briarmoon1015 · 2 months
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Day 2! I really wanted to remind ppl that Barry is the one to beat the most ass with the “I always forget how powerful you are when you cut lose” quote lol
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mvrkieboo · 28 days
justice for the victim. justice for all of the women in south korea who are victims to egregious misogyny, cyber and non cyber sexual harassment, sexual molestation and sexual crimes.
as I am also part of the percentage of women who have experienced sexual assault before, i plead to all of my fellow female czennies to prioritize your identity as a woman first before being a fan.
this is not a kpop scandal, this is a sexual crime case. how can you defend a man who relies on your interest in him for his livelihood over a fellow woman who has experienced what you have experienced, whose nightmare experience is a gruesome reality for women all around the world?
you are a woman first before you are a fan.
edit :
i also want to point out that there is currently a movement in south korea where south korean women are now refusing to marry and procreate with south korean men as a form of protest for the deeply rooted misogyny in sk culture, legal system and how it's all around them altogether (search : 4B movement in south korea) because of this misogyny, crimes against women (sexual crimes especially) are usually punished with a slap on the wrist. messed up, right?
if you've been on twt and your feed algo is anything like mine, you would know that south korean women are BEGGING the global audience to shed light on their fight because even their own media scarcely covers it.
just the other day a south korean woman made a thread of how she discovered her older brother had been secretly taking inappropriate pictures of her when she had been a minor and her brother a collegiate. the outcome of this being known by their parents is that;
1. no police reports were made even though her brother basically curated and DISTRIBUTED cp of her through telegram
2. the parents slapped her for retaliating against her brother by beating him with a baseball bat
3. the parents pressuring her to forgive him and get along like they used to
and even though it's an uncomfortable truth, these kinds of horrors are common in sk—and the legal system let these assholes slide. the government is responding to this nationwide issue that is currently crippling its birthrate by doing nothing—but instead try to give incentives for younger people to marry and procreate.
i know you're devastated by the news of taeil being dropped out of nct for being charged with such a heinous crime, i know you're worried that this might taint nct forever as a group and might cripple them in the long run. im worried for nct too, but i beg of you to see the bigger picture.
it is estimated that 70% of sk men are involved in these telegram gcs, in which they would share inappropriate pictures of women (strangers, friends, and even OWN FAMILY MEMBERS) around, and would even curate and distribute deepfake porn of MINORS.
your bg idols are still men. if even allegations of them are out, PLEASE side with the victims first because you do not know these men personally, and they're relying on you to earn money.
sk women are crying out for help and this is the fight that we should be focused on.
help them. all you have to do is just listen to them.
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sketchz · 11 months
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molly and anne!
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aroacegundamalex · 4 months
Lalah and Suletta are the same archetype at the end of the day. One is a tragedy, and the other is a story of love and hope.
Suletta survived because she had someone to catch her when she fell, someone to take her hand when she needed it, and someone to hold her when she broke.
Lalah had a sympathetic boy on the other side of the battlefield, and a man using her like a machine. Char, for all he seemed to care, let Lalah be treated like another cog in the war machine. Let this child be reduced to yet another weapon on the battlefield, the same as any common gun at the end of the day— just with a bit more firepower. The same as Amuro.
Prospera — our Char — treated Suletta like a weapon, referring to her not as her own daughter but as “that girl” but she was far from the only presence in Suletta’s life. When her world fell apart, when she lost her mother, her sister, and her girlfriend in one fell swoop, Earth House was there to embrace her. Miorine was there to fight for her, even in a misguided way.
The closest thing Lalah had was Amuro. A child trapped in the same hell she was, a boy for whom there was no real escape from the war machine he’d been swallowed by. Valued not for his humanity, but for his ability to pilot a new kind of weapon.
The importance of connection is a major theme throughout Gundam, from 0079 to Witch from Mercury. Amuro does not save White Base because Bright slapped him, he gets back in the cockpit because Fraw reached out. Newtypes are the ultimate representation of that— the potential for humanity to grow and change by reaching out to one another.
A better future can only come from an extended hand.
Suletta came to Miorine’s door at her own lowest moment, and the two walked hand-in-hand towards a brighter future.
Suletta had her friends, had Miorine. Had people right beside her to pick her up and support her when her world fell apart.
At the end of the day, all Lalah really had was Char.
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cometblaster2070 · 6 months
i am upsetting myself at ungodly hours by imagining how the scene in apple and raven's dorm room must've looked like after raven refused to sign.
like imagine apple sobbing the night away and raven tries to comfort her only to be rebuffed and she spends the entire night awake and staring at the ceiling while the guilt eats away at her as she hears apple's quiet sobs.
and apple's there feeling so hurt and angry and alone, and in that moment she probably wants nothing more than a friend, a comforting presence, but she can't even look her bsf in the eye because she's just so upset about what's just happened.
idk there's something about the two of them being so steeped in distress and sadness because raven can't force apple to understand her and apple can't comprehend the reasons for raven's decisions.
and the two of them love each other SO MUCH, but right then they're just stuck in that suffocating dorm room with only each other for company, wondering what they're going to do next.
