#Amazon free reads
themyscirah · 17 days
What runs/stories do you recommend for someone starting WW? Could you please be specific (/nicely)
Yeah ofc!
My Wonder Woman Starter Recs (specific style 😎)
First stops: for an initial introduction to Wonder Woman, I'd generally recommend going to at least one of three places first. These three are:
Wonder Woman: Historia: The Amazons by Kelly Sue DeConnick
Wonder Woman: Year One by Greg Rucka
Wonder Woman: the Hiketeia by Greg Rucka
Of these I generally recommend reading Historia first, as it's a retelling of the origin of the Amazons as a race and how Diana came to be (so it essentially starts from the beginning) and is also the most recent of the them (if that means anything). Something to note about Historia though is that it's a DC Black Label book, so it's events aren't strictly canon in the main DCU and there are some changes and new elements present. I don't think this is something that should discourage anyone from reading it though, it's the best WW origin story out there, and even in strict main canon over the years her origin is one that has had many fluctuations and small (& sometimes big) changes. WW:Historia is three prestige format (longer) issues.
You'll notice the third book there is WW: The Hiketeia. Hiketeia is a great book if you're looking for a view into Diana as a professional and experienced hero. It's a graphic novel so standalone and not too long, and has a great Diana and really interesting plot (Diana vows to protect a young woman and finds herself pressed against the wheels of Greek Tragedy). This is also the first work with Diana done by Greg Rucka, one of her most prolific and loved writers. A sampling of this work (and also Historia) I think gives a good guide to where to go next in terms of runs on her main title.
Wonder Woman: Year One is the second book on the list up there, but I'm mentioning it last here as it's a bit more complicated in terms of format. Unlike other year one books, WW: Year One is actually a series of issues on her main title, showcasing Diana's arrival to man's world in Rebirth (and also current p sure) continuity. The issue numbering for this one is strange (only the even issues 2-14 on WW (2016)) so I recommend looking for this in trade form if possible.
These 3 books I think give a taste of some of the best standalone stuff in the Wonder Woman mythos, and give the reader a good idea of where they may want to go next in terms of longer runs on the title. So I'll break that down here as a Step 2.
Here I break down some highly recommended runs based on what they have in common with the standalone books from step 1. As a rule, these runs are going to be much longer than the above and generally more connected to the wider DCU and other books. Look for the italics to see the introduction to each new work. Explanation paragraphs follow after each italic/bold rec.
Curious about Greek mythology in WW and the Amazons' origins after reading Historia? Liked the prescence of a supporting cast and Diana learning about Man's World from Year One? Willing to read a longer run? I recommend: Wonder Woman by George Pérez
George Pérez's time on Wonder Woman totally reinvented the character after Crisis on Infinite Earths, and is fundamental in establishing many core concepts of her lore. At 62 issues, 2 annuals, and a 4-issue crossover event at the end (War of the Gods), it's definitely a commitment to read, but it's the most enduring and well-loved run on Wonder Woman for a reason--it's just that damn good. Lots of focus on mythology (although with a lighter tone than Historia) alongside Diana learning her role in relation to Man's World & establishing herself as a hero and ambassador. Pérez's run also has almost-certainly the most expansive and developed supporting cast in WW comics, something that really drives the emotional core of the series, especially in later issues. Obligatory note that this series was written between 1987 and 1992 and contains some very occasional aspects that I thought were in some way dated/uncomfortable etc. while reading (details of Cheetah's origin, depiction of the Bana-Mighdall, Hercules) but despite that I still highly, highly recommend this run. The word fundamental cannot begin to describe it.
Liked the experienced Diana of the Hiketeia? Interested to see her attempt to balance the high stakes responsibilities of an ambassador and superhero? Looking for some really badass moments and fights? Haven't read enough terrible tragedy? I suggest: Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka 2003 EDITION.
