#Ancestor messages
asanee44 · 4 months
Are Your Ancestors Pleased With You? | Pick-A-Card Tarot Reading
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iamwinklebottom · 4 months
Ancestor Messages: Big Breads, High Vibrational Selfishness, & Maintaining Success
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tarotwithavi · 1 year
Messages from your ancestors
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
Just keep in mind that this is a general reading, so it may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave the rest.
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Pile 1
Hello pile 1 ! Some of you may have lost a family member or a friend recently and you are in great pain because of that. your ancestors want you to know that they are sending you a new friend. This could be in the form of a pet but they are sending you a new soul into your life and they want you to tear down the walls around your heart and to give and receive security and warmth. I know it can be really hard loving a new pet after losing one. I am also getting that some of you will regain your child like Spark. The Spark that you lost because of society judgements and expectations. Your ancestors want you to know that you will forever be a child for them and they are always looking after you even when you're alone even when you are lonely, just know that your ancestors are always protecting you from the spirit realms. And also getting that some of you are really concerned about your career and the good news is that you will be given a new job opportunity. It's like this opportunity will be handed to you. For some of you I see that a surprise it's on its way to you and you will have no idea about it. I am also getting that you may not even expect something like that. It is going to be really unexpected however it will give you great happiness and contentment. One of your wishes is going to come true. Your answers also want you to know that you should follow the path of your soul and do not allow anyone or anything to stop you from achieving what you want in life. I also see a new beginning for you as well as an ending. Some of you may be ending a relationship or a friendship and your ancestors want you to be really careful about who you share your secrets with, especially in your friend circle because I see that one of your friends is talking bad about you behind your back. 7, 13, 18 could be really important dates for you.
Pile 2
Hello! Pile 2! Someone is thinking about you and this person could be your classmate or your coworker. I am also getting that this person could be an earth sign. This person will approach you soon and they will tell you exactly how they feel about you. For some of you it could be your crush. I am also getting that you are thinking too much about your past and your answers want you to let go of your past because it will not serve. you need to find a way to be in the moment and feel alive. Do not let your past hold you back from enjoying great things in life. Someone you are thinking about is also thinking about you and you guys seem to have a telepathic connection. I also see that you feel stuck right now and your ancestors want you to enjoy the moment and the peace you have right now because in the future I see a lot of things going on for you and you will not have time for yourself. If you have applied for a job or for a scholarship I see you getting it 100%. There is something that you want but that is not good for you and your ancestors want you to let go of that desire to clear your mind. I feel like some of you have really creative ideas and your ancestors want you to put your ideas into action. I feel like some of you have a female ancestor , great grandma and she is constantly watching over you and she is really proud of you. She wants you to know that you are doing your best and she is really happy to see you doing what you love.
Pile 3
Hello pile 3! Let go this is the first message I heard and your ancestors want you to let go of the things that do not serve you anymore. This could be people, this could be a relationship , this could be a job if you do not like it, don't do it. I see you winning. This could involve some legal documents. And I'm also getting that you need to travel your ancestors want you to travel. I am also getting that you need to leave your home because you cannot heal while living with people who have hurt you. Speak up, talk back, express how you feel, express your emotions, talk things out because your words are heard. Release your inner Rebel, be yourself and create your own universe and if people are stopping you from doing that then leave them. I see that some of you will be moving places in the near future and I also see you traveling internationally. If you are thinking about going abroad for higher education then your dream will come true. I am also getting that you are about to meet someone new and this person will have a huge impact on your future. This person could be I am asking with an air or fire sign and you may meet them while traveling. This is why your answers want you to travel. They want you to step out of your comfort zone. 5 ,23 ,30 and 21 could be really important dates for you. I'm getting that something unexpected is going to happen on these dates.
Please ignore typos.
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bucephaly · 1 year
It's kinda shocking to me how few people seem to know how prevalent the 'my great grandmother was cherokee' myth is and how it's almost never actually true, especially when it comes with things like 'never signed up' or 'fell off the trail' or 'courthouse burned down destorying the documentation' etc etc.
People just don't even seem to know the history like.. when the Trail happened. My great great great grandfather was 2 years old during Removal in 1838, so peoples 'my great grandmother hid in the mountains!' is so clearly wrong. And we have rolls. From before and after removal, rolls done by cherokee nation and others by the government, rolls that were not stored in one random flammable courthouse. It's not difficult to find the actual evidence of ancestry.
