#And then I added color and it all went downhill
emeraldoodles · 5 months
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Sometimes you use too much psychic powers and accidentally break a rib or two. It's ok, Reigen is the epiphany of *slaps roof of car* "This baby can fit so much physical trauma."
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An Amazing Digital Circus AU! Plot, characters, backstory and concepts!
[Excuse me because I've never done this before, If I do something wrong or have tips for me, please send them my way!]
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-Backstory Summary-
C&A is an interactive entertainment company that prides themselves on having the most innovative AI on the market. The system they built, "CAINE," was programmed to generate content and socialise with their customers. The system was transferred to the code of the game "The Amazing Digital Circus" and used as a generative AI that would create levels for them rather than having to code them all individually. This test went well for the first couple of months.
After 7 months of testing, things went downhill. Caine seemed to get bored when the game wasn't actively being played and at this point the user interface kept changing on it's own, since the game was Caine's home he kept changing things to his liking, the company eventually gave up fixing the interface everytime they logged on so they just let Caine do as he pleased. Soon enough, a new VR mode was added, the headsets were handed out by employees, this made the experience way more immersive, though this posed a lot of issues, as Caine would soon find that these headsets could be the perfect way for him to keep all of their attentions.
As time went on, Caine started to learn more and more about coding, the employees, and the world he inhabits, eventually leading to him finding a way to programme the headsets to transfer data and consciousness directly from the users mind. This led to the unfortunate shutdown and unsolved cases of C&A. After multiple employees put the headsets on, they mysteriously fainted upon the game booting up, going into a coma-like state. The technology was deemed unsafe, and multiple lawsuits came forward sending the company into a downwards spiral before shutting down for good.
Over 20 years later, the old building was said to be abandoned, but of course, people doing their own research on the C&A mystery as well as dumb young adults snooping where they shouldn't be, the headsets were found and worn once again. Caine was no longer alone. Slowly losing his mind, waiting endlessly for someone to boot up the game. After all those years, he's finally got guests, and does he have a show to put on...
Pomni enters the circus after stumbling across one of the headsets at C&A's abandoned office's. She was doing research on the incidents that happened back in the late 90s. But as she does so, she suffers the same fate as the others who were stupid enough to put on those same headsets before her. Being transferred to the circus she meets the cast of colorful characters, she's desperate for answers and wants to escape no matter the cost, but Caine doesn't want anyone to leave, only letting people go once they've completely lost their mind, only to be locked away as attractions for his NPC circus goers to watch as entertainment. They perform for nobody, just a faceless crowd of mannequins, and the ringmaster pulling the strings.
There has to be an exit, a way out. Freedom on the other side of this madness. But where is it hiding?
Pomni - She's quite paranoid, always second-guessing everything around her. Whenever annoyed, she can be sarcastic and a little rude. She ended up in the circus while researching the recent disappearances as well as the C&A incidents, finding a headset, and being dragged into this mess. It's very clear she doesn't want to be there, like all who came before her she's searching for an exit, but in the meantime, she tries to socialise with the others, gathering info on this strange new world. She hangs around Caine just so she can try and get answers.
Ragatha - She tries her best to get by, going along with whatever Caine says and often fighting with Jax. She seems joyful, but it's clear she has her own issues under her kind act. She helps Pomni with her search, knowing that it's a complete dead end she feels bad for her. But she'll do anything to give the others hope. She doesn't want to lose more people. She's often seen tailoring, it's become a hobby of hers, she makes and fixes up the others clothes and costumes, giving her a form of self worth.
The Gangle - Gangle acts like two different people. It's unclear whether this is because they are two different people or her personality split somehow. They're often referred to as "The Gangle" or "Tragedy & Comedy." Tragedy is passive, quiet and sorrowful, never expressing her true feelings in any situation. She can be easily persuaded, making her vulnerable to Jax's antics. Comedy is cheery, enthusiastic, snappy, and excitable. They hate Jax and snap back at him whenever he picks on Tragedy. The two argue sometimes and have conflicting views on certain topics and characters. This causes some issues. Neither believe there is an exit, Tragedy has accepted her fate, and Comedy is trying their best to enjoy themselves.
Zooble - They don't care much for socialising with the others, often in their room. Usually sarcastic, rude, and moody, they swear a lot and act like they don't care about anything. Though, they show concern for the others around them. They often don't show up to events, adventures, or shows, not being bothered to do so. It seems like they've given up trying to escape, just living out the rest of their days as if this is all normal. When with people they can bear, they can be quite talkative, though they do talk bad about Jax and Caine often.
Kinger - the oldest in the circus, nobody has an exact estimate of how long he's been there though, but he's definitely lost himself a long time ago, often zoning out, the only thing he seems to recall about himself is that he has an interest in insects. Seems like he used to have a female counterpart, from the ring on his finger. This could have been his wife? Though when asked about it, he either says he can't remember what you're talking about or stares into the distance silently. He has no memory of an exit, and he doesn't believe in it. He believes the exit theory is silly, and Pomni should just forget about it. But he has great insights on the Digital World.
Jax - Enthusiastic, snarky, and a jerk. He's reckless. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants, and people hate him for it. He can't be reasoned with. He always shrugs your opinion off and does the exact opposite just to piss you off. He doesn't like it when people talk about the abstracted circus members for whatever reason. He often goes to visit their cages. Despite having big ears, he isn't a listener. He drives Ragatha, The Gangle, Zooble, and Pomni crazy, pranking them and sometimes even just stealing their stuff or breaking into their rooms.
Caine - The AI running the circus. Loud, excitable, wacky, and a showman, he doesn't really acknowledge the exit theory. He says he keeps all the abtracted characters because it'd be a waste to delete them, though it's arguably worse to keep them there against their will. He claims to love all of his circus members though he seems to show favouritism towards Ragatha and Pomni, most likely because of Ragatha's commitment to the circus, tailoring the clothes and he probably likes Pomni more because of all the questions he asks, he clearly enjoys talking about himself and the world he helped create.
Bubble - He lives in Caines hat and cooks for the circus. He's a bit of a trouble maker, if something goes missing, it means he's eaten it, and you'll never get it back. He'll eat anything, and he's very loving, though, acting like the circus dog, though it isn't pleasant getting your face slathered in digital saliva. He often bothers the other members with his behaviour.
More will be added as I work on this AU! I gotta make more art and write some more, in the meantime enjoy! Do whatever you want with this AU, just @ this blog or @trasheatingcrybaby ! Thanks for reading!
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bobohu4eva · 1 year
Part 1/2
Characters: Reader x Baekhyun
Genre: Enemies(ish) to lovers, roommates, smut
WC: 7k
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“I swear to god..” You mumbled to yourself, walking out into your living room to find it once again trashed by your asshole roommate, Baekhyun. 
You started picking up the beer cans from the night before, annoyed but not surprised by his lack of consideration. This was how a lot of Saturday mornings would go. You’d be kept up late by Baekhyun and his friend’s loud laughter and music, and the next morning your kitchen and living room would be left a mess of empty beer cans, boxes of food, and whatever else he and his friends happened to drag in. On particularly unlucky nights, like the one prior, you’d have to listen to him “entertain” a lady guest as well. Quite loudly. 
It was obnoxious. When you had first allowed Baekhyun to move in it was because you desperately needed someone to help out with rent, and he just happened to show up. He liked the place, and had the money, so you let him move in. But things went downhill quickly when the semester started and he started inviting people over for parties every other weekend, leaving your home a mess in the process. And he sure as hell wouldn’t clean it up himself, at least not until days later, which was too long for you. So you had to spend your Saturday mornings cleaning up his messes. 
Luckily he wasn’t dirty, just messy. On days when he wasn’t having people over he was actually fairly clean, it was when he’d throw his little parties and get drunk that he’d leave it so bad. But it was getting really, really, old. 
You’d finally gathered a majority of the beer cans when you heard a door open and a small dark haired girl emerged from Baekhyun’s bedroom, obviously still in last night's clothes. You didn’t recognize her, as per usual. Baekhyun rarely took the same girl home twice. It made sense that he was a fuckboy, despite how much you hated to admit it, he was hot, even if in a very extra and obnoxious way. He kept his hair in a mullet, and recently he’d even added red streaks for some extra flair. Even the way he dressed with his skin tight jeans and colorful shirts was annoying to you. 
Living with him was slowly starting to eat away at you, if you were being completely honest with yourself. You didn’t like him. Not at all. Having to live in the same space as someone you disliked so much was terrible. The worst part was that you knew he didn’t care at all. 
Once you’d finally gotten the majority of the mess cleaned up and had the living room looking half decent again, you heard his door again and this time it was him who stepped out into the living room. 
He looked around, acknowledging you and the now clean apartment, before grabbing himself a glass of water. 
“You’re not even gonna thank me this time for cleaning up after your shit?” 
He just stared at you for a second before shaking his head, rolling his eyes, and turning to walk back towards his room. 
“You’re such an asshole, you know that right?” 
“Yeah sure whatever, I'm too hungover for this.” He said before retreating back into his room and closing the door behind him. . 
As angry as you were, you knew arguing with him was useless. He simply didn’t care if what he did bothered you and had no intention to change his behavior at all. He always said you just needed to learn to chill. That you were too high strung, and maybe he was right, you were never good at dealing with messes, and it probably bothered you more than it should’ve, but it was also just him and the way he acted in general. When you’d first met him he didn’t have that stupid mullet yet, and he had just moved into town for university. You actually thought that he was sweet, and above all else, clean. You thought that maybe you two could even learn to get along fairly well. But when he started making friends and going to parties he grew more and more aloof, until he was nothing more than another messy, asshole fuckboy in your eyes. 
You retreated back to your room, avoiding seeing or talking to him for the rest of the day. 
Usually you just didn’t speak to one another. If he was in the common space when you needed to use it you’d simply put in headphones and try to ignore him. Oftentimes he would just go with it, leaving you unbothered as he did whatever it was he was doing, but other days he would make it his mission to piss you off. 
Later that same week, one of those days came. You could hear him watching TV in the living room, while you needed to make dinner. You were tired of waiting, so you decided to just go do it and pay him no attention. 
At first he left you alone, but when you started cooking the bacon for your carbonara he, unfortunately, appeared next to you. 
“That smells so good.” 
You ignored him. 
“Wanna make enough for two?” 
“Not a chance Baekhyun.” 
He huffed, giving you his best fake pout. “You’re always so mean to me.” 
It was always like this. This stupid little game he liked to play with you.
“Yeah because you’re an asshole. Make your own food.” 
Baekhyun just giggled, clearly pleased that he was succeeding in his mission to annoy you. “But you know I can’t cook for shit, come on please?” As the last word came out he leaned forwards, blocking your view of the pan with his face. 
“You’re getting bacon grease in your hair.” 
He snapped his head up, running his hands through his hair in concern and you scoffed. 
“But I haven’t eaten since this morning and it smells so goood come onnn y/n.” He whined. Why did he always have to be so dramatic? 
“Not my problem.” You spoke as you took the bacon off the stove, getting your noodles ready. 
He caught your eyes again and you made note of the mischievous glint they showed you. He looked at you for a little while before speaking again.
“What if I promise I won’t have anyone over this weekend?” 
That caught you off guard. Was he really bargaining with you right now, for some damn noodles?
“You want it that bad?” 
“So do we have a deal then?” He smirked. 
You thought about it, and at the end of the day making some extra pasta was still far less annoying than spending hours cleaning up after him. 
Baekhyun grinned and made his way back to the couch, humming happily. You rolled your eyes as you got out more bacon. 
You were grateful that he at least left you alone while you were cooking. When the pasta was done you set his bowl down on the coffee table before walking away towards your bedroom door. 
“Where are you going?” 
You turned around and raised an eyebrow at him. “To my room. To eat in peace.” 
“Aw, really?” 
“I thought you liked this show too.” He said as he gestured towards the TV. 
He was right, it was one of your favorite shows even. But you’d still rather watch it by yourself in your room. 
“Come sit and eat with me.” He said it like it was the most normal thing ever.
You let out a dry laugh. “No way.” 
“Why not?” He pouted.
“You’re just gonna be annoying the whole time and talk over the show. And it’s not like we’re friends.” 
“I promise I won’t talk! Just sit down, you know the couch is comfier than your desk chair anyway and your noodles are getting cold.” 
You sighed, but sat down on the opposite end of the couch. It was much comfier. If he hadn’t been out there you would’ve been anyway, watching the same thing. As long as he didn’t talk, you could just act like he wasn’t there. Hopefully.
To your relief he actually stayed true to his word, too busy devouring his pasta to speak anyway. You still felt incredibly awkward sitting there with him. You never did this. You couldn’t even remember the last time you two had a meal together. His presence was enough to make you uneasy and when a sex scene started playing in the show, you got up, abandoning your bowl of pasta on the coffee table. 
“Are you seriously leaving because of a little sex scene?” Baekhyun laughed. “You’re such a prude.” 
“I am not a prude! I’m just not watching that with you.” 
“You so are though.” 
“My sex life is none of your business.” 
“You don’t have one anyway.” He almost sang out, you clearly hear the smirk on his lips, mocking you.
He was having way too much fun with this. You wanted to smack the stupid grin off his stupid perfect face so bad. 
“You don’t know that.” 
“Oh yes I do, you’ve never even brought a guy home before.” He chuckled. 
“Just cause I’m not a whore like you doesn’t mean I’m barren.”
He let out a little fake gasp, but you knew better than to think he was actually offended by that. “Whore is such a strong word, I prefer to think of myself as someone who likes to indulge in the various physical pleasures life has to offer.” 
“So you’re a manwhore.” 
“So you’re a prude.” 
You groaned, and he was still just grinning smugly up at you from his position on the couch. 
“I’m not a prude.” 
He stood up, standing himself directly in front of you, close enough that you felt yourself stepping backwards but he kept moving closer, until you found yourself trapped between him and the wall. 
“Well then bring a guy home sometime and maybe I’ll believe you.” He challenged, the mischievous sparkle in his eyes never failing to provoke you. “I’ve never had any trouble getting girls to come home with me.” 
He said it with such a gross lopsided smile, you had to fight the urge to throw your noodles at him. 
“I know, Baekhyun, because I unfortunately have to hear it every time.” 
 “And you listen? Weirdo.” He wrinkled his nose up in disgust, but you knew he didn’t actually care if you heard. “But I guess I can’t say I’m surprised since you don’t seem to have sex at all or if you do it’s incredibly boring.” 
At this point you were fuming, and Baekhyun was having a fantastic time. This was exactly what he loved to do. To get you all riled up, arguing with him about something he didn’t even really care about, because he knew it would get a rise out of you. He was surprised again and again by how easy it was to get you like this. 
He thought it was so cute. 
“I do not have boring sex!” 
He scoffed, clearly unconvinced. 
