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ghoulsister1 · 1 year
▀▄▀▄▀▄Pizza Club: The Game▄▀▄▀▄▀
🌟50% Selected "Orange Door" but also 50% Selected "Purple Door". It appears a tight draw. Let's see what happens in the final level based off your choices.....🌟
🌟Level 3: The Prize🌟
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octopiys · 15 days
Lost and Found
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You learned the names of all of the animals relatively quickly. Except for the littlest dog. He didn't behave, so he didn't get a name.
Simon calls you Honey. That's.... not really your name, but there's worse to be called, you guess. You know it, too.
Maybe you're like the dog. Maybe you needed to behave, and you'll get your name too.
But... did you really want it? Simon had been welcoming for the most part. You didn't want this fantasy to end so quickly. You didn't want the cold reality to set in. You didn't want to be turned out again. The ache in your legs and hips reminded you of that.
No, you think to yourself, suddenly determined. No, you will not be turned out again.
Your room is empty. You're not actually sure if it's your room, but a spare. There's two dog beds and a cat tower in here. There's an empty glass tank, that was either used to house a reptile, or fish. But it was long dry, and long empty. It wasn't big, but it was something. It was yours, for now.
And Scraggle too. That cat was obsessed with anything that had to do with you. It would knead into your pillow, or lodge itself inside the layers of the few blankets Simon had given you. Anything that is yours is Scraggle's. That seemed to be the rule fir the majority of the house.
You didn't want to be turned out.
So you made yourself busy.
You tidy the house. Feed the fish pond, fill all the bowls. Shower Barrow when she gets too dirty from the garden beds, and water the grass. You cook.
You forgot how much you loved pasta.
Garlic noodles, spaghetti, fettuccine, lasagna, you missed it terribly. So you cook, in your spare time. You're too anxious when you don't have anything to do with your hands. You find that handmaking the dough is soothing.
The first few weeks were a bit of a disaster. You used what you could find in the kitchen, and substituted for what you didn't have. Simon was in the shower, it had been a long day. You didn't want to bother him, but you didn't want to go into town. So you would make do with what you had. You were good at that.
Scraggle sits on the counter, yowling their nose off, and you puff some flour onto their face to keep them occupied. You roll the dough out. It's not as smooth as you want it to be, and a little flakier in some spots. But you still made it. When you turn to grab the pizza cutter, Scrabble stomps their paws into the dough.
Oh well. Cat-print pasta.
It tastes a little off to you, paired with a last minute salad, but you don't think Simon minds. He grunts when you ask him if it was okay.
He's not a conversationalist.
Dog waits for his food. You meet the raccoons that night, standing in the distance, before hopping up the trellis to the rooftop. Oh well. You fill the bowls. You fill the water. You enter back in the house, and it's dark. Simon must've gone to bed. You forgot to feed the fish.
Dammit. You snag a cup full of fish food from the shed, and make your way out through the tall grasses to the fish pond with the willow.
During the day, the willow casts a green light over the pond, and part of the meadow. It's beautiful. If you could get your hands on some books, it would be a nice reading spot.
You scatter the food across the pond. Humming to yourself softly, you start to make your way back to the cottage, it's lights out.
Gooseflesh prickles the back of your neck as you pause. The innate feeling of something watching you fills you from head to toe. A twig snaps. The grass rustles.
You run.
Your hip joints ache, as adrenaline crashes over you. You think something is chasing you. You slam open the door, and with shaking hands you lock it, and bolt directly into your bedroom.
You close that door too– interrupted by a yowl, sorry Scraggle, didn't see you– and dive into your closet. He's going to get you. He's found you, he's going to get you-
Then Simon is in your room. He's wet, like he had just gotten out of the shower, and he looks worried– at least, you think he is. You didn't see him show much emotion, like a mask had been placed over his face, despite it being bare.
He asks you what's wrong. You barely hear him, the thunder in your ears and the pounding in your chest too much. He sits down with you. Gets eye level, but doesn't look you in them, like he would a spooked horse. You can't tell him. Your mouth won't work. You'll be turned out to the streets again.
He sits with you until you calm down. He doesn't expect an answer, but if he does, then he doesn't press for one.
Dog curls up next to you, and Scraggle tries to settle near your shoulders, from where you barricaded yourself in.
There's a soft look in Simon's eyes, flickering for a moment. And then he leaves.
You didn't expect him to stay, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. The pasta tastes sour in your stomach. Your mouth is dry. You should've told him. You could've told him, but you didn't. You should trust him, he gave you a place to live, food to eat. You should tell him what he's getting into. That you're a stray. A mutt. Someone who can't deserve this, that it's too much.
You fall asleep to these thoughts, Dog curled up next to you, and Scraggle on your tummy. The unnamed K-9 joins you at some point in the night, and Barrow ends up by the door.
There's a glass of water, and a note when you awake. There's a blanket over you too, that wasn't there before.
Brought this to you last night, but you were out cold. Wipe your eyes, Honey, you'll be just fine. I'll be gone til tonight. Make me a list, gonna head to the grocers tomorrow. We'll make spaghetti, yeah? -S
Signed, S. For Simon, you had assumed. You gently move Scraggle, who mewls in protest. Spaghetti. Yeah, you can do that. You drink some of the water, and make yourself some coffee this morning, as a treat. Barkmulch, the Dane, joins you in the kitchen this morning, leaning against you until you reach down to scratch his butt. He whines a little bit, and leans harder, practically pressing you against the counter with all his body weight. Since you've gotten here, you were pretty sure he could reach the top of the fridge if he wanted to, but didn't for your sake. You appreciate that.
You scratch his head, and then pick Scraggle up off the counter to carry them to your spot on the edge of the couch. You set Scraggle down, and it tries to burrow into the couch. It screams at you when you pull the poor thing out, scolding it for being foolish. This is why Simon sits on you, do you not learn?
You start on the bookshelf, pushing off your thoughts, and humming to yourself. You fix up the books. You find a few trinkets on the shelves, photos, and jars of dirt, or sand. There are locations on them, but you're not sure where they're from. You straighten up the shelves, before a photo catches your eye. There are four men, and a dog. You don't recognize any of them. You do a tally of your critters in your head. This is a german shepherd, and you don't have one of those here.
There was a man in a mask, another in a fishing hat, one in a baseball cap, and the fourth with an almost greasy mohawk. The man in the mask was... intimidating. You weren't a fan of masks. Was that a skull-?
Scraggle screams, and you almost drop the picture in surprise. You quickly set it back down, and continue fixing the rest of the shelf, somewhat hurried.
When Simon gets home, he comes to find you first. He's got some clothes for you to wear, things actually your size and comfort. Nothing too fancy, mostly basic colors, kind of loose, but still good enough to work in.
He asks you about the list. You hand it to him, sheepishly, heat rising to your face as your eyes dart away. You hate asking for things.
You see him glance over this list, brow furrowing as he reads it.
You dart off. You need something to do.
"Honey," he calls, presumably in the same spot where you left him. Scraggle yells down the hall. "This all you need?"
You peep out a yep, face still burning as you bury yourself into putting your new clothes away.
The floorboards creak, and you assume it's Barkmulch coming to investigate. Instead, Simon joins you in the doorway, still holding your list of three items.
"Honey." He grunts, trying to get your attention. You fold immediately, and look over your shoulder at him. "You can... you can ask fer more 'n this, y'know."
He knows that look. The harrow worry, the gaunt in one's cheeks. The urgency to do something, even now, your fingers twisting together. He's worn it for years. But he doesn't need to anymore. He's getting better. He doesn't need to worry about that kind of stuff.
"Honey," he calls your attention back from wherever it was drifting. He hands you back your list. "We'll work out a few more things t' put on there, yeah? I'll help you. I want at least ten things on here." He speaks calmly, gentle, like he's trying to coax a mule out of its pen.
You look at the list, then back to him. You weren't even sure of ten things you could make. He senses your trepidation, and reaches out for you hand. You don't have to take it, his eyes say. But his momma raised him right to offer. You take his hand.
By the end of the night, you're sitting next to Simon on the couch. You don't ask him about the pictures.
You end up falling asleep as Scraggle pulls away on your chest.
Your head falls onto Simon's shoulder and he startles, glancing down at you. You were warm and cozy and safe, and all his. It took a little while today, but he made sure any of your trails went cold. You handed a wolf in the woods your name. Don't worry, he can teach you that lesson later . But for now, he rests a gentle hand on your head. He gets a little warm in the face the further the thinks about it. The paper is plucked out of your sleeping hands.
His chest swells when he sees that you wrote down not ten, but twelve whole things.
>>Heading to the supermarket tomorrow.
>>I need to know that.... why, LT?
>>The missus wants to make pasta.
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random-and-average · 1 year
Henry Barrow Headcanons
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Watched a playthrough of Killer Frequency today, and my goofy brain thought how Henry would be like in a relationship with you. Now, I know that the guy never speaks and we barely know anything about him, but to be honest, that has never stopped anyone! So, I hope you enjoy my HC of our secretive silent slasher :))))
TW: murder, kidnapping, Henry being slightly yandere
He's definitely a real sweetheart and would definitely go out of his way to make you happy, though you'd probably have to make sure he doesn't endanger himself in the process
Will do anything to make you happy, and I mean that quite literally
You could do no wrong in his eyes
Rationalizes, justifies, and defends anything you do, even if your actions hurt him
If you manage to build a strong enough relationship, he would totally betray his mother if her desires conflict with yours
Obviously, he's a man of few words, only talking when it is necessary
Tends to whistle out of habit (because I believe that Marie had to have trained him into the role as The Whistling Man)
Likes taking you with him on strolls through Gallows Creek, don't ask me why it's just a feeling
Doesn't know where (or how) to take you out to dinner, so he just takes you to Ponty's Pizza because he heard, through The Scream, that it had amazing pizza "to die for"
If you're on a date, he'll take you out to places he was taught to be familiar with, such as the Maize Maze and Whistling Point, since all he ever learned was related to avenging his late father
Generally submissive and will attempt to mold himself into the perfect boyfriend for you
However, don't think he's entirely docile
Unless specifically stated to not do so, he will eliminate anyone who interferes with his relationship with you
Basically, he'll do whatever you say, but anything outside of that is free reign for him to do whatever he pleases
During Murder Spree:
Once it begins, he'd try to protect you from his mother's plan by scaring you into leaving Gallows Creek
If there was anyone that bothered you or tried to take you from him, they're most certainly going to die that night, Marie's plan be damned
Will tune into The Scream if you happen to be a caller, to hear your voice and also to know your current status
His feelings will be hurt if you help Forrest and Peggy, but he knows that you're just scared and confused
(Plus, he plans on dealing with his wounded emotions in a very healthy, mature, and normal way by murdering the two)
Should you be closely associated with a target, he will knock you out and hide you somewhere safe until he's able to convince his mother to spare you
You definitely serve as a motivation for him to not get caught by the police
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gothy-froggy · 1 year
How Far Obsession Goes
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(Killer Frequency spoilers)
Henry Barrows x fem!reader
Warnings: murder, obsessive behavior, violence, minor character death, suggestive, blood mentioned, main character being to shocked to do anything , non-consensual sexual behavior and actions(?) , not proofread, rushed
Summary: Henry and reader were good friends, now dating, but little does reader know, Henry is in love with her. Obsessed with her. And as the the Whistling Man returns, Henry let’s reader knows about how deep his feelings are.
