#Ben Cheshire
downthetubes · 1 year
Kapow - The Art of Making Comics and Film exhibition opens in Rugby
"Kapow - The Art of Making Comics and Film", a terrific-looking exhibition of comic art and more has just opened in Rugby
A new exhibition, Kapow – The Art of Making Comics and Film, featuring a wide range of comic art, has just opened at Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, featuring work by Frank Bellamy, Ben Oliver, Frank Quitely and many others. Photo: Rugby Art Gallery and Museum The exhibition, tracing the artistic journey from concept to comic strip and from sketchbook to the silver screen, also includes a host of…
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon Romances + Villain's Kiss
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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Cheshire & Bronze Tiger in Black Lightning/Hong Kong Phooey Special (2018)
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raepritewrites · 8 months
Yet another ficlet that I don't feel like putting on ao3, enjoy!
Blood is Thicker
Marvel x Young Justice AU
TEEN for kidnapping and blood mentioned
Ocs: Heather and Harry Parker
Cheshire and probably Lex Luther, haven't thought that far ahead
“Experiment 337 is not progressing as predicted. The chemical chains are breaking down faster than the team had anticipated, making the solution inoperable for further testing,” Heather squinted down the microscope in front of her, watching the tiny world on the slide deteriorate like a building imploding.
“Fuck,” she added, hoping FRIDAY knew that part shouldn’t be on the official lab report. “I really thought we had it that time.” She pushed back from the microscope on her rolling stool, rubbing her eyes. It was late; she’d been here since six am and it was nearing two am now. At least Stark Industries paid really great for overtime.
She and her team had been working relentlessly on their newest theories to “unlock human potential” as Pepper Potts had put it to the investors. Tony later said that was fancy talk for “curing cancer”, and Heather had told him that was a gross understatement.
If Heather and her colleagues were correct, and they were ninety-eight percent sure they were, human genetics held the key to curing some of the worst ailments suffered worldwide. They were also, even before Tony or anyone else could say it, well aware that it sounded like something a supervillain would state. But the numbers didn’t lie - they’d spent a long time theorizing before they had ever gotten close to the lab testing phase, and human testing was practically lightyears away.
What had never been included in the official reports was Heather’s suspicion that her own genetics might hold the key they were looking for. She was sorely tempted in moments like this, when yet another experiment failed, to grab a syringe and draw just a small blood sample.
Just a few drops, that might be all she needed to make a breakthrough… but she always stopped that thought cold.
Now that was a supervillain origin story just waiting to happen - a scientist starts experimenting on herself in desperation for answers. She could name half a dozen villains off the top of her head with that exact backstory, and she refused to become a statistic on principle alone.
Maybe it was time to call it a night. Or a day, rather. She was supposed to be off tomorrow. Today, whatever.
She’d use that time to catch up on sleep, cuddle with her fiance, and maybe return Nightwing’s phone call. Maybe.
If it had been Dick calling her, she wouldn’t have hesitated for her ‘adopted’ brother. However, it had definitely been Nightwing calling over her comms line this past week. He was asking for a favor, a mask related favor, and she really was starting to regret not burning that bridge.
She still loved helping people, but that’s why she’d pushed herself so hard to obtain her biochemical engineering degree. This, her research, helped people long term.
Masks could help with the immediate disasters, sure, but there was always another one looming on the horizon. The hunt never ended. And she was tired of the hunt. She was tired of chasing something she wasn’t even sure she wanted anymore.
She’d thought as a teenager that superheroing would give her closure. Her father had died saving her. Surely carrying on his legacy in the mask would honor his memory, would give her a sense of purpose. But it had never really filled the hole in her heart left by his absence.
Her father was gone, and the only way she could give herself closure was to keep moving forward, not stay stuck in the past.
“Alright FRIDAY,” She finally said with a sigh, hopping off her stool and stretching her back. “I think it’s time for me to go home.” As usual, she felt the danger just a fraction of a second too late.
"So soon, Ms Parker? But we just got here," said a female voice sweetly.
Heather acted more startled than she actually was, whirling around and 'accidentally' knocking an empty plastic vial tray off the counter.
Two men of standard bodyguard build, and a woman that she was unfortunately very familiar with had somehow made it all the way to the 24th floor of the SI building, bypassing multiple security checkpoints, and even FRIDAY herself.
In very classic fashion, Heather asked the logical question first. "How the hell did you get up here?"
"That's not important," the woman said, the wide stretched grin of her mask unnerving even to someone who'd seen it many times.
"Pretty sure my boss would disagree. I'm assuming FRIDAY is offline?" Heather crossed her arms, trying to look uncomfortable by the intruders while actually hiding her fingers that were pushing the beacon hidden in her watch.
"She's been locked out of this floor temporarily. Just long enough for us to collect you, Ms Parker," Cheshire replied, running her gloved finger idly along a countertop as she wandered the room.
Heather knew she was probably looking for extra security measures, but this high up in the building, it was just FRIDAY - which normally was more than enough. "And what can I do for you, Miss…?" She raised an expectant eyebrow.
"Call me Cheshire," the half-Vietnamese woman said with a bow.
Considering you're Artemis' sister, I should probably be calling you a cousin by now, Heather thought. "Cute. You didn't answer my other question. What do you want?"
"My employer is looking for some specialized assistance. They decided you were the perfect candidate for the job." Cheshire was idly twirling one of her blades on the spotless lab counters.
Heather shouldn't have been surprised the woman talked about abducting scientists in the same way one discussed the weather, and yet…
"Wow," Heather said dryly. "I finally reached the point in my career where someone deemed me smart enough to kidnap. I'm flattered."
"Don't be silly, Ms Parker. We’re not here to kidnap you. You're going to come willingly."
Heather snorted. "Yeah right."
Cheshire seemed more amused than usual as she sauntered closer. "I'm perfectly serious. In approximately one and a half minutes, you're going to walk out of the lab with my associates and I. You will tell the AI that you're going of your own free will, and that everything is fine. We will walk out of the building together, get into our vehicle and make our leave. Nice, clean, simple."
"No amount of money in the world could ever convince me to go build some maniac a dirty bomb, or whatever your boss wants me to do," Heather stated firmly.
"Oh but the prize being offered here is… well, quite priceless," Cheshire nodded her head towards her backup muscle. One of the men pulled a smartphone from his coat pocket, tapped it a few times and held it up where Heather could see the screen.
Heather felt the blood drain from her face as her stomach clenched. On the other end of the video call was her little brother, Harry, bound hand and foot to a chair in a dark room and gagged. There was a blossoming bruise barely visible beneath his shaggy bangs, and a tear in his favorite denim jacket, but he otherwise looked unharmed. Terrified yes, but alive.
After a moment, Heather found her voice. "I don't know who your boss is, but he's made a very big mistake," she glared at the masked woman. "If anything happens to him, heads will roll."
"Like I said," Cheshire said coyly as she turned away. "I knew you'd come willingly."
Heather swallowed the insults that flooded her mouth, knowing Cheshire was just the messenger. She tapped her anger down into a small box in her chest, focusing on logic instead.
Yes, these people had Harry. Did they know she and her brother were enhanced? It was unlikely, given that they'd tied her brother with what looked to be standard hardware store rope. Then this had nothing to do with their secret identities or their step-father’s. Knowing that gave her the smallest advantage but also put her in an interesting bind.
She could still refuse to go with them and rescue Harry herself. She could get a message to Peter, or the League, and let them bust Cheshire's employer. Problem was, she didn't know where Harry was, or who had him. If she didn't play this right, she could blow all of their secrets.
On the other hand, if she didn't play at all, Harry would die.
"Dammit," she muttered, dropping her arms in defeat. "Alright, just… Let me grab my bag."
"Oh please, allow my associate to help you," Cheshire offered, as the man not holding the video feed of her brother picked up her purse and jacket. "I wouldn't want you getting any funny ideas about calling the police. After all, you're coming with us willingly, remember?"
The man pulled her phone out of her purse and left it purposefully sitting on one of the counters, like Heather had put it down and forgotten about it. He made a grabbing motion with his hand. "Smartwatch too, Ms Parker."
Heather gritted her teeth but removed her watch, handing it over. It was placed neatly beside the phone as he offered her her jacket.
So much for my civilian beacon. I don't have my backup with me either, she thought, shrugging into her jacket and accepting her purse. She gave the video feed one more glance and felt a new resolve harden in her gut.
