#BSD: One Time Sanity
crimson0lake · 7 months
BSD: Other Side is also added to ao3 with its intro!
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justplaggin · 2 years
Your thoughts on the new episode ??
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whathorselegs · 1 month
I think one of my favourite character journeys in BSD has to be Kunikida learning to be better with kids because you'd expect it to be a fun wholesome character arc. Only, it ends up being heart breaking as it's immediately turned against Kunikida.
Despite the 'Dad status' that the fandom has given Kunikida, he was actually terrible with kids towards the start of the manga.
Take how he treated Atsushi in the first chapter. (Yes, Atsushi is not a little kid, but he was a starving and vulnerable orphan when they met.) When Kunikida and Dazai mention the 'man-eating tiger' Atsushi immediately freaks out and tries to run away.
What does Kunikida do? He grabs Atsushi, slams him to the floor and then threatens to break his arm for information.
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It's Dazai of all people who has to reign Kunikida in reminding him "The boss himself warned you that the gathering of intelligence needn't be an interrogation". Dazai was the sweet talker and Kunikida was threat, even to a terrified, starving orphan.
Later with Kyouka, he's not much better. He attempts to intimidate her into giving the agency information. Whilst Atsushi now fulfils the role of the gentle approach. She's a mafia assassin after all, even if he knows she had no choice in it, Kunikida treats her as a threat before he treats her as a child.
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Even with Aya, the interaction that gave Kunikida his 'dad status', he started off badly. But, it is here we start to see Kunikida trying to be better, trying to take a softer approach, even if he's clumsy with it.
When he realizes Aya was just handed a bomb, he snatches it from her and gets rid of it. That can't be helped it was a literal ticking time bomb, he then phones the authorities to deal with it. He was planning to leave, it's only because he caught sight of Aya sitting alone did he approach her. It wasn't his first instinct.
If he hadn't seen her in that moment, he might not have gone looking for her at all.
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He asks her if she's alright and then she shocks him by wanting to hunt down the culprit. He rightfully tries to dissuade her, but again, he's not good with kids, he's blunt and argumentative with her.
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Obviously, that's not going to convince a kid with a hero complex to not chase the bad guy.
However, his turning point, in my opinion, is when he realizes he has to choose between Aya and the people on the train. Now, he had already set off the stun grenade and is putting all his faith in Yosano finding them. He trusts her so he knows they are most likely going to be okay.
But Aya doesn't know that and he can't explain it all in the time they have. He sees a child who thinks she's about to die and is trying to be brave about it. And Kunikida comforts her. He needs her to know that she's not alone, that she's not going to suffer, that he is with her and he hugs her.
There was no need for him to step into that explosion with Aya except to comfort her. He chose to do that. Above his own life, he chose her needs.
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And that's where this journey starts to get heartbreaking, because Kunikida hadn't always been like this. He was obviously always going to try and protect children, his ideals state as much, but he also didn't believe himself to be a hero. He doesn't see himself as someone capable or even worthy of that role.
So he built up a barrier around himself that made him harsher and more callous. He called it a professional detachment. He had to, it was to protect himself, to keep his sanity in those moment when they couldn't save everyone. Now it's breaking down and he's showing more and more how much he cares.
And it's immediately used against him.
The very scenario that got him to open up is placed in front of him again. A child with a bomb around their throat. Only this time Yosano isn't there, and this time Fyodor is orchestrating it.
And Kunikida does everything right. He tells Atsushi to leave and carry on the mission so he can stay and help the child. He gets on the child's level, makes himself small and none threatening. He reassures the child in gentle voice that everything will be okay.
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And then, it's the line "How about a magic trick?" that really gets me, because he's trying so hard to present himself as someone trustworthy. And a magic trick is exactly what he pulled off with Aya, but it's what goes wrong here.
Because Fyodor planned it this time. He didn't just target children to get at Kunikida, he made a twisted mockery of what happened to Aya. Except she doesn't live this time and Kunikida can't bring this child any comfort or safety because Kunikida is the threat. This child dies alone and afraid because Kunikida was there, just like Fyodor planned.
Fyodor saw Kunikida bare his heart once and immediately reached in his chest and crushed it.
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illugremlins · 25 days
Every time someone says Dazai wasn't in the wrong when he slapped Atushi out of his state of derealisation/dissociation an Angel loses its wings, and I lose a bit more of my sanity.
Dazai isn't a good person. He isn't. Literally, the most fundamental core aspect of himself is that life is entirely meaningless, so he may as well align himself with the heroes because he doesn't see the point in living long anyway. He does, eventually, develop a more ethical moral compass, but it's til horribly skewed (as are most BSD characters' moral compasses).
To this day, he still uses Aktugawa's desperation for approval against him while pitting him and Atushi against each other to further his end goals. He wants to get things done his way and has no issues sacrificing or using people.
When he slaps Atsushi, it's making a point to remind people that, despite everything, Dazai isn't good. He didn't have to resort to violence, but it was the easiest and most efficient way. (He doesn't have to continually exploit Aktugawa, but he does because it's his most efficient way.)
I'm not saying he's the devil spawn, nor am I denying that his way of behaving is because of the cycle of abuse he went through at the hands of Mori and his overall environment. But, BSD makes a point to showcase that being abused is not a justification to perpetuate abuse, Atushi being the MC and prime example, especially when he breaks this cycle with Kyoka.
So no, it isn't a good thing that he slapped Atushi, it isn't justifiable, and it wasn't right. But life is meaningless in Dazai's own. Not just his life, but the very concept of being alive. This is why he doesn't care if he's good or bad. In the end, it's all meaningless. He slapped Atushi, and Atsuhi snapped out of it. It worked.
'Why should Atushi even bother pitying himself? Life is useless, anyway.'
I'm fully aware that Dazai isn't that cold-hearted, but he does, to an extent, believe so. I say to an extent, because he's still human, and still grieves others and cares for them. (Oda, Kunikida, Chuya, Atushi..etc).
Dazai isn't a good guy. He never was. He wouldn't be Dazai if he were, and we constantly see it in how he plans things and uses other people or his knowledge to his advantage, or how he comes up with solutions. We see it, I think, most obviously, in his treatment of Aktugawa.
But, IMO, no one, not even Atushi, really, in BSD is that morally righteous, and I can make an argument about why they all are lowkey not very good people when it comes down to it.
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unloved-cadillac · 2 years
Hello I’ll be requesting .
Bsd dazai seeing y/n after he left the port mafia with a toddler and man who’s the body guard only
C/n: so we got straight to the feels today. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🖤
After All These Years. (Dazai x Reader)
It was very uncommon for love to blossom in the Mafia. A place where death and a question morals came into play wasn’t a place where you would fall in love.
But you did.
With the man who loved death. Dazai Osamu and you were a pair of weirdos who complimented each other’s personality. Both too much in love to worry about anything else. You two fell so fast and too hard for each other. The thrill of chases made you both ecstatic and to the point where you couldn’t keep your hands off each other.
