#Are Your Drums Beating|Soap MacTavish
brooklynislandgirl · 6 months
@soapfcrce {{xx}}
"So are all soldiers dis bad at bein' patients, or is it jus' you?" she teases him with a quick sticking out of her tongue. She can imagine Andy having used all of his patience as a big brother to tend to the wounded when they sent him out on a mission. Sometimes she wonders if Soap had ever crossed paths with her sibling then never really summons the courage to ask him. He's never seemed to recognise her brother's face in his uniform and maroon beret or out of it in casual family pictures. She also doesn't bother to tell him that as a trauma-response and ER nurse that she comes kitted out with enough supplies to open up her own hospital. Maybe it's comforting to rely on himself. But what does make her curious is… "Journal? Like one diary or top government' secrets….or recipe book f' explosive? Aksin' for a friend ya know who migh' one day wanna sell state secrets." She's still teasing him and grins this time as she retrieves the packing, and some antiseptic to go with it. It's gonna sting but he's a large man, right?
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
I can’t get this idea out of my head so here’s the boys with a musical s/o:
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
He loves watching you enjoy your music, seeing you bob your head, sway your hips, or bounce your leg to the rhythm of the song, he loved it all
Loves it when you introduce him to new music and holds your recommendations in high regards, he’ll give every song/band/album a good listen and give an honest critique
I personally headcanon him as a lo-fi, ambient deep house fan, maybe even enjoys movie soundtracks, just instrumentals overall (sometimes it’s a little distracting trying to focus on the lyrics)
If you have a habit of humming or singing a particular verse over and over (like I do), chances are he’ll be quietly humming that same tune later on
“Didn’t take you for the musical type, LT”
“Shut it, Johnny”
John Price:
He loves watching you dance but he’s the type to come up behind you and sway with you, head perched on top of yours
I take him as an 80s fan; Tears for Fears, A-Ha, Hall & Oates, Kate Bush (he’s def a Kate Bush fan and you can’t convince me otherwise) that kind of vibe
He’s a bit set in his tastes so he’ll be a bit reluctant to take on new music but he’ll still give your recommendations a chance, especially if you’re keeping his existing musical taste in mind when you do
My man belts out his favorite songs in the car and he absolutely melts when you join in, his cheeks sore from how hard he’s smiling, one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your thigh
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
100% dancing with you in the kitchen, picking you up, spinning you around, you’re way off rhythm but you couldn’t care less with how breathlessly you’re laughing
I can definitely see him vibing to grunge rock, punk, maybe even some pub rock. If it’s got a kicking drum beat, fuck yeah. Loves that shit.
Always excited for new music recommendations, even if it’s not something he’d typically vibe with it he’s still eager to give it a chance, just for you
If you’ve got a song stuck in your head, then it’s stuck in his head too. He’s humming it on base, singing it off key in the showers, even so far as humming it quietly to himself when he’s away on a mission and he’s on watch for the night. It helps him feel closer to you.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick:
Definitely has a playlist for you, for himself, for the both of you, for hanging out together, for working out together, cooking together, my man has all the bases covered
I feel like your messages to one another include a lot of songs, links to Spotify playlists, music videos, critiques on recommendations
As far as musical taste goes, I feel like he likes a little bit of everything with an inclination to pop and neo-soul (you should give that group a listen, it’s such a vibe tbh)
Loves your recommendations and, like Ghost, he takes them very seriously, it’s always a thrill to see a song you told him about pop up in one of his playlists
I feel like he’s got a beautiful voice, if there’s a particular song you like that helps you relax, I 100% feel that he’d be humming that song to help you sleep, his arms around you, fingers running through your hair
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sofasoap · 1 year
Love at first sight - 3
Pairing: Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra x F!reader ( aka Mini MacTavish)
Summary: The realisation, the denial, realisation and heartache. Part I, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5,Part 6,Epilogue
Warning: M rating. not beta'ed and proof read
My usual thanking @saltofmercury, mother of Mini, for lending me the character :) Please go and check out her fics!
“masterlist” for Mini MacTavish expanded verse
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“So, how was the date?”
“Seriously? You too? You are the last person that I expect to ask me that question. Didn’t take you as a gossiper.” you winced slightly as you slam down your coffee mug on the table harder than intended, rubbing your forehead and side eyed Ghost. 
“It’s hard when everyone is talking about it, including Soap.” he pointed out. 
“I thought you knew ways to shut my brother up better than me, Simon.”
You can see his slight smile as he brings his cup of tea to his mouth, ignoring your statement. 
It’s been a few weeks since your, so-called date with Rudy, somehow two of you became the hot topic of the gossip session amongst Los Vaqueros and SpecGru. 
No, it wasn't a date, Yes, I did go to his house and his sister dressed me up. I met his mum. yes she cried. Yes, We had a good time. NO WE DID NOT SHAG.  By the end you are pretty much rattling off the answers out even before the others open their mouths. 
You keep convincing yourself it was nothing but a fun night out, getting to know the local culture. New experiences. Getting to know your new friend more. Getting attracted to him. Falling in love with him. Mentally slap yourself to stop yourself furthering on that train of thought, you turn your attention as the screeching noise of the table and chairs being moved caught your attention, where a group of Los Vaqueros sitting around their Colonel, sharing a few drinks as they excitedly celebrating the latest success of their mission. And there’s Rudy, sitting quietly beside Alejandro as per usual, listening in to the conversation with a smile on his face. 
“Why are you staring at him then?” 
“What?” your head snaps back at Ghost, even behind his mask, you are sure his eyebrows are raised. This man is just too observant. 
“I am not staring at him. I am just… “ you sighed. Can’t even find a good excuse for your behaviour. “ Just leave me be Simon. I have had enough teasing and questions from people the last few days, I really don’t need it from my brothers.” 
Patting your head as a silent apology before standing up, in search of his other teammates. 
You really weren't seeking him out intentionally, but you just can’t help it. Searching for his presence when you enter the room, searching for his honey brown eyes. He always returns it with that little soft smile as he spots you watching him. That little bit of comfort amongst the strangers. A little reassurance. It warms your heart. 
