#BAT Tech Cosplay
dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
DCxDP fanfic Idea: Lights and Camera
"There he is," Tim whispered, looking out from behind the library bookshelves. Besides him, Bart, Kon, and Cassie lean over him, stacking each head on top of each other so they can adequately see who Tim is pointing out.
Across the libary, Babs shales her head with a sigh but doesn't call them out. For one, it would be unnecessary loud and another....well, she enjoys having blackmail on her vigilante coworkers and the Young Jutice team climbing on top of each other to stare at a random civilian was the good kind. She turns back to her list of books to stamp and scan back into the system.
Tim had mentioned seeing someone he wanted to recruit for his and his teammates' fake online clothes store. It was the cover the teens had come up with, for an explanation on how they all had such different backgrounds but had still become friends.
The other bats thought it was a mere cover, but Babs knew how seriously Tim took his fake store. It was mostly due to Tim's team making very realistic cosplay outfits that are commissioned to their site. Since they catered to such a nitch community Tim wanted each job to be perfect. (Also he's a nerd like that)
Or maybe it had everything to do with Tim's not-so-secret adoration of photography.
Bart made the clothes, Cassie and Conner modeled and Tim took all the photos. It helped that the speedster was used to making clothes in the post-apocalyptic future, but no one could deny his master of the needle. Cassie and Conner were both rather good looking, and they seemed perfectly fine with showing off this fact.
The thing is, their store is starting to gain traction. If it weren't for the fact, Bart could move as fast as he could, Just Us fashion would be behind orders for months.
Tim was worried someone would catch on and figured they should attempt to hire a co-tailor. They attempted to reach out to fellow heros but no one their age was interested and they seemed rather put off by the idea of asking a adult.
Everyone was still tense from the last time Young Justice asked the Justice League for help.
Tim then decided to attempt to find a civilian who would help them with smaller pieces. Or maybe someone he could throw in front of a camera and pretend Conner or Cassie had taken a step back from modeling to help out with the orders.
His team allowed him to search for someone since they had no idea where to start. Tim scouted through all of Gotham, and ended up landing on Danny Fenton.
Babs had looked into Fenton's background as a favor to Tim and to satisfy her own curiosity. There wasn't much to the boy. Born and raised in a small town in Illinois, Fenton dropped out of high school to get his GED around his junior year. The notes on his file by his English teacher, principal, and school counselor indicated he was bullied out of school.
He passed the exam on the first try and, within a year, moved four states away to join Gotham School of Arts with a major in fashion. His parents were certified geniuses with a family company working in security and "ecto-entities." His sister was going to Gotham University for a physiology major.
The Fentons are a comfortable upper middle class family with no criminal history; the only blemish on their record is Jack Fenton's speeding tickets.
Fenton lived in the better parts of the city, paying his way through college and his own expenses by working as a remote tech support for various companies. It seemed he had inherited a knack for computers from his parents.
Barbara wasn't sure what about Fenton stuck out to Tim. The boy barely participated in public events when it came to his fashion. He only turned in assignments, and unless Tim made a habit of walking through the school of arts, he would have never seen his work.
"Wait, is he wearing-?" Conner whispered, squinting at Fenton, who was tapping away on his laptop. "He is! That's Flame-Flame battle pants!"
"No way." Bart gasps, standing on his toes to lean closer. "They look so good! Where did he get them?"
"He made them," Tim says with a certain lift to his voice that Babs recognizes easily. Aw, her little computer partner has a crush. "He makes all kind of fandom merch that can be worn out in public."
"Tim, we got get him on the team. Look at that Flame-Flames sweatshirt! I need it" Cassie hisses, rocking in place. She nearly causes Conner- who was leaning on her- to tumble over. "Go talk to him."
"I can't"
At that, Babs glances up. She's never heard Tim be nervous to speak to anyone before. Yet that's what she finds as the Young Justice team disappear aroudn the coner surrounding a red face Tim.
"What do you mean you can't? Why not?" Conner asks
"Look, I already tried to recruit him but messed up my pitch." As he admits, Tim kicks his feet, not bothering to look anyone in the eye. When he locked eyes with me, I choked on my spit midsentence."
Cassie slaps a hand over her mouth, but she is not fast enough to hide the snicker that slips through. The glare she gets from the only regular human could have sent her to her uncle Hades. "I'm sorry, you choked on your spit? Mr. CEO of WE? Mr. Suave? Mr. New Lover, every other Tuesday?"
"Shut up you don't get it! He was dressed in a really cool outfit of the Ninjas of Konoha, okay!? I wasn't prepared."
Barbara glances at Fenton as the team attempts to tease Tim. Rather loudly. It's like they forget they are in a really old building, so the acoustics pick up their voices really easily.
Based on his blushing face and hunched-over form, Fenton can obviously hear them. He keeps sending short glances to the shelf the other teens hide in. Fenton glances at his computer screen before rapidly fixing up his hair and straightening his clothes.
He fixes his scattered papers just as Tim rounds the corner of the bookshelves, looking rather nervous as he scoots to Fenton's desk. Babs watches the remaining young juice team whisper and shout encouragement as Tim stands next to Fenton.
Fenton's face, if possible, go even redder, and much to Babs' shock, he even starts to twirl the end of his ponytail around his figure as Tim starts talking.
This is cute. She thinks, aiming her camera phone at the pair. Taking three different shots, each displaying Tim's fumbling mess and Fenton's obvious interest, she quickly sends it to the bats with an evil smirk. And sort of pathetic.
She gets answers instantly, almost everyone teasing Tim or making "They grow up so fast" comments. The messages make a warm feeling of the family burn in her chest, reminding her of all that they argue about; the Bats truly care for one another.
It's Bruce's thoughts that shatters the chat with a simple text.
Why is Tim flirting with the Ghost King?
Babrbara stares at the words for a long moment before she types
Babs: What do you mean? Who's the Ghost King?
Bruce: That's the Ghost King or his human form. He rules the ghosts and our flip dimension. The Justice League Dark has him marked as a level 15 threat.
Damian: I beg your finest pardon? There are only five other beings on that threat level.
Bruce: Exactly. Tim knows not to speak to him.
Steph: Ugh Bruce none of ous knew that.
Bruce: He was in the yearly safety warning PowerPoint. You all said you reviewed it.
Jason: That thing is nine hours long! Of course, not all of us would actually look through it.
Bruce: I worked very hard on it. :'(
Duke: Guys? Shouldn't we worry about Tim? I mean is the Ghost King going to hurt him
Bruce: No, he's known to be very benevolent. Just as long as you don't accidently insult him.
"I'm not a whore!" The voice cuts through the air like a bullet. Barbara glances up just in time to see Tim backing up with a panicked expression as Fenton sneers.
He quickly gathers his things with a flick of his wrist, having all left in a bright green glow, and pushes by the shuttering vigilante. He stomps his way out of the library with an inhuman growl.
Tim throws his face into his hands with a wail of dispair. "I should have never listen to Dick's flirting advice!"
Barbara slaps a head over her forehead before texting the rest. So Tim may have called the King a whore.
Bruce: This is why I ask you to read my safety PowerPoint.
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begaycommittreason · 10 months
bart: okay guys rock paper scissors
kon: no we’re not doing that again
tim: what why it’s so easy
cassie: because somehow tim wins every time and we all know he’s cheating
tim: how can you cheat at—
cassie: doesn’t matter we need a new contest
kon: what about who can throw bart the farthest
tim: no
bart: i’m down
tim: i’ll just do it, it’s fine
cassie: wait no it’s not because you give beings like darkseid and klarion coal when no one asked you to and end up causing way bigger problems for us later.
cassie: plus you keep trying to upgrade all of santa’s tech with untested bat stuff. you almost blew up a house last time
kon: well i did it last year so i’m out
bart: last year you insisted on sliding down chimneys for authenticity and got stuck in at least 30 of them
tim: yeah and you purposely scared the shit all the kids who saw you
kon: they looked at me weird first! besides bart just started throwing presents through windows!
cassie: good lord we shouldn’t be in charge of this
bart: well maybe if santa was still here
tim: im not doing this again i swear, we’re all bad at this why don’t we just go together
cassie: remember how that turned out in ‘94? i’m pretty sure we traumatized a whole generation into thinking santa was gonna eat their souls
tim: fair point, what if we—
dick, looking at the santa suit, fake beard, and suspiciously hoof shaped prints on the carpet: uhhh what’s up kids
cassie: how long have you been standing there
dick: …longer than i think is safe for me
tim: we’re fighting over who gets to go to santacon
bart, unhelpfully: we totally didn’t kill santa
tim: it’s a super dedicated cosplay?
dick: wait SANTA’S REAL??
tim: …well i mean not anymore
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dragonclaude · 2 years
Hey! I'm trying to make my own Danganronpa action game concept, except with the V3 cast where all 16 students are playable. I was wondering if you had any ideas for the characters not listed here (Rantaro, Korekiyo, Kaito, and Kokichi.) Note that not all of them should be connected to their talents, as seen below.
-Kaede and Shuichi both use the UDG Megaphone hacking guns. They're the only ones with said guns, by the way.
-Himiko finds and uses a magic staff with a variety of spells powered by "mana" (soft drinks.) In reality, it's just the old "magic is just super high tech that we don't get" shtick. I also want her to use small tricks and sleight of hand, such as a smokescreen spell or the ability to pickpocket foes easily.
-Maki uses nothing but a metallic baseball bat. It's all that she needs.
-Ryoma fights with a tennis racket and balls, like what he did with the mafia.
-Tenko fights with nothing but pure Neo-Akido, and later on some devices that let her shoot out Hadoukens and such.