And just.. there are lots of ways those family stories get started. It was a practice during the confederacy to claim cherokee ancestry to show one's family had 'deep roots in the south' that they were there before the cherokee were removed. Many people pretended to be cherokee and applied for the Guion-Miller payout just to try to steal money meant for cherokees - 2/3rds of the applicants were denied for having 0 proof of actual cherokee ancestry. [We even see lawyers advertising signing up for the Miller roll just to try to get free money.] And the myth even started in some families in the cherokee land lotteries, where the land stolen from us was raffled off, including the house and everything that was left behind when the cherokees were removed. We have seen people whose families just take these things stolen from the cherokee family and adopt them into their own family story, saying that they were cherokee themselves.
If you had some family story about being cherokee and you wanna have proof one way or the other, check out this Facebook group run by expert cherokee genealogists that do research for free. Just please read the rules fully and respect the researchers. They run thousands of people's ancestries a year and their average is only around 0.7% of lines they run actually end up having true cherokee ancestry.
#and ive heard even dumber origins of the cherokee family myth#such as an ancestor having a silly sounding name so the descendents just go 'oh she mustve been an indian!!!'#i was one of the few people who had my ancestry done on the facebook and had genuine cherokee ancestry#[though i had found it before it was just really validating to get it double checked and i started finding cousins (:]#like. i was told once when i was a kid by my grandma that my dad had cherokee ancestry and i didnt believe her. its wild that so many peopl#will make it a Fixture of their identity [or even just smth they bring up ever] with Zero proof#at least for cherokees from what ive seen its usually considered really disrespectful to claim to have cherokee ancestry without#actually having the documentation [like ancestors on the rolls]#and no a dna test doesnt count. nor does 'my dad is Clearly not white!' or 'high cheekbones' or old family photos or anything#i had this discussion with someone recently whose dad had been calling himself 3/4 native but didnt know exactly what nation ???? hello?#and its like... sorry but ur dad is like. italian lol.#[and blood quantum is bullshit anyway im tired of the 'im 1/16 cherokee' comments its dumb#cherokee nation does not have a blood quantum requirement. its pointless bringing it up in the discussion of who is or isnt cherokee]#also mandatory disclaimer that im reconnecting. i didnt grow up connected to the culture of even knowing my ancestry#this is all from my looking into this stuff over the past year or so. i cant claim to be an authority over anything regarding this#this is p much all my repeating things ive heard said by people who know a lot more than i do haha#man. and this isnt even starting to get into the fake tribe stuff. the only legit cherokee groups are the 3 federally recognized bands#cherokee nation of oklahoma. united keetoowah band. and the eastern band of cherokee indians.#any others that are state recognized or not at all arent acknowledged as legitimate by any of the legit cherokee groups#anyway. my final message goodb.ye#cherokee#tsalagi
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numinously-yours · 2 months
Pick a Card: Messages from an Ancestor
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I'm back with a free reading! The most popular vote on my latest poll was messages from an ancestor. I have four groups for you to choose from. Each group has it's own message from your ancestor, as well as information about 1) who they are 2) what they want you to know and 3) advice they want to give you.
If this reading resonates, let me know in a like, reblog or tag! I also have $1 and $5 tipping options on my etsy: Leave a tip
CW: Pile 4 does talk about the passing of a young relative (not many details, but it felt a little heavy to write and it felt like the right call to let you know)
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Who is this ancestor?: Seven of Coins
This card is feminine energy. For some reason, I really am getting single, aunt vibes lol I think this person is passed on, perhaps a few generations ago. People around them at the time may have thought this person’s way of living was going against the grain. This person may have been judged for not taking the traditional “courtship, marriage, kids” route in life. But, they flourished in what they did do. They enjoyed being solitary and taking care of things around them. They could have been a caregiver for a family member or they had animals and plants that they considered their babies.
What do they want you to know?: Two of Swords rev.
This card really fits the idea of feminine energy and going against the grain. I think this particular ancestor is coming around to remind you to listen to your intuition and take care of yourself. You might be feeling stuck right now. You want to please everyone but, no matter what decision(s) you make, you feel like someone is going to be let down. As someone who took their life into their own hands, this ancestor wants you to know that it IS possible to succeed and flourish when you choose yourself.
What advice do they have?: The Moon rev.
Their advice to you is to liberate yourself from fears and anxieties about making the “wrong” choices. You know that you know the right answer and it’s taking that plunge that is the hardest thing. Once you do, though, the weight off of your shoulder is going to lift and you’re going to feel so much lighter. If you are feeling like you don’t know the answer, take some time to meditate or use divination tools (tarot, oracle cards, etc.)
