#Anti aang fans
aiyix98 · 2 months
I don't like aang fans at all. In Twitter i stated the obvious in the southern raiders episode. Zuko gave katara the tools to confront Yonh Ra, which was what Katara needed. To confront her mothers' killer. Meanwhile, Aang, the only thing he did was to be preachy to Katara and he didn't even try to understand her needs. And the aangs' are in my comments inventing things that i didn't see or saying that i need to rewatch the show. And is very annoying. I wasn't talking about zutara or kataang, i was stating the obvious. They are very annoying.
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sapphic-agent · 1 month
So someone on twitter said they like NATLA!aang more than cartoon!aang and someone else followed it up by saying that they didnt like how cartoon!aang was acting towards the water tribe food in that Bato episode, and now aang stans are excusing it with “he’s a kid!! He’s 12!” “characters aren’t allowed to have flaws now? Lol”. So when Zuko was disrespecting aang’s culture in the Southern Raiders episode, the fandom rightfully calls him out for being disrespectful…but ofc when aang does it as a comedic gag towards another culture ofc the fandom will scramble to excuse him.
I'm so sorry, I didn't see this!
I haven't seen NATLA in its fullest, but I actually did start taking a liking to NATLA Aang myself. Mostly because unlike with original Aang, they seem to be hammering in that Aang can't run from his responsibilities. It's setting him up for great character development. His feelings towards Katara are also way more platonic, which I love. Do I like him better than original Aang? Can't say yet, but I definitely see where they're coming from.
So, my response to the excuse that Aang is twelve is, "So you agree? He's not mature enough to be with Katara?"
Not even just for his actions in BOTWT either. Aang stans have a nasty habit of excusing all of Aang's actions with "He's 12/13!" And yes, that's true. And yeah, we can make the argument that he deserves leeway for that. But if Aang is too young to be respectful of Katara's culture, mindful of his emotions around her, and conscious of how his actions effect her, he doesn't need to be in a relationship with her.
Aang stans need to realize they can't have it both ways. Either Aang is too young to understand his actions and too immature to be in a relationship with Katara, or he's mature enough to be in a relationship with her and needs to be held accountable as such.
(The third ideal option would be that he has the capacity for growing and learning to be a good partner- not just for Katara, but anyone- he just needs to acknowledge and own his actions and make that change himself. But of course, that didn't happen: not in Book 3 or the comics)
But yeah, I hate the excuse that he's a kid. Not only is everyone else also a kid, using that as an excuse for his actions instead of a reason for him to learn to be better is doing Aang's own character an injustice
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elena--89 · 14 days
"Katara cheated with Zuko"
Why Katara should downgrade herself in that way? She has high standards sorry
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Avatar>>>Zuko's loser ass
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the-badger-mole · 4 days
It is so aggravating when these hypocritical multi shippers jump into the tag and try to lecture people out of their opinions. "Don't attack anyone", as you literally JUST attacked Zutara shippers for their opinion. In the Zutara tag. I need someone to explain to me why liking or not liking FICTIONAL characters or ships is somehow a bigger moral failing to these people than actually harassing real humans because they happen to disagree with you?
I will bash Aang, fangirl over Zutara, and write fics and metas until my little fangirly heart gives out. You know what I'm not going to do? I'm not going to go out of my way to shove any of it down the throats of anyone who feels differently. It's MY fandom experience, and it's fun for ME. If it isn't fun for you, learn to block people
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burst-of-iridescent · 4 months
what's your opinion on whether or not canon zutara could have made sense to happen by the finale?? i can't decide if i would have preferred them getting together or just hints at it and then it's revealed in tlok that they got married (and ig the comics would include the story of them getting together then)
my stance has always been that the show should have ended with no canonical romantic relationships, or a hint of future zutara at best. we didn't need anything more than a quick, intimate scene where zuko and katara discuss their futures and promise to keep in touch, with maybe a lingering glance or two to foreshadow romantic feelings. no kiss or grand declarations necessary.
that being said, if a romantic relationship had to happen, zutara was both built up more and made more sense narratively than kat.aang and mai.ko. i wouldn't have liked a zutara kiss in the finale for many of the same reasons i didn't like the kat.aang one, but it would've at least been thematically fitting and consistent with the characterizations of everyone involved - unlike zuko ending up with someone who never underwent any of the growth he did, and katara entering a lifelong romantic relationship without even so much as a word to give us insight into her sudden change of heart.
the only way to really do justice to zutara would've been with book 4, allowing plenty of time for a proper slowburn friends-to-lovers arc, but the reason so many people ship them today is because their relationship at the end of the show is the perfect jumping-off point for a romance. canon didn't actually have to give us anything more - the seeds were all planted already, and the imagination of the fandom would've done the rest.
