#Anti Mile-even
sacchrinec · 1 year
Sunny Day Break Up: Domino Effect
Y'know, yesterday it occurred to me, that the Sunny Day Mile-evan Break Up in season three differed from other breakups. In the sense that it caused no real, serious drama.
It was consistently played for laughs (at Mike's expense, and I love him but it was pretty funny lol) and gave more emphasis on El's independence arc than anything.
This "conflict", lasted about the entire season, and caused almost nothing important to happen. The biggest way it effected the two, was that it made El bummed for a second and that was it, before Max reassured her. And Mike got kinda bummed, I guess? It caused a slight separation in the party that already kinda existed because they were together.
So basically nothing happened as a result of two major characters breaking up in a group of mutual friends. (Save for the temporary split).
Nah, that's bullshit. It has to be bullshit, because... b-because... THAT'S JUST NOT HOW THINGS ARE DONE!?! Like it didn't even change their relationship, because they got together again and did this same shit in season 4. NO just, no! Shows do this kinda shit all the time, and it at least means something right. An entire season and all it was, was a JOKE!?
Unless, it caused something else. Maybe the point was never to cause conflict or drama between Mike and El, (despite the literal break up) but maybe to cause drama between Will and Mike.
Because let's be so fucking for real that fight was so the drama man. Something did happen man, something painful. You knew the moment Mike said "It's not my fault you don't like girls!" it was all over. It is only a little long before it gets cut off by the plot, but leaves an impact.
Will was devastated. Mike was quick to apologize and feel remorse. It caused him to bike across town, in the rain, just to apologize. Goddamn. It effected their friendship in the next season too. It had an emotional impact. It had an effect on the plot (Cali plot, led to season 3 supernatural plot).
So here's what I think happened. The Milkvan break up caused Mike to freak the freak out, obsessed with trying to seem straight again, and that was just Will's final straw (good for him). So thank you Sunny Day Break Up, it seems you did cause relationship drama after all. Between people who aren't dating. Yet.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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It's always either 'they're a fucking monster!!!' or 'they don't have any actual mental problems,that's scary so let's make them normal!' or even 'Well actually they're not a kid at all!'.If you'd met me in school you'd have called me a future serial killer
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Miles 🩷
Anyways it’s really cool that marvel had a character who was suddenly introduced into a new timeline where they didnt previously exist and has to deal with the ramifications of that alongside the loss of their previous mentor figure and friends.
And its really on brand that they barely explored any of that with miles and made up a new white boy with some extra fanfiction style sad ritz to have that storyline instead 🤡
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irlkisukeurahara · 7 months
"why would you want to claim (insert anime character) for the trans community? They're a bad person beca-"
I don't appreciate this insistence that transgender people have to be a good person to be valid. Transgender people are just as likely to be good-for-nothing pieces of shit as everyone else. Why do we all have to be "pure soft good boys" to be enough for you? It's a fictional character anyways, why must they adhere to real life standards?
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nigesakis · 9 months
im so mad that mcu spiderman forced spiderverse to change/remove ganke... like mcu spiderman got the actual ganke with a different name and atsv added a random character with gankes name. its literally a loss-loss situation cause when atsv ganke said "not your guy in the chair" he wasnt just dissing mcu ned... but also the #real ganke 😭 like the mcu will pay for this... they have to...
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cookie-nom-nom · 8 months
[“But I’m not even human.” 
Miles shrugged. “Human is as human does.” He forced himself to reach out and touch her damp cheek. “Animals don’t weep, Nine.”
She jerked, as if from electric shock. “Animals don’t lie. Humans do. All the time.”
“Not all the time.”
“Prove it.” She tilted her head as she sat cross-legged, her pale gold eyes were suddenly burning. Speculative. 
“Uh, sure. How?”
“Take off your clothes.”
“Take off your clothes and lay with me as humans do, men and women.” Her hand reached out to touch his throat. The pressing claws made little wells in his flesh.
“Urp?” choked Miles. His eyes felt wide as saucers. A little more pressure and those wells would spring out red fountains. I’m about to die. 
She stared into his face with a strange, frightening, bottomless hunger. Then, abruptly, she released him. He sprang up and cracked his head on the low ceiling and dropped back down, the stars in his eyes unrelated to love at first sight. Her lips wrinkled back on a fanged groan of despair. “Ugly,” she wailed, her clawed nails raked across her cheeks, leaving furrows. “Too ugly. Animal. You don’t think I’m human.” She seemed to swell with some destructive resolve. 
