#Archive of Our Own glitch
bearfoottruck · 2 years
So um...is anyone else having a glitch on Fanfiction.net or AO3 where the view counters for their fanfics won't update? I feel like I'm getting this because I uploaded/updated so many fics at once.
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My last two brain cells checking AO3 for NUzi fics every five minutes
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somer-writes · 6 months
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archives haunted
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Ao3 what?
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Ao3 appeared in 2008 not 1950
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sandarchy · 5 months
So I was looking on my state’s department of justice website for some info on a former coworker’s criminal charges(yes, I was being a little nosy) and idk if my phone’s browsing history glitched or what but now it’s showing the website with an AO3 icon instead of its regular icon whenever I look at my history…
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graphic-hawk · 3 months
Starting on AO3!
Just letting everyone know here that I have officially started to transfer stories from Wattpad to Archive of our Own! (AO3) The winner story people wanted to see on there first was , 'Chained Puppet' so I'm starting there.
I just wanted to let you guys know here so nobody thought someone was stealing my works lol
Here's the link to my Ao3 Dashboard so you all can subscribe there:
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transacewithapan · 3 months
There's been a major glitch on Wattpad that makes it so you CANNOT search for your story or the Ranks have disappeared :(
For those of you who follow me for my Eddsworld content, no- I DID NOT delete Chained In Servility. It's still on my profile; the ranks have just gone missing.
If you can, please report this problem to Wattpad since I KNOW THERE ARE NO RULES I BROKE IN REGARDS TO WRITING MY FANFIC. I read the TOS several times just to make sure.
It would mean a lot to me if you guys could read Chained In Servility. It's not perfect, and I know there are errors... but I hold that fic close to my heart more than I do regarding my other stories :)
Chained In Servility on Wattpad
Chained In Servility on Ao3
Chained In Servility on Quotev
Chained In Servility on Fanfiction.Net
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artxsticsuper · 6 months
New pfp + Announcement on my AO3 page
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New pfp
✰ I have no clue what to set my pfp to now that Christmas is over (damn, already?). So, IM GOING FOR CAINE ✨
✰ I'll probably release multiple pfp's of this guy to anyone who wants them. People can also request me to make the other characters from TADC. I'm debating whether or not I should post them here or on Instagram but I could do both if I become indecisive.
Announcement on my AO3 page
✰ I have come to make an announcement! Since I haven’t used my AO3 account in almost 2 years, I have decided to make a comeback by writing a TADC related fanfic based on New Years Day! I haven’t told anyone on here that I have an AO3 account, but I did have one back when I wrote a cringy ass Evelyn Deavor X Reader fanfic.
[I recommend you not to read it. It’s terrible 😭]
But anyway, in 2024, I will hopefully focus on writing some fanfics and headcanons for a change besides doing artwork.
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red-sneakers · 1 year
Anyone who knows things about AO3, please help me? Is there a way to save this fic, or will I need to reupload it entirely?
I posted a fic on 1/11 and did not initially notice that the date said 1/12. I think I posted between 12 and 8am UTC, which might be a death sentence. I *did* get a good amount of views and comments though.
The next day, I posted a new chapter (also between 12 - and 8am UTC), and it stayed on the third page of Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku results instead of bumping to the top, which cost me any hits not from my subscribers.
I tried deleting and reuploading the chapter after 8am UTC, but no luck.
Tldr: Is the fic doomed because I posted the first chapter between 12 and 8am UTC, or is there a way to get new chapter updates to the top of results?
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borntoraisekittys · 2 months
I'm gonna call peta on AO3 cause what on earth are you doing to those monkfish???
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therizino-ao3 · 9 months
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my kudos to hits ratio is pretty good on this one I think 😎
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bamsara · 1 year
Solar Lunacy
Chapter 13: The Beginnings of An Eclipse (ARC 1 END)
You get into a fight with the Daycare Attendant. A rather big one. The emotional scars that come forward are something that will require healing and communication. But first, you and the Daycare Attendant sure do have some issues.
There is yelling. There is the glitch, a topic still uncertain about. You are held accountable for your words and actions. Sun breaks the rules and leaves the Daycare. Moon makes you promise something. There's crying involved, and hugs, and maybe a little bit of blood and robot gore.
There is a four-armed friend in Parts N Service.
Wordcount: 28,678+ | Read Notes and Tags for Warnings
I genuinely cannot put into a summary about how much happens in this chapter. It's a lot. A whole bunch. Read the warning tags at the beginning, please. Happy 1yr Anniversary to this fic!
