vilf-lover · 1 year
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s0lairee · 1 year
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getting this out before his listener gets a canon nickname. the idea of lasko looking up suitable endearments is... endearing (ha)
(transcript for the nicknames in the second panel: baby, babe, darling, gorgeous, dear(?), love (maybe), raincloud.)
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ghost-bxrd · 8 months
I’ve been getting really into magical stuff recently and also DC so I’m just gonna drop this here:
Fae Dick Grayson
okay so fae stories are special to me because I grew up on hearing pagan folklore and fairytales about fae and fae adjacent creatures as good night stories so hooo boy yes I adore that trope! (I mean, I made Dick a Banshee in my fic Shuck so… hehe)
Anyway, Fae Dick Grayson! There’s just so many things you can do with it ✨
Robin appears from one day to the next, following in Batman’s shadow like a mischievous sprite, so honestly rumors have been going wild about him since day one. Robin actually being something non-human doesn’t really come as a surprise!
The fae folk are known for being awfully good at blending in with regular humans when they put their mind to it, the only thing that puts them apart (in most stories) is their otherworldly beauty, and Dick Grayson? Well, he’s definitely got that in abundance.
Just sometimes, when the light reflects off a surface in just the right way, when someone pours a glass of water and you happen to look right through the spray, or when you think you catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye and you spin around— but there’s only Dick Grayson, even if a second ago you could have sworn you saw eyes where there weren’t supposed to be any; colors that aren’t supposed to exist; feathers where only skin has any right to be.
And, gods, all the talking. Dick is terrifyingly good at talking to people without actually saying anything, to the point where you walk away from the conversation feeling utterly drained after spilling your entire life story but when you think back on it— you can’t remember him ever telling you anything about himself. You know there were the usual pleasantries of “hi” and “nice to meet you” and “how are you doing?” but anything beyond that just kinda… seemed to spill out of you? It’s very strange. It’s very unnerving. By the end of the evening you other convince yourself you’re overreacting or you simply push the incident out of your mind altogether.
And there’s another thing about Dick. His name.
He only ever introduces himself as Dick Grayson/Robin. Never Richard. Never. Especially not Richard John. Names are sacred for the fae folk, names have power, so while Richard John Grayson may not be Dick’s true name, he treats it as such to honor his parents. None are allowed to use it. None except Bruce or Alfred on special occasion.
Of course, Dick’s “true” name isn’t exactly a secret so when someone does happen to use it… well, Dick may be… other… but he’s still intrinsically good in a way many of his kind don’t have the patience to be. Dick judges on a case by case basis, just like his parents and Bruce taught him. And usually people do not mean it maliciously when they use his name so he kindly corrects them and that’s that. But oh man, if they still insist on calling him “Richard”? Well..
“Oh no, it seems your credit card is being declined, sir!”
“Sheesh, you tripped over a root? In Gotham?!”
“What do you mean ten birds flew into your window last night? You live on floor level!”
“Dude I’m telling you that rash doesn’t look normal.”
“I… don’t think crows are supposed to follow you like that.”
It’s little things (most of the time, unless you really pissed Dick off) but they keep piling up, slowly driving you insane. You feel like you’re being watched, but it’s just a bird sitting on the window sill again. You feel like someone moved all your furniture just slightly to the right even tho you checked all the cameras.
The fae are kind, but they are also vindictive when crossed.
(Thanks to Bruce, however, I think Dick’s bouts of “vengeance” rarely go much farther than that though.)
Dang ok that ended up being an entire rant… wow. Anyway, yeah. Fae.
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crocutacanidae · 5 months
A homestuckie and a echo(fvn) enjoyer?! This means you are legally required to give all the echo cast classpects since you know everything ever about echo and homestuck, so, Please. tell -m-e- us what chunter's aspect is.