Now, you sat in your bathroom holding the pee stick in your hand with the other covering your mouth. How did this happen? You both were wild but you were protected all the time. It was a mistake but when you thought about it, you couldn’t let this little spark disappear.
So you would.
The last mission you carried out with Dazai was one you made terrible. You complained about everything, became a bitch and ignored Dazai. Which was one of the hardest things to do especially when he handled you so gently.
“My love, I know you’re angry. I’m not too sure what about but if I can help you please tell me. I’m going to buy your favorite food and we can go home and talk about it. But please can we focus on doing this kill? I promise I will do whatever it is you ask just for now, listen to me.”
You breathed out, calming yourself and telling yourself not to cry, nod and follow orders and carry out the mission. When it was done, you went with Dazai back to headquarters. As Dazai was about to talk to you, a subordinate approaches the both of you. “Sir, Mr Mori has requested to see you.” He says and Dazai clicks his tongue. “I’ll be back, okay?” He touches your cheek and leaves with the subordinate. Once he was out of sight you bolted out of there.
Taking off your coat and throwing away your personal belongings, you ran back home and packed. You thought about writing a note, explaining why you’re leaving but that would just make him want to find you. You didn’t want him to. You had to leave behind this life in order to bring a new one. Even if it meant leaving him.
“Where is she?” Dazai asks your subordinates. They held their head down as they spoke because looking into the youngest Mafia Executive’s eyes who spark a murdering spree. “Sir, we honestly don’t know. The last time we saw her was this morning. When she went to the mission. We didn’t even see her come back.”
Dazai grinds his teeth and balls his hands into fists. Leaving without saying another word, he makes his way to your house. He was met with a somber emptiness. “Where the fuck are you?” He whispers but when he looks around your house to see nothing there, his heart breaks.
He searched everywhere, used his contacts to find you plus threatened everyone to get you. But you were part of the Mafia. You could hide in plain sight and no one would find you.
But how could you just let this go? Did he do something? Maybe you’ll come back. Maybe the thing that was bothering you so much while subside and you’ll come back. You have to. He needs you.
Time went by. Days turned into weeks turned into months turned into years. Dazai lost himself. When you left, Oda died and to keep his sanity, Dazai left the Mafia. 5 years had passed since the two most important people left him and his life has never been the same. Sure, he got another job. He started helping people, paying his karmic debt to become better. He blamed himself for everything and it wasn’t easy forgetting the person who he gave his heart to.
“We should head back to HQ and start on those files.” Atsushi says and Dazai scoffs. “Ha! You and Kunikida can do that I’m gonna go and take a nap. Beauty sleep is very much needed.” “Dazai, these papers-“
“Worry not Atsushi! I believe in you. You know before you could come I-“ Dazai stops midway and stares ahead of him. “Yeah?” Atsushi says, trying to ge thin to continue. But Dazai stared and his color faded from his face. It looked like he saw a ghost. And that’s what he thinks as well. Atsushi looks at what Dazai was staring at.
A woman with a child. She was fixing his shirt and the kid was bouncing, filled with energy. “Mama, I want some ice cream! It’s so hot.” The boy says and the woman laughs. “I know, I could also use some. Let’s wait for Haku to come first alright?” The boy nods. A huge man walks towards them and the kid hugs his leg. The man places a hand on the woman’s head and smiles. He takes the boy in his arms and walks away with the woman.
“Do you know them, Dazai?” Atsushi asks and Dazai breathes out. “Yes. Atsushi, I need you to find out all you can about her.” Atsushi nods. “Okay. But what’s her name?”
“Y/n L/n.”
“Thank you for supper, Mama.” Toyo says and you smile. “You’re welcome babe. Now, go brush your teeth and I’ll meet you upstairs.” Toyo nods and heads to the bathroom. As you begin to wash the dishes your phone buzzes. A message from your bodyguard.
‘A clear day. Goodnight Ms L/n.’
You smile and give him a thumbs up and a goodnight back. Ever since your Port Mafia days you became skeptical about people hunting you down. Hiring from one of the best bodyguard companies was your best option. You kept your protection in your home, away from Toyo’s eyes and had a small knife on you at all times. You can never be too careful when it came to those people.
As you think about the day, a knock is sounded on your door. You quickly grab a kitchen knife and head to the door. You look through the peephole to see no one there. You slowly open your door and look around to find no one there but on the floor laid a box of chocolates and a note. Not just any chocolates either. It was your favorite and most expensive chocolate that was sold deep in the city. Only one person knew this. You took the parcel in and shut your door.
Sitting in the lounge, you stare at the parcel and note. ‘It can’t be him. Could it?’ You carefully open the box and taste a chocolate. A wave of nostalgia hits to the point of tears.
“Oh my god, babe! Thank you!” You say as you kiss Dazai’s cheek and you look at the chocolates. “I remember you telling me how much you loved these so I pulled a few strings and got it. Anything for you, my love.”
You sniff and chew the chocolates. After indulging in them, you open the note.
Hi Y/n.
It’s me. Dazai. I saw you today and my heart stopped. Where have you been? I’ve missed you. I finally felt alive after seeing you. Will I be too much in asking to see you? If yes, I understand. If no, meet me at Shira Cafe at 10:00am tomorrow. I’ll keep this short, in case I see you.
With love
You smile as your tears flowed down to your chin and you covered your mouth to stay quiet. You want to see him. You needed to see him but how could you face him after what you did? You’ll explain everything. Why you left, the outcome and hope and pray that he’ll understand.
“Mama?” Toyo calls to you. Quickly wiping your tears you look at your boy. “Hi baby. Sorry, I’m coming now.”
“Is that chocolate?” He asks and you chuckle. “Yeah. You can have some tomorrow. Come on.” You take him upstairs and tuck him into bed. You brush his brown locks and kiss his nose. Tomorrow will be a very different day.
You prepared your whole speech in the bathroom, the kitchen, the car. Your bodyguard, Shoyo, knew about your past and Dazai. “Don’t worry, Ms L/n. Everything will be okay.” He reassures you and you give him a smile. “Thank you, Shoyo. Where will you be?”
“Around. Toyo will want to see things and I’ll be right with him while being close to you. Don’t worry.” You nod and go back to thinking. 5 years. Too long.
You jumped out the car and kissed Toyo goodbye. “I’ll be right back, okay big guy?” You say and he nods. You walk into the cafe and look around. He wasn’t here yet so you sat down by the window and waited. You ordered a water but you were way to nervous to drink it. Few minutes went by and the bell rang signifying someone entering. You look up and there he was.
You say and he stares at you. You got up and no words were exchanged. You gulped and started to scratch your palms. You never liked confrontation, especially with him.
“Dazai, please don’t be mad. I couldn’t just-“ you were caught in the middle when you felt his arms around you. His smell. He still had that smell. He was taller now too. “I’ve missed you so much, Y/n.” Dazai whispers and you gasp softly. You wrap your arms around him and hold onto him. “I missed you too, Zai.”