-Angie uses a "magic" paintbrush that is in the same category as Himiko's staff. She uses it to create flat living paintings or just spray paint with different properties.
-Miu would use a mini-mecha to fight, and one I'd assume has multiple different modes. I also think she'd have an outside-mecha form when she loses her mecha for whatever reason or needs to enter a smaller space.
-Kirumi fights with kicks, cleaning supplies (including a broom hiding a sword,) and equipment she picks up throughout the game.
-Gonta fights with his bare hands and his bug friends that he accumulates.
-Kibo would use similar enhancements to the ones he had at the end of V3.
-Tsumugi would cosplay and fight exactly like Usopp from One Piece.
Funny! For like a year I've been thinking about how I would've changed DRS to add more interesting combat and gameplay loop. During that, I've thought of how every character's attack animation would look like along with what abilities or weapons they could have with them. If anyone has questions, I'll be happy to talk about it, just haven't found a good way to introduce it without drawing a lot for it like RCB xD
Anyways, here are my ideas but slightly different for an action game:
Rantaro: Uses a variety of navigation-related tools for battering (ex. compass, telescope, captain's wheel) and can summon small boats that drive through the ground to attack enemies. Can stand on and ride on top of the boats if desired.
Korekiyo: Uses special tags and masks to summon spirits and ghosts to fight for him and has shadowy effects to his attacks. He has dodges that pass through things, and perhaps also uses candles for a fire damage attack.
Kaito: Has a rocket on his back. He can fly and crash into people to attack or turn the engines around to produce a flamethrower-like effect to close targets. If not using it, he has basic fist/kicking attacks without much tact.
Kokichi: Kokichi would probably have the least overall damage but the most dodges. He can either lay traps of a variety of prank items (ex. surprise peanut can), stick them onto enemies that go off after a second, or use them in his hands to attack directly. He will have a variety of taunts/insults to move enemies around to where you want them to be. Everything he does will stun enemies and he will then be able to use a "talk down"/"shame" move that gets anyone currently stunned around you out of the fight instead of killing them.
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caros-musing · 2 years
SF, homelessness, big tech, the Last Black Man in San Francisco
There are a few things that I have qualms with when people talk about San Francisco's homeless population.
One, what makes you think that the unhoused population in SF is particularly out of control? There are literally no statistics, no data to substantiate this claim. If anything, the NYC unhoused population rivals that of SF. It frustrates me to no degree that East Coasters ignore this similarity, claiming that it's different. The only distinction is that, in New York, it's much much easier to spurn the unhoused. They live, both literally and metaphorically, on the fringes of society, away from the bustling streets of Midtown or the East Village, and most definitely away from the quaint suburban-cosplay of the Upper East and West Side. Being unhoused in NYC means being red-lined into a specific quadrant of the island, contained within a mile's radius of a soup kitchen or police patrols, or the free drug alternatives that the government passes out. In NYC, Wall Street bankers are free to live guilt-free and unhindered as they walk through their block with the blinders on. In NYC, tech workers move in once the company businessmen move out the unhoused. They never have to bat one eye.
But San Francisco is unique in that the unhoused are there, they are present. They are not a footnote in the margins of the city, they are living in broad daylight, demanding humanity and humanization. They hold fast to their egos and their pride, and most don't even beg for money or drugs. They are mostly harmless. They are physically harmless (because what threat has an unhoused 70-year-old man with a bum leg ever presented to you???) and prefer to enjoy what little life has given them. The reason people dislike seeing the homeless, truly seeing them, is because they dislike being presented with the idea that society is flawed. That society has failed these people. The tourists who visit SF, the techies and finance bros who move into Ocean Beach, the South Bay-ers who tire of Menlo Park, want to pretend that SF is an idyllic city (which it is), and that of a dreamland, where there is no poverty or homelessness, just the soaring Salesforce tower-penis and the promises of streets paved with NFT gold. But then they turn the corner and run into a man who is barely clothed and too starved to pick up a pencil. And they hate themselves for it because they didn't want to consider their own role in keeping men barely-clothed-and-too-starved-to-pick-up-pencils before 7pm on their walk back to a BART stop that they'll surely call "infested" and "dirty" before going out at night in a city built on the backs of those same people crawling the streets barely-clothed-and-too-starved-to-pick-up-pencils.
Perhaps this is cruel to write out. I don't necessarily believe all these people are evil and vigorously evade guilt. But it still makes me furious. The Republican media has clearly done a fantastic job of constructing talking points about SF to delegitimize its influence in politics and society. Yes, SF is flawed. Yes, it has a housing crisis. But that doesn't mean we give up on it. It just means that we treasure it as East Bay residents always have, and work to make it better. The imperfections of SF are not any reason to love it less -- we love it regardless of its scars, the same way New Yorkers are proud of the city and its piss-filled subways and simmering summer trash heaps.
It's true that there are too many unhoused people in SF. But that is true anywhere. I dislike that people frame it as if the issue is a personal problem of anyone barely-clothed-and-too-starved-to-pick-up-pencils. There is a housing crisis and a housing shortage induced by many of the companies that these people pooh-pooh-ing work for. Real estate developers buy up houses until there are 10 empty houses for every homeless person in the Bay Area. Tech companies buy up lots and property from real estate developers, and when money exchanges hands, those empty houses are torn up, new shiny buildings are constructed, and homeless encampments are pushed further out into different sectors of the city.
The one movie that best encapsulates the frustration I feel over this issue is The Last Black Man in San Francisco. I believe any tech or finance worker who moves into SF should watch this movie. Gain some empathy. You are entering a city with history and culture and a delicate ecosystem of people recognizing people. Real recognize real. Maybe you're the one who looks unfamiliar. And maybe you don't like that.
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comicsxaminer · 7 years
Cool Cosplay: Space Ghost, Snow White, And More!
Space Ghost by BAT Tech Cosplay
Machine Man by Mike Hemmig
Pinup Snow White by Liechee Cosplay, Photography by Blue Potion
Rule 63 Freddy Krueger by Elisha Jane Cosplay
Silk by Blondiee
Robin by Jennifer Van Damsel
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An Idea, what if there are some changes in Bruce's kids' personalities if they exist in the Batman 2022 verse and what subcultures are they into?
disclaimer: These are just purely for fun and just some ideas bouncing.
Okay so we have Emo Goth Loner Bruce Wayne of 2022 who looks like he needs a shower and unlike the Bruce (Breeses? Broose?) we had in the past who are charismatic, charming, a ladies' man and the richie rich stereotype as his civilian persona, this Bruce wayne is waaaay opposite.
So it got me thinking, if those are the personality changes Bruce has, what of his children?
First son: Richard John Grayson.
An orphan acrobat that batdad (awkwardly) adopted with only 14-16 years age gap. Dick is more into the tiktok scene, an influencer who shows his best moves and routine. He is a sunshine boy throughout instead of bouts of angst phase (ehem when Jason was first adopted after he was fired as Robin). He is into mobile games, something his two younger brothers agree to tell him that he is no "real gamer". He also does youtube and Instagram on the side.
As he is an acrobat, he is more or less the "jock" of the family as he is active in his favorite activity as Richard Grayson. Wins his school's acrobatic contests. He isn't a jerk jock by anyways of course. (He is raised by an emo after all)
subculture: Influencer and Jock culture.
Second son: Jason Peter Todd
Streetkid turn rich son, you'd think he be a delinquent who skips school? Ma'am, ma'am please, this boy loves to read classic literature from Pride and Prejudice to Little Women. Although the more he was under his adopted father's care, the more he delve deep into gothic literature and arts. He would lit candles as he read the books, huddle in the Wayne family library as his blazers kept him warm during late night reading while Batdad looks over the stairs.
There may or may not be post revival, and maybe he just grew up but while he kept his Dark Academia aesthetic and lifestyle close, he is also mixing it up with the punk culture. leather jackets replace cardigan as he drives around in his motorcycle. While he does look like a stereotypical bad boy, you can still see him read a fiction or two at a nearby alley after a smoke.
Subculture: Dark Academia and Punk
Third son: Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne
Ah yes, the child from another father and mother of our emo Bruce. Years of not being a priority of his parents made a loner out of Tim, who slowly finds comfort in the shadows. While more extroverted than Bruce, Tim still huddles under his blanket, forgoing eating or sleeping as Alfred could only sigh. He wears shirts too big for him and broods when his best friend Kon isn't there to bring a smile on his face. Tim would brood deeply if not checked so please give the damn dude some coffee.
He is of course a nerd, tech, gaming, references, and (canon) Dnd's are his hobbies. He tends to read anime or manga from time to time but he mainly focused on his beloved technology. He plays on his pc, as he is a pc master race believer. He does have his consoles and would boast quietly how he finished the entire pokemon series until-- damn did Nintendo releases another...?! Well damn, dad I need to buy a new console.
Perhaps this is the only universe where he and Damian actually got along so well they team up in games to gently persuade Dick that MOBILE GAMES AREN'T REAL DI--
Subculture: Emo and Nerd
Fourth Son: Damian Wayne
A child, somehow the misunderstood ratman of a bat somehow beget a child. Unlike the later characterizations of Talia, she gave her son up a little earlier, perhaps when he was 5, for him to live a normal life. The first thing Tim and Dick did to give Damian a taste of a normal life...is to turn on the tv and Naruto was on... the rest is history. Damian is well known as the Wayne "Anime fanboy" with all his love for manga, anime and even cosplays. He does fanart and listens to vocaloid, declaring it as the peak of human culture. He adores Miyazaki films due to the color palette and stories the film tells. Can often be seen with headphones and his more rude traits are just him ignoring you as he listens to Anime openings or as he watches Fate Stay Night, you call his name out and then he snaps at you.
