dare.” Everyone agreed and made their way to the couch. Jack sat down next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. Normally you'd lean into his touch and snuggle into him but not this time and that's something he noticed.
"Mariah, do you want to go first?" Neelam asked and you'd decline but this time you had things you wanted to know and things you wanted to get off your chest.
"Sure so Jack, truth or dare?" You turned to him and waited for his answer. 
"Uhhh ima go with truth."
"Is it true you've got a wife and kids?" Everyone in the room got quiet including Jack which gave you your answer.
"So you do?”
"He does and I hate the way I didn't tell you about it." Neelam said with tears of her own in her eyes. Jack looked over at Neelam in disbelief.
"Well the party is over, we'll just take this back at my house." Ace said and everyone got up and left leaving just Jack, Neelam and Urban and yourself.
"Mariah please listen to me Neelam is lying." 
"I'm not lying Jack you know I'm telling the truth." Neelam defended herself.
"Jack you don't have to lie, I saw your wife earlier along with your kids. She was a Morris Deli bringing you lunch to the studio." You spoke and avoided any and every eye contact with him.
“Can we just talk Mariah?” You scoffed, was he honestly being serious right now?
"We have nothing to talk about Jack. You hid the fact that you have a wife and kids from me for months. Do you know how disgusting and terrible that makes me feel?" You cried out as he watched how your lip began to tremble.
"Do you need a ride back to your hotel room Mariah?" Urban asked softly,
 "No but I do need a ride back to the airport because we're done Jack."
Your heart ached saying those words but you couldn't keep up with this anymore you didn't want to be the reason his kids no longer were able to see their father nor did you want that burden anymore.
Seeing someone for who they are and not what you want them to be was a deeper level of hurt.
You thought Jack was everything and more and you thought what you had was special but you thought wrong.
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fullstcp · 14 hours
The Fickle Lady Is Calling It Quits Sentence Starters
( dialogue prompts from the eleventh episode of the eleventh season of showtime's shameless. feel freed to edit and change as you see fit )
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"How the hell'd you get in here?"
"Go look it up on goddamn Wikipedia."
"Hey, who's that?"
"I accidentally got a bartending job."
"I maybe got offered a job today."
"What the fuck are you gonna do?"
"Don't look so glum, kid."
"Everybody dies sooner or later."
"I lived a good life."
"I got to live it my way."
"Another round of appletinis, please."
"Give me your keys or at least call an Uber."
"Bars are closing."
"Let's go have an after party."
"Thought you moved out."
"Go fuck yourself."
"You stay up all night again?"
"I do, I wanna listen to you, but could we do it another time?"
"My brain can't switch gears right now."
"Can't wait to get kicked out soon."
"We still having this conversation?"
"I'll still be all alone."
"Then go find somebody to be with."
"I suck at relationships."
"I can't take care of you anymore."
"We're adults now, okay?"
"I'll be out of your hair soon enough, don't worry."
"You're just being dramatic."
"I'm hopelessly wandering in a world I don't recognize."
"It's just a bad morning for you."
"Let's have some fun."
"Either you run the day, or the day runs you."
"Just get in the shower."
"I'm glad we rented this place."
"Every time someone complains, we just apologize and it goes away?"
"I was out of line, and it won't happen again."
"Well, I hope we can all put this behind us."
"You're gonna let them get off that easily?"
"Did you actually just say that?"
"I was fine apologizing to your entitled ass to make all of this go away, but I can't play this game anymore."
"I'm not sure you'll have much of a choice at this point."
"So, with that being said, I take my apology back."
"I'll see you in court, dickwad."
"Hope I don't see you here again."
"I ain't never coming back to this shithole."
"Oh, fuck, please don't tell me that that picture with me in a turtleneck resurfaced on the Internet."
"Why is everybody leaving me?"
"Why do you guys have such a good relationship?"
"I can't even find a partner."
"What's wrong with me?"
"There is nothing wrong with you."
"Everybody I've ever dated has treated me like shit."
"That's because you treat yourself like shit."
"Promise me you'll go home now."
"Let's go spend some money."
"Your dog's wearing a diaper."
"If you're selling, we need to start dating other bars."
"We gotta find our new home."
"Wait, so that's it? You're just leaving us?"
"We need to slow down a little bit here."
"All of this is in our rearview mirror."
"I'm feeling a little unmoored here."
"This is kind of a lot for me to process right now."
"You guys aren't gonna be my neighbors anymore."
"You made the wrong choice."
"Kids are a pain in the ass."
"I want someone to share a life with."
"I mean, I wanna take care of someone."
"It's possible you might be alone for the rest of your life."
"I just mean that your parents were really shitty role models."
"Sounds like everything worked out okay in the romance department."
"I don't know about romance, but I'm still really good at fucking."
"I happen to have a very wild side."
"I didn't wanna leave and lose my spot."
"You ruined love for me!"
"The only way you'll ever have love is to find someone who's an even bigger loser than you are. Then they won't leave you."
"Guess we can scratch bar fight off the list."
"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on."
"That's my new mission in life...fuck over the rich."
"Is that my baby?"
"We're gonna be rich tomorrow."
"You're adorable."