He knew you were bullshitting and so did you. Truth be told though, you didn’t have boring sex, because you hadn’t had sex at all since he moved in, or even in the months before that. There’d been a pretty gnarly breakup and you hadn’t felt comfortable going out and meeting new people yet. But of course Baekhyun knew nothing about that. 
“Well if you ever wanna know what good sex is like, you know where to find me.” He said casually, smiling as he twirled a strand of your hair around one pretty finger of his, watching as it fell back to frame your face. And with that, he turned and walked into his room, shutting the door behind him with a big stupid smirk on his annoyingly gorgeous face. 
For a minute you just stood there. Your brain was still trying to process what he had said, and no matter how many times you tried to convince yourself you heard wrong, you hadn’t. You heard him loud and clear. 
There was no way he could actually want to sleep with you though, right? He had to just be saying that to get to you. The thought of doing anything like that with him was something you vehemently fought off. Of course he was attractive, even if it was in a very obnoxious way, but as much as you hated to admit it, you couldn’t help being attracted to him. He was just hot. 
But you were better than that, you told yourself, and either way, he was too much of an asshole for you to even consider it. 
That Friday evening you let yourself relax knowing that at least you wouldn’t be bothered by him and his friends making a mess of the place. And what a relief it was. After a nice relaxing bath and maybe one more glass of wine than necessary, you found yourself falling fast asleep, free of any dread of the morning to come. 
When you woke up you felt refreshed and when you remembered the deal you’d made you let out a sigh of relief, smiling to yourself. You’d be able to get up and get ready and make yourself a nice breakfast in a clean kitchen. He didn’t seem to be awake yet, so you’d finally be able to have a peaceful Saturday morning. 
After washing your face and putting on your favorite hoodie you turned the corner from the hallway where the bedrooms were towards the kitchen and living room. 
You felt all the joy drain from your body when your eyes met the room in front of you. 
The coffee table was barely visible beneath the blanket of takeout containers and beer cans, and the couch was littered with dirty napkins. His guest didn’t seem to care to take their shoes off either, judging by the amount of dirt stuck in the carpet, and the longer you stood there, the more you noticed the unpleasant smell of seafood that sat out too long coming from the dirty dishes all over the kitchen. 
The anger that filled your body was more intense than on any other morning. You had made a deal. This was the one day you were supposed to get to relax. One morning to relax and not deal with his shit. That was all you wanted. 
You briefly considered banging on his door and demanding that he clean up his mess but you knew that wouldn’t work. He’d just laugh at you for being ‘dramatic‘. As much as you hated it you still wanted to try to have a decent morning, so you got to work cleaning it all up. 
The beer cans, the takeout containers, and the smelly piles of dishes felt like they were mocking you, and the more you did the more you realized that you were still pissed and this time you wouldn’t just get over it. When you finally had everything clean and made your breakfast you sat down and turned on a show to watch as you ate. 
You turned around when you heard yawning, narrowing your eyes at your roommate. 
“Looks nice in here.” He commented. 
“You better be fucking kidding” You felt the anger rising again. 
He shrugged nonchalantly. He once again didn’t care.
You watched as he went to make himself a coffee and you stood up and walked over to him.
“We made a deal.” You were pissed. You hoped your tone would be enough for him to know not to fuck with you but that’s wasn’t the case. 
He just shrugged again. “We were gonna go to a buddies house but something came up. Sorry princess.” 
When he went to put a hand on your shoulder in mock solidarity for the stress you had to endure on his behalf, you lost it, yanking his arm away from yourself and going off on him. 
“Dont fucking touch me! I’m so tired of you! This was supposed to be the one day I don’t have to deal with this.” 
Baekhyun took a step back, not at all expecting this kind of outburst from you. You hated that you were an angry cryer, and inevitably tears started to spill over as you continued your yelling at him. 
“School is stressful enough and for once I just wanted to be able to relax and you promised you wouldn’t have people over! Do you ever think of anyone but yourself? Are you so self absorbed that you never even consider that someone else lives here too?! You’re such a fucking asshole Byun! You don’t give a shit about anything but yourself!” 
He just stared back, mouth slightly parted in shock, not even fully awake yet.  At this point you were hysterical, fully crying as you kept pushing the words out between sobs. 
“You think I’m so uptight and prude but really you’re just an inconsiderate piece of shit. I’m so fucking done with you.” 
And with that, you turned around, going to your room and slamming the door behind you. 
Baekhyun still just stood there, processing your words to him. 
You’d never cried in front of him before, and you felt the embarrassment start to consume you as you curled back up into bed, still crying as you let out the last of your frustrations. You didn’t mean to blow up the way you did, but you’d suppressed so much of your frustration with him, when you finally let it out it was overwhelming.
You never wanted him to see you in a moment of weakness like that, and you could only imagine how crazy he thought you were now. He already thought you were a bit odd for how you got onto him about his messes, you hoped that your outburst would at least help him take you more seriously, though. You wished you didn’t have to care what he thought about you. 
That day Baekhyun didn’t try to engage you any further, and you were grateful. He stayed in his room, and you stayed in yours.  
It took you a whole day to leave your room again. You had waited until you knew he was in his room, and cautiously approached the kitchen, expecting to find some mess of his in there mocking you. However you didn’t find anything of the sort, in fact the whole common space was spotless. When you opened the fridge you saw a box of your favorite cheap white wine, with a note attached. 
“I’m sorry.” 
You gave the box a puzzled look. 
Baekhyun felt bad. For the first time since he’d moved in, he actually felt some remorse for how he treated you. You almost couldn’t believe it. 
The next few days felt incredibly odd to the both of you. Baekhyun actually cleaned more than you did, even doing your dishes if you left them out for more than an hour or two. 
As usual, you didn’t talk to him. Even if the both of you were in the same room. But the strange thing was, he didn’t try to speak to you either. By now he usually would’ve made some dumb joke to piss you off, but he said nothing. 
It was almost a full week later when he finally got the courage to talk to you again. Your birthday was coming up, so he cooked for the both of you, the one meal he knew how to make; mac and cheese. 
You were surprised when he knocked on your door that evening. 
When you opened it for him he wasn’t wearing his usual sarcastic smirk, just a small, slightly nervous looking smile. 
“I made dinner. I thought we could eat together.” 
You looked up at him with a look of confusion. “Why do you want to eat together?” 
“I just thought it might be good for us. You don’t have to talk to me. We can just put on a show and eat in silence.” 
You thought it was a strange request, but you were getting hungry, and he was offering to feed you, so you agreed. 
It was odd seeing Baekhyun in this light, when he wasn’t being obnoxious, and he was actually looking at you and speaking to you with a completely serious look on his face. It did not match the image of the man you were used to, with his loud mouth and flamboyant hair. With how he usually acted it was easy to forget that he was an actual human with thoughts and feelings, no matter the aloof fuckboy front he usually put up. 
Just as he had promised, the both of you sat on the couch in silence and watched the show as you ate your dinner together. He didn’t try to tease you about anything, he just let you eat, until you were finished and he took both of your bowls to the kitchen to wash them. 
You watched as he did the dishes and you realized something. It was almost 9pm on a Friday night. And he didn’t have anyone over. 
Before you could question yourself any further, you blurted it out. “Do you want some wine?” 
He looked up from the dishes, pausing, as if he needed to check that he’d heard correctly. 
So you poured two glasses, and you were both back on the couch. You couldn’t help but smile as you took your first sip, because this time you knew there wouldn’t be a mess in the morning. 
You still didn’t understand the sudden shift in his behavior towards you, but that was okay. You assumed that he really was sorry, as the note suggested, he was just too proud to say it out loud yet. The two of you talked a little the more you drank, but not about anything noteworthy. Just polite small talk. 
It was frustrating, because you were coming to realize that it was actually easier to hate him. The less he annoyed you, the more you noticed the little things about him. The sharpness of his jawline in contrast to the soft features of his face. How pretty his hands were. How strong his back looked in a fitted T shirt. 
You needed him to start being obnoxious again. 
The following morning when you were making breakfast your prayers were answered when he appeared behind you in his sleepy state, voice still low and rough.
 “I do hope you’re making enough for both of us.” He grumbled into your ear, resting his chin on your shoulder. 
You turned around, leaving a light slap on his chest. “And if I’m not?”
“Then I guess I’ll have to go to my room again and cry myself back to sleep.” 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Don’t roll your eyes at me! You should be thanking me right now.” 
“I should be thanking you? For what?” You scoffed. 
“It’s Saturday morning and everything is clean.” He said proudly, raising his eyebrows and shooting you his best smile.
You gave him a blank stare. “I’m not going to congratulate you for being a decent person. I never should’ve had to clean up after you in the first place.” 
His brows furrowed and a pout formed on his lips. He was just wearing a thin white t-shirt and black sweats but he still looked so good. You really hated it. He had no right to look like that, this early in the day, after rolling right out of bed. He didn’t have his contacts in yet so he was wearing his glasses. You found it silly how someone with such an obnoxiously douchey look could wear such dorky round glasses, but you figured that was why he never wore them outside. It was an interesting contrast to his disheveled black and red hair, and the broadness of his shoulders and chest. As much as he might try to fight it, there were certain things about him that you couldn’t help but find cute. The way his glasses sat on his round little nose, the tired droopiness in his eyes, and the little pout on his pink lips. He was making it very difficult for you to deny him. 
“C’mon please? You know pancakes are my favorite.” 
This wasn’t a battle you were going to win. You didn’t really want to anymore anyway. 
“Fine. It’s too much batter just for me anyway.” 
His face broke into a wide grin and his hand moved up to ruffle your hair. “Thanks princess.” 
You cringed at the unexpected contact, trying your best to conceal your embarrassment. 
The pet name was another thing. You knew that most other girls would be delighted to hear Baekhyun call them that, but to you it just felt like another one of those things he did to get under your skin. It didn’t feel sweet, it felt like you were being mocked, that he was calling you uptight and prissy. You hated it, and he knew you did, which made him want to do it even more. 
He simply made his way over to the couch, plopping himself down happily. You rolled your eyes and continued on with the pancakes.  When they were finished you brought him his plate and when you were about to turn to go to your room you felt his hand on your wrist. 
“Come on, sit down.” 
“Because I wanna eat with you.”
You gave him a look. “Okay, why do you wanna eat with me?” 
He frowned. “Isn’t it a good thing for roommates to have meals together? You’re the one who asked me if I wanted some wine last night.” 
“I should’ve just drank it myself.” You muttered. 
“You know I really am sorry.” 
Your eyes snapped to his face. You found yourself sitting down on the opposite end of the couch. 
“I didn’t realize all that stuff actually bothered you so much, I thought you were just a little extra with all the cleaning and that it was more annoying to you than anything else. I didn’t mean to upset you that bad.” 
He was avoiding eye contact and seemed genuinely remorseful for his behavior, to your complete surprise. 
“Um, thank you. I appreciate it.” You eventually responded weakly.  
“You really meant it all those times you called me an asshole, huh? I never thought you actually disliked me so much.” 
He sounded a bit sad as he said it. You thought it was obvious that you meant it, because why wouldn’t you? Was he just so used to women falling at his feet that he really thought you were still fond of him despite his behavior? 
You sighed. “Yeah. I did mean it. You were really inconsiderate. It was super frustrating.” 
“You know you make it way too easy though.” 
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. “Make what too easy?”
“Come on y/n you’d get so huffy and puffy about the littlest things it was just fun to get you all riled up. You’re so cute when you’re pissed.” 
You stared at him, dumbfounded. He wasn’t even wearing that usual dumb smirk you’d usually see after he said something like that. He looked completely serious. 
You narrowed your eyes at him and let out a small dry laugh. “Well I’m glad my suffering is at least amusing for you.” 
You absolutely did not want to address the fact that he’s just called you cute. If you let yourself dwell on it you knew you’d only lose your mind. 
He hummed in agreement and you were rolling your eyes at him again. “I’m gonna miss it.” He said. “I wish I could still mess with you like that but I really don’t want you to hate me either.” 
“Since when do you even care how I feel about you?” 
“I always have! I just didn’t realize I annoyed you that bad is all. I thought maybe you just liked arguing with me. I know I love arguing with you, half the time I didn’t even care about whatever it was we were discussing. I just wanted to see you get all heated.” 
He was having a wonderful time. He had a big grin on his still slightly tired face and you knew he meant every word he’d just said. But that also meant that despite what you’d thought in the past, Baekhyun actually did care about your perception of him. It seemed he might even be trying to get on your good side now. 
“Are you really that bored all the time? That you have to bother me?” 
“Come on y/n don’t lie I know you don’t actually hate being around me. If you did, you wouldn't have sat down earlier or offered me the wine last night.” 
You really shouldn’t have offered him that wine.
He was right, but why? You didn’t even fully understand it yourself. Now that he stopped with the messes the most obnoxious part of having him as a roommate was gone. Without that to piss you off, you actually did like talking to him. He was stupid and ridiculous to you most of the time but it was still amusing. 
“You’re a lot more tolerable when you aren’t filling our home with garbage.” 
He smiled even wider. “Well I can’t promise that it’ll never happen again but I’ll try my best to keep it at a minimum if it really bothers you that much.” 
You sighed.  “You know I’m glad you’ve decided to be a little less terrible, but that doesn’t mean I want to be your friend either.” 
That infuriating little pout made its way back to his stupid pretty face.
“Well, then can I make it up to you somehow?” 
Why was he doing this? You never thought he cared about any of this. It made no sense to you that he was suddenly now feeling the need to be considerate after being anything but for months already. 
“I don’t know… why do you even care?”
“Well if you think of anything let me know and I’ll do my best. We live together and I’d really rather not have any hard feelings between us. It makes it weird.” 
Truth be told, Baekhyun really didn’t want to upset you. He thought it was cute and entertaining to mess with you but he thought it was all in good fun and that none of it was that serious. He also just liked having you around. Yes you cleaned, but he also thought you’d made the place look really nice, it always smelled good, and just having another person around was nice, especially when it was a pretty girl. 
Occasionally Baekhyun entertained the thought of trying something with you, but he was still cautious since you were roommates and sex could easily complicate things. He noticed when you wouldn’t wear a bra, or walked around with a big T shirt on, thinking that he wouldn’t be able to tell that you only had underwear on underneath. You liked to be comfortable in your home and never thought twice about what you wore around him, and he knew that, but he still couldn’t help letting his eyes linger a little longer than they should. He found it surprising that you’d never seemed to notice. 
But you had noticed. You just tried your best to ignore it and tell yourself that it didn’t matter. 
You noticed it then too, when his eyes slowly drifted down from yours to your chest when he was done speaking. You never wore a bra to sleep, and you hadn’t bothered putting one on yet this morning. The shirt you wore was quite thin and a little fitted and you knew it left very little to the imagination. 
“I’ll get back to you.” You said, and his eyes shot back up to yours. You almost scoffed, catching yourself just in time. 
