#Also I...I think some of ya may be overwhelmed by a lot of things and maybe a simple question can kind of help with the “flow” of life??
dootznbootz · 11 months
I'm curious, how many of y'all would like silly random asks? I know most of us have certain fandoms or some are artists/writers taking requests but maybe sometimes you just want a silly question that you don't have to think about. Or maybe even something that doesn't have to do with your fandom.
Simply like favorite color? What's your favorite baked sweet? What do you think is an underrated animal that you think is neat? Donut or bagel? Stuff that isn't intrusive but still gives you "stimulation" and just a snippet of you.
Or if you WANT deep shit, can ask "why is this your favorite idiot?"
Idk, just thought about how years ago there were many random asks on tumblr that were silly and fun. And it wasn't just for "big blogs". Would like to see that again
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paintedkinzy-88 · 29 days
I have a 12AM idea that I’ll never do anything with but I want everyone to suffer with me.
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When Splinter got the Rise boys, he assumed their ages based on their size: Raph was oldest, then Donnie, then Leo, and then Mikey. And April was their big sister. They’ve lived by this standard, it has always been true, no one has questioned it, and everyone ultimately likes their role!
Ya got big, protective, teddy bear older brother; book smart, chaotic, but also very protective older twin; street smart, also chaotic, gremlin child, gay younger twin; and the emotionally smart, empathetic, impressionable, heart of the group youngest.
Then Mikey befriends/reverse-adopts Draxum. Who looks at them like they are stupid when he hears this family dynamic... And proceeds to absolutely shatter their world. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Leo hatched first, by a significant amount of time, making him the oldest, then Raph, then Donnie, and Mikey stays the youngest. Like so many other TMNT iterations. Rise!Splinter just got it wrong.
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Cutting so this isn’t super long on my page:
Now Raph is struck with this realization that he may be the biggest brother, but he is not the big brother. And that’s been like. His thing. Protecting his younger bros, always being there for his younger bros, keeping this damn family in line, laying down punishments and lectures and the such when need to or when Splinter isn’t there. But that’s no longer his responsibility. That was never his responsibility. But he doesn’t want to give that up! He doesn’t think he CAN tone that down and be more carefree (more than he already is I mean, bro is still a kid).
Donnie has been shot down from his title of big brother and oldest twin. He is now one of the youngest. He may not be as commanding as Raph, but he was sure as shit the second in command a lot of the time. Aside from his chaotic, semi-lethal tendencies, Raph could usually trust him to keep himself and the others in line when it really matters. Heck, Donnie was probably the one Raph took to the surface the most to get supplies once he hit a less shy age, because Donnie wouldn’t wonder off like the others. But now, what he has known as truth is not accurate at all. He’s more shaken by the fact they’ve all been wrong for their entire lives, and that he’s the younger twin (no, he’s not even a twin at all, why does that freak him out so much), so he doesn’t really fear any relationship between them changing.
Leo has the most dramatic change though… He’s one of the goofballs! Both a younger brother and a middle child, thriving in the childish chaos and vague invisibility as he’s able to generally be silly and not face consequences. He doesn’t have those expectations on him, nor does he want it like Raph does! But now, he’s been shoved to the top. Is he supposed to be like Raph now? Does he have to take total control? Be more responsible, more genuinely confident, more practical? The thought alone is stressing him tf out. He was already questioning his role on the team, he doesn’t need to feel like he’s REALLY been doing less than he should have been!
Meanwhile, Mikey’s watching his family fall apart and bicker and stress themselves out.
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Ultimately, they decide it doesn’t fuckin matter. They are comfortable in their family roles, and that doesn’t need to change. The whole situation may have brought some concerns to light (namely: Raph’s stress, Leo’s insecurity and invisibility, Donnie’s need to fix everything to support them all, and Mikey’s overwhelming emotional empathy) but that’s probably for the better!
Still, that bombshell definitely screwed up the family for a good few weeks while they figured themselves out all over again.
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f1version · 11 months
little things — request a driver + prompt or a song and i will write some headcanons
daniel ricciardo + fantasy (kali uchis, don toliver)
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x gf! reader ( she/her ) word count: 877
2k celebration ★ navigation
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You met him in May 2018, out with your friends in Monaco after the Grand Prix. Friends of friends led you to the winner’s party, which led the winner’s eyes to follow you all night.
Daniel was overconfident that night, introducing himself as “the man of your dreams”, flirting shamelessly, and getting you to dance with him. Begging for you not to lose your focus on him, becoming obsessed with how you talked, looked, and reacted to him. The Aussie didn’t know if it was the alcohol but the night he was supposed to be the center of the universe, you became his.
“Is it okay if I ask for your number, Sweetheart?” He had been planning on asking you via a joke, but nervousness finally caught up to him. He was the luckiest man alive when you said yes. 
Then he became a constant in your life, date after date, touch after touch. It all felt natural, learning about the other (from globally known facts to your deepest secrets, from mind to body) made you fall for the other even harder. 
An official relationship was no surprise to your friends, Scotty being the most excited from Dan’s side. “I’m telling ya mate, he didn’t shut up about you for a second”
He gave you all and you happily received it: The hugs, the kisses, the jokes, the dates, the lazy days, the jewelry, the flowers, the sweet nothings on your ear, the dirty obscure ones in bed. He worshiped you and it was everything.
It felt like a fantasy sometimes, hidden in your apartment in Monaco or his home in Perth. So far yet so close to F1.
But that’s the catch, isn't it? The flaw everyone sees in these relationships. Daniel is an F1 driver, a traveler. Sometimes, schedules create disharmony, small arguments come around, and busy days make you wish you were lazy in bed together.
Both of you have learned that there are a lot of things that make a relationship tougher than it is. There are times when it’ll get lonely in your apartment or his hotel room, and others when you will fall asleep laughing at each other’s jokes. 
It never broke you down, you always tried to pull the other up. 
One time, when the distance was unbearable, you ended up arguing about why Daniel had to change his toothbrush over Facetime. “You never fucking understand me!” “Well make me fucking do it, sweetheart!” It had been stupid but both of you were frustrated, overwhelmed by it all. The call fell quiet for 12 minutes after the fighting ceased, both laying in bed, thinking and looking at the ceiling. “Baby,” “Yeah?” “Tell me why you’re mad at me”
You talk it out, that’s how you get through it. Communication has always been key, voicing your concerns most of the time, and doing your best in listening to the other (it isn’t completely fight-proof but it works).
Eventually, you even have an emoji system over text for tougher and busier days, it lets the other know when you don’t feel well or if one is mad, doesn’t want to talk, or just has to spend a bit more time at work.
You close distance with long calls, loving (and a bit dirty) texts, sweet presents, daily photo dumps, and more. It’s like you are right by the other’s side.
Daniel also put a lot of effort into the traveling bit, when he couldn't fly you out with him, he would try to get back to you as soon as he was allowed. His most reliable route to leave fast (from f1 weekends) is Max, the man is always arriving late and leaving early. Danny found his balance, sharing it with you, and it made the situation improve by a mile.
When you are together, you are proof that love usually triumphs over anger or bitterness. Sharing moments you will never get tired of.
Kisses down your back are something you will never get tired of. Daniel loving you so deeply he brings tears to your eyes at night, pleasure filling your heart will never be tiring. “I love you” will never get old. 
“So, that obsession keeps your bond healthy,” Seb told Daniel once, and he sort of believed his ex-teammate was right. He wouldn’t exactly call it an obsession but you were someone he couldn’t live without, someone he wanted to drown himself in for the rest of his life (yet not an obsession, he said) (or maybe yes, he was obsessed) (“in a healthy way” “sure Danny”)
You weren’t safe from it though. You couldn’t stop talking about him, thinking about him, or cheering on him. Race weekends were your safe haven, watching his interviews and putting on his point of view. Sending hundreds of texts and selfies after, no matter the result.
He read those texts, looked at those pictures and, even if he had DNFed, he felt better. You loved him unconditionally and that drove him crazy (pun intended)
At the end of the day, you loved, worshiped, and treasured the other. Yes, you made mistakes, but you made it right eventually. 
