#Also I don’t vibe with people on here in general. I don’t get their reactions most of the time.
persephoneflouwers · 1 year
You don’t have to explain to me. Everything you said in your tags resonated so much with me. If there was one thing you could name (besides the recent Niall shit) that pushed you over the edge, what would it be? AOTV? For me - and this isn’t even anything big but it made me say enough is enough - is the coffee/pap walk with S. It was so benign comparatively to other stunts but it was so unnecessary and such a blatant shrug to what his fans were feeling at the time, that it pushed me over the edge. I kind of went numb after that.
Yeah, I guess it’s a lot of things happening at once you know? I used to find comfort in him, but when Granma died at the beginning of the year I couldn’t find a safe space around me here because they kept doing stupid shit and It was (still is somehow) a very dark moment where I don’t have the emotional and mental strength to deal with their things.
I for once didn’t watch the doc. I have nothing against those who did, of course. It just didn’t feel right for me and honestly I don’t feel the pressure to support him against the big cruel blacklisted propaganda or whatever. And to be quite frankly, they have stopped caring of what us fans think very long time lol especially when every dumb thing they do ends up being defended by fans like their life depends on it. I imagine them inside this unbreakable bubble shielded by fans that praise them for the bare minimum (literally the bare minimum kinda makes me wonder what fucking people yall hang out with irl) and this gives them manoeuvre space to make many mistakes without noticing if they’re hurting themself or not. Personally I feel Louis had a career stonk in the pandemic, because 1D became big again (probably thanks to Harry’s promo). They work as a chain if one gets the biggest the other follow in some measure you know what I mean? They are bounded career wise forever lol but since then, Louis hasn’t grown much. But I stopped questioning honestly, he’s still a millionaire and still does what he likes I suppose, so at the end of the day it’s not just about fame or popularity. It’s about doing what you love and I truly hope he enjoys what he’s doing more than how much he hates what it takes to do it, because if not that’s when you know you failed.
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catboybiologist · 1 year
I'm trans! Here's a way-too-long ramble on my internal thoughts on that!
My other posts on this:
So yay I’m trans! Which like, is neither unexpected nor abnormal for the community I’ve fostered here, so I’m guessing most of y’all’s reactions is just a “hey cool”. But, you see the online side of me, not the irl side, so there’s still a lot of thoughts to sort out on my end. So I’m dumping a lot of thoughts here to sort all that out. And hoooly shit, it got very long, and I still feel like I have more to say… but yeah. If you wanna hear some perspectives on my relation to gender, transness, and femboy culture, read on!
I guess the best way I can think to style this is as an interview with an imaginary third person, sooo…. Bold text is questions I can imagine people having LOL
So what’s my own personal relationship with the term femboy, catboy, and gendered terminology in general? Is the name of your accounts gonna change?
Short answer, no. I like the name CatboyBiologist. “Catboy” itself is a term that is completely untethered from gender at this point to me. Tbqh, the “cat” part feels more wrong than the boy part- as time goes on, I’ve generally ditched the cat ears for most of my outfits as I take them a bit more seriously. Maybe that’ll change when my transition actually starts, but for now, CatboyBiologist stays, and the femboy related language stays in all of my own past posts (keyword, past- more on that in a bit).
I’m not gonna be updating my approach to pronouns. Any pronouns do just fine, I’m sending a vibe into the world and pronouns are my feedback as to what other people interpret that vibe is. Default to they/them if you don’t know what to do with that.
I will be updating my pinned post to link all of these posts, but mostly copy/paste the information from before. That might take a moment cuz I’m lazy, tbh.
And let’s get something else out of the way.
I’m not socially transitioning yet, and probably won’t for a while.
Which, I think leads to a lot of follow up:
Well, why not?
I present fully male and masculine on a day to day basis, and look the part too. Part of it is just this looks insecurity. The mask stays on in my pictures for a reason. Beyond just facial hair (which grows aggressively on me and always shows some shadow), my face looks pretty masculine overall. It takes time to look the way I do in my posts. I wanna give my face and body some time to change so I can look more femme in more casual ways before I present it to the world.
Beyond that, I’m also just worried about being “accepted” as femme straight off the bat. Implicitly, I know this will be easier if I already have some small amounts of physical feminization down my belt.
There’s two main environments that worry me: family, and professionally. Family is a weird hot mess grey area that is too personal to talk about here, but the professional atmosphere is certainly going to be a bit… weird. I live in an accepting geographic region, and around people who are very outspokenly trans supportive…. But most of whom are cishet and simply don’t have a lot of experience seeing or working around trans people. I’m more afraid of being seen as “trans first, biologist second” as far as my career is concerned, than I am about outright transphobia. I know this will never fully go away, and given that I’m 6’2”, I’ll probably never “fully” pass- but I’d at least like people to implicitly read my as femme on a gut level before I start changing how I present that way. One thing my irl femboy experience has shown me is that, even if people can “clock” you intellectually, the way their gut instinct reads you affects whether they treat you as masc or femme. I hope that makes sense on some level. Of course its always going to be an awkward shift, but I hope some time on HRT will make it less awkward.
I’ve come out to one person that doesn’t know about this online persona, or the depths of my queerness. They straight up told me they were shocked. They were incredibly supportive, but they told me they didn’t see it coming at all. And they already knew that I “crossdressed occasionally”. So that’s kinda what I’m working with here.
Essentially, I’m not actually truly “transitioning” in a real sense yet. More than that, I feel like I’m getting the ball rolling. If there’s anything I learned in my research, it’s that HRT takes a while, much longer than anyone expects (suppressing my rant about how the media cherrypicks people in early transition for trans representation and the effect that has on public perception). Two years is often cited as the “end” point, but based on both scientific and anecdotal accounts, that is wildly untrue and variable. I also know that the first changes onset quickly (skin and mood, most notably), but that overall body shape changes sometimes take a VERY long time to start and progress. So to be quite honest, I barely feel like I’m transitioning yet, I’m just laying groundwork for the future.
So yeah. I’m gonna be boymoding for a bit. Possibly a year or more. Even for the people who know, I’ve still asked them to address me as he/him or they/them, and use my masculine name for now (haven’t even really decided on a femme name yet, although I have ideas [open to suggestions as well]).
Wait, so why address it online at all?
Put simply, honesty. I’m displaying a lot of selfies and experimentation with my look here, and I want to make it abundantly clear what I’m doing to have an effect on that. People have asked me if I’m on HRT in comments before, and like, I’m not gonna lie about that. Might as well also make a shitpost, a data gathering post, and a too-long ramble about it as well (which you’re reading now!).
There are a LOT of body image issues in femboy spaces (and trans spaces too!), often among very young people. While I have no issue with people on HRT continuing to call themselves a femboy (more on that in a bit), I do think transparency on that matter is helpful for those body image issues.
So to make it abundantly clear: all of my selfies and pictures that I’m labeling and tagging as “femboy” are pre-HRT. In the future, everything I tag with “trans” is post-HRT. I still got 1-2 weeks before actually starting, and I’m still going to use the femboy tag for any outfits I post during that time. The moment an estradiol pill hits my mouth, though, new pics will use trans tags.
Posts that relate to discussion of the interplay of the communities, and how I view myself within them, I’ll tag with both.
Which leads to another follow up question. This one isn’t about me specifically, but it’s my hot take about a certain brand of trans discourse I’ve seen around (mostly on reddit tbh):
Why would someone who knows they’re mtf trans willingly call themselves a femboy and/or request people to “misgender” them?
So this is actually gonna be striking a nerve with me, and I know I’m gonna kinda be strawmanning here by arguing against the ghost of reddit comments past. I’m not gonna try to dig any of them up in the internet archive, but they are sentiments I’ve seen multiple times.
I’ve seen this question almost word for word in the comments of trans subreddits multiple times. Imma be blunt, and it’s maybe gonna sound a little mean. If this thought is going through your head, you’re likely way more sensitive and particular about labels than most people. And that’s okay! Ask people to address you how you want, you deserve that respect! But the real answer to this question is that many people simply don’t mind being called whatever label is most useful or familiar to themselves in various contexts.
The moment that it becomes completely unacceptable is when someone does actually change their pronouns, name, presentation, etc, and people still address them as “male” or “femboy”. That is completely the fuck out of line, and if you don’t agree, fuck off.
Why does this strike a little bit of a nerve with me? Well, the “conclusion” I saw reached in these trans spaces multiple times when the subject was brought up was annoying as hell. That conclusion was that the only or primary reason that people labeled themselves a femboy, even while on HRT… was to sell their onlyfans. My fucking god, seriously? This is just conservative rhetoric. Luckily, on tumblr, it seems that people are a lot more accepting towards people using whatever language they like to describe themselves, which I’ve enjoyed a lot.