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yxngchen · 7 months
how are u gonna be an atla fan but be “anti aang” mf did u watch the show lmao
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mahiiragi · 2 months
I find it so funny when people say zutara fans are delusional or that Zuko was never an option for Katara and that kataang was always going happen... I mean, yes, kataang was probably always going to happen at the end of the day since Aang is Bryke's favorite and they have a "soft spot" for kataang (do you ever wonder why he resembles Michael DiMartimo in The Leyend of Korra? And by "soft spot" I mean they are die hard fans more immature than Aang seeing the Boy in the Iceberg, they got to the point of making a whole ass video mocking the ship and the children who liked it out of spite because zutara had fans in the first place and some kids didn't want Aang to end up with his "forever girl") and they have the final word for what goes in the avatar franchise.
Subparagraph to say that everytime I remember that Bryke made a video mocking zutara fans I lose my mind. What are you, grown ass adults, doing ridiculizing kids for a fictional couple that wasn't even canon and was not ever going to be canon because you, creator of the show, had the power to decide that? Don't you see how stupid and frankly evil and mean-spirited it is? Focus on developing your ship so it can have more fans instead; show us how Katara sees him as an equal, someone who she can share her burdens with, how she sees him through pink lens, how she decides to be with Aang because she chose it instead of just some "destiny" bullshit, how he challenges her and promotes her growth, how he supports her in her sorrows instead of being mostly the other way around, how Katara doesn't stop being Katara after she got together with Aang, HOW DID SHE LET AANG NEGLECT HER KIDS??
But people can't say zutarians are just "seeing things" or that it undeniably was never an option when there is a lot of official content implying Zuko and Katara as a couple and it was discussed in the very own writers room if Katara would end up with Zuko or Aang because many writers liked zutara (probably the reason we have too many winks at the ship in the show, books and promotional material in the first place) and it doesn't say anything to you that half of the fandom likes the "ship with no content" or the one that was created "out of the air" more than the one we see since ep 1??? Hint: it isn't because people are delusional, as Bryke said that one time: "Zuko and Katara may have shared some sparks"
Even my fifty-one year old mother likes zutara I swear to god. She saw both atla and tlok and thought zutara had a lot of potential and preferred kataang as a strong platonic relationship.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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Listen........Let me cook
@insomniac-jay @mayameanderings
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evelynpr · 2 months
I might get burned at the fandom stake here, but I personally think Zuko x Katara x Aang being a thing when they are older would be very interesting and hilarious. Just hear me out-
Katara and Aang, married, both looking at Zuko: "Hey so my wife and I saw you across the bar, and we saved the world together and all so, can I get you some tea?" kinda vibe.
Like the three of them are all each other's narrative foils and parallels. They circulate each other narratively and emotionally throughout the whole series and even comics. When they're all older restoring peace around the world, they would have all spent so much time together I like to think it would just, kinda Click for them
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theweeklydiscourse · 2 months
It’s a bit funny when ATLA fans who are so deeply attached to the show blame the fandom for the problematic elements of the actual text. They’ll say: “You missed EVERY message that the writers included! I can’t believe that you’re unable to understand the deliberate messages woven into the show!” And then the “message” in question will be a flaw they noticed in the text, an unresolved narrative issue, or an instance of the writers’ biases seeping through the story.
I just wish that certain fans would consider the idea that perhaps the writers were not as all-knowing as they thought they were and that those gaps manifested in the story. Blaming fandom for misinterpreting the story (according to your own interpretation of it) is so ridiculous and indicative of the reluctance to critique a beloved childhood show. ATLA was ahead of it’s time in a number of ways, but we have to stop acting like it is beyond reproach.
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rifari2037 · 5 months
I did falling in love with Zutara and I probably always love them!
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
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(Sorry for the small text at the bottom)
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awakefor48hours · 27 days
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
Why do zutara shiippers hate Aang so much?
Zutara shippers don't hate Aang. Some Zutara shippers hate Aang. A lot of Zutara shippers actually really like him. I hate Aang. I won't presume to speak for other Zutara shippers about why they hate him, though. I hate him because in universe, he's a lazy, disrespectful jerk who never gets called out because...I don't know...Avatar, I guess. His superficial cheeriness is rare enough during war times that it blinds people to his worst traits. As a character I hate him because he's sloppily written in a way that accidentally sets him up to be a villain, and without the consciousness and intent that goes into writing a villain, it actually makes for a boring character.
I guess that's Aang's biggest crime with me. Had he actually been intended to be as bad as he was, in the end, I would've liked him more because at least he would've been interesting. Instead, we get...baby Ross Gellar.
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transformers0 · 1 month
Look at this guy on Twitter saying that the other members of Team Avatar should have accepted Zuko as easily as Toph did.
Dude needs to learn that the real world does not work like that.
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He's also even trying to say that Toph's attitude is fine and is justified by her parents' treatment of her.
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shadowjinx626 · 9 months
How is it that a lot of ATLA shippers who have good meta on characters and ships they like, but also have terrible/questionable takes on ships and characters they don't like?
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