#Because it's a tangled au duh
yeetus-feetus · 8 months
Another for WIP Wednesday
Update on the Rapunzel AU that I'm working on for @dragonpyre
Prepare yourself for 10 pages of this below the cut
(I'm starting to loose motivation and need praise to feed my energy so I can write more lol)
Warning: I use google translate for the non-english words (please correct me if I get something wrong)
Jason, second heir to the throne of Gotham, was a happy little boy with a very loud personality. A former street kid, he was adopted into royalty at the age of 2 following his mother’s death, much like his older brother Richard, by the current King of Darkness.
Make no mistake by the title he holds, Bruce Wayne is a very Just king, though he cloaks himself in the fine fabrics of midnight and gold emblems that glitter like the stars.
But the young prince Jason was a ball of energy with a smart mouth and a baby as he were, often got on the wrong people's nerves. There was one man in particular, the Jester of the court– who was perhaps something more than a simple Jester to the King, maybe even a friend– had joined the Royal staff after a terrible accident that disfigured him many moons before Jason himself was even born.
On this day, Jason was only five when he trod on the odd man’s toes. He can’t remember what he’d said to the man, but it was something with loud youthful ignorance behind it, maybe something about his permanent smile and moon-pale skin. It wasn’t anything nice, to say the least, but who can blame a child of such brutal, unthinking honesty without the better knowledge on how such things were hurtful.
Maybe a man with a soft heart, and the belief he could give everyone in his Kingdom a better life and a second chance, should be blamed on keeping criminals and the insane in his company. Maybe a toddler in bright mocking colours shouldn’t have been left unattended to in the palace halls after a silly disagreement regarding his biological mother.
The Jester never returned to the King’s court after that night.
The boy, Jason, had been found in a puddle of his own bastard blood in a storeroom downstairs by the cellar, in teeny tiny shackles with his small bones shattered, tear streaks still wet on his cheeks as he lay limp on the freezing cold cement floor.
The King had wept, cradling the young Prince’s broken body close to him, wailed and begged for the boy to come back to him, pleading for forgiveness from a child who was no more. The King of Darkness caressed the soft face of a lifeless shell, and that was when the shadows spoke.
A deep eerie voice had filled his ears from all directions, reminding him of a tale he had believed to be only myth. The story of the moon when she wept for her own son once very long ago …
A single tear of moonlight had fallen from the heavens, and from this small drop of sorrow bloomed a magic, glowing flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured– and in extremely rare cases, even raise the dead if the moon wished it so.
“However, the Flower of Lazarus is protected by a Demon whom hoards it for its youth restoring power”, the low voice warned. “And you have only until the fourth day, beginning when the sun breaks over your Kingdom at dawn, to retrieve it. For when the sun sets on that day, the boy will remain in a tomb forever.”
Bruce, because he is no King down here with a dead son in his arms, remains speechless and confused. Before he could gather his thoughts and interrogate the validity of this supernatural voice, a flock of bats screeched and swarmed and then the voice was gone.
And a man was left in a cold empty room with his beaten bloody five year old, fear and determination filling his heavy heart. A hope that in four days time, his son will be returned to the earth and fill the Palace with his laughter once more.
The quest carried out by the King’s Guard had proved successful, and the magic of the Lazarus Flower, brewed into a glowing green liquid potion heals the dead Prince’s body on the morning of the fourth day.
A new tale of rebirth bringing the kingdom together as the King launched a floating lantern into the darkness of the night sky. A symbol of prevailing hope and new life, to celebrate the return of his beloved young son.
Even though Jason remained asleep, recovering his strength after lying limp and dead for days, he was alive, and his father was grateful as he watched his peaceful sleep, watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath and cried. He held his tiny hand in his, warm and living, a steady pulse beneath Bruce’s thumb.
For that one moment, everything was perfect.
And then that moment ended.
A cloaked woman had entered young Jason’s room that very night by way of the balcony, silently creeping towards the boy’s bed where he slept soundly, unknowing to the threat of her presence. The woman pulled back her hood and stroked a deadly gentle hand up over his face until she reached his soft baby curls as she sang in hushed tones.
“Flower gleam and glow”
And glow the child’s hair did, a bright green hue filling the room. She pulled a long lock of the glowing hair taught between calloused fingers, reaching into the deep green of her garments for the jewelled hilt of a small, sharp knife as she continued.
“Let your powers shine”
The blade glinted in the unnatural light as the woman’s tan hand brought the sharpened knife up…
“Make the clock re–”
But as the knife sliced through the strands of hair it turned lifeless and lost its colour, turning moon-white and powerless.
The shock and confusion was clear on the woman’s face, a frown carving its way into her beautiful features as she realised what she must do in order to fulfil her father’s wishes.
Just like that, Jason was stolen, gone.
The Kingdom searched and searched by order of their devastated, grieving King, but all their attempts at recovering the small boy proved futile. They could not find the Prince of Gotham.
For deep within the forest, in a tall hidden tower, the woman– Talia Al Ghul– raised the child as her own.
When Jason had finally awoken, his memories were muddled and hazy and not all there. His head ached like it was splitting and the lamp light in the room was much too bright.
The comfort of a woman who claimed to be his mother held him close in her warmth and sang to him with her gentle voice, easing his worry as he hid his face in the soft silk of her robes.
“Flower gleam and glow,
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse,”
A strong masculine hand combed through Jason’s precious curls, soothing the painful pressure in his skull with rough, wrinkled fingers that softened and grew young with the green glow above his head.
“Bring back what once was mine,
What once was mine”
And that was that. Jason knew he belonged here.
The Al Ghul’s– Ra’s in particular– had found their new magic flower, and this time they were determined to keep it hidden. To keep it safe and unharmed, and away from the rest of the world.
It’s one day, whilst his Grandfather is combing through Jason’s wavy hair as he finished singing, that the then 8 year old boy asks:
“Why can’t I go outside?”
His mother had looked up from where she’d been concentrating hard on some scrolls in front of her that he wasn’t allowed to read. “The outside world is a dangerous place, filled with horrible, selfish people. You must stay here, where you are safe. Do you understand, Rayean*?”
*(Arabic: flower, bloom, flowering)
Jason nodded his head obediently. “Yes, Mama”.
But the walls of that high tower could not hide everything.
Each year on the day of his rebirth and disappearance, April 27th– a day that should have been filled with sunshine but fell sorely short of anything more than gloomy– the King of Gotham and his trusted royal butler would release thousands of lanterns into the sky, in the hope that one day, their lost Prince would be returned to them.
And every year, on his birthday, Jason watched them from the tower window in awe and curiosity.
[many years later]
A small robin hides behind a terracotta flower pot by the open window, seemingly holding its breath, and doing its best to blend in amongst the floral pattern etched into it.
Inside the tower, a young man, with long, wavy ebony hair, shoves aside rich purple tapestries draped over the wall above the home’s hearth.
“HAH!.. hmm, well… I guess Pascal’s not hiding here”.
The small bird twitters in amusement, only to be snatched up by a thick lock of hair as it shrieks in surprise. Jason laughs loudly at the robin’s expense, letting it perch on the back of his hand as he grins. “Gotcha!!! That’s twenty two for me. How ‘bout twenty three out of forty five?”
The robin, Pascal, shakes his head in disagreement, chirping unhappily.
“Okay, well. What d’you wanna do?” Jason asks.
The bird turns and gestures his bright yellow beak at the window, eagerly indicating that he wants to go outside. The young man lets out a puff of air in response.
“Yeah no, I don't think so. I like it in here and so do you.” but all the bird does is turn all the way around, facing away from Jason altogether. “Oh c’mon Pascal, it’s not so bad in there”.
The robin doesn’t turn around, choosing to ignore the boy, who pouts in response.
“Pascaaalll”, Jason drags the name of the small familiar out, making pleading eyes at him. The robin puffs out and finally turns around, making the young man smile. “Sing with me?” he asks, and the bird weighs his head from side to side before chirping his agreement.
And so they sing as Jason goes about his daily routine of mopping and sweeping the tower’s gorgeous tiled floors. Then he’s doing the laundry for his mother and going for a shower to freshen himself up, going through the tremendous effort of cleaning and brushing out his wavy hair.
But it’s still early morning by the time he’s finished, and he’s desperately bored with Mother and Grandfather away doing whatever it was that is so damn important.
So Jason is flopped out on his bed, still working on a small braid that he had started maybe half an hour ago.
He’d taken a few pieces of hair tucked behind his ear and decided that there was nothing better to do. It was difficult enough, with just how long his hair was, to make the small braid on his own. The strands of hair had gotten tangled further down as he focused on twisting it together, and almost made him give up several times in frustration. But Jason was stubborn, and now he was finally, finally tying off the end of it.
And… he’s bored again.
“Urghh”, he groans, rolling over and burying his face into his silk red pillowcase. His words are muffled as he complains, “when will my life begin, Pascal? I’m so sick of being stuck in this stupid tower!”
Pascal chirps from where he’s sitting on the bookcase, one filled with all sorts of books, mostly poetry and theatre, in both English and Arabic. And the bird chirps again, even louder, as he tries to get the young man's attention.
“What?” Jason groans once more, pulling his head up out of the pillow and glaring at the robin. Pascal tilts his head before he starts pecking at the cover of one of the many books. “Read?” he asks, and the bird nods.
“I’ve already read every book in this tower thrice over! There’s nothing to do heeere”, the boy whines loudly, rolling himself off the bed and onto the soft Persian rug below with a heavy, dramatic thud.
On the floor, he catches a glimpse of his shell-based paints tucked away under his bed, an idea popping into his head. He grins, reaching forward to scoop them all up and place them on top the geometric pattern of his sheets. “What should we paint today, Pascal?” Jason asks with enthusiasm, and the little robin twitters happily in response.
Hours later and Jason is practising guitar, waiting for certain areas of paint to dry before he can continue adding to the art on the walls. He paints some more, then he’s knitting and playing Chess with Pascal, and soon enough his stomach is growling.
“You hungry Pascal?” Jason asks.
The bird chirps in response and flies into the kitchen, making the young man smile as he huffs out a soft laugh.
“Good, ‘cause I am too”.
Jason makes himself some toast, humming a made up tune while Pascal whistles along with him. “Breadcrumbs my good sir?” Jason asks in a dramatic flourish as he sets out a plate of broken up bread on the small but lavish dining table. The robin twitters happily and digs his little beak in.
After lunch Jason fills his time with puzzles, throwing darts and weightlifting. Then decides to bake some cookies as a treat for when his mother and grandfather return, and while he waits for the timer on the oven there’s another game of hide and seek played between him and Pascal.
By nightfall, Jason has finally exhausted his boredom, yawning as he sits on the windowsill and sketches pictures of Pascal in a near-ful sketch-book by the candlelight.
“Hmm, maybe I could make some more candles tomorrow while I'm waiting for them to come home?” He wonders aloud, he hasn’t made candles in a long while now, and it’s a good activity to fill his time with.
Pascal chirps quietly, as if in agreement with the idea, nestling into Jason’s side. He lets out a breath of amusement at the action and yawns again. “I guess we should be heading to bed then…” he says as he tucks the book under his arm and cups the little robin in his palms, making his way to his bedroom.
There he sets the little bird down on a cushion on his bedside table and flops back in his bed.“G’night Pascal”, he sighs. Staring up at the night sky he painted above his bed, wishing he could be laying on the grass outside instead.
He closes his eyes and has the same odd dream he does every night. The one with the smiling man, and the cold rough concrete scraping against his skin, cold metal against his ribs, and the laughter– but not happy laughter… It’s just a dream, though, and it passes. And he sleeps through the rest of the night dreamless.
So early the next day Jason made candles, then made candle holders with clay and painted those too. And he re-read a book or three, sewed together some holes he found in the sleeve of his shirt and put himself together in something nice to greet his folks with when they got home later that afternoon. Then went through the most tedious chore of brushing and brushing and brushing his hair.
“Arggh! I wish I could just cut all this stupid hair off!” he complained several times, Pascal twittering mockingly at him.
By the time he was done there was still time to spare, and he layed out face-down on the cool tiled floor quite dramatically as he groaned. “When will my life begin, Pascal?” he asks the bird again, as he would ask him everyday.
