#Avery x Lore
akikocho · 1 year
I'm still craving for romantic hc for my canon x oc ship and I thought of these parts of my lore regarding Charlie and Maya's romance arc xD (I wanna share it because it's all over my head for years and I'm eager to share this one)
♥︎ Charlie will be the type to fall in love first but would constantly try to let his feelings for Maya away as he thinks it will be a distraction for his love of dragons (that's why he's always saying that dating isn't his thing) while Maya would be the type who slowly falls in love with someone after a lot of interactions. Maya's first crush was Felix Rosier, her house prefect which she fell in love at first sight to him. She immediately loses feelings for Felix after knowing he has a girlfriend (my OC Esme Allard) which makes her think that love at first sight will bring her towards negative results.
♥︎ Maya has a LOT of admirers and one of them is Alfred Jones, a Gryffindor student who's a year older than Maya who won't stop courting her during her 3rd year (and Alfred being a 4th year). Maya always rejects his courtship but Alfred being too overly confident, he didn't give up and still continues on courting her. This caught Charlie's attention and jealousy starts to build up in him though he couldn't do anything to it as insecurities stop his urge to confront Alfred.
♥︎ On their 4th year, Charlie and Maya interact a lot. Always sneaking to the Forbidden Forest to find something interesting (whether it is related to the curse vaults or not) and wouldn't eventually sleep outside of Hogwarts together after their hangout in the forest which both will be found by either Bill or Malachi who are very worried for them. (Also they mostly sleep on the seats of the Quidditch pitch xD).
♥︎ The two started dating at the end of their 4th year. Charlie sent an anonymous letter along with Maya's favorite flower (moonflowers) which he stole from the Herbology Classroom. Maya being skilled at knowing someone's hand writing especially the hand writings of her close companions, she knows who wrote the letter she received. Instead of sending her answer via letter, she said her answer in person which made some students surrounding them shocked at what they've heard.
The students be like:
"The female curse vault kid likes Charlie Weasley?"
"Wait, isn't Charlie Weasley the one who likes Maya Avery first?"
"No wonder the two were so close"
"Poor Alfred if he hears about this.."
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wayhavenots · 11 months
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linawritesocs · 2 years
austin's voicelines + lesson chats!
finally, i'm going back to writing my ocs' voicelines and chats hdjdkldk. i really have to finish these..
[ austin's voicelines ]
if you choose to hold his hand (tutorial):
"you really thought i'd be okay with you making me wait for so long? someone should teach you proper manners.. huh? why should it be me?"
level up:
"listen, i don't need your help. stop doubting my skills already!"
"fine, you can watch me work on this invention. just don't bother me and be quiet."
"why i don't show my magic that often? u-uh, it's because i'm so great, i don't need to use it!"
level up max:
"hey, can you help me with this question? i don't really get it.. what, why are you smiling like that? you're the only person i can ask for help!"
episode level up:
"um.. here, i made this for you. oh, you want to know what it does? hehe, you'll find out soon enough, but trust me, it will be very useful to you."
limit break:
"i-i didn't think i'd get this far.. ahem, i'm just so talented, even i don't know what to expect from myself!"
"see, i really am the strongest student here! hey, hey, are you impressed?"
lesson lines (before lesson):
"do i.. really have to go? i-it's n-not like i'm nervous or a-anything! i'll d-definitely get the best grade!"
"hey, can you pick a subject that won't require me using magic? i'm just not really in the mood for it. even geniuses like me need rest!"
"fine, fine, let's go already! i don't want you to blame me for being late."
lesson start:
"watch me, i'm gonna do my best!"
lesson end:
"well, that wasn't hard at all, haha.."
battle start:
"i don't even need magic to win!"
battle win:
"wait, i really did win?.. no, of course, i knew that i'll win!"
◈ ━━━━━━━ ◆ ━━━━━━━ ◈
[ austin's lesson chats ]
[ one of my favorite childhood movies ]
"there was this movie i liked as a kid.. well, my big sister made me watch it with her, so i didn't really have a choice."
"it was about an ancient civilization which was almost destroyed, but the rest of the planet thinks it never existed. so this guy, the protagonist, finds the evidence of it existing and wants to prove that it never was a myth. he gathers a whole team and all of them try to find that place."
"and they do end up finding it! however, there's also this romance subplot with the protagonist and the princess, but whatever, i never really cared about that."
"i never did, trust me. my sister enjoyed it more."
"why did i like it so much then? uh.. well, we didn't have that many movies to watch back then, so i had to force myself to like it.."
"fine, fine, i did like it. i just thought it was cool, do i need a deeper reason? also i found one particular character very relatable, but i won't tell you about her."
"is something wrong?.. oh, other students usually tell the stories they heard in the past or something they read about? so you find me talking to you about this movie weird?"
"w-well, i don't have to be like all those other students! a-and i just thought that you'd find it interesting! whatever, i didn't even want to talk to you!"
".. you think you saw a movie like that before? um, maybe movies from your world and this world are not that different."
[ tell me about your world ]
"even though this world is supposed to be so magical and fantasy-like, it still feels so.. familiar? like my life didn't change at all.."
"i thought i'll have trouble understanding their technology, but i'm actually surprisingly good at it? everyone praises me for it too.."
"AH!.. i-it's you? did you just try to scare me on purpose??"
*sighs* "don't do this ever again. my heart almost stopped because of you."
".. now that sounded like something from a romance anime."
"anyway, forget everything you heard just now. i was just.. reading something out loud."
"by the way, don't you find this world scary? i bet you do, you don't know anything about twisted wonderland, it must be hard to get used to this place."
".. you actually find it interesting? how?? how can you think of it as something fun and exciting?"
"if i was you, i would be terrified. being the only student who can't use magic and who will always be weaker than literally everyone else.. i-i can't imagine how that would feel."
".. you're not scared because you met me? now THIS sounds like something from a romance anime."
"but well.. maybe we aren't so different, after all." *laughs*
[ please, be more careful! ]
"so, as i said before, you have to use this.. are you listening to me?"
"you've been looking at my face for too long. i know that i'm good-looking, but can't you focus on your homework more?"
".. there's a scratch on my cheek?"
"ah, i probably injured myself while working on that invention."
"that happens when i'm too focused on my work, i tend to forget about my surroundings and i don't even feel pain."
"hey, don't compare me to that skater boy from heartslabyul! i'm more careful than him!"
"whatever, it's not something serious. now, let's get back to-"
"it's bleeding?.. w-well, as i said, i don't feel any pain, so don't worry about it too much."
"fine, i'll go and get a bandaid. by the way, this is why you can often see me with bandaids on my face."
"what? you want to take care of it? i told you, don't worry about it, this happens to me all the time."
"you don't have to bring all this stuff! it's just a scratch! i'm afraid how you'd react if i got a papercut."
"you can't focus on studying when i look like this?.. just do it as quickly as possible."
[ i'm not like him at all! ]
austin: *thinking* "ugh, i have to deal with this guy now.."
austin: *thinking* "just ignore him. he's not gonna talk to you anyway, he's too much of a coward to do that."
idia: um.. i'm sorry..
idia: wait, no, y-you're my underclassman, so c-could you show more respect?..
idia: *sobs* ignihyde students have zero respect for their dorm leader these days..
austin: phone screen?.. what are you talking about?
idia: oh, i just noticed that you've been staring at my phone screen every time i play or watch something on it.
idia: d-don't you know anything about p-privacy?? staring at someone's screen like that all the time.. that's way too rude even for someone like you.
austin: *thinking* "i looked at his phone screen, huh.."
austin: *thinking* ".. i hoped he would never notice."
austin: *thinking* "it's all because he has a character from my favorite anime as his phone wallpaper! i just couldn't resist, i got so excited all of a sudden.."
idia: hey.. i am sorry for asking, but..
idia: could you be.. one of us?
austin: i don't even know what you mean, but i don't wanna be a part of whatever that is.
idia: oh, you know what i mean. you're an ignihyde student, after all.
austin: u-um, you mean that i'm good with technology, just like other students, right?..
idia: you like anime.
austin: ...
idia: come on, it's obvious! an intimidating loner like you being into something cute is a classic trope! i bet you like romance anime, don't you? or magical girl-
austin: hey, idia, do you mind if i spill some water on your hair? i'm just curious how it will affect it, because of how "fiery" your hair is.
idia: h-huh?? no, dude, that's not how it works-
austin: oh, really? why don't we test it out then?
[ i just want to know more about you! ]
austin: ...
ortho: hm? is something the matter, austin valiente-san?
ortho: you've been standing there for quite some time.
austin: !!!
austin: uh.. h-hi, ortho. it's nothing serious, i just..
ortho: you're shaking. did something happen? it seems like you're very nervous for some reason.
austin: it's nothing! i just wanted to talk to you, haha..
ortho: oh, really? i'd love to talk to you about anything you want!
ortho: i want to get to know you better. i know quite a lot about other ignihyde students, but your interests and personality is truly a mystery.
austin: and i want to know more about YOU, ortho! t-that's why i'm here actually..
ortho: oh? what do you want to know?
austin: that's a great question, i've prepared a whole list!
austin: but basically, i just want to know more about how you work and how you were built.
austin: you're comfortable with that, right? listen, i know others find me scary, but i'm not gonna hurt you or anything-
austin: *thinking* "though i'm curious to see how your insides look, haha.."
ortho: i don't mind at all! actually, even though other students find you a bit scary, i think you're a very nice person.
austin: t-thank you!.. now, i'll read my first question-
ortho: i'm so sorry, but nii-san is calling me. he needs to tell me something.
austin: uh, well, can't he just send a message?..
ortho: no, he says i need to talk to him in person. i am truly sorry, can we talk about it later? i promise to answer any questions you might have.
austin: *sighs* okay, thank you..
austin: *thinking* "this guy is just too scared for ortho to let me talk to him.."
