#Beautiful Chakra Jewelry
Exploring the Healing Powers of Chakra Jewelry
Metalicious is a treasure trove for those seeking one-of-a-kind chakra jewelry pieces. Let's discover the significance of each keyword and how Metalicious brings these healing gemstones to life
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misterburnsisdead · 10 months
Wow these are amazing!! handmade crystal jewelry for men and women
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arijackz · 6 months
PICK A CARD: What Era Is Your Beauty From?
☯︎ “A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Disclaimer: This is a general reading, take what resonates. I am not suggesting any of these descriptions are cannon to your ancestral history, these are just how my intuition perceived, and then presented your beauty’s energy.
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p1 → p2 ↙︎ p3 → p4
🂽 Pile One 🂽 (the devil, 2oC rev., ace of cups rev., 4oW, 3oC, king of swords, the tower, the world)
❖ Pile one, I feel like I’m watching the Game of Thrones out of context. Just flashes of people from around the Medieval 1400s living their day-to-day; singing, dancing, eating together, and then… not.
❖ The imagery I got when I asked what era your beauty came from, was very longing in nature. There was a lot of joy and celebration but it felt like I was watching the film through teary eyes and a heavy heart.
❖ The “movie” flashed between a thriving culture sharing tales of triumph and having happy, drunk sing-song moments together; and then those same people under a war-torn regime of a very cruel but powerful man. I sense themes of religious persecution, nationwide government-forced famine, and general desecration of the once-peaceful way of life. The population was going through collective mourning.
❖ People lamented over their unfulfillable desire to reconnect with their homeland and all of their loved ones. With the World card at the end of the spread and the Empress at the bottom of the deck, I get the clear image that your beauty is the physical embodiment of a large collective’s longing for the sanctity of their community. You invoke that feeling people get when they remember a bitter-sweet memory that hums fervor in their chest and gives them the fire they need to push forward.
❖ Your beauty comes from an era where the genuine smile and cheer of a pretty girl sparked a nation’s hope for reformation. You are the last remaining connection to long-lost celebration and the heart of a forgotten city.
How Do You Paint The Divine Image of Hope?
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🂽 Pile Two 🂽 (7oC rev., 4oP rev., full moon, leo, sacral chakra)
❖ WHOOOAAaaaaa Ammberrr is the collluuhhhhh of ya enneergyyy!! WHOoaaA, shades of gaawwllddd displayyy naturraalllyyyyyy…..
❖ Just know I was HOLLERING that. This is my hippie pile. My people. Yea that’s right, I’m talking the late 1960s - early 1970s.
❖ Your beauty arose at a time when society desperately needed color (specifically seeing some of you wearing a lot of bright colors or eye-catching jewelry or hairstyles). The world was bleak and the war’s aftermath on the overall mental and emotional welfare of the general public pushed people to radical ideals and birthed a revolution centered around liberation, pleasure, and community.
❖ Your beauty is all sunshine and rainbows. Psychedelics and organic food. The best music in human history (feel free to argue with me, but know that it is going straight out the other ear, mama) and week-long outdoor festivals full of peace, love, and vulnerability with total strangers.
❖ Your beauty brushes people with the chilling winds of shameless pleasure. The taste of unadulterated personal freedom that is almost a societal taboo. Your beauty is so purely liberating.
❖ Lmao, I imagine a guitar riff going off everytime you walk into a room.
❖ You are the physical embodiment of eccentric love and vivacious rebellion.
Play That Funky Music
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🂽 Pile Three 🂽 (The lovers rev., the High Priestess rev., Ace of Swords., 4oC. 7)
❖ Revolution is a running theme for all of the piles. This collective’s beauty awakens people.
❖ I’m seeing a brilliant man going mad at the lack of creative intelligence around him and pushing for societal rebirth. A complete cultural shift from the Dark Ages (pile one), to modernity. This is my Renaissance pile.
❖ You embody the mystical fusion of art, religion, architecture, and science. You are all the world’s intrinsic beauty rolled up into one figure. You are the art that attracts painters, inventors, and philosophers alike.
❖ You have the beauty of an all-around muse. You invoke the spirit of creative passion. It is like people see you and get a stroke of inspiration. Something that kicks them in the ass and tells them to go outside and create.
❖ This pile is very romantic. A classical beauty, like red roses and bottle poems. The universal innate desire to dream big.
❖ Shoutout to my Aquarians, 11th housers, and Shatabhisha natives.
The Medieval-Modern Muse
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🂽 Pile Four 🂽 (king of pentacles, 2oP, 5oP rev., 9oP)
❖ OKAY PLOTWIST?? I don’t know what era this pile’s beauty is from because it’s set in the future.
❖ It’s funny how the last piles were all set in periods of revolution (putting in the WORK) and your pile, the final pile, is set in a better world full of financial stability, the end of inequality, economic fairness, and universal abundance (the fruits of the labor).
❖ Dude, I was trying to read the message at first and was just scratching my head. I was like, “When has anywhere, literally ever been this good???” Then I saw the ace of wands reversed at the bottom of the deck and saw impending change and it clicked.
❖ I also saw some star semblance, and see that your beauty is a reminder to mankind that the “impossible” is already set in motion. The hell we have created will crumble.
❖ You are a physical embodiment of society’s future triumph. You radiate wealth and fairness. My Venusians, especially Libra. You also look regal, something about you makes people want to stand taller.
❖ You got the pride card, I see that you give people the feeling of victory. You are living proof of future triumph in a better world where greed and sorrow are eradicated.
❖ You are the harbinger of the next era.
Introducing The First Titanium Man On The Moon!
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soular-sisters · 4 months
Taurus Season: Material Gworl 💅🏼
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here’s a fun lil post for taurus season, & all da material gworls. 💗
taurus represents a lot of things from stability, love, sensuality, & loyalty. but one thing a little less talked about but certainly revolves around the beautiful taurus energy is, the material world. here is where you might like to spend a little lavishly based on your taurus house placement. **note: this does not represent everything you spend your money on, just where you like to be a little extra lavish. 😉
💅🏼 Taurus in the 1st House: I love to spend my money on self-care (hair, nails, etc.), beautiful clothing, a makeover, & fitness sessions to enhance your body.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 2nd House: I love to spend my money on fancy dinners, financial advisors, gorgeous jewelry, & luxurious items that will grow in value over time.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 3rd House: I love to spend my money on the latest cellphone, expensive cars, relaxing staycations, & your favorite books or magazines.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 4th House: I love to spend my money on beautiful interior decorations, photo albums filled with nostalgic memories, items that brings comfort (soft blankets, candles, etc.), & your dream home.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 5th House: I love to spend my money on exciting date nights, your favorite creative activity (paint nights, pottery classes, etc.), a day at an amusement park, & your favorite films.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 6th House: I love to spend my money on the latest health kick, organizational items (date planner, desk organizers, etc.) therapy sessions, & a membership to a spa & wellness center.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 7th House: I love to spend my money on beautiful gifts for my partner, a gorgeous wedding venue, items to enhance self-love (beauty enhancements, facials, etc.), & a romantic getaway with your love.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 8th House: I love to spend my money on sexy lingerie, spiritual experiences (tarot readings, psychics, etc.), transformative makeovers, & an intimate weekend with your lover.
