#Bathroom waterproofing products
sanabuildings · 9 months
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Bathroom waterproofing
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sealantswaterproofing · 10 months
waterproofing-primer Sealants Silicones-and-paint-supplier
Waterproofing Primer: A waterproofing primer is a type of coating or sealer applied to surfaces before the main waterproofing material is added. Its purpose is to improve adhesion, enhance waterproofing effectiveness, and create a barrier to prevent water from penetrating the surface.
Sealants: Sealants are materials used to seal gaps, joints, and cracks in various surfaces to prevent the passage of air, water, dust, or other substances. They come in various forms, such as silicone-based, polyurethane-based, or acrylic-based sealants.
Silicones: Silicone sealants are a type of sealant based on silicone polymers. They are flexible, durable, and highly resistant to water and temperature variations, making them suitable for a wide range of sealing applications.
Paint Supplier: A paint supplier is a company or business that provides various types of paint products to customers. They may offer different paint formulations, colors, and finishes for various applications, including interior and exterior painting projects.
If you have a specific question or need more information about any of these topics or their relation to each other, please feel free to provide more context, and I'll be happy to assist you further.
Leaking Shower Repairs And Shower Waterproofing in Sydney
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The Fox & the Hound (Ch. 01)
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Inspired by a tag on @ceilidho's tumblr post reblogged by @garbagecompactor3263827 where Johnny wants to sink his teeth into a newbie porn star.
AO3 Link - Comments/Reblogs very appreciated
You watched him prep in the shared bathroom. People were bustling in and out, and a lighting manager was handing him a fresh razor, reaching over him for her films. He trimmed around his fat, flaccid cock with a practiced hand, getting the hairs just right. Part of you wished it was still the 80s when bush was en vogue . The rest of him remained furry, thankfully, and just as you were about to tend to your own garden, he caught you looking. That same glint in his eyes sparkled, like a hound that had spotted the writhing tail of its fox, ready to crack its bones in his huge maw. He’d been looking at you like that all day. He laughed, but he didn’t ride you for gawking. If anything, he looked a little relieved. What had you gotten yourself into?
Nothing had gone according to plan. This was your first real shoot, and the original actor who had set you up with this production company wasn’t even in the film. Film , your internal monologue chided you, it’s a porno, you filthy slut . Okay, a porn film. You’d sent nude photos here and there, and you’d even landed in Playboy as a back-page lube advert girl. It was a start. But, now, here you were about to shoot your first porno , and the only thing you knew about this guy was that he had fought for this part. 
He was beyond famous. You’d heard that Johnny Dangerous was the man of the hour, and that most of the girls who needed to boost their bankrolls called him up to ask him to co-star. You’d never even heard of him until today, and after hanging around the catering cart, you learned that he was the one who had paid actual money to star with you. 
It was probably some power play. Maybe it was your novelty. Banging the brand new porn actress must have been some sort of game. You didn’t care. This one gig was about to pay off your loans and buy you a brand new car all at the same time. You just needed to survive Mr. Dangerous. 
“Honey, are you comin’? We gotta shoot outside before the sun goes down.”
The voice came from the doorway, but you weren’t the honey, for once. They were talking to him. He didn’t answer. He just nodded, dismissing them, throwing his bright green swim shorts back on and rubbing the remainder of the oil into his broad chest. He was staring at you, biting hard at the inside of his cheek like he had a secret. Then, his expression became resolute, and he spoke to you softly, the way you do when you’re trying to coax a cat out from under a car,
“You gonna make it, lass?”
“Yeah,” you swiped on some waterproof mascara as an excuse to stare into the mirror and not at him, “I’m just a little nervous, that’s all. That seems normal.”
“It is,” Johnny moved closer to you, fluffing his own eyebrows in the mirror right alongside you, “Very normal. I’ll take care of you, hen. Nothin’ to worry your wee head about.”
You smiled. You didn’t want to thank him, exactly, but you wanted to be nice. Cordial. Professional. 
It wasn’t very professional of you to stare at the way his cock bounced as he adjusted his shorts, though, was it?
Then, to your shock, he leaned down and planted a kiss on the corner of your lips, tasting your sticky, cherry gloss, and saying, 
"See you in a bit, bonnie. Gonna make you feel real good." 
You stopped. He was gone, and for the first time that afternoon, you were alone. He lingered in all of the cracks and crevices of you, though. Now that he had pressed his lips to you, the spell had begun, and you realized you’d be fucking this man for hours. You drank your water from your icy jug, trying to turn it into liquid courage.
“Okay, okay, uhh… cute, yeah. Love it,” the director, Mike, appraised you like he worked on an assembly line, swooshing you over to the diving board with his hand, clutching a venti Starbucks cup in the other, “You look great, babe. Go sit on the diving board and let’s do a little preamble. Feel yourself up, pretend that you’re sunbathing in Malibu and not fuckin’ Santa Clarita, mkay?”
You made your way over to the diving board, walking in a way that you assumed was sexual, making a sexual face, and moving your hands across your tits…sexually. You thought it was a fine job until you heard the cut whistle. 
Mike was behind four people, two cameras, and an iPad when he shouted at you again,
“This isn’t a goddamn church service, babe. C’mon. I get hard when Chuy over here drives too fast, and this is not doin’ it.” 
“Sorry,” you said, moving back to your mark, determined to be positively the sexiest sunbather he had ever seen. 
“Mikey,” you heard Johnny’s voice call out, “Lemme kick it off.”
“Shut up, Johnny. I can’t afford your extra minutes, you skank,” Mike laughed and sipped his triple caramel mochaccino. 
Johnny came out from his shaded tent and cut his eyes at Mike before staring right at you,
“No charge. Just want it to be right.”
“Ugh,” Mike rolled his eyes behind his too-small sunglasses, “You and your…” he used scare quotes, “... art . Fine. Whatever. I just don’t want to shoot in the goddamn dark, so hurry up.”
Johnny walked around the pool, stroking himself across his shorts to stay hard. He was so thick that it looked like he was petting a handle of vodka back and forth. You tried to control your face, but you were getting more and more nervous as he came closer and closer to you.
“C’mere, bonnie,” he pulled you up from the diving board and held you in his arms.
If it wasn’t for the twenty people sweating to death in black tech clothes and eating dried-out hummus from foam plates standing around you, you would have felt like you were at your high school formal, being cradled gently in hands that wanted to do so much more. 
“Eyes on me,” he whispered. 
You obeyed, for some reason. There was nothing else to do but obey him. 
When he bent to kiss you, you knew it was for the cameras, because the angle of his face was open and softly spread so that the way he sucked your lips into his mouth would be seen by A and B-roll film. You kissed him back, trying to turn the sexiness up to eleven, rubbing your hands on his rigid cock to appear wanton and needy. 
He shuddered, and you thought you’d done something wrong. The look in his eyes told a different story. They were feverish, daring, and his pupils were fully blown. You could smell the coconut sunscreen someone had applied to him, and you could feel his breathing quicken in his huge body. 
Mike’s nasally voice came over the speakers,
“Let’s get a boom in there and pick up some of the kissing noise, please. Also, Johnny, some of your famous accent there, baby. You know what the ladies like.”
You were being kissed again, now set up for everyone to hear. He was devouring you, and you tried to keep your footing, grabbing his hulking shoulders and running your hands across his hirsute form. His muscles rippled and stretched beneath your touch, and he spoke his lines,
“Thought you would sneak into my wee pool, did ya, hen?”
You gave your voice a high-pitched lilt,
“Yes, I just wanted to get nice and tan.”
“Aye?” He pulled the tie on your bikini top, “Wouldn’t wanna get any tan lines, huh?”
You shook your head no, kissing his bare chest and feeling the top slither off of you to hang around your waist. 
“Wow,” his voice had changed its timbre, “Look at these pretty tits. Jesus…”
Johnny brought his mouth down to your nipple and sucked on it, licking on your beaded nub until it tightened for him, making sure to allow the camera man a full view of your perky breasts as they filled his hands. 
You moaned, and then you remembered to moan the right way, high and whiny. The higher the pitch, the higher the profit, they’d said. 
Johnny stopped suddenly, looking you in your eyes,
“Go back, lass. The first way. Do it the first way.”
“Johnny!” Mike complained, “Do you wanna come sit in this fuckin’ chair, or are you gonna focus on gettin’ your fat dick wet? Stop directing mid-scene. Cut. Cut. Start over with the tit sucking, and we’ll take it from the top,” Mike changed the tone of his voice and smiled at you, “You’re doing great, babe. Ten outta ten.”
You felt Johnny move his mouth to you again, but this time, his eyes were watching you, looking at you and waiting for you to make a choice. He was eager to make you moan, sucking hard and then soft, letting his long tongue lave over you like an animal, nibbling at your skin and making your blood rush to the surface. 
You moaned for real, testing the waters. Johnny smiled so wide you could see his back teeth, his jaw open and parting to let his tongue come forward to do its work. 
“Tha’s it, hen. Lemme hear you.”
His enormous hand squeezed your other breast, and he moved his mouth between them, stirring up your pleasure like a whisk in cream. Soft peaks. 
You obliged. The more you moaned, the more he fondled. He was yanking at your strings and ripping the bikini from you quicker than you had assumed he would be, especially since you were still in the outdoor scene. Wasn’t this all supposed to be inside?
“Christ,” Mike groaned, “I look at my email for five seconds and you’re almost nose-deep in her asshole? Johnny, this was supposed to be at couch scene three. Can - hey! Can somebody get him a book?”
