#Bad language
call-me-cosmic · 5 months
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“Th’ names Blitz, the O is silent.”
I just started watching Helluva Boss and I had to try my hand at drawing Blitzø’s human design. I feel like it fits him
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everyoneisgayandtrans · 2 months
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fiishes · 2 years
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Punchline is - fuck Micah.
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ask-a-bot · 1 month
Have any of you ever considered that Starscream might be whatever the Cybertronian version of autistic is? I ask because I myself am autistic and biting or chewing on objects is something a lot of us do.
You mean there's an excuse for it? Woohoo! Guess what I'm gonna be doing a lot more of! Where's Prime? I've got an itch I just have to scratch!
Bite on this.
It feels good, but it doesn't make that satisfying yelp noise that Optimus does so well.
Vicious brat.
What's an afthole?
A rude word. Don't copy Starscream, there's a good Terran.
Oh, OK. You shouldn't use bad words, Starscream.
Here's the thing, Twitch; we can if we want. And I want.
You... want to be bad? But people like you a lot more when you're good!
What do you know? Don't judge me!
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jediaxis101 · 4 months
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plushie-neopet · 6 months
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Kinda basic - hey Teald maybe don't eat that...
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Rainbird just like me fr - man I love cereal! WET GRAINS. Hey quick question; Dereco what the fuck is that???
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Neopets validates my writing! Stürmisch' coffee order at Teald's bakery is a dark chocolate mocha with a shot of orange syrup, because he likes chocolate and orange together! Ramune tried an orange too. Technically I guess so did Teald. Swoan. Swoan baby man baby boy please stop cannibalising.
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Qoth this is an intervention that is a crime scene in a bowl. Stop that. Get some help.
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jakesythu · 8 months
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i've been listening to german techno
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ravynfyre · 5 months
Dogs and Politics - a Rant
I genuinely cannot fathom the fact that there are people out there justifying the bullshit that kristi noem pulled.
I live on a farm. I have livestock. I also have EXCEPTIONALLY high drive dogs. Most of my high drive dogs have EXTRAORDINARY prey drive. Those drives are most of WHY I have those specific dogs - either because I looked for those specific traits myself, intending to tap into them to train for emergency services, or because those drives got those dogs into trouble in their previous homes and I was their "last chance".
I have been dealing with, training, and learning FROM, drivey dogs for over 20 years now, as an actual intentional thing... however, looking back on my 49 years of life, it is quite clear that drivey, "unruly", "problem" dogs have always been the kind I gravitated towards. My current sighthounds - half borzoi (russian wolfhound) and half scottish deerhound - are probably the most "mellow" dogs I have ever had.
And even the beerhounds have killed animals on my farm.
My female beerhound snagged a feral kitten once that tried to cruise through my yard. my male beerhound was accidentally left outside for a couple hours in the ass end of a morning once (in a secured yard) and he managed to kill a guinea, a hen, and a rooster, DESPITE being mostly blind. My whole pack got ahold of a feral kitten I was taming once, when I left my farmsitter in charge while I was out of town for a day. I was attached to all of those critters, yes, even the fucking guinea. I was disappointed and upset that they were killed.
I did NOT take those dogs "out to the gravel pit and shoot them in the head".
TWO of my malinois (that have both since passed due to old age) had managed to catch at least one lamb each and had a big ole time. One of those malinois managed to kill *three* lambs in his life, because every time I managed to thwart his ability to reach them one way, he would find another fucking way. Now, my farm is a hobby farm, and my livelihood doesn't depend on my livestock - more like my livelihood is dragged *down* by my livestock, if I was being honest - but I'm not in this shit to kill animals. EVERY animal death on my farm is terrible and tragic and *MY FAULT*.
Not the dogs'. Not the cats'. Not the sheeps'. ...okay, so the year that one horse I had started killing newborn lambs... that was his fault. But know what I didn't do? I didn't take the horse out back and shoot him in the head. I moved him into a pen where he couldn't get to the lambs and then I looked for a new home for him that didn't have lambs. (And no, I have no idea why he started killing them, except that he'd never been on a farm with sheep before, and hey, guess what? That made the issue MY fault, too! I should have been more cautious about assuming that he'd be fine with lambs since he had no issue with sheep. That was MY BAD.)
Every single time a dog managed to capture an animal and kill it, that was on ME for allowing it to happen. For allowing the circumstances that put that animal in the place where it was *able* to be caught. That put that dog in a position where it had access to something that would trigger its instincts to that degree.
My placid, sweet, docile sighthounds? Borzois and Deerhounds are HUNTING DOGS. They are bred to hunt wolves and the european version of our elk. And they are damn good at it.