[ can you stop being weird at least for one second?? ]
austin: ugh, it's you.
merrill: i'm glad to see you too, austin-chan.
austin: stop calling me that! why do you always say my name like that?
merrill: oh well, your reactions are just too entertaining for me to stop.
austin: fine, i'll start calling you that too then!
austin: *clears his throat* hey, merrill-chan~ how are you doing today, did you miss me?~
merrill: ...
merrill: *starts laughing*
austin: w-what's so funny??
merrill: i'm sorry, it's just- *can't stop laughing*
merrill: you really are too cute for this world, austin-chan.
austin: shut up or i will break your phone right this second and i won't even think of fixing it.
merrill: hey, you can break anything you want, but not my phone!
merrill: because if you break my phone, you'll also break my heart..
austin: .. i think i just lost like half of my braincells just from that sentence alone.
austin: why is your phone so important to you anyway? aren't you a bit too obsessed with it?
merrill: isn't it natural for people nowadays to be obsessed with their phones?
austin: well, your behavior just seems a bit.. unhealthy. it's like you're hiding something there and you're afraid to lose it.
merrill: haha, aren't you a smart one, austin-chan?
merrill: but i bet you're hiding something very important on your phone too.
austin: .. whatever. just don't call me that weird nickname ever again, okay?
merrill: oh, would you like to call me "austin-sama", since you're so great and all?
austin: *thinking* "it doesn't sound that bad actually.. but i don't want merrill to be the one saying it!"
[ he sees right through me ]
austin: hey, i'm done with that request of yours. take it, it should work properly now.
avery: ... *nods*
austin: what, you're not even gonna thank me? do you even know who i am?
avery: i know who you are, that's why i asked YOU to fix it!
avery: i don't trust any other ignihyde student with my stuff anyway.
austin: so why am i still not hearing words of gratitude? come on, say it!
avery: what are you gonna get from it? i doubt that you just want to teach me proper manners or something like that.
avery: .. ah, i see. you just want to be praised, aren't you?
austin: huh??
avery: it all makes sense now. that's why you keep making everyone beg for your help and you make them say "thank you" repeatedly.
avery: it makes you feel good about yourself, right? you like the fact that everyone here is scared of you, it makes you feel more powerful than you really are.
austin: what are you saying?? ugh, i shouldn't have never helped someone like you!
austin: do you think i have such a low self-esteem that i'm okay with doing something like that??
avery: yes.
avery: .. i know that from experience.
austin: ...
austin: just.. take this thing already and leave. it's better if people don't see us, my reputation is too important, i can't let an ex-rsa student ruin it.
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anxiouspineapple99 · 1 year
Of Healing and Breaking Again
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Summary: On a mission for Cid The Batch encounter an unlikely potential ally. Assuming they can come to trust each other.
Pairing: Tech x FemJedi!OC
Word Count: 2668
Warnings: trauma, nightmares/night terrors, death of younglings, Order 66
A/N: this has gone through many iterations so far. Expect this to be a bit of a slow burn because 1. I love in depth relationship building. And 2. I have ADHD and a kid so I WILL get distracted at some point. I’ll be pulling lore from Legends because I love those damn books so much. Also some timeline fudging to make things work. I am pretty fond of this OC. If you like her and want more info I can create a separate post detailing more of her history to link with this. Also not proofread so apologies and advance for any mistakes. Dreams and internal monologues will be italicized.
Finished this one? Here is Chapter 2!
REVISED: 02/21/24
Chapter 1 Or The One Where We All Met
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The weather of the island Clone Force 99 made their landing on was balmy and tropical. The morning sun shining through the viewport warmed Tech and Echo’s faces as Tech skillfully maneuvered the Havoc Marauder into a tight clearing amidst the lush and fragrant flora. 
Hunter patiently waited as Tech chattered to Echo about modifications he was planning on making to the hyperdrive of the Marauder and the name, genus, and importance of a nearby tree that was visible from his seat. Once Tech paused long enough to catch his breath, Hunter began to brief them on the scant information Cid gave him for their mission. 
“So far all Cid has said is the planet has a higher than usual Empire presence right now. She says she will contact us in seven rotations with more instructions.” He grunted as his mounting frustration with Cid’s ‘need to know’ method of feeding them crucial information gnawed at him.
Omega spun in the seat behind Echo, the excitement of exploring  a new environment practically oozed from her. Hunter smiled softly at her before continuing, “While we wait, we will replenish what we need and Tech will take care of any repairs. Lay low, please.” Hunter paused and looked Omega in the eye with a cocked eyebrow.
She sighed and rolled her eyes as she pulled her knees to her chin. “Fine,” she grumbled before catching Wrecker’s mischievous glance over Hunter’s shoulder.
Hunter nodded. “Thank you. Tech? What can you tell us about this place?”
 “Iveon IV. According to the available information, we have landed on one of the smaller islands, Aiti. It is the only island that is inhabited. The majority of the population lives on the proper continent which is approximately 3,756 klicks east of here. It stands to reason that our target will be located on the mainland, however this island is going to be an ideal location to lay low. Iveon IV remained neutral during the war, however it is unknown if they have maintained that stance with the Empire. I am not confident with the increase in Empire occupation.” Tech returned his attention to the control panel, running diagnostics while noting what enhancements he could make to the ship while they waited to hear from Cid.
 “At least we landed somewhere with good weather this time,” Echo said dryly with a cheeky grin.
 “Lucky us,” Hunter huffed with an amused smile.
“What a beautiful day. Perfect for meditating in the gardens.”
“Why hello there, Doctor Leto!”
“Master Kenobi! How are you today?”
“I’m well! Taking a break from medbay and nursery minding duties I see.”
“Yes, master! I am on night shift for medbay this evening and then night shift tomorrow for the nursery.”
“Avery, you are a brave soul voluntarily taking on nursery duty.”
“They’re fun. I enjoy it!”
“You may also be a little insane my dear.”
“Very funny, master.”
“I’ll leave you to your meditation!”
“Good-bye master Kenobi!”
She waved as she sat cross-legged in the shade of the Icus leaf. She heard the older younglings laughing as they trained in the nearby courtyard. She breathed in the sweet breeze as it blew her cool ashy brown curls around her face. She reached out into the Force and immediately recoiled.
The breeze shifted from fresh and sweet to sour and heavy almost instantly. The Jedi Temple was silent. Too silent. And then the screams began.
“The younglings!”
 Leaping to her feet, she drew her saber, the teal plasma blade igniting with a hum. She raced to the courtyard but she was too late. At her feet lay several slain younglings. She trembled at the scene before her. Another cold wave gripped her stomach when she had a realization. 
“The nursery! I have to get to the nursery! They’re too small! I have to get to them!” She raced toward the Jedi Temple to get to the youngest of the residents. As she skidded into a corridor, she came face to face with a clone trooper she didn’t recognize.
“Trooper! Thank the Force! Are you okay? What’s happening?”  Instead of an answer, she was met with the business end of a blaster. She recoiled, throwing her hands in the air instinctively, “Whoa, trooper! We’re on the same side! I am your ally!” She glanced at the weapon pointed in her face and could see an uncharacteristic tremor. “Lower your weapon,” she continued, “We are on the same side.”
“In accordance with Order 66, all Jedi are to be executed for treason against the Galactic Republic,” the trooper recited, voice quaking.
“Treason? What are you talking about? We are on the same side!” she repeated, becoming frantic.
“I’m sorry, general,” the trooper whispered. Instinctively, she Force pushed him into a wall, knocking him unconscious but not killing him. “And I am sorry too, trooper.” Then she ran.
The corridors of the temple felt like an impossible maze. It was as if she had never set foot inside despite having lived there her entire life. After what felt like an eternity, she was at the door of the temple nursery where the youngest of the younglings stayed. It was silent and she felt ill. Slowly she opened the door already knowing  what she would see. Small beds overturned, toys scattered, and not a single living soul within those walls. It appeared that some were lucky enough to have escaped. But others were not. She collapsed to her knees, tears flowed, and she screamed in agony. She should have saved them. She was too late.
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Hyperventilating, Avery threw herself upright in bed, her pillow soaked with sweat and tears. The few belongings she had were strewn across her room as she had Force thrown it all in the brief, violently fitful moment between waking and sleep. On the windowsill perched a small loth-cat, swishing her tail in agitation. 
“Sorry Nuna. Seems like the nightmares are back,” she huffed as she caught her breath again. “And I was doing so well there for a bit. At least I had the wherewithal to remove the heavy furniture after the last time. We were cleaning up wood splinters for days after that one, weren’t we, girl?” 
She climbed out of bed and gave her companion a hearty ear rub. Grateful that this time she’d only launched some clothing and a few pillows, she tidied up and made her way to the kitchen. She started the caf while she fed Nuna but she couldn’t shake the nagging anxiety that lingered. She stared blankly as her mind weaved endless questions and stirred up old fears. The feeling of Nuna’s soft fur wrapping around her ankles grounded her again.
“Let’s take it easy today, okay?” 
She scratched the tooka’s head again and she purred happily. After pouring her cup of caf, she shuffled out the front door and plopped into the small chair she kept next to the small tree in front of her home. The fluffy canopy of leaves filtered the morning sun into soft kisses along her face. The beauty of the morning did nothing to ease the crushing ache of grief permeating her chest like a rancor standing on her. Grief. An emotion she’d never learned to process. An emotion she’d rarely experienced until three years ago. And every nightmare reopened those wounds anew, forcing her to relive and reshove the pain deep into the box in her mind.