Someone handed him a book, and he tossed it in the bushes,
“I dinnae care if it’s scene five thousand, Mikey. Just shoot it vérité, mate. Just like old times,” Johnny barked. He was getting more and more ruffled as Mike kept cutting in, almost like he was impatient to be done with it. Done with you?  
Mike turned his head to his assistant and asked,
“How many minutes do we have? Are we good? Okay. Okay!” He threw up his hands, “Okay, Johnny, you prima donna bitch. Let’s take it inside.”
The Someone with the book now passed Johnny his robe and he shouldered it on. He looked around and barked again,
“Aye! Hers? Give it here.”
He then had your robe in his hands and put it over you, cloaking you in its soft terrycloth, making sure you were covered. It was such an abrupt stop to your pleasure, one that you were not used to making, and your body railed you for it. Your pussy throbbed, your nipples ached, and your belly was full of butterflies. He held your hand as you walked inside. Just as you were about to get into position four on couch three, he pulled you back, nodding up at Mike and his team of people.
“Okay, lets get lighting on couch scene three, Billy. Hey! Hotdog! I didn’t say pull the lamp. Put the lamp back. Thanks, my man. Two more clicks on the warm light. Okay, gross, one click. Perfecto.”
Mike’s head popped over his iPad,
“You lovebirds ready for scene three?”
“Hang on,” Johnny grumbled, removing his swim trunks and flip-flops. 
He positioned himself on the couch and spread his legs, jerking himself back to full hardness and staring right at you as he did so. 
“C’mon, bonnie. I’m ready for you.”
You made your way over to the couch and knelt down. You didn’t mean to, but you hissed when your knees hit the cold, hard tiles. 
“Sorry!” You whispered to him.
He took his hands off his cock and pulled you onto the couch with him,
“Here, bonnie girl. Like this instead, yeah?”
Johnny pushed himself out along the length of the couch so that you were both laying on it. You placed your knees on the arm of it, raising your bare ass in the air for B-roll shots, your face perfectly positioned at Johnny’s raging hard-on. It was massive up close. His plump head and thick rod had seemed normal in his huge hands, but now that your small fingers were wrapped around him, you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. 
“Okay, fuck,” Mike smiled, drinking his coffee and nodding, “That’s hot. Good call, new girl. Smart.”
You smiled back at Mike, grateful for the praise, feeling like you were going to knock it out of the park. Then, Johnny’s cruel hand grabbed your hair and turned your head up to stare into his eyes. He grinned like a demon,
“You don’t have to smile at him, lass. He’s a fuckin’ bawbag.”
“JD! Can we get on with it?” Mike rolled his eyes. 
You got on with it. Something in Johnny’s demeanor had stirred a dark place in your belly. He was possessive, and he didn’t like you smiling at Mike. He did like the way you took each of his balls in your mouth and sucked on them with loose, pouty lips. His moans were cut short, not wanting to over-saturate the reel with male grunting sounds. Apparently, the straight male audience wasn’t a fan of anyone’s grunting but their own. 
He also liked when you tried to take him into your throat, moving your head as far as you could down his shaft, choking on his cock until you felt drool coat the inside of your mouth. You spit it onto him, and he wrenched his eyes shut, unable to watch you fuck your own face with his shaft. 
“Okay, while Johnny’s taking a nap or whatever that face is, let’s get B-roll in here for her mouth. Also, let’s take a minute or so of that gorgeous ass she’s got up there for us. That’s gonna be money, my friend. You are gonna be Miss Popular!”
In the place where you were staring before, Johnny’s face of agony and bliss, now there was a big, black lens. You could see yourself, bobbing up and down hungrily, and you pulled out all the stops. You suckled gently on his glans, lapping up his precome dutifully, enjoying it enough to moan again. 
He jumped, and Johnny’s hand snaked its way under the camera to squeeze the life out of his shaft. 
“Hey, mate, move to B-roll of her ass, would ya?”
The camera man laughed,
“About to lose it, Johnny? I thought she was the newbie.”
“Shut up, mate.”
You stayed stock still, watching as the camera moved to your rear end, feeling beyond exposed. You played with your pussy, spreading it open, fingering yourself, all of the things you were supposed to do. And, to be honest, it felt great. You needed to come so badly, a warm breeze would have been sexy to you at this point. 
Johnny stared down at you, his dick still in the prison of his fist, panting,
“How are we doin’, lass?”
“Good, you?” You appreciated the check-in. 
“Good. Ready to fuck you. So damn ready.”
His voice and his eyes were predatory. You felt like his prey. Prey had claws, too, though. So, you licked his shaft again, and you fed his own line back to him,
“I’m gonna come so fast. You’re gonna make me feel so good, baby.”
His face changed into a look of shock. Just then, Mike rang the bell,
“Alright, it’s couch doggy and - what does this say?”
“Light,” someone told him.
“Okay, light spanking? You okay with that new girl? It says you signed off on it.”
“Yeah,” you shrugged. 
“Okie dokie, just checking. Sweet. Let’s get there.”
Johnny was standing at the arm of the couch, positioned behind you were you couldn’t see him. You felt his hands rub your cheeks and spread them wide, opening your core up to him. Then, that long tongue was lapping up your wetness, and he was talking with his mouth full,
“Mmf, so wet for me, lassie. That’s my good girl.”
Your pussy clenched and you knew he could see it. You thought he might laugh or make some other comment, but he kept your secret, licking the inside of you with soft, languid strokes, you gave him another clench - this time on purpose - waiting to see if you could rile him up again. 
“Oh, fuck,” Johnny moaned, “You’re so ready for me. Fuck me, wait.”
He stopped eating you out, which was the opposite of what you were going for. This shoot was a disaster, and you really needed this gig.
“I’m sorry!” You said, turning around.
“What?” His brow furrowed, “No, just wait. Mike!”
“What is it now? Johnny - this is why I didn’t call you about Manuel Ferrara’s gangbang.”
“I just need my bag.”
Mike’s sigh was theatrical,
“Everyone take five.”
The bell went off again. You sat on the couch and the same someone brought you your robe and a water. You smiled and thanked them. Johnny had disappeared, but when he came back, he was wearing a thick, black cock ring, tightly secured around his shaft and balls. 
“Okay,” he sighed, sitting by you on the couch, robeless.
“Are you alright?” You asked, offering him some of your water.
He took it, gulping down two huge swallows before responding,
“Aye, lass. Just had to stop myself from ending this show too soon.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise,
“I thought it was for the opposite reason. Must be hard to keep it up for such a long time, especially with all these breaks.”
He laughed,
“Usually, yeah. But, not today.”
His eyes were raking over you, still hungry for you even though he’d seen it all already. It would have been a lie to say you weren’t hungry for him, too. It was intoxicating, the way he stared at you, eager and joyful. You weren’t surprised he was so popular. 
“Annnnnd, we’re back, people! Baby, could you perch up there again, please? Now that Mr. Princess is done preening, we can shoot a fucking porno.”
You repositioned yourself back to where you were, and someone came by to re-oil your ass cheeks. They felt shiny, and you hoped you looked great. Watching the film was going to be humbling, but this was your first time and you were learning so much. 
Johnny took his place behind you, and you felt the familiar, heavy slap of a cockhead on your pussy lips, sticky and exciting. You gasped. He responded, 
“That’s right, hen. It’s time for your reward.”
He began to feed his head into you, and the crown of it popped into your hole with some resistance. Behind you, his thick fingers spread your cheeks apart, and you felt one hand leave just to return in a sharp smack. You cried out louder. He sank in a little deeper, moaning right along with you. He slapped your ass again and growled,
“Fuuuuuuck, that’s too tight, that’s too tight. Oh, Jesus.”
You keened, embarrassed, but unable to stop the noise that came out of your mouth. 
“You like it, lass? Gettin’ this pretty little cunt all stretched out for me. Gonna make you beg for this cock and only this fuckin’ cock, ain’t that right?”
“Yeah,” you moaned, your voice straining, “Only this cock, baby. Fuck me nice and hard.”
You regretted every word because he was pleased to oblige you. He slammed himself down into your aching hole, pressing through your walls, through your wetness and the oil and the lube, and it still wasn’t enough. You felt like you were tearing apart, especially when he pressed you onto his hilt. 
Everything slowed way down. You saw white, for a moment, and you felt tears well up in your eyes, burning on their way down your cheeks. He was trying to ease you though it, but you were coming on him. Your whole body was shaking and trembling, and his girth was forcing an orgasm to rattle through your core. You even felt him fighting to stay inside of you, battling against your tightening walls, desperate to keep his position, nestled at your womb, deep within you. 
“Oh, fuck! Lass! Holy God, that pussy is tight. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
You felt him slap you again, but the sting was gone. Your body had flooded you with orgasmic endorphins and adrenilne, and it was going to take a lot more than a “light spanking” to get your attention away from the cosmic nova exploding in your belly. 
Johnny’s thrusts were that of a hungry beast. He didn’t falter, nor slow, nor stop to check and see if you were even still alive. He was chasing himself down inside of you like a dog with its tail. Over and over and over, you felt the heavy weight of him pushed forward, smacking into you, feeling his hips snap repeatedly spearing your core with his enormous rod. He was grunting with abandon now, just barking out cries along with you, and when you looked at him over your shoulder, his face was bent and twisted in such a rage that it frightened you. He looked inhuman.
