#i love my archeologist son
magicalplaylist · 4 months
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lacrimosathedark · 7 months
THAT'S IT! This is a Janet Drake Defense Post
As may be obvious, I spend a lot of time reading fanfic. And there's this trend that drives me nuts, and it's villainizing Janet Drake.
I'm not gonna say she's an A+ mother. She's not. She chose her career and adventures over spending time with her child much of the time. But fandom portrays her as some rich pompous ice queen, which is never shown.
Janet Drake mostly appears in the story Tim's introduced, and in the story she dies.
So, let's start from the top: Haly's Circus.
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This event is the only time we see her really interacting with Tim before her death, but it shows that at least when he was young, she was an active part of his life. She was worried about bringing Tim because it might scare him. And then rightfully scolds her husband for being sexist because Jack Drake actually IS a jerk.
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...I don't like the art in this comic. Or that the writer doesn't know how kids speak.
But Janet is being supportive of Tim's clear interest in Dick's performance.
And then tragedy strikes and she acts like, y'know, a mother.
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Her priority is getting her son and herself out of there.
Also worth noting that the Drakes sent a copy of that final photo of the Graysons TO Dick, which is how he has it at all. If both of them were stuck up pricks, would they even bother sending a photo to a grieving child performer they hardly know? I can't imagine Jack really bothering, but I don't see why Janet wouldn't.
And then, by the time she's dying, we know that Tim's parents have been away for a very long time, he never knows where they are, but they've communicated enough that he knows that they've been fighting.
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They're passive aggressive to say the least. This marriage is clearly not working anymore.
It's worth noting that this is a time before smartphones. This comic was released in 1990, which was when pre-paid mobile phones had just started existing. Coverage isn't universal NOW, so back then it was even less, and Jack and Janet are archeologists (or archeologist adjacent?) so they're going to be in less developed and populated areas most of the time. It's unlikely they'd have consistent access to a functional phone that could call the states to talk to Tim regularly.
This isn't to defend their absence, because fuck that, but it's to give it some context. I don't think they were trying to ignore or abandon Tim. Communication was just not readily available and Janet seems to get wrapped up in work...and Jack's an asshole.
Also for note, Janet is probably the one sending Tim postcards in the first place. It being signed "Mom and Dad" is what makes me think that. Jack would have put himself first if he wrote it, it woulda said "Dad and Mom". That's admittedly pure speculation, BUT IT FITS SOOOOOO
My thought is if this were made modern, Janet would be sending extremely scattered texts and Tim would get next to nothing from Jack unless Janet prompted him.
(Fair warning, this story is a few levels of Yikes, but I'm gonna stay on topic)
Bad guy Obeah Man does...something? to the pilot, and they crash, and he has a group of people kidnap the Drakes and their assistant Jeremy.
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Danger really puts some things in perspective, for Janet, at least. And that continues for her. Jack is a bit delusional and in denial, thinking he has any control of the situation.
They are tied up and filmed for ransom, their assistant killed right in front of them.
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Jack just keeps raging, but Janet is having regrets. Notice how she doesn't cry until Tim is brought up. Could be nothing, could be something.
And then she dies.
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Her only other major appearance is when Tim is having a fever dream from the Clench and everything is kind of okay for a minute.
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Tim very clearly loves his mom. And we may not get a lot of characterization for her, but she's not cold or callous like people write her constantly.
And now, we finally have a little more about her as of Batman 134.
I haven't really been keeping up since the Gotham War stuff because What The Fuck Was That My Guy, but I recently saw this specific comic.
The multiverse is fucked up again, some way some how, and Bruce is lost (again) and Tim has to get him back (again). This time, Tim is going in after him. But he doesn't end up going straight to Bruce.
He goes to see an alt of his mom.
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Tim missed her so much that he ended up going to her before Bruce.
And her immediate reaction is to run up and hug him. Does that look like a mother who doesn't love her son?
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"Do you have anyone to take care of you?"
"I don't know how this happened, this miracle...but I just know, in my heart of hearts, it was to show me...that every version of my son is a good one."
Tell me again that this woman is heartless and didn't want her son, I fucking dare you.
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And we get more meaning to the name "Robin" and a little crumb about Tim's grandmother. As a treat.
This is all to say, please stop writing Janet Drake as a cold, heartless bitch.
Small final note though: Jack Drake is, in fact, a shitty person and a shitty father. He does still love Tim and Tim loves him AND THAT IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE, but the relationship is a mess. If either parent is actively abusive, it's 1000% Jack "smashed a TV because my son wasn't listening to me and threatened Bruce Wayne at gunpoint" Drake. Probably part of why the marriage was falling apart.
Anyway, yeah, let's retire the "Jack and Janet Drake are Bad Parents" tag and replace it with "Jack Drake is a Bad Parent" and "Janet Drake's C+ Parenting" or something.
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chrysanthemum-poet · 2 months
One day when I'm dead and gone,
I hope archeologists dig up my grave.
And find a peice of paper,
Tangled up in my bones.
The very one you wrote to me.
I hope they write volumes,
About our love and my madness.
Hi, please consider donating to the people of Palestine, they are living under inhumane conditions and constant threats from israel.
Donate if you can. It does not have to be a huge sum. If you cannot donate please spread awareness and share and reblog this post to spread awareness.
I'll link some accounts where you can go and donate in this post.
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esperfruit · 4 months
Since I got back into this series, here is my Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends Human AU. Reference sheets and bios for numbers 1-12 ^^
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1 - Thomas Billington
Age: 16
Height: 166 cm
An optimist that is always full of energy, ready to jump into action at any opportunity.
His eagerness can often get him into trouble with how impulsive he acts.
Thomas is cheeky and cocky, overestimating himself and underestimating others constantly. Playing tricks and teasing others, especially the adults around him is what he’s mostly known for besides of how hard of a worker he is.
He always sees the good in others and loves helping out but when someone does something he deems as truly unforgivable, he holds deep grudges and acts spiteful towards them. During most of his childhood, he used to be a troublemaker due to his lack of respect towards everyone not named Edward, Annie, Clarabell or Sir Topham Hatt. Nowadays he directs his disrespect and rudeness towards those who mistreat his friends.
Thomas is very curious and when something gets his interest, he wants to learn about it as much as possible, which got him into dangerous situations multiple times when he tried to discover something, a trait he got from his parents, archeologists.
When Thomas was born, his parents moved from the mainland to Sodor to raise him in a peaceful environment. Shortly before Thomas’ sixth birthday, his parents went missing when they were on their way back from an excursion and the only thing they left behind was a Golden Whistle. Thomas then was taken in and raised by Edward, his father’s best friend, and Annie and Clarabell. Having the strong feeling that Golden Whistle is connected to his parent’s disappearance, he is determined to uncover its secrets to find them.
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2 - Edward Pettigrew
Age: 55
Height: 172 cm
Thomas’ adoptive father after his parent’s disappearance and treats him like his own son with the assistance of his close friends and flatmates Annie and Clarabell.
An intelligent and experienced veteran, who uses his wisdom to guide others onto a better path. Genuinely good-natured, respectful and calm-minded, it takes a lot to make him angry and when he does get angry, he can terrify anyone.
He has a huge friend circle and can make things work easily thanks to his connections. Others generally view him as very pleasant to have around and to be a great listener when someone has something they need to let out. Generally very beloved and respected, people like Thomas and Duck will immediately jump to his defense if someone mistreats him.
His best friends used to be Gordon and Henry. They were an unstoppable trio, loved and admired by everyone but they grew distant over a decade ago and Edward was practically kicked out of their friend group and replaced by James. For a while they grew very disrespectful towards Edward and mocked him on the basis of him being past his prime or calling him unreliable. Edward, confident in himself, did not take these insults to heart and just waited for sweet karma to humble them and then laugh at the three hotshots. After a dangerous exploit where Edward severely injured himself, Gordon and Henry regained their respect for him and he became a sort of living legend on the island. Their relationship had severely improved since then but it is still quite awkward between them. Edward’s Exploit proved to everyone what he truly is: a brave old sage that never gives up and the most reliable person on Sodor.
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3 - Henry Stanier
Age: 44
Height: 194 cm
A true enigma as nobody knows where he comes from, not even himself. One day he was found on the doors of an orphanage on the mainland as an infant and grew up there until he was adopted by the Staniers, a rival family of the famous Gresleys. 
It turned out he suffered from chronic anemia and regularly collapsed and spent a lot of time at hospitals. Despite his illness, he is physically very strong and proud of it. 
When he was 17 and at the hospital again, he met a boy named Gordon, who was visiting a dying relative of his. They quickly became friends and began to hang out on the daily after they found out they go to the same prestigious school.
Right after graduation, their fathers, the heads of the Gresley and Stanier households respectively, forced them to not see each other anymore, which deeply hurt Henry.
After finishing university, Henry moved to Sodor, to distance himself from the Gresley-Stanier conflict but he grew to become a snarky jerk, who complained about everything and everyone. He was tired of being anemic, hated his job and was unable to properly socialize. The only thing that kept his mood up was his gardening hobby. Things didn’t improve much even after he and Gordon reunited and formed a trio with Edward. Gordon had become a pompous hotshot and seemed to be closer to Edward than him, Henry felt isolated.