 Distraction and redirection. That was her plan. She’d check the intel she was secretly gathering, and if the Empire knew her locale, she’d leave. After several unsuccessful minutes of trying to decode Imperial chatter, she pulled up a holonovel. If she couldn’t focus on the work, she’d focus on some light entertainment. Anything to ignore the crushing pain in her chest. Too sensitive, they’d told her. She was too sensitive. She cursed herself for feeling so deeply, especially in moments when she felt the pain burrowing down into the deepest parts of her soul.
She managed a chuckle as Nuna dashed out the door and toward the nearby wooded area. She sipped her caf as Nuna’s fluffy tail vanished into the brush, assuming a rat had caught the runty loth-cat’s nose. However, Nuna’s hunt was for something much larger.
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Nuna weaved under bushes and through the trees chasing insects and small birds. She emerged in the clearing where the Marauder was resting. She was keenly aware of where she was going and who she needed to find. It was said that the loth-cats of Lothal were Force sensitive and the tiny furry terror was no exception.
She cautiously approached, sniffing the air curiously. Her ears twitched, hearing the voices coming from inside. She stealthily made her way up the boarding ramp. Peeking her head inside the ship, she sniffed again and took inventory of her surroundings. She crept to the open cockpit door and slipped inside. After a brief inspection of the boots of the men seated in the pilot and copilot seats she made a leap of faith into Echo’s lap. Echo flinched, throwing his arms up in shock.
“Whoa! What the—! Uuuh, Tech?” 
Tech glanced over at the co-pilot seat and saw the small loth-cat rubbing her face contentedly into Echo’s chest plate. 
Adjusting his goggles, Tech quipped “It would appear, Echo, that you have made a new friend.” He reached over and gave the critter a friendly chin scratch. 
Echo sat still, staring wide-eyed at the loth-cat purring in his lap, “Yeah, but where did it come from?” 
The brothers pondered for a moment and in a moment of realization looked at each other and in unison exclaimed “Omega!”
“Yeah?” she answered, poking her blonde head in the doorway.
Echo lifted the loth-cat gently and held her out, “Did you let this on the ship?” 
Nuna purred louder, trying to communicate that she meant no harm.
 “No way! Is that a tooka? Wrecker! Wrecker come see this! Echo has a tooka!” she yelled. 
Echo scrunched his nose as he gestured with his scomp, Nuna still purring in his left hand. “Wait what? No! Echo does NOT have a tooka! I mean, yes technically I have a tooka, but someone else let it in here!” 
Omega bounded into the cockpit and snatched Nuna from Echo, rubbing her face in her soft fur.  
Tech turned his head to face them, “Specifically, that is a loth-cat, a subspecies of the tooka. It is not indigenous to this planet which means one of two things: it is someone’s missing pet or loth-cats were brought here, reproduced, and are now considered part of the local fauna.” Nuna wriggled free of Omega. She jumped to Tech’s shoulder, rubbing against his goggles and cheek purring. “Judging by how friendly this one is, I postulate this is someone’s pet.”
“Did someone say ‘tooka’?!” Wrecker bellowed excitedly as he stepped into the cockpit, Hunter right behind him.
Nuna was enthralled by the new humans the Force had guided her to and was determined to meet each one. Jumping from Tech’s shoulder, to the armrest, and then the floor she trotted up to Wrecker and climbed his leg like she was climbing a tree.
“Bahaha, that tickles!” Wrecker scooped up Nuna and brought her in for a cuddle. She chirped and gave his cheek a lick. Hunter chuckled as he flanked Wrecker’s left. 
Hunter reached over to give her a pet, “So which one of you let this on the ship? Echo?”
“Not me! We were just trying to figure that out. Tech and I thought Omega did.” Echo pointedly replied.
“Not me either! But if she’s lost we need to help her find her way home!” Omega’s face was filled with concern.
“Kid, it’s great you want to help but we have a mission for Cid to prepare for. We have no idea where this came from. It would be like finding a skud in a krill pond.”
“We could always...keep it,” Wrecker sheepishly suggested.
 “No. Absolutely not.”
“Awww come on Hunter! Wook how cute it is!” Wrecker cooed as he pressed the loth-cat in his hands to his face. True to her feline nature, Nuna finally had enough attention and jumped to the floor. She wrapped herself around the legs of each member of the Batch and made her way to the door. She stopped and looked back, mewing enthusiastically.
“I think she wants us to follow her!”
“Omega, you want us to follow a loth-cat?”
“Omega! Wait!”
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Nuna bounded out of the thicket with Omega close behind her. Her excited chirps and meows pulled Avery from her reading. She laughed softly at the sight of a young blond girl trailing Nuna with a brilliant smile. Avery dipped her hand down to greet her little companion and Nuna licked her fingers affectionately. 
“Welcome home Nuna! It seems you’ve made a new friend.” Scooping up Nuna she smiled at Omega, “Hello there! I’m Avery. Thanks for getting this little troublemaker home! She’s a little too curious for her own good.”
“You’re welcome! She’s really cute! I’m Ome—“
“OMEGA!” The Batch came barreling from the tree line, wide-eyed and out of breath. “Kid, we really need you to stop running off like that. Please for the love of all that is good please stop doing that.”
“Sorry Hunter, but I found out her name is Nuna!”
The Batch stood immobile, sharing glances between each other before Wrecker spoke up, “Uuuhhh hi Nuna?” 
Avery let a giggle slip as he hesitantly extended his hand to her. 
“Actually this is Nuna,” she lifted the loth-cat to eye level, “My name is Avery, Doctor Avery Leto to be precise. Resident physician for our little village.”
Avery put Nuna back down and placed her hands on her hips, gingerly reaching out with the Force.
They’re…family. Siblings. They are…clones! Kriff. 
Her stomach lurched. The nightmares. Had they been warning her? Was her connection to the Force so battered she missed the message entirely? Her eyes darted to each of them, quickly scanning for any sign of recognition that she was a Jedi.
Avery shrank back slightly before regaining her composure. The tall one with goggles glanced up from his datapad and scrutinized her reaction as Hunter’s shoulders relaxed and the deep furrow in his brow softened. He donned a warm smile and stepped forward, “I’m Hunter. This is Echo, Tech, Wrecker, and—“
She stepped backward, only slightly, as Hunter moved toward her. 
“Omega, right? She and I were just getting acquainted when you boys arrived,” Avery answered, just a bit too quickly as her nerves bled through her voice. She forced a smile through her quickly fraying composure.
“Yeah that’s right. Sorry if we caused you any trouble. We are just planet side for a…package retrieval. The kid just got excited about your—er— Nuna.” Hunter’s voice was soft, in an attempt to be reassuring.
“No trouble at all.” Avery’s shoulders relaxed. She didn’t realize she’d been so tense. “Would you like to come in? You all look exhausted and starving.” 
“Appreciate the offer but we do have to get back to our ship. We have work to do.” Wrecker grumbled and Hunter jabbed him with an elbow before continuing, “We will be here a few more days though, so maybe we can take you up on that later.” 
Hunter affably waved and Echo gave a polite “ma’am” as they turned to make their departure. She stood frozen, not daring to move until she was certain they were out of sight. She heaved a deep sigh, relieved they hadn’t taken her up on her offer. 
“Well Nuna, they seem very kind. And they didn’t seem like any clones I’ve met before.” Avery paused and breathed heavily. “I—-I don’t think they recognize me as a Jedi. Let’s try to keep it that way.” She scooped up the loth-cat and ambled back inside. “I think I need some serious meditation tonight, my furry friend. The Force and I need to have a lengthy conversation.”
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Reblog graphic image courtesy of @vimse & @freesia-writes
Star dividers from @saradika
Tech helmet from @djarrex
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All (current) Si ships
Get ready, this post'll be a doozy! Since it'll be long, it'll be under the cut! More will probably be added eventually as I go through more blogs/play more games, and maybe one day I'll get through the enormous backlog of art I've gotten myself into.
Also, some of these vary on lore and some vary on au, I like to think of a lot of scenarios for both writing and rp purposes and sometimes ships just happen, lol!
Here we go!
Ezra x Si (main pairing admittedly)
Exra x Si x Chris (Guard Dogs au)
Ezra x Si x Bess
Si x Bess
Si x Steph (accidentally angsty but also cute besties to lovers)
Si x Steph xBess
Si x Sammy (⚠️horny⚠️)
Si x Chris
Si x Chris x (unknown character in universe 👀)
Si x Adam
Si x Cain (*cough* biased towards this one)
Si x Alan
Si x Stu (mostly were au, but some in game angst hohoho)
Si x Friend
Si x Carter
Si x Z (this one is NEW- were!Z though *knuckle bite*)
Favor VN
Si x Z (wow, two Z's)
Si x Ray
Si x Haley
Double Vision x Si (angsty and not a Good Route)
Be My Muse (LMRY)
Si x Zecharias
Si x Salvador (waiting on more lore but Sal and his cute lil tsundere crush- *gets pelted with a violin bow*)
Si x Jack/Jacktor
Si x Shaun (da-
Si x Nick(-ddies)
Si x Ian (ex-boyfriend and angsty purposes until more lore is dropped)
Si x Bo
Hot Killer Babes (VERY NEW -thanks Lily lol)
Si x Diva
Si x Eddie (?) (Si would have a hard time with the whole enemies to lovers souly for the fact that Si would see that Eddie didn’t like him, try and avoid him as much as possible and get the project done asap, then realize that Diva and Eddie were twins and curse the world for his luck in having to hang out with Eddie more just for Diva and because he has a hard time telling people no without a good excuse lol. Getting past that, I think they could be cute, but Si wouldn’t believe Eddie at first if they got to the confession stage and would think it would be some sorta joke at first because rumors tend to spread that way and he’d think that Eddie was only hanging out with him for Diva’s sake.)
