#Apartment 31c
faeriekit · 2 years
"Do you like this character?🥺?" I want to see him sobbing and writhing in a ditch. Leave me alone
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kitsune024 · 1 month
DP Fics ||Fics I love||Pt5
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Harvest by @wastefulreverie I Chapters: 2/2 I
Something’s Wrong With Danny Fenton by @ghostly-cabbage I Part 1 - 2 I
The Gravity Of Time by @punchspeedchunk I Part 1- 3 I
The Ultimate Saga by Firefury_Amahira I Part 1 - 5 I
dp x dc
If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire I Chapters: 11/22 I
Dig Three Graves in Apartment 31c by @faeriekit I Chapter's 6/6 I
Vertical Limit by hppjmxrgosg I Chapters: 27/? I
Off With [the Demon's] Head by I Chapters 15 / ? I lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood by I Chapters: 91/150 I
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space-dreams-world · 1 year
Step-Dad, Godfather or Uncle! Danny au:
Inspired by @faeriekit Dig Three Graves in Apartment 31c
Danny was good friends with the late Catherine Todd before a life of drugs took over. Since it seems like Jason was abandoned by his mother and sent to Willis before marriage to Catherine.
Willis knows about Danny being good friends with his wife and sometimes tries get his wife to bribe Danny for money or Catherine herself would try once she's addicted to drugs...
Danny definitely refuses Willis's demand, and when Catherine tries, there is always a sad look in his eye. While Willis is trying to make money, and when Catherine was somewhat in better health, Danny would visit and Babysit and take care of the young Jason Todd, trying to give him as much love and support in this trying time.
Willis getting jealous of Danny taking care of his son and worried of what he was teaching him and the potential of his wife cheating on him, Willis murders Danny leaving him to die in the apartment while protecting Jason from his Dad.
(This could take place when Jason was a baby or before Jason is abandoned to the streets of Gotham. Either way, Catherine dies of drugs and Willis is sent to prison as a scapegoat for Two Face Gang.)
Because Jason spent so much time near Danny, Jason is definitely liminal and Jason kindness stems from Danny (Catherine mentions to her neighbors that should anything happen to her or Willis that Jason goes to Danny and Jason knows this too, but it's too late and the crime is never reported even after when Jason was with Bruce...)
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Baby Lost, Baby Found
so first time posting on tumblr, i got inspired by the idea of danny phantom being jason todds father from the story apartment 31c by @faeriekit
its going to be a bit long so,
I headcanon that ghosts can asexually reproduce but it takes some time to make sure that the baby is stable than if there was two ectoplasmic donors so its not commonly done or well known . so when vlad tries to clone danny he doesn’t know that he’s actually growing a lab baby and in the test tube while its forming the baby splits, becoming two babies, one more ghostly (ellie) the other more human ( jason ).
Danny feeling a strange tug at his core urging him to find something, something very important to him and he has to find no matter what, searches for weeks before he finds ellie and jason before vlad ages them up and he falls in love instantly. he looks at his beautiful daughter and son, cradles them carefully and takes them home olny telling jazz, sam, and tucker about their true origins, his parents lecture him about ‘how irresponsible he was for bringing two children into the word’ and ‘how hard it is to raise them’ and ‘how much personal time you have to give up to take care of them’ despite them not noticing that he had disappeared for weeks or that they spent all day in thier lab only coming out for food and bathroom breaks or to put a sample in the fridge because the basement fridge was full {they still haven’t noticed he’s died} . the babyies needed a steady intake of his ectoplasm or pure ectoplasm to stabilize so took them to school with him, not trusting his parents inventions to not accidentally shoot at his kids but thankfully the ghost have calmed down with their attacks ever since he got the kids only going after him after school and during holidays and toning down thier destructive acts.