I’ve also had a lot of hate towards “fencesitting” directed at me on reddit, from trans people, for calling myself a femboy. I can’t remember it verbatim, but I very distinctly recall getting a DM that went something like “I fucking hate femboys, just transition already. You’re making us (transfemmes) look bad.” So yeah. Bit of a sore spot.
Yadda yadda yadda the personal journey shit
If I can be real for a moment…. In an ideal world, I would still want to be a part time femboy. Even moreso than the sheer utility of it all (eg, enjoy cis male privilege when I want, but still get treated more femme in certain contexts), it feels almost more profound to fuck with gender norms without sitting on one side of the gender line or another. But I can’t really ignore what I’ve described as my “mental resting state”- a baseline crackle of dysphoria that fills the space in my head when there’s nothing else to fill it. It’s easily distracted, but its always there, and I can’t imagine living my life that way anymore.
I’ve pretty much known I was trans since I was about 12, and had a realization that puberty was just starting to hit me, and I hated it. I suppressed it deeply, for many, many reasons that I don’t think I want to share here. But it made a lot of other mental health struggles in my life a lot worse, even if I didn’t consciously acknowledge that’s what was happening. By the time I was willing to consciously acknowledge it, I realized that my dysphoria wasn’t so bad as to dive in right away. But, I made moves to stabilize my life overall, which have been massively beneficial to me in other ways as well.
During the pandemic, I found myself living alone for the first time ever. So during the pandemic, in one last ditch effort to try to convince myself I wasn’t trans, I delved into femboy aesthetics to try and “just be a feminine man”.
That failed.
So yeah, here I am. I have a wonderful queer community both irl and online, a meagre but stable income, health insurance that has great coverage for trans care, and accepting people around me in my life. It’s long overdue. Maybe I’ll beat myself up for waiting so long and masculinizing so much as a result, but I don’t think I really could have done it any other way.
This all said, I don’t actually really consider myself a woman yet. I’m sure many of you are aware of two different ways transfemmes view themselves(and trans people in general, but using a transfemme perspective here):
-Some view themselves as having always been girls or women, but took some time to realize it and make their body more comfortable for themselves with that information.
-Others view themselves as boys or men who made efforts to become women later.
I fall strongly in the second line of thinking for myself. For my own personal experiences, even though I have felt dysphoria for a long time, I don’t really think I’m “actually” a woman yet. I don’t know what my identity as a woman looks like yet. But I deeply want to discover and create who that person is, and there’s no way to do that without transitioning.
How many biology degrees do you have? I got a BS and an MS, and I’m working on my PhD. I’m sure you’ve brought a similar level of expertise to this discussion.
But seriously, I could genuinely write an entire fucking essay about how studying biology has influenced my views on this subject, but honestly, that’s an entirely different topic. But tl;dr is that bioessentialism is brainrot, and if someone tries to use essentialist language to “justify” someone’s transness (or gender in general)… well, I think they’re wrong. Plain and simple. We don’t say someone isn’t “really able to see” if they put glasses in front of their eyes.
I’m stopping myself before I write more here, because this warrants another post or even a fucking video essay, to be quite honest. But yeah. Biology based.
Uhhhh… in conclusion, I’m not particular about language or pronouns you use for me, I’m making posts about it anyways to ensure honesty associated with my selfies, if you’re transphobic jump of the tallest bridge you can find. I think that about covers it.
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autumnmobile12 · 5 months
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"If you're too short to stare down your nose at someone, keep your chin down, your eyes up, and don't blink. It's not as threatening, but it will show you are not afraid." -Mai (probably)
In exploring various avenues to go about a Ghost Hunt/My Hero crossover, one of the more entertaining dynamics I think would be the interactions between Mai and Endeavor.
To put it bluntly, there is a strength behind Mai’s character that I don’t think we in the Ghost Hunt fandom give her near enough credit for, and that is the fact that on a fundamental level, Mai is fearless.
As per general anime protagonist behavior, she is almost exactly like Deku when it comes to doing what she perceives to be the right thing.  Reckless, yes, and she is often running headlong into danger, but it’s important to remember Mai has also never been afraid to call anyone out on their bad behavior.
Within minutes of meeting Ayako, she called her out for talking down to her classmate, a classmate she was not even particularly close to.
She often calls out Masako and Naru both for their condescension and attitudes.
Takigawa was physically holding her back from going after the faculty at Rokuryou.
She called out Lin pretty quickly for his bullshit.
And she straight up yells at everyone in the very first case for their bickering and posturing even though she barely knew any of them.
In canon, Mai jumps at ghosts and she is easily unsettled/frightened, but even against Urado, she still has the inherent resolve to think, ‘Okay, you need to go.’
Also recall the fact that she has not hesitated to out Naru twice on minor secrets solely because he pissed her off.  That whole bit in the Labyrinth case where she demands to know why he didn’t tell them the full reason why they were there and he just answers with how ‘some people don’t know when to keep their mouth shut.’  Yeah, he didn’t say that because he didn’t think she could keep the secret.  Homeboy straight up knew she would weaponize that information if given the chance.
For all her compassion and the ‘good girl’ vibes we remember her for, Mai is petty af.
This is why I like writing Mai as an adult.  Canonically as a teenager, she’s already formidable in her own way.  As a young adult who’s dealt with Naru and company for a few years and has subsequently gotten used to the constant razzing and sass the whole group brings to the table (and let's be real, nobody in My Hero Academia would be prepared for the full force of SPR's combined sass,) adult Mai would be a force of nature.
So as intimidating as Endeavor is, I legitimately think Mai’s reaction to him would be a resolute,  “I don’t care if he’s three times my size and on fire, nobody speaks that way in my presence and gets away with it.  Hold my purse, hold my beer, time for a verbal ass-whooping.”
And then there’s Yasuhara saying, “Go off, sis,” and filming for posterity.
Speaking of SPR's favorite bespectacled fiend, Yasuhara has definitely hit on everyone in the top ten.
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Yasuhara and Mai both have probably ended up in this situation, possibly at the same time and the end result is always the same:
Naru stepping in.
"What exactly is your plan here? Putting them down or harming them are your only two options right now, only one of which is the smart option. Unhand them. You're embarrassing everyone."
SPR really be the Animaniacs sibs to every Pro with an ego. Which is, like, 90% of Pros. And villains.
But yeah, general cattiness between Mai and Endeavor:
"I didn't see you there, Taniyama. Perhaps your lackluster and unremarkable costume was to blame."
"Not all of us are trying to signal that Gondor calls for aid."
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afandommultiverse · 2 years
General HC’s for Simon "GHOST" Riley
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♱ A/n: don’t get me wrong, I love some good Ghost fluff, but it just feels too OOC for me, so here are my personal head cannons for my hundredth baby daddy🫶 p.s I would just like to mention I still ain’t play the game so my lore isn’t the best but that ain’t stopping me🕺
♱ Warnings: 18+, some nsfw hcs towards the bottom, there is a warning before hand!
⌐╦̵̵̿ᡁ᠊╾━ ♡ ⌐╦̵̵̿ᡁ᠊╾━
♱ this man is fucking mean. He WILL hurt your feelings on occasion, both on purpose and not. He. Does. Not. Give. A. Fuck. Either way.
♱ matter of fact, this mf thinks he is right despite being very VERY in the wrong, and it takes a LOT to get him to admit to being wrong.
♱ STUBBORN AS A OX BRO, his motto is literally “My way or the fucking high way.” No ifs, buts, or in-betweens!!
♱ be prepared to make many, many arguments and still get nowhere on a specific topic. your opinion does not matter for a long time for this man, and takes months of getting around to even thinking about your side of anything.
♱ it would take a long time to get close to this man, like sure he might be down to fuck quite early on, but to be emotionally available in any way other than angrily fucking your brains out is going to take YEARS.
♱ probably isn’t interested in keeping relationships with citizens because he doesn’t want to get wrapped up in his life, lovers, or friends, his position in special forces keeps them all vulnerable
♱ not until recently (being on this new team) does he actually have friends, ghost kept to himself and still does, but after recovering from his betrayal, he would bond with no other teammates and refused to cross any lines with anyone
♱ anger fucking issues- this man has. Like yes, he can control himself in the moment and continue to lead on with the mission, almost acting like your disobedience didn’t even phase him, but OH you better be expecting a whoop-ass reprimanding that will leave you doubting your entire worth and existence
♱ or if a particular enemy is pissing him off, he won’t let his frustrations affect his movements, in fact, it only fuels them, and when he finally gets a hold of em’ there’s nothing left but a bloody pulp of a person
♱ the highest possibility of becoming a friend is being on the team or meeting in a bar when he had been drinking a little bit - both of which you will have to be highly persistent to evoke a reaction
♱ he likes it when people talk to him, which makes him feel less scared and intimidating in public areas. Of course, he likes to keep that vibe when on missions or dealing with interrogations and such, but still out in public. he wants to make people as least uncomfortable as possible, even if his skull baklava is a little intimidating
♱ SPEAKING ON INTERROGATIONS, I know for a fact that this man has committed WAR CRIMES on other men for information, like he totally has it in him to do so, ESPECIALLY, when it’s a a horrible war criminal or sum
♱ he is a metal, heavy metal, grunge, hard rock, kinda guy - don’t deny it. He’s got way too much trauma to not want to blast out his eardrums at every possible chance. He also likes to explore all genres too, like alternative metal, black metal, alternative, alternative rock, etc.