Look at me more.
Smile at me more.
Love me more.
The three phrases echoed in Henry’s mind. He knew his girlfriend loves him. He knows she’s faithful to him. No need to feel like this, but he wants more. Henry wished he could just have her in his arms all the time. Her soft and warm skin against his. Her scent overwhelming his nose, making him drunk from it. Her arms around him as if she needs to be protected. Her pretty head on his chest, the weight from her body pressing more onto him. He needed more.
Henry looked at his reflection before taking a deep breath in, looking down at a picture of his lovely girlfriend. Such a beauty, a shame that he couldn’t be with her every second of their lives. Boy does he wish he can. He stuffed the photo franticly into the pocket of his coat.
“Ready?” His mother asked. She handed him a blade. Henry slowly nod, taking the blade and putting it in his other pocket. His mother grabbed his cheeks and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
“Try your best not to get distracted. This town has to pay. Make me proud.”
Henry gave his mother another nod, but he knew he was going to get distracted. His true love isn’t with him. She’s with a friend instead since he had to make an excuse and an alibi for the night. All he could think was maybe, just maybe he could check up on her between kills.
Look at me
Smile at me
Touch me
Love me
“I’m glad we could hang out.” Alex smiled as he grabbed a soft drink from the mini fridge in the bedroom.
“Yeah, I’m happy you could make it!” She agreed, sitting at the end of the bed.
“I know that this day of the year is hard for you. Thought you would like some company.”
“Yeah, appreciate it.” Alex nod, sitting on the floor next to the bed. He held his drink from the top, letting it dangle over his knee.
“I’m surprised that your boyfriend allowed this.”
“What do you mean?” She asked, puzzled by his words. Alex laughed lightly, looking up at her.
“You know, he’s just so protective over you. I get that you two are dating, but he doesn’t got to guard you that much.”
She lightly laughed.
“He means no harm. Henry is a good guy.” She waved it off. She went down the stairs and grabbed Ponty’s Pizza. She played some music and offered Alex some pizza.
“Come on, let’s talk about something else, yeah?”
Look at me
Smile at me
Touch me
Laugh with me
Love me
Henry wiped the blood of his blade. He stared at the lifeless eyes from the man he had just killed. He grabbed his phone and called his mother.
“Mom, I’ll go for him. I know where he’s at.”
“Ok. Be careful. Call me when you’re done. Then we’ll head to the station.”
Henry quickly muttered a ‘I love you’ to his mother before hanging up. He pulled out the picture of his true love. Oh how beautiful his girlfriend is. Every bit of her. Oh he loves her so much. Maybe a little too much. No, that’s not possible. You can never love someone too much. His mother proved that. All of this for his father. He would do the same for her. She could even ask him to and he would. There was no limit to what he would do for her. He thinks of her daily, over a million times.
Henry put the photo away and glanced at the body. Yeah, he would do this for his sweet love in a heartbeat. He put the blade away and walked over to her house. It was just perfect. He gets to see her and kill a target. And so her how deep his love for her goes.
Look at me
Smile at me
Touch me
Laugh with me
Think of me
Love me
She held Alex in her arms as he cried. His empty soda can forgotten on the ground with quite a few beers. Alex clinging on her sleeves.
“Just why my parents, you know?” The sobbing, drunken Alex sniffled.
“On this…fucking day too!” She pat his back, gently shushing him.
“You aren’t alone Alex. You’re ok.” She comforted him. Alex hiccuped, looking up at her.
“Yeah, I got you, don’t I?” He slurred a bit. Alex forced her on the bed, ignoring her scream and discomfort.
“Alex, no! Let me go!” She screeched. Alex brought his face closer with a more sickly smile.
“Come on. Do you know how, long I waited to get with you?” Alex gritted his teeth, sounding frustrated and upset.
“That Henry fuck ruined it all!” She flinched by his shout.
“Alex, please,” She whispered as panic continued to build.
Panic builder up, but no longer from Alex.
Alex suddenly got off of her, hitting the floor hard. A masked man in a long trench coat, the Whistling Man, grabbed him, throwing him against the desk and from wall to wall. Her frantic screams helped nothing as Alex got his serve beating.
The Whistling Man pulled out his blood stained knife with one hand, the other keeping Alex against the wall with a ball of his shirt. The blade being shoved deep inside Alex’s stomach. The Whistling Man took the blade out and threw Alex on the floor. He turned him over after getting on top, rising the knife with both hands.
He stabbed the knife into his chest.
He stabbed his chest again.
And again.
And again.
M e
The Whistling Man stabbed Alex directly in the heart, adding pressure as he watched him take his final breath. He tilted his head before taking the knife out. He turned to the mortified woman. He grabbed her as she tried to run out of the door.
“Shhh.” He turned her around and sat her on the bed. He took the mask off, revealing it was her boyfriend.
“Henry?!” She screeched, desperately trying to get away.
“Baby, he can’t hurt you anymore, it’s ok. I’m here.” He forced her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. Henry ignored her scared rambling and attempt to get away.
“Look at me,” He said calmly, grabbing her cheek with a hand.
“I will kill anyone for you. Understood? Anyone.” His sickly obsessed eyes staring into hers. He rubbed her cheek as he kept a firm grasp on her, but not enough to hurt her.
“I love you, ok?” He whispered. He lightly jerked her head as she tried to glance at Alex’a deceased body.
“Don’t look at him. Look at me.” He demanded. Her fearful eyes looking back at Henry.
“Much better,” He slightly smiled.
“Don’t try to run away. You got it?” He told her. She very slowly nodded her head, following his instructions. Henry wrapped his arms around just below her waist, laying his body over her legs. He felt her loud and fast beating heart, her visible shaking. He let out a content sigh, looking up at her. His eyes were no longer loving. Something darker and twisted, more deep.
“I would do anything for you.”
Look at me more.
Smile at me more.
Touch me more.
Laugh with me more.
Think of me more.
Love me more.
More more more.
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bleachcakes · 9 months
MouseTrapped - FanFic Advertisment
Fic Chapter Excerpt - Read in Full on Ao3 
Forest Nash isn’t in a horror movie, that’s his callers. Forest is the background character who survives because he’s to far away from the action, just someone thrown in to spice up the plot while characters get slashed.
But when he’s sent to retrieve Dawns lost song he realizes he might just be the final girl in a new movie. One where his stalker never got the chance to dwell on crushes until right now.
A/N—Aka, In this one, Marie is way more focused on the killing part of her revenge then the truth telling and wants to stop the 911 help from the radio, so she sends her son to keep him quiet. Forest accidentally catches a different and less murderous kind of attention from Henry Barrow simply by existing and having a nice voice.
(Current) Entire Fic Word Count: 31,290
(Current) Number of Chapters: 11
Chapter Word Count: 2,930
Pairing: Forrest Nash / Henry Barrow -  Killer Frequency
Fic Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, unhealthy relationships, obsessive behavior, one sided attraction,, multiple endings
Chapter 1 [Rough Introductions]
Forrest had never noticed how big the radio station was considering the small size of the town until it felt like every corner had someone lurking in it. He had felt safe in his little Dj booth right across from Peggy in her room. Like a little kid hiding under their blankets, nothing could get him as long as he was in there.
But as redirected 911 calls mounted and he was forced to continue to venture outside his office the more uneasy he got. The staff room and bathroom were easy enough, they weren’t very far and he even found a pair of scissors which he carried now as an added precaution. But then Peggy told him he needed to go downstairs, to the front lobby. 
The doors were locked but their clear glass could easily see in, and the lack of noise aside from his footsteps was eerie. It was just him and Peggy after all, and she made it clear she wouldn’t be stepping foot outside her booth. Maybe she wouldn’t even realize it if something happened down here to him… 
Farther back was even worse, rummaging around in the kitchen until he found a pizza box that clued him in on the likely frat house close by to the caller Virginia. Alone in the far back corner rooms… Forrest couldn’t help but let his imagination run wild on all sorts of gruesome deaths that could be achieved through the kitchen equipment. He made sure to get out of there fast.  
Although, he did take a bit of a souvenir with him from there. A mouse trap he had found. Sure, it wasn’t exactly a deadly weapon, but he thought it might serve to be a good defense, at least for his comfort. (He of course knew the trap was likely to catch nothing more than dust). But throughout the night, as he was forced to continue to venture out of his office he made a habit of picking up the traps. 
He set them outside his door as well as by Peggy’s and the stairwell, creating an almost comical defense barrier. Peggy called it silly, saying they were perfectly safe as long as they stayed inside but Forrest had other thoughts. 
What if the Whistling Man found out that it wasn’t 911 answering lines, but the radio station? It would be all too easy to cut off help from the source. Especially considering their pretty good success so far, aside from one very unfortunate mistake trying to save Maurice… if the Whistling man really wanted to take care of business they just needed to come down to KFAM. 
And they did just that.
Forrest couldn’t believe he was really going to have to go outside to get the record Dawn wanted. But Peggy insisted they didn’t have a choice, but she said that she had information, she just needed to hear her song first. 
After taking the key to the exit door (safety hazards out the window apparently, who locks a fire escape door?)  he was suddenly even more aware of the potential dangers. The alleyway behind the studios was extremely creepy. Littered with trash he was constantly spooking himself when accidentally kicking a bottle or lightly tripping over rocks from the broken-up concrete. What really made him shiver was the slight rattling from the chain link fences that sectioned off the alleyway. The way the wind whistled through the holes, gently shaking the metal links made shivers run down his spine.
It was all too ominous, even more so when he realized the exit door had locked behind him, trapping him outside. Thankfully he could get back in through the ground elevator, but seriously, who wouldn’t be terrified getting into a ground elevator?
Forrest clutched the scissors he carried tightly, taking a deep breath as he pulled down the handle on the fuse box, laughing in giddy relief when it sparked to life. He went back to the elevator, looking down into the open doors. Yeah, he could probably survive that… just as he was about to jump down a slight movement from the corner of his eye drew his attention. 
Forrest turned, staring at the fence down the way from him, breathing growing a little heavier. But he didn’t see anything more. Didn’t hear anything either. His mind must be playing tricks on him, his paranoia was through the roof after all. Turning away he cautiously hopped down the elevator, ducking into the basement. 
