#At least while I'm writing their romances xD
anathemafiction · 10 months
I cant believe u have me swooning over the bastard. How could u. Hadrian and Alessa, even Neia, are right there, and all i can think about is his dumb little face and the way he begged romanus not to let him die. Honestly the interactions between a sarcastic mc and rafael during the interregation scene were some of my faves in the book, i can't wait to bully him into a loving relationship in book 2 and 3
The part where he begged Romanus to live was when I decided he'd be a romance option. I loved it that much. The whole interrogation afterward only solidified that decision.
I know there's a whole tag of me joking that I didn't like the rat bastard, but I think it's obvious I always liked Rafael a lot. But now that I'm finally writing him in the game, I can say that I absolutely adore him. He's such a blast to write. I love every time he's on a scene. 😊
I can't wait for you all to experience his romance or friendship route. One of his scenes at the end of the book will probably be one of my favorites of the sequel, character-wise.
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
30 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🌊
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😅Ah, well this is awkward-
I haven't drawn Gravity Falls in quite a while. And with this sudden fandom resurgence following the book of Bill.. I actually went back and privated a huge chunk of my Gravity falls posts. :x
My reasoning for this is that looking back, a lot of those old posts are rather embarrassing for me 💀 now I respected them all as stepping stones to where my blog is now so I didn't actually DELETE any posts!! But now with the fandom coming back people are finding them aaaannddd.. when ever I get a notification of someone liking an old cringey Gravity Falls post of mine? I just go beet red. uhhg they're sooooo embrassingggg...
SO! For my own comfort, I privated lot of those embarrassing posts. I didn't delete them in case I change my mind and want them back in the future- but they should all be hidden.
Now that that's explained, the comic you're talking about is likely one that I privated parts of out of embarrassment. But if you happen to have a link to one of the parts or can remember the what the comic was about... mayyyybe I could go back and un-pivate it.? <XD But just that comic! It depends on how beet red I turn when I see it-- :x
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I've heard of cult of the lamb, seen a lot of fanart for it- and several of my friends play it!... But I still don't know much about it <XD Isn't it like a cult simulator or something..? Idk-- the cult imagery just didn't really feel like my thing 😅
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@i-v-y67 (Hiding the image because its not my art! <:D )
Sorry man, <XD Maybe someday I will! But for now I got Welcome home, FNAF and Pokémon on the mind 💀
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DUDE I LOOOOOVE THE AMAZING WORLD OF GUMBALL!! That show has absolutely no right to be that funny XDDD
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XDD Aw, thank you! Truly the highest compliment my version of Wally could receive. 😌
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Idk how Bibi's name is actually supposed to be pronounced.. but I personally pronounce it as "bee-bee" <XD
And for his little sister Cici, its the same. "see-see"
While I'm at it, Gerald's name is pronounced "erald". The G is silent XDD
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Aw man.. Ingo couldn't cope.. 😔😔
No that's not me saying that Emmet loved Ingo less or was emotionally stronger than him- but Emmet sees Ingo as his strong and capable older brother. With some comfort from Elesa, he believed at his core that Ingo could handle what ever he was facing out there.. although his body was wracked with worry..
If the roles were reversed.. I mean.. man..
Ingo sees Emmet as his precious baby brother. Despite them being only minutes apart in age. He knows logically that Emmet is just as strong and capable as he is.. but just imaging his baby brother out there.. wounded and all alone.. he should have been there. he should have done more. He's all alone. What if he never sees him again? What if he dies alone out there?
The separation would quite possibly destroy Ingo..
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Boop!! :DDD
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I'm feeling pretty rough, but doing my best to rest! <:D and thank you!! :)))
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I don't have many clear ideas for Home yet.. I'm thinking that its pretty sentient. Home can problem solve, make assumptions and learn..
What does it think of everything... I'm not quite sure. I imagine Home to be curious though, and that's why it watches Wally sleep and why it watched Eddie at the Christmas party..
I also pictured Home to have been in an almost coma/zombie like state back when it was dilapidated.. but then I wonder if Poppy would still be spooked by it.. hmm..
It couldn't have been comfortable in that state at least. So when Wally fixed it up, maybe Home was grateful? Or maybe Home is just kind'a coming to and doesn't know how to feel about the neighborhood springing up around it.. overall I kind'a want to keep these general malicious undertones to Home... 👀
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Yeah, I didn't have them crushing on each other because I don't like writing romance stuff for characters that are not my own.. <XD
But this doesn't mean that Eddie and Frank cant have a strong platonic bond in my au! :0 One thing I imagined for their friendship is how they met/how it started.
I had this picture in my head that Frank used to butt-heads with the other neighbors a lot more than he does now. Frank had a certain way of talking and expressing himself that some of the other neighbors didn't really understand.. and since Frank can be irritable at times.. well.. I guess the best way to put it is that Frank had a hard time making friends at first..
I imagined that on a particularly bad day, where nothing seemed to be going his way.. Frank was huffing and puffing and just grumbling to himself.. attending to some chores around the house and just overall feeling down. At some point, he realized the package he ordered should be here any second now.. so he stepped outside to check the mail.
When he went outside, whaddya know! The new mailman was here right on time and putting his package in the mailbox. Well FINALLY something went right for him! That's a nice change..
I imagined Frank went out in a huff to grab the mail, not intending to chat.. but 10 minutes later and he was still stood outside talking to the new mailman.
I thought that when Frank spoke to Eddie, Eddie listened intently and waited patiently for his turn to talk without interrupting. When Eddie talked to Frank, he basically asked all the perfect questions in the perfect tone to get Frank to simmer down.
Eddie told him how beautiful his garden looked, and with his tone and bright smile, you could tell he meant it! Well that's a nice thing to say..
Frank asked how he feels about the neighborhood. And Eddies responses were relatively quick and to the point. Huh.. its nice to have no filler in this conversation considering how grumpy he was today..
Eddie makes a comment about Franks nice clothes, Frank chuckles and comments that his grumpy expression probably doesn't make them look any nicer.. Eddie is a little taken aback, "I didn't think you looked grumpy.. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down today neighbor.." Huh.. someone who doesn't just see his frown and assume he's a grump. That's a really nice change..
By the end of their conversation, Franks day had been completely flipped on its head. He had a nice chat with the new neighbor and got his mail right on time. Eddie was respectful, interested in what Frank had to say, and had plenty of genuine compliments to spare.
Since that excellent first impression on Eddie's part, their friendship would grow and grow into what it is today. Not a romantic relationship, but definitely a best friend situation for sure. :)
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A phone call? :0 Is this one I talked about happening in my at some point and forgot or was this something that happened in canon? <:0 Forgive my poor memory- today is not my day! 😅😅
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AWWWEE!! the little babeee.... 🥺🥺💞💞💞💞
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(In response to this post)
Thank you! These past few days have been pretty rough but I'm hangin in there! <:D ...
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Man I really gotta work on the story/personalities for Julies siblings <XD These ideas for them are just wonderful! Him meeting Julies brother/sisters sounds like a fun drawing idea!
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B-But.. with no return address... how am I supposed to send a thank you..? <:'(((
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It is one of my all time favorite shows.. 🥺🥺💞💞💞 I love it to bits. Stanley is my favorite character.. I watched it like twice and I would have watched it a third time but I couldn't watch it without crying so I had to quit <XDD 100/10 would recommend Gravity Falls.💞💞
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(Jangles birthday post)
Ahh don't worry, his birthday was actually on the 6th. I was late too! <XD
Also thank you! I'm glad you like the details I added! :)))))
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😔😔😔Man, it never ends. Thanks for letting me know though..
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I kind'a pictured it being similar to Sans and Papyrus. Well, if Papyrus loved puns that is- XDDD
Their personalities are kind'a opposite. Barnaby is relaxed, laid back and always cracking jokes. Howdy is always on the move (in the warmer months). Always darting from shelf, gotta stock stock stock! Gotta go go go! Got so many things to do!
Barnaby usually hangs out in the shop and chats with Howdy. They like to talk about life, their opinions on different topics. And of course exchange jokes back and fourth XDD
I imagine their friendship is strong enough that they've opened up about some darker things. About their pasts and what not..
Sorry if this wasn't super descriptive and/or didn't answer your question 😅 brain is not braining today!
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She's thought about telling someone else. The people she would trust the most would probably be Wally, Barnaby, Poppy and Sally.
Though she's afraid if she shows Wally, he'll be afraid of her. Just like all the other humans were...
She thought about telling Barnaby because he's so laid back and easy going.. perhaps he'd accept her for who she is.. but Barnaby really values honesty.. maybe he'd be upset that she lied to him about who she really is and wouldn't want to be her friend anymore..
She almost told Poppy, but backed out last second. She doesn't want to scare poor Poppy..
She's considered telling Sally.. and since Sally has a similar story to her.. maybe she'd be really understanding and accept her.. but she wasn't sure. So she never told her..
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I'd like to imagine Home does, but Wally either doesn't notice them or thinks they're just normal old house things :0
For example, the first picture in this post shows Home before Wally restored it. The peeling paint was supposed to be like rotting flesh, showing a pale red wood underneath.. bright red wood exists in their world, but its not usually that shade of red...
I thought about there occasionally being a faint blowing sound somewhere in the house. Accompanied by drawn out rise and fall in temperature though all the rooms. Wally would say the windows don't seal that well or the walls have poor insulation.. Other's would say it feels like breathing..
I've considered that when Wally tries to hang a picture, the walls leak some kind of thick fluid. Obviously meant to be blood- but I miiiight not go with that one. Since that would be a big glaring problem that would grab Wally's attention-
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Also I'm actually pretty thin on ideas for Howdy.. although I DO have these headcannons about Howdy not liking winter/the cold! :0
I imagined that Howdy can't handle the cold at all <XD In the wintertime howdy is constantly cold, hungry and sleepy. This makes him move really slowly and show up late to everything 😔Thankfully he has his good pal Barnaby to lend a hand around the shop. But it just sucks that he's so exhausted in the wintertime and can hardly get anything done..
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(In response to this post)
Thank you so much! :DD And ooooo! Yellow and black could work really well! :000
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@neo-metalscottic (Chandelure post in question)
And as for Julies sisters/brother, I actually haven't thought about them much.. BUT THIS IDEA IS SOOOO GOOD AND SPOOKY!!! U GOTTA FIND A WAY TO ADD IT TO THE AU!! :DDD
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I would like to draw that comic, but its just a huuuuuge project for me to pick up atm <XD
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Thank you so much!! :DD Although unfortunately I don't know what image you're talking about.. I don't remember seeing Eddie hurt with Wally carrying him, and I don't have any intentions for Eddie to get seriously hurt! <:0
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muffinsin · 7 months
I'm so happy you responded :D (and that you write platonic fics , I like romance but platonic is something I'll love forever❤️)
If possible can you do maybe how the sisters would react to their mother adopting a human kid??
Like they come injured and orphaned to work at their castle and alcina is like "this is my child now" and whips her away.
I feel like Cassandra would be the most protective out of the 3 and just carry her with her wherever and bela would make sure she's eating and drinking, maybe teach her to read and write . And Daniela would just play with her all day long while reading her favourite stories .