He is into gaming as well, something that made him and Tim get along like house on fire. He would play the entire Story of Seasons games and Fire Emblem series. He and Tim can often be spotted screaming while Tim plays a Dark soul like game.
subculture: Otaku and gamer
I might add Duke and Cassie later on (and is Stephanie even counted...?)
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enberlight · 2 years
It's about time for a more organized Intro post, so here goes!
I'm Enber (she/they), a nonbinary, neurodivergent, disabled aroace artist and writer. I support a family of four plus a pupper, working in tech during the day, and with art and jewelry on @caffeinatedmagpie whenever I can. I am occasionally noisy, but generally approachable, so feel free to stop by my comments or Askbox.
Find Me Elsewhere:
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We're about $10k in medical debt. So tips are nice if you like my blog or art!
The Yamibuy link gives you $10 off on your order of Asian groceries and homegoods. Yum!
My Tags - Fun, Fandom, & Filter
To get an idea of what I post here...
As a courtesy, I use the following tags when I Get Loud or reblog "noisy" content. Block them if you need to:
Whoops politics
Enber rants
Lightly salted
Reproductive rights, pro choice, miscarriage
Trans rights, LGBT rights, queer rights
This is dystopia
Capitalism kills
History they don't teach (this is technically Good Stuff! But usually calls out Bad Stuff too.)
Racism, antisemitism, colonialism, imperialism
And TW types: spider, snek, bees
For a change of scenery to my Fun Reblogs:
Best kitty, best pupper, best birb, best bug, best critter
Smol dragon, fishies (includes sharks!), snek, batty bats, foxy fox
Music, dance, cosplay
Fiber art, sculpture, food magic
That chocolate guy, recipes, enber cooks, enber eats
Werewolves, mermaids, centaurs
Writing advice, writing reference
Art reference, tutorials
Fashion ref, historical fashion
Gods in nature
dnd things, story time, fairy tales
My most common fandom blogging:
Miraculous Ladybug
Our Flag Means Death, OFMD
The Witcher
Dracula Daily
Yugioh, Sailor Moon, YoI, FMAB, Inuyasha
LOZ (not technically going here? But I follow some crazy-good artists who do.)
How To Do Stuff
How to adult (adapting & life hacks)
How to job hunt (resume, rights, & interview help)
How to student (cheap or free textbooks)
Tutorials (art)
How to parent (practical points not yuppie ones)
How to Tumblr (coding, turning things off)
How to Ao3 (conventions, code, search hacks)
Recipes (includes B. Dylan Hollis)
Pet care, pet safety
And stuff that's Important to me (but not necessarily Loud or Fun):
Disability rights, disability representation, mobility aids
Representation in media, representation matters
Indiginous rights, indiginous history, indiginous sovereignty, indiginous business (some of these may have Bad News, and will have other tags that sort that.)
Black artists, Black history
PSA, health PSA
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drainthehero · 3 years
Superman’s Shame. Ch4
Batman was committed to locating and stopping the masked man as he hoped it would prevent further disintegration of the Justice League. Superman was completely absent, and the Dark Knight had to admit that without the big blue boyscout, many of the newer and younger members lacked an inspirational figure to look up to. The damage to the image of Superman had reverberated across the League as so many heroes held Superman up as an icon of strength and resilience.
The ordeal had also scarred Robin who had retreated within himself, currently hiding away at Titan Tower. Batman was glad for his blossoming relationship with Connor but was worried that it may cause further tension once Superman rejoined the world, and the League.
Batman wasn’t certain that capturing the masked man would solve their problems, but it couldn’t make matters worse and he was sure the world would be a safer place.
The masked man had proven very elusive, having led Batman down a great number of rabbit holes with no luck. Tonight, the Caped Crusader was following a lead which brought him to a deserted factory on the docks. A scan of the building showed nothing of interest, but there was a single life sign registering inside.
Batman launched himself from a highrise over a mile away and then locked his cape into formation to glide silently and swiftly down to land on top of the factory. Locating an entry point, he stealthily entered the building and made his way inside and down.
Batman instantly hoped he was following a good lead, as once inside the factory he began to encounter high-tech defense systems. These presented more of a distraction than a challenge to the Dark Knight as he proceeded further into the complex.
As he made his way deeper into the building, he noted that he was well underground and that the defensive systems were becoming more advanced.
Batman dropped through a grate into a corridor on the 13th floor below ground. Seeing no signs of activity he proceeded in a northerly direction, which he knew would keep him circling the periphery of the complex. As he walked he heard a telltale sound from behind and dodged to his right as a projectile sailed through he earlier position. It exploded on impact with the wall releasing a white cloud of gas and causing Batman to hold his position and strap on his rebreather.
Another sound had him drop to the floor as he felt a whoosh fly over his body and the sound of another cloud of gas being released on impact. Waiting patiently, the Dark Knight flung an object toward a far wall and was rewarded with a third projectile flying harmlessly off to the side.
Getting himself up he proceeded further down the corridor where a door could be seen. He could not tell why, by his gut told him that door would be his last obstacle. He cautiously proceeded, alert for any telltale sights or sounds of traps. His caution was rewarded in the form of three more failed projectile traps.
Upon reaching the door, Batman placed a bat-shaped device at its centre and stepped back, covering himself with his cape. The device beeped a few times followed by the sound of electricity crackling. When the Dark Knight dropped his cape he could see smoke emanating from multiple places on the door and a comforting green light flashing on the bat-shaped device.
Batman reached out to grab the handle and open the door, which swung inwards silently. He took a step through the door and immediately felt a powerful impact hit his body and throw him backward, knocking him unconscious even before he hit the wall and slid down to slump on the floor.
The Dark Knight came to his senses, realized he had been knocked out and quickly took stock of his situation.
He was in a well-lit room with mirrors on all the walls, giving him a very clear view of himself. The first thing he noticed was that his advanced suit had been replaced with a spandex cosplay replica, including boots, cowl, cape and fake utility belt. The spandex clung tightly to his muscular frame,  showing off the bulk and definition he spent so much time cultivating. Batman noted that the actual suit was in the room, explaining why it was still in a dormant status.
He also quickly noticed at least three cameras taking in every angle of his capture and bondage. Whether they were streaming or merely recording was impossible to tell.
Batman himself was suspended within a steel frame. His hands and feet were bound to the frame but his legs were spread, granting easy access from behind. Ropes had been tightly twined around his chest, legs and arms. They were tight but did not cut his circulation.
The Masked Man sat lazily on a chair, allowing the Caped Crusader to awaken and take in his surroundings. After a few moments, he stood up and approached his captive. Knowing full well that Batman would never give his ground by speaking first, the Masked Man jumped straight in, confident in his position of power.
“You’ve been desperate to find me Batman and now you have. Are you glad you did?”
“The damage you’ve done may not be repairable, but it’s time you finally received justice for your crimes. All of them.” Batman delivered the line in his emotionless tone, seemingly unconcerned about his current vulnerability.
“Well I guess I’d better rack up one more for good measure then,” said the Masked Man as he revealed a small remote and clicked a button. The device holding Batman swivelled and he found himself in a flat reclined position.
The Masked Man took out a short steel pole and advanced on the Caped Crusader, sliding it into position behind the well-muscled back, and turning. Batman grunted as the ropes around his chest tightened and his pectoral muscles were made to stand out in greater definition. A repositioning followed by another turn left Batman feeling the ropes around his biceps tighten.
The Dark Knight could tell the ropes had been tied by a professional. They held their tension, applying constant pressure to the muscles beneath, restricting movement without entirely cutting off the flow of blood.
The Masked Man proceeded to feel the chiseled body on display. He ran his hands over the spandex and slapped the chest, thighs and abdominals for emphasis. “Well, well, Batman. You certainly do hit that gym, don’t you?” Getting no response from the Dark Knight, he continued. “I hope you won’t mind me exploring your fine body more thoroughly.
“We both know what you want. Just get on with,” retorted Batman, attempting to taunt the villain.
The Masked Man chuckled and proceeded to explore the hard and bound body, feeling and squeezing the muscles beneath the sheer fabric. Taking a pair of novelty scissors he proceeded to slowly cut away sections of the spandex costume which currently passed for the Dark Knight’s batsuit.
Starting at the large chest he cut and then ripped away the spandex, revealing tufts of dark black hair beneath. The villain cackled with glee, “oooh Batsy, look at all this hair. You’re positively a monster!” and simultaneously kneaded the dense muscles through the thick hair while also pulling painfully at the tufts, happily ripping them out by their base in clumps.
“Ughhh. Mmmmph,” grunted Batman as the hair was literally ripped from his body and his muscles were worked. Batman’s eyes narrowed as he grunted and sighed through the ordeal, wondering if this villain had known that the Bat would be so turned on by such treatment. As the hair was pulled, he felt a familiar stirring in his groin.
The villain proceeded down the midsection to the hairy rippling abdominals which were no longer covered in their flimsy spandex coating, it too having been removed already. The same treatment was then applied to the firm abs, with the villain raking his nails over the washboard like abdominals.
By this point, the pain from the hair ripping coupled with the muscle work had the Dark Knight sitting close to full mast, with a pronounced tent clearly visible through the cheap purple spandex briefs now adorning his waist. So Batman was curiously surprised when the villain skipped over the obvious bulge and moved to the massive thighs.
“Let’s dispense with the pleasantries now, eh Batman?” said the villain, as he grabbed the spandex in both hands and ripped it from the legs and then the arms of the hero. The hairy and muscular arms and legs were now fully on display, and the big muscles were outlined by the tight rope wrapping around them.
