#transfem dick grayson
punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
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Listen........Let me cook
@insomniac-jay @mayameanderings
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jelmet · 8 months
been thinking about how dick’s full name is Richard John Grayon, John also being her dads name. Thinking that when Dick comes out as trans she takes on her mom’s name and becomes Mary John Grayson. She has each of her parents names and they name the three of them created together (Grayson).
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
Backstories are framed as 'making them what they are now' but don't actually explain their behavior✔
Get more canon content than many objectively better characters because the writers are bigots that hate minorities✔
Groomed an underaged blonde girl into helping them and seem to have a thing for girls too young for them in general✔
Which is added on to by their black haired nemesis who they have a lot of subtext indicating they're attracted to being easy to read as eggs✔
A lot of people in the fandom think they're hot and deep because they have bad taste,low standards and a lack of care for irl abuse victims' feelings✔
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theautisticcentre · 4 months
Dick Grayson and Jason Todd aren't my brothers actually. They're my sisters.
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llmsos · 2 months
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anime-villian-irl · 6 months
Im sorry I got my grubby little hands on the batfamily too. There now all trans
Bruce: he/they/it
Jason: she/it/neo
Tim: he/him or neo's
Stephanie: she/her in a transfem way
Cass: they/he
Damian: they/them
Barbara: she/they/it/neo's
Dick: he/she/neo's
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cm2tfemotd · 2 months
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon Is Every robin from dc comics! all of them are transfem! (- note: not all are pictured)
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aroacebrucewayne · 11 days
when I grow up, I want to be nothing at all
summary: ‘Bruce hasn’t looked at himself properly in the mirror for months.’ {batman? more like notman.}
a/n: 1. character referred to w he/him pronouns for a while because she doesn’t realise she’s transfem. She’s also Misgendered because the batfam doesn’t know yet. 2. I haven’t read any comics except for the first one w/ penguin in it!! All my knowledge is from other fanfics!! Do not come at me for not knowing lore please!!! 3. Story title is from “the end” by mcr because I’m cliche trash. 4. yes, I know Dick lives a city over. Why he’s randomly returning to Gotham on this day is unknown to me. But I have gone on overnight trips to visit my grandparents in the past and they live in another city too, so I guess it’s fine. Maybe he missed his family :) [also if you’re wondering where everyone else is/what their roles may be: patience. I’ll add to this au soon hopefully!]
5. Enjoy! Idk when I’ll be writing more for this but uh. Yeah. Have fun :)
Bruce hasn’t looked at himself properly in the mirror for months. He figures that it’s the scars crossing his body, riddling his torso and limbs with a map of his past victories and losses. Sure, he looks at his face to shave and occasionally cut his hair, but that’s about it. He’s still pondering this when he his phone chimes sharply.
Tim: hi bruce. dickhead coming for dinner 2day
The text, short and to the point, only reminds him to hurry up with his dressing. The batcave, while cool, isn’t an “acceptable substitute for fresh air and human interaction, Master Bruce.” So he swiftly pulls on a sweatshirt and pants, and goes back upstairs to wash the dirt, grime and facepaint off his face.
The bathroom tile he rests his forehead against is cool against his flushed skin, offering slight reprieve from the steady pounding in his skull. Bruce forces himself to look up at the mirror. Heavy dark circles, downturned mouth, and tired eyes stare back at him, and he trudges out into his bedroom.
The room isn’t really messy, he’s never allowed it to be. But there is a jacket flung over his full-length mirror, and a chair shoved in front of it, and both of them obstruct the full view of himself. He pushes the chair aside and grabs the jacket, convincing himself with some difficulty to look at himself fully and truly.
He looks normal. Maybe a little beaten down and weary, but otherwise he looks like a normal, regular, alright guy. The moment the thought manifests in his mind, he squeezes his eyes shut and tries to ward off the feeling of WRONGWRONGWRONG thrumming under his skin.
Fuck. Fuck. Maybe there is something wrong with him, something twisted. Self hatred is nothing new to him, but this feels different. More painful. He takes one more look at the mirror - Face your fears - and leaves the room, jacket tossed to the floor. He can’t waste time thinking about himself: Dick’s coming for dinner, Tim and Damian are coming home from school soon, and the sky is clear and cloudless. It’s a beautiful day, and Bruce has spent most of it in the cave, burning case details into his mind.