“No no no!” Gibbered Miles, lurching to his knees and grabbing her hands and pulling them down. “It’s not that, it’s just— how old are you, anyway?” 
Miles instantly recoiled, cracking his head on the ceiling again because those who didn’t learn history were doomed to repeat it, as Commodore Tung was fond of reminding him. Immediately her eyes narrowed, a snarl creeping over her sharp teeth. “You don’t think I’m human enough,” she accused, voice still husky from disuse. “I knew it.” Her claws slipped back up to the scratches on her damp face, and he jolted forward, batting them down again in a reckless manner. 
“No, it’s not that,” Miles insisted, eyeing the way her claws were curling into fists about the same size as his entire face. “You’re a child! I can’t do that.”
“My life expectancy was barely a few years. The rest of the projects have been long dead.”
“Well, it’s still wrong in human years, which is the point. There’s plenty of other tests for humanity, anyways.” Sex was by no means the epitome of human existence. “What about Socrates? Human choice motivated by the desire for happiness? Or, oh, what was that test for AI centuries ago? The Tuning Test? That would work too.” He didn’t remember what it actually entailed. “There’s many tests. You yourself said only humans lie. By your own logic, lie, ergo, human. Human is as human does.” That’s what he’d meant it to be applied to, anyway. 
Her eyes narrowed. “None of those prove your belief to me. I still like my test.” Well, naturally. [Sixteen. God. He remembered sixteen. Sex obsessed and dying every minute.] 
[“Aren’t you a little young for this?” he tried hopefully.] She started a protest, but he continued. “It’s illegal. There. I applied human laws to you.” Probably a first for Jackson’s Hole. “I also just offered you a job, and regulations ban interrank romantic interactions.” No matter how much he might want to with one particular Eli Quinn...
The power dynamic was entirely wrong, between his age and rank and the fact he was beginning to suspect he was about to rescue this girl. Or, hell, look at it the other way, at the underlying threat that he must prove he believed her human or die. It was a messed up power imbalance from nearly every angle. 
A crumpled look crossed her wolfish features. Miles tried to console her. One for it being the Vorish, gentlemanly thing to do, and two because while he thought it unlikely she’d kill him at this point, he still didn’t want to increase his chances. “I’m probably the first nice face you’ve seen in a while. Don’t settle for me simply since I got here first. There are plenty of suitable partners once you get out of this basement. Which, reminder, we’re in a hostile environment surrounded by enemies. We still need to escape.” 
Moroseness slumped her features. “It’s impossible. I stopped trying years ago. And…” a shudder ran down her strong back, ears flattening. “...they don’t like it when you try,” she said lowly. “They wouldn’t do this to me if I was human.”
“Eh, actually they would. I mean, I’m human, and I’m down here, aren’t I? I’ve been deemed subhuman before. It hurts when they think it’d be a mercy to ‘put you out of your misery’.” He was going to strangle that scientist.
She gave him an odd look, scrutinizing him more thoroughly. “You don’t look like Jacksonian work. And you said you’re human. Why isn’t that enough for them?” 
Miles spread his hands wide, a wry expression crossing his features. “Ah, but I’m a mutant. A weakling. A curse from God upon my father’s house for every sin they can think to lay at his feet. They will find anything and everything they can to hold against you, Nine, no matter what it is that makes you different. Eight feet tall or four foot nine, unmatched strength or bones of glass; they will despise you either way. Well damn their notion of being born wrong because I intend to be ten times the man they ever could be.”
“Then it’s hopeless.” 
“If you want it to be handed to you, yes. You can’t rely on someone else to give you your humanity, because that implies they can revoke it at any time. It’s a value you have to find within yourself.” It sounded like some pithy Betan advice he would’ve picked up from his mother. “With your test, you wanted your body to feel human. But what about your soul, Nine?” He paused. “No, we need a name for you. I can’t be calling you a number like some type of lab rat.” Something strong and pretty, like her. He fell into that well of old earth philosophy he had initially fallen back on. Socrates, the Greeks, the like. When he finally found the name, it seemed perfect for the girl called a monster and trapped deep in the heart of a labyrinth of labs. Wasn’t Miles intended to be some blood sacrifice to her as well? And hadn’t the minotaur been a child when he was imprisoned for life? Punished for the crime of being born, just like them. “Taura,” he breathed. “I think I shall call you Taura.”