During the summer holiday vlad invites the fenton family to a cruise ship no doubt trying to enact one of his stupid schemes with jazz unfortunately (or fortunately) unable to join because she was joining a charity for helping less fortunate kids as a volunteer so that she could add it to her resume also because she’s just a really good person and wants to help defintley not to get out of the holidy cruise with val of course not . During one of the cruses resocking pit stops he has to change ellie’s diaper because he’s a goid dad, so he leaves jason with his parents reluctantly after the insisted that he would be perfectly safe with them, jason having a dormant core barley exhibits any ghostly traits while ellie having an active core regularly floats, so his parents were less liely to think jason was a ghost tgan ellie, not knowing that as soon as he left the box ghost came to cause mischief, his parents immediately entering ghost hunter mode forgetting about baby jason.
Enter Sheila also on the cruise running a fake pregnancy scam on multiple people, getting desprate when few men fall for it but needing more proof from her, she decides to steal baby jason who was conveniently unattended to in the chaos happening and leaves before the cruise before the ship departs. She successfully registers the baby as hers saying that she gave birth to him on a cruise thats why she has no previous medical records and naming him jason based on the custom onsie he’s wearing that had in bold Baby Jason written on the chest and starts her scam once again. This time she’s more successful in her scam getting large amounts of money from different men, her having blue eyes, the baby having blue eyes, most people having black hair made it much easier, but now the baby was getting older and its harder to scam people with a larger baby so she doesn’t want him anymore so she hands him over to the only man stupid enough to believe that was truly his baby, Willis Todd, she dumps him in gotham and leaves.
Back at the cruise ship danny finishes changing ellie only to come out to the aftermath of the box ghost and search’s for his parents so that he could get his son back only to discover that his parents have once again neglected another child, their grandchild, in favor of their ghost hunting ways. danny feels devestated his baby boy is gone and the ship had already sailed a long way out from their last stop, he should have never trusted his parents, he didn’t care that they neglected him, but thier neglect now cost him his son. he leaves ellie with jazz once they reach home and follows the tugging in his core once again trying to locate his son, but this time it’s harder it took him weeks to find his kids the first time and that was when they were stationary, now sheila keeps moving meaning the direction of the tugging keeps changing and it throws him off the right track, until she reaches gotham and the tugging suddenly STOPS, danny is floating in the middle of nowhere when his connection with his baby just disappears without a warning. and danny is just terrified, he doesn’t know what has happened to his baby.
Jason is in gotham now, which is a ectoplasm deadzone, despite it being heavily covered in death energy. any time ectoplasm is formed its immediately sucked away by those who have recently died, barely being able to take enough to pass to the afterlife, and with the amount dieing in gotham the amount of ectoplasm is barely able to sustain jasons baby core. he has stronger senses and a better immune system from his ghost half but other than sharper canine teeth he doesn’t develop other ghostly traits over the years growing up, if he able to seemingly disappear in the shadows and move as silent as a ghost, it’s attributed to gotham strangeness.
jason is now 15 and dies waking up briefly in ghost zone only for the ectoplasm to kick start his core and kicks him back into his body six months after his death, back in to gotham the ectoplasm deadzone now unable to support his active core leaving him catatonic for talia to find and dunk in the lazarus pit. he spends three years in with the league of assassins before returning to gotham mad with pit rage and the need for revenge against the joker.
danny, now the ghost king , has never given up searching for his missing, despite not being able to locate him his bond reassuring him his son was alive, having moved out with his daughter and sister when she turned eighteen and cut off all communication with his parents. he’s in a meeting in the ghost zone when he feels his bond with his son flare up strongly only for it to disappear from the ghost zone not a minute later, leaveing him no time to search for him, but the bond is there, if barely, but it disappears again when jason is dumped in the lazurus pit, his signature corrupted from how it was when he was young. danny’s core aches from the sadness he’s feeling, the bond he has with his son is seemingly gone, he doesn’t know what to do now.
