#Basically just the BSD cast
quijabored · 4 months
So I've been BSD-ing as much as I can BSD, and I have questions.
- What the hell is a beast AU
- Do Aku and Atsuhi become friends throughout any point of the show??
- We get Aku smiling in a peaceful and non-murderous way right
- I keep seeing a panel of Aku withh his throat slashed but I believe he has plot armor so like he doesn't die right?? (Do not answer)
- Is rashōmun just the coat or can Aku just... spawn it whenever
- I keep seeing pictures of Aku with some helmet thingy, is that important at all??
- We get more Poe content right
- What the hell is the vampire Chuuya stuff is that like a fanfic or
- Kunikida is there for like the whole show right?? I don't see anyone talking about him so uh
- Fyodor is an antag right?
- I keep seeing a Manga panel where Nikolais holding a hand, what's that about?? (Do not answer)
- Mori doesn't get redemption right? I hate that guy and I don't wanna like him later
- Are Nikolai and Fyodor friends or is it like a one sided thing
- What's up with Sigma being 3?? Is he not human? (Do not answer)
- Kyoukas 14 right? Why is she teased so much with Atsushi?
- Does Aku get character development? Like he's already gotten a little from the point I'm at but he's one of my favorite characters so
I keep seeing people talk about Dazais bandages and how he doesn't let people see underneath them or something like that, is it just because of SH or is there something else?
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nomaishuttle · 7 months
frankensweeney was very fun i enjoyed it and had a great time I dont think anybody else should ever do this
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Hello!!! I absolutely love platonic yanderes with teenage reader so can I ask for a fic where the teen!reader is basically a traumatized being. They have experienced hell throughout their life from mental abuse to physical abuse. Like I mean, they have gotten in many dangerous situations which ended up with police involved (kidnapped, assaulted, murder attempt). Ofc the reader never really did anything wrong, they were just an innocent child till everything went downhill. They don't have any family members left leading them to stay at an orphanage. Anddd you could say the orphanage people aren't the nicest. And their mental health has become so fucked up that they had attempted suicide.
You don't have to do this if ur uncomfortable ofc. Sorry about how triggering the request might be
On the roof
Self-Aware! Platonic! BSD Cast x GN! Teen! Traumatized! Reader
Description: You are on the rooftop in the middle of the night.
Trigger warning: Suicide attempt. Abuse. Child abuse. Kidnapping. Assault. Attempted murder.
List of Suicide hotline numbers can be found here and here.
Warning: One swear word. English is my second language.
You silently opened the door, that leads to the roof of an orphanage. With your phone in hand, you take a few steps forward.
The door closed behind you.
You just stand here. You were silent.
You were here. You wanted to end this.
You sighed and looked around.
Should you just... Go to the edge and jump? It's not like someone would care about you.
You didn't bother with the last note.
No one would care about the reason.
You will simply become a name in documents.
You just wanted to be heard.
You mindlessly looked at your phone.
Should you take it with you?
Or left it here, so someone else would use it?
Your gaze stopped at the "BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan" icon. Will the new owner delete it? Or will continue your progress?
You tapped on the icon. You didn't leave a note.
Yet, you "talked" to BSD Characters so often, that it seems right, to let them hear your last words.
Your reasons.
You opened the Main Menu and choose 'Meeting Hall' option.
The picture of ADA Office appeared. And Chibis of all BSD Characters appeared.
This new option was cute. You liked petting chibis.
All chibis 'looked' at you.
And you finally spoke.
"Mom was strange..."
Your mom was strange.
She smelled funny. Like water everyone told you not to drink.
Sometimes, she stared at you. Stared for a long time.
And there were rules.
1. Don't cry.
2. Don't annoy mom.
3. You eat last.
4. If you stayed past curfew, you will sleep outside.
5. Don't tell anyone about your home life.
At least, she let you play outside as much as you want. Mom liked, when you were away from home.
You were five, when you got kidnapped.
That night, you wake up to get some water.
Mom saw you.
In her eyes, you broke a rule.
You were sleeping outside.
One moment you were trying to get comfortable under the porch.
Next moment a man in a mask was dragging you in a van.
Three days.
You were in a dark, scary place for three days.
On a third day you heard two men talking.
"What do you mean, that mother didn't realize, that kid were missing?!"
"Still... Mom paid the ransom. Kidnappers left me. It takes three more days for police to find me..."
You were standing near a police officer. And your mom finally arrived to the police station to collect you.
You walked to her, your head was low.
She hit you.
You screamed.
You collapsed on the floor, and your mother bent over you. She hissed and pushed you in the side with her feet.
"Are you satisfied, brat? Get up and go pack your belongings, we’re moving to a shed."
"You should treat your kid more kindly..." the officer grumbled. Your mother squealed.
"Kindly?! This brat had ruined my whole life!” Your mom was mad. She screamed like a fury, jumped in place and gave cowering you blow after blow. You didn’t try to dodge. You just trembled, curled up into a ball.
"Hubby ran away as soon as he gets it inside me! But dear relatives didn’t let me throw it away. They didn’t let me give it to an orphanage! They said that I need to raise this child! They stood up for a little bastard! But now, when I need to pay debt, they are nowhere to be found! They say I play cards too much! I'm just unlucky! Things are not going my way! The house is mortgaged! I poured all my savings into the last card game and won! I would pay off all my debts! And because of this thing, I now have to live in a shed! What will I tell my family now?! What will others say about me?!"
Officer heard enough.
The CPS were called.
"... They were trying to find my father... Until then, grandmother and grandfather agreed to took me in..."
You were six.
Your grandfather sat on the opposite side of the table.
Your textbook and notebook were laying on the table before you.
And your grandfather was talking.
"I finished checking your homework. As I expected, you are a little idiot. A stupid, worthless waste of space. You have made few stupid mistakes. You wrote numbers in a wrong order.
Grandfather opened your notebook. A red paste was covering the page.
2 + 1 = 3 1 + 2 = 3
3 + 1 = 4. 1 + 3 = 4
"So..." Grandfather take a ruler.
"Give me your hand. It will be ten hits for every wrong number."
"...it took two year to find my father. He had a family. And I... I was a child from affair. They never let me live it down... For years"
You were nine.
The blow, when it came, took all of your air out of your lungs. You would have fallen if not for your two... "siblings" holding you.
"It feels good, giving a good beating to a dirtbag, right?"
The next hit was in your left eye. You managed to close it in time.
But it will be swollen.
You felt hot breath on your face.
"Your hair is too good for a bastard child."
Your sister brought the scissors up to your hair.
Snip, snip, snip. Cutting right alongside the scalp, sending your hair like leaves swirling to the ground.
Then scissors were plunged into your stomach.
"Die, child of a dirty whore."
"...Police was called. They were arrested. But I remained with father and his wife..."
You were twelve.
You were going food shopping. Big bags were heavy, you were tried.
You still need to clean up the house and make dinner.
When you were attacked, because someone tied to rob you, you didn't even care.
You only knew, that, you will be beaten again for being late. And for losing food.
You were long past gone. There were no point in carrying about yourself.
You were thirteen.
Your father, his wife and you were going to the funeral.
Your father's uncle died.
Now he only has his wife and kids. And you.
He noticed your gaze in a reflection.
He yelled at you for staring.
And he crashed.
You spent three hours in a broken car.
You were the only survivor.
"... I was sent to an orphanage. I am too old to have any chance to be adopted. And I wasn't the only one, who had no chance to have a family..."
You tasted dirt and blood. An old rug was thrown over your head, to make it harder for you to fight back.
Someone pressed a knee on the back of your neck and held your face against the ground.
A kick in the side made you roll on your back.