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haveihitanerve · 1 month
Get You The Moon
“You are- you are the reason why I’m still hanging on.” Dick felt his heart skip a beat. “W-what?” He stuttered out, foot dangling in the doorway, back turned to his father. “You are the reason I’m still alive. Why my head is still above water. Why I’m still standing.” Dick slowly lowered his foot, turning back. He had planned to storm out. Had planned to tell Alfred “sorry but I can’t eat dinner tonight because i can’t stand to look at bruce rn, ill stop by again in a month and we can try again”. Because Bruce was just… so infuriating. But then he went and said what he did. “Why?” Dick breathed, scanning his father. Bruce looked so defeated, shoulders slumped forward, head hung, eyes closed, hair disheveled. He clearly had expected Dick to walk out. Had clearly expected himself to mess up. Bruce didn't open his eyes, as though he didn't want to watch Dick leave again if he said something wrong. “Because you were my shoulder to cry on. You made me laugh when I was losing my mind. You helped me to fight my demons. And you love me-... loved me, when I wasn't feeling it.” Dick couldn't breathe. Bruce finally opened his eyes, lifting his head. He seemed genuinely surprised when he spotted Dick still in the room. Something inside Dick broke for his father, no matter how much he resented the man for some things. “I love you Dickie. So much. If you wanted it, I’d find a way to get you the moon.” he laughed humorlessly. “If death was coming for you, I’d give my life for you.” Dick felt something tingling down his throat, though it certainly wasn't air. Bruce stood, achingly slow, and turned away. “You are the reason why I’m still here.” he whispered quietly.
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necrotic-nephilim · 22 days
For the ask game
Au where dick tells the titans about him and bruce when he's 18 but it's clear to everyone in the room that they've been together for a while at this point, how do think they'd react? if dick told them to keep it secret do you think they would?
for the ask game!
ooh this is SO fun. you know i love realistic reactions to complicated relationships, especially when it comes to BruDick.
i think Dick telling the Titans first serves twofold. first, he's telling people he considers family something he knows is important. and secondly, it's a sort of field test. seeing how they react will reflect on how the hero community at large will react. because now that Dick is 18, Bruce is getting more and more bold with public affection/possessiveness and people are going to notice. Dick tries to tell them casually. he drops it into conversation as if he's mentioning going on a date with a normal person his age, but inside he's panicking, waiting for a big reaction. and he doesn't really *get* one. there are shared looks, but really, they're going off of Dick's lead. if he doesn't make a big deal about it, neither will they, since they knew already. which throws Dick. the one thing Dick inherited from Bruce is his ability to keep a secret, so he's a little thrown off-kilter by the idea that they all already knew. it makes for an awkward conversation. Dick knows how this looks, even if he's in some level of denial about the whole thing actually being what it looks like, so he's ready to be on the defensive with a bunch of rehearsed arguments in his head and so to realize everyone knew already kills a lot of those arguments.
on a personal level, reactions would vary. for some like Donna or Garth or Kory, they're not entirely used to human culture and what the boundaries of accepted human relationships are. they can tell it seems unhealthy, Batman is controlling of Dick. but maybe he's just protective, so they're not sure. and i think all of the Titans notice at different times. they don't talk to each other about it because for a while, they don't know if they others know and are defaulting to keeping Dick's secret. Dick telling them would be the first time anyone's ever said it out loud, even if a few of them have shared knowing looks. on the side of the more human reactions like Wally and Roy, i think it'd be incredibly negative. Roy's life runs pretty similar to Dick's, and he couldn't *imagine* Oliver behaving that way toward him. Oliver has always been vocal to Roy about the boundaries of their relationship and how even if he's Speedy, Roy is still a kid and Oliver wants him to understand that in how he navigates social situations. Roy's always been huffy about this, feeling like it infantilizes him, but now, seeing Bruce and Dick, it clicks for Roy, what Oliver meant. i think if anyone says something, it's most likely to be Roy or Wally. Wally trusts Barry with a *lot* and will go to him about almost anything if he needs to clear his head. so it'd be hard for both of them to not say something.