Keep Reading on Ao3
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frogandbird · 5 months
Strawberry Skys - Chapter Twenty One -
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El sat on the couch, humming over the faint sound of the tv. She held an embroidery hoop, slowly and methodically filling the fabric with careful stitches as the house slowly quieted around her.
Chompy barking and Raphs yelling made El chuff, keeping her hands steady as the two barreled past. Shrill trills coming from Mikey barrably made El look up, the turtle chasing after Raph.
A loud crash coming from the lab came just a few moments later, followed by a loud ‘CASEY!’ presumably from Donnie. Footsteps sounded, the duo running past, Casey laughing and Donnie red-faced as they ran after Casey.
El continued to hum as the tv switched episodes, playing a new cartoon. The couch indented a little, the only other member of the family sitting next to her.
She continued her stitching, shifting her feet so Mona had more space. Mona's tail rested atop her feet, the salamander sitting near her.
“What did Raph do?” El spoke quietly, keeping her eyes on the blue fabric in hand.
“Pull a’ prank on’ Mikey.” El felt Moan stretch out, the couch cushions shifting under ze weight.
El snorted, finally putting her embroidery down and looking up at Mona.
“Please tell me it was water balloons.”
“Of course it was.” Mona huffed, rolling ze eyes.
“And Casey and Don?”
Mona just groaned, putting her head in zer hands.
El cocked an eyebrow, but left it. She glanced at the TV, the show that had started earlier just finishing its intro sequence. A human in a blue showy-suit was holding up a bowl of something. soup maybe?
A shout rang out into the layer. ”GOING TOPSIDE’.”
Barks and shrill squeals came from Mieky and chompy, both presumably running to follow Raph as he ran from the two turtles.
El chuckled as Mona sighed. The tv began to shout as the show played, lowing in volume when Mona found the remote.
El picked her embroidery back up as a set of footsteps walked past. Mona snickered, giving her a clear sign of what had happened. Donnies growl confirmed it.
She finally glanced up long enough to see Casey trapped under Donnies arm, the lanky humans legs trailing on the ground as the lab door opened and closed.
El looked at Mona, who was giving the Tv a steady glare. El hummed, getting the salamander's attention.
“You want to do something?”
Mona tilted her head. “What is there to do?”
El continued to hum. “Could go explore the city a bit more, go see the hidden city, could make something.”
“You are already making something.” Mona pointed out.
El paused mid stitch. “yeah,” She looked up. “But we could do something together, have ‘a girls night.”
Mona's tail curled and uncurled. Ze grinned. “Wanna take the bikes and go through the city?”
El blinked. She hadn’t been expecting that. She stood, stretching her arms over her head. “You're driving.”
Mona was leaning on the bigger bike by the time El got to the garage.
It was bigger than Raphs bike, made so that two could ride on it comfortably. Most commonly it saw Raph and Casey using it to tarioze local gangs as they picked up pizza.
The bike was one that Donnie had made, but had let Raph and Mikey paint. Its body was a mix of red and black, with the bright accents on oranges and spider lilies racing down the sides.
El sighed in relief as she trotted up to the salamander. Said salamander had on zes dark pink-black leather riding jacket, pink gloves and black pants. Her tail had dark ribbons tied to it, black and red to match the bike. She also held a dark pink helmet.
El fidgeted with her own disguise, not used to how the heavy fabric draped over her frame. She had on her own pair of dark ants, paint stained as she had ‘barrowed’ them from Rpah. She had on a blue purple hoodie and a black vest.
Mona circled her for a second, pulling the vest farther down her shell with a light tug before grabbing Els' helmet off the bike and handing it to her. EL took the blue metal and put it on.
Mona got onto the bike, putting xes own helmet on and patting the back seat for El to get onto. She did so quickly, flipping the dark glass of her mask down as she went.
They sat there for a moment as Mona shifted, zes tail curling around El as to not stream behind them and get them cought. El held onto Moans waist, the engine of the bike springing into life.
With a roar they took off, the tunnels blurring past them. the gray of the stone and concrete blurring with color as they passed graffiti and long abandoned subway cars.
They slowed as they reached a garage door, one that was opening for them already.
The alleyway they came into was quiet and dark, the trash bins haven’t been moved aside in years. The lights from the apartments above them were dim, or off entirely.
This continued for the first few streets, a calm silence with the only light being form street lamps and the acconal stop lights. They passed few humans, most sleeping out in the relative warmth of the spring.
Few cars passed them, never stopping or slowing to look at the strange pair.
El still shifted with small spikes of anxiety every time the bigger vehicles would pass, no matter how fast or slow they drove.
The city began to show signs of life after a few miles, night clubs and late night corner stores pushing their lights into the street. They drove past groups of humans, all dressed up and laughing.
They slowed down as they entered a city center, shops and businesses open late into the night as people milled about and drank. More cars and other bikes joined them on the rode, stopping and starting at the same lights.
El shifted uncomfortably, looking around at the neon world they where entering through the darkened vision of her helmet. The com in her helmet buzzed to life as Mona spoke, startling her.
“You ok’ back there’?” Monas accent was made permanent by the com, the sound of xes voice quiet in Els ear.
The bike moved forward as the light changed.
El shifted back to her original spot. “‘m’ok, never been on the streets like this.”
“Never been on th’ back of a bike?” Mona questioned.
“Never been on the bikes around humans.” El gave an only slightly nervous laugh, clinging a bit closer to the salamander in front of her.
Mona made an ‘ah’ sound, the few of her scales visible shimmering in the bright lights.
they rode for a few more blocks before Mona spoke again, rising zes voice around the hubbub of the streets.
“Want to’ so get ‘a drink somewher’ quiet?”
“Girl, last time I drank alcohol I was as jittery as Mikey.” El snorted at the memory. She had beaten Mikey at ‘Just Dance’ for the first, and only, time in her entire life.
“‘e’ll get you a soda then.” Mona also laughed, presumably reliving the same memory from her own point of view.
El rolled her eyes, but made no move to deny the offer of a soda.
They continued down the bright street, going deeper and deeper into the city, neon lights washing over them.
The number of cars grew, the silvers and blacks and whites passing near the pair. Mona wove through them, only stopping for the red lights that seemed weak and muted in the new lights of the city.
Mona finally pulled off to the side, pulling into an alley next to a quiet gas station and its store. El blinked back to reality, looking at the dark space around them.
She swung one lag over the bike, still sitting in the seat as she watched Mona fully disembark.
Mona removed her helmet, placing it under one arm. “Want to come in’ with me?”
El shifted, pulling at the hems of her hoodie. “I can.”
Mona glanced at her fidgeting hands. “It’s’ near 3am, no ones’ gonna glance at your hands.”
El thought about it for a few more moments, not fully regretting Mona putting her helmet back on.
She gave in with a sigh. “Fine, just quickly,” then in almost a whisper, “Please.”
Mona nodded, offering a gloved hand. El took it reluctantly, letting the salamander pull her slightly.
The overhead lights from the pumps made El shift closer to her sister, glancing around at the empty sea of asphalt, gray and cracked with use.
The automatic doors opened without a sound, letting the two into the small store.
El looked around, pausing as Mona continued into the bright store.
It looked plain, but crowded. Racks were filled with junk food and cheap items. Colorful bags of chips hung off the edges of the racks. Bright wrapped candies and small boxes filled with clear wrapped baked goods filled the isles.
Mona was making zes way to the back where clear containers were filled with drinks. The floor was a simple tyle, cold on her feet. The store hummed with electricity, high pitch sound fighting the plating music and ads.
El shook herself out and darted to be next to Mona again, wrapping her arm around the other's in order to stay close. Mona gave her a light huff as ze contued walking.
They stopped at the clear cases that were filled with drinks. El watched Mona look at all the cases before reaching for the clear door and opening it with a tug. Ze then reached in, stopping the door with her hip, and pulled out a can.
Mona led them a few feet to the side, pointing at hte clear cases. “Sodas are over there.”
El hummed a “Thanks.” As she moved to the clear cases.
An army of color and different brands fought for her attention. She stoo looking at the different brands of sodas in cans and jars and bottles. Cans with oranges and in green above, brown bottles and clear bottles filled with colorful liquid next. The bottom most row held samller bottles with colorful fruits and fancy english writing on them.
She grabbed the only one she reconciled and ran to join Mona.
Mona clicked at her, letting El take hostage of zes arm again.
“Get what you’ want?” Mona questioned, her voice quiet.
“Mhm.” El nodded, handing the bottle of orange soda to her.
Mona took it, leading them to the counter where a human stood.
The human looked up long enough to put their phone down, their multi-colored hair covering their eyes. They scanned the drinks quickly, tapping into the machine next to them. Then, in an almost bord voice,
Mona nodded, pulling out some cash form a pocket on her jacket.
Ze handed the money to the human who took it and tapped the mechanism again. a drow popped out and the human put the money in it before taking a few coins out.
The coins were handed to Mona with an accompanying “Nice costumes.”
rMona took the coins that were handed to xim and took the drink in her other hand. Zi passed the drinks to El who took them as Mona sorted the coins in her pocket.
With that, Mona led them out of the store and back to the bike.
“So.” Mona popped her helmet off, setting it on the bike. “How did you like your first trip into a’ gas station store?”
El was more careful about taking off her helmet, setting the drinks down onto the seat before putting her helemt next to them.
“it was..” She trailed off. It had been nice to learn that humans didn't care as much as she had thought, but the entire store was filled with light and far too colorful things. “Tariffing.”
Mona laughed. “It was for Raph. ‘M not surprised it was for you’ too.”
El blinked. Then snorted. “He cling to you th’ same way I did?”
Mona used one clawed finger to pop the tab off zes can. “Nah, he was the one with the money and I couldn’t read english.” Zi paused, “Nor understand your’ form of money.”
El let herself laugh thinking of her brother bluffing his way through the too-bright and too-loud store. He had a better grasp on things then she thought.
She took the cap of her bottle, taking a few sips as Mona chugged half her drink.
She laughed when Mona let out a loud burp, practically unhinging zes jaws in order to get the loudest sound possible.
El took a big swig of her own soda, giving the slamander an orange candy flavored burb in return.
Mama gave El a wild grin, liffting her drink to take a sip.
El had to put her soda on the bike next to her helmet in order to not spill it, dabbling over laughing as Mana made it xes mission to make every sound emangble.
They stood in the alley for a good long time afterwards, both laughing as El took a turn making stranger and stranger sounds with her drink.
Finally they calmed down and put their helmets back on and got on the bike, heading out for the streets once again.
It was El who heard the shout first.
They were driving through a quieter neighborhood, one still full of people and movement, but it almost seemed lazy compared to other parts of the city.
El hummed into her com, looking around the streets. “Heard a shout.”
Mona slowed, pulling into an empty street. “Wanna’ check it out?”
El nodded. “yes.” Then quickly; “might be nothing.”
Mona made a scoffing sound. “Ain’t’ gonna’ leave someone to get hurt in these streets’.”
El hummed, too focused on trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.
