#Atomic Rulers of the World
chernobog13 · 8 months
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Film poster for Super Giant 2 - Super Giant Continues, aka The Steel Giant Continues (August 13, 1957). This is the second part of the first Super Giant story, released two weeks earlier on July 30, 1957. This poster incorporates elements from the original posters for both films.
Walter Manley Enterprises dubbed and edited together these two films into the feature length Starman film Atomic Rulers of the World (1965). Unfortunately, in the process a whopping 19 minutes was cut from the two original films. Atomic Rulers of the World ended up being very different from the source material.
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badmovieihave · 8 months
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Bad movie I have Nightmare Worlds I have to break this set up so you well see this box 2 or 3 times it has Alien Contamination 1980, Alien Species 1996, Alien Zone aka The House of the Dead 1978, All the Kind Strangers 1974, The Alpha Incident 1978, Atomic Rulers of the World 1965, Attack from Space 1965, Beast of the Yellow Night 1971, Counterblast 1948, The Day the Sky Exploded 1958, Death Warmed Up 1984, The Disappearance of Flight 412 1974, The Doomsday Machine 1976, Embryo 1976, and End of World 1977
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rainysofsunshineao3 · 5 months
It's officially 2 Weeks until Jurassic World Chaos Theory drops so I'm making an overcomplicated really long analysis of:
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*THIS* scene because I love them the normal amount :)
SOOOO... Lets start off with this vvv
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First off, GOD THE ANIMATION. Screaming, crying, sobbing right now. That hesitant pause, the eyes movement as right before + as she says "Fallen". Our girl is so scared, I'm sure her heart is beating like, 1000 times ber minute. Her eyebrows scrunching together as she finally gets the words out, then raising like a weight is lifted off her shoulders? Goddamn, these animators got me sobbing at a fictional character.
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The worry in her expression as she waits to hear what Sammy has to say and as soon as she figures out that it's a positive response, she just gets this look of absolute ADORATION. Look at that full-on open-mouthed smile she gives. She just looks so happy. You can also notice she's taking full, deep breaths again. It isn't really shown in the previous GIF, but girlie was definitely holding her breath. Convince me otherwise.
And then we have this MASTERPIECE vvv
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There's so many things in this. She still has that like, half-dazed happy puppy smile and then Sammy kinda just launches herself towards her and you can visibly see the confused "oh shit, wat" widening of the eyes.
And I mean, to be fair, this girl is not the best at romantic cues. Like look at these...
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Like, even in the beginning seasons, the way this woman looks at you and you can't tell? And she puts up with your dramatic ass? This is not normal heterosexual behaviour people. I know maybe 1 pair of friends who are straight as a ruler but are a little too comfortable with each other, but that's a minority.
Going back on track...
Yeah, Yaz isn't the best with romantic cues, and also, Damn, Sammy, I can't really blame her. You freaking yeeted yourself at her mouth, of course she wasn't going to kiss you back immediately. Like, y'all, especially for a first kiss, please ask your partner? This actually was my one problem with this scene, and I don't know why it doesn't get talked about more...
Anyway, Yaz closes her eyes the second Sammy touches her (like, fr, girlie was expecting atomic impact) then slowly opens her eyes.
But you can see the good second and a half that Yaz' brain just can't catch up to what's happening and it's the best fucking thing ever. I'd post like, every single time we have a "Yaz Brain Buffer" but tumblr only allows 10 images per post :(
Then finally - actually this time - we have the continuation of the previous GIF (not including the sapphic yearning slides )
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Yaz finally just, understands and kisses Sammy back (thank god) but the real focus of this gif is that when they pull away, YAZ IS STILL LOOKING AT SAMMY'S LIPS LIKE GIRL.
Another blink showing "Oh, ok. That just happened" and then we get the sweetest sapphic-yearning-fulfilled soft smile from both of them.
I'd scream with Brooklyn in the background but I CANT cause she's dead *sobs*
God I love these two so much. I need this representation when I was 10. They make me so happy I actually can't describe it. LORD, what a blessing and journey this was.
Hope these two had the same effect on you as they did me :)
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 months
[France24 is French State Media]
Niger on Monday confirmed one of the world's biggest uranium mines had returned to public control after revoking the operating licence of French nuclear fuel producer Orano.
The company last week said it had been excluded from the Imouraren mine in northern Niger, in a move that highlighted tensions between France and the West African country's military rulers.
The government had not reacted before releasing a statement on Monday saying the Imouraren mine had returned "to the public domain of the [...]
It justified revoking the licence by saying Orano "never honoured its commitments" despite two "formal notices" handed to it by the mines ministry in February 2022 and March this year.[...]
The Imouraren mine sits on an estimated 200,000 tonnes of uranium[...]
[D]evelopment was frozen after the collapse in world uranium prices following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.
Niger's military rulers have vowed to review mining concessions in the country since taking power in a July 2023 coup, as part of its focus on national sovereignty.[...]
Niger in 2022 accounted for about a quarter of the natural uranium supplied to European nuclear power plants, according to data from the atomic organisation Euratom.
25 Jun 24
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a-waiting-starman · 16 days
Bill Cipher - Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon
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Bill Cipher. The Euclydian, the monster as he calls himself, that destroyed his own dimension.
Extra clever Earth-bound spirit Ghost in the form Of a mongoose
He was always smarter than them, as he says. Bound to the third dimension, his strange eye seeing the stars while other people of Euclydia didn't know what "up" was. He was alone, his mother doing her best to protect him from the harsh judgment of others, of his father.