My malinois? Malinois are herding dogs... the type of herding dog known as a "header" rather than a "heeler", because they use their predatory instincts to intimidate their herds and flocks into moving where they want by giving them a true and real predatory staredown, and when that fails, *biting them in the fucking face*. Or trying to, anyway. Herding dogs are NOT "livestock guardians". They aren't there to *protect* the livestock... (so that whole "sheepdog" movement about worshiping cops and gun nuts "protecting" the populace just makes me fucking laugh, but I digress) they are there because they are, at heart, a *predator* whose instincts have been honed to help us manage and move livestock.
But even my true livestock guardian dogs - all great pyrenees - will only take so much from their livestock before even *they* will attack to protect themselves. I have horses and sheep and cows and geese and chickens all free roaming in the same pastures. The cows, when the most recent pyrs arrived, got snarky and stupid with the pyrs, and tried to intimidate them. The dogs put up with it for a while, until they felt threatened by the charges, and then they chased back. And if the cows hadn't quit their shit, the pyrs would have actually drawn blood, because the dogs know they are there to protect their livestock, but they won't let the livestock kill them to do it. But the cows learned, and now the pyrs only chase predators and "pests". BUT! One of the livestock dogs *does* have a taste for baby chickens. Adult chickens are perfectly safe, but there is just something that is TOO tempting about chicks up to a certain size, and if he has the opportunity, he'll munch one down in about two seconds flat.
My hens have adjusted to guarding their chicks better... because I didn't take that dog out back and shoot him.
COULD I stop him from snacking on baby chicks? Sure. I would literally have to break him to do so. Like, break his spirit until he was a shadow of himself, I mean, and then he would be an absolutely worthless livestock guardian. Just like stopping my sharper malinois from snacking on lambs would literally destroy them, and their ability to train for the kind of independent problem solving I GOT them for. And I am honestly not sure if I could break the sighthounds of their prey drive... it's just too intrinsic to their blood and soul.
HOWEVER! What I *can* do is ensure that none of these dogs are put into a position where they can make that decision in the first place. Every feral cat that shows up on my farm now gets trapped and fixed, so I don't *have* kittens scampering through the secure dog yard anymore. I have organized my fences and pastures better to exclude dogs from the pasture unless I allow them in... and my current malinois problem child, even though I *think* she just wants the chase rather than the kill, I have a set routine that ensures that she never has the freedom to even *attempt* to access the pasture where the sheep are. Inevitably, that will not be foolproof, and I do expect that someday, she'll figure out a way, or I will literally fuck up, and she'll get out there, or one of them into the yard, and she'll get herself her first lamb.
And I won't take her out back to shoot her for it, either. Because she's a dog. She's a dog who has all the instincts that I PICKED her to have, which means she is NOT livestock safe, and so it is incumbent upon ME to ensure everyone's safety. Because yes, I am training her... but there really *are* limits to the amount of instinct resistance one can impose on a dog, when you deal with the level of dogs I do.
And when the accident happens, I'm *still* not going to kill that dog. I'm probably not even going to rehome it, which would have been the CORRECT fucking response to a dog killing your chickens or your neighbor's goat (rehoming). I'm most likely going to examine exactly how *I* fucked up to allow the accident to even occur, and try to figure out how to keep that from ever happening again. Because that is the CORRECT response, and not to sociopathic one.
And before anyone comes for me with the, "but not every dog can be saved", yeah, I fucking know. I took in two dogs once, and tried my hardest to rehab them. One had attacked a child, one had attacked a horse. The child... The story I was told was that it was provoked, and I believed that. The horse? I saw that one happen, and it was a case of excessive prey drive and an unstable dog - a bad situation that was HUMAN CAUSED. I took both dogs in to try and save their lives, because both owners *wanted* to "shoot" their dogs right then and there...
And I failed. I spent a year each working on those dogs, and I couldn't fix them enough that they would ever be safe, except for one of them in a very specific situation that 1) I couldn't find, and 2) couldn't guarantee would not change. They were two of the only dogs in my life that I was ever actually afraid around. And I couldn't fix them. I could not make them "safe enough" to go to new homes. Their quality of life sucked, and it wasn't fair to them. Hate me if you want, but, yes. I had them put down - safely, quietly, and *humanely* at a vet's office after an evaluation, where the vets agreed with my opinion. What I did not do was take them out back immediately and shoot them. I gave them a chance, tried to fix their training, and gave them time and security. So no, not all dogs *can* be saved, but all dogs deserve the CHANCE to be saved.
A 14 month old hunting dog deserved better than to be shot in the fucking head in the back woods because he killed some chickens. That bullshit didn't make Noem a "country girl", or some sort of rural badass, or "pragmatic"... it made her a fucking sociopath.
And anyone who agrees that she "did the right thing"? Can suck my fat fucking ass. I'll stake out an acre for you, you fucking sociopath.
