#Ask box is open always <3
larsgoingtomars · 1 year
Ohhh btw if anyone wants to ask any questions about the universe/shifting/manifesting ect ill gladly answer!
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ireallyymissu · 7 months
(at home all by myself) god I hope I’m not annoying anybody right now.
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
i'm sure i can guess, but. thoughts on the kotlc smut debate? do you think it's appropriate?
I'm not interested in getting into discourse, so I'll try and keep this short and sweet (also, none of this is angry or targeted at anyone and I’m fine talking about it—I’m just not interested in senseless, unproductive arguing!!)
As the subjects are fictional, I don't care. They aren't real people. Smut written about them does not impact or hurt them in any way.
What someone chooses to write about and why is not my business. If it's smut written by teens about teens as a means of exploring sexuality, if its a means of processing experiences or abuse, if its for fun--whatever it is, that's their business. Including for adult authors. They can have just as valid motivations, not that they need to justify themselves. They literally cannot hurt these characters
As for real people, such as fans, no one is forced to read it. If you find yourself in the middle of something that makes you uncomfortable, you can stop reading and walk away. And yes, there may be initial discomfort as you realize--for which I am sympathetic, but it happens and that is on you to manage, not the author.
Authors are also not responsible for rule breakers who access sites they're not old enough for. We're responsible for tagging and adhering to the rules of hosting sites
Also, smut as a whole is a valid form of writing/creation. Sexuality is a normal (note: I am not saying it is the ONLY normal. ace here), widespread part of life, and sexual gratification and enjoyment are morally neutral
Am I personally gonna write any kotlcrew smut? No. Am I gonna read any? Probably no. Not my kind of kotlc fic. I by and large don't enjoy it. But fic writers who chose to engage with the subject here are not writing about real people, and not responsible for real people's comfort with their work beyond tagging.
Smut is always going to exist. It is safer for all parties if it is freely allowed to exist so no one has to disclose potentially very personal justifications (e.g. processing abuse/experiences), and so it can be properly tagged and avoided by those who want/need to--otherwise individuals will not tag appropriately in the interest of not being taken down, and that helps no one.
and since this was brought up last time: this is my stance. I can't tell you how to think, and I don't decide for anyone else what is right from wrong. i can only share my reasonings
Oh also: I don’t hold it against anyone who’s disgusted or uncomfortable with it! That’s fine. I don’t enjoy it either! Valid! But that doesn’t mean we can say it shouldn’t exist or harass people who write it (not saying anyone has, this is just addressing the broad question)
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tinyowlet · 1 year
outdoorsy dragon board with muted colours for anon! 🌲🐉
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theaceofarrows · 2 months
Something something Lloyd buying every piece of asexual dragon merch he can get his hands on
Lloyd, after he gets his merch (but with dragons):
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I fully support this! It's canon now, and nothing can change my mind.
P.s. sorry I took so long to answer. I really enjoyed it, though!
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polyamorousmood · 2 months
Thoughts on the ménage à trois during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics?
First I'm hearing of it but this is France we're talking about.
They should have shown them fucking.
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madame-fear · 8 months
who is the celebration crush yk we won't judge you (no pressure I am insanely interested though)
jskdkxid i love you all frfr 💗💗 My most recent celebrity crushes are Enzo Vogrincic and also Matias Recalt. They are awfully CUTE I SWEAR TO GOD and they both participated in the movie "The Society of the Snow". Ughhdjdk I love them so so muchh 🥰❤❤❤🤭
But recently on a Twitter post I saw a picture of Matias Recalt and his girlfriend and I kinda wanna jump off a roof now though. Holding back tears rn everyone. 🥴
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(^ Enzo Vogrincic)
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(^ Matias Recalt)
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You have broken my brain with those how the hell am I still coal snippets! like in the best way! They were *chefs kiss* PERFECTION
Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. I am working hard to wrestle the fic into submission.
Please enjoy another snippet for your wonderfully kind words:
“Do you want the good news or bad news first?” “Uh, bad, I guess,” Jamie said, scrubbing his good hand across his face.  “I reviewed your x-ray,” she said, turning the iPad around so Jamie could see the image. “Unfortunately, as suspected, your hand is broken. You can see the second, third and fourth metacarpal.” Some of the breaks he could see clearly as she pointed them out; others just looked like shadows. Roy’s face looked murderous. All Jamie knew was his dad did a fucking number on his hand. Jamie was always a slow learner, wasn’t he? But this message was certainly received loud and clear. Jamie bit his lip before asking the doctor, “Wait, what’s the good news?” “You can have the kebab after I set your hand,” she said sheepishly. A nurse appeared and worked with the doctor to give him more localised pain medication. Roy stayed to the side, his eyes boring into him like another x-ray machine until the doctor was ready to set the fractures. Roy grabbed his good hand and Jamie stared at it, not quite comprehending Roy Kent was holding his hand.  “Squeeze if it hurts.”