“Will I ever get to leave the tower? Go away on long trips like mother? Or away for important business matters like Grandfather?” he huffs and presses his forehead into the mosaic of the tile. “What do they even do out there!?”
Jason's throat closes up and his eyes water and burn with unshed tears. “What are they doing out there… when they leave me here, alone and all by myself, for days on end– Mother for months at a time even!” A tear carves a path down his cheek as his hands clench in fists against the cold floor. “If it’s so dangerous out there why don’t they just stay?”
The small robin chirps at him from his perch on the windowsill and Jason rolls onto his back to glare up at him, but the blue morning sky outside catches his eye instead and he sighs, feeling defeated and lost.
Like he’s missing something he can’t quite place, and somehow it’s somewhere out there.
“Tomorrow night those lights will appear”, he says more to himself than the bird watching him carefully. “Just like they do every year on my birthday…”
He sits up and wipes the wet away from his face, turning to look up at one of his paintings, hidden by the tapestries hung above the hearth, but peaking out just enough to remind him it’s there. The bird tilts his head as Jason stands and moves towards it, pulling the rich fabrics aside to gaze up at his art.
Then he pulls himself up onto the hearth to sit on the sturdy ledge, running a hand over the bright spots of light he’s painted against the dark blue night sky he’s made of the wall, tracing his fingers down the length of his painted raven hair that spills down the sandstone canvas.
The full painting altogether depicts Jason himself, outside the tower somewhere, reaching up towards the blots of light as if he could touch them with his fingertips if he just stretched his arm up high enough.
“What is it like out there, where they glow? …now that I'm older, mother might finally let me go”. Jason frowns and turns his head away. “Just maybe”, he whispers to himself.
Back in the Kingdom of Gotham, two shady figures are scaling the rough brick of the Palace walls, expertly leaping across the roof and making sure to keep hidden from the guards patrolling below.
The man, with fire-bright orange hair tied in a messy bun, bow and arrows strapped to his back, stops and looks out over the Kingdom and the dark rolling hills beyond, a stupid smile on his face. “Wow, I could get used to a view like this!”
The woman behind him, in a form-fitting green and gold one piece suit– resembling one much like a ninja’s, glares at the back of his head. “Arsenal, come on.”
Arsenal just grins and waves her off. “Yeah, hold on, Cheshire.” Sitting his hands on his hips he stares out at the view for a little longer, taking it all in for a few moments as the woman scowls. “Yep, I'm used to it. Man, I want a castle”.
Cheshire rolls her eyes, huffing out an irritated breath. “We do this job, you can buy your own damn castle”, she groans, yanking him by the collar and over towards their entrance between the whether-worn roof tiles of the Palace.
Arsenal is slowly and carefully lowered down into the Royal throne room by a strong, thick rope tied sturdily around his waist. As the woman above lowers him further down, until he’s just hovering over the glass case holding the lost Prince’s crown, one of the Guards sneeze and the redhead lets a stupid smile curl his lips.
“Oh, hay fever?” he asks with an amused, cocky grin on his face.
“Yeah”, the guard replies before quickly spinning around in surprise, catching the smug man leaning against the case with the Prince’s crown in his hand. “Wait, what?” he buffers in confusion.
And Arsenal is quickly lifted, well more like harshly yanked, up towards the high ceilings, escaping through the roof as the guard shouts up at him.
“Hey! Wait! Thief!”The other guards posted in various other places of the room rush over, as this happens, before one of them shouts, “After him!” and they all rush out to ready a chase on horseback.
The duo make their escape, over the bridge joining the island of Gotham to where those dark rolling hills lay, Arsenal running his mouth as they rush to get outside the borders of the dark and gloomy Kingdom. “Can’t you picture me in a castle of my own? I mean, I certainly can. Oh, the things we’ve seen and it’s only 9 in the mornin’! This is a very big day for us!”
Back at the tower, Jason has taken on an air of determination, re-tidying up a few things as the clock ticks closer to the time his mother promised their arrival.
“Alright, this is it. This is a very big day, Pascal”, he says with confidence– more of a facade to cover his shaky nerves. “I’m actually gonna do it, I’m finally gonna ask them!” he lets out a wavering breath and hypes himself up for it.
And that’s when he hears his mother’s familiar voice calling up to him from outside. “Jason! Let down your hair!”
Jason turns to the mirror and quickly fixes his outfit, wanting to look presentable and like he hadn’t been lying on the floor earlier. “Okay, it’s time, it’s time. Deep breaths Jay.” Then he turns to the robin watching him. “Go Pascal, hide! Don’t let them see you”.
“JASON! I’m not getting any younger down here!” his grandfather shouts for him from below, and the boy in question hurries over to the large window.
“Coming Grandfather!”, he calls back, throwing his hair over the large hook overhead and casting down his 70 feet of hair.
His mother is the first to be pulled up though, and once she’s through the window, kisses Jason’s forehead and wraps her arms around him in greeting, before sweeping down the hall to put her bags down in her room.
He pulls his grandfather up second and, once inside, Ra’s pats Jason’s shoulder as the boy tries to catch his breath. “Oh how you manage to do that almost everyday without fail, Hafid*, it looks absolutely exhausting”, he says as he slides the heavy, emerald-green cloak off his broad shoulders.
*(Arabic: Grandson)
“It’s nothing. Really”, Jason replies reassuringly, taking the older man’s coak and hanging it on the wall behind him.
His Grandfather sighs as he walks further into the large room. “Well then, I don’t know what takes you so long”, he laughs. And Jason tenses uncomfortably and lowers his head, promising himself he’ll do better next time, when his mother catches the look in his eye from the arch of the hallway’s entrance.
“Oh, aleaziz*”, her voice is gentle as she sweeps across the room and tilts his head back up with a sharp finger under his chin. “He’s just teasing.” she smiles up at him, warm brown eyes soft with affection as she pets through his hair.
*(Arabic: darling, dear, poppet, lamb)
“All right… so, um”, Jason starts, his mother moving to start up the fire in the large fireplace. “Tomorrow-”
His mother cuts him off before he even starts. “Close the window would you, Jay, it’s cold outside still.” Because the first day of spring was only yesterday, and Jason knows that somewhere out there, there’s still patches of ice and snow defrosting.
“Yes Mama”, he replies, and obediently moves to pull the window closed and latch it shut. “So, as you know, tomorrow is a very big day-”
“Jason, look in that mirror”, his grandfather cuts him off as he stands behind him in view of the delicately crafted object. “You know what I see?” he asks, but doesn’t seem to be looking for an answer from Jason himself.
“I see a strong, confident, handsome young man”, Ra's tells him, grinning at their reflection, and Jason smiles too, until- ”oh, look you’re here too”, he chuckles, clapping a hand over Jason’s shoulder, then moving away to take a seat on one of the lavishly furnished chairs.
Jason frowns, admittedly hurt by the egocentric remark, and turns his blue-grey eyes on his mother, who just sighs. “Don’t take it to heart habibi*, you know he only teases.”
*(Arabic: my dear)
The boy sighs back. “Yes Mama.” Talia goes back to fussing over the fire, and Jason tries to continue, “anyways, as I was trying to say before, tomorrow is-” only to be cut off again.
“Jason, please, I’m sure your Grandfather’s feeling a little run down after our trip,” Talia begins with a tired sigh, not looking up from where she keeps herself busy feeding and stoking the growing flame. “Why don’t you sing for him, Rayean? Then we can talk?” she asks almost apologetically.
And the boy knows that his mother must be exhausted from her long trip over the seas, but it still stings that Jason can’t even talk to her after she’s been gone for so long. Especially when he’s trying to talk to her regarding his birthday– which she missed last year because his Grandfather sent her away to do something that was apparently more important than him.
“Yes, Mama”, Jason replies obediently, plucking up one of his brushes from the low coffee table and sitting on the plush footstool in front of his Grandfather, handing the brush to the older man over his shoulder.
Ra’s hums in approval and Jason begins begrudgingly singing for him, watching in the mirror across the room as his Grandfather’s greying hair changes and becomes a thick, deep shade of brunette.
He watches as the wrinkles in his face smooth out into a youthful, soft skin; as his complexion grows brighter and his dull greyish-brown skin blooms with colour, becoming an even shade of golden tan. He watches as the fingers holding the large brush stop shaking, as they become firm and steady and more gentle in his glowing hair.
His mother finishes up with the fire and sighs as she sits back in the opposite chair, resting her feet up on Jason’s lap and smiling at him as he instinctively begins massaging her feet. They’re tense and Talia groans in pain when Jason presses his thumbs into the arches of her feet, causing him to wince and give her an apologetic look.
Talia’s eyes fall closed as Jason continues and he’s glad to see her relaxing, even in this short moment; she’s always so stressed about something or other, and Jason thinks she should just stay with him in the Tower and get some proper rest for once, let him look after her, instead of going away all the time.
When his Grandfather sets the brush down, Jason lets himself up, picking his mother’s feet up and gently placing them back down on the velvety footstool. He tucks the hair that’s fallen in front of her face behind her ear as he slips past her and into the kitchen.
He makes his Grandfather tea, knowing he’ll ask for it soon, and puts some of the cookies he’s made on a plate for his Mother. “So, Mama”, he starts as he re-enters the room and sets the tea and cookies down on the low table.
Talia, eyes still closed, hums in reply to let him know she’s listening.
“Earlier I was saying tomorrow’s a pretty big day… you see it’s going to be my birthday, y’know, and I-”
“No, no, no can’t be”, Ra’s cuts in with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I distinctly remember, your birthday was last year.”
Jason clenches his fists, biting down his frustration at being cut off again. “That’s the funny thing about birthdays. They’re kind of an annual thing.” he states, undertones of sarcasm sneaking into his words, and his grandfather raises a chastising eyebrow at him, challenging him to try taking that tone with him again.
Jason doesn’t take the bait and instead turns back to Talia. “Mother, I’m turning eighteen tomorrow, and I wanted to ask, what I really want for my birthday…” he starts
And that's all I have so far! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my terrible writing lmao. Let me know if you guys want more :)
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d33zn33tz · 2 years
Fuck the rest of you, Tangled!AU DoorKeay. Or just GerryMichael, whichever you prefer. Just. Yes.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 6 months
Weekly Recap | March 11th-17th 2024
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That premiere guys!!!!! Was so good!!!!! I'm so excited to be FINALLY be a part of the fandom while the show is actually airing! 😃 Can't wait to read all the amazing fics that are gonna be spawned from season 7!
Speaking of that, I would like to encourage everyone to use the relevant Ao3 tags when writing fics based on S7 content! Not everyone can watch the episodes as they air, so tags are really essential for people who don't want to get spoiled! (I could even make a separate post about it? a sort-of "how to tag" post?). In case you want to block some tumblr tags, my main tags for S7 are #911 season 7, #911 on abc, or #911 spoilers.
(Posting this one day early cause I don't feel like waiting until tomorrow! Enjoy! 😆)
i find peace in your smile by goforeddie/@iltrpls (A/B/O AU | 1K | General): They’ve been courting for a few months now. It’s agonizingly slow, but it’s still the best time they’ve ever had. You might think that after six years of walking on eggshells around each other, half a decade of “will-they-won’t-they” they wouldn’t be taking such a slow time with courting, but it's precisely everything that they’ve been through that makes them appreciate things a little better.
Birthday Flowers by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Pre-Buddie | 2K | General): OR: Buck gets Eddie flowers for his birthday. 
🔥 if i need to rearrange my particles — i will for you. by dylaesthetics (Post-S6, Identity Porn | 45K | Teen): OR Buck joins a support app for first responders and matches with a firefighter who has PTSD and a kid who likes giraffes, apparently.
Lime Jell-O by rainbow_nerds/ @rainbow-nerdss (S7E01: Abandon 'Ships | 3K | Teen): Eddie Diaz didn't panic. Or, well... Maybe he did. Sometimes. But he was working on it.
take the bed warmed by the body by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck (Getting Together | 2K | Teen): It’s three parts bravado and one part reminder. He thinks about it, sometimes, his first shift at the 118—he doesn’t think either of them quite knew how much they’d meant it when they’d promised to have each other’s backs. He definitely hadn’t known, then, that he’d wake up one day and wonder why Buck isn’t in his bed. Because that’s what’s missing. He has a vague memory of falling asleep with his head resting against Buck’s shoulder, their legs tangled together.