And I have hands And I have feet I'll never die I am a freak
His puffy velcro shoes barely supported the knowledge that little Bill knew. "WHY DID YOU DO IT?" the question that will run through his mind for eternity. He can con and manipulate everyone, even himself, into forgetting the "incident" but he's in denial. "My world was destroyed by a monster" he says. He considers himself a freak, hiding behind chaos and cruelty, he feels guilt. And he hates it.
Hello, I'm here I'm living in the wall I know I might be small, but I, I, I am a freak
He tried to show them, he wanted to show them what they were missing, but it backfired. His mother reached out for his small, bloodied, pointed figure, but she was gone already.
Thou wilt never Know what I am I am the fifth dimension And I'll split the atom
They were all gone. The elementary kids who taunted him, the judgmental relatives, and his mom. They would die not even knowing the truth. He was free, free but tormented. He was detached from reality. But at that point, what was reality?
And I shall haunt Like the Buggane With such weird noise And clanking chains
He left, he found the henchmaniacs, and he went on a spree. From earth to the umpteenth dimension, he caused chaos. Running from his past and creating a new name for himself. A dream demon.
I say "vanished" To underground Jim, let me go I watch like Hell
But finally, after Sixer, after the twins, after the hunt. He was trapped. The Axolotl, ruler of all, (second to Dennis) knew what he needed. The Theraprism, he needed to heal, if he could, and he needed to be contained. He was just a triangle stuck in an intergalactic asylum.
Eighth wonder of the world You'll never get to see What in the name of God can I be?
So there he was and is, waiting for a poor soul to shake his mossy hand. He writes a book of lies, a final plea for salvation, and waits. Waits for someone to understand him, waits for someone to be fooled. And he'll wait for as long as he needs, but how much longer does he really have left? Before he snaps.
Thank you for your request!! This is my first time posting so please be nice and I hope you enjoy! I hsve loved this little triangle since I was seven and The Book of Bill was just so good! 💕💕💕 Love ya'll!!
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kit-walk3r · 1 year
Are the Evans team Barbie or team Oppenheimer?
It seems appropriate 😂
Kit- Originally went to see Barbie because Julia wanted to but ended up loving it. Definitely cried. Loved seeing Barbie’s onscreen that looked like Julia, he could tell it made her happy. 100% had a crush on Margot Robbie after this.
Rory- Is actually one of the background Ken’s and won’t stop telling people. Drags all his friends and family to see it so he can point out himself in the background of a dance number for 10 seconds. Laughs out loud at every joke. Actively uses the phrase ‘Kenergy’.
Gallant- Barbie’s were his first subjects for styling hair so is super excited for the movie. Thinks he could have styled Margot Robbie’s hair better than the actual movie stylist. Everyone thinks he’s crushing on Ryan Gosling as Ken but he’s actually crushing on Michael Cera as Allan.
Peter- Knows all the words to I’m Just Ken. Has the Ken rollerblades and has attempted to run with them on but failed miserably. Is not ashamed to admit that he finds all of the Barbie’s attractive.
James- Actually remembers when the atomic bomb happened so is intrigued to see how they’ve translated it to film. Is disappointed that they don’t show the dead. Doesn’t understand why Oppenheimer feels guilty. Barbie is too bright, colourful and happy for him.
Kai- Barbie: a film about empowering women? Fuck that, Kai wants the movie with explosions. Pre-cult Kai would have cried seeing Florence Pugh naked. Considered changing his name from ‘Divine Ruler’ to ‘Death, Destroyer of Worlds’.
Tate- Really sees himself in Allen. Can relate to Oppenheimer’s guilt. Leaves both movies crying. Wants Ken’s hoodie that says “I’m Kenough”. Has an existential crisis leaving Barbie questioning who he is. Fears nuclear war after Oppenheimer.
Kyle- Did the Barbenheimer double bill. Secretly preferred Barbie to Oppenheimer but loved them both. Wore pink to Barbie. Gets excited every time he recognises an actor in Oppenheimer. Won’t shut up about both movies after he’s seen them and will fight people on the internet who insult them.
Jimmy- Team Barbie because he thinks every person in that movie is attractive. Team Oppenheimer because he actually loves a good biopic. Afterwards says he would definitely go to a Tupperware Party hosted by the Barbie’s.
Austin- Won’t stop talking about the Barbie soundtrack and costume design. Won’t stop talking about the theatrics of Oppenheimer. Won’t stop talking about Cillian Murphy’s eyes.
Colin- Empowering women!! Emily Blunt!! Colin definitely crushes on Emily Blunt and also loves a movie that empowers women so Barbie and Oppenheimer are his two perfect movies. Clapped at the end of both films.
Since I’ve seen both of the movies I thought this would be fun 🤭
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ranticore · 6 months
Forward by the Author [Qedivar's research, prologue]
My friends, this biography almost killed me. At the conclusion of my thesis work and the culmination of months of dangerous study, I write to you now from my bower at an undisclosed location, where I currently rest with three broken limbs and more than a few shattered nerves.
Effete shortwing academics such as myself are not particularly known for venturing across the water to West, where land is so rare as to be the continent’s most precious resource. But this continent was where our ancestors first arrived to this world—and yes, it is now unequivocal truth that we are not natives to our planet, as I was first to discover at the ruins of Atom on that wretched continent.
The coarse facts have been spread throughout Intun and East at large, ferried by news-mongers who have yet to finish my associated published paper. They will soon realise that they have missed the most fascinating details of our history. Naysayers have already decried me a heretic and I regret to agree with them, but it is true that my findings are heretical. Is that necessarily a bad thing? I say that a little bit of heresy might vastly improve the quality of our lives and understanding of the world at large.