Noticing a group of soldiers came behind Rudy, nudging him as they handed him a guitar, he shook his head at first, but after some encouragement from Alejandro, he shyly accepted. 
You see how demeanour changes as he holds onto the guitar. Plucking a few notes as he tunes it, getting a feel of the instrument, he launches into an intense, fast pace melody.  Another player joined in with a harmonica and improvised drumming on the table as the crowd started cheering and clapping to the beat of the music. 
Fingers moving, hands strumming and slapping. Totally mesmerised with his playing and skills, another surprise hits you as he joins the chorus of singing, his resonant voice, easily recognisable above all others. How beautiful he looks when he sings, the confidence he exudes. The agile fingers moving along the fretboard of the guitar. This is definitely an unexpected side of him you have never seen before. 
Suddenly, his eyes found yours, and followed you as some fellow medics pulled you in the middle of the room, where there were few people already dancing. Remembering what you have learnt from the ladies at the festival, and following others, you immerse yourself in the music, as you twirl and stomp your feet to the rhythm, flaring your imaginary skirt. Trying hard to ignore his gaze. Yet with every turn, you always see him, looking at you longingly, focusing all his attention on you, as if you are the only dancer in the room, putting on a private performance for him. 
As the song draws to a close, you feel like you are suffocating, the need to get out of the mess hall, get away from the crowd,
Away from him. 
Excusing yourself from your friends for needing to get some fresh air ,you half ran out the door, towards the back, into the shade of the building. 
A light crunching footstep approaches a few minutes later as you crouching in the shadow, hiding your face between your legs,trying to settle yourself from the confusing and flustering state. You tenses as you turn your head towards the owner of the foot step, you notice Rudy approaching, holding a bottle of water, with concern showing on his face. 
Shaking your head to decline his extended hand, offering to pull you up, pushing yourself up to a standing position, you murmured words of thanks after he passed the bottle of cooling water to you instead. He looks at you, wrangling his hand, all the confidence from before has suddenly slid off into the background, his nervousness and shyness making its way back out. You can feel he wants to ask you something, yet holding back, not wanting to break the little moment you two are sharing right now. You have a fair feeling about what he wants to ask. 
That push and shove between the burning lust of pushing him into the wall, needing your body impossibly close to yours, his lips on yours, letting him know how much your body is desiring him, how you long for him as much he does to you.  Accepting him and be damned the consequences and thought of the long term future.
And the rational part of your brain warns you, to walk away from him, to cut off any tie off from him. He’s just another passerby in your life, working together towards the same goal, eliminating the threats, winning the war against the cartels. 
You unscrew the bottle of water, taking a few big gulps, cooling yourself down from the dancing session from before, and trying to distract you from the conflicting thought that is battling in your mind right now. 
Closing the cap, you suddenly blurted out. “It’s better we stay as friends.” That’s for the best. Cut off any hope before it starts. But why does it hurt so much?
Too many sacrifices will be made. The different priorities.  The distance. 
“But.. friends can still keep in touch right?” he asked in a quiet voice, looking into your eyes, searching for that last little hope. But the sadness laced in his voice and the eyes, he knows what you mean behind the words. Both of you know this is probably a love that will go nowhere. Impossible by many means. 
You try to smile, but it turns out to be more like a grimace as you try hard to hold back that ache. Breaking the eye contact, you look down, biting your lower lip between the teeth, tightening your grip on the bottle, trying to stop the tears that are currently welling up in your eyes from bursting from its dam. 
He took a step forward, you heard him suck in a deep breath before tentatively putting his strong arm around yours, drawing you into his embrace awkwardly, trying to comfort you. 
Instinctively burying your face into the crook of his neck, you finally let the tears flow freely. You only knew him for a few weeks, and even turning him down just now, you knew you would not fall in love with another person like how you fell in love with him, ever again. 
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Tag list: @kaplerrr @captainpriceslover @homicidal-slvt @floral-force @deadbranch @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface
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lazybutsmexy · 1 year
Bird hunting
Ghost x fem!reader x Soap
Chapter 8: Predator and Prey
Ch. 7 < Series Masterlist > Ch. 9
Warnings: violence, innacurate police procedures, very unlawful interrogation tactics, cursing
Summary: Ghost and Soap have a few questions for Luke.
Do not read if you're under 18. This work contains mature and triggering themes.
Word count: 3200~
The beating sound of fists connecting with the sandbag echoed across the training room as the sunshine peeked through the windows. Each hit carried the sound vigorously through the air, along with all the pent up frustration and pain. It was like hearing battle drums in the fog, a premonition of danger, a promise of a violent death. 
Nearly half an hour had passed since Ghost had begun punching the bag, and even though he wasn’t the only one in the training room who wanted to use the sandbags, no one dared to interrupt him. The rookies - who had only been in the Special Forces for less than five years - only glanced at him from the corner of their eyes, and for just a few seconds. They didn’t want the Lieutenant to decide to take his frustrations on them on the mat instead. Sergeant Soap Mactavish was already doing a good job at that. 
Yet another body was slammed on the mat by Soap, a loud grunt let out by the private now laying on the floor. The Sargeant incorporated himself, and aside from a thin layer of sweat covering his forehead, there were no signs that it had taken any effort at all to win the wrestling match. 
“On your feet, Private,” Soap commanded, causing anyone paying attention to suppress a shiver at the lack of any of the usual teasing in his tone. Some of the younger recruits spared glances to each other, but knew better than to voice their concerns. 
Gaz sneaked a glance at Soap as he drilled a group of recruits doing pull-ups. He had initially questioned Price’s order for both men to return to drill exercises and training as usual given the circumstances. However, it looked as if despite their obvious tension release in each activity, they didn’t take it all out on the rest of the soldiers. It actually looked as if keeping the routinary workout was helping them channel their restlessness as they waited for any updates from Hartford. 
It had become known throughout base that Corporal Canary was missing. The thing that wasn’t well known was the actual relationship between her, Soap, and Ghost. Gaz was sure that the majority of the personnel on base simply saw the trio as a tightly-knit group of siblings-in-arms. 