The villain repeated his attentions with the muscled thighs, pulling out the hair in big clumps while working the hard muscle through the skin. Batman was fighting to maintain discipline, having already lost control of his cock, which now sat at full mast within its purple jail, stretching the fabric to its limit. He was still grunting and groaning from the pain of the hair removal, but had so far managed to withhold any moans of ecstasy.
The villain finally shifted his focus to Batman’s groin, clearly delighting in the growth he had already achieved. “My, my, Batman. What an impressive sight this is!” He declared with the verbal equivalent of rubbing his hands with glee. “I think its time for us to take it out for a spin.”
With those words, he quickly cut away the purple briefs, leaving Batman almost naked, with only his cowl, cape and boots remaining. The villain stepped back to admire his prize. Batman hung suspended and bound in rope, with his well muscled and hairy body almost unable to move. Little patches of hairlessness could be seen on his form where the villain had already gone to town in the unknown fetish of the Dark Knight.
And shooting out proudly from the groin of Batman’s hairy bush was his 9” cock, hard as a rock, betraying his enjoyment of his treatment so far. The big round balls were also covered in hair, sitting firm and large between his legs.
“Oh Batman, the fun we are going to have,” said the villain as he admired his prize. “Thank goodness you don’t share the same fate as Superman.” As he said the last part, the villain gave a mock conspiratorial wink to the cameras for flair.
Batman bristled at the mention of Superman’s small cock, but knew better than to push on that subject. “Just get on with it. We both know what you want to do. And to prove,” he said in his husky and authoritarian voice.
The villain gave a huff of frustration at his inability to taunt the captive, but moved on quickly. At a sign from the Masked Man two young muscled men, wearing only brightly coloured boxer briefs, entered the room and moved over to Batman. They immediately began to run their fingers over the hairy muscles of Batman, who quickly realized that both boys had long sharp nails, which were digging into his skin, drawing small amounts of blood randomly.
The Dark Knight had missed that small detail and was therefore unprepared for the assault which set his erotic zones alight with flame. Before he could stop himself, Batman moaned from the pleasure caused from the pain scraping across and digging into his muscles. He attempted to mask the moan with a grunt but the villain clearly noted the heightened arousal.
The minions were single minded in their focus on the muscular physique and proceeded to drag their sharp nails across the entire muscled mass. Within a matter of minutes a criss-cross of fine white and red lines could be seen over the skin, just visible through the thick matted hair. By this time, even the stoic resolve of the Dark Knight had been reduced and Batman found himself moaning in his restraints with his hard shaft bouncing up and down, leaking pre-cum.
Chained clamps were then attached to his nipples with weights added to drag at the nipples. This elicited a louder moan from Batman who could not help but feel himself being lost in the experience. The small rational part of his mind which remained had to credit the villain for properly researching his targets, who somehow he knew exactly how to play Batman’s body like an instrument.
“Time for the bat pole to get a little attention,” said the villain, slapping the throbbing cock and dragging from Batman the loudest moan yet. He made a gesture and added, “boys!”. The minions continued their work, but would occasionally sink their sharp nails into the thick hard shaft of Batman. This drove Batman even more wild, and he involuntarily bucked his hips within the limited restraints in a desperate attempt to get anything to connect with his hard and desperate cock.
The grunting and moaning of the Caped Crusader had steadily increased and was now completely out of his control. His cock and body were being expertly managed by the minions.
“Let’s give the batpole a little ride now boys!” At the direction, the one minion proceeded to jerk the long and hard cock of Batman, while the other continued his erotic torment. Batman found himself thrusting in time with the jerking and in short time felt his muscles tightening in anticipation of an orgasm.
His breathing shallowed and he prepared to lose the battle, but just before the moment hit, the minion removed his hand from Batman’s cock, letting it bounce and throb impotently, while the other minion continued to tease the hairy muscled frame. Batman felt a guttural roar escape his lips as the orgasm was denied right before he experienced it. He bucked his hips wildly, trying to summon the lost orgasm, but no act of desperation could bring him back to and over the edge.
The minion returned his attention to the rest of Batman’s body, with his cock now even harder and continuing to leak pre-cum.
The minion waited around ten minutes before returning his attention to the shaft and bringing Batman back to the edge. The Dark Knight felt himself approaching the edge and tried to mask his the reaction of his body, but the minion timed his actions perfectly again, removing his attention from Batman’s shaft and once more causing the hero to groan again in his denial, this time voicing his frustration with a barked, “Noooo!” as the minion removed his hand.
The villain chimed in at this point, addressing Batman, “you know what I want Batman. When you are ready to ask for it, beg for it. Only then you shall receive release.”
Batman growled a dangerous growl, defiantly responding, “These little twinks are no match for me, vile fiend. They will not break me.”
The villain merely chuckled and motioned for the cycle to continue, relishing in his joy at the breaking of the great Batman.
After a seemingly countless number of repeated cycles, where a minion would drive Batman to the edge before denying him release just as the feeling was building within his balls. His hard shaft was leaking pre-cum everywhere and the minions were starting to flag. Batman’s mind was nearing a breaking point as the desperation for release continued to build and build, threatening to destroy even his vaunted resolve.
The villain again broke the silence. “Well Batman, it seems maybe you are right, and that my twinky minions were in fact no match for you.”
“That’s right you fiend. You will not get what you want from me. Your minions have failed.”
The villain nodded sagely, chuckling. At a wave of his hand a nearby monitor lit up showing a room full of similarly skimpily clad young men. “Then it is a good thing I came prepared!” Two freshly rested minions entered to take over from the exhausted pair.
As they entered, Batman felt his triumphant desperation turn to defeat and wash across his mind and body. He had spent all his focus on outlasting the minions. This was the only goal which had kept him from going crazy from the need to cum. To see so many young men waiting to torment him broke his final resolve.
“Argghh. You fiend.” Batman shook his head, struggling to find words.
“Yes?” asked the villain.
“Fine! I want to cum. Let me cum,” Batman requested in his gruff voice.
“Sex slaves don’t demand. They don’t even get to ask. Beg for it. And don’t beg me. Beg the twinky minion,” came the cold and callous response.
The hero took a deep breath and addressed the minion. “You have beaten me and I yours to control. Please allow me to cum. Please jerk my big cock and let me finally spew my seed. I am desperate for release and only you can give it to me. I’m… begging… you. Please.”
The pleading sounded genuinely sincere, although the Masked Man did not entirely buy that they had actually broken the spirit of the great Batman. However, the words were sublime to his ears and so he had gotten what he came for.
The villain gave a nod to the minion as he removed all his clothes and let his 7” cock bounce around, hard as a rock, moving into position with his cock head at the hole of the Dark Knight.
Given the previous performance with Superman and Robin combined with Batman’s own desperation, the Caped Crusader was neither concerned nor surprised at this development. He merely lay quietly, panting heavily as his balls felt on fire from a non-stop avalanche of denial.
The Masked Man slipped his cock into the hole of Batman, which was covered in hair and slick with sweat from his ordeal. The villain noticed that it wasn’t a particularly tight hole and noted, “I see this is far from a new experience for you, Batman.”
Batman could only grunt in acknowledgement, before resuming his begging. “Please, I beg you. I need to cum. Please fuck me and jerk me so I can blow my load!”
The villain immediately complied, thrusting his hard cock in and out of the hairy hole, causing a new round of moans from both the captive Batman and his tormentor.
The minion returned to his task and started to jerk the shaft of Batman. Batman prayed silently that this was the final ordeal, and that no further hurdle would be thrown up. He had extensive training including many kinds of torture, but he had never had his cock and balls so expertly edged nor gone so long without succumbing to the need to cum.
Both the villain and Batman were already very close, and so it was clear that this would be a sprint not a marathon. Batman felt the villain clutching at his powerful shoulders and started to feel hopeful that this time they would not stop.
The Dark Knight felt his muscles tensing and the now very familiar tightening in his balls. As this feeling was building he felt the hands of the villain tense around his shoulders, followed by groans and moans which were accompanied by the feeling of the villain’s seed entering his ass.
Batman needed no further encouragement and let out a loud and long groan as he finally felt the cum exploding from his head, blasting a huge load over himself and the minions. “Ughhh. Ohhhh. Goooddd,” exclaimed Batman as his cock felt relieved and calm for the first time in what seemed like an eternity.
The villain continued to thrust himself into the muscled and hairy ass until he felt his own balls emptied. He removed his cock from Batman’s hole and watched in joy as the evidence of the hero’s defilement dribbled from the hole. He gave the ass two hard slaps for good measure, causing yet another grunt from Batman, as he lay prone and helpless.
The villain could see a slight change in the confidence of Batman. Gone was some of the desperation and most of the fear. As he contemplated this change, Batman addressed him.
“The gig is up, Joker. You got what you wanted, now it’s my turn. And I want to bring you in for your crimes.”
The villain looked in surprise at the Dark Knight, and spluttered a little. “Wha.. Huh.. How?” was all he could muster.
“I couldn’t understand why you started with Superman, and that threw me off. But I finally realized that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your bread crumbs caught Robin as intended, but you didn’t expect Superman to have also found them. Still, I have to admit you planned it all well.” As he spoke, Batman shrugged his shoulders and twisted his arms just so, causing the ropes to drop away from his muscled form. He dropped to the ground but landed safely, if a little stiff.
Joker realized his cover was blown and removed the mask, his surprise still evident. “Well, well Batsy. Always one step ahead I see. I’m not sure how you think you can overpower us all though, deep within my base as we are.”