I love all of your fics and Im sorry if this is too long or just not your cup of tea . Absolutely feel free to ignore this . I hope you have a good day 😊💞
Ofc! :) I try to respond to every inbox noti! (Even if stuff occasionally gets lost in the inbox🙇‍♀️), I can’t blame you at all XD I love writing pretty much all types of things, but platonic is such a sweet and pure type of writing🙌 So happy to hear you like my works! :) Have a good day too hon! This was so cute, I had to pull it to the front of my WIP list🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
Absolutely, this is adorable! Let’s get into it :)
You catch Bela’s eye immediately, from the moment you enter the castle halls
Your heartbeat is far too quick, far too weak for it to be suitable for work
However, she originally assumes you’re an ill maid. Not a child
Her surprise, therefore, is large when she swarms to you to separate you from the group and label you as a reject
Yet, she finds no one on eye level
Not even on cleavage level
She looks down to see you, a child of small size, look up at her with wide, terrified eyes
What? How did you get here?
She crouches down, for once uncaring as she gives up her usually so intimidating posture
Bela finds herself surprised when she sees tears welling in your little eyes, then feels small arms wrap around her
For a moment, she looks like a deer in the headlights
Still, she knows what she must do. And as such she picks you up effortlessly, a not so subtle grimace on her face as you cough nearly into her ear
She brings you to Alcina, who promises to take care of you and the matter of your sudden appearance
Now, when Bela peeled you off her while you were clinging like a koala, she did not expect to find herself as your sister
However, this was exactly what Alcina announced a couple of days later after some careful consideration
Truly, she thought she would take the news worse. Whenever she thought of another sibling, she mentally rolled her eyes
Another one to share Mother’s attention with…
Another to Shepard…
However, Bela feels an instant bond with you. What’s one more younger sibling?
She’s incredibly maternal with you, as she was and still is with her sisters
Bela takes care of you the majority of the day, and you overall spend the most amount of time with her, out of your new sisters
She ensures you eat and is curious to find out what can all sate your appetite
Are you picky? Are you willing to try all out once? Do you like vegetables? Do you prefer meat? Bela is the one to find all of this out first
She has absolutely had to prevent her sisters from feeding you blood in the past, however
She knows enough of humans to know they are not supposed to eat blood, at least
Your eldest sister teaches you to read and write early on, and proves to be surprisingly patient with it
She reads to you and encourages you to try as well, so that in no time you’re capable of reading easy, short stories the two of you have come up with
She has pristine handwriting, and as she teaches you, she ensures at least one of her siblings picks up on this
With Bela, you often pick up fancy words and phrases, which you in time like to repeat to your mama later on, who always praises you for your ever growing vocabulary
Really, Bela is mainly the reason your vocabulary is so vast
However, one thing your sister makes sure of, evidently more than your other sisters, is not to swear in front of you
Aside from your mama, Bela is the one teaching you manners the most
She teaches you early on to use your words to get what you want
With her, you learn the art of subtle things
Such as subtly intimidating people, or, in time, insulting people without having them notice it, even
She teaches you to influence others in order to gain what you want
This, ironically, usually doesn’t work on her
But your mama and Daniela? It works perfectly as an alternative to your puppy eyes
Asides from all these aspects, Bela loves to keep you with her while she works
She often enough pulls you to her lap to cuddle while she fills out paperwork, a warm smile on her face when you show her the drawing you’ve been working on
Your sister and mother share this, it seems
Upon learning she gets a new sibling, she isn’t exactly thrilled
She loves her sisters incredibly much, this is undeniable
But another sibling? She fights for her Mother’s attention so as it is already!
However, upon meeting you properly, you’ve immediately got her wrapped around your little finger the second you walk up to her and give her sickle a curious yank
Immediately, she smirks
Oh, yes, she likes you
Cassandra loves to spend her time with you
Mainly because she knows you’re completely in awe of her, and she loves it
She wants to prove that she can be a role model, too
She’s incredibly protective of you. No one is allowed to get close to you without her there
And even if someone is there, Cassandra makes it perfectly clear that you’re a Dimitrescu and are to be respected as such
So what if your tiny frame and soft cheeks are so damn adorable?
If she catches even a single maid fussing over you, an example is made out of her
Cassandra picks you up whenever she sees you
You’re so tiny to her, and she makes sure to be careful with you. She knows best how fragile humans are
However, not once has she hurt you, even accidentally
Your older sister takes perfect care of you, and you love to spend time with her
Out of all the things Cassandra teaches you, one of them is to stand up for yourself
While Bela teaches you to ask for what you want, your other sister takes a different approach;
She teaches you to take what you want. As her sibling, you’re a Dimitrescu. As such, you are entitled to things
What you aren’t given, you can take
She demonstrates this plenty, and even as you often see her consume blood or even cut the maids and scare them openly, you never find yourself being afraid of her
At first, this catches Cassandra off guard
She was so worried she’d scare you because you’re so young
But being scared of your sister? What a silly thought. Even as she is covered in blood from head to toe, you grin as you urge your little legs to bring you to her and jump up into her arms
Cassandra is the one to teach you how to protect yourself incredibly early on
Because she knows how fragile and weak most humans are, she refuses to let you become such
She play fights with you a lot, and allows you to watch her train
She notices early on that you seem to have taken a liking to watching her train especially
You could giggle and sit in awe for hours as she moves effortlessly
Her hits on the dummy are powerful, and you awe whenever she accidentally slices into it with her sickle
Often, she trains with you, though. Small, easy things. Nothing that could get you injured
You’re taught how to keep your footing and stand your ground even with unsteady, little legs
This in particular comes in handy when your mama attempts to lift you off the floor to put you in the bath, yet you don’t feel like it
Often you pull a concentrated frown as you stick in place as though glued to the floor
Whenever you tell your sister of this, she smirks proudly, which in turn has you feel proud
However, even as Cassandra helps and encourages you with every little thing you want, even she has her limits
You are not to go hunting with her outside of the tiny, secluded area that she knows is safe
Unlike your sisters, you aren’t allowed to venture further into the forest yet
And while you sometimes whine about this, your complains are often shut down when Cassandra agrees to tell you stories of her triumphs
Often you ask her to sit by your side in bed and tell you a bedtime story of how she took down all sorts of prey
Alcina only smiles fondly whenever her middle child adds factors that didn’t quite happen
She never corrects Cassandra, though, and only praises her when you fall asleep midway through her stories
When she does take you hunting, you are to stick close to her side. And you always do. And Cassandra always keeps you safe
There has never been a close call with your older sister right by your side, and so you are often allowed to go with her, a toy bow and a stick for a knife in your hand as you watch her hunt and try to copy her movements
Funnily enough, such moments lead to your success at hunting much, much later in your life
She is in a mix of emotions and thoughts when Alcina tells everyone a new sibling is joining the family
On one hand, she doesn’t want to give up her title as the youngest sister. The baby of the family. The one to get away with everything
She’s grown so very comfortable in her role
Even before she meets you, Daniela is jealous. Why must you take this all from her?
Will she still be mama’s favourite? After all, now you will be the baby of the family
She doesn’t feel ready to become a middle child. She’s not ready to be more mature than she wants to be
Instead, Daniela just wants to keep living her fantasy life with no worries whatsoever
Alcina, of course, notices her youngest- no, second youngest’s- distress even before introducing you
She reassures, nothing will change for Daniela, other than having another sibling. She will still be loved just as much, there is no need being jealous and trying to fight for attention
As such, her feelings of jealousy and annoyance are replaced with adoration when she meets you
You’re so tiny! And so- human
She can’t help but hug you immediately. She’s very careful with you, and grins when you smile up at her
Daniela spoils you endlessly
You know to find her when you want candy (even after or just before dinner!) or a special treat
She can’t ever say no to you. You’re just so cute!
She’s your older sister, but she’s also your partner in crime
It starts by teaching you the ways of one of her most powerful weapon; her trusted puppy eyes
She assures you, those will make all of Mama’s resolves fade away
Whether it’s about getting a new toy or attention, extra time before bed or favours, the puppy eyes come in clutch
While yours are excellent already, Daniela helps you perfect them
Additionally, she is always up for playing games
No matter the time, your sister always jumps at the idea of playing
She especially likes to play chase with you, though, and even makes sure to slow down to ensure you’re able to run a little longer, or at least stand a chance at catching her
She also loves to play hide and seek together
The only problem? Both of you are by far too good at hiding, and not quite as good at seeking
Often, you must convince one of your older sisters to join in and seek
Bela has offered to do this multiple times as a way to ensure you and Daniela stay out of trouble while she gets some work done
Daniela loves playing pretend with you, too
She has so many toys, and she’s willing to share them all with you!
Often, you have sword fights with sticks or race the castle to find the hidden treasure hidden by one of your other sisters
Daniela is incredibly close to you, as are you to her
She loves to cuddle with you, and uses any excuse to be able to do so. You’re so tiny and warm, just like a teddy bear
Often, the two of you curl up in a corner in the library
With snacks, drinks and blankets surrounding you, you love to lean against her as she reads fairytales to you
While Bela also enjoys to read, you fine Daniela’s reading by far more entertaining, though. Mainly for the fact that she brings the characters in the stories to life
She loves to giggle along with you as you read, and often encourages you to try reading a small passage yourself
When you do, she always praises you and makes it a point to tell Alcina how your reading’s improving
You know, as with Bela and Cassandra, you can always count on Daniela
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cybertroniannugget · 10 months
Hello hello and Guten Tag!
I saw your post and wanted to try to help with the writing ideas. Maybe give you a little challenge? 🤷‍♀️
Anywhizzle, idea time!
TFPSmokescreen x Cybertronian!reader who is a medicbot
Smokescreen is trying to impress reader with his skills and fighting. What he fails to realize is that reader is also skilled in hand to hand combat and easily knocks him off his peds.
Romantic or platonic. Smokey needs love and a wee slice of humble pie.
Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Morgen/Nachmittag/Abend!
Hallo und Guten Abend, a fellow German I see.
He sure does need a slice of that humble pie xD
And I am here to deliver, hope you like it.
And thanks for requesting.^^
Medics do know how to fight
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(I just love that picture lmao)
About this fic: sfw, gn reader, some romance
851 words
"I doubt medics know how to fight. I mean Ratchet surely does but THEM?"
"If I were you Smokescreen, I wouldn't be saying that...", Bulkhead chimed in, a hint of worry in his tone of voice.
"Pff nahh, am I right doctor?"
You just roll your optics in annoyance, continuing on working on the task Ratchet gave you, back to the others.
Atleast he stopped calling you doc, so that's gotta be something.
Yes you may be a medic in training but oh was he wrong with that statement of his.
"Look? They're not even replying, because they know I'm soo right."
You turned around to face the white red and blue bot, who had his arms crossed before his chassis so full of himself.
"Oh really Smokey?"
"Hey, you know I hate that nickname!"
"Fine, I will stop using it IF, you win against me in a 1v1."
"Oh, it's so on!"
"But", you add, raising a single digit at him. "If I win, I'm gonna call you that for as long as I shall live. And no more making fun of medics, I mean it"
"Pff, humans call that child's play."
Raising an optic ridge, you step away from the console, attention now fully on him.
"Go on.", you try to encourage him.
"At least step away from my equipment...", Ratchet grumbled.
Not wanting to have wrenches flying your direction you do as you're told.
"So, wanna start?"
"And no guns for Primus' sake!"
You chuckle
"Alrighty Ratch!"
The bot infront of you turned to stand in a fighting position, fists raised to the height of his chest.
Game on.
He went for a frontal attack, which your easily dodged by ducking and turning to the side.
You counter with a light blow to his side, making him stumble.
"Are you even trying? Or am I just too good to-"
And that sentence of his was cut right off as you went forward, ducked again and kicked his pedes away, making him fall right onto his face, taking a box down with him.