I'm coming, baby brother, just hang on.
When she and her three new friends walked out of the lab, FRIDAY's voice greeted her instantly. "Ms Parker, I have been out of contact with you for two minutes and forty-three seconds. Is everything okay?"
Cheshire gave her a pointed look.
Heather took a deep breath. "Everything is fine, FRIDAY. I'm leaving here of my own free will. Please, make sure to tell my dad I have to postpone our meeting until later, something has come up."
She held her breath, hoping her 'friends' wouldn't find anything wrong in her words that could get her brother killed. She knew FRIDAY was one of the smartest AI's on the planet, and even if she wouldn't know exactly why Heather’s words were off, she would know to share them with the right people.
FRIDAY processed her words for a long heartbeat. "Very well, Ms Parker. Have a good evening."
The AI opened the elevator for them, and soon they were dropping down into the parking garage. The three led Heather to a nondescript black SUV, and within moments they were pulling into late night traffic. The two men were in the front seat, Cheshire and herself in the middle row. Once the Stark Industries building was out of sight, Heather’s voice was like ice. "How do I know that your boss will release my brother when they get what they want?"
"You have my word," Cheshire promised coolly. "I have no intention of breaking up a family."
"Right," Heather drawled, unimpressed. "I suppose you won't tell me what they want until we arrive."
"And spoil the surprise?"
Heather rolled her eyes. "Mmhmm. Listen, I've been going nonstop for about twenty hours now, so I'm going to get some sleep. I'd appreciate it if no one stabbed me before I got to see my brother."
"You've got it, sunshine. Pleasant dreams," Cheshire cooed at her smugly.
Heather glared at her hard enough that she could see the woman stiffen. "I meant what I said, Cheshire. I don't care what happens to me, but if anything befalls my brother, I won't rest until everyone responsible is dead. You have my word on that." With that said, she leaned back in the leather seat and closed her eyes, trying to ignore the mental images of yet another loved one lying in a pool of blood at her feet.
Harry didn't know what was happening, and as someone who was usually in the loop, he did not enjoy the feeling.
He'd been on campus, leaving a party much later than his mom would have liked him to be, but he didn't have class the following day, and he'd been in a festive mood.
He had gotten a girl's number from the party, which didn't happen often to a Parker (or a Reilly for that matter). Her name was Sabrina, she was an art major, she loved dogs and wanted to paint a wall mural somewhere in the city - and he had her number!
Harry had been so happy walking back to his dorm that he hadn't paid his spider sense any mind until rough arms were dragging him down an alley.
At first, he'd thought it was a mugging, but then his three assailants were trying to shove a chemical soaked rag over his mouth and nose. He'd taken a deep breath of the stuff before his head caught up with what was happening to his body.
He threw two of his attackers off with just a fraction of his enhanced strength, and punched the third in the jaw. He turned to run for help when the chloroform seemed to catch up with him, speeding through his system from his rapid heartbeat. He staggered, tripping over a garbage can and landing roughly on his hands and knees. He opened his mouth to call for help when he was tackled from behind, knocking the air from his lungs.
Harry flipped onto his back, trying to aim a punch at the man's throat but his slowed reflexes meant the hit just glanced off of his attacker's shoulder. The man retaliated with a punch to Harry's temple, bouncing his skull against the concrete. Harry blinked the stars from his eyes as the other two men pinned him down and forced the rag over his face again. He tried to hold his breath, but the man straddling him had a knee pressed against his diaphragm, making him more and more aware of his need for oxygen.
Harry kicked his legs weakly, desperately, trying to tug his arms free but soon his lungs burned for air. He took in a desperate gasp and instantly felt his head swim as darkness took over his vision.
When Harry woke up sometime later, he was bound to a metal chair bolted to the floor, cotton in his mouth and sticky tape sealing his lips. He took several minutes to clear the fog from his brain and take stock of his situation. The room was dark except for a single light bulb hanging above him, its weak light only illuminating a ten foot radius. He was alone, as far as he could tell, and that made him more nervous.
He very carefully flexed his muscles and knew instantly he could free himself. Clearly, whoever had grabbed him didn't know his secret. So, that eliminated the Spiderman angle, or at least the Stinger angle. So why was he here?
Outside of his extra curricular activities with his dad and occasionally his sister, there was nothing remarkable about Harry. He'd gotten into college on a soccer scholarship, he made average to good grades, his parents weren't rich, and he wasn't in any kind of fraternity which eliminated the odds of this being a hazing gone way too far.
He couldn't even say that Harry Parker had enemies. He was generally well liked by most of his class - even Malcolm Washington, the little prick, didn't rank any higher than a traditional sports rival. Stinger had enemies, that was for sure; ones he'd inherited from his dad, and ones he'd made on his own just from fighting the good fight.
But if these people wanted Stinger, why tie him up with regular rope and leave him unguarded? That didn't make sense.
Suddenly, a door Harry hadn't noticed before opened and someone cast in shadow from the light outside stepped in. Harry squinted against the bright light, eyes struggling to adjust from the dark. It looked like whoever it was had a long metal object in their hand, and a spike of panic went through him.
The shadowy person approached deliberately and Harry willed himself not to outwardly react, even when his heart threatened to bust its way out of his chest. The person paused just outside of the circle of light and took the long metal object, which Harry finally recognized as a tripod, and set it up in front of him. They placed a smartphone onto the tripod so it faced Harry, and stepped back further into the shadows.
Harry narrowed his eyes in confusion, but with the wad of whatever-it-was shoved in his mouth, he couldn't ask what the hell was happening. He didn't have to wait long, though.
A video call came across the screen and the shadowy person answered it. Harry at first stared back at his own disheveled reflection in the camera before the call connected, and suddenly he was staring at his big sister's pale face. Her voice came over the tinny speaker, furious as her gaze switched from him to someone off-screen. "I don't know who your boss is, but he's made a very big mistake. If anything happens to him, heads will roll." He’d only heard her sound so angry a few times before. It wasn’t her Scarlet Spider voice, not exactly, but it was very very close.
"Like I said," A mystery woman responded. "I knew you'd come willingly."
Harry’s confusion only deepened as he watched a myriad of emotions cross his sister’s face. Who were these people? What did they want from Heather? It couldn’t have been ransom, she didn’t have any more money than his parents did.
He’d found that strange when he was younger, since his sister was friends with not just one but two billionaires, but she’d explained to him that she wanted to earn her own way through the world - not rely on charity or favors. While she had accepted the scholarships that put her through college from Wayne Foundations and Stark Industries, she’d made their respective CEO’s promise to actually consider other candidates’ essays, instead of just picking hers because they knew her. Wayne and Stark had assured her that she’d won them fair and square with the handful of other candidates. And then Heather had gone and interrogated Pepper Potts and Dick Grayson to make sure it was actually true before accepting them.
“-you’re coming with us willingly, remember?” The mystery woman on the call said, forcing Harry to halt his scattered thoughts and focus on what was happening.
Heather surrendered her phone and smartwatch, looking like she was swallowing a lemon as she did. He knew why too. Her watch had a distress beacon built into it for civilian emergencies. Without her watch, the likelihood of someone finding them had dwindled significantly. She turned back to the phone and met his gaze through the feed, a familiar look of steely protectiveness in her eyes before the call was cut off.
When he was younger, he’d found his sister’s protectiveness annoying at best and overbearing at worst. He was his own person, with his own powers, and could take care of himself. If he wasn’t worried about blowing his status as enhanced, he could bust himself out of here right now. He hated that he was being used as leverage against his sister for… something.
He couldn’t begin to imagine what they would want from her. Sure, Heather knew a lot of people, but most of those connections were strictly through the mask. The few she knew that were of public knowledge - Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, a few of the X-Men - nobody outside her inner circle had any idea how deep those connections went. As far as the world at large was concerned, she and Dick Grayson had met at a charity event as teenagers and remained friends, Tony Stark was her boss along with thousands of others, and her fiance was a retired member of the X-Men. Not exactly blackmail material.
The shadowy figure had left at some point during Harry’s musings, leaving the tripod and phone behind and cutting off the outside light. The dim lighting and bareness of the room once again set his nerves on edge.
Harry wasn’t one to spook easily, but his spider senses seemed to be stretching out taut as a bow string, searching for danger or stimulus of any kind. He was restless and wished he could get up and pace the room.