💅🏼 Taurus in the 9th House: I love to spend my money on travels around the world, beautiful items from other cultures, classes to learn a new language, & items that expand your mind (philosophy books, metaphysical movies, etc.).
💅🏼 Taurus in the 10th House: I love to spend my money on career seminars to develop your profession, a deep tissue massage, merch from your favorite celebrity, & statement items to enhance your public image (gorgeous accessories, designer bags, etc.).
💅🏼 Taurus in the 11th House: I love to spend my money on lavish gifts for your friends, donations to a cause that matters to you, fun weekend trips with your friend group, & tickets to social events (music festivals, conventions, etc.).
💅🏼 Taurus in the 12th House: I love to spend my money on self-healing sessions (reiki, chakra cleansing, etc.), a beautiful journal to write your deepest thoughts, spiritual books, & a private beach getaway.
thank you so much for all the love & support as usual! we love you all so much. please check out my creative instagram & show your support 🥰 xoxo -A.A.
IG: @dredivinecreates 💗
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Carnelian (Red)
Carnelian (The Sunset Stone)
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Color: Red, orange, pink, brown
Rarity: Common, easy to obtain
Hardiness: 7
Type: Agate or Chalcedony
Chakra Association: Solar-Plexus, Sacral, Root Chakra
Angels: Michael
Deities: Isis
Astrological Signs: Leo, Taurus, Aries
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Origin: Britain, India, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Peru, Iceland, Romania
Powers: Success, Confidence, Motivation, Courage, Sexual Energy, Vitality, Action
Crystals It Works Well With: Aquamarine, Beryl, Super Seven
How It is Created: It is part of the chalcedony family. It is made up of silicon dioxide colored by different levels of iron impurities, with specks, banding, or stripes in many shades of brown or orange-red. The stone itself has a beautiful warm orange color that is best appreciated when it is polished.
History: Since ancient times, carnelian has been polished and worn as jewelry. The Egyptians used it to contrast with onyx and lapis lazuli in the making of collars and necklaces. The Romans were fond of it set in gold, using small beads in earrings or larger polished stones in finger rings for men and women. In the Middle Ages, carnelian was also popular as a healing stone. It was said to dissolve anger or rage, protect the wearer from negative influences, and promote courage.
What It Can Do:
Can be used in spell for success, confidence, and motivation
Can bring a burst of inspiration and energy
Is good for sex magic and sometimes menstrual support
Can cleanse and restore other crystals
Can help those in abusive situations by providing inner strength and movement to the right path
Help with mental preparation with childbirth
Calms angry emotions and puts a stop to mental lethargy
Can restore vitality and remove the fear of death
Was used to protect the dead to their journey to the afterlife
Dispels apathy and motivates success
Improves analytics abilities and clarifies perception
Removes extraneous thoughts in mediation and tunes daydreamers into reality
Can stimulate metabolism and improve your life force
Can influence reproductive organs and increase fertility
How to Get the Best Out Of: Use as a pendant or belt buckle, or place in contact with the skin as appropriate.
How to Cleanse and Charge: You can cleanse and charge carnelian with the sun.
Crystal Grid:
Creativity Grid
Shape: Flower of Life or Vesica Piscis
Mantra: “Creativity flows through me.”
Center Stone: Carnelian sphere or tumbled stone
Secondary Stones: Rainbow moonstone, larimar, kunzite, orange calcite
Moon Phase: Waxing phase or full moon
Day: Wednesday
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spookysshadow · 3 months
Following my small tobiizu meet as tiny tots au - imagine the Uchiha clan has a tradition of giving their beloveds betrothal necklaces (think ATLA) and after a few times of meeting his new friend Bira and being gifted all these cool rocks and shells, Izuna decides he wants to give Bira something
And the entire Uchiha clan watches as this 5-6year old goes about making a betrothal necklace for this Bira person, who everyone is convinced is this little guy's imaginary friend. After all, Izuna is the youngest and all his brother's are sparring together, it's only natural the poor guy make up a friend to keep him company. (Not that there are a lack of small Uchihas he could go around and play with, but Tajima figures his son is just that dramatic).
And Izuna really, really, works hard on his necklace okay, it has to be perfect. He's got a nice blue velvety choker and he's been adding some of the smaller shells Bira gave him and some tiny glass figurines of rabbits and fish his uncle helped make. It's going to be the best, most awesome gift ever!
None of the older Uchihas want to ruin his day, so of course they help. Meanwhile Tajima and his wife have been gently, ever so gently with Izuna, hinting that maybe Bira (who they fully believe does not exist) might not like jewelry and what will he do if Bira rejects it?
Izuna just shakes his head - "Bira will love it! I just know it."
Tajima figures Izuna will realize once he returns with his necklace that imaginary friends cannot accept gifts.
So, when Izuna comes back one day, without the necklace in hand and a huge wide smile on his face, Tajima sighs.
"Please tell me you didn't leave that beautiful necklace somewhere in the woods?"
Izuna shakes his head, exasperated. "No, I gave it to Bira. Like I've been telling everyone. He said he really liked it, by the way, and that he'll always wear it!"
"Izuna," Tajima starts slowly, because maybe, just maybe, this Bira might just be a real person, "where have you been meeting Bira?"
His child sighs, like he has no time for this in his busy, child schedule. "Near the edge of the Naka River. With the trees and the little streams."
Tajima nods and when his son goes back inside to do his chores, the Uchiha clan head decides to take a trip to see where his son might be disappearing to.
Not only does he realize his 6 year old has been straying very far away from home, but that there is in fact a second, tiny chakra signature floating around.
Which means his tiny son proposed to some stranger he met in the woods and they accepted. His 6 year old is engaged. To some random child.
He has no idea how he's going to break the news to his wife.