You both sat down and you began to explain. Dazai never let go of your hands. “His name is Toyo. And he looks just like you. I see you in him every day.” Dazai softly squeezes your hands and smiles but it disappears when he thinks of a question. “That man you were with… are you involved with him?”
You shake your head vigorously. “Oh god no. No. He is my bodyguard. I hired him when Toyo turned one. I’m strong but not that strong. I had to have an extra pair of eyes to watch my surroundings.” Dazai nods. “Why didn’t you tell me, Y/n? We would’ve made a plan.”
“Zai, I…I don’t know. I was scared. He was your child too but I was so scared what the Mafia would make me do. I’d rather risk running away than deal with them. I’m so sorry, Zai.” You look down as you cried. Dazai was quick to wipe your tears. “It’s okay. It’s okay, my love. I can only imagine how terrified you must’ve been. I left the Mafia shortly after you and changed my entire life. I always hoped you didn’t die on me like Oda.” You gasp and Dazai nods. “It was..a dark time. I’ll tell you everything but for now, may I…meet him?” You look up, staring into his beautiful eyes and nod. “Of course.”
You take Dazai to Shoyo and introduced him. “Toyo is there. Let me bring him.” He says and goes. You look at Dazai who was already looking at you. “What?” You ask. “Nothing. Just..thinking.” “About?” “You.” You blush and look down.
“Mama!” Your son shouts and runs to you. You take him into your arms. “Hi.” You greet him. “Hi Mama. Who’s that?” He points to Dazai and you look at him. “Toyo, this is Dazai. Your dad.”
It was like looking into a miniature mirror. Toyo had Dazai’s hair, eyes and ears. But he had your nose. Toyo cuddles into you as he stares at the tall man. “Hello, Toyo.” Dazai greets and Toyo waves at him.
This was the start of something new. Ever since that day, Dazai swore to himself that he’ll keep you and his son safe. Never will he let you feel like you can’t come to him for anything ever again.
“Dazai. Dazai. Dazai.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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asterrrrion · 1 year
Alright so part two of my explaining BSD french authors:
Arthur Rimbaud !
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This is the boy. Looks young, right ? That's cause he's seventeen in this. (Funnily enough, he's exactly the same age as Verlaine's wife. Verlaine, though, is 27 at the time they meet. Yeah, I wasn't kidding when I said he was a piece of shit.)
Rimbaud is kind of THE poet of teenage rebellion. He was born in 1854, under Napoleon III to place him back in his historical context. He wrote quite a bit in opposition to Napoleon, actually.
His father is absent at first, and then not here at all later. He has... A complex and complicated relationship with his mother. He gave her a disrespectful nickname, she was seen hitting him several times (although at the time that's hardly surprising...), but at the same time when he asked her to go see him in London (at a time where the trip was very expensive, and she'd never left France in her life before that) she came, and his sister described him then as "the happiest I'd ever seen him". She's often seen as the source of his inner anger and rebellion.
What he hates for sure, though, was living in his house, with his family, and especially in his hometown, Charleville, which he despises.
He's especially known for having fled his house a lot, as in several times a year, for several days every time, walking during the day and sleeping on the road during the night. His most famous poem, "Ma bohème" (unstranslatable title because "bohème" is a french concept, but it basically means living your life day after day, in communion with nature and/or your dreams, often with an artistic dimension and no money whatsoever - also has travel connotations because it derives from "bohemian"), actually talks solely about that.
He wrote from his fifteenth to his nineteenth birthday, and was - still is - seen as a genius, being one of the most influential french poets ever despite having written for only four years. He was famous for being uncontrollable, and it translates back to his style : he took extremely traditional forms and changed their rules. (Which weirdly enough actually kinda fits with Rimbaud's ability ??)
If we ever have a Baudelaire in BSD, know that his character will probably look up to him, seeing as Rimbaud is usually seen as continuing Baudelaire's legacy of completely revolutionising french poetry. His two most famous books are "A Season in Hell" and "Illuminations", his last one. His literary movement is symbolism, invented by Baudelaire, characterized by melancholy and an attraction to the ethereal and mysterious. Rimbaud himself thinks that "the poet must search and describe the unknown" and, well, too bad if he sacrifices his sanity. He's also one of the first after Baudelaire to write prose poems.
He stopped writing, forever, at twenty, after the Verlaine fiasco. Actually, he wrote "Illuminations" directly after, then gave it to Verlaine so that he could get it published instead of doing it himself.
That's where his life gets really weird. He tries to learn seven different skills and languages while traveling everywhere, fails, his sister dies and he shaves his head for her funeral, is forced into the military to fight in Java, then deserts, gets hired on a boat on his way back and becomes a sailor, then tries to get hired in the American Navy, doesn't get any answer, goes in a circus then a factory, and all of that while traveling everywhere in the world in the space of about three years.
Nobody knows where he was for the nine months after that - and during all of this, everyone who knows him is hoping that he gets back to writing poetry - and then he goes home to help his brother with his farm before leaving, AGAIN. He walks from France to Italy, then gets in a boat to Alexandria, where he works in a construction project to manage the workers. This keeps going for about eleven more years, so I can't list everything this guy did : we'd need a whole ass novel.
He stays in Northern Africa for almost the rest of his life, although he travels quite a lot in that region and never stops moving. In France, he's still as famous as he was at 17, and several eulogies are written for him without his knowledge. We can also note that he does weapon trafficking, for a very short period, at some point. He writes to his family that he's "bored", of all things. He's described by the people he meets then as "smart, sarcastic, not very talkative, never talking about his past".
He then dies in Marseille, in his thirties, from cancer in his leg.
I'm gonna be honest : I don't like his BSD characterization. Rimbaud's a wild card, a chaotic teenager, as an author. I also ! Hate ! That he's Verlaine's mentor. But that'll be the next part, where I'll talk of IRL Rimbaud and Verlaine.
Previous and future parts are in the #IrlBSDFr tag.
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kyouka-supremacy · 8 months
so, kyotag, your super honest opinion about bsd characters please (aka, who is your fave and who is your least fave. i promise, i am not trying to get you 'cancelled', i am just curious!) 🎤
Ever since I've gotten this ask I've been trembling, I don't think I can ever give bsd honest opinions for the sake of my own future mental sanity LMAO. The upside is, I can talk plenty of the characters I like!!
My favourite character is Kenji! For real, ahah. I'm just always drawn to characters that are just... Good. little guys only trying to do their best and be kind. I suppose there's also a factor of “that's who I want to be” that makes me like them in particular. I don't like the direction they went for Kenji's character in chapter 100.5, but really? I wasn't particularly let down by it either, like it's so fundamentally coherent with the worldview bsd expresses, if anything it was chapter 13 that was out of the scheme. I'm a professional canon ignorer at this point and I'll keep doing just that ahah.