Taken Space by Wildgirl93/ @wildlife4life (S7E01 Coda | 1K | General): Eddie and Marisol talk about the space that has already been taken.
Feel Like I Landed On The Moon by Tizniz/ @tizniz (Canon Divergent | 1K | General): OR: Eddie is pining for Buck while in Texas.
Fractals from the Lightning Bolt by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels (One Shots Collection | 98K | Not Rated): A collection of oneshots, some originally posted on tumblr. Each chapter is individually rated.
53. A Dream You've Had Before (Explicit) 54. We're Definitely All Sluts Here (Explicit)
if you love someone by chronicallystendan (Pre-Buddie | 1K | General): Buck and Eddie both internally panic when a song comes on the radio that seems to be talking directly to them.
adventures of firehose and eightpack by brewrosemilk/ @gayhoediaz (Social Media fic | 1,5K | Mature): Or: Eddie stumbles upon Buck's old twitter account.
Two, Three Times in a Row by Leslie_Knope (PWP | 6K | Explicit): “We could’ve gone again.” Eddie snorts. “I’m old. You expect me to get it up twice?” “Yes,” Buck says, like it’s a given, like duh. “I could get you to do it right now.” The entire world pauses, and Eddie actually feels it, the bolt of arousal slinking down his spine all the way to his toes. He wets his lips. “Right now?”
🔥 miracles under your sighs and moans by napricot (Sex Pollen, PWP | 1/2 | 13K | Explicit): When Eddie gets exposed to an experimental aphrodisiac on a call, he realizes there’s only one person he trusts to help him get through it: Buck.
🔥 because we'll all arrive in heaven alive by callmenewbie/ @puppyboybuckley (Post-S6, Disaster Fic | 9/10 | 63K | Explicit): During a search and rescue, Eddie disappears without a trace, leaving Buck to grapple with the sudden possibility of a life without him.
if you know anyone that is not tagged, please tag them in the comments!
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apopcornkernel · 1 year
tumblr also deserves to see jingfu vegas wedding
“You know,” she said, her syllables all thick and blurry, “after this night, I think I really deserve to be General.”
And then—Fu Xuan saw some genius realization dawn on Jing Yuan’s face.
He turned to her slowly, eyes wide. “You know,” Jing Yuan said, “if you wanted to be General so badly we could simply—get married.”
Fu Xuan started laughing again, so hard that wine spilled from her shaking hand. “Yukong,” she gasped, “Yukong would kill us.”
“Well, Yukong isn’t General,” Jing Yuan argued, with the perfect logic of a drunken fool. “We will be.”
“And you’ll, you’ll—” Fu Xuan was still giggling. “You’ll be Master Diviner along with me?”
“Yes! Exactly!” He looked like he’d attained the ultimate enlightenment. “Conjugal property, Fu’qing! The Ten-Lords Commission themselves put that law into constitution—and we have wine, enough wine to toast every being on the Luofu—”
“Jing Yuan,” Fu Xuan declared, “this is the most you’ve ever made sense in your life. Or ever will.”
Jing Yuan beamed. “I know!”
Fu Xuan stood up abruptly. “Let’s,” she said, trying to regain her balance, which was quite hard, thank you very much. “Let’s, let’s go.”
“Where?” Jing Yuan asked, still beaming.
“Back,” Fu Xuan said, in a tone that said duh. “We need to get dressed.”
“Why?” Jing Yuan asked, still beaming.
“Because we,” Fu Xuan announced, “are getting married, right now.”
Jing Yuan cheered so loudly that the birds roosting in the trees above them were frightened awake.
more notes on this silly au:
fu xuan uses her "in leisure" fan for the bridal fan, and jing yuan puts his up as well because “(pouting) i want to be a bride too”
when they do the ceremonial bows, jing yuan bows in the wrong direction
there's a point where they almost fall into the decorative pond
they are so drunk they can barely do the cross-cup wine drinking, and their arms get all tangled, and the wine just spills everywhere
their wedding banquet is hotpot, which fu xuan graciously splits in half because he can't handle the spice of mala soup. jing yuan feeds her all the meat he cooks
the luofu has a system that detects unwitnessed weddings and the like (to prevent scandals like a secret wife suddenly showing up to claim the inheritance or whatever). xueyi is woken up at 3 in the morning because said system is blaring out THE GENERAL AND MASTER DIVINER GOT MARRIED 12 MINUTES AGO
by the time jing yuan and fu xuan wake up, the whole luofu is already in celebration
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
August 2023 Angel Fish Awards!
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by Anonymous
Tangled Fates by @outofnowhere82
Nominated by @katbratsupernaturalwhore
Factory Reset by @talltalesandbedtimestories
The build up, the sass, the care she took, the pegging, the focus on description, the deliciousness... Mmmm I wanna eat him up!
Love; For the First Time by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Adorable first time fic. Good build, sweet and fluffy and steamy!
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
An Imagined Life by @imagineteamfreewill
This is the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff AND IT HAS IKEA!!! I mean, I couldn't ask for anything more!! *heart eyes forever*
I'm So Sorry, Sammy by @bobwess
(AO3 link) ANGST!!! So much angst, man. Y'all know I love John Winchester, but even I can acknowledge he was not a great dad. Usually, I avoid fics with the "John's A+ parenting" tags because I have very strict ideas about his incompetence as a father. This story really shows a way that I can see in canon John would be especially crappy as a dad. No pairing, just a seriously angtsy genfic showing teenage Sam being a BAMF and Dean's heart breaking. (Sort of happy ending, though! You know me. lol)
Nominated by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Why I Do It by @kazsrm67
This drabble and it's companion piece (from Dean's POV) is short and incredibly sweet. It's a lovely little slice of life for the boys and the reader. I always love when we get to see Dean happy, and he is, in this fluffy piece. Happy, loved and taken care of - us Dean girls can't ask for more. A highly enjoyable read!
Nominated by @glygriffe
Imperfections by @thewritingspot /@troize
Seeing Lucifer in another light, as an insecure middle child in a big family fired my brain cells! And of course, Gabriel being himself even as a kid. (And also: Art!!!)
Never Say Goodbye by @zepskies
It's a soulmate AU series, but it's also a reader insert that stays close to canon. Sweet and angsty and smutty... A little bit of everything all rolled into one satisfying story.
Untitled ask prompt by @sugaraddictarchangels
This ficlet is the only Jess!Lucifer representation I've ever seen and it's so refreshing to see early seasons' Lucifer under that light!
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
Between the Three by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
This fic was written for me in all senses of the word, and I love how she characterized Arthur, Mick, and Dean and the different ways they react to being parents-to-be. Of course, the smut is great, but I also love how they clearly all love each other and want to be a family.
The Great 'Nah-Duh' of Dean Winchester by @ladyknightskye
I love this fic because it gave me Gadreel/Dean without having to write it myself, and also because it's well written and I love how soft Gadreel is... And the fact Dean has his Bisexual Awakening with him? LMAO!
Nominated by @iprobablyshipit91
Never Say Goodbye (series) by @zepskies
I’m an absolute sucker for soulmate AUs and this one was amazing. The reader and Dean's relationship was built beautifully and I loved how the ending ‘fixed’ things!
Baby Spoon (series) by @deanwanddamons
This really made me feel so many emotions. Seeing Dean so happy and having the relationship he deserves made me so happy despite everything.
The Prettiest One by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
This was literally so adorable and made me laugh so much. It’s such a good one to go back to and read over again.
Carry On (series) by @jawritter
This was just the perfect fix-it fic we all needed after *that* ending. It wasn’t rushed and it by no means sugar-coated what happened. There are some real struggles and a lot for both the reader and Dean to overcome but it’s damn worth it!
Pack (series) by @spnexploration
This is a story I’ve definitely gone back and reread a few times and it’s so close to the end, I can’t wait to see the final chapters. Overprotective Dean is always perfect but I really enjoy the pack dynamics in this and Maddie is a brilliant addition!
Heart of a Hunter Saga (series) by @muchamusedaboutnothing
Where to even start with this, every single stand-alone story in this saga is excellent in its own right and combined together this whole story is amazing. I love Dean and the reader's relationship and how they’ve managed to carve out a family life that works for them. Brilliant!
Baby, We’ve got a Problem (series) by @deanwritings
I love the unique concept of this, Baby getting turned human, and the implications this has particularly for Deans's relationship. I’ve read it a few times as it’s so easy to go back to and enjoyable to read.
Always You and Me by @deanwinchesterswitch
I just loved this story and how it built up. The dialogue is hilarious and while I did guess what was happening, it in no way detracted from how awesome this story is.
Hold On I’m Coming (series) by @ravengirl94
This was one of the first firefighter Dean fics I read and I loved it. The relationship the two of them have and the twists and turns are just perfect.
Captives of the Court by @impala-dreamer
This story instantly got my attention. I loved the way the story moved between what was happening now and what had happened to lead up to that point and how everything came together at the end. Amazing story.
The One That Got Away (series) by @pink-sparkly-witch
This story just hits you in the feels. It’s not finished but I’m so in love with Dean and the reader already and can’t wait to see how their relationship progresses!
Midnight Espresso / Devour Me (series)by @zepskies
There was something so sweet about these two stories that I instantly fell in love with the reader and dean in this. I connected with the plus-sized reader but Dean is so sweet and adorable. I just loved it.
Collared (series) by @spnexploration
I’ve been reading this story from pretty much when it started being posted and I’ve loved every second, I’m so excited and sad that it’s ending. It’s an amazing story full of protective Dean which I live for and it’s just perfect.
The Last Call by @kasimagines
I could have nominated so many of Kasimagines' stories but there’s something about this one that just really hits me and I’ve read it so many times. The loyalty Dean shows despite the years is beautiful and the effect John has on them all is heartbreaking.
Dream On (series) by @talesmaniac89
There’s something about this fic that I just absolutely love. It’s a comfort fic I’ve gone back and read so many times. Dean's overprotectiveness and worry and concern for the reader is just adorable.
Miscommunication (series) by @winchest09
This is another story I’ve read so many times. I love the story and the British reader really resonates with me being from the UK! I love the confusion between the same words meaning different things to British vs American, it makes for some interesting conversations!
If You Want It To Be (series) by @zepskies
This got me feeling so Christmassy in July! It was just such a lovely heart warming story, I adored it.
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
House of the Rising Sun by @kittenofdoomage
MAFIA AU!!!! This has been a joy to read for the first time and it's always a joy to reread!!!
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
The Hero Always Gets A Kiss by @fandomoniumflurry
I’m a sucker for ChesterVelle, heroes, and kissing. This is one of my old faves I like to re-read every once in a while.
No Title by @stusbunker
This is sooooo Sam, and it's sooooo swoony and real. It's fucking electric.
Factory Reset by @talltalesandbedtimestories
This is so. well. written. So sexy. So good for Dean. He deserves this so much. This writer did their research but this doesn't read like a manual. It's thorough and intimate and exactly what Dean should have every day — someone taking care of him.
No Title by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
For the love of god, he’s just Like This, isn’t he? Like always. In canon, in headcanon, in fic — ALWAYS. And I love the way this writer objectifies him.
Nominated by @inenochian
Restless Wanderer by intothesilentland (AO3 only)
This story is such a beautiful soft romance set in 19th C Cornwall. Beautiful portrayal of Dean and Cas!
Nominated by @salt-n-burn-em-all
The Talismen series by Lochinvar (AO3 only)
Gives us insight into people who helped the boys grow up into the men they became. Not always Hunters, more like strangers who sometimes didn’t know exactly how much they helped until years later, if ever.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Hunter’s Throne (series) by @ladyknightskye
It’s such a beautiful story and I love the angel-human lore. It’s so complimentary to each other and that bond is just so Cas and Dean. They have got to talk. It’s part of what’s we readers love about them because once they do, it only gets better and fluffy! I loved it so much I posted about it on my blog to advertise it because it is worth the read and keeps to the essence of the show.