"I needed that!", Ratchet yelled furiously.
"I may be a medic, but I surely know how to fight. Next time you underestimate me I won't go so easy on you."
"Ha, they busted you Smoky!", Miko laughed, pointing at the red blue and white colored bot, who was now slowly standing up, rubbing his helm in pain.
"And they surely got that sass from old Ratchet..", Smokescreen mumbled under his breath.
A wrench came flying his way from across the hall, which you catched easily right after your sensors detected it.
"And I got mad reflexes so better watch out from now on."
"Okay, let me get this straight.", Miko spoke up again. "They busted your metal ass AND saved you. Damn, you're so in their debt!"
The she comes to a complete halt, holding onto the railing while looking directly at the Smokescreen, her eyes wide.
"You were trying to impress them!", she exclaimed, jumping once and pointing at Smokescreen.
"Smoky is in love, Smoky is in love!", she declared, jumping around excitedly.
"WHAT?!", you and the mostly silver bot said simultaneously, exchanging a rather flustered look.
"Oooh and they love you too. Robot romance yayy"
"Miko...", Bulkhead reprimanded her.
"Whaat? It's true Bulk! They're in love!", she said, gesturing wildly towards the two of you while looking up at her guardian.
"We've got two lovebirds.", she explained proudly, hands on her hips now.
Ratchet raised an optic ridge, looking between you and a now very flustered Smokescreen.
"Well finally it's official. I can't stand you two pining for each other any longer.", the medic said, rolling his optics, going right back to work afterwards.
Indignant, you finally turn to speak.
"And what makes you ALL think that we're in love?!"
"Oh please, I've seen the way you look at eachother. And you would NEVER accept to a fight like this.", Arcee mentioned, arms crossed over her chassis.
"I could not help but notice a tension you two hold.", Optimus adds, who had been silently watching until now.
"Not you too Prime..."
You clear your throat.
"Yeah sure whatever..."
While cleaning up the mess you two created, you made sure not to look at Smokescreen, who couldn't take his optics off of you.
Sure, he was cute and you mayyyybee caught feelings, but it couldn't have been THAT obvious. Right?!
"You fight pretty good for a medic."
You shoot a glare at him.
"I mean, you fight really good.", he corrected himself. "No more making fun of medics, I know."
You chuckle, nudging his side. "You're not too bad yourself Smokey."
His helm turns toward you.
"What? I won, so you're Smokey from now on."
"I love you!", he blurted out, covering his intake with both servos immediately after.
You laugh, placing a servo on his shoulder.
"Don't worry, the feeling's mutual."
You two stand up straight and you put the now tidy box on top of a counter.
"Who are we kidding? Even Miko figured something was up. Might as well indulge and make it official, don't you think?"
The bot nods. "Yeah, you're right."
"I know I am, better get used to it."
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roseverdict · 10 months
Writing Commissions Open!
Hey howdy hey, guess who's broke and whose brain has latched on to the idea of getting a bike or a trike to get places other than the one (1) coffee shop in walking distance!
YEP. I need to open commissions.
However, I do have at least one thing going for me- I'm told I'm fairly good at writing things! Fanfic things, at least. While I'm not dumb enough to outright go "hey, pay me to write fanfiction," I figure I can at least point out some fanfics I've written that seem to have gone over well as examples of my work, since that's most of what I've got for proof of my skills.
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I'd show more, but Tumblr won't let me add more images, and even these fought me Tooth And Nail when I was trying to format them properly. Truly a functioning website.
Hopefully these kind of give an idea of the vibes I'm strongest with, too. Pricing and rules will be under the cut. I do have a target I'm trying to reach here, but depending on how well this goes, I might end up keeping commissions open indefinitely. We'll see. :D
DM me if you're interested!
Things I'm Comfortable Writing:
Original Storylines (Brief primer on the world/characters I'll be writing with will be required)
Things like the pieces shown on my AO3 account
Y/N-style pieces (both with and without the actual usage of "Y/N")
Mild Romance
Gore/Severe Injury
Body Horror
Look, if it's in the Danny Phantom phandom and basically nowhere else, I'm probably just fine writing it, despite its intensity xD
Things I Will Not Write:
Smut. There's no shame in enjoying it, I just. Don't.
Incest. Absolutely NONE. Even leaving aside the whole debate about whether or not people should ship incest ships, I would not be able to enjoy writing it, which would make the resulting work of low quality, which would be a huge waste of time for everyone involved.
Pedophilia- specifically, ships with a minor and an adult multiple years their senior. See above. 17yo x 18yo is pushing it, but depending on the circumstances, I might allow it. They aren't exactly in completely different phases of life there. However, I'm in my 20s and don't particularly want to think about or write about kids the age of my youngest brother dating people my age or older, you feel me?
Bigotry presented to the reader as a positive thing. I'm not gonna write your favorite heroic character declaring OOC that minorities are terrible people. If you want something from the POV of a character meant to be terrible, such as someone like Fire Lord Ozai in AtLA, however, I may be willing to write it.
I reserve the right to refuse any commission and not have to explain why. Person-to-person, though, this will likely only come up if someone tries to commission something that crosses these lines and refuses to acknowledge such.
Payment: 5¢ USD per word. This works out to…
$12.50 for 250 words
$25 for 500 words
$50 for 1K words
and so on.
I'll need half the payment up front as a deposit, then the rest upon completion. If, for whatever reason, I fail to write the commission, you will be refunded in full.
If you pay me for a given number of words, I will do my best to stick to it. I will make sure you at least get your money's worth, but if I just can't quite fit the writing into the given limit, I won't charge you for the extra words. Call it 100 words or so of wiggle room.
A commission for a fic 1K or larger that runs 100 words or less over the intended length will not cost extra
A commission for a fic between 500 and 999 words that runs 50 words or less over will not cost extra
A commission for a fic 499 words or below that runs 25 words or less over will not cost extra
A commission for a fic that has enough going on to run over that limit will result in me contacting you to ask for either a scaled-down plot or payment for the extra writing.
I will not consider calling a commission complete until I can hit the target wordcount at minimum.
If it should happen that I just can't make a scene stretch to the full wordcount, but you still want to keep what is written, the words that were not written will be refunded.
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creativemessbyvd · 6 months
FIC IDEA VAULT #17 - RadioApple Hercules AU
@fanby-fckry is an enabler XD Their post about their idea for a Little Mermaid AU forced my hand to actually write down this idea! Originally I had the inspiration from this Tiktok!
So, this is an inspired by Disney's Hercules AU, we will follow cannon for season 1 loosely and then we take off from there, and yes, the tiktok scene will be there! I have lots of ideas already down, including a general idea of how each chapter will go. So far, aiming for 8 (?) chapters, which will have not only Alastor's POV but also Lucifer's and others as they become relevant. I want to incorporate the ideas I already have for my own Hellaverse (which I will also use for my Alastor centric fic) which include the Sins being ride or dies for Lucifer, Roo as the main villain, lots of bonding amongst the cast and some cameos by the Helluva Boss crew! I don't plan to make this be straight romance, I want them to be friends first before Alastor starts caring more for Luci, and I'm also trying to keep him as faithful as I can be to his Ace Identity (which is a spectrum! Please, no harrasment over this, but if anyone would like to help me out to make sure I don't screw Al or offend anyone, please let me know! I would really appreciate the help!)
I am swarmed by work, and this has been the worst week for me in a while, I can feel the depressing thoughts around, but talking about my aus, or any of my fandoms always helps! I hope to work on this and publish soon, but I do want to have some chapter written before posting to Ao3. So, without further ado, I leave you with the main summary and two snippets from chapter one! I'm sorry for the errors, I will fix them up for publishin the full story on Ao3! Enjoy!
At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love (Hercules Radioapple AU) by Vesta Dragon
Tasked with getting closer to the King of Hell after the last extermination, Alastor the Radio Demon tries his best to show the king the attention which is plain to see the fallen angel craves. But as they spend time getting to know each other in the most antagonistic and less romantic way possible for Alastor's peace of mind, he finds his mission shifting when shown what a capable ruler Lucifer can be, alongside his softer side that still shows the angel he never stopped being. Lucifer knows that getting along with Alastor will keep Charlie happy, and keep one less headache away from him as he takes the reigns of his kingdom back with the help of his closest friend, Satan, who is now on a mission to make sure both him and Charlie are in top shape for any upcoming battle Heaven will surely start. His heart will be his doom, as he feels himself growing closer to Alastor, but will their love be enough to stop the threat lurking far below Hell? Or will her millennia-old plans finally come to fruition, so the Root of All Evil can finally rule it all as the planets align?
Chapter One Teaser under the cut!
God was created to bring balance to the Universe, and he in turn created Angels, his first and most beloved was Lucifer Morningstar… The story of the Garden of Eden is one I'm sure you are all familiar with, but what you probably didn't know was that it skipped over a lot of details. Lucifer always thought that keeping Humans always happy and in the dark, meant they would never get to their full potential. He befriended Lilith, the first Woman, and they fell into a quick and deep love.
Charlie Morningstar was interrrupted by the loud entrance of Angel Dust, the spider demon carrying around a cooler from which he passed around beverages to the visitors sitting in front of the princess in the Hotel's second entertainment room.
"Boooooriiiiing! Charlie, I swear if you tell us the detailed history of all of creation, I'm taking everyone on a tour of my favorite clubs!"
Finished with his task, he took the main couch, sitting for once, not splayed out but definitely confidently enough that it drew some curious eyes, though they quickly turned away as he swept his gaze around. He took from the cooler two extra waters and passed one to Charlie, who accepted despite looking scandalized at his suggestion.
"Angel, you wouldn't dare!" "Oh, but I would! Who wants to go dancing?" At the raised (albeit nervous) hands that went up, he smirked at the princess who huffed and rolled her eyes.
"Well, what's wrong with giving them all the details?" Charlie shuddered to think were her charges would end up, so she admited that maybe her story would need to be told differently than to how she prefered to remember it. "For one, it would take us way too fucking long to go over everything. Let's go for the more fun version! You gotta know when to give the right details." He made sure to wink at a couple of people, the majority laughing as he riled the princess up.
"We are not sharing anything explicit!" That would be worse than the clubs, as she was about to continue her point, she was interrupted again.
"Is Charlie going to tell the Story? I wanna help!" Nifty had jumped from behind the couch Angel sat at, no one having heard her skittering around until she had made herself known. She proceeded to jump over the couch, landing on Angel and kicking him slightly before settling in beside him.
"Ouch, Nifty! Careful with my arms!"
"Hehe, sorry Angel!"
"Oh, this will be fun." Vaggie had come due to all the shouting, wanting to make sure everyone was being civil. She had known Charlie had plans to share the story, and she was glad she wasn't the only one who knew the princess had to be watched so avoid her rambling to their guests for 5 hours. She loved her, but she knew Charlie tended to go overboard, especially with this.
"Hi sweetie! Come sit here with me, we can share the loveseat." Charlie relaxed upon seeing Vaggie, and made sure to give her a kiss as soon as the fallen angel sat down beside her.
"Can you two stop with the lovey-dovey public displays, let me get my coffee in first." Yet another interrupting, this time from the resident bartender, who was carrying two takeout cups of coffee, one of which he gave to Angel, despite Nifty's attempts to snag it.
"Husk, I'm surprised that you aren't drinking a beer." Vaggie smirked, knowing that usually, the stoic bartender tended to leave the tours to the others and kept to the quiet of the bar. But it was obvious why he had come, as Angel patted his legs.