Chunter's a prince of blood
mired in cyclical suffering, given to destroying everything he has, gods speaciealest little boy? It's so obvious to me
As for the others,
Leo- Knight of Hope
Carl- Heir of Space
Tj- Mage of Life
Jenna- Seer of Heart
Flynn- Thief of Rage
Leo's so entirely like me, he gets my exact classpect. i used to hate him for it but now I love him for it
Carl I used to think could be Mind or Life aspect-wise, and possibly a bard classwise. Hell, there's an argument to be made for Witch of Space. Carl's hard to get a grasp on when it comes to these things. He's so often a non-actor in the story, but his inaction comes across as self-serving sometimes. His route lends the most credibility to both the Mind and Life aspects, in relation to Carl's need to decide what he wants without input from others as well as the decisions which granted him his family fortune. Actually. Witch of Mind Carl. Final answer.
Tj is pretty defined by his knowing of the details of the tragedy which changed everyone's life. Mages are prophets whose words both harm and benefit them. Tj is damned if he says the truth and damned if he doesn't. Keeping it in burns him and yet keeps things the way they are. Saying it frees him and yet causes everything to collapse.
Jenna's Classpect I saw coming from the beginning. Biased as she is, her every word on the conduct of her friends is correct. She manages to see through to the heart of Echo but fails to see it as anything of worth. It's a place she hates with her whole being, I think. Her problem isn't if she can see, but whether she can judge it fairly
Flynn i also saw from the beginning. Rage concerns actual rage, but also arbitrations, tangents, and contrivances. Flynn seeks to cut through all the bullshit that rage represents, which is honestly a pretty Light thing to do, but i believe he shares more in common with Blood and worldly suffering than with Breath and detatched idealism. Thieves struggle to be good, but I don't think that's flynn's thing completely. He wishes to join the two versions of his persona that exist, but this doesnt map very cleanly onto any class. Thief it is
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Sam's sitting at the computer when Jess comes into the room, wiping her hands on his face and smearing something cold on his cheeks.
"What the hell is on my face?"
"I squeezed out too much."
Sam watches as Jess runs her hands along her face. Was he supposed to do that too?
"Have you never used lotion before?" She asks while giggling.
"Uhhhh no?" Not for this...
She stops laughing. "Here." She cups her hands around his face, tracing his cheekbones with her thumbs and her fingers along his jawline, rubbing the product into his skin.
She feels Sam go soft, immediately melting into her hands. His eyes close for a second and Jess swears she could feel him start humming.
When she's finished, she goes back into the bathroom to finish her makeup, leaving Sam almost heartbroken that she stopped.
Every day, Jess makes sure to have some moisturizer left over for Sam. And Sam looks forward to it.
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hairtusk · 6 months
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vibe for the coming spring 🧿
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worstversionofme · 2 years
After spending so much time watching dimension 20 I seriously don’t think I’ll ever be able to tolerate regular tv. My little gay heart has never seen this kind of queer representation in tv and it is nourishing my soul. And queerness is never the butt of any joke and the characters experiencing and figuring out their sexualities isn’t always sad and dramatic.
I have never related to something so much. This silly show of just a bunch of cool actor friends playing D&D has probably changed my life: I feel like I know who I am better now???
I am eternally grateful to Brennan Lee Mulligan and literally every person involved in Dimension 20 for giving us this show and this outlet to figure ourselves out. Also gonna be eternally annoyed with Dimension 20 every time I have to watch a straight romcom - give me gay wizards and fairies and candy people any day
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shokupanda · 7 months
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if i flip my canvas rapidly it looks like hes doing a silly little dance 💃
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maybethistimemegz · 17 days
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Criminal Minds - One Quote per Episode ↳ s05e09 - 100
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mlabyrinth · 1 year
[New] The Sandman Season 2 Filming: Tom, Kirby & Indya
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^ is that Wanda??? Delirium???
Btw, the actress (in green suit) is Indya Moore [source: SandmanNews]. She looks absolutely amazing! They all do! I am loving the outfits!
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cannedwyrms · 2 months
Spoilers for Shadow of the Erdtree but...
So, Moore. I'll admit, didn't strike me as very interesting my first playthrough. Yeah, he was a funny little guy, but that seemed to be it.
I wanna talk about Moore for just a bit.
However, on a few subsequent runs and an unhealthy amount of thinking, I believe Moore is a lot moore complex than I originally thought.