The thought makes his headache spike up again, and he casts his mind to other things. Chiefly, the sound of voices coming from the dining room. Tim and Damian are sitting at the table, eating sandwiches, while Tim chatters excitedly about his day to Alfred.
Bruce steels himself for a moment before he enters with a smile, jumping into the conversation with ease. All his worries and anxiety melts into the background, his chief attention being on this sliver of his family, here and now. His mind hones into the present, and he drops his earlier train of thought with ease.
He can always figure that thing out later.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Dickkoryroy is a ship i have mixed feelings on in the sense that i'm like 'Roy objectively makes way more sense as an alternative love interest for Dick than Babs does and him and Kory are close enough to be okay with a vee relathionship with her and Dick deserves to be spoiled and pampered by her dilf of a childhood best friend and black milf-y first girlfriend after all she's been through and Kory being added to Lian's official parents makes way more sense than it being Jason' but at the same time i'm also like 'Oh god,logically she lost her virginity to one or both of them since she's demisexual-coded so i know for a fact this poor woman has never felt mercy in the bedroom.Good for her though,get it girl'
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jelmet · 8 months
Dickroy for the ship ask!!
had to ss to use for ref
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honestly reading the original teen titans runs and seeing them grow and mature together!!!! i remeber originally reading their comics together and loving their dynamic.
i love how they r togther!!! also the way that they are written screams t4t autistic4autistic to me. going to be honest i like them when they are older and have fully grown into themselves and their identities
mostly transfem she/her grayson and trans masc nonbinary he/they roy and they raise lian together idk if thats unpopular cause its pretty much the most popular thing in my mind.
im kinda bad at these lol
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jasontoddssuper · 11 months
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Duos who's creators insist are romantic soulmates but come across as more an egg and her bestie who gives her gender envy than anything else
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devine-fem · 4 months
im spreading my agenda on you bitches without your consent. always some “transmasc” headcanons for characters, no, ima go switch it up.
transfem jaime reyes? please? transfem bruce wayne? shhh. transfem bart allen? hm. transfem jason todd? would love to see some punk trans girl… tranfem lil lobo? transfem dick grayson? it doesnt have to make sense just go with it. ted kord?
tranfem koriandr? transfem… harley quinn, kara… transfem… dinah lance? transfem tora? transfem cassie?
like COME ON SWITCH IT UP GUYS. its always transmasc
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jerichogender · 7 months
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autisticdoomslayer · 9 months
Why are you liking my anti Jayroy posts if you ship it???? /gen
Your anti-JayRoy posts aren’t “JayRoy is inherently Bad”, they’re “I ship DickRoy”. I don’t ship DickRoy much, but all the stuff of yours I’ve liked is Transfem Dick Grayson and Jason being protective of his big sister. I’m not the type of person to freak out when my ship doesn’t work out with everyone. The posts I liked were cute. I liked them. Just because I ship JayRoy doesn’t mean I’m gonna lose it when someone happens ships something else.
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cm2tfemotd · 4 months
Todays Canon Male to Transfem Headcanon Is Dick Grayson / Nightwing from Batman! he is a genderfluid bi demi transfem with adhd and depression that uses he/she!
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My fanfiction needs more female main characters who are on the protagonists' side. I've already filled up all the slots I had open for adding new characters. Several of my central characters are canonically male and really can't be switched out for someone else. My fanfic also really needs a few transfem characters
Therefore it is time to hit some motherfuckers with THE TRANSING RAYBEAM
(also if you felt like giving me an explanation of how you think transitioning could play into their characterization/history I would be incredibly grateful and would love to read that!)
((Also also have the other main characters and their roles in case that swings a vote somehow: Tim Drake/Jason Todd as Main Pairing and wielders of God-like powers reshaping the world in their image, Talia Al-Ghul & Poison Ivy as Ecological Sciences advisors, Harley Quinn as Psychotherapist and Counseling, [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS] as Main Antagonist, Barbara Gorden & Dinah Lance & Cassandra Cain as Narrative Foils and Secondary Antagonists))
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