Blackberry Winter
Si x Conrad
Si x Keith
Si x Damien
Si x Harper
Mushroom Oasis
Si x Mychael
Yan ocs w/o a game
Krow x Si (@ thekrows-nest) (new)
Vic x Si (@ starsetven) (new)
Avery X Si (@ starsetven) (new)
Si x Miles (my oc)
BG3 (Si’s a Teifling btw uwu)
Si x Will x Karlach (trying for this in current play through, but will be happy with just Karlach lol)
Si x Halsin
Si x Astrion (not romanced in game yet)
Si x Douglas (this one got deleted while saving drafts from my phone to my laptop oops)
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despicablediet · 3 months
Chapters: 9/? Fandom: Vampyr (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Geoffrey McCullum/Jonathan Reid, Geoffrey McCullum & Jonathan Reid, Jonathan Reid & Edgar Swansea Characters: Geoffrey McCullum, Jonathan Reid, Edgar Swansea, Dorothy Crane | Dorothea Craciunescu, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Guard of Priwen Characters (Vampyr), Old Bridget (Vampyr), Gwyneth Branagan, Emelyne Reid, Avery Cork, Clarence Crossley, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: No Civilian Kills | Not Even Once, Enemies to Friends, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Expanded lore, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Guard of Priwen - Freeform, POV Alternating, Betrayal, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Post-Canon Summary:
Months have passed since the end of the Skal epidemic. London was saved - but is still not safe. Something is working in the shadows, waking in depth unknown, and before long, those who were enemies will have to join forces. Geoffrey and Jonathan face old and new foes, magic and powers beyond any control,... and have to come to terms with their own devils.
The last bite is always the sweetest xp Nah, kidding. As far as I had chapters saved up, that's it. So now I gotta work with renewed motivation on chapter 10!
So enjoy this chapter in particular :3
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I've been thinking about Benji x Emery again, and my brain did a sad, so now, I must share the sad.
So, I think it's fair to assume Emerys brothers (mainly Avril but possibly Avery) wouldn't exactly be all that thrilled if they found out their brother was in a relationship with another guy. Yes, lgbt were a bit more accepted around the 1900s than many would think, but there was definitely still some discrimination and judgment, especially in the South. And from what we know, (or at least, what Tracy has stated in the past) they brothers were raised with parents who both believed there was a certain way things should be done and how one should live their life, as well as being defensive of their ways of living and suspicious of those outside the family and ways that were unfamiliar to them. There's a very high likelihood that this was heavily passed down to the brothers, meaning they most likely arnt the most accepting of concepts (such as men dating other men) that are foreign to them.
Now that I've gotten through the lore aspect of it:
Imagine Emery and Benji having feelings for each other for years but never bringing it up. For Benji, it's because he's worried about how Emery would react and that it would ruin their friendship. For Emery, it's out of fear of how his brothers would react.
Anon I'm not gonna lie, I thought it was a ship between two different fankids who despite the different universes have the same dad FGHGFDFGH (I am SO GLAD its not the case)
Aside from that, I love this concept. While I do wish people were more accepting of things in this universe (but I am glad there's a part of people that do!!) this is some good angst potential. I would like to think of an angsty ending for this, but fluff sits nice.
im so sorry this reply is short, I'm very limited to knowledge about the pig farmers :D
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waterfall-ambience · 1 year
Perpetua Naming Significance
One of the general rules for Perpetua is that names have power, and that every character's name has to be meaningful to some extent.
And this one got really long so it's going under the cut
Damien Vexx - In universe, his name was chosen out of a list of first names and surnames picked out by the Wither King. 'Damien' was included because it sounds like 'demon', though it is etymologically unrelated. 'Vexx' as a surname comes from the word 'vex' (to annoy), just with an extra 'x' because it looks cooler.
On a meta level, this is supposed to be reflective of how he's largely ineffectual as a villain. There's also a few other Damien/Damians in media who are either meant to be evil (Thorn (The Omen)), antiheroes (Wytte (Hooky) or bratty kids to some extent (Wayne (DC), Desmond (Spy x Family)). I learned of many of them after having named Damien Vexx, but it solidifies my decision.
(Captain) Ignacio Javier Luna - I wanted his name to be Filipino-Spanish-sounding, so I picked names from my personal life. 'Ignacio' was one of the names my parents were considering when naming my younger brother (and he's a bit salty that they didn't do it, because he thinks it's a cool name. And it is). 'Javier' was originally going to be 'Xavier' because 'haha Xisuma connections', but I changed it so it'd flow better. The name 'Javier' was also the second name of a 'golden boy' classmate of mine, so to me at least, there's an association with success.
In terms of meaning, the religious associations arose naturally (Saint Ignatius, Saint Francis Xavier), as did the association with fire (to complement Damien's lightning) and celestial bodies. His name helped inform his entire vibe.
The 'Luna' surname was taken from the Filipino revolutionaries Antonio and Juan Luna. In a Filipino cultural context, the shared surname is mostly to signal that yeah, Captain Luna is important. Pay attention to him.
The in-universe lore is that one of Captain Luna's ancestors blew up the enemy moon ship during a war against an evil space empire, and people started calling him 'Luna' as a reference to that.
Edward Marlowe (The Wither King)- If Captain Luna is meant to be Filipino, the Wither King had to be white (no specific heritage in mind). Both names are English in origin, 'Edward' meaning 'rich guard' as a reference to how his family was supposed to guard the Star Crystal that became the Perpetua Key. 'Marlowe' means 'the remains of a lake' according to the baby name sites, which creates an association with decay, while also kinda sounding like it could belong to an old money family.
Helen - We could go into mythological associations, but we won't. I needed a name that sounded fairly mature and 'normal', in comparison to a lot of other characters. MCR provided. Being undead, she changes her name and identity as she sees fit (because she can), so she doesn't really carry a surname anymore. Though if she were to use one for whatever reason, it'd be either Baycock, Ashtoreth, or Harrison, depending on her mood (references to The Omen and Good Omens).
Avery Tan - As a trans guy, he named himself. He took advantage of his surname to make it sound like a pun on 'Everyman' (to poke fun at him being 'ordinary', it's also his superhero name), though etymologically his name has nothing to do with being generic. 'Avery' is derived from names that have to do with magic (elves, fairies). He doesn't have anything to do with the fae, either (not like Alice or Riza). He just liked it, partly because the name was gender neutral and it gives him some degree of plausible deniability if he doesn't want to come out to someone, or as well as being flexible in case he feels different about his gender identity.
The surname 'Tan' was originally picked from people I knew IRL.
Minerva Tan - 'Minerva' - Roman form of the Greek goddess Athena. Her parents named her this in the hopes that she'd be intelligent, and boy howdy, she was.
Alice Hallward - Part of her backstory is that she was the protagonist of a portal fantasy as a child, so the name Alice ('Alice in Wonderland') felt like a natural choice. 'Hallward' is a nod to my current favourite fictional painter, Basil Hallward from 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'.
Riza - She was created to fill in for Alice and live her life while Alice was going on adventures and trying to get back to Fairyland. Being derived directly from Alice, we're playing by 'Shadows House' rules where their names intentionally sound similar. Riza's name was derived like this: Alice -> Alis -> Lisa -> Riza (original -> sound -> name ('too soft') -> name (more fitting to personality)).
Icarus Noctua - Another mythological name, because I can't help myself. He was originally meant to be something of a 'Grian meets Victor Frankenstein' type of character for my DnD character's backstory, though the campaign didn't push through. Frankenstein is sometimes called 'the modern Prometheus', so I chose the name 'Icarus' to reflect his hubris. 'Noctua' means 'owl' in Latin, because sometimes you've gotta double down on the bird/flying associations when creating Grian expies LOL.
Newton - Immediate association with Isaac Newton, though Perpetua's Newton isn't a scientist but an architect instead. Icarus gave this name to him in order bind his demonic consciousness to a robotic body. As per demonic naming traditions, his name was Rotanev, after the star. He eventually embraces both mortal and demonic names.
Phobos Abaddon (The Knight of the Nine Circles)- 'Phobos' after the Martian moon, and meaning 'fear'. 'Abaddon', meaning 'ruin or destruction'. Truly one of the stereotypical demon characters ever.
Not everyone with a celestial name is a demon, but if they're a demon, their name is probably celestial in origin (eg Betelgeuse).
As of now I haven't quite fleshed out his Perpetua counterpart in terms of their relationship, but his name is Gavin (derived from Gawain, the knight from Arthurian Legend, who was sometimes described as 'brave but hot-headed' in the surrounding literature).
Augustin Ambrosio Luna - 'Augustin', having general religious but also Catholic associations (Saint Augustine), as well as in my personal experience, being common among younger brothers. His second name, 'Ambrosio' is the real kicker though because it's derived from 'Ambrosios', meaning 'immortal'.
The irony is that Augustin isn't the immortal Luna sibling, in fact, he's so Not Immortal, the most important thing about him is that he's dead. Not undead like Helen is, but fully dead, in part because Ignacio did his best to erase him from Perpetua's history so the gods couldn't try to tamper with his memory by resurrecting him.
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mysticaidenanimatez · 7 months
I don't even know what my tspud au is anymore 😭
I don't think there's any lore to it really
Besides the fact that Chris is dead
Stanley is slowly going insane
Tk is in eternal pain
Mariella is unaware that this is a game
Curator & Narry hate and love each other at the same time (platonically)
Avery is just a side character with no lore whatsoever
The bucket is just.. the bucket. (That's a lie, I'll explain bucket lore later.)
Chris x stanley because yes. (Why tf do you think stanley likes going into the broom closet? Because Chris is always in the broom closet :3)
Stanley has died countless times.
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karis17love · 10 months
Just Dance 30 Day Challenge Thread:
Credits to @Achillean_Koi [From Instagram & X (Twitter)]! <3
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Day 1
My opinion changes all the time, but at the moment it's "Bloody Mary" and "Boss Witch". I love the mystery in both of these maps.