Some of Diana's coolest moments of all time are collected here. Also one of her most controversial. The 1st Rucka run is very much the story for anyone who liked the Diana of the Hiketeia and the tragedy of that and Historia. 2003 Rucka Diana is a Diana tested, forced to make decisions that are anything but easy, and live with the consequences. She's extraordinarily capable, but her enemies know that and are prepared to that end. This run, along with the Pérez run, rank among my favorite Wondy comics of all time (those and Historia are my top 3). This run is such peak Diana, especially in terms of sheer badassery. Her final confrontation with Medusa is in my opinion perhaps the greatest Wonder Woman fight scene of all time. Her encounter with Athena in the second-to-last issue breaks me every time. Cannot recommend this book more.
*a note abt this run is that it is more context-dependent than the other ones listed here, as it's the run that finishes out the Wonder Woman vol. 2 book and so has some guest appearances from characters introduced in other prior runs (Artemis of Bana-Mighdall, Cassie Sandsmark, and Vanessa Kapatelis, to name a few). I read this run before knowing much (if anything) about any of them, and still enjoyed it a lot, so I wouldn't be worried about this really but just thought I'd mention it.
Rucka's 2003 run is published from Wonder Woman (1987) #195-226. You can also find it in trade and I believe(?) omnibus. Sometimes the Hiketeia is included in collections of this series, as the 03 run is thematically similar in many places, just with a much deeper look at Diana and the world & with higher stakes.
Liked the specific characters and plot threads of Wonder Woman: Year One? Want to see what happens with Diana's exile, or learn more about Barbara Ann? Want a Diana in between the extremes of young and highly experienced? Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka 2016 EDITION may be for you.
...yes I'm putting ANOTHER Rucka book on here. He writes a great Diana, what can I say. This run is the same one that Year One came out of, just the follow ups to that story and versions of the characters. I have this run listed as separate from Year One though, as there's some really big time skips since the events of that first volume. A lot of time has passed since then, and there's more history between the characters, not all of it without drama. This run continues to be weird with the numbering, as well as some artist changes, so I definitely recommend looking into reading this in trade format (physical or digital) if at all possible. My recommended reading order is WW 2016 by Rucka vol. 2 "The Lies" (Wonder Woman: Rebirth Special #1, followed by 2016 main title odd numbered issues 1-11), then Rucka 16 vol. 3 "The Truth" (odds 13-23) then Godwatch (evens 16 through 24) followed by 25? But The Truth and Godwatch combine near the end so that doesn't really work either. This run is so good but recommending it is such a pain because the numbering is so all over the place. On God I never know which order to read this in. Going to revoke my previous statement and say read it as Rebirth Special 1, then only odds 1 through 11, then from 13 through 25 normally. That may lead to some weirdness as you read because the two stories take place at different times and have different art styles, but they come together at the end pretty dramatically so I think it's less confusing to read it this way? Maybe? So strange bc this is one of the go to good starter runs and yet it's set up so unintuitively. If someone has a better way to read this then let me know and ill edit, ik this explanation is super confusing bc neither way to read it is totally ideal imo and I feel I definitely read it in a weird order.
Going to call that a good rundown of some of my greatest recommendations in terms of Wonder Woman comics. If anything wasn't fully clear here or anyone (not just anon) has questions or wants to talk abt WW comics/my choices feel free to send as many asks or dms as you want. Have a good day everybody, & as Diana says, may the glory of Gaea be with you <3
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lockandkeyhyena · 5 months
i know whipping girl is primarily focused on the transfeminine side of things but as a trans guy i already think it has some super interesting things to say about transmasculinity.