"There's a lot about me, though, that you probably aren't gonna like."
"Don't you want a better life?"
"It's too much fuckin' pressure, alright?"
"If you're not happy there, then we don't have to be there."
"You're doing the whole reverse fuckin' psychiatric whatever the fuck."
"You are such a fuckin' barbarian."
"I can't believe we're uprooting our entire life."
"I knew there was emotion in there."
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Life After Richmond pt. 1
A Jason Sudeikis multi-chapter RPF w/ a reader insert/OFC. No use of y/n l/n.
A meeting with an author leads to the next project after Ted Lasso.
Chapter 1
"You should read this, it's fucking life changing." Brett dropped the book into Jason's lap on his way to the writers room. Pre-production for season 3 was well underway and they were making the most of some time writing together. Jason picked up the book and thumbed through it, the front inside cover had been signed by the author: 
'You're a twat. Love Callie' 
"I hope you’re good friends. She's not wrong though, why's it so good?" he questioned.
"It's just... bloody brilliant. Honestly, give it a go. She's going to be writing the new wave of romcoms before we know it. I might try and get her to give some TV writing a go once we’ve finished here."
"Sure, sure, I have all the time in the world to sit and read, Goldstein." Jason rolled his eyes and stuffed the book into his backpack before following Brett into the room. Reading was definitely the kind of recreational activity he didn't have time for at the moment. With shooting planned for right around the corner, downtime was hard to come by. It didn’t take long for the writing to draw him in though and a month or two later, Brett saw the book being launched at his head in the makeup trailer.
"Great book, thanks man. I think I've sent a copy to everyone I know." Jason chuckled. 
"I can get you a copy of your own if you're interested. Signed. Callie texted me, she'll be in London in a few weeks. She’s coming over to visit her mum and sister - want me to set up a meeting?"
"Absolutely yes, if she's OK with that? Get it in my diary, I’ll tell Lisa. We can move stuff around to fit it in so work around whenever works for her." Brett nodded, pulling out his phone. 
"She's having a bit of a shitty time, she's just split with her dickhead boyfriend. They were together for about 5 years I think. He's an absolute weapon, she's well shot of him."
"That sucks. She's from the UK? Maybe being at home will help."
“Doubt it, she left when she was like, 17 to get away from her mum.” Brett said with a laugh. “She’s probably coming to see Beth really but if her mum finds out she’s in the country and doesn’t visit, she’ll go mad.”
“How’d you meet?”
“I’ll let her tell you - she loves to tell that one. Mostly cos it makes me look like a loser.”
“Poor baby Brett.”
“Oh fuck off. I tell you what I’m dreading having you two in the same room. I’m gonna be the punching bag.”
“We love you really, bud. I bet she only calls her true best friends a twat.”
“That’s true actually, she does.”
Callie brought her knees up and rested her mug in the V between her torso and legs, reaching around to type. Her sister had offered her spare room and empty-during-the-day restaurant as a quiet workspace. She’d had more than enough of her mum and so far was loving being back in London and with her sister. She felt like hell after the break up and hadn’t been looking after herself at all. It had caused tension with her mum who’d accused Callie of moping around and had told her to sort herself out. With Beth’s help, she was finally starting to do just that. She had half an eye on the front windows of the large dining space looking out for Brett, when a little tap on the front door shifted her gaze. With a big smile, she rose to unlock the door. 
"Alright, gorgeous? God it’s been a long time." She reached up to hug him. 
"Not bad, how have you been? Stupid question - you look like shit - you've lost weight." He chided, pulling at the baggy hoodie.
"Mate, I'll have you know that this is a vast improvement. My hair is clean, I've bathed, I'm actually wearing clothes - and they're clean ones. I haven't had a glass of wine in... three days, and I considered eating breakfast this morning. That’s enough dragging me in front of your boss though, where's the introduction?" Brett sighed heavily. 
"Fine, Cal, this is Jason. Jason, this is Callie Draper. She didn't always look a mess.” He said pointedly.
"This mess is lightyears from a few weeks ago." Callie gestured to her yoga leggings and oversized hoodie. “I’m practically glowing.” The dark circles under her eyes and drawn complexion clearly said otherwise.
"She's right. You should have seen what I picked up from Birmingham airport. It doesn’t look like it should be, but it’s an upgrade." A voice drifted through the swinging kitchen doors. 
"Well, isn't this lovely and supportive. Thanks, sis." Callie called through the door. She turned to Jason and explained, "I got home from the North American leg of my book tour to find my boyfriend fucking our upstairs neighbour on my kitchen counter. I spent a few weeks surviving on wine and chocolate biscuits so I'm now in recovery mode, my skin hasn't forgiven me yet - being dumped in your 30s is a lot harder than it is in your 20s." She said briefly. 
"I'm so sorry, that's fucking awful. If it’s any consolation, it’s fucking horrible in your 40s." Jason offered kindly. Callie smiled and shrugged, the smile not quite reaching her eyes. 
"Jeez, I think I’ll stay single then. Thanks. Shall we sit?" she gestured to her table. "I'll make some coffee - as long as Americano is OK? I can't do a Latte on that thing." She pointed at the barista coffee machine and set about making the three drinks. 
"Sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just worried." Brett dropped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a hug. 
"I'm OK. Getting there." She leaned into him before she started to fiddle with the coffee press, twisting it into place. 
"When are you going back to Chicago?"
"End of next week. I'm staying at Sara's at the moment, but I'm thinking of moving anyway."
“Where’s next on the list?” Brett asked curiously.
“Probably New York. I think Brookyn, my agent Laura lives just across the river and her office is in lower Manhattan so it seems like a pretty good spot.”
“Brooklyn is great, I’ve got a place there.”
“Excellent, you can give me take out recs.”
"Happy to. So how'd you two meet?" Jason asked, gesturing between Brett and Callie.
"I was at one of his gigs in San Francisco when he performed to 4 people and a dog. I was the only person who couldn't actually leave cos I was the barmaid. He was terrible!" Jason laughed and nudged Brett's shoulder, thanking Callie for the coffee she placed in front of him. 
"I couldn't understand why I was being heckled by a Brummie!" Brett shook his head. 
"Former Brummie. I'd been in the States for about 15 years by then." Callie countered, sitting back in her original seat. 
"When did you move?" Jason looked across at Callie, trying to connect the timeline.
"I was 17. I didn't want to go to uni, my mum was doing my head in, so I decided to do Camp America for a summer. I fell in love, wanted to stay so we got married when I was 18," Callie paused for effect, Jason's eyebrows somewhere near his hairline and Brett nearly doubled over laughing. "Then I was divorced at 22, and I've spent the last 15 years moving wherever I've wanted and doing any old jobs I can while I write. I just up and move when I’ve had enough. I’ve been in Chicago for the last 6 years though so it’s time for a change"
"Holy shit, maybe you should write that."
"Maybe I should." She laughed. It had been a while since she'd had to give her potted history, and it still made her laugh. 
"What happened with your ex husband? Tell him, Cal." Brett had tears in his eyes waiting for the final kicker in the story.. 
"He's happily remarried, we're still friends and I'm godmother to his and Andrew’s two little girls." She finished with a smirk.
"Are you serious? " Jason looked incredulous. 
"Yep, it was a bit of a wild time. My mum still hasn’t forgiven me, she adored him and she was devastated when she found out he was gay."
"You think? She was dreaming of babies on a ranch or some rubbish like that." Brett added with a laugh. "Anyway, enough of your crazy life. Have you got a book on you for Jason? And can you re-sign mine please: you called me a twat." Callie pulled a new book from her bag.
"I did that? Consider yourself honoured. I’m sure I only refer to my best friends as a twat. Got a pen?" she held out her hand, Jason supplied a red pen. "Ooh red, I like to edit in green. It feels less 'grrrr'." She tapped the pen to her lip, thinking, before lifting the cover so he couldn't see, and scribbled her message. Jason took it gratefully and put it straight in his bag without looking. Then she took Brett's dog-eared book and turned to where she'd last signed it. She sniggered at her previous message, and then signed just underneath it before passing the book back. Brett opened it. 
"Callie!" He held it out for Jason to see the new inscription:
'You're still a twat. Still love you though, Callie xo'
"I hope mine is nicer. Either that or I’m already in best friend territory." Jason teased.
"You won't know if you don't read it."
"The book? Oh I read it, I loved it. I sent it to everyone I know." Callie narrowed her eyes at him. 
"When you say everyone you know... do you happen to know Reese Witherspoon?"
"Not personally, but my friend Alexi does. And I sent her a copy, why?"
"My Insta went mental a few weeks ago, Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore... fucking Jennifer Aniston! All tagging me with pictures of the book. It was insane. I’ve had to add more dates to the book tour when I get back, and I’m going on a couple of daytime TV shows as well."
"Jen? Oh that was me, I'm definitely taking credit for that one. And the others by association." Callie's eyes were like saucers. 
"Holy shit." She whispered. "Holy shit. I told Laura something weird had happened, she didn’t believe me. She said it was just word of mouth."
"You're like... Nora Ephron reincarnated. If your books are anything to go by, then I can't wait to read your screenplays. Post-its, shopping lists. You name it, I'll read it." Callie blushed into her coffee.
11am turned quickly to lunchtime, with Callie's sister bringing out food for them all. Callie told them that she'd spent the previous week at her mums binge watching Ted Lasso. Her time living in America had meant that she'd already been familiar with Jason from his SNL days. Conversation came easily between the three of them and lunch soon fell away to mid afternoon, and by 4pm they were being pushed by Callie’s sister into clearing away water glasses, coffee cups and cake plates to make way for the restaurant opening. Brett excused himself to go to the bathroom and Jason turned to Callie,
"You've probably heard this from everyone already, but it does get easier. You'll... find yourself again." She nodded. 
"Thanks. I'll keep trying, it feels good to be out of the pity party so I just need to keep going. I'm struggling to write though," she shrugged, "I can't get in the right headspace, I just keep getting into my own head and seeing, well, what I walked in on. And then it’s all I see. I've tried poetry, lyrics, plays, prose... I just can't get my words out." Her chin dropped to her chest and she brushed across her eyes quickly to get rid of any potential tears. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offload. It all just feels a bit bleak and dark foresty right now."