She went still, enraptured. “A name.” Tears welled in her golden eyes. “No one has ever given me a name.” 
“I’m not giving it to you. I’m letting you take it, to seize it, to make it your own. As much as I’d like to, I can’t give you your humanity either. That’s all up to you. Break free of every cruel moniker hurled at you. Monster, mutant– who cares what any of them think!? Prove them all wrong and never look back. That’s what I did. So here: I may reject your test, but I offer my own. I believe you’re ‘human enough’ because I believe you’re worthy of freedom, of a future, of a name. I certainly can’t give any of that to you, but I sure can help you try.” Something sparked in her gilded gaze, the tantalizing offer she’d likely never been given before. It was a hope doused quickly, but it had been there at all. Miles had a chance of relighting it, of fanning the flames. 
“You really think so?” Uncertain, her fangs twisted into a guarded frown. 
Miles batted aside a twinge of guilt. It wasn’t just because she was his only shot of escape, and it certainly wasn’t for a particular scientist whose neck he wanted to wring. This was because Taura didn’t deserve to be trapped in a basement eating rats for the rest of her tenuous life. He might have needed her, but she needed him, too, if only for a little while. 
“I don’t make offers I don’t intend to provide. So, care to escape with me?” He held out an arm, almost ridiculously formal, and she took it, choosing to trust him if only hesitantly, if only for that little spark of hope still in here somewhere.
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jasontoddssuper · 10 months
Makes perfect sense that all the Miles/Gwen shippers i've met have also been Percy/Annabeth shippers.Mid recognizes mid
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homielander · 2 years
while i really liked rhaenyra in 1.10, she was also very inconsistent with the way she’s been written in prior episodes (4-9 mostly), and i don’t know what we’re supposed to take away from her characterization this season.
the last time rhaenyra showed any resistance to violence was all the way back in episode 2, when she flew to dragonstone to peacefully resolve a conflict with daemon that could have turned messy. merely paralleling that moment in the finale, however, does not erase the fact that since the first dragonstone encounter, she has walked off when a suitor propositioning her hand was killed, plotted with daemon to kill an innocent man to facilitate laenor’s escape (and resolved that the people should fear her as their scheme unfolded), and watched vaemond beheaded and expressed no feelings on the matter beyond mild shock. now, i’m not saying she has to jump into battle, but in the book she was outraged that the throne that rightfully belonged to her had been usurped, and offered very blunt terms to the greens -- to cede the throne immediately or die. i would have liked to see some of this resolve in the finale.
rhaenyra has also been neither cognizant nor considerate of the fact that, as a targaryen, the customs of the realm over which she hopes to rule are different than hers. apart from the fact that she passed off her bastards as trueborn, she also complained that the valyrian tapestries in the red keep had been replaced with banners of the faith of the seven, and she stated that the wants of the smallfolk were of no consequence to her as early as episode 4. none of these things are criminal, but they do provide us deeper insight about her mindset. (oh, also: she slept with criston, who was essentially a servant to her, despite his repeated refusal and his esteem for the position of kingsguard, which she knew involved an oath of celibacy.) in this episode though, she gave luke a speech about how targaryens were still accountable to the realm and had to follow their traditions and values accordingly. while this is undoubtedly a nice sentiment, it also defies the core of rhaenyra’s character, given that her lack of awareness on this issue is what results in her eventual downfall.
she also spoke of duty to the realm and earning the throne this episode, which are ideas she has never even alluded to prior to this point. i never got the sense that rhaenyra had much of an understanding of what the responsibility of rule truly means. we’re shown how she fled to dragonstone the moment circumstances at court grew difficult for her and we never see her engage in any sort of preparation for her future duties as monarch. she was outraged about the hightowers ruling in viserys’s stead and giving him milk of the poppy to ameliorate his pain, though she was not present for any of the six years he was left incapacitated by his health while they were. i really can’t fathom how we are expected to believe that this is a character who has understood duty all along.