"Oooh Husky, my lap is open if you want a seat."
"I'll take the floor, otherwise we won't get to the end of the story."
"C'mon you two! Seriously?!" Vaggie was infurated now, she had hoped they had at least some decurum to save it for after the tour was done.
"I meant he would loose circulation on his legs, I ain't as light as Nifty over there." Husk laughed softly, winking at Angel as he took a seat between his legs on the floor.
"Can I sit on your lap, Angel?"
"Sure, Nift."
"Oooooookaaaay, is everyone settled? Can I continue?" Charlie was more aware now of the time constraints, but she was glad to have the company. It was always more enjoyable to have the story be told with input from everyone.
"Yes, but keep it light on the start, we want to get to the good part this century!"
After their fall from Heaven and Earth, Lilith and Lucifer began working on making their prison more comfortable. As others, like the Sins and the Ars Goetia, slowly filled Hell, as they newly appointed King and Queen, they held a party. And someone new arrived to them. She was lovely, yet she was no former angel. Her power left everyone speechless. Her name was Roo. She welcomed everyone, but especially the new King. She had seen it all, and she had to thank him for letting her be born. She was evil personified and she had a proposition. She could help them get revenge upon eveyone who had forsaken them. And while some saw this as a great opportunity, Lucifer refused.
"Fighting Heaven will bring us nothing! I prefer to make the best of this here, were I have my freedom, despite being in my own prison. Let them deal with it all, I thank you for the consideration, but it would be foolish for us to go to war when we know we will lose." Roo smiled, she tried again to entice him, but he wouldn't move. His powers, which he knew she craved, he would not give her. Roo bid them farewell, making sure they knew she could be found at the deepest part, where the river of souls ran, if they ever changed their minds.
She returned to her domain, deep into Hell, to the parts that no one had ever ventured to. She stood now in her home, a castle of darkness that towered over everything. She climbed until she came to her work room, on its center a stone basin filled with a clear swirling liquid. From it she could see the present, past and future. She had used this to her advantage to make sure her influence had sparked the first sin of man. The free will of the humans meant that she now was present up on Earth, but it also crippled her once vast power. Her future vision would never be as it once was, nor could she force the fallen who now ruled Hell to make her biding. She needed more if she was to wreck havoc as she was promised, gazing into the hazy future in which she ruled it all. She could be patient, someday she would have her revenge.
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Alastor the Radio Demon could tell that he was utterly fucked, and he could count on one hand his whole life's (and afterlife's) regrets. Babysitting an overexcited and touchy princess and her entourage was something he deeply regretted, as he watched Vaggie run around trying to film the Hotel an annoying television commercial. He honestly thought his own was pretty favorable, but the Princess thought otherwise. As she went to her meeting, her girlfriend now scrambled to put something together with no experience. He could let her keep on trying, ultimately failing but he needed to keep the Princess as happy as possible, and this was something he would have to endure.
After all of that work only for the commercial to be cut off to the news that Heaven was going to come back earlier? He knew his boss was laughing at him. The next few months brought little change. After this, he saw Charlie welcome in another patron, Sir Pentious had tried to be a thorn at Alastor's side, but like the television demon he took orders from, neither could actually cause any harm; like a toy knife, both were only mildly threatening in appearance. His meeting with the Overlords helped him be closer to his end goal. The months flew by, and still, nothing was going the Princess' way, and she was forced to call her father.
And Lucifer Morningstar ended up coming. To HIS HOTEL. The former Angel went so far as to compare him to a bellhop and Alastor was so close to unleashing everything on the pompous asshole. Thankfully, he managed to take his anger out on the loan sharks Mimzy brought, but he still had to dismiss her, more forcefully than he would have if he hadn't already been so on edge. He was fuming by the end of the day, not only had he been humiliated by Lucifer, Husk knew of him being on a leash, and Heaven would soon come. He unleashed his anger once in his room, thankful for the small mercy that his room opened into his own private bayou and no one would be aware of his (frankly childish) tantrum, and suddenly he felt it in the sudden stillness of the air, and deep among the trees, the one who owned his sould appeared.
Roo was not that taller than Charlie, yet the front was just to spite him. he knew, seeing he still towered over her but she held all the power to bring him to his knees, like she did now.
"Alastor, sweetheart! Interesting day?" She sat on a tree stump that formed into a throne. Alastor hated every minute of it but he obediently knelt by her feet, levelling her with his worst glare.
"Roo, you said he wouldn't leave his isolated hole." She laughed and smiled almost as wide as him.
"I said he wouldn't come out without proper reason, Charlotte finally reaching out to him I guess gave him the strength to try for the first time in years." She was looking at her nails, utterly unbothered by this. Her ability to see aspects of the future irked him when she kept information like this from him.
"The fucking Devil will unravel everything I have worked for here." He seethed but Roo just laughed, a shrill sound that hurt his sensitive ears.
"Oh, Al, don't be so pessimistic, darling. I need you to trust me." She reached out to take his face in her hand, squishing as he growled, static becoming more prominent around him. "This is needed, taking out that pompous asshole up in Heaven will leave my darling Lilith in the perfect spot to worm her way in, you have to trust me."
"Charlie will draw a target on her back if she goes to Heaven, and it will lead the Hotel to be in danger." All his hard work, gone if Adam himself lead the charge to the Hotel.
"Well, that's why you are here, correct? Al, trust me, everything is going according to plan. Make sure to use our little golden ticket to make a deal with the Princess, I will need her to complete my plan." He avoided yelping in pain as she dug her fingers into his face, her other hand making sure to spread his smile wider, to the point it hurt more than usual. Her tone grew dark, and suddenly Alastor could feel the chain around his neck tighten as her voice echoed everywhere in the bayou. "And don't lose your temper with Lucifer again, I don't have the time to get another puppet if he decides to smite you."
With that, she threw him to the floor and as soon as his head had stopped spinning, he looked up to find her gone.
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Why I Love Tech and Phee
I keep thinking about these two today and it just leads to me smiling uncontrollably (I'm literally grinning while I write this XD) so I'm just gonna talk about why these two work for me!
I'm usually not one to be on board with romances in shows that I find unnecessary. If anything, they can actually put me off if they get in the way of good storytelling. When I first saw Phee flirting with Tech back in episode 1, I found it amusing, but I was a little hesitant as to what they were going to do with it. It was fun in the moment, but I wasn't sure that I wanted it to go anywhere. Saying that, I kept an open mind because I didn't want to spend every episode where they appeared together feeling slightly angry about this thing I didn't want being there. And, hey! Maybe I'd even enjoy it!
Turns out I would. And there's a few reasons for this.
It isn't getting in the way of the plot
If this romance was starting to mess with the core story, then yeah, I wouldn't be that okay with it. However, it still feels very much like a thing in the background. It's there, it's noticeable, but it isn't getting in the way of anything and I appreciate that. As long as it stays that way, I have a good chance of staying in support of this.
It doesn't feel rushed
I hate love at first sight. I think it might be one of my least favourite tropes and while some people love it, I really struggle to get on board with it (minus the odd exception). When it comes to romantic connections between characters, I want to see it form. I want to see the journey that they go on. I don't want something where they meet and 5 minutes later they claim to be the love of each other's lives (not to say you can't enjoy this btw. It's just really not for me). But this isn't that!
I've seen some people saying that they're moving too quickly with it, but I really don't think that's the case. Sure, there are definitely flirtatious moments, but they're pretty subdued. A few looks, a couple of small touches here and there, but nothing extreme. I know everyone has their own idea as to what qualifies as moving too quickly, but from some of the reactions I've seen, you'd think they'd be getting married in next episode. It's not like that! I actually like the pacing of this connection. It's a little tentative, just some indications that there's interest there and they're taking it at their own pace.
I really like Phee!
When we were first introduced to Phee, I liked her as a cool, sassy pirate, but I didn't really trust her (in the same way that I love but don't trust Hondo Ohnaka). The initial "brown eyes" comment was funny, but I didn't want her getting too close to Tech if she was someone to be worried about. We all love Tech, so of course we're all gonna be a little protective over him. We just don't want him getting hurt.
And then episode 5 happened and I still didn't trust her. I loved that she was acting like a role model for Omega and she was giving the kid a chance to spend some time with someone other than the Batch, but I still didn't trust her. It felt like she was still trying to use them for her own advantage and I didn't like that.
But then we come to episode 13 and that distrust has definitely faded. She wasn't trying to get artefacts for herself, she was trying to take them back to people who would appreciate and connect to them. She was also willing to take the squad to a safe place away from Cid, a place where Omega could spend time with kids her own age. It wasn't for her own benefit. She actually did it for them.
I love Phee for this. She's shown that she isn't who we thought she was. She's better and I think Tech is noticing that as well.
It isn't ruining Tech as a character
One of my worries with Tech having a love interest was that I wasn't sure if they would make it feel out of character for him. If Tech had been really flirtatious back, then it would've just felt wrong. Instead, they are willing to show that he's a little nervous about the whole thing. He doesn't really know what his feelings are or what they mean and so he's a bit tentative. When she calls him Brown Eyes early on in the ep, he looks thrown off for a second because he isn't used to the nickname. He also glances at her hand when she places it on his shoulder because he doesn't know how to feel about the whole thing. It's unexpected. Even when he listens to her and looks at the lights, he isn't quite sure how to process that situation but he's a little more open about it.
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To me it seems perfectly in keeping with his character; a little hesitant, a little unsure, confused about what he's feeling, shy, bashful. It makes sense for him and it's ADORABLE!
They work well together
What I absolutely love about this dynamic is that Phee is getting Tech to open up a bit and appreciate the world in a slightly less analytical way, but she isn't trying to change him. She does actually find his personality endearing and she just wants him to loosen up a bit, start feeling more comfortable with the world.
And what's even better is that it's working! Yes, Tech is still nervous and unsure, but he does actually start to acknowledge that there might be something there. That moment at the end of the episode where he says that he had thought about the Batch staying and Phee responds with "did you now?". It's a little bit of teasing from her but he doesn't get flustered or stunned, he just SMILES AT HER! And it's a cute, wholesome, genuinely comfortable smile and omg I actually love this moment so much, it's so cute aaaaaahhhhh!!!
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It's Tech that has the love interest
I don't just appreciate this relationship because of the way it's been handled, but also the fact that this is the character they've chosen to give this part of the story to. So many showrunners would give the love interest to the charming, dark, broody, "conventionally attractive" man (aka Hunter) but no! They actually let this play out with Tech, an autistically-coded nerd with a stupid-ass looking hairline (sorry) and we don't get enough of that! I know some people headcanon him as aroace and I don't want to discredit that, but I also love how we're showing that yes, awkward, nerdy charm is something that people appreciate!
Wrecker ships it
I don't have much to say here. Wrecker teasing his brother is just so cute and I love it!!!
Ending Thoughts
So yeah, that's how I feel about this. I was sceptical at first but this episode made me fall in love with this pairing. It's wholesome and cute and I love this for Tech. He deserves it! Having a relationship between a badass WOC and a neurodivergent character is something that I'm happy we're getting. That's not to say that the show doesn't have its issues, but this is just so great to see.
I know that not everyone is on board with this and I'm not going to discredit those opinions. Everyone's going to disagree on things and that's fine. I totally understand some of the qualms that people have about this ship and I support the existence of those criticisms!
(However, if anyone hates it so much that they are willing to turn to racist, ableist or sexist remarks about it then I kindly ask you to leave this page alone because I don't want that kind of bigotry.)
