clemencetaught · 7 months
I wasn't sure if y'wanted them sent in today or tomorrow, BUT TO NOT MESS UP-- (you mentioned answering ic in the tags so yeeting these directly at Patrick >:3 sorry if they're too many omg)
Patrick (any verse)
What does it feel like when others depend on you, in one way or another?
Are you more prone to assuming someone needs you (in a service kind of way, for aid, for support-) or more likely to think they don't?
If psychics were 120% reliable and you could connect to those long gone… would you?
In which contexts are you more 'do as I say not as I do' and in which will you listen to your own advice?
Do you ever catch yourself growing… a little bitter, maybe, at people describing their comparatively 'mundane' problems? Is it envy?
Do you believe children should be shaped for the likeliest future or the future should be shaped for the children to come?
When is self-sacrifice acceptable?
When is hurting those you love acceptable?
in which the 54th victor of the hunger games gives an impromptu interview ( nosy questions for the birthday enby w/ @mythvoiced )
The tea cup is set on the saucer. Discreetly, Patrick slides his other hand into his pocket, where the synthetic patch on his palm wraps around his pocket knife– a habit of sorts, since he won his games. His pocket watch sits on the table, next to the saucier and on his lap, Sun has wrapped herself into a ball, her paws disappearing into the mass of orange fur. On the balcony outside his apartment in the Capitol, this is the only place Patrick knows he will be granted a modicum of privacy in the viper’s nest. 
The shadow of the balcony covers the upper half of his body. Sun keeps dozing on his lap, in the sun. 
Most times, when the questions are directed at him, they’re expecting an affirmative. Doesn’t matter if it’s coming from a District person or a Capitolite– they go to him for answers, first and foremost. And in the case of the latter, these questions are not questions so much as veiled demands. 
Ones that he must always accommodate, regardless of the nature of the demand. 
But these questions, this voice, is…well they seem genuinely curious. And the questions they’ve lobbed his way, they don’t seem to be expecting one correct answer.
Sun shifts on his lap. His leg vibrates from her purring. Patrick sighs, leaning back on his chair. “That…quite a lot of thoughts you have going on there, hm?” The knife stays in his pocket as he gently scratches the top of Sun’s head. “I’ll answer your second question first: people will always look out for themselves first. If they don’t think you’re useful, that you can contribute something good to their lives, then you’re dead to them, if they don’t kill you first. Make yourself indispensable to them and they won’t hurt you.” At least that’s what he tells himself– it’s easier to simply assume anyone who approaches him that they want something he can give them. “The younger victors will need someone to guide them anyway.” 
And even the ones who vehemently deny needing someone, anyone. Patience is always key in those instances– from Taiyang whom it took almost six years and his tribute’s sanity to finally approach Patrick to María, who still slaps away any hands offered, friend or foe. Ironically, he had to approach her first.  
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“…I suppose I don’t think too much about that. If someone was asking for your help, you would be more caught up in what they’re asking, more than how you were feeling no?” A Trojan horse, he’s lobbed in their direction although he’s quick to revise: “...It scares me sometimes.” He confides, fingers pausing in their administrations on Sun’s head. Actually it scares him, a lot. “They’re…they’re relying on me to guide them to the best outcome and I want the same thing for them. I promise you, I really, truly do.” Whether it’s Hyuk, Devora, a tribute he’s been assigned to mentor, or any of the victors. And sometimes even the furball in his lap and yet– “But I…I can’t always guarantee that. But they still trust me, especially the younger ones.” The tributes from District Three– his tributes, the ones who take his hand, look up at him with wide eyes, clinging to every word, every gesture he makes as it will guarantee their survival. “Sometimes I think it would be better if they exercised more caution with me.”   
A smile, bittersweet, if not actually just bitter, graces his lips. He shakes his head though, chuckling at the next question. “...Forgive me, that’s quite a question you have there. ‘Psychics’... I don’t believe that’s information that just anyone, district or Capitol, can get ahold of–  although I have heard of some old religions still practiced in the districts so I suppose the knowledge and belief in such mediums is possible to get ahold of.” He stares down at his tea, the steam still rising. Even if it is a hypothetical question on a medium known to be more shoddy than reputable, he can’t help but pause. If they could contact those ‘long gone’; would that mean, if he asked them to, would he be able to speak to her one last time–
He shakes his head, eye catching his pocket watch, metal beaten and faded, the clock face wearing a crack down the right side. Still, it shimmers in the sunlight. “Even if I could, I…I highly doubt she would want to talk to me of all people.” If they hadn’t met, if they hadn’t fallen in love, she probably would still be alive. Tellessa’s family too. 
After all, he was the first person outside of Tellessa who knew about her forbidden books. “Wherever they are, it’s probably better than here.” Or at least he hopes it is for her. A place where life doesn’t have to be perfect, but it is…easier. A place for souls to rest at long last. If such a place even exists in the first place. He picks up his saucer once more, still careful not to jostle Sun on his legs. She’s taken to loafing now– he knows her eyes are closed even if her head dips every few seconds. But make no mistake, that does not mean she is unaware. Trusting of the one asking the questions. If it was just him, she would be stretched out, a white underbelly waiting for his hand to scratch kindly at the ceiling.
Perhaps the saying is true after all: like owner, like pet. Although Patrick would argue she’s more like Hyuk if anything.
“It depends on the circumstances,” he says as neutrally as possible. A vague answer for a hypothetical question, because that is truly it. “I suppose if one’s life was on the line, it would be better if they followed my lead, no?” 
Not that that’s stopped, those with rebellious tendencies from committing treason anyways. ( And unfortunately, he can name more than one. ) It is ironic in that manner– for someone who knows the system, knows how to work within the rules all, has spent years perfecting his craft in survival arts, it would make more sense to invest on those with similar goals. And yet here he is, worrying about the ones who are decided not interested in survival and therefore would spurn his advice at any given moments. “Not that…that following my advice has ever helped them make it through.” 
(His tributes. All thirty nine of them. No two games are ever the same, the gamemakers would never allow that. If the circus known as the Hungers Games must be reborn over and over again if it wishes to continue.)
He takes a sip of his tea, washing down the momentary displeasure. Or at least he thinks it will be only a moment long. “I suppose what a Capitol citizen would consider a ‘mundane issue’, as you put it, would differ from those of someone from the districts. The former does seem more inclined towards complaining if only to build comradery amongst one another. I’m just glad that they have such means to…channel their frustrations.” 
( It’s in times like those, where he wishes his temper could curdle, the way Devora’s does in the face of the Capitol Elite. How he wishes he could simply let her use the knife to silence those idle complaints. )
Patrick takes another sip of his tea. It burns in his throat. It’s bitter too– he must have let the leaves seep for too long. But the asperity doesn’t just settle on his tongue. “Are we talking about an ideal world or the one we live in now? Depending on who you ask this question to, you’re guaranteed to get quite…different answers.” A smile, as frigid as the shaved ice the Capitol serves as a delicacy during the games, crosses his lips. “Our great nation was built to provide safety and prosperity for the children. To serve them. Although whether the truth is actually the other way around will again, depend on who you ask. As a mentor to my tributes, I suppose…we can’t deny the reality in front of us, no?”
Sun yawns. He puts his tea down and idly, he scratches the underside of her chin and he feels her purring against his finger. “Are you sure you should be asking me that question? I would think there are more…suitable candidates for this question.” People like Hyuk, he means. People like María– the kinds who would gladly make sacrifices, give pieces of themselves for a cause. “Self-sacrifice won’t get you where you need to be– there’s a reason martyrs are only known after their death– they’re even given a chance to be known. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool. They’re only deluding themselves into believing they can make everything better. A…colleague of mine said it best: ‘a martyr works, a survivor works better’. If you want to truly help the ones around you, self-sacrifice will only get you so far.”
Or so Patrick claims. He can hear it though– the sound of Hyuk shouting at him to stop lying. The truth is, self-sacrifice, if it is for a tangible reason, is…well maybe it is not worthwhile, but it can be certainly respected, especially if this tangible reason is a human life. The Capitol will always wonder what spurred Patrick to hold his district partner’s hand even if it burned a hole through his skin, will always wonder why Taiyang insisted on protecting Link in the arena, will always wonder why, why, why would Devora so willingly serve as President Snow’s puppet even if it further severs her ties to the districts despite everything the games took from her.
They would never understand compassion in a dog-eat-dog world– self sacrifice.
“...However, I suppose, if there was truly a good reason to do so…well, I have yet to see it.”
( Like the promise of a better world. If there is even one that exists. )
His hand stops. Sun turns her head towards him, copper eyes watching him. “When do we not hurt the ones we love?” Perhaps the better question for him is: when is he not hurting the ones he loves? He saw it in her eyes and Hyuk’s too. And yet they forgave him, somehow, every time. If not for that, well…would there even be a reason to keep going? “That’s part of caring for someone, no? You are preparing for them to hurt you without retaliation.” He shakes his head, snorting. “I think the answer should be obvious, if it guarantees their well-being in the long run, I think that is a gamble to be considered. That being said–” 
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Sun jumps off his lap and stretches, paws facing this curious passerby. Patrick crosses his legs, hands resting on his lap. A veneer, similar to the one he dons in the Capitol flashes through, even if he is not currently in his usual suit. “You wouldn’t want to be close with someone like me. I’ve been known to have…a reputation of sorts. One of burning and you could…no, you would most definitely get hurt, one way or another and we wouldn’t want that happening, no? Just a thought for you to consider.”
He watches Sun make her way to the sliding glass door in the shade. Her tails whips side to side as she looks up at the handle. Then she looks at him and meows. 
Patrick glances at his pocket watch. “It’s feeding time for Sun.” Well, sort of– it’s more like it’s half an hour before her feeding time, but he knows gets antsy the closer meal time gets around. But this person doesn’t have to know that. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be taking care of business now. If you need anything more, you know where to find me.”
Or better yet, he’ll know where to find them.
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emotionaldisaster909 · 8 months
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Today’s episode was heartbreaking
We’ve seen so much of Xie Lian’s pain
So much of the fall of XianLe
But now
Will you tell me that it was all his fault?
The “consequence of his actions”?
So what should we blame him for?
For being a child against the most powerful and cruel ancient evil?
The one that lived 1000 years, destroyed all the gods and deceived the entire world?
Or was he too stubborn and not listened to other people?
Well let me tell you
Who should he have listened to?
That very evil that told him not to try and help his people?
His guoshi who knew everything and told him nothing but to sacrifice an innocent child in “penance” to that very evil?
Should he have crushed all youngans in one go, kill the poor starving people, led to desparation?
Should he have told his own desperate people that their cure was in murder and watch the inevitable massacre?
The only thing
The only thing that he should have seriously done differently
His biggest, most fatal mistake
He did
He listened to his father.
The King of Xian Le.
When at the very beginning of it all they had an argument
Where Xie Lian insisted they should melt his golden statues and let the starving homeless people into his shrines
That’s EXACTLY what they should’ve done, but they did not
Because guess what the father said
We can’t. Because we did not build the shrines and the statues.
People of Xian Le did.
Do you want to disregard your people by doing that?
Knowing VERY WELL that he is talking about THE ROYALTY OF XIAN LE.
And who might very much not know the intricacies behind the ruler’s chambers.
Because Xie Lian
He was raised to be a Martial God.
To fight demons and grant wishes.
And his son had to
To come deal with his mess
You can try blaming Xie Lian for not listening to the prayers from that part of Xian Le.
But he did not NOT listen.
Because the prayers system of “the ritcher - the louder” is inherently corrupt.
And growing up in a wealthy capital
Xie Lian must’ve not even SUSPECTED that there’ll be a part of his country so poor that no offerings would be enough for him to hear the prayers.
He did not know.
There’s no way he didn’t.
Yet does anyone
Does anyone in the book
And outside, anyone of the readers
Ever thought to blame him?
Not even once have i seen this take.
Not even i realised it until recently. Thanks to my dear friend @3luecactuz
And why?
Because Xie Lian tells us the story.
And he himself
Completely believes
That it was all his fault.
When his only real fault was in not standing his ground
Agains the only person
Who held authority in his eyes.
Who was the authority in his life from the very beginning of it.
Who, no matter the future arguments, was the person he loved.
His father.
In the face of the greatest crisis he’s ever seen
Under the pressure to make the right choice for so many innocent lives
He gives in and listenes to a person who he not only inherently trusts
But who objectively had much more experience and knowledge than him
Who’s flaws he has not yet seen clearly enough. And never will.
Because this person raised him to be
And he failed.
Because no one is perfect.
And he believed in it in the wrong time and place. He gave in.
Decided to look for another solution.
And gave the evil orchestrating his demise just enough time to pull the first string.
Of many.
So tell me.
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Really, tell me.
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Did he deserve this?
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Should he have listened more?
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Should he have?
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Or maybe
Just maybe
He needed someone
Who could have told him
To do what he thinks is right.