After he was involved in a terrible accident that almost killed him, he lost his right eye and left arm, which were replaced with a glass eye and an arm prosthetic. This accident served as a wake-up call for him and he mellowed-out of his permanent grumpiness and he and Gordon were just as close as they used to be. Treatment for his anemia had also been invented since then. It wasn’t cured but living with it had become much more manageable.
Not feeling weak anymore, he flourished and even quickly grew an ego that was almost as bad as Gordon’s in terms of entitlement. His ego left him to ignore how much he, Gordon and James grew to mistreat Edward for a while. 
His arrogance has also mellowed-out over time but then his life took another turbulent turn after he was stuck in a very toxic relationship with Gordon’s cousin Spencer.
Henry was physically and emotionally abused by Spencer for almost two years, leaving large mental scars on him. He was only able to escape this relationship with the help of his friends. As a result of this relationship, Henry developed deep anxiety and grew afraid of  expressing himself. Gordon, Edward, James and Emily supported him throughout his healing process and grew to appreciate all of them dearly.
Today, Henry is still healing from all his experiences but he has become gentle, fun-loving and developed a pleasant aura around him. He can still be snarky sometimes but it’s mostly harmless, and he is eager to fully express his love for nature and his friends. A true resilient fighter who loves life despite all the hardships he had to face. 
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4 - Gordon Gresley
Age: 42
Height: 206 cm
The youngest son out of many of the main family of the famous Gresleys. He experienced almost nothing but infighting in his family and the only people he was really close to were his brother Scott and his mother. Over time Gordon grew content  with the fact he wouldn’t become the heir due to being the youngest. He was usually bullied by Spencer with Scott protecting him. Gordon was a timid child that didn’t know how to properly handle people. When he was 15, he became close friends with a Stanier kid until they were forced to seperate. After graduation, he and his family had a terrible accident during a trip where his parents and his siblings died with him and Scott being the sole survivors.
Scott became the heir and Gordon lived under his uncle's home with his cousins Spencer and Mallard until he finished university. Gordon became grumpy and hid his emotions even more than before, deciding to always act stoic and be strong. He developed a super-ego and an overly pompous attitude. His environment and the whole Gresley family dynamic in general made him very competitive, insisting to always be the best and every form of humiliation hurt him deeply.
He overworks himself on a daily basis just to be the best and grows to look down on everyone he sees as weak. His relationship with his family had crumbled, he even started to avoid Scott, who was occupied with the family business.
To get away from the Gresley drama, he moved to Sodor and became “the best” there. Forming a famous trio with his old friend Henry and Edward, he made a name for himself as the unofficial leader. All the many fans he has, his origins and his shining performances inflated his ego even more and he turned into an entitled prick, who is convinced he deserves nothing but the best as the best and refuses to do “undignified work”. 
This misbehavior got him into many humiliating situations that slowly humbled over time but he never truly loses his pridefulness. Gordon grew worried sick about Henry when he started dating Spencer, knowing how malicious his cousin truly is. After he and the others were finally able to help Henry leaving Spencer, Gordon became protective of him. 
As time passed, more and more of Gordon’s facessets unveiled themselves: His dry humor seems way more fun now, he became a role model, everyone now knows of his undying loyalty and he developed fatherly feelings for some of the younger ones, especially Percy. And while he still struggles with showing his emotions properly, he loves all of his friends deeply and his hidden separation anxiety made him panic by just imagining what would happen if he would lose only one of them.
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5 - James Hughes
Age: 36
Height: 186 cm
His arrogance and vanity put even Gordon to shame. He loves himself above anything and loves making everyone know that. James is determined to always be the center of attention and to receive praise for his entire being, growing frustrated when someone other than him is in the spotlight, this can get so far as feeling panic when he thinks he is being ignored. Often he likes watching others fail just to feel better about himself.
James is very opinionated, never holds back in saying what he thinks and makes himself heard. His obsession with beauty, especially his own, made him despise dirt and he throws a fit every time he gets dirty. James puts all of his energy into his charisma so as many people as possible can love and appreciate him. One strategy of standing out is to dress in flamboyant red outfits and he gave his hair red highlights after he saw Gordon and Henry having natural blue and green ones.
James struggles with handling frustration and is thus labeled as childish and a drama queen. It’s not uncommon seeing him insulting others in the most creative ways imaginable or straight up getting violent. Edward and he have an awkward relationship as James practically stole his friends from him and it was also him who started picking on Edward. He did that to get the attention and approval of Gordon, who he secretly admires. In hindsight, he genuinely regrets what he did and is aware Edward didn’t deserve anything he received. Now he even feels quite intimidated by Edward with how calm and forgiving he is towards James despite everything he did.
It’s hard seeing past his self-absorbed, flamboyant and confrontational surface but if you get to know him closer you can see just how loving, courageous and loyal James can really be. He’s the type of friend, who is always ready to throw hands if a loved one is in trouble.
James got into hobbies like cooking, fashion design (many of his clothes are his own creations), cosmetics and music. First and foremost because he thinks they’re fun but they can also be helpful to others, which helps him be appreciated even more.
To the disbelief of everyone, James used to be a very quiet and shy child, usually horribly bullied and unable to make friends. His parents were also rather neglectful, telling him he should just be confident and “man-up” if he doesn’t want others to mistreat him. That timid self haunted him into his adult years and he hated everything about himself and when he moved to Sodor, he decided to switch from one extreme to the other to finally love himself and to protect himself from further potential bullying.
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6 - Percival “Percy” Avonside
Age: 14
Height: 148 cm
Don’t be fooled by his age and size, that little guy is one of the most adventurous and brave people you can meet. Has a bright worldview and is very trusting and forgiving, which some evil people tried to take advantage of. His naivety has nothing to do with lacking intelligence, he’s very smart actually, he just lacks experience and his parents sheltered him from way too much so he still has to learn more than other children his age. Being the youngest and smallest in the group made him intimidated at first and quite the doormat but thanks to his brother and grandpa figures Duck and Toby, he learned to stand his ground. This awakened his sassy side and he enjoys some pranks from time to time, his favorites are when he scared Henry with a loud “WOOOOOOOO” or Thomas when he pretended to be a ghost with the help of Toby.
Percy tends to get very giddy and overly-excited when big events are planned and he’s usually the first to volunteer for help. He generally loves festivities and events that bring joy to others.
At the beginning Percy and Thomas didn’t get along when Thomas still had an attitude problem and Percy was still a pushover, tolerating each other at most. However, over time they found out how much they actually have in common like their love for adventure and optimism, becoming best friends in the end. Percy wants to help Thomas uncover the secrets of the Golden Whistle.
He is surprisingly athletic, a good runner and possesses a lot of stamina, often competing with Thomas on their explorations.
Percy grew up as the only child of simple farmers on Sodor. His parents were overprotective of him and homeschooled him for most of his short life. After his father died from illness and his mother went missing in a similar manner to the Billingtons, he was taken in by Tobias and Henrietta Holden, who became like grandparents to him. Later he also grew close to Grordon, who is now like a father to Percy, mentoring and supporting him with the methods he has.
One time his clumsiness led him into an accident that gained him the nickname “Dirty Percy”. He hates it and lashes out on everyone calling him that.
Everyone perceives him as the sweet and kind little fella with a strong sense of justice but Percy still secretly fears being taken advantage of and thus can become skeptical of others when he thinks he’s being “used”, even friends.
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7 - Tobias “Toby” Holden
Age: 64
Height: 177 cm
That one jolly grandpa everyone likes. Devoted husband to Henrietta, close friend to Edward and loving adoptive grandfather of Percival. Generally as wise and diligent as Edward but he has a different approach on teaching youngsters. Edward teaches first and scolds when his advice is being ignored, Toby watches them fail first, laughs at them and then shows how it’s done. He is cheerful to everyone he meets and easy to be friends with as long as someone doesn’t get obnoxious with their ego. He can and will get stern with overly-pompous people, making James one of the very few he does not get along with. Another one was Mavis, who was stubborn and rebellious due to her youth and some bad advice from Diesel. But Toby and Mavis made up and now have a mentor-student relationship.
Toby has a good-sense of humor and is always there for a good laugh, his mere presence spreads a good atmosphere and he loves listening to others’ stories. 
Prefers a slow and easy life, appreciates the small things in life and is probably the most content person on Sodor alongside his wife.
He has a strong disliking for the police and has no issue standing up to them as he is very fearless, there is barely anything that can frighten Toby with one thing being floods due to a life-threatening experience he once had during one. 
Toby and Henrietta have been married for decades and are just as much in love with each other since day one. He would do everything to protect Henrietta and make her happy as her smile brightens his life more than anything. Their loving marriage set an example for many on how a good marriage should be, making them both flustered.
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8 - Montague “Duck” Collett
Age: 25
Height: 181 cm
Proud descendant of the “Great Western”, who sticks to the values his family taught him. It’s either “the Great Western way or the wrong way” for Montague and no in-between. A true traditionalist, who wants to bring his teachings to others, to varying effect. 