A martyr, however, I am not. For this reason I do not attach my name to this record. Shortwings being as we are – all quite alike and common as muck – I am confident in my ability to remain anonymous to my readers while still revealing enough to prove myself a credible source. You will need to take rather a lot on faith, when you read this. You will need to suspend your disbelief that we are aliens on Siren. And you will need to accept that every one of us is a product of intentional design – not by some god, and not by so-called ‘evolutionary theory’, but by the ancient first settlers at Atom.
I will write a detailed account of my explorations another time, when I have healed from their rigours. I felt it more important to release the results of my study first, rather than let it become a vanity project with myself its hero. Instead I will preface each chapter with a description of the relevant source texts, including where and in what condition they were found.
On to the source texts themselves. I have created this biography to provide an introduction to the first Sirenian, Ishmael. The phocids of the Southern Spiral know Ishmael as offspring of the moon of the same name, and the ruler of the high tide. The inhabitants of Odr’s Sleep in the far North take a less literal interpretation of Ishmael’s moon and consider him a common ancestor. Harpies in my home Spire know him less, though–without revealing too much of my own bower–we have a mythological figure of the same name; Ishmael, who arrives to punish the crime of hubris.
It was a great surprise to me to find that Ishmael was a real person, and indeed that he was the first person born on this planet. Others arrived, yes, but he took his first breath here, before anyone else. My phocid companion was remarkably unsurprised by the discovery, and could even provide a little local Spiral folklore to illustrate the stories told of Ishmael’s life, which I will include as footnotes in the relevant chapters.
My source texts are extremely varied. Some describe Ishmael from the point of view of those who settled in Atom. Some are his own writings. Some are even a format which projects moving images onto walls, which I will also describe in a coming paper to be published. The technologies many visored longwings preserve sit in rot and ruin in Atom, proving, once and for all, that it was a society more advanced than our own. For the purpose of this introduction and my prefaces, I will refer to this as Precursor society, though in the source text they did not refer to themselves as anything but ‘settlers’ or ‘colonists’.
In those ruins, my party and I discovered things which we still have no words to describe. As a result, many of my interpretations are direct and untranslated, in the hopes that later, with greater understanding, we might return to the source and make more accurate interpretations. Many of these concepts were considered so commonplace to Precursor life that no one bothered making concrete definitions for the benefit of the scholars who might once hope to study them. Precursor society stems largely from a place called ‘Earth’ which we surmise to be the Precursors’ location of origin.
From this, we move on to the most puzzling concept of all. The concept of Humans. I took it to be a clan name at first, given the texts’ referral to Ishmael, a type of proto-phocid unique at Atom, as Human when the other people in the records did not very much resemble Ishmael at all. But Humans were in fact a species. Humans were bipedal and lacked feathers, though their faces will be familiar to any modern Sirenian, because they resemble our own. Once I succeeded in translating the scientific notes surrounding Ishmael, all became clear, and it was this shocking truth which forces me to write under a pen name.
Every modern Sirenian is a Human. We descend from the first-born Sirenians, who were designed – by techniques as purposeful as an artist’s brushstrokes – to occupy the particular range of morphologies which we now inhabit.
Precursor Humans arrived here, to this world, and knew their bodies were poorly adapted to survive here, lacking mechanisms of flight or aquatic mobility and being unable to breathe our air, or eat any of the foods we take for granted. So they engineered those mechanisms to develop in other Humans, which were birthed and raised at Atom in its prime in a series of successive generations, the last of which will likely be my most controversial uncovering. The engineered Humans – Sirenians like you and I – were not privileged members of Atom. In fact, we were a sort of labour underclass to them, who would brave the sea and sky of Siren outside Atom’s bubble where the Precursor Humans could not venture.
Ishmael was the first of this underclass, and was originally intended as merely a first concept, a rough draft of what phocids and selkies would become. He was a fascinating person who I believe is deserving of the great length of this biography and worthy of being the first introduction to the lives of Precursors that many modern Sirenians will experience. Where at all possible I have avoided editorialising Ishmael’s life, instead presenting it as it happened. We find not a revolutionary hero or an icon of tidal vengeance but a person born into a state of great confusion and neglect. He was a Human like his peers but was treated as inherently lesser, hardly a person at all, and he did not conform to expectations of graceful victimhood.
Welcome to the beginning of the world.
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tuesday again 2/13/2024
writing cover letters like "Market Research Firm 953989464860, will YOU be my Valentine?"
also, a fallout 4 femslash fic for femslash feb
Fresh Blood by the Eels off their 2009 album Hombre Loco. i would say this is another "i think a vampire probably wrote this low, grooving track" but there are several howls featured. wikipedia says it is about a werewolf. this song sounds like it has a simple bassline and simple drums but it knows what it's about. it's probably secretly really complicated but i specced in knowing about fabric, not about music.
it makes me want to ice skate really fast and also sounds like watching broken highway lane dividers go by late at night. fascinating that the back half of the four-plus minute song is fully instrumental. definitely a song for when you are traveling, or perhaps proceeding. spotify
Sun down on the sorry day By nightlights the children pray I know you're probably gettin' ready for bed Beautiful woman get out of my head I'm so tired of the same old crud Sweet baby I need fresh blood
i've been mainlining The Black Keys' album Brothers so it makes sense this popped up on my Discover Weekly spotify playlist
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in 2015, the year i dropped out of college, the closest comic/weird nerd shit store was a forty minute drive from my house. i bought the first issue of the serialized anthology comics magazine The Island bc i liked the Moebius-esque cover by Brandon Graham, before i knew who either of those artists were or that i liked them. i think it was ten bucks, and having to show my drivers' license really sticks in my brain for some reason. the point i am slowly approaching is that the magazine only ran for fifteen issues, and i didn't buy any other copies bc ten bucks a month was too dear for me, but it was a tremendous incubator for artists i would end up loving. about half the time i stumble across a lovely self-contained book that knocks my socks off i find out it started life in The Island.