However, there was a carefully selected group of people who knew the reality of the trio; of the way their gazes found each other in any situation was always more than coincidental; of the manner in which they squeezed together a bit more than necessary during transport; of the certainty that when one went, the other two would follow, and it was not just because they were in the same team. Well, partially it was, but a different kind of team.  
Price had been the first to know - he had suspected it, but it had been the three of them who went to him directly with the news. They respected their Captain immensely, and he reciprocated by simply telling them to ‘keep it professional’ - after giving them an earful, of course. And they did, even in the current circumstances. 
Gaz had found out by accident, because he had gotten used to entering Canary’s barrack without knocking - she was practically ‘one of the boys’ after all. Until one day, when he walked in and saw her clinging to Ghost, locked up in a heated kiss, while Soap pressed himself to her back with his hands under the front of her tank top. He had never shut a door so quickly in his life, and he hadn’t entered a room on base without knocking first ever again. 
The young Sargeant stole another look around the rookies, knowing that they would eventually feel the same kind of loss as Soap and Ghost were. And would feel the frustration and hopelessness that came with knowing that they couldn’t change the facts, and life had to go on as usual. 
Another body slammed against the mat under Soap, and Gaz barked new orders at his group. Ghost had finally switched to lifting weights, coaching the recruits around him who were doing the same. And life went on. 
Until a voice in the speakers called Ghost, Soap, and Gaz to Price’s office. That’s when life for the three men seemed to have come to a stop. 
At 10 AM sharp the doors of the police station were pushed open to their limits. Four soldiers walked in, geared up in their uniforms and tactical vests, holsters gripping their thighs and boots marking their march as they headed straight to the back end of the building. The police officers and a small handful of civilians present in the main hall parted ways like the Red Sea to clear their path. Some baffled stares followed them as they made their way through the hallways. No instructions were needed. 
The officer standing by the doors of the interrogation room nearly swung the door off its hinges when he opened it for them, allowing them into the small room. Hartford was there already, and nodded them in a greeting. He tilted his head towards the large one-way window in front of them. At the other side they could see the interrogation room, with a table and a chair, and a man sitting down. They couldn’t see his face well, as he was holding an ice pack against his face, but Ghost immediately recognized him as the driver of the gray van. 
“His name is Luke Simmons,” Hartford explained, and Price noticed the faint hint of giddiness in his voice, “he was caught this morning, driving the van we were looking for.”
“Looks like your boys did a number on him, detective,” Soap pointed out amused, enjoying the view of the bandaged arm and the asphalt rash on one side of his face.
“Oh, the arm?” the detective smirked, “The K9 did that.” 
Ghost let out a snort, and Soap could almost see his lips stretching into a smirk under the mask, “Good boy, that one.” 
“Yeah, definitely getting extra treats later,” the detective hummed, before turning back to the soldiers, “my plan is to get in there first and try to coax something out of him. I’ll threaten him a little with letting you guys in,” he nodded at Ghost and Soap, “and if he still refuses to say where Canary is, he’s all yours.”
“What if he lawyers up?” Price inquired, and both Soap, Gaz and Ghost seemed to just realize that could be a possibility. If Luke asked for a lawyer, they wouldn’t be able to talk to him any longer until he found a lawyer, and then getting any information would delay them hours, maybe even days.
Hartford’s eyes glinted and a fantom grin teased his lips before he handed him a folder. Price opened it, and his eyes studied the contents, a dark smirk stretching his lips as he listened to Hartford’s explanation. Soap’s tongue poked out, wetting his lips as he stared at Luke, and Ghost felt his fist clench, his eyes boring into the forehead of the man that would bring them a step closer to Canary. 
The cold press was managing only slightly to keep the swelling down on his face, Luke realized, and set it down on the table with a sigh. He had already steeled himself, decided not to speak one word. He assumed that, at most, they would file a robbery charge on him for the stolen van. Nothing connected him to the dead woman, nor the one they had kidnapped. If they tried to, he would only tell them he had stolen the van last night. And if they still tried to pressure him down, he would lawyer up. Easy. 
Yet, he felt an uneasiness rising in his stomach. He felt as if he was being stalked by a predator from the other side of that window. He knew from enough series that behind that window were people watching him. And Luke felt as if at least one of them wanted to murder him.
Somehow, he managed not to flinch when the door opened, and a man with salt-and-pepper hair walked in. He looked pretty strong, Luke noticed, taking a deep breath when the man sat down and placed a bottle of water in front of him. He looked at the bottle warily and refused to take it, but the man seemed not to care.
“I’m detective Hartford,” the man introduced himself, “Do you know why you’re here?”
Luke said nothing, simply staring at the man and willing himself to remain impassive. The detective, again, didn’t seem to care, before opening a folder in front of himself. “You were arrested while driving a stolen van,” he explained, before switching his eyes to stare at Luke dead in the eyes. “You know what we found in that van?”
The younger man licked his lips, but refused to shy away. The detective took this as his sign to continue, “We found blood belonging to Johanna Donovan, her body was found under the bridge near the campus trail.” Hartford placed a photograph of a smiling woman on a graduation gown in front of him, along with the one Luke recognized as the photo Alan had taken of her. It had been taken just minutes before she tried to fight her way out. Still, he said nothing. 
“We also found the rifle used to shoot and kill Officer Melanie Kirk,” the detective placed a photograph of a smiley Melanie in uniform, and Luke couldn’t help to widen his eyes at the new information. Officer? The woman they killed the night before was a cop? He raised his eyes to find the detective staring at him thoughtfully. No wonder he wasn’t trying to act friendly - he was holding back. Was that why he felt that way before…?
“We also have reasons to suspect that another woman was kidnapped by someone using that van,” his voice was steady, not a hint of emotion as he stared at Luke, “we have witnesses who saw you driving by the area where she was kidnapped, along with this man,” the detective placed a scarily accurate portrait sketch of Charlie in front of him, and Luke tensed up. He took deep breaths, and kept his mouth shut. They had more than he imagined, and he should recognize he was in deep shit.
A final photograph was placed in front of him, a woman in a military uniform holding a sniping rifle, staring back at him with a serious expression. He immediately recognized her, a chill running down his spine. There was no fucking way. 