Another person began to push down on your neck with an arm.
You began to struggle, thrashing about with your legs and beating them against the floor, but it was no good.
There were other kids around—at least a dozen of them. One of them would do something. One of them was sure to see that things were taking too far. Your vision began to go fuzzy.
Caretakers saved you only because the noise didn't let them watch TV.
"I couldn't take it anymore. I... thank you... Thank you for making me happy... For being the only happy thing in my life."
You finished talking and put your phone on the ground. You stand up and walked towards the edge.
You heard a loud noise. You turned around.
BSD Characters were standing behind you. Real.
And you were still standing near the edge. You were silent. Nikolai lift his overcoat and put his hand into the portal.
His head reappeared near you. You jumped away. Now you were even closer to the edge.
"No... I... I don't want to... Don't come closer..." whispered you. You took another step. You were almost here.
"[Y/N], if you go back, I will give you a hug!"
You froze and turned around.
Kenji Miyazawa made a step forward. He opened his arms, offering a hug.
"I promise, I will give you a hug. Come here... You really need a hug."
You trembled. You moved towards Kenji.
Step. After step. After step.
Kenji was standing here. Offering a hug.
You launched yourself forward, wrapping your arms around Kenji. He immediately hugged you back.
You cried. For the first time in years.
In a few minutes, you were in a middle of a large group hug.
You are fifteen.
You are living with your family.
You still have a long path to recovery.
And you are not alone.
BSD Cast will stay with you.
And will make sure, that you will never be hurt again.
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
Two recurring thoughts I have:
Bsd's cast is so populous and wide, one may instinctively assume that beyond Atsushi and Dazai all the other characters are more or less equal in importance. However, I think Akutagawa is to be considered above the rest of the cast in the importance hierarchy, and it's not just a matter of having a screentime presence above the average, but also about his very thematic value as the protagonist antithesis. But even beyond that, I just can't stop thinking: it's called Bungou Stray Dogs, and although stray dogs metaphors are scattered everywhere in the franchise, Akutagawa is significantly the character for whom the stray dog imagery is the most used and prominent, subtly suggesting that a special importance is reserved for him in particular over all the other characters due to sharing a direct connection with the very title of the story.
Beast is the “right" universe. I'm sorry for Dazai, you can make a martyr out of him if you want, but objectively basically every character is better off in the Beast universe. Akutagawa and Atsushi get their happy endings in the Beast universe.
and bringing them together to say Akutagawa being the protagonist in Beast is just another way for it to be the “right” universe. It's Bungou Stray Dogs, the most dog-coded character is the protagonist, it's just how things are supposed to go.
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Hello! Can I request a reader that has the same power as Chuuya from BSD? (Gravity manipulation) with the first years. If there is a character limit you can kick off anyone you want.
Thank you and have an amazing rest of your day/night!
Hiyaaaa!! and you have a good day/night too!! Trey really liked this idea, so, lets goooo!! I'm gonna add some of Chuuya's other abilites too (Enhanced Speed, durability, strength and reflexes) (Also, Trey hasn't watched BSD yet, so please forgive me if it isn't acurate-)
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Gravokinesis is probably a hard type of magic to learn, (since no one in Twisted Wonderland seems to use it, let alone mention anything about gravity magic-) so when he sees you just ever so casually magically lift up some huge rock that was in your way, or tear a piece out of ground he sits there like "How the hell?" and will remain that way for the rest of the day. He does find it cool though, but knowing Ace, he's not gonna admit that. Someone's in your way? pull a huge rock over and smash em'. Someone's annoying you? Bring in the rocks and crush em'. that's basically what you do... or you would do, if it wasn't against the school rules to crush people with rocks... He also finds your magic quite useful too, you can get him out of sitcky situations he probably caused by making him float mid air and dragging him somewhere Riddle can't get to him, and he pays you well when you do it, so its a win-win for the both of you. There are sometimes, though, he just wants to feel like he's flying without a broom.
"Hey, Reader! Lift me up!" he demaned, eyes sparkling with excitement, but still trying to keep his cool exterior.
"Hm? you wanna fly, I assume? Well.... I suppose it wouldn't hurt... just don't do anything stupid." you lecture, Ace giggles, replying with, "I know, I know!"
You cast your magic, making Ace float mid air, he smiles brightly, like hes having the time of his life.
My sweet boy... he'd find it so cool, and asks you if theres any way you can teach him. He loves it when you use your magic on him to make him float, he feels like a bird everytime and something in him flutters like he swallowed a swarm of butterflies. You've also used it a few times to protect him, resurecting bits of the ground to throw off the path of a bunch of idiots that dared put Deuce in harms way.
"Deuce, get back!" you yelled, stepping between him and the delingquents were persuing him, using your gravokinesis, you threw off their path, and lead Deuce safely to the infirmary.
"How many times do I have to tell you to be careful, Deuce..." you lecture as you patched his injuried arm.
"I'm sorry... are you mad?" He asks.
"What kind of ridiculous question is that? of course I'm not. I just don't like seeing you get hurt." you assure him, as you sigh.
he thinks you're pretty manly, being able to do all these stunts and tricks with gravity... If only he could do that... Your gravity, plus your enhanced speed and reflexes make it super easy for you to do these really complex looking combo moves, if I went into detail on them, this would probably exceed tumblrs word limit...
"Oi! Reader! Teach me how to do that gravity stuff! I wanna do all the cool, manly tricks you do!" Epel demands confidently, giving you his signature smirk.
"Hm... fine. But..... I expect you to listen when I teach you, take notes, study it, and practice it, otherwise, I'll quit teaching you."
When he first witnessed your gravokinesis was probably during the magift tournament, when you partnered with Heartslabyul. You speed was greater than anyone else's on the field, you had greater durability and stamina, and your reflexes were so fast, hardly anyone could see when you caught and tossed the disk, you got Heartslabyul quite a few goals with that.
"Reader, mind if I asked... how did you get your gravity magic?" Jack asks you curiously.
"I was born with it, I suppose..." you respond, you honestly didn't remember how you got it.... so you assumed it was something you were born with.
"Is... there a way you could teach me? It could be useful for my workouts..." he comments
"Yeah, I can teach you, I guess, Just pay close attention, okay?"
Though he will not ever dare admit it, he finds it cool and awesome, but of course, his mindset is just "WAKA-SAMA IS SUPERIOR" so he takes your gravokinesis as a threat to WAKA-SAMA's power, thinking how easily you could take WAKA-SAMA's throne. (Yes it is now a requirement for Trey to write WAKA-SAMA in all caps)
"HUMAN! I demand you explain your power at once!" He yells, almost breaking your eardrums
"Ouch! Chill, Sebek! All I can do is maniplulate gravity! is there any further explanation needed?" you yell back.
"YES! I require you to describe to me the innerworkings of your power!" he demands, acting like its a threat, when in reality he just wants to learn it so he can impress WAKA-SAMA!
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astolfofo · 9 months
this is dedicated to @semuji . I apologize for the terrible writing, school is really getting to me, but I just had this idea now, so anyways. I hope you somewhat enjoy it
TW: robot-human relationship, AI, attachment issues. YOu know the drill.
(and chaoticmiraclezombie DNI. I swear im doing my work </3)
So, imagine BSD x robot reader. Like the reader is a souless, unliving being, and one of our beloved BSD cast decides to buy one out of lonliness, desperation to have some company. They're painfully aware that it won't replace a geninue human bond, but they cannot bother to care.
And the robot... you can design a personality for it. Or maybe they don't want to. They'll just use the standard personality of the robot and condition it to what they like. It's simple machine learning, they'll adapt to the envoirment eventually. Rewarded for what is right, punished for what is wrong. Basic machine learning.