A year passes and jason is now nineteen a year after he came back to gotham, having reconciled with his family. but now the justice league is facing a world ending supernatural threat and they need someone or something powerful enough to face it, so who else other than the benevolent and kind ghost king.
constantine has the main league members do the ritual with him batman, superman, wonder woman, flash, green lantern, because the requires a lot of power. so they chant his titles, The Benevolent and Kind, The Great One, The Gate and The Keeper, The Guiding Star, The High King Of Infinite Realms, and a portal starts forming and slowly danny emerges in full royal garb, white hair swaying whisply in an invisible breeze, eyes a glowing green galaxy, crown and ring on full display. Danny opens his mouth to speak only to close it when he feels a weak, sputtering bond from someone standing at the back of the room, he cranes his head searching for the orogin of this bond and spots a young man, then it clicks, thats his son, that’s jason. he can’t believe his eyes, he finally found his baby, after nineteen years, he sinks to the floor and sobs.
Jason had always felt a strange feeling if longing that never seemed to go away, at first he thought it was from a lack of care from his parents, but it didn’t seem right to him, so after he bacame robin, and found out about sheil he thought that was where the feeling of longing was coming from, but then she betrayed him and he died at the hands of the joker. and in that one minute in the realm of the dead everything felt right only to wake up in his own grave and then get dumped in the pit. After getting dumped in the pit the longing was gone, and in its place was rage, like he had lost something very important to him and this made him unbelievable angry, so he went to gotham to exact revenge, and ended up reconciling with his family.
a year later he’s stading at the back the room as the justice league summons the ghost king, and as the king emerges the feeling of longing that was gone since his death starts sputtering to life, he looks at the floating man and the longing gets stronger, they lock eyes and the man shudders and sinks to the floor sobbing, he wants nothing more that to run to him and hug him, hold him and never let go, he has never felt such intense emotions towards someone in his life.
As he slowly walks towards the ritual, danny lifts his and revrently utters his name “Jason”
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clivemwilliams · 5 months
Tobago 2024
Tuesday 23rd – Wednesday 24th May
Well here we are again – enjoying a great holiday and continuing to spend the children’s inheritance – not that they seem to mind ! Do a blog they say – but make it funny but not too long ! No pressure then. Arrived here yesterday after 10 hour flight, including a 1 hour stop over in St. Lucia. Used British Airways who were very good. Flight was preceded by a search of the airport shops for a cheapish pair of sunglasses following the annoying failure to find my fairly new expensive ones which have now been officially declared lost ! After successfully negotiating our way through a succession of passport and security checks we were met by our driver Angelo who drove us the 40 mins to our Nature Retreat/Eco Lodge - he said it would take 15 mins ! Soon realised Tobago time is very similar to Devon time !
The lodge is our base for the next 3 days and is basically in the middle of nowhere – surrounded by a rainforest with a huge variety of bird life most of which seemed to be up having a party last night as the squeaking and screeching at times sounded like someone had actually been murdered !
It turns out we are the only 2 guests staying here which is quite nice but also a bit weird - we have the pool and all the grounds to ourselves and effectively the chef is just cooking for us.
This morning we went on a 3 hour nature trail accompanied by a really good local guide who really knew his stuff – although he was very impressed with Judith’s bird knowledge !
I enjoyed taking photos of the birds – some of which were good – most I deleted, whilst Judith enjoyed what was effectively a private birding tour of the forest.
Outside our bedroom window is a row of bird feeders for humming birds which is very entertaining and provided me with some great photo opportunities – not all of which were taken ! – they dart around so quickly it’s not that easy getting the perfect shot.
Oddly, and this freeked Judith out to start with, the bedrooms are not locked and there is no key !
I’ve included some of the bird photos below – as basically that’s all we’ve done apart from spend the afternoon by the pool in the 31c heat.
Need to mention that the food being served is really good although, unfortunately so far it’s been mainly fish – there is no choice - it’s basically ‘eat it or leave it’ ! Doesn’t bother me as I love fish but unfortunately Judith won’t even eat anything that’s been anywhere near a fish so that just leaves the salad – oh yes but Judith will not eat anything green so that just leaves the tomatoes ! I blame her parents !
Tomorrow we’re off on a morning tour of the wetlands – should be good – no doubt more birds to photograph !
Sorry if you don’t like birds – the next 10 days will be a lot about birds but I’ll try and include non bird related stuff wherever I can.