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mschievousx · 2 months
i wish you love | a.h.
pairing: aaron hotchner x ofc
summary: francesca sainz knows her interests. she likes the dark, crime, profiling, medicine, military, guns, and suits. imagine her surprise when these things come as a person... granted, a "fourty-something unit chief" person, but a person nonetheless.
series masterlist
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penelope garcia, despite loving her womancave, cannot resist spending time at the bullpen where her family is. yes, her office is her place of comfort, but the bullpen has always been more fun—fun in terms of the banter of her friends, their plans of vacations that never really happen because of the nature of their job, and of course, her chocolate thunder, derek morgan.
she loves morgan dearly—as dear as colleagues can love each other without ruining their respective romantic relationships. however, for the past ten months, morgan's life has been nearing hell-like. reid, he can manage. but, the arrival of another proved to be challenging. and garcia should really not love the way her chocolate thunder is outnumbered as much as she does.
but hey, what can she possibly do when the enemy comes in the form of a young trainee who she equally loves?
"i am not a kid."
francesca sainz playfully glared at morgan, crossing her arms as she sat on a desk across reid's. the three, along with jj and penelope, gathering for their daily banter.
derek chuckles at that, gesturing to the resident genius who was sitting on his seat with an amused smile, "reid's 34 and he's a kid, kid."
"i do not have an iq of 187." she retorted plainly.
he scoffed as he tossed his baseball and caught it again repeatedly, sporting his incredulous look with everyone before settling to her.
"what does that have to do with it?"
she slowly stood up and smirked as she presented her case, "false equivalence, like you did. you compared reid and i. while your point in age could be taken, comparing spencer and i is not acceptable at all since our nature is not the same. hence, your point, as a matter of fact, does not have a point."
they all looked at her in silence for a good couple of seconds before jj crossed her arms, as if in thinking as she voiced an observation.
"there's no false equivalence at all."
"my point stands." morgan pushed with a smug grin.
franz narrowed her eyes to each one of them before glaring to morgan once again, "just so you know, this is my annoyed face, derek."
he leaned forward as if to observe her closely before speaking in a sarcastic tone.
"really? looks pretty much the same, kid."
she rolled her eyes at him before grinning herself, fixing her hair to tease him, "what did you say? i look pretty? thanks."
the older agent scoffed once again as he leaned back with a smirk, "deaf."
"you being this chaotic tells me the boss-man is not yet around."
emily's voice made them turn towards the entrance at her arrival, rossi following closely behind as they chuckled.
"where is he?"
 · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
"where is he?"
aaron hotchner, more known as hotch and the unit chief of the behavioral analysis unit or bau, asked as he gestured the paper to the course professor of the class they just lectured.
she looked at the paper to see who the agent is referring to.
"this student? oh," she raised her head to the entire room, scanning the area for any sign of the girl, "she left already."
he tried to hide the look of slight surprise in his face. after all, franz sainz is a very misleading name. it has certainly nothing to do with what emily has previously said before during her first cases with the team when he asked what is his worst quality. he does not trust women as much as men.
hotch neared rossi, giving the paper to him as the latter read the contents.
"what do you think?"
the italian man read her answer for the situational case they gave earlier. his brows slowly raised inquisitively as he reached the middle and commented, "quite perceptive."
"so?" he asked monotonely. dave already knew what he meant and nodded in agreement.
he turned to where penelope was, chatting with the rest of the team before looking at him.
"garcia, i need you to run details as soon as we get back in quantico."
and with that, it was imperative that they returned the next day, having learned more about the student.
francesca was calmly walking down the hallway, having just finished taking a special exam after she missed her written exam yesterday by attending the bau's lecture. chewing on her gum with earpods in, she disregarded the bandage on her left wrist and hand which served as her 'valid reason' for missing yesterday.
however, she could not miss the the contrast of that bright blonde hair and imposing suits against the figure of twenty-year-olds in the hallway just meters away. she immediately slowed down her steps as she lightly chatted up another student, who she does not know, and casually turned away to walk back where she came from.
only to find the italian already closing in on her too. she shrugged resignedly at that as he finally reaches her, sarcastically smiling as he placed an arm around her shoulders, guiding her to walk where she was originally going to.
"walk with me, kid."
she smiled sheepishly at him, removing her earpods and looking at him, "sir, great to see you. i'm a huge fan."
rossi lightly chuckled in amusement, "i don't have the best experiences with 'huge fans'."
she looked ahead at that, exhaling impassively as she remembered his book about a fan-turned-serial killer, "evidently."
as hotch and jj accompanied their sides, francesca tightly smiled in acknowledgement as the lady smiled back, "sir, ma'am."
"do you have anywhere to be right now?" hotch monotonely asked as they all continue to walk towards the exit.
she looked at him on her left with a sarcastic grin, to which he only returned with a look as if trying to figure her out, "i have a really good feeling you already know the answer to that."
dave interjected with his usual playful tone, "good, because you're going to be at quantico in a few minutes."
with her in the middle of fbi agents, francesca sainz could do nothing but look at him with wide eyes and mouth agape in shock.
"is this about my search history? i promise i did not kill anyone. i write books."
 · • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
"ask and he shall appear."
the trainee commented as the unit chief passed the doors just after emily and dave did. however, when hotch came into full view, she could not stop herself from gaping once again.
"oh my, sir! that is illegal."
he paused at the bottom of the staircase at that, turning to the group as the others slowly distanced themselves from the girl.
"excuse me?"
she grinned at him, her voice full of exaggeration, "you took my breath away with your usual white long sleeves, but now, you're simply killing me with that dark one."
"sainz," hotch pointedly called, trying to contain his exasperation even though the day has just begun.
"i'm serious," she opened her arms on chest level, feigning ignorance before grinning widely once again, "are you looking for wife number two? i volunteer as tribute!"
he narrowed his eyes at her, almost glaringly, before closing them. regaining his composure, he continued to walk upstairs, "i'll pretend i didn't hear that."
noticing the team's amused looks at her as dave and jj shook their heads with small smiles, franz raised her eyebrows at them.
"what? dave's already working with number four."
"what is wrong with you?" derek said in a higher pitch than his normal, seemingly unbelieving of the girl's antics.
penelope grins at the exchange, jabbing to her jokingly as well, "you know he hates you, right?"
before entering his office, he looked back at the team downstairs, voice strict as usual but without serious intensity.
"and refrain from saying phrases like taking your breath away."
as they all hear his door closing, she turns to garcia with confidence and a bright grin, nodding reassuringly.
"he likes me."
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Toxic spring breeze
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Yandere!doctor OC x reader (y/n)
Summary: you ask the doctor to go outside for a little while. He grants you the wish, but quickly realizes that it was a bad idea.
Warnings: yandere themes, manipulation, poisoning, slight hint at suggestive stuff(?), jealousy
Word count: 1.9k
The sun shines through the curtains. You're shoving spoonful after spoonful of Mac N cheese into your mouth with your gaze fixed on the treetop outside.
"Good morning, Y/N-", Dr Kry says as he enters.
You cut him off. "Can I go out today?"
The doctor halts in his steps with a surprised yet confused frown on his face.
"Why would you want that?" he asks. "What made you think of that?"
"It's so nice outside!" you say and point at the window. "It looks really nice."
"Y/N …"
"Please, doctor. Just for a few minutes. Maybe the fresh air will make me feel better."
That's what he's scared of. If you ever found out about your poisoned air purifier, you'd never be able to love him.
"Can't we just open the window?" Dr Kry asks.
"It's not the same", you pout. "I want to move my body."
"I can book out the hospital gym-"
"Yes, Y/N?"
"I want to go out!"
He sighs and runs his hand through his blonde hair. For a few seconds, he thinks about what to do, contemplating the outcomes.
You get out of your bed and walk over to him. Your doe eyes that he finds irresistible meet his.
"Please", you plead. "I'd really appreciate it. I won't ask for anything else for the rest of the week. I'll stay in my room at all times."
Dr Kry sighs and nods. "Alright, fine. I'll let you out in the hospital's yard."
"Thank you so much!"
You're about to hug him, but back away at the last moment. He is not your friend, although he's been nice. He's your … caretaker. There should be some professionalism between the two of you.
"You can't walk outside in that hospital dress", Dr Kry says.
"But I don’t have any other clothes …"
Dr Kry smiles. Perfect.
"Don't worry", he says. "I have some for you. Wait here, okay?"
You nod. He disappears only to return with a black, sophisticated coat.
"Arms out", he orders.
You listen. He places the coat over your body and fixes the buttons for you. With a satisfied smile he nods for you to walk over to the door. He thinks you look oh so adorable in his clothes. So little and helpless.
"Come here, Y/N", he says, showing you to the elevators. "Let's not take the stairs. You're not that strong."
"That's mean …"
He presses the ground floor button. "I don't mean it in a hurtful way, dear. I just don't want you to hurt yourself."
"I want to start working out so I can get stronger. I want to go home."
Dr Kry gulps. Not those thoughts again. He'll have to make your air worse to make you weaker. Hopefully, it won't affect you too much.
"Yeah … maybe we can … arrange that", he mumbles and clears his throat.
You look at yourself in the elevator mirror.
"Oh …", you say sadly, fingers touching your cheek. "I look horrible …"
"What?" Dr Kry says in shock. How could you ever say that about yourself? "No, you don't!"
"Ever since I got into the hospital my skin has been dull and gotten a weird dead hue."
"I think you look good."
"My eyes … they look so different. Why do they look dead too?"
"Y/N, it's all in your head. You look perfect, I promise."
You give him the most beautiful doe eyes that makes him melt. He wants to take you in his arms and show you how beautiful you are to him … but that isn’t deemed professional. He has to restrain himself.
You step out of the elevator when you reach the ground floor. Dr Kry puts his hand on your back and directs you out through the main entrance without anyone disturbing you. He takes you out to the hospital's garden — a place where patients can relax with a bit of fresh air. You shiver at the fresh air and Dr Kry contemplates bringing you inside again. The very thought of having you outside in the while terrifies him.
“You’ve gotten some fresh air now, let's go inside again”, Dr Kry says.
“No!” you whine and point at a green wooden bench. “I want to sit on that bench for a while.”
He brings you over to the bench and you sink down on the cold surface. You breathe in and out with a small smile on your face while the doctor besides you looks around. He notices how people's gazes are sticking onto you. Clueless patients who might find you interesting and nurses who wonder why they’re not allowed to see you anymore. Everyone’s eyes are enemies, threats.
“I feel better”, you say. “Maybe I should go out more often?”
Dr Kry curses under his breath. This was a stupid decision, he shouldn’t have brought you out here. Your coughing brings his attention back to you. The change in air must have made your throat drier than a dessert.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Dr Kry asks worriedly. “Should we go inside?”
You shake your head. “I need … I need water.”
“Let’s go inside and get you a glass.”
You shake your head. He never lets you go out. You’re scared that if you go inside with him again, you won’t go out for another six months. Dr Kry sighs and decides to run inside and get you a water bottle from the cafeteria.
“Stay here, okay?” Dr Kry says. “You have to stay here, do you understand me?”
“Yes, yes, I get it”, you answer and curl up in his coat. “I’ll stay here.”
“Good …”
He sets off, heart burning in his chest. You cough again, your head starts feeling light and you lie down on the bench to rest. Everything's spinning.
"Oh miss, are you alright?" a nurse asks and walks over to you. She lifts up your head gently to get a good view of you. "What happened?"
"My head …", you mumble.
"You had a doctor with you, where'd he go?"
"He went to get some water for me … he'll be back soon."
"I'll supervise you until he comes back."
She lets you rest your head in her lap for some support. You're waiting for whatever’s going on to end. Minute by minute, the ability to breathe starts slipping out of your hands. Why can't you breathe?
"What the fuck is going on?" you hear a strained voice ask through gritted teeth.
You freeze and lift up your heavy head to see Dr Kry stand over you and the nurse. Without thinking, you reach for the water bottle. Instead, Dr Kry pulls you up by the limb with such force that you're up and flying. He catches you with one arm and holds you secure to his chest. You lean your heavy heart on him and hear how his hammering heart beats across his ribs.
"Don't touch my patient without my consent", Dr Kry hisses. "Mind your own fucking patients."
Before the woman can answer, Dr Kry has set off. You're pulled along like a rag doll in his possession. This reminds you of that boy that escaped his therapist …
"Doctor", you cough. "Water."
He stops abruptly and looks at you with blank eyes. The clear air is drying up the poison that has created a layer over your throat. He contemplates giving the bottle to you. As angry as he is, he can't be mad at you. You haven't done anything wrong. You can never do anything wrong. He sighs and places you down on a bench near the hospital's entrance.
"How are you feeling, pretty?" Dr Kry asks softly. "You don't look too well. We should go back to your room where you're safe."
Your shaky hands reach for the water bottle. His heart bubbles at the sight of you in his big coat, weakly reaching for him. He smiles darkly and opens the water bottle.
"Open your mouth, pretty", he says smugly.
You obey. He holds one hand softly on your jaw to make sure you won't turn your head and spill water all over yourself. Carefully and with precision, he pours a stream of water into your mouth. The plastic touches your lips.
"Better?" he asks.
You nod. "A little. What happened?"
Dr Kry sits down next to you, his eyes wandering over the parking lot.
"I think you're allergic to fresh air", he says.
"How can someone be like that?" you ask in disbelief.
He fights the urge to grimace and roll his eyes. "Okay, not fresh air particularly because that'd be insane … but something in the air. Your air in your room is made perfectly for you, you've gotten used to it. Now that you breathe air that contains all kinds of pollution and pollen and what not, your lungs can't take it."