That’s it, that’s the end of the hcs <3
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starsworldd · 1 year
astro observations part 6
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i am back!! please take with a grain of salt per usual. to all my people finishing up ap exam week hope you still have some life left in ya and know that i support you❤️ i only have one ap exam left!!! woo hoo🥳
✢ while many people on here say that cancer risings look like 🌝 in all honesty it depends a lot on their moon sign like everything else with a cancer rising😭
✢ venus in the chart shows where we express our harmonic side the easiest. it may show where we sacrifice bold, assertive energy in exchange for contentment and satisfaction with the people around us or the things (physical or non-physical) around us. venus represents ease
✢ 6th house placements feel restricted often and may feel as though the everyday routines they complete lack a purpose to the bigger cause. although this is very much so a purposeful house, this house also does highlight repetition and with so much repetition these placements can easily feel as though they’re stuck in an ever-perpetuating cycle of the same exact thing everyday — coming from a 6th house sun ☀️
✢ 6th house placements especially sun are also really good at community service, they will put their heart and soul into that stuff
✢ virgo placements get along with saggitarius placements. same with virgo and scorpio
✢ somebody mentioned saggitarius and scorpio both being signs of transformation not just scorpio and i could not agree more. saggitarius being ruled by jupiter wants to expand and make things bigger. making something that was once limited to something large takes transformation and change does it not?
✢ water and fire signs are the 2 sides of the same coin in my opinion. i think the majority of people think that fire energy is too much for water energy, but water energy can be just as overwhelming as fire energy. they both prioritize their emotions and intuition. but people paint water signs so passively and as if they lack confidence which is not necessarily true. fire expels their emotion and intuition through action. water often expels their emotion and intuition internally or metaphysically. this doesn’t make water less motivated, both fire and water are equally motivated. i would say that water is motivated by a bigger purpose or sacrifice. but fire is motivated by feeling and power. but the main takeaway is that water and fire are both intuitive and emotional. just different outputs!
✢ mars conjunct venus in the natal chart often points to some sort of artistic talent, songwriting, performing, singing, etc…
✢ people with both mars and venus in earth signs are very attractive. earth being physical and associated with touch, mars and venus being the feminine and the masculine energy…you get the point
✢ virgo venus and scorpio mars people are the real heartthrobs around here
✢ scorpio is so similar to fire energy it’s so true. scorpio is fire energy but somebody put a dampener in their room or something like that
✢ scorpio placements are good at turning pain into power. i think this is why people often associate scorpio placements with fame or high professional positions
✢ gemini give off the color yellow to me 💛
✢ libra moons have an amazing taste in fashion
✢ mercury retrograde people are really creative
✢ fixed mars people are so attractive im not really sure why but they just are (to me at least). they can also be good dancers especially taurus and leo.
✢ i went on a date with a guy who had an aquarius stellium and boy was he boring…standing out this, standing out that, yes those things can be true but aquarius represents society and the “audience”, and in these contexts people can appear the same from one another (not all aquarius people are boring just offering a different pov bc people always saying aquarius is different and unique from the rest)
✢ jupiter 5th house people have an elite sense of humor
✢ capricorn placements and having naturally good teeth
✢ jupiter in the 6th house is such a blessed placement imo. it’s giving “everyday is a new adventure” 💫
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hope you enjoyed!
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whiskehorange · 1 month
(Vernon requester here)could you do the hcs with nsfw And sfw stuff and also include a fem reader?
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Leslie's a goofball. There's no way else to put it, really
With that said, it's kind of hard to get him into a serious mood if you ever need to talk about something. He thrives off of just going with the flow when he's got time to himself. Honestly, it's like time accurate brainrot
He's a sightseer, and an avid one at that. He's got a lot of energy that he loves being able to get out by hiking and making his own paths. You'll notice whenever you go walking with him he tends to just ramble on, starting conversations with himself. But it's best if you try and keep track of his incoherent mess, he'll expect you to tell him anything he may have forgot
Skinny dipping and swimming in the creeks is one of his favorite things to do with you on hotter days, he practically drags you down to the creek and pulls you into the water with him clothes on or not. Splashing you, dunking you, and pretending to be a shark at his grown age, all that jazz
Leslie is OBSESSED with you, in more ways than one. The way you look, the way you smell, the way you do the smallest of things, he remembers just about anything and everything. While he might be a little caught up in things to have time set aside to be with you on some important dates, he always makes up for it with quality time and handmade gifts (knock knock jokes - he's got 300 of them)
Now I was being so for real when I said he was obsessed with you. Your curves, your taste, your every perfect imperfection, he can't get enough of it
His love is very sporadic and comes when you least expect it, mainly because you never really know when he's going to be home. It's always in the middle of the night when he's finally decided to come inside and to bed that you'll feel his hands softly knead at your skin until firmly pulling you towards his side of the bed
Leslie uses his mouth a lot not only to stimulate you but himself. The taste of you is something he never wants to forget, which results in endless amount of head being given at any time of the day. If you want it or he thinks you deserve it, he's on his knees and acting just like a starved, wild animal
He can get a little overwhelming, but at the end of the day he really just wants to make sure you're having a good time. If you need him to adjust something here or there, be position or where his hands are, tell him and he'll happily oblige. Laughing during sex is a big deal for him, almost a must. Your smile more than anything it was drives him, but sometimes you really gotta set him down and be like "look, i need you to shut ya yapper and get to thrustin, alright?"
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leighsartworks216 · 10 months
I Come With Knives Pt10
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Not proofread. I was supposed to be editing text for a class, but I suddenly had to write this chapter or I wouldn't be able to sleep. It is almost midnight.
Also, I'd like to remind everyone that I have not played the games, so I know none of this is accurate to the events, and I'm sure a lot of the things I write about are happening out of order, but don't worry about it. Think of it as an AU, or as, ya know, a story that was written just for fun because I love these silly little guys too much
I'm almost out of space on my masterlist for links so I might move some fics from the First BG3 Masterlist to the Second just to keep this story all in one place. But we'll worry about that when we get there in a couple chapters
Warnings: references to kidnapping, references to emotional abuse/manipulation, alcohol consumption, references to slavery
Word Count: 1,639
Main Masterlist
First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
I Come With Knives Masterlist
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Young tieflings ran around, playing games with each other and causing mischief. You couldn’t stop watching the way they teased and laughed and got along so well. When one tripped and fell, the rest were there to help them up, holding hands as they continued running around. After so much darkness and death and fear, to see so much energy and unbridled joy overwhelmed your heart.
A frown slid onto your face as you tried to think back to your childhood. Had you run around with the same reckless abandon? Had you tripped and been helped to your feet again? Had you teased and laughed and had not a care in the world, once? All you had were tiny fragments. A familiar wall here, the impression of a fence there. Silhouettes without faces; with no defining features at all. Years of your life, missing.
You could remember the night you were stolen away. The feeling of being lost, and a beady pair of red eyes staring hungrily at you with a smile that stretched too wide. The gravely promise of helping you find your home.
You shivered and hugged yourself close, shaking your head to jostle the memories from your mind. Now was not the time to dwell on the past. You won this battle - that’s what mattered.
Astarion sat down beside you on the log, a bottle of wine in hand. The light of the campfire danced across his features in a way quite familiar to you by now, and yet you couldn’t help tracing the shadows that defined his cheekbones and eyes. He smirked at you. “Something on your mind, darling?”
You sigh. “Too much, I think.” You turn back to the kids. Halsin had somehow calmed them down enough to demonstrate whittling a duck. They were completely enraptured, with wide eyes and pleas to teach them how to do it, too. “We’ve been on the road for weeks trying to do the seemingly impossible, I just forgot what was at stake. Not just our own lives, but theirs, too. Everyone’s.”
“Hm, and you’re going to carry it all on your shoulders.” He holds a goblet in front of you, urging you to take it. Red liquid settles inside, a deep, dark crimson. “You need to relax, love.”
You chuckle. “I don’t really know how,” you admit. You carefully take a small sip. Your face scrunches up immediately.
He laughs, taking the goblet back from you and finding absolutely no resistance. He swirls it around. “Well, in my experience, it’s very difficult without a good vintage and not just vinegar in a fancy bottle. Fortunately for us, my dear, I happen to have saved a bottle from one of our many expeditions. And,” he leans in conspiratorially, “I may even be convinced to share.”
