#Beast Boy is freaking funny
I love Teen Titans Beast Boy but now that I know that Beast Boy is actually really really smart, as much as I love his comedic potential, or how he played the comedic relief in the Teen Titans comics...I feel like dumbing him down was really...idk lazy writing
I mean okay if the rest of the cast thinks Beast Boy is dumb because he plays class clown all the time and generally people don't equate humor with intelligence (which is wrong because intelligent people do have a sense of humor. You gotta be pretty witty to be able to make people laugh. Idk why we think like this) that would be okay but it's pretty clear in the original Teen Titans show with the many puns of how Beast Boy doesn't have a brain and how he was easily brainwashed by Mad Mod that...it's not him acting dumb, it's really the show making fun of his lack of intelligence compared to the rest of the cast...and that ain't cool
I still have an affection for Teen Titans show Beast Boy, but I actually want to see Beast Boy being used at his fullest potential with his comedy and his intelligence.
It seems Young Justice and Titans might be doing that. I love the personality that Garfield shows in DC Titans. How he's so into vintage things, old games, and movies. Ugh, I love that! He's so cool and rad!
And I love how Young Justice really showcases him as a leader (though Idk doesn't his character try to avoid that because of the abuse he went through with Mento and his earlier guardians. Young Justice focuses a lot on Beast Boy's trauma over the losses in his life but there's no mention of the fact that Garfield was also a victim of abuse as a child and how much that affected him. Either way, it's great they're exploring his depression. I think that's awesome! Along with how he created the Outsiders instead of having Batman do that...of course, it's later revealed that Batman and co. have been manipulating events to make the Outsiders prominent to the public but...I still think in YJ, the Outsiders was Beast Boy's invention and I love how much of a major role he plays in YJ. I hope if they renew another season we see more of him instead of just focusing on the old cast members, just focus on more of the newer generation like Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Robin (Tim Drake), El Dorado, Halo, and Forager.
Anyway, I'm ranting...if these mediums don't satisfy me, I'm just gonna go look for the Garfield Logan comics because I mean I think he's so underrated and he must be a lot more considering all the versions I see of him. Just wish someone would focus on both the comedy and the intelligence he has. YJ does show a more intelligent and serious Gar, but where's the comedy? Hopefully, in the future we'll see it... and I haven't finished Titans to give a good diagnosis of what my final thoughts on Gar is just yet in that show. Teen Titans cartoon though, as much as I love him as a comedic relief, it's unfair that they keep making jokes about his intelligence. He's actually a very smart kid.
I mean I think I read a post that said his IQ was 143, both his biological parents were genius scientists and he was experimented on in order to be smarter...just like Cyborg actually. I mean, of course, Garfield is smart! Unless I'm confusing him with someone else?
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acaciapines · 1 year
every so often i get a horrible little thought in my head that says but what if you DID adapt all of toh season one into your daemon au.
and every time i beat that god damned thought back with a stick. but do know there IS a section in my notes document that is me REALLY wanting to adapt a few s1 episodes dkjgdfg.
bc like. i made the right choice. the stuff i was/am still most excited to write is all s2 + s3 stuff--but like. agony of a witch? young blood old souls? the intruder?!
it would be me writing like 250k more words of entirely setup but that doesnt mean i dont think about it!
#chatter#theres actually a nonzero chance i write the intruder lol i think i wanted it to be a side story at one point#but as of now it obvi wouldnt fit anywhere into the plot. it might end up more as a flashback?#i just think of ALL the s1 episodes that one would change the most#since the route i took with the owl beast is uh. way different lol. for one shes seen king as her kid since the start <3#she and eda were just. very reluctant coparents at the start lol#actually back when this was just an idea and i hadnt started writing yet#i DID almost start off at agony of a witch instead of s2e1#again i think i made the right choice (showed the Big Important Moment from the s1 final episodes in my s2p1)#but STILL. i THINK ABOUT IT#woes of writing a fic series that will likely end at over 1 million words </3 why am i like this#also i guess technically i wrote a daemon au version of the library episode#but that was uhhh forever ago and before s2 came out (or at least before i watched it? idk when i wrote that one actually lol)#and ive made some MAJOR changes since then lol.#i guess technically my massive au is a reboot of that. but. different.#tho of course mari and alma return <3 its actually really funny theyre the only kids w unique daemons/palismen#since like flapjack clover ghost etc didnt exist yet but by the time i started writing Big Boy Au#they did! and i just poached them!#still think i got the vibes pretty close tho. especially stringbean i freaking NAILED luz's arc i absolutely called it <3
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Pregnancy (ft. Poly!Mates Bat Boys)
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Warnings: none
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You’re actually surprised it takes you so long to become pregnant (ya know considering that all three of them just rail into you multiple times a day lol)
When you start feeling like actual shit day in and day out, Rhys had Madja come over to evaluate you
And what do you know! You got a bun in the oven!
Cue your mates happily freaking out that there’s going to be a baby
They don’t even ask or question who the father is in the beginning. It’s too soon to do any paternity tests
Rhysand and Cassian become the nesters; prepping the nursery, hiring a fleet of nannies and guards for the precious heir
There was a dangerous side effect to being pregnant with one of the Bat Boy's babies were the powers it gave you. Hormone induced powers
You were stronger but more cautious around people, even your mates, and easy to snap; all to protect the precious life growing inside you.
Outside of the Inner Circle, no one else knows. Your pregnancy is kept secret for the first few months (though Cass wants to shout from the top of the House of Wind that he’s gonna be a daddy)
This is done mainly because you rue when the lords of the Court of Nightmares find out
The rest of the realm may rejoice, but the Court of Nightmares has always sneered your way and thought of you as a glorified whore
You knew they’d insist immediately on a paternity test. They would not bend the knee to a child that was not of Rhysand’s blood. If the father of your first born happened to be Cassian or Azriel, there could be a fight back
Once news of your pregnancy is released, there was a type of press conference below in the nightmare court
Like all of you predicted, they raise a big stink about paternity
A child of the spy master or the general would not be accepted on the throne
A glimpse of Rhysand's beast form shuts them up. Azriel's shadows aid in emphasizing the massive power they had compared to all of the fae in the room
"Fate destined her as our mate. Whoever the child truly belongs to is inconsequential. Any child birthed from her is worthy of the Night Court throne."
When Azriel isn’t doing work for Rhysand, he is glued to your side or has a shadow following you. He’s especially concerned since he heard talk of murdering you and your unborn baby. A threat like that would not be taken lightly.
All three of your mates love placing their hands on your belly, anticipating a reaction from the baby
Cassian is determined to get the baby to kick for him
I think they would just become puddly, mushy, dads to be.
The Bat Boys wish their respective mothers were alive to share in this joy
Because their big boys, unfortunately that means your baby will be a big one if the size of your tummy was any indication
Midnight snackies provided by the Wraiths without prompting. They know all of your favorite foods
Amren bets the baby belongs to Rhys
Mor thinks its Az
You actually bet it’s Cass’ due to how active the baby is. Constantly kicking you and the funny fact that the baby would REFUSE to kick against Cassian’s hand. Az and Rhys have gotten the baby to kick for them
When the baby has grown large enough inside of you, a paternity test is conducted just for the sake of the Inner Circle's curiosity. You don't want to know the results. Besides, once the baby is born, you'll know.
The dreams you'd been having recently were of a small boy, a mix of features that came from each of your mates. Rhysand's eyes. Cassian's unruly, long hair. Azriel's massive wings that had whisps of shadows clinging to them.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 17 days
I just we wanted to say that I love your content and everything that you do. It’s a joy to see your posts and read how you expand everyone’s posts.
I wanted to know if you were willing to write like One Piece x Beast Boy Reader. It would be funny to see how Strawhats interact with someone who can transform into any animal they see. Luffy, Ussop, and maybe Chopper would be so amazed and the most cheerful!
-When they first met you- they didn’t really know what do think of you, mainly due to your green skin. However, you and Luffy have very similar personalities, always cheerful and happy- he would instantly like you and demand you join his crew, without even knowing you or your abilities.
-You were polite, having good manners when Sanji and Nami yelled at their idiot captain for not even knowing who you were, just sitting there until they were finished.
-You beamed brightly, telling them your name before you stood back, “And as far as what I can do~~” you morphed into a goat, then a lion, then a turtle before turning back to yourself, “I can change into any animal!”
-Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy had sparkles for eyes, cheering loudly for you, telling you how cool your ability was, which made you beam brightly.
-Robin was curious, asking if it was a Devil Fruit ability and you shook your head, “No I’ve been able to do this for as long as I can remember- and I can swim since I can turn into aquatic animals!”
-Franky and Brook joined the other three, calling out different animals which you changed into easily, showing off which made them all cheer while Nami was shaking her head, a bit exasperated, but she could see the benefit of having someone like you as you could get into places easily, like looking for information.
-Sanji was quick to like you as you had table manners, especially compared to Luffy, and you always offered to help with the dishes, something he did appreciate.
-Zoro was a bit standoffish with you, not really knowing what to make of you, until he asked you to turn into a rhino and used you as a lifting weight, much to your surprise, but you were happy to help!
-Jinbei enjoyed your youthful personality, your joy- it was warming to him, and he enjoyed having someone he could go swimming with, at least without equipment and it was astounding to see how many animals you could turn into.
-You loved your crew, they didn’t treat you like a freak, like others in your life, who thought you were weird for your green skin, not knowing your story or why you were even like this- they made you feel like you belonged and that’s all that mattered to you!
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You want thots ?
Since I’ve read In Aethernum I had two different things in my mind.
1) Mimi wants to go out sometimes, go to shelter, feed the homeless, visit poor dogs who were left out, maybe visit sick kids at home….she only likes spending his money for useful things. Problem is Lloyd has to take her there and he has to stay until she is done. But he has to behave !In exchange, she promises some naughty things and Lloyd is too happy to take advantage of that . He knows that if he is a good boy, he will be rewarded. Oh ! On top of that, he has to be nice to people…because Lloyd with kids is too funny.
2) The mention of role play got me wild ! He offers and Mimi finally agrees. He plays Mark Darcy and has to stay in character, even if it’s tough. Mimi kinda like it in the end because he does not act like a beast for once. After that, she asks him to play the gentleman numerous times. 🤣
Aaand I have thoughts about Nick and Stitches but they are too numerous to tell. 😅
I've gone and done a lil something.
An Open Hand
No particular warnings in this one except for Lloyd being a pervert but what else is new? Please leave a little lovin in the comments or a reblog. Thanks!
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The car stops and you lean forward to get a look across the intersection. The shelter’s just up ahead. As you squint, you sense movement. You look down as Lloyd’s hand snakes towards the basket in your lap. 
“Hey! Keep your hands on the wheel, you’re driving!” You wave him away. “Besides,” you reach and pinch his ear, “these are for those in need.” 
“I’m in need,” he argues with a pout. 
“Hardly,” you shake your head. “You’re the one who insisted on coming so behave. That’s the deal.” 
“I didn’t make a deal, okay? I gave you permission to come and I volunteered to be your escort out of the goodness of my heart,” he insists. 
“Uh huh, sure,” you hug the basket close. “That’s exactly what happened.” 
“Come on, I earned at least one for coming,” he whines. 
“Nope, you got lots at home,” you tut. 
“Hm, you’re right.” He smirks. “I got lots of sweetness at home.” 
He winks at you in the rear view and the car behind him honks. You look up at the green light. He steps on the gas and goes to flip the other driver off. You catch his hand and guide it back to the wheel. 
“I want to get there in once piece,” you say. 
“Ugh,” he growls and puts his blinker on as he pulls into the turn lane. “Well, I wanna do lots of things but I’m here.” 
“I know, I know, but Mimi, I told ya. You need me close.” 
“Even if that’s true, it’s your fault,” you sniff. 
He snorts, “don’t act so hard-up, sweet cakes, alright? I don’t see you complaining when you’re sat on my mustache.” 
“Ha, that’s because you can’t talk,” you retort. 
He veers into the lot and stops sharply in a spot, “Mimi! Ouch.” You snicker and he shifts into park. He puts his hand to his chest, “that one really hurt. I thought you were a nice girl.” 
“I was and then I met you,” you undo your seat belt as you balance the basket on your knees. 
“Wow, you’ve gotten sassy.” 
“Keep up,” you reach over and tap the tip of his nose. “Now come on!” 
You get out as he shuts off the engine. He finally climbs out on his side and you come around to meet him. He looks you up and down. 
“You got all prettied up for these losers and--” 
“They are not losers!” You cry out and charge at him. He has the sense to back away. “I don’t want to hear any of that in there. Do you understand me?” 
His brows rise and he nods, “sorry, mistress.” 
You frown again. “Alright, none of that either.” 
“Fine, I’ll be nice. But I deserve a cookie,” he reaches for the basket again. 
You’re quick. You catch his middle finger and bend it back until he relents. You don’t like hurting people but he makes it so easy. 
“You have some at home.” 
“Oh, I’ll get a cookie when I get home?” He wonders with a coy smirk. You narrow your eyes. “I like your cookie.” 
“You are... a teenager. You know that?” 
“Oh, I’m a fucking freak, baby, but you love it,” he reaches for you, putting his hand on your lower back as he turns you to face the building. “But I can be a good boy too.” He walks you forward and you shake your head. He slips his hand down to your ass and the reach back to move it up again.  
He huffs and hooks his fingers around your hip, “fine, I can wait until we get home.” 
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chaoticspeedrun · 5 months
saw ur recent post and thought
lets all stereotype the tmnt simps like they’re animals at a zoo together chaotic
[insert funny picture of us staring at the funny ppl in the cage with their desired turtles (i lowkey couldnt find a meme that would suite this 😠😠😠)]
raph simps ; either fiesty gremlins who’ll bite ur toes off if you go near them and spray them with water or sweet little souls who’ll tuck you in bed and give you forehead kisses. both simp types aren’t rare and are commonly found together as a pair, explaining their view on the himbo buff boy raph and how they can either “fix him” or “make him worse”.
leo simps ; traumatized beings, it doesnt matter if you’re a cocky and mean in a loving way or a i’ll do anything you say because you’re so great kind of leo simp, you’re traumatized in some sense, whether it be through fiction or real life. you guys lowkey ENJOYED giving ur oc’s or self inserts loads of angst when it came to the future and movie. man, you guys have so much love for this one turtle his ego is literally thru the roof.
donnie simps ; a true simp. let me guess— you like nerdy men who are also queer as hell, who is also straight as hell at the same time, who is also the type of man you’d expect him to do nice things for you to only throw you under the bus. listen up you simps, i understand that the few of you “down down bad” simps are into that and might sans fangirl your way into this— but let me explain and introduce you into the “ilovehimsomuchiwoulddieforhimandhisbigforehead” simps. you’d be an awesome duo trust.
mikey simps ; now i KNOW you guys got something beneath those precious and fluffy oc and self insert moments. there has gotta be SOME SORT OF EVIL ANGST AND TWISTY MOMENT YOU GOT GOING ON— much more worse than the leo trauma, FARTHER WORSE— teehee you guys got such a cute puppylove selfship going on teehee 😊😊WELL WHABAM!! the moment mikey gets his mystic powers n angsty moment in the movie out comes the freaking angst beast and comfort waves following behind it >:))))
— 🖼️🗝️ (guess whooo 🙃🙃🙃)
Not me looking at the way you signed and going "Who's Keyframe?" I AM HAVING A DIFFICULT TIME FIGURING THIS ONE OUT.
Also, I love psychoanalyzing people💖
In my opinion, from what I have seen at least, most Raph simps I've interacted with are like really sweet and anxious people that REALLY NEED A HUG just like my boy Raph.
The Leo simps, as I said earlier, enjoy bullying him so much- and with that I mean, they're most times the kind of people that tease or bully their crush, but they care so much about him and love adding so much depth to his character.
The Donnie simps I know can't drop the color purple for ONE DANG SECOND, the color is everywhere all the time all at once, they seem very curious and are some of the ones that I see the most active in the fandom.
And Mikey simps are freaking wild, one minute they're the sweetest and the next they're jumping around the walls and scaring you, I love those.
*Sips on coffee, staring at the cages*
Ah yes, what a wonderful and interesting set of specimens.
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howtotrainabraincell · 2 months
Head cannon bc I can - The Assassin's belief in spooky stuff
A/N: In 3-month pre-honor of Spooky time (which is the best time) I'm gonna write a drabble about how I think certain assassin's would react to spooky stuff like ghosts, wendigos, vampires, etc. Thought it would be funny.