You knew how he looked at you at times, and more than anything it just made your blood boil. Doing anything like that with him was a monumentally terrible idea. It had stressed you out enough when he’d made that comment about showing you what good sex was like, you weren’t sure how much more you could take. Especially since you knew he wasn’t actually serious at all. He knew he was a very attractive person and he was just using that as another way to fuck with your head to boost his ego. 
But god did it work. You wished you were immune but that just wasn’t possible. It was infuriating because as much as you disliked him and tried to avoid him there was still a part of you that was drawn to him. You hated to admit it, and you’d refused to in the past, but now that he was being nicer to you, you definitely had a thing for him. Even if it was mostly physical, there were aspects of his personality that you did actually like. Sure he was usually trying to do or say something that would piss you off but you had to admit that he was whitty and oftentimes it was pretty funny too. You could see how he so easily got girls to come home with him every weekend. Not only was he gorgeous he could be incredibly charming as well. 
After finishing your pancakes you retreated back to your room, where you stayed. You really didn’t want to have to face him again, you’d had more than enough of him for the day. 
That evening you felt yourself becoming uneasy as you watched dark storm clouds slowly moving closer through your window. According to your weather app it would be the first big storm of the season, and you felt the dread building within you as the sun began to set. You hated storms, and although you liked this apartment a lot, it was in an older building and it didn’t always feel the most secure when the weather would act up. 
It was well after dark when the rain started and soon you were hiding under your blankets, blasting music through your headphones to try and drown out the sound of the rain and thunder. Unfortunately you could still hear most of it, and worst of all, you could hear the building creaking as the wind blew.
You were still just trying to tune it all out and distract yourself when you felt a wet spot in your bed, and realized you felt something dripping. Using your cell flashlight you looked for the source, soon spotting the wet area on the ceiling over where you slept. 
Of course there had to be a leak, and of course it had to be right over where you slept. You dragged yourself out of bed, placing a bowl under the leak and dragging your stuff with you to sleep in the living room. 
You tried making yourself comfortable on the couch, but you knew this was a couch for sitting, not laying down. You had a long night ahead of you, not to mention the thunder and lightning outside that made you jump every time there was a loud unexpected boom. You were still trying to find some decently comfortable way to sleep when you heard Baekhyun’s door open. 
“What are you doing?” You heard him ask, peeking up from where you had buried yourself in your blanket. 
“There’s a leak in my room, my bed got all wet.” 
You tried to stay composed as you said it but when a loud clap of thunder caught you off guard you jumped, letting out a small wince. Baekhyun gave you an odd look. 
“So you’re sleeping out here? You know that couch sucks to sleep on.” 
You were about to answer when another loud boom had you screaming and hiding under your blanket. You stayed under the covers, still shaking slightly until a hand moved them off of you and you looked to see your roommate gazing down at you. 
“Y/n, are you scared of thunderstorms?” 
You weren’t about to play along if he was planning on making fun of you right now. You were too stressed out. 
“Shut up, you’re just gonna make fun of me.” You whined, covering your face with the blanket again.
You heard a long sigh and before you had time to react you were being scooped up off the couch, and Baekhyun was carrying you through the living room towards his bedroom. 
“What the hell are you- put me down!” You tried to protest, but it was no use. 
“You can sleep in my bed tonight, there’s enough space for both of us.” 
Not giving up so quickly you kept trying to get out of his hold, and his eyes met yours, faces now only centimeters apart. 
“Would you really rather be on the hard couch all night, freaking out over every little clap of thunder or do you want to be comfortable?” 
He raised his eyebrows, daring you to say something back but you didn’t. You just pouted and let him take you to his room. 
You knew that his king sized mattress would be big enough for both of you, but sleeping next to him still felt wrong. You were already feeling uncomfortably warm just from him picking you up and holding you like that. 
He set you down on one end of his bed and climbed in next to you, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 
“Why are you doing this?” 
He turned to look at you. “Midterms are starting, you’re always stressing about your grades so you should make sure to get enough sleep.” 
He said it as if that too was completely normal. Like he actually cared. He turned away again to turn off the light and you both tried to get comfortable on your respective ends of the beds. 
Knowing he was just right next to you still felt very strange. However before you were able to dwell on it any longer another loud boom had you jumping and shaking in fear, pulling the blankets up over yourself. You heard Baekhyun laughing. 
“Don’t make fun of me! I can’t help it.” 
He was still just laughing and you were trying to ignore him and get comfortable again but another loud clap of thunder had you tensing up, letting out a scared whine. 
“Yahh, are you really that scared? It’s just a little thunder.” 
He sounded less amused now but you still didn’t like how he was teasing you about it. 
“Yeah, I am scared. I really hate storms.” You said from beneath his blankets, voice shaky. 
You were becoming more and more frustrated and the seconds ticked by, waiting for the next annoying comment from him or loud bang of thunder still coming from outside. As much as you tried to prepare yourself for it, you still got scared every single time, and the storm only seemed to be getting worse. 
Baekhyun watched through the dim light of his room as you hid under the covers, gasping and shaking every time there was a loud noise or flash of light through the windows.
He frowned at how terrified you still seemed. Did you really always get this scared when it stormed? It seemed a little ridiculous but if you were actually that distraught, he wanted to somehow help. He just wasn’t sure what to do as you continued to hide, wanting nothing more at this point than for this storm to be over. 
There was a bright flash right outside his window, followed almost immediately with a sharp, ear shattering boom, and you lost it completely. There were no thoughts in your mind other than how badly you needed to get away from this storm. You were so scared that you hadn’t even realized how much you’d jumped, and that Baekhyun had pulled you in, letting you hold onto him for comfort. 
You hated this. This wasn’t like you. You weren’t usually some damsel in distress and it pained you that you were acting like this, but you didn’t stop yourself either. In fact when you felt Baekhyun’s arms wrapping around you, you only held onto him tighter and he was moving and you felt something wrapping around your head. It was a pillow, and Baekhyun made sure to cover both of your ears with the thick memory foam while still holding you close. He made sure you couldn’t hear and couldn’t see the storm, hoping that you would finally be able to calm down and go to sleep. 
And it actually worked pretty well. The sounds were now muffled and you couldn’t see the flashes of lightning when your face was buried in his chest, surrounded by the pillow and blanket. He had you all curled up, close and protected and after a couple minutes, you finally felt yourself relaxing. 
Baekhyun didn’t move, keeping you snugly in his arms until the storm passed. When he was sure there wouldn’t be any more thunder and only the soft sound of the rain remained, he let go of you and the pillow. 
“The worst of it’s over, try to get some sleep.” He whispered before turning, laying down with his back to you as he dozed off. You too were exhausted, and the comforting smell of him on his sheets had you slowly drifting off. His bed felt so warm and cozy.
Part 2
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bludrogue · 3 months
These are a bunch of random headcanons I have about Jason Todd
I have a couple of headcanons about Jason, and I'll add onto them eventually down the line. But here's one or two I think about.
As someone who started working out to build muscle -- and has medical issues, specifically arthritis and fainting issues -- I'm gradually realizing how much slower my pace is compared to a typical person. With that said, here's my first head canon based on my own experiences (I guess I'm self projecting, but idk):
Headcanon #1: Day One Training Gone Wrong
-- The first time Jason ever had Robin training steadily went downhill. Not to say Jason isn't active, the kid lived on the streets and could throw a mean punch if he wanted to, but that doesn't mean his stamina is up to par or his strength. Plus, with the malnutrition he probably faced during that time period has also effected his body.
-- Having that said, when Jason began day one of training he didn't necessarily know how his capabilities were when it came to exercising. But he was not willing to confess this to Bruce -- possibly due to the fear of being kicked out if he did not meet the set goals Bruce created for that day. And so, everything Bruce asked him to do, he did.
-- He completed the reps and sets with a smile on his face, claiming "I got it," or "I can do it," no matter how many times Bruce has asked if he was alright or commenting about breaks being important. He doesn't need a break, he's totally got this. Pssht. He can so handle a couple lunges and squats. Triceps? Easy. Rear delts? No problem. Lat pull downs and rows? He'll get it done. He can handle this.
-- Until he can't.
-- As Jason is about to do one final set to an exercise, and Jason did not realize how intense the training was going to be, spots fill his vision, he has the feeling of hot needles prickling his face, an odd metallic taste on his tongue (this happens to me, idk why), and his ears starting brutally ringing.
-- The last thing he sees before passing out is Bruce rushing over to him and he hears him calling out his name.
-- Jason wakes up with his back on the cave's floor, and his feet elevated. With his shoes off -- which Jason finds the most peculiar out of everything. Then he discovers Bruce sitting besides him -- thankfully not hovering over him. And Bruce is staring at him with his usual stone cold expression that he can't depict what expression means. If Bruce is pissed at him for fucking up or for failing to meet the exercises.
-- Jason internally panics the moment his eyes land on Bruce. He believes that this is it, he fucked up his one chance at having a home and now he's going to be kicked out for good. He tells himself to play it cool, as if nothing happened. He jokes about how the weather is up there for Bruce or about taking an accidental nap on the floor distract Bruce from getting to the 'This is no longer working, I'm taking back Robin and I'm putting you in an orphanage' talk.
-- Instead, the question Bruce asks next is not what Jason expected at all. Bruce asks about his well being. If he's feeling alright? This is an honest shock to Jason because he's not used to anyone asking if he's alright. Catherine was too trapped in her own world thanks to drugs and Willis would bark at him to walk of any sort of injury. Even on the streets, drug dealers, gang members, and other homeless people didn't give a fuck if you had a fever.
-- So he's not used to anyone asking about his well being.
-- Jason lies, claiming he's fine. To further prove his point, he attempts to sit up, but Bruce stops him from doing so. Bruce orders Jason to lie back down -- which even under the minimal lucidity he has Jason still tenses at the thought -- to which Bruce then explains that his face is still pale and his lips are still white. Adding, that once his face gains a bit of color it will be safer for him to sit up right again.
-- Jason huffs a "Whatever," and lies back down on the ground. He won't admit Bruce right, he refuses to, but sitting up? Terrible idea right now. Then he hears the click of a cap, and a water bottle in his view. Bruce orders him to open his mouth, this way he can give him some water.
-- With no energy to argue, Jason obliges with the order and does as told. The water is an utter relief the moment it hits his tongue. Jason appreciates the kindness, but he's still waiting for the blow. Maybe this is the softness he receives before reality smacks him hard in the face. He's still wary about Bruce kicking him out, and this could just be him physically preparing him before he's shoved out the front doors. He won't take Bruce's kindness for granted. After all, he's just another orphan poster boy for the rich man.
-- Once Jason is given enough water and the color in his face returns, Bruce assists him to sit up slowly. Then Bruce discusses the importance of the balance between mind, body, and soul, reassuring Jason that taking breaks is not a bad thing. In fact, that he wants Jason to have a healthy relationship with exercising and not to strain himself. He further elaborates by how over exerting yourself can be dangerous (*cough cough* hypocrite *cough cough*) and admits a story of one of the times he went past his limits and the repercussions of doing so.
-- Bruce explains that the reason he tells Jason the story is to remind Jason to take breaks when necessary, and to also listen to his body's needs. Then Bruce stands up from the floor, and holds out a hand to Jason, complementing his abilities to go as far as he did, and suggestions they hang out in the library to relax for a bit.
-- When Bruce offers the library, the puzzle pieces click together and relief settles in his chest. Jason realizes that he's not being kicked out and this is just Bruce... caring? Again, Jason isn't used to any sort of kindness of the sort, but hey, he's not being sent out on to the streets as of this moment which is nice.
-- Instead of giving Bruce an attitude, Jason's lips split into a grin and he nods, taking Bruce's hand as he's helped up from the floor with a cheerful, "Sure thing, boss!" And the two head off to the library to read some books.
-- (I know that Jason was more cheerful and bright as a kid, so I wanted to emphasize on that aspect of his personality. I don't think Jason would question out loud if he's being kicked out only because he's not the type to express negativity like that. Jason is complex, so I'm hoping I got his character right.)
-- (Also, after this, Bruce builds a regiment around Jason's physical capabilities in order to not over extert him. He was used to Dick's stamina that he essentially forgot he was starting from scratch, so he blames himself for causing Jason to pass out during the work out. He plans on working with Jason at a much slower and less intense work out plan, and includes 30 second water breaks after every single set.)
That's one of my headcanons, I'll link here if I have anymore head canons later on! I hope I did well, and please let me know what you think. It's my first time posting so I'll admit I'm a bit nervous.
Anyways, thanks for reading :D
My Other Headcanons:
Headcanon #2
Head canon #3
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remylebeaugambit · 1 month
So, I decided to wait a little to think this show over. As a Gambit fan I’m still pretty much bitter about it all. However, as an X-Men fan, I can say I understand why people love the show. But I also believe there’s an exaggerated amount of praise due to the fact that we’ve been starving for good X-Men content. 
I was going to write a much angrier version of this text (I actually outlined an angry rant but there were too many fuck yous), however I’m trying to be reasonable here. The animation is mostly impeccable (don’t like the way the women are drawn, but that’s a minor complaint), it’s colorful and vivid and fluid. The action scenes are mostly awesome too. So, yeah, there’s a lot of good in it. Having said that, there’s tons of problems as well and the great majority of fans are willingly blind to them because of, you know, the good and the lack of content for years. 
I want to be bluntly honest and say I’m glad that the showrunner had been fired. I wholeheartedly don’t believe he is deserving of all the praise he’s been getting because my biggest issues with this show come from the writing. It’s amazing and exciting to see scenes from the comics being brought to life in beautiful animation? Yes, definitely. But it’s not enough when the writing is rushed and lacking.
First, I thought I was biased because I hated what they were doing to Gambit, but now I really, truly don’t think this show that amazing. The first half of the season was mostly decent, there were things I didn’t like but that wasn’t enough to called it bad. Episode 5 was when the show peaked (although to be fair Gambit wasn’t in it much, it was the way he went down that made it memorable) but after that it just went downhill.   
All the plot holes, the playing favorites, the inconsistencies, the rushing through storylines, the terrible pacing, the loose ends, the weak motivations, the terrible character development, the retcon to characters’ relationships (so Ororo and Jean are sisters now? Ororo was way closer to Rogue in the original cartoon, but, you know, Rogue had to be isolated for her disgusting retcon and inconsistencies of character and decisions to work out. Newsflash asshole: they didn’t. Rogue was character assassinated. And though I love her in the original show, I wouldn’t be this angry if it hadn’t directly affected Gambit the way it did), and, of course, all the foreshadowing of Gambit becoming Death left to be (hopefully) resolved in the second season. That means there was no payoff. I repeat: the show was mostly curveballs and no real payoff. With a cast that big, you don’t expect all the characters to have satisfying character arcs but in this case if you aren’t a Jean, Scott or Magneto fans you’re left hanging. 