♱ lowkey likes to bond over music, like trading music with the team and talking about it and what they thought when meeting up later.
♱ he likes to sit down and have a cigar with Price every now and then, ofc drinking with him too. They have their own “superiors” moments and talk about how the team is doing and what training could help them for the next mission.
♱ almost always does extra reading and research on the mission itself and/or where it takes place to avoid and map out any possible problems that could arise that no one else would foresee, especially regarding his own benefit nowadays.
♱ ghost likes his job, as much as it has been a lot on him and the people around him, he couldn’t see himself anywhere else than right here, fighting for the rights of people he’d never meet but know are free because of him.
♱ it gives him some peace of mind, and he needs it because the poor baby has been through a LOT
⌐╦̵̵̿ᡁ᠊╾━ ♡ NSFW ♡ ⌐╦̵̵̿ᡁ᠊╾━
♱ come on, you know I had to, but speaking of him going through a lot, he has definitely picked up a few kinks along the way, most of which are from his occupation
♱ coming in at number one, a pretty vanilla thing now I guess, but choking. he loves that shit, both on himself and his partners, he likes the feeling, his senses overwhelmed and everything throbbing, bringing a little oxygen deprivation, and he's all there.
♱ but of course, he also loves the sight of someone underneath him, fucked out and panting, but they can't catch that breath they so desperately need to ground themselves, and while they keep trying to find it, he keeps fucking it out of reach.
♱ second, bondage duh. again something he both enjoys on himself and others. he liked the feeling of the bruises after the deed. It's one hell of a reminder that gets some weird looks, but he doesn't mind, just keeps reminding him of you
♱ thiiiird, knife AND gunplay. now, this takes some serious trust between him and the partner, and truth be told, he usually only did this with male partners he had met through work originally. he loves it, and honestly, nothing gets him going faster, but he has some serious trust issues and can't just go giving everyone he fucks a loaded gun pointed at him
♱ yes, loaded. ‘it ain't fun if it ain't.’ that's what he always says
♱ if it is a one-night stand, he is likely to not put much into aftercare, but if he will see you around a lot, in bed or otherwise, he’ll put more effort into it. This could be cleaning you gently with a wet rag, or softly rubbing your back while you try to catch your breath after he has taken you from behind. He does not cuddle tho, though he ain't a cuddly man the first few sessions, sooner or later that wall comes down and you’ll find yourself tucked into his side when you come too, and he’s just blankly staring out, not trying to think about how well you feel there and how badly he wanted to stay the
♱ but he won’t ever stay the night, again not for a while, and the first time he ever did- it would be an accident. He was simply too tired and rested his eyes for a second, only to wake up the next morning to you rubbing his back as he laid his head on your chest. he acted like he hated it, grunting and pulling away from your touch to rush and get ready to leave. deep down though, he can’t get rid of the feeling of your fingers softly grazing him awake off of his back for the rest of the day.
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junhanndee · 1 year
losing your virginity to : gaon ~!
a series ! 2/6
find junhans here!
warnings : first time!!! , semi experienced gaon x virgin reader, afab, pretty soft nothing crazy, mentions of oral / fingering
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generally speaking gaon gives me a kind of experienced vibe but nothing further than just kinda doing it yk?
like i can see maybe messing around with some people here and there but nothing ever really that serious
once he finds out that it’s your first time, honestly, i think he would be just a tiny bit nervous? but also! he would be like ‘omg she wants me to take her virginity?’ type thing because he knows the first time is a pretty big deal
i think he would honestly just let it happen whenever you’re ready! if it’s 3pm and you’re feeling it, well! he’s ready to go
he would 100% take his time and make sure that you were nothing less of comfortable
making sure you ate that day, making sure you’re 100% about this, and tbh i think just having you reassure him that you’re ready would make him just a tad less nervous
once actually getting into the good parts i think all that nervousness would melt away and gaon would become a cocky mess
saying things like ‘do i make you feel this good?’ or ‘who’s hands are fucking you like this huh?’
he would probably go nice and slow while fingering you before actually going all the way
he would definitely get off on the way that he’s making you feel as well
just by seeing your reactions and seeing the way you’re feeling so good :( and :( it’s all at his hands
gaon might even want to make it all about you as well
^ why i mentioned he’s taking his time!! he wants to make it special for you
also side note i don’t think gaon would take sex as something crazy serious yk? it’s like yeah! woooo! fun!!! but nothing awkward or embarrassing with you yk?
once you tell him you’re ready, he would align with your hole and probably put just the tip in just to make sure you’re okay to keep going!
once he’s fully inside you and bottoms out i’m sure he would love to have you in missionary
while fucking you he would bend down to give you kisses and even hold your hands to guide you through it all
a/n : it is completely normal not to cum the first time!! so note to all my readers, don’t be embarrassed or upset!! make sure to healthy communicate to your partners about what might help and what might not!! be safe pls :)
anyways !
like said before, if you don’t cum, gaon would offer to go down on you and try everything in his power to get you off as well!
at the end of the night, he would help you get all cleaned up and even offer one of his sweaters or hoodies to wear to bed
he would probably think about everything while you rest soundly in his arms and he wouldn’t want it any other way :)
i think as your sex life evolves a bit more, gaon would open up more about things he might be into as well!!
a/n : i am having serious writers block and i’m so sorry if this sucked 😭😭 hopefully i’ll get over this soon :////
- if you liked this, don’t forget to like and leave a reblog if you want!! 🩷
- ask box is always open!! i love new anons <3
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giggly-toybox · 9 months
now that you're writing for One Piece, if you don't mind, u could share some general tickling thoughts/headcanons on the series? (hcs of characters, scenarios between them etc) if this is too broad u can feel free to ignore, thanks!
HI OKAY SO!!!! I was literally so excited to make this bc this show has absolutely taken over my brain AAAAA
But here we go! For now, we’ll only be doing MY personal favorite characters! If you want a character that isn’t on here, let me know when requests open up again!
Also note: I am in the middle of the Marineford arc (and might have cried a little bit) meaning I am nowhere near up to date with some of the newer stuff!
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Basil Hawkins:
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EASILY my favorite character. Me and my mutual have been rambling about him for days. So far he’s only had like eight minutes of screen time so don’t know why I like him so much, I just do. My silly babygirl. My borblo Right off the bat, he’s feather ticklish
Like, really. Feathers affect him more than actual fingers
I think he has a very gentle and soft laugh most of the time, but it can get loud if you hit a bad spot
I think his worst spots are his belly, neck, and chin
If you use a feather on any of those spots he will die
EXTREMELY squirmy. He will buck, kick, shove, squirm, whatever he has to do to get away
He’s a really gentle ler most of the time
He’ll just hold you close with an arm while he mindlessly traces his finger on your belly, reading his cards like nothings happening
If you want to get away he’ll let you
But if you tickle him first, that gentleness is thrown out the window and he immediately targets your death spots, scribbling his gloved fingers all over your squirming figure
He doesn’t do it for long tho, and he’s nice enough to get you some water afterwards :)
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MY GIRLLLL! I love her so so much she’s easily my favorite female character! I just love her style sm, I need her outfit! I love her little ghosts and her aesthetic as a whole, she’s just so pretty!
Persona just oozes sister vibes, both big and little. So I would say she’s an even 50/50 switch
She’s probably ticklish all over, but I would say her worst spot is her belly, specifically her belly button
She doesn’t shut up when being tickled. She’ll scream, beg, plead, complain, or try to distract you
Either that or she’ll send her ghosts to make you depressed
She would be such a brat after being tickled tbh 😭
She would pout and scold you before eventually moving on and floating away
She only tickles things she deems cute, so if you’re not cute in her book, you’re safe
But once she has you in her sights, she’ll playfully tackle you and absolutely wreck you
She likes your cute laugher :3
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My boy Crocodile! Gosh he’s just so cool. I didn’t like him too much in the Alabasta arc, but he got a lot better in Impel Down and Marineford! I just really love the way he looks, and his sand powers :3
Yeah…In all honesty I don’t think this guys really ticklish at all
As much as it pains me to admit
The only spot that could really make him laugh is his neck
Even then all you would get are a few chuckles
He’s not sensitive enough to wreck sorry 😔
He doesn’t really participate in tickling either
He thinks it’s childish
Nico Robin:
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The best Strawhat. I do not take criticism. She is my girl and I love her so much. Her “I want to live” made my heart ache! And she easily has my favorite devil fruit
We love a canon ler
Gosh her ability is so well for tickling as we’ve seen in the show twice!