I'm excited to see where they go with the Tech/Phee pairing because it's really cute. I hope that they don't let it bleed into the main story too much though because I don't want it to start become detrimental to the plot.
Anyway, this is a pro-Tee account and I'm very happy to just gush about them because happy Tech makes me smile so much! 😁
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Edit: gonna tag @phis-writing because I know she's also been loving Tee. 🥰
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pilferingapples · 13 hours
LM 4.9.1, LM 4.9.2
..heck with it, time to throw thoughts at the wall and see what punches through
under a cut for mentions of suicidal ideation etc, we're entering LM endgame it's all intense:
-- Given that Marius is definitely planning a suicide at least , Eponine is out here saving lives! Whatever her intentions in telling Valjean to move and telling Marius about the barricade , she has effectively stopped Marius from following through his immediate plans of "see Cosette and then grab a gun"-- and given the way the tropes work around Tragic Young Lovers in this genre, and the fact that there are two guns, she's pretty definitely saved Cosette as well as Marius. There is a much, much bleaker version of this story where Valjean didn't move for another day.
(side note: I can't BELIEVE it took me so long to realize why Marius took the pistols. This is definitely a comment on me and not on Hugo's writing, Hugo set it all up so well all along! Thanks to @everyonewasabird for making this clear, because, well. I like Marius as a character a lot better now, in the sense of finding him more interesting, even if I also urgently want him nine billion miles away from Cosette).
-- On that note: remember that line about how there are loves that destroy and loves that save , and "God has decreed Cosette should find a love that saves? "God willed that Cosette’s love should encounter one of the loves which save"?
I'm starting to think the "love that saves" which Cosette encounters isn't Marius, but Eponine.
Eponine, at this point, is absolutely trying to get Marius to die with her; but she's doing that by dragging Marius to the barricades , which she can't have been expecting to do on the 4th, when she didn't even know Marius' friend Courfeyrac, or that he'd be at the barricades! But she still told Valjean to get out.
I used to think Eponine was reacting to the news of Cosette moving, and thus possibly taking Marius away in that way--but now I'm pretty sure Eponine never heard that:
Éponine, who never took her eyes off of them, saw them retreat by the road by which they had come. She rose and began to creep after them along the walls and the houses. She followed them thus as far as the boulevard.-LM 4.8.4
So her response and actions through these chapters are about something else! And why? What's changed?
On the one hand, she's seen Marius with Cosette for the first time. And her reaction was : “I’m no longer surprised that he comes here every evening." She sees something --in Cosette, in the romance--that she understands. And while it might be hurting her to watch, she DOES watch, without interfering-- except to save them from her dad's gang.
I am pretty sure that Eponine, on any level she'd admit to herself, is only trying to get Cosette out of the picture by telling Valjean to move. But she is also very definitely , and consciously, getting Cosette away from Thenardier.
Beyond that, as we're told later, her plan is very vague until she learns about the barricades from Courfeyrac. But I think Eponine knows she's planning to push herself and Marius to some sort of drastic end. So what is it signifying that she gets Cosette out of the way of that too?
(Does she recognize Cosette? Does she not? Does she see her as a projection of What Might Have Been? What are her feelings there, aside from jealousy? because there's definitely something beyond it...)
Oh yeah also Marius and Valjean are in these chapters, it's whatever XD
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riallasheng · 6 months
Answering an Ask
In an unusual way, because my darn tumblr be broken and didn't show the ask in my inbox! Fortunatly, @edutainer2022 PMed me to make sure I got it! ^^
Hi! Just in case the asks act out, some ask game points for you:
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Platonic and/or familial! While I can and will write romance, there's always a heavy focus on the friendship of the characters, more than the romantic ^^
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
Well, I don't actually write Smut at all (closest I'll come is Lime, and usually I'll only write Orange. I've never actually written even a Lemon, let alone anything more hard core than that), and the closest I get to Crack is 'here is a silly thing that canonically could happen' rather than true crack.
Drama (angst, fluff, serious, comedy, and bunch of other stuff rather than a heavy focus in just one type.) FAR and away my favorite.
Angst & Whump (as old fanwoman is old and I go by the definition that ANGST is mental/emotional 'harm' that may have a physical element or trigger, but is all about the emotions and mind. Meanwhile Whump is physical 'harm' that may have an emotional/mental element or trigger, but is all about the physical). I generally prefer it to be an ELEMENT of a story, and I strongly prefer hurt/comfort, but I do have some instances fics / ficbits that are (mostly) solid angst and I'm more likely to have Angst scenes / elements in my works than Fluff
Fluff: tends to be only sparingly and mixed in admist other things, and even my 'pure' fluff pieces like A Cure for Boredom were cahracter and fan-lore explorations alongside the fluff. Mostly because pure fluff BORES ME ^^;;
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation?
Ellipses, probably XD I actually try to alter my writing style to a degree depending on who the viewpoint character is, but I am ANYTHING but brief (even though I know brief / less is more is the 'in' thing now). So I tend to have lots of details and asides and descriptions and trend much more towards being VERY wordy
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
Oh yeah, many things XD There's always at least ONE 'fix it' in every fic I write. Sometimes small, sometimes BIG... I try to give my reasoning for any / all changes, I do my best to respect that other people may have totally different takes than me. But yeah, there's always fix-its in my fics for things that bug me or that I flat out hate
Heck, in an example that I'm currently writing (well, re-writing as back in the Naughts this darn thing was COMPLETE and now I'm re-writing it from memory XD ). In As the Wyrm Turns and my fanfic Universe in general....
I moved Marineville. I've always HATED that it's canon location for a REALLY LONG LIST OF REASONS THAT ARE VERY VALID DARN IT, so I moved it to Maine (Isle Au Haut specifically). On top of solving most of my list o' issues, it also meant that I could have the Aquaphibians living in or near 'Atlantis' ^^
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hushed-chorus · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Ahhh thank you Ashton, it was so nice to get this Ask. Here are my personal faves in rough descending order. All Simon Snow, of course!
What Remains After The Storm (86K, M)
For me, getting a story idea is like being possessed, and the process of writing is the exorcism. Of everything I’ve written for the fandom, this is the one where the exorcism failed. This story still rattles around inside me. Something so tied to the moors, the ocean, the battle with inner demons, and the strangeness of the fae all just soothes my soul. That aside, I’m so happy with how the plotty plot plot came together, as well as the ‘getting together’ moment. I'm also so lucky to have @erzbethluna do so many beautiful illustrations for it, as well as a gorgeous piece by @artsyunderstudy. They make me so so happy.
Accidents Happen (42K, M) 
I’d not long finished the trilogy and got smacked by the idea for a CO-era time loop fic. I spent three days in an airbnb filling a notebook working out all the moving parts and honestly I’m pleased with how the plot came together (i.e. figuring out the best way to conduct the exorcism). It’s also the first time I pulled off twists and an ending that I'm almost entirely happy with. While there are a couple of teeny tiny things I’d now do differently, I’m very happy with how it came out.
The Danse Macabre (1.5K, T)
Pondering why the wraiths avoid Baz led to my first attempt at a ghost story since I was eight years old (yes, my teachers were worried). Also, I go long in my writing, but I managed to get this under 2K! So basically, I challenged myself in two ways with this one and I feel I pulled it off. Most importantly, this fic was the first time @erzbethluna and I worked together, so of course I love it for being the starting point for a beautiful friendship <3
Worst Disney Princess Ever (8.7K, T)
On a train and off my face on new meds, a really stupid crack idea came to me. One that involved well-meaning zombie rats and pigeons. And I write it. I then go back to it three weeks later and tidy up. I’d never written humour before so was so worried it was just weird or cringe, but my god I got such an amazing response. It made people laugh! That realisation was very good for me, and has taught me not to second-guess so much when I have a potentially witty thing to say. Also, @youarenevertooold did an absolutely wonderful podfic of this that I recommend! 
Blood, Salt and Hummingbirds (32K, T)
Oh man, I was so fed up by the time I had nearly finished writing this fic xD Which is partly why I feel so good about it now. This historical AU takes place on an island after a shipwreck. It needed a lot of research into survival, ecology, a natural historian’s trade and old techniques for making leather (brains and piss). Then I had to remind myself that romance should be happening amongst all this survival stuff. But I feel like I achieved what I set out to do - write a slow, thoughtful story steeped in nature and self-discovery. Basically, this story showed me that perseverance can really be worth it.
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urnumber1star · 3 months
1 to 5 Tag!
Thanks fir tagging me in this @illarian-rambling! And sorry for being so late to this, my computers been a mess so I wasn't really able to do these but now it's working again so yay!
I'll be answering about Bolt Runners/BRS :]
One Word To Describe Your WIP
Two Lines That Are Your Favorite
"Dude..... so you like, explode when you do that? Ew."
"After about twenty minutes of messing with his personal least favorite neighbor Mrs. Kannet by turning her power on and off for twenty minutes he went back inside his house and sprawled out on the living room couch."
Three Times You Cried While Writing
I actually have never cried while writing before. That's actually quite impressive for me. XD
Four Feelings From Your Characters
Bianca groaned, “I don't know. They still haven't gotten back to me!” She complained. “I'm sure you got it. You do this stuff all the time.” He reassured. “Thanks. This is the first time I’ve auditioned without my dad intervening though… I guess I’m just worried that I was only getting hired because my dad told them too…” “Hey. Stop stressing about it. You are the best actress I know.” Micheal said.
He eventually graduated from his own house to other houses outside. He would run outside and absorb all the power from a nearby apartment complex, and then turn it back on a couple minutes later. He would always get a little chuckle when an annoyed neighbor would come outside and knock on another neighbor's door, and Micheal would watch them talk about why the power kept on going off then turning back on. But he always tried not to leave the power off for more than five minutes.
Dr. Grace must have been able to tell that the three were beginning to panic so she hurriedly responded, “But all of your vitals seem to be normal as of now! I’ve prepared multiple more tests to check for any other possible problems this could cause, but the results will take several more days.”
But to Micheals surprise, his father grinned. “Listen. I think a promotion is coming up. They’ve been talking for a few weeks about it and there’s a rumor going around that it's gonna be mine. So I’ve been making sure I get all of my work done and even some extra. Just in case.” He explained.
Five Troupes Featured
Slow Burn Romance, Teen Superhero, Daddy Issues, Enimies To Lovers, Redemption arc to Villain arc
I loved this one it was fun! I'll tag (@the-ellia-west or @jakkon-and-rose-topic whichever one you want to do,) @kaylinalexanderbooks, @leahnardo-da-veggie, @agirlandherquill, @thisisntrocket +ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO IT <3
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laufire · 4 months
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may reading meme!
The Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle. This one introduces Mary. I wish she'd gotten the treasure and become a rich heiress 😢
Inheritance by Devin Grayson. Loved it. I'm definitely gonna track down her other prose novels. I made a good guess on who [redacted] from very early in the book, practically from the first, and it was still quite gripping. The funniest thing, however, is how unequal each of the former sidekicks' sections are lol. Was she just going through the motions with Garth? Although, by virtue of being the one I know the least about, it did make me want to read his comics. Roy's and Dick's were more even, both with incredibly poignant, poetic flashbacks I adored, but you can tell DickAndBruce is where her heart is and their dynamic was showcased beautifully imo. Her characterization of Ollie is... surely controversial, and doesn't quite match how I see the guy, but it didn't bother me.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. This one is a reread, though it's been a decade since I read it for the first time. I've read it even more slowly than the first time around, pondering over practically every passage. Nabokov's prose is simply sublime, and Dolores's character is one of those that stays with you for how much you read into her.