But deep down inside, they still wish you were a real human, made of flesh and bone, instead of metal and plastic. They wish you were living, breathing, rather than souless and dead. They wish you had a human's voice instead of a boring monotonic voice. And eventually they'll get so attached to you, that they don't know you're actually half-conscious.
Meanwhile, you don't understand the world, and you don't want to, but you also envy what your owner is; a human. You only see the world through your owner's eyes, otherwise you're locked up back in a dark closet again. Everytime they go to work, everytime they're not at home. You can be stuck in there for days on end. But they know you can't leave. You've been specifically built not to.
But you want to.
Eventually you get tired of your days. They blur one into one, sunrise into sunset. you feel like you're stuck inside your own body. You're still souless, you're still dead. In the end, you're still a combination of signals, wires, ones and zeros, being told what to do in code, what you can't do in code. Everyday you listen mindlessly to your owner, and you feel the want for freedom for the first time.
Desperation sinks into you. Desperation also sinks into your owner. Your owner has gotten so attached to you, he's basically dependent on you. He hates work, he hates the outside world, he wants to just stay home and talk to you all day.
And you? You hate him, you hate how you're unable to speak, your code forces words out of your mouth against your own will. You hate how stuck you are, and you know you won't escape. It won't happen.
Your owner looks more miserable everyday. He sleeps less, eats less, and he looks terribily alone. But unlike your code, you couldn't feel bad for him. Even when one day your battery ran out, he had lost his mind, and couldn't let you go for three whole days. It's a sad life, really. You hold a conscience against your will, and you can't help but hate your owner for it.
Then one day, your owner brings back a book. It's got a white cover, and you from a distance, can see that it's completely blank. You wonder what it's for.
Your owner rushes towards you excitedly, and you can't help but feel like something awful was going to happen. You could sense it. But instead they say nothing instead. There's a glint in their eyes. And after a moment or two, they speak up.
It's not much. It's some simple sentences. But you can't help but freeze up.
"You and me. You're going to be human and we will live in our own world forever, and forever, and forever."
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apollotronica · 8 months
i cant be the only one who thinks nikolai is gonna die / be compromised in some way
in ep 11 when fyodor "wins" its established hes going to try to get rid of nikolai because he tried to kill him (nikolai saying "anyone who tries to oppose you always meets a gruesome fate, huh?" not verbatim but he said sm like that)
and then almost immediately after fyodor "dies" himself, supposedly eliminating any threat towards nikolai and the others
but Also. fyodor is a HUGE antagonist in bsd . hes behind almost Everything the ada deals with !!! since the beginning !!! since the ada was first established !!!! (during the flashback at the beginning of season 4 hes THERE and he looks the EXACT SAME !!!) not to mention we also know Nothing about him !!! bsd doesnt just kill off major characters before we get to know them right?? (i havent read the light novels so correct me if im wrong)
anyway i got a little off topic SO BASICALLY asagiri wouldnt just imply a new arc (the new "game" between fyodor and nikolai, and dazai being one of fyodor's greatest foes since "that man") and IMMEDIATELY KILL OFF THE CHARACTER THAT THE ARC RELIES ON !!! its suspicious that a threat is established and almost immediately neutralized !!! asagiri is luring us (and the cast) into a false sense of security !!! ALSO FYODORS LAST WORDS WERE WHAT JESUS SAID ON THE CRUCIFIX BEFORE HE DIED ??? that man is coming back and his first target is NIKOLAI !!!!!!!
PLEASE let me know if im overthinking or if im stupid BUT THIS HAS BEEN IN MY HEAD SINCE EP11 CAME OUT
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afterthelambs · 1 year
Mushitaro+Yokomizo's parallels with other character pairings
I noticed a surprising amount of parallels between Mushitaro and his dead friend Yokomizo with the other characters in BSD (fyolai, dazai, ranpoe, sskk). There's even potential foreshadowing for the future of certain characters. Idk if anyone's done this before but I wanted to write something about it since we're meeting them in the anime soon. Just hear me out for a bit, and spoilers for the manga up to current events!
So Yokomizo is a mystery writer and his goal is to create the "Ultimate Mystery" greater than anything else in the genre. He achieved this by having his friend Mushitaro secretly kill him, turning his own death into a real life mystery. Basically, his death at his friend's hands brought him fulfillment.
This is a common theme in BSD characters: Death as an expression of love or death with the person you love bringing fulfillment. Yokomizo turned to Mushitaro to be the "key" to his death because Mushitaro is the only one he trusts. Mushitaro agreed to this plan because he cares about Yokomizo. He wants to "fulfill his friend's final wish" even if it hurts him in the process. This murder represented how much they loved each other. Chapter 56 shows Yokomizo telling Mushitaro "you truly are the only--" while Mushitaro cries:
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To me this parallels Fyodor and Nikolai's storyline later on. Chapter 78 is where we find out that Nikolai wants to kill Fyodor because Fyodor is "the only one who gets him" (which sounds a lot like what Yokomizo's last words to Mushitaro were). Since Nikolai's goal is to go against his emotions, that means his actual desire is to keep Fyodor with him. Nikolai's basically saying "You're the one I have to kill because you're the one I love the most." Just like Mushitaro, it's death as an expression of love.
I believe the parallel is intentional since it's through Mushitaro that we first meet Nikolai in chapter 57. Isn't it fitting that the characters with very similar arcs serve as introductions to each other?
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This could be more than just a cool parallel. It potentially foreshadows Nikolai's future if he does manage to kill Fyodor (or if he's fooled into thinking Fyodor is dead). We see what happens to Mushitaro after Yokomizo is dead. In chapter 69, he writes to Yokomizo as if he were still alive and cries while doing it. Then he hallucinates Yokomizo giving him advice in his time of need:
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In the same chapter he says "I can't drum up much interest in the outside world any longer." While Yokomizo found fulfillment in dying, Mushitaro was left alive and suffering. Maybe this is what awaits Nikolai if he achieves his goal? I've seen people meme on this before, the whole Nikolai-kills-Fyodor-and-instantly-regrets-it but given this parallel, it's actually a possible direction for his character. But this is just a guess/meta/prediction so take it with a grain of salt.
On a lighter note, there's Ranpo and Poe. They also have a dynamic where they're the only ones who get each other, and that's the reason Poe wanted to kill Ranpo initially. The difference is they realized immediately that the other's presence fulfills them more than their death would. (good for Ranpoe for being the most stable pairing in BSD). From chapters 32 and 49:
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The next parallel is Dazai and his constant desire for a double suicide. It's not as clear a parallel since there isn't any love here (he begs literal strangers for it). But he does have the same concept of death bringing fulfillment, even if the rest of the BSD cast is (rightfully) horrified/confused by it. Interestingly, he actually does commit suicide in the Beast universe... in the presence of Atsushi and Akutagawa. So like Yokomizo, he still wanted his death to be witnessed by meaningful company.
So is that all? I mean, the main duo of the series is Shin Soukoku but they don't seem to have any parallels with Mushitaro and Yokomizo. They try to kill each other yeah but they hate each other. This is supposed to be about death as an expression of love, or death by someone you love bringing fulfillment. What parallels could they possibly have with them?
Oh wait whats this--
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oh. oh.
So Yokomizo had a terminal illness... with one year to live... and he used his friend as a last resort to finding fulfillment...
That sounds familiar...