“Codename ‘Canary’,” the detective grunted, pointing at her face in the photograph, “Elite member of the SAS. She disappeared while on medical leave.” The detective paused, looking carefully at Luke’s barely hidden shocked expression, “She disappeared while running on the trail you were seen driving past, only a couple minutes drive from the scene where Johanna’s body was found, whose blood was found in the van you were driving.” 
“It’s not my van,” Luke answered quickly, and the corner of the detective’s mouth twitched.
“Oh, we know that, the van was stolen two weeks ago,” Hartford leaned forwards on his elbows, frowning at Luke, “you stole it and used it to kidnap two women, kill one of them, and you were driving it while someone, perhaps your friend,” he pointed at Charlie’s portrait, “shot and killed Officer Kirk.” 
Luke bit his lip and looked at all the photographs in front of him. After a few minutes where the only sounds were Luke’s purposeful deep breaths, Hartford let out a long sigh, “Look, son, you better tell me everything,” Luke looked up at him, a bead of sweat running down his temple and irritating the rash on his face, “we want to find Canary. Both me and her friends in the room behind me.” His eyes switched from the detective to the window, before focusing again on the man. “We have reasons to believe that you’re part of a trafficking ring, and the moment I walk out, it will be their turn to talk to you.” Hartford’s voice was grave, and to Luke, it felt like the detective was a judge sentencing him to death.
Five long minutes passed where only the sound of Luke’s breathing was heard. When Hartford had enough, he began gathering the photographs and putting them back in the folder. He spoke out loud so it would be caught by the camera that had been recording their interaction so far, “Well, the police officially handed over the case to the SAS as of this moment.” He stood up, took the folder, and walked to the door just as Luke became frantic.
“Lieutenant, Sergeant,” Hartford called out, and Luke’s blood turned cold when he saw two large, muscled men in uniform cross the doorway. He instantly recognized the soldier with the skull balaclava he had seen the day prior. The other man didn’t have his face covered, but he looked just as scary, his jaw was clenched tight and one of his hands held a belt from his tactical vest with a strong grip. 
The door to the interrogation room closed, the click of the doorknob echoing in the space. Ghost remained in front of Luke, while Soap slowly walked around the table and stopped behind him. Luke didn’t know which of them to look at - he had a feeling that two hungry tigers were about to pounce on him. He remembered the feeling of dread that had assaulted him earlier, and understood that it was them who caused it. He was sure that both soldiers could hear his heart pounding wildly in the pregnant silence that fell on them.
“Where is Canary?” Ghost’s voice finally broke the silence. He wasn’t yelling, but the timbre was so deep that it cut through Luke like a sharpened knife. 
“I-... Uh…” Luke hesitated, startling himself with how shaky his voice came out. His throat felt dry and parched like a desert, and he briefly glanced at the water bottle still sitting in front of him. 
“The Lieutenant asked you a question,” Soap’s grave voice startled him, and Luke’s skin erupted into goosebumps.
“I-... I don’t k-know,” he stammered, his tongue clicking in the dryness of his mouth.
“I didn’t ask you if you knew,” Ghost’s glare pierced through his head, and he took a step closer. Luke subconsciously moved back on his chair until he was stopped by its backrest. “You know where she is. Tell me.” His words were slow and commanding, each pause accentuated. Luke decided that the smartest thing he could do at that moment was simply to answer the damn question. 
“I-I really don’t know, I d-drove there, but someone guided me,” his breathing quickened as he spoke, his voice grew throaty with each word.
“Who?” Ghost growled, leaning closer until he was towering over the table. Luke couldn’t help but wonder how it was possible for a human being to be so big. 
“M-... Our boss,” he realized that since they already knew as much as the detective, they would find out even more, even if he didn’t tell them. He would still try to avoid giving their names, if he could. “He guided us there when… When we realized the police were getting close…”
“...Drink your water.” Ghost growled, and Luke’s hand shakily got hold of the bottle. 
He somehow managed to drink a few gulps, when a thought came to him. These soldiers surely wouldn’t physically assault him here, they could only scare him into giving up information. This was a police station, not a room in a forgotten deposit in the middle of nowhere. There were other people around, and there was surveillance as well. He could still ask for a lawyer, and sue the department for threatening him into a confession. His eyes looked for the camera that he had noticed earlier in a corner of the room, expecting to see the blinking red light that indicated it was recording. 
His heart fell to the bottom of his stomach, and all the muscles of his body stiffened. The camera had been switched off. 
“What do you plan to do with her?” Soap’s voice interrupted his frenetic thoughts, and he nearly choked on his water.
“Um… I’m n-not sure…” He breathed out, trying to calm himself down while clutching the bottle in his hands, “I only…drive them where they tell me to go.”
Ghost's hand slammed on the metallic table and Luke jumped on his seat, barely registering the water drenching his clothes when he squeezed the bottle in shock. “Don’t fucking lie to us!” Ghost bellowed, the sound making his eardrums ring. Luke felt the presence of Soap even closer to him, and his eyes shot to the door. Maybe if he-
His face slammed into the table before he could even register it moving, and the sensitive rash collided with the metallic surface at an abnormal speed, making him cry out in pain. Soap’s iron-clad grip squeezed his skull making him feel like it was going to be crushed like an egg. The bottle cluttered on the floor and he clawed at the table, worthlessly struggling against the Sergeant’s massive strength. 
“Don't fucking make me repeat myself,” Soap growled, his breath hot in his ear. Luke groaned in pain, feeling his jawbone crinkle under the weight of the soldier’s clamp. 
“Argh! Okay, okay!” Luke relented, but the weight on his face didn’t waver an inch, “They’ll upload her to a website and offer her up for sale!” That only seemed to make the Sergeant angrier, as his skull dangerously reached its limits of resistance. He screamed as white hot pain made his entire body tremble and caused the chair to clatter its legs against the floor. “Please, stop!” he pleaded as scorching tears pooled in his eyes. 
The hand pressing down on his skull lifted, but he didn’t have time to even sigh in relief as another fisted his hair in a tearing hold. His neck bent painfully as his head was tilted upwards, and his teary eyes found a dark stare behind a skull balaclava searing into him. His spine was bending at its limits and his jaw slackened to release the tension of the uncomfortable angle. Luke could only gasp and whimper in agony as the face of the grim reaper seemed to burn in his retinae. 