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- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @katbratsupernaturalwhore, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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simplevanquish · 25 days
You Gotta Know (You Know That I Adore You)
Filling out two spaces here with this fic! 'And they were roommates' and 'Date night'. This is like last minute @sambuckylibrary but this was fun to write for the loving bingo card for sambuckysummer hehe Very short summary: my sambucky roommate au: extended. Date Night Rating: Teen and Up
(It is a sequel to this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54882493 but you can absolutely read it on it's own)
Sam has come to find out that, in a way, dating Bucky is very freeing for his conscience.
Where beforehand he would lean against the counter and watch Bucky with conflicting emotions telling him that staring so obviously at his roommate was very rude and weird while crushing on him- now he can admire all he wants.
When Bucky offers a shy or smug or content smile- well Sam can appreciate it without worrying if he's being 'too obvious'. He can reach over and kiss that smile, one spreading across his own face as he pulls back and watches Bucky squint at him, nearly confused, the hold he has on his phone going limp.
Sam laughs a little, backing up on the couch they've draped their limbs across indiscriminately. "Sorry, Bucky, you had this little thing called a smile on your face."
Bucky shakes his head ever so slightly, a faint movement as he rolls his eyes lightheartedly.
"Clearly, I'm not the only one," He says, putting his phone down to the side and leaning towards Sam. Based on the messy way their splayed about, Bucky has to fit himself between his own thigh as well as Sam's. A tangle of arms and legs and whatever else the human body carries, Sam isn't bothered to know. He's too busy watching Bucky reach an arm around him, nearly laying on top of him, and give him this squeeze of a hug he gives with a hum.
If there is another thing that Sam has come to learn since dating Bucky, it's that the man loves to touch. In no way is Sam upset when he says that he can't stand by the counter without the risk of Bucky closing in on him and wrapping his arms around him, Sam's back pressed against his chest before Sam turns around with smirk or a flustered expression- depending on the degree of it all.
Sam soaks it all in like a sponge in a lazy river, it's all so smooth the way Bucky holds him, bare arms sneaking around Sam's back and lifting him slightly of the couch because yeah, Bucky is handomsely strong and his arms make Sam drool (he isn't bad himself, but seeing the muscles on Bucky- Sam has a crush on that guy, not himself, so duh, it's different when Bucky is the strong one). Bucky's leg is pressed against his own chest, his other being trapped as Sam throws his own leg over it, pulling Bucky in with a hand on the back of his neck.
By God, if it's the physical touch that Bucky wants, then he shall receive. Sam has absolutely no problem indulging in however Bucky likes to show his affection.
Bucky kisses his jawline, leaning back a bit and Sam watches his frame move around, muscles flexing, and he lets his head hit the couch with a cheeky smile as he slaps a hand against Bucky's bicep. "See this? Ridiculous," Sam claims sarcastically, watching Bucky's eyes flicker to his arm for a moment before he huffs. Sam raises his hand, tucking a bit of Bucky's hair behind his ear in the way they do in a whole lot of romance movies. But normally it's some blonde women with the wind making her hair unruly. Here, though, Bucky's face just gets a little pink, no wind, and his brown beautiful hair and broad shoulders with his chest on display. "You're unfairly attractive- dude- do not look at me like that."
Bucky blinks like he doesn't look like the most perfect man in the world has gotten somebody just as perfect to share life with. He's glancing at Sam like perhaps Sam was all he ever really needed in life, maybe it was written in the books- in stone, in sand- that Bucky would make it this far to meet Sam. He loves the look, it makes him melt, his fingers sliding against Bucky's neck like lava down the slope, heat rising to the surface of his cheeks as his heart leaps, daring to rocket out of his chest all for Bucky.
It feels like a lot, it feels a little much, but it feels like it's just right when Bucky's palm flattens against the middle of his back and blushes with his forehead bumping Sam's shoulder.
"I'm not looking at you like anything," He defends, words mumbled into Sam's shirt, the slow tread of the day ahead leaving them to take their time here with tender movements and hazy, unguided, and lingering touches.
"Oh but you are."
Bucky hums, very low commitment and not convinced which makes Sam groan, meeting Bucky's still so gorgeous blue eyes as he continues.
"You're staring at me like I've- like I'm the winning lottery ticket a broke man's been needin."
Bucky pauses, brows furrowing as he tries to solve Sam's attempt at explaining it, at explaining what it means to him, and he doesn't blame how Bucky cocks his head to the side, confused for moment.
"And this is bad?"
Sam shuts his eyes for a moment as he sighs, then cuffs Bucky's face in both of his hands. "No, man. No."
"Good," Bucky says calmly, pulling himself back, a steady release of the knot they've tied their bodies into, easing back into his original spot on the couch before they dismissed any sense of formal behavior and just got as close as possible. "Cus maybe you are, man."
Sam coughs, a quick action, but it happens nonetheless as he takes in Bucky's response, face searing, burning terribly as he shoots up to sit on the couch properly. Obviously Sam wasn't prepared for Bucky to actually engage in this excuse of verbal flirtation- mostly it's in the body language with this man- but Sam takes it joyfully as he raises a brow, sending a quizzical look over at his boyfriend.
He's about to say something- what? He doesn't know. But then Bucky is nodding his head towards the wall behind Sam with a casual expression, his bashfulness exiting as he squints.
"Should we put something there?" He asks.
Sam whips his head around, finding exactly what Bucky is referring to because heck, even he's thought about the same question before. There was an empty wall left after they got fully settled, one that has yet to be filled unlike the others that display old family photos or are occupied by shelves and potted plants, anything really to make it more homey and personalized.
"How much do you read, Bucky?"
"Not enough for what you're suggesting."
"Yeah, I don't want a buncha books anyway," Sam resigns, facing away from the vacant area quietly waiting to be subjected to a bit of decorating. Not today, probably. He thinks back on it for a brief moment and comes to the conclusion that a bookshelf would be a bit too bulky for the space anyways.
Before they can throw out any other ideas, Sam's phone goes off from where it sits on tv stand. He makes a noise of exaggerated exhaustion, patting Bucky's shoulder twice before he parts, sliding off the couch and walking up the ringing sound of his alarm.
Unfortunately, the day ahead is starting, and Sam has to get ready for work. He turns the obnoxious loop of an alarm off and pockets his phone.
"Work?" Bucky asks, peeking up at him from behind the arm he's thrown over his face, hair a mess.
"Yeah," Sam says with a sigh, then starts trudging to his room.  "Guess I can't sit around and stare at some shirtless prince charmin' all day, huh?"
Bucky opens his mouth with a comment, stumbling for a split second as Sam raises his brows teasingly. Bucky brings his arm down, revealing his full face, and tries to act disappointed all the while his face flushes just the tiniest bit. It always amuses Sam how easy it is to make Bucky fluster about just because of his words. He smiles, fond of the sight as Bucky crosses his arms across his bare chest.
"God, Sam, get outta here with that."
"With what?"
"It's corny, yknow," He declares, tipping a thumb towards Sam dismissively before leaning back in the couch and throwing his legs over the edge.
"Right, right," Sam starts, waving away Bucky. "I'll consider that when you stop blushing."
"I'm not-"
"Sorry, what was that?" He calls, holding a hand to his ear and watching Bucky craft a dramatic grumpy expression before Sam dips around the corner. "I think my ears struggle to hear lies."
And Sam likes to think morning's have never been this easy until Bucky came along.
"Are you done staring?" 
Sam Wilson blinks because no, he wasn't staring at her. Well, her hair. Maybe that's a yes then. He shakes his head, attempting a chill movement as he reclines in his chair.
"Course not." He tries, then his eyes shift back over to Natasha crosses her arms. "But uh, something looks different- a new lipstick? Did ya get your nails done?"
Natasha smiles, skipping over the whole acting annoyed bit as she uncrosses her arms and places them on her hips. "It's not bad, is it?"
And the truth is no, it's just very, very different. Natasha has always had long and beautiful hair since they day they met. Just like she did last week. But Sam came into work today to be met with a short haired Natasha, hair bleached a platinum blonde that doesn't even manage to touch her shoulders- possible graze over.
"It's new," He says and Natasha frowns for a moment, disappointed, before Sam holds up a pointer finger. "But it's not bad. At all."
"I'm trying to figure out if I should believe you or not," She tells him, walking forward to take her spot in front of him, leaning a hand on the desk and sending a short glare at him, hoping it will somehow will an honest answer out of him.
He wouldn't lie, of course, about Natasha's hair. He attempts to prove such, holding up his hands in a way to ask for mercy as he shrugs. "Honest, it's a good different. The red was iconic-"
Natasha raises a brow.
"But," Sam adds in, placing his hands on his knees. "You're rockin the blonde. Honest."
Natasha rolls her eyes, sliding away with a nonchalant sigh. "It's not real, but fine, I'll trust you."
"It's not r-" He pauses, squinting intently at her new hairstyle as he searches for a sign. "It's a wig?"
She smiles simply. "Didn't know if I'd like it, truth be told. Thought I'd test it out before I make any big decisions," She explains and Sam nods, it's a fair reason. Then she shrugs, looking elsewhere. "Plus, I've got a ton of wigs that haven't been worn in a while. Thought'd it be fun."
Sam brings his head back in a short and quick movement, his glance averting from his friend to the side with a look of suspicion. But in the end, he guesses it's nothing really to look into, let the women wear her wigs, he declares, and holds up his hands in surrender at his own confusion as he twirls the chair back around. "To each their own."
"For now I think I'll stick to to natural- you're not the only one who seems hesitant, yknow. Myself included."
"Okay, wait- wait-" Sam begins, shaking his head for his own personal defense as he sends her a look. "I was not hesitant. It was just different. Whatever you wanna do is up to you, but I wasn't hesitant."
Natasha barely considers any of his rantings before she taps on his desk. "Fine, well, moving on from this," She says, bobbling her head so her hair sways around for a moment. "How are things going with you and that guy? Bucky?" She confirms the name with a nod from Sam before she carries on. "Yeah, how are you two?"
"We're good," He says, raising a shoulder that he tilts his head down towards in a poor attempt at a shrug, a smile threatening to pull at his lips as he clasps his hands together. "Uh, yeah, nah, it's real good. Bucky, he's fun. I think you'd like him."
Natasha hums, curiosity simmering behind her eyes as she squints, memory trialing back to her, and she tips a finger towards him in acknowledgement. "Oh, right, have you taken him on a real date yet?" She asks, an all kind and genuine question but Sam feels a sense of fatigue climb behind his eyes and make them dry as he sighs, pushing off the ground slightly, chair tilting. "Cus, yknow, you said that the other one didn't count."
"Because it didn't," He says and Natasha knocks her foot against the pole part of the chair, causing Sam to stumble a bit due to him leaning about in it. He centers himself before putting his elbows on his desk and scooting in. She backs up, watching closely as he shakes his head. "But no, I haven't yet.  I've been trying to, though," He confesses, eyes darting over to the lined paper sitting at the edge of his desk filled with various ideas crossed out, the occasional 'too expensive' or 'no spots left' written about in blue ink.
"What, do you need some ideas?" She questions, pursing her lips as she thinks for moment, then bends her knees a little to reach his level as she starts to count them off on her hand. "Fancy rsvp-"
"Too broke or too full," Sam states with a slight laugh, watching as Natasha spares a small smile in return before pursuing her little brainstorm session.
"The movies?"
"There aren't really any good films that have come out that we haven't already seen," He says truthfully and Natasha's brows furrow, trying to possibly salvage a solution.
"Well, sometimes it's okay if the movie is bad, right?"
Sam scoffs, looking over at her with a hand held up to shield his mouth like he's telling a secret despite nobody else listening. "That man is surprisingly picky when it comes to film. I thought he would watch just about anything, but Bucky just bores himself with the majority of it."
Natasha huffs, this substitute of a laugh, and offers a smile with knotted brows. "He does like some movies, though, right?"
Sam nods, settling into his chair. "Of course, just mostly watching the same ones- oh except those educational children shows- don't tell anyone but I have caught him fuckin engrossed in them a few times."
Natasha has an entertained expression on her face as she laughs, standing back up straight and firmly nodding. "I won't tell anyone, I don't think anyone cares, anyway, Sam."