You curl up inside his coat in fear. If you can't breathe fresh air, how will you ever leave the hospital? And this moment with the nurse reminds you so much of that situation with that boy. You remember what Dr Kry told you happened to him afterwards. Desperate for something to hold, to feel something, you take his big hand. He flinches and looks down at your smaller hand trying to take a grip on his bigger one.
"I'm scared", you admit.
Dr Kry strokes the back of your hand with his thumb.
"You don't need to be afraid, darling", he murmurs. "You don't need to do anything, don't even need to fill your pretty little head with thoughts. I'll think for you. All you need to think about is to rest, okay?"
You nod. He holds the water bottle to your lips again and you gulp it down. The doctor moves his eyes to your throat, watching it move with every gulp. Mesmerized, he doesn't realize that you're done. You push his hand away and he flinches, coming back to reality. His coat,your chin and a bit of your hair is drenched in water.
"Are you trying to drown me?" you cough.
"Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry!" Dr Kry apologizes and closes the bottle. "Let me help you back in."
He pulls you up and places his arm around your shoulder as he leads you into the hospital again. The twenty minutes outside has drained your body of the little energy you have nowadays.
"Doctor", you say quietly as you enter the elevator.
"Yes?" he answers.
"I'm tired."
"I know, sweetheart. You'll get to sleep soon."
Dr Kry helps you back into your room and tucks you in. He closes the curtains and makes sure the poisoned air purifier is turned on.
"I'll see you in an hour", he smiles. "By then I'll have some snacks for you."
"Your favorites."
You smile weakly. Dr Kry smiles and leaves the room. As you fall asleep, he makes his way through the corridors. The very same bottle you drank from now grace his lips as he tries to get any taste from you. He thinks back of that nurse. He knows exactly where she works and who her patients are. Dr Kry smiles for himself. She won't have any patients for long. And when the boss notices … she will no longer have a job. That's what she gets for touching his darling.
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sgiandubh · 9 months
Since you were supposedly on the road or so you claim, you weren't at Sam's house. Therefore you have no idea who was there, nor who did what. By the way Sam does have family and friends with small children, such as Valbo, so if those are a child's prints, you do not have any definitive information on who the possible child was. One thing, since Sam does not have children, wasn't his. Try again, at least you've graduated from reflections in wine bottles. Also, Marple as you call her, never said it was a latergram, and debunked that idea before you. Perhaps you can take a reading lesson in 2024?
Dear Marple Anon (you do sound a LOT like her, also),
You apparently spent the night ruminating S's whereabouts and company, while I... Well, let's not add insult to injury, shall we?
I don't have much time and will not grant you undue attention, but:
Obviously, I was not in GLA and therefore cannot say anything with certainty. But guess what, woman:
And yes, he does have, like every single one of us (maybe even you?) family and friends with children (like Valbo, that is correct). But may I remind you an Italian proverb that reflects a basic, worldwide truth?
Natale con i tuoi, la Pasqua con chi vuoi. / Christmas with yours (family), Easter with whomever you want.
Again, you were not there either. And all this hysterical answer because you cannot, for the life of you, logically explain the two sets of footprints and handprints. I am a shipper: I know what I see in there. You are not: you lied and you mentioned gloves. You did not need to do that, but you did also graduate from them to the possibility of building a snowman with bare hands - when it snows, it's always warmer, you never noticed this?
I did not debunk anything and I do not care what she wrote about, to be honest. I found the pic @bat-cat-reader's and took a closer look. Then yes, I saw her post on another Mordor blog and thought strange she would use again the latergram/not latergram discussion in order to dilute the whole thing and deflect attention. Something she does all the time, by the way. But you insisting she was first gives me a fair idea of whom you might be, Anon, so I will say only this:
Unlike you, I do not hate you. I just despise your obsession: it is a very sad thing. My New Year wish for you is that you'd find a life and real good company. You seem to need them. Badly.
Finally, riddle me this. If you turn that pic sideways, what in the name of the Lord would you see?
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Fijn uiteinde, Mevrouw!
PS: And thank you for the DM tip. I found it this morning and I thank you for this one and always. 😘
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sunflawyer · 3 months
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HI MAYOOOO I'VE BEEN WANTING TO DRAW U SOMETHING FOR A WHILE!!! <333 ur such a positive influence in this community and a total ray of sunshine!! EVEN ABBY LOOKS LIKE A WALKING RAY OF SUNSHINE I LOVE IT SM!!! ur so nice to everyone whenever i see u on the dash i'm like whajekh ;w;
AND THANK U AGAIN FOR MY DRAWING i love how u drew my eyebrows in it. i look so >:3c it's literally perfect i look at it all the time
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you really didnt have to give me anything back i just wanted to share a little happiness around!!! 🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗 !!!! i have a special announcement coming in the next few days i want to gather people and celebrate it!!! wait for it okay!!! ⭐⭐⭐✨✨
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my-own-walker · 1 year
Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve?) 
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note: this special request was sent to me by @the-goblin1. thank you, my dear. you have the mind of a mastermind. 
summary: evan gets the hots for his co-star during a scene
warnings: sm*t, fem!reader, p in v, evan being horny lol
Evan’s POV
The success of the show was unexpected. When the second season was announced, I wasn't told anything about it. Just that I wouldn't be playing Tate again.
The new season brought many changes. Doing an anthological series came with its challenges. I would be playing an entirely different character, in a different story, set in a different place.
Kit came pretty easily to me, minus his accent. That kind of challenge is what you look for as an actor, though.
It was announced that my love interest would be played by a relatively new actress named Y/N Y/L/N. In the spirit of changing things up, Taissa wouldn't be returning this season. She wouldn't be my scene partner anymore. It was like going to school after summer break and finding out your best friend wasn't in your class.
It was a total gut punch, for sure. Until I actually met Y/N.
She and I clicked really well. We had a mutual understanding of the motives of these characters and our scenes went off without a hitch. She was quick as a whip. She knew exactly how to make me laugh. We bonded over our love of acting and our tastes in music.
She got her start only a year prior to shooting Asylum. Some Disney Channel show, she said. I nearly cackled when I found out. I sort of didn't want to relive my time as Seth in 'Phil of the Future,' but she gave me no choice. We talked about our experiences with Disney sets. She had some sort of bit part, kind of like mine. She said she played the bully in the episode.
It helped her get cast in other more serious roles. She must have really sold that bully part. A couple episodes on some medical dramas and crime shows led her to the part of Grace in American Horror Story, and I couldn't complain.
It's worth mentioning that she was absolutely stunning. Just visually a marvel. I tried not to let it affect my work, but god, was she beautiful.
It was impossible to ignore my feelings for her. It physically hurt to keep myself away. I didn't want to compromise the work we were trying to do, but man I was starving for her. Ah, the genius of pain. It was like a knife in my stomach, poking and prodding at me each time she walked into the room. A constant feeling of disquiet and adrenaline.
The tension I felt worked for the story, thankfully. I found that our scenes were more believable because of how enamored I was.
It was like I had a schoolyard crush. I found myself frightened by the bite of rejection, entirely unsure of her feelings toward me. The aforementioned knife twisted every time I thought I might fall short of the mark. That she would be repulsed by me, or disinterested in the most soul-crushing way.
I didn't want to compromise our friendship. We had grown so close. The season's filming was going so well. I didn't want to risk it all and lose her due to the shame of rejection and uncomfortable feelings between us. And I for sure didn't want her or me to lose the job because our scenes got awkward.
But then came the sex scene.
Written into the plot was a love story blossoming between our two characters. It would come to a boiling point in an intense scene in the bakery.
It was as if a softly spoken magic spell granted my ultimate wish. Being that close to her, all over her, was all I could think about since meeting her. Now it was coming true. And in a way that made it so that I didn't have to actually put myself out there and get rejected.
The shoot started without a hitch. We were briefed by the intimacy coach ahead of filming in order to make the scene as comfortable as possible for the both of us. We were fitted with the necessary modesty undergarments that kept things sanitary, but convincing for TV.
After running through some things a couple of times, both of us felt ready to start. I began the scene, Y/N walked in and we exchanged dialogue. The lines flowed naturally, growing in intensity until I had to hoist her onto the table, hungrily gripping at her clothes.
I thought I could stop myself. I thought that being in character would prevent it from happening. But my true feelings made themselves known as soon as I had to act out thrusting inside of her. My mind wandered. I pictured her and I doing this, but for real, just the two of us. No cameras. No lights. Just real and raw. Before I knew it, I felt a tightness in my pants grow. My groin began to throb. Y/N looked down at my erection and blushed, breaking character and giggling a bit.
'I'm so sorry," Y/N laughed, straightening herself up. 'We can take it again, I got distracted.' She looked down at me from atop the table and smiled. My face flushed.
Was she grossed out? Fuck. I thought.
'U-uh-' I stuttered. 'Can I actually take five? I think my uh- costume malfunctioned.'
The crew obliged and I quickly made my way to a back room, hidden from everyone on set. I was so embarrassed. My cheeks burned so hot, I thought they might burst into flames. I began to adjust myself, making sure I didn't have to clean anything up before returning to work.
'Boo,' a voice said behind me. My heart nearly stopped.
'Fuck!' I yelped, shoving my dick in my pants and turning on my heel to see a very coy Y/N standing before me.
'I thought I might find you here,' she smirked. She turned around and closed the door behind her, quietly locking it.
'Hey listen, uh-' I began. 'I'm so sorry about earlier I just-' She cut me off by putting her lips on mine. I tensed at the touch but didn't pull away. I just couldn't believe it was real life. My arms wrapped around her frame, just as they did in the scene, cradling her closely. We made out feverishly, every bottled-up desire I had bubbled to the surface.
I felt for the hem of her dress, beginning to lift it up before stopping dead and separating myself from her.
'What's wrong?' she panted, looking up at me with her big sparkly eyes. My stomach lurched.
'I just, I don't want to do this if you don't,' I muttered, sheepishly. I'm not even sure if that's what I actually wanted to say, but it came out nonetheless.
'I want this, Evan,' she whispered. 'I'll confess, I think I really like you.'
'And I think you feel the same, based on what happened a few minutes ago,' she continued.
'Y/N, I want to be professional, but fuck, do I have feelings for you,' I replied. 'But I think, I think for work's sake, we should hold off.'
'We're playing two people in love, why would it compromise our job? If anything, it would help us,' she argued.
'If we do this, I’ll run the risk of losing you, and that’s worse,' I breathed.
She didn't reply. Instead, she grabbed me by my face and pulled me in, resuming our make-out session. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I grabbed her shoulders and led her backward, pressing her up against the wall. She moaned softly. The pressure in my pants returned. Or had it ever even left?
Her hands fumbled around at my waistband, looking to unhook my belt. I helped her out, removing it in one swift motion. She took the button of my pants in her fingers, unlatching it hastily, then at last, she unzipped my fly. I tugged the trousers off and my cock sprang out, throbbing immensely. I couldn't wait to feel it inside her warm, wet pussy.
She removed her panties and reconnected with my lips, wrapping her arms around my neck. I hoisted her up the wall hurriedly, my dick finding and sliding inside her dripping cunt almost instantly. We both let out loud moans as I thrust further into her, feeling her warmth encompassing my member. Her walls tightened almost too deliciously around me, making it tremendously hard for me to stop myself from coming. I groaned.
'Oh my god,' she cried, eyes screwed shut in pleasure. Her face was so contorted by ecstasy, it made me fuck her harder.
'I'm gonna come,' I moaned, thrusting just a few more times before blowing my load unceremoniously inside of her. Months of tension released. She threw her head back and cried out, signaling that she had as well.
I removed myself from inside of her and guided her back down to her feet, holding my hands on her shoulders to keep her steady. My knees were weak, too. Pure adrenaline was keeping me upright.
'Holy shit,' she panted. 'Holy shit.'
'You're so fucking hot,' I growled, punctuating it by peppering kisses up and down her neck and chest. Finally having caught her breath, she laughed.
'I think we may have to, you know, do our job now?' she snarked.
'The job where I get to pretend to fuck you? Don't mind if I do,' I replied, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her in close.
'We can go for round two after we nail this next take, okay?' she smirked. My chest tightened in the best way. She took my breath away.
LOL I HOPE THIS WAS OKAY!!! writer's block had me in a chokehold. i have so many requests to get through i was like 'damn where do i even start???' clearly it was with this one. thanks for breaking the curse. more to come very very soon...
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 months
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“Oh, but what will it take ‘till you believe in me the way that I believe in you?”
“I said I love you, that's forever. And this I promise from the heart, I couldn't love you any better. I love you just the way you are…” (“Just the way you are” by Billy Joel)
I will turn 40 years old in two months. 40 goddamn years on this planet…and only now - at my lowest point in my existence - I realised something. All my life, I’ve been hidden behind a mask. A mask, made of all my responsibilities and supposed duties, which I’ve put on from a far too young age. A mask, which helped me to hide all my ugly vulnerabilities and my true self from other people. A mask, which I thought would keep me going and going for lengths…hiding myself behind an “I’m fine” or a “No, it’s okay!”. A mask, which also came with the capability of erecting thick walls around my heart and soul…building a fort around the real Julia.
21 years ago, when I’ve found the perfect coping mechanism for myself in the love to Severus Snape, I started to allow myself being vulnerable in my little stories about Severus and my undeniably self-inserted OC Jules. Only Severus was permitted to know, what’s really going on behind this mask. He became the safe space for my deepest thoughts and emotions…the only place, where I’ve granted myself the right to express my own wishes.