“You will take us to the location she is in, and you better get us there before anything happens to her,” his snarl rumbled through his body, and the tears now flooded freely down his cheek, the salt irritating the bloodied rash. 
“If we’re late because of you,” Soap growled in his ear, his hands clamping down on his shoulders and making his collar bones creak in protest, “there will be no holding cell, no isolation cell, no nook or cranny in this world that will keep you safe from us.”
Ghost hummed in agreement, and Luke could almost feel the smirk in his voice, dripping venom.
“We’re damn good at getting into places where people feel safe, after all.”
A/N: u ok Luke? You seem a bit shaken' up
Taglist: @died-in-a-field-of-flowers @rafaelacallinybbay @namenotimportant1373 @ragingbookdragon @zinfairy @scrumplump @speckel @omgitstatertot @fullmoon-94 @kalamataolivesssss @embers-of-alluring @warenai @frazie99 @kee-0-kee @littlezarp @scaredknight @tapioca-marzipan @kendahl757 @sweetybuzz25 @cumbersome-robes @carlyi @oyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoya @scarletbandit @twistytimesandthoughts @angelsquidd @ilovemoneyandcheese @sail-boat21
To be added to the taglist, comment on the series masterlist - link at the top of this post! :)
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
task force 141 + christmas songs
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John "Soap" MacTavish, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Type: Fluff, headcanons
Warnings: explicit language
A/N: the order is kinda whack i wrote these as i thought of them. also i have two tests tmmrw halp
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yes ghost's favorite christmas song is last christmas by wham! it's been confirmed
i mean can you blame him?
to ghost, it's everything he loves about music mixed with a christmas song he can relate to (sort of)
he likes the sort of mellow but still peppy nature of the song (especially compared to artists like mariah carey who he thinks is too peppy and michael buble who he thinks is too mellow)
it's the sorta song you can absent-mindedly sing to while you're working which he enjoys
plus the drums and the cymbals (?) really get him in the festive mood
whenever he listens to it he'll tap his foot/nod to the rhythm or lipsync under the mask (another benefit of keeping his face covered)
ofc your chances of seeing him do this in front of the team are slim to none
but when he's alone (either with you or just in his room or smthing) he'll pull out a little shimmy when the song starts getting good
he also likes the sort of sad undertone to the lyrics
he feels like it adds depth and makes it relatable
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright hear me out on this one because i actually really love this hc
so first, i can totally see gaz being a fan of tyler, the creator when he was younger, but then being less invested as he grew up
but he went to see the grinch (2018) in theaters on christmas day with his family and that was when he first heard the song
off topic but i also hc that gaz has a younger sister and brother
and they're like considerably younger, like they're children
idk what his canon family situation is like but idc bc this is what's canon now bc i said so
so yeah that's why they went to watch the movie
and i mean what's not to love about this song
he really likes the rap/hip hop twist on a classic christmas song
and let's be real the whole soundtrack slaps like gaz was definitely listening to it on repeat for the entire holiday season that year
when gaz hears this song he definitely starts grooving, clapping, singing along
i mean it's not like he has a choice the song is actually so good i love it so much
like he's just so in love with the way tyler, the creator was able to reinvent an old song and give it such a good beat and like completely change up the cadence but still make it sound good
and yes he lives for the ending scream
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
guys i mean this is just fact atp
and don't say that this isn't a christmas song because that is rudy's biggest pet peeve and he will fight you about it
because according to him it came out during the holiday season and it's a movie with amazing visuals of snow and winter and the main character literally has ice powers so therefore it's a winter movie
sometimes the rest of the team will try and come up with other movie soundtracks that would therefore qualify as christmas music according to his standards
this always pisses rudy off and he'll insist it's different
i think the best part is that rudy watched frozen 2 by himself
i mean he was a big fan of frozen he wanted to see the sequel can u blame him
in his opinion the plot was a little weaker than the first but the soundtrack gave the original a serious run for it's money
and of course before this came out his favorite christmas song was let it go (and yes he also got mad when people said it wasn't a christmas song)
he likes the panic! at the disco version over the idina menzel version because he says it makes him feel more seen
nobody really knows what he means by that
you guys just assume it's because it's a male singer
rudy will also sing this song out loud any chance he gets
he's a decent singer don't get me wrong but that song's got some high notes rudy just can't hit
he swears that one time he was able to hit every single one but he was alone when it happened
usually though he can hit a solid majority (and he always geeks out when he does)
and yes, he will insist on watching frozen and frozen 2 during the holiday season and yes he will sing during every song
john "soap" mactavish:
honestly same, soap, same
soap's a firm believer that not only is this song the best christmas song out there, it should be the face of christmas instead of mariah carey's all i want for christmas is you
people have tried pointing out that all i want for christmas is you isn't necessarily the face of christmas but he insists it is and insists that title is undeserved
he says he hates it because it's overplayed but everyone else is 99% sure there's something more
your theory is that one of his exes really liked all i want for christmas is you and then it ruined the song for him
but now onto sleigh ride
soap believes it's the epitome of everything christmas
it's festive, it's peppy, it's got great vocals
he really likes the instrumentals and it's honestly his favorite part
the snaps, the piano, the flute/whistling, the trumpets (?)