While trans people on the female-to-male (FTM) spectrum face discrimination for breaking gender norms (i.e., oppositional sexism), their expressions of maleness or masculinity themselves are not targeted for ridicule-to do so would require one to question masculinity itself.
like obviously trans men face transphobia in different ways than trans women but i’d never thought of it in that specific way- it’s a really good point. my masculinity specifically has never been mocked but rather the fact that i am performing it at all.
its a really interesting way to point out the differences in oppression that trans men and trans women face. while a trans woman might be mocked for being too feminine, a trans guy isn’t (at least in my experience) mocked for being too masculine, rather for attempting to attain masculinity at all. femininity for trans women is seen as unattainable where as for trans men it’s seen as inescapable. whichever way you look, the concept of womanhood is being weaponised against trans people. as is such, transphobia towards trans men and trans women both stems from misogyny.
i’d love to hear some other trans guys thoughts on this! do you agree? or have you been in a situation where your masculinity has been mocked?
i think i’ll post excerpts of my favourite bits as i read through, even just these first few pages have been great. if anyone thinks i’m completely off base with my analysis let me know haha.
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hussyknee · 2 years
Guys, Z-library is back up, but it desperately needs our help.
Z-Library is one of the largest online libraries in the world. We aim to make literature accessible to everyone. Today, Z-Library contains over 12,140,413 books and 84,837,000 articles Z-Library has many servers all over the world. Our stored data now totals more than 220 TB! Every month, millions of people use Z-Library for their purposes — and that means we are on the right track. But it will be difficult to achieve our goals without your help.
As you may know, almost all public domains of the library were blocked in November 2022 by order of the US Secret Service. The inner infrastructure of the project suffered some substantial damage too. Today, we are still under unprecedented pressure. At the moment, Z-Library is going through the hardest times in all the 14 years of its existence. The library might work with interruptions, and we ask you to be patient. Be sure – we are doing everything possible to provide free access to knowledge for millions of people across the globe, and we expect you to help us with that and to support us.
But despite all the difficulties, the library continues to function and develop. We have recently introduced several important features: the new recommendations section, comments to booklists, the new web-site menu, personal domains and Telegram Bot, and more.
Your active support gives strength to our Team and inspires to work. Each donated dollar is not only money for us, but it is also the confidence that you really need our project!
On 15 March 2023, as in March and September of each year, we launched additional fundraising to project maintenance and development. We will be extremely thankful for every dollar that will be donated. Furthermore, UNLIMITED downloads (for 1 month) are available for ALL contributors who will donate during the fundraising period. The fundraising will run until 1 April 2023
Millions of people use Z-Library every month for their purposes — this shows us that we are on the correct track. But it will be difficult to achieve our goals without your help.
Please consider making a donation.
I know there's a lot of discourse around book piracy right now, but you know who absolutely cannot afford to buy your books in dollars, afford the shipping fees, or don't have access/ travelling distance to the kind of fully stocked libraries you have in the West? The Global South. Our factories make your Kindles, your phones, your textbooks, and then we can't afford to buy them from your corps that sell them at around 300% grate price, and half the books are not even available for our region. Our universities don't get your funding or recognition, and when we do sell our personal possessions to get the money and work our asses off to get admittance to Western universities, y'all use us as grunts, exploit us and pass our work off as your own. Worse still, you buy out our local publishing houses and shut them down.
You cannot imagine the extent of global apartheid and colonial economic order that capitalism runs on. Amazon cheats you out of royalties? We can't even afford to buy your books. A dollar can buy someone a full dinner here. These sites – Z-lib, Internet Archive, Libgen, Open Library, Sci-Hub, PDF Drive, LibriVox – they are essential to granting the global majority our human right to knowledge, education and access. Z-Lib is by far the best one of them all.
You will first need to sign up to Z-Lib and access it through the private domain link they send you. It's a simple process, and every little bit counts. You're a leftist that believes in equal access for all? Then literally, put your money where your mouth is.
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carrotsarenot · 3 months
How are we all feeling about StoryGraph these days? I’ve been using it as a Goodreads alternative for a couple years now and I like it a lot, but I feel like a lot of people reverted to GR or never left in the first place. Which is a bummer, to say the least.