All his life, Hank Cho wanted to join the ranks of the Habsec—the rulers of the orbital habitat his people call home. But when he finds a powerful, forbidden weapon from the deep past, a single moment of violence sets his life—and the brutal society of the habitat—into upheaval. Hunted by the cannibalistic Habsec and sheltered by former enemies, Cho finds himself caught within a civil war that threatens to destroy his world. A new barbarian sci-fi adventure by SIMON ROY (PROPHET, JAN'S ATOMIC HEART, Tiger Lung), originally serialized in ISLAND MAGAZINE.
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Simon Roy's Habitat asks: do you want to hear a story about a generation ship gone wrong? this is a guy who really knows how to draw mechs and all their fiddly bits and loves doing it, which is a really transferrable skill to lovingly detailing the crumbling brutalist neo-mesoamerican architecture. the Habsec cannibals and their bits and pieces of scavenged armor blend in so well, it's genuinely shocking when we see someone in full, kept up, incredibly colorful armor. gorgeous, gorgeous book. love a fucked up generation ship.
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found while perusing the stacks of the library that was closest to a bunch of other admin errands i was running, bc i finally have a tx drivers license and can start collecting tx library cards
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im also asking myself why the hell i'm watching yellowstone with my bestie and her husband. it has every trigger warning and a lot of them would make me decline the experience had i looked them up beforehand. however, the inevitablilty of each little tragedy feeding into the circular threshing maw that is the Dutton family is really clicking for me. like well! that mom sure did die in the most traumatizing way possible! and wow that really does go a long way toward explaining why the daughter is self-medicating to an alarming degree AND why no one else is doing anything about it bc they're all still mad at her for being very tangential to her mom's death!
the amount of Stuff that happens per episode is truly astonishing. one of my favorite parts of the ttrpg Beamsaber is the downtime between missions, bc you get to have some really bonkers interactions with people who don't usually interact. despite its huge cast, Yellowstone doesn't yet feel incoherent or like it's jumped the shark in its first season bc it's really successful at getting its huge cast to have unexpected interactions with each other. this sounds a little bit like praising it for knowing how to be good television, but this is a neowestern about a land grab that's also a familial dynasty drama that's really leaning into the familial dynasty part of it. it would be very easy for this to become incoherent or bad at switching between storylines, but so far it's really good at it. it's not beamsaber or black sails bc nothing will ever be beamsaber or black sails but it's really scratching that itch of many small rapidly shifting factions and rapidly shifting political goals bc each child is their own horrible little faction and they have a lot of time where they're trapped in cars or helicopters together getting around their ranch, which is simply too large.
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we're trying to watch the yellowstone franchise in release order, and the yellowstone prequel with tim mcgraw came out between the first and second seasons. we will not be continuing this. this is a bog standard wagon train western. cripplingly boring after the brazen insanity of the first season. also i think it is in poor taste at best and irresponsible at worst to show a suicide on screen.
i said i don't know why i'm watching this but i do know why i'm watching yellowstone, and that's bc my bestie keeps seeing tiktoks about it. sometimes im influenced in real life
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changed my sheets this week and didn't chortle at the TOP OR BOTTOM tag which is how i know im having. a brain time. another way you can tell im having a brain time are these screenshots of the Breath of the Wild map. as you may or may not remember from last week, last week i had very little of the map filled out.
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now is this EXPLORED? good heavens no. i have under 40 shrines DISCOVERED. i have simply beelined to each tower and went VERY fast. or was very sneaky. the three towers i have not bothered to climb yet are the ones i would have to actually fight some guys about. fuck the akkala tower for real.
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i love to accidentally get way too close to dragons and die. some fun things about this run: incredibly, exceptionally rainy. except for the stint in the literal desert and the five minutes in the snowfield it has been raining about 70% of the time, which has made climbing very annoying. another fun thing about this run: exceptionally low ancient shaft drop rate, which makes getting ancient arrows to safely kill guardians from afar very difficult. bc as discussed above i have optimized this little blond boy to be very fast and very sneaky to get up the towers very quickly in the two minute spans of time it is not raining.
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another fun thing about this run: not very good at successfully spitting out riders next to horses. you can only see the tip of spinch's hat bc he is underground.
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i have unlocked the elephant and the falcon, i haven't gotten much farther than finding painkillers for the goron boss and stalled out at the yiga clan stealth mission. bc despite liking being a sneaky fast sniper out in the world, i fucking hate an enforced stealth mission. i don't think i ever got past this part in my other run either.
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not jacked enough to unlock the master sword, i think you need twelve hearts? i would rather have more stamina so i can get faster horses + the princess's horse.
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after i unlocked a bunch of towers i spent a goofy amount of time in the Lake Floria system herself hunting for treasure chests (there are easily fifty chests in the water. wild) to get the 10k rupees to unlock the last great fairy. i also spent several real-life hours video game mining video game ore. this was deeply annoying bc i sold off all my gems to get 10k rupees and then had nothing to get those sweet sweet high level upgrades with. this was the point on sunday night where i realized i was getting irrationally annoyed with a game that is supposed to be fun, and is NOT meant to support the kind of grinding i was doing. that was enough video game for one day thank you.
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did you know there's a korok in the shrine of resurrection? me either.