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↑ Saw this scene for the first time in the anime, went “Slay! Communist king!”, and he's been my favourite ever since lol.
Although, if we count in Beast, then my favourite character overall must be Beast Atsushi. I mean, have you seen him... Most fucked up guy ever. He went through unimaginable trauma and he still kept being so soft at his core. He just wants to live but everyone is making it so hard for him. He cares for Kyouka so much and he cares for Dazai so much and (to me) he cares for Akutagawa so much like little traumatized boy how did you manage to save all that love in you despite the Horrors. I can't put in words how much I love him but really he's the only character I can say I really sympathize with, like, I want good things to happen to him. I want him to spend the rest of his life coddled and adored.
I love all the female characters <3 I ADORE Kyouka, I think among the other female characters she's the most multilayered and complex character with a structured and compelling story arc. I think she's seriously nice, I really love this stark contrast between her sharp, cynical side and her side that is so sweet and kind and so utterly 14 y/o, and I love how these two sides aren't really in conflict but just come to be together and make her so authentically Kyouka. She's so dear to me. Also, she's the only female character who can compete with the s.kk / ss.kk four for the role of main character, so like, I'm rooting for her ahah.
I adore Yosano for self-explanatory reasons lmao. The chapters of her backstory may not be my absolute favourites for a mere matter of personal taste but I definitely think they make for the best written chapters in the whole manga. I really like how sensitive she is of others' suffering, I think she's amazing– I think her compassion is truly amazing. I want to read more stories of unapologetically compassionate characters. I also generally really really love “older sister” kind of characters!!
I love Kouyou with all I've got. I'm sorry, I genuinely think her story was this good on mistake, but still. I think her backstory makes her genuinely intriguing, I think she's extremely cool and powerful and a joy to see in action, I think toxic mother / daughter relationships are super fun to explore, I think she deserves so much more spotlight and should be back as soon as possible.
I love Mitchell lmao. Like I know it may not look like it but I truly think about her 24/7. I just love women that are kinda silly and over the top. She's got like four lines and every single one is a gem and I adore all of them. She's got those big evident flaws and they make her so human and likeable!!! She's my best friend. Not to mention how loyal she is and how much she cares about her family, I really like those traits of her. Oh, and gowns! I love love love gowns.
Okay but seriously I love all female characters. I didn't like Lucy in particular at the start but she's really grown on me and now I adore her with everything. Wells is spectacular and I need her back as soon as possible. Every woman I didn't mention, from Higuchi to Egawa, believe me I love with all my heart.
I went off a tangent I'm so sorry </3 I know you asked for one character, but how can I not mention the others??? It's just been so long for me in the fandom now and I just can't but grow attached. And I've got so much untapped love for women I never get to talk about on my silly blog that focuses on two men. Following up the list, would be Akutagawa. And I don't want to talk about him because I suppose there's no need to after having made one trillion posts about him but also can I just say? I like him for the same exact reasons I like Kenji. She's just a guy trying to be good. The difference is that he sucks so bad at it, and it makes him SO fun to explore as a character. I really have so much fun playing with him. Then would be Tachihara, Jouno...
... ........................ For the characters I like least, I suppose, R/anpo. I'm so sorry peoples. In R/anpo's case, it's just... Why do you have to be so mean and disrespectful all the time. Seriously, dude. Why is he always treating others as less than he is. I'm sorry, I really am, but I just can't help but find it displeasant? Like it takes zero energy to treat other people with common human decency, c'mon dude. At least Akutagawa is trying to do better, but everyone treats R/anpo like he's entitled to be a jerk? Idk man.
K/unikida. In his case, I Do Get why he's the way that he is (and genuinely can relate to him to an extent), it's just... For the way I am, I consider to try and forcibly impose your own ideals on other people to be about the most insulting thing you can do. And he does that a lot, with Atsushi and Dazai and everyone else. He also has this whole forced lack of empathy thing going on like... I get why he does that, and I get what he went through that made him like he is, but that doesn't change the fact you're kinda being a dick to everyone all the time dude. Please get some therapy.
That doesn't mean there aren't moments when I've genuinely liked them both and found them seriously cool!!!! I still think K/unikida is an interesting character and I genuinely get why people like him. I love the helicopter scene, I remember when I was reading the manga for the first time, when he said “no one ruins my schedule”, I was like, whaa, I was completely in awe. For R/anpo too, the Untold Origins arc from what I could see from the anime was really nice, and I also highly enjoy that one scene of his in chapter 81, the “To tell the truth, I had absolutely no assurance they'd believe me”.
Thank you for the ask Nyusa!! I hope you could find this at least a little bit interesting (?). If anything, now you know a little more about me, ahah. Also not talking about Dazai this time because really I can't be here the whole day.
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tedlebred · 2 months
ok my theory as to how bsd is going to end which i would personally hate to happen but is very likely:
although considering asagiri's record maybe isn't likely:
look first off this isn't a new fresh groundbreaking take im so sure poeple have said this before but;
the ada are going to overpower fyodor. dazai is going to kill him, thereby nullifying fyo's ability by no loger human, not allowing him to take over dazai's body, and killing him once and for all. then they're going to somehow take control of amenogozen and use its assumedly power-up'd version of the sword's original time travel ability, going way back in time before any of this happened, and then YAY problem solved time travel fix-it everybody is alive now!!!!yippee!!!! kunikida is back!! (which, if this ends up happening, is probably why asagiri is killing off so many characters when he never really did before. its all for nothing)
which I for one don't WANT to happen. it just seems likely. even worse is that most likely Dazai is going to be the one who does this and then he's the only one that will therefore remember anything. he might use the page at some point to deal with fyodor also and then destroy it. bonus hatred points if he goes back to the very beginning. anyway thank you for coming to my Ted Talk of hatred
im also 100% convinced kunikida is the azure messenger. which. pointless mentioning now but i always thought they'd reveal that. always thought "oh hey bsd can't end too soon there's so much to reveal" but i mean i guess i could be wrong that's always obviously a possibility. but i think it'd honestly be kind of funny (/neg) if he wasn't. seems like. a lost opportunity
blah blah we're probably not going to get nikolai backstory, or if we do it'll be minimal, ivan is just gone lost to the aether he's never coming back, and im losing my sanity
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
HI!! same anon who asked about vnc here. i feel like your answer is enough of a go-ahead for me to be a bit more unhinged so first of all PLEASE SHARE YOUR VNC THOUGHTS. at some point. you must be the change you want to see in the world and whatnot. ive been on a skk kick but my bimonthly vnc rewatch is my sanitys single saving grace. vanitas is such a pathetic worm and he deserved to get stomped painfully into the ground /aff
also just letting you know that a second season is unlikely bc the anime adapted 55 out of 61 chapter (WHICH ON THE BRIGHT SIDE easy to catch up!!! :"D) the only time ive seen an anime get THAT close is with... bsd. which. well. sure was something. but i doubt theyd go that route with vnc
i have... alot of opinions on the ships. but its ALOT. however i will disclose that vanoe <3 SO JUST KNOW THAT IF YOU DO POST ANYTHING VNC/VANOE RELATED.... there will be at least one person (ME!!) screaming about it FHDJDJSJ
Oh it's completely a go-ahead, I'd love the chance to be deranged about them!!! Gonna stick it under a cut because it's gonna be long ahahaha~ (possible V/anitas no Carte spoilers under cut, so be warned!)