He has a damaged left knee, making running for him very difficult. His peers back at London said it looks like he waddled and thus endearingly started calling him “Duck”. Montague liked that nickname and preferred it over his actual name so it stuck.
When Duck arrived at Sodor, he immediately made himself unpopular with the three entitled hotshots Gordon, Henry and James as he is a city boy with a thick skin that knows how to fight back, even enjoying confrontations, and won’t let them have anything. He also stands up for the younger ones and is protective of Percy, who he sees as a little brother. Teaching little Percival how to stand up for himself and of course the “Great Western way”. 
Duck usually is level-headed, polite, helpful, loves working as routine makes him feel at ease and is anything but a pushover with how sassy he can become if anyone tries to mess with him. He rarely resorts to violence, only doing so when he is pushed to his limits or when someone else is being threatened to get hurt (he loves being chivalrous).
The Great Western that dictated Duck’s entire life had him become very stubborn and develop a black-and-white view on things. Duck usually refuses to hear others out, insisting the way he does it is always right unless being directly shown in his face that he is wrong. His constant bragging about the GW makes him quite obnoxious to those he isn’t very close to. Thomas and he especially constantly bud heads and disagree on almost everything, the only thing they openly share to have in common is their respect and appreciation for Edward. Another one would be Gordon as not a single conversation of them can go without Gordon telling him to shut up in any way.
A very infamous incident he got himself into was with a devious man his age, Darius Diesel. Diesel openly criticized Duck’s beloved “Great Western way”, even making some valid points but Duck was infuriated with that newbie getting all cocky and daring to insult the GW. So Duck decided to play a prank on Diesel to humiliate him and thus making him unable to make a good first impression. When Duck learnt his prank went probably too far, it was already too late, Diesel decided to hate Duck and to pay him back tenfold. This all ended with Duck being ostracized for a while as he was accused of spreading nasty rumors of others.
In the end it turned out to be Diesel’s fault and everyone made up again, everyone but Duck and Diesel, who have had strong animosity between each other since then. 
The people Duck clearly shares the closest bond with are Oliver, Toad,  Donald and Douglas, especially Donald.
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9 & 10 - Donald & Douglas McIntosh
Age: 24 (Donald is the older twin by 12 minutes)
Height: 183 cm
A pair of enthusiastic twins from Scotland. After the Dunalastair twins lost their parents to a burglar killing them when they were 12 years old, they were taken in by their grandparents, who only reluctantly adopted them as they were very superstitious, believing twins to be a bad omen. Their new living environment was very abusive, having to live through very painful 4 years. Every bit of misfortune their grandparents experienced were blamed on the twins for being “cursed”, receiving harsh punishments as result, especially Douglas as the younger twin. This all culminated when their grandparents tried to kill Douglas in an attempt to free themselves of the curse by only having to raise one child. Douglas’ food was poisoned, the physical punishment grew harsher and harsher and one day their grandfather wanted to drown Douglas in the bathtub. This almost succeeded if Donald had not stepped in. He rescued his brother and they went to get help, ending with their grandparents getting arrested. The twins later ended up in the care of a loving foster family, the McIntoshs. 
The McIntosh family severely improved their lives and they were grateful but the abuse they went through before left deep emotional scars on both twins, Donald grew overprotective of his younger twin and Douglas grew more quiet and anxious and was not able to eat anything given to him by anyone else but Donald. They had sworn to forever stick together and to always watch out for another. They love each other dearly, calling themselves “Donnie” and “Dougie” respectively.  
When they were 20, Donald received a job offer to work on Sodor. To make sure he and Douglas would not be separated, they arrived together, their hair and clothes styled to look identical as they are used to impersonating each other for fun and for protection. After causing some confusion, proving themselves as equally useful and with help from the others both ended up hired.
Both love their new work as they are very responsible, diligent, professional, competent and have a strong work ethic, the McIntosh twins are a most reliable duo.
They have become a positive example for others and are often seen, lecturing the other, way more chaotic pair of twins, Bill and Ben.
Both twins are practical, proud, clever, mature and not to be messed with but they also enjoy themself some harmless jokes, preferring to laugh with others, not at others. Donald is very charming, witty and flirtatious whereas Douglas is calm-natured, quick-thinking and serious. Once Donald teased Duck about his “quacking”, ending with Donald getting a pet duck named Dilly, who he is a very proud dad of.
When Douglas went missing for two weeks, Donald went borderline insane, needing to find his brother at any and all cost, having flashbacks from their lives with their grandparents. He was so worried sick, it got him almost hospitalized. Right before many were ready to give up hope, Douglas returned with two men named Oliver and Toad in company, who he had apparently saved from being hunted down. Learning to be forcefully separated makes them both miserable.
One day Donald and Douglas had an incident in which Donald got injured, leaving him with a small scar on his lower lip. It was their first really big argument, where neither wanted to speak with each other for a day. They even insisted working separately but they once again grew miserable, making up again after Douglas got Donald out of a pinch.
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11 - Oliver Armstrong
Age: 28 
Height: 190 cm
Oliver is of similar Great Western descent as Montague but he wasn’t raised strictly after GW values and thus is way less stubborn. He is reasonable and approaches things with logic first. He is very calm and just wants things to go smoothly. 
The Armstrong family became a target of a crime syndicate for reasons Oliver is not aware of yet. Assassins were sent after him and all his relatives, he had lost almost all of his family and was on the run for nearly three years. During this time he met a homeless man who called himself Toad. The two quickly became friends and decided to travel together. Planning to leave the mainland, they sneaked on a boat that unbeknownst to them brought them to the island of Sodor. While hiding in the woods for a while, they encountered the young Scot, Douglas McIntosh. Telling him their story, he decided to help them find a safe place to stay. The journey took a long time because they got lost and even encountered an assassin going after Oliver. After a long and deadly game of hide and seek, they were able to get rid of the assassin by making him fall down a cliff. Finally at home, Oliver and Toad received a place to stay in exchange for work by Sir Topham Hatt. 
Soon Oliver became insanely cocky and arrogant after sharing his crazy story and receiving tons of admiration and respect by everyone, even by people as vain as Gordon and James. All that praise really got over his head until he got humbled in a humiliating incident he brought onto himself.
Feeling great gratitude towards Douglas for his help, they formed a very close bond as co-workers and friends. They started dating and he got a side eye from Donald telling “Make Dougie happy or else!”.
Oliver is still wondering what could have caused a criminal organization to want his family erased and wishes for answers but is also content with maybe never receiving any if it means to finally live a happy and safe life, right?
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12 - Emily Stirling
Age: 57
Height: 171 cm 
A good-hearted and strong-willed lady raised in Scotland. Very active and energetic despite her age and is more than willing to still work hard regardless of protests from her relatives. She was born into a branch family of the Gresleys but married into the Stirlings, she is one of Gordon’s aunts. Emily left the mainland after her husband's passing to find something new for herself as a way to move on.
She was very surprised to meet a nephew of hers on Sodor when she started her new job there. Unfortunately she arrived during very grim times as that was the time Henry was stuck in an abusive relationship with another one of her nephews. Emily’s empathetic nature and understanding of the more sinister Gresleys made her essential to help out. Later on she still has a very positive relationship with Henry, looking out for him during his healing process or treating him when he suddenly collapsed from his anemia and there were no doctors around.
Generally Emily looks out after others as she is very motherly and that also includes scolding those who act silly and cause trouble. She loves taking charge and can be bossy and competitive, easily getting snappy with those standing in her way, showing she still is a Gresley at heart.
Usually people either love or hate Emily due to her strong and impressionable personality in combination with har age. She mostly spends time with Thomas, Henry, Edward, Daisy, Annie, Clarabell, Henrietta, Donald and Douglas, the latter two she ends up getting very close to with all three having ties to Scotland. Outside work Emily is very fun-loving and you can have a very good time with her.