Batman just raised an eyebrow as he managed to somehow exude confidence even as he stood there naked still sporting a semi. “Have you heard of the Uhlon plant Joker?” Batman continued at the confused look. “No? It has a very potent ability to knock out a human for about 6 hours. The amazing thing about the plant, is that once it is ingested by a human and they have succumbed to its effect, that person is then contagious for a number of hours after waking.”
Batman waited for the words to sink in as he dislodged an item from his fake molar and spat it toward the monitor, causing the room and doors to lose power, effectively locking them in. He moved over to his suit.
The Joker continued to look dumbfounded. “How?” was all he could manage.
“Once I knew it was you and how to capture you, I just needed to make sure we would get here,” he gestured to the room, “so you could ingest the drug from me.” Batman paused and activated a control on his suit, which engaged itself back onto his naked body, once again wrapping him in a feeling of safety and protection.
“The most difficult part was making sure you caught me. It had to be difficult enough to be convincing and easy enough that even you could pull it off. Went well I think.” Batman continued his internal counting and said, “that should be it now, Joker. Nighty-night time for you. We can have a longer chat in jail or at the Watchtower. When you wake up.”
The Joker felt a wave of blackness wash over him as he accepted the extent of his failure and defeat. As his consciousness faded and he saw Batman striding toward him, he chuckled his mad laugh and said, “but I got to fuck that sweet ass of your little bird boy. And I got to fill you with my own seed. And big blue’s humiliation. I’ll take that as a victory.”
Batman merely sighed and shook his head for the poor mad soul. “Yes you did, Joker.”
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mizutoyama · 3 years
This or That - Zodiac Edition
So, @lifeofkaze tagged me to do this Zodiac This or That. As it is my rule of thumb to not reveal my zodiac sign (though if you remember when my birthday was, you know what it is), I will do all of them. Hence the separate post, since I don’t want to make the main post too long.
Aries: White or Red. Ruby or Diamond. Honeysuckle or Tiger Lily. Cinnamon or Cayenne Pepper. Scubadiving or Skydiving (neither). Puma or Adidas. Sports cars or High-end tech. Pomegranate or Grapefruit. Dragon or Hellhounds. Spicy chocolate or Ginger candles. New beginnings or Overcoming a challenge. Knight or Warrior. Winning something or Being the first to try something. Syrah or Some scotch (neither). Fire powers or Enchanted weapons. Trumpet or Drums. Aquarius or Gemini.
Taurus: Green or Pink. Malachite or Emerald. Roses or Violets. Thyme or Basil. Vanilla or Chocolate. Candles or Bath bombs (neither). Painting or Jewelry making. Seduction powers or Enchanted jewerly, treasure, or gemstones. Foxglove or Larkspur. Chocker or Medallion necklaces. Apples or Grapes (neither). Singing or Humming. Elephants or Turtles. Gardening or Shopping. Having a homebody day or Taking a walk in nature. Pinot Noir or Bourbon (neither). Precognition or Manipulating life force. Violin or Lute. Cancer or Pisces.
Gemini: Yellow or Light Blue. Tourmaline or Agate. Lavender or Lily-of-the-valley. Parsley or Fennel. Licorice or Lemon. Chess or Puzzle games. Black or White tea. Twitter or Snapchat. Butterflies or Small Birds. Riesling or Jagermeister (neither). Flute or Clarinet. Magic words or Enchanted books. Walnuts or Hazelnuts. Blogging or Private Journaling. Having a pen pal or Joining a club. Trickster-like powers/short-term illusions or Ability to manipulate electricity/technology. Aries or Leo.
Cancer: Silver or Iridescent. Moonstone or Pearl. Waterlily or Lotus Flower. Chamomile or Bay Leaves. Relaxing at home during a Rainy day or a Snowy day. Hand Mirror or Jewelry Box. Aloe or Sea Salt. White Roses or Jasmine. Frogs or Crabs. Water manipulation or Classic witchcraft. Sailing or Swimming. Twilight or Midnight. Photography or Painting. Scrap-booking or collecting. Merlot or Rum (neither). Guitar or Banjo. Healing magic or Blood manipulation. Magic Mirrors or Magic Candles. Taurus or Virgo.
Leo: Gold or Orange. Cat’s Eye or Ruby. Sunflower or Marigold. Aniseed or Elderflower. Oranges or Peaches. Dance or Theater. Cosplay or Creating Fan Fiction. Sunbathing or Hot Stone Massage. Light Magic or Magical Statues/Monuments. Saxophone or Trumpet. Chardonnay or Gin (neither). Super Strenght or a Power like Occlumency. Lions or Tigers. Being a Queen/King or Having Immortality. Being the hero or Being the headliner. Tickle or Pillowfight. Libra or Gemini.
Virgo: Navy Blue or Olive Green. Peridot or Sardonyx. Peony or Sweet Pea. Hops or Rosemary. Chess or Checkers. Carrot Cake or Fig Bar/Cakes/Cookies. Knitting or Crocheting. Grammar Checking/Quality Assurance or Critiquing a piece of work. Golf or Tennis. Buttercups or Morning Glory. Herbs magic or Earth and plant bending. Mice or Bees. Cabernet Frank or Micro-brews (neither). Enchanted Garden or Magic that can perfect skills. Bunnies or Deer. Cancer or Scorpio.
Libra: Pale Blue or Pastel Pink. Sapphire or Jade. Cabbage Rose or Primrose. Mint or Marjoram. Interior Design or Fashion. Light Kisses or Hand Holding. Yellow Roses or Daisies. Swans or lovebirds. Strawberries or Cherries (neither). Harp or Violin. Badminton or Volleyball. Air Manipulation/Bending or Finding a (friendly) genie. Scales or Feathers. Doves or Songbirds. Enhanced vision or Love potions and curses. Pinot Girls or Complex cocktail (neither). Singing or Whistling. Force field powers or Magic lanters and charms. Sagittarius or Leo.
Scorpio: Maroon or Black. Opal or Topaz. Dahlia or Chrysanthemum. Horseradish or Peppercorns. Parasailing or Deep diving. Photography or Poetry. Garlic or Onion. Hot Spring or Sauna. Necromancy or Poison Specialists. Lizard or Snake. Living on a desert island or Cabin in the woods. Bass or Guitar. Cabernet Savignon or Brandy (neither). Darkness Manipulation or Emotion Manipulation (magic). Eagle or Wolf. Paintball or Laser tag. Telepathy or Invisibility. Cactus or Joshua tree. Virgo or Capricorn.
Sagittarius: Teal or Purple. Topaz or Turquoise. Dandelion or Daffodil. Ginseng or Cilantro. Horse or Stag/Buck. Plane ride or Road trip. Learn Hindi or Learn Japanese. Ginger or Wasabi. Climbing or Snowboarding. Teleportation or Super Speed. Carnival or Circus. Sake or Tequila (neither). Duffel Bags or Suitcases. Time Manipulation or Basic Precognition. Tambourine or Triangle. Backpacking or Whitewater rafting. Aquarius or Libra.
Capricorn: Grey or Brown. Jet or Garnet. Poppy or Pansy. Sage or Wintergreen. Cello or Viola. Antique collecting or Genealogy. Pottery or Jewelry Making. Bears or Bats. The smell of Cedar or Pine. Woodworking or Metalworking. Hellebore or Hollyhock. Enhanced senses or Magical Runes. Kissing in the rain or Cuddling by a fireplace. Michael Kors or Kate Spade. Shape-shifting or Biological Manipulation. People Watching or Exploring an abandoned building. Scorpio or Pisces.
Aquarius: Neon Colors or Rainbow. Magnet stones or Boji stones. Orchid or Golden-rain. Star fruit or Coconut. Long board or Skateboard. Yoga or Tai Chi. Peacock or Owl. Aliens or Phantoms. Star Magic or Astral projection abilities. Frankincense or Myrrh. Drums or Didjeridu. Time travel or Gravity manipulation. Protest or Volunteer. Sauvignon Blanc or Absinthe (neither). Aries or Sagittarius.
Pisces: Aquamarine or Amethyst. Sea Green or Ocean Blue. Tulips or Carnations. Turmeric or Willow Herb. Surfing or Water Skiing. Ocean or River. Poetry or Painting. Dolphins or Whales. Pineapple or Watermelon. Telekinesis or Reality Warping/Illusion powers. Zinfandel or Spiked punches/lemonades (neither). Starfish or Seashells. Healing Crystals or Dreamcatchers. Psychic powers or Water bending/manipulation. Coneflower or Iris. Lighthouse or Watermill. Baby’s breath or Waterlily. Taurus or Capricorn.
I tag whoever wants to do this.
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last-of-cheese · 3 years
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Photo collages of @libertybri’s Fallout OC Jasper. When they posted art of their character my first thought was “well shit I basically have that flannel I can cosplay him!” So I did.
Even dug out my Vault Boy bobble head, and my Vault Tech lunch box. I couldn’t find my bottle caps but 🤷🏻‍♂️… since I had my glasses off to take pictures I was blind as a fuckin bat and I dropped my bobble head and broke the needle off the syringe. RIP.
Photos are captioned
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valdangelodumbasses · 4 years
Valdangelo Headcannons #1
Leo and Nico are both introverts but Nico loves affection
Leo made Nico tiramisu once and he swallowed it faster than Percy could ever
Leo couldn't look him in the eyes for a week or he got so flustered
Nico is lawyer bf 
and a demon at monopoly; him playing w/ Annie is the worst.
gamers! both like monster (specifically mango loco) but Nico also loves tropical redbull
Nico teaches Leo and hazel how to play so they can battle 2v2
Nico wipes the floor and Leo is just glad he understands half the rules
Nico and Leo wear heels. 
and they're good at it too.