Suddenly, you were lifted from the couch, and his hands were around you. He flipped you over and held your thighs pressed down to your chest, creating an even deeper angle. You regained your thoughts quickly enough to hold your legs pinned for him, only half-worried that you’d tumble off the couch. 
You weren’t sure it was possible though, since his grip on your waist was so punishingly tight. He was fucking you so hard and so fast that you were feeling it in your bones. Your hips were taking the brunt of his sex-fueled wrath, and you knew you were going to be sore tomorrow. 
Then, his fingers found your clit, rubbing accurate and pleasure-filled circles around and around, making your lips swell with intensity. You were going to come again, and you told him so,
“Johnny… you’re gonna make me come, baby.”
“Come,” he snarled down at you, his eyes wild and haunted, “Come on me. I wanna feel you fuckin’ squeeze me out. Come. Come. Come, lass. Come for me, pretty girl. Oh! Oh, there it is. Yes, yes, yes, good girl. Good girl. Fuck!”
He rode you through your orgasm and stalled, leaving himself inside of your fluttering walls, basking in the sensation, trying to catch his breath. Johnny sat on the couch and you climbed into his lap, taking his cock in your hands and guiding it back into your dripping hole. 
“Bonnie,” he sighed, kissing your neck and grabbing your ass in both of his hands, “You feel like heaven. God, baby, don’t stop. Just like that, don’t stop.”
You were rocking back and forth on him, and you could feel his swollen head rubbing at the end of your pussy, bullying your cervix, making you feel too full. 
“It’s too much, baby,” you confessed, squishing your breasts together and letting him move his mouth across your nipples once again, “You’re too big. Filling me up… I’m so full.”
“You’re so tight, lass.”
He said it like a prayer. His eyes were glassy as they stared up at you. All of his bravado and flirtatiousness was gone, and it had been replaced by boyish wonder. It was as if it was his first time to feel the inside of a woman, to be hugged, warm and wet, engulfed in her core and playing within her the oldest song known to man. You sang it for him, not for profit anymore. His bewtichment was complete. You were totally and completely ensnared by him. 
Then, he held you to him, clutching you to his chest and screaming out loud, braying and writhing beneath you. He was coming. You felt him pulse, over and over, spilling and foaming and frothing around the edges of your hole, soaking you from the inside. 
You rode him slowly, back down from his high, and he gasped with every roll of your hips, looking at you in some sort of horrible ecstasy. 
Mike’s bell went off in your ear.
“Okay, folks! Thanks so much. Let’s wrap it. I’m sure some of this is salvageable. Johnny, and uh… whatever your name is, you still owe me garden scene six and upstairs… um, is it pool table? It’s pool table. Wanna be back here tomorrow at two?”
Johnny gave an exhausted thumbs up, and so did you, finally sliding yourself off of him with a wet milky sound. 
“Um,” you tried to catch your breath, “Thanks, for helping me today. Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”
He looked at you quizzically, almost a little hurt. It was a confusing face to see, but you didn’t really know him that well, so you waited for his reply.
“Sure, bonnie.”
You untangled your legs from him and pulled on your robe, leaving him on the couch. You needed a shower and some brand of fast food, as soon as physically possible. 
The bathroom was steaming when you hopped in, and you were covered head to toe in coconut smelling soap when you heard a knock at the door. 
“Uh, come in?” You peeked around the glass partition.
It was Johnny. 
“Got room for one more, lass?”
You looked around behind him, half-expecting a camera to pop out. He noticed your reticence, and he shook his head,
“Nevermind. Forget I asked.”
“Hey, yeah. Sure, if you want. Come on in,” you moved deeper into the shower, letting him step into the billowing steam. 
At first, he was silent, just washing himself, scraping the suds over his body and sharing the water with you. But, then, he asked,
“Wanna get a bite? I’m starvin’ to death.”
“Me, too,” you laughed. 
“Class,” he smiled.
There was another long pause, and then when you turned off the water, he stepped into your space, too close to be friendly, 
“What if I was still hungry for you as well, hen? What would you say to that?”
The water dripped from the head of the shower in a soft tinkling pattern. You breathed each other’s breaths, inching closer and closer until your lips touched his wide chest, the hair smeared flat from the warm water, rivulets rushing down his belly to his crotch, dripping off of him and of you. 
You kissed his chest again, feeling him shudder under you as if he hadn’t just come inside of you minutes ago, packed with anxious excitement. 
Smiling up at him, you took a chance, 
“Your couch or mine?”
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Chapter 02
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serosblunt · 10 months
If u can, could u do showering with dekusquad?
I sure can my lovely, thank you so much for the request! I don’t write much for the Dekusquad so hopefully I don’t disappoint you x
DekuSquad: Showering with Them (Pt. 1)
DekuSquad x (Gender-neutral) reader
Characters: Midoriya and Todoroki
Warnings: Mentions of nudity and hints at spicer scenes, mental health struggles; insecurity and depression are very lightly touched on.
Description: Same as my Bakusquad showering thoughts, just with Dekusquad! Part two will feature Iida, Uraraka and Tsuyu :)
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Izuku believes that relationships are first and fore-mostly built on respect, and this extends to every aspect of your lives together.
Even before you were dating, his level of respect for you knew no bounds, to the point that you had to finally make the first move and ask HIM out.
He was too worried that asking you out would somehow demean the relationship or you.
In the bathroom, and bedroom for that matter, Midoriya clearly displays this inhuman level of courtesy.
Even if the door is open, eagerly inviting him in, he always ensures he knocks before entering the room. Once he does make it into your shared ensuite, if you’re nude or in the process of undressing, he refuses to let his eyes drift from yours without express permission.
You’d honestly be amazed by the amount of self-control he possess, considering Izuku’s reckless tendencies.
As a child, Inko used to always put your green haired lover in the bathtub to wash up. This was a habit he carried through to his adult life, favouring the warm embrace of the water surrounding him from all sides.
But Izuku’s hero career took a toll on him. And as he still learnt to get a handle on his quirk, your boyfriend coming home with a cast was not an uncommon sight.
Trying to navigate waterproof coverings for the plaster, and often being left to wash himself one handed, usually forced you both into the shower.
He saw how carefully you handled him when he was like that. Despite the event becoming less and less common the stronger he became, he couldn’t help but to feel guilty every time you sighed a long breath you thought he couldn’t hear.
In Izuku’s eyes, you were at your most natural state in the bathroom, both mentally and physically. He saw your walls come down as you let the spray of your shower embrace you, washing away some of your worry and his guilt.
Hearing the soft hum of the falling water became quite meditative to him. He would often sit in the next room and listen to you singing softly, healing yourself.
Izuku was your hero, he would always have your back, but he also knew there were some things he had to let you do yourself.
Midoriya didn’t really have a skincare routine, at least for his face. He was too busy trying to torture himself into being the next All Might to have a five step routine. But his wounds and injuries did regularly need tending to with any number of creams, ointments and bandages.
Perhaps out of remorse, or more likely another way to demonstrate his undying affection for you, your boyfriend would often slather you in these same products for even the tiniest of injuries you received.
A paper cut?! Oh no! He has to find the antibacterial wash, healing balm and themed bandaids immediately!
He acts like you could lose a finger, but it’s okay. Good thing you think his concern is adorable.
It would be safe to say that your ensuite was the heart of your home- it kept beating, kept repeating the same pattern, and kept you both running for each other.
He was there for you to lean on and curl into to forget the world entirely. And you were there for him to collapse into, allowing him to remember his safe haven was still a safe place.
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Shoto strives to show you all five love languages each day, he could never be convinced that you don’t deserve the best of everything the world has to offer.
But try as he might, his love of gift giving quite often exceeds the other languages by some distance.
Although Shoto rejects his father, his money does come in handy when it comes to buying you all the expensive self-care products you add to your wish list, often accompanied by a longing sigh.
Little do you know.
What can he say? He loves to spoil you.
When it came to his own skincare routine, the young Todoroki was already quite rigid about this process before he met you. He had trialled product after product for years on end to aid the prolonged effects of his scar.
He had even toyed with the idea of cosmetic surgery at one point. Ultimately, you managed to convince him that his scar was something to display- a mark of his family’s impact on him, no matter how he may feel about them.
Similarly, you were very secure in the knowledge that if your boyfriend wanted your advice on the subject, he would absolutely ask for it. But in the meantime, you left him to his accumulated mix of products, knowing that if nothing else, it helped him come to terms with himself and the way things were.
Long-term Shoto chose to nurture the mark on his face, rather than to try and rid himself of it.
Now, you…
Shoto adores you entirely, with every fibre of his being. And in his mind, there is no better opportunity to worship you than in the bathroom.
He can’t help but to admire how far you’ve come and how comfortable you’ve grown to be in your skin- a journey you’ve both being on parallel to each other.
He glances around the room itself, inspired by how you’ve created the perfect sanctuary in a slice of the home you had both carved out for yourselves.
If you were ever confronted with this information, he knew you would adamantly deny it. Though he saw the growth.
He worships your beauty and the marks of your struggles and courage. He marvels at your history, his history, all bared out on your skin like a map back to the heart of the person he loved most.
Todoroki could admit that his ‘words of affirmation’ had been lacking lately. Perhaps he would present you with a bunch of your favourite flowers, and those words he so desperately wanted you to hear, carefully concealed in an envelope.
He would lead you to the shower, as was custom most nights. He would then gently kiss his reassurances and praise into every inch of your skin before he bundled you up in his arms, letting the world fade away as you became entangled beneath the mist.
In those moments, Shoto knew the meaning of heaven on earth.