whatever it is he's in love and he thinks that it really just sells the cheeriness of christmas
he also lives for the 'ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ding-dong-dings"
he will sing those out loud all day any day
he also tries to do mariah carey's whistle notes every time and not once has he ever gotten it
beyond that he also just sucks at singing
but honestly he just seems so happy singing that it sorta cancels out the way he's making everyone's ears bleed
he also does a little head wiggle and shimmy combo to dance to this song
and he does that little like dance and point at the parts of the song right before the beat "drops"
john price
alright so the first time he listened to this song was after christmas one year when his nephew said he wasn't cool
so he figured this song would make him cool
the efficacy of that tactic is still being debated
i mean don't get me wrong pentatonix fucking slaps
but also the acapella version of anything is not a very orthodox way of making yourself cool
needless to say his nephew was not impressed when the next christmas came around
price doesn't care though because he actually fell in love with the song after listening to it for so long
he's very much in awe of the way all their voices can come together and make it sound there's actually instruments and stuff
like he will rave about it for so long whenever the song comes on
whenever it plays he sings along but he doesn't try and beat box
that's bc one time he did that in front of gaz and laswell and gaz had to leave the room while laswell stared at him in shock
it's been his secret life mission to get insanely good at beatboxing and then show them someday ever since then
progress is not going well
also you can bet he has this song memorized to the tee
and yes he'll chastise people if they put the wrong gift to the wrong day
unlike his beatboxing, price's singing is actually pretty good so at least it gives the team something nice to listen to
alejandro vargas:
ok i feel like at first his favorite song was baby it's cold outside by idina menzel and michael buble
and then rudy pointed out the creepy undertones and it ruined the song for him
also he was distraught when he found out
and then this song took over as number one in his heart
for starters, he's just a massive fan of michael buble
also he once got front row tickets to a michael buble concert but he couldn't go last minute because he got called on a mission and he's still salty about it
he likes the way michael buble rewrote the lyrics to be more fitting for guys
also he likes the sorta relaxed almost lazy rhythm of the song
he insists it makes it sexier
nobody knows what that means or why it matters but he's very persistent about it
and god damn alejandro's singing voice is actually good fr
like it gives michael buble but if michael buble was a smoker and did country songs
but honestly the gravel in alejandro's voice works really well when he's singing
and lord knows he sings this song whenever it comes on
it's not obnoxious tho so it's nice to listen to
he doesn't really dance but he'll jokingly offer you a slow dance to this song
he considers this the classiest christmas songs and says it's only for people with real taste in music
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madstronaut · 2 months
a little "palette" cleanser if you will 🎨 sorry i'll see myself out
obligatory faficowrimo masterlist link: https://www.tumblr.com/madstronaut/741107471699066880/faficowrimo-the-challenge-comment-on-every
Reading: imprimatura by @soapskneebrace (eowynstwin)
ahhhh one of the earliest soap fics i read and still makes me feel so tender and gooey when I think about it <3
I also loved how artist!reader’s first thoughts were “decadent muscle” HAHAHAHAHA SOAP WHO? I AM NOW CALLING HIM JOHN “DECADENT MUSCLE” MACTAVISH
“-his mouth rests at an angle that suggests he often smiles.”
fucking obsessed with this line!!!! what a description
Soap’s grip is firm, the kind of firm that suggests he can squeeze much, much tighter if he needs to. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰yesplease
You turn his arm to see it more fully. “Oh. Nice tattoo.”
He looks at the ink as if it is entirely new to him, and then gives an easy grin. “Thanks. I’ve got a few more too. coughicanshowyounowprivatelycough Hope they aren’t hard to draw.”
this whole interaction has me shredding my pillow in my jaws - not letting go after a too long handshake? turning his arm to admire the tattoo? soap brain going brr and acting like he’s just seen his tattoo for the first time? RRRAGHAHHHGHG
i love how she clocks the colors for his eyes and skin and names of his specific muscles as they move too <3 ughh the artist reader is so well fleshed out which is a particular favorite of mine when it comes to fics <3
“It looks as if he’s moving around the sticks of vine charcoal with one outstretched finger; he pulls his hand guiltily away when you reenter the studio, crossing his arms over his chest as if to hide the evidence of his snooping.”
once again whoever at infinity ward came up with soap’s journal/sketches needs a fucking raise and promotion; it’s one of my favorite bits of canon about him and the idea of him picking it up again post-deployment just makes my heart absolutely a c h e
Beauty is cheap in art, but you notice it all the same—appreciate the strong brows, the hard angle of his jaw, the dark stubble of a beard you suspect he can’t keep shaved down, and the long scar that cuts through it across his chin. The light brown of his complexion is speckled with sun exposure, and there are the faintest of creases at the corners of his eyes, which you expect will deepen into genuine, gorgeous crow’s feet as he ages.
loved this whole exchange but that last line once again almost made me tear up knowing canonically, we won’t get the chance to see him age…but in fanfic we can and will 🥹🥹🥹
He looks at you, and catches your survey. You can see him realize you’d been watching, the knowledge of it blooming in ocean blue eyes like ink dropped onto linen.
obsessed with this last line. imho this whole fic and the way its written is a work of art itself 💙💙💙💙
And now he’s looking at you—attention flitting across your face, dropping down your body and jumping back up to meet your gaze. mmm soap can give me elevator eyes any time
His smile remains, cocksure and easy. “Let’s.” 
“That’s a shame. I’m right partial to it.”
the amount of rizz imprimatura!soap has got me full-body blushin i stg but also artist!reader setting him up to knock it out of the park with those comments? “we don’t do foreplay in this studio” MY SIBLING IN CHRIST DO YOU REALIZE THIS STATEMENT CANCELS ITSELF OUT
“There’s not a hard angle to you, all sweet and soft, but when you meet his gaze during introductions there’s a sharpness to you that skewers him through the chest.” i fucking loooooooove when writers describe the “at first sight” moments
The corners of your mouth tug upward, just a bit, and you look away, clearly bashful. Something in Soap’s chest starts beating a drum. my realtime reaction: 👅 👅 👅 👅🥰🥰🥰🥰 
“You should,” you say, and he looks at your thigh shamelessly as you pat it—even beneath your jeans, he can see the ripple of the impact. mm yes proud members of Thick Thigh Save Lives Club rise upppp
He can’t help it—Soap’s imagination runs wild. Titanic, draw-me-like-one-of-your-French-girls wild. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is canon to me you cannot change my mind
i am also loving the keep calm and carry on professionalism of artist!reader in the face of having to contend with seeing naked soap
he has to resist the urge to flex. Instead he watches you as you look at him.
these small revealing lil bits make me absolutely feral for this soap
He half-wishes he could step out of his body and join you, curious as he is about what you’re seeing, what your students will see. 