And suddenly, after almost 40 years of existing in this world, I recognised, that there’s a drawbridge to my fort…and that there’s someone, who’s brave enough to knock on my door. Someone, who isn’t afraid of looking at the personality behind my mask. Throwing all my unpleasant traits at them, the defensive guards of my fort tried to scare them off in an almost desperate attempt…pushing them away to protect my raw core from being seen.
But my guards got propitiated by this someone. One after the other, they laid down their weapons and lowered the drawbridge ever so slightly…centimetres for centimetres…until someone slipped into my fort…getting a glimpse of the real Julia behind the mask. They made themselves comfortable within the black walls of my fort and switched a light on. This little light is shining through the eyes of my mask now…and it didn’t stay unnoticed.
All of a sudden, some people started to notice a change in my mood, my behaviour and my attitude. Even my children are wondering about the unfamiliar lighthearted happiness of their mother…despite the confines of my disease ME/CFS. Someone lit a fire in the darkest corners of my heart…and for the first time in my life, I allowed myself to acknowledge my own wishes and hopes. Maybe, I don’t have to hide myself behind walls and a mask the whole time? Maybe, there’s even some beauty in the rawness of my soul? Maybe, I’ll be bold enough to act on my own dreams and desires for once? Maybe, this time, I’ll be brave enough to stand up for myself…and let myself heal. Maybe, for once, the mask will be discarded for someone.
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As always, when I’m thinking of these complex urges to express myself through Severus and Jules, I commissioned my dear friend @madfantasy to help me by creating the perfect artwork for my ideas. Mani, you beautiful gem of a human being, you’ve outdone yourself with these masterpieces! When I explained my imagination of Jules, showing herself to others (here presented as an audience behind the green flames of the fireplace) only behind the alleged safety of her well worn mask, I wouldn’t have thought, that your realisation of this idea would even be possible like that. But again, it seems as if you’re capable of understanding the pictures on my mind. Thank you for your willingness to hold the paint brush…helping me to pour my emotions out into art. Feel hugged, my precious friend.
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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firsttimewriter92 · 1 year
Steven grant being a soft dom? Make it as nsfw as your heart desires 😁
Dear simpforbritgents, THANK YOU for asking for Steven <3 Perfect timing for the Moon Knight anniversary ;) I feel like there is a criminal lack of fanfiction about this lovely man. Writing him dominant was a little difficult at first but I think I did it. I hope you enjoy my smutty little smut smut. It´s purely indulgent because I just LOVE an anxious gentleman. EXPLICIT. Minors, be GONE!! I apologise for any missinformation about their condition/terminology
Summary: Two idiots in love and an alter that´s had enough of the pining
Word count: 4.757
Warnings: comfort/fluff, kissing, making out, teasing, lovemaking, desperate PinV, no protection (Wrap it up, guys!!!), little angsty, immense fluff
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“I´m sorry, love. I´m sorry, I know. I´m late.” Rounding the counter of the gift shop hurriedly, Steven was panting. His ink black hair was slightly plastered to his forehead, little droplets of perspiration gathering at his temple. He gave you an apologetic smile as he kicked his bag underneath the counter. You grinned back mischievously at your best friend, leaning your hip sassily against the countertop and crossing your arms. “Did Marc give you a hard time again?” you asked. His slightly bloodshot eyes went round as saucers and he hissed in a panicked voice “Don´t say that out loud,___. Aside from you, nobody knows about this.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “There´s nobody here yet, Steven, calm down.” He gave you a sour look as you giggled. Steven sighed deeply rubbing his dark circled eyes. “I think the muppet went out drinking last night. I feel proper shit.”
Just as he said it an obnoxious sound reached your ears. The insistent clearing of a throat. “Don´t think I didn’t notice you being late again, Stevie.” Steven closed his eyes in defeat and turned to look at the blond. “Mornin´ Donna.” Her beady eyes shot in your direction for a moment, knowing well you wouldn’t take much of her shit. She usually preferred to berate Steven when you weren’t around. You had no problem snapping back at her the moment she overdid it, especially when it came to your best friend. You were quite fond of Steven. Well, that was a gods damn lie. You were head over heels for the anxious, not knowing how good he looks brit. He didn’t need to know that though. It was wishful thinking even though you´d accepted his issues and tried to help him as best you could. Steven had bigger problems than losing his best friend over silly feelings he didn’t return.
When you noticed that something was up with him and he finally confided in you (after massive arguments with Mark as he told you later), he was so scared you´d deem him a freak and leave. He told you about everything. About Marc and what he had been through. About how he, Steven, came to be. He told you about Konshu and Layla and Harrow, about what happened in Egypt. You went almost crazy when one day he´d just vanished without a trace for days. Steven always said he owed you that explanation. Although he didn’t have to deal with Konshu anymore, Marc, he couldn´t and wouldn´t let go. You understood completely. And yet, you still had to meet Marc in person. Sometimes when Steven knew you wouldn’t have time to spend with him, he´d let Marc take over to spend time with his wife. And every time, Steven came back to work either with a hangover or hickeys scattered across his collarbone and scratch marks down his arms. Those marks hurt. You knew it was Marc and damn it, he was a married man but still…Sometimes you just whished you could mark Steven up just as much. Showing his alter that he was yours, although he wasn’t.
Steven was mortified the first time he connected the dots about these marks and swore by the life of Gus, he couldn’t remember anything. That Marc made sure he would never, ever be involved. Not that Marc´s ego would allow it anyway.
“I really don´t give a rat´s behind what you do all night, Stevie, but come in late one more time and ___ will work the desk alone from now on.” Donna´s head nodded in your direction and you fixed her with a stone cold glare. “It´s Steven, Donna. Ste-ven. One would think an oh so educated career women such as yourself would be able to hold onto that tiny bit of information” you seethed. Donna´s neck turned pink as she gave a sarcastic huff and walked away.
Steven turned to you with a proud smile. “I wish I had the comebacks you have” he said with a crooked grin. You gave him a smirk and leaned closer to him, looking into his glittering dark eyes. “I´ll gladly teach you, my young Padawan.” Steven´s smile widened even more. “Now come on. These highly authentic gummy scarabs aren´t going to sell themselves” you sang.  
Steven mind was reeling even after you leaned back into your own space and began restocking the shelves of the gift shop. His heart was beating in his throat manically and once again he cursed his hesitation. He had it bad for you ever since he heard you berate Donna for the first time for calling him Stevie. His heart warmed every time he saw you, his pulse picking up every time he heard you quietly humming to yourself. He had to force his eyes away from your figure every time you wore one of those bloody summer dresses.
Seriously, man, he heard Marc sigh in his head. How many times do I have to tell you? When you´re in front, go for it! Pursue her, for crying out loud. It´s kind of getting old that you´re always just beating it to the thought of her. Steven spluttered some excuse and immediately made a beeline to the employee bathroom. Locking the door behind him he stomped over to the mirror and was met with the reflection of a sly grinning Marc. “Will you stop?!” he hissed, cheeks aflame. Marc rolled his eyes. Come on, Steven. It´s getting pathetic. It´s happening almost every night now. Aren´t you tired of that? Wouldn’t you rather have her panting underneath you, hmm? Her shaking thighs around your waist? Her perky- “Stop talking about her like that!” Steven yelled and immediately gave the door a panicked look. Marc´s reflection lifted his palms in apology. All right, you´re right. That was a bit out of line but, Steven…you´re head over heels for this woman. It´s getting painful to look at. Will you please just talk to her? Take her out on a date? Fuck her senseless so we can sleep again?
Steven groaned as image after image invaded his mind, making his palms sweat. He exhaled a long breath. Of course he knew Marc was right. It was getting a little ridiculous. The way he thought about you when he was pleasuring himself? Pure filth! Every night! He shook his head. “I know” he admitted, looking at Marc in the mirror. “I know I need to do something but…Marc…what if she doesn’t feel the same? I can´t…I can´t lose her, Marc. That would quite literally rip me apart.” Marc´s expression changed from sly to understanding. Nodding and rubbing his face he tried to encourage his brother. I´m not the most sensitive guy anymore, that´s way more up your alley. I see the way she looks at you though. I see Layla´s expressions in her eyes sometimes. If that helps. Steven lifted his head, his eyes big and hopeful. I can give you some tips I guess. But then it´s up to you. You´re not me. She´s not into me. Remember that. The moment her tongue is in your mouth, I´m gone, dude.
“I´d say that´s what I´d expect, yea?” Steven said with a small smile. His stomach was twisting with nerves. He needed Marc´s help to get anywhere with you. And although he was terrified to confess, he was sure he´d burst at the seams any day now if he wouldn’t be able to make his feelings known. It caused him physical pain.
Tonight was movie night. Perfect. He would have to do something tonight, lest he spend this night as well with his hand around his cock, imagining your blissed out face as you came violently around him.
You knocked on Steven´s door like every Friday night and like every Friday night, Steven opened the door with a smile. Something was different though. It looked like he had just jumped out the shower and your eyes went momentarily wide. Your pulse started to race when your gaze drifted from the water droplets running down his neck to his tousled hair and…the sweatpants. The bloody sweatpants. He didn’t seem to notice your ogling when he turned on his heel and said “Come on in, popcorn´s almost ready, love.”
Shaking your head and trying hard not to look at his firm behind you entered what somehow suddenly felt like a lion’s den. Your skin erupted in goosebumps when you took a look around. You always loved his messy apartment. This time though it seemed like he made some kind of effort. His bed clearly visible in the back was made, the dining table void of any books and notes and….was it warmer in here than usual?
You made your way over to his couch and sat down, stiffer than you usually did. When Steven rounded the bookshelf, bowl of popcorn in hand you had to swallow hard. Was it just your imagination or did his hips swing more than usual? Did he always used to wear shirts that fitted? Since when were his arms this bulgy? Letting your eyes wander shamelessly you also noticed something else. Something lower…something in his sweatpants…Holy bloody hell!
Hastily you averted your eyes. The temperature in your body rising steadily and your breath getting shallower, only one more sentence seemed to form in your brain. He´s not wearing underwear, he´s not wearing underwear, he´s not wearing underwear!!!
Steven plopped down next to you, reaching for the remote. He sat up slightly when he did, set down the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and as he sat back down it wasn’t your imagination playing tricks on you. He was much closer now. So close you could feel his scorching heat burn into your thigh, arm and shoulder. What the hell was going on? It´s not like you didn’t enjoy it. On the contrary. Your head was reeling, body pulsing. Slowly you sank deeper into the cushions of his couch, leaning towards him even more.
While the movie was playing, the sensations his closeness invoked were rising and rising. His scent invaded your every breath. Firewood, cotton and something close to caramel. The pressure you felt right between your legs almost became impossible to ignore. With a little groan you tried to rub your legs together as discreetly as you could but….“You alright, love?”
“Huh?” your head whipped towards Steven who was already staring at you. Not looking, staring. His eyes were intense but soft. Unblinking his dark irises were fixed on yours, his nose almost touching yours while your panting breath escaped your lips. “Are you hot?” he whispered. Your eyebrows shot up your forehead. “W-What?” you croaked dryly. “Is it too hot for you in here, darlin´?” His voice was smooth as butter. Quiet and silken. You almost went cross eyed as you tried not to look at his full lips. “A little…maybe” you breathed. Stevens mouth quirked upwards into a grin you hadn’t seen before. A small thought made its way into your foggy brain like a small flickering light. “Let me get you something to cool down then, yea?” As he said it, he leaned in just a tiny bit more, lightly and carefully bumping the tip of his nose with yours.
You kissed breathing goodbye.
The moment he stood up and passed right in front of you, his round cheeks right in front of your face, you knew…you knew he heard how you almost choked on your own saliva. Suddenly that flickering light in your head turned into a lit match.
“Marc!” you said a little too loudly and clambered from the couch. Steven, or Marc, froze into place by the fridge. You walked over to him slowly on shaky legs. You observed how his strong shoulders tensed and his hands clenched and unclenched. “Are you?...Marc?” you asked carefully, standing only 6 feet behind him now. He let out a sigh and let his head hang as he sheepishly turned around. No Marc. This was definitely your Steven. His ears and cheeks were tinted flaming pink when he looked at you with slightly hooded eyes.
“Afraid it´s just me, love” he said, disappointment lacing his baritone voice. Immediately your body reacted to his tone with a sinking feeling in your stomach. “Just….you? Steven, what…?” you took a step towards him. He lifted his hands and ruffled his own still damp hair and groaned. After taking another big, big breath he turned to you fully and looked you square in the eyes. Something aching visible on his beautiful face.
“I´m sorry,___. I asked Marc to help me with this but I think we both went a little overboard. What was I thinking? I´m not bloody smooth. I´m awkward and I babble when I´m nervous which is all the time when I´m around you. It´s a good nervous. Such a good nervous but did I have the bloody balls to do something about it? No. I needed help from my alter that actually gets laid. He told me! He told me `Steven, don´t forget, she´s into you, not me. Don’t try to be me`. And that´s exactly what I did! I´m such a muppet. You´re the only person I ever wanted to impress or cared about what they thought of me. You´re wonderful, you´re strong, you´re beautiful, you´re…you´re…” by the end of his sentence he was breathless. Still staring at you, gauging for your reaction, his eyes looked at you with worry, fear and hope. It was a look that would forever be imprinted into your brain. Especially when you knew immediately that you wanted to take him out of his misery. You smiled at him as warmly as you could and closed more distance.