Like she can summon two arms to hold yours and then two to tickle you silly
She’s a nice ler most of the time tho, she won’t torture you for too long
As a lee I think she’s one of those people that are ticklish on most of their body, but not too ticklish
Like no matter where you tickle her, tummy, neck, feet, she’ll giggle but that’s about it
As I’ve said before I think her worst spot are her sides so that’s where you’ll get the most reaction
She’s a bit louder but other than that there’s not really a lot of difference
She had a lovely laugh though <3
Jewelry Bonney:
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Another supernova! I really like Bonney, I find her devil fruit really interesting! I can’t wait to see more of her Ticklish thighs. I don’t take criticism she’s definitely weak there
She also has pretty sensitive armpits, but her thighs are a bit worse
Her laugher is kinda rough, and she definitely snorts
If you’re really close to her, she doesn’t mind being ticked by you
But if not you’re getting kicked in the face
Since she’s a big foodie, I see her favorite tickling methods to be things like nibbling or raspberries
I would say licking too but I’m super uncomfortable with licking tickles
X Drake:
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X Drake! I love him so much, my dinosaur boy. He easily has the best animal devil fruit so far (I forget what the type is called)
While I do think he’s ticklish, I think he has a lot of tolerance for those kind of things
I mean he used to be a rear admiral he definitely has some endurance
He doesn’t actually squirm around that much. He’ll flinch and shove a bit, maybe kick his legs a few times, but for the most part he just takes it
But he does have one weakness: raspberries
If you blow one right on his belly, like on the middle of the bottom of the huge X on his torso, he’ll laugh louder then the sea
He’s definitely more of a ler. I see him tickling people in his dinosaur form
Like he’s carrying them like a doll and tickling them all over
Or holding them by the ankles and wrecking their soles
Human or dinosaur form, if he’s tickling you you’re not escaping until he lets you go
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soaringwide · 3 months
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Hey :p
Another post of the dive deeper series, where i try to explore techniques you can use to improve the way you read tarot cards.
The big issue when you start reading tarot, is that you're going to have a tendency to read each card separately, which makes the reading clunky and prevents you from gaining insights from the card's interactions.
And I really think that tarot, with its characters, symbols, colors and correspondences, is perfectly suited to this method.
Putting the meanings together is the tricky part, and I really like using my story-telling brain in order to solve the problem. It helps me take a step back from the pressure of getting the message right, and adds a bit of fun, which again makes me more relaxed and thus allows me to read more accurately. I read with my logic mostly, but my intuition does play some part, and I find that it needs space to roam, which is hard when my brain is overheating trying to decipher the imagery of the cards.
So here are some points I keep in mind when reading for myself or for others:
Personify the Cards
Think of each tarot card as characters. What are they experiencing? Are they thriving or struggling? What vibe do they give off? At ease of tense? Can you think of a situation you’ve lived that triggered that reaction and what did it make you think or feel?
It’s also useful to let the cards interact with each other by looking at their placement and at what direction they point or gaze. Two characters facing each other don't signify the same thing than if they are facing away. Just like in real life, people act in ways that convey meaning, even without words.
Read Symbols
Symbols are like condensed little pockets of meaning. Use the historical or traditional definitions, but don’t shy away from intuitively coming up with your own, and connect that with the context of the card. Symbols are tied to culture and time period and they change over time.
When you think about it, tarot was created at a time where technology was vastly different. So you're going to have to get creative with symbols to translate that to our modern life.
Spot Repetitions
Having multiple cards of the same suit (cups, swords, wands and pentacles), of a few cards talking about a similar theme is called a pattern and indicates the importance of that topic in your reading. Is your reading packed with Kings, or full of 3's? It can signify as focal point and can be useful to research that if you are not sure what that might mean, but you can, again, also use your own logic or intuition and get a little crazy.
The absence of something can also be very telling, for example, a lack of wands when it comes to looking for a job which might indicate a lack of actions or initiatives from the querent.
Scan your Emotions
Emotions are a powerful way your intuition can speaks to you. Scan your body and/or the way you feel and analyze it. Do you feel giddy, lighthearted, or on the contrary constricted or confused? This is a sign you’re tapping into the answer and you shouldn’t discard it.
It's quite hard for me to do because I have a more rational way to interpret the cards, but I'm slowly integrating that way of welcoming messages as well. For example, I might feel very sluggish during a reading when it talks about someone struggling to do something, or on the contrary really speedy when someone is eager to say something to someone.
This adds a color to the story your trying to tell.
Connect the dots
The hardest part is to connect the dots, but it’s also what will bring your reading together and stop you from reading cards separately. When I read the cards, there is always a corner of my mind that is daydreaming the querent's life, like a little movie.
It helps me generate messages that pops up in my mind in addition to what I see in the cards. Get creative and remember that there is no right or wrong way to do it, if you’re seeing something it’s probably meaningful, so learn to trust your judgement and know that it will get better over time with practice.
Ko-fi ★ book a reading ★ pinned post ★ instagram ★ website
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fraddit · 1 year
For the choose violence ask game:
8. For 9-1-1, if you please.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
This one got away from me…
It’s not everyone, but I see it often enough to really be annoying. The premise that certain interactions with women that Eddie’s had over the seasons are proof that he’s not interested in women. Specifically, scenes like him rejecting the women hitting on him at the Saddle Ranch in s2, him being uncomfortable and trying to avert his gaze with the sleep driving woman in s6, and his reaction to Pepa’s ambush setup in s6, etc.
I know people are often joking, but I’ve also seen these moments touted as objective proof of him being not into women. And, to be clear, the offense I take over this isn’t about debating his sexuality. It’s about how such claims are based on a premise that I find very skeevy.
If Eddie’s canon behavior in these scenes is evidence that he’s not into women then logic dictates that the way to show that he is into women in these scenarios would be if he did the opposite behavior. So let’s explore that thought experiment.
Eddie is at work, trying to do his job, which in this case includes the serious business of trying to get a woman’s head safely out of a truck tailpipe. Drunk women are aggressively hitting on him. He’s not enjoying it. This is apparently proof of him not liking all women, instead of him not liking these particular women. The implication is that if he was interested in women, he’d be having the time of his life and getting all their numbers. However, if the genders were swapped in this scenario, nobody would ever claim that a woman not enjoying several drunk men hitting on her while she’s just trying to do her job is indication of anything other than that those men need to back off and leave her alone.
A woman unexpectedly crashes her car into Eddie’s place of work and when she gets out, she’s completely naked. Also this happened while she was sleeping. She’s now awake and understandably distressed. Eddie is reacting with shock and trying very hard not to look at her. This is apparently proof that he’s just so gay, he can’t stand to see the nude female form for even a moment. Even jokingly, this is gross. The implication here is that if he were into women, he’d be what? Excited that a naked women drove into his place of work with no warning? Ogling a women in a very distressing and vulnerable situation? Salivating at her like a cartoon wolf from a Tex Avery cartoon? If I were that woman, I would absolutely be wanting every single person in that room to be averting their gaze as much as possible. And I don’t know about other people, but personally, I’d be pretty uncomfortable encountering any naked person in a location and scenario where I wasn’t already expecting it. Just saying.
Eddie stressing about Pepa’s ambush date setup? I literally don’t know a single person in my life who would enjoy being invited somewhere under one pretense and then being unexpectedly introduced to a complete stranger for a date. Maybe every person I’ve ever met is a complete weirdo, but I doubt it. I think people generally don’t like high pressure surprises about their personal life. Like, I’m really trying to picture how any of the other characters would react to such a thing, and even Buck, who I think would likely be the best sport about it, would probably be pretty taken aback about the whole thing. But maybe I’m just too much of an introvert to see the vision.
Tl:dr the essential implication behind all of these, is that in any scenario, a man who is into women is expected to respond to all women in all situations with clear enthusiasm at minimum and desperate horniness at most and that’s, frankly, a gross, all men are pigs sort of outlook that I really do not vibe with at all. Like, it literally sounds like homophobic frat boy talk. “Bro, you didn’t want to hit that? What are you gay?”