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arisatominakos · 3 months
i hate summer bc its hot & i wilt violently when its like 85f( thats 31c for my sillies outside of the us ) & higher which is like the low half the time in the south but man i love leaving my apartment to see the complex alive with families out & about at the pool kids runnin around free couples on the porch chattin bros at night drinkin around their cars gossiping my old gay neighbors bringing home new plants & discussing where to put them like summer hate it or love it its the season that folks become alive & community is at its highest & im in love with humanity being humans together
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railwayhistorical · 4 years
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Barriger’s Bloomington
Above are two images taken from nearly the same spot, some thirty odd years apart. This is along the Monon, and former Monon (L&N), respectively; both show a view, looking NNE in downtown Bloomington, Indiana.
The first was made in the 1940s by a photographer who traveled with the President of the line at the time, John W. Barriger III. The second was taken by myself in the mid-to late-1970s; the Louisville & Nashville had subsumed the Monon by the time I was able to photograph it.
While the second image shows that there was only a tiny cinder block building to serve as a make-shift Amtrak station, there had been a beautiful limestone passenger station on the other side of the tracks prior to that. (It was nearly the length of the entire block between 4th and 5th Streets—seen in the Barriger image here; in the second image, a drive-in bank has taken its place.) The Motor Inn, formerly the Graham Hotel, visible in the background, was (and still is) one of the more distinctive buildings in Bloomington.
In the second image, EMD E9A number 408 (formerly of the Milwaukee Road, numbered 201C and later 31C) is in charge of the train this day, March 30th 1977. For more vintage images of the Monon in the 1940s, one can go to this link.
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faeriekit · 2 years
Someone mentioned (this is in the comments of Apartment 31c btw) that they want to see what Jason’s reaction to Willis!Danny biting off Joker’s head would be, and that was never in my plan for an epilogue, so this is now in an ao3 comment:
Jason: Man I can't wait to get back to Gotham. Think I could kill the Joker? I bet that would be cathartic.
Willis!Danny: *reading a newspaper* Nah.
Jason: Why the fuck not??  😡 I can literally walk through walls now. I could pull his heart out. I could bury him in concrete. Look!! *sticks hand through bus seat* What's he going to do about that?
W!Danny: Nothing, probably.
Jason: So?? Why not??
W!Danny: Kinda hard to kill a dead guy.
Jason: He DIED?
W!Danny: Yeah.
Jason: HOW?? WHY??
W!Danny: Ripped his throat out with my teeth.
W!Danny: Tore off his head too. *looks over*.  Drink your ectoplasm. Honestly, it's like babysitting a four year old. Shut your fucking mouth and drink. You can piss on his corpse later or whatever makes you happy.
Jason: ... *sips*
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kitsune024 · 1 year
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Danny Phantom fics
DP X DC Fic Recs Part 2
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood by @halfagone I Chapters: 91/150 I Cassandra Cain/Danny Fenton, Lex adopts Danny, Lex Redemption, OP Danny If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire I Chapters: 11/22 I Danny works at batburger, Danny & Jason, Batfamily Dynamics, case fic, tired Danny, canon divergence Ghost in the Morgue by WheatAndWheatBiProduct I Chapters: 4/? I medical examiner Danny Fenton Off With [the Demon's] Head by @halfagone I Chapters 15 / ? I Danny & Danielle, canon divergence, long lost/secret relative, Danny & Ra's al Ghul, protective Danny Wayne’s Haunted Mansion by @tathartiel I Chapters: 23/? I Kid Danny Fenton, Danny gets adopted and it's wholesome, Danny haunts the manor, hurt/comfort Phantom Children: Redux by @avaritia-apotheosis I Chapters 11/? I The Ultimate Enemy, Canon Divergence, Danny Fenton is an al Ghul, Danny is a Wayne, Big Brother Danny The Red Hood's Big Bad Guard Demon by @the-stove-is-on-fire I Chapters 1/? I Danny/Jason, Ice Sculptor Danny, Danny freaks Jason out here lol, High and unhinged Danny, Scarecrow's Fear Toxin bloodlines by @halfagone I Chapters 6/? I Danny is Diana & Bruce's son, Time Travel Shenanigans, Identity Shenanigans, past diana/bruce, past danny/valerie, witch Sam, misunderstandings, batfamily