Augh I know, I mean look at this man!!!! He deserves to be wrecked in the most gorgeously affectionate painful whumpening <3 I want to bite him (and we know he'd like it LMAO)
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I adore skk and satosugu, but Vanoe will always have such a sweet place in my heart~ gah tragic beloveds (that are at times, not tragic) are my bread and butter.
Yeahhhh, I did hear about thatttt, but I'm still hopeful that after... idk... 5-6 years... we might get more.... I just!!! They can't end it like that!!!! I mean it's an ending I can live with, but god I crave so much more!!!!
Omg if you ever wanna discuss the opinions I'd be so happy to listen!!! I have some opinions about dif ships in there too (Olivier and Roland are In Love and you cannot convince me otherwise).
So I adore Vanitas like I mentioned, but um... Olivier also owns my heart. We don't get enough of him I love him- the way he gets a headache every time Roland is there???? ICONIC OF HIM <333
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He's just... he's so gorgeous. He has the aethetics that I adore, and a personality I find intriguing and fun~ Gahhh now I need to rewatch again hahahaha~
(also love Roland but in the same way I love Noe, just lil sweethearts <3 also also Chloé and Jean-Jacques <3 are so precious <3 to me and each other <3 )
Aaaand a little snippet as a 'thank you' and 'congrats' for making it to the end of this way-too-long response, here's a lil taste of what I had headcanoned for Vanoe
Vanitas: Soft, little rapid ones, 'iHh'tchiew! hiH'tchhue!' and he is so. mad about it. Will often try to stifle so no one hears them, orrrr add a yell/growl to try and unsuccessfully make them sound more 'fitting'. Truth is, they fit him better than he'd ever admit~
Noe: Harsh and (fairly) Loud, and it surprises literally everyone, Vanitas most of all (despite hearing it however many times now). Think something like, 'hHRZShh'ieh! ah'yieASHhuh!' You'd think someone this soft-spoken and sweet would have a dainty little sound, but nope~
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valenteal · 9 months
Continuing my bsd x koltc brainstorming.
Tam and Ryuu have a lot of the same base personality traits and similar world views, and it’s pretty easy to imagine them as the same person up until Ryuu joins the mafia. His motivations from bsd canon disappear because… elf. So why is he like this?
Well, he still went to Exillium, they just didn’t keep going. I mean, the only reason to stay would be fighting for a chance to return to the Lost Cities. I’m thinking Tam and Linh don’t find the Wild Wood colony, loose all connection with the Lost Cities and all the other species who are part of the treaties, and become even more independent and jaded. Without any kind of stable environment to return to they don’t have the time or energy to keep going to Exillium, instead devoting their energy to survival. But it took time for them to realize they didn’t want to go back, so they spent months at Exillium, internalizing their ideologies. That was only reinforced when they were living on the streets.
The way to survive at Exillium is to prove yourself worthy to your coach so your invited back for the next day. Some part of Tam internalized that feeling, that need to prove his worth to the person in charge of him, but because of his defiant nature he also loathed that feeling and his coach. When he joins the Port Mafia Dazai became his coach, training him in how to use his ability and using similar language as the Exillium coaches did. This alone isn’t enough to explain his behavior until you remember elven guilt. Ryuunosuke has joined a criminal organization and become a violent murderer, which would shatter his sanity. But his reaction isn’t to shut down, but to become obsessed with one thing to focus on leaving sanity and reason behind. Akutagawa’s head is already show as fractured glass in bsd, too. So, Tam gets traumatized by his parents and learns to despise authority, then he gets traumatized by Exillium and develops a Pavlovian response to certain language, then his sanity shatters after he becomes a murderer. Now he’s Akutagawa, obsessed with proving his worth, angry at the world, and refusing to ever actually do as he’s told despite craving approval.
Now, the question is, why isn’t he still as obsessed with protecting his sister? We know he’s an over protective brother who would do anything for Gin from BEAST, but it isn’t as obvious in bsd. Why? Obviously because Gin can handle herself just fine. She ain’t no damsel in distress and she makes damn sure her brother knows it. He still loves and cares for her but he doesn’t hover as much. She really grew into her own in the mafia. So Ryuu actually ends up relying on her for emotional support than she does him, she has control over her ability while he’s struggling, it’s a role reversal.
But why isn’t Gin’s sanity shattered? She’s an assassin! She kills a lot. The answer is— I have no clue! If anyone has an idea pls share. God why does Gin have to be so sane and normal!?
Anyway that’s all for now, if anyone actually reads this let me know, I’m feeling very lonely as the only person who looked at Akutagawa and saw Tam 😭
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crimson0lake · 6 months
I have many drafts waiting for da siblings..
I now feel both motivated and tired- 👍
Here's a small WIP for you guys:
There will be many funny da siblings in nutshell small scenarios that I want to write the chapters every day.
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fangirlings-world · 11 months
welcome to my dreamhouse!
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persephone 22 she/her
black woman writer & fangirl
please be kind!!!
This is predominantly a selfship blog for the various anime men I have given away my heart and mental sanity to 💜
I am slowly starting to write more and get confident posting (I certainly don’t have enough for a masterlist yet) but who knows!
My (main) selfships: Satoru Gojo (JJK) Charlotte Katakuri (OP) Portgas D. Ace (OP) Shouto Todoroki (MHA) Chuuya (BSD) Benimaru Shinmon (Fire Force) Akaashi Keiji + Ushijima Wakatoshi + Aran Ojiro (Haikyuu) there are many more you’ll see me screaming about on here but I love these guys the mostest
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Anime fandoms: jjk, one piece, haikyuu, hunter x hunter, fairy tail, bungo stray dogs, attack on titan, + others! I’ve been watching anime since I was a teen so I’ve been around a WHILE
I also will occasionally reblog things related to other tv and actor fandoms! If you aren’t into it please ignore 
I am also a F1 fan so if you see me screaming on random weekends that’s why
I do reblog nsfw content and share nsfw from my mutuals and blogs I like please do not follow me or interact if you are underage respectfully
I do occasionally engage with dark content themes and the like so don’t scream at me about it
We all come here for a good time! This is a safe space with positive vibes for writing and reading for me and I love making fandom friends please don’t be afraid to say hello <3
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Bullet-pointed BSD Soukoku Fluff/Angst (Lovers to Enemies)
OK so here’s the fic (but in bullet point format because I have no bandwidth for a BSD ao3 project.  As always with my little Tumblr posts like these, if somebody chooses to take my idea and run with it I fully encourage it, just send it to me so I can see it!)