"He does," Sam says, sliding the paper of ideas to the middle of his desk and sliding it under his arm to keep it there before looking back at her. "He quoted a fact from one of them channels and when I told him where I think he saw it from he said 'oh, no, it was the internet'."
"Okay, first official date idea: learn things about the solar system together!" She cheers, playfully suggesting the thought as Sam puts on a mock offended face. "Sounds real cute, don't it?"
"I'll ask Bucky, for sure." Sam shakes his head in contradiction to his words as he glances down at the paper again, reviewing all the possibilities of a first date he's recorded.
Discovering and reviewing scientific facts found on a public education channel directed towards children isn't on there, but oh for sure, he'll definitely ask.
If it wasn't made apparent enough, Sam does indeed not ask Bucky.
Instead he spends the evening sitting on his bed surrounded by two- no three crumpled papers laying on his blankets, one of the three fallen to the floor in his flash of frustration.
This time, each paper is written in red ink, but the content he's writing down basically all but remains the same.
Date ideas.
Sam doesn't know why all of a sudden he's like a fish out of water, all touch and thoughts lost at sea where he is left here to shrivel up, all dried out.
He doesn't think even half of these ideas are good enough for Bucky. A museum? Maybe it'd appeal to the part of Bucky eager to learn a bunch of stuff but really- what if there's actually nothing interesting there? He crosses that off, excessive strides of ink blocking the proposal out.
He groans, frustrated and his head starting to gain the most faint but still approaching ache. He rubs at it, wondering where all that creativity went from back when he was forced to do projects for school. He bombed those, absolutely. No here he is with not even so much as a fuse to light, no good ideas sparking in his brain.
It's been a week and he still hasn't asked Bucky out on an official date. Sam tries to reason with himself that maybe it's okay because Bucky hasn't asked either.
But also Sam had been so oblivious and basically sorta led to leaving Bucky to make the first move, so maybe it was Sam's turn to take the initiative here and ask- maybe Bucky is waiting.
Clearly  Bucky is thinking of something, Sam has seen it. Sam will be reading some article about what they could possible do in this urban city that they find themselves in, living a life, and just trying to find a bit of romance and companionship within each other. And then when Sam has found nothing good or that they haven't maybe already at least partially done as 'just friends'- Sam clicks out of the article with exasperation towards the absence of an answer. Soon after Bucky would try to pry into him like there's something he knows, or has to, at least. Sam has been noticing it the more that he's been trying to put together a date. It shouldn't be this hard, something about overthinking blocking his supposedly clear pathway to success.
But he wants it to be just right.
However, Bucky keeps eyeing him throughout it, trying to figure out a puzzle of his own, and it sorta makes Sam put on extra pressure to just get over himself and pick one thing.
"Dammit," He curses, realizing that apparently pens from junior high do in fact have their day marked on a calendar, a moment bound to happen eventually as red ink starts to become sparse and thin before disappearing all together. His furious and invisible scribble on the paper comes to a halt when there's a knock on the door.
"You all good in there, Sam?" Bucky asks and Sam can hear the concern shift as he carries on, morphing into something so lovingly but eye-roll worthy sarcastic. "Coulda sworn it was a party over here just a moment ago."
"Ha, ha." Sam deadpans, recalling how he snuck into his room and has been sitting here all silent and focused ever since. So there wasn't even a smidge of partying, but Bucky is terrible at jokes like that, loves it all, and Sam just sighs. "I guess you can come in, then."
Bucky opens the door, peeking his head in through first as he scans the room, finding Sam shoving his papers and notebook off the bed, letting it tumble to the floor unceremoniously. He snaps his gaze at Sam in a quizzing manner, raising a brow, then blinking back down at the notebook.
"Whatcha need?" Sam asks, legs crossed as he flexes his hands, settling them on his knees and cocking his head to the side in an attempt to redirect Bucky's attention. Admittedly, it might be embarrassing should Bucky pick up the notebook and look all over Sam's attempts to find something suitable for a first date.
"Well, I guess-" Bucky rolls his shoulders, this little movement Sam has begun to notice Bucky does when he's just a little on the edge, possibly nervous, trying to find the right way to say things because apparently this beautiful man in front of him doesn't consider words to be a strong suit of his own. So Sam waits, meeting Bucky's gaze when he seems to regain his confidence, patting down the sides of his legs before shrugging. "I could use a little insight on how you're doing? Lately you seem..." Bucky huffs, eyes drifting above Sam to the wall behind before he frowns. "Like there's an extra thing you got to carry."
Sam stops the slow tapping of his fingers on his knees, quickly looking up at Bucky before his shoulders raise, and he lets out a puff of air.
"I mean-" He cuts himself off, deciding not to skip around the whole thing in an attempt to fish out a believable excuse as he looks away. "I dunno. Maybe I have been? But I shouldn't. I'm just chronically overthinking it all."
"Overthinking what?"
"Nothing," He says then internally winces because that's a big lie, and he instantly shakes his head, holding his hands out as he takes it back. "Not nothing! Actually, it's something, I just-"
But then Bucky is moving towards him, a soft look in his eyes that kinda melts Sam so much it takes him a second to comprehend that Bucky has also bent over and picked up a messily rolled up piece of notebook paper before joining him on the bed.
"Does it have anything to do with all these tossed papers?" He questions and Sam knows he's never been all that good at keeping a secret, not one like this where the whole point was for it to matter- to tell somebody- to invite Bucky.
"Maybe," he says at a last attempt to ditch the subject, but Bucky is unphased, holding steady until Sam crumbles into the gingerness that shows beneath the blue of his eyes and he waves a hand. "Yeah- yes. Sure."
Bucky hums, opening it up a bit all while watching Sam closely. Sam lets him, of course, he has a good guess that if it was something he really didn't want Bucky to see, Bucky would respect that (but not without being a little suspicious, of course).
When Sam urges him to get along with it, Bucky's eyes switch towards the paper, finding red letters scrambled together in Sam's efforts at collecting information from the internet. Most words are crossed out. Sam squeezes his thumbs as he watches Bucky's eyes trace over red possibilities meant to involve the two of them together.
He feels his face flush, warmth suffocating him as he reads over it too and cringes when he is met with 'jazz club. romantic type tho fr' written hastily.
"Uhm." Sam clears his throat, reaching for the paper. Bucky lets him have it before glancing at him curiously. "So, yeah, that's what that is, Buck. I-"
"You've been stressed about this?" Bucky asks him and it doesn't sound like he's judging him, so Sam finds it in himself to ease up a little, if anything Bucky sounds both concerned and amused, once again something he knows as Sam nods slowly.
"Yeah dude."
Bucky then chuckles, this genuine thing that leaves him with a smile on his face and rosy cheeks.
Sam, however, is at a loss. He frowns. "What?"
Bucky just smiles wider, so Sam crosses his arms. "Seriously, Bucky, what?"
"I've been preparing a date for us, yknow," Bucky says simply, like oh yeah, Sam totally knew- even the reason Bucky is laughing is because Sam didn't. It makes Sam choke on his own words before he can even register the tint of irony in this situation.
"I'm serious." Bucky promises, a bit of his hair falling in front of his face, slightly disrupting Sam's clear shot of blue eyes but it's alright because his hair, despite how it might not have been brushed at all today, is one small jewel of the whole treasure that Bucky truly is. Sam feels his chest blossom with a multitude of feelings, mostly ones that end with him hiding a smile as his stomach pleasantly erupts with butterflies.
"I- what?"
Bucky laughs lightly, a breathless noise as he shrinks into himself with a proud but shy smile, how he can still manage to be both at the same time is a mystery to Sam.
"I may not be a professional chef, but I still wanna ask-"
"Yes." Sam agrees, cutting him off. Bucky shakes his head, putting a hand on his chest as he leans forward.
"I wanna ask if you'll go on a picnic date with me? For dinner?"
Sam's head is spun in a joyous way, his heart thumping in excitement against his bones, a grin widening across is face as he wraps a hand around Bucky's wrist, a gentle hold, as his other rests on Bucky's thigh.
Sam kisses Bucky, of course.
"Let me get some bug spray," Sam says, watching a shimmer of pride flash in Bucky's eyes, something that's mixed in with happiness and desire-
And a hungry stomach as their packing up, Sam glancing over at Bucky who just shrugs the grumble of it away as something for the future to deal with.
Finally, it seems Bucky knows a place that Sam doesn't, when they finally get there.
There are hills beyond hills ahead of them, a dark blue pond decorated with cattails and all the other natural sort that sits a couple feet ahead of them. The sky stretches wide, an infinite thing that looks so vast and beautiful, very dark but yet, blues and purples find their way to wiggle in and create a nice view. They're positioned under a weeping tree that makes romance movies look not so far fetched (in this specific category).
Sam's knees are bent to his side, leaning on his hands an twirling a loose thread of the picnic blanket underneath them. The sky if full with dull little specks of light, stars to distant with a few share of planets. He admires the way it all looks, the summer night granting them to forget any worries about it being to cold.
"This is really nice," He blurts out, a confession of the heart, his eyes finding Bucky in his line of sight. He's unwrapping the food, the thrumming of base and drums playing from the phone muffled underneath his thrown jacket. He pauses though, glancing up at Sam with a calmness that sends itself out in waves, washing over Sam until he matches him, sighing as he picks at random blades of grass. "Thanks."
Bucky hums, the still air of the night crisp until he cuts through it with a hand sneaking around Sam, pulling him closer. "No worries."
Then he gestures in front of them, down at their food. "Hopefully it doesn't taste terrible, huh?"
Sam looks down and marvels at the choices, from pinwheels to chicken wings to the good ol classic picnic sandwich. "Dude, do not even stress about that." He shakes his head, glancing over at Bucky who's already watching him, expectant for a taste test reaction. Sam presses his lips into Bucky's first, kissing him slowly.
Bucky is in his element here, clearly, as the way his hands reposition Sam constitutes as this full and smooth movement, one that makes his stomach flip, Sam's hands pushing and pulling at Bucky until the two tumble backwards, Bucky on his back. Sam gazes down at him, in love with the sight, and his eyes try to take in every existing detail of it all, from the very pink color spreading across Bucky's face to the sprawl of his hair, blue eyes examining Sam's face as Bucky breathes in.
"You're a very distracting person," Bucky blurts, a spray of weathered roughness in his voice that has Sam's head and heart reeling. It takes a bit of will-power to remember they both have yet to eat dinner, and that he can't start kissing Bucky senseless just yet.
He sits back, Bucky following him quickly, and Sam shoves the container towards him. "Eat up and I'll let you continue you with that," He offers and Bucky shrugs, an easy thing to accomplish considering he was hungry anyways.
Sam and Bucky take a bit of the pinwheels at the same time, and Sam watches as Bucky's shoulders sag a little bit, satisfaction of his demanding appetite finally starting to be met. He can't help but chuckle at how quickly he finishes it, placing his hands between his legs with a low sound.
"It's good," Sam clarifies after he realizes Bucky is waiting for his opinion in order to take any more food. "You did good, Buck."
Bucky beams, pleasantly accepting Sam's praise and indulging in the chicken wings he made.
All the food does look good, honestly, Sam thinks, and his heart is swelling up when he thinks about how Bucky has in fact been spending more time in the kitchen, muttering things to himself and such- and to think, Bucky has been wringing out that elbow grease just to fix up this?
Sam is still forever swooning, bless his soul, he may never recover from the gift that Bucky is.
Minutes later, they've really dug into the picnic food and Bucky is soon laying his head on Sam's lap, squinting up at him as he holds his phone to the side, his flashlight on, brightening the area where Sam has his eyes set, hands twisting around as he fixes up an oval shape made from leaves and twigs.
"What're you making?" Bucky asks curiously, lifting his head for a moment to peer over Sam's thigh, Sam's leg slightly hitched up so he can put his feet flat against the ground for stability.
"Crowns, I guess. Unless you wanna call it a headband." Sam snorts, sneaking a glance down at Bucky to see the way his face wrinkles up with a smile before he tilts his head as best as he can in his position.
"You want bugs in your hair?"
Sam shrugs. "You won't get any in your hair, mkay?"
Bucky hums, his hand drooping, wrist growing tired. So Sam lets his phone slip from Bucky's hand to his own, setting it down on the blanket so the light isn't shining in their eyes but still providing Sam with a working station of sorts.