It came again, the sound far, far too close to April's voice for El to even think about not turning around.
The bike revved, spinning wide and booking it back the way htey had come, slowing once they reached the street El had heard the shouts.
The hum of blue energy crackled at her fingertips, small blades of metal beginning to form in her hands.
A pained sound made El pull on Mona's vest, directing the salamander to a dark alleyway. why did everything happen in an alley.
She was moving before the bike had stopped, the small blades in her hands flying at the dark metal humanoids before she could fully process what she was seeing.
The alley was dark, a few lights from apartments not enough for human eyes to pick up on the smaller details.
Seven Footbots were in the alley, a human cornered between them. A few were walking to the human, the others already having weapons active.
Three Foot bots fell, electric blue and white sparks falling from their heads.
Four more spun to face the two new additions, a dark skinned human with red glasses and a green cropped hoodie in the middle of the attacking group.
The human held a baseball bat with both hands, their posture falling as El growled at the new group.
The remaining Foot bots paused, two falling suddenly with a pair of loud bangs. Sparks flew from their heads as they lay collapsed on the ground.
The smell of gunpowder hit Els nose. She hissed at the remaning Foot bots.
the human took this chance to swing their bat into one of the bots, flinging it into the wall with surprising strength.
El could feel the crackling energy calling for her to use, but she ignored it in favor of lunging forward.
She brought her knee into the metal abomination before her first brought its head to meet the ground.
It folded like paper, the groan of metal hissing and protesting as the false brain tried to move its broken body.
El finally spun to face Mona, who was checking something on a small gun she held.
El turned to her, giving the other an unimpressed look that xe probably couldn’t see.
Mona shrugged, getting off the bike in one smooth moment. Ze stocked past El, stopping as ze reached one of the bots.
She gave it a swift kick as El watched, crouching down. El rolled her eyes and turned to the human, who had swiftly beaten the metal foot soldier to a hunk of silver and black.
El took a few steps forward, flipping the speaker in her helmet to face out so she could talk to the human.
“You ok?”
The human yelped and spun to face her, bat up.
El held her hands up in a surrender motion, careful to not scare them more.
She repeated herself, with a bit more this time. “Sorry to startle you, you ok?” She paused as a thought came to her. “What did you even do to get there attention?”
The human lowered their bat, still giving El a glare. “‘M fine.”
El hummed, glancing over at Mona, who was trying to take something from the bots back.
The human spoke, getting Els's attention. “Who even are you, and why do you care.”
El turned just in time for a bat to be swung up at her, stopping just below her helmet.
El clicked. The human was impressive to swing a bat at her, she would give them that.
“Just someone who’s had the Foots attention for a while now. Don't get caught up in this.” El spun, walking back to the bike.
She saw Mona stand out of the corner of her eye, joining her a few seconds later at the bike.
She let Mona get on first, taking the small box ze had ripped out of the foot bot.
El let Mona take them back to their home, thoughts too focused on the strange human that seemed to be a funny little version of April.
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stranger-chichka · 2 years
Stranger Things/IT (1990) parallels
As I was watching IT (1990) lately I realised something. I need you to recall the moment our Cali gang is driving home from Rink-o-Mania, Argyle and Jonathan are talking about the wheels and…start singing (I already analysed this scene, but my main focus was on the wheels, now I want to focus on the word "blip" and what it hints at).
Jonathan calls the incident with Angela "a little blip" and then he and Argyle start singing this word. The melody is definitely "Entry of the Gladiators" written by Julius Fucik. It is associated with circus and clowns, right? And who's the main villain in IT? Pennywise. A clown.
Before we move on, I want to add some references I found in the name of the composer.
Julius. I noticed this exact word in relation to drinks while analysing Starcourt Mall teaser. It means "youthful, downy-bearded" and my guess is that it's a reference to the OG party's DnD characters? Will draws them with beards. Fucik. In 1985 Tomas Fucik was born. He's a Czech former swimmer (we have A LOT of water references in ST), who specialized in backstroke (=piggyback reference?) and individual medley (=El's individual arc reference?) events.
So, the song. The name of this military march (= soldiers attack the Byers' house and are chasing El) is "Entry of the Gladiators." It was composed in 1897 (1+8+9+7 = 25. 2+5 = 7)
In s3 Hopper calls himself Antique Chariot, and "chariot" is a two-wheeled vehicle that was used in ancient times for racing and fighting and was pulled by a horse or horses. And this foreshadows his fight with a sword against the demogorgon.
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Joyce calls herself Wheelbarrow, and "barrow" is a vehicle moved by a person from which fruit and vegetables, etc. are sold at the side of a road. This one foreshadows the Cali gang's road trip + pineapple pizza in s4.
So, the original march is called "Entrance of the Gladiators" op. 68 and adaptation - the one, that became a screamer march for circuses, often used to introduce clowns - is called "Thunder and Blazes."
Thunder. A loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash. Lightning comes first with the sign of light presence followed by thunder. Light = Will. He is the first to realise his feeling for Mike ("It was a 7"). And Mike = thunder. He's always late. And, of course, blazes. Downtown on fire.
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A giant creature with a gaping mouth. This once again reminded me of IT. In the final battle IT transforms into a giant spider with big teeth. And who is obsessed with spiders in s4? Henry Creel.
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IT (1990)
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Now, the word "blip." A spot of light. At first, I thought it was something romantic because of how Mike always sees Will in the light, but that was until that moment in the film. Deadlights.
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"The Deadlights were writhing, radiant orange lights that were a mysterious but very deadly and terrifying eldritch form of energy that originated from the preternatural dimension known as the Macroverse, also known as the Todash Darkness (=the Upside Down). They're a recurring plot element in Stephen King's works including The Dark Tower and IT. It was well known that just a mere glance into the bright lights instantly caused death or permanent insanity."
IT used these Deadlights to blind new victims, usually children, and robbed them of their conscious minds. It used this to drive his victims insane as well as leaving them both immobile and lifeless before taking them away to consume later."
Doesn't remind you of anything? Or better to say, anyone? Vecna.
I believe the blue light in Stranger Things = The Deadlights = evil while the yellow light going from Will is opposite to that - it's good.
Examples of blue light in ST:
the Upside Down is blue;
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Vecna kills under the blue light;
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blue light in Starcourt Mall and it's associated with 1) russians who were opening the gates into the Upside Down; 2) Vecna, because he's connected to the Upside Down; 3) Mike, because of this teaser and his probable blood connection with Henry;
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Scoops Ahoy has a lot of blue everywhere. Bad things happen to Steve and Robin when they're wearing Scoops Ahoy's uniform + it's name and theme related to water and water is bad. We can see Scoops Ahoy when Billy dies. Also, they’re selling ice-cream. It’s cold. Who likes it cold? The Mind Flayer? Who controls him? Vecna. Everything in the Starcourt Mall is pointing at his presence there. Water is bad in IT as well. Bill's brother is killed by it when it's raining. Pennywise literally says that his victims “float.” Bill relives his memories of first seeing IT in the form of Georgie (his brother) in the basement of his old house, all while actually being submerged in underwater (=El & the sensory deprivation tank). IT lives in the sewers (=an artificial passage or pipe, usually underground, that carries waste and used water from sinks and toilets) and the Losers defeat it there.
Vecna chases Billy in blue light;
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blue light at Rink-o-Mania & Will wearing blue outfit there;
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+ the disco ball may symbolise Vecna's watching them (a reference to Snow Ball and "Every Breath You Take" song about stalking) but later we have this transition from the ball (=Vecna) to the yellow light (=Will).
We have this contrast of blue = cold = evil (He likes it cold. When it's cold I want to die. The preacher likes the cold) and yellow = warm = good. It's definitely Will.
Yes, Will is similar to Vecna in many cases, but they're so much like Harry Poter and Voldemort. Harry/Will was chosen by Voldemort/Vecna. Voldemort wanted to kill Harry but in reality, created a connection between him and Harry. This connection was both a good and bad thing. Harry could feel how Voldemort felt but Voldemort, knowing about this connection, could manipulate Harry. The same thing is with Vecna and Will. Will tells Mike in the cabin: "I can feel him. I can still remember what he thinks and how he thinks." But in s2 Vecna uses this connection for his own purposes. God, I was supposed to write a post about UT/Stranger Things parallels and ended up on Harry Potter parallels, I'm hopeless...But let's go back to IT.
IT reminds Venca so much. Let me demonstrate:
can disguise Itself as anything its victims want - or fear - to see (=Vecna showing his victims their fears);
prefers to encounter Its prey alone (=Vecna usually attacks when they're alone);
assumes a form which is the most terrifying to Its prey before revealing Its true form, and driving the poor unfortunate to madness (=the same with Vecna here);
an interesting fact: in 1985 IT changed his form into the shark from Jaws. Guess what poster we see in Will's room, very often behind Mike's back? The Jaws.
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feeds on that human’s soul, the one thing that gives It sustenance (=Vecna also feeds on people's souls and becomes stronger from it);
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"Silver cat feeds"
adopted a cycle (= never-ending story) of hibernating for long periods and waking approximately every 27 to 30 years (=Vecna kills his mom in 1959 and starts killing again in 1986);
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telepathy (can clearly read the Losers' thoughts, and use them to its own advantage), mind control ability (has the ability to erase particular things out of a person's memory or knowledge = birthdaygate), telekinesis (these are Vecna's powers too);
Possibly IT may have an effect on the weather in Derry's region. On more than one occasion, when the Losers face It, the weather changes into a thunderstorm. Most notably at the final confrontation, which actually devastates Derry's downtown region. Also, possibly photokinesis (light manipulation).
In Stranger Things we see a thunderstorm:
in s1 on the next day Will went missing when the boys go looking for him (Mike insists on them going);
in s2 we hear thunder when Bob comes to Byers to check on Will and Mike's already there, worried as hell about him;
in s3 when Mike & Will are arguing, Mike hurts WIll's feelings but immediately rides apologising;
in s4 we also hear thunder during Mike's monologue to El, when he's ripping off the band-aid and thinking this time he definitely lost Will.
Every time Mike is devastated because he thinks he lost Will he manipulates the weather subconsciously.
Talking about photokinesis, I do believe both Vecna and Will can manipulate light. But as I wrote previously, Will's light is always bright = warm = good, and Vecna's is blue = cold = bad.
It leads to this moment in Creel's house:
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Time manipulation = Vecna (maybe Mike, because he's always late); Weather manipulation = Mike (we see Alice wearing a dress with colourful umbrellas on it and Alice might be Karen); and...light manipulation = both Will & Vecna.
Also, I found some characters' parallels, so I'm adding them too.
This obvious love triangle was already mentioned by incredible @will80sbyers - El/Bill, Mike/Bev and Will/Ben.
Bev is Ben’s first friend at school, she initiates their conversation and Mike is Will’s first friend in kindergarten, who also initiates the conversation (AND they ended up together).