Day 2
"Dark Horse" from Just Dance 2015! Uuu, that's such a good map! I remember that me and my cousin had a problem with setting up the ps4 camera and we choose this one as a test, because "it looks easy!". Well at that time - it wasn't for us, lmao
Day 3
→ Cover - "Boss Witch", duh! This is the best cover that JD Team has done in their entire career, imo
→ Official Song - idk, but I think "Paca Dance", I mean - it's so goofy and funny, so cute *-*
Day 4
Since JD has lore, it's Jack Rose and Night Svan - I'm just so curious about their story and aside from them I adore Mothigan.
Day 5
Just Dance 2015, because it was my first JD game ever, it has amazing songs and I feel nostalgic in general - ahh memories!!
Day 6
Uuu, nice question... I think, it's Eternyx and Carnivallium. Eternyx - I love dark atmosphere, songs and maps & Carnivallium - because I'm very curious about it + I like all these lights on maps, lol
Day 7
Just Chacarron... This explains it all... Like this whole Chaccaron vs Zooby Doo thing?! Also these one from JD's account & a few of mine
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Day 8
Definitely "Animals" extreme - it's fast, it has a lot of wild (?) moves, it's intense and gosh, that flip on the floor, but still - it's one of the best extremes in this game, imo
Day 9
This was my second time getting "all perfects" in a song (I don't remember the first one, so I don't count it) so yeah... I'm honestly very proud of it❤🥰
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Day 10
→ "Bloody Mary" - JD 2023
→ "Freed From Desire" & "Boss Witch" - JD 2022
→ "Summer" Classic - JD 2015
Day 11
→ "Me And My Broken Heart" - JD 2015
→ "The Way I Are" - JD 2021
→ "Gibberish" - JD 2016
→ "Rock Lobster" - JD 4 (yes.)
Day 12
Guys, why are ALL trios in this game so good!?!
→ "Jopping & Black Mamba" Extreme - JD 2022
→ "Get Ugly" - JDU (2016/2017?)
→ "Wannabe" Extreme - JD 2023
Day 13
Just Iconic!
→ "Drum Go Dum" - JD 2021
→ "Boombayah" Extreme - JD 2022
→ "Best Song Ever" - JD 2015
→ "I Was Made For Lovin' You" - JD 3
Day 14
Good question! Hmm, I definitely love the Showdown season, it was so good and unexpected that I hope it will appear again in the future, also Astral & Versus are perfect
Day 15
These ones are amazing! But I think all fanarts in this community are incredible! <33
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Day 16
Honestly all the avatars in this game are just beautiful, unlocking them (like from all the rewards) gives me the most joy!
My favorites: Red So, Jinx and Felicia!
Day 17
Just Dance x Eurovision for sure
Day 18
"China" from JD 2022. The map is just too long...
Day 19
Redoo, T.Dancer and JAMAA are just so incredible and talented!
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Day 20
→ "Rabiosa" & "Hangover" - JD 2016
→ "On The Floor" - JD 4
I used to play them many times as a teenager, as well as now
Day 21
I don't have a favorite, but I really like the second gold move in "Get Busy"
Day 22
Honestly, I try to watch every creator of the community, discover new channels etc. However, it was Littlesiha and TheFairyDina who helped me the most, I learned a lot by watching their videos, they brought back my passion for dancing. So if you don't know them, I really recommend checking out their channels:
Littlesiha ↓
TheFairyDina ↓
Also check these amazing people ↓ TeamCenterStage
Day 23
... "Get Down" - JD 2021
Day 24
I don't know what it means, but the best moment for me is waiting every year for new previews and the game, I love this feeling of excitement...
Day 25 & 26
Underrated / Overrated
"Radioactive" - JD 2023 / "Kiss Me More" - JD 2022
Day 27
→ "Happier Than Ever" - JD 2022
Day 28
Liza Friday from Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) - JD 2022
Mainly, because she's shy like me
Day 29
Every Rihanna's map! Please, bring back, our queen
Day 30 & The Last
Well, I don't have a specific one I'd like, but any Jann's song would be awesome, but also for a long time, I've wanted any Tini's song. It would be nice if there was a phonk song or another polish (good) song added - because it's in my language🤷‍♀️
Okay, that's all! Thank you for reading this thread! <33
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cyber-dump-171 · 2 years
Chapter 9: Aftermath
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Left for Carnage (Twisted Wonderland x Reader)
← Chapter 8 | Masterlist | Chapter 10 →
Word count: 4.1 k.
WARNING: mentions of a cult, ritual circle, beasts, injuries, scars, cursing, and possession.
Note: I believe that one more chapter and heartslabyul’s story comes to an end. Here is where I completely I derived a lot from the original story because I want to insert a little more of the beasts and lore of the world. Again, thank you very much for your support! It is very nice to read your comments! :D
“Enma? What?”, somewhat dizzy, you try to place your body in a sitting position, however, as soon as you lift up your torso just a little bit, a sharp pain shoots through your body and you immediately fall back down with a groan. The room spins momentarily, the colors and shapes mixing together, and for a second you think you're drunk, but you close your eyes and let out deep breaths as you feel something warm press on your shoulder.
“It’s okay, (Y/N), take it easy. The magic is still doing its work, you should be able to move normally in about half an hour", you open your eyes and turn your head to see Yuuken, who hasn't changed a bit since the last time you saw him, which was almost a year ago. He still has the same haircut and neutral expression that used to scare and intimidate the crap out of new trainees.
It’s funny, really, the contrast between his intimidating appearance and his personality since he’s a very determined and caring guy that worries about his friends and will do anything to help even a stranger. It sucks that many coworkers never trusted and insulted him behind his back due to his lack of magic. Yuuken had incredible abilities that saved the lives of many.
"Enma... What are you doing here? I thought you were still living on Sage's Island with Crowley," you say in a sleepy voice and Yuuken lets out a small laugh. "You address me so formally that it seems like we're not friends anymore," even though he says it in jest, you shake your head quickly. "Ah, sorry! I'm still kind of asleep," the boy laughs again and places his hand on your head, ruffling your hair even more.
"Sorry, I think it was a tasteless joke, I know we are still good friends," he gives you a sweet smile and your nerves calm down. "Anyway, I'm still living with dad but I got an urgent call from Rook in the wee hours of the morning, saying that you were seriously injured by a monster," Yuuken takes his hand off your head and places it on his lap. "I was going to come with the guild a little later because Lord Rosehearts contacted us for security but because of the call, I came as soon as possible."
At the mention of Riddle, your eyes widen like saucers and your stomach turns to tie itself in knots. Shit! The memories come rushing back to you and you immediately worry about the boys and Avery. Where is she? Surely the person to contact Rook was Epel, but what about the mission? How the hell could they explain your injuries and the woman who accompanied you? Noticing your concern, Yuuken again instructs you to take deep breaths until your nerves go away.
Despite following his technique, your mind is not at ease. You are afraid, so afraid that you have completely messed up this mission. However, it was necessary, as Avery is the beginning of the answers to the questions you have. After a few minutes, you let out one last deep sigh and open your eyes to look at the black-haired man again. "That's what I failed to explain. When I arrived, there was a guy with glasses and he was treating your wounds in the ward. A boy, I think his name was Epel, explained to me what happened and well... Riddle found out about everything," you close your eyes and curse under your breath. Damn it. Yuuken gently grabs your wrist to regain your attention once again.
"What surprised me is that apparently... Prince Malleus followed us," your eyes widen in surprise, and nodding your head, you encourage him to continue. "I don't know what the hell happened, because he took Riddle away to his study and I didn't even bother to ask him, I just helped the boy heal your wounds. Avery went with a small team from the guild, they're going to heal her wounds and question her," you place your hand over his and look directly into his eyes, an idea coming into your head. You are relieved to know that Avery is in safe hands, but now you must know why Malleus is here.
"Do you think... D-do you think he might have changed the course of the mission or that something serious has happened?", you think that Rook probably called the prince and Malleus has deemed Riddle to be in grave danger. Yuuken shakes his head and lets out a sigh. "If I'm being honest, I haven't the slightest idea. The prince is already mysterious and you can never predict his intentions. And I've known him since I was a little boy".
The only way to get answers is to go straight to the study, you will never satisfy your doubts if you stay in bed questioning. You let go of Yuuken's hand and turn your body towards the ceiling of the room, you start to get up slowly, leaning on your forearms and elbows. 
Noticing your actions, Enma quickly rises from his place and extends his hands for you to grab, helping you up from the comfortable bed. Your bare feet touch the hard wooden floor, sending shivers down your back. "Are you sure you can walk?" the young man asks in a concerned tone, and you nod. "I've suffered worse, this is nothing."
With enough strength, you stand up and almost fall again, as your legs immediately wobble and remind you of the night before, when they felt like jelly and then you collapsed. But this time, Yuuken is with you and you wrap yourself around his shoulder, using him as a support beam. "Just like old times, huh?" you say with a smile. The man nods back.
"Just like old times, partner."
The two of you slowly walk towards the door, Yuuken gently indicating to you to take it slow since your injuries are still freshly healed. You get to the door and extend your hand, grasping the golden worn-out doorknob and gently turning it, the wooden door opening with a creak. The two of you step outside of the room and from the corner of your eye, you can see various figures leaning against the wall. And then you hear a small gasp.
"(Y/N)! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!", what a warm greeting from Epel. The young man sprints towards you and tackles you into a hug. You let go of Yuuken's shoulders to hug back the apple boy. "You scared the shit out of me, don't ever do that again", he says in a whisper with a shaky voice, almost as if he were to start crying. You whisper an apology and hug him a bit tighter, closing your eyes and feeling something warm spread through your chest.