"That's a relief," Bucky says and whether it's about the bugs, his hand, or both, Sam nods in return.
Then he's made two crowns, all finished in their leafy green and pale twig glory, all bendy and awkward on the head but they work. Sam can't stop giggling like a dummy at how it sits lopsided on Bucky who placed it on haphazardly when Sam jokingly lied about flicking an ant off of his.
The night feels endless and Sam finds that a good thing, a floating feeling of bliss hovering around the blanket as Sam tugs Bucky in close for a photo, the flash nearly blinding them but it's more than alright as Sam looks back at it while Bucky relishes in the shrinked distance between them, his arms tangling around Sam with shut eyes.
Sam favorites the photo before he's sent toppling over with Bucky once more, a shriek of laughter spilling out of his lips before it's swallowed when Bucky kisses him, drinking in the giddy sensation and leaving Sam's lungs chasing out for oxygen.
To think he was worried about finding the perfect first date idea, all the meanwhile, here it was, waiting with Bucky's charming smile.
When they get home, energy stretched out and drunk on life, Sam teases the idea of printing the photo of them and their dumb leaf crowns on the empty wall as a start to fill up the space. Bucky calls it corny, of course, falling into bed next to Sam.
But like many things Bucky calls corny, it means he probably likes the idea as well.
It might just be the perfect thing.
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myfavouritelunatic · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
Awww thank you so much for this! ❤️
My five favourite fics I’ve written…
1. The Blacksmith - my epic Halbrand/Sauron x Reader (and Galadriel - LONG LIVE THE POWER POLYCULE) story that is to this day my longest fic ever. 102k! I’m so damn proud of it and am still in disbelief I even wrote it! Set during the events of The Rings of Power Season One and beyond, it’s a tale of love and destiny and how the two intertwine, for good and for evil.
2. Your Blood, Your Power - first time ever writing a modern AU (I used to avoid them and now that is NOT the case). Haladriel/Saurondriel Vampire AU that sees Gal as a huntress, tangled in lust (and love? 😜) with her evil vampire nemesis Hal. People have told me it reminds them of Buffy and True Blood and I’m just floored by that!!
3. I Felt It Too - a one shot that I’ve been asked to continue (I promise one day I will!). Haladriel/Saurondriel, basically what if they weren’t interrupted during that scene on the log before Orodruin erupted. 😏
4. Two Rings - two short companion pieces about Saurondriel, set during the Third Age. Their rings of power can’t help but remind them of each other and what they lost, what they could’ve had.
5. I’m sorry but I’m cheating and picking two because I CANNOT decide between them:
Shake Like the Bough of a Willow Tree - Human!Halbrand what if tale about Orodruin never erupting. From Hal’s POV (and I think I told someone recently I hadn’t written his POV before when duh of course I have). Haladriel one shot, inspired by the song Movement by Hozier.
And… Barred - Haladriel one shot, another what if, set during their brief time imprisoned together in Númenor. Basically a PWP 😂
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inkykeiji · 5 months
Wait im sorry clari im confused!!! So is reader just giving step enji attention to try and get touya niis attention and make him jealous?
sort of, yeah!!! here, i’m just going to quote my notes from when i was writing that piece to give u a little more insight into everything going on there:
⊹ touya knows this is disrespect; she’s acting out to hurt him, and even though he KNOWS this, it doesn’t make it hurt any less, even though he ends up giving her what she ultimately wants. it’s a little tangled and convoluted—touya’s pretty sure she does this just to piss him off, to provoke him and get a rise/reaction out of him, to gain his attention in any way, good or bad it doesn’t matter which. just ATTENTION in general. but there are genuine feelings to her love for their father, too, and there are genuine feelings on ENJI’s part, too, which pisses touya off even more because hello, this is HIS little sister. and it’s these genuine feelings from both reader and enji toward each other that leaves the tiniest sliver of truth to what she says and what she does, and that’s what ultimately hurts him the most. 
⊹ so, in other words: he’s angry because she’s doing this purely to disrespect him, and even tho he knows this he still can’t stop the hurt (an automatic, instinctual reaction he’ll never be able to soothe or stop); and he’s upset because there’s a shard of truth in it all and that’s rly what hurts the most. but knowing that his little sister will stoop this low to hurt him is painful as well—tho he supposes she learned from the best. he’d do the same, he’s such a hypocrite. still, obv he deserves more respect duh 
⊹ the obvious context of the fic is that she just likes running into enji’s arms and greeting him and it makes the rest of the family uncomfortable because it doesn’t exactly look or feel entirely innocent (this i want to SHOW through their interaction, tho). but the SUBTEXT is that she does this to piss touya off, because enji is really her only weapon against her eldest brother, but he’s also a foolproof weapon—he never fails to hurt touya, no matter what, and he always gets you what you ultimately want; attention from touya. (this should be hinted at in her comment about touya fuckin around with everyone)!
^^ these are my rough notes verbatim! their conversation after enji leaves is particularly important, because it shows where they’re both hurting; she mentions how touya sleeps around and he mentions how she’s all over daddy. reader boldly calling attention to exactly why touya is upset (with the jealousy bit), calling him out on his bullshit and explicitly hitting him exactly where it hurts, is the final nail in the coffin to her getting exactly what she wants (his attention!!). also, this piece obv is not set within my established touya-nii au. this is a different touya-nii entirely!
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izloveshorses · 1 year
Um can you just do all of the emoji prompts
omg anon you're so sweet 🙈💖
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
i'm hoping to get a first chapter ready to publish soon, but i've been workshopping a dimya equestrian/show jumping au for a while?? back when i used to horseback ride i didn't do show jumping but it's so fun to watch and i think it would make for a fun au. dmitry can't ride bc of a vague injury, so he and vlad recruit the new stablehand anya to compete in the FEI tournament, which would take place in paris this year, bc duh. her horse is pooka. they have no money and she does Not get along with dmitry. it would be a fun ride (no pun intended) :) and of course she is just using this as the means to get to paris so she can find her family, dmitry and vlad want the winning purse, etc. the fact that anastasia was a record-breaking teen show jumper ten years ago and vanished mysteriously and anya has a very similar riding style and skillset is just a coincidence. or is it 👀
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
from the equestrian au mentioned above:
“At least you still have a job here,” Vlad said after a moment. 
Dmitry sighed. “Exercising other people’s horses isn’t exactly going to get me anywhere.” He had a headache above his eyebrow. “That rider is an idiot. He ruined a perfectly good horse just for his ego.”
Vlad shook his head. “What a shame.” 
“How’s your girl doing?” 
Vlad took another— longer— sip. “She’s… fine. She’s too young.” He shook his head again. “A few years down the line, maybe she could get us to the FEI. But she doesn’t have the greatest instincts.” 
Dmitry nodded, disappointed. What a grand pair of losers the two of them made.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
something i like from the road trip au:
“Fine. Well, we will be listening to The Cranberries all the way there.”
Anya slouched and curled her legs to rest her feet on the dashboard. “Good.”
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
She looked at him like he could save her. Like she wanted him to save her. 
He just hoped he didn’t fumble with the lifeline when the time came.
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
another bit from the road trip au:
“You’re a bed hog.”
He winced a little. They hadn’t mentioned anything about how they kept waking up that way, tangled or invading one another’s space. He didn’t want to make things awkward. But she simply shrugged, lips curled in a smile when he looked over at her. “You don’t seem to mind.”
Heat creeped up his neck. No, he hadn’t. Not at all.
💧Share something romantic/hot from your WIP, or just something sweet if it's gen.
(source undisclosed)
“Let me…” he swallowed, suddenly serious. “Let me kiss you the way I’ve wanted to for a long time.”
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
after watching Notting Hill again, i whipped up a half-formed idea for an au, this bit always makes me laugh when i read it over again:
She opened to the first page. “I see it’s signed by the author.” 
“I couldn’t stop him.” 
That did it— that made her laugh. It was just a short huff of air through her nose, but still, that didn’t happen very often anymore.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
sigh. i really want a dimya dirty dancing au, so so so so bad, but it has to be the exact one that exists in my head. i just don't want to do the work on that one asdhlkfj. but it would be so good!!! anya and her family visiting the country club, she is already bored, all the girls are expected to marry some guy who is going to be a doctor or lawyer, and then she meets the hot and broody misunderstood™ dance instructor dmitry, and she is determined to help him and the other workers by filling in for marfa. thus ensues a summer romance. featuring dmitry in that black tank top. and god, gleb is the awkward and uncomfy nephew/whatever set to inherit the country club, who flings his authority around whenever he wants and plays Nice Guy. it would be perfect. but i don't want to write it, i just want it to exist already for me to read lol.
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
another funky idea y'all haven't seen yet 👀😌
modern setting, heist/espionage, art thievery?, haters to lovers <3, eventual smut, etc :)
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Go away, come again another day (Ch. 3: "One stormy day!" by Monaca Komaeda)
Fandom: Danganronpa AU: Medieval/Fantasy AU Ships: Nagito/Monaca, Mahiru/Sato, and Soapies Links to Chapters 1 and 2 Summary: The kingdom's people do their best to get through the day. The storm rages on regardless.
Her mornings are spent outside with her brother.
Technically they’re spent with “the servant”, but his suggestion that she treat him as such triggered a tantrum so visceral it rattled the book on his nightstand, his mangled bones, and his weak heart. Poor Ms. Maki had to rip herself out of Miss. Painter lady’s warm sheets calm her down. Nagito, to absolutely no one’s surprise, said he'd be fine. She wasn't exactly keen on comforting adults, but she held him anyway.
Still. He usually had the whole morning to pepper her forehead with wake-up kisses. To get tugged back under the covers for drowsy cuddles because if Monaca wants it, it happens. To adore and be adored.
The rest of her day is spent with him supervising her and the rest of the “warriors of hope” (nicknamed by Masaru and him), big sis Junko (sometimes big sis Mukuro too, if his luck panned out in her favor), or the king and her loyal nanny.
And don’t say it's still their time, because the nuzzles against his cheek and the way he cards through her hair is different without all these subjects running around her. Ring around the Rosie is intimate, not private. Quit acting like the ate matters when they were all out of food!
Really though. His fingers don’t get tangled with Junko’s chin indented into his shoulder, her hair brushing critique advice jutting into his skin. She doesn’t turn to kiss his cheek with Masaru scrutinizing all eyes on him.
She can’t move up to his bitten-up, pale lips, crackling like the sparkling fireplace. Not with the lightning illuminating his pale face.
That’s peasant activity.
The flicker teases a halo outlining him. Monaca wishes she could be that angelic, but they’re not blood-related. Holiness doesn’t run in the family anyway.
(Monaca wishes on a lot of things, but the stars hid from her tonight. They must know of the luck she already relies on.)
Point being, it’s just not the same and she should still be having breakfast in bed right now and everything is stinky and horrible and utterly poopy! Has Monaca made herself clear? Good.
She buries her head into her brother’s arm and sighs, the hot breath making him shake with absent-minded giggles. He feels her grin in return. At least her favorite subjects are here. At least it’s not school.
I mean, it is school, if the building itself counts. Just not, like, school school. Monaca doesn’t have to know anything other than how to entertain herself and when dinner is. She’ll still take directions from Mr. Monokuma (yuck!) and Ms. Monami once everything clears up, but still. It’s miles better than being dragged to school.
Not that she didn't feel bad about all the destruction and death, mind you. What kind of hideous monster did you take her for (Probably not even one with cool teeth and an extra stomach, she bet)!
But that was outside. And everything outside is vague and abstract and outside. Not safe, kinda bland, cozy inside. Outside. And unless inside becomes outside, they should be safe.
Ms. Monami made it clear that that was impossible, anyway, even if the roof got ripped off or something like that! And her teacher had to be right because she was a teacher! Duh. Teachers just know these things, you know? They’re, like, geniuses or something. They have to be if she can’t figure out what they know without their personal help.
Though she assumes Miss. Momami meant that “inside” sorta just...quietly slipped away to somewhere else during all the commotion. Like how, in a few weeks, the memories of the hurricane would feel as far away as a balloon floating so high up you can barely see it after you let it go. Luckily though, this situation involves more than one crying child.