Heather had explained to him that the spider sense was a kind of precognition. It was an extension of what most people referred to as a sixth sense; the creeping feeling you got when you instinctually knew something was wrong, but multiplied by a hundred.
When the sense had finally come to him fully, he’d been so nauseous with vertigo he laid in bed for three days, choking down clear liquids and saltine crackers only to throw them back up a few hours later. Heather had stayed by his side the entire time, coaching him through reining in the power until it didn’t overwhelm him.
“It’s a muscle, Harry. Think of it like your diaphragm,” Heather had explained to him in a soft voice. He’d had his eyes pinched closed as tight as they would go, his head exploding with sounds and colors. He could hear traffic from outside their apartment like it was right beside him. He could hear every baby crying, and every neighbor in their building as they cleaned or talked or watched television or vacuumed or made dinner.
It was too much, it was all too much.
“Breathe Harry. Come on, little brother, breathe. Focus on the sound of my voice, on my heartbeat and nothing else. Your spider sense is trying to find danger that isn’t there, constricted as tight as if you were holding your breath. Let it relax, let it acknowledge that you’re safe, and then reel it back one breath at a time.” Heather and pressed her forehead to his as she sat on the edge of his bed, taking his hand and guiding it to the pulse point in her neck. “Breathe, one two. Breathe, one two. That’s it little brother.”
Harry closed his eyes now and focused his breathing, focused on the pounding of his heart that sounded so loud in his ears. Slowly, his spider sense uncoiled itself from around his throat, his breaths evening out as his brain reasserted control. Yes, he was in a bad spot. Yes, he and his sister were in danger. But it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle together.
His spider sense returned to it’s normal hum at the base of his skull - a snake ready to strike when danger reared it’s head, but also content to let its prey come to it. It was his constant companion, as much as it was for his sister, and their fathers before them.
Harry opened his eyes, frowning at that thought. His fathers. He rarely thought about his birth father, Ben, these days. Peter was the only father he’d ever known, though the man wasn’t always worthy of the title.
To his credit, Peter had really stepped up during Harry’s high school years, becoming a more prominent presence in his life than he’d ever been previously. Did it make up for the years Peter had squandered, too lost in self pity and hatred? No, not really, but the effort was appreciated.
Yet despite Peter’s shortcomings, Ben didn’t weigh on Harry’s mind the way he knew the man did for his older sister. Heather would probably never recover emotionally from the loss of their biological father, and the bitterness she had towards their stepfather ran deep. Oh sure, she’d taken steps. She’d attended therapy sessions, surrounded herself with friends who understood - at least to a degree - what it was like to lose a parent, even if it wasn’t in quite the same way as she had. She had made a kind of peace with the tragedy that stole Ben away from them before Harry was even born, but it was unclear whether she’d ever really forgive Peter’s role in her trauma. Despite her personal feelings, she didn’t seem to begrudge the close bond that Peter now shared with Harry and their younger sister Audrey.
“I don’t want you two to grow up to become jaded like me,” She’d told him once when it was just the two of them. “There’s only room for one black sheep in this family, and I’ve laid claim to it. You and Audrey should have the dad that I never really got.”
“It’s not like he wasn’t there,” Harry had argued at the time. He’d been eighteen and certain he knew how the world worked.
Heather had been twenty-three. Her smile had been so sad, just remembering it hurt. “Not in the ways it mattered,” was all she said.
Harry was twenty-one now, and while he better understood his sister’s perspective, he also knew that this was something they’d never truly see eye to eye on.
Harry's thoughts continued to wander as he waited in darkness. He wondered if his roommate Josh had noticed his absence. If he'd called his parents. Was his dad out looking for him now? He wondered if he'd see his mom again, or get to hug his adorably bratty thirteen year old sister one more time. Just as his thoughts were really beginning to spiral, the door opened again. He jerked his head up, squinting as he was once more blinded by the light.
"Harry!" Heather cried, running to him. She cupped his cheeks gently as she examined the bruise he could feel on his temple, eyes glittering suspiciously. "Are you okay?"
Fine, he tried to say, only to remember the gag.
Heather turned her head to glare at her escorts, while keeping a reassuring grip on her brother's broad shoulders. "Let him go. You've got me here, you don't need him anymore."
"Unfortunately, he will have to remain our guest for a little longer," Cheshire said, and Harry suddenly recognized it was her voice he'd heard on the video call. "Do as my employer asks, and he will be released."
Harry felt more than saw the tremble of rage that slid down Heather’s spine, his spider sense warning him of the very real harm his sister was capable of when provoked.
She seemed to give herself a five count to control her anger, before turning back to him. She smiled forcefully, leaning down to wrap her arms around his shoulders and bury her face in his neck. Only he could hear her as she breathed, "don't worry. Peter will be here soon. Play along until I can get us out of this."
Harry leaned his head toward her in response, grunting softly in acknowledgement. She pulled back enough to kiss his cheek and said loudly enough for everyone to hear, "I'm sorry you got dragged into this, baby brother. Everything will be fine, okay?" She carded her fingers through his dirty hair, seemingly on the verge of tears, but he knew her well enough to see they were fake.
He played along, nodding with wide eyes, letting his Adam's apple bob nervously as he looked between his sister and the muscular guards. Playing the part of a scared victim was almost too easy. Mary Jane had given all of her children acting lessons to help maintain their secret identities. She always joked they would need it, since Peter was a terrible actor.
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starxscream · 2 years
I found Alice in Wonderland squishmallows I am no longer depressed
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brianrope · 1 year
Prints are important to me
This article first was published in the July 2023 issue of The Printer, the online magazine of the Australian Photographic Society’s Print Group here. I recently enjoyed a great presentation to my local photography club. The speaker, professional photographer Ben Kopilow, mentioned the commonly heard “it’s not a photo until it’s printed”. He said that, whilst he absolutely understood and…
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 3 months
Benedict Bridgerton x pregnant wife!reader
A/N: I have received the following prompt: “Benedict Bridgerton with wife pregnant!reader. If any of Bridgerton's siblings had any problems, she was the first one they came to ask for advice even the oldest. All this attention was making Ben jealous as he was having less time with her. She told him that he would have to share her for the rest of his life before letting him know age was pregnant. You decide how it goes. Thanks!! :))” And I have tried to write it. It must be my first reader!insert romance story and it was so much fun. I hope you like what I have made of it. (~ 4650 words)
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Benedict was grinning like a cheshire cat and you found it increasingly hard to refrain from tackling him to the ground to pepper his face with kisses. Expertly you were decorating his chestnut hair with flowers from the Bridgerton country home garden, the large rose bushes on either side of the alley leading up to the house shielding you from the sun. You were sitting in front of him cross-legged, the flowers gathered up in your lap. Benedict was facing you, his long legs stretched out in a way that his shins touched your hips. His hands were propped up in the grass behind his back and the sun was painting shimmering golden flecks on his head when the wind rustled through the leaves of the bushes.
Your husband looked deliciously delighted and nothing made you happier than seeing him that way. After one year of marital bliss, you’d decided to go to the country side with the rest of the Bridgerton family to spend the days in their presence and to enjoy the fresh air outside of London. A week before departing you had realized with heart-wrenching joy that your cycle was interrupted – you hadn’t bled when the time was due and had the very strong suspicion that a small version of yourself and Benedict was growing inside your belly. As nature sometimes tended to have its cruel way with humans, you had not yet mentioned it to your husband, fearing that the regular bleeding would merely commence one or two weeks late. But since your arrival, nothing had changed. The sheets remained unstained and your suspicion  transformed itself into something of a certainty. You tended to wake in the night and almost instinctively moved your hands to your belly, greeting the tiny human sprout with the warmth radiating from your palms. “Hello,” you’d started to whisper, “I hope it’s not too dark in there. Don’t worry, you are not alone.”
Now, as your husband was enjoying your melodic humming and the sweet smell of the flowers that caressed his hair, you felt inside of you a bubbling wish to lean forward and whisper the good news into his ear. The good news you’d barely managed to fully apprehend on your own. It was scary to reveal such a tender, fragile and unpredictable thing as a pregnancy. There was too much that could still go wrong, too much that still stood between you and the day of birth. Yet, looking at Benedict all calm and relaxed made you wish to comment on how you hoped your child’s eyes would be like his or how you could imagine him holding the small bundle to his chest, a little nose peeking out from white cloth.
You leaned over, closer towards him and moved your hand to the side of his face. His half-closed lids blinked open and his smile deepened when his gaze landed on your tender face.