You hear a pair of footsteps rapidly approaching you and when you open your eyes, you come face to face with Deuce and Ace. “How are you feeling?”, the blue-haired man asks, his expression turning from concern to relief when you respond that you’re feeling a lot better. “Don’t know if this is the correct time, but what the hell was the thing you killed?”, Ace asks while crossing his arms and you let go of Epel, who goes to stand right at your side.
But before you can answer the ginger’s question, you notice something’s missing. “Wait, what happened to the collar? Did you finally apologize?”, you point towards Ace neck’s, noticing the absence of the heart-shaped device. The ginger looks down momentarily, before rising his head up and shrugging his shoulders. “Nah, I was going to do it today but when prince Draconia showed up, he just looked straight at me and took the collar off and just told me to help you”, that’s strange.
It is likely that Riddle thought that your wounds were deeper and that you needed extra help or it could be that the presence of the prince of the Valley of Thorns caused Rosehearts to panic and removed the mechanism from Ace’s neck.
Whatever the answer, you're glad that pesky collar is gone, as the ginger used to bump into furniture and walls constantly, causing it to hit its throat and bruises to form. Trey and Cater, who were standing further away in the hall discussing something, approached all of you, the orange-haired man excitedly waving at you.
“Good to see you back in shape, (N/N)! You gave us quite the scare this morning!”, Cater replies with his usual happy tone and Trey crosses his arms with a smile decorating his face as he observes you. You turn to face the green-haired man, remembering Yuuken’s story and what he had done. “Thank you so much for healing me, Trey. And I apologize to the rest of you for giving you quite a scare”.
The green-haired man walks toward you and gently pats you on the right shoulder, still maintaining his smile. “I’m glad that you’re feeling better, but, I think you should tell us a bit more of what happened last night”, you nod and get ready to recount yesterday’s events.
You tell them everything, from the dead body to the weird humanoid creature calling themselves “Cristina” that was demanding Avery to come out of her hiding spot and then proceeded to attack you. When you finish the story, the room falls into a deep silence, with Ace scratching his chin in doubt. 
“You said that near the campsite, the weather felt really hot and there was the body not too far away, right?”, at the question asked by the ginger, you nod your head. “But when I passed there to get to you, it was cold, and I also never found the body but there was a weird smell in the air”.
“Ah! Also, when you finally responded to the walkie-talkie, it was five hours after you left”, you raise your head in complete shock and turn to look at Epel. Five hours!? There’s no way you spent that much time running towards the cliff since you remember that the previous night you went out with Ace, you walked only about half an hour. And when going towards the cabin it was at most a ten-minute run from the campsite.
Also, Ace and the rest never found the body of the man? It was in a straight line only a few meters away from the last tent, his body was placed in such a position that if you went straight ahead, you would trip on his legs, not to mention the strong smell coming from him and the sound of flies buzzing near the carcass would have attracted their attention and they would have seen it.
You are thankful that they were spared from seeing a terrible sight but you couldn't possibly have imagined an entire dead boy. "Are you sure you guys went straight after the camp?" you ask them seriously and Ace, Cater, and Epel nod somewhat alarmed. Yuuken, who was standing next to you, interjects while showing his cell phone screen.
"Before (Y/N) woke up, we sent three teams on behalf of the guild, one to pick up the monster's body and the other two to examine the area," he continues, pointing to a text message. "One of the groups found the body, just as (Y/N) said, it was in a straight line from the camp a few meters away," Epel turns to look at Cater in surprise. "Are you sure we went straight? Maybe because of the darkness we went another way," the orange-haired boy nods towards the apple boy, crossing his arms with a frown.
"I swear, Epel! Ace kept claiming he was worried about (Y/N) and ran in a straight line when he heard Avery scream!", you immediately turn to look at the ginger, whose cheeks have turned red, and angrily, he turns his face to the side, avoiding everyone's curious stares. "Shut up! I wasn't worried about them!", you roll your eyes jokingly and turn to look at Yuuken, who has more information. "Anyway, they found a wallet on the body and it looks like the victim is a Theodore Bulman."  
“Teddy!?”, Deuce yells in complete shock and everyone turns to face him. The blue-haired man slightly shrinks in his posture from the sudden attention and his expression turns upset. “Deuce, did you know him?”, you ask, concerned for the young man’s reaction. He turns to face you and shyly nods, returning to his normal stance. “Y-yeah, he used to hang out with the same group of friends as mine. Well, if you can even consider those people as friends”, he whispers the last part and lowers his head in shame.
You walk towards him and place a hand on top of his shoulder, gently rubbing your thumb in the fabric, in hope of comforting him. Deuce raises his head and gives you a small smile, though sadness still lingers in his eyes. “I’m really sorry if this brings unwanted memories, but we need a bit more information about this Teddy fellow. Who were those 'friends' you mentioned?”, says Yuuken.
Deuce let out a sigh and lowers his head once again, however, he places his right hand on top of yours, which had never left his shoulder. Ignoring the warm feeling spreading through your face, you gently squeeze his hand in return, encouraging him to start. "I'm ashamed of that part of my life, if I'm being honest… when I was in middle school… I used to be a delinquent and hung out with a gang where a lot of my seniors were, one of them was Teddy”, Deuce says in a somewhat hushed tone.
However, before the boy can continue, Ace interrupts, his eyes widening and his mouth agape in surprise. "You!? No way dude! You can barely even swat away a butterfly!”, Ace exclaims in an exasperated tone, and in response, Deuce furrows his brows at the ginger. “Shut up! As I said, I'm not like that anymore", with a sigh, the blue-haired man continues his story.
"I don't want to go into too much detail, but I didn't know Teddy very well. I knew he was close with a lot of the older guys but he didn't show up much at the places we used to hang out," he continues, scratching his cheek and avoiding eye contact with everyone. "He was the most normal out of all of us. Sometimes, we even doubted if he really was a delinquent. But when I decided to change my attitude and went to another high school, I learned that he was apparently only still involved with them because he was making good money and desperately needed it. And that’s all I know".
As Deuce finishes his story, his face darkened and he once again lowers his head. You know from experience, it's hard for a person to recount memories they regret or are embarrassed about. It's just remembering small details, you feel like your stomach is tied in knots, you feel disgusted or so embarrassed to remember it and urgently think of anything else to completely forget the incident. For Deuce, it seems that period of his life is full of regrets, he was only a tween, and it is a moment in the life of a human where many are vulnerable to too many things such as feelings, changes, and people.
But, he left that part of him behind. And now that you met him, you feel the same reaction as Ace but with a different point of view. You see him as an earnest person who strives to do his best. You’ve noticed that he can be a bit dense sometimes but he quickly corrects himself and learns from his mistakes.
You squeeze his hand once again and when he lifts up his face you give him a gentle smile. “Thank you for telling us, Deuce. We won’t pry on the subject anymore”, a faint red blush spreads through the blue-haired man’s face and he shyly nods. You turn to face Yuuken once again, remembering your original objective. “We should head towards Rosehearts’s study. His Highness is waiting for us”, says Yuuken, and you nod, letting go of Deuce’s hand.
“Huh? Wait, (Y/N), you’re going to pass out. You haven’t eaten anything”, Trey says with a concerned expression. But you simply wave him off with a smile. “It’s alright, I don’t think it’ll take us too long”, the green-haired man nods, and Cater steps forward, gently grasping Trey's shoulders. “Well, when you two get back, we’ll be waiting with a nice and hearty breakfast! Now, shoo, before Riddle chops your head off”, says Cater with a grin.
The rest of the boys wish you good luck and feeling a lot better, you and Yuuken make your way towards Rosehearts study.
“Come in”.
Riddle’s muffled voice says on the other side of the door. Taking a deep breath, Yuuken grasps the doorknobs and turns them, the wooden doors creaking open, revealing the large study of the young Lord. Inside the room, the red tyrant sits behind his large desk, his hands folded together and his eyes focused on the small pile of papers that idly sits in front of him.
In one of the individual chairs sits the future king of the Valley of Thorns, he has a crossed leg and a neutral gaze, reminding you of the old paintings of nobles that your mother painted. At the sound of the door, his vibrant green eyes focus on your figure, yet his expression does not change.
Instead, Riddle seems to snap out of his thoughts, and upon seeing the two of you, he jolts up from his chair, the object screeching against the floorboards due to the force. An expression of relief settles on his face when he sees you and he lets out a slight sigh. There are a few seconds of silence and the red-haired man wobbles with his words. "How are you feeling?" he asks but you notice he's a little tense.
"I'm fine. Trey's magic had a quick and successful effect on healing the wounds, so now they’re only scars," you say with a smile and that seems to ease him a bit as he nods and gives you a small smile in return. Malleus stands from the chair and takes a step forward, his eyes still focused on your figure, and though they are somewhat intimidating, they hold no malice. "It is a relief to see that you are doing well. Take a seat, both of you."
Following the prince's directions, you and Yuuken take a seat in the chairs placed in front of Riddle's desk. The young Lord also takes a seat and due to the proximity, you notice that the boy is anxious, playing with his fingers, gently digging and tugging at the skin.
Before you can speak, the prince steps between the two of you and looks directly at Riddle. "Since we're all here, I want to formally introduce you to Yuuken Enma and (Y/N) (L/N)," horrified, you and the red-haired man turn to look at Malleus in complete surprise. What about the mission!!! What happened to the whole undercover thing? "I-it's okay, don't be alarmed. Prince Draconia explained to me everything that has happened," Riddle mentions in a calm voice. You turn your gaze back to the red-haired man.