Completed Fics
Dig Three Graves in Apartment 31c by @faeriekit I Chapter's 6/6 I Danny has the role of Willis Todd, halfa Jason what was lost, found again by @halfagone I Chapter's 5/5 I Danny finds Jason first, Empath Danny, Canon Divergence, Danny is the Wayne's Mary Poppins- but he gets to stay, Creepy Danny How Light Carries On (Endlessly, Even After Death) by BumblingBeesAndWillowTrees I Chapters 3/3 I Eldritch Danny, Danny Adopts Jason Todd, Haunted House
Eldritch Toddler by @halfagone I Chapters 1/1 I Age Regression/De-Aging, Creepy Danny, Eldritch Danny, Fluff and Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Batfamily Hatred At First Sight by Sagoberattare I Chapters 1/1 I Funny fic, Feral Danny, Danny sees the Joker and his hatred for clowns is cranked to a 100 Two For One Special by @halfagone I Chapters 1/1 I Humor, Kidnapping, Mistaken Identity, Clark & Danny oh lazarus, how did your debts get paid by @hollowmashiro I Chapters 1/1 I Danny/Jason, Pre-Slash, Codependency, Soul Bond, Mind the Tags
Ghost King Danny
Prodigal of Lazarus by @sherashalala I Chapters 9/10 I Danny Fenton is Damian Wayne's older brother, Danny & Damian No Grave can Hold my Body Down by ghostly_frogly I Chapters: 6/? I ghost king Danny but more like prince, Cryptid Danny Vertical Limit by hppjmxrgosg I Chapters: 27/? I Bamf Danny, eldritch Danny, creepy danny- only a bit, POTENTIAL danny/tim. Arkham Phantom: The Cryptic Security Guard by @blobghostdoart I Chapters: 8/? I Security Guard Danny, Adult Danny, Eldritch Danny-only sometimes, crack fic, crack treated seriously, OP Danny Graveyard Shift by Mangopaw I Chapters: 7/? I Creepy Danny, Danny haunts Arkham-kind of, Older Danny Bus to Nowhere by @precarious-hermit I Chapters: 26/? I Homelessness, tired Danny, PTSD, no adoption The Boy King and the Dark Knights by @imjustkindaherelove | Chapters: 29/? | Age Regression/De-Aging, ghost king-more like prince, good parent Jason, Danny & Jason, funny misunderstandings, Identity reveal Lay Low and Graduate by @jaytriesstuff | Chapters: 24/? | Danny x Tim, Danny is so done
Completed Fics
To Let A Man Die by @omnicrafts I Chapter's 2/2 I Joker is Dead, Miscommunication, doesn't say in tags but it hints he's a King Your City Loves You (And Your Home Was Always Here) by bongo_balderdash | Chapters 2/2 | Clark centric, Sentient Metropolis, Clark & Danny
Ghostly Delivery by WeirdNCrazy | Chapters: 1/1 | More like Ghost Prince, Pizza Deliverer Danny, Bamf Danny, Danny likes messing with Superheroes, funny fic There Will Be Peace by @lapetitechatonne I Chapters: 1/1 I Horror, doesn't say in tags but mentions he's a King
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Out of curiosity, how hot is it? I know heatwaves mean different things in different places.
It’s 9:35 pm and it’s till 31C outside which is about 88F. It’s not supposed to go below 24 tonight.
Apart from the fact that I am a winter person. This is just hell 😂
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saigonguides-blog · 5 years
The 6 Best Art Galleries in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Saigon’s art scene has rapidly evolved from a commercial art hub to an eclectic community of talented and unique contemporary artists. Galleries are crucial to promoting local artists and are often responsible for organizing events outside of classic exhibits to bring the artistic community together. Here are the best art galleries in Saigon to catch a glimpse of the incredible talent within this dynamic city.
1. Saigon Outcast
Saigon Outcast describes itself as a ‘creative space, magical craft beer garden and graffiti paradise’. This events venue hosts everything from rock climbing and movie evenings to life-drawing classes and acoustic nights. One of the most striking things about Saigon Outcast, though, is the graffiti covering many of the surfaces. This place has some of the most impressive wall art in the city.