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treysimp · 2 years
Taking A Bath With Them (Part 2)
GN!Reader/TWST Third Year Boys (Cater, Idia, Lilia, Malleus, Rook, Trey, Vil)
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Part 1 (Second Years) // Part 2 (This one!) // Part 3 (First Years) // Part 4 (Coming Soon!) Bonus Chapter (Coming Soon!)
Words: 3K
Tags: Reader's body not described, bathing together but no description of nudity or lewd behavior so you can imagine y'all are wearing swimsuits if you want, fluff fluff fluff handsy cute fluff
Want more TWST? Here’s my masterlist!
Cater Diamond
If you got an ad for it on MagiCam, Cater owns it! His shelves are full of the newest and shiniest self-care products, and Cater follows the routines of the stars to a T! Currently, he is very invested in Vil's skincare line, but he likes you enough to share it. Rest assured that the second you see a sold-out glitter mask, Cater will have it on deck.
While Cater owns a million products he also never has the attention span to use all of them, which is great for you if you wanna snag something and steal it away to your bathroom, he doesn't mind. He's got everything in every color anyway, not to mention some of the free products he gets from people hoping for a shoutout on MagiCam. This also means that there are a million tee shirts of random brands up for grabs too, so if you and Cater wear close to the same size of anything, you can share.
When you two do get time to take a bath together, expect that it will be long and come with a whole spa day attached. Cater is a pretty handsy bathing partner, and while sometimes it is flirty and smooth, other times he is ticking you within an inch of your life. If you're a naturally ticklish person, he might not even be doing this on purpose. The sweet boy may offer to help wash and pumice your feet and ends up getting kicked in the throat. 'It was funny' he croaks through his poor crushed windpipe. Maybe he'll have to tie you down next time. He keeps that thought to himself though.
It's not easy to make time for it, but being able to do each other's hair, paint your nails (you choose the colors for each other, of course), and mess around with all sorts of gizmos and gadgets makes you feel like a little kid at a sleepover. Speaking of sleepovers, since this is a whole-day affair, expect to be having one. I hope you brought pajamas! (Or you could always steal one of those shirts).
Once you are both pampered and put together, expect a long cuddle sesh in your cuddly-soft bathrobes while scrolling through your phones and pausing to give each other a smooch or show off an 'omg have you seen this?' kind of post.
Idia Shroud
While not one to take baths in general (showers are more efficient, right?) Idia is always interested in learning more about you and what you like, so he will put up with whatever you suggest. Idia usually pulls his hair up and back out of his face when bathing, which is great for you since it allows you to appreciate his exquisite bone structure for once. If you want to style his hair, this is the time he will let you do it. You're a bit partial to how his gorgeous blue locks look in a braid or a messy bun but never expect anything other than a ponytail if Idia is the one in charge of choosing.
While Idia certainly has plenty of waterproof electronics and he would play video games in the bath if you're interested, he will settle for listening to you talk as you wash him down as well. It's hard not to be a little mad that the little introvert has a decent amount of muscle definition, but if you try to ask Idia why that is, he will be too flustered to answer.  
If Idia is the one tasked with washing you, it is a little too easy to see his thought process as he tries to do a speed-scrub-100% run of your poor body. His eyes are a bit manic when this happens, and it unsettles you how quickly he goes from a blushing little darling to a back-scrubbing demon. Idia is just nervous though, and he has a habit of falling into familiar patterns when he's stressed. As long as you humor him and just gently tell him that he's allowed to slow down, he will usually realize how over the top he is on his own.
The other option is that you can challenge him to a competition (fastest to wash their hair, fastest to shave, etc) and he will have a blast. Playing to his competitive nature doesn't work in every circumstance, but when it's you he does feel like he has something to prove. Regardless of who 'wins' you will both be laughing and trash-talking with the best of them.
Leona Kingscholar
As you might have guessed, this guy loves a good soak. Leona is one for relaxing things, lavender bath salts, soothing lotions, and getting a little too pruny from overstaying in the water. That isn't to say that you're going to have an easy time getting him in the bath though, as much as he likes them when he is in one.
Washing his hair is a bit depressing as this man has the softest and most gorgeous chestnut hair in the entire world and yet there are actual sticks and leaves stuck in it due to his outdoor naps. You want to shake him, you would kill for your hair to be like his! Despite that, he looks refined and sultry no matter what you do. Regardless, seeing his hair wet and the rest of his gorgeous self sparkling with water like dewdrops on a rose in the early morning is almost sinfully indulgent.
Leona is another one who will probably mess with you with his tail, smacking you without warning on the butt to make you yelp in surprise and then having a smirk on his face for the next hour that never goes away. Despite all of the struggle and sassiness that you have to deal with, getting Leona to be loving is the one thing you will never need to coax out of him. He will actively be complaining about how long the bath is taking while pulling you to his chest for a cuddle. All of Leona's bath products are spicy and warm, and it's hard to keep your eyes open when every bone in your body wants you to just give in to a watery little nap.
If you do happen to fall asleep, surprisingly Leona will be the one to wake up first. It happens so consistently that you wonder if he's been faking it. Leona will pull your tired self out of the bath, towel you off and take you to lounge the rest of the day away in his bed. As much as he complains, seeing your sweet sleeping face makes his day, even if he does have to be a little conniving to make it happen.
Lilia Vanrouge
If you've never dyed hair before you are going to learn! Lilia loves to change his highlights on the reg and while he could get it done somewhere, isn't it just more punk rock to DIY it sometimes? If you're interested in doing your hair in unnatural colors too, Lilia would be thrilled to dye it for you! He will also use magic to change it back if you hate it, but when you ask him if he could have just been dying both of your hair with magic the whole time he will just chuckle mischievously and make a getaway. What a scamp that old man is.
As for the actual bathing, you will also have a hard time getting this man relaxed enough to chill out with you, as he is quite the chatterbox if you manage to get him into the tub. He has more than once floated above said tub playfully challenging you to ‘come and get (him)'. To the surprise of no one, he would float just barely out of your reach and cackle. 
Another game that he seems to like to play you have internally named ‘back in my day’, where he tells you a frankly ridiculous story about the past and you try to decide if he is fucking with you or not. Every time you have called bullshit on him though, he comes to you later with undeniable proof that said event happened, so maybe he is messing with you less than you thought.
Lilia bathes rather simply, he soaks in the water leisurely for a bit, cleans himself off, and gets out. There is very little fuss about the process, though he is happy to go along with anything you bring for him. Fun bath products are something he enjoys, but just not on the top of his ‘weird things to collect’ list, that’s what his bedroom is for, not his bathroom.
If you ask Lilia to help you bathe, he will do so with gentle care, taking his time to enjoy every little goosebump on your flesh and count the moles, freckles, or any other distinctive markings you have. It sometimes feels like he’s drawing constellations on your back, thinking of what your body could be saying to him based on the imagined patterns. Said body means a whole lot to him, of course, but your mind is what matters. He gets a bit misty-eyed thinking about it. He’s so lucky, a loving family and the opportunity to love and be loved by someone as once-in-a-lifetime as you are? How truly wonderful.
Malleus Draconia
First things first, Malleus will insist on doing everything himself. He enjoys you trying to take the initiative and help him bathe, and he will certainly allow you, but the second you try to do anything for yourself Malleus will immediately take over. You wouldn’t want to deprive him of the chance of showing his devotion by taking care of you, would you dearest? You only have so much time together, after all. He is very persuasive in this regard, and as soon as you agree you swear that you might go blind from how dazzling his smile is. 
Malleus is also one for complimenting you while also telling you what he is doing. ‘I am going to wash your hair now, my dove.’ he will say, gently massaging your scalp with his fingers and scratching the skin delicately with his nails. Nicknames are another thing that is incredibly charming about Malleus’ speech because while there are certainly normal ones in the mix, you have also heard more outdated terms spill from his lips.
One particularly memorable instance was Malleus calling you ‘dollface’, but you would never tell him that his terms of endearment were out of date, they were far too charming. 
Seeing Malleus with his hair wet and pushed back is another treat, and seeing the way that his markings crown his head makes you remember just how ethereal his beauty is. You thought that the Briar Valley might be onto something when they thought Malleus worthy of worship.
When you’re done bathing, Malleus will dry both of you with a snap of his fingers, laughing any time that his doing so causes you to jump in surprise. It’s just hard to get used to magic when you don’t have any, you know? Malleus had matching robes made for the two of you, and he will coax you to sit in his lap while he reads a book, stoking your back as you fight the urge to comfortably doze in his embrace. 
Malleus will pause every so often to give you a soft kiss on the hair, forehead, cheek, lips, or whatever is closest to him at that moment. It’s his way of making sure that you know he is always thinking of you, even when he’s busy.
Rook Hunt
Good luck trying to catch him long enough to find out. Rook loves taking a bath, and he especially loves seeing you bathe with him, but there is a certain amount of nervousness he has at being exposed with no weapons, so it can take some convincing at times to get him to relax with you. Once he is in the bath, you will never get that fountain of endearments to turn off, even if they start getting weird and less than flattering. ‘Oh ma cherie, you are just like a wounded animal taking its last breath!’, you ask Rook to elaborate, he ignores this request. 
Rook seems to enjoy the post-bath routine rather than the bath itself, taking great joy in blowdrying both of your hair and styling them so they look just right. Rook also is a purveyor of fancy foreign lotions, and he will happily bathe you in moisturizer at a moment’s notice. 