What message do they want to leave you with?: The Star rev. & Ten of Swords rev.
“Trusting yourself will lead you to revitalization”
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Pile two: first I wanted to note that during your reading, I was listening to ambience music. The song that was playing as I started to shuffle was called Ellis Island which I thought was neat! If you aren’t familiar with Ellis Island, it was the business center for immigrating into the United States from 1892 through 1954. Many people’s ancestors came to the US through Ellis Island which makes it quite perfect for an ancestorial reading 😊
Who is this ancestor?: Ten of Cups
For this, there is a father figure coming through. The ten of cups is about the contentment surrounding relationships and family. My first thought was “a person who created the family line”. This could be a father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc. Based on the song above, it could be the grandfather-figure that first came to your current country (US or not).
What do they want you to know?: King of Pentacles
I really think this ancestor is here to tell you how proud they are of you. They see the hard work and dedication you put into your goals. They see the power that you wield in your everyday life. They really think you’re doing awesome and know that you have nothing but success ahead of you.
What advice do they have?: Five of Pentacles & Three of Wands rev.
Don’t let your lack of resources slow you down. Of course, you need resources to move forward with some tasks, but there is still progress possible without money or other tangible resources. You don’t have to go too far out of your comfort zone, but they want to remind you that you are smart enough to take “safe” chances. You’ll know in your gut if a particular situation will put you behind in a negative way or if it will help you take baby steps. Baby steps are still progress!
What message do they want to leave you with?: The Hanged (Wo)man – this deck uses the hanged woman for the hanged man card*
“New perspectives create new opportunities”
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Who is this ancestor?: Queen of Coins
This ancestor is likely a maternal one – a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, etc. This person was likely a single parent for most of their family’s life. Either the spouse passed away or they left early on. This person worked their butt off to provide for their family. They tried very hard to leave work at work so that they could enjoy their time away from work and focus on their children. From an outsider’s perspective, your ancestor seemed to pull this off without a hitch.
What do they want you to know?: Justice rev. & Page of Wands
It feels like this ancestor wants to explain why you had to absorb generational trauma from their offspring (your parent or your grandparent who passed it onto your parent). I think that you are trying to break some cycles. This ancestor knows you were dealt a hard hand with the parents/guardians you got. They love their child(ren) but know they can be stubborn, unkind, and ignorant. They want you to know that they really did try their hardest. Being a single parent was difficult, especially during the years they were around. It was hard providing adequate attention to all the kids all the time. They tried as the kids got older to teach them new lessons, help them understand their mistakes, and help them understand this ancestor’s mistakes, but it feels like it was too late to change. This person also wants you to know that the person in your life that you’re trying to break cycles from tried their best (most of the time). They got tripped up but, overall, they really wanted to make the best life for you. This ancestor hopes you understand and can give grace. But, they also want you to know that they don’t expect blind forgiveness and are not trying to make excuses for anyone’s behavior.  
What advice do they have?: Two of Wands
As you seek to break cycles, move forward, and basically “start over” (aka parent yourself, prep for your own family, etc.) this ancestor wants to advise you to create plans of attack. They are SO proud of you for breaking away from this but want you to be cautious with moving too quickly. Determine what it is you want, then plot out general plans of how to get there. You can absolutely take some spontaneous action as you move forward, but this ancestor wants to make sure, as a whole, you set yourself up to succeed.
What message do they want to leave you with?: Three of Coins
“Use what you have learned from others, good or bad, to propel you”
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Who is this ancestor?: The Fool
The ancestor coming through has young energy. I think they are a child or young adult who has passed on. The reason for their passing may have been from doing something reckless/not being careful enough. They may also be from a place that speaks French. When I picked the deck I used, I didn’t remember that the words were in French until cards started  coming out. It feels like “this tarot deck was meant to be read for this specific pile.”
What do they want you to know?: The Magician
Even though their life was not as long as anyone would have hoped, they had the best time living it. They saw the world as their oyster, and they want you to know the world is YOUR oyster. Life is too short not to move forward with your ideas. It’s too short to spend it doing things you don’t enjoy. Your experience with life up until now has given you so many tools you can use to your advantage to create the best life for yourself. They want you to know that the world is at your fingertips.