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prettysymbiosis · 1 year
I’ve been trying to get these thoughts out for days but basically I feel like the unifying theory of s16 (as I see it) is a conscious exploration of the dichotomy between sunny as a classically bold and brash pee pee poo poo comedy and sunny as a thoughtful, nuanced and subtle show about flawed people and also about itself, at times (by that I mean the meta isn’t always about macdennis or the other characters but about sunny itself - win an award, clip show, big mo, etc). the trailer actually captures this dichotomy well through the dialogue clips and animations, as well as the pinned comment which said “get ready for a whole lot of subtlety.” it’s still so baffling to me that sunny can simultaneously read as one of the most loud, obnoxious, unsubtle shows ever on television, OR it can be so subtle and allegorical in the writing of later seasons that most viewers would think people like us are crazy for reading so much into it even though we’re really not. this kind of self-reflective flavor is another product of the rewatch/podcast project which has been almost universally agreed to have had a very positive effect on the writing.
anyway having said that, I want to just share my notes on the first two episodes without trying to edit them too much. I’m bolding the points that I personally haven’t seen anyone else mention yet and putting a 😎 next to ones that evoke a Classic Sunny VibeTM because that’s important to the experiment of this season.
the gang inflates
macden fun/domestic/DUMB again 😎
something something never committing to the couch when it was absurd not to and it ended up costing them so much macdennis blah blah
dennis hanging up on dee was so funny to me oops 😎
and the WHOLE dee (as a character and specifically the female character) thing about being minimized to an absurd degree. I like to think the bog was a turning point for dee and the show is gonna do better by her now hopefully by recognizing her plight in a more serious way, like the way the guys have been doing?
are mac and dennis…… you know…… like for real??? as many have said, it could totally be revealed kind of retroactively to undercut the shock and be like “honestly we’re surprised you didn’t notice sooner” I feel like that is something rcg would do. suggestive clues:
“I don’t wanna talk to you about–” “a TON”
or is dennis like well that’s news to me jealous vibes??
“I figured you were man” ??
“I’m getting a little concerned about our nut”
“you truly have no reason to be sleeping with frank”
they specifically put a lil reaction shot of dennis after mac says “that’s a lotta blowin” a la the lil grin in gets romantic and, well, I just think that’s a choice that was made
“it’s not homophobic” is that so?????
when mac is like “you think we got rid of our furniture too soon/that the business plan won’t work” it’s kinda like no it’s not the committing to what they have, it’s that mac still has big denial problems and dennis can’t work with that… maybe? but so does dennis tbh
in a show-meta sense it’s like, we should be less worried about whether the gay gay-ass love story will alienate people and more worried about how these characters are too ridiculous to even let the love story play out effectively. they need mental health days if we are ever to have nice things
it’s possible mac denying his reaction to the allergy has to do with his body dysmorphia?
also it occurred to me that maybe part of why rob is clean-shaven this season is so they could do those prosthetics more easily?
those handprints though…. I hate everything
oh also just the bed scene. its existence
the zoomed in neck touch of course
“I’m not going to do it!” “..okay” dennis keepin his cool :)
just the sheer silliness of inflatable furniture - is there some metaphor here lol?
in a general sense could inflates be taken to mean flanderizes? also maybe it’s just implied but I noticed I hadn’t actually seen anyone mention inflation as a sexual kink and like, that was part of the intention right? if so, 😎
charlie “uhhhhhhhh… yep.” poor charlie :( he doesn’t want to live in a maze (like a rat)
“well then you’re just like being a predator” :( so here for charlie calling out bullshit with frank and mrs. mac and even his own mom so far in these first two eps
charlie just giving up and yelling in frustration which is kinda what bonnie does in ep2 (and ep3 based on trailer)
the gross horny male objectifying thing 😎
rob put his whole pussy into this episode
charlie saying “I don’t get why he doesn’t take me seriously” and dee saying “that’s gotta be maddening” 🙃
cats in the alley my loves 😎
gluing dee a pillow on the wall <3
“consider it an offering” “of war??” this says so much. must everything be a conflict?
charlie’s hair looks so crazy and good in the sleepover scene and also he’s so smart
charlie asks frank to “return everything to the status quo” by the end of the episode, sitcom style. full reset, no progression. except charlie is asking that frank not endlessly take advantage of the fact that mac and den can’t figure their shit out, not totally push dee out just because it’s easy, not make light of the trauma charlie has from what happened to him. all that stuff IS the status quo! so what is he really asking for? this is one of the bits of writing that I think is also about the show as a show, and how they’ve approached these dynamics forever. 
it’s funny that people are saying this season is such a return to form because it is, but it’s also so much more self-aware of what that form is/was and how deeper elements can coexist within it. they’re really walking with a foot in both worlds here and they’re doing it well. love this for them and for us, the people who know what it’s always sunny in philadelphia is REALLY about
“we’ll take you to the hospital, and they’ll have nuts. and you can– you can die there.” hahahah
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artwithoutblood · 3 months
Oh man… I think I’ve worked out why I’m such a menace to Dorian.
It’s because I want to simp for the demon girlies however there are forms of affection I’m not comfortable with expressing… And also there are many forms of flirting or affection the characters wouldn’t accept.
It’s hard to know how to interact.
Eri ironically is the easiest to interact with. You know he likes quiet parallel play, little gifts, being allowed to infodump. As long as you don’t cross some very clear boundaries you could acts of service and uwu the hell out of him and eventually become somewhat close. He also spends a bit of time interacting and talking with you, even shows a twisted form of empathy.
Genesis actually doesn’t strike me as ‘just a guy’ in any sense of being generic. There’s no issue with his characterisation or look that would cause him to get less fan attention. Quite the opposite. He has an exciting extroverted personality and a cool look.
It’s more that there’s this vibe of him not really being available to bond with? In old canon Genesis was gay and aro so maybe that was a smaller audience of people who wanted to self ship, but even now that’s changed there’s the feeling that his life is very full and he’s self sufficient. Friendly and chill but not too interested in you. He’s a butterfly, here one moment and gone the next. He’s a dad, busy with his child! He’s not even home, he’s on tour! Leave the poor man alone! 
Also it’s kind of that we (player) didn’t spend a ton of time interacting with Genesis. Like he probably had a lot of the screen time in the old demo but he was more just doing his thing with you tagging along, and spent more time on the phone or interacting with Eri.
Aeron hates touch that they didn’t initiate and hates being looked at, so it feels weird and invasive to compliment or do art of them even if it’s just a fictional boundary. 
Their whole deal also doesn’t feel exactly romantic in the way they think it is but is more like… stimulation seeking? As in they’re kind of aroace coded (Demi romantic grey ace at best in my head). Aeron may only experience aesthetic attraction and fascination/obsession with a person. They flirt for excitement, to seek social interaction (and assert dominance). 
You’re like a shiny new toy or a special interest that will be a companion and give them interesting reactions until they break you. Cat with mouse. I think any private fun they indulge in with Dorian is more about novelty and strong physical sensations or causing strong emotional reactions.
In a twisted way all this is their way of expressing affection. It’s (temporarily) making them feel less empty, soothing their loneliness and boredom. Even negative reactions are feedback. Even breaking you down is sharing an intimate experience. So is metaphorically consuming you via the parasight, the mementos, or the blades. They think this heady emotional mix is love. So unless you’re into all that scary stuff it’s probably not wise to attract Aeron’s attention.
Dorian… I have no clue how to even approach Dorian. He wouldn’t stand for the babying that Eri might accept. I really don’t know how to flirt with Dorian in ways that aren’t incredibly obvious (and slightly uncomfortable to me). He seems like he’d want OTT grand mushy romance and scandalous behaviour! 😳
Plus knowing about his volatile temper yet knowing how well he covers it up makes me want to constantly test his limits to know where they are. To avoid going along in blissful ignorance then triggering him unawares and getting a really nasty surprise. In the demo bro turned on a dime. 
So I’m really curious about what he’ll tolerate from you out of love (and to what extent). Can he actually care for you a little as a person, in his own way, or whether it’s all just a projection of his own loneliness onto an ideal of someone he doesn’t even know and will inevitably disappoint him. Wondering how long he might bother to keep the soft gentle act up and not being able to stand waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I also feel like Dorian has abandonment issues but ironically also gets mad and pushes people away?
So… yeah. Lub the demon girlies but some of them have serious emotional barriers. (Understandable - this is who they are! Also I’m aware there’s no canon romantic intent in the games outside of 10:16/AWB and that’s fine!)
And I genuinely don’t know the acceptable ways to interact with them as blorbos… so it defaults to constant ‘affectionate’ teasing which probably gets old and unintentionally comes off as being a jerk. 🙁
Hmm… I am really thinking over what makes them (and me) tick.