rhaenyra is impulsive, indifferent to violence, ignorant or uncaring of the wants of the people, and generally uninterested in preparing for her ascension to queen. this doesn’t make her irredeemable by any means, but it is the picture of rhaenyra that’s been painted for us all season. the writers seem to want to have their cake and eat it too; yes, rhaenyra has these flaws which make her an interesting character to watch, but when the crisis they’ve been building to this entire season finally arrives, these flaws are nowhere in sight. rhaenyra can’t be allowed to be anything other than wise, mature, desperate for peace, and as luke puts it, “perfect,” at this critical juncture, even though the character they have established says otherwise.
this mirrors very closely what happened to alicent. up to and including episode 7, we were shown that she had impressed upon her kids that aegon would one day be king, and we were exposed to all of the very understandable reasons that she was aiming for this. she didn’t trust rhaenyra, she knew rhaenyra being a woman posed a threat to her children’s lives (which was only compounded by rhaenyra putting bastards next in line and then marrying daemon), she knew rhaenyra’s faction had no issue executing anyone who obstructed their goals, and it was proven to her that the wellbeing of her family was not important (not to viserys, not to rhaenyra, not to anyone) when aemond lost his eye. perhaps rhaenyra never would have harmed her children, but what matters is that alicent wanted the security of power. this may not a morally unimpeachable position, but i think it’s a very sympathetic one to anyone watching without fan goggles on. but actually, scratch all of that -- what alicent really wanted was to fulfill viserys’s half-baked dying wishes. otherwise, she never would have plotted to seize the throne for aegon! her real flaw is toiling in the service of men, don’t you see? (never mind that viserys named rhaenyra his heir before that, so whether she supported aegon or rhaenyra, she’d still be deferring to her husband.) anyway, what was all that other stuff even for, then?
i understand that rhaenyra and alicent will embrace their darker vices as the war progresses (starting with lucerys’s death and likely blood and cheese, respectively). but *alicent voice* where is coherence? where is consistency? the writers seem to be peddling the idea that these women are blameless, and their future misdeeds are a result of men and the patriarchy, but i disagree. i don’t think either of them are blameless. while the misogyny of this setting and time period plays an undeniable role in this story, it’s also stupid to ignore that alicent and rhaenyra are more powerful than nearly all men because of their positions as queen and heir, and thus had their own agency. they, too, were selfish and reckless and ambitious, qualities which we see amplified in their later, more terrible actions, and i think that would have been a far more compelling story to follow.
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atopvisenyashill · 14 days
sorry but dany/rhaenyra stans are so corny with their "men can laugh but women can only chuckle" energy lol truly the swifties of the asoiaf fandom
i mean okay while i do fully understand a lot of the "targ nation" as i like to call them ie "dany is the uncomplicated hero" + "rhaenyra has the divine right of the gods" hellish fandom mashup of weirdos are definitely on the same sort of "feminism is about making me, a woman who is privileged in every other way but gender, as much money as possible" sort of bullshit, i think it is very important to point out that that whole "men can emote but women have to bite their tongue" thing is, in fact, true. obviously there are a lot of complexities to this when you factor in race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, ability, etc., but you cannot look at the marriages of Cersei, Lysa, Dany, Alicent, Sansa, Aemma, on and on and not see that they are simply not allowed the room to like, Be A Person, the way that the men they are forcibly married to are allowed to be. Like, yeah yeah i love to make fun of the grrrrl boss bullshit but it is also very important to note that the people who are oppressed by the patriarchy are like, women, in general, regardless of any other privileges they may have.