When we first meet him, he's right outside Belurat, next to Ansbach. Most of Miq's followers can be found on close proximity to each other, which may just be to show that they are all fellows, united in common cause, but there might be some reason for specific placements.
As far as I'm aware, Moore's placement next to Ansbach doesn't have any significance, but I'd love to hear any theories or thoughts if you have any.
He's like the supplier for Leda's band, working with other members of the forager brood to find things, which he then shares with the others.
"Things give joy to all," as he says.
Moore talks in a very simplistic manner. To me, it almost seems like he's forcing some of the words out. This could be because he's actually not a guy, but one of the pests, part of the forager brood. That's just a headcannon of mine, but I do think there's some evidence for it.
Anyway, Moore's quest revolves, as all of the followers do, around the breaking of Miquella's great rune.
But there's quite a bit of missable dialogue before it that really adds to his character.
We learn he's part of the forager brood, who you can find, well, foraging all over the Lands of Shadow. They'll give you cookbooks, and generally be cute little guys (gender-neutral). There's one by the church of crusade that's shivering and cold.
Pop down a warming stone or other similar items, and it'll heat right up. If you go back to Moore after doing that, he'll give you a cookbook with two items that are almost useful.
If you attack any of the brood, he'll eventually invade you and you'll be forced to kill him.
After the great rune is shattered, Moore seems to have a bit of a crisis. He feels abandoned, and will tell you that him and his brood were abandoned by their mother.
Before we continue any further, let's speculate on who Moore's mother could be.
Personally, I believe the forager brood to have, in some way, been birthed by Romina. A bit obvious, perhaps, but the pests have always been associated with the scarlet rot, and Romina became pretty bug-like after she accepted the rot. As to why she would abandon her buggy children, that's where my theory starts to fall apart. If I end up making a post about Romina herself, I'll explore this idea further.
Back to Moore, we can now get into the specifics of what his quest is actually about. What the theme is, how it informs our reading of the rest of the game, etc.
Moore's quest is about trauma. And, to be moore specific, Moore wants to forget the trauma of his abandonment, and believes Miquella's love is the way to do that.
After the great rune is shattered, you are able to give Moore a rare three-way choice to end his quest. If you choose the "sad forever" option, Moore will tell you goodbye and be found dead, next to the corpse of one of his siblings.
If you choose the "put it behind you" option, Moore will decide to keep following Miquella, believing that his love will "banish the pain."
The next time you meet him will be in your fight against Leda, where he will remark about what a tragedy it is for you and the others to fight, and will die. He seems to regret needing to fight you. At his heart, Moore is kind and gentle, only moved to the tides of battle because he, like so many others, believes it will save him.
Accepting Miquella's love is not the solution to moving past his trauma. There is no easy escape, and even if Miq's love did banish Moore's pain, it might not even help him feel any better.
This is one of the moore interesting ends to Moore's quest, because it informs us a bit about the theme of his questline, and Miquella's faliure to understand others' suffering. Becaus Surprise! Somehow I'm actually still talking about Miquella!
Basically, if Miquella really wanted to fix things he would've invented therapy.
Moore's final ending is very interesting as well because he's the only character that can actually survive the whole dlc.
If you choose "I don't know," Moore will eventually come to the conclusion that, even though it hurts, even though he's still sad, he has his family and the things he enjoys doing, and concludes that that's enough for him. And because of that, he actually survives the dlc. He's still there after you defeat Miquella and Radahn, and even though he's sad that Leda and the others never come by to visit, he's still alive. He's still foraging.
And this, I think, is actually another thing the game is trying to tell us.
Amidst all of these great ambitions, these demigods and champions trying to bring about change, to "fix" the world as they see fit, the one person who survives is the only one who finds contentment not in some great goal, not in revenge or obsession, but in simply appreciating what he has and trying to make the best of it.
It's not a perfect solution, sure, but Moore eventually comes to understand that, while he might not be fully happy, losing himself to some goal is not going to magically fix his problems or give him some sense of fulfillment. That's why he's the only one that survives.