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dharmafox · 1 month
Based on the two Medicine Sellers we've seen so far, and assuming that their common traits are standard for all Medicine Sellers, I've come up with a list that could be treated as a basic Medicine Seller template.
I'm sticking to physical traits for the moment, as I'm not yet that familiar with Kon Kusu's personality and can't do a point-to-point comparison of his and Ri Kusu's (besides which, personality is much more subjective)...
Basic/standard traits:
Gorgeous femboy
Long hair: unevenly cut, unbrushed, and/or generally messy
Section of hair tied into a tail on the left side
Long pointy ears
Cat-like or Buddha-like eyes
Weird little eyebrows
Facial marks: Eyes lined, tear-like marks below them, red streak down the nose, lip tattoo in the shape of a slight smirk
Three kimono layers
Long sleeves and skirt of kimono shaped so as to be reminiscent of moth or butterfly wings
Circular eye-like patterns on sleeves and skirt of kimono (again reminiscent of eye-like patterns on moth or butterfly wings)
2+ layers of obi tied into a huge bow
Red cord somewhere (?)
Beautiful hands; long, pointy, colored nails
Gold mirror with dharmachakra-like design
Socks, trousers, and/or leggings
Kiseru (pipe)
Exorcism Sword
Bloody huge medicine chest
Chakra-like eye design somewhere (e.g. may appear on clothing and/or medicine chest)
Variable traits:
Clothing colors (bandana, kimono layers, kimono patterns, leggings/trousers/socks)
Hair color(s)
Length, style, and floofiness of hair
Type of hair tie
Skin color
Eye color
Shape, style, and color of eyebrows
Amount of lining around the eyes; number and style of tear-like marks
Color of lip tattoo; colors of some eye lining and tear-like markings (some should probably remain red)
Presence or absence of jewelry (e.g. necklace, earrings, rings)
Color of nails (should probably match color of lip tattoo)
Position of mirror (e.g. can be hanging from the neck or attached to the obi)
Presence or absence of body tattoos (in addition to the lip tattoo)
Style of kimono sleeves and skirt (as long as the general butterfly/moth look is maintained)
Patterns on the kimono in addition to the eye-like markings
Style of leggings/trousers/socks (ideally leggings would be present in the absence of trousers...)
Color and style of geta
Color and style of kiseru
Color and design of tenbin (must maintain basic butterfly-like shape)
Color and design of Exorcism Sword (lion/dragon head and its hair must remain)
Design and size of medicine chest (must remain huge)
What am I missing?
Ed1: Forgot about the weird little eyebrows.
Ed2: Forgot about height! Definitely seems to be variable.
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aahanna · 4 months
The Story of Solah Shringar
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The Indian bride is the epitome of grace, elegance, and beauty. Her attire and traditional Indian bridal jewelry catch every eye and leave a lasting impression on everyone. While her wedding outfit accentuates her best features, her Indian bridal jewelry adds a subtle shine and a touch of sophistication to her entire look.
As per tradition, the Indian bride embellishes herself with 16 adornments on her wedding day. These adornments are called Solah Shringar. This ritual has been practiced since ancient times and is an integral part of bridal preparations.
The story behind the Solah Shringar features Rati, the wife of Kamdev, the Hindu god of love. Rati engaged in severe penance to appease Goddess Lakshmi. She was then blessed with the 16 adornments from Lakshmi and wore them to impress and marry Kamdev.
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16 adornments (16 sringar)are
1. Sindoor
The first adornment is Sindoor, also known as kumkum or vermillion. Sindoor holds a special place as it marks the beginning of a woman’s new journey as a bride. Sindoor is applied by the groom on the forehead between the hair partition of the bride. The bride then continues to wear sindoor throughout her married life.
2. Hair care (Kesh Sringar):
We now focus on the ‘Kesh’, or hair. The Indian bride embellishes her hair using fragrant flowers and glittering headpieces. Traditionally, the bride made three braids that represented three holy rivers, Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati, and the trinity of the Hindu gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. The fragrance of flowers keeps the bride fresh throughout the day and her Indian bridal jewelry embellishes her hairdo, adding another layer of elegance and beauty to her overall look.
3. Maangtika
The part of the forehead where the maangtika rests is believed to be the home of Ajna Chakra or the third eye. When the bride wears the piece of Indian bridal jewelry on her special day, she is believed to be connected with her third eye and has the ability to control her emotions and activate her knowledge, wisdom, courage, and willpower.
4. Bindi
The bindi also takes us to the third eye. Bindi comes from the Sanskrit word bindu, which means ‘point’ or ‘dot’. The bindi is closely associated with improving concentration and retaining energy. It is one of the most popular adornments worn by the Indian bride and is known internationally.
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5.Kohl or Kajal
From the forehead, we move to the eyes. Kohl, kajal, surma, kanmashi, kaadige, kaatuka, and kan mai are some names for one of the oldest natural beauty products in the world. Kajal accentuates the eyes of the bride and is believed to ward off the evil eye in various cultures. The darkening around the eyes also protects the wearer from the harsh rays of the sun.
Kajal is an essential element of the solah shringar and makes the eyes look more prominent. It is undoubtedly a beautiful way to enhance the natural beauty of the bride.
6 .Karn Phool or Earrings
A wedding day look cannot be completed without a set of dangling earrings. Karn Phool is a Sanskrit term that translates to ‘flower of the ears’ and is an essential part of the solah shringar.
7 .Nath(nose ring)
The nose ring is another beautiful element of the Indian bride’s attire and is a symbol of valor, fertility, and spirituality. The large nose rings hooked onto the hair with a chain take the bride a step closer to creating her ideal look. It is one of the most ethnic elements of Indian bridal jewelry and a wedding day look is surely incomplete without it.
8 .Haar or Necklace
The one thing that brings the whole look together is the necklace. Necklaces are said to represent safety and abundance and are believed to help the wearer control their emotions better. Some necklaces feature specific motifs or gemstones that are believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.
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9 .Bajuband
This element of traditional Indian bridal jewelry is worn on the upper arm. The bajuband is believed to keep evil spirits away and protects the wearer. The Indian bride can embellish her wedding outfit with all sorts of armbands that are encrusted with diamonds and other colorful gemstones.
10 .Bangles, Bracelets, Choodiyan
Bangles and the Indian bride are inseparable. They’re a part of traditional Indian bridal jewelry that a woman always wears. It is believed that bangles and bracelets bring health, luck, and prosperity to the wearer and are more than a jewelry item or accessory for the traditional Indian woman. There are various wedding ceremonies related to bangles and bracelets across cultures that show us their significance in Indian culture.