“Am I positively in bloom now?”
You snickered and carefully brushed your fingertips over the petals behind his ear, making Benedict shiver ever so slightly. “Any young lady would envy you for such an exquisite coiffure!”
Narrowing his eyes, Benedict snarled at you, shaking his head and sending a few petals flying off onto the grass. “You’re lucky I had four younger sisters with a similar taste for dressing me up or I would have long taken off over the meadows!”
Biting your bottom lip to keep from grinning too widely, you got on your knees in one swift motion to wrap your arms around your husband’s shoulders, bringing you faces closer together. “You wouldn’t even have taken off if I had brought a pair of scissors with me to experiment on your hair!”
He chuckled gently and moved an arm over the small of your back to pull you even closer. “It can’t possibly be a good thing that you are correct about this!”
His lips found yours and you melted into the kiss as if the sun had suddenly gotten strong enough to evaporate you. Smoothly you moved your chest over his torso, your hands following the outlines of his shoulders. He hummed into your mouth, his voice vibrating through your skin as your fingers found his face, where your thumbs started caressing the slightest hint of a stubble.
“Benedict,” you sighed, your smile mirrored on his lips, “I have something to-“
“(Y/N)!!” A shrill voice shouted from the front steps of the big country house. You were so surprised, you almost choked, your forehead knocking against your husband’s. Benedict grabbed your elbows to keep you from falling over, one eye closed against the pain of head-to-head contact.
“Oww,” he groaned, looking over his shoulder with faint annoyance. Hyacinth’ voice was easily discernible and lately, she’d managed to interrupt quite a few of your… get togethers.
“(Y/N), are you in the garden?!”  
Raising one hand to your forehead, you couldn’t keep from letting out a breathless laugh. “Ten minutes of peace were quite the luxury, I daresay.”
Benedict let out a sigh, but pulled the corners of his lips up in a little smile, when he saw the humour in your eyes. “Sooner or later, I am going to grab her and lock her in the closet!”
Comfortingly, you patted his chest, before moving your hand to his hair to straighten one crooked daisy. “She’d probably find that rather amusing.”
“Are you sure? She is so very … fourteen now!” Benedict said, an overly accentuated speck of fear concerning teenage-girlhood glinting in his eyes. “When the day comes that we have a fourteen year old daughter, you must help me make sure I never become the object of her wrath!”
Holding your breath, you turned to look at him in awe. Did he know? Had he already figured it out all by himself that you were pregnant? But no, his eyes merely showed signs of good-tempered amusement. He had not yet a clue, which made his comment all the more valuable to you. “I love you,” you stated with feeling and crashed your lips to his in such a surprising manner, that he almost fell over, which laced your kiss with his sweetest chuckles. Moving your face away, you hesitated for a second, gazing in his shining blue eyes, unsure whether you should tell him immediately.
“Are you alright?” He asked, his eyes twitching curiously. You bit down on your lip, enchanted by the way he could almost read your mind. The good news about possible upcoming parenthood would have to wait though. You wanted to tell him, when it was only the two of you.
“Perfectly so,” you therefore exclaimed, before bringing your hands to his chest to push him over for good. Quickly you rose to your feet to answer to Hyacinth’ incessant shouting, laughing at Benedict’s attempts to grab for your heels in retaliation.
“I am here!!” You sang, taking your skirts in your hands to take a few running steps in her direction. She did the same, meeting you halfway and wrapping her arms around your middle, asking to be coddled, while she was going on and on about how she needed your help with this one French book she was reading. You walked back to the house with her, a smile on your features and your arms around her smaller body, as you indulged in the fantasy of her being your daughter and of you being the mother she’d asked for counsel. You looked over your shoulder and saw that Benedict was watching you two. You couldn’t help but wonder whether he was imagining the exact same thing as you.
After two hours of translations and musings about the difficult French language, Benedict came barging into the study, looking at Hyacinth with a quarrelsome expression.
“Sister,” he growled in a rather menacing tone, “are you kidnapping my wife?”
Holding both your hands on the pages of the big book, you tilted your head in his direction with a meaningful grin. “Oh, you!”
But Hyacinth wasn’t the youngest Bridgerton for nothing. Defiantly she stood up from her chair and walked towards him in the middle of the room. “How dare you!! You didn’t even knock!!”
Benedict almost flinched, when she drilled an authoritative finger into his chest. With seven older siblings, there really wasn’t much that seemed to scare her. He opened his mouth to speak, but was immediately interrupted.
“I am in the midst of a very important lesson and I am fairly certain you still remember how to breathe without (Y/N)!! So!! Fare thee well!!”
It was incredibly hard for you not to burst into a small laughing fit with Benedict looking positively puzzled and his youngest sister intonating every single word as if there was an exclamation mark behind it. Yet, you managed to hide your smile behind your hand as you feigned a cough, which, judging by the way your husband looked at you, Benedict easily identified as an act. He narrowed his eyes and looked from you back to his sister who was still planted before him with a vigour unlike her size and age.
“Very well.” He eventually said; but it wasn’t without a lightness at the end of his phrase – one that was giving him away. Not only to you who had only known him for a short time compared to Hyacinth who had grown up with him. She gasped out “NO!” and wanted to take a step back, but Benedict had already grabbed her and thrown her over his shoulder.
“BENEDICT!!” She screeched, still sounding very childlike, despite wishing to appear much more adult at her tender age. “LET ME DOWN!!”
You looked on with a smile, chuckling at the way Benedict was trying to avoid kicking feet from hitting him in the face. “Do you really think you intimidate me, sister?”
Hyacinth’ squeals mixed with hysterical giggles, when Benedict managed to pin down the swinging legs and started tickling the backs of her knees and calves, her fists drumming against his back. “Dohohoohn’t!!” She giggled, all vigour gone from her sweet voice that sounded much more like the one of a child again.
“Will you release (Y/N) and continue your ‘very important lesson’ some other time?” He asked teasingly, a wide grin appearing on his features when Hyacinth’ mirthful sounds started resonating through the study.
“I WILL I WILL!!” She conceded hastily, her hands trying to grab the fabric of his waistcoat. “Don’t tickle!!”
With an approving noise, Benedict stilled his hands and bent over to plant his sister back on the floor. Groaning from the effort, he shook out his arms when he’d finally managed it. “You are getting too tall for this, aren’t you?” The seriousness in his voice combined with the way he cocked his head to the side in wonder had you throw your head back with a laugh.
Hyacinth put her hands on her hips and looked up at her brother with a pout. “I do definitely hope so!!” She sneered, before planting a fist in the crook of his stomach and quickly making her way to the door. A small smile was grazing her features, when she turned around again in the doorframe, directing her question to you. “We will continue our lessons, tomorrow, yes?”
“Of course, Hyacinth! We will make time for it!” You responded with a smile of your own, closing the book about French history and getting up from your chair to join your husband who was over-dramatically enacting an on-the-brink-of-death scene in the middle of the room, coughing and wrapping his arms around his middle.
“Internal bleeding! Internal bleeding!” He repeated hoarsely, making it impossible for Hyacinth not to break out into a laugh. “You’re so annoying!” She giggled, quickly bustling away, when he took a menacing step in her direction.
When the door fell close behind her, he dropped the act immediately and turned towards you with a sigh of relief. “Finally!”
You made a very undignified noise, when his hands grabbed for the fabric of your dress and pulled you towards him, your bodies colliding in an inelegant way, full of hunger and devotion. Giggling, you turned your head to the side, when his lips found your neck, kisses and nibbles sending ticklish jolts into your hairline. “Stop it! What are you doing?”
“It appears, I am overcome,” he mumbled into your skin, taking a deep breath from the sensitive skin under your ear, “by a very strong need to spend some… quality time alone with you!”
“Quality time?” Moving your hands up his back, you allowed him to lead you backwards into the study, your steps mirroring his own until you reached the table with the big French history book. Your eyelids fluttered shut at the warm touch of his lips to your cheeks.
“Mhhh,” he agreed, his nose circling your own and his lips grazing your mouth as he spoke, “the rare, special occasion is one I am very ambitious for!”
Smoothly, Benedict’s hands moved under your behind to lift you ever so slightly and place you on the table, the book shifting backwards, giving room to you. You moved your hands from his back to his cheeks, your hands cupping the face in front of you and holding it steady for the kiss you planted on its lips. Benedict smiled peacefully, his blue eyes sinking into yours. “I love my family dearly, dearly, dearly… but I need to have these moments with you alone, truly alone!”