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starryinkart · 8 months
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[Likes > Reblogs Are Appreciated!!]
OMG this took me a bit!!! In my Murder Drones fanfic “Absolutely” N is going to be quite interesting and fun to write, so are the rest of the characters…No context yet, but I hope you enjoy the creepiness of the comic!!!
Feel free theorize! And THANK-YOU!!! ALL for the comments of kind words and kudos on my story! I’m so excited to write it!
The new chapter is coming out this week, probably a bit after Glitch X, so stay tuned!!!
You can find it here! If you wanna catch up!
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nananarc · 7 months
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Friendly Fire - Cyberpunk 2077 Short Fan Animation
Short animation for AO's Cyberpunk 2077 fanfic "Friendly Fire" at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/306...
This took me months to complete, not because it's particularly difficult or complex or anything, but only because I'm a noob in animation so I had to study and test and fail a lot. Thank you so much AO for believing in me, being patient with me, and giving me the opportunity to learn and do something completely new and exciting like this!
After Effects Glitches with Dojo Glitch v3 by Creative Dojo at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxshP...
Glitch Text Intro After Effects Template by ENCHANTED STUDIOS
Music "ASMODEUS" by Aim To Head at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJU72...
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physalian · 2 months
When Worldbuilding Gets Weird
Imagine you’ve created an urban fantasy world. Real countries and landmarks still exist, and your fantasy elements have evolved around it, within it, beneath it. You’ve got your simple yet incredibly robust magic system (which, tbh, tends to be incredibly fun to play with, idiot-proof, and immune to plot holes), your ‘good guys’ and your ‘bad guys’.
Let’s say, for the sake of argument… your bad guys are animal-themed witches. And your good guys are split into two camps: Weapons masters, and their partners who magically transform into those weapons. They fight the witches in a power struggle of a nebulous *madness* that threatens to eat the world.
Also the good guys are led by the Grim Reaper, who has a tweenage son with crippling OCD. The weapons don't just kill people, they consume the souls of evildoers, and witches. Also there’s clowns, straight out of your nightmares, and a handful of wizards. And Excalibur is a person (or at least alive, personhood is up for debate). He will probably call you a fool, then invite you to afternoon tea.
Sound good?
Now for just a little salt to taste.... Both the sun and the moon have faces and are in constant states of laughter. Occasionally, you will hear the sun going hehehehehe. And the mool will drool blood.
Why? Why not? Do the characters ever question this? Nope. Is there ever an explanation? Nope. Do we, the audience, just roll with this? Yup.
Go watch or read Soul Eater and enjoy it as much as the rest of us do.
When you’re worldbuilding, don’t be afraid to get positively weird, for no reason and with no explanation. Our sun and moon might not have faces, but reality has plenty of its own weird.
Mushrooms. Platypi (Platypuses? Platypeople?). Everything that lives below the Mezopelagic zone of the ocean. Jellyfish. Cicadas. Superb lyrebirds. That glitch in brain processing called Pareidolia. Using caffeine, nature’s poison, as an energy boost.
And on and on and on.
Don’t be afraid to not explain why your strange world element exists. If its mechanics or lore are central to the plot and could open a plot hole, then, yeah, some rules would be helpful. Otherwise? Let it be.
If your characters roll with the weird, your audience will too. Not every piece of worldbuild has to, or even should, mesh perfectly like a puzzle. Let historical archives contradict each other in laughably absurd ways. Make up a weird plant that just does that. Let the sky turn blood red for 20 minutes a day just because. Don't let anime keep a monopoly on the bizarre.
Get. Weird. Don’t explain or overcomplicate it. Just dream something up, say yeah that exists in my world now, and add it to the page.
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In regards to your Nysm au, I know that’s it’s very unlikely considering this all happened bcuz of the narrators will to be perceived, but if something glitched out in a reset and he was back to being just voice, how hard would he take it? I can imagine him either being very confused and a little sad and stressed at the fact he’s not able to interact with Stanley for a bit, but mostly being levelheaded if anxious while trying to fix it… orrrr he’d go full panic mode at being deprived of touch and Stanley’s perception since it reminds him too much of the skip button. It could be either but the longer he’s had the touch ability, I figure the worse the reaction would be. (Love all your tsp stuff btw!!)
Great question! I was gonna give this a normal answer but I decided I liked pain instead :)
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