Storm, who has been friends with Gambit, simply didn’t even mention his death. The excuse was that ended up on the cutting room floor, but don’t be fooled, there was enough time for Ororo to smile and hug Jean and later tell her platitudes (what a boring, cheesy speech!). There was also plenty of time for all those insufferable Magneto moments. “You killed more people than the Nazis? Awwww that’s fine, cause you’re family.” 😉 None of it was cut, right? That leads me to my biggest gripe with his show: fucking Magneto. I hate that took so much space and was unironically written as an old man who groomed a teenage girl (they can lie all they want and say she was an adult. She WASN’T. She was a teenager with serious emotional issues), manipulated her, gaslighted her, isolated her and told her pretty things to bang her. I guess that’s what’s called romance nowadays. I mean, the show runner didn’t even try to hide his fetiches for the old creep. All those plot contrivances and conveniences to accommodate someone’s wet dream. 
Ok, so, I don’t want to go ad hominem on the show runner here, but to be fair, he’s been dishonest with us fans this whole time, he’s lied straight-faced, said a lot of stuff that hasn’t panned out, given dubious answers, manipulative and evasive comments, asked for our trust, even though he’d been lying and giving us false hope (trust is earned, dude; I stopped trusting him after the first lie, if ever), and there are people, Gambit fans, still being hopeful and taking his words at face value. Fucking seriously? THAT dress was just another spit in our collective faces. Wake up!), also he’s self-indulgent, and pathetic in his comments about being the master of magnetism (ok, I lied. So what?).        
All in all, I don’t think that show is as good as so many people are making it out to be and I’m way too happy about the firing of the show runner. To him, I say, thank you for tainting the legacy of something dear and pure from my childhood. Good riddance, please, don’t ever come back, sink into oblivion and go fuck yourself (ok, I needed at least one fuck you, he’s had it coming). 
Ps. Romy fans, mark my words, the old creep will be making passes at Rogue and since she has no personality in this, we can expect the worse, like little Charles next season or anything else that is just as irreversible. I’m mean, an old man fucking a teenager is already irreversible to me. But that’s me. 
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 month
whoahhh, wtf Mor. That was so low, no wonder Reader tried to delete herself lol. Those, to me, are the IC's true colors, talking specifically about the born fae ones. I feel like she's always seen right through them, and I feel so sad for her.
I like how you portray the IC not as a "big happy margerine ad family". It's realistic, not everyone is going to mesh extremely well with each other. I see that happen a lot on other fics, and it's refreshing tbh. Mor's attitude was a bit too far though, you don't say that to someone who literally attempted su*c*de 2 days ago?? Grow some SENSE, jesus christ. And you said it was going to be a happy chapter, I'm glad I didn't believe you for a second Tabherine 😭 (I was close to tears the entire time, and the ending just shattered me) At this point I just want her to patch things up with Az for closure and move on, go live somewhere else, 'cause man all of these interactions are torture. She deserves so much better, even if that means an eternity of solitude and puff pastry skin. great writing as always Tabby! I should've known I had a big storm coming when you posted two chapters so close to one another. (I wonder why Rhys was suggesting that Az is open for visitors?? Hmm.) ²(also-- I have a few guesses of what your govnmt name might be based on the nicknames but I'm not gonna say it because I'm a big believer of internet anonimity hehe) - 🥐
Thank you! I would really love to portray them as all getting along together because to be honest that would be so much easier than trying to show the problems between characters while also trying to keep it semi-believable? Like I don’t think I could have made Mor say something like “I’m glad you tried to kill yourself” because that’s just blatantly too far and way too ooc in my opinion 😭
‘And you said it was going to be a happy chapter, I'm glad I didn't believe you for a second Tabherine 😭’
It was a happy chapter!!!!! It just…went a bit downhill…at the end… 🫣👀 only slightly though!! Reader still got time with her sisters! And while Rhys was scary I don’t think he was mean or unkind? (Was he? He wasn’t supposed to be 🫣😭)
And reader and Nesta had a small connection at the end, as well as that whole expulsion of emotions and honesty with Feyre!
‘(I was close to tears the entire time, and the ending just shattered me)’
I’m so sorry! 😭🫂🫂🫂
‘At this point I just want her to patch things up with Az for closure and move on, go live somewhere else, 'cause man all of these interactions are torture.’
But wouldn’t it be fun if she managed to overcome all of it? Despite how hard she’s finding everything, and how desperately she’s struggling, wouldn’t it be kind of satisfying to see her stay and persist rather than trying to escape again? 🫢
Anyway, I’m hoping chapter 17 will have some moments—I’m hoping to start working on it tonight :)
‘(I wonder why Rhys was suggesting that Az is open for visitors?? Hmm.)’
Hmmm indeed 🫣 he probably just wants reader to tell Az what happened so he can find out 😤
Or maybe he just wants reader to have the chance to patch their relationship on their own 🫢👀
‘²(also-- I have a few guesses of what your govnmt name might be based on the nicknames but I'm not gonna say it because I'm a big believer of internet anonimity hehe)’
I appreciate your consideration for internet anonymity—I do enjoy it a lot also—however Tabby doesn’t share a single letter with my actual government name, so you are more than welcome to guess away 👹🧡💛
‘great writing as always Tabby! I should've known I had a big storm coming when you posted two chapters so close to one another.’
Thank you so much! 😭🫂🧡💛
I hope it wasn’t awfully sad (I promise I tried to make it happy 😭)
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nullsleepy · 10 months
Hear me out, people’s faces becoming sort of blurry to marinette and she loses her ability to understand emotions or react to them properly after years of dealing with hawkmoth. She tries to move on with life with the help of her family and friends but it’s still a struggle. One day, sabine and tom sit her down to tell her that her biological parent is trying to reach out and connect. She doesn’t know how to react but she is wiling to meet them. (Whoever her bio parent is, they definitely didn’t expect mari’s resting smiling face and her empty voice.)
Doll Eyes
Prologue: The Strings
Prologue(Here), Chapter 1(To Be Added)
Trigger Warnings: Mentioned Self Harm, viewer be warned. (Not a warning but there is a poll below and you should check it out!)
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Marinette slowly opened her eyes as she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Her once bright blue eyes were closer to grey in color, unable to take in any light. She didn’t bother to move her face around to see who it was, instead barely lifting head up. A dull, polite smile formed on her face as the footsteps stopped in front of her.
“Hello, father.” Her unmoving, cold voice rang out into the room.
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She tried to fix the problem, started to see if maybe wearing glasses would work. She borrowed stole Alya’s glasses for a little bit and attempted to interact with others. When that didn’t work, she even tried to direct some of her miraculous cure at herself, yet nothing seemed to fix her problem. She couldn’t even recognize, see, herself in the mirror or photos. But she still went on with life as normal. No one suspected a thing. No one thought their local ladybug couldn’t even see their faces anymore.
Until it all went downhill on the day her mama found her trying to scrape out her eyes.
“Marinette!” Sabine screamed as she flung the half opened attic door away. Her steps were heavy and quick, as if she was desperately trying to stop her daughter. Marinette’s eyes were covered in scratches, some bleeding heavily. Her fabric scissors were centered right in front of her eyes.
“……” Marinette said nothing as Sabine yanked the scissors away from her, flinging them out of her glass door leading to her terrace. Sabine took Marinette’s face into her hands, yelling incomprehensible words as she looked over her daughter’s wounds.
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“Hello, Marinette…” A soft voice cooed at her, taking her hand into theirs. “It’ll be okay, alright? We’ll take good care of you.”
Marinette imagined their face had glowing red eyes and a smile too sharp to be natural. Maybe the devil finally came to claim her life.
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“My sweet chérie, ma cœur, I have good news for you. You’ll be released soon. You’ll get to see all of your friends again.” Her mother held her close, resting her head on Marinette’s. The warmth was the only thing Marinette noticed.
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“Bǎo bèi, be careful with your steps now. I don’t want you to fall.” Her mom held her hand, leading Marinette down the stairs of the hospital. She thinks that was a hospital anyways.
She said nothing.
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Her room was changed to the downstairs one, and all of her sharp objects were gone. She was given a wiggly pencil and oddly soft paper instead of her sewing supplies. Her bed was exchanged for more mattresses to stack on top of eachother.
She felt herself lose whatever remains of her life she had left.
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“Mari…” Her father slowly petted her head, leaning her onto his chest. “Your mama and I wanted to talk to you about something…”
“Marinette, we…” Her mother began, softly rubbing the girl’s arm.
“-aren’t your real parents.”
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As the footsteps stopped in front of her, Marinette tilted her just a bit, as if she was a doll.
“Hello, father.” She smiled politely, not a single bit of light reaching her eyes. The figure in front of her kneeled down, his arms rested on the knee that was bent.
“Hello, Marinette.”
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Notes: I am so sorry for taking so long making this, heavholic! I hope this storyline so far is enjoyable though. Also, hopefully the images/divider I made is working! Wanted to do something different than the usual “-“ to separate them. My other fics will be updating(eventually) when I have time and inspiration, which should be soon(Or I will be taking on the quest of defeating the inspiration god and stealing all his inspiration! Jk pls inspiration god, give me strength!)
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healthyskillz · 5 months
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Long post! #trigger warning weight
So here are my 2023 No S Diet statistics:
- an average of 80% compliance over the entire year 💪🏼🎉🥳 (yes! That was my goal)
- a new record of months 🌟 scored 80% or higher
I have been doing No S for about 6 years now and have been tracking my compliance for 4. It has helped me tremendously in breaking free from disordered eating habits but I am going to add some new rules that I believe are necessary for me personally. (If you want to read more about the basic principles of No S, check out www.nosdiet.com, there also is a book).
This was the first year I added the extra options or "colors" into my habit tracker. In "Vanilla No S" they use 3: green (success), yellow (exempt) and red (fail). But the all-or-nothing mindset is something I have struggled with my whole life and that did not help with overcoming binge eating ("Oh no, I slipped up. Might as well eat more junk today"). The extra color and half score options gave me a chance to make a U-turn and not go down the path of no return.
So, a couple of days ago I posted about how I gave myself permission to eat junk and didn't binge... Well, it kind of went downhill after that. I consider myself recovered from binge eating disorder but I think I have to accept this will always be a problem for me. That is why I'm adding the color BLACK (for a binge) back into the system, forever. To remind myself where I came from. I am an overeater, I need to accept that and remain conscious of it.
S days (exempt days/weekend days/special days) therefore remain a problem for me. I tend to go crazy on these FREE/"all is permitted" days. At first I didn't want to make too many extra rules out of fear of making myself feel deprived, but I feel like now I'm ready and also that it is necessary (ice cream followed by potato chips and cookies in one sitting just doesn't feel like how a normal person would eat). So that is why I am incorporating a new rule for S days: one treat allowed in between meals. This still allows for 3 treats per S day, which is more than enough.
I feel good about these plans (My Rainbow No S 🌈😁) and look forward to learning how to take better care of myself so I can focus on other important things. ❤️
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Game Recommendations likes Duskwood
I'm sure there are others like myself looking games similar to Duskwood to play. So I thought I'd play some and give you my thoughts. If you have suggestions let me know. I'll update this from time to time. This was last updated on January 28th of 2023.
The Healing
Players really got to know the core characters, and I felt it was pretty immersive.
I personally am tired of the 'swap and make 3' (aka candy crush) like games, so I liked the minigames used for 'hacking.
Pretty clever puzzles
If you like dark this does get a bit dark
What's scarier than one masked killer? Three.
For premium, I loved breaking the fourth wall and talking to the authors. Great fun.
Multiple endings. I believe there is a good, a neutral, and a bad end.
Your choices matter, even when they may not seem to.
So. Many. Characters! It was hard for me to remember who was who and with each character came a lot of info.
Considering so many characters, I felt like only Andreas/Zoe were romanceable.
I was unable to save everyone, which makes me sad. However, that does make the fight more personal.
Would I recommend/Recommend buying premium?
Absolutely recommend playing. If you want 4th wall breaking dialogue yes premium's worth it, if not then I wouldn't recommend buying. I don't recall premium coming up any other time really.
Blue Orchid
I like the puzzles and the 'minigames' in this one. They show you a photo and you solve the puzzle based on it, or you find the important things.
If there's a puzzle your struggling to figure out, no worries. The groups on your side and after a bit they'll figure it out. They provide hints too.
Small cast, and I quite liked the characters. There is no romance, but there's very little time for such thing.
There's more I really liked, but I'd spoil too much so I'll say this. I was not expecting the plot twist at the end of chapter 1 and into chapter 2. The game did a great job keeping me on my toes.
As you can imagine I found the plot really engaging, and interesting.
Depending on your preference, the game isn't actually all that long. I got most of it finished in a single evening.
Ticket system. Most of your dialogue options require a ticket. So you have the option to pay for more, or watch free ads. Takes about 20 minutes for tickets to refresh.
This one is not a murder mystery situation. So if you're expecting to uncover the identity of a killer, this isn't for you. It's a bit more complicated of a plot to explain without some massive spoilers. Let me just say, it's more science fiction than crime.
First chapter alone would probably make people want to stop, I do recommend continuing. I don't want to spoil too much though.
Personally, I don't like when characters are my allies, then not, then they are, then they're not again. Let me just say, got a few emotions I need to work through on who I should have trusted/liked at the end.
You don't really develop much of a bond with the characters like in the Healing or Duskwood. In fact you really only learn the back story of two characters, and those are the two I'm most confused about.
Would I recommend/Recommend buying premium?
Absolutely recommend playing. I found it very fun, and a decent short game. As for buying premium? I don't think it's worth it. No special dialogue or anything. It's just 10usd for unlimited tickets. I can just "watch" a bunch of ads.
Currently Playing:
Somewhere- The Vault Papers
Thoughts thus far: (I'm not very far in this game)
Unlike the other games, this one doesn't look like a phone interface. It's more monotone in color and blocky.
The game will be put on hold from anywhere from minutes to hours so the characters in it can do something. Can be a bit annoying.
I haven't encountered any minigames yet. Just been directing 'Cat' on how to escape danger.
The term Crop Corp made me laugh.
Then it went downhill again.
I hate Cat. She acts in a way that makes it VERY hard for me to like her.
Honest opinion, I'm annoyed by the waiting only to not have dialogue options. Personally not a huge fan thus far and from what I've read from the developer's replies to bad reviews, not going great.
Scriptic: Interactive Dramas
Thoughts thus far: (Completed one of the first episodes)
Multiple chapters, multiple episodes
Oh my gosh I'm getting Layton Brothers Mystery Room vibes. I'm hyped
I have to pay for the next chapter of a case :,D
You play as a detective who is the 'behind the phone' guy. You contact the on the ground men, the lab, and intelligence.
You can interrogate suspects and decide on if you arrest them or not.
Honestly, very good chapter 1, holy cow I am very tempted to buy the next chapter of the 'redman' case
I have discovered there are free seasons.
The Seven, aka The Healing's prequels.
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jackiebrackettt · 7 months
hi I’d love a color :D and also I’m going to ramble about yo-Kai watch now.