For the times that Rook is willing to settle down and relax with you, he will almost cry in appreciation if you offer him a massage or any other sort of skinship. While Rook does his utmost to care for himself with the highest ideal of beauty, he deeply craves physical contact and the kind of pampering that only someone you love can provide. He’s surprisingly obedient when this happens, happily moving into different shapes and positions to allow you to better soothe his aching muscles. He will offer you an amazing sensual experience in return, which is very difficult to turn down, given how insistent he is.
Rook feels most at ease once you are both done and back in the comfort of his room. He has dreams of the day that you both might live in the same space, his possessions mixing with yours into the perfect blend of a home that suits you both. Being with you in the dorms would have to do for now, but his heart does skip a beat if you leave something in his room ‘for later', because it’s one baby step closer to being in the shared space that he daydreams of while aiming his bow for the kill. 
What a lovely day it will be when he can wake up to your face each morning, kissing you awake with sleepy giggles and a soft embrace.
Trey Clover
Being the practical one that he is, if you want to use anything other than shampoo and soap in the bath you are going to have to provide it yourself. Seeing the way that Trey’s eyes soften when you condition his hair for the first time, or the smile on his lips when you rub lotion into his chapped knuckles is worth the effort though. 
He tends to chide you a bit, noting that you’re not taking as good of care of your nails as you should and lecturing you on the best ways to clean your body to not strip it of its natural oils. It sounds like he is admonishing you, but it comes from a place of love and care, I promise. While he knows the ideal ways to maintain your hygiene, it is also obvious that this man exists to pamper others rather than himself. 
Trey will volunteer to do anything you ask of him, but when you opt to do things for him he is in absolute heaven. Feeling your touch on his body makes it difficult to still his heartbeat, no matter how long you both have been together, but that is just another reason he loves you, every day feels just as wonderful as the first. Trey melts under your gaze, your touch, and seeing his eyes without his glasses is breathtaking, even if it comes at the cost of him sometimes knocking every product into the tub in search of the soap.  
Vil Schoenheit
I hope you are prepared, it’s gonna be a while. Vil has the most extensive list of body care and routines, they fluctuate every third Thursday and fourth Tuesday and he has a spreadsheet to keep track of it all as well. 
This is an exaggeration, but not by much. However, Vil is not a hoarder. He will quiz you about your hair and skin and assign customized routines for you to follow. If you don’t follow it, he can tell. If you do follow it, he will glow with pride, lauding himself for his accomplishment. You did all the work of actually doing the routine, but it was his accomplishment. Obviously.
In the bath itself he puppets you around like you had strings attached to your limbs, barking orders to lift one arm, then another, move your leg, don’t move a hair he will be right back! You listened to him, but you were shaking in discomfort by minute three. Upon returning and seeing the earnest effort that you made, Vil did cut you some slack and kiss you on the cheek and tell you that you did a good job. That softness did dissolve rather quickly as he snapped back into a beauty drill instructor, but you appreciated the affection nevertheless. 
Once your multi-hour prep is done, you do get a little time to soak together and hold Vil for a fleeting moment of decadent romance. He cuts it short so that neither of you can get pruny, which is sad but he is probably right. There is a post-bath routine as well, and you are nervous to walk on the tile with how slippery your feet are from all the unpronounceable beauty treatments they have been subjected to.
After both of you are done (Vil does not let you touch him, but he does allow you to hand him products, much like a kid handing their parents a wrench in the garage) you are allowed to relax. It is time to wear your embroidered silk robes and lay back with face masks and spa music filtering through Vil’s room. You finally start seeing the tidbits of affection as he holds your hand, kisses your hair, and thanks you for spending all of this time with him. 
He treasures you, and he wants you to know that, though he can sometimes be oddly bashful about saying so. Vil will smooth the hair from your face, a look of unmistakable fondness on his face, and plant a perfect kiss on your perfectly exfoliated and moisturized lips. If bliss did exist, this was a part of it, surely.
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What did you all think? Should I do the first years to round it out or are y'all happy? Let me know, send me prompts, drool over fictional men with me, beg for smut or whatever!
Love you reader!
Requested tags: @readinganas, @yandere-kou, @daeda21, @sideofblog, @buckketboy, @hxlcyon, @stygianoir, @kxhyuns, @aikochan4859, @kumiko-desu, @destinationdesignation, @ninjas-are-the-shit, @prince-zukohere, @star-gods, @fragmentedstarlight, @sarahyumiko2, @sappyisyourpappy, @sunnyseaside, @twstandsh0ut, @seli-beli12222005, @bunntsu, @rosalie-in-twisted-wonderland, @chopid-lulu, @rebel-faes-writing, @stillserene, @witch-waycult, @fr0llo, @bluesylveon2, @dari-kun, @naniky, @the-mermaid-of-the-stars
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woman-for-women · 7 months
New, Free, Waterproof Stickers!
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I just added a new sticker design to my Gumroad! I’m bringing back small, waterproof stickers, perfect for stickering on menstrual product disposal bins or toilet seat cover holders in bathrooms. I ship internationally!
If you are interested, please order! I’ve fulfilled sticker orders in the low hundreds and mailed out a few thousand stickers by now. It’s anonymous and is a great way to take feminist action. So please don’t just reblog, but actually order as well! Supplies are limited, so order while you can.
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thepurrfectpick · 2 months
Say Goodbye To Stains: Tips For Removing Dog Pee From Your Mattress
There's nothing quite as disheartening as discovering that your beloved furry friend has left an unwelcome surprise on your mattress. Dog pee stains can be a real hassle, but fear not! With the right tips and tricks, you can say goodbye to stains for good. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need How To Remove Dog Pee From A Mattress  so you can rest easily. Let's dive in!
Understanding Why Dogs Pee on Beds
Dogs may pee on beds for various reasons, from medical to behavioral problems. It could be a sign of anxiety or stress, significantly if their environment has changed recently. Sometimes, dogs mark their territory by urinating on things that carry their scent, like your mattress.
Sometimes, a dog might have a medical condition, such as a urinary tract infection or diabetes, that causes it to urinate indoors. Age-related issues can also lead to accidents on the bed. Understanding why your dog is peeing on the bed is crucial in addressing the root cause and preventing future incidents.
Observing your dog's behavior and consulting with a veterinarian if you suspect any underlying health issues is essential. By identifying the reason behind this behavior, you can take proactive steps to resolve it and keep your mattress clean and fresh.
Quick Tips for Cleaning Up Fresh Urine Stains
Imagine waking up to find your furry friend has left you a not-so-pleasant surprise on your mattress. It happens, and it's essential to act fast! The key to dealing with fresh urine stains is speed. The longer the mess sits, the harder it will be to remove.
Start by blotting up as much urine as possible using paper towels or a clean cloth. Avoid rubbing the stain, which can spread it further into the mattress fibers. Once you've soaked up what you can, mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle.
Spritz the affected area generously with the vinegar solution and let it sit for a few minutes before gently blotting again. Then, sprinkle baking soda over the stain to help absorb any remaining odor. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes before vacuuming it up.
These quick tips can help tackle fresh urine stains effectively before they have a chance to set in and become more challenging to remove later on.
Effective Methods for Removing Old or Set-In Stains
Dealing with old or set-in dog pee stains on your mattress can be a real headache. These stubborn stains leave an unpleasant odor and pose a challenge to remove altogether. However, fret not, as there are effective methods you can try to tackle this issue.
Creating a cleaning solution using equal water and white vinegar is one method. Gently blot the stained area with this solution using a clean cloth, allowing it to sit for some time before rinsing with water.
Another approach is to sprinkle baking soda over the stain and then mix hydrogen peroxide with dish soap. Let the solution sit for a while before gently scrubbing away the residue.
Consider using enzymatic cleaners specifically designed to break down pet urine molecules effectively for tougher stains. Follow the instructions provided by the product for the best results in removing those pesky old stains from your mattress.
Preventing Future Accidents and Protecting Your Mattress
Consider using a waterproof mattress protector to prevent future accidents and protect your mattress. These handy covers are a barrier against spills or accidents, making cleanup much more accessible. Additionally, regularly wash your bedding to maintain a fresh and clean sleeping environment.
Training your dog is crucial in preventing future accidents on your bed. Consistent potty training and positive reinforcement can help reduce the likelihood of them peeing on the mattress. Providing regular bathroom breaks for your furry friend can also minimize accidents indoors.
If you notice any signs of anxiety or health issues in your dog that may be causing bed-wetting incidents, consult with a veterinarian for guidance on how to effectively address these concerns. Remember, patience and consistency are crucial to preventing accidents and protecting your mattress from unwanted stains caused by dog pee.
Alternative Solutions and Products for Tough Stains
When it comes to dealing with tough dog pee stains on your mattress, various alternative solutions and products can be effective. Enzymatic cleaners designed specifically for pet urine removal can work wonders in breaking down the stain's odor-causing components. You can also use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to create a powerful cleaning paste.
For persistent or stubborn stains, steam cleaning your mattress may provide a deeper clean and help eliminate any lingering odors. Additionally, investing in a waterproof mattress protector can prevent future accidents and keep your mattress safe from potential damage.
By following these tips and utilizing the right products, you can say goodbye to dog pee stains on your mattress for good. Remember, patience and persistence are key when tackling this common pet-related issue. With the proper approach, you can keep your mattress fresh and clean while enjoying quality time with your furry companion.