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banjolandsblog · 11 months
WICKED LITTLE LETTERS Trailer (2024) Olivia Colman, Jessie Buckley
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evadne01 · 5 months
Sorry for the bad language in this, but I need to vent and warn you all
For all the discord users: if someone send you a discord message, where they say to you that you were reported, and you need to do something like looking for some particular person on discord, it's probably a scam!
Now, this is what happened (I will try to avoid any bad words, but some dam and fuck may slip).
First, I was contacted by some private utent (I won't said their name for privacy, but let's just say that I shared a discord with him, but the mods took care of everything right away, so thumbups for that team!). He told me that he made a mess, and that he accidentally signaled my account.
My first honest reaction was: What the fuck you did?
Then he send me a photo of a mail, with the name of some discord user of the safety department (I don't know how they are called, but you get me). I did.
He asked me first to change my email.
Discord will never ask you to change your email!!! It's something private and something that controls your discord account!!!! DON'T DO THAT!!!
I told him that I wouldn't do, and he asked me to charge to discord's bank account (Idk how they are called, but you got me again), 150$!!!
Okay, there was not enough fuck and dam, but I needed to say this and you needed to know.
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ausetkmt · 2 months
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The blockbuster “Black Panther” movie highlighted the sweeping antagonism that has existed for ages between African Americans and African immigrants, speaking directly to this state of dynamic tension.
One cultural hotspot for this tension is in the word “Akata”, a West African term from the Yoruba tribe with a complicated history. The word is derogatory – not a term of endearment – and some West Africans use it to describe Black Americans and American-born Nigerians.
It is a divisive slur that has contributed to the “otherizing” of native Black Americans and has driven a wedge between those who use the word akata and those who get called the word akata.
Here are five things you need to know about the use of akata by West Africans towards Black Americans:
It means ‘cotton picker‘ or ‘wild animal‘
Akata means “cotton picker” in reference to Black Americans who were taken as slaves and shipped to the Americas to work on cotton and other plantations. It also loosely refers to a wild animal or cat in reference to someone who is uncultured. The slur has subsequently been picked up by other Nigerians and West Africans to refer to African Americans and American-born Africans.
African mothers warn their children not to marry ‘akata’
African mothers living the U.S. as immigrants or back in their home country in West Africa usually warn their sons and daughters against marrying African Americans because they are considered akata and thus not cultured enough.
There are books, songs and movie scenes about akata experiences
American-born Nigerian author Nnedi Okorafor has written two books about the Nigerian American – also known as Naijamerican – experience. There is also a song by Ikey that asks “akata” to stay away from him. A scene in the movie “Sugar Hill” starring Wesley Snipes shows an interaction between Black Americans and Nigerian diplomats over the work akata that ends up in a fight.
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pikabysss · 4 months
Legit how THAT kind of shameless fanfic author (me on occasion) treats their favourite fictional character.
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I don't care. They're not real, so they can't feel anything. We can do whatever we want with them, nyeh heh heh!
(About the drawings, this is my fursona holding a doll of one of my favourite characters of all time: Hazama Honoka, from Blazblue. What's funny about him is that even in canon, he can't feel –or barely anyway – so, I feel even less bad on being cruel to him.)
Although, let's not forget we can still disturb real people with our works, so we shall never forget to mention those fetish shit (whatever those are) in the tags or/and warn the reader about them. We should also try to keep them behind some kind of mature wall even if there's no sex! If the big focus was to be fetishistic and arousing, that is. We shouldn't influence young people into our fetishes because a shameful fetish on a young person's mind is a bad hit to their mental health. Nevertheless, no kinkshaming allowed, especially not when it is into the realm of fiction. ^_^
(I used fetish and kink interchangeably here. I know they don't exactly mean the same thing.)
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jediaxis101 · 4 months
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violetlunette · 2 years
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Aizawa lost front seat privileges after shooting Hizashi and is pouting about it. This is a comic for my Mean Streets AU where Hizashi is a cop trying his best but is jaded with the system and Aizawa is a former goon of a gang. The reunion between the two was tense as Aizawa shot Hizashi, something the latter very much holds a grudge for.
First time drawing a car as you can see, but oh well..
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taxi-cab-to-slowtown · 10 months
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I'm a child...
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theallmothxr · 2 years
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an independent portrayal of frigga freyrdottir of the mcu , written by 𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 .
this blog is 18+ , all triggers are listed and tagged . if you are under the age of 18 , please do not follow or interact . blog created 3/1/23 .
please be aware writer is 21+ .
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LINKS - ( under con , I’m aware some of them don’t work )
carrd ( is a current work in progress )
self promo (to be added)
sentence starters (to get stuff going)
open starters
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CREDITS - base template for pinned from ofcamerasflashing's tutorial .
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