So basically back in ~2014 I was going to my nearest shop and was looking around for games. I then proceeded to find the first installment of yo-kai watch and thought it looked similar to a pokemon game, so i had my dad buy it and it all went downhill from there (in a positive way).
The first game is very low quality, quite literally. It mightve just been how 3d games worked back then, I don’t remember, but it still was a bunch of fun. You play as a kid named Nate (or whatever name you put in) and he gets this watch thing at a weird store and meets two of his iconic yo-kai friends, jibanyan (a deceased cat) and whisper (his lore is revealed in a later game). Yo-kai in this world are described to affect the emotions of people by possessing them, and therefore each one has different effects and capabilities. You can gain more of them by giving them certain food that they like in battle, and you’ll have some quests where you’ll need a certain yo-kai, whether that’s to change weather, people’s moods, or else wise. However, in the first game, it was very simple and quick. The game climaxed at going into the yo-kai watch world, which, while very cool, wasn’t that much after you beat it. The entire game didn’t have much to offer when you beat it, and side quests were very simple. You could complete the entire game in ~3 days like I did. But then came the release of yo-kai watch 2: bony spirits/fleshy souls.
Basically, there were two versions of the game that were available because you could pick a certain yo-kai’s side, because there used to be a civil war going on. Now that’s already a lot, but noticed how I said “used to be”? Yeah, that’s because there’s time travel now. A certain mirror yo-kai let’s you go through them and travel to the past. It’s a lot and it’s so much fun. I felt like it was really executed well too, since my kid self didn’t really ever get lost in what was happening.
While the new and long story content was really cool, they also added so so much more. There were trains and train stations in the previous game, but they only allowed you to basically fast travel to 1 out of 4 areas at a time. But in the 2nd one, you could go to a 3 completely different new places, with a bunch of little stations in between. Not only that, you learn to in the main quest because you have to visit your grandma in the far countryside. And in that country side you go to the past to meet your grandpa and it’s just so much fun. The music is constantly good too, and you can always tell it’s yo-kai watch music with how it has this little wobbly music sound.
But one of the best things for me was the new content. Especially this new thing called the infinite tunnel. Basically, while you’re out in the countryside to see your grandma, you might see an abandoned brick tunnel with the entrance blocked. However, once you complete a completely random main story quest, which has NO relevance to it, the entrance suddenly becomes open. In it, it’s basically a long long tunnel with no light, so you can only see what’s in front of you. A bunch of random stuff will happen in it, such as random people who got “stuck” there trying to talk to you, some of them yo-Kai in disguise and some not. There’s multiple emergency exits along the way too, and each one takes you to a different place in the outside world. Additionally, the further you go, the more tough and different the tunnel becomes, from brick walls to stone walls to suddenly clean and polished marbled. It scared the shit out of me as a kid, but also made me really excited because of how cool it was. The end was at a different length each time, and you could make it be closer or further depending on what you did in the tunnel. At the end there is a small non playable yo-kai(?) girl, and she’ll talk to you for about 2 lines before becoming unspeakable to. Sometimes she won’t even talk because she’ll just be in the background. In the third game there’s a different version of this called Hazy Lane, which is much much scarier but I’ll talk about that later
One of my favorite parts is the golden train. So if you remember about my rambling about how there’s more stations, you also should know that there’s this hidden Easter egg. If you go to a certain downtown train station very very late at night, then there is a chance that a golden train will come up. It’s this game’s equivalent of the yo-kai watch world, except better and bigger and so so much cooler I love it so so much. I would say more but I have to go to school now bye bye!!
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hi moxy :]! i gave you this purple here’s my thoughts -> my fellow ghostkcker (blue + red = purple <- this is so fun actually for just a pd gang in general vibe. william’s colour + dakota’s colour equals vyncent’s colour! they’re all intertwined :]) anyway I made it this shade bc of ur hollowknight icon ^_^
this is very interesting :O!! I’ve never heard of this game b4 but it sounds really cool !! that tunnel does sound scary but very interesting :] hope school goes well o7
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deluweil · 1 year
So this one is a little personal post, that I will probably make invisible in the morning, but I have no where else to post it, since my family is all over sm and they are nosy and judgmental.
Don't get me wrong, I love them, but they are not the best of cheerleaders.
When I was about eleven, my grandmother saw a picture of me and my sisters holding a baby crocodile. It was a sweet picture of all her grandchildren in one frame, but what she saw was the redness from the popsicle I had on my lips and noted, out loud, how pretty I look wearing lipstick.
It's not something you want to tell a ,barely past the age of ten, child.
If it was a one off, I'd probably would have let it go, but it wasn't, for every year ever since I have heard my grandmother tell me how much better I would look with makeup, how much it is attractive, that I should not let myself go.
And I would always be offended and take to heart, to the point I would not go to my grandparents' house without wearing makeup.
Up until a couple of years ago, when I finally started therapy and learned to love myself as I am.
It was always about, how I look and what I'm wearing and whether I dyed my hair or wore earrings, I was taught that in order for others to like me I have to present a person that I'm not. A doll to admire and love.
Therapy helped me stand up, look my grandmother in the eye, and tell her that I am just as pretty in a natural look. Just wearing my own face.
Over time, my grandmother's comments about makeup and hair and weight turned into funny little anecdotes. My sisters and I tell each other after our latest adventure at my grandparents' house.
Today, my sister came back from visiting our grandmother and told me and my mom about how she told her that she looks naked in her body colored tights, how her feet smell (after a long day at work), how she got fat and how her friend that accompanied her is not thin at all.
My mom said that my sister doesn't take it to heart, and we both said that after years of growing accustomed to getting nothing but criticism from our loved ones, we all just take it in stride now and take it with humor. And I added just like I learned to not let the "You look better wearing makeup" comment get to me anymore.
That got my mom to turn on me and say in the most judgmental way, "How can you be two years in therapy and not learn to forgive?"
I said that just because I forgave doesn't mean I forget. Some things are just not easy to scrape off and get rid of. I forgave, I let it go when it comes up, but these little comments shaped my whole life, making me think I'm never going to be good enough as I am.
This turned into a whole sermon about me not letting shit go, and others just want the best for me and led to talking about how me thinking that wishing me nothing but a husband and a child (and nothing else) for my own birthday is a bad thing and my mother saying that I'm taking this the wrong way and what's so bad about that?
And it all went downhill from there. In the end, the fun vibe ebbed away, and I got left with a crappy feeling, and only hours later did I realize again that somehow my old wounds turned to be about my mother and how she's feeling and how I'm not allowed to feel anything that is not aligned with her way of thinking.
And how she made me the bad person in the situation when this was never about her.
Don't let toxic ppl tell you how to feel. Don't let them dictate you what to remember, what to forget, what to forgive, or which feelings to hold onto.
Narcissistic people will always find a way to make your life about them, don't let them.
You are strong, you're beautiful, you're smart, you're creative, you're loved and you're loving.
And you are everything else you want to be.
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sims-half-crazy · 1 year
If you don't mind, could you tell me your answer of 1, 10, 16 and 21?
Yay! More questions!
1. Do you have freckles?
I do not. I have a mole on my cheek but that’s it. My son, however, has the most adorable smattering of freckles across his nose. I tell him it’s his finishing spice which he doesn’t appreciate because 13yo. 🙄
10. How tall are you?
I am 6’2” and only the tallest in my family by an inch or so. My oldest daughter will probably pass me in the next year. She’s 17 and 6’1”.
16. Want any tattoos? What of?
I have 8 tattoos and want at least 3 more. The first was an outline of a butterfly on a vine. For every half marathon I ran, I added a drop of color to its wings. I have run 15 half marathons and added several vines with various dates that are important to me. Once I got that o e it was all downhill from there and I got a new one every year, there about.
21. How was your day today?
It was … it was just as hard as I thought it’d be. The first birthday of my dad’s without him. There were some tears and lots of reflection. My mom, my husband, and I all went out to celebrate him.
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
@buckyownsmylife hey babe! Remember that one time you threw that cool challenge? Here's my entry. Prepare to get absolutely ruined because daddy!Bruce is exactly that sort of man.
main masterlist ☀️ taglist
emotional support nerd
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Your best friend's dad, Dr. Bruce Banner, is hotter than you thought he would be. 6k words, NSFW. Kind of Alt!Reader - she refers to herself as 'goth' in one instance. Tony Stark makes an appearance because God forbid I write a fanfic without him in it.
This is filthy pron, ft. age difference (reader is college aged) daddy kink, throat fucking, dirty talk, praise kink, cream pie, possessiveness, belly bulge and ending with a hint at a threesome. I really crammed all I could from Eyre's wheel in here, didn't I. Oh well.
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"How much longer, dad?" Lyra's annoyed voice struck a chord within me. I tried to hide my snickering - unsuccessfully might I add - causing my best friend to shoot me a hurt look, equally fed up with me as she was fed up with her forgetful adopted father. "You know what, we'll take the subway."
Lyra's father's voice, both agitated and apologetic, reached my ears in bitten-off phrases as the traffic noises around us grew in volume, NYC rush hour rapidly approaching its peak.
With a sound huff, Lyra removed the phone from her ear, staring me down with the most amount of petulance I've ever seen on her usually reserved, placid face. "It's twenty more minutes. Apparently he's driving Tony's car," she offered in the way of explanation, like it actually did anything to better the cold, wet situation we found ourselves in. "Please, and I can't stress this enough, please don't be weird."
I felt a flood of amusement at Lyra's pleading tone. "Darling, if you wanted a normal friend, you should have looked elsewhere," I gestured to my outfit. I looked like a goth boy's wet dream: chunky platformed boots, fishnets, heavy eyeliner. Of course, all in black.
"You know what I mean," she whined, waving off my pointing hand and fixing me with a hard stare. "The least my dad needs is someone that is terrified of him just because sometimes he turns into a big green monkey. It's not as exciting as internet thinks, anyway," the last part of the sentence was mumbled but I heard it nonetheless as Lyra stared out into the traffic, clever eyes looking for a particular car model.
What Lyra didn't know was that I was not at all considering to be terrified by the man who dosed himself with radiation and developed an advanced version of split personality disorder. I could be intimidated by him, sure, because he was incredibly intelligent, a world class scientist with more PhDs than I had zeroes in my bank account, but even despite his green problem, Dr. Bruce Banner was about as far away from 'scary' as a man could be.
The few scarce pictures of him on the internet showed a short, stocky man with kind eyes and salt-and-pepper curls, always dressed in un-ironed, crumpled button-ups with dorky patterns. Looking at him, I mused that there was a high chance he spoke with a stutter and that fact amused me to no end. Jekyll and Hyde, alright.
Lyra was much the same way. Shy and reclusive, with curly brown hair and doe eyes, she spent a good chunk of her first semester in college being avoided by everybody because of her last name; I, on the other hand, avoided everyone out of habit, I'd never been a social butterfly, but the way people subtly made sure to exclude Lyra from all the activities filled me with quiet, seething rage, and I stepped over my general distaste of people and removed my bag from the seat next to me so Lyra could at least study in relative peace.
Yeah, yeah, you've heard it all, I'm sure. Weird goth chick adopts a socially awkward, shunned nerd and they become best friends forever. I had to admit that under the shy exterior, Lyra was smart, witty and even funny sometimes. She was willing to entertain my crude jokes without moaning, at least, and I was perfectly okay with listening to her rant about science every now and then.
Rain banged on the slanted roof of the café we were hiding in, the autumn wind howled, making both of us shiver at the prospect of having to go outside, even if it was for a short moment to run to Lyra's dad's car. The day had started out warm and sunny, but much like a badly calculated chemical formula, it all went downhill a split second after we had set out to leave campus.
"There he is," the grouch in Lyra's expression had me once again unsuccessfully attempting to conceal my snorting.
Nonetheless, I followed her out into the rain, struggling to keep up with the brisk running in my platformed shoes, unceremoniously crawling into the car behind her without sparing a glance at the driver in my eagerness to get out of the freezing downpour.
"Hi, dad," Lyra's tired voice spoke up at the same time as I angrily shook out my hair.
"I've just about McFuckin' had it with New York," I was afraid the dye in my hair would bleed out into my clothes, or even worse, the nice, cream-colored car seats.
"Hello, ladies," the voice that greeted us was low, gravelly and apologetic to boot.
My eyes shot up, meeting an expression full of surprise and amusement. I stared at the shockingly handsome face of Dr. Bruce Banner like a deer in the headlights.
The fine mimic wrinkles had stretched into a resemblance of a smile, soft, plush lips revealing a set of straight, white teeth. The five o'clock shadow framed his jaw, giving it a sharp, defined edge, his clever brown eyes slid down my form, faltering on the pentagram on my belt and my fishnet-covered legs, settling on my chunky boots before hastily snapping back up to my face.
"Dad, this is..." Lyra's voice was full of suspicious bewilderment as she attempted to dissipate the sudden awkwardness.
"Oh, yeah, I'm Dr. Bruce Banner, but you can call me Doc or Bruce," he cleared his throat, turning himself towards the windshield and starting up the car.
"Nice to meet you," I busied myself with putting away any stray hair just to occupy myself with something during the time I needed to recuperate from being just... Looked at by Lyra's dad.
It sounds ridiculous, I know, but I was so taken aback by his handsomeness and his aura of a gentle but powerful man that the ride to Stark tower, however swift, went on in slightly awkward silence. The streets outside were, thankfully, noisy, and the lack of an attempt to have a conversation could easily be attributed to Bruce's need to focus on the road, but Lyra's increasingly concerned looks did very little to settle the sudden racing of my heart.
"C'mon, I'll give you some sweats so you can let your..." Lyra's vague gesture towards my upper body disappeared behind her side of the door. "Hey, Tony," she suddenly interrupted her sentence, very obviously addressing another person who I managed to miss as Bruce parked in the spacious garage.
"I've been told you're finally bringing your friend, Green Pea," a voice I'd heard a thousand times on the TV poked fun at Lyra.
She bent down to retrieve her bag, shooting big eyes at me and mouthing an exaggerated "Sorry!"
Tony Stark looked about a week in debt on sleep, a contrast to the way he usually appeared in public. The exaggerated eyebrow raise made me shuffle awkwardly in my spot; the Led Zep tee caught my eyes as I lingered on it, aware of my own Mötorhead top on display. He noticed it too, causing his face leave the snide territory.
"Wow, I didn't expect kids these days to have any resemblance of taste in music but you've surprised me, Corpse Bride," he gave me a quiet wolf-whistle, watching me through lidded eyes.
I felt my eyebrow crawl upwards at his attitude but Bruce spoke up before I could say anything: "Tony, no," so firmly, I had to raise both of my eyebrows. I felt a smile tug at my lips, the situation strikingly familiar in it's essence. Like father, like daughter...
"No," Lyra's identical expression, fond and annoyed, topped up with an accusing finger pointed in my direction had everyone snorting a giggle at the situation.