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pandoras-blog · 4 months
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From my upcoming poetry collection, "Feel Something"
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wilcze-kudly · 10 months
Still mad that Ar Pharazon is made up to be this lame Jafar ripoff mf in the rings of power. Honestly, evil advisors are getting really played out as a trope.
In the Silmarilion, he was a a warrior, a war monger in fact, who forced himself upon his cousin in order to usurp the throne. This character could've been used as an excellent critique of toxic masculinity, especially with the recent popularity of alpha males.
Having Miriel as a victim of spousal abuse would also be an interesting plot point as well, especially if juxtaposed with the free and very much in charge of herself (especially if they were to keep Celeborn and have. Look, I'm all for strong female characters, but if all your female characters are just the same 'strong, arrogant woman who can totally do everything a guy can fo because we are feminists here at up with the times studio' in dufferent fonts, well I'm gonna start thinking that you don't know how to write women.
Also wishing they went more horror with Sauron than 'villain romance'. Like apologies for wanting one of the most iconic villains of all time to be an actually fun antagonist rather than reliving every 'reader x (insert fictional villain) self insert fic from the early 2010s'
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obrienpolycule · 6 months
Hey unironically i think i should be hired by streaming sercives to fix their subtitles. I think there should be a way for viewers/streamers to report bad or inaccurate subtitles or ways they could be improved. I think they should be able to ask for better translations or ask to be told what language is being spoken if they switch languages. I think this should be an option for big blockbusters and random indie movies and international shows/movies and i think streaming companies should stop paying for the cheapest fucking options for their captioning
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Ok so after I found that super cute page from Nightwing #96 (2022) I went back and read the first issue in Nightwing and I found this and oh my gosh it's so dang cute I had to share
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I love this so dang much oh my gosh
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Free Book, Baby!
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In celebration of Hellion - An Arranged Marriage Bratva Romance going live on Amazon on Friday, 5.26, I wanted to offer you a chance to get up to speed with a free copy of Bedazzled - An Arranged Marriage Bratva Romance. While each book in the Morozov Bratva Saga can be read as a stand-alone, it’s  fun to know what happened before Patrick and Aisling began their enemies to lovers romance in Hellion. 
Bedazzled with be free on Amazon Tuesday 5.23 through Thursday 5.25 for your reading pleasure. Thank you as always for your support!
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My novel has been published on Amazon
Whose lives was more pitiful than Talay. He had never seen his father. His mother was disabled. Moreover his only friend betrayed him. But since Nin became his friend. Talay became more happy.Oh but we knew they weren't just friends
If you are  Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscribers,you can read it from 
https://www.amazon.co.uk/My-Loveterature-Minginyo-Mindalae-ebook/dp/B0C6H79XZM/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=4971YBF13BJ7&keywords=my Loveterature&qid=1689439718&sprefix=my loveterature %2Caps%2C298&sr=8-1
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This may never gain any traction for anyone to see but if you’re buying salt at the dollarama do not get the one by heavenly spices they’re a product of Israel. It’s off the label now but there’s one on my shelf that has it labeled clearly
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mobliterated · 7 months
sorry my sleeper agent phrase was spoken you’re getting danny phantom content now too
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necro-acid · 1 year
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original stuff (almost all)
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readerupdated · 1 year
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😢😢😢 Amazon’s World Book Day giveaways are officially over. For World Book Day 2023, Amazon offers 9 Kindle books, but you can save the equivalent of only one title from the list.
(via Free Kindle books for World Book Day are over)
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loverboydotcom · 11 months
went through the books in my room and counted ~89 and was like omg that's a lot then i remembered how many booktubers and book influencers essentially make buying and owning as many books as possible massive amazon book hauls buying 50 books at once to put on your shelf and not touch them too much so they stay pristine buying but not reading '1000 books is officially a library' like their whole brand.
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kabutone · 11 months
hate people that have no trauma but decide to be judgmental of people that do. like jesus christ how about you go through something that pushes you to attempting suicide and then you can give your opinion on how people react to trauma
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