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Ezio Auditore - He grew up religious so probably has that faith over fear mindset despite what he believes later on in life through being an assassin/meeting the garden tool known as juno (who doesn't get her name capitalized bc I don't like her lol). I mean exhibit A: This Florentine man just jumps off of a very high building and nails a superhero landing. The FAITH that this man had in his KNEECAPS to NOT SHATTER over the FEAR of his (very nice) legs snapping in half like pocky sticks. I mean COME.ONNNN. WILL LEGIT PERFORM AN EXORCISM IF HE GETS SPOOKED. He'll speak in Latin reciting Bible verses, he'll bust out the Holy Water and get the rosary, the whole shebang. He thinks that vampires are lowkey cheesy but is flattered when people think that he's one (because of the sexy factor around the bloodsuckers ya know) because they think he's HAWT. Wendigos freak him out because WHY DO THEY MOVE SO FAST?! He also does NOT mess with ouija boards and refuses to even be in the same room as one, cause the man's not trying to have the dang spirits of the borgias come after him again (cesare was annoying enough the first time, okay?). Werewolves? He's indifferent to. He likes dogs, he likes people (MOST of them), so long they don't bite him (too hard *wink wink*) that's all he cares about.
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Altair Ibn La'Ahad - Vampires? Meh. They better stay away from him and his love or they'll get a fang omelet. Werewolves? So long as they don't have fleas or parasites, he doesn't see them as a problem. Altair does NOT believe in ghosts, and he is NOT amused when the others try to scare him and make him paranoid of the "other side" ooooo. He thinks it's all bullshlatta haha. However, when he's been smoking hashish...it's a different story. This cannabis product has a THC concentration of 5-15% so man is getting into the kite territory lol. He WILL get paranoid, and he WILL think that ghosts are on the front lawn PARTICULARLY the ghosts of French and English soldiers that he's fought. Will go get his love if she's there and pull her into his lap muttering in Arabic about "Stupid ghosts of the fallen. Not touching my woman." He'll beat Jacob's ass for moving the ouija board around and scaring the others but mostly because he didn't see Jacob, he just saw a big black blob coming at him and swung. He will also once again beat Jacob's ass for trying to scare him while pretending to be a ghost wrapped up in a bedsheet. Just picture him trying to strangle the poor top hat wearing British boy while Desmond and Evie try to talk him down and Altair's love gently tries to pry him off.
Love: (laughing softly as she pulls at his arms) Altair Habibi don't hurt him it was just a prank.
Altair: (yelling in Arabic) He's a ghost! I don't need any more of them in my life!
Desmond: Guys come on don't fight again.
Evie: (trying not to laugh) Uhh Mentor if you could kindly not strangle my dear brother to death, I would be grateful.
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Ratonhnhake:ton/Connor Kenway - Being Native American he has been privy to myths and legends of mysterious beasts and malevolent spirits. The one that freaked him out the most as a little boy however was the myth about the wendigo. A myth that one if his tribe's elders had picked up from an Algonquian traveler passing through Boston. An insatiable beast created from humans and the hunger felt by them in desperate times with little to no food. He has heard multiple legends ranging from the spirit possessing those who are without food and influencing them to consume their fellow humans in cannibalistic practices, to the wendigo being a demon that possesses people for unknown reasons. How the beast is allegedly 15 feet tall, can wind walk, is extremely intelligent, and stores it's victims for food storage eating them at its leisure. But imo he's not afraid of them because think about. Connor vs a wendigo? I feel sorry for that wendigo lol. Man has fought bears, cougars, mountain lions, defied gravity, taken on an entire army and held up the middle finger to cannonballs meant to send him to his Maker. Requiescat In Pace to that wendigo haha. Vampires are lame to him he does not see the appeal, but he does find their teeth funny. (He has been exposed to a wide variety of different teeth via animals that he's hunted, but creatures that look human who have teeth like animals is funny to him).
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Jacob Frye - Tell.me.WHY I just KNOW that Jacob would so totally take out the ouija board and put it in random places to scare the others lol. This would lead to Evie playing detective and staying up all night to find out what was going on, only to find that her baby brother is trolling everyone. Needless to say, Jacob's ears get boxed. He likes to play around and goof off about ghosts lurking about, but being serious he does not believe in them. Nor does he believe in contact with those who are passed on. He thinks that a place can carry bad things that have happened there, and the aura can be off, he believes the same with people as well. He could sense Starrick's craziness all the way in Crawley... It goes without saying that Jacob DEFINITELY believes in mental illness. He'd probably try to fight a werewolf to test his strength. And a vampire too. Would also probably carry treats for werewolves if he knew any and give it to them in their wolf form lol. Once the fight commences (and his inevitable loss follows) Jacob would ABSOLUTELY try to recruit them into the Rooks. He could use as many members as possible to say nothing of those with supernatural abilities. Would TOTALLY flip his flat cap over a vampire's ability to heal quickly. Like he would pull his signature Frye arm break and the vampire's arm would just *pop!* right back into place. He would lowkey be jealous because if he could do that think about how many fights he could win!
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Evie Frye - DEFINITELY think that she would wonder if vampires were out there and she would be SO EXCITED if she met one. She would want to pick their brain about their experiences and hear the stories of however many lifetimes they have lived. In the game she is somewhat interested in the other side and the occult so she might dip her toes into the crystal ball and ouija board territory. She does it maybe once or twice and then quite because she doesn't get results from it (plus Jacob won't stop playing with the planchette piece using it as a monocle). She didn't like the ouija board because the rules of "Don't play alone" both annoyed her and made her weary. She would rather play alone due to the nature of serious questions she would ask about the afterlife (I honestly kinda think that she might try to make contact with her father through the ouija board but would be deterred when she heard that it could possibly be demons instead of her loved one). She's not really superstitious but she does take rules (within reason) seriously (and she tries not to break them if Jacob can behave himself lol). She has contacts everywhere and then some so hearing things through the grapevine she eventually hears the good old "things can get attached to you and follow you around" when messing around with supernatural things. This made her completely drop contacting the other side because this poor woman is already harassed by and followed by Blighters and Templars 24/7 365, okay? She doesn't need any ghosties or demons following her too. She finds the concept of the wendigo fascinating but has no plans to hunt one (unlike Jacob). The idea of werewolves makes her cringe because while she likes dogs the hearsay about werewolves having painful bone breaking transitions from human to wolf, disturbs her and fills her with sympathy for anyone who is one.
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Arno Dorian - Ghosts? What ghosts? You mean the ones that haunt him on a daily basis? The ones that haunt him in his dreams? The ghosts of choices he didn't make, mistakes he made and regrets he has? Arno isn't afraid of ghosts. Not at all. Is interested in the anatomy of werewolves but is concerned about if they have parasites and fleas. (It is my own personal cannon that after the events of Unity a stray cat started harassing him like "Hey drunk sad human feed me". Eventually this led to Arno adopting the little furball). He thinks that wendigos are nothing special because they just remind him of customers at the Cafe Theatre hopped up on caffeine, he just stands there and is like "Madame/Monsieur calme-toi. Vous faites une scene." (Calm down. You're making a scene.) Doesn't put much stock in mummies but he is fascinated by the history of Ancient Egypt and their burial practices, he admires how so much care was put into their final goodbyes. People do in fact think that he is a vampire because look at him...I'll wait...enough said. He has the timeless sexiness of a vampire not to mention it just...suits him? He finds it amusing nonetheless and is actually flattered to be considered a "seductive master of the night". Werewolves he would just give them treats from the Cafe in hopes that they wouldn't bite him (Mademoiselle Whiskers - his cannon kitty - love bites him enough lol).