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Bill’s brother is killed by IT and he blames himself for that. In s4 El thinks she’s the one who killed the kids in the lab (=her brothers and sisters), she also suffers from that feeling of guilt. However, it’s not their fault and they admit it in the face of evil.
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Bev is the first person who volunteers to help Bill and fight against IT and Mike is the person who takes El to his home and is going to protect her from “bad people.”
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Ben writes a poem for Bev, but she thinks it's from Bill at first and has a crush on him. Will paints a picture for Mike, but makes him believe El commissioned it.
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I believe Max is paralleled to Audra (Bill’s wife) in s4.
She’s taken by IT and is made catatonic. The Losers Club rescue her but she’s still not there (=Max is taken by Vecna, is cursed, the party saves her but she's in a kind of coma). Bill never leaves her side and he’s the one who heals her (I didn’t include the moment of El making Max's heart beat again, because she's not awakened yet.) Also, this parallel gives so much Elmax energy that I start worrying about Lucas’s fate in the show… However, he's the one never leaving Max's side in the hospital, so I hope the Duffers won't copy everything from IT and it will be Lucas who heals Max (No hate, I like Elmax, but I just want Lucas to have a happy ending too!!!)
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Dustin is paralleled to Mike in some ways.
both are bullied and threatened at school;
both are connected to the library (Mike works here Dustin goes there a lot);
both were separated from their party for some time (Mike stays at the hospital after being hurt by Henry while the Losers Club are fighting IT, and Dustin in s3 while he’s stuck with Steve, Robin & Erica).
Now, some things that are bothering me.
The first one - Silver cat.
I still have doubts about who exactly it is. It's associated both with Creels and Wheelers, because my guess is they somehow must be connected. The same in IT - it's associated both with IT (eyes like silver coins) and the Losers (silver slugs and Bill's bicycle).
I recalled the Kas theory and the existance of the artefact called the Eye of Vecna. "The only way to permanently destroy the Eye of Vecna was if both the Eye and the Hand of Vecna were attached to the same creature, and then that creature was slain by the artefact known as the Sword of Kas. Any other attempt to destroy either artefact merely transported it into a hidden vault in an unknown location." We already saw Hopper with the sword. I believe we'll see Mike with the sword in s5 considering he's paralleled to Hopper a lot and so he could be paralleled to St Michael. Also, the disco ball at Rink-o-Mania is silver and I already wrote about my thought it is the way the Duffers wanted to show us Vecna is watching our trio. Vecna's killing while Mike went to Cali ("Silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west"). Bev wounds IT with 2 silver slugs made by Ben (We know that Will's slug in s2 transformed into demodog and then demogorgon. Does that mean in s5 they will be fighting against Vecna with the party or what?) out of a silver dollar in their first battle in the chapter that is called The Bullseye. After Robin & Nancy succeeded in finding what they needed about the Creels family they call Dustin and Robin says Nancy's "shot in the dark was a bull's-eye," and in the battle against Vecna Nancy makes 5 shots (+ 2 Molotov cocktails from Steve & Robin before) and then Vecna vanishes. Together it's 7. 7 fireballs?
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In the same battle Bill has performed the "Ritual of Chüd" (a psychic battle in which the two forces duelled with their wits = El is fighting Vecna through her mind) in an attempt to face IT in the Macroverse, the alternate universe where It is from = the Upside Down.
We have another Wheeler sibling who kinda helped the party. It's Holly. Her Lite Brite with a rabbit on it helps the party to communicate with those who are in the Upside Down through the lights. And what is interesting, when the 4 gates open, they start spreading, we hear the chimes and we are shown Creel's house, Eddie's trailer, Lovers Lake, the road where Fred was killed, Wheeler's house with falling photos, Holly and Karen, then again, Creel's house and the library. They showed us the places where the 4 gates were opened + Wheeler's house. Why? And Karen has her own poster in s4. Why? Because she's Creel. And her children too.
Look at these parallels between Holly and Alice. Nightmares. Both are scared because of Vecna.
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Also, it's interesting that Holly has dogs on her collar. Dogs are associated with Mike ("I'm not a dog!" ) and demodogs. Dart was a demodog and I have a theory in mind that Dart may symbolise Mike being ashamed of his feelings toward Will = Holly knows about Mike's feelings toward Will. Also, she knows about the supernatural stuff (remember her noticing the lights and the monster in the wall in s1 + noticing the trees moving in s3?)
One more silver reference in IT - Bill's bicycle name is "Silver" and in the end, he takes Audra on a ride on it and during that ride she awakens. I don't have any idea what it symbolises but a bike has wheels, lol. The Wheelers will play a crucial part in healing Max or what? (actually, this resonates with @madwheelerz 's guess of Creels having the ability to reanimate).
2. The second thing and my main concern is Lucas.
I haven't written about any parallels between him and IT characters because I'm not sure who is he paralleled to. Mostly it's Richie I guess, but also Bev is the one entrusted to fire the silver slugs at IT and we know about Lucas's Slingshot Proficiency (knocking Billy briefly unconscious to save Max in s3) + his idea with fireworks in s3.
provides emotional support for the group (= Lucas gives emotional support to Max in s1 and s4 + he's the one to give Mike advice when he starts having problems with his relationship with Eleven);
becomes a secondary leader (=s1 Lucas vibes when he's focused on finding Will) and rescues Bill (=in s1 he's the one to warn the party the dad people are coming for El) when the Ritual of Chüd goes wrong, helping Bill kill IT in the final battle;
ferociously fights IT alongside his friends and keeps Bill focused when his grief for Georgie becomes too much + keeps him stable when he thinks Audra might be dead (I believe we'll see Lucas & El bond in s5).
But this. This makes me feel worried about him. In their second and final battle against IT, Losers hit IT with their collective belief and love and childhood nostalgia. Bill fights his way inside It's body, locates It's heart and destroys it.  But one of the main characters dies. It's Eddie. He uses his aspirator as before to seriously hurt IT in the physical world, losing his arm in the process and dying of blood loss. THIS scares me. Because look at the poster near Lucas. It says: "BE HERO GIVE BLOOD." And he's wearing blue. Blue=Vecna. There’s so much blue in that room actually. (Okay, I also remembered it was originally Mike standing near that poster but he decided to stand between El and Will, so now it’s Lucas who’s near it. God, I don’t want anyone from the party to die. PLEASE, NO. If he’s gonna sacrifice himself for Mike…I don’t even want to imagine it. Just no.)
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Some parallels I've already posted you can check out here, here and here (if you made it till the end of the post...I hope somebody did though).
Wow, it took me some time to finish this post and I’m not even sure many people read it till the end, but still, I hope someone will. The Duffers really take a lot of inspiration from Stephen King’s books, especially films based on his books, and it’s so cool picking up all these parallels, I really enjoy the process and I want to believe some of us will enjoy the result!
P. S. I haven’t read “IT”, so the research is mostly based on the film and some info from Wikipedia and other sites, so if any fans of King and IT happen to read this post and have something to add or correct me, be free to leave your comments <3
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jelazakazone · 2 years
Liminal spaces in Heartstopper Ep 8
The last essay of S1! Thanks so much to @barrows-teeth​ for all the amazing gifs!! And of course to @herewetumble​ for the great beta’ing. and to E, who helped with this one and the previous one. You can find the master post here.
At the beginning of the season, many of the transformative moments happened indoors. But as the characters grew, we started to see a shift to more outdoor settings, especially in episodes 6, 7, and 8. So, let’s dive in and see what happens in episode 8! 
Ep 8 does start indoors, in Charlie’s room with Charlie sat at his drum kit. He’s looking at messages with Tao. The last one Tao sent was right before the fight with Harry and Charlie had sent one asking if Tao was ok. The lighting is dark, the music is slow. The mood is gloomy. Charlie puts the phone down and starts banging away on the drums. Tori comes in to tell him he’s being too loud. Then she checks on him: “Did you finally decide to have a rebellious phase? Did something happen?” Charlie starts with mentioning the fights Harry had with Nick and Tao and ends with “Maybe I do just ruin people’s lives, and it’d be better if I didn’t exist.” Thank god for Tori because she says, “Well, you’re not ruining mine.” She suggests making them pizza. He says he’s not very hungry, he might just eat later, and then grabs onto her arm, as though it’s a life preserver and he’s drowning. 
In his room, with his sister, Charlie is able to be rescued from the depths. Her outside perspective assures Charlie that he is loved. 
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Next we see Tao, Charlie, and Isaac in class. Charlie is trying to talk to Tao. Isaac informs Charlie that Tao isn’t talking to Charlie. Charlie looks hopefully at Tao and suggests they could all do javelin throw, like last year. Tao says “You’re on the rugby team.” Isaac reminds Charlie that the rugby team always do the Sports Day rugby match, so they can’t do the same thing. It’s a clear reminder that they can’t just go back to the way things have been. Things have changed, for all of them. 
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Charlie is walking through the corridor, a big blue wave to his side/back, and he runs into Nick who asks if he wants to get lunch together. Charlie says, “I can’t. I’m sorry.” and leaves. Nick looks crestfallen. This scene is less than 30 seconds long and yet it packs a serious punch. Charlie is still feeling like he’s ruining Nick’s life and that blue wave behind him is a metaphor for all the feelings that are threatening to drown Charlie. Nick was so happy to see Charlie and that simple “no” has left him heartbroken. 
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Charlie walks through the blue door in Ms Singh’s small office, a room painted green, and tells her he’s going to quit the rugby team — “It’s not for” him. She asks if any of the boys have been giving him a hard time. “No, it’s just me.” I think the colors in the room, which are also the MLM pride flag colors, are reflective of her acceptance of his homosexuality. I also think it’s significant he quit the team in her tiny little office; it emphasizes that it really is just about Charlie and not the bullying. After, he has to pass through the gym, which had formerly been a relatively safe space. It is now associated with the pain of ruining Nick’s life and his attempt to break up with Nick. 
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And now we’re outside. Nick sits down with Tao, who immediately asks where Charlie is. There is a back and forth about this and why Charlie is avoiding both of them—except Tao is avoiding Charlie because Tao’s “pissed off with” Charlie. Tao had seen the bullying and its effects on Charlie the previous year and he was worried about Charlie joining the rugby team for this reason. He tried to protect Charlie, and Charlie didn’t listen. Tao finishes with “I deserve to be appreciated.” And then it comes out that Tao is hurt Charlie didn’t tell him about Nick. Tao is very comfortable outdoors at his picnic bench. He is literally clearing the air between himself and Nick. 
Nick takes a stab at why Charlie hasn’t told him — Charlie cares about Tao a lot. Tao doesn’t really seem to accept this, but he does soften and ask why Charlie is avoiding Nick. Nick thinks it might be because Charlie’s having a hard time keeping their relationship secret. Tao says, “Charlie’s always had a tendency to believe that him just existing is annoying for other people.” Nick agrees, “Yeah. I sort of got that impression.” 