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celestemona · 3 months
What types of jobs do each of the wifes have or had? (Because from what we know so far, Hakim's mama is a teacher in the akademiya and Quentin and Corinne mama is a dancer so This made me wonder which other professionals the others wifes have and sorry for the bad english)
Anon, you don't know for how long I've been waiting for someone to ask me this!! I'm so whipped for my ocs children yes, but I'm a whore for their mamas too hahah
Okay just like you've guessed, Hakim's mom is indeed a History & Literature professor at Akademiya. She's also a mage but I won't elaborate too much about it because she decided to follow only the conventional education path.
occupations: professor, historian, writer, mage
Lyney's wife, as you've mentioned, is a dancer. Currently, she is performing as an aerial silk pro at her husband's shows and she's pretty popular because of her skills.
occupations: troupe member, dancer, aerial silk pro, lyney's assistant
Kaveh's wife's job is to be rich hahahah She doesn't depend entirely on her sister fund because she is the owner of a huge construction & mining excavation company. How do you think she met her husband?
occupations: ceo, ningguang's right hand, kaveh's account manager
I've to say I struggled a lil bit to come up with a background for the Kaedehara's matriarch. However Mama reader here is a highly skilled adventurer. Just like her husband, she loves to travel, explore and she collect artifacts. Our Lara Croft I'd say hahaha
occupations: adventurer, treasures' collector, archeologist
Éveline's mom is a very fluent merchant. I must say I'm keeping the idea of her being a "former smuggler" from one of my previous fanfics for Neuvi. She's pretty smart and she can get a lot of informations around Teyvat which, sometimes, contributes to her husband's work.
occupation: merchant, former smuggler, former informant
Cyno's wife is an eremite and she used to do some illegal stuffs, that's the main reason why she crossed his way. But now that she's married to Akademiya's mahamatra and has two sons with him, she works at tavern as a bartender. Although sometimes she also does some temporary jobs as bodyguard for those who dare to explore the desert.
occupations: self-employed worker, bartender, bodyguard, former mercenary
And finally we have Wriothesley's wife who works together with him to maintain the Fortress of Meropide organized & safe. Most of the documents and archives tasks are her responsabilities. Howeveeer, if the surface needs someone for interrogation or if something serious happens inside the prison and the guards need a hand, she is the one they trust for this service.
occupations: duchess, fortress of meropide's second administrator, interrogator, executer
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
Tragically, an IDF helicopter attacked a building in Gaza that had Israeli soldiers inside. At least one of them was killed. I've heard people claiming that there's no such thing as mistakes or collateral damage, that if Palestinian civilians get killed, it's because Israel wanted that, but this is a reminder that mistakes DO happen, and that every army, no matter how good, will get some people killed that it never intended to. This soldier's family asked for his details not to be published. May his memory be a blessing.
Israel is going to open a border crossing into Gaza, which had been closed since the Oct 7 massacre and Hamas attacks on the border crossings, in order to make the entrance of humanitarian aid into Gaza even more efficient.
A man shot at a Jewish synagogue in the US last night, on the first eve of Hanukkah, while shouting "Free Palestine." If it's anti-Zionism, not antisemitism, why do these incidents keep happening?
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We're hearing here in Israel more and more reports on canceled Hanukkah festivities and candle lighting due to different claims, but the bottom line remains heartbreaking no matter which excuse is used. The biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust led to further punishment of Jews.
Here's extra Hanukkah candles for all Jews out there, please know that here in Israel, we are always with you!
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In NYC, a shop that's a part of an Israeli company decided to have a special sale to raise money for the Israeli rape victims of Hamas. Two of the shop's employees resigned. Reportedly, they're women. The Jewish community replaced them with volunteers.
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall sent a letter to media organizations, including the New York Times, warning them about their coverage of the Israel-Hamas war, since their reporters were "clearly embedded with Hamas."
For anyone who still doesn't understand why most Jews have been upset since Oct 7:
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Following the discussion in congress about antisemitism, where the presidents of Harvard, MIT and UPenn couldn't bring themselves to denounce a call to genocide the Jews as harassment, Rabbi David Wolpe, a member of Harvard's committee to combat antisemitism, resigned, saying it became evident to him he couldn't help create the change he was hoping for.
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I mentioned Gal Eizenkott in my daily update post yesterday, the 25 years old son of Israeli minister Gadi Eizenkott, the IDF's former chief of staff. Gadi is a part of Israel's war cabinet, the small team making the most essential decisions on the fighting. The IDF's spokesman, Daniel Hagari, mentioned yesterday that Gal didn't have to serve in this war, he volunteered to.
This is not that important in the larger scheme of things, but since I've shared vids of IDF soldiers helping Palestinians in Gaza, why not also one of IDF soldiers helping animals in Gaza? Especially since I love donkeys. They are SO sweet. Israeli soldiers fighting in Gaza found, during a break, a donkey that was abandoned in a field, with its legs tied together by a rope. The soldiers set it free:
This is 68 years old Dror Kaplun.
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He was believed to be kidnapped by Hamas. Last night, Israeli archeologists working on the scene of the Hamas massacre managed to find frgaments of his bones next to the fence of his kibbutz. He was the son of Holocaust survivors. His wife Marcel was also murdered. May their memories be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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coffee-master · 7 months
How are Garmadon and Kai (master of water) ? Does anything change about their relationship?
It depends on the time.
In the Pilot, Kai clearly disliked the guy for trying to kidnapp his sister. In the season 1, when Wu took Garmadon on the Bounty, Kai didn't trust him and just had an eye on him.
But later when Garmadon was cured, they were on good terms. Maybe they weren't close or anything, but from time to time they'd talk about Lloyd. Also Garmadon & Misako were curious, why Lloyd called Kai and Nya his siblings, so they started talking more.
And since we're talking about Garmadon-
I want to talk about his and Misako's character in my AU, since their relationship is much diffrent from the canon.
I want to say that their relationship is basically based on the ship #destructivedragonshipping / #theydeservedbettershipping
So if any of you aren't familliar with it, then here's the link to the explanation [and probably the creator of this ship, sorry I'm not 100% sure] :
(btw. beautifull art..)
Ok, so since you know about what I'm talking about now, I'll continue.
In my au Misako & Garmadon met on the battle field and fell deeply in love. They both deeply loved each other and wanted to settel down and start a family.
They got married. Misako started working as an archeologist and soon they had a beautifull son together. Unfortunatelly they happily life couldn't last for too long.
Over time, the power of the snake's venom in Garmadon only grew stronger and stronger, having more and more control over Garmadon's mind and heart.
Through the years Wu & Misako fully suported him, being by his side when the worse thoughts were comming to his mind, telling him things that he should do and making him go even deeper to the dark side-
They were always by him, but the 'attacks' were unpredictable.
But with time Garmadon was slowly becomming weaker and weaker to fight 'those thoughts' inside his head.
[The Loss]
At one point, when Garmadon was the weakest a voice told him 'Steal the golden weapoons' 'Do your worst' 'Rule the world' 'You need that' 'You deserve that-'
So when the time came and as Garmadon tired to steal the weapoons, he came across his brother, who, even though he didn't want to fight him, had to fight him.
During their fight in the end Garmadon was send to the Realm of Madness, which left Wu & Misako devastated.
The whole thing had happend, when Koko was at home with Lloyd, so she didn't even knew, until Wu told her.
After that Misako's & Wu's friendship started tearing apart.
The loss of Garmadon had a big impact of both of them. Wu was broken after loosing his brother, but didn't let himself even that 'distract' him form focusing on his mission.
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Meanwhile Misako took Wu's behavior very badly, thinking he was disrespecting Garmadon and even accusing him of not loving his brother.
After that they went they separated ways and didn't talk with each other for many years. [The bad taste remained for a long time.]
[New Problems]
With Garmadon gone, Misako was devastated and sad.. But even though that pain she was strong and determined woman.
While working, taking care of young Lloyd she started looking for a way to fix everything.
Koko could work for hours at night and prepare in scrolls, prophecies and chieroglyphs a way to get back and cure her husband of that devilish poison.
She knew that with this venom with which they had been fighting together for years.. It won't let her husband life in peace.
In the meantime her identyti as the Lady Iron Dragon was revealed to the entire public in the news and all her past enemies started comming after her and Lloyd.
Misako afraid of Lloyd's safety decided to distance herself from him to ensure his safety, so she send her son to school.
She couldn't have send Lloyd to his uncle after their 'argument'. Misako continued to hold great resentment over Wu's behavior.
At the beginning it was hard for her to find a school that would accept her son. After her identity was reviled and Lloyd was known as Garmadon's son it was hard got anywhere.
Fortunately Darkley's 'nice school' was able welcomed them with open arms. Back then Misako wasn't aware of the fact this school was to teach evil.
That's also why they were very found of Lloyd the son of Garmadon.
After that Misako set out on her own 'journey' with the pain of leaving her child behind. To keep in touch she decided to write letters to her son once a week.
Originally it was supposed to be short. As soon as her enemies were gone, she'd come back for Lloyd. Unfortunately, there was no indication of this and when she came across the green ninja's prophecy, everything got even worse.
And that's the story in short.
Fun facts:
During Lloyd's life in school excitedly counting down the days until the next letter from his mother arrived.
When Misako realises that her son run away form the school, she starts to look for him, until she recived a letter form Wu that Lloyd was with him.
When Wu & Misako met again in season 2, they anger is long gone. They clearly regret how things ended up and that they didn't have a proper talk.
After Garmadon was send to the Realm of Madness, he was still able to enter their world through the shadow.. So when Lloyd was in school he often visited him.
Llody used to play with the shadow of his father not even knowing it was his father. He called him Mr. Shadow.
Garmadon often watched in silence through his shadow how Koko was overworking herself just to help him. He never dared to speak to her or make her notice him.
There were few times when he wanted to touch his wife's hair thought his shadow, but always backed out at the last moment before he could try.
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
I love the sanji and Usopp childhood best friends AU but let me one up this a bit. Robin being usopp's not so legal guardian.
She's in her early 20s she's still on the run and hiding from the government. She runs into the red hair pirates. They hide her on their ship for a while running away from the Marines as well. They really don't know what to do with her at this age she's really not up to being a pirate. Especially on a boat full of men she just met a week ago, they don't know what to do. They're planning on dropping her off at any random village but yasopp had a better idea.