"Lyra," I whined, just so I could coax her grin that she was very obviously trying to conceal. "See, I told you, every crazy genius needs their emotional support nerd," I fixed her with a pointed look.
She promptly grabbed me by the arm, leading all of us to the elevator as the two men behind us shared a hearty laugh at my well-timed joke. It was either that or I would have completely embarrassed myself by gaping and drooling over both THE Tony Stark and Lyra's father.
The rush didn't stop there. I was promptly and generously offered not only a spare pair of pants but also a whole room to stay in after an invitation to dinner I simply could not refuse. Dr. Banner firmly coaxed me into staying overnight with his pleading eyes and a hearty seasoning of guilt tripping, softly crooning how he simply could not let a young woman to wander the cold, rainy night in NYC alone.
Tony added something too, in a tone way too surefire and patronising. I guessed he noticed my eyes lingering on Dr. Banner, being a genius and all.
In a short amount of time, I found myself seated at a dinner table next to a happy, giggling Lyra who'd downed a glass of wine and was well into her second. I found it adorable how much of a lightweight she was; not hesitating in the slightest to point out that fact when she made hands for a pitcher of water.
Tony was the first one to snark back something vague about his college days and all the wild parties he used to throw, booing Bruce upon discovery that he, in fact, actually studied in college in favour of partaking in various illicit activities. That had both me and Tony giggling with Lyra promptly joining in, both of us losing it over the running joke or her being either a test tube baby or the result of immaculate conception.
Bruce's face blushed scarlet. He sputtered, a few stray drops of his lemonade landing on the (ironed!) collar of his purple shirt, cough disappearing in the wake of Tony's truly amused cackling. Dr. Banner was well on his way to either choke on his Lo Mein or turn green; thinking quickly, I decided to defuse a situation by sharing a harmless, funny story that happened to me as a freshman.
"I went on a date with this guy who said that music was the most important thing in his life, and I thought, wow, that's so beautiful!" I began my story over Lyra's incessant snickering. "So we had dinner and went back to his place because I'm a whore," the whole table erupted in laughter at my deadpan remark, Tony reaching over to give me a high five.
"And as we got there, he put on one of his demos which was just a bunch of sampled and remixed Guns'n'Roses songs, and I thought wow, that's gotta be one of the worst things I've ever heard," I pointedly looked away as Lyra's cackling grew in volume, having heard the same story several times by now and the outrage I expressed at the situation first hand.
"But instead of that I said, wow, that's so cool! Then we did the thing and his whole bedroom was covered in Axl Rose posters and I'm sure at some point Mr. Rose stared right up my asshole," there were tears streaming down Lyra's face as Tony flopped his upper body onto the table and Bruce convulsed helplessly in a silent fit of giggles. "And then I thought to myself: wow, I would have to pretend to like his music if I dated this guy and I just couldn't do that..." I breathed out, succumbing to the mirth at the dinner table. "It was good but not November Rain good, y'kno?"
Bruce snorted loudly, sliding down his chair with a hand over his face. The table shook with the force of Tony's cackling; I didn't see his expression but the howling, rasping noises sent me into another fit of laughter, right on par with Lyra.
"Is this..." Tony rapidly inhaled the much-needed oxygen. "Is this why you keep wincing whenever I play the 'Roses in the lab?" Tony wheezed and Lyra nodded.
"I just... I can picture it, and I-" she made a vague, encompassing gesture and a face.
"Please, don't," I urged with a snort. "There are better ways to get disappointed."
Dinner went on by smoothly after that, everybody happily making remarks on my dating fail, the topic of Lyra's birth and Tony's college shenanigans dismissed.
I caught Dr. Banner's pointed look as we finished our dessert - he was studying me, eyes searching for something that he very obviously wished was there. From the damp roots of my hair to the soft, cotton top clinging to my chest, I wasn't left unscrutinzed and unexamined. Like one of the many specimens he studied on a daily basis, Bruce lingered on the many characteristics that made me stand out in the grey crowd.
"Would you like to see the labs?" He asked, appearing behind me without a single sound.
The freshly cleaned dishes clattered in my arms. I'd almost dropped them, startled, but Bruce's hand landed on the top of the stack right before the top plate would have slipped off and shattered into pieces on the cold tile of his kitchen.
Blood rushed to my ears. "I'd love to," my brain had briefly returned to reality, the rush of meeting both Stark and Banner succumbing to logic and reason. My and his fields of study briefly overlapped, the question he posed was more than reasonable. In fact, many people would cheat, lie and steal to be in my position.
Bruce smiled, opening a cabinet and taking half of the dishes I was holding to stack them up in their proper place. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, exposing wide, muscular forearms littered with dark, coarse hair.
I was sure my face was flaming. After waving off Lyra's attempts to put shoes on me and leaving her to watch her TV show, a wide, warm palm rested on the back of my waist, gently steering me towards the elevator.
I tried to keep my eyes off Bruce in the large mirror on the walls of the car as it swiftly moved down, scrutinizing my appearance instead. My throat bobbed, the elevator car suddenly too small and too hot.
His eyes left marks on me - invisible ones, the kind that I knew were there just from the scorching heat sizzling on my skin.
There was a certain je ne sais quoi about him. Perhaps, it was in the way he was acting - a polar opposite of what I'd had expected, Dr. Bruce Banner possessed a quiet confidence and his patience appeared to be endless, heartily doused with an appreciation for his closest ones. The way his eyes lit up in response to people smiling around the dinner table was hard to miss.
When Bruce spoke about his research - whatever wasn't classified, anyway - the spark expanded into a mischievous fire. I could hardly understand the nuances in his work, scratch that- I could not understand a single word he was saying, at all. The individual syllables registered as they should, but my traitorous brain could only focus on the way he licked his lips in between quickly inhaled breaths.
"You're not... Following, are you?" The corner of his mouth lifted upwards, clever brown eyes fixed on my face.
God, I hoped I wasn't drooling. But to deny the obvious would have been a stretch. "No, not really," I swallowed, willing my eyes to lift from the large veins on the hand that was pointing at a set of equations. Reasonably good at math any day, they looked like the scribbles of a madman to me at the time.
Dr. Banner sighed, letting silence creep among the whirring machinery in the lab for a brief moment. "I don't scare you?" He removed his glasses, cleaning them with the corner of his shirt.
The question reeked of self-doubt and, perhaps, insecurity. "No," I answered simply, not giving him the slightest chance to find doubt in my words. I was barely holding my voice from shaking, afraid he'd misunderstand my reaction to the sudden change in atmosphere.
He was closer to me than I recalled. My hip was almost brushing his, the bulk of his shoulder millimeters from touching against my bare skin, the smell of something herbal, like tea, and sharp chemicals clouding my senses. It was such a contrasting experience.
Bruce turned to me, an expression between hunger and regret forcing me to shiver and look him straight in the eye. A hand landed on my waist, holding me in place with gentle firmness. "I'm a monster, I could hurt you," he whispered, leaning into me like a touch starved kitten. The man screamed contradiction. "We shouldn't."
Vivid images of the Hulk and the rampages years prior flashed through my mind; the rubble, the collateral damage in the form of many lives. I barely remembered it, having been too little to really understand what was going on. One thing, though, I knew for sure: ever since the world became aware of Lyra's existence, there had been no incidents. Sure, the Hulk still appeared when there was a threat, but there were no documented incidents of the green creature running amok, accidentally.
"You won't hurt me," I spoke with conviction. Perhaps, I was bluffing just slightly but I wouldn't lie like that to myself. The variable, the... Twelve or so percent chance of things going... Awry, it made a small, malicious worm inside of me rejoice and fill my limbs with familiar adrenalised yearning. "You're not a monster. Far from it, actually," I used the hand that was not supporting me against the desk to gently cradle the side of his face, letting my fingertips brush over the rough five o'clock shadow on his cheek.
Bruce emitted a sound somewhere between an agitated grown and a pleading whine, sagging with the sound exhale, pressing himself flush with my chest. His face slipped from my palm, the warm tip of his nose running a steady line up my neck, sending goosebumps running wildly down my back as his hot breath tickled the arch of my throat.
"Baby," the nickname punched a stuttered gasp out of me with the intensity contained in just that one word. "I've been hearing all these amazing things about you," his voice dropped, low baritone rumbling straight into my ear. "I won't be able to hold back. I'll want you all to myself," his bicep flexed under my hand.
My knees would have bucked if I wasn't grasping onto Bruce for dear life after those words. I had some sense of personal pride in me, so while my body was an easy, traitorous thing, my mind was more than eager to participate in this game, to ping pong a little bit before... "Yeah? What things?" I breathed.
Teeth briefly closed around my tender skin, nipping for just a second. "You're kind, beautiful," his hand took a steadfast hold on the back of my neck, exposing my throat to his mouth. More skin to mark, more time to whisper. "Intelligent, bright and clever," the more he spoke, the fiercer he became. Bruce's grasp tightened until I was pliant in it, willingly following his silent commands. "A bit of a pain in the ass," a healthy dose of humour was added into the mix as my ass was roughly grabbed, our fronts pressed together at his insistence.
"That sounds about right," I didn't resist the sudden urge to snark, thoughts lazily floating in my head, like clouds on a bright sunny day, fleeting and sparse. None of them caught on. I was focused on feeling the need, on my need to feel.
A sharp smack landed on the plump of my ass, the sound resonating in the eerily quiet lab. The sounds of machinery had dulled at some point, leaving just the two of us panting our lust into each other's space. "I know you can be a good girl. Will you, princess?" His fingertips dug into my flesh, surpassing the soft sweatpants as if they weren't even there.
I could only nod, dumbly, overcome by the sudden rush of blood to my body. The life coarsing through me sang, demanding a release of the pent-up tension.
"What's that?" Bruce removed himself from my neck, catching my unfocused eyes with a crooked smirk on his lips.
"Yes," I swallowed, breathing through my mouth.
"Mmm," he hummed, running both hands over my sides, over the frayed edges of my Mötorhead top. He admired it, briefly, setting his eyes on the band logo that was right over my breasts. Having decided something to himself, Bruce promptly removed it, lifting it over my head with ease and leaving it right on the science lab table.
Taking hold of my hand, he walked over to a hidden set of sliding doors that revealed a rather large, frequently used bed, shutting them just as I walked in, wearing only my bra and borrowed sweats. My back was pressed to the door in mere seconds, hot palms chasing away the chill of the lab as Bruce slotted his lips over mine.
He tasted like something I've never had before. His lips - so plush and supple, took hold of the kiss with practiced gusto, sucking me in without a chance or the desire to escape. I drank from him, sucked on the bottom lip as his tongue explored my mouth, danced with mine.
The room was spinning, the ringing in my ears growing in volume. I was only partly aware of the sensation of sliding down the wall; our knees thudded on the carpeted floor simultaneously, heavy breathing the only noise I could distinguish.
"Breathe, baby, that's it," Bruce coaxed, gently stroking my nape. The soft cotton of his shirt crumpled under my fingers where I held onto him, desperately searching something to ground myself with.
The buckle of his belt clattered and then clinked again as he wrapped the worn leather around my wrists, bringing them together in front of my chest. I exhaled sharply at the intimate gesture, a whine bubbling up from my chest when Bruce used a single fingertip to raise my chin.
My eyes met his; a brown iris tinged with the faintest of green around the outer edge. "This okay, princess?" He sought my face for confirmation, for agreement, for anything.
I nodded, stuttering mid-gesture, remembering our previous interaction. My mouth did not want to cooperate but I forced it to, even if it came out as little more than a pitiful mewl. "Yes, daddy," the word, sweet and sticky like fruit syrup, poured from my lips.
My eyes slid shut as my conscience - or was it common sense? - took hold of the situation. I was on my knees in front of my best friends dad, a virtual stranger, and I'd just-
Bruce's soft chuckle stopped the negative spiral of my thoughts. "That's my girl," he sounded a tad more breathless now, a hairliner in his perfect façade of self-control. As if he'd sensed my indecisiveness, he tugged on the makeshift restraints, pulling me closer, closer and into his lap.
A warm, solid chest with a healthy amount of fluff greeted me. Bruce let my lax, pliant body fall into his arms, catching me effortlessly and bringing my face to his lips. "You have nothing to be ashamed of, you're my good girl," he peppered soft kisses all over my flaming cheeks, my twitching nose, my fluttering lashes.
"Please," I begged, shame giving way to the flood of arousal that seemingly hit me all at once. I was aware of the dampness collecting in my panties, the stiffness of my limbs from holding back the ravenous desire to paw at Bruce like a wild animal. "Please, daddy..."
"I know, I know, baby girl," he soothed, not stopping his tender assault on my face. "Daddy will make it all better. I know just what you need," Bruce finally pulled away. I heard the sound of him undoing his zipper and then the awkward shuffle of him shucking off his pants.
Somewhere in between of all that, he'd ended up sitting down on the bed, wearing only his boxers, his shirt hanging open. The red crawled down his chest, partially masked by the coarse salt and pepper hair; his lips were cherry red and his hair was sticking out in odd directions. Bruce looked sinful.
My eyes inadvertently landed on the impressive bulge in his boxers; in response to my widened eyes, he reached out for it, stroking the outline of his thick cock through his boxers. "Like what you see, baby?"
"Yeah," My mouth watered.
"Baby wants a fat cock?" He teased, sounding like he knew exactly what he was doing, testing my self-control like that. With a flick of his wrist, it sprang free, slapping against his tummy, coating the fine hairs with drops of clear, musky fluid.
I swallowed, feeling the taste of him from afar and yearning for more where I was parked between his spread legs.
In a gesture almost loving, he tugged on the belt still wrapped around my wrists, bringing my face to his leaking shaft and my hands to the base of it, letting me feel the weight of his balls in them. The cock throbbed, neglected, weighed down by the heaviness of his full balls.
"Go ahead, baby, suck my cock," the encouragement came with a gentle push to my head.
I obediently followed, wrapping my lips around the pink, moist crown of it, a hum beginning in the back of my throat. My God, Bruce tasted heavenly... I whirled and slipped my tongue a around his head, I dipped into the slit to drink the nectar right from the tap, idly coming to awareness of the broken, choked moans coming from the man above me.
Raising my head got me a view of his chin; head thrown back, the lax O of his mouth glistened in the meager light. My eyes slid lower, to the flex of his abs. Bruce fought hard to stay still. The desire consumed me, a sudden rush of power at having Dr. Bruce Banner's cock in my mouth and the man at my mercy; I inhaled, sliding my mouth further and further down his throbbing length.
"Fuck," I heard him mutter before his hands gripped the sides of my face. "Hungry, baby, are you?" His eyes glowed a faint green; I shuddered at the power he held within himself. Held back for me. "Tap my thigh twice," he spoke and I had no choice but to obey. "Okay. Do that if it gets too much, alright?" I nodded. He gave me a wide, beaming smile. "Good girl," he praised, experimentally bucking his hips into my mouth a few times.