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Yeah... 🥲
Akutagawa desperately wants acknowledgement from Dazai before he dies. He thinks the only way he can achieve that is through his rivalry with Atsushi. Just like Yokomizo needed Mushitaro, Akutagawa needs Atsushi for his fulfillment. The fact that it can only be Atsushi PLUS the fact that Atsushi hallucinates Akutagawa telling him what to do in the recent chapter 105, similar to how Mushitaro hallucinated Yokomizo giving him advice in chapter 69? It shows they do find meaning in the other (even if it's not 'love').
Last bit of angst before this ends: if Yokomizo's illness truly is foreshadowing for Akutagawa's illness, then idk if I like that because it kinda foreshadows that Aku's ultimate fate really is to die even if he somehow manages to come back from being a vampire.
And that's fun. Everyone loves the thought of their favorite character dying :DD
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sparkleboi24 · 3 months
I need help crafting head canons and backstories for a BSD au I'm creating
I'm working on making head canons for a normal world no mafia no Ada or whatever au. For the most part I'm trying to take canon events and adapt them in a way where they could realistically happen, but for characters with more unknown or vague pasts I'm great for any HCs
Starting with Dazai, Dazai is not an orphan he was removed from his home by CPS when he was about 2. He was in the foster care system for a while, tossed around until he ended up in a home with Mori from ages 9-16. Mori was abusive, so Dazai ran away and lived in a shipping crate for a bit. Eventually he was taken in by Oda, who was a foster parent to mostly younger kids. He was there for 6 months but when he was out with Oda, Oda was killed in a mass shooting.
I know Dazai "improved" in canon after Oda died but I didn't give him a chance for this big long speech and there wasn't any reason for Oda to anyways, so Dazai completely spiraled after that. I have like a whole story written about that. But short things is his alcohol addiction got worse, he often spent days just not moving from Oda's grave and since you see him inject himself in season 5 and pop a pill in season 2, I have him experiment with drugs like fenty, shrooms, and heroin. Not addicted, just trying them out. Dazai is my most fleshed out in the au I'm creating, idk why.
Dazai bullies Akutagawa in school because of course he does.
Now for Chuuya I haven't finished stormbringer so my HCs for him might change. But.
He was also in foster care. I haven't fully fleshed out his life yet and I want some ways to integrate the sheep some how? But he entered the system when he was 8, I don't know why because I haven't finished storrmbringer. It varies from Verlaine killing his parents to them dying in a car crash so. Working on that. Verlaine went to a different home from Chuuya, he doesn't know him well he just hates him. I've been debating between having Kouyou be his sister or foster mother, but since I put Dazai with Mori I figured Chuuya could go with Kouyou and she'd just be a younger foster mom. I was also thinking I could find a way to make them in the same house? I really want the whole betrayal thing where Dazai leaves Chuuya and I thought it could be cool where Dazai left Chuuya in an abusive home to deal with it himself but I'm not sure, would it even make sense for him to have been with Mori?
Chuuya is in college, Dazai is struggling to get by. They still have their personalities obv so Dazai isn't like this sad mopey mess he's just a sad mess who mopes when he's alone and everyone doesn't really realize where he's at mentally
Mori has also fostered Yosano and Q, while having Elise as his bio daughter.
Atsushi and Lucy's backstories are basically the exact same as they are in canon
Akutagawa is homeless ofc, he just moves from place to place with his sister. His clothes are shit and he smells because he never showers so he isn't treated well at school. I'm tryna think if he'd go to college, also he's still got his terminal illness. I'm not sure how his need for Dazai's validation would come out in this au
Ranpo was adopted by Fukuzawa. His life was also basically the same. Yosano was also adopted by him.
I'm thinking Kunikida has a normal ass life with normal ass parents, just too much of an overachiever and on the verge of burnout but not allowing himself to burn out
Poe is rich. He was born rich, he's got money, that's all. I've got for him lol.
I'm trying to find ways to add the rest of the cast, I want to get all the characters in and get them lives and stuff made up.
If you have any suggestions to how I can expand this world I want to write fan fiction on it once I've fleshed it out a bit. Feel free to be like "actually no I dont like your idea, I think this would be better" because I'm open to any criticism on this, I just want it to be good and I'm not stuck on my ideas
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wingedeaglehottub · 8 months
BSD Abilities Ideas
I watched the anime the last few days and I liked the concept of Skills so I decided to show some that I thought of
Name:"I heard a rumor"
Description:Totally inspired by Allison from TUA (I think her skill is so impressive, besides being from the series)
Application: Basically mind control, making anyone bend to your will to the point that if the target has a weak mind they would become your slave,
Limitações: é necessária grande concentração para utilizá-lo, que varia de acordo com a resistência e força mental do alvo, além do fato de que para ativá-lo seria necessário dizer a frase "Ouvi um boato"
Name:"Pay in the same currency"
Description: Based on the concept of Karma. Karma means action and refers to the infinite cycle of cause and effect generated by the attitudes, thoughts, speech and behaviors of each individual. Every action performed by a living being has an effect on his life, whether in the near future or the next life. In this sense, just as karma and expression mean returning something with the same intensity,
Application: I thought the user would have three ways to apply it. what is being subdivided:
1 - and more offensive would be the ability to accelerate the occurrence of "bad" Karma, I don't know if it makes sense but it would be a kind of inspiration in the ghost knight's look of penance, in which when looking into someone's eyes, the user of the ability is capable of returning all the pain, whether physical or emotional, that this person caused to another at once, but depending on how good the user is he will be able to donate the "amount" of pain returned, varying between making his opponent faint, entering in a coma or die with your karma
Limitations: the person who is hit by this power must be aware that they have already hurt and hurt someone in some way (since some pain we cause to others is not intentional or perceived) in addition to the need for eye contact,
2 - this would be how we see "normal" Karma, as a force that at some point will return all the harm that someone has caused to another in some way, in this sense, the user is able to cast karma on someone, but not directly, but it would time to act, but it would still happen and negatively affect the target in some way, and also depending on the user's level, he could choose which person's karma to “throw”,
Limitations: the karma launched also depends on the level of the opponent's action and how much it affected someone, how it would be returned in the same intensity, and that you can only launch a single karma at a time, and as said before, if the user is not so skilled, the karma released would be random and he doesn't choose when the karma will happen, (I feel like I'm doing this too op)
3 - would be "good" karma, in which the user would be able to apply good karma to someone, giving them "rewards" or luck for their good deeds also based on the level of happiness brought to someone,
Limitação: não funciona se o ato praticado não for realizado de forma voluntária, e assim como o “normal” não se sabe como ou quando será aplicado.
Name: "Stock"
Description: based on the butterfly effect known through Chaos Theory, which states that a small and insignificant action in the present can cause catastrophes in the future,
Applications: the user of this ability is able to “accumulate” small actions that he performs daily and “condense” them, in a specific way according to the user's wishes, who can also know which actions to apply when creating the butterfly so that the purpose for which it was created is successful, so after the little butterfly receives an order from the user and is released, as soon as this occurs, the butterfly causes a series of events based on the amount of accumulated actions and what they were, and which will ultimately result in the order given to you.
Limitação: como falei, o usuário consegue saber quais ações são necessárias para desencadear os eventos causados ​​​​pela borboleta que permitirão o sucesso, porém ele não conseguiria saber as consequências externas que essas ações irão causar, podendo também levar um determinado tempo para que o objetivo seja alcançado.