“Oh really?” You tilt your head, squinting your eyes like you didn’t trust him, but the grin dancing on your lips gave the ruse away. “What’s the catch?”
You think he likes when you joke with him like this. It’s so difficult to get a chance with so much on your mind, but there’s a twinkle in his eyes almost one-to-one with the spark in the tiefling children’s eyes. “No catch,” he promises, “just your company. Away from all this.” He sighs, scowling as he leans back. “I can’t say I enjoy being looked at like some hero.”
You scoff. “You are a hero.”
“You’re the hero,” he insists. “Don’t go lumping me in with every goody-two-shoes that’s gotten stabbed in the back for being too nice.”
“Hm. And would you be the one doing the backstabbing?”
His scowl softens. His eyes do, too. There’s something warm there. You can’t name what it is - it’s completely foreign to anything you remember - but you feel… safe in his gaze. Protected. “You can consider your back perfectly safe, as long as I’m around. Cross my, erm.” He clears his throat. “Now, will I be enjoying the night alone?”
You look around. Some of the kids are cutting away at wooden lumps, with gentle guidance and supervision from Halsin. Wyll and Karlach are talking with cheeks as flushed as their skin tones allowed. Shadowheart is enjoying some wine and Lae’zel is nearby, but though they glare there’s no threats. At least, not any that will be taken out tonight. Gale has contented himself with cooking a large meal to feed all the hungry mouths that abound, reading a book with every spare second he has. Everyone is happy, everything is peaceful. Why shouldn’t you slip away?
“Where did you have in mind?”
He smirks and stands up, dumping the nasty wine from the goblet into a bush before he offers you a hand. His touch lingers longer than you think it will. You even wonder if he was going to gently tug you along with him, but he lets go. He slips into his tent briefly and emerges with another bottle and another glass. The vinegar-wine has disappeared, perhaps for him to drink later despite his complaints. With a smile and a nod to the treeline, he leads you into the woods. The sounds of the party fade away behind you.
The moon is huge in the sky, full and bright. There is no need for candles when her light chases away the darkness in a cool, blue glow. In a clearing in the forest, you’ve settled down on the ground, cushioned only by soft grass. The bottle was almost empty by now. You don’t know how many glasses you drank, but you felt full and warm. Content. At peace. You didn’t feel the need to jump at every shadow, nor did you have any fear in your mind for what could linger in them.
You laid back on the ground and stared up at the brilliant sky overhead. Astarion lay beside you, wondering if he would have ended up here if he’d ignored your past, ignored your kindness, and tried manipulating you as well.
“Thank you,” you say out of nowhere. You flush at how loud it was, but he just smiled. “For this, I mean.”
He hummed, turning his head to look at you fully. “I never even considered… Was this your first time drinking?”
You giggled and turned to look at him, too. “Was it obvious?”
“Not at all,” he huffed. He had that soft look in his eyes again. It seems to have spread to his smile, as well. “You do make for a very lovely drunk.”
You roll your eyes, looking back up at the stars. “I’m not drunk. Just a bit…”
He traces your profile, studies the way the moon highlights your features so masterfully. It’s almost as if your years of servitude had disappeared. All inklings of battle and torture were gone. All that remained was you, him, the moon and the stars, and the grass beneath you both.
You roll onto your side, cushioning your head with an arm as you look at him. “What’re you looking at?”
He chuckles softly. “I thought that much was obvious, dear.” He rolls over as well, mirroring you. Like this, the moon catches your face differently. It’s no less beautiful.
You huff. “What are you thinking about then?”
Oh, so much. He couldn’t recall a time when he’d simply laid with someone without sex being involved, but part of his mind was quite occupied trying to be sure. Other worries for the future, about Cazador and Kir Parthene, came and went, as they always did, leaving a residue of their passing like a thick sludge trailed behind them. More of these thoughts worried about you. About your freedom. About what would happen to you after all this. The thoughts that dominated his mind tonight, though, were far simpler, and far sweeter.
He reaches out to trace a finger along your cheek. Your skin is warm, as it usually is, but the flush in your cheeks from the wine makes you feel even warmer. He can see your mind fighting instinct as it tries to decipher what to do. But then you’re leaning into his touch, welcoming him to continue. He cradles your cheek in his palm.
“I think you look beautiful in the moonlight,” he admits. His voice is merely a whisper. “And I think, if you weren’t drunk right now, I’d liked to have kissed you.”
You laugh softly, out of shock more than anything. A compliment that wasn’t followed by something cruel, that wasn’t intended to act as a bandage, combined with the genuine care in his words. The only kisses you’d received in these years had been along your body, across your shoulders and on your neck, but they were never real. They were all for your master, a reminder that you belonged to her. This was not that. Tears prick at the corner of your eyes.
“I think I would have let you.”
He smiles and strokes a thumb below your eye, brushing away a tear before it ever has the chance to fall. “Well, we have plenty of time ahead of us.” He trails his hand from your cheek down your arm until he’s holding your hand. He brings it to his lips, and presses light kisses to your knuckles. “One day soon, perhaps.”
You wipe at your other eye. “I’d like that.”
Once he’s kissed each knuckle, you pull your hand from his and wrap it around his waist, pulling yourself to cuddle against him. He easily welcomes you, wrapping his arms around you and drawing you even closer. You press your face into his chest. He pets your hair in long, even motions. As you revel in the safety of his arms and the moonlight, and as he indulges in your body heat, you both eagerly await what the future will bring.
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pechtothevoid · 1 year
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Hey @bluepeachstudios ! How are ya? i should be doing stuff but instead i'm here with your boy Lonny! whose name i always spell Loony first and then correct it :D Ngl to ya, Lonny's sketch is superior that the end result. I blame it on the brush i'm using for the lineart :] I won't change it tho. They need to be a set. I'm already screw.
Ok, i don't remember the ask exactly but i remember reading that Lonny makes the more aesthetically pleasing inventions, but also the less efective. So i thought "Oh, he likes design! What kind of design does he like?" and i think he would really love interior design, which i think you may have mention already or something in that topic? So, yeah, Lonny might be an interior designer. (He would be one of those people that plays the sims just to make cool houses AND HE WOULD BE SO GOOD AT IT. Also, in the Animal Crossing game he shares with Leo and Dea, Lonny is the one that makes the Island cute and neat.)
In that topic, you also mentioned that he has a folder. So i thought it would have a lot of interior design ideas inside. Also that it gives him peace to look at it. This is not a big HC… more like a HC detail /hj But it helps with his anxiety.
I had this HC that i thought before chap 11 (and after Dea's drawing) of Dea and his thoughts. I thought being Deangelo might be really tiring because of all the thought in his head, but he's stable because he has a filter/system to them, so he consumes a lot of energy but is stable. I wanted to mention it because i think Lonny also consumes a lot of energy for of all the paths and worries he has, but doesn't have a filter for them yet and because of that he's kind of an unstable fusion. It's obviously not cannon because in chap11 Dea was outside for days without problem. But idk, i like to compare them. They are both sometimes overwhelmed by their thoughts but Lonny is worst at dealing with them (When he appeared the first thing he did was having a crisis SO-).
You know? Indigo is a weird color. Some people thinks Indigo is this purple shade (like Lonny uses) and others a bright-dark blue? Google Indigo, the differences between the colors is so wild! These are two completely different tones and yet both are considered indigo… (This is not a HC. This is just me being "indigo is not that shade!" at Lonny and discovering that Indigo is a fucking lie.)
Lonny is the only fusion with Leo who i think uses just He and plural they. He might be super gay tho /J
Anyway BYE i need to run or i will be late. This is totally worth it tho /hj (no. Really. I'm def gonna be late. I shouldn't be doing this rn)
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jellyfish-nursery · 10 months
MK || Age Regressor Headcanons 🍜
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I actually wrote these a few months ago!
» The best part about being an age regressor and someone with the powers of the monkey king is that you can transform!! MK can use his transformations and ability to turn big & small to make himself look like an actual kid when he’s regressing! Makes it a lot easier to use little gear like pacifiers in public too- because as long as he looks like a little kid, he won’t get any weird looks!