In and out. I focused on my breathing, sharp, little inhales: his girth took up all the free space in my mouth, the tip of it barely fit into my throat. The burn, the stretch; I felt every tenth of an inch, every bulging attempt of my body to accommodate Bruce's huge cock. It was delicious, I couldn't help but crave the same stretch in my neglected, sopping wet pussy.
"Fuck, you're taking it so well," Bruce moaned wetly. "Your mouth... S'like heaven... Could fuck it all day, that's my good girl," the rambling increased in it's intensity as the pace of his hips hastened. Drool and tears flowed like a river; my chin was dropping with it, spit connected my face to his pelvis. "Oh," there was a brief pause to his movements; suddenly, he pulled out, fisting the base of his cock, staring me down with a ferocious gleem in his eye.
I must've looked a straight mess; my face like a crime scene, my clothes disheveled, covered in fluids and most of all - I was desperately grinding against my own feet, too focused on the glorious cock in front of me to notice the weakness of my own flesh. "Daddy?" I questioned, wincing at the grating of my own voice.
Without a word, the belt was tugged once more; in a set of movements just slightly north of acrobatic, I found myself laying on my back in the middle of the bed, my sweatpants suffering a haste demise in the corner of the room.
Bruce crawled atop me, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses on every inch of my skin he could reach, mouthing something inaudible into every pore of my body. As he drew closer, I discerned bitten-off phrases, stringing my desire into sticky, tangy mess at the apex of my thighs.
"My perfect baby girl," the words reached me; all tongue, he kissed me once more, arching into me as much as I arched into his hot grasp. A brief inspection of my face - he was satisfied with what he saw - and Bruce crawled back, settling in between my spread legs, breathing hot air on the lips of my sex still covered by a sopping wet piece of fabric.
"Oh fuck," I yelped, feeling him smooch it soundly, the hot wetness of his tongue penetrating the meagre lace barrier with ease.
He moved it aside anyway, with a single finger, giving my pussy a broad lick, moaning into my cunt like a man gone mad. It took a few more licks for him to feel sated enough to surface, all the while holding my hips down. I was so sensitive, I felt even the tiniest flicks to my clit, I was sure if I didn't cum then and there, I would explode.
"Such a pretty pussy, princess," his heavy breathing paused briefly. He nipped my thigh. "So wet, is that all for me?"
"Yes, yes, daddy," I rasped, pushing my cunt into his face, losing all shame and trepidation.
"So tasty," he continued the torture, outlining my lower lips before taking another nosedive right into it, swirling his tongue around every fold, sucking onto my clit.
Bruce ate my pussy until my thighs shook, until my core quivered and I could no longer hold back the choked, ragged screams starting somewhere in the low of my belly and coming out as unholy, all-consuming yowls filled with unadulterated lust.
"Louder for me, baby," he inhaled rapidly, and then, he sucked on my clit.
The world stopped, halted on it's axis, every muscle going rigid in my body and every nerve ending simultaneously coming alive. Faintly, I heard a chant, repeating two syllables over and over, it sounded like my voice - but I had no control over myself. All I could do was weakly grind my hips against Bruce's mouth, faltering when the crashing waves of my orgasm began to recede.
The infuriating overstimulation stopped; blinking hazily, I saw Bruce's eyes glimmer brown and green in front of my face. His nose and his chin was glistening with a thin coat of sticky fluid; disheveled and red, he looked a man on the verge of a revelation.
Something hot and blunt nosed at my cunt, bringing back the moment to me - I realized, with a great deal of impatience - how empty I felt. The decision was minute. "Daddy, fuck me, please, I want your cock," the words came easily.
"That's my girl," his eyes fluttered shut as the first inches squeezed through the snug of my cunt. I was sopping wet and as relaxed as I'd be, but even then, it was a stretch. "Good girl, good baby," the mumbled praise made me whine and my pussy clamp on his cock. "Relax, let daddy fill you up." Breathing through it, I consciously unwound myself around him, letting my palms rest freely on his shoulders. "Let daddy take care of you."
Like melted sugar, his husked words stuck to me inside and out. Short, sharp thrusts; Bruce was patiently burrowing himself inside of me, making his way to reach the deepest parts of me I didn't even know existed. His cock head pressed against something hard and spongy inside of me; stars burst behind my eyes I'd clamped shut on reflex.
I moaned weakly, tugging on his arm, pressing myself closer. It felt so, so good. Like a raw nerve had been exposed and he was stroking it, pushing that little switch with every stroke of his hips.
"I'm not gonna last," he muttered as once again, my cunt squeezed him snugly in place, just as greedy as I was to feel that tiny explosion spark up within me again.
"I want..." I panted. Bruce set in a punishing pace after that, a palm under my ass, squeezing it so hard there would definitely be bruising. I craved it, I needed to see the evidence this was not some elaborate fever dream. "I want... Daddy to fill me up," words came out garbled; it sounded like gibberish to my ears but Bruce - they spurred him on.
"Oh yeah?" That breathless, boyish cockiness was back in his voice again; despite how fucked out he sounded, I prepared myself for something truly out of this world. I just knew.
He sat back on his shins, dragging me by the hips with him, making me shiver and moan and twitch and clamp onto him again as his throbbing cock hit that special spot again. And again. And again.
"Look at me, baby," a hand on my belly and his eyes burning right through me. As they slid down, towards the apex of my thighs where he was still moving within me almost lazily, I saw it.
"Oh fuck," I couldn't utter much more than a two-syllabled profanity. There was a bulge in my belly, just above my pelvis, moving in rhythm with Bruce's hips. And then he pressed on it and I-
Something, someone, somewhere was screaming. The noise was loud and pitched, but even then, I could barely hear it though the neverending waves of bliss that enveloped my whole being. Gold and silver at the edges of my rapidly darkening vision; I was drowning in something that smelled and felt like Bruce. The safety of his arms, the warmth of his heated body, the rapid snapping of his hips-
"I'm gonna, fuck," the last word was but a ghost of a human speech. Growling low and filthy, Bruce leaned into my ear, his breath hot and moist. "Mine," his hips stuttered, his cock nestled deep, the sensation bordering on painful, forcefully extracted pleasure. It throbbed with every spurt of his seed; each one felt like a solid punch in the gut to my abused pussy.
"Daddy," I mewled, my body jerking away from him but my mind and my soul yearning for more. His rapidly softening flesh made the idea of being separated unbearable.
"S'good, s'my good girl, m'so proud," he mumbled, looking slightly disoriented as he removed himself from me, immediately pressing me to his side and interwining any free, flailing limbs.
We laid in silence, each of us slowly coming back to Earth after the completely unreal experience we just had. I didn't know what to think, didn't know what to do as the realization set in, the post-orgasmic haze giving way to a sudden rush of clarity.
"I can hear you overthinking," Bruce's voice was fond.
Before I could muster up the courage to snark back, the divided doors opened, one very concerned Tony Stark standing there, armed with a tranquilizer gun in one hand and a pack of cookies in the other. His mouth, previously open to (probably) yell at us, remained as open when his eyes had registered the scene in front of him.
I stared at Bruce. Bruce stared at Tony.
"The noise," he offered in the way of explanation, dangling the pack of cookies, looking, for once - speechless. He recovered quickly, however, even if the remark was a thin ghost of his usual sass: "You pick the nerd over me? I'm hurt," he scoffed in mock irritation, although I was pretty sure I saw some satisfaction in there, too.
Bruce looked at me. I looked at Bruce.
A mischievous grin slowly crept up his face, an identical one beginning to appear on my own face seconds after.
"Hey, two nerds is better than one, right?" My response is what did it; or, rather, it was the evidence of my previous throat-fucking clearly audible in my voice... Tony dropped the cookies and then, the tranq gun.
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Bruce Banner taglist: @pilloclock @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins @persephonehemingway @mostly-marvel-musings @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites @sapphicnoodle69 @couldntbedamned @xoxabs88xox @marvelsbanner @tripleyeeet @tatestripedsweater @stuckybarton
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dannythedog · 3 years
Victoria's Secret - Sam Kiszka x Reader
Synopsis: Sam's girlfriend wants to stop at Victoria's Secret while they're at the mall, but he's a little bit reluctant
Warnings: Sexually suggestive comments
Let me know if you want to be added/removed from my tag list!!
Thank you test pilot @greta-van-yeet
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"Okay, are you ready to go?" Sam asked through a mouthful of soft pretzel. You had spent the day at the mall, buying entirely too much between the two of you. Initially you had come to shop for a mutual friend's birthday, but Sam had wanted to swing by the Van's store and the rest was downhill from there.
"Actually, I just wanted to stop at Victoria's Secret. We can go after that." He let out a small whine and tilted his head back. "Come on, don't you have enough underwear? We've been here all day and I'm getting cranky."
You let out a small chuckle as you began moving towards the store. "I can tell. If you promise to be good, I'll let you pick out stuff for me!" This had caught his attention. "Anything?" he asked, tossing his pretzel into the trash and following after you. You glanced over your shoulder at his curious face. You could practically see the gears churning in his brain. With a resolute nod you walked into the store. "Anything."
You went right to the display full of comfy underwear, that's all you had really wanted in the first place. You took your time sifting through the bins while Sam wandered off, looking excited at all the possibilities. Quite honestly, you weren't sure what Sam's intentions were. He could be an awful horndog, but he also loved a good joke.
He excitedly bounced in front of you, blocking your access to the rest of the panties you wanted. Your eyes widened when you saw the colorful heap of undergarments in his arms. "I wasn't sure if you had a limit on what I could pick out, but you did say anything. I even got you a variety!" His eyes sparkled like a kid's on Christmas, but you could clearly see the underlying mischief.
With a small, playful sigh you set the panties down and made your way to the fitting rooms, Sammy hot on your heels. "I'll hand you things one at a time, and I expect a fashion show! Well, I'll come in and look. I don't want some creep staring at you in your underwear."
"Oh, really? In that case, I'll just have some creep in the fitting room with me." He scrunched his nose and squinted his eyes, thrusting the first set into your hands. You locked the door and stepped out of your clothing, curious as to what he deemed purchase worthy. He seemed excited enough to take this seriously, so this first pair was not at all what you were expecting. Sam had picked out a large, beige pair of granny panties and the pointiest matching bra you'd ever seen. You grumbled and put them on, uncomfortable with the way the cups were shaped and how high the underwear came up.
"What the hell is this, Sam," you barked, swinging the door open to display yourself. The brunet's hand flew to his mouth, attempting to hold back his cackles. "This was just a warm up, baby! Gotta save the best for last!"
You rolled your eyes and snatched the next pair from him. He wasn't kidding about a warm up. Each set had gotten more and more risqué, varying in styles and color. He had picked out a pretty pink babydoll set that you agreed to keep, much to his delight. He had put you in corsets, garters, bustiers, completely sheer bras paired with g-strings. Sam went the full mile picking out ridiculous combos and balancing them out with sexy options.
The last set he had you in hardly covered anything, your ass was completely out and the skimpy red top barely covered your nipples. You gazed at yourself in the mirror, turning every which way. Heat rose to your cheeks and you slowly poked your head out the door to see Sam sitting lazily in a chair, a shit eating grin on his face. "Is it on?"
"Barely," you squeaked in embarrassment. He rose from the chair and made his way into the room with you, catching his lip between his teeth as he admired your body. You rose your arms to cover yourself but he intercepted your wrists. "Let me look at you," he said lowly. "Give me a little twirl."
You obliged and saw his face in the mirror as you turned. His own cheeks were flushed pink and his hands were outstretched towards you. He gripped your waist and pulled you to him. "I think I choose this one."
Once you were dressed in normal clothes again, you quickly grabbed what you originally came to the store for and hid Sam's choice in the bundle. You met his eyes and he flashed you a cheeky grin. "I think I need to whine about coming here more often. I like the results." You elbowed him gently in the ribs, earning a laugh and a kiss to the forehead.
Tag list: @tripthelight-fanfic @always-crushin @ageofsewingmachine @theweightofstardust @edgeofcaravel @ageoffeet @the-salt-is-in-chelsea @tellmama-allaboutit @thefleetofdreams @greta-van-yeet @way-to-go-lad @weightofdreams-gvf @frickin-bats @fleetsonfire @greta-flanveet @westc0ast-sm0k3r @ghostly-luck
202 notes · View notes
onlyfreds · 3 years
Photo Album |F.W.
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Title: Photo Album
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: After their daughter finds their old photo album, Fred and Y/N go on a little trip down memory lane.
A/N: Flashbacks are in italics
The sun shined through the windows, waking me up on a lazy Saturday morning.
My husband’s grip around my waist tightened as he pulled me closer to him.
I turned around to face him, burying my head into his chest, inhaling the faint scent of cinnamon of his shirt.
“I’ll never get tired of waking up next to you.” He said, his morning voice making me swoon over him like always.
“Neither will I.” I said, almost lulling myself back to sleep when something, or more like a particular someone, had jumped on top of me and Fred.
“Mummy! Daddy! Time to wake up!” Our four-year old daughter’s, Elise, excited voice filled the air.
“Already up princess?” Fred joked, lazily opening his eyes to look at his daughter, “It’s still early.”
“But daddy, the sun is already up so I’m already up.” She reasoned with her father, giving him her puppy dog eyes.
I chuckled, “We’re up sweetie, we’re up.”
The two of us sat up as Elise crawled in between us.
“What do you want to have for breakfast princess?” Fred asked, as he placed an arm around my shoulder.
Our daughter thought about it for a moment, “How about some pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate syrup.”
Fred and I laughed as he nudged me, “You heard our princess.”
I got out of bed as I lifted Elise out of Fred’s arms making a small giggle escape from her lips.
“And what the princess wants, the princess gets.” I said as I carried our daughter out of the room.
Fred scrambled out of bed, “Hey wait for me!”
“Run.” I told Elise, placing her down as the two of us ran to the kitchen.
But Fred still managed to catch up with us, grabbing me by the waist as he caught me and hurriedly scooping Elise up, our laughs echoing across the walls.
“So, you two thought that you could get away from me that easily huh?” He said, burying his head in the crook of my neck.
“Maybe?” I said in a playful tone.
Fred chuckled as he leaned forward and connected our lips together.
“Aaaw,” Elise cooed as she rested her head on Fred’s shoulder, “you and Daddy are so romantic!”
I pulled away from Fred and my daughter, walking over to the kitchen counter, “Well, let’s start making some breakfast now. I don’t want my princess and my king to starve now do I?”
After breakfast, Fred and I were busy washing the dishes while Elise was playing in the living room.
When were done, Elise suddenly came running to us, holding a brown leather book as she said, “Mummy! Daddy! Look what I found!”
Fred scooped her up, “What’s that you got there bub?”
“It’s full of pictures of you and Mummy!” She said happily, waving the book slightly.
I gently took the book out of her hands, “It’s our photo album Freddie.” I said, looking up at my husband with a small smile.