Tao tells Nick that Charlie isn’t going to force Nick to come out, but that also, Charlie would “like for Nick to be something more than the secret guy he kisses on the down-low sometimes and if Nick can’t give him that, it’s fine, but it will always make him feel a little bit crap about himself.” Now Nick is really understanding why it’s hard for Charlie. And Tao encourages Nick to talk to Charlie. Nick says Tao should do the same, but Tao resists, saying he’s going to stay pissed off with him a while longer. This important bonding experience happens outside and in Tao’s territory. 
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 Nick is in bed, texting Charlie. He’s trying to talk. Charlie types in “I’m sorry” and then deletes it, tears in his eyes and never responds. The bedroom seems to be a cave Charlie has closed himself off in. 
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The very next scene is outdoors. It’s a bright, sunny day. Colorful streamers have been hung for Sports Day! Darcy, Elle, and Tara are walking towards Truham having a friendly conversation. Darcy, trying to be supportive, suggests they could all fake an injury to get out of going. Elle steels herself and says, “No, I want to do this,” and leads the way. The other two catch up and each take one of her hands. Elle has found her people and can be fully herself, outside as the sun shines down on them. 
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Inside the gym, Charlie puts a red bib on, sees Nick, and flees. The gym’s safety suddenly becomes terrifying for Charlie. He thinks he has hurt Nick and can’t bear to have that validated. Nick, on the other hand, is heartbroken again that Charlie is running away from him. 
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Tao finds Elle outside and gives her a big hug, saying “It’s literally like old times.” (One has to wonder how he can say that given that Elle isn’t wearing Truham colors, for starters.) She says, “Ugh, don’t say that, I thought I’d never have to come back to this hell hole.” Tao suggests they could go hide. He doesn’t want to be there, he hasn’t signed up for an event, and if Ms. Singh catches him, she’s going to make him actually participate. Isaac comes up and says hi and asks where Charlie is. They guess with the rugby team, even though the event isn’t until later in the afternoon. 
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Meanwhile, it turns out Charlie is trying to hide in the art room. Mr Ajayi tells Charlie that he’s a nice teacher and won’t force him to go to Sports Day, but he also ends with “Don’t let anyone make you disappear.” The art room is a nurturing space where growth happens. 
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Ms Singh appears and signs Tao up for the 200m race. He protests that he can’t run (Elle backs this up), but he’s stuck. Charlie comes up and says, “Swap bibs with me. … I’ll run it for you.  I’m just sorry. Sorry for everything.” As he walks away, Tao and Elle follow. Finally, the air is being cleared between Charlie and Tao — outside. 
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Charlie goes to get in place for the race and passes Ben who says, “What, are you obsessed with me or something?” Charlie doesn’t dignify this with an answer. They run. Charlie wins and goes up to Ben who is lying on the ground to say, “You don’t get to have an opinion about anything I do … you don’t get to make me feel like crap any more just because you hate yourself. So leave me alone. Just leave me alone.” Looks like those words of affirmation from Tori and Mr Ajayi have taken effect with some sunshine and the power of winning the race.
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Charlie and Tao have a moment where they are apologizing to each other again and end with a big hug and a promise to do a film night. Again, I think this had to happen outside. Something something about the fresh air and sunshine. 
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Tao asks if Charlie wants to join him and Elle in exploring all her old classrooms. Charlie declines, saying he’ll be fine. At that moment, little animated seagulls appear, which we first saw at the end of episode one, when Nick was in the car on his way home. The sun and fresh air are powerful forces indeed.
Tao and Elle run through the corridors, banging open doors that had imprisoned Elle and blowing off steam. They end up in the ever nurturing art room while the rest of the students are outdoors doing sports. Tara does the high jump well and kisses Darcy after (which, by the way, is my favorite T/D kiss and their fist kiss outside!). Isaac throws the javelin while Charlie holds Isaac’s book and cheers him on. 
Tao and Elle lie back on one of the art tables, just generally being cute and flirty. Elle says she has something to tell him, but changes her mind and says he has the wrong color face paint. Meanwhile, animated butterflies are floating around them. They need the comfort of four walls around them and a roof to explore their feelings for each other. They aren’t ready to be outside, exposed, quite yet. 
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The rugby boys come out onto the field. Charlie is behind a fence (remember in ep 1 when Nick was watching Charlie run from behind the fence?). The physical barrier is a metaphor for the barrier Charlie is trying to hold up to protect Nick. Nick looks around (surveying the field? looking for Charlie?). He starts the game, kicking the ball into play and seems completely focused. As he scores, Charlie has climbed onto the stands and is smiling to see Nick doing well. 
Nick finally spots Charlie in the stands. As animated flowers flutter around Nick, he chucks the ball to Ms Singh and strides purposefully off the pitch to Charlie. Nick takes Charlie’s hand and leads him into the school as Imogen and Charlie’s friends watch them. 
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Inside, just the two of them, Nick tells Charlie he doesn’t want to break up and that his life is way better because Charlie is in it and he says he will keep saying it until Charlie believes him. Charlie says, “Nick, I believe you.”  The corridor is brightly lit and actually is a private bubble for them. Charlie has been able to let go of his insecurities (for now) having made up with Tao and kicked Ben to the curb and with encouragement from his sister. This moment in the corridor feels like a happy rewrite to the scene with Nick and Charlie in the corridor at the end of ep 1. 
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We next see them at the train station with a rainbow overhead. They travel on the train and end up at the beach (which, again, harkens back to the seagulls we saw at the end of ep 1). They ride the carousel, get their pictures taken, eat chips, walk on the boardwalk, and kiss. They are outside and totally comfortable together. 
Lying on the sand, Nick says, “I’ve been thinking, what if I came out?” Charlie asks, “Do you really want to?” Nick replies, “I really want to. I know I’ve been pretty unsure of everything for a while, but like, I’m definitely bisexual and I don’t want to have to go around pretending we’re platonic bffs. I’m not saying I want to have a public announcement or anything, but I want to be able to tell the people who matter, and I want you to be able to tell people too. Oh my god, I like you so much. And I love liking you.” He then runs into the ocean shouting “I like Charlie Spring in a romantic way, not just a friend way.” So much for not making a public announcement. Lol. 
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I think this monologue of Nick’s is so so so important and the fact that it happens outside just underscores how much more comfortable he’s gotten with his sexuality and with people finding out about him and Charlie. At first, I did not like Nick yelling his feelings to the sea. I found it very cringey. But I’ve come to understand that Nick’s feelings and confidence have both grown so much, he’s literally shouting his feelings into the universe. 
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Charlie joins him at the edge of the waves and Nick senses that Charlie wants to say something. 
“I never thought this would happen to me.”
Nick embraces him and says, “me neither.” 
Charlie never thought he could find happiness; Nick probably thought he would never be in a relationship with a guy. 
We turn to Nick walking into his kitchen in a bright orange shirt, smiling. His mum asks if he had a good day. He says, “Yeah, it was really good.” He makes a cup of tea and you can see him stiffen his resolve. He’s made the decision to tell his mum about Charlie. 
He sits down, a bit nervous, and says, “Mum”. She fiddles with her iPad and doesn’t pay close attention to her son. “You know how Charlie’s like my best friend?” She immediately says if he’s asking if Charlie can go on their Menorca holiday, the answer is no. Nick replies, “No, that’s not what I was going to say.” Sarah looks at him and can tell he has something important to say. With her full attention on him, Nick says, “He’s my boyfriend. Charlie’s my boyfriend. I still like girls, but I like boys too. And me and Charlie, we’re going out and I just wanted you to know.” 
Sarah has the best response ever, starting with “Oh baby, thank you for telling me.” They chat a little more and Sarah ends with, “I love you.” Although Nick could have come out to her in the car at some point, I think it has to be his kitchen where it happens. This is their cozy space. The painting of the flowers behind Nick’s head reinforce Nick’s own blossoming, as do the brightness and the yellow walls and the proximity to his mother. The kitchen seems to be the space where Nick feels most comfortable opening up to his mum (as we saw when Imogen’s dog died). 
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And finally, we end on the beach, with Nick and Charlie snuggled up in each other’s arms, on their blue and yellow blankets with “I Belong in Your Arms” playing. The boys had to travel through many corridors and rooms to get to this point, where they could lie in each other’s arms openly—and they made it! 
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
And they were so fitting for their various personalities.
Like, Kira and Scott are so adorably awkward with each other (Kira's dad is also an A++ parent, for the record), but also so sweet and understanding with each other.
The way she helped him with the chopsticks. And he was so awkward with them, and she was so hesitant to put her hand on his, but then once they were touching and working together it worked so well and he did it (well, sort of lol. That said, that girl's reflexes, holy sh*t.)
And then the way she fed it to him and her little smile and his little smile.
And then Scott with the wasabi OMG you poor baby. XD
"Scott what happened to your wasabi?" "*slowly dying* I thought it was guacamole."
Ahhhhh, they're just so cute and so awkward and so wholesome and so soft and I love it and I SHIP THEM SO HARD! SCIRA FOR THE WIN! <3
The way Lydia just started slowly breaking down because she doesn't trust herself or her abilities and she genuinely felt so bad for getting Stiles in trouble because she feels like it was for no reason.
But then the way Stiles was so quick to tell her that she's definitely right, and she's always been right, and that he would never blame her and never doubt her because he will always trust her and always have her back.
And the symbolism in her wrapping her finger up in the red string, because she's an unsolved mystery, and Stiles just reaching over and unwrapping it, because as far as he's concerned, there's nothing to solve about her, because she's perfect exactly the way she is.
And then the fact that what she said was able to give Stiles the idea about the chemicals at the school, and then Lydia knowing the chemical symbols helping them put together the pieces of who Barrow's going after.
They're just both so smart and so easily guilt-ridden, but as a result, they understand each other so well, and they love and support and care about each other so much, and they're seriously the best power couple on this show and I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH WOULD YOU TWO JUST START DATING ALREADY PLEASE?! <3 <3 <3 <3
And then Allison and Isaac oh my god. XD XD
The sass and the smirking and the badassery.
The fact that Allison electrified the windows and very intentionally neglected to mention it.
The way the two of them tease each other, but also look at each other with so much love and affection.
The way they both clearly care about each other, but both tend to hide their emotions and keep their distance because their trauma plagues them too much.
I mean, I loved Scott and Allison. I did. But honestly, the more I see it, the more I feel like Allison and Isaac were just made for each other. Like, those two are truly meant to be.
Their personalities just mesh so much better. Their respective sassiness and bad boy/bad girl energy and "touch me and I'll kill you" vibe just blend so well and I love them so much. <3 <3 <3
Ahhhh I love my little couples. Please make them all go canon. Please please please???