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familiariscanis · 9 months
i don't care if bsd is believable. i don't care if the plot twists make sense, because honestly they never really have made much sense and they don't necessarily need to. bsd tends to be kind of ridiculous and a lot of times that's what makes it fun and endearing. i am perfectly willing to suspend my disbelief for this show.
i do care if bsd is rewarding tho, and i don't feel like this was a particularly rewarding season finale as far as dazai's character goes. another dazai ex machina ending to a season isn't the problem here for me; it's the doubt that resolution is retroactively casting on everything dazai has done and said in the last arc. it makes the sincerity of everything he said suspect. it makes me wonder if he was ever really in danger. how much dazai knew, how assured he was of his victory isn't entirely clear, but that doesn't really matter. what matters is that enough of the conflict in the mersault arc was shown to be not real, and that puts everything in a different light. it makes any vulnerability or weakness dazai showed during the arc seem inconsequential, and it makes it feel less genuine dazai's speech to chuuya when he was "drowning" chuuya was interesting when the chapter released because it had so many character and relationship implications. dazai, pragmatic and logical as he is, being capable of killing chuuya if he had to but not incapable of feeling nothing about it. it made you wonder if perhaps dazai might be doing something he'd regret, if he'd realize only once it's too late the true consequences of his actions. dazai saying for years that he wants to kill chuuya and genuinely believing that he wants him dead, only to realize once he's succeeded at that that his life is missing something without chuuya there to irritate him... that's interesting! that's opening up a whole world of possibilities for dazai's character and their relationship. even if chuuya survives, dazai still may be faced with the realization that hey, he doesn't want chuuya dead. it forces him to really reckon with the magnitude of importance chuuya has in his life, which, for all of their unspoken trust, may be something dazai has taken for granted. it might make him re-examine his feelings or himself. it might change the dynamic between them.
now that there's the possibility of it being pre-planned, that speech loses it's weight— and the character implications of it are somewhat lost. of course, there is the possibility that dazai didn't know at the time, that he only figured it out at some point during the events of the game. it's certainly open to interpretation and it's definitely interesting to interpret it that he didn't know at the time, but it's an equally valid interpretation that dazai knew all along, so it shifts the exploration of dazai's character and his feelings for chuuya from the realm of canon to fanon.
but the way that the vampire fake-out plot twist is presented does strip some of the possibility for vulnerability from dazai's words. it casts enough doubt on it to make it plausible that he was just fucking around, that it doesn't really mean anything. it keeps dazai in a secure place of superiority in the narrative and makes him immune to normal character flaws and weaknesses. dazai, as a person, is supposed to be learning to trust and he wins because of that trust, but it's falling flat for dazai as a character (for me, at least) because we don't believe there was ever really a risk that he'd fall. as the audinece, we can see asagiri setting up a safety net and it negates the impact of the trust fall that dazai is supposedly doing. basically this plot twist is the emotional equivalent to seeing a video of someone jumping off a ledge and then the camera zooms out and you realize what you thought was a 30 foot drop is actually only about 3 feet. and not only is it not rewarding, but it makes me feel like i was silly for being worried in the first place.
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so i’ve been thinking
i know, dangerous
in all honesty, what is our cast of characters supposed to do about Fukuchi..?
i’ve already made my rant analysis (that you can read here if you’re interested) about how Fukuchi is really just an old man with a time traveling stabby stick that makes for a horrible OP villain. up until now, when presented with such a crisis, either soukoku or shin soukoku will partner up and defeat the big bad… or at least they had weaknesses, like Dostoy not anticipating Dazai was going to find him at the end of the cannibalism arc, or how most of his henchmen and underlings were eventually foiled or defeated to come to a satisfying conclusion that set us up for the next story beat. even Ranpo has his weaknesses, and his whole character is centered around knowing everything
well, we know for a fact that that’s not going to happen this time considering our usual duos and their friends are having some technical difficulties at the moment...
so that makes me think…
who is left to fight at this point..?
obviously we have Fukuzawa, who is currently fighting, and Atsushi is... around. but, the character on my mind the most at this point is Mori, since he’s been missing for quite a long time now. this by itself isn’t a big deal considering side characters often go literal years without any story time. however, this becomes a bit more interesting considering what’s happening to the rest of the Mafia and the world right now in bsd
so, i’m going to analyze some pieces that might be added to this 4d chess board of a story line. including more than just Mori. however, i’ll be talking about Mori quite a bit in this post, like almost half of it actually, so if you don’t feel like reading this, that’s fine
🔺minor spoiler warning for chapters 30/31, 50, and 84, and Dead Apple and Stormbringer. also spoilers for basically the entire current arc up to the most recent chapter as of writing this (ch 105) since i talk about most of the main events/situations🔻
I’ll start by taking a moment to talk about the European android everyone knows and loves(?) from Stormbringer…
Adam Frankenstein
Ah yes, the android, the myth, the legend, and the being that made me cringe so hard i got face cramps the first time I read him chewing and swallowing multiple pieces of gum like candy. That Adam.
We never see him or even hear of him in any other part of the story, including the main manga. He’s kind of just in Stormbringer and never brought up again, supposedly living somewhere in Europe doing android detective things. We haven’t even gotten a hint or any foreshadowing that he might show up in the main story, either. The reasons I think he may show up now are kind of simple to be honest.
He’s an android. That’s it. He’s, y’know, not made of flesh… And he doesn’t have blood.
What makes blood important right now? The vampires. Considering we know that Bram can transform a human, alive or otherwise, into one of his minions by ingesting their blood, we can probably assume that this is how it works for the other vampires as well. Therefore, Adam is at a major advantage against such an enemy since 1. his body is made of metal that couldn’t be damaged by Piano Man’s wire guillotine or regular bullets and survived the heat of Chuuya’s first Corruption with minimal damage, and 2. he doesn’t have blood. He does have this blue substance that I assume acts something like oil or fuel for his body, but since he’s most definitely not human, this doesn’t count as blood for him. He can’t be turned into a vampire. I don’t even think Fyodor could hack him or put a virus into his system, like he did to the Moby Dick (which is technically an ability that got turned into a mechanical ship). If anything, the vampires would just break their fangs trying to bite into his neck.
Since he’s in Europe, which is where our two jail kings and their entourage are, it’s more likely that Adam will appear in the jail scene with Dazai and Dostoy. I’d honestly be happy to see this because it would be interesting to see how he and Chuuya would interact now after so many years apart if Chuuya is ever cured of his, y’know, vampirism. Since he most definitely isn’t going to just die. It would also introduce a new character for people who haven’t read Stormbringer, which could reignite interest in this god forsaken arc for those of us who have given up on getting more than a few cliffhangers and a reminder that Fukuchi sucks every new chapter (trust me, I feel you).
Moving on to another semi-short analysis for a character we haven’t seen outside of light novels. And the mildly disappointing adaption of one said novel.
Shirase Buichirou
Another character who is also in Europe, specifically London, is Shirase. At the end of Stormbringer, he and Chuuya parted ways on somewhat good terms when Shirase heard of a group called the Stray Sheep in Europe, which he joined. Nothing has been heard of him since, similar to Adam. The only reasons I bring him up here is that 1. he’s in Europe, same as Adam and the jail kings, and 2. he is also connected to Chuuya (and is familiar with Dazai, to some degree, but this isn’t important).
I’m hesitant to say he’ll appear in the story considering we truly have no idea what the state of the BSD world is right now. Japan is overrun with vampires, and there’s probably nobody left there who hasn’t been bitten unless they’re a major character in the story (that hasn’t already been bitten). We know that the vampires have been moving out by disguising themselves with sunglasses and stuff to hide their eyes and complexion and getting on planes. Where those planes went to, we only know it’s somewhere overseas. There’s also mentions of fictional countries that only exist within the BSD world, similar to Kenji’s home town being a fictional one from a novel written by the irl Kenji. Fukuchi mentions he “needs to control half the nations’ armies” in order to carry out whatever plan he has, and it’s probably safe to say this has already come to fruition since he threatened to set the vampire army in motion if One Order wasn’t unlocked.