Her name is not Robin. Her name is Ruth, She cut her hair. Maybe dyed it a different color She looks like a completely different person. (They also fake her death. They blew up a navy vessel. They could have executed the plan a little bit better) He takes her to his home and gives her the key.
This is a kind act. A little too kind.......What's the catch? Of course the catch is she has to look after his son. Yasopp has recently been bereaved losing his wife while he was at sea leaving his 7-year-old basically alone for the time being.
(Since yasopp knows that his wife has passed, I'm pretty sure he got Merry or someone in the village to check up on him while he tries to come up with something in the meantime.)
Yasopp: He needs someone to look after him.
Robin: and why isn't it you?
Yasopp: with my bounty? No, not a chance...... Folks recognize me you know my face and once they know It's off to jail for me but you... Ms "Ruth" they don't know you... Which means you can roam around without any worry.
Yasopp: I know this isn't your ideal situation but this is the best we could do. Okay? Look you got a nice house. You can have the master bedroom.... Some of my wife's clothes are still there food, water, Shelter You're set....... All you have to do is just keep Usopp safe..... Say hi buddy don't be scared she's here to watch you..... Come on let go of Daddy's leg..... Say hi to her usopp....
Usopp: no!... I don't wanna.
Yasopp: *sigh* come here upsy daisy.....God either you're getting heavy or I'm getting old.....*sigh*.....he's a good kid really. Honestly he's very low maintenance just feed him and bathe him and put him to bed at 8.
Robin:........... (Staring)
Usopp:........ (Staring back)
Robin:... Alright...... I'll do it.... I'm truly grateful for this really.
No, but I absolutely love this. Robin and Usopp bond after a while of Usopp being a bit shy and scared of her. She's like a big sister of some sort, too. He tells her all his stories and speaks about his mom! And Robin also tells him her mom was an incredible person too but also died :( She takes care of him in such a gentle, and loving way. And Usopp is protective of her. Like. A lot. He keeps saying that if anybody dares to come around her he'll just stop them with his powerful slingshot because Captain Usopp will be there to save his dear archeologist! (dude, is this Au just Usopp stealing crew members from Luffy because he found them first? Maybe yes). She tells him her real name and the real reason she's there once he grows up a little bit, and Usopp promises to keep the secret if she stays with him because he really can't lose somebody else. Robin tells him they'll be together for as long as he lets her. She's the most,,, Precious thing. She loves Kaya, too! They spend sooo much time together with Usopp.
And then the whole drama comes because Sanji appears. It's not like Robin is going to fight somebody now that she's safe, but the way the kid speaks when he starts staying over with them (while the crew fixes the ship yadda yadda what I say in the original post) is a bit worrisome,, Sanji grows so fond of her too. He loves her! She reminds him a lot of his mom and finds so much comfort in her. Now, there's this layer of angst because, despite loving each other and having so so much fun together, the three of them can't stay like this forever because Sanji has to go. And Usopp, of course, says no because he's both scared and not ready to do this. But,, But also, he doesn't want to do this to Robin. She's been taking care of him for a long time! And she can't come with them! It'll be dangerous! And Usopp can't leave without her because she promised his dad she'll protect him, and he doesn't want her to get into any trouble. Usopp doesn't tell Sanji, though, he doesn't want to blame Robin for this and make her feel guilty. So he keeps that to himself and watches Sanji go, hoping to reunite someday.
I am guessing that once they meet Luffy, Robin joins them at the same time. If Usopp is going, she's going too. It doesn't matter how dangerous it is, if Usopp wants to fulfill his dream, she doesn't mind a bit of danger. They'll be alright. Then they meet Sanji and everything is pretty much the same except that Robin is there from the start? Her low appreciation for her life is still there, don't worry, Water 7 happens anyway. It's just angstier because Usopp wants to leave and Sanji doesn't want to lose him again, and Enies Lobby is even more dramatic because it's Usopp the one to burn down the flag for his dear Robin! Not to mention that it adds more significance to the Robin/Sanji Wano scene!!
And also, just think about Robin knowing these two teenagers have the biggest crush on each other. It's just so cute.
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friend-of-a-cat · 3 months
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A BoTW OC I made last year. His name is Ari, and he's a zoran researcher and archeologist and a huge fan of ancient technology, artifacts and civilisations (he frequently nerds out about all three). He's quite reserved and socially awkward, but very friendly and kind, and is always willing to lend a helping hand (despite the fact that he's a perpetual nervous wreck). When people get him talking about the things he's interested in, he won't shut up. He's very cautious, and won't usually jump into a situation he hasn't fully assessed yet. He also has his own Sheikah Slate, which he guards with his life.
His design is based off of angelfish, because I hadn't seen a angelfish zora design yet and I thought it'd be fun to do! Anyway, he is my son and I love him.
Also he's up on my Art Fight profile lmao (here). I forgot I never posted him anywhere else. I honestly almost forgot he existed until I checked my AF profile lmao. I'm so sorry, Ari.
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megumimania · 1 year
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GENRE: headcanons
a/n: this was from my old acc with the same name likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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megumi is a light sleeper anything could wake him up if you tried hard enough
nobara and yuji on the other hand, are deep sleepers they could literally sleep through the apocalypse
megumi usually wakes them up with his divine dogs in the mornings or before they have missions
I feel like megumi is lowkey a good actor i dont know whether it’s because he graduated from the gojo school of theatrics or he’s really good at putting on a front. like father like son i know
nobara has the worst punctuality out of the three of them, she actively tries to be more punctual but ends up being more late lmao
yuji had a great british bakeoff phase where he’d tried to recreate the deserts on the show and well…
lets just say he accidentally gave the first and second years food poisoning due to an underbaked flan and since then he’s strayed far away from desserts
yuji also has great hearing like NOTHING gets past him that’s how he found out what the first and second years was getting eachother for christmas
speaking of christmas, yuji tends to leave everything last minute, which means he ends up running around the mall trying to find a gift literally an hour before closing
megumi is an avid crocheter like he especially loves crocheting stuffed animals for his dogs to play with or just to give to his friends
nobara is very active on social media especially on twitter where she has a fairly large following from arguing with people on there and for giving style tips too
If megumi wasn’t a sorcerer he would be either a vet or an archeologist (megumi just gives me mega history nerd vibes )
yuji would probably be a teacher probably a first grade or kindergarten pe teacher (he would be great with kids fight me!)
nobara would probably be a fashion influencer or a travel blogger
in light of that tiktok trend, megumi is ‘okokokok’ while nobara and yuji are ‘lalalalala’
when yuji ‘died’ nobara used to sleep in his room along with megumi, it was the only place where they both managed to get a full night of sleep
megumi texts in lowercase (bro turn on your autocaps 💀)
nobara’s texts vary according to her mood
yuuji texts in all caps (we know you’re happy damn 😒)
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magicalplaylist · 11 months
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The Sword and the Shield
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fabseg-creator · 6 months
Miraculous AU: Yandere Twins Au - Amenath/Nathalie and Amélie (Yandere Amélie)
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I've imagined a scene between Nathalie and Amélie. I thought about a fan-concept about Amélie, Felix's mother, being a Yandere.
It happens in an AU. In this AU, Amelie is lovesick of Nathalie.
There are two versions: the minicomic (up) and the fanfic (bottom).
The sketch art and the story (below) are mature: they contain bondage, undressing, sensuality moment, drug mention and toxic yuri (not really consent).
The story:
When Nathalie begins to wake up, a familiar and feminine voice calls her.
???: Already awaken, Nathalie ?
Nathalie: Huh ? Émilie ?
???: Nearly. But not really. Watch by yourself.
Nathalie opens her eyes and she sees Amélie who is smiling in front of her. The blonde woman is dressed in lingerie, wears a rabbit-themed headband, black gloves and latex boots and holds a whip.
Nathalie recognizes her own whip. She held that when she was an treasure huntress/archeologist.
The bed (it's Nathalie's bed) is covered of special decorations: pink flowers, roses, flower petals and red and pink heart papers.
Nathalie feels uncomfortable about the situation: she understands she has her arms and legs get tied/roped or handcuffed. She realizes too she is just dressed in lingerie too (and she has an exotic flower at her right ear).
Amélie feel happy when Nathalie looks at her.
Amélie: Did you sleep well, Sleeping Beauty ?
Nathalie feels confused. She has a bit of sensation of spinning (hangover ?).
She remembers she had suddenly fallen into sleep after drinking a cup of tea Amélie had offered to her while the two women were sitting at the garden. The last thing Nathalie had seen before was Amélie held her in her arms. The aristocrat woman expressed to her a malicious smile before the black out.
Now, she understands Amélie drugged her. She wants explanations.
Nathalie: What the hell happened to me, Mrs. Graham ? And what have you done to me ?!
Amélie: I just take care of you, this evening.
Nathalie: What is this madness ?
Amélie: I won't talk about madness when I can talk about love.
Nathalie (disturbed): Love ?
Amélie giggles. She moves her left hand and caresses the Nathalie's cheek. When she puts back the hand on her own cheek, she suddenly becomes exalted.