“Steven, you wonderful man” you said fondly. His eyes blitzed at the compliment. “How could you think that I would want anyone that is not you?” Slowly you raised your hands and encased his face, his eyes wide. His hands twitched when they lifted to your waist. “And just so you know, you are smooth. Very much so, darling. Got me all flustered” you grinned. His shy laugh made your heart sing. Stevens hand slowly moved up and down your sides before he gently pulled you closer until your chests were touching. “You mean that?” he asked, a little uncertainty still lingering in his voice. “Uhum” you nodded your head softly, tilting it a little to brush your nose with his. He took a shaking breath before his grin let his teeth show. “___” he rumbled your name softly. It caused a shiver to run down your spine in the most delicious way. “Can I?”
Softly nodding you closed your eyes contently, his breath fanning your face and your heart going ballistic. The way he pressed his lips to yours was not hesitant or shy. It was a determined encasing of your lower lip. Soft and insistent. A bolt of lightning shot through your body and as he moved one hand to the back of your head opening his mouth to you, a long happy groan escaped you. It was magical the way his lips moved over yours. A hunger you weren’t used to rose in your belly so the moment he introduced his hot tongue into the kiss your arms wound themselves around his neck, pulling him down to you. A surprised breath escaped him but he didn’t stop. His arm wound around the small of your back, lifting you momentarily.
His tongue gliding over yours made your head foggy yet again. “Steven” you mumbled against his mouth. “Steven…more.” He groaned long and deep. “My pleasure, love” he said happily. You yelped when he scooted down and quite literally threw you over his shoulder, walking briskly over to his bed. Giggling like a maniac he threw you onto the mattress and quickly made his way above you. Swallowing hard you looked at his smiling face. His eyes even darker now, his lips kiss swollen and shining. His elbows held him up while you slowly opened your legs to make room for his narrow hips. Snuggling closer he started pecking your face and neck lightly and lovingly. “Sweet, sweet girl. Been dreaming of this so much. You´re so soft, my love. So warm.” His mumbled praises went right to your nether regions and you could feel your panties dampen. His weight between your legs was comforting and arousing at the same time. Your hands glided over his shoulders and down his chest as he started suckling your neck. “Steven….Steven, please” you said with a whine and arched your back into him.
“Please what, love? Come on, birdie. Use your words.” His confidence sparked something in you. “Please. I want you, Steven. Want to feel you.” He chuckled and grazed his teeth against your jaw, making you shiver and grab onto the hem of his shirt, tugging. It came off in a second, carelessly thrown over his shoulder. Forget damp panties, they were proper drenched now by the sight of his toned chest and shoulders. “Fuck” you huffed and let your hands wander. His fiery gaze raked over your heaving chest. “Your turn, birdie.” Nodding quickly he helped you get rid of your shirt and bra. Once your breasts were freed he sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. His tongue poked out to wet his lips. “Heavens, please. Please let me put my mouth on you” he panted. You only had time to nod once before he surged down and carefully and languidly sucked one nipple into his mouth.
Again you felt a bolt surge down your body and a long moan escaped your lips. Your hips lifted towards him and now you could clearly feel his arousal pressing insistently against your pussy. “Shit” he rasped against your chest, switching to the other nipple. His hand splayed out over the small of your back and quite literally yanked you upwards while grinding against you. A long, ragged groan mixed with your own high pitched sigh created a melody only you and him were able to compose.
Sweat started to coat your body as he was still grinding, suckling and grabbing every slither of naked skin he could find. All your thoughts were occupied by him. The sweet scent of arousal, sweat and him invaded your nose and brain unlike anything you´d ever experienced. “You´re a dream come true” Steve panted, lifting his head and looking at you like you were everything he´d ever wanted. A feeling of overwhelming fondness and attraction tightened your chest and very specific words formed on your tongue. Too occupied with the sensation of his hard cock rubbing just right against the already wet patch on your pants, the words just spilled. “Fuck, Steven. Feels so good, don’t stop, please. I love you.”
His mouth stopped abusing your nipple. Within a second his eyes were trained on yours. Blown wide open he stared at you. “Say it again” he said lowly. “Say it again, please.” You could hear the pleading in his voice. Swallowing hard, your hands moved to the back of his neck and played with his luscious curls. “I love you” you whispered.
Like a dam breaking you saw his eyes water slightly, an incredulous breath bubbling up from his chest. In a second he was on you. Kissing you like a man starved, moving his hips more insistently against you. You threw your head back before you could think too much about the fact that he hadn´t said it back yet. “Darling,” he panted. “Little bird, you have no idea how much I…How often I dreamt of those words. Please let me have you, please, please.” You were sure you were going cross eyed at this point. With a rushing in your ears you clung to him. “Want you in me. Steven, please. Now. Want you so much.”
The last bit of his restraint snapped and with a feral growl he basically clawed the rest of your clothes off of you. Completely bare to him you reached out and pushed down his sweatpants. Quickly he wriggled out of them, kind of awkwardly but none of you could mind it that much.
“You sure?” he grunted while grabbing his cock an tugging on it. “Steven, I swear to everything that is holy, if you don’t fill me up right this second I´m going to lose my mind!” He grinned and grabbed your thighs in a vice like grip, yanking you towards him. “C´ mere then, little bird” he said.
Not waiting for any preparation, just pure lust and desperation to feel each other fuelling you, he grabbed the backsides of your thighs and pushed them back and further apart. Situating himself between them he took his dick into his hand and guided it to your entrance. “Little bird” he breathed raggedly when he pushed himself into you.
“Gods, Steven” you choked out as he bottomed out. Clawing at his back squirming you needed a minute to adjust. He stilled and screwed his eyes shut in concentration. “Don’t move, my love” he pressed out. “Don’t move. I´m goin´ to cum, fuck.” You tried to stay as still as you could but the sensation of his pulsing dick inside of you made it a herculean task. Little desperate whimpers left your mouth as you stared up at his face. His eyebrows were still pinched, his jaw set. When he opened his eyes again they immediately locked on yours. Your hands made their way onto his back, splaying out and clearly feeling the goosebumps there. A shudder ran down his curved spine as he leaned over you more, never breaking eye contact.
“I love you, too” he whispered, stroking your cheek. “I love you so damn much, my bird.” The breath you didn’t notice you were holding escaped your lungs in a rush. As you pulled him down to you yet again his weight settled perfectly on top of you. Steven kissed you while he started moving his hips again and a sensation unlike anything you´d ever felt rocked your body up into his.
“Steven” you mumbled, pressing his face closer to your collarbone. Chuckling lightly he hummed to let you know he was listening. “What-What are you doing to me? You feel so fucking good. Oh, oh fuck.” You could feel how your comments affected him and his determination to make you feel as good as possible. He whines low in his throat, licking one broad stripe up your neck to the underside of your ear. His hot breath fanning the shell of your hear he panted. “I almost came just by entering your beautiful, wet pussy. You´re perfect for me. Just for me. Mine.” His last word was punctuated with a sharp thrust into your hips making you yelp and claw at his back.
“Fuck! Do that again. Steven, move. Please.” He didn’t hesitate and started moving quicker on top of you, holding you in his arms. Burying his face into your neck, moaning, he grinded his pelvis against you in a way that definitely made you cross eyed this time. Your mouth was wide open, your head thrown back and one hand fisted in the soft sheets below you.
“Y-Yours” you managed to croak out as another high pitched moan escaped you. His dick reaching a spot inside you that made your vision blurry from tears. “Mine” Steven panted above you. When your vision zeroed in on his face again he looked magnificent. Sweat was beading on his forehead, his eyes were as black as his hair that lay tousled against his head. His eyes bore an intensity that made your stomach clench and the low simmer of your orgasm erupted into a boiling inevitability.
“You´re mine,___” he said as he looked into your hooded eyes. He lifted a hand and placed it on your jaw, lightly grabbing your chin and tilting your face up to his even more. “Say it” he said with another pressure filled grind of his hips. “Say you´re mine and I´ll let you cum.”
“I´m yours, Steven. Always have been. Fuck, I don’t want anybody else. Please, baby, please, I wanna cum.” The tears that fell down the sides of your face were captured by his lips. “Okey, baby” he said with a sly smile and went up on his hands, positioning himself for the last stretch. “Hold on to me, birdy.” Your arms went around his neck without thinking what he might have warned you about.
You found out the next second.
Steven wasn´t the biggest you´ve ever had but by far the one who knew best how to use the movement of his hips. He didn´t push in what didn’t need to be pushed and didn’t bruise the underside of your thighs. He moved his lower body into you in naturally flowing motions that made your brain stop sending important messages to your body like breathing. As his hips picked up speed and his groans above you became more voluminous you again felt your orgasm approaching further.
“___, fuck. Hmmm, fuck, little one. That´s it. Can feel you´re close. Come on, sweetheart. ´M right behind you. Let me have it, give it to me!”
“Steven, oh gods…I´m so close. Please. Fuck, fuck, fuck!!” Almost each of your words was spiralled higher by his hips, his hot dick and his grabbing hands on your ribs and shoulder. You felt your whole body clench. Your knees pulled up and back further to make his dick slip in further with each stroke, your arms around his wide shoulders pressing him further into you.
“That´s it! That´s it!” he groaned and started quite literally fucking you into the mattress. Only a few moments later your hazy brain registered how your mouth opened and a short, delicious scream came from your throat. Your body seized all movement before you began shaking. The pleasure that surged through your veins shot into every corner of your body. From your toes to your scalp your skin was buzzing and burning. “Steven” you whined and grabbed his hair. “St-Steve-hnnn, oh my gods. Fuck, yes. Yes, don’t stop! I´m cumming, I´m cumming, Steven. Fuck. Shit….Arrrhhgg!”
“Fuuuuuuck, little bird, you´re so gorgeous. Come on, baby, just a little more for me. Ughhn, that´s right. Clench around me again. Goin´ to fill you up so good. Leave your marks on me” Steven was almost babbling as helplessly as you as he gave you these demands. Through the sheen of red and golden flecks dancing over your blurred vision you turned your head and as you lover was desperately rutting into you, you bit his neck right underneath his ear.
Stevens hand shot out to hold onto the bookshelf behind his bed as a masterfully sinful moan passed his lips and his orgasm took him. “Yes! Yes! Yes, baby, so good. So damn good. Fuckin´ ell, ahh!”
A few more rolls of his hips until his ragged breath calmed a little. With one last whiny groan he collapsed onto you.
After several minutes of heavy breathing, little kisses, nips and licks to necks and faces, the both of you lay in each other´s arms, facing each other. Steven had gotten up for only a minute to get a wet cloth from the bathroom to clean you up and after, pulled a sheet over your still slightly shivering bodies. “We sweat a little. Don’t want you to catch a cold just laying here.”
Your hand moved over his back slowly as your eyes grew heavier and heavier. You heard Steven chuckling lovingly, gracing your forehead with several little pecks before whispering. “Sleep, lovie. I´ll be right here when you wake up. Relax, I´ve got you. I love you.”
You couldn’t help the content sigh that left you before you mumbled “I love you too”. He guided your head into the crook of his neck, snuggling you as close as he could. Did you sweat? Yes. Did your bodies still carry the scent of your lovemaking? Yes. Did either of you care? No.
Would you look at that, Steven! You did it. Atta boy.
Steven rolled his eyes when he heard Marc´s voice but couldn’t contain the happy, dorky grin that split his lips as he cuddled your evenly breathing body.
“Shut up, Marc” he whispered as quietly as he could.
Apparently not quiet enough. He could feel your lips move against his throat when you mumbled the words that made him giggle with happiness and pride.
“Yeah, shut up, Marc.”
Thank you very much for reading. I hope you enjoyed ;) I´d be very happy if you left a comment, like or reblog this fic. I´m still trying to get my foot in the door when it comes to fanfiction writing.
Have a wonderful day, everyone <3
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80ssuperstar · 4 months
Hey guys this is Samantha again and I decided to do another story based on The Little mermaid and this is a gift for @eeveepalooza I decided to make the characters including Faith ( @eeveepalooza ) as Ariel and Mordecai from Regular Show as Prince Eric
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The Little Eevee
Once upon a time, in a magical underwater kingdom, lived Faith the Eevee, a curious and adventurous young Eevee with a beautiful singing voice. She was the youngest daughter of King Triton, the powerful and protective ruler of the underwater kingdom. However, Faith was fascinated with the world above the sea and often collected human artifacts with her best friend Flounder.
Scene: Faith's Secret Grotto
Faith: singing "Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?"
Flounder: "Faith, you’re gonna get in trouble if your dad finds out about this place!"
Faith: "I just want to know more about them, Flounder. The humans seem so interesting."
One day, Faith notices a ship above the water and swims up to investigate. Onboard, she sees Prince Mordecai, a handsome and kind-hearted prince. Instantly, Faith falls in love with him. Suddenly, a violent storm hits, and Mordecai is thrown overboard. Faith saves him and brings him to shore.
Faith: "Please be safe, my prince. I wish I could be part of your world."
Faith's longing to be with Mordecai grows stronger. She goes to see Ursula, the sea witch, who agrees to turn her into a human for three days in exchange for her voice. Faith accepts the deal and transforms into a human, with the condition that she must receive a "true love's kiss" from Mordecai to remain human forever. Otherwise, she will turn back into an Eevee and belong to Ursula.