Confident Nico>>>>>>  
Leo has a fucking heart attack when Nico pins him to a wall
Leo makes Nico laugh with his jokes and shitty pickup lines
but when Uses shitty pickup lines on him he steals them, after he stops looking like a tomato
Nico does Cosplay and they cosplay together and its so fucking rad
making out while baking/cooking? more likely than u think
Leo tells Nico he looks cute one day b4 they started dating and Nico is like: Is this friendly affection
Caffeine addicts rise up
but Nico hates coffee and honestly same
teas n energy drinks>>> 
Leo is a fucking swine who mixes all his foods and Nico nearly vomits bc he wont let his food even touch goddamit
Piper and Hazel being wingman while Percy and Jason are the matchmakers
p r a n k s
like so goddam many
they are unstoppable and they pin it on the Stolls
or Leo gets caught
Nico n e v e r does bc like? scary emo kid? prankster? nah, NAh,
he sticks his tongue out at leo anytime leo gets caught
bisexual leo or gay leo? leo doesn't even know!
all he knows is that nicos hot and has a cute butt & personality
nico is a theater gay
he sings every musical
his favorites are Heathers, Beetle juice, Legally blond, and the greatest showman
Leo has theater kid energy but probably works the tech stuff
he likes heathers, Chicago, legally blond, Grease, and dear evan Hansen the best
Hamilton is neither of their favorites yet they end up dueting it all the time
Art kid and Repair kid>>>>>>>>>>>>
Percy sees them kiss after dating (and kissing) for 6 months and wait yall are friends?
Hes slow but he means well, Nico sticks his tongue in leo's mouth after percy says that
he's like  “O H , sorry im dumb”
“jackpot” “Valdez shush”
they talk abt their moms
angsty emo boys listen to greenday
and every other emo band
Leo calls Nico mammacita once
never again (Nico started crying)
why? It was commonplace used by his uncles and grandpa
Nico demands leo call him that more though
Leo is Hesitant but obliges
mexican or italian food restaurant arguments
leo steals nicos breadsticks even tho he has some
nico steals leo's nachos when he has his own
they're petty? yes but petty and in love!
and gay/ did i mention g a y 
Demiboy leo rights
leos a fuckin lefty
Trans Nico rights mtf or ftm rights
nico may not be trans but he's also demiboy
demi boys calling each other they all day because nobody uses the they in he/they (speaking as a demigirl)
If nico IS trans tho hades 100% uses magic to transition Nico bc yes good dad
laughing abt trauma and they're friends are like: NO
“get ur hands off my bf”
“kick their ass baby i got cho flower”
imagine, just imagine nico fussing over leos hair because curly is the cutest
leo fusses over nicos when he's in a slump and brushes his hair
skincare is vital to both
Leo does engineering n shit but does it for like 16 hours straight much to everyone's dismay, but Nico who has (arguably) fresh eyes and make sure his physics is right
Nico loves physics fight me
but nico sleeps like 4 times a week for 3 hours or 3 days a week for 12 hours
Insomnia gang don’t rise up go to fuckin sleep 
will keeps giving them melatonin and they always forget to take ti and will is going to fuckin murder them maybe then they'll sleep
u know that comic where they naruto kiss S P I D E R M A N  K I S S I E S
nico hangs like a bat and leo is a memelord
nico also loves spider man
they def try to make spider man gear but annie smashes the shit out of it
dorks! comic!
omg comic book shop au nico owns it
soulmate au where u loose shit n it goes to ur soulmate
nico has NO clue what the hell to do with all this nails n hammers n shit
Leo builds stuff out of nicos lost mytho dupes 
Leo doesnt know what to do with his underwear, or all the mcdonalds receipts and the crumpled up sketches and sketch books
aphrodite ships it as she SHOULD and hades n heppy do too
why did i cal hephaestus heppy ? idk maybe aphrodite calls him that
They both hate yoga with a passion
does nico have an obsession with spn or does he hate it sm that he watches it ?
its as ambiguous as leo's sexuality!
Leos like what if i'm straight
then nico walks in 
No he's definitely not straight
who even heard of greeks being straight smh
Nico in miniskirts, aline, or any skirt makes leo go brrrrrrr
he wears leggings or tights under them though
Nico also wears leggins to bed
or the fluffy pants he steals from leo so leo doesn't have any pants
band band band band band band band band band  Nico can sing and leo plays drums
Nico and katie are friends and Nico has a green thumb so leo is surprised when nico has more houseplants than crowley (Good omens)
He has tons of hanging and not hanging terrariums
Leo tries not to set them on fire
After Leo and Nico start hanging out more Nico bribes Lou Ellen to make his plants fire proof
they are now
Nico knows how to fire a gun and he's good at it
Pirate Nico!! 
Leo and Hades get along well
So does Nico and heppy
the parents get along too but they diss heras bad mothering
Nico gets de aged and leo is ???? but he's so CUTE AND TINY
Leo babysits him for a week in the bunker and nobody even knows until Percy and Will goes in there looking for him
Nico and Clarisse sparing? Sweaty bf? Leo loves it and chris and leo are just staring and say “yes”
Nico has freckles and leo kisses each one
Leo has these really dark freckles spread across his body but they aren't as frequent as freckles?? y'all know what i mean? ne way nico kisses them
Leo uses Yall. 
It rubs off on nico
jason is a die hard anti y’all
they annoy the shit out of him
nico and leo having bakeoffs
Nico asking piper for advice but editing it so its not super obvious its leo
She figures it out and tells leo like any good bff
nico promptly leaves camp when leo busts in asking if he has a crush on him
hades laughs but understands
leo sulks back to piper and percy is there and Percy got no chill
so he goes down there
Hades ain't too happy w that but Nico just gets so embarrassed and goes back with him
Hephaestus and aphro watching this go down like a romcom
I'm getting tired so im going to stop here anyway stan valdangelo for clear skin
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araniaart · 2 years
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I had an utter BLAST at La Llorona’s Upside Down event in San Antonio Last night! I did a (mostly) closet cosplay of Vampire!Eddie - which was a hell of a lot of fun, and was happy to run into several other people cosplaying (including another person doing a nod to the Kas!Eddie theory with red contacts and a wicked costume) - and a Chrissy with white-out contacts and blood down her face.  I got to meet Gabriella Pizzolo (Suzy’s actress) -  who was incredibly sweet and personable - it was such a treat to meet!  Thanks so much for the super nice compliments on my cosplay and new tattoo - I hope you had a good time! ( and thanks for the RL tech genius help getting my phone’s flash to work lol ) Other awesome things: over 50 local artists who each had at least some Stranger Things themed art pieces/stickers/mugs/cookies/prints/etc etc etc! I GOT MY EDDIE BATS TATTOO!  They were doing live tattooing at the event with a ST inspired flash page, but I got a hold of one of the artists in advance and was able to get him the linework for Eddie’s Bats tattoo: Thanks so much to https://www.instagram.com/jayortiz.tattoos/ for the wicked inkwork! PLUS: Live music (a ROCKING group called Whisky Bliss who did a FULL performance of Master of Puppets and a rock version of Running up that hill and KILLED IT), photo ops with big props including VECNA!
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cuntyko · 2 years
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You know its very difficult to not sound pompous having a blog because what do I really have to say? I'm very much not like the girlbloggers that are all low contrast low saturation baby waif whatever whatever... nothing against it just not me personally as a girlblogger... ya know? thats why I feel the conviction to be vocal because im an outlier, It's really annoying when you're seen as a girl first before anything else... not a person but a little hormonal teenage girl that just believes anything thats pretty and sparkly. A dumb broad that doesn't know what she's talking about... theres this belief that its all about how skinny how pretty how white you are and the more of those things you are the more people listen the more they care
The other day I was hanging out with some people from yee old tech school and right and most of these people I like really didn't know but I'm like friendly I'm outgoing... and im trying to make conversation with everyone right get acquainted I like to break the ice quick... we were chilling in this great vast suburban backyard and out come these dudes with swords fighting and im like um plz I WANNA PLAY KILL BILL like any chance to play Uma Thurman I will.... it was like they were in their own bubble they didnt respond like... they just continued even after a couple of times of me trying to get their attention I gave up... I sat there like damn these dudes don't even respect me... its just like playground politics. Like it doesn't matter how common our interests were they still would look at me like an alien with 3 heads because im a girl. Nothing else besides a girl...
I always roll my eyes at comments about the "not like other girls" girl because I understand the frustration... I mean every girl has to understand where that frustration comes from.. not taken seriously not being able to "hang" because you're a just a girl. Theres just different ways to cope with that, maybe you lean into it maybe you back away. But it's just insulting to say that this philosophy is all in the interest of attracting men, all of the masculine interests and boyish mannerisms are all an alluring illusion to simply attract men.... as if it wouldn't be easier to put on a cute skirt bat my lashes and go on with my day. Thats just not fulfilling for me why cosplay something that you're not,
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redjaybathood · 3 years
Batman: Urban Legends
Things that are there:
smol Jason;
continuity: Jason being bad at naming stuff, including his own superhero name, since the start;
Jason's early life exposure to guns starting, ironically, from Bruce;
Jason's seriously low self-esteem...