"I'm glad you did, your words will come back. Give yourself time." Jason offered a hug, and she rose slightly onto her toes to accept. 
"Thank you. Really, thank you." She muttered against the neckline of his hoodie. 
"My turn." Brett interrupted and Callie reluctantly stepped away from Jason. She ruffled Brett's hair and he planted a kiss on her forehead. "When's your flight?"
"Next week, I'm back at mum's at the weekend for my last few days though. Got to go back for one more round of fucks disguised as a pep talk." Brett nodded, 
"She’s only doing it because she loves you. Don't be a stranger, and please look after yourself." She nodded. 
"Will do, it was really good to see you. A patented Goldstein hug makes everything ok. And so good to meet you Jason. Jesus, what a fucking understatement! Good luck with the show."
"Thank you, it was great to meet you too."
"Thanks babe, it wouldn't be half as good without this genius." Brett nudged Jason gently and the two left Callie to lock the door behind them. 
"Jennifer fucking Aniston." She whispered, shaking her head. "As if!"
A few days later, Callie's phone pinged with a Twitter DM. A screenshot. Of a tweet she'd sent from her sister's sofa,
"Meeting actual pop culture geniuses is all well and good until they turn out to be extremely hot and very, very distracting 🥵"
She frowned at the screenshot at first, before seeing the message it came with. 
'Just checking whether you've met any other pop culture geniuses over the last few days?' Callie's jaw dropped. He did not have Twitter. She was almost certain. Almost. "Shit," she whispered furiously, "shit, shit, shit. Bethhhhhh?" she wailed, calling her sister. 
"What's up?" Beth replied, coming in from her room, DVD in hand. 
"I might have tweeted about meeting Jason the other day. Might have called him hot. He's found the tweet." Beth looked blankly, 
"Did you seriously think he didn't have Twitter?"
"There's an account, but it's not active!" 
"Ohh.. Oh Callie, you plum!"
"Shit! I'm so mortified!"
"Ahh so own it, he's seen it now. You might as well just laugh it off. Speaking off, I knew I had one of his films somewhere - fancy watching it?" She held up 'Sleeping with Other People' Callie was too nose deep in her phone to say no. 
"How's this sound - 'Only Brett and I’m not sure he qualifies as a genius.'?"
"Cute, funny. Breezy, go for it. I'm getting popcorn, shall I open some wine?"
"Fuck yes, please do. I might as well continue to drink myself to death at this rate. I'm a walking mess, Beth."
"You're fine. You're getting over dickhead at your own pace, we got you through the heartbreak and booze diet, I know you’re in the forest but we're getting you out." Callie hummed, hitting send on the message and shoving her phone out of sight to watch the film. By the time it ended, the empty wine bottle sat on the coffee table while Callie and Beth lay head to toe on the sofa. 
"So… The film didn't help." Callie pointed out, gently kicking her sister’s head. 
"You're not wrong," Beth sniggered, "He really is hot!"
"Aghh, shut up. I'm in my heartbreak era. I'm allowed to lust over unattainable men. Thank god I’ll never have to meet him again. He is ridiculously gorgeous in person, I couldn’t cope with that again."
"Did he reply to you?"
"Dunno, I'm sitting on my phone. Probably not." Callie dug under the cushions to retrieve it, "Oh shit, he has replied - it just says 'good to know.' Oh, he's sent a link to a song, he said it reminds him of the book." Callie clicked the link and turned up the volume. She looked across at Beth. 
"Didn’t you play this on repeat for about 8 months while you wrote?" Callie nodded slowly. "Bit mad that he's gone for the same song." Callie nodded again, incredulous.
"I'm sending him the full playlist." She decided, getting the link and adding it to the message stream with the caption 'here's my full playlist for the book, crazy coincidence that you went for that track.' He replied with a purple heart, and Callie resisted the urge to keep the conversation going.
Callie landed in Chicago a week later, stopping briefly at her old apartment to get more of her stuff before continuing to her best friend's home. After some calls to her agent, Laura, she had managed to sign a lease on an apartment in New York within the month, and packed up the rest of her belongings. Messages from Jason dropped into her Twitter DMs once or twice a week, recommending the best place in Brooklyn for tacos,  they’d exchanged book recommendations. It felt strange after so long to be living alone. Laura had found her a tiny apartment close enough that they could regularly meet. Since traveling the country together on her book tour, and the break up, she and Laura had become close friends. Callie was grateful to not be starting over totally alone in a new city. She settled down to write, but found again that the words wouldn't come to her, it felt like an age since she’d managed to successfully put pen to paper. Without really thinking, she picked up her phone and sent a message via Twitter: 'What do you listen to when you write?' The response came through almost immediately with a link to Run The Jewels - a duo she'd never heard of. She hit play without replying to the message and emerged 4 hours and 10,000 words later to a new message. Not on Twitter, on WhatsApp, from a number she didn't have saved already. 
'I talked Brett into giving me your number, I hope you don't mind. Hope the music suggestion worked.'
'It did! I finally got something going. Nothing like a looming deadline to hurry me along. I was on a couple of talk shows last week - it was completely bizarre. I don’t know how you do it. Weird as fuck.’