» He tends to regress more when stressed or sleepy, but he still has positive triggers too! His favorite place to go when regressed is the arcade most of the time, but sometimes it gets much too overwhelming, so sometimes he prefers walking around the city with Tang or taking a stroll around Flower Fruit Mountain with Wukong.
» Mei sometimes gets into trouble with little MK by planning pranks with him and laughing when he does anything that would count as misbehaving– But she can still tell when MK might be putting himself in danger! Mei may be chaotic but she’s still got some sense in her, she’ll rush to MK’s aid when he may be about to hurt himself in an accident.
» Do NOT give regressed MK a stick that looks like a sword or else there is a high chance he can and will hit someone with it. He’d play pretend that he was Wukong and go “RAAAAAAAAAAAAH” and run at someone with it before promptly hitting them in the legs.
» He tends to regress to either toddler or big kid age, but if he’s EXTRA stressed or feels EXTRA safe he'll regress to a baby. He tends to get very upset when someone doesn’t have the time to spend with him, but there’s always other people!
» Wukong had lived for thousands of years and you think he wouldn’t have eventually figured out what age regression was? It was like he had dad instincts, he could immediately tell when MK was about to regress and would stop all training then and there. He gathered (stole) little gear for him to use after figuring him out, but he basically reads that man like a book.
» Little MK would often curl up in Wukongs lap or want to be held by him. He also loves when Wukong brushes his tail over him because the fur feels soft, he likes burying his hands into Wukongs head fur for the same reason.
» Wukong literally slaughtered mortals and immortals alike in his past– He’s protective. If someone puts regressed MK in danger or makes him greatly upset there is no doubt about it that Wukong is going to be ANGRY. He picks up MK, holds him close, and immediately goes; “Alright, who did it?” or something along those lines. Sometimes he even picks him up with his tail.
» Of course, regressed MK LOVES things, such as stuffies and toys, that are monkey themed. He loves them greatly and gets so excited about them.
Short fanfic I wrote under the cut!
Wukong spun around his weapon and cackled. “You’ve been doing great recently, bud!’ The macaque said, taking slow steps forward, each one slightly to his side to where he’d circle around MK in a menacing manner. His tail whipped left to right behind him, strong and decisive. His golden eyes narrowed at MK with focus.
MK would try to remain focused on Wukong. “Ya think so?” The boy asked curiously. “Yeah! You’re doing amazing.” Wukong replied quickly- He’d however pause.. His eyes looked MK up and down, processing the stance the boy held and the sudden tone of voice he had. He felt the tension in his shoulders relax and his narrowed gaze would soften. “You good, kid?” He questioned, cocking an eyebrow. MK would nod his head, producing a muffled ‘mhm’ as he held his staff tightly, leaning on it like he was trying to keep himself upright. Wukong’s brows furrowed and he stuck his weapon into the ground; the rhesus macaque jumping forward toward MK and tilting his head as he inspected the boy..
After a moment.. Wukong would widen his eyes ever so slightly. “Woah-kay, buddy. How about we take a break. C’mon.” He softened his voice and clapped his hands together. MK felt his head lighten and his eyes became heavy, shortly after a puff of smoke surrounded him and caused Wukong to flinch back- Once the smoke cleared, MK was revealed in a smaller, more childish form. Wukong would firmly nod his head and lift MK into his arms. “That's what I thought.” Wukong gingerly wrapped his fingers around the headband that was around MK’s head and slipped it off, the band poofing back to normal size as he did. “Let’s get you back to the cave, bud.”
Wukong would ever so gently place the small MK upon the couch inside his house. His house wasn’t really very big, it was more of a shack, but it’d have to do. He would slip off his tops and sit down on the other end of the couch, leaning back on the arm. MK would stare at him and then crawl forward before lying down atop Wukong, closing his eyes and just running his little hands through his fur. Wukong would open one eye and look down at him, placing one hand in MK’s hair and running his fingers through it. “You enjoying yourself bud?” He would lift his tail and wrap it around MK firmly, the now small boy chuckling and feeling the fur on Wukongs tail.
Wukong stared at MK with a softened, affectionate gaze. He took one of the cherry blossoms from his fur and placed it into MK’s hair before briefly nuzzling his nose into the top of MK’s head. MK would chuckle and reach upward, holding Wukongs face. “Fluffy.” He would say quietly. Wukong would snicker and nod “Yeah, fluffy, huh?” He pressed the tip of his nose onto MK’s and then sat up slightly on the couch, holding him close and protectively like a father cradling his own child. He began to chirp happily and gently stroked MK's side with his thumb, his touch being gentle and well-meaning. “Just rest, little buddy.” He reached to the floor beside the couch and picked up a pacifier hidden inside a shoe box, briefly placing it into the boy's mouth. The rhesus macaque brushed his tail over MK’s hair in a repeating pattern until eventually he simply wrapped the tail gingerly around MK’s arm. Ever so gradually, the regressed boy would drift asleep in the great sage’s arms. “Rest well, MK.” Wukong hummed.
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prettypinkporkchop · 1 month
Leah x Fem Reader, where the reader tries to resist the bond but find herself obsessed with Leah - because reader saw Leah before Leah saw reader, so only reader has the bond but nothing to tell her what's happening so she thinks she's gone insane.
Que refusing to make wye contact for months even as reader slowly tear herself apart from staying away and trying to get rid of it. The fear and self hate of thinking there's something wrong with her for becoming this obsessed with a woman who just lost her father and obviously want nothing to do with love after Sam.
If I may, maybe even include some 'I was totally straight, nevermind me only having crushes on girls' dumbass energy?
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You saw her. Some beautiful native woman. It's pouring light into your heart. You physically feel this pull towards her. Her beautiful tan skin, perfect brown eyes, and hair. You have to talk to her. Your mind is taunting you.
She moves to walk towards some guys. You jump and hide behind Kim.
Kim is your best friend. She begged her boyfriend to let you join a party here. It's not for outsiders so you really feel like you're intruding. But everyone has been so welcoming and nice. You barely met anyone. Really just Sam, Billy, Emily, Jacob, and Jared. You see many others here but you're so overstimulated.
Now, this weird overbearing emotion is hitting you. What is this? Who is this girl? Nah. I'm straight. I'm straight. I'm straight. I'm str-
"Y/n? What are you doing?" Kim giggles and turns to you. You look at her and smile awkwardly. "I'm just super overwhelmed. I'm not sure." You chuckle and look around anywhere but to her.
--- couple weeks later---
"Y/n, hey, there's a bonfire! You should come!" Kim looks up from her phone. You sit up on your bed and look at her. Do you want to see the girl again?
Why do I like her? I don't even know her? I can't stop thinking about her. I can't stop. Thinking. Shut the fuck up.
"Kim, I have a question."
"So, who's that girl?" You ask. She raises an eyebrow. "There's a lot of us." She laughs. You roll your eyes and smile, feeling embarrassed. "God, the only one I didn't meet. I only saw her." You point out. "You've met Rachel, Emily, Renesmee, Sue... oh! That's Leah! She's really cool if you get to know her. She's got a lot of problems." She side eyes and goes back to her phone.
"Uhm, what kind of issues?" Curiosity is getting the best of you. Hopefully, it's nothing really bad. Maybe it should be! Maybe it would keep you away from her. "Sam left her for Emily. But, it's not like that. It's uhm, not my place to say. But basically, Leah wasn't meant for Sam. Leah has come to terms with it, but love is not her thing." She sets her phone down and sits up, looking at you.
Sam. She's straight. Okay, perfect.
"Her father also passed a couple of years ago. She hasn't been the same since."
At the bonfire, you decide to spread out and meet the rest of the people.
"Seth! That's my sister, Leah." He points to the girl next to her.
Damn it. Don't look.
You can feel her presence pushing its way into your energy. All of it is too much. You're getting freaked out. What is this??? Like, actually.
"Nice to meet you." You smile and then turn to walk away. You feel so rude, but there's no way she'd feel the same.
---- a few weeks later---
Renesmee and Jacob moved into their own house. All of the girls are there, helping decorate. You were invited but you turned down the invite.