Ursula: "Now sing, sing for your dear sea witch!"
Faith: silently "I can't believe I did this. I hope Mordecai will love me without my voice."
Faith, now on land, meets Mordecai, who is enchanted by her beauty but puzzled by her silence. Despite the communication barrier, they spend time together and begin to form a bond.
Mordecai: "There's something about you, Faith. I feel like I've met you before."
As the third day approaches, Ursula disguises herself as a beautiful human named Vanessa and uses Faith's voice to enchant Mordecai, making him forget about Faith and decide to marry Vanessa.
Mordecai: "I can't believe it, Vanessa is the girl who saved me!"
Heartbroken, Faith is determined to stop the wedding. With the help of her friends, including Flounder and Sebastian, they manage to reveal Ursula's deception. The sea witch transforms back into her true form and tries to take Faith down to the ocean.
Sebastian: "Quickly, Faith! You must break the spell!"
In the ensuing battle, King Triton arrives and sacrifices himself to save Faith, becoming Ursula's prisoner. Seeing Faith's bravery and love for her father, Mordecai realizes that she is the one who saved him.
Mordecai: "Faith, I know it's you! I love you!"
He kisses Faith, breaking the spell. King Triton is freed, and in his rage, he destroys Ursula with his powerful trident.
King Triton: "You have shown great courage, Faith. You truly belong to both worlds."
King Triton, seeing his daughter's happiness, grants Faith her wish to be human permanently. Faith and Mordecai marry, uniting the two worlds.
Faith: "Thank you, Father. I will always cherish our underwater home."
Mordecai: "We'll visit often, I promise."
And so, Faith the Eevee and Prince Mordecai lived happily ever after, celebrating their love and the unity of land and sea.
@eeveepalooza I hope you love this
For: @fxe4596 , @nicomxm23 , @mordorigs , @jgquintelslut , @pinkcandycatmakesart , @anifaz , @isrrael120 , @notadumbdog , @martingeekermmd , @eeveepalooza , @apollothedeity , @sidoresca , @siinhorhy , @insomniacz , @rhyliethecaterfly , @yeetafry , @at-weeb96 , @kiwithekool11437 , @kiko2032 , @orchestralauthor , @untitled14360 , @loudlyhappycupcake
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
i'm so soft for sanji, i wish someone would hug him and kiss him and tell him he's a good person. and a great cook.
You Appreciating Sanji (SFW)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
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You didn’t know what it was about Sanji, but every single time you seen him you just wanted to squeeze his cheeks and tell him how grateful you are to know a guy like him. Of course you, a woman couldn’t do it so easily without him making a bloody mess on your breast, but you’ve thought about just taking the risk.
He was so selfless to his friends and those around him and you felt like he didn’t get enough credit for it. When you seen someone try to thank him he would just say it was his duty to cater to those in need and you just couldn’t accept that.
Sanji single-handedly captured your heart without even trying.
You contemplated all day about your gift to Sanji. Debating whether or not if he will like it, use it, or even accept it, but today was a slow day on the ship and you thought it was as no better time to do this so you exhaled your way out your room and walked over to his kitchen.
You peaked your head in immediately inhaling the sweet and savory scent of tonight’s dinner, Sanji was once again hard at work to cook another wonderful feast.
“Y/N-SAN!” His eyes beamed at you with excitement, he absolutely loved your company and loved hearing his name come out of your mouthy even more. He turned down the stove and turned completely to face you while wiping his hands from the counter towel. “Do you need anything, darling?!”
“Oh no i Just um…here.”
You flinched pointing out the card, gift, and rose towards him. You felt like a child giving your class crush a Valentine’s Day card, so it was a bit embarrassing, but you hoped that your heart could stop beating so hard that you could actually face him.
Sanji was taken a back seeing what was in your hand. His love drunken eyes subdued as he reached for the rose, lingering his hand off of yours and then took the card and the beautifully wrapped box.
“What’s this, my love?”
“It’s um…something for you….from me….”
Sanji opened the card and it was a hand written letter decorated with roses and hearts. Granted you wasn’t the best artists but you tried your best to trace what Usopp drew for you the day prior to make it presentable.
“Dear Sanji,”
“Please don’t read that out loud.” You immediately began to get hot on your cheeks, Sanji chuckled at your slight flustered face and held your hand giving it a small peck on your knuckles.
“Dear Sanji,—“
You cringed covering your face with one hand. Of course Sanji meant no harm in reading your letter, he thought it was cute.
“I know I don’t say this enough, but I really thank you for not only being the best cook in the Grand Line, but also a great friend…you really do make a difference on the ship and honestly you couldn’t pay me any amount of berries in the world to replace you because you can’t be replaced. You’re one of the few people in my life I respect and even admire as a person. You’re so sweet and selfless, I really wish I could have given you more than these little trinkets but I hope you know I will forever and always be your number one supporter. I know I’m not the only one that believes this when I say:
I love you, Vinsmoke Sanji.
You grimaced at your horrible wording, you wasn’t really great with sentimental letters, but you hoped your point was made. It felt like an eternity until Sanji said something so your blinked open one eye through your fingers covering your face. He was staring in awe at your card, holding on to your hand tighter with tears prickling at his corner eyes.
“Um…” You cleared your throat and took the small gift from his hands, “This gift I um…it’s—-“
Sanji swiftly pulled you into his arms hugging you so tightly, you couldn’t even move out of his grip if you tried. He nuzzled his face in your neck sniffling very softly.
“Thank you, Y/N..”
Was all he could say, you felt your shoulder get damped with small tears and you smiled,
“You didn’t have to.”
“I know…but I…wanted to…here…open it.”
He tried laughing through his cries, but you grabbed his cheeks and rubbed his stains away before pointing back down to the box.
He carefully undid the pretty wrapping, almost hesitant because it was done by you and he didn’t want to ruin it. It was a gold and black lighter with his name on it and a rose under. It was gorgeous and so shiny, his eyes lit up.
“I know you collect lighters so I seen that lighter at a vendor and I thought you liked it…and um..yeah I—mmph!”
Out of excitement he pulled your cheeks in for a kiss, rubbing his thumb on your face, Sanji was totally prepared for you to give him the slap of a life time for doing this, but it would have been worth it considering how much you made his heart flutter this evening.
He pulled back taking some of the gloss that was previously on your lips, “S-sorry..heh…you can hit me now.”
“No it’s um…it’s okay, Sanji…I actually was going to…do something similar before I left….but you already beat me to it so that’s that okay bye—!” You tried rushing out the door but he pulled your hand back and walked you to the nearest chair.
“W-wait! Wait! Stay please! ….Thank you, Y/N I’m….I love all of this.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and smiled back at home warmly. His voice was as sincere as his words and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You’re welcome, Sanji. Love you.”
He nearly had a bleeding fit over your shoulder but tried his best to hold it in to not ruin this moment so he just buried his face back into your neck praising you of small thank you’s
“I love you, Y/N.”
It’s been 2 years and To this day Sanji has kept all three gifts, the card now sitting tall on his nightstand, his lighter in his pocket, and the now whithered rose zipped in a little baggy in his drawer.
Just like Sanji, you managed to capture his heart without doing much of anything after that.
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Hello, dear author. I hope, you won't be disturbed by my request and will like it. I really love your work, you are just a miracle💚
You were promised to marry one of the "Strong boys". You, in fact, don't even know, what their names are, but, marriage, it's like this, you don't have much choice.
But your betrothed didn't like you. The nice young man was careful and tactful in his words, but immediately made it clear, that you are not attractive and not interesting. But, you have attracted the attention of other people. His uncles, princes Aemond and Aegon. At first, it should be an act of revenge and mockery, but fate is cruel, and the princes are imbued with the brightest feelings for you. They are always next to you, they pull up a chair for you, give you a hand, dance with you, take care of you at the table, they wish you the most beautiful dreams and the best day, they ask, how you're doing and how you feel, what you like and what you don't, they tell you about themselves, walk with you. Of course, sometimes it's all exaggerated, to annoy some people, but otherwise, they treat you very well. A little later, the princess will join them. They comfort and support you, and you gradually melt in front of them.
When you were very ill, your future husband only visited you once, and was quite rude. "I don't love you, but not enough, to be happy about your death. I really wish you a speedy recovery, and I ask you to give up this marriage and go home. I'm sorry, to say this to you, when you're in this state, but I really don't want to see you around me." Then, there was a soft whistle. Two men with silver hair were standing in the doorway.
When you really tried to break off the engagement, your mother was extremely unhappy. She slapped you hard on the cheek. Prince Aemond witnessed it. "Ah, that's how it is. And I thought, that the kind bride of my dear nephew from a good family." But when your mother tried to object to him, saying, that she is a mother, and she knows better, what to do with her daughter, the prince forcefully pulled you behind his back. "I'm afraid, you're wrong, my lady. Behind those doors, she was your daughter. And here, she is a dear friend and future wife and mother, Gods grant, a good husband. If you once again, my lady, allow yourself such an outburst, I, being the son of your king, will personally make sure, that you regret it very much. Is that clear? And now, out of here, my lady. In the meantime, I'll ask our dear Lady Y/n, if this is a regular occurrence. But I can already say, that yes. And you can already say, that I'm not happy about it."
When a rumor in the Landing and on the Stone passed, that you already not faithful to your future husband, prince Aegon almost killed the one, who started this rumor. And yet, the prince has made it clear, what will happen to those, who dare to speak bad about you. All the "green children" were on the side of your innocence, and they were right.
Helaena spent a lot of time with you, talking about everything, that was in her head. And one day, her mother was rude to you, and she, in a surprisingly serious and strict tone, asked her, not to do that again.
You have to admit, they're very good company. At one of the dinners, you demonstratively sat between two silver-headed princes, and your dress matched the dress of the silver-headed princess. In fact, you get along with them very well.
The long-haired prince called himself your protector and brother, the short-haired prince called himself your true happiness and faithful companion, and the princess just hugged you and pressed her head against yours. Maybe, you will marry a "Strong boy" after all, but you will be on the side of the "green children". They are your friends, they are your family.
Author's Note- Sorry, I took a while to respond. It's just I have been facing problems framing sentences for a while. But here it comes.
Requests are always open and well appreciated.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Beloved Sister
Aegon x Reader x Aemond (Platonic)
Summary- The Request 🤷🏻‍♀️
Tag List- @eliseline, @little-moonbeam-666, @blackhoodlea, @omgsuperstarg, @shopping, @lizlovecraft, @dayane, @bbgmonsay, @michelle-26, @all-things-fandomstuck, @hc-geralt-23, @chevelledahuman, @morganastrucker, @shrexy, @helloitsshitzulover, @daringboba, @minaxcarter, @b-tchymoon, @stargaryenx, @hukio, @saraelizabeth26, @targaryenmoony, @moon-light1415, @eudximoniakr, @themaze13, @candypurplebutterfly, @5moremin, @yariany02, @issybee0611, @gossipandspills, @hopebaker, @kateris-world, @lady-athanasia, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @cherryaemond, @watercolorskyy, @literishdegree99, @sunmoon-01, @savagemickey03, @ultrav0lence, @deltamoon666, @severewobblerlightdragon, @hyacinthus007, @andlizeth, @shine101 , @beefbaby25
Warnings- None
GIF Credits to @gameofthronesdaily
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Sometimes, things turns out be worst then they were supposed to be. The promise of marrying the heir of Princess Rhaenyra immediately made the lady happy; but the situations were far worse than she saw them.
They meet in the gardens for the first time without their parent's presence looming over their shoulders and while the words weren't direct, they made the dislike pretty clear.
"Sometimes, destiny doesn't go along the path where heart lies, my lady. And it seems that I have to bow down to the flow of the destiny, no matter how much I dislike it."
She felt as if she had been stabbed hard, right where her heart laid in her body. The words were sharp, spoken in a cold manner; colder than the north itself. But what could she do except for obeying? Nothing, but going with the flow.
Her loneliness was only relieved by the constant presence of the sons of the King. Aegon and Aemond. While somewhere in her heart, she knew it was only because they wanted to mock her betrothed, she liked it nonetheless.
They would go about their days, stopping in between to ask about hers. While Aegon was more carefree about his words, babbling non-stop about anything or everything, Aemond was more quiet, his actions speaking more than his words.
One thing she had came to like about Red Keep was the constant feasts and people. She would always find herself seated next to the brothers, drinking, laughing, conversing. When the dances would begin, it would always be Aegon who would pull her from her chair and drag her to the floor.
As much as Aemond hated dancing publicly, he would also spare his nephew's betrothed a few dances, only to see her beam and laugh as she would point someone's clumsy steps to him.
He could feel the constant glares on his back, but Aemond never cared. Staying with her always served both his matters, he could both converse about deep things with her and also mock the Strong boys.
Soon enough, Aemond introduced Helaena to her and Gods! did they become sisters immediately. When she wasn't with Aegon or Aemond, she was always found with Helaena, either in her chambers or in the gardens.
Aemond had always been the shoulder to cry on for the lady. She had broken once when her betrothed had said particularly cruel words to her. The One-Eyed Prince had sat there, comforting her agony. It was the day when he showed her his eye, his deepest scar.
Once she had fallen ill, extreme to the point where the maesters had to recommend her bed rest. Everyone had came to visit her, even her betrothed, but his words did nothing to console her.