me too, sir, me too. i also love seeing artist!reader through soap’s eyes as well
“First time someone’s wanted to run away when I’m takin’ my clothes off, I won’t lie—” fucking CACKLING at this line
besides the absofuckinglutely incredible writing and fleshing out of this lil meetcute - i did see author's note that she drew on her own time as a fine art major <3 <3 <3 <3 and honestly some of the best stories ive read drew from IRL experiences by writers - but the suggestions and possibilities of this fic post-mwiii is what makes this such a favorite for me, peeking through a window into one of the what ifs? of another possible longer lifetime and lifeline for our beloved soap <3
so many chef's kisses and flowers being thrown at you from me bracey 💕💕💕
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soapxmactavish · 4 years
Top Tracks of Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3
because sleep is the better option 
(click on the song title so you can have a listen on youtube :D)
          Modern Warfare 2 (Hans Zimmer)
Opening Credits
played during endgame as soap mactavish is being escorted to safety by price and nikolai and through the first bit of the credits
Spec Ops 
plays in the spec ops menu
this song is just badass i love it
one of the few songs i remembered when i played the game for the first time after 8 years
played during cliffhanger (mission)
this is the first time you see soap mactavish - i just get so many good vibes of him in this (his villa cara’s, his voice, his gruffness ugh)
Plan B 
played during cliffhanger (mission) when soap mactavish is compromised, and then you shoot your way towards the snowmobiles
such a cool song i love it 
Snowmobile Chase 
played during cliffhanger (mission) 
i get a lot of nostalgia from this because i used to play “race” and “time trial” when i was younger and this was one of the few songs i remembered when i played the game after 8 years 
played during takedown (mission)
the build-up is so cool
it gives this adrenaline rush
the first time we see ghost
and the beginning of seeing soap mactavish in an undershirt because it’s a goddamned t r e a t 
Rangers Lead the Way 
played during wolverines!
shows how the man, the myth, the legend (hans zimmer) can transition from action songs to emotional ones
the guitar towards the end is so fucken cool 
The Hornet’s Nest 
played during the hornet’s nest (mission)
it’s such a cool song when shooting through the favela
gets the adrenaline going
we see more of soap mactavish in a shirt and him jumping + running over rooftops what a sight 
played during exodus (mission), and the enemy of my enemy,
the song is so cool, the lead violin is amazing,
the drums in the background,
it’s emotion tied with action and i can’t get enough of it 
The Only Easy Day...Was Yesterday (Part 1) 
played during the first bit of the only easy day...was yesterday (mission), and the cutscene for cliffhanger (mission), and contingency (mission),
the bit at the beginning is hectic,
the guitar and its riffs are so fucken good i love it so much
TF141 Assaults the Gulag 
played during the gulag
the whole song is bloody amazing bro i can’t even
i put this on repeat so many times
the gulag is my favourite mission in this game sooo :D (alongside cliffhanger)
The Armoury
 played during the gulag
it’s so similar to the previous song
can chuck this on repeat for ages 
Prisoner #627 
played during the gulag,
price and soap mactavish are reunited guys it’s a major fucking point for everything i can't express this enough guys soap had such bad survivors guilt and now hes back with price 
Second Sun  
played during second sun (mission)
everything went to shit and this song sets the mood 
Escape from the Safehouse 
played during loose ends
this gives you that feeling like ohshitwegottagoooogetouttaherecomeonghost
it’s replayable as fuck
the second half gets me so sad every time - especially after that first high key of the violins or whatever because ghost and roach are gone :(
The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
played during the enemy of my enemy (mission)
this song is perfect for the mood of the mission
it’s emotional as fuck because of what just happened in georgia 
Zodiac Chase and Waterfall 
played during endgame
this song is so action packed
replayable as fuck 
End Credits
played during the end credits (the second song)
guys this song is perfection don’t get me started on the guitar
i swear i’ve nearly blown my beats because this whole song is on at full max
the last minute or so with the guitar is i can’t even describe ohmygoooood guys please just listen just drop whatever you’re doing 
          Modern Warfare 3 (Brian Tyler)
Call of Duty: MW3 
played during return to sender
this song sets the mood for the whole game’s soundtrack - emotional, action packed
I Stand Alone 
played during eye of the storm, blood brothers, and the stronghold
the “anthem” of soap mactavish’s death
i get so sad during this you have no idea
the scottish theme to this kills me everytime
soap mactavish is d e a d
Battle for New York 
played during black tuesday, hunter killer, blood brothers, dust to dust, and the delta force and sas victory theme in multiplayer
this song is orgasmic during 2:20-3:28 (and i can play that bit on guitar its so fun)
played during down the rabbit hole, and the pmc defeat theme in multiplayer
sandman, truck, and grinch are g o n e
makes me think of op kingfish when price stayed behind for everyone and sandman objected, but now sandman returned the favour and price was distraught
The Will of A Single Man 
played during the opening cutscene for the main menu spec ops menu, return to sender, and dust to dust
it’s just such a badass song 
i call it “makarov’s theme” because of the badass speech 
nostalgia because back in 2011 i used to play survival in spec ops with my dad all the time and this song was playing
the only song i recognised when i played it again for the first time after 8 years 
Scouting the Enemy 
played during turbulence, bag and drag, iron lady, eye of the storm, the stronghold, and scorched earth
it’s so emotional and dark
the minute mark with the high notes is what makes me love this song i dunno why 
Arabian Endgame 
played during dust to dust
one of the most badass songs in both mw2 and mw3′s soundtracks
i like to call this “price’s revenge song”
the intro is so badass with the guitar,
the build up bits are amazing
the highlight of the song has to be 0:57-1:19
you’re playing as price in a juggernaut suit how much more badass can you get?! 