... His comparison with the 'last Robin' who 'was perfected', Jason's I never mastered fear. I need to be more direct attitude towards differences in Bruce's and his own styles: like he honestly believes that he is worse than Bruce becuase he uses guns. His "You were never the best... detective". Like, the pause and page break??? Obviously it's not only about his detective abilities;
Jason encountering just the thing he went through, himself: a kid and his mom, alone, mom overdoses, the kid finds her. Kid doesn't have anyone. There's a dad somewhere but it's better if not. The threat of the kid being thrown into Gotham's system which is as far from protecting kids as Neptune. Like, this is literally Jason's childhood trauma played out right before his eyes;
Jason's working with Oracle. If we try to imagine this is in continuity with everything else, and judging by his suit, it's post the notorious RHATO 25, where Bruce beats Jason into half-dead state that needs at least a few months recovery with cutting-edge alien medical tech (!) for stepping over the line (I AM FOREVER HOLDING IT AGAINST BRUCE), by mistakenly believing Jason killed someone or at least made a serious attempt to. In here in this story, I've read spoilers, it's also about Jason's presence in Gotham being conditional on his using rubber bullets (i.e. not killing anyone) - and he will again break this condition. I mean, kinda repetative but never explored to the full satisfaction of Jason's fans? Mainly becuase the narrative always will be on Bruce's side, always;
but backtracking to Jason's futile attempt to find the drug labaratory by - actually using fear, like, he literally beats up people or uses a threat of violence to find out information. This is more direct than Batman, who - okay, also uses violence or threats of violence, but not in this issue. Like, check out how they juxtaposed: we see Jason's first act of harming someone (whatever his goal is). We see Bruce non-violently saving someone. And it continues, with Jason using violence to get information; while Bruce gets violence used against him (or at least an attempt was made to do so) which places him in subtly more deserving of sympthy position + his next step in the investigation is to go to his fancy Bat lab and analyze the shit out of the samples he got from the guy he saved with his fancy bat gadgets that allow him to kinda cosplay spiderman by swinging around town (i forgot the word for the gadget in any language that I know and can't even look it up so sorry for word vomit when describing what I mean).
You get where this is going? Basically, Batman good, Red Hood bad. But also, it highlights the disparity in resoures they have. Red Hood doesn't carry gadgets fancier than a smartphone. He doesn't have a lab. I doubt he has a home, actually. And! You will never see Jason having anything to do with anything high-tech here. Even outside of here, it's either his friends' stuff (Roy's creations, Biz-on-synthK's creations, Kory's alien tech), or nothing. The only thing, in my opinion, that Jason is worse than Bruce in, is in having dead parents who were rich. Yeah, he failed at that one. It's kinda snowballed from here. And - it's actually pretty textual, yet, the story still will treat Jason as a bad seed actually;
Barbara putting her head into her hand when she hears that Bruce investigates the same case as Jason. Bruce's immediate: HE'S A KILLER BARBARA. Like, okay, Bruce. He's probably are not on the same page as Jason who is "rubber bullets are my conditions on working in Gotham". I mean, Jason will end up killing someone in this story, but is Bruce's attitude warranted? I am not being ironic here. Bruce - and the story - insists that it is inevitable that Jason will kill. But it was not, actually. He had only rubber bullets. It was an accident that when Andy, the victim, confessed to drugging his five or six years old kid with highly lethal experimental drug based on Scarecrow's formula (Scarecrow), Jason had Andy's revolver in his hand instead of his own handgun with rubber bullets. I mean, you could argue that Jason is trigger happy and Bruce knows it - and in this particular instance you are right. Only here, though, with a lot of extenuating circumstances. Jason's not a trigger-happy person anywhere else, even when he commits acts of mass murder, it almost always calculated to a T; forget murder, even violence, I've yet to read anything to indicate he loves violence or uses it to vent (unlike Bruce! who actually does that! canonically!). But he has a few trigger points and Andy just hit one of them. Otherwise? He would have gone home free. Bruce didn't know what was going to happen, Jason killing is not him being right, it is him being a broken clock telling the correct time once a day;
Oh, UtRH Alfred retcon! If I remember it right, Alfred was not on Jason's side. I mean, he's not really here on Jason's side - always with "Jason was the angry Robin" when he was not. But at least here he tries to go like, wtf Bruce, he's your son. Where in UtRH as far as I remember, he was down with Bruce taking Jason down;
And it has to be pointed out separately: "We both know Jason, his anger..." - that's before they actually saw any of Jason's anger. That's before him beating up Tim, before him shooting Damian, beating up Damian, fighting with Dick (I am not sure though it was ever Jason's initiative to fight with Dick and not Dick going after him). It's barely after severed heads in a duffle bag - they just found out it's Jason's handiwork, they don't have time to go "oh, that's Jason as I remember him".. I am not saying Jason wasn't angry ever - he has two or three canonical episodes from his Robin's days before painting him up as a deffective, angry, unworthy Robin was the latest fad. It's only... who wasn't angry ever? Batman? Pfff.
I mean, Alfred is right that Jason had total adoration of Bruce, and Bruce let him down - they let him down. However, I don't think that putting him in harm's way is the biggest left down. Because the same goes for Dick, and Tim, and Damian (who is the only one who was not an orphan but was put in harm's way - or rather was not kept out of harm's way). You could argue that Alfred focuses on this in relation to Jason because Jason died, and the others didn't (at least in the current continuity). I would say, it's rather shitty of Alfred then to deny the harm they did to other kids; and even shittier not to realise that the worst thing they did to Jason was not that they allowed him to be Robin and fight crime, but that they allowed him to be Robin and fight crime ignoring his age and trauma and the rare cases when he acted out was used against him. Like: they, adults, put him, a minor, in a harmful situation with high risk of re-traumatization, he acted out because of the influence of the situation they put him in, they blame him and punish him and continue to blame him even after he is dead both as a method of controlling other kids they put into the same harmful situations or allow to continue to be even if they have means and authority to get them out (Tim, Stephanie, Cass) and as a tool of making themselves feel better.
But however shitty Alfred is, Bruce is always shittier. Alfred is: Jason needs Bruce Wayne's help instead of Batman's stopping him. Bruce: true but I don't care, I am Batman and I'm stopping him.
On the more positive note: Jason's new kid inherited his unability to name stuff. Blue Hood, come on! It's worse than Bat Boy.
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Promptober-2021: Happy Life: Casey Yohanes & Apriri O’Neil
Primary Pairing: YohaRiko Words: 531 Rating: T for some suggestiveness AU: Angelic? Prompt: Bat out of Hell Parent Fic: Happy Life Time Frame: The couple’s second or third Halloween in college
Author’s Note: Prompt for Oct 5th. I wrote the bulk of this one in my head on my drive home from work.
Summary: Riko and Yohane get ready for another Halloween party hosted by Mari.
“Kyaaa!” Riko recoiled as a masked figure leaped toward her upon entering the apartment.
“<It’s time to fight!>” A battle cry in English.
“Yocchan… Mohhh… Don’t scare me like that.”
Yoshiko pulled up the hockey mask to reveal a grin. “Gotcha good, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, I suppose you did.” Riko conceded, kneeling to quickly remove her shoes. “But I probably should have expected it.”
“Welcome home, Riri.” Yoshiko moved close for one of her favorite rituals.
“I’m back.” Riko replied, pulling her girlfriend in for a kiss.
“Now,” Yoshiko pulled back “let’s get Riri changed so we can head to Mari’s party!”
As Riko let herself be led to her bedroom, she took moment to admire Yoshiko’s costume. A ragged blue t-shirt left her arms bare as well as an enticing amount of her midriff. Grey, torn sweatpants and a leather shoulder pad. She really did look like the TMNT character, though decidedly more attractive, as far as Riko was concerned.
“I already laid out your costume.” Yoshiko said excitedly.
“Thank you.” Riko began to disrobe so she could don the yellow jumpsuit on the bed.
“Ah, lemme show you the props I found!” The blue-haired girl moved to a golf bag filled with equipment. “I got me a goalie stick, a cricket bat, a tennis racket, a driver, and three six irons, of course.”
“Of course.”
“Oh, and look, dual wielding!” She pulled out a pair baseball bats. “If anyone comes near my Riri, I’ll <bat ‘em back to Hell!>” She switched to English at the end.
Back to… Riko furrowed her brow. “Do you mean <bat out of Hell?>”
“Why would I want to bat them out of Hell?” Yoshiko asked. “If they’re being sinful, they need to be sent into Hell, not out of.”
Riko shook her head. “No, the phrase is <like a bat out of Hell.> It means to move fast, like how a bat might flee Hell.”
Yoshiko nodded. “Right, and I’ll swing my bats really fast, like they’re out of Hell.”
“No, that’s, never mind… What?” Riko realized the other girl was now staring.
Yoshiko giggled. “Nothing. Just admiring my beautiful girlfriend.”
Riko felt heat rise in her cheeks but couldn’t deny that she enjoyed the compliment. She stepped into the jumpsuit and pulled it up before sliding her arms into the sleeves.
“Here, let Casey Yohanes zip you up, Ms. O’Neil.” Yoshiko said in a sultry voice as she slid in close and reached for the slider’s pull. “Or should I call you Apriri?”
Riko was about to refuse but remembered how much her girlfriend loved nicknames. “Alright, but just for tonight.”
Yoshiko pushed up into a kiss, wrapping her arms around Riko’s neck to pull herself deeper. Riko reciprocated but had to disengage when she felt something twist within her.
“We…” Riko cut herself off as she hear her voice croak and had to clear it. “We should probably get going, lest we be late.”
Yoshiko looked disappointed for the briefest of moments before grinning. “Right!” She turned back, grabbed her golf bag and slung it over her shoulder. “Let’s head out!” She pumped a fist into the air. “Goongala!”
Author’s Note Continued: I read the prompt and immediately thought of Yohane, because of course Yohane the fallen angel and Hell and whatnot. Then I figured others might go with living bats for their scenes, so I decided to take a different route. But how to work the phrase into the scene? “Hit it out of the park”? Sub in Hell for park? Nah...