What advice do they have?: Strength
They want you to know the difference between a gut reaction and your intuition sending messages. Always check in with your inner voice/intuition when making decisions. Allow your head and your heart to work together. If something feels off, then it’s off. If something feels good, then go for it. This person wants you to enjoy your life and have fun, but they also want you to do it smartly.
What message do they want to leave you with?: Wheel of Fortune
“Life happens, but you’re allowed to control the roads you take along the way.”
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aesethewitch · 11 months
Spirit Work: The Power of Hanging Out
Elaborate rituals, intense meditations, and huge gestures have their places in spirit work. There's value in putting a massive effort into something for the spirits you venerate or work with. And sometimes, you need to do these big things for a particular outcome or as part of your tradition.
I have a bias against big, elaborate rituals for this purpose, though. In my practice, it's just unnecessary. All of the relationships I have and maintain with spirits are, at their cores, friendships. They're not working relationships, they're not worshiper-worshiped relationships, they're not transactional relationships. My spirits are my friends.
So I approach working with them like friendship. I'll light a candle and set a cup of coffee or tea on their altar in the same way I'd offer a friend a cup of tea when they visit. If I'm working on something, I'm accustomed to body doubling as someone with ADHD, and I like to invite my friends to work alongside me. In the same way, I'll invite my spirit friends to participate or just hang around while I work.
Heck, they hang out while I write these posts sometimes!
Not everything in spirit work has to be intense and serious. Yes, you should be respectful -- in the same way that you should be respectful to your neighbors and your friends. And yeah, not all spirits can or should be treated this way.
But I would like to posit the humble power of Hanging Out.
What I Mean By That
Literally. Hanging out.
Whatever you normally do to "call" your spirit(s), do that. My method is lighting a candle of some sort. Sometimes, I'll choose a scented candle if I'm trying to lure a particular spirit to the area, but an unscented taper candle will do just fine.
And then, you hang out. That's it.
If you're watching YouTube, invite the spirit to watch with you. Ask their opinions on what to watch, if you have an easy way to communicate with them. (One of my spirits loves Ghost Hunting TV Shows. He thinks it's hilarious.)
If you're playing a video game, leave space on the couch for the spirit to settle next to you to watch.
Make dinner, chat about your days. Set aside a little plate for them if you want. Eat together.
The Value in Hanging Out
The idea here is that time is valuable​. Time spent with someone else is valuable on its own, even if that time is spent doing little to nothing "productive."
Think about your friends and the people you enjoy spending time with. It isn't always clubs, parties, exploring, hiking, running, traveling, or whatever else you do. Even if that's how you met or your main activity together, there are always casual moments. Easy breakfasts, simple conversations, sleepovers in your PJs, watching movies.
Quality time is powerful. Choosing to spend your time with someone sends a clear message: "I value your presence."
Not everything has to be an elaborate party. Sometimes, all you want is to sit down and hang out.
Why can't it be the same with spirits? The answer is that it can. In my practice, I rarely do anything that elaborate. I'll put extra effort in for special occasions like holidays, but usually, it's a simple act of lighting a candle, saying hello, and then sitting down with the spirit to just hang out.
Not every relationship requires constant, intense focus. Especially if you're looking to befriend​ your spirits, rather than just work with them, the Power of Hanging Out is a valuable asset to keep in mind.
It doesn't have to be every day, either. I have a sort of open, standing invitation for whichever spirits to hang out whenever they like. They're welcome to chill anytime, unless I ask to be left alone. Because of our relationship, they respect that. (Usually -- the only time they don't is if something urgent has come up or they need something.)
I developed the theory of Hanging Out years ago. Spirit work was where I started, and it's always been Home to me. But it's intense sometimes, and a lot of what I was doing was burning me out very, very fast. So I adapted on the fly, as one does, and it ended up working really well.
Now, Hanging Out is my primary method of doing spirit work. Even with spirits I don't know or in new locations, there's value in projecting an aura of "I'm just here to chill. Feel free to talk to me, or don't. It's cool." Spirits, shockingly, respond to that. I end up with a lot of interesting, casual conversations, light taps on the shoulder to let me know I've been acknowledged by something that doesn't want to talk, and various visual anomalies from shy critters in the shadows.
Think of it like slow blinking at a cat or offering the back of your hand to a dog. Approaching respectfully and calmly in a very casual way attracts things that otherwise wouldn't show themselves. The Power of Hanging Out is alluring to even the shyest spirits.