11 .Hathphool and Aarsi
The hathphool is a clever mix of a bangle and a ring. Bringing the best of both together, this element of traditional Indian bridal jewelry embellishes the hand and wrist of the bride. The interesting crossover of the two pieces surely adds more flavor to the wedding day look.
A thumb ring known as Aarsi is also worn by some brides. Aarsi contains a small mirror. This mirror allows the bride to catch a glimpse of the groom since she is covered in a veil and cannot see the groom’s face.
12 . Mehndi
Henna, commonly known as mehndi, is undoubtedly one of the most amusing parts of a traditional Indian wedding. It is believed that mehndi brings good luck and joy to the bride. The darkness of the mehndi represents the strength of the bond between the bride and the groom. The solah shringar of the bride is incomplete without her hands and feet embellished with beautiful mehndi designs that add to her overall wedding day look.
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13 . Kamarband (waist band)
The use of the kamarband, or waistband, is scarce in North Indian weddings but it is an important part of a South Indian bride’s trousseau. The piece of Indian bridal jewelry is adorned with gemstones and is used to accentuate the female’s body and keep her bridal saree in place.
14 . Anklets and Toe Rings
Commonly known as payal and bichhu, these elements of traditional Indian bridal jewelry embellish the feet of the bride. Payals can be recognized by the beautiful chime sounds they make whenever the bride walks. Toe rings are seen as a sign of marriage and a bride wears them until the death of her husband.
15 . Itar
Itar is the perfume that a bride applies to freshen her aura and stay fragrant throughout her special day.
16. Wedding Outfit
Finally, the one thing that clubs every element together and brings the bride’s imagination to life is the wedding outfit. The traditional Indian bride wore the classic red wedding outfit but with the evolution of Indian weddings, other colors have started to take center stage as well.
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junesaintfrancis · 10 months
"Mother God," the Ultimate White Thief [ramble]
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I was aware of Amy Carlson's death when it first hit the news (and subsequently AskAMortician’s YouTube channel), and I laughed and brushed it off. I so often fall into the trap of simply dismissing cult-related deaths, of thinking, ‘Well, another idiot died and it’s no one’s fault but theirs.’ But I watched the HBO docuseries and was left feeling somewhere between disappointed and pissed off at the pandering they did to these batshit, evil, and racist individuals. 
FULL DISCLOSURE: I, myself, am white. If you are interested in yoga, meditation, or other non-Anglo spiritual practices, please learn them from people who belong to the culture from which they originate, and be mindful; do not appropriate from other cultures.
SECOND DISCLOSURE: This is a ramble post. These are just my thoughts and observations; I have not looked at academic literature for this post, and neither is it properly sorted. I may turn it into an actual piece eventually. 
I could talk about the mechanisms of cult hivemind all I want, but something else caught my attention. I think Amy Carlson and LHW is a fantastic example of white [Conservative] women co-opting [appropriating] Eastern spirituality for their own malignant gain.
Watch this amazing, in-depth video that gives much more context and history if you don’t know who I’m talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f81Az_2Fvek I won’t be discussing the history of Love Has Won; this is simply me pointing out how common it is to see appropriated Eastern spiritual principles within these Neo-Nazi white ‘spirituality’ groups and talking about why this phenomenon may be so common. 
I don’t think religio-cultural appropriation is always obvious, either. Yoga is incredibly mainstream (and there’s even a massive Christian population who bitches about it being ‘demonic’), and so is meditation; but both of these have been appropriated by the Anglo world from South Asian spiritual practices (and other indigenous cultural beliefs) with zero regards to their cultural origins. I mean, think of all the little plastic dreamcatchers you can buy at the store. Think of the growing popularity of “healing crystals” and how now even stores like Claire’s and Target sell jewelry meant to balance, or heal, or ease anxiety. These practices are beautiful, complex, and meaningful--and they are now becoming mass-produced, watered down, and stolen by some of the most insidiously evil and/or stupid folk on the internet. 
Conspirituality is the term for this. Not the appropriation, but the mixing of it with a conspiratorial obsession with alternative beliefs, big government conspiracies, paranoia, 5G, aliens building the pyramids, you name it. It’s especially dangerous when white people are the perpetrators--now, not only do you have someone stealing from another culture and using those cultural practices to actively harm others, but this person, in their whiteness, now has social power over the oppressed groups who actually own these practices. And it gets rebranded as “new age spirituality.” The new age spirituality provides a sense of community and panders to the Covid fears -- and pre-existing racism and antiSemitism -- and provides someone, or something, to blame. Thus we begin heading towards the antiSemitic point of no return. “We declare peace on earth” my ass. 
And obviously, Love Has Won is guilty of all of this and more. If you’re familiar with Amy and LHW, then you’re probably already aware of the time she went to Hawaii and then claimed she was [Tutu] Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes and fire, and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. She is clearly not afraid to appropriate whatever indigenous culture she can in order to build her facade of being a god herself, and it’s specifically her whiteness (and perhaps schizophrenia and plenty of drugs) that emboldens her. This just scratches the motherfucking surface. 
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Here, Amy takes credit for her Chakra system ‘cleansing’ sessions (which may or may not include poisoning yourself with colloidal silver). Further down the document, she mentions opening your third eye. Zero mentioning of the true origin of these practices, nor their cultural weight.
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This is the third page of her “5D Healing Guide” document. Not only is she claiming Chakra knowledge and healing crystals, but . . . I mean, come on. You can’t use Sanskrit and then claim the fucking practice. Also, nowhere on her websites nor ‘guides’ includes the Sanskrit words for the Chakras.
Like I said before, this shit is dangerous. The watering down of these beautiful spiritual practices and then subsequently claiming and disfiguring them is almost always tied to Neo-Nazism, QAnon conspiracy theories, and a rejection of common-sense medical philosophy. Why do white women in particular so often fall into this wellness-to-Nazism pipeline, even if they weren’t overtly racist before? It’s because these white folk will always fall into the comforts and power of white supremacy; and make no mistake: much of this ‘mystic spirituality’ is white supremacy. The power to take from cultures and claim it as your own -- and the immunity to criticism -- is also white supremacy. White supremacist spirituality isn’t just a spiritual belief, either; it’s a thriving market that is powered by racism and medical Orientalism. 