Sitting in your kitchen, you hear a knock on the door. "It's me." You hear Kim's voice. You walk to the door and open it. She's standing there with her arms crossed. "We could've used your help, ya know." She giggles. "I'm sorry, I just really didn't feel good." You frown, trying to convince her. "Oh, stop. You've been acting off for a hot minute now."
Oh no, she's catching on. Stay calm.
"What do you mean?" You sit back down. She sits next to you and stares at you blankly. "I don't know." She sighs.
"Look, I'll go to the next party, okay?" You tell her.
--that weekend--
I'm not looking. I'm not looking.
Your eyes turn to her. Her blue jeans, her brown jacket, oh god. You can't take this anymore. It's actually starting to hurt. Your head hurts. You walk towards her but staying away from her view.
What? Your headache fades the closer you get to her. "Aye!" Embry wraps an arm around your shoulder. "You might as well be a part of our family at this point." He laughs. "Yeah, I know." You giggle. "Oop! We've got company!" He let's you go. You turn and are face to face with Leah.
Her eyes meet yours.
She stops in her steps, and her eyebrows furrow. She looks emotional.
Your feelings intensify. A whole wave crashes down on you. "Shit." Embry laughs behind you.
The whole night, she'd be glancing at you. You can feel her eyes. You still keep your eyes away.
Don't fucking look.
Kim nudges your knee. "Hey. Embry told me you and Leah have some tension."
You keep your eyes on the ground. "That's totally insane, Kim. She's straight, and so am I. Plus, she has been hurt. She doesn't want to love." You say monotonous. You want to cry. Every time you walk away, your head hurts. But, being across from each other at this fire, the distance doesn't hurt.
You're starting to actually feel insane. "Y/n, you and I both know.'' Kim pushes. Paul shushes her and then taps your shoulder. "Take your time." He says.
At home, your head is pounding. You actually feel like you're going to vomit. "Damn it." You run to your car and drive back to the rez. Once you drive to the beach, your headache stops.
You sigh of relief and lay your head on your steering wheel. But then, it hits you. Her presence. She's here. You get out of the car and walk to the sand. You sit down, not caring about getting sandy.
"You okay, y/n?" God, her name rolling off of her tongue, sends butterflies to your stomach. "I can't be away from you." You mumble. She sits next to you. Her warmth is seeping through your clothes into your side. "I have felt this way for a while now. I saw you before you noticed me. Being away from you hurts." You gulp, hoping she doesn't run from you.
Instead, her hand meets your back. "I know." She says. "Honestly, I never thought I'd end up imprinting on a woman, but that explains why I never connect with men." She laughs.
You laugh too but then stop. Imprinting?
"Wait? What?" You look at her. The moon barely lights up the side of her face. "I have to tell you important things."
--a few days later--
You lay back on the grass, reading your book. Leah is sitting up, picking flowers off the ground and making a crown. "You're prettier than a flower." Leah smiles. You set your book to the side and look up at her. "Prove it." You smirk. "What? Want me to howl it to the moon tonight?" She jokes. "Isthe moon homophobic?" You ask. "Nah, don't think so."
"Then it doesn't count. Try something else." You prop yourself up with your elbows.she finishes the crown and places it on your head.
Unexpectedly, she hovers over you and kisses you. Her soft and warm lips shock you. Your face heats up, and you kiss her back slowly. She pulls away and looks down at you. "Did I prove a point?" She asked quietly before planting kisses over your cheeks.
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dennydraws · 4 months
Sometimes checking local bookstores have some rare finds...
And I was most definitely not expecting to find the FF14 Manga there but I take it XD;; I highly doubt it was intentional but having the price sticker over Asahi's face absolutely killed me lol
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But this will be a talk about manga books and not specifically about FF14's manga book which was hilarious by the way XD;;
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(Press F for Urianger... well, for Thancred really but ya know...)
It may come as a surprise but I'm not exactly a big manga reader. I think it was primary because manga wasn't as available or popular here when I was growing up and when I started spreading I started feeling too old for it. Now looking back, I was mid 20 I wasn't too old lol But also I was not in a financial position to spend on what I considered luxurious hobby materials. I never looked at manga books as anything but forbidden pricey thing that I could do without... even though looking back I could've learned a lot or enriched my art journey but... when you try to graduate university, freelance and cover for struggling and sick family these things are not something you think to spend on... ANYHOWSIES, I did not intend to share sad artist backstory, more like I wanted to explain my relationship with actual manga books has been an odd one XD;
It wasn't until recently that I started to actually go to bookstores during my lunch break and browse manga books and regular books too. However now they are so many that I get overwhelmed. Now that I have my preferences, I don't feel comfortable just grabbing a book on a whim. I still very much hate the idea of blindly spending on things that may not be of use to me. But even so I began to reach out, grab something, try it, see what I can learn from it. I feel like a teenager dipping toes into something they've always looked from behind the shop window but now they can actually afford it! XD;; I tried to start with books whose anime I deeply enjoyed and maybe look over what's around them - surely there will be something similar!
And then to my surprise I started noticing... Artbooks! Usually the ones I am interested in are on the obscure side? Or at least I've never found any of those I was interested in... ever XD
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It has always been a lot more art books available here for WoW or LoL or whatever western-ish game franchise which... while I respect them, I just don't really enjoy their art style. And I did grow up surrounded by boys and a bully big brother whom I've always tried to impress or be "cool enough" to hang out with him (I was never cool enough to hang out with him u_u) and as result I had to deny myself a lot of things I was enjoying but I thought they are embarrassing - a lot of typically girly genres things because he'd mock them and if he mocks them then they were bad and I'd never be "cool enough" if I showed interest in them! Oh noes! Now that post turned into more personal down pour XD;
As years went on and after some reflection and years of existing in a healthy friend circle I started to enjoy the things I always wanted to enjoy growing up. I see them in new light now and I appreciate them with the eyes of a grown up while still kind of connect to this lost childhood spark. It's been really nice.
Plus I'm enjoying reading ...well, normal books, a lot more. Some years ago you wouldn't find me able to sit and read but now I do and quite enjoy it!
I don't know where I was going with this post XD I wanted to share I found the FF14 manga in a local store during my lunch break and it escalated to, I've been slowly buying and reading more manga and artbooks as of this year! It's never too late to reconnect with things you wanted to enjoy but couldn't in the past :D;;
Anyhow! Thank you for reading this silly lil ramble post, dear web traveller! I hope you will have great rest of the day and smooth week ahead!
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ heyyy!! I love your writing, I've been checking this blog for some time now and your headcanons never fail to make my day ♡ I wanted to request some headcanons where the Yakuza guys date an idol. Majima already has some experience with idols, having dated Mirei in the past but I'd love to see how the others would treat them and how their relationship would work out.
Hell yea hell yea, let's get to the top n all that jazz. Thanks for your patience, finally getting back into the normal swing of things after like a million trips and family things this summer, it's been hectic but I love you all. Headcanons below the cut, mwah.
Kazuma Kiryu
Might be a little awkward about it at first since Haruka is also an idol and he just thinks he's too old for most people in the idol scene. This is actually kind of beneficial though as he would never try to get in the way of your work and is always encouraging. Probably asks Haruka what kind of gifts idols like and whatnot. Overall respectful but depending on famous you are, it might be difficult for him to deal with the barrage of fans. Time apart doesn't bother him though, he knows work is work like that.
Majiama Goro
Unphased by the concept of idols but is still pretty traumatized from his time with Mirei so he'd have to really be into someone to look past all of that. Having said that, once he's in a relationship, he's in it to win it. Doesn't really attend the concerts as that kind of crowd is too overwhelming even for him but helps in other ways, like organizing merchandise after you signed them. More of a behind the scenes supporter than anything, says things like "Knock 'em dead out there!"
Saejima Taiga
Baffled that an idol would even be interested in him. Very supportive and gentle though. Will miss you a lot if you go on tour but isn't clingy. Instead he just calls when he knows you have a day off between cities to ask how things are going. Brings flowers to your dressing room after a show.