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kikkeesfeliz · 3 months
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I finished the graph of the Drawfee Cascada streak, so for any other numbers nerds:
(How to read it: The chart shows how long it has been since Drawfee last made an "every time" joke. For example, on September 28, they hadn't for 12 episodes.)
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Here's the current graph of the Cats (2019) streak as well:
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You can find links to view interactive versions of the charts (as well as the data spreadsheets) in my pinned post.
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Comet: “When you said you were magical in bed, I wasn’t expecting this.”
David: pulls a card from the fanned out deck “Is this your card? 💕”
Comet: “…Holy shit-“
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Al haithem leads the creator to the oldest known record of human language. A stone that has "sus" etched into it.
a h –
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💀 stop this madness- what do u want from me,, aHH- what do u waNT- PLEASE-
Omfg. Awful thought:
Everytime there's a modern "update" on memes and trends and slang, Teyvat finds like another documentation of it 💀
Sumeru archeologists (Creator specific ones would exist too i would think..) is an absolutely reliable field,
Bc unlike here, those stone slabs or murals just keep showing up deep in sand dunes or hard to reach nature areas (like enkanomiya etc), and are made in order to "reflect/update" to our modern lingo bc it needs to keep a record bc its "Teyvat history" to them 😭
(Like the world itself is adding that shit, and the Irminsul wants to know)
Stop no get of my head no more thought head emtpy
Its the wine yall i gotta go to bed-
Also heyyy, u may have noticed i have slowed down, i am mostly sad not bc of yall pressuring me not at all, im just ready to not be a student anymore!!
Bc I got uni starting back up again/senior semester graduation, so kinda crazy + car trouble this week :/
Anyway, ill be updating more on the weekends!!
So if ur interested in my insane ramblings, look out for my ass groovin out to yalls asks / requests on the weekends :)
(🚧Also cant wait to be working on those 100 follower event postssss *construction noises resume*👷✍️🚧)
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
i would be delighted to!!! i’ll try to say things we (@quillkiller and i, we’re conjoined) haven’t said before lol…. please be warned. this post got LONG (lots more under the cut)
so for me the general trajectory of the quillkiller relationship is devotion -> betrayal -> haunting (and the devotion and haunting are sort of synonymous, no? different shapes of the same undying love) so i’ll try to follow that trajectory in this post too
so. Devotion. we’ve said before that a big part of bella’s character is her need to devote herself to something. she’s a follower at her core, and before she meets voldemort, she finds this in rita. rita who’s mean and nasty and genuinely believes she deserves to be worshipped (major god complex). bella who wants to worship her, wants to give her everything, wants to give herself up to rita like an offering, a sacrifice.
and it digs deep into the both of them, this devotion, claws its way into the marrow of their bones until they can’t let each other go. they’re in different hogwarts houses and come from what feels like different worlds but bella’s sneaking into the ravenclaw common room at night, they’re passing notes in class, exchanging looks in the great hall, meeting up in secret nooks and crannies. bella is getting married but rita is the journalist at the wedding, kissing her before she walks down the aisle, sneaking off to fuck in one of the side rooms later. bella sending patronuses like ‘come over’ or just showing up at rita’s flat, clinging onto each other even when they know they probably shouldn’t and that it can’t last and that it’ll have to end at some point, taking as much of each other as they can get bc they know that it can’t be forever and they didn’t even think it would last this long… i imagine them waking up together like this:
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and the thing is!! there’s so much love. so so so much love. like even w bella married and everything, that’s never an issue at all. they’re happy, they have fun and they make each other laugh and they love each other so so much and so so well even if they both think that’s it’s ultimately gonna fall apart. and that brings us to Betrayal.
it’s the idea that both of them are selfish and obsessive and cruel but before they’d always been all of these things together. but bc they are these things and bc they’re always pushing each other and challenging each other and making each other more, they’re always, inevitably, gonna cross a line that the other cannot. for rita, this is her article, and for bella, this is her dark mark.