when Dick finally admits to it, he does add that he doesn't want them to say anything, because the relationship is still new. he's lying out of his ass about that part and they all know it. but now that he's admitted to it, it's harder for them all not to tell people. the Titans always trust each other first, and none of them want to betray that trust, especially to Dick. i think for maybe a few days they'd keep the calm, tense atmosphere. no one says anything but everyone feels awkward about it. it'd probably be Wally who breaks first, blurting out a flurry of questions. Dick is prepared for this part. he has all his answers ready, but when he tries to start, they stop him and point out that they know it's been going on for a while. and Dick just. awkwardly deflates and is forced to be more open. he still dances around questions like how long it's *really* been going on, because the truth is, he has no clean answer. it just sort of happened gradually. they ask if Dick feels safe, if he's happy, etc. and Dick is defensive, almost too defensive with all his answers. the truth is he *is* happy with Bruce, but admitting it out loud means looking at some of the uglier sides of the relationship. he knows how possessive and overbearing Bruce can be and how that looks to an outsider. he tries to convince them it's just how Bruce is and all relationships will have their flaws, but obviously, this is different. and he knows his friends are worried about him, which is the worst part. it's all just coming from a place of love. the conversation is long, with a lot of confusion, but eventually they reach some kind of conclusion and hug it out.
the real aftermath of Dick admitting it is the Titans becoming hypervigilante of Bruce. all of them keep a close eye on him whenever they're around, do their best to sus out his feelings and intentions. i think some of the more bold members like Donna would even give Bruce something akin to a shovel talk, which Bruce would not take seriously one bit. and that's where they catch him up, because if Bruce doesn't take the Titans seriously, seeing them just as teen sidekicks, then he has to admit the same applies to Dick. so Bruce is forced to take them and their care for Dick a little more seriously. he has to have real conversations with them and accept that they're Dick's family as much as he is. because Bruce has always denied just how important the Titans are to Dick and tried to separate Dick from them. this is the first time he's acknowledging them as important members of Dick's life. it's uncomfortable for everyone involved. none of Bruce's answers satisfy the Titans, because he dances around the questions even more than Dick does. the Titans want to believe and trust Dick about this relationship, because they know at the end of the day there's nothing they can do to stop it, but it makes them uneasy and definitely untrustworthy of Bruce. even when Bruce notices this gaggle of teenagers keeping a close eye on him, there's not much he can do about it because he knows Dick will be upset if Bruce retaliates against his friends. it makes for an awkward stalemate.
i think in the end, the Titans end up telling their respective mentors. even knowing it'll betray Dick, they have to talk to real adults about this. of course most of the League members are livid. none of them would dream about viewing their own proteges in that way. long talks are had with Bruce and i do think someone like Diana or Oliver would try to remove Dick from Bruce's care altogether. but Dick *is* an adult and technically, they have no dirt proving anything illegal is going on. everyone just sort of has to accept it for what it is. and the betrayal of the Titans telling would drive a wedge between them and Dick. which of course, Bruce would spin to his advantage because he always has to find a way to win. he comforts Dick, and sows seeds in Dick's head about maybe distancing himself from the Titans, for a bit. just to let it all cool off so he can approach them with a level head. it ends up bringing Dick and Bruce closer. Dick would reconcile with the Titans eventually, but the wedge will always be there and they all know it. no one can get between Dick and Bruce so telling adults didn't even really do anything. the only real winner at the end of the day, is Bruce.
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starfanatic · 7 months
When your card is declined at therapy and they bring in a young Patroclus and Achilles (they were born to die miserably, there is no saving them.)
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cult-of-the-eye · 9 months
When does relating my pain to a character's start working? There's a hole in my heart btw and I don't think calling it Jonathan Sims core will make it go away
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lilrios-world · 3 months
Ngl, people defending Neil Gaiman against the allegations and refusing to believe someone who might be a victim of rape at worst, and a really improper relationship at best just because "he is a activist in favor of trans" is really not it...
Like, why are you so quickly jumping to defending a man who might've raped *2* women? Because you think he is being witch hunted by evil TERF's? Like do you hear yourselves, yall sounding like trump supporters defending him against rape allegations...
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kinun · 3 months
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Recent mood
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queenofmalkier · 5 months
I just have to say, there's constructive discussion about what the show isn't getting right and then there's attacking people who are still enjoying it for what it is, more or less labeling them as bad fans or not "true" fans.
(And then getting mad when people call out what you're doing.)
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leneemusing · 2 years
im about to be a lil spicy here but i don’t think there is anything wrong with people who are into rp solely to make fun little ships.  we are all sitting on silly website held together by duct tape writing writing fanfic and making up original short stories with people across the world.  and i mean this in the most positive way,  it literally does not matter at all.  it affects no one except you and your writing partners.  coming onto tumblr solely for specific kinds of threads or dynamics is no different than filling your book shelf with one genre or trope because it’s your escapism from the world.  it’s a hobby.  if your blog is a romance blog,  good on you.  if your blog is a horror blog,  bring on the spooks.  if your blog is an angsty whump fest,  boy do i feel that.  it’s for you.  it’s your way to blow off steam and cope with the world.  it does not matter (positive). 