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees. The first issue enchanted me, and the last one was a very apt ending for the story. The journey to get there let me down.
FCBD 2024: Barda Special Edition. This is a preview for an upcoming story. A young Barda is charged to break the prisoner Scott Free, as the beginning of their romance. Theirs is a ship I've been curious about for a while, and I really dig the premise, so I can't wait to read it.
Catwoman: Her Sister's Keeper. A short, gritty origin story that builds on the Selina we see in Batman: Year One, written by the same author as Lois Lane (1986). I really wish her sister was more present in Catwoman's story in general, tbh. She was featured in Selina's Knight Terror mini, which I might end up rereading.
The Bat-Man: First Knight. Three-part run set in the 40s, the original Batman setting. A tale of monsters, human experimentation, and the effects of the second world war. I enjoyed it, though not wildly, but it confirms I'd enjoy more historical settings in my comics.
War Games. Oh boy. OH BOY. My kill list grew with each page I read. The missed shot at a proper story with robin!Steph, the incredibly uncharitable way she's written... all to end in the grossest example of character assassination I've ever seen with Dr Leslie Thompkins, all to relieve Bruce of his guilt for his part in Steph's demise. I wanted to read the arc because I thought it was important for some Steph-focused storylines I want to write that build up on it (mostly by subverting or contradict him), but with few exceptions (SOME of Steph's Robin arc, the school plot, Tarantula's appearances, and the parts touching on Dick's downward spiral, for example) it was all so hateful and mean-spirited. Even the prelude to the proper arc, starting with Bruce and Cass's visit to Jason grave to use him as a cautionary tale against Steph, or that storyline about the teen mothers... death. Death to Dan DiDio for one thousand years.
Outsiders (2003). I'm including the Teen Titans crossover arcs (including both Secret Files and Origins issues, both GREAT), and the Outsiders: Five of a Kind arc where Batman is a shit xD (it also did make me wanna read the continuation in the next Batman and the Outsiders run). The art was... Mixed, by which I mean that sometimes it was fuck-ugly lol, but I loved the run. Winick gets me. I have a special place in my heart for Jason's little arc, OBVIOUSLY, but my favourite parts are, second, Dick's arc, and first, ANISSA AND GRACE. I as a lesbian owe Winick much for that one. They're the main attraction for the continuation, ngl. I also loved Shift and Indigo, btw. So damn tragic 🥲
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dandelion-wings · 3 months
oho are you asking for rarest rarepairs? because i like my rare pairs raw (and apparently full of brats)
from vague canon evidence if you break your neck in the right way to whomst'd've the fuck and why, I got:
Venti/Hu Tao
Furina(post archon quest)/Hu Tao
Rana/Jeht (though i think you've already talked about this one?)
Sorry to respond to this over a month later--all my spoons fell in the insinkerator about the time this ask came in, and I put it aside for when I had more energy and, uh, forgot about it. >>;; But I was delighted to find it again today!
Venti/Hu Tao
We all agree that Hu Tao 100% clocked Venti in last year's Lantern Rite event, right? And she's pulling the same "I'm going to pretend I don't know but I totally know" she does with Zhongli, right? Except Venti thinks it's fucking hilarious, and the "I know you know I know you know I know" we don't see during Waterborne Poetry was a fantastic game for them both.
And since we have Waterborne Poetry as an event, it would be fun to build it off that! It might take some massaging of specific timeline details because they just? sort of dropped several characters and the actual event? at the end, but I'm gonna be honest I didn't love the last few beats of that event anyway. It felt like it kind of puttered out disappointingly after a lot of initial promise, so I wouldn't mind the opportunity to rewrite some of that. Anyway, this would be a "behind the scenes" where Hu Tao and Venti continue to coordinate the actual event in the background while everyone else is doing the quests, being playful and teasing and occasionally deep and profound with each other (because they both do that exact vibe well), with a slow-burn growing interest that sort of kicks into higher gear when the rest of the group comes back and recounts the Finch/Callirhoe moment. Because, like, Hu Tao's not normal but she sure is mortal, and Venti knows how to enjoy fleeting pleasures and she is definitely not missing her shot, so- yeah. They go for it. XD
Furina/Hu Tao
Once again leveraging an event, I'd hang that off of their appearances in Chenyu Village in the latest Lantern Rite. Hu Tao (who thought Furina was both cute and fun to fluster in their first meeting there) ends up going to Fontaine to help with the spooky movie props mentioned in that conversation. She is essentially vacationing under the pretense of a "business trip," though she is indeed interested in Furina's play/movie and has a lot of suggestions to make, both helpful and otherwise; since she is stealing the chance at a vacation, though, she also makes Furina take her around to see the sights "as a token of our business partnership!" So they have some cute moments at all the good tourist spots, some cute interludes having tea together, and at least one deep and thoughtful conversation about mortality and the joys and sorrows thereof... and that eventually blooms into kissing in the back room of the theater.
We have talked about this one, yes! Though I don't recall exactly what I said at the time, so I'll just answer as the meme prescribes: I would write this one using that bit about Jeht and her mercenary band accompanying a lost group of Akademiya scholars back to the jungle. Then they take a job there that puts them in proximity with Rana, either as a member of the group they're helping/escorting or hired separately as a local guide, and they go on a very classic jungle-adventure-with-budding-romance where traveling and fighting side-by-side forges bonds that turn into more. I like the idea of a bunch of side characters in the expedition who help with their development--I think Jeht could use a wise older woman who is as unlike Babel as possible, for one--and it's up in the air whether it ends with Rana joining Jeht's band, or Jeht (who does have so, so much trauma to process) deciding she needs to continue on alone for a while and them sharing a last kiss and promising to meet again some day. And then I say I'll write that reunion and don't actually touch it for six+ years.
I absolutely could write any of these outside the constraints of canon, so much of my fic is AU, but I think this would be most interesting to me as in some kind of space between Focalors being designated Egeria's successor, and the separation into Furina-as-humansona and Focalors-in-the-Oratrice. Venti goes to visit the new Hydro Archon ostensibly to get to know one of the new ones; they have secret, quiet conversations about Celestia and the Thrones and what might make it possible to break one, and at what cost; and then it's not so much a romance here as, Focalors always did want to experience more than her divine self ever will get to, and, well- a bard is an expert at stirring passions, after all, and making a night's entertainment seem a grand and sweeping experience.
TBH I don't know whether I missed a lot of Guizhong characterization in my years-ago rush through Liyue or if I'm just not good at putting together the threads we get from events, but she remains kind of a cipher to me? I have just enough of a mental picture of her to suffice for my Ping/Xianyun sadfic and that's about it. But given when Guizhong died vs. when Focalors ascended, while there could be material in itty baby Focalors meeting her (and in fact it could fit into the backstory of this), what I think I'd do is have it be separated by time: some mechanism Guizhong created is what Focalors comes across (or acquires in that itty baby-era meeting) that gives her the basis of the Oratrice, and the fic is her taking it apart, analyzing it, and rebuilding it to her purposes, learning what she can about Guizhong and her other works to help her with that analysis, and reflecting on this god she never, or barely, knew, who died in an effort to save her people. The romance is (obviously) one-sided and over centuries and is in many ways Focalors fantasizing about this idealized lover in order to drive her forward on her own, difficult, ultimately self-destructive mission. Though she is also, y'know, feasting on her own mental fanfic about the drama of it all. XD
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xpao-bearx · 2 years
Okay S O--
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I promise I'm updating my Moon Knight fic (Like A Virgin), but this is an idea that's been nagging me like Khonshu for a while now and I've finally decided to share it! But please keep in mind that it's just what it is: an IDEA. So I'm sorry if this sounds a bit messy/incomplete/all over the place (and there's a possibility that some things could be changed), it's literally just me rambling and I think it's actually a pretty interesting idea! And this turned out a lot longer than expected ;-;
At the moment, I also have no clue what I wanna do with this idea (or if I'll ever even do anything with it at all). But I, obviously, take all credit for this so please don't steal (or at least tell me if you got inspired and plan on writing a similar fic to this cuz I would totally read the F U C K out of it) 🙃
So my idea is, basically, this: The story begins in Season 1 of Moon Knight and it mainly revolves around a romance with our one and only sassy baby boy, Steven Grant (and of course with some 🔥spahcy🔥 smut thrown in) ❤️
For Steven's love interest, I dunno if it would be an original female character OR a Fem!Reader situation going on, so for now we'll just refer to the love interest as MC (main character)
Now MC and Steven live in the same apartment building and are next door neighbours. They've also been dating for quite some time, but strangely enough Steven doesn't remember ever asking out MC.
Steven and MC are pretty much what is considered to be the "perfect couple". You can really tell that they love and care about each other a lot, but recently a rift has been slowly but surely growing between them. It all started when Steven has been mysteriously disappearing, sometimes for days on end with MC not being able to contact him and not knowing his whereabouts. It doesn't help that Steven doesn't know anything either which, obviously, is very concerning but MC really likes Steven a lot and (maybe quite foolishly) chooses to let the matter go. MC thinks that whatever the hell is going on, there is a good explanation for it and can be resolved once Steven is ready to open up.
But things only become much worse from there when Steven started to miss dates and other important events in his and MC's relationship. There are also some days when Steven acts very odd, being cold towards MC and acting as if he didn't even know who she is which obviously hurts MC especially when she continuously tries to help him and just wanting to figure out what's happening.
It eventually comes to a point when MC couldn't take it anymore so she goes to confront Steven about his behaviour. She is rightfully mad and confused, but nothing changes the fact that she's still very much in love with him and wants to properly work things out.
Once MC goes to Steven's apartment using the spare key she has, she is shocked to find a woman there (this is shortly after Steven is fired from the museum and he discovers Marc's things + the scarab in the storage locker). A frazzled Steven is shocked when MC suddenly appears, too, especially when the woman--Layla--introduced herself as his wife.
MC couldn't even say--do--anything, only staring at Steven with such hurt, angry, disappointed eyes before running out the door and out of the building. Steven chased after MC to explain, but he wasn't fast enough and the damage was already done.
Fast forward into Season 2 (I know at this point in time there's no S2 but just indulge me LMAO xD), MC is revealed to be living with a friend of hers as she picks up the pieces of her broken heart and starts anew.
But here's a lil twist: After the events with Harrow and the gods' Avatars died, MC became Hathor's (the goddess of love and music) new Avatar. I still don't know how this came to be, but just roll with meh 👍
While MC does her missions for Hathor, she eventually crosses paths once more with a familiar face who she is surprised to find out is Khonshu's (another god Hathor has quite smittenly told MC a lot about) Avatar--Steven.
Only... This isn't actually Steven, but a man who claims to be Jake Lockley.
Jake then explains to MC that Steven has dissociative identity disorder and that he, along with another man named Marc Spector, were alters in a system with Steven. Obviously this is a fucking LOT to take in, but MC eventually believes Jake and it made sense as to why Steven acted different sometimes when they were still together.
It is also revealed that Jake was the one who asked MC out and before Steven even knew her, Jake was the one who liked her first. But in an attempt to keep MC all for himself, Jake doesn't say the truth about Layla, of how she is now Marc's ex-wife since things never worked out with them and Steven is still very much hung up and in love with MC. So MC is kept in the dark about everything, still believing that Steven lied and cheated on her.