"Sir, with all due respect, what on earth is going on?", Yuuken asks with an exasperated tone, and the dragon man nods. "I want to start with an apology. We made several mistakes with the mission. Initially, we should never have sent you undercover, it was a waste of time, so no need to hide your last name. Secondly, we failed to correctly identify our enemy and because of that, we didn't know that the enemy had already attacked before you even got here. Rosehearts, if you could explain," Malleus says and all eyes focus on the boy, who nods.
"One night, before we started the official preparations for the Unbirthday Party, when I was sleeping, I had a strange nightmare. I felt... like someone was choking me and a sharp prick in my chest. At first... I just thought it was just that, a nightmare. But when the preparations started, and any little mistake would come up, I... felt like I lost control of my emotions, and no matter how much I tried, it felt as if a stranger took complete control of me, making me burst into a wave of unnatural anger",  embarrassed, Riddle hides his face in his hands. "I remember almost nothing of what happened these past few days, they feel like blurs... I follow the rules, but... I know the position I'm in, it's delicate. Any misstep, I put my position as a nobleman at stake. I'm not like that, I swear, I-I don’t just burst into anger for a small mistake”.
I̶̟̼̩̤̗̗̲̟͂̀͛ ̴̭͍̣̦͉̭̐͐ͅŝ̶̰̺̣̩̻̎̒̐̀̾́̚w̸̢̛̛̜̯̬͉̺̫͇̯͇̏̈́̏̐̇̍̑͠ǫ̶͎͍̻͇̫̩̹̦̐̊ŕ̷̟͔͚̫̱̀̂̑̽͒̚̕̚ȩ̴̖͉̞̜̺̞̌͛́́̔̈́̿̐̑̕ ̷̞͈̝̹̼̯̰͍͊͛ͅt̶̨͓̩̻̣̂̀̎̀́͊ṏ̵̲̙̻̩̭̈̇̌͑̏̀̄̚ ̶̛̳͚̲̞̈́̈́̇͒̅̈́̚n̶̡̛̻̜̹͍̝̙̈̀̔̒̿͜ȇ̴̢̞͉̦͇̻͉̘͈̜̿͊͒̐͋v̵̦̟̖̫͊̓̉̐͝é̵͇̀̽̂̔͗͛̚͝r̵̢̼͓͕̦̤̻̱̹̓̓̋͒̒͆̏͘̚͝ ̸̨̛̤̺͎̞̺̈́̈͗͘ͅͅ��̱b̷̝̬̝̞͎͋ȅ̶͓̣̫̥̣͇͙̻̽͂̀́͜͝͝ ̴̢̧̖̤̦̝̘͉͔̞̾͋̒̔̄̇̓͝l̴̲̎̇͋̍̍̇i̶͉̩̺̬̖͈͍̗͐̔̐̈́̏̌͘͠ḱ̷̲͉͇͆̋̂̉͂̎̚̕e̴̩͈̔̅̇̆̒ ̴̡̳͔̻̻͍̘̈́̉̿̌̄͛͝m̷͔̯̼̪̫͔͍̂́̋ͅy̸̡̨͈̜͈̦̻͓̱̆̒͗̅̐͠ ̴͇̱̹͙̖͔̲̜̙̾̌̒̃͘m̷̨̳̗̗͍̍̌̽̐̽ͅó̷͈̈̒̈́͝t̴̢̻̲͎̠̫͙̱̋͌͗͌͠h̶̢͖͈͓̦͔̬͇̩͌̐̓̐͂ȇ̵͇̳̩͓͈̩̞͎̜̽͂͝r̶͇̩̽͋͊. Į̸́̏̽ ̷̢͇̀́̿̄́͘͝͝s̷̓̌͆̕͜w̴̡̟͎͖͉͎̲̳̃͋ǫ̵̨̫̤͒͜r̵͈̿̈́̈̍̇͛͠͝ĕ̵̪̪̮͎͕͚̪̼̿̌̍̇̑̀̚͠ ̶̲̀́̉Ḯ̶̡̬̭͍̼̰̮̼̽͌̀͗̽́ͅ'̷̢̛̖͕̖͎̥̀̅͒̌̅̑̋̈́̂͜ͅḑ̴̻̱̣͉̭̩̀̎̄̒̊̋̊ ̵̛̻̰̫̻̄͑̾̚͠͠ǹ̵̫͔͖̼̂͑̐́̌͝e̸̛̜̣̳͌͒̅͜͠v̵̫͋̍ë̸̢͇̭̲̺́̈̃ŕ̷̤̫̟̟͖̘͈̒ ̸͕̯̬̲̫̮͎͙̙̒͌͊̓̌͘͠b̵̺̮̬̥̘̜͂̅̍̊̈́̐̑é̷͖̬͍͎͎̯̩̟̠͔̄̂̽͗̏h̶̰̲̽̈́͗a̸̦̖̻̪͇̽͐̈́͌v̵̨̛͍̗͓̞̮͍͌̓͛̒͌̿̾e̴̡͎̝̩̹͂̽͂̓̓͌̽̃ ̶͍͐̀l̴̡͇̤̽͊̓̂̋͐̃̕͠i̴͉̥̳̩̠͖͒ķ̸̛̻̼̼̹̫͂̀̃͆͐͊̈́͒ę̴̛͔̝̺̦̰͔̊ͅ ̷̗̖̎̋̂͒̒̉͌̂͘͝w̶̨̛͔͎͈̲͕̱͙̣̿̀͆͂̋͋̓̚͝h̵̼̻̼̩͓̬͕̦͇̤̒͗̇̊̀̅͂́é̷̺͓̦͉̣̹̑͂͆̏̒͛̃̌̚n̴̯͖̼͖̣͔̖̻̭͛̽̿̑͗̂̒̀͠ ̷̣̞̣̩̩̹̹̉̎̈́̀̎̕͝Í̷̻̋͋̐́̍͝ ̴̦̬̋̌̔͊̅̚w̵̯̮̱̯̥̟̌̊̊̽͗́̑̈́̾a̷̧̩̬̗̿̌̍ͅş̸̣̝̭̬̪̻̘̤̺͑̍͋͐͝ ̴̼̤͊̓̀̓̋͂͜a̷͉̘̮̱͖̻̩̖̽̑̌̓ ̷͔̫͉̟̠̦͂̉̕͠t̷̨̧̞̟̫̱̩̳͋̅͋͊̐̊̽̀̋͠ͅe̵̲̘̔͛̓͂̃̒͐͜͜͝ę̴̹̮̦̠̯͚̉͆̏͘͝͠ͅn̷̡̧̟̳̫͔̭̝̜̓͛͘â̶̝̠͇̎̇g̵̨̭̹̜̞̥̬̮̳̞̍́̉̎̌̓͋͑̈́͝e̶͚̼̦̠͓̱̭̿̈͜͠r̴͓̱̞̭̟͌̈́̂̾̔́͘ͅ
You sit back on the chair as the entire room falls into silence. The strange weather, the large gap of missing time, the blue flame cat, the humanoid creature, and now, a strange nightmare and Riddle feeling as if somebody else is taking control of his emotions and his body. So no wonder he looks distressed. “(Y/N), the young man Ace, I believe that is his name, told me that you and him found an abandoned campsite”, you turn around to face Malleus and nod.
So, you proceed to retell the entire thing once again, this time adding what happened the night before. During your storytime, Riddle removed his hands from his face and is now looking at you. As you finish recounting all the events, an idea pops into your head. You pause and in a moment you stand up from your chair and look carefully at the three boys. Time distortion, extreme weather change in a certain area, a person losing control of their emotions, objects changing position without nobody touching them, and body at different times. But it can't be...
"With everything we have encountered so far, it is obvious that we are dealing with a cult. However, we don't know what exactly their objective is. But, focusing on yesterday's events, I've been thinking and I think that near or inside the camp some kind of space rift opened up," Riddle eyes open in surprise when hearing your theory, however, Yuuken and Malleus implore you to continue.
"Well, the ritualistic circles, depending on the symbols used and the ritual performed, can serve as portals, can't they? They have been summoning beasts, so they open doors to other dimensions to bring them here," you extend your hand and point to Yuuken.
"Do you remember that long mission we had at Scalding Sands? That back in the day, inside that small town it was freezing cold during the day?", the boy nods. "Yeah, we lost contact with one of the groups for about six or seven hours, and for them, it had only been about half an hour. It turned out to be a portal… wait no, (Y/N), you can't possibly be referring to...", Yuuken lets out a nervous sigh and covers his mouth, while you nod.
Riddle rises from his chair nervously. "Excuse me, but what's going on? I'm a little lost," your breath quickens as the curious gazes of the red-haired man and the dragon focus on you. "Not just any beast is capable of manipulating time or weather, but, the ones that can, are the divine beasts. They have the ability to manipulate matter, time, and the environment around them and this is due to their power," Malleus opens his eyes in surprise and Riddle looks at you even more confused.
"In the mission at Scalding Sands, we found an individual trying to open a portal to Guddommelig Raseri 's domain, we managed to stop him before he took possession and we closed the portal", Riddle’s nightmare… there's a good chance it could have been reality. "What do you mean 'take possession'? Please explain," Malleus says and you nod somewhat nervously.
"Despite having great power, the divine beasts do not possess a physical entity. They are stuck in their dimension until they find a physical body to possess. The reason these beasts have a hard time getting out of their natural habitat is that they demand a good host to possess," Riddle's face turns pale. "So, they use their 'minions' to find food or the host", all three of the young men watch you closely.
"So, as per what Lord Rosehearts explained and the experience of the night before, there is a probability that..."
"Lord Rosehearts is currently sharing his body with a divine beast."
Guddommelig Raseri (Norweigan): Divine Fury.