‘You get used to it. Send me the link, I wanna watch.’
Callie dropped the youtube link into their message chain and got back to work. The messages became more and more regular back and forth - discussing new episodes of TV shows they’d recommended to each other, swapping playlists and books. Callie even sent over recipes she’d made, with photographic evidence of how they’d turned out.
Over brunch, Laura put a coffee cup down for Callie and caught sight of a selfie of Jason and Brett on her phone.
“Well this is unexpectedly wonderful Callie Draper. Does Brett know he’s got a new role as matchmaker?”
“Don’t be silly, we’re just friends. We really got along when we met and he’s just really easy to talk to.” Laura hummed, looking at her own phone. She froze reading an email and Callie looked up at the notable silence. She’d expected the Spanish inquisition but it was nowhere to be found. “What’s up babe?”
“Fuuuck. Callie, fucking hell.”
“Laura! What is it? What’s going on?” Laura slid her phone across the table and Callie read the open email;
‘We’d like to invite Ms Draper to the offices to discuss a potential collaboration in getting her book adapted as a series. I’ll send the details across shortly. I'm away in LA for two weeks so we’ll get something booked in early next month. Netflix would love to have something like this in our wheelhouse so I’m really excited to meet you both.’
“Netflix?” Callie whispered in awe, more to the phone than to Laura.
“NETFLIX baby! Netflix!”
“Fucking hell. Fuck me, what do I do?”
“We meet with them, obviously!” Laura took the phone back and frantically drafted a response. Across the table, Callie picked her phone up and wrote a message of her own.
‘Holy fuck, Netflix want to meet me next month to discuss adapting the book. Fuck me, what do I do?!’
‘That’s amazing news - congrats! Meet with them of course, there’s no harm in hearing what they’re thinking of. Meeting with them doesn’t mean you’re committing to them. You’ll crush it.”
‘I know fuck all about TV. Hope you’re ready for a Padewan?’
In London, Jason laughed at his phone before sending a Yoda gif in response. Callie beamed at the reply before concentrating on Laura who was practically combusting. A few days later, a huge bouquet of beautiful sunflowers arrived on her doorstep with a note from Jason and Brett.
Do it you must, young Padawan 💜
She’d cried and sent them both a picture, thanking them.
‘Anytime, anything you need. You’ll do great, I can’t wait to hear all about it.’ Jason had replied.
The Netflix meeting soon rolled around and Callie listened intently. It had sounded great, she knew very little about TV but she’d heard enough to be a little wary of their business model of cancelling both popular and underperforming shows. She wondered if she was ruthless enough for them but found herself hiding those fears from Jason and Brett. She asked Laura to keep Netflix at arms length for a while, playing on her other deadline commitments, while she tried to work the scenarios in her own mind. They were walking through the park when the call from Apple TV reached Laura. She excused herself away from Callie slightly to take the call, before returning with a huge smile.
“Apple wants to meet you now. It happens sometimes, they’ll have heard through the grapevine about the things Netflix are looking into. Sometimes they’re bothered and want to see for themselves, sometimes they leave each other to it. Could be good for you though to hear out another option? They’ve booked us in to meet next month.” Callie was speechless. They parted ways and Laura went back to the office while Callie went home to write. On the way, she sent Jason a message.
‘Now Apple wants to meet me. This is insane. Insane! I’m really wary of Netflix. I’m not sure they’re the right fit. How did you know when you went with Apple?’
‘Amazing news! We were lucky with Apple, we knew right away and they’ve been really supportive. Couldn’t wish for a greater bunch of folks to work with. At least you’ll have something to compare Netflix to.’
Callie smiled, she knew he was right. They’d batted enough ideas back and forth over the last 5 months to know when each other was on the right track. She settled back at her desk and picked a playlist to write to. Time to focus on the day job - not the possibilities of what might happen.
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ermwhattehsigma · 1 year
Hi!! If you're still accepting prompts, can I ask one where Hop takes care of Leon? I imagine Leon did a lot of that to his baby brother before he became.champion so Hop can return favor! Thank you! (ᵔ◡ᵔ)
Of course! I love these two dearly, so I can never say no to a request featuring them. Also, I hope that you don’t mind me taking your idea and running with it. I am a fiend for suffering.('̀ω'́)
These past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions for Hop. Between losing to his best friend in the semifinals of the Champion Cup, having to deal with Rose unleashing the second Darkest Day, and watching as his dream of defeating Leon falls into the hands of someone who isn’t him, he feels like a rag that’s been wrung dry. He is proud of his rival– immensely so– but their continuous triumph over him combined with the insanity that was Eternatus has left him emotionally drained. He doesn’t think he has the capacity to go out right now and congratulate his friend, who is likely stepping off of the field at this very moment to a swarm of buzzing reporters and adoring fans.
Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), he doesn’t need to go and face that reality quite yet, because where there’s a winner, there’s a loser. Since he himself was a challenger, Hop is allowed to go where he wants within Wyndon Stadium, to a certain degree. So, the moment the battle has concluded and the screens switch to the broadcasters, he legs it towards Leon’s locker room. He’s the only one outside of it when he arrives, which he takes as his sign to head in without any repercussions.