She’s twelve, anyway, so she isn’t supposed to worry about hurricanes or big scary stuff anyway. That’s for the adults to deal with (Though, with so many of them running around like chickens without heads, they seem to be doing a really bad job at it in her leaderly opinion)! Her responsibilities include keeping her room tidy whenever she felt bad about getting Nagito to do it via puppy dog eyes and being the line leader for the rest of the week. 
If someone added something like dealing with the aftermath of Masaru and his parents not making it or Miss. Toko closing her library to water damage, her five-year-old psych simply wouldn’t be able to handle it! Her head would swell up with all the age-inappropriate knowledge until the chandelier poked it, glistening from the natural strobe lights. Once it popped, all of her guts and puss and the chunks of her brain would fly everywhere, covering the whole classroom in bloody red.
At least, that's what Masaru says. He also says her dog would lick all of her up, but that part is just dumb. Probably only says that to freak her out anyway.
Jokes on him! It doesn’t even work, ‘cause she asked Mr. Monokuma and he says that dogs only do that if their owners die alone. And she’s gonna spend every sleeping moment with her brother, so there!
She still has a hard time wrapping her head around the concept though, even if it doesn’t apply to her. Especially with how gleefully he licked her hand before Nagito dropped him off at Mr. Dark Supreme Overlord of Icicles guy’s place. Poor thing probably had no idea how horrible everything was, having a hard time shivering and shaking at the crash of thunder with the “ancient protection spell cast over this realm” and all that.
Maybe he thought rushing over to the palace was some sort of mad dash to get to a family vacation spot before nightfall.
In a really dark, morbid way, it kinda was. She didn't think she would say that out loud, though. It sounded mean in her head and mean things always sound even meaner out loud. Especially after you’ve said them.
Monaca’s trying not to be so mean these days.
Moving her hand to pet Jarato’s surprisingly exposed tuft of hair (blonde, like her puppy), Monaca took one last wistful look at herself in the imaginary mirror before peering over at the startled boy’s work. She still couldn't figure out how he did it.
And what a shame, too! She was a smart kid. With a little bit of practice, she could even rival him. Could draw, like, a bazillion pictures of every little freaky image that came to her friend's mind! Kokichi could have sent her on that search mission with Ms. Saihara and Ms. Kirigiri to share her art with the world! She could even ask Mr. Dark Spooky Guy or that witch lady to bring her drawings to life!!!
Ah, well. Nagito still insisted on hanging up every bad doodle she made for him and cooing over what a sweet little beacon of hope she’s turned out to be in the end, so she’s probably not doing too bad for a twelve-year-old.
She audibly groans before dramatically plopping down, face flat on the floor, only barely lifting her head to see the “professional” laying down as well. Mahiru (That’s what Ms. Maki introduced her as, right?) gazed out the window through a sliver between the blinds. She looked bored. Even more than Emma.
For a dull heartbeat, Monaca narrows her eyes at the spare paintbrushes Jataro found before snatching them up and stumbling over to bask in the striped moonlight reflecting off the daydreamer. Maybe they could be bored together.
Or she could scare her into painting with her. That worked too.
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ok im still thinking about the blaseball au so here's an assortment of my thoughts
False somehow has the Mild curse despite the fact that she didn't play for the Thieves because I want her paranoia to be reflected in her stats.
She also DOES have an "evil" twin out in the world, but Hermit!False is a hlockey player so they never run into each other (as are the rest of the Hermits)
Oli and Rivendell!Scott are both pitchers on the Garages at the same time, for the entirety of Scott's career. Scott is team captain, and these two hate each other for no real reason, they just do. Oli hates setting up the band equipment cause he sucks at it and always manages to break something or get himself tangled in the wires or what have you, but Scott makes him do it anyways because, as stated, he hates him. It means someone else has to do it again once Oli's done but no one really cares enough to fight Scott on it. However, once Scott is released and someone new is team captain the conversation is basically "Now, we're all going to miss Scott, he was a great captain, however, now that he's gone- Oli, you're never setting up the equipment again."
Great Witch Shelby and Xornoth were friends during season 1 before Xornoth died because it is important to me.
I didn't put this in the body of the main post but I put Shrub on the Hades Tigers because the Tigers and Shrub both have the same experience of "had a person bring carnage and death upon you and your friends and you know it was the gods fault, not theirs, but you can't help but blame them, but at least you came out on the other side better for it". Do you see the vision.
Oli is one of those people who cares so much about team rivalry (he's compensating for the fact that he's, like, a middle of the road pitcher) and Pix, post resurrection, could not give two shits about it (and also he ISN'T EVEN A CRAB ANYMORE, OLI) but Oli gets sooooo into the rivalry with him because 1. Pix is really good and 2. This is how he flirts. He's like, staring down Pix on the field and being super aggressive with his pitches and then he gets back into the dugout and his teammates are like "you wanna fuck him so bad it makes you look stupid".
I can't decide if I want to make S1!Katherine just dodge the Wyatt Mason-ing by virtue of being feedbacked or traded like, the season before, or if I want her to experience it and be one of the few people who gets their full name back. How do we feel about this should I give her more trauma.
Hermes is taking the Son Scotch joke about "everyone in the league is compelled to be his parent" because. I mean, duh. He's also really good at blaseball. Like really good.
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facelessmacaque · 2 years
Alr so i have this faceless macaque au that i wanted to share! Feel free to leave questions about lore and stuff or even other characters in this au! Enjoy
- transmasc nonbinary ( love the scars teehee )
-i 4,001? Maybe older
-when hes not traumatizing or scaring people hes pretty laid back and chill
Minus arson and stuff , music is a big thing for him. Also yell in his ears and he will make sure intense therapy isn’t enough ❤️/j
-he literally gets called anything moon / star related , his personal fav is moonflower or starstream
-he may even let you see the little star fragments that get stuck in my fur
-yes you guessed it curly/fluffy messy unkept fur , we love it
-with some of his oldoutfits they had heavy moon and star symbolism
-the song “ the gig in the sky “ is close to his heart yet at the same time he hate it for how it makes him feel
-a funny thing , he punches things whenever he feel a strong emotion
-Alright so to start off i was born on a snowy mountain ( duh ) so i have thicker and fluffier fur than my wukong , so for a good bit of my early life i sorta spent it alone and isolated. Till wukong somehow stumbled upon me and he refused to leave me alone. Eventually he stopped coming around and i got tangled up with heaven for the first time, i get to hear about wukongs whole tantrum over wanting to be called the great sage equal to heaven. And lucky me i ended up being forced to pretty much keep wukong entertained , till the whole immortal peach thing. Making my way outta heaven during the confusion of it all ( ps during the whole first few years of meeting we got engaged). After wukong being trapped under a mountain, i visited him a few times before heaven decided to take me right back and pretty much lock me up till a bit into wukongs journey, I actually ended up being freed by a certain bitch demon, and ofc i hear about wukongs journey because of the whole six ears thing. My first attempt to bring wukong back home to me ended in him throwing he engagement ring. So i leave and out of spite i come up with a new plan. The whole pretending to be wukong , my plan was to pretty much kill everyone he was traveling with so hed have to come back , but ofc this backfired and once wukong realized it was me he pretty much killed me on the spot. Cue being dead and revived. So im back not good as new but back and kicking again, now with a debut to pay to the bitch who freed me from heaven and revived me , everything plays out the same as it canonically dose. Im just a shit tone more terrifying and dangerous. After the bitches defat i sorta did my own thing , i trained with mk on certain things , mostly took to modeling and theater. I did try reconnecting with wukong but in his words " if i ever see your dead fucking face here again ill kill you on sight no hesitation. " his words not mine.
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hedgiwithapen · 1 year
DHD Prompt: batfam tinies au + tiny kara au, alex and kara meeting tiny cisco and dante
The tines au here Tiny Kara Here
Alex left Kara curled up in the corner of the library. She had fitted herself into one of the big, squashy armchairs with a book thicker than her arm balanced on her lap. Kara's cousin had told them both to pick a book and sit tight. Alex, and the older of the two boys here, had ignored that instruction. She went to check a window.
"It's locked," the older boy said. "From the inside.  We can get it open if we need to but no one can get in."
"I was just checking the view," she said, frowning. "How do you know, anyways?"
"It's our grandfather's library, we're here every week. What I want to know is why you're here."
"Superman brought them," the younger boy said. He looked at Alex, and she looked back, meeting Scrutiny with Scrutiny. "I'm Cisco. This is Dante. He gets protective."
"And I bite," Dante said, without blinking.
"I bite too," Alex said easily, taking full advantage of the entire inch and a half she had on Dante. "I'm Alex."
"No biting," Kara said from her chair, twisting to get a better patch of sunlight. 
Cisco nodded, going to sit by her and peeking at the book. "That's a good one. Dante's not supposed to bite, either. Unless it's a supervillain."
"Which it almost always is," Dante pointed out. 
"Except that they aren't," Cisco said, giving his brother what was probably supposed to be a reproachful look.
"Duh," Alex said. "So why's Superman decide to stash us in Gotham? Isn't literally every other city safer?"
"Every other city doesn't have this house. Or Batman. Or Alfred." Dante scoffed. "It's way safer here than..."
"National City," Kara filled in. 
"Huh. Isn't Superman in Metropolis?"
"Sometimes. It depends. "
"on?" Dante fished. Alex shot Kara a look that said 'do not take the bait' and Kara went back to her book.
"On stuff. Why are you hiding in here, Mr I-bite-Supervillains?"
"Because someone has to protect Cisco and your sister." 
"Also because he's grounded," Cisco said. 
"You bite Lex Luthor on live TV one time..." Dante Grumbled. " and he deserved it."
Alex's eyes widened in delight. "That was you? Kara. Kara that's the--"
Kara beamed. "I thought you looked familiar. My Cousin laughed so hard he almost threw up."
"I once blew up Toyman's robot," Alex tossed in, unwilling to let these boys think they were the only ones to tangle with villains. 
Cisco threw himself onto the rug, hugging his sides. Dante Dropped to check on him until he realized that it wasn't a vibe, but laughter. "I saw that! I got into Dick's computer and he had the clip on replay."
Maybe being stuck together, while the adults thought they were handling whatever super-nonsense was going on, wouldn't be the end of the world. 
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pansy-picnics · 2 years
Hi there, I love your art, especially your works involving Tangled!
I like the idea of Varian and Rapunzel being freckle siblings/buddies and I find it very cute. But I get annoyed when I hear some shippers in the fandom claiming they would make a great couple and when he grows up, he'll have a chance since age doesn't matter and he'll become an adult eventually. From what I've seen in the movie and the series, Eugene is Rapunzel's endgame and that's that. But seeing Varipunzel as a romantic ship is making me fade from the franchise. Any thoughts?
ahh first of all thank you, i’m really glad you enjoy my work!! :D freckle siblings especially are very near and dear to my heart so i put everything into portraying them, i’m glad people enjoy it hehe
v*ripunzel shippers are. Annoying. i’ve even seen some people try to claim varian doesn’t have an age in the first place even though he’s OBVIOUSLY implied to be a child??? especially at the beginning??😭😭 and saying he’ll be an adult eventually like…….yeah duh but if he then dated any of the adults in the series it would be like if you dated your childhood babysitter or something that’s WEIRD LMFAO
v*ripunzel/c*ssarian shippers and the like all used to be super popular back in like 2018-2020 when the show was still airing but there are definitely still a few of them floating out there today. HOWEVER the good thing is when the vat7k au started getting popular most varian ships from the canon series in general kind of died off tho it DID mean a lot of the weirdos just started making varian x oc content instead but thats a different story
since freckle siblings are one of my biggest comforts i usually just block all the tags on any platform where i’m able to do so
in cases like instagram where tag blocking isn’t an option, i’ve noticed the ship is actually small enough that i can block like. literally everyone on the tag 😭😭 it took a while obviously but i have actually done it. felt so relieving tbh
so yeah my biggest piece of advice is just block liberally, don’t bother getting involved with them because it’s NOT worth it, the internet is for your own personal enjoyment at the end of the day so don’t let other people ruin your fun. sometimes staying in your tiny little bubble is the best way to go LMAOO
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bangtanloverboys · 10 months
the world for a kiss // kth
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summary - a quick solo trip to the beach was exactly what you needed to relax. well, that was the case until you found a merman caught in a net. now you have him in your bathtub asking all sorts of questions
pairing - merman!taehyung x gender neutral!reader
genre - fluff, humor, angst; merman au
author’s note - man this one i really liked because it's me and my bittersweet ending loving ass. i came up with it back in my old apartment in the midst of a bath, i just love mermaids in baths man.