Akiyama Shun
Gets a kick out of the whole thing, it probably turns him on some to be honest. One of the best of the boys to ask for advice on when it comes to costumes and outfits. Good eye for color coordination. Doesn't mind being in the public spotlight with you and isn't shy about being seen with you. Just wants you to succeed at your dream.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Most likely of all of the boys to meet you at some kind of idol event. Tanimura has a mild interest in the idol scene in Japan and Korea but never saw himself actually knowing let alone dating someone who is an idol. Super understanding and supportive and has a good understanding of the more modern idol scene than the rest of the boys. Good at helping you with stretches or massages when you're feeling sore.
Ryuji Goda
He is now your number one fan. That's just the way it works. Type of guy to be like "Fellas, did ya hear my darlin' gets to perform tonight? We're ALL goin', right?!". You probably will have sold out shows due to him bringing literally everyone he knows. If the venue has box seats or VIP private areas, he usually hangs around there as Ryuji and most normal people don't mix well. If he can't make it to a show, he sends the most giant bouquet of flowers and a handwritten note.
Nishikiyama Akira
He'll be in the crowd yelling the fan chants and holding up the biggest sign ever. More than happy to just be there to support you and let you know that even if you only have one fan, he will in fact be that one fan. Always gives you a hug after each show he attends, regardless of how sweaty you may be.
Daigo Dojima
The most polar opposite to an idol of all of the boys but that doesn't mean he's incapable of being supportive. His mother probably will not approve initially though, which might be a struggle. He's seldom available to attend shows but he will make an effort to either drop you off or pick you up after a show with his private car. Washes your back for you after particularly long shows.
Mine Yoshitaka
Perhaps the best suited for dating an idol when it comes to looks. Mine dresses and carries himself really well so he'd pair well with some form of celebrity in photographs at least. Actually secretly jealous of all the fans who show up to handshake events, but will kind of pout about it if you tease him. He'll get you back later though, probably in the bedroom. Other than that, he's entirely neutral.
Tatsuo Shinada
Thinks you're just the coolest and the cutest. Type of guy to be like "Babe, I saw you in this magazine today!" before handing you 5 copies of said magazine. If you're in the early stages of your idol career, he'll definitely try to get the word out about you via his reporter connections if he can. Doesn't like to be in the crowd during shows but if he's allowed to stand on the side of the stage behind the curtains to watch and cheer you on, he loves that.
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minipisi-is-dumb · 1 year
hai, sorry to bother, but what exactly is giftedness? i dont think i trust google on it and id rather hear about it from someone who's gifted. is it like being a genius or something?
hiii thanks for asking about it!!! and sure lemme tell ya
it's a bit lengthy sorry
ill briefly explain the symptoms and then other extra stuff, thanks so much for asking, not a lot of people know about it :)
giftedness is a form of neurodivergent condition/neurodivergency or however you call it, that is characterized by asynchronous development between intelectual and "chronological" growth
an easy way to explain it (even if the theory is disproven so it's just as example) is how people see mental ages
you might be chronologically 15, but intellectually, your needs are those of a 19 y/o and emotionally your regulation is that of a 13 y/o. that's what asynchrony means essentially
the current "official" way to diagnose people is through iq tests, they're not always specific and is usually in a margin of error, but if it's a legit test and not one of those online, is used to measure the amount of connections your brain has. of course the results may vary if you have more than one neurodivergency or you have a mental illness. it's always important to discuss it with your doctor!
the more connections u have per braincell → the faster processing you got. the amount of connections is measured by iq number
the criteria for being diagnosed is simply getting 130 or more in the iq test, there's different types of depth to giftedness as a condition, just like there're different symptoms and levels of depth for autism, but that's the beauty of it isn't it
and contrary to what you might think, fast processing can be very difficult, it feels like your brain goes faster than you all the time you are asked a question, say, in a test, and you just know the answer! that's it, you can't explain it even to yourself. your brain "skips" steps to get to a conclusion since we don't have a linear way of thinking, or you make connections at the moment that somehow end up making sense all the time and you don't even realize it. it's overwhelming
other important symptoms are similar to other nds like autism or adhd like being able to hyperfocus, stimming or sensory sensitivity, but there are some different ones like latent inhibition deficit
latent inhibition deficit (you can google it for better understanding) it's basically not being able to prioritize the information you recieve
have you ever found yourself in a restaurant or a crowded space, and even if there's a lot of talking and music, eventually you "forget about it" and stop paying attention to it since it's not important? That's latent inhibition!!! your brain can filter information, wether is sensory or cognitive and ignore whatever it doesn't see as important
my brain can't, I am always listening to the music, the people talking in the room, small changes in smell, sound or how too many colors confuse me and give me migraine, my brain cannot "filter" importance in it, so it pays attention to everything and sees it all as important since it perceives it as one whole thing
connecting most of the stuff around you or "seeing the big picture" always is very normal, feeling like everything is happening at the same time simultaneously and you can't just pick and choose is the best way I can describe it
we also have overexcitabilities!!! that is a bit long to explain but you can google it
here's a very useful explanation that also mentions giftedness, since the term was created from studying our behavior
here's my favorite talk about the topic, I watched it years after being diagnosed and it explains it very well, the woman giving the talk is gifted herself and works in gifted education programs too!
she also has a talk about overexcitabilities!!
I really like this image because it is a quick way to see some basic symptoms, is not the be all of it but you can get a general idea compared to autism and adhd, since there's more info about them around
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Alright we done w that
the BIGGEST misconception about giftedness is that it is just good grades, it's a complex condition just like any other! adhd is not "just getting distracted", autism is not "just being socially awkward" and giftedness is not "just being a genius"
I cannot stress enough how grades have nothing to do with giftedness , in fact, most gifted people end up dropping school or college since it never fits fully fits our educational needs
giftedness and academic achievement are not inherent to one another, you can be neurotypical and have good and bad grades too, it doesn't matter really . it could be a clue for some, where good grades might lead a parent to take the test, but the results are not there just because of grades or high achievement rate
now we need to talk kinda quickly abt ableism and how the concept of iq was originally created to stigmatize non-white races, women and neurodivergent conditions
the first people to coin the term for iq were (shocker) rich white men who liked the idea of being smarter than everyone else
however, the arbitrary measurement used to discriminate towards people on the bases of iq started to change it's perspective
we know NOW that there's a lot more than "just genius" and is a complex condition people like me live without, but the subconscious idea of high iq being something that makes you ""superior "" is still around due to it's origins and lack of common knowledge. the stigma about telling other people you're gifted is huge, people change the way they percieve you, they change the way they treat you, or at best you seem like an egocentric superb who thinks they're better than everyone
it's sorta how being a narcissist is used as an insult or to demonize the actual condition instead of people actually understanding what it is to have npd? kinda that. if you call yourself gifted you're basically doomed to be the egocentric one
and languages outside of english don't make it better.
for Spanish (my native language) even though we have one of the best resources imo for giftedness (the book "¿Demasiado Inteligente para ser feliz?") we also have the term "superdotado" that translated roughly means "super gifted". not doing much for the "we're literally people and not inhumane geniuses" part
but UGHHHH I kinda think that's most of my base info for u, I am SO happy you're interested, I have a little giftedness tag you can look at, and there's also gifted-centered blogs around this site
thanks for reading!!!
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criolla-star · 6 months
Overwhelmed (Part 15 Vinny x Garmadon)
(Go check out part 1-14 if you haven't really gives an insight also go check out my other book if you're interested in Mk x Red Son from lego monkie kid also Zane can still eat human food it's like the beginning of the series he still ate and i just kept it the same but it isnt needed)
Vinny grabbed his shirt and put it on, "Well looks like I need to wear my jacket" Vinny said staring at the hickeys that wear peeking from his shoulders, "Sorry.." Garmadon said out with a hint of guilt in his voice earning a soft kiss on his forehead and a quick affirmation from his lover. "Wanna go see if anyone's awake?' Vinny asked receiving a nod from Garmadon. The two got up before Garmadon gave Christofern a splash of water and the going out.