- Soukoku are newly partnered but have also had some time to get on each other’s nerves just enough that they’ve started to bond; 16ish. 
- They start to develop an interesting relationship that’s 89% rivalry, 11% something, and those scales are tipping more and more each day. 
-  Eventually (I cannot physically bring myself even in bullet-point-format to come up with the “how”, I'm keeping my sanity far away from that traumatic mess), but Chibi finds out that Dazai is... not very nice to himself.  
- Quick bonus bonus bullet point: I know Dazai mentions all the time that he hates pain, but as a teen I don’t think he’d developed that distinction yet.  AND! The events of this fic kind of explain why he ends up adapting that (grace? kindness for himself? wtf do I even call it?) mindset, because of the healing he and Chuuya do together.  I feel like even years later after everything went to shit and they go ghost on each other for a while, Dazai still remembers this. (Lovers to Enemies, but you can’t help but still love someone who made you a better person...)
- Anyway back to the plot. 
- He expects screaming, or disgust, or some kind of negativity that would sabotage the tiny little seedling of their budding friendship/awkward-teen-mutual-crush-thing.
- Instead, Chuuya cleans him up, and he does it so gently Dazai swears he’s never felt anything more Euphoric in his life. 
- Here comes the TW, as if it wasn’t already bad so far
- He becomes addicted to the recovery process, and starts doing it more and more, in worse and more creative ways, getting himself more and more fucked up so that Chuuya has to treat him more and more gently the more and more he’s damaged himself.  
(If I were really writing this out this part would be super detailed with a lot of examples, I feel) 
- Chuuya notices, and he knows what’s going on.  How do you bring this up to someone who would shatter into a million pieces if it were to be said out loud? 
- A big fight ensues, honestly probably kinda toxic, I bet Chuuya accuses him of manipulating him into babying him -- which is definitely what is happening, but still, ouch.. 
- After they fight, they apologize.  And Dazai feels truly and utterly empty.  Verbal apologies are nothing compared to the way Chuuya runs warm water across red until it turns pink, or the way he holds him desperately like he needs to memorize the shape of his body before it’s gone forever.
- But then, something happens. 
- Chuuya gets wounded on a mission, and for once they can’t bring it to Mori.   
- He had gotten hurt because the two of them had disobeyed orders, and they could be executed if they mafia found out what they’ve done but Chibi is in grave condition. 
- Dazai is frantic as he drags Chuuya back to their shared apartment, struggling to keep him conscious while also struggling to hold his body up, while also struggling to syphon off some pretty serious bleeding.  He panics, but he has to persevere.  He starts to hear himself say some of the same things Chuuya has said to him -- in the exact same voice.  He realizes with horror that this is what Chuuya feels, every time.  He feels almost embarrassed by it because of course it would feel like this, why wouldn’t it?  Especially after all they’ve gone through, and how beautifulyl their relationship had blossomed recently -- why wouldn’t it feel like one was absolutely dying seeing the other in a state like this? 
- Dazai is panicked, he is apologizing profusely but for what he isn’t sure, he is begging Chuuya to stay with him as he patches him up as best as he can. 
- Once things calm down and it’s clear Chibi is going to be okay, Dazai has the sickening realization that the relief he feels is nothing like the relief he feels on the other side of the equation.  Usually he feels warm, and cared for, and loved; but now he just feels drained, and shaky, and paranoid.  He could swear he felt grief, despite Chibi being right there: breathing sharply, gasping softly, eyes screwed shut and face still contorted in pain as he struggled to relax against Dazai’s shoulder with his hands violently shaking in his lap.
- Dazai didn’t want this.  He didn’t want Chibi to feel like this.  
- He feels powerless, and useless, like nothing he could do would be good enough to help, no matter how much he desperately, violently, frantically wishes there was anything he could do.  He hurts for Chibi, and that is an immeasurable pain incomparable to anything he’d ever felt before. 
- He didn’t want himself to feel like this.
- And it’s not lost on him that this sick, disgusting, twisty feeling in his gut is what Chuuya feels every time the tables are turned.  And he hates himself for it.      
- He confesses everything to Chuuya: his pain, his apologies; how much he wishes he could help, and how sorry he is that he can’t; how he will never forgive himself for never realizing what he put Chuuya through every time. 
- They hash it out.  They talk about it, and Dazai breaks down and has a moment of vulnerability admitting that he had developed such little regard for his own well being he didn’t care what he did anymore as long as it got Chuuya caring for him in the end.  He admits it’s selfish.  He admits a part of him knew he was doing it all along.  He apologizes. 
- The two of them basically confess their love for one another (without that word because they are the way they are), and Chuuya points out that they don’t need an excuse to take care of one another.  There doesn’t have to be anything wrong for them to look out for each other. 
- Dazai feels almost stupid that he hadn’t come to that realization on his own.   They’re exhausted.  They fall asleep with the promise of a new day. 
- Cue days, into months, into years of cooked meals without being asked, offers to bathe one another and wash each other’s hair after a disgusting work day (and even sometimes just because), tight hugs out of the blue, promises of undying affection at the most inappropriate and irritating of times, the comfort and warmth of waking up in each other’s arms, and kisses on scars that faded with time and never returned. 
- They both learn to love and be loved without fear, without excuses.  
- Years later, Dazai leaves the Port Mafia, and he is ripped from Chuuya’s life without any explanation and it hurts. 
- He wants to hate him -- and he says he does -- but deep down he can’t.  They became better people because of one another.  And the unwavering core of their relationship stuck with the both of them long after the other had gone -- each slowly (in their own ways) rebuilding and replastering over the crumbled relics of hollow spaces, now thick and bubbling like scar tissue, like wounds long since healed from battles that made 'em stronger --  
- “You don’t need an excuse to be loved.” 
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silvfyre-writings · 20 days
Patty cake, patty cake, bake me a cake (BSD Fanfic)
Crossposted to AO3
In the many years that Yasui’s known Ranpo, he’s gotten used to the man’s many strange habits. Not being able to take the train, having a very strong penchant for candy over anything remotely nutritious, and ultimately not giving a shit about what others thought of him. All things that he’d since adapted to and is no longer bothered by—not that he’d really been bothered by them in the slightest before—which supposedly makes the two of them friends, much to the chagrin of everyone he works with, considering his new job as police commissioner means that whenever work comes by that Ranpo invites himself into, he’s not there to play the buffer.
There’s been a lot of complaints since he was promoted, which just amuses him honestly. You’d think after twelve years, that the police force of Yokohama would have some idea of how to handle their resident genius, but apparently not.
Well, except for Minoura, but really, he saw that coming a mile away, which is why he’d recommended the younger detective as his replacement in the first place. He hadn’t quite expected the two to get so involved with each other so quickly, but then again, this was Ranpo; he’d flirted with Yasui on their very first case together.
He’s not surprised.