Address: Nguyễn Văn Hưởng, Hồ Chí Minh, 70000, Vietnam
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2. Ho Chi Minh City Museum of Fine Arts
This is the top-rated art museum within the city. Here, you can catch a glimpse of what the local art scene looks like and what local artists are creating. This dauntingly huge complex features an appealing mix of French and Chinese architectural styles, as it was owned by a Chinese-born businessman who was one of the city’s richest men at the time it was constructed.
Address: 97A Phó Đức Chính, Ben Nghe, 1 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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3. Duc Minh Gallery
This expansive private art collection is one of the best in the country. Duc Minh was one of Vietnam’s most important art collectors, saving pieces from potential destruction during the Vietnam war. His son, Bui Quoc Chi, has continued the family legacy by preserving the vast amount of pieces that range from from 1920–1990. The current collection has expanded to feature more contemporary works and occasionally, Quoc Chi offers guided tours. If you do find a tour date, grab it; tickets are a little pricey, but they sell out fast.
Address: 31C Le Quy Don, 3 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
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4. Lotus Gallery
This gallery, located in the heart of District 1, makes clever use of its long, narrow interior by placing art work on sliding panels to reveal several paintings underneath. The gallery owners are friendly and informative and will gladly provide details of each piece, as well as a brief history of several artists hailing from all over the country. This private gallery has operated since the ’90s and also features a range of works from portrait style canvas paintings to contemporary pieces.
Address: 100 Nam Kỳ Khởi Nghĩa, Ben Nghe, 1 Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
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5. Craig Thomas Gallery
This is one of the older galleries in the city, but it still offers plenty of contemporary artwork. American lawyer Craig Thomas worked in Saigon for many years before he followed his true passion as a collector. Established in 2009, this gallery features many emerging new artists, along with well-known names. A number of exhibitions are held throughout the year and pieces are often created by Vietnamese locals. Like most great artwork, many paintings found here contain important messages behind the brushstrokes.
Address: 27 Trần Nhật Duật, 1 Ho Chi Minh , Vietnam
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6. Apricot Gallery
This elegant, stylish gallery located in District 1 houses impressive works from both well-known local artists and newcomers. Originating in Hanoi, this gallery occupies five storeys and features large canvas paintings displayed as though they were in a big-budget museum. Keep your eyes peeled for some lesser known contemporary works by up-and-coming local talent.
Address: 50-52 Mạc Thị Bưởi, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
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Vinhomes Central Park - Best Apartment For Rent In Binh Thanh District
7 Best Coffee In Saigon You Must Try
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mikosaura · 6 years
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Every home has a story, a history that makes it the way it is today. In many cases, you can see that history, and that personality, in the small cracks in the walls, and the faded markings on doorways.
More than its history, according to Numerology, every house also has an innate personality that you can unlock by understanding your home’s number.
At its most basic level, Numerology is the study of the numbers that make up the Universe.
Numerology has a long history, dating back at least 3,000 years to Ancient Mesopotamia, and is practiced by different cultures across the world including the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, and Japanese.
Modern Western Numerology is largely based on Greek Numerology, otherwise known as Pythagorean Numerology, as the mathematician, philosopher and teacher was one of its most famous followers.
Pythagoras and his followers believed that the Universe was constructed according to a divine geometric plan, which is why the same geometric patterns recur repeatedly throughout nature.
Following on from this, they believed that numbers are the building blocks of the Universe and that, like human DNA, they carry information about the Universe that can be read and deciphered.
Numerologists believe that everything in the Universe has a number, or a series of numbers, that define its innate character. For example, a Life Path Number, which is determined by a person’s date of birth, reveals in general how their life will play out, the opportunities they will have, and the lessons they will learn.
Like people, places also have numbers, which reflect the energy of the location. It is possible for people to be compatible or incompatible with a location, feeling comfortable, or decidedly uncomfortable, in that space. This can explain why some people fall in love with a place the moment that they arrive, while others just don’t feel right in a certain location, despite there being no obvious reason for their discomfort.