Amélie: Yes. I love you, Nathalie. I'm in love with you since 15 years. ❤
These words astonish Nathalie causing her to blush. 😳
Amélie: During a long part of my life, I searched the perfect lover and I've found you: Nathalie Sancoeur, my perfect wife. Colt was a foolish guy and he was too disgraceful for me. A true monster. I needed a plan to destroy him once and all. And save my Felix too.
Nathalie(worried): You murdered... your husband ?! 😮
Amélie: Just self-defense. But Gabriel was a fool and a monster too. I'm glad my son and my nephew can make their happiness.
Nathalie still remembers Gabriel was Monarch the Butterfly supervillain. He became obsessed about Miraculouses he lost his humanity. After being healed from her magic disease, she has resignately accepted to keep the secret away from Adrien (alongside with Ladybug).
Nathalie: Do you plan to eliminate me ?
Amélie giggles.
Amélie: No. No. I can't do it to you, Nathalie. I said I love you too much. ❤
Nathalie: And your son Felix ?
Amélie: I am sure my beloved son and his girlfriend Kagami will accept you and my good Adrien plus his girlfriend in the new family I want to compose.
Nathalie: And why me, Mrs. Graham ?
Amélie: Because You look too sweethearted, Nathalie. ❤
Nathalie blushes about Amélie's words but she still troubled. The first thought the bodyguard woman has is: To reason Mrs. Graham de Vanily to free her.
Confident about her escape plan, she begins to play her game.
Nathalie (feigning to be polite): Can you loosen my ties, Mistress Graham ? Please ? 🌼
Amelie laughs.
Amélie: Sorry, Nathalie. But I can't let you go. Not yet. ❤
Nathalie: What do you mean ?
Amélie: I will release you when you will name me by my name. Not Graham nor Fathom nor Lady nor Mistress.
Nathalie: Amélie ?
Amélie: Yes. Nathalie. From now you will call me like that. ❤
Nathalie calmly breathes.
Nathalie: Mrs. Amélie, I must say you... 🌼
The blonde woman suddenly makes a whiplash with the whip silenting Nathalie and making her close the eyes. The latter woman opens the eyes and sees she hasn't any damage. But only the flower from her ear was fallen into pieces because of Amélie's whiplash.
Amélie: Forgive me, honey. I don't want to harm you. I hate to damage beautiful flowers. 🌼
The situation isn't okay for Nathalie. She had underestimed Amélie. She didn't know the latter can be lovesick. And now, she understand this woman is unpredictable.
Next, Amélie's angelic face evolves into a darker tone. She licks the whip and poses as a dominatrix. She reminds of a Femme Fatale. That's worrying Nathalie. 😈
Amélie (dark and sadistic tone): Say. My. Name. 😈
Nathalie (a bit of intimidated, shouting): Huh... Amélie. Amélie ! 😰
Next to Nathalie's answer, Amélie changes her evil expression into an exalted/sensual tone. She feels at the height of excitement.
Amélie (exalted): Good, Nathalie. ❤
Right after, the blonde woman throws the whip puts her hands on Nathalie's cheeks and... kisses her on the lips. 💋
Nathalie slightly blushes because of Amélie's kiss. This situation is a Déjà Vu. 😳
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That isn't the first time Nathalie falls in a situation. She remembers Émilie, Amélie's twin sister.
When Émilie was alive (before the Miraculouses' discovery), this woman had already confessed her feelings to Nathalie in the same way as Amélie is actually confessing her. Gabriel was never aware about this thing.
Now, Amélie is seducing her. Without another choice, Nathalie understands the evening with Amélie will be more longer than she expected.
The End?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I don't know if I got this on time, but happy easter, and happy upcoming holidays.
(* ̄3 ̄)╭ <3 ( ´・・)ノ(._.`) My application is based on keeping the theme of Poisonous Love (Hercules is my favorite living teddy bear) Where the archaeologist and Hercules have been a couple for a while, and miraculously Zeus does not try anything with his son's girlfriend, since in his eyes that human is Hercules' greatest treasure and the last thing he wants is to hurt his son (all We know it hurt him to see him die in the original tournament) Even Poseidon looks her in the eye when she asks him for a recommendation to finish an essay on some mythical character or something related to mythical sea creatures. Hades is Hades, he's just happy to start a new family photo album. Adamas, at least he doesn't do any of her scenes and treats her like a daughter. Hermes describes her as a scary cat around her and Ares is envious of him as he understands some things he doesn't. Aphrodite finds her acceptable and adorable when Hercules drowns her in affection. And she's most adorable when he's embarrassed to be seen wearing thick-rimmed glasses. Göll at first was somewhat jealous that her brother Hercules has her girlfriend, but then over time she became attached to her and calls her big sister. And the best of the day is when it ends and Hercules decides that his girlfriend is the most huggable stuffed animal in creation.
-It had been several months since you came to Valhalla after dying a hero’s death, destroying the vase of poisonous blood so it wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands.
-It had been several months since you met Hercules and started a relationship with him, although slow, as you were hesitant being in a relationship, which Hercules saw as you just being shy, but he didn’t mind being patient.
-There was something different about you, comparing you to his first three wives, there was a pull to you, he wanted to stay by your side at all times, he felt so much joy, just sitting with you, answering your questions about his past, the history of Ancient Greece, he could easily spend the rest of eternity with you like this.
-He never made you feel like you were bothering him with all of your questions, answering as many as he could, and he made you feel so welcome in Valhalla, showing you all around the Greek pantheon that he called home, and where you now called home too.
-You were intimidated to meet the other Greek gods, anyone with eyes could see your nervousness around them, as you were a human and they were literal gods!!
-But Hercules never went anywhere without you and was the one to introduce you to them, being by your side to reassure you that you would be safe.
-Zeus- He greeted you warmly, “Ahh so you’re that human who poisoned herself to save the world! Nice to meet someone so impulsive!” Zeus was nice to you, not at all like what legends  had dictated him to be like. The reason for this was because he saw how his son looked at you, he saw how happy you made Hercules, it was a way to repay his sacrifice when he died in Ragnarok; even though he had been returned to life, he felt guilt and wanted to make amends. Zeus found you enjoyable, your curiosity and questions made him look forward to your visits. He was happy to answer anything you asked, as it made him happy to reminisce about his youth.
-Poseidon- Hercules had been nervous about you meeting his uncle, as Poseidon was notorious for disliking humans, but Zeus was the one to introduce the two of you and you shocked Poseidon by asking him tons of questions about his temples. Your sparkling eyes as he met your own, shocking both his nephew and brother, seemed to soothe him, you were so curious, like a young child. He answered your questions patiently, impressed by your knowledge of history, learning that you were an archeologist before you died. He asked his own questions in turn, about what the world was like today and Zeus was the only one who noticed his brother’s eyes soften when he learned that humans were working hard to save the oceans, righting our wrongs.
-Hades- Hades adored you when you first met him, welcoming you to Valhalla warmly, as he had heard from his younger brothers about what a curious and inquisitive maiden you were. Hades couldn’t help but beam as you asked him tons of questions about the myths you knew about him, asking him about the underworld, and you had nearly cried in joy when you got to actually meet Cerberus, who was like a giant puppy with you, enjoying your pets. Hades took several photos of you, Hercules, and Cerberus, with plans on putting them in the family photo album he had stashed away.
-Aphrodite- She adored you, while you were a bit intimidated at first, she was so beautiful, actually glowing with radiance, you felt a little self-conscious, comparing yourself to her, but she smiled warmly, welcoming you to the family, as you were with Hercules. She was surprised by your knowledge of history as you asked her lots of questions, and in turn she offered you advice when you asked her for woman-to-woman advice about dating Hercules, as you had never been in a relationship before. Her eyes were stars, learning that you had been single and that you came to her for advice, but she knew that she couldn’t use her specific tactics when it came to me, giving you basic information, to start you slow and steady. Hercules sent her a thank you note when you took his hand on the way back to his home, holding his hand but you couldn’t look at him, your face bright red.
-Hermes- Hermes and you were instant friends, which made Hercules laugh as you both began to rapid fire questions at each other, leaving Hercules on the side-lines, watching your interaction, but he thought it was amusing to see the two of you getting along. You loved it when Hermes would play his music for you, it was so soothing and your praise meant more to him, as you were new, your opinions were honest as you hadn’t heard his playing before. Hercules had to stuff his fist in his mouth when he came back, finding you both slumped over the table, sleeping after you had been comparing notes with mythology, finding out what was true and what wasn’t, you both looked like two kittens passed out in random places.
-Ares- You hadn’t noticed, but he tried to intimidate you, as Hercules was his closest friend, except for maybe Hermes, but when you smiled up at him, a sparkle in your eyes, greeting him, he felt himself melt, actually being a bit shy with you, which Hercules teased him for. You asked him so many questions about legendary battles in history in Ancient Greece, asking him about the tactics used by the various armies. Ares actually had to push you away, his whole hand covering your face as he felt embarrassed that he didn’t know all the finite details you were asking about. You weren’t bothered, however, by taking any information he was able to give, thanking him so sincerely, which made him actually approach Hercules to threaten him to not hurt you, or else.