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gibbearish · 25 days
ik i talk abt high control groups kinda often but i do encourage anyone involved in discourse in any capacity to watch folding ideas' "this is financial advice" video, because a lot of what he says about the gamestop apes being a self-organizing high control group imo also explains the more toxic discourse tendencies, and i feel like most discussion around high-control groups on here focuses on the tradtional kind that has one or a few distinct leaders which makes it harder to draw parallels between the signs. so i think its important to point out that these kinds of groups can still create that same energy as a unit even if there isn't one specific person calling the shots
#origibberish#namely the signs ive noticed most over the years are obviously internal jargon‚ thats kind of a given when working with microlabels#but see also transmed/truscum/trender/tucute/acey/theyfab/transandrophobia truther/etc etc etc#ideas being boiled down to short gotchas that just get ping ponged back and forth#see The Entirely Of Any Ace Discourse Argument for that but again see 'theyre just trans mras'#and the tendancy for members to turn on anyone who steps out of line even a little#omg i cqnt believe i forgot pro/anti discourse too theyre really bad about all of these on both sides#oh or another example would be steven universe discourse#like 'it endorses letting fascists off the hook' would just get thrown around as if it was undisputed fact despite there being MILES#of shit going on in the background to get to that#anyways. yeah 👍 keeping this in mind has already made a huge difference in how i engage in online discussions#and has also been a good rule of thumb for when to Stop engaging with someone#where if theyre displaying these signs thank you i do not want to be part of this#and like yes that goes for people youre arguing with but it obviously /ESPECIALLY/ goes for people you like#if you have a friend who you feel like you cant say anything that disagrees with them or theyll freak out at you. you dont have to keep#being friends with them. if being around someone makes you uncomfortable and you constantly find yourself making excuses for why#they treat you the way they do then thats a bad sign#and like with that i really hope ive managed to yknow. create a nice space here where ppl feel safe bringing stuff up?#idk
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craycraybluejay · 4 months
Baeddels please block me
Also you're gross for treating trans men like that and then also deciding to treat us like sex objects. You hate us and then want to fuck us. Fucking awful
Be normal about trans men and mascs or fuck so far off. It is no less hate and discrimination and dehumanizing garbage beliefs just because youre "uwu the most opwessed in the whole wide wowld"
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Boutta check in my brutal honesty autism card and say that Hobie's big ass crush on Gwen was NOT subtle at all,he was being so classic 'cocky flirty punk dude' with her and gave her his sweater to borrow which is like the biggest unspoken 'i wanna be your boyfriend' move in the book,and neither was the (probably) accidental subtext of him liking Miles too that follows 'edgy and hardcore boy who's actually a huge softie has a thing for the cutesy and innocent ray of sunshine and is more protective and complimentary towards them than he is anyone else to show it' to a fuckin' T4T and the only reason people don't read it as either is that he's super handsome so they decided that meant he's a grown man instead of the cute lil black boy he is
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prowerprojects · 8 months
Whenever I talk about Tails wanting to be a superhero (his arc in Frontiers gave me this impression), I don't mean like Sonic, I mean in contrast to Sonic.
Because to me, Sonic isn't a superhero. He's an adventurer. He doesn't have a sense of duty or feels responsible for saving the world; he just travels around looking for adventure and saves the world because it's in danger, not because he considers it his job. He doesn't hold himself to some sort of moral standart, or does something because "that's what heroes do", even if he doesn't want to, nor does he care if other people see him as a hero. (He also thinks fighting Eggman is fun)
I'm not sure if I'm saying the same thing over and over again, or not explaining myself well, but the point is I'm trying to make, is that helping people is not Sonic's goal. His goal is to have adventures, and he just ends up helping people because he sees the people who need help and he's a nice person, so he helps them.
Ironically I would say Shadow is closer to being a traditional superhero than Sonic, I mean that's why he ended up with GUN (Whether GUN is actually a force of good could be debated, but I do believe this is what the writers were going for here)
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cephalopod-truther · 10 months
I just saw the new spiderverse (it was amazing) and all I can say is SERIOUSLY?? Y'all are thirsting over this guy???
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Man is beefing with a fucking fifteen year old! He sees Miles and immediately goes straight to ragging on him for not knowing something that he deliberately kept Miles out of the loop from! Oh wow Miguel! Miles doesn't know what a Canon event is? Crazy! It's almost like he was specifically excluded from the group of people who knew all about that! Who excluded him Miguel? Why didn't he know? That's what I thought bitch
and then he's like "yeah ik you have no superhero support network, yeah I have specifically told your friends not to speak to or talk to you for no reason I will explain, your dad dies in two days (I am yelling this at you minutes after getting unreasonably mad you didn’t know about things that are common knowledge in my spiderman club (the club you aren't allowed to join)) and also you aren't allowed to save him. I expect you to react calmly and logically to this news. I see no problem with any of this why are you being unreasonable" when Miles is understandably upset by this
Like the sheer audacity of this fucker is unbelievable
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nerdie-faerie · 8 days
Very funny to think at the same time the supernaturals of New Orleans are bickering about who should be in charge and how to get more power, the Mystic Falls lot are fighting against the literal unravelling of all magic in the world
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I just realized that Anti Tails/Miles reminds me of fucking Matthew Patel
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