Ps. I also just keep picking animal forms because I don’t know how I want to represent a human self insert, I don’t really have any fleshed out OCs I identify with. Also the story shenanigans are just fun. The forms will get lore.
Adding your second ask as well:
I forgot to get to the point. Basically I tease the demons due to not feeling comfortable or able to be affectionate in other ways. (Which probably doesn’t always land well and shouldn’t be the go to.) But I am also very much trying to gauge what will or won’t make Dorian snap.
You've got the main three pretty much marked down. Erebus loves and desires attention, but he won't come to understand or appreciate it until he dies a second time. I make jokes that the second death will make him an asshole. It won't, it'll just make him...more positive
Genesis's love is in family, not necessarily romance. He will leave after the first kiss. He has always been a floater. He goes where the music goes, where the world takes him. Fate is the woman he follows with her blindfold and her lyre.
Aeron wants to feel, but isn't sure how to. Or what they like. But they love reactions. They love to see what work they've done is displayed on others. True love and desire and anything else is beyond them. They will sate a companion's sexual desires with a delusion that feels all too real, while they sit and do their work. Maybe one day, they'll learn past the viscera. But after how they have been treated, the desire for true softness is not there. That is okay. They are a demon. They need not the romance.
Dorian would love if you try to test his limits. It's a game to him. He would find it very fun! He loves cheesy, over-the-top romance, but he also loves small hints at scandal. Risque attire in a public place. Making out on his work desk. But he also just loves to garden and spend time. His personal love language is quality time. Just spend time, and that's love for him. Dorian can learn to love. He's been trying. You're the first step for him to know what he likes.
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candycandy00 · 3 months
Actually speaking of, do u have any writing tips?? I might start writing fanfics when I'm bored idk
Sure, I can give some writing tips! Just keep in mind that these are tips that work for me. What works for one person might not work for another. 
My first general tip is one I hated hearing when I was younger: read a lot! Read the sort of stuff you want to write, but also other stuff as well. There’s literally nothing that will help you write more than reading. The tip I was always given as a teenager was “to be a good writer, you must first be a good reader”. I thought this was bullshit lol. I only read comics and manga. I rarely ever read actual books. But an online friend gave me the same advice, and encouraged me to read more. I did, and actually enjoyed it, and it’s made a huge difference in my writing. Now I consider myself an avid reader.  
Secondly, decide on a writing method that works best for you. For me personally, that’s writing in the Notes app on my phone. When I used to write on my laptop, I struggled to find time to actually sit down and write. But once I switched to doing it on my phone, my output increased dramatically. Maybe the opposite is true for you, but it’s important to try different methods and find what works for you. I know people who hand write their stories and type them up later. So any method is valid. 
Now these are a bit more personalized to me but they might be helpful to others:
If you’re writing anything longer than a short one shot, have a plan in mind for where the story is going. It doesn’t have to be a detailed outline, you don’t even have to write it down. But have a general idea of the main story beats before you begin, so you know what you’re working toward. Even if it’s just a smutty one shot, it’s a good idea to know the main things you want to include and the general vibe of the story and what the ending will be like. You can of course change this as you go if you need to. 
For smut in particular, I like to focus on the emotions of the characters, not just the physical sensations. For me, this just makes the smut more interesting and stimulating. 
For dialogue, don’t get too hung up on sounding like a “real conversation”. People who tell you to listen to real conversations to help with dialogue are crazy. Real conversations are a mess! People start and stop sentences out of nowhere, say the wrong words and correct themselves, lose their train of thought, etc. They would not be fun at all to read! Instead, you want to give the illusion of a real conversation. You write it out in a way that sounds interesting and serves the plot and is fun to read, but make it seem natural. Don’t forget to use contractions! I see a lot of beginning writers forgetting to use contractions in their dialogue. Unless it’s a character who speaks very formally, use them! 
Now this is probably the most important one, especially for writing fanfiction (but it applies to all writing): make some writing friends! Make friends with other writers here on tumblr who are writing in your fandom. Having a buddy to bounce ideas off of and just talk about your stories with is so so helpful. It keeps you motivated and excited to write, and you can inspire each other. And luckily it’s super easy to make friends with fanfic writers on here. The vast majority of them are very sweet and happy to talk to you. Literally just message them saying you enjoy their work and would like to be friends. Anyone who has a negative reaction to that isn’t worth having as a friend anyway. 
I hope these help! 
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gayhoediaz · 8 months
not any of my business AT ALL but noticed you said buck was too young for you at 6 years older and then I got curious....what is your type? (obvs feel free to ignore)
it’s absolutely your business my daddy issues is my favorite topic. just. imagine me tucking my feet up under myself 🥰
no read more link i'm making this everyone's business <3
(we're doing this mainly based off of looks just to make it easy. i'm also someone who values physical attraction greatly, so it makes sense to me. personally. i'll talk a little bit about just general personality and vibes at the end, though!)
get in losers, we're objectifying men! (with respect, and the acknowledgment that just like women, they are all real people, and have a lot more to offer, even the characters, they're played by real people. and i'm sure they're all wonderful people until i'm proven otherwise.)
okay. so.
i’m a pretty introspective person and i’ve actually been thinking about this lately because my taste is. relatively. unpredictable.
i did indeed say that buck would be too young for me at roughly 6 years older and i stand by that because here’s the thing: i feel like when people think of daddy issues in terms of age, they think of. people being interested in people who are. a little bit older. my personal daddy issues run so deep, i need them older. (we’re specifically talking about men. i like women too - but that’s neither here nor there and i have a good relationship with my mom, so that’s not what we’re talking abt rn.) i’m into men that like. if i told you they were my dad, you would not fucking blink.
and it’s not just the age. being an objectively attractive man roughly 20 years my senior? that’s not necessarily enough. we’re going off of celebrities and fictional characters right now cause it’s just an easy way to explain things but there are plenty of men who are very objectively attractive and are twenty years older than me, but who just. don’t look it. and i absolutely see why people thirst after them but they’re just. not for me. like. okay.
manny montana? very pretty. i love looking at him. and he is much older than me. and yet, not my type.
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same with like. andy samberg. so. very. pretty. and roughly a couple decades older than me. my type? nope.
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now - tony dalton?
yeah. yeah.
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^^^ and it’s not just “lalo’s hot” no no no no no my ass is in the discord server at 3am losing it over pictures like this:
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(^^^ he's not btw. not to me.)
when i tell y’all i’m hopeless i am HOPELESS
anyway moving onto someone else i’m feral about: billy burke but ONLY when he’s scruffy okay?
this? i mean i wouldn’t… not let hit, but
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when i say im feral abt billy burke i’m talking about charlie swan and i’m talking abt this:
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honorable mention i am also feral as fuck abt robert knepper
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and now, i can hear you saying "oh nie, i get it, so you're not attracted to men who have like chronic boy face, i get it!!! you're into like. the jeffrey dean morgan, joe manganiello types!"
nope. i am not the slightest bit attracted to either of those men. like. *vanessa hudgens voice* i get it. i respect it.
not for me tho.
NOW. there is a little bit of a gray area when we talk about men who like... have chronic boy face and everything else about them is just... not that energy.
like. raul castillo for example.
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(he looks a lot like a young version of my maternal grandpa, but that's just. something we're not gonna touch rn.) first of all? my immediate reaction is not "let me hit" my first reaction is very similar to manny montana in the sense that like. so. pretty.
but also? tummyyyyyyy so nvm let me hit yk what i mean?
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(for some reason jon bernthal also goes in this category. they don't look anything alike but. same vibes to me in terms of how attracted i am, personally. where it's like. sure. yknow?)
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i am also forever a mustache warrior, okay, shave off a mustache? doesn't usually necessarily ruin it for me, but grow one? it's better. immediately. actually, while oliver, just like buck, is too young to be my type, the only picture in existence where i am even the slightest bit attracted to oliver is the one from that photoshoot where the lighting accidentally made it look like he had one:
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that's it. that's the only one.