He is immediately met with the sight of his brother, sitting on the bench closest to the field entrance, with his cape and his cap resting next to him. Leon is hunched over where he sits, and at first Hop thinks he might be crying, but as he steps forward he realizes he’s clutching his abdomen in pain. Alarm bells immediately go off in his brain.
“Lee? Are you alright?”
His abrupt question seems to startle the now former Champion, who pulls himself straight and looks to the side. He visibly relaxes when he notices the person with him is Hop.
“Hey, little bro. Yeah, I’m alright. Just a bit sore is all.” As if to prove his point, the other tries to stand up, but doing so causes him to wince and grasp his side once more. Hop rushes over when he hears him suck in a breath through his teeth, forcing him to sit back down so he doesn’t hurt himself further.
In hindsight, Hop should’ve known Leon hadn’t fully recovered from the injuries he received during his battle with Eternatus. He had been unconscious for almost two days, for crying out loud, and barely allowed himself an extra day of rest before insisting the championship match be held. On top of that, Hop had noticed some unusual behavior during the match, whether that be a twitch of the eye or hand from him. It might not have been noticeable to others, especially when everyone’s attention was fixed on the battle itself, but Hop has watched all of Leon’s matches multiple times over. These sort of discrepancies stood out like a sore thumb to him.
“You haven’t healed at all, have you?” Hop asks, frowning at his brother. All he gets is a guilty smile in return, so he goes on, “Didn’t you think about whether you’d be able to have a proper battle like this?”
“I was certain my team and I can weather anything, and we did just that.”
“That’s rich, coming from the bloke who can hardly stand right now!” He scolds him, then scoops up his cape and cap, “Come on, let's get you somewhere you can rest. You have a penthouse here in Wyndon, don’t you?”
Leon looks at him like he’s just suggested heresy, reaching to take his cape back from the other, only to have his hand slapped away.
“Ow!- But what about everyone waiting outside? They’re surely going to want a word from me, as well as some pictures-”
“They can wait until later. Besides, you don’t exactly look picture ready.”
He frowns at Hop for saying that, but upon feeling his forehead and finding it caked with sweat, he relents. The two of them sneak out from the locker room, Hop holding his cape in one arm and his cap in the other, taking a path through the stadium that would ensure they remain unbothered by the public. It takes longer than it normally would have due to Leon’s condition, but they eventually exit through a staff-only back door. From there, Hop lets out his Corviknight to fly them both, since Leon’s Charizard would be far too conspicuous.
After all of that, they finally arrive at Leon’s penthouse. Hop has always known of its existence, and he’s seen a couple of photos of the interior, but this is his first time actually visiting it in person. From what he remembers, the only reason Leon got it was because Rose insisted he had a base of operations here in Wyndon, where he spends a majority of his time. Rose is behind bars now, though, so Hop wonders faintly what Leon plans to do with the place now.
He pushes the door open the moment Leon’s turned the key to unlock it. The flat is far more spacious than the photos had led him to believe, and the overall design of it is quite modern and sleek. The living room and kitchen are joined together, with a marble countertop island separating the two. It’s about what he’d expect from a penthouse in Wyndon, but it doesn’t feel like the sort of place he can see Leon living in. His brother is the kind of person that can subsist off of the bare minimum, so long as he gets to continue facing strong trainers.
Hop makes a beeline for the couch, dumping the cape and the hat onto it. Shortly after, Leon collapses onto the articles of clothing, then lets out a grunt as he pulls the cap out from underneath his torso and tosses it aside without a care. Hop picks it up, not wanting to leave it on the floor. It feels like an important item, being Leon’s signature cap and whatnot.
“Lee, which way’s your bedroom?”
The other turns his head so that his face is no longer pressed into the couch and points down one of the halls. Hop quickly thanks him and heads that way, finding the bedroom door easily thanks to the fact it's open. He puts the cap somewhere it won’t be bothered before taking a pillow and a sheet from the bed. With those items secured, he returns to the living room.
Surprisingly enough, Leon has managed to wrangle himself into a sitting position now, and is reaching for the remote. He stops when he notices Hop approaching with the sheet and pillow, giving him a weak smile. “Aw, you don’t need to do all this for me, Hoppet. I can take care of myself, you know.”
Hop rolls his eyes. He’s been hearing that nickname ever since he was little, and even now after losing his Champion title and fighting a millennia old dragon, he’s still calling him that. He tosses the pillow into Leon’s lap, then spreads the blanket over him.
“Yeah, well, I want to do this! ‘Cuz if I don’t, who will? And don’t say yourself, because you’ve clearly not been doing so.”
Leon glances once more at the remote, then decides against it, putting the pillow underneath himself and sprawling across the couch once more. Hop tilts his head at the other.
“You can turn the telly on if you want.”
“Nah. Probably better if I don’t. I was just curious what’s on the news.”
Obviously the only thing the news would be covering at the moment is the Championship match, Hop wants to say, but he supposes that’s the point. Every single detail of the event has probably spread like wildfire by now, from how many Pokémon were left on each side to Leon seemingly disappearing the moment the battle concluded. He’s certain his brother is probably fretting about what the public has to say on the matter, when he really shouldn’t. His health comes first and foremostly.