"I don't love you, my lady, but I surely don't despise you enough to see you die. Therefore, I wish you a speedy recovery. And also, I advise you to give up on this betrothed and possibly save both yours and mine life before it is too late. I am aware I shouldn't be saying such words of cruelty when you are in such a weak state yet, I wish not to see you around."
To stop her betrothed from continuing his harsh words, a whistle was heard from her doorway. The white-haired princes stood there with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
"Could we speak to the lady now, Prince? Or you have more to say?"
After her recovery, she had tried to break off the betrothal but it ended with her mother's hand connecting with her cheek, a sharp stinging pain coming as the impact.
Before her mother could start her lecture, there was a loud tsk. Followed by a caring hand on her back. She turned to find Aemond with a hard look and a raging fire in his eyes.
"It seems to be an illusion that the wife of my nephew comes from a family of high morals." Her mother tried to protest, with the words of a mother and what not, only to be silenced by a raised hand of Aemond.
"She might be your daughter in your lands, but here, she is a close friend and a soon-to-be wife of the prince who shall sit on the throne once. If I am yet again reported of such an outburst again. I, being the son of the King, would see to it that you shall be punished as such."
The lady's mother stood silently, her fingers trembling as it clutched the skirt of her dress. Aemond was cruelly satisfied by seeing her in such way.
"You are dismissed, my lady. And if on interrogating shall I find that this has been a regular occurrence, you shall be aware already that I am very much displeased by it."
Soon after, a rumor was heard that the lady wasn't faithful to her betrothed, instead seeking the sons of the King. It had prompted tears in her eyes, and while Aemond had comforted her, Aegon had seen through it that the person responsible for this is taught their lesson.
It was a silent warning to all to not speak wrong of the lady, for it shall only result in death or severe punishment.
One of the many disastrous dinners, she had sat between the Princes, while her lavender dress matched with Helaena's. That had made her betrothed comment on her closeness with the Green children.
"I am the lady's protector, dear nephew. And while you seem too busy to spend time with her, I do so as a brother."
Aemond had hissed, his fingers squeezing her hand before gripping his wine cup, knuckles turning white from the sheer force.
"And I am her true and faithful companion. Protecting her happiness, something I haven't seen you doing, much."
The short-haired prince had said while Helaena simply stood up from her seat, hugging you from behind. Something she would constantly do to make her laugh.
That day, it was made clear to all that no matter who she was marrying, her heart lied along with the Green children.
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
I saw that you didn’t get the submissive empire or x reader so I’ll send my request again(my wifi has sucked just got new one) anyways, could you do a Yandere submissive worshipper emperor x fem(preferably) reader? Like where he sees her in his castle delivering baked goods to a friend or something and immediately falls in love. He has never been with anyone before and is a nervous wreck. Like he sees us walking away and request for information on us and figures out we’re a baker so he asks us to bring him baked goods and when we do he’s so flustered and like OMG HER HANDS WERE ON THIS and will literally do whatever we ask. So he asks us to work at the castle and he will employ someone to run our bakery and HE PAYS US BANK!! And he really loves us and spends as much time as he can in the kitchen admiring us and stuttering, meanwhile he will literally drag people to the dungeons to kill them if they make us uncomfortable or banishing them if they make moves… I’m just such a feen for submissive worshippers… thank you. And maybe him figuring out a way to court us and marry us.
( your gender is never mentioned so it's up to interpretation)
Dawn rises yet again for the sleepy kingdom. All is quiet from its court to within the castle walls. Servants work to get the day started for their ruler, and guards stood guard at their posts. Brave, nobel soliders who protect their land to their deaths. On this day he, the army stands taller than ever before, awaiting the recovery of their loyal general and the one who brought him the proper medication to cure the remainder of his ailments.
Marching up to the castle gates, a long figure ventures through the early morn. One of few soul to have risen at this hour aside from the castle staff. The soliders lower their guard, and blades as the frequent visitor approaches.
"Good morning, gentlemen."
"Morning, Y/n."
"I don’t think I have to do this considering how many times I've visited, but I'll stick to the route." You reach into a basket and retrieve a slip of paper sighting your grant to enter the emperor's castle, signed by the man himself. Course, it was never in person, but your business was important enough for him to sign off without question. The guard to your left nods in approval, stepping aside to let you in as the open the gates.
"All's good. Can you see if that old bastard is willing to share this time?
You smile. "I'll do my best."
Crossing the courtyard, you walk straight through the castle's open front door. The total family had enough pride in their guard to leave it open during the day. A lamp post falls behind you as you walk, but you think nothing of it as a passing maid picks it up. You venture down familiar paths, wish a fair morning to those you past, and make your way towards the infirmary. The door is slightly ajar; walls patted with white stone. Nearly every bed is empty except for the one at the very end of the second row. The patient moans from the confines of their bed, tossing and turning as best as their casts would allow.
You quietly enter the room, unsure if the man was even awake. You set the basket down on the table beside him; his eyes fluttering open as you pull back the blanket covering its contents. The alluring smell of fresh baked and still cooling treats has the patient wide awake and fighting to sit up right.
"Y/n, my dear. Is that you?"
"Yes, sir. Brought your favorite as always." You help the aging man up and with grabbing one of the baked goods. A raspberry muffin - the general's favorite. He stopped by your bakery every morning for one before heading to the castle, this route broken by a broken leg and fractured ribs from an ambush of thieves. Since he refused the sorcerer's magic, he had to heal the normal way and was unable to stop by. Feeling pity for the man, you wake up bright and early every morning to do it for him.
The general wolfs down the muffin in a flash, reaching for another with a full mouth. "Thank you again for your assistance. Had I noticed a second earlier, those fools wouldn't have known what hit them."
You hold down a laugh. "You've told me this before. Everytime I've came if my memory serves me right."
Your deliveries have been going on for a few weeks by now. You'd grown used to the long walk, and had the additional bonus of getting to see the inside of the castle yourself. You didn't want to find your own benefit out of this horrible situation, but this was the chance of a lifetime for you. The servants were quite friendly, and while you had never seen the emperor everyone described him as fair. Unbeknownst to you, however, he had seen you.
The emperor watches you from the crack in the door, labored breathes heating its lock. His hands were sweat; throat dry. A blush dusts the man's cheeks; fingers edging towards the doorknob.
When he first heard you, the emperor wrote you off as the general's child, or even a young partner as unsettling as the thought was. He signed off on your visitations without batting an eye just to get that old coot to stop complaining. The first time he actually saw you - he knew he was in love.
The poor emperor had little experience in the field, but upon laying eyes on you that was the best way to describe the flame in the pit of his stomach. You were stunning, and the light of the early sun brought your natural beauty out like no other. He fell deeper in love with every new thing he found out about you. Your voice, your occupation, your name. He absolutely had to have you - but he was afraid.
Such a gem like you would never go for someone like him even if it was crown ruler of yourkingdom. He fear spilling all the desire in his chest from just saying hello to you. No, he must steel himself. A proper leader walks into situations with their head held high - no matter how badly their legs trembled just by looking at the problem ahead. Today was the day he would finally meet you or he'd cast himself into the nearest well for missing the opportunity again.
The turn of the doorknob catches both the general's and your attention. Surprise crosses your face at the sight of the visitor, while the general merely slumps back against his pillow. The emperor was his most common guest, always asking on and on about you. He always wondered if he would show his face.
"Y-your highness! Good morning." You dip your head in a formal greeting for your king. The emperor's flush darkens. Having you bow to him felt like an angel kneeling to a sinner. Wrong, but a boost in confidence for the latter party.
"There's no need for that. I've... just come to see how my valued general is doing. Who might you be and what is your business here?"
"Y/n. The general is a dear friend of mine as well, and I have been bringing him treats to help with his recovery."
The emperor's expression darkens at the use of the word "friend", but it passes quickly as he replays your name in his head. It's one that's run over his tongue countless times, but to hear you say it too him made it sound even more enchanting.
"I see. I was wondering where he got all those sweets. I haven’t eaten breakfast myself.. Do you mind if I try one?
With the question thrown into the air, you look towards the general for an answer. He simply shrugs. Seeing that that the best you'll get, you retrieve a muffin from the basket and offer it to the emperor. You worry you took the worry approach as he's hesitant to take it, but who would be reluctant to accept a gift from a God as unworthy mortal? He finally takes it, sparks shooting up his arm as your fingers graze together.
The emperor takes a bit of the sweet. Its still a bit warm, and melts on his tongue as he chews. The cake has a nice, soft texture; blending well with the fruity aftermath of the raspberries. Despite having just finished breakfast, he greedy scarfs it down and licks the crumbs from his fingers. That was the best muffin he had ever tasted. He could feel the passion and love for the craft that you poured into each step of the process. The emperor feels tears burning at the corners of his eyes; overcome with bliss.
"That was... amazing."
"I'm happy you enjoyed it, your highness." You beam. "Unfortunately, I have to leave soon so I can open my bakery in time for the morning rush."
The emperor's spirits crash instantly. "Why the rush? The day is still young."
"That is true, but my shop and home are on the far end of the town."
He's taken aback by this. Such a distance and you cross it everyday for a useless man like the general? You truly were a saint. The emperor would allow you to suffer that journey no longer; for your own comfort and the self pleasure of having you close.
"That's insanity. Why don't I hire you to become the royal baker? I can pay you well. Five time more than what you make in a normal week."
"While the offer is nice, I have a lot of people depending on me for goods and there's still the fact my home is in the same location."
The emperor immediately backtracks; his anxieties bubbles to the surface as he stammers. "Erm- well, we can have people deliver to your shop, and find residence closer or even in the castle if you'd prefer."
You can have his bedroom if you wanted it. You think the offer over, smiling as you come to your conclusion."
The following day, all of your belongings were moved into a cabin still on the castle grounds, and you were appointed as royal baker. It's funny to think how your life changed so quickly. The move is a dream come true for you both, as the emperor now gets to wake up everyday and see you busy at work. When he didn't have his own duties to attend to, he was hovering over you while you worked away. There's nothing he wouldn’t give to be able to massage your sore joints after a hard day at work.
The emperor had your own kitchen built away from the main, but until it was complete you worked there as well. You hardly saw anyone during your time there, and few people talked to you. One particular nasty chef got on your case about you using what they considered to be their whisk, but you never saw them again after the encounter.
The emperor claimed he didn't have any favorites as all of your creations had their own charms, but you noticed how his eyes would light up more whenever you brought him custard tarts. He practically drools onto your shoulder whenever he sees you with the ingredients for them. Wishing to develop your relationship with him further, you offer to teach him how to do with which he eagerly accepts.
"L-like this, Y/n?"
The emperor cracks an egg against the side of the bowl, separating the yolk and the whites between the shells. His hands shake, feeling your eyes over his shoulder. He wanted to do his best for you despite how trivial the task was, and that notion is what let to his downfall. He pushes a little too hard on one half of the shell as he concentrates, breaking it in the palm of his hand.
"Ack!- I'm so sorry!"
"It's okay! It okay." You sooth. You had picked up on the emperor's softer side and his strange need for your approval your first week on the job. You grab a stray towel and clean his hands off for him. The emperor thought he had his emotions under control by now, but your touch throws that balance out the window. He shutters from your warmth, afar cry from the man that banished a servant for just talking to you not even a day prior. Your body draws close to his as you remove all of the yolk, and all he can think about is how soft your lips must be.
The emperor keeps that little ounce of control. He would sooner kiss the bottom of your shoe than go for that at this moment in time - might even prefer it if no one's around. How could he ask your hand someday if he got worked up for something so miniscule. You really did had this man wrapped around your pinky finger - and without even realizing.
Once you finish cleaning up, you have the emperor sits this one out. He still wonders behind you, uttering praises for everything little thing you did. It was only the surface level of how deep his devotion and loyalty for you truly went.
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howlingday · 1 year
tragic backstory (tm) au) ozpin finally gets to show up merlin as the wizard mentor to a inspiring king who is also a symbol of hope. granted jaune has no real authority since the council does everything nor does he wish to take over but ozpin knows exactly what jaune needs.... no not actual training in the basics of combat to act a a foundation to his greater feats, that's rediculous! no he needs PHENOMENAL ACTING TALENT!!!!!!!
time for everyone's favorite cinnomin role to come back and help jaune decide on a persona and how to play it!
Original Cin-Cin
Ozpin: How was your mission, Mr. Arc?
Jaune: Uh, great! Really great! Definitely didn't say or do anything wrong.
Ozpin: I'm glad to hear it, since Springtime's current headmaster is a dear friend of mine.
Jaune: O-Oh, really?
Ozpin: Yes. In fact, I was just in contact with him recently, and he said-
Jaune: (On the floor) I'm sorry! I didn't know that the microphone was on!
Ozpin: ...You caved much faster than I thought. Is that really how a king should present himself?
Jaune: Again with the king stuff? (Stands up) Sooner or later, people are going to figure out I'm not a king.
Ozpin: Indeed. Just someone who got extremely lucky and famous.
Jaune: More unlucky...
Ozpin: And infamous. As I recall, that was how you referred to yourself when being introduced.
Jaune: Huh? Oh, yeah. I guess I did do that.
Ozpin: Indeed you did, and it was enough to get people talking. To get people thinking. Everyone now knows who you are, or has at least heard of you.