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tortoisebore · 10 months
what do u think sirius’ favourite makeup products would be?
ooooooooo🤩💕🫶💖✨💞💫💓 ((this is just going to be 100% me projecting you’ve been warned))
first off i think he’d do very little in everyday life but go all out for nights out and parties and holidays. he’s a blueprint cool winter so he doesn’t do much bronzing bc it always just looks orange on his skin, every once in a while he’ll do a cool-toned contour but he really doesn’t even need it, those cheekbones speak for themselves.
but like bottom line is cool-toned skin like his just begs for silver jewelry and shimmery pearl highlight and pink blush and plum lipstick.
he’s always starting with two layers of sunscreen bc that skin is paper pale & he’s not trying to get sun damage. but for a more casual moment he’s just doing a bit of concealer under the eyes so he doesn’t look like a walking corpse, maybe a bit of blush on his cheeks & nose if he’s particularly pale that day. just a very subtle brush of highlight at the high points of his cheeks & the tip of his nose, the inner corners of his eyes if he’s feeling fancy. just enough to make him look more awake and give his skin a good glow. throw on some tinted lip balm and he’s good to go, perfect gorgeous stunning. maybe he’s born with it maybe it’s maybelline ((it’s elf & rare beauty))
but on nights out he’s doing a little more. first up is the elf liquid eyeshadow in the shade disco queen, it’s especially shimmery if you do two or three layers and goes a little blue under the right light. he’s doing that as highlight at the very tops of his cheeks too, like that skin is glowing even when the room is dark. he’s doing his regular rare beauty liquid blush in the shade encourage, but a little more than normal, a bit of the fenty contour stick in soft amber to make it all the more dramatic. but the real kicker is the smudgy black liner, he’s laying it on thick and smudging it out and up with a brush, then brushing the excess onto the lower lash line. real haphazard real messy. it makes his eyes look fucking insane in combo w the cool-toned glitter, like it’s almost creepy, they look like contacts. then to top it off he’s doing some cheap non-waterproof mascara bc his lashes are already thick & black and he doesn’t really need it ((but it smudges easy & runs so pretty when he cries &……,u just never know what’s going to happen in the bathroom of a dingy club……when remus is across the room watching him dance in a crop top & fishnets.,……so like…..best be prepared & throw the cheap mascara on just in case……rly it’s just being responsible….& he’s sooooo responsible………,))
throw on either a soft pink or mauve lipstick and a little gloss over it and it’s go-time babyyyyyy
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poetryinsilence · 2 years
Noughts and Crosses - Jake “Hangman” Seresin x childhood friend!reader (part III)
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A/n: Yo! PTSD and TRAUMA talk. Just beware. And Strong languages. But also he kinda went to therapy cuz he clearly needs it. Jake's raw emotions are what I need if I ever go see a therapist. No beta read, still going raw :)))
Summary: What you've learnt from years of absence of Jake runs much deeper than you think. From his line of work, he had witnessed a lot, but that doesn't mean it won't cost him.
Wc: 2,873
part I | part II part IV
Saturday rolls around as you kept yourself busy cleaning up the mess Jake made around your house, while he lounges and becomes one with your sofa, softly chuckling at the tv. The back of his skull bore into your gaze, and your brow knitted its way together as you watched his shabby blonde streaks woven and interlocked at the ends.
"Jackal...when was the last time you took a shower?" your words tread carefully.
Jake's head leans over the back of the couch with a shit-eating grin falls upside down, bemused by the nickname he hadn't heard in a long while.
"Well," he starts "How long has it been since my discharge from the hospital?"
Oh no. "You have got to be kidding me."
"I've tried, honestly. But you should try manoeuvring with one hand and two bricks attached to you."
You squeezed your eyes shut, pinching the bridge of your nose to keep the internal scream blockade from deafening the outside world. The physical stress weighs evermore on your shoulders as you nod slowly to psych yourself up for this next part.
Generating a black, flimsy plastic bag from your back pocket, you handed it to Jake. "Waterproof your leg, you're getting a bath. Now."
He smirks, wetting his lower lip. "If you wanted to get intimate, all yo—"
Hands threw up to surrender, lips pout like a puppy after he got scolded. No retort, only to do as he's told.
This isn't how you imagined you would spend your day. Filling a bathtub with whatever scraps of bath products you have left that could clean every single pup at the shelter. Except you're cleaning Jake. And it is as weird as it sounds. But for whatever reason, the sympathetic sentiment in you couldn't leave him like this, half of which was maybe, unintentionally, your neglect of not taking care of him. The guilt quietly seeps in.
Jake limps in, a plastic bag wraps just below his knee like a shitty Christmas present and manages to stage a twirl to his fashion statement. You gesture him towards the tub.
"Get in the tub with your back towards me. You can keep your clothes on—" 
"Nope. I'm not doing that" Before you could finish your sentence, he shimmied his way out of his pants which made your gaze snap up to the ceiling with a growl of frustration. The flash of heat rises at the tip of your ears.
"You can look if you want." he beams, towering over and eyes connected with yours as he strides across to the bathtub and slinks himself in.
Is it okay to back out of this? No. You're not one to back away from a challenge. You can't let him think he's besting you in this situation. Tightening the iron grip of your jaw, you fix yourself onto the stool and get to work.
Jake hums to himself merrily, with his legs propped up against the tiles, and you at his service. You’re thankful that the excessive amount of bath products you dumped in this water is covering the explicit parts of him. The floral fragrance of jasmine loiters midair in the bathroom. That sweet scent doesn't fit Jake's personality, but he doesn't mind it. In fact, he likes the idea of smelling like you. He wonders what his mother would think if she saw the two of you now, grinning from ear to ear and saying 'I told you so'. The length she would go to prove his younger self wrong.
A happy memory transition to the next, the one he was hoping you wouldn't ask. One that has your fingertip tracing over the patterns over his shoulder, or what remains of it. The weight of the scar sustained from a trivial injury, but the cost of it leaves a heavy mark on his heart.
"You remember when I told you not to call my mother?" he blurts out.
You hum.
"A while back, I had...a highlight to my career— achievement would be an overstatement, but everyone seems to think so. For a while, I thought so too. Being the only pilot with an active combat kill amongst my teammates."
There's a pause, unease and tension gnawed at the back of your throat. The silence of Jake treading on unfamiliar territories, a face of him that you briefly saw back at the hospital, one that you couldn't quite put the finger on it. But it’s clear to you now— fear.
"The celebrations led me to think what I did was right. And, in a way, it was. Protecting millions of lives is what I do. Then, when the dark kicks in, so do my past actions."
Your thumb encircles his tensed-up shoulder offering comfort, as his hand reaches up and cups yours, there's a mild tremor. Seeing his bravado crumble down to reveal his raw emotions made your heart break into pieces. But you could never understand what he's been through.
He dryly chuckles, "I called mom after that mission. I thought she would do the same and congratulate me, but it's like she knew. Her sobbing on the other line...all she did was ask if I was okay."
Molecules of water pool from the faucet and break the surface tension, sending ripples of waves through the bath foams. The droplets resonated in the room, even after it stopped, you could still hear the slow dripping hitting the water. You dare not to call his name, to face him at his most vulnerable, nor would he want you to see him like this.
Jake took a breath, suppressing his tremble to the best he could. "For months, I had the same dream about the mission. Sometimes I see myself in the other carrier, just waiting for that inevitable moment. I tried everything, but nothing changed. Eventually, I became numb, detached, and act like everything was fine. Knowing fully well this is what happens in this line of work. But, fuck...these are lives. And it could've been..." He trails off.
The hot, stinging tears roll down your cheeks. All you could do was hold him close to you, tightening and tightening your grip, wishing that the pain he experienced could be transferred onto you through an embrace. But, alas, nothing is ever that simple. You can only keep living with that grievance, hoping that someday you could ask for forgiveness.
The evening draws with a heavy blue, and the underglow of the tv lit up a fraction of the room. With you resting on the crook of his neck and him pressed onto the crown of your head, surrounded by cushions and blankets, you let The Good Place run on screen to fill in the emptiness. Jake's hand never left your grasp since the bathroom. But, neither did the overwhelming information that swirls your mind afterwards. Paralysing yourself to live day to day, without missing a beat. Constantly riding shotgun in your own vehicle, with one hand on the steering wheel, not knowing if you might swerve out one day, and that would be the end of it all.
The aching soreness in your lower back grows dull as you try to shift to lessen the pain, and groggy eyes flutter open with a few blinks to focus and expose the creme walls of your living room. You don't remember dosing off on the couch or turning off the tv. The blankets have been pulled up to your chin and a comforting heat still radiates in the palm of your hand. You gave his hand a quick squeeze and gently nudged him.
"Hey, Jakey. Wake up!" you softly called.
A weary grunted and whined in response, returning himself to dreamland again.
You called, again. "C'mon, Jake! Wake up!"
"What?" he groaned, drowsy olive eyes now just peering at you. "What do you want?"
You sat up, beaming brighter than the sun that was beginning to rise through the horizon. "Do you trust me?"
He frowns, brows knitted tightly together and fear what you are going to say next. "I do. But, you asking me that first thing in the morning makes it seem more suspicious."
"Good." You nodded once, "Then, get up and get changed. We're going out."
Windows rolled down to let the summer air into your matchbox car, and the fabric of your cotton t-shirt clings to your body in this sticky humidity. Wild strands of hair fly freely from your loosely tied bun, reflecting a golden hue from the chromatic sunrise. But, not everyone is enjoying a brief moment of ethereal bliss. The battered blonde pilot; in his ever-so-dark sunglasses, masking his fatigue, annoyance, and everything in between— force captured in the passenger seat.