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Bayek of Siwa - Somewhat accustomed to ghosts actually seeing as he is well acquainted with the Duat and members of the dead. He does take them there and deliver them to Anubis after all. Not afraid of them but does not want them to invade his personal life especially if they're the ghosts of the members of the order. (Man fought so hard to kill them all and then he might have to deal with them haunting him? No thank you. He's had enough.) CAN and WILL knock a vampires fangs out of their head if one ever tried to bite him because one: RUDE and two: he's not trying to catch immortality. He wants to go to the afterlife one day and I think we all know why. But besides that, he also has almost been bitten on numerous occasions by snakes, hippos, crocodiles, and even hyenas. Senu has NEVER bitten him (I refuse to believe that she even gives him love bites just lots of wing hugs, beak nuzzles, and she sees him as the sweet baby that he is so she cleans him like one lol). He gets a kick out of hollywood mummies and actually likes Boris Karloff in The Mummy, but all of the powers and curses and people being terrified of a dead body wrapped in linen strips gives him a little chuckle. He finds it quite silly to be honest. This man sees werewolves as big dogs and would probably befriend all of them because he seems like EXACTLY the type of man who has THE GIFT (aka the talent to befriend all animals). Man is a certified Egyptian Disney princess that Disney has denied us.
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Desmond Miles - Man LOVES 80's horror change my mind but he does. That and 80's music so I'm not convinced that he'll scare easy. Not to mention the kind of life he lives as an assassin being in constant danger and living in paranoia with a lovely sauce of constantly looking over his shoulder (this poor baby I swear). Werewolves are cool to him because he loves dogs. Have a feeling that when Halloween rolls around, he busts out the old classics such as The Wolf Man with Lon Chaney (The Birds, Dracula, Abbott and Costello, etc). Vampires are cheesy but don't you DARE tell me that this man has not attempted to do the Dracula accent because he HAS. He's probably even binged vampire diaries (well what he could before ubisoft pulled a bitch move) and it's possible that he's even dressed up as a vampire too lol. His girlfriend lost her mind when he tried to kiss her with fake fangs in but they fell off making him a one toothed vampire lol. Ghosts aren't scary too him at all I mean...have you seen what he went through with the Bleeding Effect? Ain't no way he's phased by ANY kind of ghost that tries to do a little spooky brew haha to him. He'll just stand there exhausted with a cup of coffee as one tries to scare him and be like: "Great. What else is new?" Depending on which ancestor of his he's bleeding through the Bleeding Effect his reactions are a mixture of his own Desmond reaction and whoever he's bleeding.
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milaisreading · 1 year
I don’t normally make requests so sorry if this sounds stupid but can you do one where the manager is like the biggest fan of Leonardo and Pablo and whenever someone mentions their names their like, Aren’t they so dreamy?
Thanks! Again sorry if this sounds stupid
Author: hope u like this one🩷 thanks for the request 🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"(Y/n), can you please give me that water bottle?" Rin asked, not looking up from his shoes, but all he got was silence from the girl and then he heard a few giggles. The boy looked up at her in confusion, only to find her on the phone.
"What happened?" Rin asked, hoping it wasn't a boy or someone else making her laugh.
"I am sorry, Rin! I will bring you the water bottle, but look! Leonardo Luna posted a video and it's so funny!" At the mention of the blonde Spaniard, Rin grew agitated and nervous.
'Does she like that asshole?!'
"He is so dreamy~ I wish I got an autograph from him and Pablo Cavasoz back when they were her." (Y/n) pouted.
"You are a fan of theirs?!" Rin asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, who wouldn't be? They are so good on the field, handsome and seem like nice people. I wish I didn't avoid them like a plague when I saw them last time."
As (Y/n) continued talking, she didn't notice the way Rin's face turned into a horrified one. Pablo Cavasoz? Sure, he can handle him since he seemed somewhat nice, but Leonardo Luna?! No way will he let that man steal her attention.
"Haaa..." (Y/n) sighed as she read a football magazine Anri bought her. Bachira and Kurons raised their eyebrows and looked down at her in confusion.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, you have been staring at the magazine for 30 minutes." Blushing at how obvious she was and shook her head.
"I am alright! But recently Cavasoz had an interview here in Japan, and the pictures they took of him are so good! Look at him!" The two looked in boredom at the pictures and nodded their heads. Bachira was fighting so hard not to grab the magazine and rip it apart.
'Only I should get this reaction from her! Not this freak!'
'What's so great about him? He is so stoic and boring.' Kurona thought.
"He looks so good! Look at his cheeks!" The two let out silent groans as they saw the awestruck look on (Y/n)'s face.
"What are you two talking about?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as her and Hiori sat down with Reo and Nagi to eat lunch.
"Nagi was talking about the time he played against the World 5 team." Reo explained as Nagi nodded his head.
"Yeah, that Adam Blake is really no joke when it comes to his speed. Silva's strategies were very intimidating as well." The albino said as the two nodded their heads.
"Don't forget Loki, that dude is a real beast. Imagine facing him at the World Cup." (Y/n) added in as the other three nodded along.
"What about that Luna and Cavasoz guy? They are pretty scary too?"
"And arrogant, especially the Spaniard." Nagi rolled his eyes and was about to continue speaking, but Hiori interrupted him.
"(Y/n)... re you alright?" The boy asked as Reo waved his hand in front of her eyes. She had that weird, dreamy look in her eyes as she sighed.
"Ahhh~ they are so talented. You can forgive the arrogance honestly." The trio looked at her in shock, knowing that (Y/n) usually doesn't tolerate that behavior from them.
"What? (Y/n), I thought you hate arrogant people." Nagi raised an eyebrow, a little bit annoyed at the look she had.
"It's alright~ they are cute when they act like that." (Y/n) giggled as jealousy started to rise among the trio.
'Are we losing to some assholes now?!' They thought.
"Baro, can you please not argue with Aryu and Chigiri?" (Y/n) raised her eyebrow as he yelled at them for not picking up their hairbrushes.
"No! It's disgusting!" (Y/n) sighed and shook her head as Chigiri poked his tongue out at Baro, all the while he kept hiding behind (Y/n). Her phone rang and (Y/n) turned her attention to it as the three argued.
"Hello?" She answered, expecting either Anri or Ego to be on the phone.
"What?!" She yelled as the three stopped yelling and looked at her in confusion and worry. Her face was all red and she had some weird glint of excitement I'm her eyes as she nodded her head.
"Yes! Yes! Everything is under control! I will go and prepare the bedrooms, Teieri-san! Will they need anything else?! Special food? Extra blankets?"
"Who is she talking about?" Baro wondered.
"I don't know... but why does she look soo..."
"So in love?" Chigiri finished Aryu's sentence as all three cringed at the idea.
Anxiously, the trio saw (Y/n) hang up and jump in excitement.
"What happened?!" Aryu asked nervously as (Y/n) turned to look at them.
"The World 5 team will visit us again! I can now ask for pictures with Luna and Cavasoz! Hopefully they will be alright with it..." (Y/n) said a little nervously as the three froze up.
"What?! Why are you so excited to see them?" Baro asked.
"Have you seen them?! Both are so handsome and talented, who wouldn't freak out!" (Y/n) thought as she was about to cry from happiness.
'Not them! Not those two!' Aryu thought as his eye twitched in annoyance while Chigiri was about to cry.
'What about me?'
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homelanderbutbig · 10 months
His Favourite Pet Name (G/T Homelander x Reader)
1102 words. Pure fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
Homelander is a professional couch cuddler.
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It's a lazy afternoon in Homelander's penthouse, a rare occasion where you both have a bit of time off to unwind. His gloves are resting on the coffee table as he is sprawled across his couch, with his head held up on the armrest. You're cuddling on top of his huge body, with your head perched on his chest.
Homelander's left arm is draped around you as he contently grasps onto your petite form, while his right arm is down next to you so you can hold his bare hand. You draw pictures in the softness of his palm, doodling various animals and scenery. Entirely fixated, he watches you use his skin as your personal canvas, cherishing the feeling of your fingers. Writing 'I love you' into his palm, you glance up to spot him grinning so wide you can see his pearly white fangs. He wishes he could do the same to your own hand, but just one of his large fingers could barely draw a circle in your tiny palm.
Seeing his pleased expression suddenly gives you an idea. Fascinated, he watches as you gradually flip over so your stomach is on his chest. His smile disappears as he swallows in anticipation, staring as you reach both your hands out to scratch his undercut. The second you make contact with his hair, he is fluttering his eyes shut and sighing heartily. 
"Mmmmm…" Homelander purrs, completely undone by your loving touch. His voice is so deep that you practically feel your whole body vibrate from the rumbling in his chest. It's a weird sensation, almost as if you're lying on a massage chair. Yet it's something you've grown to appreciate, all the little noises he makes when you drag your nails along his scalp. You know that he only does this for you, because you're the only one who can make him feel that heavenly.