Speaking of, he walks over to the kitchen and begins searching through Leon’s cabinets. He eventually finds what he was looking for, taking a glass from the shelf and filling it with water. As much as he would like to watch Leon drink it right now, he can’t exactly force him to hydrate, so he just leaves it on the coffee table in front of the couch instead.
“Heh,” Leon lets out a chuckle, “This sort of reminds me of when you were little and I’d take care of you. Do you remember that?”
Hop looks to the other and racks his brain for what he’s talking about. It sounds like he has a specific scenario in mind, but he can’t recall any where Leon had been taking care of him like how he’s doing now.
“Was this before or after you became Champion?”
“Before. You’d caught the flu, which freaked Mum out. You were also pretty young at the time, so I suppose it makes sense you don’t remember.”
He does not, in fact, remember having gotten sick at that age. He’s a bit miffed about this as well, mostly because he already gets so few moments with his brother. Knowing there was a period of time they shared that he can’t recall is bothersome to him. Though, now that Leon isn’t Champion anymore, maybe they can finally make up for lost time.
Once he’s recovered from his injuries, that is.
“Guess so. By the way, you need anything else?”
The older of them lets out a noise that's halfway between a hum and a sigh. He seems to think about it for a moment, then answers.
“Some pain medicine would be nice. There should be an orange bottle behind the bathroom mirror. It’s the door across from the bedroom.”
“You got it!”
Hop is about to take off down the hall once more, but a tug on the hem of his jacket causes him to freeze. He looks towards the couch. Leon has a handful of the cream colored fur of his jacket, which he lets go of once he’s gotten Hop’s attention. Despite being the one to initiate, the ex-Champion hesitates.
“... I wanted to say thanks. For everything.”
He stares at his brother for a moment before smiling.
“Of course, Lee. Anytime.”
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hibiscusheir · 2 years
hi!!! What are the reactions of Bakugo and Midoriya to a childhood friend y/n who has no quirks? She always defended Izuku, because she was physically strong and agile, y/n said that she could become a hero and prove that a hero is not someone with a strong quirk, but someone who is strong in spirit and ready to help people! And when Bakugo and Izuku get into Class A, they see y/n coming into class. It turned out that she scored the same number of points as Bakugo.
hi!!! What are the reactions of Bakugо and Midoriya to a childhood friend y/n who has no quirks? She always defended Izuku, because she was physically strong and agile, y/n said that she could become a hero and prove that a hero is not someone with a strong quirk, but someone who is strong in spirit and ready to help people! And when Bakugou and Izuku get into Class A, they see y/n coming into class. It turned out that she scored the same number of points as Bakugo.
"Haha! I see fate itself tells us to be heroes together!! "
A/N: okay i'm actually so sorry this took so long to post when I just wrote this all tonight- I've had such bad burnout and trying to write things I love but then end up deleting them. this was actually supposed to be posted a few days ago but my computer crashed and deleted everything :,) I hope you still enjoy this!!
Reader: she/her pronouns used, could still be interpreted for all genders if ya want🤷
cw: cursing, bullying, discrimination, violence?
Y/N had known Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya since the three of them were small children. All of their parents were close friends before they were born, so naturally, they would spend a lot of time together.
Bakugo was always a hot-headed, arrogant, and stuck-up child. He "playfully" belittled Y/N and Midoriya. The green-haired boy was much sweeter, albeit much quieter. The trio explored the outdoors a lot and were usually spotted by each other's sides on a daily basis. They were best friends.
That is until Bakugo received his quirk. His cockiness and pride shot up and suddenly he no longer wanted to be friends with quirkless people like Midoriya and Y/N. A flip inside him switched. Now, he was downright cruel to both of them. He even began to refer to Midoriya as "Deku".
One day, months into this childhood torment, Y/N spotted Midoriya at the playground, surrounded by Bakugo and his new friends. She ran right up to her best friend and defended the boy who had been shoved down onto the ground.
"Leave him alone, Kacchan! Stop being so rude to us! Just because we have quirks doesn't mean we're any less of people." she watched as Bakugo laughed and sneered.
"Hah, stupid Y/N, you two are so worthless. You'll never be heroes without quirks!" Everyone around him laughed.
Midoriya stood up and grabbed Y/N's hand. "Let's go, Y/N." She almost protested but complied when she saw that he was bleeding and would be bruised.
"Fine," she walked him to his home.
*Twelve (12) Years Later* (also switching over to hcs for their reactions, hope that's alright<3)
-He knew he would get into UA, there was no doubt about it. After all, he was Katsuki Bakugo.
-What he didn't expect, however, was to see Y/N and that weak Deku in as well. Both of them were quirkless losers! How had this happened?!
-"What the- how the hell did you both manage to get in? You're quirkless weaklings!"
-Y/N smiled and winked. "Guess I'm just that strong! I actually managed to score 77 points. That's how many you got, right? Maybe reconsider the 'weak' part. You don't need a quirk to be a hero!"