Again, obviously, this won't work for all spirits. Do what works for what you work with. I've found Hanging Out works best with ancestors, house spirits, land spirits, and assorted ghosties over the years. It's not so good with, say, the Good Neighbors. But hey, maybe your experience will differ.
Extra Benefits of Hanging Out
Aside from the relationship benefits of casually sitting and hanging out, there are even more practical benefits. As a side-effect of adapting spirit work in this way to work for me, my senses for spiritual energy shot through the roof.
I've always been pretty sensitive. I'm that weird kid at the next table over in the restaurant who clocked the spirit of your recently-deceased aunt who left you her necklace which you're wearing under your shirt and which I couldn't have possibly seen. But when I started Hanging Out and just existing in a space with spirits, everything sort of... exploded.
It's like recognizing your family's footsteps coming down the hallway. When I stopped trying to force myself to understand and recognize every scrap of energy, it all washed over me instead. And in the Energy Soup, I started to recognize more signs and signals without effort.
This is, in my opinion, the greatest benefit of Hanging Out, even for people who don't do spirit work at all. There's no meditative aspect to it, really (though you can certainly meditate to enhance it, if that's something you do). It's just sitting and being receptive.
I don't think this method will work for everyone. People who have zero sensitivity to spirits may not see any results. But I think it has value even for those people.
At its core, Hanging Out is a mindfulness exercise. If you can't be with spirits, be with yourself. Put the call out to whoever or whatever you work with, venerate, sense -- or things you'd like to get to know better. See what answers.
​Light a candle.
Say, "If you want to come sit with me and watch TV, feel free. I have popcorn."
Hang Out.
If you like my work, consider tossing a tip in my Ko-Fi tip jar! Supporters get extra, early, and exclusive content every week. You can also view this post on Ko-Fi here!
Also, consider throwing a response at my Divination Theory Survey! This is an ongoing research project that needs all the help it can get. Thanks!
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heaven444child · 4 months
Angels Reading ♥️
Message from your ancestors ❤️
Pick an image
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which pile drawn your attention choose it and please take what resonates with you and leave the rest ✨🍀🫶💜
AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile 1
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Pile 1 First of all I am being told that (ruka ja ladki) stop it girl…. It is possible that many of you might be in some bad habits or addictions👾Then your ancestors want to tell you that you should leave these addictions behind and move ahead🦾Your ancestors want to tell you that they know that it is not so easy to get rid of bad habits, but you try, slowly slowly these bad obstacles will soon go out of your life and positivity and blessings will come in your life and you will move towards spiritual growth✨🍀 And if you are again wondering how this will happen, then do not worry about it because I will help you in this🦋 Just make a firm resolve once to fight your addictions💕 then everything will be fine……
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 2
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Pile 2 Your ancestors want to tell you that you should be ready for everything that you have been waiting for till now 🫶❤️ Your ancestors are telling you that you don't need to be afraid at all 🦾 Your current situation might seem a little difficult to you, but your ancestors want to tell you that you are now ready to handle this situation ♥️ You just have to make decisions by balancing your mind and heart 🍀 Whatever stuckness is there in your life, that blockage will now go away, whether that blockage is related to finance or personal life 💕 Now balance will come in your financial situation or personal life too✨💕 Your ancestors want to tell you to stay blessed baby and I love you 🥰
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 3
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Pile 3 If you are seeing 33 or 77 angel numbers, then through these angel numbers your ancestors may want to communicate with you, then try to connect with them and if these days you are feeling pain or something in your feet or hands, then this can be a confirmation for you that this Pile 3 is for you only. Now I will tell you what your ancestors want to tell you that you should take any decision only after talking to your elders or family members. If you want to purchase any property and you are a little confused, then you are asked to talk to your family and take their advice and your ancestors want to tell you that something good is going to come in your life very soon, very soon. My son, be happy and it is possible that an opportunity is about to come in your life.
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Stay blessed ✨🍀 AND thankyou for your support 🫶♥️
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cringefail-clown · 1 year
extremely important question!!! what is alternia kankri's opinion on the leggings?
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somehow its even worse this time around
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gazeofseer · 8 months
What is your role in the world?