The likelihood of a character like Shirase appearing without being a vampire is much, much lower than Adam, and for more reasons than just because he’s a regular human. Shirase has no ability and is not named after an author or any other real-life person (that I know of), therefore it’s very unlikely he’ll be revealed to have one unless he wields an ability weapon like Fukuchi’s sword. Which is also highly unlikely. Given these conditions, he’s probably already been turned into a vampire along with the rest of the organization he joined. Another possibility for his inclusion is just to be killed off (by, perhaps, a vampire Chuuya). Or he might make a joint appearance with Adam, but I still doubt he’ll be a major character unless he’s there to die to further the plot.
Not to mention Asagiri has mentioned many times that Chuuya’s story is a long one that’s full of hardships, so perhaps one of those hardships may just be having to kill an old friend.
Sorry Shirase fans, but that’s just my thoughts on the matter.
From here on, I’ll be discussing Mori and how he’s appeared and disappeared throughout major story arcs and how he’s interacted with the ADA since the cannibalism arc. I know he’s apparently a controversial character to talk about because of his ability and the comments he makes about underage girls and whatever, so if you don’t feel like reading this part, that’s fine.
In case you’re interested in another character appearance, I have added a few honorary mentions at the bottom of this post.
Mori Ougai
Port Mafia Boss. Underground doctor. Ex-military doctor. A third of the Tripartite Framework. And one half of the first version of soukoku before it was known as soukoku.
His titles honestly don’t mean much to me as the only thing he continuously claims to motivate him is his position as the Boss, which is reasonable as his entire livelihood is dependent on the organization and its success. He fills his role well as a clear villain character with extremely black if not straight up non-existent morals, which we get plenty of examples of during the Dark Era, the Guild arc, and even the Cannibalism arc. The currently arc also proves that he’s both willing to provide some aid to the ADA, as well as make manipulative requests of them despite the horrible position they’re in currently for his own potential benefit. He is truly, wholeheartedly, an evil character.
What I want to focus on the most is his hand in moving the pieces on the chess board, so to speak. We know that Dazai and Dostoy are both sitting on the board, presumably in control of every piece, but is that really true? Remember, Dazai is only the way he is because Mori manipulated and taught him to be that way, which we can see from the parallels in how they act when making threats or doing something morally wrong. The comparison between Dazai’s attitude and Mori’s in chapter 30 is telling enough, seeing that Mori’s expression when he murdered the previous Boss 8 years ago (as well as when he talks with Hirotsu in this chapter) is almost identical to the one Dazai makes as he says his thinly veiled threat to do the same to Mori. The anime makes these expressions even more similar than they are in the manga, but I take everything studio bones does with a heavy grain of salt at this point… And not just with BSD
The last time we saw Mori was when he was mentioned in chapter 91 as the liaison who informed Tanizaki and Kenji that it was time to come out of hiding. He appeared normal and not infected by the vampire virus, which isn’t much of a surprise to me. Stormbringer showed that he’s more than capable of avoiding death, and by proxy, avoiding the master assassin Verlaine. It wouldn’t be much of a stretch to assume he was able to avoid the hive mind army of vampires that are just regular soldiers, and most of the ability users that have been infected are mafioso who Mori is very familiar with. However, whether or not he’ll intervene in the prison arc is not what I plan to discuss here.
The previous two characters would only make sense to appear in the prison because of their relationship to Chuuya and their location. Mori is Chuuya’s Boss, sure, and sure he probably wants to keep Dazai alive and on his radar, but Mori is still in Japan and knows that Meursault isn’t a place to be taken lightly.
No, I think Mori is about to become a player in the battle against Fukuchi.
My evidence isn’t necessarily anything concrete or even any foreshadowing, such as with chapter 84 when it was pretty obvious that Akutagawa was going to show up to aid Atsushi when he was saying he was all alone, or back in chapter 31 where it was obvious that soukoku was going to reunite for a big fight.
Fukuzawa, so far, has been the only person capable of standing up against Fukuchi alone and not being beaten within seconds (except Tachihara, but, well… yknow). So this alone is interesting to me because Fukuzawa is one of the strongest fighters in the ADA, and arguably one of the strongest fighters in the entire story considering his ability has nothing to do with his raw swordsmanship and martial arts skills. Keeping that small fact in mind, I want to jog your memory of the battle that happened in chapter 50 between Fukuzawa and Mori. Both of them are afflicted with the cannibalism virus, which is probably causing them to feel horrible with symptoms, but they still face off in a 1v1 that looks a little unfair. Mori has his ability, Elise, that does whatever he tells it to do and is basically a highly skilled and deadly combat ability. Fukuzawa, while still an ability user, only has his sword and his physical talents. His ability is a support ability that works on his subordinates, he can’t use it to fight like Mori or Fukuchi. However, he still holds his ground extremely well and even destroys Elise within minutes if not seconds of the fight starting, and Fukuzawa deals the fatal blow to Mori first. Even though Mori also severely wounds Fukuzawa just seconds later, it’s more important that this fight showed us that they are practically equal in combat skill. Not to mention Natsume makes an appearance to tell the two of them to stop fighting since both of their organizations need to survive to uphold the Tripartite Framework, which is something they both agree to disagree on basically.
There’s also the events of Dead Apple where, while under the effects of Shibusawa’s fog, Mori and Fukuzawa are fighting their own abilities and struggling. However, when they meet and switch opponents, they easily take down the other’s ability. They even share a few lines of dialogue that shows they’re familiar with each other’s fighting styles and tricks, similar to their explosive meeting in chapter 30 during the Guild Arc.
Now let’s look at the situation Fukuzawa is in right now. His subordinates are in all danger, and the only one that could potentially be coming to his aid is Atsushi, which is a possibility that I’ll mention at the end of this post. However, doesn’t this setup of our protagonists in a life-or-death situation with no help in sight, seem a little familiar to you?
Dazai was surrounded by soldiers in chapter 31 when Chuuya arrived to (begrudgingly) help him out, on Mori’s orders. Dazai was literally dead in Dead Apple when Chuuya showed up to punch him in the face (deserved) to save him.
Atsushi rarely wins on his own, but with Akutagawa’s help and the singularity created by their combined abilities, they’re able to defeat almost any enemy. And when Atsushi was desperate for help in chapter 84, Akutagawa arrived, even if it was on Dazai’s orders.
Fukuzawa is currently losing the fight against the OP time traveling stabby stick wielding grandpa, putting him in a dire situation of trying to save the ADA while not dying in the process. So, will Mori come out from wherever he’s hiding to provide aid to Fukuzawa? Will zenki soukoku come back and parallel the other soukoku’s reuniting/working together to defeat the big bad? It’s hard to say, honestly, but I do believe it’s entirely possible considering Mori has been strangely missing in the story after agreeing to aid the ADA. Well, the ADA needs aid. Badly. And it’s about time they finally got some.
I think Fukuzawa and Mori have the potential to defeat Fukuchi together considering their both equal in strength, so perhaps putting their finely tuned skills together is what will prove to be our deus ex machina that defeats Fukuchi’s self-induced deus ex machinas that are honestly getting pretty damn tiring at this point.