The heart within your chest contracted for one beat, sending a slightly painful sting through your body. It was only a short moment, only one small hint of fear, but it sufficed to make you realize that you were scared Benedict might not actually be as thrilled as you were about the child blossoming in your belly. What if it was too early? What if Benedict still required, perhaps even hoped for some time without a family? What if he would be overwhelmed by a family that grew and grew and never seemed to allow you two any more time alone? You gulped and suddenly moved your hands back to his shoulders, holding on tightly.
Benedict seemed to notice that something was off, moving his head away from the side of your face to look you in the eyes. His gaze was soft and sweet and you wanted to drown in it, wanted to get lost in it as he moved his hands all over your body. But for now there was no more movement aside from his nose brushing against yours, a movement equal to a question.
“Are you alright?”
You realized you’d been holding your breath and took a deep one, before pushing your face into his as affectionately as you could. “I just want you,” you whispered, meaning it in every way possible, from head to toes, from now on to the end of your days, from his soul to his heart to every memory you’d make together. You wanted him. And every single part of him that grew through you. You could only hope that it would be the same way for him. “I want you so badly,” you continued, your voice almost hoarse from raw emotion which made his eyes flicker with a suddenly burning fire. Devotion radiated from his kiss adjoined to something that went deeper, something that was inexplicable and yet so strangely clear.
“You have me!” He growled into your neck, breathing your scent another time and kissing the vein running up your skin with an urgence. “You will have me! Entirely!”
You smiled against his cheek and moved your lips to his mouth to steal a kiss from its corner. That made him smile your favourite smile and suddenly you were lifted off of the table and carried towards the door. Moving your arms around his neck, you held on to him, running your eyes up and down his face to not miss a single sign of his happiness. You didn’t have to ask where he’d take you, knowing full well that he would tug you into the sheets of his bed, caressing your skin with his own and joining your bodies to become one. You wanted to be as close to him as possible, and afterwards you would tell him, afterwards you would try to find the right words and hope for a reaction that wouldn’t scare you. Right now, he was right, it would be just the two of you.
He opened the door… and ran into Anthony.
“Anthony!” He exclaimed in surprise, not yet considering to drop you which you found at the same time embarrassing and sweet. Trying to turn around in his embrace, you looked at Anthony over your shoulder, greeting him with a quite awkward “Hello!”
“Where have you two been, I was looking all over for you… wait, don’t answer that!” He waved his hand around in front of his chest, the corners of his lips twitching ever so slightly. “Though I do have to say, I’d like to know if the study should be er… cleaned!”
“Brother!!” Benedict groaned, his head dropping on your shoulder, the warmth from his reddened cheeks burning your skin.
Chuckling, you patted Benedict’s shoulder to signal you’d like to be let down. The muscles in his arms clenched from unwillingness, but he did indulge you and let you slide to a standing position.
You decided not to answer the last comment and simply tilted your head to the side expectantly, your unashamed smile making Anthony’s own grow. “What was it you needed from us?”
“Not I,” Anthony responded, his amusement at his brother’s unmistakable frustration quite obvious. “But our dear mother. She needs your opinions for the upcoming summer ball. Apparently Daphne and Kate would like you to join in on the preparations.”
Benedict groaned loudly. You tried not to send him a sympathetic glance and merely nodded at Anthony’s request, asking in return where you could find the other ladies.
“Don’t worry, brother!” Anthony consoled your husband, when you took his hand in a silent goodbye. “I’ll make sure no one bothers you after dinner. I know how hard it can be to find… some time alone.”
Benedict actually felt compelled to smile at his brother in gratitude, before sending you one more longing gaze. “I can’t wait.”
Then Anthony wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him in one direction and the preparations for the ball pulled you in the other. During the time it took to walk to the ladies of the house, you couldn’t stop worrying about what Benedict’s reaction would be once you told him of the pregnancy after dinner.
Being at the table with the entire family always put Benedict into good spirits, no matter how much he’d longed for a moment alone with you throughout the day. He made faces at Daphne, poked Eloise into the side until she almost choked on a piece of bread, laughed at Colin’s jokes and exchanged warm glances with his mother. You were having lovely conversations with Kate and spoke some more to Hyacinth about her French. Everyone at the table tried to outdo Colin and his funny remarks, but no one quite was as good at it as he was and he seemed to be taking great pride in it.
Seeing Benedict interact with his family reassured you in a way you had not entirely realized you’d needed. Yes, you were both in great need of being close to each other in private. Yes, you were both enjoying it immensely, when no one interrupted your time together. But being at the table with everyone, conversing, joking, teasing and simply enjoying each other’s company was something Benedict would never have to ‘suffer’ through. Time spent with his family was time well spent and you could see in his face that he was more than content. e
It took away so much of the fear you’d felt throughout the day, the fear that he might not be happy about the news that you were with child. This was his world and he would be, you were very certain, delighted to have such a world of his own.
Kate and Anthony were the first to leave the table – in the dim candle light you couldn’t tell for sure, but it looked like he was waggling his eyebrows at you – and after a while, you, Benedict, Daphne and Simon all decided to do the same, bidding your adieus from the family for the day and retiring to your chambers.
Benedict was in high spirits which was most likely due to the lovely evening and the prospect of finally being alone with you without fear of interruption. You suppressed a squeal, when he decided to chase you up the stairs, scooping you into his arms at the far end of the hallway that followed and banging open the door to your shared room with his shoulder. You giggled uncontrollably, when he kicked the door closed with his foot and practically ran towards the bed to throw you on the covers.
“I am going to jump out of the window if anyone dares interrupt us here and now!” He hissed humorously, taking off his waistcoat as quickly as he could and starting to work on his breeches.
Laughing cheerfully, you moved your hands in his direction, demanding him to get into the bed this instant. “Must you seriously be standing over there while getting undressed?”
“Where are my manners?” He gasped out in fake shock and all but dove into the sheets next to you, grabbing your waist and pulling you underneath him, drawing more silly laughter out from you when he pushed his face into the silk covering your belly. “Taking off clothes is almost as intrusive as my siblings! We will simply ignore them!!”
It was hard to speak through your laughter, but somehow you managed to grab a hold of his head and pulled it up towards you. “Ben, please, I must breathe! I must breathe!”
Grinning widely, he pushed his face against yours. “You should have to quit laughing for that first!”
It took a moment, but you did manage to calm your breathing, your arms wrapped around your husband who had his head propped up on one hand and was looking at you with a lazy smile. “Better?”
That almost made you burst out laughing again, but you managed to control yourself and instead grabbed him by the shoulders and changed positions, ending up on top of him. He huffed out in surprise, but his smile was big enough to light up the room, when he grabbed your thighs on either side of his hips.
“I feel deliciously trapped!”
“I have something to tell you!” You mused, searching for his hands with your own to interlock your fingers. Apparently you were in need of holding on to him while telling him what would come next. The pressure of his palms against your own quieted your mind and helped you focus on the matter at hand.
“Something you have to pin me down for?” He joked, his eyes widening with amusement. For you, his question brought back a small amount of dread and your smile fell ever so slightly.
“I… I hope not!” With hesitation you looked away, running your thumbs over his hands to calm yourself, while you were in search of what exactly to say. It would appear easy enough, declaring that one was pregnant, but, in truth, uttering the words was quite powerful and made the reality of the phrase stand out quite drastically.
“What is it?” Benedict asked, sitting up slightly and observing with a portion of concern the way you were biting the inside of your cheek. “(Y/N), is everything alright?”
You moved your eyes up, locking your gaze with his and taking a deep breath. It was all there, in his eyes: the love, the devotion, the care. He would be delighted. Yes, there was no other way…
“Ben, I know that sometimes it feels like we do not have a lot of time to ourselves.” He snorted in response to your words, underlining them with his reaction.
“The time I get to spend alone with you is a most cherished treasure.” You continued and slightly bucked your hips against his, making him chuckle softly. “Now, it is simply so…” You gulped and looked from left to right, before deciding to bring both of his hands to your belly. “It is so that… I am almost one hundred percent sure that I am…”
“YOU’RE PREGNANT!!!” Benedict shouted over your poor attempts of uttering the words you found so hard to actually say out loud and before you had a chance to asses the situation, you were pushed on your back, with your head by the foot of the bed and your husband fussing over you. His big hands were moving from your cheek to your belly to his head and back to your belly, all while he made noises of the purest and most natural delight you’d ever seen in a man.