-He grumbled and stomped away. He was pissed. More than pissed- he was livid. But there was nothing he could do about it now. He was stuck training to become a Pro Hero with two quirkless 'losers'.
-He couldn't believe it. He had a quirk. Albeit, it wasn't his own, but still! And, he passed the entrance exam!! Things just couldn't get better for him.
-Until they did.
-He saw Y/N in her uniform on the first day and practically jumped on her out of excitement.
-"Y/N!!!!! Oh my goodness, are you really here?! Are you in my class?"
-"1-A! We're going to be heroes, Midoriya!" She put off her questions about his performance in the entrance exam. I mean, what was that power he demonstrated? Did he finally receive a quirk?
-"Haha! I see fate itself tells us to be heroes together!!" He giggled and hugged her again. He couldn't be more happy.
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sapnapmybeloved006 · 2 years
GETTING DRUNK W THEM? (I LITERALLY LOVE YOU*sorry if it makes you uncomfortable😭🥲*)
That doesn't make me uncomfortable 🤣 I love you too🥰🥰 I also love this idea!
Getting drunk and playing cards against humanity with DTQK + Foolish and Punz!
You guys were throwing your own party at Foolish's house and got wicked drunk :3
Me and the boys had just gotten back from the store, got alcohol and a card game. Karl said he had played it before and that it was fun so we decided to try it out. We hung out by the pool for a while just getting drunk and shooting the shit waiting for it to get a little later, played some never have I ever, truth or dare and shit like that for a while.
"Can we go back inside now it's getting windy." There goes George complaining again 😂.
"Yeah but we're gonna have to dry off and change out of our bathing suits" I replied not wanting to get out yet.
"Noo, Y/N you should stay in yours, you look so sexy like that" I blushed at that, hoping he wouldn't do it again.
"Ew Punz, stop, don't ruin things 🤣" Foolish (being the only sober one) elbowed him and started to get out and grabbed me a towel so hopefully punz would stop being weird.
"Bro why do you always get so fucking weird with Y/N when you're drunk, it always ruins the mood" Sap stood next to dream by the side of the pool.
"Sap it's fine, he's not ruining the mood, but seriously Jake, please stop flirting with me when you're drunk."
"Sorry, you're just pretty" I giggled a bit to myself while drying my self with the towel and wrapping it around me.
"Thanks Noah. You're a life saver 😌"
"No problem Y/N, you can change in my bathroom if you want, little extra privacy. We'll be right in."
"Thanks" I walked inside and grabbed my clothes off of the couch walking to Foolish's room.
I locked his door and then went to the bathroom, also locking that one just in case. I laid out my towel on the side of the tub so it could dry and got changed. I stood there naked for a moment, giving myself extra time to air dry so nothing would stick to me. I slipped on my underwear, sports bra(if you has tibbies)and pants, not bothering to put on a shirt.
I walked downstairs to find the boys, except for Foolish and Sapnap in the living room, they must still be changing. He only has two other bathrooms so it would make sense. I took my seat next to Quackity on the couch and waited for the other two to return. Punz sat in the chair, George Dream and Karl were on the other couch, the ottoman and third seat awaiting the two boys
"Hey Y/N!"
"Hey Q, Karl you remember the rules right?"
"Of course, we each get 7 and someone reads a black card and we each pick a white one. It's pretty easy."
"Well save room for two more, jeez" Sapnap plops down on the ottoman and Foolish walks over and sits with me and Alex, putting me in between them.
"Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" Foolish whispered, all concerned. You were confused.
"Uhh, I feel fine why"
"Because when you were walking in the house you seemed really uncomfortable."
"Oh, no it's okay, Jake is just like that, I gotta get used to it I guess"
"Okay, just lemme know"
"I will"
After a few rounds, I was winning with 5 cards. Foolish with 1 Dream with 2 and no one else had any yet. We were playing to 6 so I was getting really close.
"Your turn Dream" Karl handed him the box of black cards to pick from.
"Oh, yeah alright. Umm, oh jeez 'TSA guidelines now prohibit blank in airplanes"
"Oh my god, Noah look" I showed him my card, knowing he would laugh.
"Holy shit, use that one, use that one l😂"
Clay shuffles the cards we each gave him and read them aloud.
"Alright, 'Owning and operating a Chili's franchise' 'Repression' 'Former president George W. Bush' 'Lumberjack fantasies' 'Mike Pence' 'Vomiting seafood and bleeding anally' (we all laughed at that one) and 'Cuddlin' this one's pretty good. I'm gonna have to go with Chili's though, love me some Chili's."
"YES! YES! I WIN! SUCK IT LOSERS! GAME OVER!" I stood up and yelled in victory.
"Yeah, yeah" Sapnap face palmed and they all sighed in artificial annoyance.
"You win every game Y/N, you're to good, you gotta be stopped, you guys are losers haha" Punz teases me as well as his fellow last placer's.
"I had fun tonight guys but I'm ready to go home, Can you bring me?"
"I was planning to anyway, just gonna let them crash on the couch 😂🙄"
"Sweet, lemme grab my towel and my bathing suit real quick, out in my shoes and I'll be out to the car in a minute."
"Sounds like a plan, I'll be waiting, take your time and say your goodbyes."
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