To determine the number of your home, you first need to select which part of your address has the most resonance for your home.
For example, perhaps you live at 1704 8th Avenue. In this case, it is your house number that is the most important number for your home, so you will use your house number to determine the number of your home.
To do this, you need to reduce your house number to a single digit number from 1-9, or one of the three Master Numbers (11, 22, 33), which are special numbers within numerology.
0 is also a significant number within numerology, but as it means infinite possibility, and all things that can possibly be existing, you will never encounter a person or a place that is characterized by the number 0.
To reduce your house number to a single digit or Master Number, you simply need to add the digits together.
For example, 1+7+0+4=12, and then this is to be reduced further 1+2=3, revealing that the number of this home is 3.
If you live in an apartment, for example, apartment 31C at 1704 8th Avenue, then your apartment number supersedes your street address.
In this case, you determine the number in the same way, but don’t ignore the C. In numerology all letters have a corresponding number, so you need to determine the number of the letter C (see the list below) and add this to your equation.
So, in the case of apartment 31C you would add 3+1+3=9, making your home a number 9.
1 – A, J, S
2 – B, K, T
3 – C, L, U
4 – D, M, V
5 – E, N, W
6 – F, O, X
7 – G, P, Y
8 – H, Q, Z
9 – I, R
Perhaps you live at a named address, for example, Rose Cottage, in this case, the name of the address is more significant than any other part of the address. To calculate the number of this address, assign each letter a number, and add these together until you get a single digit or Master Number.
So, for Rose Cottage we would determine the number for Rose 9+6+1+5=21, which reduces to 2+1=3. We would then determine the number for Cottage 3+6+2+2+1+7+5=21, which reduces to 2+1=3.
Here, in theory, you would add 3+3 to give you a number of 6 for your home, but as 33 is a Master Number, you would keep 33.
This represents independence, innovation, and ambition, and is a great place to live if you are self-employed or an entrepreneur. It is also a space that can help people living together retain their autonomy and freedom. The space can sometimes breed a lack of cooperation as everyone pursues their own agendas.
This represents a loving and friendly atmosphere where guests will always feel welcome. It is an excellent number for a family home, promoting harmony and close relationships. The space can easily become highly emotionally charged, so it’s important to cleanse it regularly to maintain harmony.
This represents a location with a cheerful and upbeat energy, and perhaps a place that sees a lot of social gatherings. It also resonates with a lot of creative energy so is a great space for artistic endeavors. The space can tend to a feeling of being disorganized and unfocused, but clearing the clutter can help to curb this.
This represents a solid and secure environment which a lot of discipline and structure. It can lack excitement and feel stifling for some people, however it is also a great energy for setting realistic goals and bringing in wealth. Creating a work-life balance is important for people who live in this space.
This represents a gregarious space which always throws up unexpected surprises and adventures. It favors progressive ideas and is a great place to live if you love your freedom. It can be difficult to create a quiet space in this type of home, but creating a tranquil garden or bringing plants indoors can help to balance this energy.
This inspires beauty, love, and harmony and vibrates with a balanced energy. It is a space that nurtures and is great for couples. There is a wonderful healing quality to this number, making it a great fit for those who work in a caregiving setting. The space can make some people feel overwhelmed by responsibility and can also turn them into homebodies. To help balance this energy, it is important to make time for social or creative activities outside the home.
This represents secrets and the desire for privacy. Those seeking a quiet space to reflect and grow, thrive in this kind of environment. This space can leave some people feeling isolated and alone, however it is also great for those seeking spiritual development. This space is also a good fit for writers, artists, and those who need alone time in order to get their ideas out into the world.
This represents prosperity and abundance, and so is a lucky space for many endeavors. It can be a place that gives people physical energy and can also help boost ambition and the motivation of those living there. The abundance of this space can leave some people with the feeling of always wanting more, and never reaching satisfaction.