“You’re pregnant!! You’re pregnant!!” He kept on repeating, his joy reverberating through every single nerve end on his body and conjoining with your own. All the insecurities of the day fell off your shoulders and the light weight that remained made your eyes water.
“Oh, my love,” you almost sobbed out, “I am so happy to see you react this way!”
“How could I not?” Benedict laughed with joy, cupping your face and kissing you and kissing you some more, small wet drops falling on your cheeks, when his emotions got the better of him. “We will be parents!” He choked out, before kissing you again and moving his hands to your belly again. “You are having a baby!” He uttered with teary eyes, sinking down on the level of your middle to place a thousand kisses on your gown. “A baby!!” He repeated again, before laughing incredulously.
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him up and towards you. You needed to have him close as you buried your face in his shoulder and allowed tears of your own to run down your cheeks. “I love you!” You whispered with all your affection. “I love you and I love you and I love you!!”
More of Benedict’s tears fell on your face, when he moved himself up slightly, the salty traces mingling with your own. “My love,” he hummed softly, “you were worried, weren’t you? You were worried, it would make me fear for our alone time! Oh, (Y/N), I don’t fear that! I don’t fear a single thing when it comes to us!”
He buried his face in your neck to breathe you in, before looking at your belly again – it would become a recurrent thing in the following nine months, as your belly grew, he would look and look and look with all the adoration he was capable of. “I am beyond happy!”
“As am I!” You placed your hand over his own on your belly, as you were starting to realize the truth of this situation together, as you started to talk about names and traits, as you started to exchange assumptions and plans. It was exactly the way you’d hoped it would be.
A new chapter in your life began.
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chadtheroyalidiot · 2 months
Descendants characters (if I've missed any let me know so I can add them)
red, daughter of the queen of hearts
chloe, daughter of cinderella & prince charming
morgie le fay, son of morgana le fay
maddox hatter, son of the mad hatter
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mal, daughter of maleficent & hades
jay, son of jafar
evie, daughter of the evil queen
carlos de vil, son of cruella de vil
uma, daughter of ursula
harry hook, son of captain hook
gil legume, son of gaston legume
dizzy tremaine, daughter of drizella tremaine
celia facilier, daughter of dr facilier
squeaky smee, son of mr smee
squirmy smee, son of mr smee
ben, son of belle & beast
audrey rose, daughter of aurora & prince phillip
chad charming, son of cinderella & prince charming
jane, daughter of fairy godmother
li lonnie, daughter of fa mulan & li shang
doug, son of dopey
- - -
freddie facilier, daughter of dr facilier
cj hook, daughter of captain hook
zevon, son of yzma
jordan, daughter of genie
ally, daughter of alice
ruby fitzherbert, daughter of rapunzel & eugene fitzherbert
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harriet hook, daughter of captain hook
anthony tremaine, son of anastasia tremaine
ginny gothel, daughter of mother gothel
hermie bing, daughter of the ringmaster
diego de vil, nephew of cruella de vil
yzla, daughter of yzma
gaston legume jr, son of gaston legume
gaston legume III, son of gaston legume
claudine frollo, daughter of claude frollo
hadie, son of hades
mad maddy, granddaughter of madam mim
sammy smee, son of mr smee
rick ratcliffe, son of governor ratcliffe
clay clayton, son of clayton
lefou deux, son of lefou
harry badun, son of horace badun
jace badun, son of jasper badun
eddie balthazar, son of edgar balthazar
jade, niece of jafar
sophie, intern of yen sud
big murph ,son of black murphy
reza, son of the former royal astronomer of agrabah
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aziz, son of aladdin & jasmine
lil shang, son of fa mulan & li shang
derek, son of dopey
arabella, niece of ariel & prince eric
herkie, son of hercules & megara
ariana rose, niece of aurora & prince phillip
anxelin fitzherbert, daughter of rapunzel & eugene fitzherbert
carina potts, daughter of ms potts
yi-min, daughter of yao
artie, son of king arthur
tiger peony, daughter of tiger lily
pin, son of pinocchio
opal, daughter of mama odie
bobby hood, son of robin hood & maid marian
crabby, son of grumpy
gordon, son of grumpy
hap, son of happy
cheerful, son of happy
bashful jr, son of bashful
shy, son of bashful
sleepy jr, son of sleepy
snoozy, son of sleepy
doc II, son of doc
gesundheit, son of sneezy
- - -
chester cheshire, descendant of the cheshire cat
dora, daughter of the dormouse
twee, daughter of tweedledee
dee, daughter of tweedledee
bill, nephew of the cook
katy, granddaughter of the caterpillar
tweedledee jr, son of tweedledee
tweedledum jr, son of tweedledum
- - -
- madam mim's granddaughters
- evil step-granddaughters
- stabbington cousins
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pimosworld · 11 months
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Down the rabbit hole
Kinktober prompt-Group sex/Orgy/Costumes
Pairing-Triple Frontier boys x f!reader
CW18+,MDNI,NSFW,EstablishedPolyamorous Relationship,Fluff,Teasing,Smut,Coercion,BribeCostumes, Hints at Roleplay, Fingering,Oral f receiving,Oral m receiving, mentions of MM dynamics, unprotected p i v, anal, cream pie,anal cream pie(don’t look at me)
A/N- In the story of us universe but can be read as a stand-alone. I definitely could’ve added more smut but I’m not done with this group just yet.
Not beta read
[Main Masterlist] [Series Masterlist]
“We have to do a group costume please….please.”
“Cariño, whining isn’t going to change my mind.”
  You huff out in frustration as Frankie tries to conceal his laughter. You and Santi had been going at it for a while as you tried and failed to convince him of what you’d already got the other three to agree to after some unfair persuasion tactics. 
  “Sweetheart he’s just mad you want him to be the cat.” Will chimes in from the loveseat as you all sit in the living room.He says it with such disdain that you know he’s not helping your case in any way.  Alice in Wonderland, is long paused on the tv because Santi decided half way through he was not going to be the Cheshire Cat. 
  “How did you all even agree to this?” Santiago still looked gorgeous despite the permanent scowl that worked its way onto his face throughout the conversation. 
  Benny sits up from the floor stretching his long arms over his head. “Well besides for the fact that the rabbit is the coolest character, I got one the best massages of my entire life after my fight last week.” 
  “Weak.” Santi scoffs as he places your feet in his lap. His actions are the complete opposite of his tone. 
  “You’re just jealous.” You’re flattered at Ben's enthusiasm but you know it’ll take more than a massage to convince Santiago to wear a costume. You gave him frequent massages that always led to something else and of course he knows that…hence the smirk etched on his face as he silently rubs your feet. 
  “What about you iron head? How the hell did she convince you to be a caterpillar?” Everyone chuckles at the hilarity of it all because how? This stoic and mostly reserved ex military man was going to dress up as a caterpillar for you. 
  “He’s actually the best character, way better than a rabbit.” He ducks as the pillow Ben throws from the floor narrowly misses his head. “I may have got a lap dance.” The rest audibly groan. “I also get to smoke.” 
  “Okay rub it in some more.”
  “I’m not the one who caved for a massage.” 
  The brothers continue to bicker as you shift in Frankie’s arms to look at Santi. He’s got the look on his face, the annoying toothy smile… the reason you wanted him to be the cat in the first place. That look that says it's gonna take more than that. It’s your own fault really…you were showing off some clothes you bought the other day when he told you to strip. You thought he was joking at first but the way he looked at you, you couldn’t help but do whatever he asked. 
  Your impromptu strip tease turned into another impromptu lap dance. Which of course always turns into something more because this is Santiago Garcia.
  “Sooo hermano that just leaves you. I’m sure all she had to do was look at you and you caved.” The men laugh but you know as soon as Frankie shifts behind you he’s thinking about the other night. 
  Frankie leans in pushing you closer to Santi “For your information I got to put it in her…” You elbow his stomach before he can finish his sentence. It’s too late as you watch the grin on Santi’s face grow even wider somehow. 
  “I heard that Fish.” Ben’s sitting up again looking at you with a mixture of shock and awe. 
  “Sweetheart…I mean this in the nicest way possible but how?” Santi and Frankie are cackling at Will's response as you lean back into Frankie covering your face with your hands. Your body is on fire from the attention placed on you at this moment. 