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also did you know magnesis ACTIVATES on the windmills in Hebra but i can't figure out how to get close enough to any of them to do anything about it. annoying.
this has got to be so funny from ganons point of view. i unlocked the elephant and the falcon in under a week of in-game time and then spent several in-game months mining and collecting clothes. would that make ganon more or less anxious d'you think
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cross stitch update. this confetti in the rover square. i am dying. here’s what it will look like finished, and a link to buy the pattern
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i had such high hopes for pin stitches as a thread finishing method but i had to rip out a mistake near a pin stitch and accidentally ripped out the entire pin and single confetti cross stitch. so what the fuck. i am an insane woman who likes to fully submerge and lightly hand wash projects before they get framed to remove all the oils (yes i wash my hands before stitching, i do get paranoid) and i am not confident pin stitches will hold up to that. oh well. the loop method is pretty great in halving the number of ends i have to weave in, even though i feel like it is extremely wasteful and leaves me with lots of short useless lengths my cats would love to eat. so the gains from halving thread management are really not offset by the meticulous cat management i must embark upon every time i do my fun relaxing hobby.
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and the back, which is a horror. and will only become more of a horror. but once this is framed no one will actually see it so it's FINE. i am FINE with this. i started this knowing there was going to be lots of confetti. that's the point of this masochistic pattern
i wrote the first chapter of this fic last summer and outlined the emotional beats (but not much else) while procrastinating moving and have finally lightly polished the first chapter and threw it on the archive. im trying to let things molder less and just fucking post them in the hopes this activates the writing part of my brain again but who could say what's going on up there. this is still something that hasn't quite returned to me post-covid round 2
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this will eventually be an E-rated 5+1 fic fixing all the fucking bullshit around Cait Fallout4's companion quest. she will NOT go in the magic chair that tortures her into not being a junkie and being the perfect waifu. she is going to stumble backwards and accidentally into some harm reduction and get railed by a mean top. the mean top and the harm reduction won't fix her but they certainly won't hurt.
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astoundingbeyondbelief · 10 months
Kaiju Week in Review (November 19-25)
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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters remains must-see kaiju TV with its third episode. The flashbacks revisit the U.S. attempt to kill Godzilla with an H-bomb in 1954, making a few retcons to the 2014 film that I think are largely for the better. This might be the Monsterverse Godzilla work that best understands it's adapting a Japanese story. There's also a delightful new critter who shows up at the end of the main story and will surely continue to be a threat in the next installment. On the human side of things, we're starting to see how Monarch became more and more obsessive about secrecy over the decades, paralleled with the infidelity at the heart of the story.
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Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #2 delivers the Superman/Godzilla fight that's probably what people most wanted out of this crossover. I was surprised at how well Godzilla did, although it wasn't quite a clean victory. Camazotz's duel with the Bat-Family in Gotham City was more interesting, as bizarre as it is to see some of the most famous superheroes in the world taking on a Titan who's never even been in a movie before. Meanwhile, Scylla's in Central City and Behemoth's closing in on Themyscira. Odd choices considering Scylla's Greek name, but then I can't see her doing well against Wonder Woman.
As is New Generation Ultra Series tradition, Ultraman Blazar will be quickly followed by a movie (Tokyo Kaiju Showdown) released early next year (February 23). Most of these things are pretty forgettable, but director Kiyotaka Taguchi was also behind the Ultraman X movie, which I thought was one of the best ones. The plot:
A wave of kaiju emerges from an industrial zone, prompting Capitan Gento and the Special Kaiju Reaction Detachment (SKaRD) to engage in the relentless battle. Yet despite their efforts, the endless kaiju attack continues. Suspecting a link to Necromass Co., an advanced chemical company that researches kaiju corcasses and owns factories in the industrial zone, SKaRD rushes to the company’s CEO and renowned chemist, Dr. Mabuse. At Necromass Co.’s research facility, Dr. Mabuse explains the development of the damudoxin, a substance on the brink of achieving immortality. Meanwhile, Alien Damuno, who claims themselves as the “ruler of the universe” appears! Chaos ensues when damudoxin leaks from the destroyed tanks, consuming samples of kaiju carcasses and giving rise to the giant Gongilgan, the Demonic Carcass. Set in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, Ultraman Blazar and SKaRD clash in a showdown against the giant kaiju!
This year's Ultraman Decker movie was available to rent on Tsuburaya Imagination the same day it released in Japanese theaters, so I'd expect the same from the Blazar movie.
I'm typing this hours before I see Godzilla Minus One in IMAX. The date crept up on me, but I can feel every atom in my body vibrating right now, so yeah, almost time for the new Godzilla movie. High hopes with the reviews it's getting!
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guardianoftheearth · 7 months
It was PSI all along? That's the big twist we were waiting for?! -Mother series headcanon
If there's one thing that the Mother series never explained, is what actually PSI is.
Not how the humans got reports of it, but what it is is general.
This headcanon sprouted from this exact thought, and with it, its able to tie in pretty much all the events of the three games.
In this headcanon of mine, PSI in an energy that can be found in every little thing, big and small, long and shot, alive or "not alive". This energy is like a sort of extra atom, like a neutron, or an electron, try to imagine a world identical to ours, but along with them, there's the atom of 'PSI'.
Unlike the other atoms tho, the properties of PSI are near limitless. It can create stuff out of nowhere by rearranging itself or mimic other atoms, bend space and time, and even give 'life' to what, in our eyes, doesn't have it, which explains the talking rocks, the Territorial Oaks, those damn Ramblin' Evil 'Shrooms, and so on and so forth.