(while we're on the topic of 9-1-1 cast: ryan also is too young for me, but i am very attracted to him when he has long hair. the second it's gone, he's just a silly little guy to me. i'm not really attracted to peter, although i wouldn't... say no. i'm here for kenny, though. absolutely. anytime.)
now so i feel less bad about objectifying every single man mentioned in this post, let's talk personalities (not specifically the ones mentioned, because i don't know them. this is just abt me and just general vibes that i'm drawn to) i need the vibe to be like. relaxed, which i think loops right back around to daddy issues, of course - it's not that i would be turned off if i'm with a man and he needs to cry on my shoulder 'cause something happened, that's fine - but generally there needs to be a feeling of just. not a lot of stress, not a lot of anxiety, things are handled, things will work out - you know. and usually, you tend to get that from people who are. a lot older. even people in their 30s don't usually have their shit together like that. (which is fine!!) but it's just so. just. easy to breathe when someone's like "eh, i'll fix it" (and yes, my love language is indeed acts of service)
as i put it in another post at some point: [billy burke in twilight] awakened the innermost parts of me that yearn to be railed by scruffy, mustached men old enough to be my father who look like they smell like a campfire and taste like tobacco and like i would tell them i wanted dick and they would nod once and say "yes ma'am"
the end <3
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quinloki · 5 months
Ok so, I shit u not, since u said I could pick who to talk about, I decided to use a number generator to pick for me and it picked my Kid Pirates OC LMAOOOO who was inspired by this, really fantastic fic by @standfucker (if I remember right the title is “Rotations” but don’t quote me on that)(also note that this is the crew I am the LEAST familiar with but the most FASCINATED by atm)
So, let’s get into Zella(he/she), my newest OC (like, literally came up with her in the last couple of weeks)! She is a 5’5”, 22-24 spunky lil shit from the West Blue, who loves her crew and ONLY them, fuck the rest of the world. He’s punk (ofc), usually sporting a cropped deep red and green leather jacket, long fingerless gloves, and black tank top and high waisted pants, with boots (a pair she’s had since before the Kid Pirates and would stab a bitch for as they were a gift). Short dark green hair, with two little white tufts that poke out in front of her ears and frame her face. (Im kinda shooting for like, a hummingbird kinda vibe for her, but not like “cute smol, wants some flowers” and more “I will stab u with my beak if u get near my flower” deal. A colorful chihuahua if u will)
Since Zella is so new I don’t have a lot aside from design vibes, but I have some key things
• as One Piece characters tend to have, his childhood? Fucked up. Got dragged around hopping island to island with their shitty parents until they finally abandoned him. He tried to find comfort and friendship with the local kids and it, didn’t go well. Let’s just say the fingerless gloves r there for more than fashion. Once she managed to leave THAT shitty place, Zella found an island home that, while on paper it’s not a good place, there were few people who actually took her in. Until that too was taken, resulting in Kid Pirate Zella.
• can and has climbed her crewmates like trees to get a better vantage point. It’s usually Wire or Killed, Kid in a knee-jerk reaction threw him overboard. Zella has not let him forget about it since.
• Has the filthiest mouth of my OCs, but is not immune to being flustered into place (which happens more often than she’d like)
• will pick the spiciest food and eat it with no reaction (Dive took a bite thinking she could handle it. She could not)
• very skilled at sewing and has helped her crew with fixing and customizing their clothes on many occasions. Do NOT touch her chaotic corner of supplies, she knows where everything is and somehow always knows if it’s been messed with. A l w a y s.
• has two tattoos (atm, may add more later), one in particular being an under chin tattoo of a red star/flower shaped pattern. Does not remember the night it happened, at all.
• always has a knife hidden somewhere on her person. Full body searched? HA u missed the one between her ass cheeks bitch
And that’s it for rn!!!! I have a lot more I want to develop and figure out for Zella, but I also have to get to know her crew first lmao thanks for letting me ramble!
The 🌷
Holy shit - hey Zen - idk if the tag in an ask will ping you, but I'mma assume yes - Your one-shot birthed an OC for someone!!
And yeah, it's called Rotation - that one and Whiteout whew.
Anyway, we're talking about your Zella and I love him \o/ What you have so far is fantastic, and it's certainly enough for a full fledged OC, so I don't think you have to worry about that.
And it doesn't take much honestly, sometimes character creation is a long long process, and sometimes they come to us all at once. And sometimes real development happens in the parameters of a story, but you've got her down solid already. I love the bullets and the little personal bits here and there with the crew.
If you're fascinated with the Kid Pirate crew, I gotta make sure you're aware of @swampstew - she's got a Meet the Crew series, and yeah it's based on her head canon of them, but it's a great place to start in my opinion. (I imagine you are if you follow me, I love her Kid Pirate passion, and I bet if you're nice and ask for some head canons she'd share as much as me xD ❤️🥰)
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altocat · 1 year
Back at it again at Krispy Kreme!
Ok, so I’m just sharing some more alternate EC chapter 5 translation insight with you guys since people definitely seem curious. Um…small notice, I am still trying to paraphrase what my friend has tried to explain to me, so if I make any mistakes that someone uncovers later, I do apologize in advance.
An interesting Japanese tidbit in the beach scene where Seph says that it’s his first “field mission” helps us get a clearer picture of what he means.
In Japanese, he says that he “has never had much contact with people and this is his first real battle/first time on a real battlefield, so he doesn’t know what he is doing.”
I suppose this confirms that he hasn’t been exactly on the frontlines, although there is that info blob from the Crisis Core guide about him having been “on the frontlines of battle” since before he was ten years old. My guess is that this is either Shinra propaganda, or else it refers to his training, which would still be referred to as “battle,” I guess. He clearly states that he learned to kill without hesitation throughout his training, so whatever they were throwing at him, it was basically “real” but in a controlled environment, perhaps.
Also, when he says “Nothing, it’s never going to happen anyway,” about living a normal life, it reads in Japanese more as “I don’t care anymore/It doesn’t matter, it’s never going to happen.”
It seems like a direct reference to the Nibelheim scene where he laughs off the questions about his parentage because “What does it matter?”
He has really lost heart about both things, but it’s obvious he still cares.
Also. When Sephiroth says that he knows asking about his everyone about his mother isn’t “cool,” Glenn laughs and says “You know it, haha!” which seems fairly translated in the English, but what may be missing is the nuance of Sephiroth’s next response.
He basically says, “Yeah, that’s everyone’s reaction,” but it comes off like he is referring to Glenn’s laughing and dismissal. Basically, we get the impression that people tend to mock Sephiroth’s inquiry because it’s supposedly childish, like a kid lost in a supermarket asking for their mom.
My friend really thinks it’s because of his hero status, i. e., people laugh at the idea of this young super solider asking about something so “normal?” She also suspects it’s a bit of a reference to the fanbase’s joking about Sephiroth’s obsession with his mother in general. Both in-game and in the actual world, Sephiroth is not really seen as human, so people are amused or fascinated when he shows glimpses of it…or else they dismiss it.
The Japanese version of that photo scene apparently gets this message across better. Seph is used to being laughed off or dismissed when asking about his mother. I also would not be surprised if Hojo was someone that laughed at him over it a lot.
Once again, sorry for extra pain, but we may be getting the idea that it wasn’t just a general “Don’t ask about your mother” vibe at Shinra for Sephiroth, but also a long history of people mocking the question. Poor kid. (I will share a few more translation details soon).
Hhhhhh these are SO interesting.
For Seph's training, I'm of the mind that they've probably been having him undertake mock skirmishes/drills under a controlled setting, as you mentioned. Sephiroth has apparently already been killing, so it wouldn't surprise me if they've been plucking enemies for him to slay while still in their custody. Interesting that it contradicts CC's lore. But at the same time, that could have all been propaganda. It's reasonable to assume that Sephiroth's training was likely extremely psychologically warping, and, for him, as real as an actual battle considering he's developed a paranoia and survival instinct. Shinra is so fucked up.
His line about not wanting to be a hero sounds WAY more checked out in the Japanese dialogue here. He sounds completely hopeless.
The Mother stuff...ASDFGHJFDGHBFDX
Keep these coming! They're really enhancing the context of these scenes!
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Don't you get weird vibes from Tae BPP? Sorry but I don't buy Vmin at all none of that soulmate nonsense makes sense and I'm tired of Armys pretending its real. He posted for other members not Jimin, how can they be close? I can't help but feel like he's jealous of Jimin and avoids him.
Hi Anon,
In a way, I get why Taehyung in particular gets under the skin of people who bias Jimin mostly, and the same in reverse. Taehyung is a very different person from Jimin, and they've both explicitly said so.
There are common themes in the sorts of clashes Vmin have. For example, I remember during their earlier years (circa 2013 or so) when Jimin and V had a fight over bunk beds and the reaction Jimin and V-biased people overall had to it. The top bunk was preferred by both, Vmin are chingu so there's no hierarchy (which normally would have settled this issue), though technically Jimin is older. Jimin offered the top bunk to Taehyung initially, perhaps to be polite and considerate, but later got upset with Taehyung when V refused to switch with him, which is something that they all did from time to time but not always.
I remember Jimin-biased people viewed the cause of the dispute as Jimin being considerate and simply wanting consideration in return, and so V’s behaviour was selfish; while V-biased people viewed it as Jimin people-pleasing, where if Jimin wanted the top bunk in the first place he should have simply done what he wanted, instead of 'saying one thing and meaning another'. And that Tae had simply taken Jimin at his word, assuming the bottom bunk is what he wanted, and so Tae did what he wanted too, which was to take the top bunk.