"Who do you think is up?" Vinny asked staring at his lover with a curious look plastered onto his face. "Mhm...probably my brother and the ice ninja" Garmadon replied, "Yea I agree, but I also think that Lloyd may be up" the smaller added, "I don't think he'll be up yet" The larger replied earning a smug smirk from Vinny, "Well if I get it right I get to kiss you" Vinny said smugly, Garmadon blushed before staring at him, "Well I certainly wouldn't mind that" the oni replied confidently before grabbing Vinnys' wrists and pinned him against the wall . Vinny turned bright red, "Well I'd like to add one more thing to this deal between us" The larger whispered into his ear. "R-really what's t-that..?" Vinny stuttered out embarrassingly, "Winner gets to do what ever they want with the loser for a day~" Garmadon whispered out seductively . "O-ok!" the smaller responded quickly hoping that he would be the one winning this bet.
"Now let's go before someone comes and sees us" Garmadon said before letting go of Vinny and starting to walk. Once Vinny recovered from the embarrassment of being pinned to the wall he quickly caught up with Garmadon. They both walked and eventually saw Wu drinking tea and Zane making breakfast probably for everyone. "Morning brother" Wu said before Garmadon done the same. The larger stared at Vinny with a smirk on his face. He lost the bet and he could only hope this went well. "I am making breakfast would you like it now or do you want to wait for the others" Zane asked as he flipped pancakes, "We can both wait just wanted to be out early" Vinny replied politely before sitting down with Garmadon.
"Did you both sleep well?" Wu asked earning a nod from Vinny but not Garmadon, "What about you brother?" Wu asked again, "Hmm? Yea I slept well" the oni responded. The four began talking about random things and eventually each ninja came one by one except Nya and Jay cause they share a bed so they come down at the same time. Lloyd was the last one to come to the kitchen and don't worry the kitchen is pretty big so they all fit. "Morning Lloyd!" Kai said out energetically, followed by the rest saying morning, "You're up later the usual sleep late?" Nya asked, Lloyd let out a soft chuckle, "I guess you could say something like that" the green ninja said before smiling at his father. "C'mon bud come take a seat" Kai said patting the chair next to him before drinking some coffee. Lloyd sat down next to kai who was sitting next to Cole. "Did ya at least sleep well?" Cole asked, "Haha yea honestly that was the best sleep i've had for a while" Lloyd replied he wasn't joking he just felt a lot better knowing that his father was happy.
Zane handed out plates of pancakes to everyone, "Oooo pancakes my favourite!" Jay said out excitedly earning a soft chuckle from Nya before starting to eat. The group began eating and talking about their plans for their day while cracking up jokes. Eventually one of the jokes made Garmadon laugh out loudly and honestly everyone stared at him surprisingly and their was this awkward silence. "Well, well, well I bet you guys didn't know the former oni warlord was capable of laughing like that!" Vinny joked sarcastically breaking the silence, relieving Garmadon of the stress and making everyone laugh, "Vinny you really did wonders to help him" Kai laughed, Kai didn't really like Garmadon but he didn't hate him he understood the feeling of being corrupted just the tournament of elements he was corrupted by the staff and almost ended up hurting Lloyd so he couldn't blame Garmadon he at least put effort on changing and honestly seemed like a pretty cool guy.
"Honestly Garmadon I would've never thought of all of us being at the same table ever since we found out Lloyd was the green ninja like forever ago" Cole chuckled with his mouth half full, "Don't talk with your mouth full you idiot" Kai said gently bonking his head, "Yea but honestly Cole has a point and I'm honestly happy we don't have to fight you again" Jay said out nervously. "Jay you sound like the most nervous wreck right now try to sound a little more confident" Nya chuckled out, "Nya is right your blood pressure increased meaning you are nervous" Zane added, "H-Hey! don't out me like that!" Jay said out embarrassingly before hiding his face. Wu and Lloyd let out a sigh at everyones' stupidity, "What they're trying to say is that we're really happy with the progress you have made since well you were brought back" Wu said. "Couldn't have said it better myself" Lloyd said.
To be honest Garmadon was a bit overwhelmed with the compliments and Vinny could tell, "Okay okay everyone, enough with the compliments Garm here seems a bit overwhelmed, he's never had so many compliments before" Vinny laughed and so did everyone the group continued eating and laughing.
They all finished and everyone had an hour before they started doing stuff so Vinny and Garmadon talked where it was all alone, "Don't think I forgot about our little deal~" Garmadon said out in a seductive voice before pushing Vinny up against the wall and kissing him, "You'll get the rest of the deal later~~" Garmadon added before kissing Vinny again and then they began making out.
(hope you enjoy that chapter quite a long one sorry if i got a bit lazy at the end)
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cozmicclown · 11 months
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Welcome Home Secret Audio Tapes Transcribed (Accurately): Tape #4 Frank & Barnaby
Still posting these because the secret invisible transcripts under the audio tapes aren’t 100% accurate, and I like things to be exact. I may be motivated to post more of these if I spent less time doing them up nice. I’d also be WAY more motivated if I could find that special specific American typewriter font with the rounded Tuscan serifs used in the real WH script pieced together on that secret page. I’m beginning to suspect that’s a CUSTOM font.
Yes I know the last one I posted was audio tape #2, I’ve got #3 written out but not done up/aged, but I had this one finished and if I didn’t post it now it would be harder for me to get to it later.
Full Written Transcription Under Cut
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“Blue, don't actually have any blue pigmentation. They have to grow in soil that is basic as well, so the pine straw should be left for the other beds-“
“You're tellin' me that these flowers are liars, Franky?”
(Exasperated sigh as he notices Barnaby approaching.)
“Urgh, I'm not telling you that these flowers are liars, Barnaby. I'm talking about how these flowers are specially selected to look this way.”
“Eh, bein' blue isn't anything special, pal. Don't ya know that blue is all the rage nowadays?”
“I don't think people are painting themselves blue, frankly. Are you saying your fur color isn't natural?”
(Feigning insult.)
“I beg your pardon!? I'm a natural beauty, as far as you know.”
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“Heh. I doubt you're any sort of beagle. I've never seen any blue dog before in my life! Now, if you don't mind, we'd like to continue tending to my flowers in peace.”
“You're gonna have to do more than tend to 'em if you want 'em to grow up nice and big. You know what they say: you gotta entertain your plants to make 'em happy.”
“Heh, That's true... but I'm not going to let your snappy patter poison my petunias
I'd hardly call your material entertaining, much less fertilizer.”
(Subtle standup tone.)
“Oh, don't you worry, Frank. The last thing I'll do is overwhelm your orchid. Your plants all seem clover it.”
(Annoyed groan before taking a deep breath.)
“Uuurrggggh. Not with these puns again. You're going to make all of my hard work wilt! Your humor is too dry for my impatiens.”
“Hey, hey! Not a daisy goes by where you don't get impatient... but hey, I'm just pollen your leg.”
(Another deep breath and annoyed groan.)
“Uuurgggg. Will. You. Just. Get. Out of here!? My plants don't need your ridiculous jokes to grow; go find an audience for your silly gags somewhere else.”
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(Starting walking away backwards.)
“Alright, alright, I'll grow... But every dogwood has his day! I'll still poppy in from time to time, even if you're still a little rough around the hedges!”
“Hrrrrr, hm. Urgh, honestly with him! I don't know how you can stand to be around him, Wa//=Y.”
End Scene
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burnwater13 · 2 months
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Ahsoka Tano touching her head to Grogu's head, when they meet on Corvus. Image from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 5, The Jedi. Calendar from DateWorks.
Grogu didn’t think he was particularly forgettable. Most people remembered him once they met him. People like Peli Motto, who said things like: “Well, who is this little one?”, and “Thank the Force, he’s okay!”, and “I missed you, you little womp rat.” Or Greef Karga who  remembered that he could, “Do the magic hand thing!”. Although that really wasn't why Grogu thought he should be remembered. Whatever. They remembered him. 
So why was Ahsoka Tano the person who forgot all about him? If he wanted any one to forget him, he wanted those blasted Imps to forget him, not a person who knew him from their time at the Jedi Temple.
That’s right. They were both at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant at the same time. He was only a few years older than her. Of course Togruta’s and his species age at different rates, but that just meant that his being older didn’t matter much. They had been in the creche at the same time. They had become younglings around the time. She just grew taller than him much, much sooner, but it wasn’t like the other masters wouldn’t let them play or learn together. So what happened?