Homelander can't fight the urge to clutch your body a little tighter than he'd prefer, but you know he just wants to feel closer to you. Besides, he would never hurt you. You giggle as he practically whimpers when you scratch just the right spot, wishing he could bury himself in your masterful fingers.
It's a funny sight seeing him like this. At work, he's a totally different person; a beast disguised as a man in a superhero suit, striking fear and awe into the hearts of millions. Once he is alone with you, any masquerade he was previously wearing disintegrates to reveal the kind, tender boy Homelander tries so hard to conceal. Sure, he could just pay some random schmuck to pet his head, but it wouldn't be the same. No one else would understand his needs like you do, and how much he craves to be doted on with your unconditional devotion. You do this for him, because you love him as much as he loves you.
Enveloping your small frame around both hands, he gently lifts you nearer to his face. His expression is so serene from how relaxed you’ve made him, his worries completely forgotten from your heartfelt affections. He brings you in for a kiss, involuntarily keening as he savours your warmth.
"Mmmph… love you… love you…" Homelander whispers in between kisses, repeating himself until he's drowning in your plush lips.
"Love you too, big boy," you hum as you bring your hands to his cheeks, feeling a smile spread across his lips while he exhales deeply through his nose.
Although he would never admit it to anyone, Homelander has always been self-conscious about his height. He has only ever heard the word 'big' used to describe him in a negative context… a big freak, a big monster, a big demonic goliath. Even if he killed everybody who insulted him like that, it would never heal the scars that were carved into his psyche. He knows the truth, that his 'adoring public' sees him as an inhuman giant.  
When you first started giving him pet names, he was enthralled at everything you would call him. Each name was just as special as the last. He beamed at every 'sweetheart', 'honey' and 'darling' that rolled off your tongue so easily, solely for his ears.
One day you happened to test out a new name, 'big boy'. At first you were worried you made a mistake upon seeing his face twitch and his eyes turn glassy, like you brought back some terrible memories. In reality, Homelander was so utterly overwhelmed to hear someone not use his height in a derogatory way, for what felt like the first time in his life. From then on it became his favourite pet name, and he always smiles at hearing those sweet words you speak so earnestly. There is nothing that makes him more proud than to hear that he is your big boy.
Eventually, you both break from your passionate kisses, but stay close to nuzzle your noses together. You stroke along his jawline with your thumbs, admiring the tranquil silence of the penthouse as if nothing else matters in this world except for you and Homelander.
"I never did thank you," he remarks, dreamily gazing into your eyes. He still has both of his hands on you, resuming his dainty touches along your back.
"For what, sweetie?" you question, unable to mask the slight confusion on your face. Lightly chuckling at the way you tilt your head at his words, he moves one of his hands to caress your face with his enormous thumb and finger.
"For the pet name," he tells you candidly, loving how perfectly your face fits in his hand, like it was always meant to be there. "You really have no idea how much it means to me. I wish I could show you."
"You already have," you promise him, kissing him delicately on his nose. "My big boy."
You laugh as Homelander peppers your face with more kisses, the both of you smiling as he showers you with his neverending appreciation.
There are days where he wishes that he was shorter, so he wouldn't have to deal with the horrified looks and isolation he felt from the general population. The way they perceive him to be a gigantic killing machine. But then, there are days where you are the shining beacon breaking through his dark and stormy mind. You let him feel glad that he is the way he is, otherwise he could never live up to your pet name. 
It doesn't matter what the peons have to say, as long as Homelander gets to be your big boy.
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madnessatdawn · 1 year
Okay but last one piece live action thing from me. But Mihawk had one of the funniest and most entertaining days very early on hands down.
Let me run this down for you guys. He a gets call from the vice admiral of the Marines who tells him to go get this random person alive. Whose name is Monkey d Luffy. So at this point Mihawk is probably thinking 🤔.
Isn't that the last name of the vice admiral
Later this dude just randomly starts talking to him. Very interesting ass things right like how he fought the Marines and like did a bunch of crap. Which s probably thinking that's neat and all. And hey this weirdo isnt freaked out by me. So at least this trip isn't entirely boring. Until Usopp mentions Luffy, then his thoughts would lead to wait is that why Garp called me.
This day has been pretty chill slightly so far got to murder a bunch of dudes got to hear some cool stories he'll finish this job pretty quick. Until what do you know a fan boy comes along saying he's going to kill me oh la dee da.
All right might as well get in some murder stretches and then get that monkey kid.
And then the next morning many interesting things happen for Mihawk. He finally sees Luffy and oh wait that kids wearing shank's hat. Like he distinctly remembers that hat and shanks telling him about this kid he gave the hat to. And then the other realization of oh man is that kid the vice admirals grandson and hes a pirate oh man. Oh now everything is getting juicy.
Finally the coup de gras is oh man the fan boy actually got some chops holy shit what a surprise. And hearing luffy's dream with the cherry on top. So inhis head he's like okay I am not taking that kid he is going to do some very interesting things for the sea and one of his crewmates is Zoro who clearly is a seedling that is going to sprout into a murderous hell beast one day who could actually kill me he's got to stay alive.
And then he just goes to Garp to tell him hey yeah your kids funny. And he's very likely going to royally turn over the seas so I'm not taking him in. And then he's like damn where do I find shanks I got to tell him about this shit.
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stinkykitty8 · 5 months
My beatiful boy Hanz
(Hanz belongs to me!!! Everything else credits to Gatobob!!!)
This post contains very heavy topics, nsfw, r@pe, 18+ stuff, and overall just not very good things. Do not read if you are sensitive to these things.
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Read warnings before pressing more please!!!
Hanz was conceived through rape. After Ren ran off Strade tried to find a replacement for him. The replacement being a very beatiful woman and yet another victim to Strade's doings. Unlike Ren, Strade never let her roam free to make sure she doesn't escape the same way Ren did. Instead she was locked in the basement 24/7 shackled and collared and checked daily to make sure nothing was lose or she tried breaking off. Thats where she stayed the entire time being with Strade as he abused, tortured, and r@ped her. And through all of this she had fallen pregnant which wasnt surprising. Strade was actually expecting it to happen. Strade decided to go along with it and make her have the baby. Almost like he wanted a kid. Shortly after Hanz was born Strade really didnt see any other use for Hanz's mom so he ended up killing her and burning her body to ash. The ash is currently burried in his back yard. Hanz will never find out what happened to his mom and if ever asked Strade would never say, change the subject, or just shrug it off and laugh. Hanz was a little spoiled rich kid growing up. He was sent with 20 bucks ince for snacks at school and hes seen as a rich boy. Strade never hit him once (even though he needs it) and the worst he probably did was just yell but that was it. Strade didnt really care when he got phone calls from school because of Hanz's behavior. If anything he found it funny and encouraged it as long as he didnt go to far to be kicked out. He especially found it funny when it came to messing with Yoki. After the first day of school strades interest was peaked after Hanz mentioned a certain orange tail and ear having freak from school. And after finding out that little beast belonged to Ren he just encouraged Hanz to fuck with her more. Basically using him to get to Ren. Although Strade never physically abused Hanz he mentally abused him without Hanz really even realizing or noticing. He raised Hanz "like a man" so most times it was just him telling hanz to suck it up or trying to make him have the mindset to act like a man and not give a fuck about much else. It made Hanz really treat women horribly at that time and even the smallest things like a dude having something pink he would call them gay. Even refused to hold a purse because 'it was to gay'.
Hanz was always seen as the tough kid in school, always threatening to beat kids asses or threatening them that his dad would take legal action if they hurt him. He was all bark no bite though. When put in an actual situation like fighting he would fold and pussy out. He got into a fight once with Yoki and she left without a scratch and he left with cuts and bites that later got infected. Strade was pissed, not because Yoki hurt hanz, but because she hurt his blood. And it was almost seen as a disgrace to him and would tell Hanz how disappointed he was. Hanz always tries to be perfect and make his father proud so of course he apologizes because he thinks he didnt do enough especially for that. Hanz would do anything to make his father proud even doing things out of his comfort zone.