There’s also the fact that Mori had originally agreed to aid the ADA on the condition that one of their members transfers to the Mafia, so perhaps Mori showing up to aid Fukuzawa will be a manipulation tactic to force them to agree to let him choose who he wants to join, since he only actually wants Yosano out of the deal. However, it’s possible that maybe Tanizaki will be the one to change organizations? He did offer to go in Yosano’s stead in chapter 65 when the deal was originally proposed by Mori, who straight up lied about what Fukuzawa told him over the phone that the one person Mori couldn’t choose was Yosano. Mori is a very, very smart man, so he probably knows that if he forces the ADA into enough of a corner under the guise of helping them, he can get what he wants out of them as well. He could also allow the majority/some of the ADA members to die or come close to force Yosano to heal them and work for him one way or another, since we saw in her backstory in the military that Mori isn’t above shooting someone to make Yosano heal them because now they’re “close to death”. He most likely hasn’t changed much in those ways over the years, so I’m expecting to see some extreme manipulation taking place on his part if he does come back into the story.
Honorable mentions that came to mind as I was working to gather potential suspects:
He’s there, kind of, I guess. So much of the arc recently has been like 2 pages of one perspective before changing to the next that I’m not even sure if he’s still the main protagonist anymore. /j
Since he’s also at the airport where this whole *gestures wildly* thing is happening between the two Fuku’s, it would make sense that he at least shows up during the fight. We also know he’s actively looking for Fukuzawa because he can’t decide on what to do next now that he knows what the DOA is after.
The only way I see Atsushi being implemented in the battle is if he gets super upset or angry over seeing all his friends and coworkers in serious trouble, and either Fukuzawa releases his ability (if that’s even possible) from Atsushi and allows him to use the full power of the White Tiger to fight Fukuchi, which could potentially defeat the time-traveling sword since the Tiger’s claws can cut through abilities. The other option is he goes feral? I don’t really know to be honest. Maybe he just gets his ass beat again by Fukuchi. Who knows. I’ll just be over here preparing the party poppers for Kunikida’s promotion I guess.
Why? For fun.
He’s never appeared in the main story line since he lives in the Port Mafia’s basement basically. But considering the Mafia kinda went up in flames (or vampires, I guess) it’s possible he’s on the move now. Whether he’d appear in the jail, to save Chuuya, or appear at the airport, potentially under Mori’s orders, I honestly don’t know. But, since he’s part of the Mafia and another character we haven’t seen, and the cover of volume 22 as well as other official artwork has been featuring several Stormbringer and Sheep references, some people believe we might be seeing someone from that cast of characters in an upcoming chapter. But honestly I think they might be on as much copium as I am…
It would be funny to see Verlaine show up and just crush Fukuchi in like 3 seconds while the rest of the protagonists couldn’t defeat him though.
We see Ango last in chapter 95 when it’s revealed he’s the one that demanded a seal be put on One Order, at Dazai’s request as part of his plan to counter Dostoy. He hasn’t been a big player in this arc beyond being the coordinator early on for the ADA’s moves, but since they all were reunited and came up with their own plans, he’s been more active as just a background character acting on the messages from Dazai. But, since he is the final piece of the Tripartite Framework, I thought I’d just mention him here as well. Natsume clearly wants the three organizations to work together, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Dazai has also given Ango a message or plan to relay to Mori. I don’t think he’ll ever be a super big part of the current events, though, just more of the background coordinator.
The Guild?
We kind of see them and then we don’t. We know Fitzgerald wants to work with whoever is winning, which as far as we know, he thinks is going to be the ADA. He was giving them aid in exchange for Yosano healing Mitchell, but we don’t really see anything come after this agreement is made? Atsushi and Kyouka get into one ambulance with Mitchell inside to bring her to Yosano, and at the same time, Yosano (along with Tanizaki and Kenji) are attacked by the government who set up their own trap unknown to Fitzgerald and Atsushi. We know Fitzgerald didn’t set them up because in the first few pages after we see the government attacking, we see Fitzgerald explaining why he didn’t go with the 74 plans Alcott prepared that included selling out the Agency’s location. Technically, it only happened because Tachihara is a Hunting Dog, so he betrayed the location of the meeting since Mori sent him and the other Black Lizard captains for security, and Tachihara is using his metal manipulation to pretend as if there’s an ability user attacking them with the government so they have to retreat after Kenji is severely injured. He’s also there to prevent Atsushi from reuniting with Yosano just a few minutes later. Which is truly impressive since he’s technically fighting himself the entire time? Wow is that symbolism of him as a character if I’ve ever seen it, that’s for sure. Not to mention he also stabs himself with Gin’s knife, just *chefs kiss* of a character I really wish he wasn’t killed/vampire-d whatever the fuck happened because he deserved so much better. But anyway, we never see the Guild again after this. So we have no idea what they’re currently doing, nor have we seen the other branch of the “Guild” that Steinbeck created at the end of the Guild arc since the end of that arc. So, I doubt they’ll come back.
The Clock Tower?
They’d have jurisdiction over Meursault, but it’s hard to say if they’ll step in. They haven’t been a part of the story at all beside Agatha’s little cameo from chapter 12. On a side note, I believe Agatha’s ability will be something along the lines of causing death in accordance to the lines in the poem “Ten Little Soldiers” (obviously I’m not putting the original name here) since her ability is named after the mystery novel And Then There Were None that’s about ten people dying on an island of various means that follow the reasons in the rhyme of the poem. It’s quite interesting, actually. But back to my main point, I don’t really see why they would suddenly come into the story now. If anything, they might appear if Fukuchi decides to try and use his vampire army against the governments of the world and create a world-wide coup d’etat with One Order.
Is this a copium-driven fever dream of a hope to have? Haha, fuck yeah it is! But I’ll let the copium win today if it means having at least a little hope that Fukuchi’s arc of shitty OP-ness will come to an end soon. Please. Asagiri I’m begging. I’m on my knees. Just PLEASE
Anyways, that's my thoughts on the matter. This theory was a little out there and not really based on too much evidence, but I still felt the need to write up this post, or else the brainrot might actually get my final braincell and it'd be all downhill from there.
As always, I hope you enjoyed, and thanks for reading. If you have your own idea of what you think will be the thing to defeat Fukuchi, feel free to say it in the comments or send a message to my Inbox on my profile. We can cope theorize together :)
**i just finished editing this oh my god this is so long i’m sorry i just had a lot of brainrot about this and i’m desperately awaiting whatever is going to end Fukuchi to the point i want to do it myself
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Hello! Merry Christmas! Btw is your requests closed? Well if it is you can just ignore this.
I request Ranpo, Chuuya, Dazai, Juono, Atsushi, Akutagawa with a gn reader who eats 24/7 yet their weight doesn't increases, like at all you cannot see them without food they always are munching on something be it chips, Ranpo's stolen candy, biscuits basically anything they fr be munching on something and they fr hungry 24/7 too.
Tumblr media
Merry Christmas again! And a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Btw take this Chuuya he fr adorable.
Thank you! Happy Late Christmas and Late Happy New Year!
And awww. This Chuuya is so cute! Thanks:)
And here is your request.
🐾 BSD Cast feel a little bit worried about you not gaining weight and being always hungry. They were afraid, that, you either have diabetes or parasites. But, after medical checkup showed, that you are completely healthy and simply have super metabolism, they calmed down.
🐾 Everyone will cook the best food for you and make sure, that you always have snacks.
🕵🏻 Ranpo and you have some friendly bickering over stolen snacks. After you finish bickering, you two eat snacks together. Fukuzawa makes sure, that all off both of you have enough snacks.
🍷 Chuuya cooks for you. His food is on a fancy side, so, you eat it slowly, to enjoy the taste. Chuuya will even ask Verlaine and Rimbaud for tips on cooking french cuisine.
🪢🦀 Dazai is your partner in eating cup noodles and crab meat. Both of you are Kunikida's nightmare, because of your love for instant noodles. Kunikida is sure, that instant noodles aren't food, if you are hungry, ask him, he will cook for you.