-Adamas- He was a god that wasn’t mentioned often in history, but you learned that was because when humans began to record history, Adamas had been dealt with by Poseidon, basically rendering him incapacitated for centuries, so there was no record of him. You weren’t bothered however, asking him to tell you about his history, which made him grin as you sat beside him, looking at photo albums together. He was quick to adopt you as his daughter, finding you enjoyable to be around as you wanted to learn about him. He would never admit that he would wait by the front door of his home when he knew you were coming to visit, he wasn’t excited, not one bit.
-Goll- When you met the youngest valkyrie, you smiled so warmly at her that her face flushed, thinking you were so cute and nice. When she learned that you were the human that Hercules rescued himself, being a one-time valkyrie himself for that one incident, she was stunned, and became even more so when she learned that you and Hercules were in a relationship, even if you were very shy about it. You learned that Hercules and the valkyries were all close, as they were all demigods, and Goll in particular was quite close to her big brother Hercules. Goll watched you closely for a while, as she was upset that her big brother was in a relationship, but she was quick to see that you were a good person and you were quickly dubbed as her big sister, which you loved.
-Hercules- He adored you, everything about you, from your cute rambles, or when you’re wearing your thick reading glasses, everything you do is so adorable to him! Your shyness with him was endearing, but he never forced you to do anything you didn’t want to do, relationship wise, as he would make you take breaks to eat, bathe, and sleep, when you would be going hard  on your study sessions. Hercules makes you feel so special, always cuddling you, almost like you’re his personal teddy bear, nuzzling his nose against your cheek in soft affection and the first time you were bold, peppering his face with soft kisses, he melted under you, a smile so big on his face that you couldn’t help but smile back.
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silentspacenstuff · 9 months
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I've mentioned this character a number of times before, but now she's finally getting a proper introduction.
Name: Callisto Alioth Age: at the time she and Warp meet, she appears to be around 24 Earth years old; however, she is chronologically at least ten thousand years old   Sex: Female Species: Ezzari Height: 4'9" Weight: 122 lbs Orientation: Straight Occupation: Prior to being cryogenically frozen and sent from her homeworld, an apprentice priestess to her grandmother Theia; after her rescue from a slave auction, a maid in the house of Warp Darkmatter Homeworld: unknown Love interest: Warp Darkmatter Family: Theia (grandmother, deceased), Iapetus (father, deceased), Capella (mother, deceased), Blaze (son) Backstory:
Callisto was a member of the Ezzari, an ancient alien race that was one of the most powerful and advanced of its time; they were especially well-known for their creation of a unique and powerful fusion crystal made with an ingredient found only on their homeworld and known only to themselves. However, there came a time when the mighty Ezzari civilization would fall, and their numbers would be decimated. Callisto was placed in a cryogenesis capsule by her father Iapetus, in the hopes that his daughter would be spared the genocide of their people.
Approximately ten thousand years later, her capsule would be found in the jungle of Talera-5 by a team of archeologists, who took pity on the frightened young woman and allowed her to stay with them. Several days later, one of those archeologists would turn out to be a slave trader and sell Callisto to a black market dealer on Tradeworld to be sold at an auction.
When Callisto was brought out on the auction stage, the bidders were intrigued by the exotic beauty before them, especially a Raenok general named Skurj. Several bids were made for the young Ezzari woman, but Skurj managed to retain the highest bid until a muscular blue-skinned man by the name of Warp Darkmatter outbid him at the last minute. Though relieved the Raenok wouldn't be taking her, Callisto was by no means thrilled about being a slave to this cocky brute of a man and made several attempts at escaping from him once he brought her to his home. Though Warp would be injured by her during some of these attempts, he couldn't help but admire her fiery spirit in spite of his frustration.
In an attempt to win her trust, Warp decided to keep his distance from Callisto for awhile, but would leave her gifts by a garden pool she liked to sit by. She remained wary of him, but began to allow him to come closer. One day, while Callisto was massaging Warp's back, the latter noticed the former staring at a decorative urn with great interest.
"Oh, you like that old thing, eh? I found it on one of the moons of Altaari and thought it looked interesting. I have no idea what those odd scribbles all over it are supposed to mean, though."
"I - I know what it means," Callisto responded timidly. "It is in the language of my people." She began to translate the writing on the urn, while Warp listened with great interest.
From that moment on, the two of them would spend more time together, with Callisto telling Warp stories about her world and the Ezzari, and Warp entertaining Callisto with tales of his adventures across the galaxy. However, there came a time when Callisto told Warp something that would be the beginning of the end of the happiest time of his life since joining Zurg. 
"I'm pregnant."
Warp was of course shocked, but also happy he was going to be a father. Callisto, though also happy about her upcoming motherhood, knew something she didn't want her lover to know, fearing if he did know it would endanger her unborn child's life. So she kept it a secret, even as she grew more weak and tired as her pregnancy progressed. Warp was of course concerned, but Callisto assured him she was fine. The day came when a healthy baby boy was born to Warp and Callisto. As Callisto held her son for the first (which would also be the last) time, her smile faded and a tear slid down her cheek. Warp asked if something was wrong, to which Callisto responded, "It's nothing. I'm just tired. Do you think you could take him while I rest awhile?" Warp of course obliged, then asked if she knew what she wanted to named their son, to which she responded, "How about ... Blaze?"
Those were Callisto's last words before she closed her eyes.
She never awakened after that. 
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command and related characters (c) Disney and Pixar Callisto here is mine.
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2309analysis · 10 months
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Want my Nico Robin Spotify playlist? Here you are, my little stars! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4qNuBLMnk6sQezE34SFSjt?si=jffYQ3IKSji9zOOQ9FnRZg&pi=u-Y9_SsOHjSnmb @kazenomegaminowanpisu
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Robin keeps a chart of all the books she’s read and haven’t in her Library. Like a stash of notes.
She also keeps charts for all of the crew member’s reading. So she doesn’t give them a book that they’ve already read. She’s in charge of the library so they ask her for books.
She likes to read to keep her mind off of the past. She also gets sorta bored easily which is why the crew has board games. She mainly plays with Chopper and Usopp though.
She kinda looks after Nami’s fashion taste and creates something out of it to call her own. She never had the time to care about what she wore, so when she met Nami, she knew that she could ask what clothes would look good on her.
She teaches the crew how to pronounce certain stuff. Mainly Nami and Luffy.
I feel like she likes to wear a cowboys’ jar because it symbolizes free terrain. She can go wherever she wants, regardless of her high bounty.
She didn’t really know how to control her devil fruit power when she first ate it. So she always accidentally caused trouble for others’ which made them resent her more. So she stopped trying to use it, and stayed away from most people to prevent to cause more trouble. It wasn’t until she was fully alone that she mastered the basics of her power.
She didn’t feel fully comfortable about having a bounty after Enies Lobby. She decided to should throw away all the fears she had and embrace what comes next with confidence.
She taught herself how to read since she was three. When her mother left, she was interested in the finer book shelf her mother had. She picked up a few books and tried reading it until she could get sentences through and understand them. Then she went to the archeologists in inspiration from her mother and intrigue from her own.
She naturally knows how to sail a boat due to her surviving alone 20 years. Mostly through reading it through books and oars.
Her favorite colors are purple and blue. Purple because it’s more of the more laid-back colors, and it doesn’t bring much attention to itself. Blue, because it reminds her of her mothers eyes, like her own.
She doesn’t like to eat much food. She’s so used to tending for hereof and being on guard 24/7 she doesn’t know how to react with a bunch of affection towards her. Which is why she mostly dismisses it.
She loved children. She wants to protect them as if they’re her own. She can’t take children suffering.
She’s touch-starved. She hasn’t felt any physical affection ever since her mother died. Although, she hates to be too be affectionately. She doesn’t like to feel vulnerable like that, or any way. She hates the feeling of weakness and her not to be able to do anything.
She’s claustrophobic. She feels trapped in tight spaces, as if she couldn’t do anything for self. Like she’s unable to free herself; trapped. She starts to panic when she’s in tight spaces.
She feels most comfortable around Chopper and Nami. Like she can tell them anything. She doesn’t like to seem weak in front of them, like she’s supposed to protect them. ‘Cause she’s older, more experienced, she wants to keep them from what she had to suffer through. She see’s Nami like a little sister and Chopper like a son.
She has slight romantic feelings for Franky. Since they’re most similar to each other. They’re the oldest other than Brook too. She also likes that he’s independent and knows his ground.
She doesn’t like to be separated from the straw hats. She doesn’t want to lose them, she feels too attached to them. In good ways, of course. So she wants to protect them whilst they’re giving her the accompany and support that she’s been needing ever since she was eight. She feels like she needs to either lay down her life to repay them or keep thing safe no matter what. Especially the weaker ones, and, of course, Luffy.
She has a soft spot of naiveness. Since she knows so much, it’s hard for her to not smile amongst the people who’re not as knowledgeable as her. It gives her a sense of mothership.