The car shrieked as you pulled into the parking lot, just facing a brick red duplex that's more like a mansion. The place is adorned with wildflowers and ample bushes, and fancy, vintage roof trimmings that you could probably never afford. You smile gleefully to yourself, admiring the building that you consider to be your second home.
"Where are we?" Jake finally spoke.
Your face radiated, the edges of your eyes creased and holding that smile for seconds too long made anybody fear their life.
"This is my workplace." Your singsong voice answered.
He scoffs. "So you took me to work? The one thing I can't do right now? If I wanna work I would just go back to Top Gun, but, newsflash! I can't!"
"It's less about work and more about helping around here. Plus, today is something like 'Take your son or daughter to work' Day, and it just so happens that I have an overgrown toddler living with me. And I can't leave them alone at home."
The mocking pout on your face made Jake hiss in unsatisfactory, biting back what he had to say and just going with the flow.
"It's going to be alright! We have something that could make your movement easier," you reassured him.
When you stated something along the lines of assisting his movement, Jake was imagining something more like a wheelchair that's practical and you could possibly push him around the block. But, what was waiting for him was less of a wheelchair, and more like a chair with wheels attached to it. Talk about surprises.
Jake stood his ground for a solid 10 minutes, initiating a stare-off with you, not uttering a word but clearly infuriated with the choice of option— the only one— displayed in front of him. And you, wearing a cocky grin that looks a tad too good on you, arm resting against the back of the black mesh office chair with one upraised brow.
What choice does he have? Drive back to your place? He doesn't have the keys, nor can he drive at the moment. Sulk his way through the day by just standing in the lobby? The cast around his leg is uncomfortable as it is, can't even scratch an itch, not to mention the crutch is barely any help at all.
The deadpan expression is carved permanently on his face, but the giddy excitement bubbles as you witness him excuse himself on the chair, surrendering off his mighty high horse.
"Doesn't feel good to be on the receiving end now does it, Seresin?"
"Shut up."
The plastic wheels rumbled along the hardwood floors, with occasional bumps that earned a grunt from Jake when running over the door sills. Your manager is kind enough to understand the sudden addition but is still grateful for the extra help they could get around the place. There, through the double barn doors, reside rows of cages as a temporary home for these helpless creatures. Some yaps at the sight of you, and some whine to procure any attention.
At the end of the long hallway, here you stopped and unbolted the lock with a clunk to the transparent door that's housing a german shepherd. Fur shining in beautiful sandy hues and shawled with a coat of black. Its sullen eyes soften the moment it sees you, tail wagging like a metronome.
"This baby boy here is Captain." you scritch the floof between those perked-up ears. "He was found with his hind legs broken and fending off another stray dog. The vet informed us that there were low chances that he could run again, ever.
He leans further into your touch, licking the hand that's patting his head. "In the beginning, he was defensive and wouldn't let anyone go near him. Even in therapy, he refuses to move or gives himself the chance to run again. But, I never gave up on him. I stuck with him through it all, and he did take it. He took that chance through me." You turn to face Jake, gaze gleaming with assurance and hope.
"Is that what I'm supposed to do? Go ask for help?" He swallows, voice filled with uncertainty.
You solemnly return a smile. "That's up to you, Jackal. You don't have to do this alone. There are people that are willing to listen. I'm willing to listen if you're ready to talk."
Jake's eyes flicker to the floor for a fleeting moment, contemplating. Then peers up to observe the dog, mouth muttering something too quiet for you to perceive.
"But! This isn't the point of me bringing you here today," you exclaim. "Your mission today, Lieutenant, is to take the dogs out for their field day. And this little baby right here is your wingman for the day." You squint your eyes, catching a glimpse of something. "You guys look quite similar when you're side by side."
The pilot and his temporary wingman frown.
Field day is a special day for pets. It’s one of the grand activities arranged for the pets to have fun, as well as dressing them up for their new adoption pictures. The noises of barking and panting are scattered around the luscious green yard, as various sizes of pups are excited to interact with one another. 
However, your eyes tether towards the other side of the field. There are currently two being just blandly observing the situation. A Lieutenant and his Captain. Awkwardly hiding underneath the shades of the blooming oak tree. You shake your head. Maybe if you give them a little more time, they’ll warm up to each other.
Jake crossed his arms in his best effort, brooding in the cool shadows cast by the leaves that slowly merged with him. He cared not for this field day thing, but he cared enough about you to know this was important to you. If he participates in some way that could make you happy, that's the least he can do.
He sighs and whips his head around to find Captain immersed himself gnawing on a lime green, worn-out ball. Enjoying the fact there isn't a single intrusive thought inside that little head of his.
"Look at you, it must be nice being you. Not a care in the world and having somebody that loves you."
Jake's gaze draws back to you, frolicking around with dogs following your trail, laughing as brightly as a shining star and he can't help but be infected by your smile. He knows he has a bad habit of making you mad, but he always finds you cute when you're angry. With your deadly glares and the crease in your brows, he knows he got your full attention. But your smile also takes up an entirely new feeling. Like walking down a sunny country path, hand grazing along the overgrown grass. He noticed. How your lips were drawn to a thin line when you smile, cheeks pinched together and made way for a dimple, eyes always glimmer with a bright shine when you're interested in something.
"And yet, she doesn't know. Probably never will," he mutters.
Captain whines and pitifully looks at him.
"Don't give me that look."
Captains tamper the soil a few times before dropping the ball in Jake's lap, waiting expectantly.
"Oh, I don't need your pity party."
He launches the ball across the field which sets Captain bolting, eyes locked on to the acquired target and retrieving the object back to the Lieutenant. Dropping the ball on his lap once more, excitement coursing through his tiny, furry brain, fanning his own tail.
The green ball gripped tightly in his hand as he shakes his head. "I'm not doing this."
The poor pup’s ears droop and the tail comes to a halt, pleading with his puppy dog eyes.
“The answer is no.” He casually tossed the ball aside, but the littlest commotion still sends Captain to a running sprint after his favourite toy. “Ah, fuck.”
You look up just in time to witness Jake rowing away with his crutch as a paddle on land. His action sends Captain into a delighted frenzy as his large doggy paws hop after Jake attempts to escape. You chuckled, reaching a hand to your back pocket and fishing out your phone. The screen encapsulates the playful scenery, and with a touch of a button, the shutter freeze frame of this beautiful memory. A memento that holds dear to you as your new phone screen.
A/n: If Jake was a dog, what type of dog would he be?
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tartrazeen · 2 years
I have come to realize how beautifully overpowered androids are in getting away from humans at any point in time.
Android: i'm angry >:(
Android: i don't wanna talk to any humans right now >:(
Android, retreating through a room they've intentionally allowed to fill with swarms of mosquitoes: >:(
Android, actively hotboxing another room with chlorine gas after mixing a bunch of cleaning products together: >:(
Android, running a hose in through a tiny hole in the wall that's directly attached to a car's exhaust: >:(
Android, smearing peanut butter and shellfish and peach fuzz over all the bathroom walls: >:(
Android, setting off a stinkbomb in the middle of the bathroom: >:(
Android, lying down in a full bathtub after using caulking to waterproof themselves: >:(
Android: >:(
Android: this is too slow, i'm gonna speed up time in my head until i'm not angry anymore >:(
Android, emerging two minutes later: ^_^ oh wow that was so refreshing, i don't even remember why i was angry
Hank: ... I said I didn't want bed bugs -
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sealantswaterproofing · 10 months
What is bathroom floor waterproofing? A1: Bathroom floor
waterproofing is a service that involves applying a waterproof barrier to the bathroom floor to prevent water from seeping through and causing damage to the underlying structure. It is essential to protect the floor and the adjacent areas from water leakage, which can lead to issues such as mold growth, rot, and structural damage.
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dariyasite · 6 months
Application of bitumen in building
Bitumen has numerous applications in the construction industry, primarily serving as an adhesive and waterproofing material. Its versatile properties make it indispensable in various building-related functions. Here are some key applications of bitumen in construction:
1. Roofing and Waterproofing:
Bitumen 60/70 is extensively used in roofing systems to provide waterproof membranes for flat roofs. Traditional bitumen roofing membranes consist of layers of bitumen sprayed with aggregate, with a carrier fabric made of polyester or glass in between. Polymer-modified bitumen sheets have become the standard for flat roof waterproofing. Bituminous roofing membranes can also be recycled easily, enhancing their sustainability.
2. Wall Sealing:
Bitumen 60/70 plays a crucial role in sealing walls, providing protection against water and moisture intrusion. It is applied to substrates such as bathrooms and toilets, which are constantly exposed to moisture, to prevent water penetration and safeguard the underlying structures.
3. Floor and Wall Insulation:
Bitumen 80/100 insulation is widely employed for building waterproofing, both horizontally and vertically. It effectively prevents water penetration into floorboards and walls, offering reliable protection. Bitumen's chemical and physical properties make it easy to work with and highly durable.
4. Sound Insulation:
Bitumen's sound-absorbing properties find applications beyond construction. It helps reduce noise transmission, such as the sound of footsteps under floor coverings. Special tar mats in cars and elevators utilize Bitumen 80/100 for sound insulation.
5. Electrical Cable Insulation:
Bitumen's low electrical conductivity makes it suitable for use as an insulating material for electrical cables. It helps protect the cables and prevent electrical hazards.