But still, why? ‘Buddhism and Whiteness: Critical Reflections’, edited by George Yancy and Emily McRae, has a wonderful chapter [titled ‘The interdependence and emptiness of Whiteness’ by Bryce Huebner] which discusses the emptiness and fragility of whiteness, the teachings of Buddhism, social castes, and their interconnectedness. Whiteness has no connected culture; it is a feeble social category. What ethnic culture do white Americans belong to? Most cannot name one. Rather than connecting with their ancestral cultures, white Americans often choose to steal from others which are closer, and those from which they have the power to steal from.
And, as I’ve made abundantly clear by now, this is exceptionally dangerous. White wellness culture so often leads into the paranoia, the distrust, and feeds off of the pre-existing racism that is ingrained into every white American. 
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“It’s the same thing with the Jews. It’s like Hitler knew the truth…” (said by Ashley Peluso). They explain that the dark forces conspiring against them, the ‘Cabal,’ don’t have souls. This is rhetoric that has excused entire genocides of people. Have you seen ‘NPC’ dramas in spiritual circles? This is that cranked up to the max.
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A bunnnnch of antiSemitic bullshit. The ‘Cabal’ is a common QAnon talking point; the Cabal are members of a Satanic, baby-eating, pedophile ‘deep state’ (and Donald Trump will save humanity from them??). Who is the deep state, you might ask? Well, usually it’s Jewish people. 
“Hitler didn’t want to go into the same banking system as the cabal. He didn’t want to join their mafia, so they took him out and they blamed him. They are the ones who bombed the concentration camps, created dysfunction, lied, faked the numbers, they did it to themselves and blamed it on them just like they lie about Trump.” Those are the words of Ashley Peluso. It always, always, always comes back to hating Jews. In other videos, she claims that Black people are “out of control” because of Jewish “programming.”  
Jason Castillo, the co-leader of LHW, is also on video saying the N-word repeatedly. He says, “There’s nowhere to hide, cockroach. A [N-word]. That’s what a cockroach is. An [N-word].” Love Has Won members also subscribe to the “All Lives Matter” BS, and claim that BLM is a ‘cult.’ How ironic.
And I won’t even get started on the racism of believing aliens built the fucking pyramids. 
And, finally: 
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I don't doubt it.
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reasoningdaily · 5 months
Terrence Howard Talks About the 6000-Year-Old Secret of The Flower of Life
The Flower of Life has mystified civilization for more than 6000 years. Terrance Howard explains the physics, math and logic behind this ancient tool. Existential Knowledge like this from Terrance Howard is surprising, since we never knew he was a physics buff.
Watch This and learn how this Beautiful symbol clarifies Life and Energy as Existence.
What is the flower of life?
The flower of life is one of the most recognized symbols in the ancient and modern world. The sacred geometric pattern consists of 19 intersecting circles spaced evenly from each other that reveal an intricate pattern of overlapping symmetrical flowers. 
The striking visual is meant to represent creation, the sacred masculine and divine feminine, and cycles of life, death, and rebirth. Some believe the flower of life is also a key that can unlock hidden knowledge of time and space within its petal-like structures. 
"At baseline, it is a geometric form of perfect—and some would say divine—proportion," intuitive energy healer and author of Energy Work for the Everyday to Elite Athlete Cyndi Dale tells mindbodygreen. "The flower of life is a beautiful and ancient symbol that has been depicted in many cultures across time. It's found in Egyptian, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, and Judaic artwork, religious structures, and manuscripts," she adds.
Based on Assyrian relics, historians can date the flower of life to 645 B.C.
Beyond its earliest origins, author of Sacred Geometry: How To Use Cosmic Patterns To Power Up Your Life Jemma Foster shares that the flower of life can also be found in countless temples and sacred sites across the globe, like the 5,000-year-old walls of the Osirian temple in Egypt, where it is burned into the stone as if by laser. 
Meaning and symbolism of the flower of life.
"The flower of life represents the cycle of creation and the interconnectedness of all life," Dale says. Spiritually, the symbol can be used as a focus for attaining a sense of enlightenment and the awareness of peace. "It can also be used symbolically as a pathway to seek our personal and unique purpose within the greater universe," she adds.
Beyond its spiritual implications, Dale explains the flower of life also has associations with the chakra system—the main energy centers of the body. When there are no blockages and energy can effortlessly course throughout the entire body, it enables balance to exist between the mind, body, and soul. When looking at the geometric symbol, she says the image is seen to contain the seven chakras aligned in the middle. 
"The reason that we typically link a lotus with a chakra—with different chakras shown with different numbers of petals—is that chakras are energetic. Based on nerve plexuses, they each spin at a different rate. Each chakra manages a specific bandwidth of energy, measured by color or sound," she says. 
As such, we can work with these sacred patterns to boost our energetic health. Because the flower of life is the visual connection between all living things, it's said to have many benefits. And to reap those benefits, some recommend meditating on the image or wearing the symbol as jewelry to raise your vibration or even as a form of protection. 
The flower of life in sacred geometry.
"Sacred geometry is the underlying form or geometry in nature—and not only the environment on Earth but in the cosmos," Dale explains to mindbodygreen, elaborating that the flower of life is considered sacred because these formations are considered one of the most significant patterns in the universe. 
If you peer closer at the flower of life, inside you'll see many sacred forms nestled within. Dale notes the structure includes the tree of life systems, a universal code known as the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Ratio of Phi (a mathematical radio that shows up constantly in nature), and Megatron's cube—which carries the five platonic solids, or foundational shapes of all organic life. 
"It is thought that the flower of life holds a secret within it—a circle, which in many cultures, is considered the 'zero point' or the 'origin' of us all," Dale says. "This is the Oneness that ties us together."
What makes the flower of life so meaningful is how it potentially supports emerging scientific theories today. "Recent offshoots of quantum and 'spiritual' physics are suggesting that the universe is conscious, sort of a quantum information field with awareness and that all the energy or data that have ever existed is stored in geometric forms within it," she continues. "We are composed of these same forms and can exchange data with the universe because of it."
How to use the flower of life.
The flower of life is a reminder of unity. To add more connection to your life, Foster suggests drawing the flower of life since the art can be activating for meditation and processing. It also acts as an invitation to resonate at its frequency on a deep cellular level.
"The flower of life is a key ally in raising and protecting the energetic quality that you and your environment are operating at," Foster says. 
To mobilize its creative energy, Foster also advises placing the flower of life in your space or onto objects. "This means to come into coherence and to move out of dissonance. [It] brings the surrounding area or object into greater coherence, for example, to restructure water, or to help negate some of the negative dissonances of a laptop," she adds.