Now: Celestial corps, like planets, such as The Earth, have a huge amount of PSI in them, and makes them work like an enormous organism with a subconcious, collective mind. These corps can, sometimes, reincarnate into a being, a guardian of sorts, an entity that can use the PSI of the entire celestial corp for itself.
This is what Ness and Giygas both are: Guardians/Reincarnations of their home planet, I'll explain the difference between them, and most importantly, WHAT HAPPENED to Giygas, in a future post.
Now, to the next point I'm gonna make, which can be pretty trippy and nonsensical, I'll use this:
Remember that one time, at the end of Mother 1, where Ninten is able to communicate with his dead Great-Grandpa? Good, how did Ninten manage to do such a thing?
When something, or someone "dies", their PSI is 'reused', in the sense that, what was once of the previous entity's PSI is now on the thing the entity died on. To make a long story short, its like George's tombstone contained George's 'soul'. This fact also explains the visions of Poo during the Mu training, and how he is supposedly able to communicate with the previous rulers of Dalaam.
Now imagine this, to an even bigger scale. Imagine this, but with Ness. Here's how I tie the events of Mother 3 to the previous games.
For how absolutely insane it sounds, Ness is the Dark Dragon. After the events of Mother 2, and the supposed things that happened after, eventually The Earth ended up in an abyssmal state, full of pollution,destruction, and more. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal for The Earth, it doesn't care about humans or any other species in the long run.
But then Ness comes in the picture.
This little boy, now a man with an extremely long lifespan, who has cosmic knowledge about his planet, gifts humanity, and all the other living beings with them, of another chance.
In the shape of a huge Dragon, he seals himself with the Needles underground, forming new, and completely pure geological formations identical to the ones before, and after humanity and the other creatures sealed on the White Ship to survive, he let them come down again, at the promise that this time, they won't fuck up.
And from there, starts Mother 3.
I have no idea what else to write but hope you enjoyed this rambling of mine, expect new things from the next rambling about PSI, because it will be about Magicant, probably.
Thanks for coming to my Ted-Talk.
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defensivelee · 5 months
ptable oc lore plox :000
oh my that's quite a hefty question, it took me a while to answer! i've not fully developed the world but here's what i know:
The 'periodic table' concept is a sort of second realm that has existed since the very early beginnings of the universe. The elements live among humans in their distribution of themselves throughout the world and universe, but it is outlawed in their kingdom to reveal their living forms to humans for their king believes that the appreciation of humans by way of science and not dogma is the way to go. While the elements are amused by the love they receive, they will not hesitate to harm humanity if they think it's necessary, or even just for fun.
Their forms were originally much more animalistic and abstract, but with the development of humanity over history, they began to copy human qualities such as wearing clothes, walking upright, and even learning a few human languages here and there. The original language of the elements, however, is called Atomic, and for many of them, it is still the only language they can speak.
The elements are divided into a strict hierarchy, in this order:
His Majesty Hydrogen, king of the universe.
The non-metals, members of the royal family and close advisors of hydrogen.
The noble gases, aristocrats of the periodic table and headed by the princess helium.
The alkali metals, military leaders of the periodic table and headed by the general lithium.
The alkaline earth metals, some working with the alkali metals and others more with the transition metals; headed by beryllium.
The transition metals, messengers between humanity and the periodic table, working closely and in secret with the IUPAC; headed by gold.
The post-transition metals, same as the transition metals but due to their comparative weakness are harder to employ by the kingdom; headed by aluminum.
The halogens, vigilantes and assassins both for humanity and the throne; headed by fluorine.
The actinides, powerful allies as well as occasional enemies/traitors to the throne; headed by uranium.
The lanthanides, unrecognized servants of humanity and headed by lanthanum.
The metalloids, generally doing whatever and de jure headed by silicon.
I don't know the details of every element yet, so here's just the rulers of the table:
As hydrogen was born first, he named himself king and protector of the universe. He models his appearance off of Louis XIV, as he greatly envies the title of the 'Sun King'-- he did, after all, have a huge role in creating the sun. He can be sweet once you get to know him, but usually he's very stern and says very little. He is omnipotent. He is married to helium and is very in love with her.
Helium was born soon after hydrogen was, but as she wasn't born quite at the exact same time, he made her a princess rather than a queen. Her clothes is usually taking inspiration from Mary II in terms of colors and sometimes style, but it looks more fantastical and cloud-esque. She's hard to befriend as she can come off as very standoffish, but she cares deeply for her subjects and does well in keeping the nobles in check. She has a rather high-pitched voice that makes her sound younger than she really is.
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kittsu-and-company · 5 months
Kittsu Universe Worldbuilding
Information on Kittsu’s universe that may or may not come up
Main Thing
Kittsu’s Universe throws a hissy fit when the “laws” are not followed, this leads to odd discrepancies between Kittsu and characters’ worlds, even if they’ve met in person.
For example, if someone Kittsu’s met in real life had an encounter with, say, a hyper destructive legendary that didn’t result in apocalypse; they would be able to meet in person again, but the events of that legendary encounter would have been as if it never happened on Kittsu’s end.
Kyogre could be awakened on @/thatfailedpokemontrainer, and even though Kittsu and Sprite are established to be in the same universe, the event would have no evidence of occurring when Kittsu tries to investigate. If both parties are there and see the destruction, the world around them will warp nauseatingly until the universal discrepancy is cleared up.
Sapient Pokémon are rare, but not impossible
Infinity Energy is on Crack
Infinity Energy is raw power translated into infinite forms. Arceus is raw Infinity Energy, and its existence is what created the universe. It’s like atoms and all the matter that makes up the world, but the things that it comes together to create can control it to some degree. It tends to “clump” around certain beings or areas, which is what makes the 18 understandable typings.