6. Other Uses:
Bitumen 80/100 & bitumen 60/70 finds application in various other areas, such as the paper industry and the manufacturing of paints and varnishes. Its thermal insulation properties are beneficial in different contexts.
From an ecological standpoint, bitumen is highly regarded for its long lifespan. It remains a popular construction material, with significant demand both domestically and in international markets. The producer of bitumen in Iran exports a large percentage of its production to other countries such as Singapore, Dubai, Panama.
In residential construction, plastic-modified bitumen (KMB) coatings are commonly used for insulation. They compete with bitumen-free FPD (Flexible Polymer Disc) seals, which are easier to apply and offer faster repair options.
Overall, the applications of bitumen in the construction industry are extensive, ranging from roofing and waterproofing to sound insulation and electrical cable insulation. Its versatility and durability make it a valuable material in various building-related functions.
Important Considerations Before Using Bitumen:
1. Surface Preparation:
Before applying bitumen, it is crucial to ensure that the surface is clean, dry, and free from any contaminants. Even the presence of dust, dirt, or grease can hinder the adhesion of the bitumen coating and compromise the effectiveness of the seal. Additionally, the surface should be free from frost. If there are old incompatible coatings, they must be removed. In the case of older buildings, previous applications of bituminous paints may not provide a suitable surface for polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) coatings.
2. Repairing Cracks and Unevenness:
Prior to applying bitumen, any cracks or unevenness on the surface should be repaired using appropriate materials like repair mortar or leveling compounds. This ensures a smooth and uniform surface, promoting better adhesion and a more effective seal.
3. Additional Preparatory Measures:
In some cases, additional preparatory measures may be necessary. One option is to use a layer of synthetic resin on the coarse-pored bed or to apply a sealing slurry. A sealing slurry is a waterproof mixture of cement and plastic that allows water vapor to pass through. The advantage of using a sealing slurry is that it can adhere well to old bituminous coatings, providing an ideal substrate for applying a thick new bituminous coating.
By following these steps and ensuring proper surface preparation, you can optimize the adhesion and effectiveness of bitumen coatings in various applications.
What are the suitable means for repairing cracks and unevenness on the surface before applying bitumen?
There are several suitable means for repairing cracks and unevenness on the surface before applying bitumen. The choice of repair method depends on the severity of the damage and the specific requirements of the project. Here are some common methods for repairing cracks and unevenness:
1. Crack Fillers and Sealants:
For smaller cracks, crack fillers or sealants can be used. These materials, such as asphalt-based crack fillers or specialized concrete crack sealants, are designed to fill and seal cracks, preventing water infiltration and further damage. They are typically applied using a caulk gun or trowel.
2. Repair Mortar:
Repair mortars are suitable for filling larger cracks, holes, or areas of unevenness. These mortars are made from a blend of cement, sand, and additives to enhance adhesion and strength. They can be mixed with water to create a workable paste and then applied to the damaged areas using a trowel or other appropriate tools. Repair mortars are commonly used for repairing concrete surfaces.
3. Leveling Compounds:
Leveling compounds, also known as self-leveling underlayments or floor levelers, are used to create a smooth and level surface. These compounds are typically made from a blend of cement, fine aggregates, and additives. They have a fluid consistency that allows them to flow and self-level over uneven areas. Leveling compounds are commonly used to repair uneven concrete or subfloor surfaces before applying flooring materials.
4. Patching Mixtures:
Patching mixtures, such as asphalt patching compounds or repair mixes, are specifically designed for repairing asphalt surfaces. They typically contain a combination of asphalt binder, aggregates, and additives. These mixtures can be applied to fill potholes, repair damaged areas, or smooth out unevenness in asphalt surfaces.
5. Resurfacing:
In cases where the damage or unevenness is more extensive, resurfacing the entire surface may be necessary. This involves applying a new layer of bitumen or asphalt mixture over the existing surface to create a smooth and uniform finish. Resurfacing can help address multiple issues, including cracks, potholes, and unevenness.
It's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and best practices when using any repair materials. Additionally, proper surface preparation, including cleaning and removing loose debris, is essential before applying any repair method.
ATDM CO is a manufacturer and exporter of Bitumen 60/70, offering three different quality grades available in drums, bags, and bulk quantities. Our products are classified into premium, second, and third types, each with varying production costs and facilities. We provide a wide range of options to accommodate different customer needs and volume requirements.
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myrontile · 1 year
How Long Does Tile Flooring Last?
When considering tile for a flooring choice, it’s important to understand how long the product will last. This is especially true if you’re planning to stay in your home for many years or if you’re considering a remodel.
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Generally speaking, most types of glazed porcelain, ceramic, and terra cotta floor tiles can last up to 50 years or more, provided they’re installed correctly and maintained properly. However, the lifespan of your tile will depend on a number of factors, including what it’s made of, how it’s installed, and how much traffic it receives.
Porcelain tile is one of the most durable types of tile available, and it’s also easy to maintain. This type of tile resists staining, fading, and cracking because it’s made from refined clay that’s fired at high temperatures.
In addition to being easy to care for, porcelain is also waterproof, so it will protect against water damage and moisture penetration. That’s why it’s one of the most popular options for kitchen floors and bathrooms.
The lifespan of other flooring materials
If you’re planning on replacing your existing carpet, you can expect it to last between 20 and 30 years, depending on the quality of the material and how well it was installed. This longevity isn’t as long as it would be for tile, but it will still make sense to replace your carpet when the time comes.
Contact Myron Tile And Stone, #1 tile shop in Mississauga today for more information.
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proofingwatersg · 1 year
Epoxy Grouting & Regrouting: The Ultimate Solution for Waterproofing
Are you tired of constantly dealing with leaking showers, cracked grout lines, and permanently stained surfaces? It's time to switch to epoxy grouting and regrouting in Singapore! This innovative product is the pinnacle of all grouts and is perfect for both commercial and residential surfaces. 
In this blog, we'll discuss everything you need to know about epoxy grouting, its benefits, and areas where it can be applied.
What is Epoxy Grouting?
Epoxy grout is a more advanced product than traditional grout, and it requires a bit more effort and skill to use effectively. It's made up of two parts, a resin, and a hardener, that must be mixed together thoroughly before application. 
The product dries up faster than standard grout, so it must be applied quickly. It's essential to remove any residue within 20 minutes of application, and excess grout will be repeatedly washed away with a cleaning solution.
Benefits of Epoxy Grout:
It does not stain
It is protected against chemicals
It is 100% non-porous
It lasts a lifetime
It can be used on floors and walls
It does not require sealing
It comes in a large range of colors to match your tiles
Areas for Epoxy Grouting and Regrouting:
Bathrooms: Epoxy grouting is perfect for bathrooms as it prevents water from penetrating into the walls and floors, which can lead to mold growth and structural damage.
Showers: Showers are constantly exposed to water, making them prone to leaks and other waterproofing issues. Epoxy grouting can effectively seal off shower walls and floors, preventing any water damage.
Floors in common areas: Common areas such as lobbies, corridors, and hallways are high-traffic areas that require durable and long-lasting waterproofing solutions. Epoxy grouting is a great option for these areas.
Kitchen splashback tiles: Kitchens are also prone to water damage due to the presence of sinks and other water sources. Epoxy grouting can prevent water from seeping into the walls and floors, protecting your kitchen from water damage.
Balconies and garage floors: Balconies and garage floors are exposed to the elements, making them more susceptible to water damage. Epoxy grouting can protect these surfaces and ensure that they last longer.
Pavers and patio areas: Pavers and patio areas are also prone to water damage due to rain and other weather conditions. Epoxy grouting can help prevent water damage and keep these areas looking great for longer.
Pool surroundings: Pool areas are constantly exposed to water, making them prone to leaks and water damage. Epoxy grouting can effectively seal off the pool area and prevent any water damage.
All wall areas internal and external: Epoxy grouting can be used to waterproof both internal and external walls, protecting them from water damage and ensuring that they last longer.
Common Reasons for Regrouting:
Leaking showers
Cracked grout lines
Leaking balcony floors
Missing grout lines
Permanently stained grout lines
Efflorescence deposits
The choice to change the color of the grout
Crumbling grout lines
We provide a range of waterproofing contractor services, from remedial rectifications and repairs to brand-new builds. We are experts in installing waterproofing membrane systems in Singapore and impart technical knowledge throughout your project. 
Our services come with upfront pricing guarantees, 24/7 emergency service, licensed and insured work, no callout fees, customer satisfaction, and on-time service.
To Summarize:
If you're looking for a long-lasting and reliable solution for waterproofing, epoxy grouting and regrouting in Singapore is the answer. It's a more advanced product than traditional grout and requires more effort and skill to use effectively. 
The benefits of using epoxy grout are numerous, and it can be applied to a wide range of areas. If you're looking to get started on your project, don't hesitate to contact us today!
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meme-loving-stuck · 1 year
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Kerakoll can provide several different systems when it comes to pools these systems, include silica free and efflorescence free products. For more information please contact us at Kerakoll Australia. Lachlan Holloway, Sales Manager 0451 306 646 Ian Cummaudo, Technical Manager 0499 995 352 #Kerakoll #keepingtheenvironmentgreen #livinggreen #buildgreen #Construction #Melbourne #sydney🇦🇺 #perth #Brisbane #waterproofers #waterproofing #waterproofingsystems #builders #architects #tilers #tiling #adhesive #Levelling #screed #balcony #bathroom #melbournebuilders #concretor #Sustainability #greenbuilding #landscaping#poolbuilding #silicafree (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPZZtIvYg7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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