The same way that he’s not surprised when he opens the door to his apartment to find another set of shoes that very much don’t belong to him, already in the doorway. It’s not the first time that he’s come home to find the genius that he considers to be one of his closest friends already here, and it certainly won’t be the last. Although it has been a while since he’s last seen Ranpo, considering his job keeps him busy, and the Agency too, is swamped with work, especially after the whole terrorist plot that they’d found themselves wrapped up in—in which they’ve since been proven innocent.
Thank god, because if he’d had to track down Edogawa Ranpo to try and arrest him, he would’ve lost the last of his sanity.
Yasui pulls off his own shoes and places them beside Ranpo’s before stepping into his apartment. The fact that it’s quiet unnerves him, because quiet and Ranpo simply do not go together—the two are like oil and water, destined to never mix together no matter how hard one tries for them to be. It could be a simple reason in that perhaps Ranpo is asleep, which happens far more frequently than Yasui thinks it should, or it could be far more complicated and involve him needing to help his friend pick apart his emotions again, or it could be something completely unrelated.
And it looks like it’s going to be that third option when he walks into the kitchen to see Ranpo sitting at the dining table, head on his arms and seemingly dozing, with a plastic bag on the table in front of him. Yasui raises a brow and steps over to peek into the bag to see it is that Ranpo’s brought over, looking into it to see flour, and eggs, and—
Ranpo’s brought over the ingredients needed to bake something. Now that’s a surprise; he can’t remember the last time that Ranpo tried to bake something, and he’s curious of the why.
So he reaches over and pokes Ranpo square in the forehead, grinning when the younger flies upright, eyes flying around the room until they land on him.
Naturally, Ranpo pouts. “You work too much now.”
“Only because a certain someone decided to try his hand at being a terrorist. We’re running a little behind schedule.” Yasui says, crossing over to the fridge to grab a couple of drinks. He shuts the door and holds one out to Ranpo.
Ranpo takes the offered drink and cracks the can, taking a few mouthfuls before saying anything. “You still work too much. I’ve been waiting hours for you to get home.”
“You have my number, you could’ve called.”
“Hours, Yasui, hours.” Ranpo repeats, spreading out across the table, kicking his feet like a child throwing a tantrum. On anyone else it might’ve been, but this was Ranpo, and Yasui knew it was anything but.
Yasui rolls his eyes fondly and reaches over to ruffle Ranpo’s hair, the younger preening at the attention. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. You broke into my apartment with a bag of baking ingredients and waited hours. Are you going to tell me why?”
“Maybe. If you ask nicely.”
“Need I remind you just who’s apartment you’re in?”
In the next second, Ranpo stops moving, and Yasui waits patiently for him to figure out what it is that he wants to say. He takes the chance to sip at his drink, studying Ranpo carefully to see if he can figure out for himself, why Ranpo’s decided to show up in his apartment tonight of all nights. The baking ingredients are indicative to his friend asking him for a favour without actually asking him, and the way he’s sitting there, muddling over his thoughts, tells Yasui that there’s something important on his mind. It’s just a matter of what.
Finally, Ranpo speaks, his cheeks flushing as he refuses to look Yasui in the face.
“It’s Minoura’s birthday in two days—” Ah. “—I wanted to make a cake. But as everyone so reminds me, I can’t bake.”
It’s such a sweet gesture, one that has Yasui feeling proud of how far Ranpo has come since he and Minoura started seeing each other. As much as he loves to tease the younger two for failing to keep out of each other’s pants for at least a week when they started working together, he’s also incredibly happy for them. He’s watched Minoura over time become less of a hardass and learn how to actually have fun with his life—and also how to cope with having circles run ragged around him by the tiny detective they are both acquainted with—and he’s also been able to witness Ranpo meeting someone who is capable of understanding him, despite not being on the same level of genius, and not be expected to carry the world on his shoulders.
Both were people that needed someone to buoy them up, and he’s just glad that they can do that for each other.
Yasui stands up, and grabs the bag from the table, gesturing with his head for Ranpo to follow him over to the kitchen. “Alright, come on lover boy, I’ll help you make a cake for your boyfriend.”
“Yasui’s the best!” Ranpo lights up and bounces after him, not even hesitating to hop up on the bench right beside where Yasui plans to prepare the cake. Oh well, that means he can make Ranpo actually help him instead of sitting there like he usually tries to do.
“I’m going to remember those words for the rest of my life.” Yasui says, pulling out each ingredient and setting it on the bench; flour, eggs, vanilla—interesting choice considering he knows that Ranpo prefers chocolate or caramel, often calling vanilla the… basic bitch of flavours, which Yasui finds vaguely offensive considering he likes vanilla. There’s no milk or butter in the bag, not that that’s a problem since he has some in his fridge, and he realises then that Ranpo had already deduced what he owned and what he didn’t. “Did you buy this yourself, or did you steal your Agency’s credit card and deem it a work purchase?”
Ranpo huffs, and accepts the mixing bowls and utensils that Yasui hands him. The blush on his face burns brighter. “Minoura gets really happy when I do things for him…”
“You have it so bad.”
A piece of paper hits Yasui in the head; the receipt from the store. “You could’ve had this, but you said no.”
He looks up at Ranpo to find the other smirking, and turns away, only to grab the flour and baking soda and slap it into Ranpo’s hands with a smirk of his own. “Still not interested. Now mix those together will you?”
“I thought you were going to bake the cake.”
“I am, but that involves you helping. Otherwise, I will give this to Minoura myself and leave you in the doghouse.”
“You’re so mean to me, Yasui.” Ranpo pouts, even as he measures out the ingredients and puts them into a bowl. He takes the spoon that Yasui offers him and starts to mix at a steady pace. “You and Minoura.”
“And yet you love us anyway.” Yasui places the butter and sugar into a bowl and moves off to find a mixer.
He’s pretty sure he has one, but it’s been a while since he last baked something, so he isn’t quite sure where he put it. Rummaging through the cabinets, he keeps up a steady chatter with Ranpo, listening to the younger talk about the cases that he solved that day, about the shenanigans that he and his co-worker’s at the Agency got up to—which apparently involved dragging poor Nakajima all over the city to hunt down a limited edition pocky, that they did eventually find. In return, he too, tells Ranpo about his work as the commissioner, not that it’s the most exciting of work; meeting after meeting, more paperwork than anyone could ever imagine, and more idiots than he ever dealt with when he was a detective.
One would think the higher up you were in the food chain, the smarter you’d be, but no, everyday Yasui finds his patience being tested by the morons that would rather ask pointless questions than actually do good.
Before he knows it, the cake is mixed and poured into the pan, and then all that’s left to do is wait as it bakes. And the icing, but since that’s the fun—and easy—part, Yasui knows it won’t take long to do. While they wait, he starts to clean up, grabbing dishes and putting them next to the sink to deal with later; he fills them up with water though so that the mix that’s left over in the bowls doesn’t get a chance to harden and become infinitely harder to scrape off.