Strade always kept a thick padlock on the basement door and because of the sound proofing nothing was ever heard down bellow. Hanz always thought he just wasnt allowed down because thats where Strade worked and it probably had a lot of tools or objects Hanz woukd hurt himself with. One day Hanz got a little to nosey and decided to explore the basement after Strade left to the store but strade forgot his keys and came back to see the basement door open and Hanz nowhere to be found. What Hanz saw down into the basement changed his entire view of life and his entire perspective of his father. He probably saw some very badly tortured woman tied to a pole bleeding and begging Hanz for help. Of course any young child would be horrified of this even though Hanz says he could take things like that. And so when trying to leave the basement strade was standing there up top glaring at him. Strade locked the basement door with Hanz in it and left Hanz in the basement overnight. Even though Hanz was kicking, hitting, and screaming at the door repeatedly apologizing, Strade did not allow him out until the morning. Even mocking hanz saying things like "I thought you were a man why are you crying?" Even though he was about only 12. Hanz learned very quickly not to snoop around again. After that he was very quiet at school and stayed to himself. Messing with people seemed to stop and he even went so far as to give shitty apologies to the kids he fucked with. He couldn't tell anyone what he saw or and learned so he kept it a secret and "maned up" like his father said. The strong live and the weak die. He pushed that mindset on Hanz so much he believed it and began thinking Strade was doing good by just getting rid of the weak and cleaning the world. Over time Hanz was forced to help with streaming until it was basically his new job. But over time it got a little easier for him since it became a normal thing, even though he still had an ick for it. But he had to do it to make his dad proud.
Over time he ended up starting to form a semi relationship with Yoki. Nothing serious. He never really knew much about Ren either at thay time until snooping on the web and checking out some of Strades older streams and seeing Ren in them. Of course recognizing it was Yoki's father he told Yoki about it and she just couldn't believe it until she saw it and then it brought out into a small fight that was settled. Hanz had always tried to be seen as some big hotshot badass but deep down hes really just a big softie. Especially when hes older. Hes still a prick sometimes but not to Yoki or Basil anymore. Hanz is absolutely majestic. Overall just being a better version of Strade looks and health wise (Strade doesn't understand why hes so good). Unlike Yoki he actually has his own credit card and him and Strade split the cash they make on streams.
(Hopefully this all makes sense XP)
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I did it
I put it to words after so much time lol
I keep forgetting to make this and to drop it in
So, i know that most folks go
"Oh? Rook Hunt? He's gotta be a hunter, a predator type of thing or creature!" Which, makes sense in some aspects BUT it ignores WHY Rook Hunt is so off-putting to his brethren in canon and why he is so formidable and interesting. Firstly, Rook Hunt is a human. A human who is willing to hunt Beastmen, who can hassle Floyd, who even Leona avoids, a human who is incredibly formidable and skilled. Who is sneaky, to the point that Ortho has commented that the only reason he was able to detect the guy was due to his motion sensors. Rook Hunt who even tries to go after Malleus in PE (mainly by trying to mess with him so that Rook can interact with the dragon fae) and has asked Lilia if the bat fae would let Rook hunt him (both fae seem to be a bit irked by him, Malleus for being messed with and Lilia even makes a threat him which i think shows what a curve ball Rook is that he got under the skin of both fae who arguably find most non aggressive interactions amusing). He's human, arguably one of the physically weakest races of Wonderland and he outmaneuvers many of the beastfolk and often hassles the Leech twins (definitely Floyd, at least, who tries to avoid him as much as possible). He's very different from most of the humans and the usual expectations. He uses wit and strength and cunning to outdo his quarry while being one of the races that DOESN'T have the natural equipment that beastfolk with fangs and claws or fae with strength and power have.
In nonhuman au, he wouldn't be a predator species. He wouldn't have claws and fangs, nor brute strength. That's not what makes Rook so intriguing and interesting. He is light footed and suited for rough terrain, for getting through forests and being hardy. He would be something that most expect to be wary of beasts with sharp tooth and talon. He would be a deer. Deer are light footed, they are remarkable hardy, sneaky. They also get into a lot of trouble. But unlike the animal deer and how most would view a deer beast, Deer Rook is able to take down nigh any predator. He goes out of his way to do so. He's stalking down lions and hyenas and anything else that catches his eye. He still needs to rely on wit, hence his bows and arrows, his hunting knife and his skill set. That's how Rook operates and would be most in keeping with his character. Rook Hunt being a deer is also why many still find Rook Hunt so settling in nonhuman au. He's a hunter and predator, a deer who's claws are his arrows and fangs are his skills and wit. A formidable one, that many find a bit odd. It would be expected and understandable if Rook was a type of carnivore, a stalking hunting animal of some kind. But being expectable is not Rook Hunt.
So yeah
Deer Rook Hunt
I've been meaning to put this in lol
Sorry for the time taken haha
Of course, everyone can have their own vision of rook and harpy Rook has wonderful place in my heart but also Rook Hunt as a deer is very fitting and a deer beast hunting lion beasts and hassling others and freaking out everyone is very very funny and fitting lol
Also In keeping with his character and with the animal deer, he is still a curious individual and he tends to get into trouble.
So yeah
Rook Hunt as deer would be very fitting.
I would agree that a deer would be fitting in his case, and a prey animal being a hunter makes an interesting concept. Plus, Rook is already weird and deer and be pretty weird in their own right.
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Not a lot of peeps know about them actually eating meat, they even eat baby birds out of nests on occasion, though I would smack any beast boys I catch doing that.
I do wonder about the kind of deer he would be, there are over 60 different species of deer worldwide. Deer are present on all continents except Antarctica. They can live in a range of habitats, from mountainous areas to warm and wet rainforests.
Plus, I wonder how he would deal with his antlers; would he keep them shaved down since they could get in the way of stuff? Would he still wear a hat but maybe a different one? Then there's the shedding of the antlers which happens pretty suddenly, imagine in the middle of class you hear them suddenly falling onto the floor and giving everyone a startle. He prob makes something out of them, I used to have a knife with a handle made out of deer antler.
I'm also curious about him doing mating calls and such...they would likely startle a human that does know anything about deer and make them think there's a creature outside.
I want to see that silly man do deer hops and I want to see his cute tail and hoof feeties.
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captainwans · 6 months
NEW ERA! (smau)
arabella series!
pairing: alex turner x fem! actress! reader
summary: after the release of arctic monkeys new album, y/n’s comment section attracts new followers and attention.
layout inspo: @ithinkimokeei 🩶
timeline: 2013
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Liked by officialelizabetholsen, chrishemsworth and others
yourinstagram italy has been treating me well! ✨🍃🌤️ 🇮🇹
 ㅤ View all the comments
username something lgbt just happened to me
username y/n is so HOT 😩
username the album is out you know what that means 😏
yourinstagram i don’t 😅 what album?
yourbestfriend aww she’s so clueless it’s so cute 🤭
username i'm lesbian 
username the most beautiful woman on the planet 🌎
username she’s so fine bro
username i love when y/n y/l/n
officialelizabetholson my WIFE 💕💍
yourbestfriend you mean OUR wife
username lmao yourbestfriend
username so beautiful
username do you know alex turner?
username who else came after listening to arabella
username me!!!
username 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
username moi 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️
username username apparently the whole comment section
username 😍😍😍😍
username y/n have you listened to arctic monkeys new album?
katehudson how do you always manage to look so freaking good 😩 spare some beauty, mama!
yourinstagram katehudson you're the most prettiest woman i've ever laid eyes on ✋🏼💖
yourbestfriend you're such a cheater 😭😭
username yourbestfriend 😭😂
username pls i want their friendship
username what did you think about the song arabella?
username i’m so glad the arabella movie is getting the recognition it deserves!!! the song is sooo good too! 💗
username what’s your favorite arctic monkeys song? ❤️
yourinstagram it’s impossible for me to choose, but if i had to it’s definitely fluorescent adolescent or teddy picker 🧸
matthelders yourinstagram now that’s taste
 ㅤ matthelders started following yourinstagram
 ㅤ yourinstagram started following matthelders
username drummer boy is here!!!
username i love how arctic monkeys fans have summoned in the comments after listening to arabella 😂
username and we are OBSESSED with her
username the song is playing on REPEAT!
username the movie wrecked me so hard i’ve been crying for days
username username same i still haven’t recovered from arabella she’s such a talented actress!! 💗
username manifesting that she’s gonna be in the arabella mv 🪄🧙🏻‍♀️
 ㅤ Liked by yourbestfriend
username marvel and arctic monkeys fans = what an unexpected duo
username username but so iconic tho right?
marvel real people listen to arctic monkeys.