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Exploring the Healing Powers of Chakra Jewelry
Chakra jewelry has captivated the hearts of many individuals seeking a harmonious balance between aesthetics and spiritual well-being. These exquisite pieces incorporate gemstones that align with the body's energy centers, known as chakras, and are believed to promote healing and inner harmony. In this article, we will delve into the healing powers of chakra jewelry.
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Beautiful Chakra Jewelry: Adorn Yourself with Healing
The Beautiful Chakra Jewelry collection at Metalicious encompasses the essence of chakra healing. Each piece, thoughtfully designed to harmonize the chakras, promotes positive energy flow and overall well-being. By adorning yourself with this jewelry, you can carry the healing energy of the chakras wherever you go, enhancing your physical, emotional, and spiritual journey.
Unveiling the Magic of Chakra Jewelry from Metalicious
Metalicious is a treasure trove for those seeking one-of-a-kind chakra jewelry pieces. Let's discover the significance of each keyword and how Metalicious brings these healing gemstones to life:
Emerald Birthstone Ring: A Gateway to Heart Healing
The Emerald Birthstone Ring, available on Metalicious, holds profound meaning. Crafted with love and care, this ring resonates with the heart chakra, encouraging emotional healing and fostering deep connections. Its vibrant green hue symbolizes growth and abundance, while its elegant design makes it a perfect adornment for those seeking to open their hearts to love and compassion.
Rainbow Moonstone Stud Earrings: Illuminating the Path to Spiritual Awakening
At Metalicious, you can find enchanting Rainbow Moonstone Stud Earrings that capture the essence of spiritual awakening. The ethereal glow of the moonstone mirrors the transformative energy of the crown chakra. By wearing these earrings, one can awaken their higher consciousness, enhance intuition, and experience a profound connection with the divine.
London Blue Topaz Ring: Empowering Authentic Communication
Metalicious offers a stunning London Blue Topaz Ring, resonating with the throat chakra. This gemstone encourages authentic communication, self-expression, and clarity of thought. By wearing this ring, one can harness the power of the throat chakra, empowering them to speak their truth with confidence and grace.
Wrought Jewelry Collection: Rooted in Stability and Grounding
The Wrought Jewelry Collection at Metalicious is a testament to the importance of grounding and stability. These intricate pieces, crafted with earthy elements, serve as a reminder to stay connected to the present moment. Rooted in the energy of the root chakra, this collection instills a sense of strength, resilience, and stability in one's life.
Wrought Birthstone Bezel Bracelet: Nurturing Creativity and Passion
Metalicious offers the Wrought Birthstone Bezel Bracelet, a stunning piece that nurtures the sacral chakra. Adorned with gemstones corresponding to this chakra, it enhances creativity, passion, and sensuality. This bracelet serves as a beautiful reminder to embrace one's inner artist and explore the depths of imagination.
Amethyst Lilac Pendant: Deepening Intuition and Spiritual Insight
The Amethyst Lilac Pendant, available at Metalicious, embodies the wisdom and intuition associated with the third eye chakra. This mesmerizing pendant, with its soothing lilac hue, helps deepen intuition, enhance spiritual insight, and promote clarity of thought. Wearing this pendant allows one to embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner wisdom.
Exploring the healing powers of chakra jewelry is a transformative journey that invites balance, harmony, and well-being into our lives. With the keywords mentioned above and inspiration from Metalicious, we have discovered the profound meaning behind each gemstone and the ways in which they can support our energetic alignment. Whether you choose an Emerald Birthstone Ring, Rainbow Moonstone Stud Earrings, or any other chakra jewelry, let these pieces be a reminder of the power within you to heal, grow, and create a life of joy and abundance.
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magickkate · 7 months
🔮💎A Beginner's Guide: Embracing the Magic to Crystals in Witchcraft 💎🔮
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Witchlings! Let's dive into the enchanting world of crystals and their wondrous properties in the realm of witchcraft. Crystals have been revered for centuries for their beauty, energy, and metaphysical properties, making them essential tools in magical practice. Here's a beginner's guide to help you harness the magic of crystals:
Choosing Your Crystals: When selecting crystals, trust your intuition! Let yourself be drawn to the ones that resonate with you the most. Whether it's the color, shape, or energy of the crystal, listen to your inner guidance.
Cleansing and Charging: Before using your crystals in magic, it's essential to cleanse and charge them to clear away any lingering energies. You can cleanse them by smoke cleansing with herbs, burying them in sea salt, or placing them under the light of the full moon. Charging them can be done by placing them in sunlight, moonlight, or by setting your intentions through visualization.
Magical Properties: Each crystal possesses its own unique energy and magical properties. For example, amethyst is known for its calming and protective qualities, while rose quartz is associated with love and compassion. Explore the properties of different crystals and how they can enhance your magical workings.
Using Crystals in Spells and Rituals: Crystals can be incorporated into spells and rituals in various ways. You can place them on your altar to amplify your intentions, carry them with you for protection or guidance, or arrange them in crystal grids for manifestation and healing. Get creative and experiment with different ways to work with your crystals.
Crystal Healing: In addition to their magical properties, crystals are also used for healing purposes. You can place them on specific chakras to balance and align your energy, or use them in meditation to deepen your spiritual practice and enhance your intuition.
Your relationship with your crystals is personal and unique. Take the time to connect with them, explore their energies, and discover how they can support you on your magical journey. Embrace the magic of crystals and let their radiant energy guide you as you delve deeper into the world of witchcraft! 🔮✨
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Now let's get into the crystals themselves:
Amethyst: This beautiful purple crystal is a must-have for any beginner witch. Associated with intuition and spirituality, amethyst is perfect for enhancing meditation, deepening psychic abilities, and promoting inner peace and tranquility.
Clear Quartz: Known as the "master healer," clear quartz is versatile and powerful. It amplifies energy and intentions, making it ideal for manifestation, cleansing, and charging other crystals. It's also great for clarity of mind and spiritual growth.
Rose Quartz: Embrace the gentle, loving energy of rose quartz, the stone of unconditional love and compassion. Use it for self-love rituals, attracting romantic relationships, and fostering harmony in relationships with others.
Black Tourmaline: As a powerful protective stone, black tourmaline is essential for shielding against negative energy and psychic attacks. Place it in your home or carry it with you to create a protective barrier and maintain energetic boundaries.
Citrine: Radiating warmth and abundance, citrine is associated with prosperity and success. Use it to attract wealth, abundance, and opportunities into your life. It's also great for boosting confidence and creativity.
Selenite: With its pure, white energy, selenite is perfect for cleansing and purifying your space. Use it to clear stagnant energy, enhance spiritual clarity, and connect with higher realms during meditation.