Legendary and (some) Mythical Pokémon are Gods. Eldritch scary gods.
As an example; Cosmog, the absolute weakest legendary Pokémon, is a large ball of gas that holds knowledge of the multiverse and infinity. It’s rather unimpressive for a god, but it’s terrifying nonetheless, as entering the cloud is rumored to immediately break people’s minds and conscience. It’s a cloud of pure knowledge that instakills you. And that’s the absolute weakest god. Pray lmao.
Gods’ Power is based on the Infinity Energy that clumps around them
Due to the nature of Infinity Energy, the more clumped it gets around a certain thing makes it have more impact on surrounding Infinity Energy of all forms. Kyogre and Groudon started as regular pokemon that became so warped and surrounded by Infinity Energy that they turned into embassies of the Land and Sea itself.
The Infinity Energy that makes them gods changed them from relatively small creatures to divine deities that stand at 443057.28cm tall (roughly half the total height of Mt. Everest)
Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina are the single three most concentrated clumps of Infinity Energy. They exist purely in their own pocket dimension, because if they were to make an appearance in the mortal realm, the universe itself could break from the utter strain. Any of them even opening a small portal to see what’s going on with mortals would turn the entirety of the world into a Space Time Distortion until they leave.
Mythical Pokémon are typically rulers of concepts
Meloetta is the god of Music’s effect on emotions, Victini is the god of victory, Diance is the god of Royalty, etc, etc
The primary exception is Mew; the god of Mortality as a whole. It is thought to be the single most powerful Pokémon incapable of producing a pocket dimension.
Human-Pokémon hybrids are impossible
Humans, biologically, are in an egg group entirely seperate from all other mortal species. They are the only known creature to have live young (aside from Mew, but shsh) and are 100% unable to have a Hybrid child in any natural way
Ethically, artificially created hybrids are known to have debilitating health issues, that at best let them live to 10 years old. Humans have a lack of control over Infinity Energy, and Pokémon have a lot of control; meaning that the hybrid’s body will always either suffer a lack of energy or an abundance of energy they cannot physically handle. Overall, it’s not worth even trying.
Ghost type pokemon are made of the energy of several souls past
All Pokémon have an “Infinite” organ that holds the majority of their Infinity Energy. Espeon is a primary example of a semi-exposed Infinite Organ
The game storylines that have canonically occurred:
Pokémon RBGY
Pokémon Crystal (minus the catching Suicune)
Pokémon Diamond (based on another blog’s events)
Pokémon Black/White2
Pokémon X
Pokémon Moon
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lit-works · 6 months
The DoomWars
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Dr.Victor Von Doom had been a deposed monarch for several years, his throne usurped by none other than Dr.Victor Von Doom himself. Victor had woven scheme upon intricate scheme during his life, with only one of those plans going awry. His goal to live beyond his own death had worked too well.
The Latverian ruler had programmed one of his legion of Doombots to imprint his own memories and brain engrams onto his adopted son, Kristoff. When Dr.Doom was later presumed dead, the robot obeyed it's programming and Kristoff essentially became Dr.Doom.
Kristoff (referred to as Doom the 2nd) had inherited his father's arrogant pride, a serious flaw, and Doom II halted the memory transfer process before it was complete, this he gained only partial knowledge of his foes and the world around him. For example, Kristoff only had Victor’s early memories of Reed Richards and The Fantastic Four, plus his own more recent experiences. Once he had failed to destroy the Fantastic Four because he was literally unaware of The Invisible Woman’s force field ability. Doom II was captured and stripped of his armored metal exoskeleton by The Fantastic Four.
At the time, Doom was believed to be dead at the hands of Tyros the Terrible and the Silver Surfer, his body reduced to loose atoms during a clash between weilders of the power cosmic. In truth, Victor transferred his consciousness into a bystander’s body, and soon took steps to recreate his own form. After The Beyonder returned Doom to his rightful body, Victor soon attempted to use Franklin Richards’ reality-altering mutant abilities to free his mother's tortured soul from the nether realm of Mephisto. During Franklin’s kidnapping, Kristoff was able to escape confinement and also return to Latveria.
After Doom’s plans with his rival’s son dissolved, he found that Doom II had seized the reins of power in his homeland of Latveria. Victor Von Doom was forced out of his own country, an exiled leader foiled by his own plans. Since Doom II’s rise to power the two Dooms had clashed on numerous occassions. Both had used pawns and hirelings, and neither had much success. For the past year or so, the overt clashes between the two Dooms had reached a state of detente. However, both have been preparing for the next and potentially ‘final’ confrontation…
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aquarii-if · 8 months
Hi! Love the story so far! Especially the gods. They scratch the mythology part of my brain so much.
I wanted to ask more about the gods, in specifics to worship and relationships to the world.
1. Do the gods choose their forms? Are they born that way? Formed into their selves by the characterizations of the people who believe in them? Specifically, are these gods influenced by their worshippers or did they primarily influence their worshippers? If it’s both, is there a clear sense of mythology or does it become more unclear the more far back it goes?
2. Do these gods all have specific worship practices? We get some hints with Ida and the gods’ temples, but does each god have a holiday or practice? What kinds of groups worship each god? Are there any that would not be obvious to us as Earth habitants? Are there any offerings the gods prefer?
3. There has been evidence to the fact gods cannot be too in touch with mortals. Are there any universal rules they must follow? Are they more like self governing or international rules for the sake of peace?