MW3 End Credits
played during the end credits and iron lady
this song makes me think about the crazy adventure of the three games
the emotions it makes in my chest
price got his revenge and his story is complete
those who have fallen can rest easy (fuckimtearingupasiwritethis),
i can also play this on guitar,
these credits are the first time where i’m completely still and just speechless for the whole runtime - and then the operation kingfish photo comes up and my tears are well and truly pooling beneath me price was the only survivor in the photo it fucking h u r t s 
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brooklynislandgirl · 7 months
@soapfcrce {{a not so wee hug}}
His voice envelopes her before his arms do. The world spins around them and uniforms become a kaleidoscope blur as her eyes squeeze half short, crinkling at the corners when she smiles with genuine warmth and happiness, a salt sprinkle of relief, and everything that is soft in the world. Little spindly arms encircle him back more like ivy-vines. "I know," she says, a little breathlessly. This is what Beth was literally built-for. Homecomings. Being the person straining at the platform as the bus or train pulls away so she can give one more wave, one more blown kiss, before you say goodbye. When she was very little, before she realised the man loathed her to the core of her being, she would do it for the Admiral who looked like some kind of god in his whites on the deck of his ship. She'd done it for Andy each and every time her brother'd left her behind, and she never missed being there to pick him up. His two best girls, a sister that loved him, and the car he rebuilt piece by piece. It might even still be expected of her to some day have a husband of her own who lived his life in uniform. But in between? She's more than happy to be Soap's faithful welcome wagon. To bring his unit home baked treats. Organising letters and care packages. Watering whatever plant he might have left behind. She still has stars in her eyes and almost glows when he excuses himself and she shakes her head. "Of course, go-on wi' you, den." A phrase picked up from his vocabulary even if the accent is different. She watches him return to his pack.
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brooklynislandgirl · 7 months
@soapfcrce {{xx}}
She knows that hesitation as if she'd spoken it herself. For a moment she wouldn't have been surprised if, when she'd looked up, it wasn't blue eyes staring back the way they do, but rather a pair remarkably like her own, only slightly darker. He sounds like her brother.
"One of dese days I'll get t'rough to you dat you nevah haf t' apologise t' me. Crazy kine happens sometimes." And she knew what she was getting into when she decided to care for her wayward soldier. The revolver is heavy in her hand, a pronouncement of weight that brings sobriety back into the moment. She takes it. Turns to the side and flips the cylinder open. Six shots. .38 calibre. Medium velocity, medium stopping power but not likely to break her wrist. If she'd have been expecting this... "Lissen t' me carefully, Soap." Beth has never used that moniker for him before. She didn't feel as if she'd earned the right but she needs him to remember this. "You know my braddah was Pararescue, not much different dan SAS, right? If need be, dere's a closet between da music room an' my art studio. Got a lock on it. 1-3-3-8ACMR is da code. If you're in trouble, you'll find everyt'ing in dere dat you need. An' I do mean literally everyt'ing." Eventually she might have to explain. Right now it doesn't seem at all important as to why she has these things. "Dere you go, apologisin' again but you didn' do anyt'ing wrong an' I won' hear anoddah word dat you did. Be safe. An' come back t' me, aye? I don' wanna be you if I hafta go save you." She snaps the cylinder shut. "I'll be careful." She sounds so sure, she could almost convince herself.
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
Songs from my playlists that represent how the 141 loves you (+bonus König)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
“Wasteland” by Woodkid
Most of what I used to be had vanished in the waves/The memories of the boy I’ve been were drowning and you saved them/Now I remember the joy and the meaning of the fate/The color of the truth and the sound of sunny days
You have reminded him what it’s like be human again. When you look at him, he is Simon. He’s your Simon. He’s the man whose cheeks you’ve held countless times, kissing the corners of his eyes, tasting the paint on your lips but you couldn’t care less. Your small hands reach out time and time again and pull him back from the edge. And he’ll always take your hand, he might fight you at first, insistent that he’s too dangerous and that you’ll get hurt if you stay. But you always fight back. You’ll always fight your way back to him. You make him feel wanted, safe, human.
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
“Everlong” by The Foo Fighters
Breathe out/So I can breathe you in/Hold you in/And now/I know you've always been/Out of your head/Out of my head, I sang
He’s such a hopeless romantic. You became his entire world, the light in his eyes, and when you two first met it was like coming up for air after being submerged for so long. And he never wants to let you go, he feels like it’s always been you. You’re the mile marker along the highway of his life, there is a ‘before’ and then there is only a ‘with you’. Nothing is as good when he’s on his own, but with you? The sun’s out, the birds are singing their stupid songs, the flowers are in full bloom, and he can breathe again.
John Price:
“Thank You” by Dido
Push the door I’m home at last/I’m soaking through and through/Then you handed me a towel/And all I see is you/And even if my house falls down now/I wouldn’t have a clue/Because you’re near me
You’re his motivation. You’re what gets him through his long days. Knowing that there’s a home with you waiting for him is what pushes him. He has a picture of you in his wallet that he always looks at, and he’s so fucking tired but he keeps going for you. To see you, to hold you, to kiss you, to cherish you. And when he finally comes home, his bones each weighing a million pounds, and he sees you, it all just melts away. Nothing matters. He tunnel visions and it’s just you. There’s nothing happening outside these walls, it’s just you, and that’s all he needs.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick:
“Lose It” by Oh Wonder
Downtown we let it go/Sunset high and our bodies low/Blood rush in the hazy glow/My hands, your bones/Looser we break the scene/One step deep as you fall to me/Heart clap, we skip a beat/Count one, two, three
He’s the warmth that flows through your veins, he’s the sun that shines on your cheeks, he’s the rhythmic sound of cars driving on wet asphalt after a storm. And you? Sweetheart, you’re the twinkle of city lights on the skyline, you’re the sound of laughter from a couple caught in the rain, you’re the steady soothing rhythm of a love song. You’re his favorite song. He’ll always move to your beat, hands on your hips, forehead against yours.
“Just the Two of Us” by Grover Washington Jr, Bill Whithers
I see the crystal raindrops fall/And the beauty of it all/Is when the sun comes shining through/To make those rainbows in my mind/When I think of you sometime/And I wanna spend some time with you
He’s so at home with you. When you’re together all his worries melt away. Every thought that gets overplayed in his head start to quiet down the closer he is to you. There’s no one he’d rather be with than you. There is literally no one else in the world. And when you’re sat between his legs, reclined against his chest watching a movie, his heart is drumming in his chest. Only it’s not an anxious beat, it’s a beat that plays for you. It’s a beat that knows you’re the most wonderful thing in his life. You’re the sip of cold water in the middle of the night when his nightmares rip him from his sleep, you’re kissing his sweaty forehead and reminding him that you’re here. That it’s just the two of you. And he’s at peace again.
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