Then I remembered Casey Jones, one of my favorite TMNT characters, alongside Donatello because I love tech geeks. He fights with bats and could “bat them back to hell” or something. And Jones is kinda close to John, which is derived from Yohanan. Jones -> Yohanes. It just worked out that way.
Apriri was an easy choice and worked perfectly with the fact that Casey and April have been canonically implied to be involved in some versions - it’s been years, so I cannot recall if there was ever a direct mention, but feel free to remind me. Also, Riko is a redhead, even if her hair length is a bit longer than that typically depicted for April. But it’s just a Halloween costume, not professional grade cosplay, so whatever.
Finally, for those unfamiliar with the 1987 TMNT cartoon series, here is what these costumes looked like on their original characters:
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If I could draw, I would absolutely draw YohaRiko in these outfits. Perhaps someday I’ll look to have someone else do so for me. Until then, we will have to make due with out imaginations.
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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MARVEL COMICS Black Widow #11 (Cover A Adam Hughes), $3.99 Black Widow #11 (Cover B Ejiwa Edge Ebenebe Miles Morales 10th Anniversary Variant), AR Eternals Thanos Rises #1 (Cover A Esad Ribic), $3.99 Eternals Thanos Rises #1 (Cover B Ron Lim), AR Eternals Thanos Rises #1 (Cover C Dustin Weaver), AR Eternals Thanos Rises #1 (Cover D Iban Coello Stormbreakers Variant), AR Eternals Thanos Rises #1 (Cover E Todd Nauck Headshot Variant), AR Excalibur By Tini Howard Volume 3 TP, $17.99 Extreme Carnage Agony #1 (Cover A Skan), $3.99 Extreme Carnage Agony #1 (Cover B David Nakayama Design Variant), AR Extreme Carnage Agony #1 (Cover C Jeff Johnson Connecting Variant), AR Extreme Carnage Agony #1 (Cover D Skottie Young), AR Extreme Carnage Agony #1 (Cover E Symbiote Variant), AR Fantastic Four #35 (Cover A Mark Brooks), $9.99 Fantastic Four #35 (Cover B John Romita Jr.), AR Fantastic Four #35 (Cover C Elizabeth Torque), AR Fantastic Four #35 (Cover D Jack Kirby Hidden Gem Variant), AR Fantastic Four #35 (Cover E Paul Renaud), AR Fantastic Four #35 (Cover F Betsy Cola), AR Fantastic Four #35 (Cover G NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Fantastic Four #35 (Cover H Mark Brooks Virgin Variant), AR Fantastic Four Life Story #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Daniel Acuna), $4.99 Fantastic Four Life Story #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Phil Noto), AR Iron Man #12 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Iron Man #12 (Cover B Rahzzah Miles Morales 10th Anniversary Variant), AR Kang The Conqueror #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Del Mundo), $3.99 Kang The Conqueror #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Carlos Pacheco), AR Last Annihilation Wakanda #1 (Cover A Philip Tan), $4.99 Last Annihilation Wakanda #1 (Cover B Ernanda Souza), AR Marauders #24 (Cover A Russell Dauterman), $3.99 Marauders #24 (Cover B Betsy Cola), AR Mighty Valkyries #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Mattia De Iulis), $3.99 Mighty Valkyries #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Mahmud A. Asrar), AR Mighty Valkyries #5 (Of 5)(Cover C NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Miles Morales Volume 5 The Clone Saga TP, $19.99 Savage Avengers Volume 4 King In Black TP, $17.99 Spider-Woman #15 (Cover A Junggeun Yoon), $3.99 Spider-Woman #15 (Cover B Bengal Miles Morales 10th Anniversary Variant), AR Star Wars Darth Vader #16 (Cover A Aaron Kuder), $3.99 Star Wars Darth Vader #16 (Cover B Paolo Villanelli Bounty Hunter Ship Blueprint Variant), AR Star Wars Darth Vader #16 (Cover C Chris Sprouse Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary Variant), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters Boushh #1 (Cover A Mahmud A. Asrar), $4.99 Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters Boushh #1 (Cover B Phil Noto), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters Boushh #1 (Cover C Khary Randolph), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters Boushh #1 (Cover D Paolo Villanelli Bounty Hunter Ship Blueprint Variant), AR Uncanny X-Men Rise And Fall Of The Shi’ar Empire TP (New Printing), $34.99 W.E.B. Of Spider-Man #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Greg Land), AR Warhammer 40000 Sisters Of Battle #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Dave Wilkins), $4.99 Warhammer 40000 Sisters Of Battle #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Games Workshop), AR Warhammer 40000 Sisters Of Battle #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Edgar Salazar Design Variant), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Valerio Schiti), $3.99 X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Gerald Parel), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Stephanie Hans), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #2 (Of 5)(Cover D Ivan Shavrin), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #2 (Of 5)(Cover E David Baldeon), AR
ONI PRESS Rick And Morty Worlds Apart Volume 1 TP, $19.99
SCOUT COMICS By The Horns #5 (Of 7)(Cover A Jason Muhr), $3.99 By The Horns #5 (Of 7)(Cover B Mark Dos Santos), AR Canopus TP, $14.99 Cherry Blackbird #2 (Of 5), $3.99 Frank At Home On The Farm TP, $14.99 Locust #4 (Of 8), $3.99 Mullet Cop #1 (Cover A Tom Lintern), $7.99 Rabid World #4 (Of 4), $3.99 Stake #6 (Cover A Francesca Fantini), $3.99 Stake #6 (Cover B Victor Santos), AR Tart Demons And Demagogues #1 (One Shot), $5.99
SCOUT COMICS – SCOOT Scoot Frontiers #1, $9.99 Unikorn #1 (2nd Printing Nicholas Ely Cover), $1.99
SECOND SIGHT PUBLISHING C.H.E.S.S. #3 (Of 5)(Cover A William Allan Reyes), $3.99 Duplicant #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Leila Del Duca), $3.99 Duplicant #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Dan Wolff), $3.99
SOURCE POINT PRESS 20 Fists TP, $9.99 Claim Volume 1 A Song Of Ire And Vice TP, $14.99 Era Great Wonders TP, $19.99 Go West Special Edition TP, $14.99 TITAN COMICS Blade Runner Origins #6 (Cover A Butch Guice), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #6 (Cover B Fernando Dagnino), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #6 (Cover C Robert Hack), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #6 (Cover D Butch Guice Black & White Variant), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #4 (Cover A Priscilla Petraites), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #4 (Cover B Eva Redomonti), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #4 (Cover C Ana Godis), $3.99 Marvel Studios’ WandaVision The Official Collector’s Special HC, $24.99 Snowpiercer The Prequel Volume 2 Apocalypse GN, $16.99
TOKYOPOP Gentle Noble’s Vacation Recommendation Volume 4 GN, $12.99
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Ninjak #3 (Cover A Fernando Dagnino), $3.99 Ninjak #3 (Cover B Alitha Martinez), $3.99 Ninjak #3 (Cover C Zu Orzu Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR VIZ MEDIA Animal Crossing New Horizons Volume 1 GN, $9.99 Fly Me To The Moon Volume 7 GN, $9.99 Hayate The Combat Butler Volume 38 GN, $9.99 Kirby Manga Mania Volume 2 GN, $9.99 Legend Of Zelda Twilight Princess Volume 9 GN, $9.99 Mao Volume 1 GN, $9.99 Pokemon Sun And Moon Volume 11 GN, $4.99 Splatoon Volume 13 GN, $9.99 Yo-kai Watch Volume 18 GN, $9.99
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Possessive #2 (Of 3)(Cover A Martin Coccolo), $5.99 Possessive #2 (Of 3)(Cover B Riveiro), $5.99 Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly #3 (Zodiac Vs Deathforce)(Cover D John Royle Keres Variant), AR Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly #3 (Zodiac Vs Deathforce)(Cover E Keith Garvey Red Agent Variant), AR Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly #3 (Zodiac Vs Deathforce)(Cover F Keith Garvey Red Agent Lingerie Variant), AR Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly #3 (Zodiac Vs Deathforce)(Cover G Keith Garvey Red Agent Sexy or Z-Rated Variant), AR Grimm Fairy Tales #50 (Cover G John Royle Van Helsing Variant), AR Grimm Fairy Tales #50 (Cover H Mike DeBalfo Goldilocks Variant), AR Grimm Fairy Tales #50 (Cover I Mike DeBalfo Goldilocks Lingerie Variant), AR Grimm Fairy Tales #50 (Cover J Mike DeBalfo Goldilocks Sexy or Z-Rated Variant), AR
TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBES Dragon Ball Legends Collab Gotenks Figure, AR Jaws Toony Terrors Jaws And Quint 6 Inch Action Figure 2 Pack, AR POP Heroes Wonder Woman 80th Wonder Woman Superman Red Son Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Loki Sylvie Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Spider-Man No Way Home Doctor Strange Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Spider-Man No Way Home Integrated Suit Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Venom Let There Be Carnage Carnage Vinyl Figure, AR POP Marvel Venom Let There Be Carnage Venom Vinyl Figure, A Vinyl Soda Corpse Bride Emily With Glow Chase, AR Vinyl Soda DC Bat-Mite With Chase, AR Vinyl Soda Klondike Kat Savoir Faire With Chase, AR Vinyl Soda Klondike Kat With Flocked Chase, AR Vinyl Soda Masters Of The Universe Beastman With Flocked Chase, AR Vinyl Soda Masters Of The Universe Tung Lashor With Metallic Chase, AR Vinyl Soda Matrix Neo With Chase, AR Vinyl Soda Pan Am Stewardess With Chase, AR Vinyl Soda Umbrella Academy Pogo With Chase, AR
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