4. Is Earth the same? MC mentions the deities at some point (could be another character but I think it was internal?). Does this MC specifically believe in a polytheistic religion? (If I got the dialogue wrong you can ignore this, unless it is the doctor characters who kidnapped the MC, then I would love to hear all about their religion and how interacts with their society)
I love the details you gave to each god. Anatole, Ida, and Aurora are my favorites. All the crown descriptions and areas you go to for the crowning are immaculate. Their appearances make me want to draw them so much. Thank you for the tasty story so far!
Thank you for your ask. ♥️
1. Yes, the Gods choose their forms. They formed themselves based on everything around them. Before the Mitans came, it was just the universe, made with stars and maybe some other galaxies, but there was no Chronos, Aquarii, or Milky Way. Right now, the Gods have based their appearances on the Mitans to feel more connected to them. Before the Mitans, the gods had based their appearances on the stars, the planets, the meteors, and anything else you can find in the universe. I imagine that without their forms, the gods are just a group of atoms that mortals cannot see.
2. The Gods do not have specific worship practices, no. The Mitans all worship in their own ways, some pray, some leave offerings and some don't worship at all. The temples are simply there to honor the god's achievements. There is no specific group that worships any god, anyone can worship whichever god they want. I think the gods would copy the Pagans, where a Mitan or Virrian would worship whichever gods guidance they need at that point in their life. For instance, if a Mitan needs to learn to love themselves or others, Aurora would come to them. For holidays, I believe any holidays dedicated to the gods are started by Mitans or Virrians and are most likely also there to honor the god's accomplishments, similar to the temples. I am unfortunately unsure of what holidays Aquarii has, but it does sound like it would be fun to make a calendar for Aquarii, I've noted it down as something to work on later. Some gods do prefer specific offerings, like Cielo who would prefer handmade offerings, but the gods accept any offerings so long as they're not given out of maliciousness.
3. The rule that gods cannot have too much interaction with mortals only really applies to humans. The reason the gods might not have as much interaction with some Virrians or Mitans is that not all Virrians or Mitans worship and the gods respect that and leave them alone. The gods did not put the Virrians or Mitans on Chronos and Aquarii just to worship, the gods need the Virrians and Mitans to continue to have a purpose, whether or not the Mitans and Virrians need the gods is not set in stone. But yes, the Virrians and Mitans are mostly self-governing, rulers of the galaxies can choose to have the god's opinions valued, but they still are expected to be able to rule on their own, without the god's help.
4. I don't think of Earth as any different from the Earth we see today. If I referenced Earth's deities, it was most likely about any religion you might find on Earth, like Christianity or Islam. I don't wish to delve into whether Earth has its own gods or not, as that's a controversial debate. But I will add a choice for MC to be a theist themselves, after all, the Aquariian gods do not rule over Earth, but that does not mean Earth is godless.
I hope that answered some of your questions, this was a long post so feel free to let me know if I missed anything. 😅
Also, please feel free to draw any characters from my story. The idea of fan creations warms my heart, so I'd love to see what you all create!
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santoschristos · 1 year
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Virgo The Sun enters Virgo on August 23, This means that the Sun enters Hasta Nakshatra as well. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which is neutral to the Sun. The Sun will be in Virgo from August 23 to September 23, 2023. The zodiac series by Johfra The Virgo is a negative sign: Earth essentially. The sign in which the sun is at the end of August. The harvest month, when the corn ripens and is harvested. The planet Mercury is the ruler. Virgo is also the conclusion of the first six signs, in which the self was central to evolving man.
In Virgo everything is broken down and man has ordered this multiplicity here.
This is the stage where the details are reviewed. The breakdown into atoms is the hallmark of matter. It is also for this reason that the virgin represents material nature as the fertile mother. She is Demeter with the ear of corn with the Greeks, the Ceres with the Romans. With the Egyptians it was Isis with her green veil of vegetation. She is also Mary, the Bride of Heaven and Mediatrix. And the world soul or anima mundi. In the Egyptian book of the Gates, therefore, we find the sign Virgo represented as "the gate to the kingdom of Osiris."
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calicohyde · 8 months
Jack Hyde All-Character Tournament: Round 1, Seed 5
Kenshin Mechado (Not Just Us)
Kenshin is a corporately owned superhero who wanted to be a movie producer. He has matter-shifting powers that functionally allow him to teleport, via the same general (made-up) mechanics as the Star Trek transporter beam but contained to his body. He can also sense atomic vibrations, though obviously those are quite difficult to make much sense of. Everyone in Ken's futuristic dystopia is commodified, but Ken is particularly so due to his status as a hero and his good looks. He originally picked the nickname Ken to try to blend in with a more English-sounding name, but now people call him that both affectionately and not-so-affectionately as a reference to the doll. Through the course of the novel, Kenshin becomes radicalized against the rulers of his world by his self-appointed nemesis, "financial terrorist" (white collar thief) Milo, who he eventually switches sides to be with.
Genre: Political Comedy Designation: Main Character Quick Facts: Mexican- and Japanese-American, horror fan, OCD
Bethany Rory (Any Publicity Is Good Publicity)
Beth Rory is advisor and bodyguard to leftist politician Gwaine Hinata. They are very close friends with him, but take none of his shit. They swore loyalty to him when he first began in politics, and promised that they wouldn't let him betray his values in the course of furthering his career. They are a veteran, due mainly to being born into a career-military family and being raised to think being a soldier was both an honor and an obligation. They left the military by choice and were disowned for it. Gwaine was there for them then, and now they are devoted to him as their only family.
Genre: Romantic Comedy Designation: Side Character Quick Facts: Agender, Aromantic, goes by their surname
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