Tag list:
@r0texe @hellokittykuroo @d3nz3lm0rn @alureasoley @kirmalight @xxrabbitcultxx @warcelia @lucian-kinnder @maximumphantomlover @hillichurl @keqingsfavbestie @stardustgreydragon​ @raimenshko​
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nd-poite · 2 years
My Pride and Joy/10+ of Ongoing Therapy
Synopsis - Spoilers
Character Studies: Main Cast - Spoilers
"Jagger" - Do No Evil/Guy Fawkes/Bloodstone
Stonewall "Stoney" - Joe Blow
Castor "Cresh" - Thomas Other
Jade + MacBain - Lady Fawkes/The Thief
Collin - Dr. Avery Mann
"Ajax" - Richard Roe
Davie Peets - Harry Blowfish/ Dr. Death
Jackson - Speak No Evil/John Doe
Iris "Sydney" - See No Evil/Sally Sixpack
Annabelle "Moon" - Hear no Evil/ Jane Doe
Character Studies: Secondary Cast - Spoilers
Random Classmates Roster
Mr. X & Mr. C - Captain
Aleksander/Duckie - Top-Hat
Rochelle "Rocky" - Mary Jane
Timeline - Spoilers
World Building Pt. 1 - Creatures - Spoilers
The History of Vampires + Vampire Lore
Rules and Lore
Bloodlines + Marriage
— 1st Generation
— 2nd Generation
— 3rd Generation
— 4th Generation
— 5th Generation
Bloodlines in Detail
Dragons + Harpies
AI + Synthetics
Ghosts + Ghouls
Naga/Lamia + Gorgons
Satyrs + Centaurs
Gargoyles + Elementals
Gods & Sky-Men/Eldritch
Nymphs + Elementals
World Building Pt. 2 - Places
Upper Class: Champion City
Middle Class: Valleyview
Middle Class: New Walpurgis
Lower Class: Blackridge
World Building Pt. 3 - The Mythology Gag/World Rules
The Story So Far. . .
1 he’s 11
2 yes 12
3 he’s 13
4 he’s 14
5 Jackson
6 Iris
7 Belle
8 Creed came back to school after a mysterious summer 15
9 he’s 16
10 he’s 17
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circustrinity · 9 months
Hello and welcome to my blog! This is a home for the lore and story I made around Circus Trinity, a circus run by clowns whom I adore created with the help of my friends. I'll be adding to this post as I slowly expand the lore and universe of these lads.
This post is a masterlist of clowns and lore and all other imaginable things to navigate this circus, welcome to the show!
Isabella Martignetti (x) (x) Daisy Giggles (x) (x) Sonder Trinity (x) (x) Bliss Barrow (x) (x) River Barrow (x) (x) Benny the Jet (x) (x) Avery Trinity (x) (x) Lilipad (x) (x) Terese Decresson (x) (x) Jungle Jim (x) (x) Donovan Murphy (x) (x)
Characters will always be tagged with their full name, to search for all lore and drawings concerning one of the clowns simply look for their name!
Clown lore: for everything concerning the story and characters of circus Trinity!
Ask the clowns: all your burning questions answered in one place.
Frog's art: all drawings and doodles are gathered under this tag.
0 notes
All (current) Si ships - Updated 5/15/2024
Another look into all the ships for Si that I currently have running around my head at all times. The backlog for art is still long and I continue to pile onto it like the down-bad fool I am. Some ships have been removed due to falling outs, let's leave it at that. ❤️
Note: There will always be more I just need to establish lore for new ships/get around to seeing how I think Si would fit well with.
Here we go part 2, electric bugaloo!
Ezra x Si (main pairing admittedly)
Exra x Si x Chris (Guard Dogs au)
Ezra x Si x Bess
Si x Bess
Si x Steph (accidentally angsty but also cute besties to lovers)
Si x Steph xBess
Si x Sammy (⚠️horny⚠️)
Si x Chris
Si x Chris x Bennie (realized I could add him to the list now lol)
Si x Adam
Si x Cain
Si x Alan
Si x Stu (mostly were au, but some in game angst hohoho)
Si x Jules (I've been eyeing him recently)
Si x Friend
Si x Carter
Si x Z ( were!Z though still *knuckle bite harder*)
Be My Muse (LMRY)
Si x Zecharias
Si x Salvador (waiting on more lore but Sal and his cute lil tsundere crush- *gets pelted with a violin bow*)
Si x Jack/Jacktor
Si x Shaun (da-
Si x Nick(-ddies)
Si x Ian (ex-boyfriend and angsty purposes until more lore is dropped)
Si x Bo
Blackberry Winter
Si x Conrad
Si x Keith
Si x Damien
Si x Harper
Si x Malik
Si x Malik x Gavin
Si x Dante (yan!Dante yan!Dante yan!Dante----)
Si x Gavin
Si x Sophie
Si x Jazz (yes anon got me thinking of them both lol)
Mushroom Oasis
Si x Mychael
Si x Douglas
Would You Stay?
Si x Virgil
Si x Virgil x Rizza
Would You Pick Me?
Si x Mikey
Si x Jack
Si x Narrator
Si x Charles
Si x Charlie
Si x both of them maybe?
Seven Blood Nights
Si x Ares
Si x Beelzebub
Si x Morpheus
Si x Eros
Si x Hubris
The Kid at the Back
Si x Sol
Si x Crowe
Weathering Feelings
Si x Dr. Nubloso (uwu if you know you know)
Yandere Island (so far with current routes available)
Si x Markus
Si x Oliver
Si x Torrin
Si x Nicholas
Don't Trust Him (as far as the current demo goes it's being reworked)
Si x Riley
Si x Dia
Si x Leon
Froot Basket Valentine
Si x Momotaru
Love Me Dearly
Si x Takuma
Si x Tris
Si x Griffin
Vile Strangers
Si x Theodore
Yan ocs w/o a game
Krow x Si (@ thekrows-nest)
Vic x Si (@ starsetven)
Avery X Si (@ starsetven)
Si x Miles (my oc)
BG3 (Si’s a Teifling btw uwu)
Si x Will x Karlach (trying for this in current play through, but will be happy with just Karlach lol)
Si x Halsin
Si x Astrion (not romanced in game yet)
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despicablediet · 3 months
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Vampyr (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Geoffrey McCullum/Jonathan Reid, Geoffrey McCullum & Jonathan Reid, Jonathan Reid & Edgar Swansea Characters: Geoffrey McCullum, Jonathan Reid, Edgar Swansea, Dorothy Crane | Dorothea Craciunescu, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Guard of Priwen Characters (Vampyr), Old Bridget (Vampyr), Gwyneth Branagan, Emelyne Reid, Avery Cork, Clarence Crossley, Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: No Civilian Kills | Not Even Once, Enemies to Friends, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Expanded lore, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Guard of Priwen - Freeform, POV Alternating, Betrayal, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Post-Canon Summary:
Months have passed since the end of the Skal epidemic. London was saved - but is still not safe. Something is working in the shadows, waking in depth unknown, and before long, those who were enemies will have to join forces. Geoffrey and Jonathan face old and new foes, magic and powers beyond any control,... and have to come to terms with their own devils.
Eat that, writer's block! xp
No, seriously, this chapter fought me for weeks. Also life. And work. And little sleep. And being sick. And too many characters wanted to talk.
Anyway, here it is! Enjoy :3
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hornstusksandmagic · 2 years
Exalted Secret Santa 2022
Avery of Clan Rit'Mount: Twilight Caste
Born to a Barbarian father and an outside mother they never met, Avery traveled west to Nexus. They were searching for a cure of a sleeping illness that had overcome their Clan. It was during a hunt for an ingredient for a charm to ward away Air Spirits that Avery exalted.
My Art HERE and HERE
As a Barbarian of the East, Avery has had the dealings with the Fae. The most notable was as a child when they were lore away and had to be rescued. As a result Avery now has fox ears and a fox tail. Something their Mamaw believes is a sign of their resourcefulness.
Avery is smart and resilient, with compassion and Valor being their highest and temperance being their lowest.Skill wise, Avery is a crafter, with air being their heart. Painting primarily with weaving and seamstress work.
Prior to being exiled from their Clan, Avery was training to be a lore keeper, so the occult is a predominate study. After meeting a sorceress they admire, Avery is also working towards becoming a Spell Caster themselves.
Despite Avery's lack of strength, they are resilient. Integrity is their highest non Twilight ability. They can and will endure, especially if it is for the people they care for.
Appearance: Avery is short. 5 foot at best. They have fox orange hair that matched their ears and tail, and pale ginger skin and freckles. They are fat, curvy, and dress usually in practical clothing that is often very different from those that surround them in the west. While feminine isn't something they shy from, dresses and skirts, preferring pants.
Anima Banner: The world around Avery becomes like a paint with their tail being a brush, dragging behind them paint of orange and purples. Rosy Maple Moths, fly about them leaving their own trail of pink and yellow glitter. Avery steps act like paint splashes sending up the colors of whatever they stand on. An Aurora of orange, pink, and purples flies above them, as if painted in the sky.
Body Type References: X X X X
Sugar Raccoon The Familiar
Like Avery, Sugar was abandoned by her mother when she was just a Kit. Rescued by a 10 year old Avery, nurtured and cared for, Sugar has known no other life than Avery.
When Avery exalted, it could be said Sugar did too. Now linked to her most best friend sugar can finally communicate with Avery like she always wanted.
Sugar has two loves. Food and Avery. As she travels down the path with her Solar friend she too grows. Becoming smarter, more cleaver, and a unknown to her, she will become an essence wilder.
Sugar has also met the touch of the Fae. When she was found, she was a Barbie pink color with purple stripes and mask. Avery made a little back pack for her that she primarily fills with snacks. she is a bit larger than an average raccoon and when you start to add up her age, definitely older.
My Personal goal, as I am quite new to Exalted, but I know that as Avery grows so does Sugar and I want Sugar to be a Spirit one day.
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