Jaune: Yeah. And now my family's getting harassed every day and I can't do a thing about it.
Ozpin: Sadly, no. It is one of the many flaws of being famous, and infamous. But the people need leadership, Mr. Arc. As the adage goes, sometimes you have to fake it until you make it.
Jaune: What about after I make it?
Ozpin: Then you'll be on your own, in a way. You'll be in a position where your faking no longer applies, and you'll have friends you can rely on to help you however they can.
Jaune: So I just have to keep pretending I'm someone I'm not? Just this... fake king guy?
Ozpin: Well, if you'd like, I can assign you a... shall we say "outsourced tutor" to help you build your confidence?
Jaune: An outsourced tutor? What do you mean?
Yang: You sure you don't want to come down and see Cin-Cin?
Blake: I'm sure. From what Jaune's told us, she's still nervous around Faunus, so I'd prefer to not do anything that would upset her while she's visiting.
Yang: Alright. I'll try to record as much as their sibling bonding as I can. Just for you.
Blake: (Smiles) Thank you.
Weiss: Ruby, what do you think? Blue earrings, yes or no?
Ruby: Wow... You're asking for my opinion?!
Weiss: Don't make me regret asking you.
Ruby: No, no! You can trust me! Um, uh, well, uh...
Nora: I dunno why you're so concerned about her. Doesn't she already not like you?
Weiss: Which is exactly why I'm trying to show her my better qualities!
Emerald: But wasn't one of the reasons she doesn't like you is how superficial you are?
Weiss: ...
Weiss: (Crouches in a corner) I just can't win, can I?
Ruby: Ah! B-Bestie!
Ren: Nora, are you upsetting Weiss again?
Nora: Maaaaaybe?
Mercury: Nice goin', Em. Brutal honesty wins again.
Emerald: Was it really that brutal? I was just asking a question.
Jaune: So it's just the four of us, huh?
Yang: Almost like we're our own team, huh?
Ruby: What would we be called? R-Y-P-J? Rip J? Uh, R-P-Y-J, Rippage? R-J-Y... Uh, what was the other one?
Yang: P.
Pyrrha: ...Were you talking to me?
Yang: Nah, I was answering Ruby. Also, pretty bold of you to assume you'd be the leader, Rubes.
Ruby: Why not? I like being a team leader.
Jaune: That makes one of us. I was already barely scraping by as a team leader, and now I have an even bigger team to take care of.
Yang: He said, already months into his role as super leader of his own super harem team.
Ruby: Yang!
Yang: I'm kidding! ...Mostly.
Jaune: What are you- Oh! There she is! Cin-Cin! Over here!
Cin-Cin: ...Hi, Jaune.
Jaune: Hi.
Ruby: ...So, was the, uh, flight okay?
Cin-Cin: It was fine. Can we hurry up and go to the headmaster?
Jaune: Oh, uh, sure.
Cin-Cin: (Walks ahead)
Jaune: (Following behind)
Yang: Wow, she's...
Ruby: Kinda mean?
Pyrrha: Distant?
Yang: I was going to say, "she's not happy to be here," but I guess those work, too.
Velvet: (Reading)
Fox: Hey, Velvet?
Velvet: Hm? What's up, Fox?
Fox: Uh, just wondering, but are you and Cardin... y'know?
Velvet: (Blushing) W-What do you mean?
Fox: Well, it's just, you and him are getting along and actually talking to each other, so I was wondering...
Velvet: We're just friends, Fox.
Fox: Oh, okay. Just friends. That's good. Good, good, good.
Velvet: ...Is there something wrong with us being friends?
Fox: No, no, it's great, but, uh...
Velvet: ...Did Yatsuhashi put you up to this?
Fox: ...No?
Velvet: Coco?
Coco: He did, Bun-Bun.
Velvet: (Sighs) Why is he so against me and Cardin being friends?
Coco: You mean besides the obvious?
Velvet: He's changed since his first year!
Coco: Which ended a few months ago.
Velvet: (Pouts)
Coco: (Sighs) Fox, could you give us the room, please? And tell Yats I wanna talk to him, too.
Fox: Sure. (Walks out)
Coco: Velvet, listen, I know you like the guy- And before you start, yes, I know it's more than just being friends, but you can't expect your closest friends, us, forget about all the crap him and his cronies put you through. The teasing, the ear-pulling, (Lowers glasses) the comments?
Velvet: I... I didn't forget, but...
Coco: We're all just worried about you, okay, Bun-Bun?
Velvet: ...Okay. But can I please stop having you all mother hen me?
Coco: Only if you stop making us worry. Oh, and don't forget our trip to the mall coming up this weekend.
Velvet: I won't.
Coco: Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got me a gentle giant to talk to.
Cin-Cin: Again. Who are you?
Jaune: My name is Jaune Arc.
Cin-Cin: Who are you?
Jaune: My name is Jaune Arc. I am the new king of Vale.
Cin-Cin: Who?
Jaune: My name is Jaune Arc. I am the King of Vale. I am the hero of Mallet.
Cin-Cin: I don't know who you are, but you're not convincing anyone. Who are you?
Jaune: My name- Cin-Cin, do we have to-
Cin-Cin: Stop! If you want people to believe you, you have to believe it yourself. And if you want to believe it yourself, then you have to know what you're talking about. So who are you?
Jaune: Who am I? I'm Jaune Arc, the only son of the Arc family and the older brother of Cinnamon Arc. That's who I am.
Cin-Cin: (Turns away, Facepalms) I can't believe you said that with a straight face.
Jaune: (Thinking) Ugh, I probably sounded lame to her.
Cin-Cin: (Covering her cherry face, Thinking) He sounded so cool and confident!.
Pyrrha: Do you think it's going well?
Weiss: Hard to tell... Then again, this is Jaune we're talking about.
Pyrrha: What do you mean?
Weiss: Ever since we learned about his past, he's been adamant about denying it, and yet everything he does contradicts what he says. And that's not including the specifics on what he does.
Weiss: One evening, he's embarrassing the Schnee Dust Company, and the next day, he's besting the leader of the White Fang, only to then go on to lead an amalgamation of two huntsmen teams with no confidence, and emerge from the first joint mission with a massive internationally observed Grimm kill near single-handedly! Nothing about him makes any sense!
Pyrrha: Well, for as long as I've known Jaune, I've found the easiest answer is the most simple one.
Weiss: And that is?
Pyrrha: He's just Jaune being Jaune.
Weiss: Hm... (Looks to Ruby)
Ruby: You can do it, Jaune! Here, try this! (Pulls out paper crown) It's not real, but it'll get you in the right mind thing!
Weiss: I think... I know what you mean.
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 9 months
Every month of 2023!
I was tagged by @smileytharn and @my-rose-tinted-glasses - thank you so much 🤍! I love to deep dive into past years!
The task is to link your favorite and most popular post(s) of each month of the year.
Most popular: I think I love you | Never Let Me Go | I do understand why this one was so popular Personal Favorite: I make you feel single | The Director Who Buys Me Dinner | This scene and set still gives me such a good feeling in my tummy, so wholesome!
Most popular: Look at me. I am soaking wet. | Moonlight Chicken | I am very proud of this set and I love it, but it is not my facorite one. Personal Favorite: Do you take this place as your home? | Moonlight Chicken | I really love my coloring for this scene. And the scene was so cute
Most popular: Lust [noun] | Bed Friend | and again, I can understand why it is so popular... Personal Favorite: You're the light, you're the night | Multi | I just had so much fun creating this set and I am still proud of it.
Most popular: What makes you happy the most these days? | The Eighth Sense | Oh, I love this scene so much! Personal Favorite: The Story | The Eighth Sense | Because of the coloring. I adore the coloring of this scene so much!
Most popular: How does it feel to be honest? | Love Mate Personal Favorite: How does it feel to be honest? | Love Mate | This is such a beautiful and soft scene and I really like the set.
Most popular: Can you grant me a wish? | Love Tractor | This scene altered my brain chemistry! I love it so much and I really love the set! Personal Favorite: Thousand Little Kisses | Multi | I just love those little kisses so much and I love that I have a whole set of these cute scenes!
Most popular: The American Style | Jun & Jun | The flirting was strong in this one! Personal Favorite: It's already been granted. | Tokyo In April Is... | This scene was so good and I like my coloring.
Most popular: Getting to know each other... | Wedding Plan | I get it. Personal Favorite: Getting to know each other... | Wedding Plan | I had the most fun giffing this scene!
Most popular: Segasaki being soft with a clingy Yoh | My Personal Weatherman | This scene made me soft... Personal Favorite: Iconic Moments | Multi | I just love those sets and I love making them!
Most popular: You said you would always love me | Kiseki: Dear To Me | Understandable choice, the scene was hot. Personal Favorite: Just Mond Boeing being sexy. | Only Friends | Because sexy...
Most popular: At ease... | Kiseki: Dear To Me | These two were the most adorable and soft psycho husbands and I loved every scene of them! Personal Favorite: This is the first time I've been in a fitting room with someone else | Last Twilight | I guess I love this one so much because this was the moment I fell in love with Mhok (and Jimmy)
Most popular: Alright. It's soft | Last Twilight | This scene... this scene! I love it! Personal Favorite: The Lick | Multi | No reason... no brain...
Sometimes it was really hard to pick my favorite one. I enjoy most of my sets, because I made them and I put heart and soul in most of them. Overall this was so fun! Thank you again for the tag! I know many have done this before, so feel free to ignore me if you've done this before or you don't want to do this :) @smittenskitten @liyazaki @piningintrovert @maxescheibechlinichacheli @khaotungsfirst @guzhu-furen
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hold-your-applause · 2 years
Can I request for a human!fem!reader who is friends with the owl house fam and has serious big sister energy but takes no shit and will throw hands w anyone who threatens her fam. But turns soft and real affectionate when she actually interacts w Hunter (when he's not in Golden Guard mentality)
I just wanted to say I really love your work and hope you continue. Your writing is really good!!!
My dear, I thank you for the praise. I apologize for the delay, but I would be more than happy to grant your wish.
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It had seemed like only yesterday that Hunter had learned the truth about Belos and his entire world had been turned upside down. It wasn't accurate to say that he never knew fear before that night; it was more like he finally learned what true terror felt like. He knew he was taking a risk defecting, but if he could manage to stay hidden, he was safer than within his uncle's grasp.
That all changed when he helped the students of Hexside get rid of Coven Head Adrian Graye Vernworth.
Despite sharing what he knew with everyone to allow them to prepare for the Day of Unity, he refused to tell anyone what he discovered about his own identity. Gus and Willow accepted him as they currently knew him, but would that change if they learned the truth?
He couldn't be sure.
It had taken a lot of effort on his part to calm himself over the idea of them discovering who-- or what-- he really was, but he had managed to do it.
Only for his anxiety to spike again when they told him the humans were on their way.
Luz wasn't anything to worry about. The night everything happened, he recalled Luz wanting to offer a helping hand to him, but he was so frenzied that all he could do was run out the door.
You were a completely different story.
He'd met you a handful of times as the Golden Guard, and each one had been as unpleasant as the last. The first meeting had perhaps been the roughest, given he had captured your friend King and was holding him hostage in order to compel you to do his bidding.
The fight that ensued had him very worried that you would knock his head clean off his shoulders, and you didn't even need magic to do it.
Every meeting after that had shown you to be just as vicious, and he wasn't sure if that was your default state or if it was reserved for him personally, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't afraid to find out.
He felt his stomach churn as he watched you and Luz reunite with Gus and Willow, standing off to the side as he gathered his courage for the exchange he knew was coming.
Your eyes were on him before he had a chance to open his mouth, and he almost stopped in his tracks when you moved towards him. He flinched when he saw your arm move towards his face, closing his eyes to wait for the impact.
He yelped in surprise when he felt two gentle hands on his cheeks instead, his eyes snapping right back open to see your wide eyes staring straight into his.
"I can't believe you're okay!"
His mind was blank as you moved his head, looking him over.
"I was so worried about you. We thought they found you."
His mouth was dry, and when you threw your arms around him to embrace him, he felt his entire body begin to overheat.
For some reason, in that moment, he was suddenly very aware of the fact that you were a girl.
Where were his hands supposed to go?
It didn't matter, because you pulled away a moment later to look at him again. Your eyes held sympathy and your voice was soft.
"How are you feeling?"
He was so used to you shouting at him, he couldn't think of anything to say.
What was happening?
He finally coughed in response, his eyes still wide as he stared at you.
He mentally kicked himself at the way his voice cracked.
He didn't know why, but the relieved smile that spread across your face made his pulse quicken.
"I'm so glad. We tried to find you after--"
His sudden and loud, nervous laughter cut you off. "After finding out Belos is evil? Don't worry, I'm A-Okay!" He almost shouted, feeling a quick wave of relief wash over him when Gus reached over to do their own special fist bump.
You blinked, and when his eyes looked at you again, he silently begged you not to say a word. Luck was on his side, because he saw the recognition on your face before you nodded and closed your mouth.
As Gus turned his attention away from the two of you to speak with Luz, Hunter lowered his voice to keep him and Willow from overhearing.
"I haven't told them about--"
"You don't need to explain. That's your secret to tell, not ours. They won't hear it from us."
He let out a breath and nodded. As reassuring as those words were, it did nothing for his nerves.
He was still terrified of you, but in a completely new way.
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