She prefers power naps over actual sleep. She hates to be unaware of things for too long. She wants to keep herself and her friends from danger, so she’s always awake or fake-sleeping. (Now I know some of it came from her past and her constantly being backstabbed by others’ so she kinda lost the ability to sleep peacefully. Before Enies Lobby ofc. She still feels that way though.)
Before Enies Lobby, she didn’t like to wear anything too revealing. She didn’t like showing too much skin like Nami did. She wasn’t self-confident like that, but she wouldn’t oppose it if she had to. Like in Skypiea. In situations like that, she would choose things that would be easier to wear in the climates. With help of Nami she would pack a new shirt or pair of pants just in case.
She loves showering. It makes her feel the warmth she needs. It also makes her feel clean from the bad stuff that happened to her. She tries not to take long showers either, but when she came back from Enies Lobby she unintentionally took a very long one. Nobody said anything about it, though. She apologized after, no one accepted it, and said she deserved it. (Now I wanna write that out! 😂)
She likes hugs. She may not say anything about it, but when both Nami and Chopper hugged her in Enies Lobby, she was token back, but overwhelmed with happiness.
She’s not a daydreamer, but she loves to imagine. Especially related to books. New scenarios to add in the story or add-ons from the scenes itself.
She’s a good writer too. She vocabulary is the best within the straw hats. She doesn’t usually write much though. Not really a thing that crosses her mind much.
If the straw hats would write letter, it’d either be Nami, Franky, Brook, or her to write them out.
She sometimes write to her mother. In her diary, of course. About all the adventures she had, the friends she made, and it’ll start and end with “dear mother, love, your daughter, Nico Robin.”
She takes pictures of the islands their on. She studies the island’s history through it.
She likes acting because she doesn’t feel pressured to act anymore. You can tell how naturally it comes to her because she had to survive for the past 20 years acting and facading for others. It only makes sense that she’s going to be great and fast to get into character. It’s second nature to her.
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| # Robin appearance headcanons ⟢
She has freckles around her shoulders. Practically takes up her entire shoulder, almost making a new skin-tone.
She has body scars around her legs and upper stomach. Which is mostly why she didn’t show much of those parts in pre-timeskip. She felt slightly insecure about them, until Kaola complimented them.
She has some white hair strands. Due to the constant stress of being on the run and constantly backstabbed.
She has soft frost imprints on the backs of her ears when Aokiji freeze her over.
She’s boney. That’s it.
Her skin has a soft shade of sunburn on her face and chest. She liked to be outdoors a lot, so it was natural for her to get east sun find. (Hc her skin’s sensitive to the sun)
Eye-bags, but you can hardly tell.
Curvy cheeks and a boney nose.
Has a back scar from the time she was attacked in Dressrosa.
Sunglasses sunburns on her eyes and forehead.
A slightly bigger forehead than what we see.
Her right eye is slightly curved down from the normal position of the eye. Unnoticeable until you really pay attention.
She has marks all over the back of her feet. She constantly walked in snow and rocks barefoot, so they scarred her feet a little.
A rose blush on her knees.
Veiny hands and feet.
Big thighs.
A permanent slither of blue in her toe nails due, again to the weather. No frost-bite, but close.
A belly piercing.
Small dimple on the right side of her lower lip.
Hairy legs, but shaved every two weeks.
Sweats a lot. Soft anxieties here and there.
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| # Robin beach headcanons ⟢
She and Franky go searching for seashells and small things in the sea.
Nami and Robin does each other’s sunscreen and lotions.
She builds sandcastles with Luffy and Chopper.
Her and Usopp play volleyball together with Sanji and Brook.
Her and Jimbe relax together.
She brings a book and some water guns for Luffy and Chopper.
She and Brook maybe sandmaids for Zoro and Nami.
Her and Zoro sit near the water durning the sunset and talk about their feelings.
She and Luffy play tag and role play with each other. (Mostly her sprouting her hands and eyes)
Her and Nami does each other’s accessories. (Like flowers in each other’s hair, glasses, swim suit jewelry, yes their those girls)
Her and Usopp make the water guns stronger than usual.
She uses her devil fruit’shands as shade for the boys. We all know they aren’t going to get under the umbrellas with the girls if Sanji has something to say about it.
She gives lotion and sunscreen to everyone.
She provides the snacks and drinks + Sanji’s already prepared lunch.
Wine/beer drinking with the adults. >>>>
Brook makes a playlist for her to read her book to.
Bags / big hats. >>>
Plays tik tak toe in the sand with Chopper and Franky.
Her and Nami go on beach walks.
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
Topgun AU Ideas
As I was scrolling through the Topgun tag on AO3 the other night, I realized that I was starting to see the same tropes and AUs over & over again. And while not a bad thing at all, personally, I'm just starting to get a little bored of reading the same story over & over.
So I started thinking about what kind of AUs I would love to see in the Topgun fandom and then I started making a list and it kind of spiraled out of control. Oops. 😆
I now present to you all my somewhat organized list of AU ideas! And feel free to use them for any fandom, I was just thinking about Topgun as I came up with them all. It's also by no means an exhaustive list so I probably missed some obvious ones.
Military AU ideas: Pentagon/Joint Chiefs/White House Advisor (think The West Wing but for the military - this is the one I've been dying to see someone tackle!) Navy JAG NCIS Blue Angels Air Force Instead of Navy Astronauts/NASA Test Pilots Naval Academy Instructors Adversary/Aggressor Squadron Office of Naval Intelligence Sailors Instead of Pilots Submariners Instead of Pilots Naval Flight School Instructors (Aviation Preflight Indoctrination, Primary Flight Training, Intermediate Flight Training, and/ or Advanced Flight Training)
Character AU ideas: Natasha is Maverick's daughter/niece  Bob is Maverick's son/nephew  Natasha is Ice's daughter/niece Bob is Ice's son/nephew Maverick is Amelia's father Penny Is Also a Pilot Penny’s Father Is An Air Force General Obligatory Goose/Carole/Ice Lives AUs Maverick’s Dad/Mom Lives Any of the younger pilots is the kid of one of the other 86 boys
And a whole lot more under the cut!
American Historical AU ideas: Colonial/Revolutionary War Post-Revolutionary War Lewis & Clark War of 1812 Mexican-American War/The Alamo Wild West (good guys or bad guys) Organ Trail The Gold Rush (California or Alaska) Pony Express Civil War/Reconstruction Transcontinental Railway Cattle Drives Industrial Revolution/The Gilded Age WWI Bootleggers/Rum Runners/1920s Jazz Age Great Depression/Dust Bowl WWII Korean War Vietnam War 1950s/Greasers Moon Race/1960s NASA 1980s/The Cold War
Other Historical AU Ideas: Ancient Greece/Rome Middle Ages Renaissance Tudor Elizabethan Georgian Regency Napoleonic Victorian Edwardian
Fandom AUs: The West Wing Firefly The Avengers Agents of Shield Star Wars Star Trek Harry Potter Percy Jackson Ocean's 11 Mission Impossible Bourne Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan Jack Reacher John Wick Friends New Girl Supernatural How I Met Your Mother Chuck Downton Abbey CSI Jurassic Park Indiana Jones The Office Parks and Rec Pacific Rim
Other Profession AU ideas: Coffee Shop Book Shop Bakery/Candy Maker Winery/Distillery Restaurant/Chef Bartender/Bar Mechanic/Car Repair Shop Doctor/Medical/Hospital Firefighter/Police Officer/Detective Wildfire Firefighter Florist Tattooist Gardener/Gardening Horse Racing Motorsports (NASCAR/F1/Motocross, ect) Professional Sports (baseball, football, hockey, soccer, basketball) Rodeo/Bull Riding Olympians Air Racing (it’s a real thing!) Actors (movie or stage)/Celebrity Ballet Dancers Teachers College Professors Lawyers/Judges National Park Ranger Cruise Ship Pet Groomer/Veterinarian Farmer/Rancher Banker/Financial Bodyguards Zoo Museum/Living Museum Musician/Band Mall (everyone works at different stores at the same mall) Marketing Archeologist Spies Reporters/Journalist News Anchors Lifeguards Assassins Criminals/Thieves/Heist Bounty Hunter
Misc AU Ideas: Royalty/Lost Royalty Time Travel Fae/Fairy Mermaids/Selkies Witch/Wizard Werewolves/Vampires Fantasy/Magic (including modern/urban settings) High Fantasy Dragons Soulmates (color blindness, first words, timestamps, matching marks, can share emotions, Red String of Fate, can share dreams, can see/talk to each other in dreams, can write on each other's skin, telepathic, Soulmate Goose of Enforcement) Omegaverse/ABO (not everyone’s cup of tea, just putting it out there!) Roommates Pirates High School College Mob/Mafia Fairytale Arranged Marriage Accidental Marriage Fake Dating/Engagement/Marriage Superhero/Villain Apocalypse/Post-Apocalypse Forbidden Love Boarding School Space/Sci-Fi Road Trip Summer Camp Immortal/Reincarnation Hallmark Movie Amnesia Pen Pals Resurrection Animal Shapeshifter May this list inspire all of you amazing fanfic writers out there! 💜
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