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(I mean LOOK AT THEM! How can you not love these couples?? <3 < <3)
UPDATE: WE NEED MORE GIFS!! ALLISAAC ALMOST KISSED!! FOLLOWED BY WHAT WAS BOUND TO BE A MAKE-OUT SESSION! (The way Isaac tried to pretend he wasn't gonna kiss her, and then the way Allison got all mad when she clearly wanted to kiss him as badly as he wanted to kiss her THEY WERE MADE FOR EACH OTHER GOSH DARNAT!) BUT INTERRUPTED BY... "Another werewolf?!" Poor Isaac OMG. The way Chris said "where I keep my guns". XD Just let them be happy, Chris. They love each other, okay? (That said...I do see where he's coming from. Anyways.) SCIRA ATE PIZZA TOGETHER!! All cute and sweet and the whole "no offense to sushi" and then "yeah we probably should've started you on California rolls" and just their general adorableness. AND THEN THEY WERE ALL FLIRTY!!! With the "you seem like a really nice guy" and Scott's little smile with the "what else did I do?" "You remembered my name." <3 <3 And then they got f*cking interrupted by f*cking Barrow so, like, that's f*cking great, thanks for that. I'm worried as all heck, but I have faith that they're gonna save her because THEY WOULDN'T DO ME DIRTY LIKE THAT WOULD THEY?! ...would they? :( :( :( :( Anyways. Cheering myself up. I don't really have any major cute updates of Stydia but I'll attach a new gif because apparently they basically held hands earlier in the episode and I missed it??? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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Enjoy Mouthwatering Delights at Takeaways Barrow: A Culinary Paradise
If you find yourself craving delicious food without the hassle of cooking, look no further than Takeaways Barrow. Nestled in the heart of Barrow, this culinary haven offers a wide range of delectable dishes that are sure to satisfy your taste buds. Whether you're in the mood for traditional favorites or exotic flavors, Takeaways Barrow has something for everyone.
Explore a World of Flavors Takeaways Barrow takes pride in its diverse menu, providing customers with a plethora of options to suit various preferences. From classic comfort foods like burgers, pizzas, and fish and chips to exotic dishes like Thai curries, sushi rolls, and Mexican tacos, there's an array of culinary delights waiting to be discovered.
For those seeking healthier alternatives, Takeaways Barrow offers a selection of salads, grilled options, and vegetarian dishes. Every item on the menu is carefully crafted using the freshest ingredients, ensuring a burst of flavor in every bite.
Unmatched Quality and Service At Takeaways Barrow, quality and service go hand in hand. The skilled chefs and staff members are dedicated to delivering a memorable dining experience to every customer. The kitchen operates with the highest standards of hygiene and safety, ensuring that your food is prepared with care.
Whether you choose to dine in, order for takeaway, or opt for home delivery, the team at Takeaways Barrow strives to exceed your expectations. The staff members are attentive and friendly, always ready to accommodate any special requests or dietary restrictions.
Convenience at Your Fingertips Takeaways Barrow understands the importance of convenience in today's fast-paced world. They offer online ordering through their user-friendly website, allowing customers to browse the menu, customize their orders, and conveniently pay online. The process is seamless, ensuring that your food is ready for pickup or delivered to your doorstep in no time.
Additionally, Takeaways Barrow provides a dedicated mobile app for both iOS and Android devices. This allows you to explore the menu, track your orders, and receive exclusive deals and discounts. The app also offers a loyalty program, rewarding frequent customers with enticing benefits.
Conclusion When it comes to satisfying your cravings, Takeaways Barrow is the ultimate destination. With an extensive menu encompassing a wide variety of flavors, impeccable quality and service, and the convenience of online ordering and delivery, this culinary gem has it all.
Whether you're looking for a quick bite, a family meal, or a feast with friends, Takeaways Barrow caters to all occasions. So, why not indulge in the scrumptious delights offered by this culinary paradise? Visit Takeaways Barrow today and embark on a gastronomic journey like no other.
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pulsdmedia · 2 years
The Week Ahead 3/5-3/11
If you’re constantly searching in the city - be it for a date, the perfect bagel, or a new watering hole - we’re here to give you a break from all the hunting. We’ve found the hottest events, eats, and delights to fill your week with festive revelry and decadence galore...
**SATURDAY** 3 Hours To Drink 100+ Whiskies & Spirits In Chelsea
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This weekend, heat things up at The 2023 NYC Whiskey & Spirits Festival! Your ticket gets you 3 Hours of Unlimited Tastings of 100+ Different Whiskies, Bourbons, Single-Malt Scotches, and Ryes, plus a Selection of Vodkas, Gins, Tequilas, Mezcals, & Rums to enjoy! Think Ole Smoky Distillery (Tennessee), Misunderstood Whiskey (NJ), Distillery 291 (Colorado), Cotswolds Distillery (England), El Christiano Tequila (Jalisco), Unkkoded Vodka (Spain) & so much more sided by live music, games, and scrumptious gourmet foods from Mozzarepas, Taste of Poland, & then some to balance your swigs. A Saturday of sip-tacular sensations awaits...
Ramy Brook Sample Sale
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Contemporary womenswear brand Ramy Brook is putting on a sample sale of epic proportions! Expect flouncy, floral frocks and sophisticated, structured jackets that will have you heading into spring looking and feeling your absolute best!
$29: Dinner With Cocktails & Comedy Show Ticket, Flatiron
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Dubbed "upscale" by Time Out, Slate is "redefining nightlife with something for everyone in your crew." The energetic scene offers 16,000 square feet of dynamic space over two floors with an option to slide down to the game level via their brand new 20 foot slide! With an elegant design, the spot is overflowing with revelry thanks to an impressive drinks program and a compelling chef-driven menu. Think flavor-packed libations to wet your whistle while you swoon over plates of Spinach & Artichoke Dip Pizza, not to mention the Steakhouse Burger stacked with a juicy patty, Boursin cheese, steak sauce, and crispy onion rings on a brioche roll. Next up, comedians Gideon Hambright and Patrick Hastie will rev up the crowd as a procession of talent hit the stage. You'll laugh, drink, and repeat...
Holi Celebration in NYC
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Join The Culture Tree and Waterline Square to celebrate Holi in NYC! This fun and festive celebration will include powder play, dance performances, dance workshops, vocal performances and Indian drummers. You can also sample some delicious foods eaten during the festival. Get ready to dance and play with colors. Wear whites!
Get It Before It’s Gone: The Winter Tippler
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Inflation is no match for the 2023 Winter Tippler, featuring cocktails in all shapes, sizes, and flavors; so don't miss this opportunity to try 15 of them for under $2.00 each! You'll be given The Winter Tippler passbook that contains 15 drink vouchers at some of New York City's most coveted, trendy bars and lounges, like 82 Stanton in LES, Sincerely, Ophelia in the East Village, Made Lobby Bar in NoMad, Barrow's Intense Tasting Room at Industry City - the list goes on and on! To sweeten the deal even more, you can buy unlimited passbooks, making going out in winter a lot more accessible and carefree! Time to look for that sofa change...
Learn About New Beauty Trends with Nordstrom Beauty
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Join Nordstrom to hear from some of their top brand experts live and learn about this season's product launches and trends. Watch the show and then head to your favorite brand counter for a one-on-one appointment. Plus, receive a complimentary beauty tote when you attend the show. You won't want to miss it!
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survey--s · 2 years
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What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? Alice.
Do you own a pair of Disney pajamas? Not anymore. I do have some Harry Potter pajamas though, lol.
What are three of your favorite toppings for salads? I’m really not a fan of salad, but I guess chicken, sundried tomatoes and mozzarella cheese.
What was the last place you went out to eat? A local hotel for a festive afternoon tea.
Do you have a lot of clutter in your home? I don’t have much clutter - Michael, on the other hand, has clutter absolutely everywhere and it drives me insane lol. I shove it all in a drawer.
What was the last pill you took? 💊 Ibuprofen for a sore back after riding.
Are you happy with your current doctor? 👩‍⚕️ I don’t have a regular GP, I just see whoever has an appointment at the time.
Is there a bottle of Benadryl in your medicine cabinet? Nope. Do you take vitamins? Not anymore. I have some in the cupboard and went through a phase of taking them daily but then I forgot and got out of the habit.
Does your hair need to be washed right now? No, I washed my hair a few hours ago when I got back from walking the dog.
What was the last thing you ate? Chicken nuggets and chips.
Do you prefer pizza or hot dogs? 🌭 🍕 Pizza, for sure.
What is your favorite pizza topping? 🍕 Either mozzarella, pesto and sundried tomatoes, or BBQ sauce, chicken, bacon and sweetcorn - it just depends on my mood.
Is your dad a jerk? No, but, like me, he does have Aspergers which means he can come across as quite rude and abrupt to people who don’t know him well.
What color are your fingernails painted? They’re not painted at the moment.
Is anyone in your family currently in the military? No.
What was the last thing you bought at the dollar store? Uh, probably cleaning stuff or maybe candles? I don’t remember, I’ve not been to one in a while as the nearest is in Barrow. Are prices of things going up where you live? Oh, most definitely - fuel, food and bills are all rising. Luckily we can absorb the cost but lots of people I know are really struggling.
What color was the last carpet you sat on?  Grey. I had to sit down to clean Archie’s friction burn lol. He got the lead caught around his leg and then pulled and it caught his leg a bit.
What is your favorite dog breed? Beagles, spaniels.
When was the last time you wore make-up? 💄 Last week when I went out with Susie. I’ll wear some tomorrow too.
What was the last thing you ordered at the last restaurant you went to? We had a festive afternoon tea! So it was a cup of soup with a sausage roll, a mixed selection of sandwiches, 5-6 different types of cake plus a pot of tea lol. Neither of us managed to finish it all.
What was the last thing you wore that was pink? Uhh, a t-shirt I think.
Name three people you know, if any, that currently live in another country. Lauren, Ariane, Cath.
Name three people you know who are from another country (and what countries?) Mark is from Holland, June is from Scotland and Dee is from Latvia.
What are your grandmas' names? Giralda, Terry.
If applicable, who lives across the hall from you? The lady who lives across the road from me is the sister of one of my ex-dog walking clients, lol. I forget her name though, maybe Linda?
Have you ever heard of "fairy hair"? (It's tinsel in the hair that gets put in permanently...it's like tinsel highlights.) Nope.
Have you found any gray hairs on your head? No, but neither of my parents really went grey until their forties.
If applicable, how old were you when you found your first gray hair? ...
Do you think you will dye your hair when it's gone gray? Yes, most likely.
Do you have a sister-in-law? Yeah, quite a few. Mike has three sisters and a brother who is married.
Do you have a brother-in-law? Yeah, two - Mike’s brother, plus one of his sisters’ partners.
When was the last time you went swimming? 👙 ☀️ When we went to Lanzarote several years ago.
Do you own a bikini? Not anymore, I prefer one-piece costumes.
What color is your bike, if you own one? Pink and white, but I haven’t ridden it for years, it’s just sat in the shed lol.