I see the same themes in their infamous dumpling fight. Their personalities are fundamentally different. It doesn't mean one is right or wrong, just different. So if you bias a member because you see yourself in them, your natural nemesis will be someone whose personality clashes with yours more.
From that standpoint, I get it, but like, clearly they're their own people, they certainly have found a way to make their personality differences work for them, and both Jimin and V have said they've gained a deeper love and appreciation for each other by acknowledging their differences. It's also true that over the years, Jimin, like the rest of the members, has developed a more honest and balanced mix of doing what he actually wants vs considering the other members' needs. Jimin knows how and when to assert himself so he's never a pushover, and Tae has developed a better awareness of other people's needs. So whatever vibes you're feeling, Vmin can both handle themselves.
But there's more. Taehyung in general can appear more detached from everyone else in the group, for various reasons. One reason is that many times he does act more like a co-worker to other members than anything else. I remember during the Japanese NYE interview they did in 2020, when they were asked if they feel more like co-workers or peers/classmates, Taehyung was one of only two members in the group who selected co-workers (Jin was the other member who chose that option).
This too isn’t a big deal, it doesn’t mean Tae and Jin don’t love the members or want to remain in BTS for as long as that’s viable, but there’s also no denying that’s a vibe that comes across sometimes. He can be detached and we’ve seen the culmination of that before, such as in Taekook’s SOOP conversation where they both admitted they’d drifted apart. Here, ironically considering the ask, Vmin seemed closer and Tae relied on Jimin to arrange isolated access to Jungkook to have that conversation. And in the years since then it’s clear Tae has made concerted effort to strengthen his relationship with Jungkook again. I’ve talked about this before but this is very natural for any friend group. Like it feels weird for me to even write this all out, because it should be common sense for anyone who actually keeps up with BTS and has had friends before.
Right now Tae appears closer to Hobi (he’s had a man crush on him since debut lol, IMO) and Jungkook, than other members. The reality could be different but that’s what it seems like to me. Is there a soulmate bond between Vmin? They say there is, but I don’t see it. I don't think I've ever seen it. Chingu relationships in general are a bit odd. In Korea your chingu is like your designated friend, the person you’re supposed to like and spend time with more than anyone else, except maybe your spouse. But in reality, it takes on many different forms, obviously, and Vmin’s to me seems like they have an implicit understanding to be there if the other needs it, but not much beyond that.
Which brings me to the ‘him not posting’ part of your ask.
So what?
So what if Tae didn’t post for Jimin?
Seriously, what do you think Tae thinks is most important for Jimin? Because that's what actually matters here. Do you think Tae feels that Jimin would be more hurt to not receive a public acknowledgement from him? Or that a private dismissal/un-acknowledgement would be more hurtful to Jimin? Because that's the end goal of what you're implying in your ask Anon. If Tae really wanted to hurt Jimin or if he felt some type of way about Jimin's Billboard Hot 100 win or FACE, he'd ignore Jimin's accomplishment privately in his everyday dealings with Jimin. You and I would never know. Whatever he posts or doesn't post publicly is entirely irrelevant.
There's also this thing a few jikookers are dropping in my inbox about Tae's behaviour with Jungkook relative to jikook. Your asks remind me of a comment about Jimin's behaviour from a taekooker I read somewhere, who said they think Vmin are frenemies and/or only co-workers at best (because that's essentially what you're describing their relationship to be too, Anon).
They said and I quote:
"Jimin is doing it really brilliantly. Uses ambiguous answers to questions, doesn't miss the opportunity to mention Jungkook's name, makes him feel like he always knows best what Jungkook does and what he likes best.
It's a little irritating. More annoying than making sure the jikook is a relationship. It seems to me that this is how Jimin gets the audience's attention."
End quote.
I've got asks sitting in my inbox that sound very identical to that, just switch out Jimin for Tae. It's weird.
The sort of questions about who posted for what at which time, also remind me of taekookers breaking out the stopwatch to determine if Jimin was indeed with Jungkook at 4 AM when the Billboard Hot 100 news broke, when Jimin seemed to have been with / talking to other members at the time too. We can rationalize how none of their comments contradicted each other and that Jimin was indeed with Jungkook simply by taking all their comments at face value. And yet, I've got a joker in my inbox debating comments about hair lengths for Vmin to prove a theory about jikook being together on Vhopekook's live...
Shippers across the board tend to think the same way, that's why they're shippers after all. But jikookers generally have a good deal of sense to take what's there at face value because jikook are literally always jikooking. You don't have to contort your mind into pretzels to convince yourself Jimin is in a room with Vhope therefore they are fine. Because even if he wasn't, jikook would still be fine.
You're free to feel however you feel, but when I see jikookers run on with this line of thinking, it bores me ngl, so the next time you send this sort of ask I'll likely ignore it. You're better off going to other blogs if this is something you feel the need to constantly talk about.
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tiptapricot · 1 year
Hey just a PSA but the writer of City of the Dead is a Jewish man who has been upfront about how uncomfortable it makes him that people keep trying to insist that he's writing catholic guilt.
I know that David Pepose is Jewish, but that doesn’t impact the criticism of his depictions.
I don’t think anyone should be attacking his identity or his authenticity as a Jewish man, but that is different from criticizing his writing and the undertones and out of character takes in his portrayal, as well as the pieces it glosses over and doesn’t include. His experience is valid and enough, but it is not the same as the system’s and it does not make him immune from creating things with harmful or inaccurate tones for them. We’ve seen this already with some inaccuracies in his Black White and Blood issue to the more orthodox childhood of the system (saying they went to Hebrew school despite that being very unlikely for them to have done).
My critiques of his depiction of their Judaism as well as others I’ve seen and discussed with people were not trying to say it was writing the system as Catholic, but saying the way Marc was written and the way his guilt was portrayed was out of character and very much lined up with the Christian/Catholic ideas of punishment and suffering to atone for wrongdoing. That’s in the text and can be easily gleaned from it.
The current context around it also doesn’t add more exploration besides “I did bad and I’m so guilty I must punish myself and that’s why I do what I do.” In fact the context that is there makes things weirder by having Marc seemingly be even more spiritually inclined/favorable to Khonshu than he has been in the past.
It’s just a mixed bag of “this is not how this character should be acting and has uncomfortable undertones” whether they were intended or not doesn’t change that. Criticizing what Pepose hs written for Marc does not mean saying his experience is less authentic, just that he wrote something off for the character and things don’t map on one to one.
As far as his responses to the critique of this handling, that’s where this gets more complicated. Besides discussions and dissections here on tumblr, the only conversations/reactions on Twitter I’m aware of are below with peoples names other than Pepose’s crossed out as to not give them further exposure past their interactions with him.
I do believe there’s been a lot of miscommunication and bad faith responses on his part. I understand wanting to clarify when something drawn from personal experience is read differently, I get that people saying he wrote guilt with a Catholic vibe when maybe he drew it from himself is uncomfortable, but again, that doesn’t impact the critique and more context is needed to change where things sit currently. But it’s just a funky and strange situation in general.
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(This following response involves a different user than the previous talking to Pepose. The original person left no more responses and said nothing else than what is shown above)
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This is all I’ve seen on him responding to the subject, and later Pepose blocked both posters in this thread from what I’ve heard. This is the extent of their interactions with him.
Overall I think saying the handling of Marc’s Judaism in this first issue is weird and off is a fair criticism/observation to make. I don’t think it was intentional or there was any malice behind it, but it does show a lack of understanding of the character of Marc Spector, and was tied to a multitude of other problems throughout this first issue (like as we see above with a misunderstanding/mishandling already of the system’s DID and plurality). And I think people can also be upset about that if they are.
Again I understand being uncomfortable, but issues are still allowed to be pointed out and there is still room to mess up when writing characters from your own community. Fair criticism to how something reads is not the same as personally attacking someone’s identity. And it shouldn’t be, but I genuinely don’t think anyone I’ve seen here so far has been doing that.
Though with all of this I am a non-Jew discussing things I’ve talked about with my Jewish friends, so please please if you want more in depth and explanatory posts on this topic, as well as how Pepose has been handling MK (most of which I am drawing from and the discussions with have informed my stuff here) you should check out @fdelopera as they’ve made many dissections on the topic as a Jewish MK fan! And they can speak on this topic much more in depth and with much more awareness and information than I can.
Some very relevant posts to this is their dissection of why Marc’s spirituality and handling so far is an issue and very funky and an examination of the Jewish themes in MacKay’s writing.
But those are my overall thoughts as well as continued clarification on my points on the topic so I hope I articulated things well!
(ID in ALT for all)
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