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phantomyre · 6 months
Do you think that the devs/writers are going to be leaning more into the “Vincent is the father” theory? The way how he talks about Sephiroth in rebirth is very peculiar and also how an ashamed father would talk. Personally I hope not for many reasons.
Also when Vincent claims that he had many opportunities to purge Sephiroth from the world but he couldn’t pull the trigger, that implies that he died after Sephiroth was born and not before. Of course this could be to do with the fact that he simply doesn’t want to kill a child and or the son of his love, but it’s still weird non the less.
Unless they choose to retcon already established lore, they will not go that route. It adds nothing to Vincent's character, as much as some people want to make it seem it would and here's why.
Vincent being the father and him just sitting back and letting things happen would make him to be worse than Lucrecia and Hojo, turning him into a coward and a complete asshole. This would also vindicate Hojo completely and make Vincent to be the worse villain, not Hojo. People always like to point to their looks but Tifa and Elena use the same model with some tweeking, and no one says they're related. Or how Naio clearly has Tifa's model as well. Whether people like to admit it or not, these are anime designs, they do shortcut their work, and models get reused all the time. However, the one reason why they may have made the decision to have them both look similar may be due to the fact that originally, Sephiroth and Vincent were originally one and the same person. The main villain had white hair, a tall standing collar, and a headband. Either people are not aware of these things or they are stretching a concept that doesn't have any true solid foundation.
Aside from that, Vincent's connection to Sephiroth had always been weak, and there was little motivation for him to pursue Sephiroth in OG. His focus was always Hojo, and his penance was always too extreme in the eyes of fans. He was this sad little man that was just all woe-is-me for a sin that didn't justify his punishment. Lucrecia was always the one pointed at as the least forgivable. And rightly so. At the time, Vincent's only sin was following orders as a Turk and not overstepping his bounds to prevent the experiment. But that was hardly a reason for him to bainish himself to eternal nightmares. Until Rebirth.
Vincent's connection to Sephiroth finally holds more weight in that Vincent idly stood by while innocent lives were being cut off by Sephiroth. He likely knew enough about the nature of the experiment and that the purpose was to create a dangerous being, and then for years on end, still chose to passively allow Sephiroth create carnage. This alone makes Vincent an accomplice of Shinra's evils. While it isn't clearly stated in DoC, the Ultimania mentions that Sephiroth was already a toddler by the time Vincent decided to approach Hojo. So if that still remains canon, Vincent likely saw Sephiroth's early stages of cruelty as a child.
All of this adds plenty of reasons for Vincent to have a strong feeling towards taking Sephiroth down, yet still hesitating because he is the son of Lucrecia. Him being the father doesn't add anything important to him. As a matter of fact, it hinders his character. One of the many reasons why Vincent is so loved is due to his unselfish personality.
In OG, Vincent harbored doubts about Hojo, but his hatred wasn't that deep yet. In the Ultimania, Vincent counted Hojo's experiments on him justified, therefore putting himself lower than Hojo. It wasn't until Vincent learned the truth about Hojo that he suddenly became enraged, and all anger he had towards himself was immediately directed at Hojo. And yet in spite of it all, even after taking Hojo down, Vincent says "rest in peace, Hojo". What person says that to their most hated enemy...? This scene depicted that even towards his worst enemy, he was still gracious. To force in the idea that he is Sephiroth's father would override all of that, and would make Vincent no better than Lucrecia or Hojo, and 'killing his own son' would never redeem him of that. Sparing the life of your worst enemy's child holds more impact than killing your kid (which is also extremely unoriginal and tropey).
Can they play with the idea of him being the father? Absolutely. Will they actually make him the dad? No, unless they want to completely undo what Vincent is. And and far as we've seen, if there's one thing they have been very loyal to and careful about, it's the characters. They build upon what they already are, and do not change what is already established canon. And in Vincent's case, his guilt was something that needed further weight. And that weight is that he was complacent with what both Shinra AND Sephiroth had committed, many times over.
I also go into detail about the depth of Vincent's guilt in this post. https://www.tumblr.com/phantomyre/745158867895418881/rebirth-vincent-analysisbreakdown-1-vincents?source=share
In short, I believe Vincent was aware of Sephiroth murdering the townspeople of Nibelheim, and due to what he says in Rebirth, he was also privy to the suriviors ending up as test subjects. And by way of association, Zack and Cloud as well. This is how they're going to give reason to Vincent's pursuit of Sephiroth. Not being the father.
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minustwofingers · 9 months
*not to be a hater bc i do enjoy her music and respect her art* taylor’s fanbase terrifies me and the amount of people who infantilize her scare me!
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thecoffeelorian · 7 months
Friendly reminder that NOBODY in canon or fanon still hasn't discussed how Hunter was just fine with never going back for Crosshair.
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Also, he STILL isn't getting any better by himself.
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