'Not everyone is born to war, nor to love but we all are born to live for both at times, but what is the role we play at the backstage ; when we take off the costume and keeping the scripts at the table..a courage to face the mirror and walking out in the street full of people what are you then? Is what today's reading is about, I do readings only if it is channeled so let your intuition guide you well ; )
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Pick a Pile
1.Supporting Character/Audience
'Beautiful eyes keep longing for deep and endearing sights of act, efforts and play..you enjoy watching, observing, you can look at the sky for hours without getting tired, you have a tough job but you do it with so much compassion and professional touch that nothing stays in your mind, the novelty of you lies in the subtle nuances of picking up on details which satisfies your soul, you have always been second in your life, be it rank, position, or in personal life this affected you to become more resilient and follow the lead of someone to give you a better space of stage where at least your seen and being seen, heard, and felt makes you feel enough'
Signs : White clothes especially scarf makes or one scarf which you treasure a lot, seeing strangers crying and tearing, and smiling at them, seeing 6:16, 888 and 11:11
Career for you overall : Film Direction, Photography, Anything that needs minimal attention keeps you sane, manager, designer.
These careers can give you the sense of purpose in life as it is your role nobody can do it like you do.
2. Main Character
'Breathe, easy the world will go on if you rest and go on vacation for months, being at the spot can be heating at times that idea of being answerable to everyone gives you sleep paralysis and sleep talking is what your side effects of burning out results into, you need pause but everyone remembers about work as soon as you arrive even your family comes like 'hey I had to ask did you paid the bills? ' especially when you leave your room and come for fresh air, you feel being consumed all the time you want to shed, shed the way people perceive as it affects you mentally to keep in touch with the real you because there is very rare events to act yourself not any character filling the gaps in others life is like stopping between looking for the perfect mask for today and the kind of people you will meet'
Let me sigh, your future spouse has a message 'Calm down love, I was trying to connect with you when you skipped on your favourite love song, as you were busy I had lost my ear plug cover at my workplace and it was not the best day'
Advice : Leave everything aside and listen to the songs you love and sing your heart out especially when someone talks work sing a song
3.Background Performer/Actor
'Struggling days are the best right? Nobody cares so do you..since you enjoy your two minute shadow appearance and celebrate as if you won an award for it, the cheerful optimism melts the moment everyone leaves, your role begins when you are alone, you act really very well, especially when nobody sees, maybe because you fear the judgement the lights, the shout pressure coming by the action, seeing the main lead being called out in insults walls your dreams under a illusion of having enough and asking for extra even in food makes you feel as if you are begging, guilt, trauma and ignorance seems to follow you'
Messages from Your Guardians : Leave your worries to us, we will ease the agony you carry, leave them to us and move forward we want to see you grow, grow out of yourself.
Signs : You have two opportunities at hand, make decision which has no regret attached, showcase your talent on social media, do not give up, people are noticing you do not leave !
It was very personal I felt, I hope whoever it was meant for has got their messages it can be you if it is, let me know in the comments !
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thesensteawitch · 11 months
Messages From Your Ancestors 🎃🌻💚
🥀Halloween Special
Pick A Pile Reading (Harry Potter Edition 👻⚡)
--------(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)---------
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Hello, Senstea Souls!
This is a magical reading! Those who respect the dead and feel grateful to be alive are welcome to take this reading. 🪄
Pile 1
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Tarot Cards- Judgement, Five of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles, The Empress, Queen of Cups, The Emperor, Nine of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles
Bottom of the deck- Three of Swords
Zodiac signs- Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius
Your House- Gryffindor
Charms- Fairy, Snake, Angel Wing, Pegasus.
Message from Hogwarts
Magic only touches the lives of the people who think out of the box. We love weird wizards. So don't be afraid to bring something new to our door.