and to me, their respective betrayals happen kinda concurrently, like either one of them could happen first, but they don’t fully fall apart until both of them have happened bc, for example, if the article happened first, bella wouldn’t forgive rita (it’s disloyalty and bella can’t understand or forgive it bc she’s unendingly loyal <- another core bella trait) but bc of the disconnect there, the way they both can’t quite understand how unforgivable what they’ve done is to the other, i don’t think rita would necessarily see a huge issue. like they’ve fought before and it hasn’t been final and if rita called, bella would still show up, ofc she would. and vice versa. if the dark mark debacle happened first, rita can’t forgive her for that (bc no matter how morally reprehensible she is, rita can’t justify or support genocide and doesn’t understand how bella thinks she could), but if bella called, rita would go.
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that’s them one betrayal in ^^ (i.e. rita post bella’s mark showing up at lestrange manor bc bella called. or bella post rita’s article showing up at rita’s flat bc she called). and they need both the betrayals to happen to be fully over (and obvs both the betrayals are inevitable bc of who they are and the circumstances they find themselves in even if they’re trying so hard to cling onto each other). i think by the time of both the betrayals, they’re already hanging on by a thread - hanging on so so tight, don’t get me wrong, but things are already falling to pieces, they just haven’t noticed yet, or haven’t let themselves notice yet.
it’s been building and building bc they both want everything, they want to have their cake and eat it too, selfish and hungry and wanting, that eventually they cross they line and it all falls down. they lose their ‘one good thing’ (<- bella says this about rita), they lose the woman that they still love, the only woman they ever have and ever will love, bc they just kept pushing for more:
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and it’s both of their faults but they blame each other and hate each other and love each other just the same and they don’t realise that the closest they ever were to everything they ever wanted was when they were together. until later. thus. the Haunting.
and i have a lot of visual aids (quotes) for this part lol. this spans the rest of their lives, and i tend to mostly consider it from rita’s pov bc she’s not in azkaban and a lot more mentally present and also lives a lot longer so i think it’s more tragic for her (bella is also very much tragic but i will say that by the end of her time in azkaban, she’s really not much more than a shell of herself and she would’ve had most of her happy memories (a large part of which are w rita) sapped from her by the dementors and therefore it’s hard to say how much capacity she would’ve had for being haunted, being as, in and of herself, she would’ve been little more than a ghost x)
we’re gonna kinda gloss over everything here bc i have lots to say and this is already so so long but i have quotes that refer to a) rita’s general existence after the break up:
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(obvs we're referring to her articles here. and just everything she writes in general. and everything she does. and everything she is.)
b) rita after bella breaks out of azkaban in 1996, and she sees her on the cover of the daily prophet:
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and c) basically just rita for the rest of her life. forever. til the day she dies (this quote makes me a little insane...... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!):
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IT IS MY KNIFE AND MY HEART TOO!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! anyway i'm gonna stop talking here bc i've rambled on for far far too long (although i have more to say if anyone wants... i'll always have more to say about them i think) but for now!! i'll love you and leave you with a few links to posts/fics that i think vaguely encapsulate our quillkiller conception (and by that i mean reccing jen's fics and a couple other things i've said):
life-changing fic 1 (rita writing bellatrix's obituary) | thing i wrote (unsent letter from r to b after azkaban break-out) | life-changing fic 2 (bella visiting rita post-azkaban break-out) | thing i wrote (another kinda quillkiller thesis...) | life-changing microfic (nsfw, that good old bellatrix black devotion)
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dark-fics-4-you · 4 months
Sooooo what are everybody’s thots on the newest chapter of Number One Fan?? 👀
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madrabit · 27 days
I hope there is some bojance Shower sex planned
Ohhh, don't worry, @185northgower and I have planned a lot and if shower sex isn't on out little list yet, we'll definitely find a way to squeeze that in somewhere 🤭👀
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idyllcy · 7 days
hello :333 hiiii :3333
I'm still offline and deciding what to do with this account, but I'm thinking that maybe the best choice would be to go back to how it used to be! No responses to comments, no commenting under others, no reblogging fics!!! After oata and my other half-written socmed, I'm thinking that it would probably be best to go back to just one fic per week with a blurb every now and then!! All my fic reblogs will go back to my other account
Don't get me wrong I love you all sm but i think im gonna start doing chatting in dms instead of under posts!! the clutter on this account is making me anxious sigh.
That also means no more cressposts ur gonna have to defeat my hundred fourty smth evil exes (ao3 fics) to figure out cresslore :3
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