Lapis Lazuli: A beautiful, rare blue stone from Afghanistan. Associated with clarity, communication, and spiritual wisdom. Great for wearing as jewelry or carrying in your pocket when you want to be sure to be clearly understood. Can be substituted by sodalite which has a similar energy and is less expensive. 
Obsidian: A jet black stone that’s actually volcanic glass. Associated with banishing negativity and protection. Can be used in similar ways to smoky quartz. 
Moldavite: A green stone formed by impact from a meteorite. Associated with psychic awareness, cleansing auras, and spiritual awakening. This crystal is particularly trendy but packs a powerful wallop – I recommend starting with one of the more accessible quartz crystals above. 
Some crystals are considered water-safe, meaning they can be safely submerged in water without being damaged or adversely affected. These crystals typically have a hardness level that allows them to withstand exposure to water without deteriorating or dissolving. Examples of water-safe crystals include:
Quartz (including clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst)
Tiger's Eye
Carnelian (though NOT safe in salt water)
Obsidian (FYI: can break in EXTREME cold or hot water temperatures)
On the other hand, some crystals are not water-safe and can be damaged or adversely affected when submerged in water. These crystals may have properties that make them vulnerable to water, such as solubility, sensitivity to moisture, or the potential for rust or corrosion. Examples of crystals that are not water-safe include:
Selenite (due to its softness and water-soluble nature)
Halite (salt crystals)
Pyrite (can rust or tarnish when exposed to water)
Kyanite (can splinter or fracture when exposed to water)
It's important to research the properties of each crystal before exposing them to water to ensure their safety and longevity. If you're unsure whether a particular crystal is water-safe, it's best to err on the side of caution and avoid submerging it in water. Instead, you can cleanse these crystals using dry methods such as smoke cleansing, sunlight, moonlight, or sound vibrations.
Sources: Water Safe Crystals: Which Ones Are and Which Are Not? HADLEY, SARA. The Witch’s Complete Guide to Crystals. Chartwell, 1 Nov. 2022. Mabelle, Eliza, and Ameya Ajay. Crystals for Witches : Rituals, Spells, and Practices for Stone-Spirit Magic. Emeryville, California, Rockridge Press, 2020.
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Protection Crystals for Negative Energy, Spiritual Attacks, and for Intuition and Psychic Awareness Increase
Below are some protection crystals for negative energy and psychic attacks that I personally use and find super helpful. There's absolutely more out there but this is information from my favorites that I can personally say have helped. Quite a few of these stones can increase intuition and psychic gifts too. This is part 3 to my previous posts.
Keeping yourself balanced and protected during your journey whether it's spiritual or healing is so very important, I can't stress that more! Being a victim to both psychic attacks from living people and spiritual energies is not fun, it's downright scary and can cause lots of stress, anxiety, and LOTS of sleepless nights! Keeping your crystal's cleared and charged through selenite, the Moon, and using smoke from bundled herbs/incense is such an important part of using stones in healing and for protection. Water, the earth, sunlight, or fire is also used but depending on the stone they may actually get ruined so if you're unsure the first 3 methods I mentioned are ALWAYS safe!
Your stones are absorbing this negative energy so for them to continue doing their jobs, they need to be cared for or you will render them useless. You must clear them out, I can't stress that enough either! You must also set your intentions into these stones. Although they are listed to do specific things putting your energy of intentions into each stone is SO IMPORTANT!
Below is a list of some of my favorite and most used stones. They're easy to find, even the real ones, and are fairly inexpensive. Each stone is associated with a Chakra so meditation with these stones placed around you and while holding can go a long way to clearing out negative energy that's holding you back and increasing your intuition and awareness. Some of these stones you may already even have in jewelry form, so it may just need some charging and clearing to get it working to its full potential!
♡Selenite- Love, love, love this stone! I own so much selenite, it's my number 1 favorite stone! So I'll start off with it! Selenite vibrates at a very high frequency, it’s one of the most powerful crystals in the universe. Selenite promotes psychic ability and intuition. It also protects you from negative energies both from spiritual attacks and psychic attacks. Selenite also removes negative energy from your environment. You don't even need to charge this crystal it holds so much energy that it will charge up your other crystals! Although, I will still place it out under the full moon with my others since I do use it to charge my other stones, it won't hurt only enhance it's power! It opens up your intuition and allows you to access inner guidance more easily. It is a powerful healing stone and promotes alignment, peace, mental clarity, and well-being. Its name comes from the Greek word for “moonstone,” and it’s associated with Selene, the Greek Goddess of the Moon. That said, selenite isn’t related to the crystal known as moonstone. Due to its connection to the higher consciousness, it's associated to the Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra.
♡Amethyst- This is probably my 2nd favorite crystal! Not only for its beautiful looks but also for EVERYTHING it can assist you in. Amethyst is an ultimate all-purpose stone that dissipates negative energy by turning it into positive energy. In your home it will absorb negative energy and create an air of tranquility in the space. It also helps increase intuition, clear the mind of negative thoughts, stress and anxiety. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances psychic abilities. It helps you tune in with the divine! It aids in feelings of serenity and calmness; encourages selflessness, and spiritual wisdom. It produces soothing dreams, and helps with anxiety and insomnia. It is also said to help with sobriety! It can be placed on the forehead to stimulate creativity and relax the mind. It can also be balanced on the palm or held in the hand to gain clarity and focus, and boost awareness. Associated with the Crown (Sahasrara) and Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra's.
♡Tiger's Eye - powerful and effective for blocking psychic attacks directed from others, it repels and leaves the attacker powerless. It aids in inner strength, creativity, and emotional healing. Associated with Solar Plexus (Manipura), Sacral (Svadhishthana) and Root (Muladhara) Chakra's.
♡Black Obsidian- very powerful stone (a favorite of mine for protection and the Root Chakra, plus I like wearing black jewelry), it wards of negative spiritual energy and psychic attacks from someone, best used in a form of jewelry or kept on person, even used on your pendulum is helpful too. It's an inexpensive stone and black matches everything as well. It has a strong grounding energy, promotes alignment and balance and is associated with the Root (Muladhara) Chakra.
♡Black Tourmaline- another ultimate protection stone! This stone neutralizes and breaks negative energy coming at you in form of psychic attacks or through negative spiritual energy. It increases physical vitality, promotes a sense of peace, and aids in grounding. It enhances spiritual awareness and is a wonderful stone for meditation. Associated with the Root Chakra or the Muladhara Chakra.