When she touched her forehead to his, Grogu was overwhelmed with memories for a moment or two, but they weren’t his memories. They were hers. She’d gotten into all sorts of trouble and had traveled all over the galaxy since they’d last seen one another. She also seemed to think that he had been one of the many victims of the Clone attack on the Temple. 
That he could understand. Master Beq had been able to whisk him away just as everything was going wrong and that was, by no means, an easy task. They had managed to leave Coruscant and that had started a whole different phase of Grogu’s life. A phase that had been filled with danger, loss, and pain. He really didn’t need to share that with anyone. 
Even so, he hadn't forgotten her. He knew her nickname was ‘Snips’. He knew that she had been Anakin Skywalker’s padawan. Personally, he was hoping to be Master Kenobi’s padawan, but a lot of things interfered with that hope. He knew that she had ended up being some sort of leader during the Clone Wars. The other younglings had heard about that from their masters and his friend Ian had thought that was pretty strange, given all the circumstances.
“Listen kid, I don't know about you, but I’m only eleven years old, give or take. No way could you get me to sign up for being a general or anything else like that. I gotta be able to take care of myself first and let me tell ya, there are a lot of folk here who don’t think I’m capable of that. How the heck is Ahsoka, that little snip of a Togruta, gonna do that? It’s not like that master of her’s is some sort of notoriously cautious fellow. He ain’t, kid. He’s gonna get her in trouble and I'm not here for that.”
Ian had a point. Anakin was often scolded by the other Jedi Masters, including Master Kenobi, about the risks he took while on various missions. Ahsoka had a lot of skills at her disposal, but it wasn't like Jedi wore Mandalorian armor. They didn’t. If they got hit by a blaster bolt it hurt. A lot. He knew that from having to heal Master Beq when they were on the run from the Clones. 
Of course, Master Kelleran Beq was a risk taker too and Grogu hadn’t minded that aspect of his friend and teacher at all. He supposed that Ahsoka may have considered that a feature of learning from Anakin and not a bug. After all, Master Kenobi was well known for saying that you learned less in a library than on the streets outside of it. 
Grogu didn't actually believe that. But he understood what his friend meant. The risks you faced theoretically and the ones you faced in reality were rarely the same and a Jedi needed that real world experience if they were to prepare the next class of younglings for their role in the galaxy. Or to make sure there was a next class of younglings. 
Maybe that was why Ahsoka had forgotten him. It was pretty clear after the Clones attacked the Jedi Temple that there wouldn't be a next class of younglings. They were all gone, one way or the other. It was too painful to believe after all that loss that someone could have survived. After all, he hadn’t thought that she had survived either. 
They had both had years to get used to the absence of other Force sensitive people and then conclude that there weren't any, anymore. He didn’t count the ones controlled by the Emperor. They weren’t Jedi. They were just survivors. Which could be said about him and Ahsoka Tano. That was worth remembering.
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saintseed-family · 9 months
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“I think I’ve outgrown these as well,” Janus sighed, trying his best to lace up the front of his trousers.
He had gotten by so far in this experience with his already baggy and large clothing, but he had to admit he was much larger now in the belly and chest and things were beginning to get snug.
“We’ll have to get you some new clothes then,” Thorn replied.  “My mother might still have some of her maternity robes that may fit.”
Janus frowned.  “That’s fine and all, but I’d rather have some clothes of my own,” said Janus, “Your mother is a lovely lady, but I ain’t walking around town wearing her clothes.”
He knew Thorn didn’t fully get this.  Firbolgs didn’t really have a concept of “men’s clothes” or “woman’s clothes” - clothes were clothes, and they were handed down regardless of gender.  Normally this was refreshing, but when Janus has been feeling a bit like a bloated beast with wide hips and a swollen chest, he craved a bit of the normalcy of wearing his own clothes.
In his infinite wisdom, Thorn didn’t push the issue.  “You’re absolutely right,” agreed Thorn.  “Perhaps we can ask Dale to do some modifications to your clothes?  They were always quite good with sewing.”
“If they aren’t too busy,” Janus grumbled.  “I don’t want to bother ‘em too much.”
“Janus, you know my siblings have been dying for an opportunity to help us, my darling,” laughed Thorn. “Dale would be delighted we asked, if you’re comfortable with that.”
Thorn was the eldest of four children.  There was his identical twin sister, Thistlefont, his younger sibling Ferndale, and his youngest brother Mossimo.  Ever since finding out Janus was pregnant, they all had been constantly stopping by his home to offer their assistance with everything: meal prep and laundry, and of course the newly started construction of the second story of their house for the baby’s room.
 Janus was overwhelmed by it, and sometimes it even felt like they were underestimating him.  Learning to accept the help had been difficult, but as the pregnancy went on Janus found himself more and more exhausted.  Thorn’s daily spell helped a lot, but it didn’t change the fact that he still had a baby growing inside him, and it took a lot out of him.  
Thorn assured him that Thistle, Dale and Moss knew Janus could take care of himself, but they wanted to help because they were happy for the two of them and excited about the baby.  Janus figured this was a sibling thing, which he just didn’t understand having been alone his whole childhood.
“A’ight, Dale can help,” Janus sighed.  “As long as they don’t do anything too wild with m’ clothes.”
A week later, Janus found himself sitting on a chair in the living room while Dale rummaged through a bag of the modified clothing they had worked on.
Dale looked very much like Thorn with dark gray long hair and pale soft gray fur, but they wore their hair in a more loose and dramatic style that framed their face with long, messy bangs.  They also had more piercings than Thorn, including a nose ring with a long chain attached to one of their ears.  Janus couldn’t see much of the work they had done while the clothes were in the bag, but he could see lots of colorful patterns that he did not recognize.
“I added extra fabric to some of your looser tops,” they explained, handing Janus one of the tunics.  The side seams had been split, and a wide piece of fabric had been sewn in between with large stitches.  “Added lacing to some of these as well.  You’ll have to do without the leathers for a while for anything but chest support, but the rest of this should be comfortable and functional.”  They pointed at the large stitches.  “These will be easy to remove once your pregnancy is over, and we’ll be able to restitch your tunics to their old size.”
“Thank ya kindly, Dale,” Janus said, taking the offered tunic.  Even though they didn’t quite match, the added fabric was sewn in well enough that someone looking casually might not realize they’d been altered.  He removed the robe he had been wearing and pulled the tunic over his head.  It was loose, but it did not feel too much different than his old clothes had been.
“Mama sent this as well,” Dale said, digging in the bag to pull out a long piece of bright red fabric with yellow stars.  Janus recognized it as some of the specially dyed patterned fabric this village was known for. “She says it’s to help with your back.” 
Janus thought of the wraps he had seen expecting mothers in the village wear.  Long, bright scarves that they wound around the underside of the belly, and then cross their back and around their shoulders.  He hadn’t thought much of it, but it made sense that the scarf was helping support the mothers as they carried such a heavy load.
He took the scarf in both hands, and tried with futility to figure out how to wrap it in a way that would let the fabric actually stay on his rounded body.
“Damn it,” Janus muttered, and he heard Thorn laugh.  “How the hell do they tie these things?”
“Allow me to help, my lovely peapod.”  That was his newest nickname for Janus - the cub was their pea.  The fond laugh Janus found himself giving offset the mild irritation he was feeling about not being able to tie the sash.
Taking the scarf, Thorn got behind Janus and carefully wrapped it around him.  He couldn’t quite see how Thorn was doing it, but he could feel the fabric crossing his back and looping around his shoulders, and that provided just a touch more support than he had before as it lifted his belly, taking some weight off his back.
“Wow that… that feels pretty good!” Janus said as he felt Thorn tying off the scarf.
“You’ll have to practice putting this on without me,” Thorn chuckled.  “I believe these can also be used as a baby sling, so we’ll definitely be getting a lot of use out of it.”
Janus had the fleeting impression of himself with a tiny baby strapped to his back with the bright and colorful scarf, and he suddenly started to tear up.
“Oh no darling, are you alright?” Thorn asked, taking his hand.
“I-I’m fine,” sniffed Janus, doing his best to keep the tears back.  “Just thinking… about the cub.  I know we’re still a ways off, but I just can’t wait to meet them.”
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