This represents universal love and compassion and is a space where all people typically feel welcomed and accepted. If you live in a 9 home you will probably find that guests often drop in unexpectedly. This makes it a good space for older couples and for young families. The sharing energy of the space can be a struggle for people who need to take time to work on themselves, but this can be balanced by creating a sacred space in an area of the home.
The Master Number 11 represents intuition and illumination, and 11 homes are inspiring and creative places. Living in this space can help to promote innovative ideas and new creations. 11 is a number of light, that lends itself to airy spaces that make the most of natural light. Because 11 has such as strong vibration, this kind of space can often bring spiritual tests.
The Master Number 22 represents the master builder and the creative energy of the Universe. This is an excellent space to feel grounded, and in control of shaping your world. People who spend a lot of time in this kind of space may feel excessive pressure to create and succeed.
The Master Number 33 combines the characteristics of 11 and 22 and represents the altruistic side of life. Locations with the number 33 are often spiritual places, or places where people work to support others, rather than for personal gain. People who live in a 33 space can sometimes feel overwhelmed by responsibility for others.
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greatspacedustbin · 2 years
31C in my apartment. HELP
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eitmonline · 2 years
EITM Playlist 4/6/22
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Red Hot Chili Peppers - Black Summer | 5:41/4:41c
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Here Ever After | 6:08/5:08c
Bobby Rydell - Wild One | 6:23/5:23c
Bobby Rydell - Wildwood Days | 6:26/5:26c
The Cult - Wild Flower | 6:31/5:31c
Zero 9:36 - I’m Not (Acoustic) | 7:02/6:02c
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Not The One | 7:34/6:34c
Garth Brooks - Friends In Low Places | 7:48/6:48c
The Cult - Lil’ Devil | 7:55/6:55c
Journey - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) | 8:21/7:21c
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AWOLNATION ft. Hanson – Material Girl | 8:28/7:28c
Red Hot Chili Peppers - These Are The Ways | 8:55/7:55c
Red Hot Chili Peppers - She’s A Lover | 9:16/8:16c
Pusha T ft. JAY-Z & Pharrell Williams - Neck & Wrist | 9:38/8:38c
The Cult - Love Removal Machine | 9:43/8:43c
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Avila Brothers ft. Billy Ray Cyrus & Snoop Dogg - A Hard Working Man | 10:10/9:10c
Rise Against - Talking To Ourselves | 10:32/9:32c
0 notes
Saturday 22nd Sunday 23rd
Finally, after a lot of fun planning we were on our way to Greece. The tiny bags had been packed and all possible preparations had been made. The last time Mum and I were in Europe together was 31 years ago. That was on a family jaunt through the UK when I was a self absorbed teen obsessed with shopping in the high street! This time we are traveling as friends and are both equally interested in crumbly old ruins.
After, a fairly uneventful but long plane ride via a five hour stopover in Dubai we arrived at Athens International airport about an hour before scheduled time. At 3pm it had cooled down to a balmy 31C. In the arrivals hall our booked driver Apostolos was already waiting for us. He was excellent, very welcoming and kept up a constant stream of facts and tips about Athens and Greece. He was very impressed we were going to be traveling to his birthplace of Meteora later in our trip. Fortunately, he had suggested calling our apartment host to let her know we would be early. We stood outside for a couple of minutes before being let in by our host Zoe’s friend. Her English was excellent compared to our Greek but still not perfect. We had to play act a few of the instructions out just to make sure we’d got it straight. The apartment every bit the “luxury” penthouse as described but in a gloriously decaying greek way.
So here we were at 4.30pm Sunday on our deck looking straight at the temple of Olympian Zeus and off to the west we could see the Acropolis. After a bit of fun taking pictures with the selfie stick we freshened up and carefully crossed the 8 lane road outside the apartment and negotiated the cobbled path 400m up the side street to the AB Supermarket. We got provisions for breakfast and dinner. We came back home and threw together a hybrid greek salad with some local sausage. We ate on our deck as the sun started to set. A beautiful pink glow on the ancient columns - stin i Yammas Athena.
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viviun · 6 years
Someone please end me. It’s +31C outside. It’s creeping into my apartment too and I’m slowly dying...
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