It is definitely weird meeting Jake, especially when Jake is extremely open about his feelings for MC and continuously attempts to go out of his way to find her and woo her (to no avail). MC knows that despite sharing the same body, Jake is an entirely different person. But it hurts a lot to just look at him since all she sees is Steven.
Overtime, however, MC gets over her heartbreak and realizes that she also has feelings for Jake and decides to say "fuck it" and take a leap of faith. At this point in time, MC is still under the impression that Steven is married to Layla (even though she hasn't seen the woman again at all). Deep down, MC knows that it's wrong, but she really does like Jake and believes that they both deserve to live their own lives and have a relationship with each other, even if it may be challenging to keep it a secret.
Once MC confesses to Jake, he realizes that what he's doing is wrong and if he truly cared about her, he needed to be honest. So Jake takes MC out on a date and plans on telling her everything, but before he had the chance to Steven suddenly gained control of the body!
Steven and Marc have both had suspicions for a while that there's a third alter and now it's been confirmed, along with the two of them being surprised and infuriated that Khonshu isn't actually out of their lives. But the more pressing matter is that MC was here, right now, with Steven, even though it shattered his heart to see her looking at him with those same pained, spiteful eyes that haunted him when she completely disappeared from his life.
But in a panicked rush, Steven told MC everything. Of how he didn't know he had DID before, about coming to terms with Marc's existence and Steven's own purpose, of how Layla was actually Marc's wife and they were now divorced, etc.
All of this was much harder to take in than when Jake told MC about their situation. Although, meeting Steven again made MC realize that she did still love him as much as she loved Jake. But that didn't erase the pain in MC's heart and while she was glad that the truth was finally out and all the misunderstandings were cleared up, MC just needed time. Time to heal, time to just really wrap her head around everything and determine where she stands in Steven and Jake's lives and where they stand in hers.
So that's what MC did. As much as Steven missed her, as desperate as he was to hug her and kiss her and just say that everything will be okay, he respected her decision. And he understood because he, too, needed time to get his and Marc's and Jake's shit together.
As time passes, MC and Steven meet again. And this time, they were ready to be together once more and for forever. Jake is there, too, and they all work together to navigate through their unconventional romance, but they don't worry too much because they know they will be alright. Because, just like the constellations in the night sky, their hearts had a special connection.
But as MC's love blooms with Steven and Jake, Marc is there. He's always there, like a dark shadow. Unlike the other two, Marc actively avoided MC and/or openly expressed his distaste. He didn't love Layla anymore, but the divorce really affected him as well as his perception on relationships. He just didn't want to suffer through that same heartbreak again, but this time he had a lot more to be protective over because he not only had to watch over himself, but also Steven and Jake. He absolutely would never forgive you and himself if you broke the boys' hearts.
Though let's just say, long story short, that you work things out with Marc and wormed your way into this lovable grump's heart 🥰
There are also two potential endings for this story. Ideally, of course, I LOVE a happy ending and I want them all to simply be lovey dovey (which they DESERVE). The other ending, ROUGHLY, is that some bad shit goes down and MC ends up having to sacrifice herself to keep the Moon Boys safe and she dies. This obviously completely fucks the boys up, so much so that they never fully accept MC's death while also losing their will to live and blaming themselves. As a result, during a mission for Khonshu, the boys are so out of their element that they end up being killed by their enemy.
B U T even tho me likes some good ol' angst, I could never actually go through it without a proper conclusion!! SO when the boys die, they meet and be with MC again who's been eagerly waiting for them at the Field of Reeds, truly for all eternity now and just U G H MY HEART 😭💔
Now that I've written this out, I'm SO fooken excited!! Though, as I said, this is only an IDEA (at least for now)
Buuut what do y'all think??? :3
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bolithesenate · 5 months
BOLI I'M HERE FOR YOU BOSS 7 for Sifo, 15, and 23 please :D
7: is there piece of clothing I think Sifo is very fond of
Uhhh, honestly, I haven't really thought about that at all. The low handing fruit would be to say some sort of shirt he stole from Dooku, but that's too easy.
both for me and for Sy.
So imma lean out on a branch here and say he actually has a pair of Jocasta's archivist tabards. She does NOT know he has them and he DEFINITELY wants to keep it that way. there's no way of telling what her revenge would be if she ever found out, but that's what makes having them all the more fun and interesting.
It's about the thrill of the unknown.
15: have you noticed your style change over time
i mean, especially my drawing style changes with the stand of the sun, the constellation of the planets and with the way the neighbor's cat looks at me.
i think consistent style change is most evident in how I draw manga, actually. Something you lot here on tumblr might actually have not seen ever, now that i think about it. lol. there my style actually is rather consistent throughout mediums by now, something i cannot say about my style when i draw outside of that setting :P
But also with writing I think there was some progress. at least I like to call it progress (the main thing that comes to mind is that i've started using less brackets and more indents, but whether or not thats a good thing is up in the air lol)
23: has my favorite character/ship changed over time
changes with the moon, the sun, the way the wind blows.... most of the time I don't actually have a fixed favorite (shocking, I know)
like,I will say that Sifo and Rael are blorbos supreme, but that doesn't necessarily make them my favorite characters.
my favorite is whatever character works nicest for whatever shenanigans i am planning for my current project. I think that has always been like that.
same with ships, i actually need to change things up once in a while bc too much of the same thing grows boring to me and then I lose interest. (which is why my most recent fad is to just expand existing ships i am fond of into continuously growing poly circles XD It is turning into a bit of a problem) (yes, this is mud-fic relevant TT)
I think another thing worth mentioning here tho is that in regards to ships the most notable change is that I ship things at all. Initially when I started out I was very much a Gen baby and wanted more stories that didn't hinge on some romance for plot-furthering. Which is why my older stories also are all Gen.
I still think that a good story doesn't rely on romance, but I've since come to appreciate the character studies that come with romantic/sexual relationships and how they influence people. Also sometimes I just look at two (or more) characters and thin "ho, ho, wouldn't it be HORRIBLE if they fucked?"
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ladythornofrivia · 2 years
Endless Reds and Blues
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(Here's the link for the synopsis and the chapter list--before you read new chapters, please read chapter 1.) Pair: Kakucho x Reader (Warning: Inappropriate jokes and dialogue that includes bullying, gossiping and other things that aren't appropriate--dark content--for people under 18 (if you're under 18, I'm sorry but you can't read this)(Yes, I have to say it twice XD)
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading the series I wrote! It means so much to me that you guys enjoy this story--I nearly cried. I know what it looks like--the romance between Kakucho and reader is slow or non-existent; they haven't properly interact with each other, and it seems that I might give off the wrong impression that another character has been interested in her instead (XD). So please bear with me on the romance part. Let me know if you want me to tag you whenever I write a new chapter (post a new chapter, I mean). I'm so pumped on getting another chapter out, and it's not even done yet. (Note: Report if someone decides to steal the synopsis and my story. And notify me. Thank you) ❤️
Chapter Three: Sinful Men
Previous Chapter Next Chapter
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Taking a one hour quiz was a real pain. Your hard work paid off well.
You didn't expect anything your usual results. You have been studying Math most of the nights because it's your least favorite subject. Japanese literature and History class were somewhat hard, but you managed to pull through unlike Mathematics. Whoever created Math must be punished big time. To hell with Math! Why put numbers with letters? What's the point of learning Math or what good it would do when it comes to insurance and taxes?
While obtaining on speaking and reading English, it is at your most advantage, everyone else in the class we're having a difficult time.
When Himiko asked your help regarding simple vocabulary and correcting the sentences, instead of answering her back in verbal communication, you wrote a note down saying that you couldn't tell or explain to her because your classmates will cheat by taking a credit you worked hard for, also taking credit from Himiko under the influence of your guidance.
Needless to say, Himiko respected your reasoning, due to the massive backlash you received in the last couple of weeks from a clash between you and a group of young men who are immensely adored by their faithful fans, and the comments you have been receiving ever since you transferred at your new school.
Each time your classmates come by at your desk, they discussed about studying English with you by giving an extension of invitation, as if the disturbing slanders and manipulative plans on 'taking you out' never happened. But you knew what they meant.
You didn't want anyone using you for a good grade, you didn't want to cry or get hurt again from stealing your hard work for their selfish gain. You wouldn't let it happen again.
So you happened to make an excuses by saying, "Sorry, I have work at this hour I can't be late on" or "My sister is sick and she needed my help, so I have to clean the house and cook food for her."
Whether they know it or not, there's nothing they can do about it but to talk shit behind your back again. And this will happen again every time your class studies for the next quiz regarding to English subject. Though of course the ginormous amount of letters you received in your shoe locker were gone, except you received a letter regarding to your bitchy nature for not helping them in English subject. What else is new? So you threw the letter in the trash and spit on it.
Truth be told, you don't have a job, and you don't have a sibling to begin with. You just wanted to get away from these "civilized" people.
You went back at the school's rooftop during lunchtime with Himiko. This time, you brought your own lunch; you prepped the meal last night. Thanks to cooking tutorials and secret tricks on making a tasty meal, you became a decent cooker while your parents are out at night, working at their new job.
"That looks good," Himiko commented.
"It took a bit long to cook this," you replied, smiling. "Around almost 3 hours."
"What is it? I don't think its Wagyu beef."
"It's Baby back ribs with rice," you explained. "With meat, you can never go wrong putting the baby back ribs with seasoning."
"It smells good," Himiko said.
You ate the first piece into your mouth. Your mouth tingled with delight.
"Drink?" Himiko handed you lychee flavored juice box.
Your hand reached the juice box. "Thank you."
From then on, Himiko accompanied you, whether during class or lunchtime, she doesn't like the idea of leaving you alone unless you ask for a quiet time to yourself. Most of the time, you and Himiko talked about anime and updates regarding to the manga.
"Are you okay?" your friend asked, studying your features.
"I'm doing fine."
"Your sadness is slowly fading--that's good!" Then she noticed you brought your school bag with you. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you bring your bag with you? We usually leave it at our classroom."
"Um...how do I put this in the simple terms? Let's just say that where I come from, we carry our backpacks--our belongings--to lunch."
"Ah, I see."
"But I have another reason for bringing my school bag with me," you added. "It's that dear classmates of ours. They ransacked my shoe locker, so I can't let anyone steal or touch or destroy my belongings."
"I don't blame you. These people are going way too far with everything for defending their so-called kings."
"Aren't you friends with them? I mean, no offense, but, if they hear you say stuff like that...you already saw what happened to me."
"I'm angry at them, too. I ignored them as much as I could. I can see why you're so annoyed by them. Remember that girl who was talking to me when I asked you about that thick book you were holding? Well, she tried to justify everyone's behavior by saying that 'no one deserves to get hurt' and that 'they're in full panic that they have to do something about the mess'."
"What else did she say?"
Himiko bit her lip. "While she tried to justify their behavior on defending their idols, because the guys filled the girls' lives with happiness, and they're forever thankful to them. She also said something about you."
Silence prolonged.
"Go on," you coaxed.
"She said that you're acting too rash, and that you need to get help. She almost called the police in order for you to get arrested and turn you in to a mental facility."
Your body and hands grew cold.
"Talk about harsh statement," you said, covering up with a laugh.
"That's where I broke my composure and started yelling at her on how you were just trying to defend me. I told her, "If I were defending you if you were in trouble, you wouldn't call me those names. Why the hell would you get mad at someone--at someone you barely knew--for trying to defend me?'"
You couldn't pull yourself together; you stopped eating the lunch you made.
"But all she said that the guys are their savior, and that she would never betray them."