A noise catches his attention, and he turns to see Ranpo’s slid off the bench and is now focused on the oven, head resting on his arms and watching the cake bake away.
Uh oh.
Yasui takes a second to dry his hand before joining Ranpo on the floor, biting back the groan as his knees protest the motion, and slings an arm around his friend’s shoulders, pulling Ranpo close. “What’s on your mind?”
The silence ticks by before Ranpo speaks, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. “Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He’d be a fool not to.” Yasui gives Ranpo a quick squeeze. “You’re making this cake for Minoura, he’s gonna appreciate that.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“Then I’ll shoot his ungrateful ass, and we can enjoy the cake ourselves.”
Ranpo snorts, lips stretching out into a grin, as he leans into Yasui’s side. “Please don’t shoot my boyfriend. I do actually like him.”
“Then stop your worrying, Ranpo. Put all that energy into decorating the cake—and not eating the icing.”
“But, Yasui, that’s the best part.” Ranpo complains, pushing himself to his feet and offering his hands out to help pull Yasui up off the ground.
He can’t stop the groan this time.
“Don’t you dare.” He says, seeing the thought forming behind Ranpo’s eyes. There’s still plenty of life in him yet, and he’ll chase Ranpo around the apartment if he dares to call him old.
“I didn’t even say anything!”
“You didn’t have to.” Yasui huffs, and then spies a container from the corner of his eye. He bites back the grin that threatens to form, and snatches up the container, prying off the lid, and scoops a small amount of icing onto his fingers. “Hey, Ranpo.”
Ranpo turns. “Wha—HEY!”
Yasui laughs at the mock offended look Ranpo throws him, icing smeared across one side of his face. He’d been aiming for Ranpo’s cheek, but the younger man moved at the last second, so gone across Ranpo’s ear and straight into his hair. He’s not sorry.
“Oh you think you’re clever, don’t you?” Ranpo lunges to the bag and produces another container of icing. “I came prepared, Yasui, I bought more than one flavour to snack on!”
The grin on Yasui’s face widens, and he arms himself with another scoop.
“Bring. It. On.”
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clown-demon · 4 months
Ti's plotting sheet thingy
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Ti
OOC Contact: Discord pls.
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
I have too many on this blog to go through them all.. I'd suggest just reading my MUSE abouts.. some of them are a WIP. I work more details into them as I RP them. But thing to note-- All my muses reside in the BSD universe. While they can go to others from Nikolai's ability to allow cross overs and no limits. For sanity sake, I will be using Nikolai, Fyodor, and Dazai as the main three to answer these questions.
Points of interest:
Nikolai: Likes fellow clowns and silly fun people. If you're not a fun person then he'll turn you into something fun. Whether it be annoying the other person or splattering their guts and gore on the wall.
Fyodor: Likes peace and quiet. Also enjoys those who are intelligent and speaking to others in general. He's a bit of a people person, he enjoys and values humanity.
Dazai: Usually likes to do anything to get out of work. Will find something as an excuse to get out of it. Usually out getting crab or going out for a drink. Likes to read books and listen to music and relax.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Nikolai: Currently trying to cope with Fyodor's 'death.' He's still in mourning, but whenever he comes to face with another person, he will automatically put on his happy mask and act as if nothing is wrong. He will act as his good old self, even though it is a mask and he's hiding his true emotions.
Fyodor: Currently in Bram's body, facing off to rid of the world of the Agency and Port Mafia. Behind the scenes, gathering more rats and aiming to take out Dazai firstly. Also has Nikolai on his mind to rid of.
Dazai: Currently trying to rid the world of Fyodor. Trying to figure out how to do that, if he should take a chance and see if he is the only one to be able to kill him. Trying to keep everyone safe. For once in his life, he is taking work seriously.
Where to find them:
Nikolai: Parties, parks, really any public place. He performs magic tricks for his job now that he no longer is part of the DoA. But you can also find him in cafes and amusement parks. Anywhere that is considered 'fun.'
Fyodor: Cafes, libraries, museums, old historical places that are open to the public. You can also often find him on trains and buses, since that is the main way of his transport.
Dazai: Coffee shops, any place that has food, the Agency. On crime scenes. Anywhere really. And anywhere that one can easily commit suicide-- so down a river... a forest, etc.
Current plans:
I don't have any current plans really. I kinda now base my blog with what is happening canon in the manga.
Desired interactions:
Nikolai: Finding new friends and people who understand him. People who will tolerate him and have fun with him. Someone to help cheer him up and get over Fyodor's death. Someone to accept who he is.
Fyodor: New rats. : )
Dazai: Someone to show him a reason to live.. Actually show him value in his life. Treat him seriously and not treat his suicide antics as a joke or nuisance.
Offered interactions:
Just come at me whenever.. asks are always open, starter calls, memes if I ever post any.
Current open post/s:
Anything that isn't a thread with another person is free game.
Anything else?:
I'm right now trying to get caught up with my drafts. I've been MIA due to life placing a bomb on my lap and I'm trying to get my life back on track. So it might take me a VERY long time to get back to you. Patience is key when interacting with me.
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osarina · 6 months
oh my god ofc dazais motivator would be to annoy poor kuni 😭😭😭 (jokes kinda on him tho :3) and thus the unfortunate part about being associated w him is the entire ada questioning our sanity <\3 yosano would be best wingwoman tho cause shes the coolest outta the lot :D
and, ofc, i have to write paragraphs about dazai and his atrociously charming behavior. (time for the 3am rambles pt 2) hrggh the dazai. good lord where do i even begin.. like wtfhshbshs hes actually so sweet when hes in love what! fluff fluff fluff everywhere. and im so interested to see where the plot will go like will that govt official dude guy be bad (i forgot his name </3) will we be in peril ooooo. i dont trust him cause the dazai always has good instincts. anyways back on dazai hrrghhh shsjsnnsjs carina ur writing sobs cries bsnsjejs looks at u thru tears of pure joy u have given me one more reason to look forward to fridays!!!
sobbingf cause im late again if u dont mind pls put me on ur taglist for bsd posts i want to get the noti and go straight to ur inbox and ramble there
HAHAH DAZAI DOING EVERYTHING HE CAN TO GET UNDER KUNIKIDA'S SKIN DJFAHSDIUFHSUD IT KILLS ME and yosano o(〒﹏〒)o she's so sweet i love her sm, she just wants to see dazai happy </333
dazai is so :'))) he's just a boy in LOVEEEEE, he is so entirely enamored and refuses to even admit it to himself yet. it's ok tho because he will soon!!! trust!!! no but he's genuinely so fun to write, i'll always adore writing for him because even though he's so complex he's just so :'))) sighs dreamy.
you will probably end up being disappointed about the gov plot jahfasufhsidfua i ended up dropping the ball on it, i had such grand plan for it but ended up scrapping it because if i did it, i'd have to extend the fic an extra like 2-3 chapters and i didn't want to do that because i was already too excited to start uu HAHAH
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