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Welcome Pile 1 to the world of ancestors. Apparently, they are all in Hogwarts celebrating Halloween. They are here to give a very special message. They didn't want to visit Hogwarts at first because the idea of it seems nowhere near to the idea of heaven. But they noticed that their following generation is fascinated by the school of wizardry. Sometimes guardians have no choice but to enter into the world of their children. And sometimes they even find it fun. This Halloween your ancestors are asking you to believe in the power of words but do not let illusions or narratives fool you. Try finding the truth with the help of words. They see your thoughts piercing your soul. You have such a sharp mind and such sharpness must be dealt with caution. Keep your hands stable while writing your story. They are telling you that you are brave but don't fool yourself into thinking that bravery is only needed to overcome the challenges. Bravery is also needed to have fun and be playful. You are so fascinated by fantasy. They want you to know that go there and enjoy by all means but don't forget where you belong. Don't forget the real world where you are sent to perform actions, where you are supposed to write your story. Don't forget to come back to the reality. Fantasy is beautiful so take inspiration from it. Manifest enchanting things in your reality. Pile 1 I clearly see that you are creating something, bringing more life into this world. But sometimes it feels too exhausting for you to believe that you are even going to reach your destination. But your ancestors are telling you not to lose hope. You are about to find your answer. You are about to find the hope you've been looking for. But you must not let your inner spark die because only that can take you to your desired places. Very soon you're going to be so blessed pile 1. Abundance is soon to be found. Your cards are so favorable and beautiful. Love, finances, victory, creation everything is coming your way. Just don't be too rigid or serious. Enjoy the flow of life with all its ups and downs. You're soon going to hit your luck! Your ancestors are supporting you and are warning you to not let melancholy dim the light of your joyous heart. You need to change the way you look at the world and the world you look at will change. Your ancestors have a very clear message which says that fulfillment is just around the corner. Do not worry at all. You're soon going to find your home. You just need to click a button in your life that will bring inspiration and spiritual flight. Take care of your health and have faith in your plans. You're about to get showered with so many beautiful blessings. You are going to bear the fruits of your hard work. Much love to you, pile 1.
Book your Halloween Reading only at $10. Click ‘here’ to land on the order form. You can drop a message in my inbox in case of any questions.
Pile 2
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Tarot cards- The Hanged Man, The World, Three of Pentacles, Seven Pentacles, Page of Wands, Eight of Swords, Ace of Cups, Two of Wands
Bottom of the deck- The Magician
Zodiac signs- Aries, Sagittarius, Cancer, Leo
Your House- Slytherin
Charms- Squirrel, Pegasus, Angel Wing, Key
Message from Hogwarts
Do not block the messages we have been sending you. You're being invited to claim your power.
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My dear pile 2 your ancestors have been communicating to you through synchronosities/angel numbers. They are telling you that there is a way out of the situation you think you are stuck in. They have been asking you to come out of the limbo phase. It's like you've tied yourself down within the cage of your thoughts. They have been warning you about someone or something for a very long time. Your ancestors also want you to know that this Halloween they are hosting the party at Hogwarts. And in the middle of all managing all the things they found some time for you to reach out to you. This means that they want you to come out of your comfort zone. They can't see you in pain. They aren't asking you to exhaust yourself in the pursuit of productivity. They want you to have fun too! They are saying that you have a long way to go and are you are giving up so soon. They don't want you to sacrifice to the extent that you lose sight of your destiny and life. You overdoing some things in your life. They are asking you to find balance. Do you remember the golden egg in Harry Potter? The same card came in your reading too. There's a truth that you are not seeing. You need to open your heart to get access to this golden egg and finally hear the beautiful truth that will put you out of the loop you're currently in. Only in the quiet, you can listen to the voice of the divine mother. Spend time near water, it will bring answers to you. Your ancestors are asking you to get comfortable with vulnerability. Tears and heavy chests will bring the weighing answers. The illusion will be washed away from your sight and soon you will see the truth if you allow yourself to get comfortable with some difficult questions. You have the key to get out of this situation. Don't think you're alone. Nothing in your life is a coincidence. There's a divine intervention happening in your life. There's a book they are asking you to read. And I sense it's regarding the situation you are going through. Your ancestors want you to know that your mind has great capabilities. It can manifest things so easily. Use it for your benefit. You are fooling yourself by thinking that you are being patient. It's not patience it's resistance. Perhaps you think that you are not ready yet and that's why you're not seeing any results either. Focus on the solution and not the problem. You will find your way out. You don't need anyone else to complete you. You are a whole person. God bless you, pile 2. May you find your way out of this tough situation!
Book your Halloween Reading only at $10. Click ‘here’ to land on the order form. You can drop a message in my inbox in case of any questions.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards- Eight of Wands, The Emperor, The High Priestess, Six of Wands, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Knight of Swords, Temperance
Bottom of the deck- Seven of Cups
Zodiac Signs- Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces
Your House- Ravenclaw
Charms- Musical note, Dolphin, Eye, Lock
Message from Hogwarts
We want to see what lies at the core of your heart before your marksheets and degrees. We know your speed so we hope that it will take no time for you to walk in with an open heart and quiet mind.