Your hands balled into fists.
"I'm so sorry you have to experience this way." Himiko placed her hand on your back. "I talked to the teachers and principal about it, but they didn't care. And I'm sorry for being careless about where I was going. It's that stupid mistake I make that caused you to be put on an unfortunate circumstances."
You nodded. "It isn't too late to fix your mistakes, Himiko. We talked about this. It's your friend that tries to distract you, and you ended up getting hurt because of her."
"But still..."
"Your lunch is getting cold," you reminded, finishing up yours.
"Honestly, I don't blame you. Ever since that English quiz we took, they've been asking you to give them answers, even me, they even asked me if I get any answers from you because you're from a different country. They treated it as if nothing ever happened despite their efforts of trying to make you miserable. Once again, I'm sorry. You're too smart for your own good, (y/n)."
"So who were they?"
"The girls?"
"No, those guys they kept fawning about. I don't see the appeal to them. Not a slight of charm."
"Those guys you confronted with, they're known as what the girls whispered. Bonten. They're the ones who provided the school with best renovation. Thanks to their money, the school is the most wanted school to go to for high school students."
"Are you sure that's it? Because people go to school because they hear how much their handsomeness is exuding the building, and not because of having a 'good education'?"
"I heard this school is once a good one, where there's not much bullying to go around or extreme cases of hurting someone or ransacking personal belongings and slander--it's all about being well-educated for the sake of their futures. But thanks to them, this school was nothing but a playground for the girls, and for Bonten. Rumor has it Bonten is also a group of criminal organization."
You leaned back in shock. "You have got to be fucking kidding."
My parents are going to faint if they hear this...
Himiko shook her head with fear. "I mean, I'm not going to lie. They're good looking, but, I wouldn't date them or play with them just like the rest of the girls here. They would call their names to get attention from either of the boys. How handsome they look, the girls dubbed them as 'Sinful Men'."
"Sorry, I didn't hear a "ha ha" at the end," you said.
"Ha ha?"
"You're joking, right? I think your punch line needs a little bit more of improvement," you said. "Don't worry, we can work on that."
"As much as I want to say that 'it is a joke', I'm afraid that this is reality for us."
The house is quiet by the time you get home. Either your parents are watching a movie, or they're doing a quiet cleaning after work. As you stepped into your new household--a complex apartment, more like--you released a long exhale; the burdened nature of your school and classmates has been lifted off of your shoulders--detoxified by somewhere you were glad to see.
When you're at school, you speak Japanese, but at your home, you speak English; your mom often told you that you should never forget where you come from--be loud and be proud, as your mother always said--before and after moving into Japan.
"Mom, I'm back," you said, discarding the shoes and entered the living room, but your mom is nowhere to be found and went into the kitchen, where your mom is concentrating on chopping vegetables and meat.
"Mom," you said once more, your head poking out from the kitchen's entrance.
"Hi, (y/n)," your mom turned her attention at you for a second before concentrating back on her chopping ingredients. "How's school?"
"Great," you said, though you weren't happy.
"Doesn't seem like you're fine," your mom said. "You want to talk about it?"
"Right after you're done cooking," you said. "I'll go wait by the living room."
"Go ahead, no one's stopping you," your mother said, chuckling.
By the living room, your parents decorated almost in a meticulous fashion--everything is minimalistic--aesthetic wise. Though it had a few touches of old patterns like your old house, but improved. Before moving to Japan, your parents sold half off of the items they never used and got extra cash in case of emergencies when moving to another country.
Mostly they kept the most important--and sentimental--items they cherish and decorated it, not a single mistake.
Grabbing your bag, you unzipped your school bag to retrieve the current book you're reading. Your other book hasn't been returned to you since the confrontation between you and Sanzu. You tried to brush it off, taming your inner panic from trying to imagine on what they were doing with the book you last held.
If they somehow return it to you, will there be negotiations involved? If the negotiations are either respecting your classmates who made threats against you or to share your English assignment or quiz answers to them, or somehow becoming as Bonten's servant, you'd rather have expulsion than being polite to people who doesn't respect you and your boundaries.
Unable to read the book, you hid it inside your school bag and turned on the 80-inch television screen, watching your favorite movie, "Titanic". One good look of a 22-year-old Leonardo DiCaprio, and your troubles from school and Bonten have been forgotten.
"You watched Titanic around 10 times, (y/n)," your mom said, putting dinner meal at the table.
"I never get tired of looking at Leonardo DiCaprio," you said with a dreamy sigh. Nothing could ever go wrong when watching Leonardo DiCaprio's well-known movie.
Your mom sat down on the couch beside you. "You mean Jack?"
"I know what I said," you responded, giggling.
Your dad entered the living room, removing his shoes.
"I made dinner," your mom greeted merrily.
"I'm going to sleep for a couple of hours," your dad said, shutting the door.
"Let's eat while watching Titanic," your mom suggested.
"Good plan," you said in return.
While eating dinner, you couldn't help but to think back regarding to Himiko's words on people who harassed you and vital information about Bonten.
"How are your grades?"
"Perfect. I got A's on all of my classes."
"That's great! Keep up the good work."
Little by little, you couldn't insert the food portions in your mouth.
"You haven't been eating for a while, sweetie. What's going on?"
You didn't answer her question; the fork in your hand swirled and poked around the vegetables and the cooked meat.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You placed the fork down. "I've been bullied."
Your mom drew a sharp intake of breath. "When?"
"Since my transfer on the first day...until now."
"What did they do?"
"They ransacked my shoe locker, they send brutal messages on my desk and they tried to sabotage me in the worst way possible.”
"By what?"
"Taking me out," you said, pulling your phone out, you showed your mom the shoe locker ransacked with threatening letters and school desk. You made sure you took pictures first—when no one is around—before discarding them.
"Good god," your mom said. "What were they doing it for?"
"For the guys who never paid attention to them."
"Are they popular?"
And part of the criminal organization...
"Yes, they defend them to a point one of the girls almost called the cops on me to have me arrested and transfer in the mental facility."
Your mom's eyes narrowed.
"That's not all," you added, pulling the tape recorder out, playing the conversation about the girls' plans on how to take avenge for Sanzu by hitting you with the thick book, before you confronted them with a maniacal acting method to scare them off, and you explained a backstory to her about how guys were bullying Himiko, and that you stood up for her, not to mention how your classmates were trying to use you for a good grade in an English assignment and quiz.
"Do you want to switch schools?" she asked, tossing her red hair to the side.
"No, I just want to go home," you replied, tears falling down on your cheeks; you didn't have the strength to eat anymore.
Your mom stood and walked over to the side of the table to give you a hug. "My sweet baby..." your mom said. Her words made your weep grew stronger.
"What did I do wrong? I thought I did everything right. And yet, I've been accused and harassed by them. I thought I was doing the right thing."
"Nothing, (y/n)," your mom answered. “Nothing’s wrong with you. You're a good person. I'll go contact my lawyer about this."
"No," you said, "I just want to go back to America. I don't see a point of staying here. I don't think I can endure it much longer."
"I'll let my friend know if she has a guest room available, and I'll book a flight for you."
"I hope I'm not a burden to your friend."
"She loves you, sweetie," your mother answered. "In the meantime, you have to send me the photos. I'm going to print pictures on what the bullies did to you. We need the evidence, after all."
"Thanks, mom." The heavy burden in your chest suddenly vanished.
Your mom pressed a kiss at your head. "Don't worry about this, okay? Go watch and read, I don't care. Oh, and since you're doing very well at school, I thought I might give a little something special to cheer you up."
In her hands, she gave you the video game--one that you're waiting for.
"It's a new Tomb Raider game!"
"I thought you would like it. You've been sad for a couple of days. I don't want to see you to get hurt again." Her open palm stroke your red hair.
Instantly, you embraced your mom. "Thanks, mom."
In return, she embraced you once more. "You're welcome. You're the nicest daughter that I ever had. You deserve the world."
You wiped your tears. "Just let me know when I'm going back to America."
Then your mother smiled. "I will. I'll go make some hot chocolate for you. You deserve a break and a reward from protecting your friend."
The rest of the night, your mind was thinking nothing but to return back to your homeland.
Voices reeled into your walls the next morning. It was a fine morning for everyone. Until that moment came.
A man and the woman next door were having a screaming contest.
Groaning, you shoved your blankets and walked into the kitchen where your parents watched a movie in a full volume, but no matter how high the volume is, the man and woman from outside your apartment doesn't know the life of learning how to have inside voices.
"How long have they been arguing?" you asked.
"25 minutes," your dad timed on his watch.
"I swear I thought this apartment is supposed to be completely peaceful," your mom said.
"I'll go handle this," you said, marching on the entrance door.
Bursting the door open, you said in English, "Hey! There are neighbors that are trying to have some peace and quiet in the morning. If you can't shut the fuck up, I'm going to have to--"
You felt like your soul died. Because at the scenery in front you, saw the girl with a sheer tank top and a thong and the shirtless young man, with a large scar across his face looked at you with wide eyes.
Oh, no.
You saw him again.
But you didn't expect Kakucho to be there, having a screaming contest with the girl.
At once, you shut the door, and went back into the dining room.
"How did it go, sweetie?" your mom said.
"Fuck," you mumbled.
"You sure you need any help from the Math assignment?" Himiko asked, walking with you.
The best part about school is after school. You just couldn't wait to go home. But you waited everyone else to go; you didn't want anyone following you.
"No, I'll be fine," you said, inserting one earphone, playing the music.
"I'm glad you're back to your usual self," Himiko said. "Do you want me to stay here in case the other people are picking a fight with you?"
"No need," you told her.
"See you tomorrow," Himiko waved at you with a smile.
"Bye!" You waved back, pressed the play button.
(this is what the reader's listening to.)
Bopping along the music, not realizing your surroundings.
A long limousine stood at your way, with a large man with weird angular brows stood in front of the vehicle with his hands behind his back, waiting for someone.
Turning, you saw no one behind you.
Whoever this person's waiting on must be really late.
As turn your eyes away, you heard him say, "Miss (y/n)."
Your heart stopped. You wanted to look at the large, buff man, wondering what he’s going to do next.
But instead, you quickly headed to a different direction, but the large man caught up with you with a hand over your shoulder.
"What do you want?" you asked with anger in your eyes.
"You're going to have to come with us," the large man said.
"I have a friend waiting for me," you said, but with regret. You should've asked Himiko to go with you.
"You shouldn't have said to goodbye to her," he said.
"Okay, you creep, if you want to approach me, you could've just use your legs," you shot back, fear drumming into your heart. "Not just standing there in front of the limo menacingly."
The large man did anything but produced chuckles. "You have a hot-temper for a short lady." His eyes checked you out from head to toe.
"Okay, that's it," you said, adjusting the handle of your school bag on your left shoulder. "I'm going now."
He grabbed your right forearm.
"Let go," you seethed. "Now."
"Can't let a pretty face like yours go to waste."
What's that supposed to mean?
"Just come with us," he said.
The strands of your red locks tickled your nose; wind blowing. "Us? Us who?"
"I think you know who, Miss (y/n)."
"Fine, I'll go with you, just let go of my arm first," you said, your voice hardened.
"I'm afraid that's not possible." Then he slung your body over his shoulder.
"I didn't say anything about you carrying me!" you screamed.
Once the man placed you inside the limo, he went at the passenger's seat, telling the driver to start the engine, left you wondering to where you're heading next.
Taglist: @colored-tr-panels & @galactict3a
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