 ㅤ  Liked by 61k followers
 ㅤ katiee_cook_ started following yourinstagram
 ㅤ breanahelders started following yourinstagram
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Liked by markruffalo, imsebastianstan and others
yourinstagram avengers….ASSEMBLE 🦸🏻‍♀️🤺
 ㅤ View all the comments
username help why is chris holding scar like that
username hemsworth is a BEAST god damn 😩
username the reason why i’m alive
markruffalo miss you on set ❤️
yourinstagram coming back soon marko 😙
jeremyrenner yourinstagram how long is soon? yourbestfriend is having an episode again 🙄
yourbestfriend you're being very dramatic today renner
robertdowneyjr that was an episode? thought she was just being herself …
yourinstagram 😳
username the roast I CANNOT
username pls i would start crying
yourbestfriend you know what robertdowneyjr
tobertdowneyjr no i don’t know what
username bahahahaa downey
username this is so funny
username rdj is literally tony stark irl
mileskane you were KILLING it on the avengers love!! ❤️❤️
yourinstagram thank you!! 💕💕 mileskane
username miles my beloved <3
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Liked by yourfriend, lilyjamesofficial and others
yourinstagram 🌸🍥
 ㅤ View all the comments
username that cake looks sooo goood omg
username queen just posted 😩😩
breanahelders cutie!! 💗
 ㅤ Liked by yourinstagram
katiee_cook_ that cardigan is so gorg! where did you buy it? 🙈💕
yourinstagram i actually knit this myself! 🧶😆 i can send you the recipe in dms! 💕☺️
katiee_cook_ thank you, lovely! 😍
username why is she so cute 🥹
username now i want that cardigan
username katie and breana interaction- does this mean that y/n and alex are dating rn??
username username how? they haven’t even met..
username how do you know tho? 👀
username are we just gonna ignore 2005?
username username wdym?
username girl why are you clueless 😭
username if they’re dating then my life would be complete
yourbestfriend i baked that cake!! 🥰
 ㅤ Liked by yourinstagram
username can someone please explain 2005?
username somebody tag me on this i’m so invested
username same glad i’m not the only one who’s confused
username username username y’all must be new to the fandom lmao
username username y/n and alex go way back in 2005 and some people are saying that they first met in a pub in sheffield during that time she was filming (1)
username and some fans claim that y/n was the inspiration behind i bet you look good on the dance floor (2)
username ^^!! that is true he confirmed it in an interview (*inserts link*)
officialelizabetholsen yourbestfriend and it was so delicious!!! 😋🎂
yourbestfriend thank you lizzie!! 😙
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lunawolfiefoxy · 7 months
Silly headcanons for LU boys!
Time: While he claims to fear nothing, if he saw Princess Ruto, he'd be running for the hills shouting "Not today demon!". He calls Malon "wifey" as his main pet name for her, but will also call her "Sweets" "darling" and "love"
Warriors: He's trans. Fight me on that. My guy has gotten the surgeries he can pay for, and he's happy about that. He also grew up in a more dangerous place so he knows a lot more than he lets on. He's an amazing pick-pocket and can, if he wanted to, stab you literally in the back without even Wolfie or Wild know he was there. Sneaky sneaky. His fear, because I thought it was funny and because he doesn't know the difference between a cow and a bull and has seen too many rodeos as a kid, is cows.
Twilight: SUPER delicate. For how strong he is, he has no idea if one hug will squish someone. He also, even though he's been told not to, will juggle the goats. Don't worry, he asks beforehand to make sure the goats will be okay with it. Twilight is also a HUGE Mama's boy. While he loves his father Time *cough cough*, getting validation from MALON sends him to the stars. Lastly, his fear, because as Wolfie he accidentally breathed them in, is ants.
Sky: We all know him for being sweet and kind and a total beast when someone hurts those he loves, but he also, after hurting those people, will apologize for hurting them cause he suddenly feels really guilty about it. Sometimes, if he gets the chance, he'll carve minifigures of the others and hide them in his pouch, when the others finally found out, his pouch was overflowing with animals, but mostly them. Sky would be the type of person to carve the lead in pencils. His fear, scarecrows. Do I need to say more?
Legend: Oh boy, here we go, Legend is autistic. That's the main thing. Anytime his orchard gives a good production of apples, he gets really excited and will word vomit to anyone close by most of the time it's Ravio since they live together and are dating. He may be an awful cook, but his baking skills can challenge even Wild. He mainly bakes apple desserts, but loves to try new recipes, as long as no one gets in his way. He's a big neat freak and feels really embarrassed when someone sees his house as a mess. Being a hoarder and a neat freak is hard though, so he ends up trying to clean everything and it looks barely better then before. His moto, like mine, is: "if I don't do it now, it'll never get done." Which leads him to collapsing from exhaustion because he tries to do everything at once. Legend has bad joints, surprise surprise, so he drinks tea in the morning and at night to counter that. Because of this cute story I read, I think that whenever Legend is around people that he loves, in a home that he feels safe in, because of a side effect of being Bunny, he will fall asleep right then and there. Finally, Legend fears thunderstorm, for obvious reasons, loosing more people he loves, quite obvious, and Cuccos, also obvious.
Hyrule: Also a Mama's boy. Even though he doesn't know his Mama, though he soon will, he likes to hang around Malon when on the farm and ask all the questions he can think of. He can't read, like most believe, or write, but he is surprisingly really good at interpretation and reading lips. His fear, water, poor baby can't swim and has had too much trauma around it.
Wild: This one's a lot too. Wild is also autistic, and a huge introvert. When first introduced to the chain, he either ran away, or would hide in trees most of the time out of fear of them. Wild actually collects makeup, and dresses, and is really good at hair and applying makeup, though he can't do his own hair for squat. Wild has insanely good hearing from "growing up" in the middle of nowhere, and acts animalistic, ex: growling when he feels he's in danger, whimpering when in pain, when he yelps it sounds more like a yip, curling up in a tight ball when he sleeps. Wild, though he hunts a lot, actually really loves animals, and takes care to only hunt the animals if there are too many, or if the animal is sick or injured beyond repair. When he has a memory, his heart stops and he stops breathing, almost like his spirit has been transported to that point in time. Super supporter in anything, unless it's something that's harmful to his family, ex: transphobia, homophobia, making sexual comments to those who are asexual and/or not interested. Is afraid of anything that reminds him of the Shrine of Resurrection.
Four: Any and every time he exits a portal, his mind splits so the colors are there, but Four is physically the only one there. His shadow always seems to move on its own, and he sometimes talks to it when he's feeling down. If he's given a recipe, he's a decent cook, but without one, his food would turn out like Hyrule's. When he's not spilt, his fingernails are painted. Thumb black, pointer green, middle blue, ring violet, pinky red. When at the farm, he snatches all of the groups armor, weapons, and shields and repairs them, otherwise his favorite chore is to tend to the horses. His fear, I think it's obvious, loosing more people he loves.
Wind: The air around him always smells of salt, and he never seems to run out of energy. Though he hates being the youngest of the group, he does take advantage of it to get away with doing stupid things, until he gets hurt, then he gets in trouble. Being youngest, he obviously gets baby, but there are times where he is the one babying one of the others, and those are times he uses to manipulate the others. He is a pirate, pirate equals treasure hunter, also pick-pocket, also knowing every swear in the book, also having a flask of rum. When the others learn of this, Time confiscates his flask until he discovers non-alcoholic stuff that tastes the same, never telling Wind. Wind's fear, Time's disappointed look.
I wrote this in my headcanon age order, do what you wish with this 😈
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porcelaintoybox23 · 21 days
BbRob snippets as promised
“Better or worse?”
The doctor nods before moving the testing machine. Despite the room’s light being dimmed as much as possible, Dick still squints his eyes.
“Your glasses will be ready by next week. We’ll send you an email.”
He nods and fishes out his temporary lenses and flips on the shade attachments. The sun is still out and he can’t drive blind. He’s so tempted to call Alfred, but that would require a ouija board, and this line of humor isn’t funny. Fingers dig into his palms and he’s grateful the glasses hide the tears forming.
Alfred died over a year ago, but it’s only been a few months for him. It was a lovely service, one he couldn’t appreciate because he wasn’t there, Ric was. Dr. Kirk would tell him to work on acceptance, not in the “I’m okay with this” way but in the “You can’t change what happened” way.