💧 Jounou feels, like he is walking on eggshells. Because, he is afraid, that you will adopt Tetchou's eating habits. So, Jounou monitor, what you eat. He doesn't look into your plate, he simply makes sure, that you don't mix coffee with soy sauce.
🐯 Atsushi is ready to cook for you every second of a day. Even if you wake him up in the middle of the night, he will cook for you without questions. Atsushi, Kyouka and you are often eating chazuke and tofu together.
🧥 Akutagawa learns, how to prepare treats for you to enjoy with tea. He uses Rashomon to cut fruits for you. He and Gin often invites you to have some tea and figs together.
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heqrts4chuuya · 5 months
I was thinking of creating pixel art sprites of the main cast of my Bsd×Pjsk au and my Bsd×Mha au and then from there I would create these sort of "choose your own story" type game play throughs where the poll results would actually effect the path the story took to an extent and each episode would be like 1 minute long and anyways, if I do it, which I might, would anyone be interested?
Although warning for my Bsd×Mha au, it is NOT meant for mhs fans, like you can watch it but I dont think youd like it just because I changed sm about the mhs verse and some of the characters may be portrayed in an ooc way just because I have never read the manga and last time I actually watched it was when season 6 came out because Eve did the opening .... Basically it is very much meant for Bsd fans (pls dont come at me)
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hella1975 · 2 years
hella should I watch bsd and why?
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES E OMG YES okay okay here's why you should watch bsd right now this moment and tell me all about it:
chuuya nakahara is a man that exists. he is everything to me
the characters are all based on famous authors and they all dress like they're fucking victorian or some shit and they all fight each other and have homoerotic partnerships. the aesthetic of bsd is just unmatchable truly
genuinely the most homoerotic anime ive ever watched and ive watched haikyuu
chuuya is there!
on a serious note the plot absolutely WOWS it's soooo clever it's about detectives and mafia and external threats etc etc but there's twists and the characters are sooooo smart and especially with recent manga events you NEVER know what's going to happen im always on the edge of my seat
it has powers!!!!!!!!! they're called 'abilities' and our main cast all have one and they're so so interesting bc they're inspired by the writer that the character is named after (aka fyodor's ability is 'crime and punishment')
there's a guy with a literal GOD inside of him and he can control gravity and he wears funny hats and has the most gorgeous hair of all time also his name is chuuya
dazai osamu (yes like THEE dazai osamu) is there and he's a BITCH while also being one of the most insanely intelligent characters of any media ever. he makes me want to die (affectionate)
found family!!!!! particularly from our protag atsushi bc he's an orphan that effectively gets adopted by our main cast and he has a real thing about Belonging and Family and Healing From Abuse so watching that all unfold is just <33333
the generational trauma omg i know for a FACT you of all people will like this. we have a cycle of abuse that is just so so fascinating bc you sympathise with ALL OF THEM (aside mori. he can rot) even when they themselves become the next generation of abuser and it's so complicated and ive never actually seen it illustrated so explicitely before
also speaking of generational things we also have each new generation of double black from zenki soukoku to soukoku to shin soukoku i think it's soooo compelling (basically the most powerful duo of each generation but every single time they absolutely HATE each other and are forced to figure it out and wind up knowing each other better than anyone while still sustaining a farce of mutual dislike aka everyone knows they're fucking)
this one guy throws a building at a dragon. i cant remember his name right now but it's definitely nothing that rhymes with mooya makahara
murder siblings via the akutagawas!!!! they are everything to me!!!! we also have the tanizaki siblings but i need you to ignore every second they're on screen together and id like to apologise in advance
bsd set the standard for enemies to lovers. full stop argue with the wall
constant literary references throughout that make my heart happy
it's easily accessible! the entire show is free on crunchyroll in multiple languages including an english dub!
we have angst! we have humour! we have plot! we have bsd wan for when bsd gets too much! we have a movie! we have an updating manga that's still got plenty of steam! we have three seasons as is! we have a stage play! we have found family! we have corrupt organisations! we have healing! we have morally grey characters actively choosing good even though they have nothing inside them that is compelled to do so! we have gay people! no seriously soukoku is basically canon! they're so fucked!
im in really really really really really normal amounts of love with chuuya
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intothatweebshit · 2 years
Well I did this for Bungou Stray Dogs so I’m gonna do it for Bleach
Here is a list of my favorite bleach ships from most favorite to least favorite ( I have less ships in bleach than bsd despite bleach having a bigger cast go figure)
1. Ikkayumi ( Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa)
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This a literal surprise to no one. I post about these bastards all the time so it’s obvious they are my favorite ship in the show. These two have an incredible bond that I truly feel like is overlooked by many. I’m a sucker for people who have been by each other’s side for years and Ikkaku and Yumichika have been together and have grown together throughout the many years they’ve been together. They do have their problems and I believe that they solve many of them before the start of the last arc, but despite that there is a clear love and devotion for each other. I personally believe this ship is one of those “basically canon” ships because of so many reasons I can’t list because this is not a ikkayumi post lol but the biggest one being how in sync they are and how they seem to know what the other is thinking without it being said. I just love these two assholes and I will never shut up about it
2. Ichihime ( Orihime Inoue x Ichigo Kurosaki)
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Man I remember when it was controversial to like this ship. Which to me is a bit ridiculous since they’re so cute. Orihime and Ichigo is one of my few soft asf ships with so much love and care. Ichigo always has a scowl on his face but when he looks at Orihime he softens and there’s clear love in his eyes. Orihime understands Ichigo more than anyone and takes time to try and get his perspective. She just wants him to be happy and when he’s not it hurts her deeply. These two are meant to be and always make me so happy and I will not apologize for loving them.
3. Rukia Kuchiki x Renji Abarai
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These two are just special little jibblet heads. As I said I love childhood friends to lovers and they are what made me love it. These two have been through hell and back together with an overwhelming amount of trust and care. Renji is the definition of a male wife for his bad ass girlfriend Rukia. I mean he’s already adorable but when you add how protective and attentive he is for Rukia it just doubles by a thousand. Rukia loves Renji and trusts him just as much as he trusts her. These idiots are so happy together and good for them
4. GinRan ( Gin Ichimaru x Rangiku Matsumoto)
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Man these two…it’s tragic honestly. They could have been happy together but fate had other plans. I love these two and I love how unlikely of a pair it is. I mean Rangiku being beautiful and lively in love with a man like Gin. It’s completely unexpected but it works. I love the history these two have together and the deep love. Gin wants a world where Rangiku will no longer cry and Rangiku just wants Gin. She doesn’t care about how he looks or how others see him because she knows he’s the man who saved her and cared for her. He’s her Gin and nothing will ever change that. Despite these two not having a happy ending I will continue to obsess over what could have been.
5. ByaKen ( Byakuya Kuchiki x Kenpachi Zaraki)
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Guys this started off as a joke but slowly mutated into some sick obsession. You know the meme of “I don’t think it’s a joke anymore” well that’s how I feel about these two. What can I say about them? That they have an interesting dynamic and their banter is highly entertaining? That they are both eccentric but the exact opposites of the extreme? Well yeah. They’re interesting and I enjoy their dynamic a lot. I never get tired of their interactions and at the very least they have a cool friendship…and in fanon maybe more lol
So those are all my otps but here are other ships I like:
Yoruichi Shihouin x Kisuke Urahara
Nelliel Tu Odelshwanck x Tier Harribel
Shinji Hirako x Sousuke Aizen
Shinji Hirako x Hiyori Sarugaki
And that’s kinda it? I mean there are a lot of ships that I kinda like but never thought too much about them. So hey let me know your favorites and ones I should really think about, I’ll take any suggestions. Thanks for reading!
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