If you were a rockstar, what color guitar would you have? 🎸 Purple.
What are three places you've been on vacation that you've enjoyed? Australia, Italy and Switzerland.
Does your home have carpeted floors? Yeah, everywhere is carpeted apart from the kitchen and the bathroom.
What color was the last scarf you wore? I don’t wear scarves.
What was the last spicy thing you ate? I have no idea, I really don’t like spicy food.
Do you like sushi? 🍣 It’s okay.
When was the last time you had sushi? 🍱 Years ago. You can’t really get it around here unless it’s that pre-packaged supermarket stuff which is pretty grim.
Can you see a box from where you are sitting right now? Yeah.
Would you rather sing or dance? 🎤 💃 Sing.
What color was the last sports bra you wore, if applicable? Black.
What is your nicest neighbor's name? I’ll go with Dot as she’s the one I know the best.
Would you rather have a personal chef or personal house cleaner? A personal chef. I actually quite like cleaning but I can’t stand cooking and all the mess and hassle that comes with it.
Do you have any zits on your face right now? Yeah, one on my chin that appeared out of nowhere.
Do you wear glasses or contacts? I wear glasses.
How many Britney Spears albums have you owned? Just one, I think.
What was the first concert you went to? Spice Girls.
Do you like cheese? 🧀 I absolutely love cheese. I always have 2-3 types of cheese in the fridge at any one time, hahah. At the moment we have cheddar, parmesan and Wensleydale with cranberries.
What are three of your favorite things to sprinkle cheese on top of? Pasta, pizza, nachos.
What are three of your favorite bakery items? Croissants, donuts and sourdough bread.
When was the last time you went to a bakery? 🧁 Quite a while ago. We have one near us but it’s only open in the mornings which is when I’m working, so I never get the chance to go.
Do you prefer coffee or chai? ☕️ Coffee.
Do you know what "chai" means? Yeah, tea.
What are three other names you like that start with the same letter as your name? Natalie, Naomi, Nicole.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy? I don’t know, I’m not a particularly creative person. I suppose reading and listening to music. I used to like colouring but I’ve not done that for years.
Is there a bag or basket of yarn somewhere in your home? 🧶 No. Do you ever wear skirts? Nah, I really don’t like the look or feel of skirts. Do you ever find it hard to live in a world where nobody cares? That’s never been my experience of life. Would you rather have a tattoo of a skull or a flower? A flower. Have you ever had to take steroids? 💊 No.
What are three of the worst withdrawal effects or side effects you have experienced from a medication? 💊 Anxiety attacks, mood swings and migraines.
What are three things you like about church? Nothing.
What are three things you dislike about church? The hypocrisy, the intolerance and the pressure. Does your town have a horse and carriage company? It doesn’t, but there are several stables nearby so you can go and have basic tourist rides along the beach/fells just walking on a horse.
Who are three of the biggest jerks you know? Nobody that I spend a considerable amount of time with.
Have you ever met a Jason that you didn't like? Not that I can think of.
Have you ever had a friend named Sarah? I have done in the past.
Did you go to school with a Suzy? No, but I know a couple of Susie’s now, and my best friends’ mum growing up was called Susie too.
What was the name of the person who bullied you the most in high school Laura. Do you know someone named Matthew? Not anymore, no.
...Mark? Yeah, two - both of them are clients of mine.
....Luke? No.
....John? Actually no, which is weird considering how popular it is lol.
Have you ever been friends with an Ashley? I used to work with an Ashley but I wouldn’t say we were friends. ....an Emily? Yeah, I went to school with about six people called Emily hah.
....a Jessica? Yeah, when I was younger.
....a David? One of my ex-boyfriend’s is called David.
Have you ever dated a Matthew? Nope.
Who was the last person you remember hanging up on you? My mum - her signal went funny and she couldn’t hear me.
How's your heart? Are you wounded? 💔 My heart is fantastic.
What was the last type of pie you ate? Apple.
Are you happy today? Yep. I’ve managed to catch up on my sleep and I feel SO much better haha.
What time did you wake up this morning? Around 9am.
And last but not least, did you enjoy this survey? Sure, it was pretty good actually.
0 notes
nzjjhay · 2 years
The 30 Day MBA in Marketing: Your Fast Track Guide to Business Success Writen By Colin Barrow
Download Or Read PDF The 30 Day MBA in Marketing: Your Fast Track Guide to Business Success - Colin Barrow Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
The 30 Day MBA in Marketing provides a one-stop comprehensive overview of marketing for small business owners, entrepreneurs, or managers who do not have an MBA degree. This updated second edition offers brand new case studies on Victoria's Secret, Match.com, TomTom, Pizza Hut, and Caterpillar.??The book also covers current trends including mobile marketing, social media marketing, and marketing science developments, as well as traditional topics such as buyer behavior, marketing strategy, advertising and promotion, pricing, and marketing and the law.
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[] Download PDF Here => The 30 Day MBA in Marketing: Your Fast Track Guide to Business Success
[] Read PDF Here => The 30 Day MBA in Marketing: Your Fast Track Guide to Business Success
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whatterri · 2 years
Trebs comfortcook pizza oven
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Trebs comfortcook pizza oven pro#
When you place an order above € 30, we will ship your order for free. Have you placed an order during the weekend? Then we will prepare your package for shipment on Monday and you can expect the package on Tuesday. Have you placed an order after 20:00 on working days? Then you can assume that you will receive the package within 2 working days. Have you placed an order on working days before 20:00 ? Then we will ship your order the same day. We will do everything we can to ship your order as quickly as possible. Retail packaging / Sales unit gross weight (kg) Trebs Pizzagourmet 99391 PizzaGusto comes with recipes for pizza crusts, tomato sauce and a handy cut-out shape so that your pizza crust fits precisely on the spatula. The individual parts are dishwasher safe and easy to store. Trebs Pizzagourmet 99391 PizzaGusto is easy to clean. Trebs Pizzagourmet 99391 PizzaGusto is also an ideal kitchen aid for baking cookies. Place your homemade pizza on the baking spatula and the pizza will be ready within 5 minutes.In addition to an original variant on a gourmet set, the Cut different vegetables, salami, pieces of chicken or ham, cover your bottom with tomato sauce and sprinkle the pizza with cheese. The bottom becomes wonderfully crispy like with a real brick oven.Knead and roll the dough and cut out the bottoms with the supplied dough mold. Prepare 6 separate mini pizzas in the terracotta dome or choose to bake one large pizza in the middle for the whole family. Whether you eat with friends or family, from now on you only want pizza gourmets.You'll be a real pizza baker in no time. When you are tired of the fondue or ready for something new, choose the PizzaGusto.
Trebs comfortcook pizza oven pro#
1001 Socket set 1002 Plastic box of clamps, drill bit set, scissors and some more drill bits 1003 5 white hard hats 1004 SDS drill W & H Peacock Catalogue 1005 Green plastic box containing battery charger, tiles, copy machine and steam brush 1006 4741 200 Black and Decker strimmer 1007 Large quantity of rope 1008 Worktop jig 1009 Versatile power pro 600 tile cutter 1010 owak spray system 1011 Electric tile saw 1012 Band saw and jigsaw 1013 Drill stand *1014 88 Shop vac 1015 Box of coat hooks 1016 2 green crates of quantity of brass handles and hinges 1017 Box of electric heater, spotlight, calculator and watering can 1018 Box of 12 pairs of gloves *1019 Frankie kitchen sink *1042 Parts of injection moulding machine and plastic beads 1043 2 shower pumps 1044 Plastic bin containing Black and Decker drill, Power Devil cordless drill and Power Devil staple gun *1045 Illuminated bathroom mirror *1046 Illuminated bathroom mirror *1047 Illuminated bathroom mirror *1048 Illuminated bathroom mirror *1049 Karcher steamer 1050 Bosch UBH2/20 SE 110v SDS drill 1051 4764 Box of toilet roll holders 1052 Hilte core drill 1053 4765 Set of roof bars 1054 4767 Basket of angle grinders *1055 (128) Box of wire cup brushes *1056 Car battery 1057 Electronic power work shop *1058 93 Sip sliding mitre saw with laser 1059 Box containing a heater, hilte raw plugs, painting tray, tile cutter, etc 1060 Red jerry can and holder 1020 Blue sacktruck 1061 Box containing liquid nails, decorators chalk and a 1021 4754 Rolson yellow sack barrow super sprayer gun 1022 4754 Rolson yellow sack barrow 1062 4769 Mig 200amp welder 1023 4754 Rolson yellow sack barrow 1063 (no no.) Tig 200amp ac/dc inverter welder 1024 4754 Rolson yellow sack barrow 1064 Electric drill, jigsaw and orbital sander 1025 4746 Rolson yellow sack barrow 1065 3 Dremel tools *1026 36 Karcher K5.Trebs Pizzagourmet 99391 PizzaGusto.
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tarditardi · 2 years
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15/10 On Block Techno Party al Caballo Loco - Seriate (BG). Al mixer ci sono Richi Beduzzi, Barrow, Lu:Ca e Dericoff
Sabato 15 ottobre 2022 al Caballo Loco di Segrate (BG) prende vita un techno party tutto da vivere. L'evento si chiama On Block e vede in console artisti capaci di far scatenare chiunque sia appassionato di tutti quei ritmi che fanno muovere a tempo tramite ritmi elettronici. In console propongono la loro selezione musicale Richi Beduzzi, Barrow, Lu:Ca e Dericoff: ognuno ha il suo sound, decisamente personale ma sono tutti accomunati da una cura maniacale dei dettagli e della selezione musicale. On Block è poi un party in forte crescita nello scenario italiano e non solo... e tra colori forti, nero e giallo, in qualche modo ripropone pure uno sguardo tutto italiano sulla musica e sull'arte. Infatti l'immagine scelta per racconta la serata al Caballo Loco di Seriate (BG) il 15 ottobre è quella del David di Michelangelo, un'opera iconica, italiana ed internazionale. E' un caso, oppure no, visto che il locale è situato in via Michelangelo Buonarroti? Per capirlo non c'è che un modo, ovvero partecipare alla serata.
Riassumendo, il 15/10 al Caballo Loco di Segrate (BG) da mezzanotte in poi si balla forte, techno ed elettronica, in puro stile italiano ed internazionale. Chi ama questo tipo di sonorità ha quindi un appuntamento da non perdere. 
Caballo Loco
via Buonarroti 38 Seriate (Bergamo)
Info:  338 300 0769
Dedicato agli appassionati  d live music, serate con dj set e di musica latino americana, Caballo Loco è situato a Seriate (Bergamo) in via Buonarroti 38. E prima di ballare o ascoltare tanta musica, chi ne ha voglia, spesso ha la possibilità di cenare al Caballo Loco, gustando la sua ottima pizza. Caballo Loco è un circolo privato associato Entes.
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