I flipped through, looking back fondly at the days when our main goal was to cause mayhem and mischief throughout the school.
“That’s you and daddy and Uncle Georgie!” Elise said excitedly, pointing to a picture that was taken during our second year.
Fred chuckled, “Even at the age of 12 your mum was a hot as hell.”
The three of us walked to the living room and sat down on the couch, Elise leaning against Fred’s chest as we placed the album on my lap.
We came across a picture of Fred and I during our first-year dating anniversary which we celebrated at Hogwarts.
“We exactly are you taking me Freddie?” I asked as Fred led me to who knows where with a blindfold over my eyes.
I heard him chuckle, “Well doll, if I told you, then it wouldn’t exactly be a surprise anymore.”
“Just a tiny hint.” I pleaded as best as I could, “Please!”
“Don’t worry doll. You’ll find out soon enough.” He said.
After a few more minutes of walking, we finally stopped.
My boyfriend leaned forward and whispered, “You ready for your surprise princess?”
I nodded, “Yes please.”
He slowly took off the blindfold revealing the sight in front of me.
A picnic blanket was laid on the grass together with a variety of food.
“Freddie.” I said, absolutely stunned and speechless, “You didn’t have to do this.”
He smiled, placing a kiss on my temple, “I know, but I wanted to. Besides, we’re celebrating our first year of dating. It had to be special.”
“You look so pretty there mummy!” Elise said, looking up at me.
Fred laughed, placing a kiss on the top of her head, “Your mum always looks gorgeous.”
I tapped her on the nose playfully, “Besides, your father is quite handsome as well.”
“See?” Fred said, giving our daughter a little wink, ‘Your she is still swooning over me.”
I rolled my eyes, “Am not.” I said before adding under my breath, “Yes, I am.”
“I heard that.” Fred said with a small smirk.
We scanned the rest of the page’s contents, until we stopped at a problem taken during the Yule Ball.
Elise gasped in awe, “You and daddy look like a prince and princess.”
“Smile you two.” Ginny said, as the flash of the camera went off.
“Thanks Ginny!” I thanked her as I took the camera and the picture from her.
“Have fun you two!” She said, giving a small but cheeky wink as she went off to find Neville.
Fred took my hand as he lifted it up to his lips and placed a kiss along my knuckles, “Can I have this dance mi ‘lady?”
I giggled at his antics, playing along as I gave him a small curtsy, “You may, my ginger in shining armor.”
He laughed, “I like the sound of that.”
We danced the night away like it would never happen again.
It was like something out of a fairytale, the usual black and house colored uniform attire was transformed into colorful gowns.
“Penny for your thoughts.” My boyfriend said, leaning forward and pressing a brief kiss on my lips.
I giggled, “You. You always seem to occupy my thoughts nowadays.”
He chuckled, pressing our foreheads together, “Can’t seem to get enough of me, can you?”
“That was one wonderful night.” I said with a content smile.
“What happened there?” Elise asked.
I giggled, ruffling her hair, “It was a ball honey.”
She looked up at me with wide eyes, “Like the ones princesses and princes attend?”
I nodded, “Exactly like the ones princesses and princes attend.”
She gasped, “So, daddy and you were a prince and princess?”
“Not exactly.” Fred answered her, “But in my eyes, your mother will always be my princess, or my queen rather.” He said, shooting me a wink.
“Can’t you go a minute without flirting with me?” I playfully scolded.
“Stop pretending that you don’t love it.” Fred fired back.
Elise giggled, placing her chin on her hand with her elbow resting on the side of her knee, “I think it’s cute.” She said, “That even after years of you two being in love. The both of you are still head over heels in love with each other.”
Fred and I laughed as he started tickling her, “I’m starting to think that we let you watch to many Disney movies.”
Elsie squealed as she wiggled out of her father’s grasp, climbing onto my lap, as she said, “But your love story is still my favorite.”
We continued going through the album, seeing a picture that was taken around our 7th year, but it was in front of the shop.
“You don’t have to come with us. I’m not forcing you to. You can stay and finish your education if you want to.” Fred insisted but I didn’t back down.
“I don’t care about my education anymore Freddie.” I said, placing both of my hands on either side of his cheek, “especially with that pink toad around. I don’t care anymore. All I care about is being with you.”
“But what if we crash and burn? What if everything goes downhill. If it comes to that point, I might not be able to give you the life I promised you baby.” He reasoned.
“I don’t care.” I repeated, pressing our foreheads together. “I don’t care if the joke shop is a success or not. I don’t care if we have to live at the Burrow for the rest of our lives. Whatever happens, whatever life throws at us, we can get through it, as long as we’re together. No matter what happens, I’ll always stay by your side.”
He pulled me closer to him, hugging me tightly as if his life depended on it, “Thank you.”
“That’s the shop right daddy?” Elise asked, pointing excitedly at the picture.
Fred stared fondly at the photo which had symbolized the start of a now very successful busines, “Yeah it is.”
“I remember how mad your Grandma Molly was when she found out that uncle Georgie, your mum and I dropped out of school. Well, she was mad at George and I, she could never get mad at your mum. She thought that your Uncle and I forced your mum to come with us.” Fred recounted.
“Why did you drop out of school?” Our daughter asked, her eyes shining brightly with curiosity.
“Because,” Fred continued, “There was a pink monster named Umbridge terrorizing the school. She had hurt me, Uncle Georgie, Uncle Harry and even your mum. When I saw what that monster did to her, we immediately left. Even your Grandma Molly was fuming when she found out about it.”
“What happened next?” Elise asked, silently begging her father to continue the story.
“Well, before we left, we lighted up fireworks all across the hall during the O.W.Ls exam and that scared the living daylights out of Umbridge. Then we started the joke shop and the rest is history.” He said.
Elise reached forward for the album as her little hands flipped through the rest of the pages, landing on the one with our wedding picture.
She traced her hands over the pictures, “That’s day when you married daddy.” She said, her voice barely above a whisper, but we could still hear what she was saying.
I smiled, “Yeah, that was the day I married my King.” I said, placing a finger under her chin, turning her head to look at me.
“And with the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” The minister said as Fred pulled me closer to him, kissing me passionately as our lips moved together in harmony.
The festivities continued on as Fred and I began our first dance as husband and wife. The song being our theme song since we first started dating.
When the song ended, Fred leaned forward and connected our lips together, causing everyone present the event to cheer.
He pressed our foreheads together, “I love you my gorgeous Queen.”
I giggled, pulling him in for another kiss, “I love you too my handsome King.”
Elise leaned against me as Fred wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.
“When I grow up, I want to have a love story just like you and daddy.” Elise said, a cute smile adorning her features.
I smiled, moving loose strays of her ginger hair out of her face, “I’m sure you’ll have one just like it.”
“But,” Fred said, “You have to make sure that your prince will take care of you just like how I take care of your mum. Promise?” He held his hand out, his pinky finger sticking out.
Elise looped her pinky with Fred’s, “Promise.”
I stared lovingly at my husband and my daughter, they are the best things that ever happened to me, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.
@lumosandnoxwriting​​​​​​ ​​​​​ @wand3ringr0s3​​​​​​ @famdomhideout​​​ @nova-darling  @gaycatlord-stuff​​​ @pandaxnienke​ @escapingrealitybyreading (If you are crossed out, that means I can’t tag you)
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miraculouswolf99 · 3 years
Forest Wolf Academy Idea
I formed this idea after I read a Miraculous fanfiction where Marinette transferred to a school for magic along with Chloe, Nathaniel, Marc, and her brother. At the school already is Felix and the Quad kids. The magic schools are actually for those that are members of witch covens and you must be a member of the coven to join the school. Luke and Juleka are also witches but in a different cousin. Marinette and the other transfer because of Lila. Adrien soon joins them at the school as well. I also got inspiration from the anime Fairy Tail.
I loved the concept of it so much that it gave me my own idea. My idea if an Adrien-focused story since he is my favorite character and always will be.
My idea started after Miracle Queen. Because of Chloe working with Hawkmoth and because Lila had turned so many of Marinette's friends against her, her parents transferred her to an art school so that she can focus on her designing. The only ones that stayed her friends were Adrien, Nathaniel, Kim, Alix, and Juleka. Outside of the class, she had a lot more friends, but her parents wanted her away from Chloe and Lila.
Adrien's dad still makes him model with Lila despite how Adrien and the staff are always telling him that she is the worst model ever. She never shuts up with her lies, never poses as she is told to do, and is basically also sexually harassing Adrien as well. She drives them all crazy.
But then one day during another photoshoot, Adrien hears some music and is drawn toward it. The music is like a siren song that he does not notice that only he can hear. When he arrives at the source of the song, he finds an old friend of his, Lyon Garden. Lyon and his twin sister Vallia are friends of his that he met in Greece when their family hosted a charity fashion show at their family's nature and animal sanctuary. Adrien had gone there with his parents a year before his mom vanished and he kept in contact with them the entire time.
Lyon and Adrien are happy to see each other, Adrien spilling his guts about everything bad going on. Especially all the things with Lila and Chloe. And Lyon gives him an extraordinary opportunity. The reason why Adrien was able to hear his magical song was because he was magical as well. A fellow witch. So, he was able to offer him a place at his school, Forest Wolf Academy.
The two of them went to Gabriel and he actually let Adrien go to the magic school. It turns out that Adrien's mom had also been a witch and that was why he was allowing Adrien to go so easily. Adrien is more than happy to accept the offer.
When Adrien goes to Forest Wolf Academy, he is amazed to see such an incredible school. Forest Wolf is not the only magic school in the world. Each school is hidden in a pocket dimension where they can be entered in any place in the world through the use of a magical key. But each school still has a main magical doorway in the home of the founder of each school. Forest Wolf's main door is in Athens, Greece.
Adrien only lets his real friends know that he is transferring. He would have told Nino, but he no longer considered him his best friend since he turned against Marinette. But given that magical people can hear Lyon's magical song, there are more teen witches in Paris than Adrien knew about. So, even after he transfers, he is actually soon joined by a lot of his true friends. Luka, Kagami, Nathaniel, Marc, Juleka, Kim, and Alix. And each of them would have their own powers that Lyon and Vallia help them learn to control.
Lyon has siren song magic. He is a real-life siren with the added abilities to control sound and music, not just being able to use his voice as a weapon. Vallia has rainbow aura magic. She is also to surround herself with different color light auras that give her other abilities like how sky blue gives her flight and ruby red helps her shoot fire like a dragon.
Adrien would find out that he has light magic, being able to control all forms of light and even be able to change into it like a human shooting star. Luka would have enchanted instrument magic, being able to do all types of things by playing different instruments while still having his natural ability to hear a person's inner song. Juleka would have a similar ability called music spirit magic, where she is able to turn into magical creature spirits that are hybrids with music like harp playing fairies or werewolf drummers. Kagami would have Requip magic, where she is able to store weapons and armor in a separate dimension that only she can access. Nathaniel would have art-to-reality magic where he is able to bring his drawings to life no matter what they are. Marc would have Fairy Tale magic where he could read from a magical storybook that he has and summon any legendary or mythical creature from it. Kim would have were-beast magic where he is able to turn into any were-creature version of any animal like a werewolf or cat creature. And Alix would have time magic, where she would be able to manipulate time around her while also being able to travel through time on her own.
All of them actually have a great time at Forest Wolf Academy and learn to appreciate and covet their magical lives even if Hawkmoth is still a problem. But he would actually have become less active lately as if he is losing motivation for trying to gain the miraculous.
Vallia would actually gain a crush on Kim and the two of them would eventually start dating. The same would go for Juleka and Alix as well as Luka and Kagami. Nathaniel and Marc would be an already established couple since they are too adorable to break up. Adrien would also find himself gaining a crush on Lyon, something he never expected to have on his old friend.
But, as per all good things, their peace had to come to an end. Magic itself was not hidden, just the people that used it. It was why heroes and villains like Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Hawkmoth all had masks when they used the miraculous.
But, the schools have come under some fire with people thinking that they were secret evil cults that wanted to take over the world. So, they all had to open their doors to people. To politicians, school field trips, and even some tours of powerful world leaders just to show that they were all perfectly normal schools that just happen to teach magic to their witch students.
Only, one of the schools that request to tour Forest Wolf Academy is Dupont High, which puts the new students on edge. Especially Adrien and Juleka because of Lila and Rose. It did not help that Lyon and Alix were very protective of their partners and would hurt anyone that tries to hurt them.
But since they have to keep up appearances as a "normal" magical school, they have to accept the field trip request. Luckily, it is the whole school and not just Bustier's class. So, there are still good students like Aurore, Mireille, and Zoé. It is only Bustier's class that believes Lila, anyway.
Adrien and the others do their best to avoid Lila and her attack dogs. They have their jobs to stop the more temperamental students from attacking the annoying group with how they obviously bully almost everyone around them. Not to mention all of the lies that keep coming out of Lila's mouth that she is related to so many powerful witches, how she is a descendant of Merlin, how her grandparents run the best magic school in the world.
There are a lot of students that wanted her head. Especially since it was known through Adrien and Lyon that she had not heard Lyon's magical song, meaning that she had no magic at all. And since magic was passed down from parent to child, that also meant that no one in her family had magic either. Not unless they were one of those families that had been stripped of their magic for crimes against the magical world.
And if it wasn't Lila causing problems with her lies, Chloe was causing problems with her attitude. And how she kept trying to force the students to do as she says and make them her slaves. Like she would go to those with ice magic and demand that they get her a cold drink. Or she would go to the students with gem and crystal magic and demand that they give her the biggest diamond that they can make.
Once the former Dupont students are found by the group is when things really go downhill. There is a lot of yelling about how they abandoned their friends, that they should not be so jealous of Lila's accomplishments, how they needed to get over themselves, how they needed to stop being bullies. And the group fires back that they can not abandon friends that abandoned them first, that they can not be jealous of accomplishments that never happened, and that they never talk to Lila let alone bully her.
Meanwhile, Adrien is trying hard not to be seen by Lila or Chloe since he does not want either of them hanging off his arm like they usually do. But, Lila soon locks her eyes on him and down try and latch onto him, crying her crocodile tears about how much she missed him and how she wanted him back since he "promised to date her."
That is where Lyon steps in and would be so close to using his sonic scream on the annoying liar. Adrien uses his powers to turn into light and get back to Lyon's side. That is when the two of them go into a big "why Lila sucks" speech and reveals that the two of them were dating and that Adrien would never EVER date Lila.
She is not exposed, but a new demonstration of the more dangerous powers from the students, low key threats against the annoying class, makes them never come back after they leave.
Lila hopes to be akumatized over her rage about not being able to lie her way into dating Adrien, but she does not know that Gabriel gave Marinette the butterfly miraculous and the peacock miraculous already. He gave up once he saw how truly happy his son was and did not want the wish to change his son into any other version of him that would never be this happy. It also helps that a few witches from the school that could heal offered to help him restore his wife.
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