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You’re staying at your family beach house alone, wanting to get some alone time 
You’re walking along the beach and you see a passed out man?? You get closer and you see he’s actually a merman and he’s tangled in a net
He’s wounded badly and you know he needs help 
He wakes up as you’re cutting him free and he rightfully freaks out and is like “get away from me!!” he hisses bc pain
You tell him not to move bc he’s hurt and you know first aid so you tell him to stay there
You go in your house, turn on the large bath then run out with the wheelbarrow that usually is for carrying wood
You manage to wheel him into house and get him into the bath 
He’s surprisingly trusting of you and you ask why and he’s like “mer people can sense people with good intentions” and you’re like oh?
He’s there for a good few days, you bring him raw fish to eat and he’s happy
On the third day you come back and he’s standing in your bathroom naked and you scream bc he’s a naked man
“You could do that the whole time!?” “well i didn’t think it was possible but yeah”
You take him out on the town for fun
You dance around and have fun and goof off and have a day of it
You realize you kinda like him and you go to kiss him and he’s like no, no kiss and runs off
You’re hurt bc you got rejected and duh it fucking sucks
He’s not back at the house so you assume he went back into the ocean and you’re sad bc no proper goodbye
Next day he returns and is like “i'm sorry for that, just when a merperson kisses a human they lose their tail permanently” and you’re like oh. 
He says goodbye and you wish him well
You come back the following year and stand on the beach and you think you see his tail, but you aren’t sure either way, it brings a smile to your face
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jobean12-blog · 3 years
Heyy Jo! Can I request- Bucky calming down Reader who's overwhelmed and stressed out? Maybe College!Bucky? Love you ❤️
Been Here All Along
Pairing: Bucky x reader (College!Bucky au)
Word Count: 2,051
Summary: Bucky always saves the day...he's your best friend and maybe more?
Author's Note: Hi darling! Thank you so much for this request, I adore college!bucky! I hope you're doing ok and school is going well and hopefully this helps! Enjoy and have a good day! HUGS! 🥰 Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics
Warnings: lots of fluffy sweetness and fun, little angst over college craziness, spicy sprinkles here and there!
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As you trudge up the third flight of steps to your off-campus apartment you can already hear Bucky’s off-key singing. A smile graces your features at the sound and when you push the door open and see him slide by in his socks and underwear you let out a snort of laughter.
Your apartment smells like tacos and you inhale, rubbing your stomach when it grumbles. Bucky continues to shake his butt at the stove while he stirs the food but at the sound of your voice he lowers the music and slides over.
“Having fun Buck?” you ask as you slip past him and drop your books on the table.
“HEY sweet cheeks,” he sings, kissing your cheek. “Where ya been?”
“At the library,” you sigh. “Trying to study.”
At your exhausted tone he slides up behind you and leans his head on your shoulder.
“Physics?” he asks quietly, groaning in solidarity when you nod yes.
“Tell ya what doll face,” he says. “I’m almost done with the tacos so what do you say we get some food in you and then I can help you study.”
“I’d like that,” you tell him. “But maybe you could put some pants on before we eat?”
He throws his head back with laughter and starts singing again.
Before you know it there are tacos and all the trimmings on your small table and Bucky holding your chair out for you, still sans pants.
“Thank you Buck. This looks really good.”
“Anytime baby. You know I like to cook at your apartment more than mine.”
You raise your brows and purse your lips.
“That’s just because you never have pants on and Steve and Sam can’t stand it anymore,” you chide playfully.
“They’re just jealous,” he smirks.
“Of?” you deadpan.
“My amazing ass. Duh.”
“Uh huh,” you say through a mouthful. “That has to be it Buck.”
“But clearly you have no complaints,” he teases.
“None at all,” you say with a roll of your eyes.
After dinner you and Bucky clean up and settle comfortably on the couch. He’s at one end and you’re at the other, your feet meeting in the middle in a tangle of socks. Bucky quizzes you and helps you study the topics for the test.
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The next thing you know it’s morning and you wake up in your bed, a small pink post it stuck to your phone on your bedside table.
“Good luck doll. You’re gonna kick physics ass! I’ll see you this afternoon. <3 Maybe I’ll wear pants.”
You giggle and fold up Bucky’s note, tucking it into your phone case before getting ready for your classes.
The test goes as well as expected and you have a pep in your step on the way back home. As you make your way up the steps you don’t hear Bucky singing and you’re surprised at the way your stomach sinks. When you open the door and he isn’t there the feeling only grows.
You don’t see him for the rest of the afternoon and it isn’t until late into the night when you hear his familiar footsteps on the stairs. You rush to the door in your pjs and throw it open.
“Bucky!” you chime, smiling when he drunkenly grins at you.
“Hiya sweet cheeks,” he slurs. “What are you doin’ up!?”
“Nothing much,” you shrug suddenly feeling shy. “Were you out with the guys?
“Yep. Steve made me put pants on and dragged me out,” he laughs.
Without and invite he saunters over and walks in, kicking his shoes off and grabbing a water. He heads to the couch, undoing his jeans on the way before pulling them off and plopping down.
He pats the spot next to him.
You shut your door and hurry over. As soon as you sit his head falls into your lap and he looks up at you with glazed eyes.
“You’re beautiful. You know that” he says quietly, his words mumbled.
You comb your fingers through his hair and he closes his eyes.
“What did I do to deserve you?” he whispers, his hand resting against his chest as his breathing starts to even out.
You smile down at him. “That’s exactly how I feel Buck,” you say softly, knowing full well he’s asleep.
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The next morning you rush around your apartment in a frenzy, searching for your Calc 3 book.
“Where the fuck is it?” you screech, knocking things from the table.
Bucky sits up from the couch, his hair sticking out in every direction.
“What?” he grumbles. “What happened doll?”
“My Calc 3 book!” you shout. “I can’t find it and I have a test today and I didn’t study enough and I need it so I can hit the library between classes.”
You’re clearly frazzled state gets Bucky up and off the couch. He shuffles over to your makeshift desk and pushes some papers aside.
“Here it is baby,” he says, holding it up with a sideways smile.
“What?” you say incredulously. “How?”
He shrugs. “You always hide it there.”
You stare at him for a moment before grabbing it and kissing his cheek.
“Thank you Buck. You’re the best. I’ll see you tonight.”
You rush out of the apartment leaving him standing there in his boxers.
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You kick the door open and slosh into your apartment.
“Hiya doll fa…shit,” Bucky mutters.
You stand in the doorway, your clothes soaked through and hot tears running down your cheeks. Dropping your things to the floor in puddle of water you’re about to crumble when Bucky reaches you and takes you in his arms.
“Come ‘ere baby,” he whispers, pulling you into his chest and closing the door.
He doesn’t ask any questions, just ushers you inside and holds up a finger motioning for you to wait. He turns off the stove then goes to the bathroom and grabs a towel. He carefully takes off your jacket and hangs it on the doorknob. Next he removes your shoes, shaking them out with a grimace.
“You need some dry clothes doll face,” he says quietly.
“They’re in the laundry,” you sniffle. “I waited too long to do it and I’m not even sure if I have anything that’s clean.”
Your bottom lip quivers as more tears threaten to spill and Bucky quickly starts to unbutton his flannel. He pulls it off his shoulders and holds it out with a smile.
“Here ya go. Put his on.”
You rub your nose and take it, splashing your way to the bathroom. Bucky follows close behind and slips by you to turn on the tub. He fills it with hot water and your favorite bath bubbles.
“I’ll be right back,” he promises. “Go on and get in.”
“Bucky,” you whisper, the tears clouding your vision.
“It’s ok baby, don’t worry.” He kisses your nose before going back to the kitchen.
When he returns you’re in the tub, the bubbles floating around you and your eyes closed. He sets down a cup of tea, made just how you like and sits on the toilet.
“Wanna talk about it?” he asks.
You let out an exasperated sigh and sink lower into the water.
“I totally failed my Calc 3 test,” you start. “And then when I got to the coffee shop they were out of my favorite brew and I got this other kind that was awful then had two more classes that just piled on more work and then…”
You trail off as your eyes squeeze shut and a lone tear rolls down your cheek. “Then I was walking home and it started to pour!”
Bucky kneels by the tub and closes his warm hand around yours.
“I’m sorry doll. I know it was a shit day, but you’re home now and after your bath you can put on my shirt and we can watch your baking show and veg out. Sound good?”
You open your eyes and look at him. His eyes are crinkled at the corners with a sweet smile and his lips are soft against your knuckles when he kisses them.
Your eyes dip lower and you crack a smile.
“You’re wearing pants. I almost didn’t notice.”
He drops his head with a laugh. “Don’t worry. I’ll have ‘em off in time for cuddles,” he jokes.
“You better,” you giggle.
He leaves you to your bath.
When you come out of the bathroom you’re not surprised to find Bucky shuffling around the kitchen, no pants, and grabbing snacks.
He turns around at the sound of your feet against the floor.
“Hey,” he says, his eyes running down the length of you. “You look…I, uh, I like it.”
He seems a bit flustered which his unlike him and it sends a jolt of excitement through you.
“I like wearing your shirt,” you murmur. “It’s warm and comfy and smells like you.”
He audibly swallows and walks toward the couch.
“Got some snacks,” he says quietly, placing them down on the coffee table.
“Thanks Buck,” you reply as you get comfortable.
“Feeling any better?” he asks, holding his arm up for you.
“Now I am,” you tell him as you slip under and lay your head along his shoulder.
“Great British Bake Off?” he asks with a smile.
“YES!” you giggle, snuggling closer.
Bucky starts the show and you watch in comfortable silence until you feel his eyes on you. Lifting your gaze, you find him staring.
“What?” you whisper.
“You missed a button?” he says softly, fingering the material of his shirt that lays against your stomach.
“Huh?” you ask before looking down. “Oh. Oops.”
You shrug and drop your head back to his shoulder. His fingers continue to fiddle with the button and you shift your position and sit back to look at him.
“Is it bothering you?” you ask with a grin.
“No,” he scoffs. “No…I mean. It’s not a big deal. It’s just…”
“Bucky,” you nudge.
“Is it weird that it bothers me?” he asks sheepishly.
Your shoulders raise with laughter and you point at him.
“You never wear pants but you can’t stand when shirt buttons aren’t lined up?” you counter.
He gives you a fake pouty face and it only makes you laugh harder.
“No Buck. It’s fine. I’ll fix them,” you tell him when you stop giggling.
His hand reaches out to stop you. “Let me.”
The shift in the air is palpable and you let out a breath. “Ok.”
His long fingers start at the top, slowly undoing the first button and his dark lashes kiss his cheeks when his gaze drops to the slow exposure of your skin. His hands hover over the next button and his eyes lift to yours when he unhooks it, the soft brush of his knuckles making you gasp.
He works his way down, his touch slow and teasing and once he has all the buttons open he lets his eyes wander across the features of your face. He holds onto the sides of his shirt, his fists clenching the fabric as if it pains him to not pull it open.
“You’re supposed to button them again,” you simper.
The side of his mouth turns up into a sideways smirk and he smooths his fingers down the material. His eyes slowly trail down your face until his lips part with the same motion as his shirt, your breathing heavy as he reveals your naked skin.
“Just like I should put my pants back on?” he croons, dragging his eyes back up.
Your mouth opens to answer but he presses his lips to yours before any words can come out and you tumble to the couch, his weight pressing you into the cushions. Your legs fall open and he settles between them, his hands sliding down your body to touch every inch of skin he can.
When you finally come up for air he peppers your face with kisses before trailing his lips down your neck. Your fingertips brush along his jaw and trace over his kiss swollen lips just as they turn up into a grin.
“Does this mean I get to keep your shirt?” you ask.
He pretends to think about it for a minute.
“Looks better on you anyway,” he whispers as his lips brush yours.
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