  “With much preparation.” He whispers into your ear as he squeezes your side. You can’t help but think about how he took his time and worked you open. Whispering praise into your ear as he did, of course in your lust filled haze you hadn’t realized how he knew exactly what to say and do. Like he had been given a playbook on all the things that made you tick. How you would keen under the praise and melt into his touch.
  He would only know this because Santiago had already done it and told him step by step instructions as if it were a mission and for Frankie it was a successful one. He would don any ridiculous costume for the rest of his life if it meant he could hear you make those sounds again. 
  “I’d like to add that the Mad Hatter is the number one character…and I get to wear my standard oil hat underneath.”
  “Oh my god babe you gave him everything.” Ben’s dramatics have everyone buckled over in laughter. You try to regain your composure as you wipe the tears from your eyes. 
  Santi leans toward the coffee table to grab the remote, you can just see the wheels turning in his head as he thinks it over. 
  “As wonderful as all that sounds…I’m still not convinced.” He presses play on the movie as you sigh and drop your head back onto Frankie’s lap, he rubs your arm sympathetically as you stare up at the ceiling wondering how his mother ever put up with him. He lived and breathed to be difficult it seemed. You think he may even secretly get off on it. 
  “At least you tried hermosa.” Frankie leans down planting a kiss on your forehead, no doubt pleased with the outcome either way. Everyone got what they wanted except for you. 
  The boys are suddenly so enthralled with Alice in Wonderland while your mind wanders. With Santi things were never simple, you had to make it exciting or he would lose interest in whatever it was you were trying to accomplish. He may not even realize he does it but you think it’s his way of coping with not being in the military anymore. You know what makes him tick, anything that requires a challenge or a puzzle to solve. 
  Alice: Why, why you’re a cat!
Cheshire Cat: A Cheshire Cat. All mimsy were the borogoves… 
Alice: Oh, wait! Don’t go, please!
Cheshire Cat: Very well. Third chorus…
Alice: Oh no no no… thank you, but- but I just wanted to ask you which way I ought to go.
Cheshire Cat: Well, that depends on where you want to get to.
Alice: Oh, it really doesn’t matter, as long as I g…
Cheshire Cat: Then it really doesn’t matter which way you go! Ah-hmm… and the momeraths outgrabe… Oh, by the way, if you’d really like to know, he went that way.
Alice: Who did?
Cheshire Cat: The white rabbit.
Alice: He did?
Cheshire Cat: He did what?
Alice: Went that way?
Cheshire Cat: Who did?
Alice: The white rabbit!
Cheshire Cat: What rabbit?
Alice: But didn’t you just say… I mean… oh dear!
Santiago was indeed just as frustrating as the aforementioned character that you were unsuccessfully trying to make him dress up as. You’ve spent the last several months in happily uncharted territory since you finally put a title to what it was you all were. The boys had no issues sharing you, it seemed they were much happier doing that than seeing you unhappy with any guy you’ve ever tried being around. 
You were all so close, there was never any animosity or jealousy…maybe some light hearted teasing when someone was feeling left out but you always managed to keep them all satisfied. 
It’s a mad idea…but we’re all mad here. 
You sit up abruptly,slightly startling then with your enthusiasm as you grab the remote from Santi’s lap pausing the movie again. 
“I know you’re going to wear that costume.” He turns to look at you as if you’ve grown two heads. 
“Oh is that so?”
“Yes that’s so.”
“Are you going to forcibly put it on me?” You shake your head as you bite your bottom lip.
“Remember that thing you said you wanted to try?”
“Cariño you’re going to need to be more specific.” You know it’s silent as the intrigue lingers in the air. 
“You said when I was ready to just tell you…so I guess I’m saying I’m ready.” In all honesty you’ve been waiting for the right time to bring it up but you’ve been so nervous. This seems as good a time as any. 
“I see what you’re doing here Alice but I don’t remember, you’re going to have to tell me.”
“Well we have two weeks until the party so if you figure it out let me know.” You press play on the movie again as you get comfortable. Now you can enjoy the rest of the movie while Santiago tries to decipher your riddle. 
It’s really not fair
How you have all these men somehow wrapped around your finger. You try to ignore the looks you get when you’re all out together and they can’t keep their hands off you. You can see the wheels turning when someone tries to make out which one of them is yours. You’ve always been affectionate with one another but since putting a name to this it’s like the band aid of shame has been ripped off. 
You’re buzzing with excitement as you sit nestled between Ben and Santiago in the back of Frankie’s Jeep. Frankie’s new boss insisted you all come to his annual Halloween party after meeting the guys and hitting it off with them. Meeting new people and attending such a large party in a ridiculous costume no less took some convincing but the past few days they’ve all been very agreeable. 
Santi promised he'd wear the costume even though he couldn’t figure out the bribe. He said he would ‘since it was important to you’. That should’ve been your first indication that something was off. 
Will is the stoic picture of perfection in the front seat next to Frankie as he twirls the unlit cigar in his hands. He wasn’t a man of many words and he jumped at the chance to be the aloof caterpillar. 
“You look beautiful Honey.” He’s not even looking at you as he stares out the window watching the street lights. You’ll never get used to the flurry of his attention. The affection seemed to ooze out of his pores like he’s been waiting years to tell you how he felt about you. 
You glance over at Santiago as his furry pink and purple sweater brushes your bare legs. You can tell he’s uncomfortable but he’s doing his best as he fidgets with the collar. His salt and pepper curls peak out adorably along the headband of the matching cat ears. 
“I can feel you staring cariño.” You quickly avert your gaze to Ben who is doing some staring of his own. Since you came out of the room adorned in your flouncy powder blue dress with knee high white stockings he can’t seem to keep his eyes off you. 
“I like this.” Ben grazes his finger just under the hem of your dress, lifting it slightly to reveal your thigh. You shift in the seat rubbing your legs together desperate for some relief. The last two weeks have been uncharacteristically lacking in the sex department which is nearly impossible when you’re sleeping with four people. His barely there touch has goosebumps rising along your skin as he threatens to touch you almost where you want him too. 
“Ben.” Frankie warns from the driver's seat as he  approaches a red light,he notices your desperation in the rear view mirror as you hang your head back in frustration. 
“Just worry about the road, old man.” Ben flicks the back of his comically large hat placed atop his standard oil cap. 
“I’ll show you old man.” He grits out through his teeth as he returns his attention to the now green light. 
The tension in the air is thick, it has been since you left the house. You all decided to get ready together and seeing as though you moved into the Miller-Morales household a few months ago that only left Santi to bring his costume and an overnight bag. You had the feeling that conversations were being had without you even though not many words were spoken. It was reminiscent of the night before a mission. All of you lost deep in thought while meticulously going over the plans ahead. 
The four of them had a way of communicating despite all your years spent together that you just couldn’t seem to tap into. You couldn’t shake the nagging feeling like you had been left out of this one. 
You pull down an unfamiliar street lined with massive homes, certainly less modest than the one you currently resided in. You assume most of the cars you pass are for the party and your excitement bubbles over into nervousness as you realize how many people may be in this house. The men all seem completely fine…almost unaware. 
Frankie parks and exits along with Will and Benny without so much as a word being said. You turn to slide out Santiago’s side but he hasn’t moved. You think he’s having second thoughts about going in with this ridiculous costume. 
“Listen if you don’t want to wear the ears -.” He cuts you off with his fingers placed gently on your lips. He smiles wide as if channeling his character for the night as he trails them down along your jaw. His other hand is wrapped around your shoulder teasing the top of your sweetheart neckline. 
You’re already one edge with this being the most physical contact you’ve had in weeks. He leans in placing feather light kisses along your neck as his hand makes its way further down. He traces the path Ben once did as he lifts your skirt higher, his firm grip on the inside of your thigh when he bites down gently on your pulse point. 
You don’t miss the way he chuckles in your ear as you shudder a breath when he drags his fingers along the seam of your panties nearly soaked from just the anticipation. 
“I figured it out a couple days ago.” He rasps into your ear as he continues teasing. You’re trying to focus on his words but you think you could come like this from his barely there touch. “You told us we needed to learn how to share.” 
In reality this is your fault, it was your suggestion after all when date nights kept overlapping. They never made you feel bad or acted jealous of one another, but you couldn’t help but think how unfair it was to split your time so often. 
“We could all go on a group date?” 
“We already have group dates, sweetheart.” 