He still doesn’t understand the difference. Either way, he’s furious and hurt, and he wants to fall down and scream—
“Mr. Grayson?”
Dick jolts and looks down. The receptionist is eyeing him from a distance, gaze focused on the door handle he’s currently ripping off its screws. Another lovely reminder that he’s no longer fully human.
“Oh. Sorry” He fixes it and hightails it to the car.
God, he’s already so tired and it’s only ten. This appointment was the only thing he had to do today, so he can head home and bury himself under three blankets and a double layer of fuzzy socks. He shivers as the car warms up and checks his phone. Bea messaged while he was inside.
You okay?
Yeah, heading home.
Lmk if you want any food.
“Do I know you?”
“Duh,” he smacks his head. “It’s me Gar, beast boy? I’m just wearing a glamour. Why are you in Colorado?”
“I was looking at an apartment here but it just sold.”
“I don’t mind having a roommate. It’d be like old times.“
“Pardon my French *insert the French for your father is a fucking piece of shit.*
“You speak French?”
“I got bored”
“Uh, alcohol and antidepressants do not mix.”
Gar shifts back to normal and tucks his chin into his shoulder.
“Good morning?” Bea smirks
“I’m realizing that this looks strange.”
“Get off.”
“No. I refuse for my grave to read crushed into paste by Dick Grayson’s thighs.”
He deepens his voice. “Talon!”
Dick freezes, muscles twitching against the command. He takes a shaky step forward.
“Talon, at ease.”
He finally relaxes to parade rest. “What are your orders?”
I think I’m going to puke.
“Sit down on the couch. Don’t move unless I order you.”
There’s no tension in his stance as he moves. He sits with his hands folded and stares at Gar, waiting for his next command.
Gar gestures Rae to the door.
“Walk out normally. Your magic might freak him out.”
She nods and steps out.
He kneels in front of Dick, making sure to meet his eyes. “Dick?” Nothing.
“Can you tell me five things you can hear?”
“The air conditioner, the dog whimpering, Amalee Vong vacuuming downstairs, a doorbell, and your accelerated heartbeat.”
“Okay. Do you know where we are?”
“Denver, Colorado. Kensington apartment complex, floor 3, room 215.”
Gar nods. The light seems to be returning to his eyes. “Who resides here?”
“You, Garfield Logan, age 23, code name: menagerie.” His hands tremble and Gar holds them.
“Richard…John Grayson, commonly known as ‘Dick Grayson’, age 25, codename: Nightwing.”
“And that’s?”
The tremors worsen and Dick pales. “M—me.” He yanks his hands from Gar’s and curls into a shaking ball.
“Dick. Look at me.”
He curls in tighter.
Gar sighs. “Do you want me to leave?”
He shakes his head.
“Would you prefer if I changed?”
“I’m moving next you, okay?”
Gar leans in gently. Dick’s shiver are probably a mix of adrenaline and cold. “I’m wrapping us in the blanket.” He gets no response and proceeds. He drapes it loose around them.
“Could you talk?”
“A burden? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Loving someone isn’t a burden, he isn’t a burden! How—how can you…”
He grabs Dick’s hand. “We’re leaving.”
Dick’s smirk is threatening to split his face, but he can’t help it. Gar’s eyes shift between him and the mirror, face becoming grumpier with each pass.
“Who do I look like?”
“A kpop idol.”
“I literally hate you.”
“Vegetarian sushi. It’s all the rage in SoCal.”
He gestures with the chopsticks. “C’mon, it’s good I swear.”
Dick blinks as the code he’s writing becomes an endless stream of gibberish.
“Gar, what the hell?”
The cat rolls its eyes. “It’s 2 am, go to sleep.”
“This is a complete and utter waste of my powers and time.”
Dick flashes his strongest puppy dog eyes. “Please, Rae?”
She sighs. “Gar is taller by 2cm.”
Dick’s jaw drops as Gar cheers. “What do you mean he’s taller?”
“You’re both pretty short. It’s just a few centimeters, who cares?”
“Centimeters broke up the Pines twins!”
Gar gives him the stink eye. “It was a millimeter, Richard.” He looks to Raven. “Fake fans, am I right?”
Rae disappears in a plume of smoke.
“If she keeps doing that, we’ll never get our deposits back.”
“My uncle tried to kill me for my inheritance which wasn’t great. “
“It’s hard. I miss my parents but they weren’t always there, y’know? They dragged me all over for their research and it nearly killed me. I like being a vigilante but there are times that I wish I was normal, that I was still human and didn’t have ptsd from experimentation and Armageddon.”
“Which one?”
They both share a humorless smirk.
“So…wanna see the Barbie movie?”
Dick blinks. “S—sure?”
“Two tickets, please.”
“I hate that it was good. Why was it good? You’re the detective here. Explain.”
Dick shrugs. “Some things are inexplicable.”
“Okay, let’s do this.”
“You look like you’re heading to the chair”.
Gar sneezes. “It’s 32 degrees.”
“You’re sick.”
“just a cold.” His voice cracks and bends as he strains to reply. “Go to your thing.”
Dick throws a blanket over his shoulders and heads to the kitchen.
“Already asked for the day off.”
“You did this when we were titans. Pretend you’re fine, hide yourself away and suffer alone. Can’t say I’m any better.”
“Old habits die hard.”
Gar rubs his stinging eyes. “Jesus, fuck. I’m sorry.”
Dick feels empty, deflated. The confrontation he’s been dreading went to shit and the only person reacting normally is his friend.
“I just don’t get it. Like—how…ugh I’m making this about me. How are you?”
Honestly, a bit in awe. Few people can withstand Bruce’s glare, much less the full wrath of all the bats, yet Gar did. Stood unflinching, eyes glowing in animalistic rage on his behalf.
“I’ll be fine. I didn’t expect that to go well.”
“Where do your clothes go?”
“I don’t know and at this point I’m too afraid to learn”
You’re the type of person who makes tea in the microwave
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Didn't know about the Roku novel?. So basically Zutara fans got mad about the fact that the Fine Nation was portrayed as evil and Air Nomads as good?. Man, that was already a sentiment in the fandom, but i guest this is the first time they said it out loud.
Also, as a BBRAE shipper, i feel the cringe with your answer, because it is true lol. I'll say that the main difference with Zutara, is that the girl is the center of the conversation more than the boy, at least in my expirience, that goth girl really marked a generation lol. Still, is amazing how Zutara manage to be worse 😬
Oh unfortunately I know all about their freak out over the bad guys being shown as bad. I wish I could delete that information from my brain. Second-hand embarrassement REALLY gets to me XD
"Goth girl really marked a generation" she sure did, and I've had a type ever since XD
I don't even think shippers focusing on the guy, or just having a clear favorite character between the two they ship, is bad. It isn't. It's just a preference. Hell, it's not even wrong to like a ship with a character you don't think that much about just because they'd look pretty next to their fave. It's all for fun.
But zutarians go on and on and on about their ship being "the feminist ship" and "the female gaze" and "made by women, for women" and calling Kataang fans misogynistic - then turn around and clearly not give a single fuck about Katara as a character, only as a potential pretty trophy for Zuko, and as a bonus reduce Mai to every sexist stereotype imaginable to make her look back.
Again, that's a level of "take the L already" that Beast Boy and Raven fans never got. I've seen a lot of cringy shit, entitlement and straight up delusion, but I've NEVER seen them act like any other ship with Raven is somehow "reducing her character to a mere object to please the male gaze" only to then demonstrate through their own writing that they CLEARLY do not have any interest on her as a character, just as arm-candy for their favorite boy.
Now, onto what actually matters here: Mai and Raven would be great friends if they lived in the same universe. They'd be the cool "aloof" goth girls. Maybe they can even hang out with June when they're older. They could swap Starfire and Ty Lee for a day just to see what happens.
...Actually now that I think about it, Raven would fit just right in the Avatar universe. Instantly iconic? Check. Funny as hell? Check. Cool powers? Check. Meditates a lot? Check. Seemingly doomed yet getting a happy ending anyway? Check. Daddy issues? CHECK!
Okay, someone write a modern AU crossover of ATLA and Teen Titans please, I don't got the time to do it and I need it in my life.
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