Even in the base game, most characters eventually die, mostly for the reasons I stated above. Alexander chases a glorious battle, Hewg loses himself to the promise and obsession of making a godslaying weapon, Melina burns herself to fulfil our goals.
But Moore can live.
And maybe this is what Miquella was missing. In the pursuit of a perfect world, he missed the fact that no world can be perfect, especially not one built off the back of suffering. Instead, Elden Ring says, true peace—true kindness—comes from making the best of your situation and appreciating what you already have.
Of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't try to improve your surroundings any, it just means that often our happiness can come from things we might have taken for granted.
Personally, I like Moore's second ending the best, the one where he fights alongside Leda and the others, but that's only because I'm a sucker for a good tragedy. Moore's inclusion in that fight also strengthens the idea that what you're doing is kind of wrong (something I'll get to when I talk about Leda) and that there is no moral black and white, only shades of gray.
All in all, Moore is a lot moore interesting than he might first appear, and his inclusion reveals another theme and strengthens all the other ones we've talked about.
I'll get to Leda soon, and eventually to all of Miq's followers, but when I seriously started analyzing Moore I realized I needed to make a post on him. Although, I'll admit I'm still not completely sold on this interpretation, I'm still pretty proud of it.
Okay, bye.
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pycth · 1 year
Audio RP | Seeing your Chill Water Elemental Professor after class | [A4A]
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Barcode- calmingwaters
Audio RP | Elemental Coworkers first meeting | [A4M]
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Barcode- kingstonbyfayewebster
Finally tried my hand at these fake thumbnails, now I wanna make more— 🚶
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nrcbookclub · 4 months
harvey!! 📷💛💎🌸🦉
Rida totally didn't pick some of theseee
shut. up. mod.
Trystia!! 🌸💛
My lockscreen… is a picture… of my uncle… and me..! I havent… changed it… in ages. I dont… have any piercings…! My most… prized possession is… a camera… that i… was given for… my birthday..! The best compliment… is that im… warm..! And i… tend to stay up… pretty late.. most nights..
The best compliment I’ve ever received is when someone told me that a skirt ‘suited me’. It really helped me feel nice. And I want to get piercings, but my mom won’t let me..
og!trystia has pierced ears and is planning on getting another piercing soon!
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happylandfill23 · 3 months
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not sure if anyone's posted this photo to tumblr yet
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bonebabbles · 6 months
I remember when I was reading DOTC when I was around 10, and ever since Misty died I had been waiting for the moment where Birch and Alder learned about her murder, how everyone in their lives has kept it a secret. And then it just didn't happen.
I also remember obsessively re-reading the part where Quiet Rain blows up at Clear Sky.
Birch and Alder are two characters that are just so...
I WANT to say they were forgotten about, but that word doesn't feel right for how they're constantly showing up on the screen. Clear Sky occasionally feels guilty about how he murdered their mother, but for the vast majority of the time, that's described in passive voice. So you're not reminded of just HOW cruel he was, and still very much is.
It's like they're not allowed to be characters.
Like, how does Alder feel about Clear Sky, who seemed to be acting as an adoptive father until he beat her as a child? How did Birch respond later, when Clear Sky was so busy thrashing his sister that he was threatened by a dog? How do they feel about the man who took their mother away from them?
They keep getting cited as "Good Examples Of Non-Campborn Cats," dodging around the fact they were stolen and raised by Petal. Like a lot of the other "adoptions" in the series, she quietly stops mattering to them. But even this fact... like, they're being OTHERED when they were functionally raised SkyClan.
How do they feel about THAT? That their earliest memory is SkyClan, and yet, they'll never be considered truly, fully "clanborn."
Their whole life taken from them, by Clear Sky's cruelty, their formative years spent in his violent shadow, and the narrative is just not interested in that.
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happygirl2oo2 · 3 months
Headcanon that in the months after Alistair's death (pre his move back to London at the end of season 2 ofc) Sherlock actually kept up their monthly meetings, going to visit Alistair's grave instead. After some time had passed tho, he stopped going as often, but he does do his best to make sure he visits at least 2-3 times a year- on Alistair's birthday, on the anniversary of the day he died, and on the anniversary of the day they met for the first time all those years ago
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