♡Lapis Lazuli- this beautiful stone filters out negative spirits and energies making them weak and harmless. It will protects against psychic attacks too. This stone is dubbed the "wisdom keeper" as it promotes wisdom, inner peace, focus, motivation, and enlightenment. Lapis lazuli is also said to invite self-expression and creative thinking. It also enhances intuition, clarity, and self-awareness. It stimulates the Ajna Chakra or Third Eye Chakra, which is associated with spiritual insight and perception. It's also connected to the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) the place from where we speak our truths and how we express ourselves in the world.
♡Turquoise - another favorite of mine! Guess i have a lot of favorites... This stone will protect you from negative spiritual energy and psychic attacks. It dissipates any negative energy that comes into your space. This is a fantastic stone to increase your intuition and awareness by meditating with. It promotes inner peace and positive energy. It can also help control anxiety and prevent panic attacks. It's wonderful in stress relief and aids in anxiety. This stone is associated with the Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra.
♡Hematite- an extremely powerful shield to protect you from negative energies attempting to go after you by blocking and then absorbing it. It enhances concentration, ficus, memory, and clarity. A wonderful grounding stone to use during meditation and keep near you while exercising your gifts. It strengthens your connection to the earth. Hematite is connected to the Root (Muladhara) Chakra.
♡Peridot- This stone is great to wear for protection while performing magick as it will protect you from negative energy and spirits. A beautiful stone to protect you from the living's negative energy. This is a wonderful stone for an empath! Perfect to wear for on the go or to that family member that sends you nothing but negative vibes yet you can't avoid especially during the holidays! It helps you have the courage to act out your heart's desires and be generous to others. It's associated with the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra and Heart (Anahata) Chakra.
♡Garnet - represents the fire element! Protects the wearer from negativity and evil thoughts. This is a stone of protection and manifestation. Enhances meditation and spiritual awareness. It balances energy and boosts self-confidence. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos. This is also a great stone for manifestation! It's associated with the Root (Muladhara) and Heart (Anahata) Chakra.
♡Clear quartz - similar workings to the amethyst and a powerful stone to use! It's known as the “master healer” because it amplifies energy, thought, and the effects of crystals that are close to it. It draws off negative energy, neutralize background radiation, stimulate the immune system, and bring the entire body back into balance. It absorbs, amplifies, stores, retrieves, focuses, transmits, and channels universal energy. Make sure to purchase this stone from respectable metaphysical shops as this stone can be sold to you and its really a chunk of glass sanded down a bit. I could go on about this stone and it's properties but you would be stuck reading like a full page of info lol. This stone is associated and used for EVERY CHAKRA! Now that's an ultimate stone...
#psychicprotection #psychicattacks #psychicawareness #psychicadvice #AstrologyCommunity #IntuitionIncrease #intuition
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digitalwitchblog · 2 years
The power of Amethyst
Amethyst is a beautiful and powerful crystal that has been used for centuries in various spiritual and magical practices, including witchcraft. It is a purple variety of quartz and is considered one of the most powerful and protective stones.
Uses in Witchcraft In witchcraft, amethyst is used for a variety of purposes, including:
Protection: Amethyst is believed to protect against negative energies and psychic attacks. It's often used in talismans and worn as jewelry for this purpose.
Spiritual growth: Amethyst is associated with spiritual growth and awareness. It's used to enhance intuition and spiritual insight, making it a popular choice for meditation and divination practices.
Healing: Amethyst is believed to have healing properties and is often used in crystal healing for physical and emotional issues, such as headaches, stress, and anxiety.
Calming: Amethyst is known for its calming energy and is often used to promote peace and tranquility.
Benefits of Amethyst In addition to its various uses in witchcraft, amethyst is believed to have a number of benefits, including:
Balancing the energy centers (chakras): Amethyst is associated with the third eye and crown chakras and is believed to balance and enhance these energy centers.
Enhancing intuition: Amethyst is believed to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual awareness.
Relieving stress and anxiety: Amethyst is known for its calming energy and is often used to relieve stress and anxiety.
Improving sleep: Amethyst is believed to improve sleep quality and is often placed under a pillow for this purpose.
Different Shapes and Uses Amethyst can be found in a variety of shapes and sizes, and each shape is believed to have different properties and uses:
Points: Amethyst points are used for focusing energy and are often placed in a room to purify the energy.
Clusters: Amethyst clusters are used to purify the energy of a space and are often placed in a room or on a windowsill.
Spheres: Amethyst spheres are used for divination and scrying, as well as for enhancing the energy of a space.
Eggs: Amethyst eggs are used for healing and fertility, as well as for enhancing the energy of a space.
In conclusion, amethyst is a powerful and versatile crystal that is used for a variety of purposes in witchcraft, from protection and healing to spiritual growth and intuition. Whether you use it in crystal grids, meditation, or wear it as jewelry, amethyst is a beautiful and beneficial addition to any witch's collection.
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venus-in-pearls · 4 months
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Handcrafted Silver Pearl Strand Earrings
I love the strand style and the 2 different pearls!
~ Handcrafted by me with light blue freshwater potato pearls, champagne freshwater baroque pearls, stainless steel wire, stainless steel jump rings, and silver-plated floral earring hooks ✨️
~ Pearls represent love, beauty, peace, fertility, the element of Water, the West cardinal direction, and the Heart chakra 💙
~ This pair is available to claim! If interested in these or any of my other jewelry pieces, please feel welcome to dm me here! <3
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sappy-witch · 1 year
Harnessing the Power of Crystals for Self-Healing 🌟💎✨
Today I want to share with you some tips on how to use crystals for self-healing and spiritual growth. Crystals are powerful tools that can help us to release negative energy, balance our chakras, and connect with our higher selves.
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Here are some tips to get started:
🌟 Set aside some time to work with your crystals each day. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus without distractions.
🌟 Choose a crystal that resonates with your intention or goal. You can do this by researching the properties of different crystals or by simply following your intuition.
🌟 Hold your crystal in your hand and set your intention for your healing work. Visualize the energy of the crystal flowing into your body and filling you with healing light.
🌟 Experiment with different ways of using your crystal. You can wear it as jewelry, place it on your body during meditation, or carry it with you throughout the day.
🌟 Journal about your experiences with your crystal. Write down any insights, emotions, or realizations that come up. This will help you to track your progress and connect with your inner self.
Remember, there is no right or wrong way to work with crystals. The most important thing is to listen to your intuition and trust the process.
If you have any questions or would like to share your experiences with working with crystals, feel free to leave a comment or send me a message. Wishing you all a beautiful and healing day! 💎✨🙏
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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