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Your ancestors are quite confused about what to take to the Halloween party at Hogwarts. They have heard a lot about Hogwarts so they don't know what precious gift would fit for such a place. It's their first time attending a Halloween party. But they are trying their best to keep their calm. And in the midst of all this, they are here to convey a message. Your life may be moving too fast lately and you may be asked to make a quick decision. You impulsively may have made a few mistakes too. They want you to take your life like a musical note. No matter how fast or slow the music is, if you resist it you will never be able to flow with it. Dance with the song of life. They are asking you to not take things so seriously. They know that you have a future ahead and it's life we are talking about so how can you not be serious, right? Wrong! That's the point. It's just life it'll be over before you know it. Recall how you started things. With passion and hope. Be a bit naive there's nothing wrong with that. We are all a student in the school of life. You must enjoy it a little. Give gifts this Halloween. Balance your emotions. Life is a mix of pleasant and unpleasant moments. Your ancestors are saying that you're so smart they don't even need to tell you this. After all, you belong to the Ravenclaw house. It's good that you have things planned out but don't let your life be so insignificant to be designed on a sheet of paper. I also see that you are either too emotional at times or too rational. And when you are put off balance you choose to become rigid and like an old man who doesn't smile. Emotions confuse you and you sometimes try to escape them. Thoughts challenge you but being too much in your head makes you lose your wit. It seems that you have your life in balance but you don't. Your logic comes in the way of your intuition. The war between your logic and intuition has left you confused and tired. But your ancestors are giving a wink and asking you to fool your thoughts. Do things with your heart. Trick your mind and treat your heart. Don't let your mind steal the joy out of your life. Use your intellect where it's needed. In the matters of love use your heart. You are singing the wrong note. You are not letting the world see your playful spirit. I hope you find your balance, pile 3. Sending you love and light.
Book your Halloween Reading only at $10. Click ‘here’ to land on the order form. You can drop a message in my inbox in case of any questions.
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asanee44 · 4 months
🧙🏾‍♀️Your Enemies have PLANS, But Your Ancestors SEE ALL 👀 PICK A CARD 🃏 💫Timeless Tarot Reading
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cooki3face · 6 months
Large spiritual goddesses and deities of significance right now: ISIS, Hecate, Lilith, and some Orishas like Osun especially that might be specific for you based on your lineage or ethnic background. That one falls into resonance with me as well, I know I have some ethnic ties to Nigeria but I’m uneducated about orishas or Nigerian culture and spirituality unfortunately, but anyways, ancestors and powerful divine feminine deities are calling!
If you’re a divine feminine being they want all your power where your power belongs in the palm of your hand, do not give it away any longer I just heard.
There’s heavy energetic and social transition within the divine feminine and divine masculine collective, I touched briefly a long time ago about the divine feminine collective awakening and divine masculines followed close behind some time after that. But those who are being left behind are acting up and I mentioned that already and that is apparent right now, stand your ground on your boundaries and what you want moving forward especially you divine feminines. The world was not always like this, this is a world that’s kept turning spiritually and energetically by the divine feminine herself and our societies used to mirror that. Pull that energy into fruition moving forward.
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corvidaedream · 4 months
a woman and her daughter were on my tour who were descendants of one of my favorite guys involved in the boston tea party (partly bc i find him and his catastrophic marriage fascinating and partly bc he's portrayed by a man i consider a good friend) and said she didnt know much more about him than the name
and i got to tell her about his elopement, and who his closest friends were and i wish i'd had more time to talk to her further but i got her the contact info for our research dept
but she got a little emotional when i was talking about him as a young man with friends who went to parties by the river and made his best friend his best man at his wedding, and i got the sense she'd never thought of him like that before
and idk man thats what its all about to me. im sure when she gets in contact with nick, she'll get more substantial biographical stuff, but it felt really nice to turn an old name into a normal 23-year-old for this woman
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iamwinklebottom · 2 months
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“I spoke with Mother Water and she said there’s a time to be selfless and a time to be selfish. She said when opportunities come, pick wisely and to love yourself while making these divine decisions. She said there’s a lot that you know and there’s more to know. More knowledge is always on the horizon. Pay attention to days and nights.”
This is a channeled art piece that I finished quite a while ago, knowing I was channeling water, but not knowing I was channeling a specific aspect of it.
What’s callin out to you the most: shapes, colors, patterns?
I’m grateful for my connectivity and as I become more connected, my connectivity is grateful for me.
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divinelykylei · 5 days
Pick-a-Picture Bibliomancy Messages on Belonging
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Book: This Here Flesh by Cole Arthur Riley
If you'd like to book a personal reading, message me, go to my twitter: ruledbymercuryy (same day reading special going on), or go to my ko-fi: divinelykylei
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