“Yes… but I mean it doesn’t have to end with the date.”
That was months ago and you thought he had all but forgotten or maybe he suggested it and no one else was down for it. Either way you dropped it until you realized you’ve been tricked. Santiago knew he had to raise the steaks in order to agree to this and you fell right for it. 
“You have a few hours to decide what you want to do. Just say the word and we’ll leave.” You’re speechless as he withdraws his hand and it’s as if a bucket of cold water was dumped on your head. The humid air as he opens the door is a stark contrast to your chilled exterior. 
“Alice?” He’s standing next to the door ajar with his hand out to help you down, you quickly smooth down your skirt as you grip his hand and hop down. 
‘Every adventure requires a first step.’ Cheshire cat
It’s not that you aren’t having fun…it’s just you can’t stop thinking about what’s to come-no pun intended. After introductions everyone instinctually split up. Frankie roped into schmoozing with his boss while Ben found a partner to play beer pong, some jock dressed as Ken seemed fitting for the younger miller.  
  Santiago had made eyes at you when you saw him cornered by Barbie, there wasn’t a jealous bone in your body as you watched the poor girl talking his ear off as he stalked you like his prey. He teased you enough for you to let him flounder his way out of the conversation. If there was anything he hated more in this world it was pretending to be interested in a topic he could care less about.
  You were plenty buzzed as you wandered aimlessly through this extravagant house, the furniture and fixtures much too gaudy for your preference .Gold plated frames lined the walls as you climbed the spiral staircase to explore the upstairs. You drag your fingers along the banister as you stare up at the three tier chandelier above the entryway.Apparently running a private helicopter business paid very well…unfortunately money didn’t buy good taste.
  Your eyes are drawn to the red carpet lining the hallway as you peak into the first room on the left. A large Victorian bed with a gold frame is in the middle of the room. Next to it is a floor to ceiling mirror with a slightly beveled curve, the room in its reflection is a little distorted as you lean in further gripping the door handle to keep yourself steady. 
  Either you’ve had too much to drink or the floor is caving in. Strong hands grip your waist just as you’re prepared to meet face to face with the awful carpet. The wind is nearly knocked out if you as your back is met with a hard surface and you feel like your head is in a tailspin as you’re whipped around to meet your savior. 
  You’re met with the soft chocolate brown eyes of Frankie as he walks you backwards further into the room. The smirk on his face as he raises his eyebrows at you because surely he caught you snooping about his boss’s house while you were supposed to be enjoying the party. 
  “Find what you were looking for Alice?” His eyes roamed up and down your body as he stopped you just before the foot of the bed. 
  You realize you haven’t spoken in awhile as you try to answer and manage a squeak. You clear your throat slightly embarrassed after being caught and scramble for any words to come to mind. It doesn’t help when he’s looking at you that way or when he presses against you with his arm caging you in. You can feel his arousal through the thin fabric of your dress as he cups your ass pulling you impossibly closer to him. 
  He leans in and you close your eyes waiting for a kiss that never comes as he drops down to his knees. His fingers dip into the waistband of your panties as he slides them down your thighs. A soft whimper of his name leaves your lips and the thought of someone walking in is completely drowned out in your horny brain when all you can think about is his deft tongue working you open on no doubt his boss’s bed. 
  He taps your leg silently instructing you to step out of them as he balls it up in his fist and places it in his pocket. His breath is hot on your stomach through the fabric as you place your hands on his shoulders for purchase. You’re trying to be patient but you’re pulled taught after the teasing from Santiago in the car. 
  An inaudible whine leaves your mouth as he stands again and places a soft kiss to your forehead. “Shh it’s gonna be ok.” It most certainly won’t be. 
  “Frankie, where are you going?” The look on his face says isn’t it obvious as he grabs your hand and makes his way towards the door without an answer.”
  “Frankie…where’s your hat?” He points to the standard oil cap as if that’s the one you were asking about as you huff out in frustration. 
  They are having way too much fun. 
  When you finally returned to the party Ken had decidedly had enough of Barbie flirting with Santiago and ditched Ben. 
  Ben managed to find someone he could talk to about his upcoming fights and Will was still nowhere to be found. Frankie and Santi looked like they were having a serious conversation in the kitchen and their eyes on you were suddenly too much. You needed some fresh air as you stepped out on the back deck. Of course there seemed to be no place that wasn’t occupied with guests, as you say your excuse me’a and make your way down the steps to find a modicum of privacy. 
  The smokey sweet aroma of tobacco and chocolate permeates your senses as you follow the trail coming from around the house. Will is leaned back, head against the wall with one leg propped up as he stares up at the rings disappearing into the clear night sky. 
  He holds out his hand and you hesitate, you’re not sure you could take anymore moments of being brought to the edge…but it’s Will. His large calloused hand takes yours as he pulls you into his chest making you face out. You sigh into the warmth and you’re enveloped by his cologne and the smell of the cigar. 
  “How are you feeling Honey?” Honestly…like you’re all trying to kill me.
  “I’m fine.” He tsks under his breath as he kisses your neck, he breathes in deep as if you’re having the same affect on him as they are on you. 
  “I don’t like that answer…you tell me if you don’t want to do this.” Always the one to check in with you, he’s so sweet even when his own resolve is breaking. 
  You doubt he’s expecting your next move when you spin in his arms and grip him by the collar of his shirt as you crash your lips to his.The taste of tobacco and mint fresh on his tongue. He’s lost momentarily as he moans into the kiss, not caring about who could come around this corner at any moment. You pull away, reveling in the way he chases after you. His hooded lids staring you down as you brush your thumb along his swollen pink lips. 
  “I want to do this, I just don’t think I can take anymore teasing baby.” Will’s a private man so your pet names are reserved for your private moments, but you can see the moonlight luminate in his eyes as the blue practically disappears. 
  “Come on Honey, all you had to do was ask.” You scoff at that as he yanks your hand and practically runs you up the back steps back into the house. 
  When you enter the kitchen Benny,Frankie and Santi are all standing in the corner with knowing looks on their face and Will signals it’s time to go. 
  Santi and Frankie are out the door before you can blink as you pull back slightly in Will's grasp. “Shouldn’t Frankie say bye to his boss?” 
  “No time sweetheart, we’re late for a very important date.” 
  “Seriously Will, you’re going to steal my only line.” Ben skips along in front of you both as you exit the grandiose home. 
  “You had all night to use it, it’s not my fault you’re too slow.” 
  You thought you would’ve been more nervous or feel unprepared but it seems as you lay out completely exposed on Santiago’s bed as you try and keep track of the hands all over you, it sends a surge of confidence through you. 
  Santiago had taken control right away, the guys already had some sort of plan hatched out as you could’ve guessed by the way they were silently communicating every step. 
  The ride home was less than romantic as they went over your safe word and hard no’s. That shifted as soon as Frankie pinned you against the front door, too impatient to wait any longer before touching you as he unzipped your dress leaving it in a pool of fabric beneath you. 
  He knelt down on the floor, raising your leg over his shoulder as you gripped on tight to his soft curls. Your panties lost in one of his pockets earlier left easier access to you as he licked a stripe through your wet folds. Your head hits the door as you try to stay standing, already so worked up from before. 
  You’re a whimpering mess as Frankie works you open like a man starved. “You always taste so good hermosa.” 
  “Frank!” Santi reappears in the entryway naked and hard, looking as though he’s gonna spit fire. 
  “What?” You’d laugh if you weren’t so close to your first climax of the night as his nose nudged your clit. 
  “Bedroom?!” He sighs into you sending a chill up your spine as he fights against every urge to ignore Pope and continue his ministrations. He looks up at you almost apologetically as he places a kiss on each thigh. 
  “Fuck baby that feels so good.” Will’s grip is tight in your hair as he works his cock deeper down your throat. You can’t manage more than a whine as you try to focus on Santi thrusting behind you, slamming you further onto Will's cock with every switch of his hips. 
  “Do you have any idea how good you look right now?” Frankie pants beside you as Ben works his hand up and down Frankie’s length. 
  The praise and attention has you keening as you arch back into Santi’s chest. His hand on your hip is sure to leave a bruise as he pounds into you relentlessly. He’s close, he can tell you are too as you clench him tighter and moan out his name. 
  “Santi, I can’t.” You’ve lost count on how many times you’ve come. On Frankie’s tongue, on Will's fingers. When you were sitting on Bennys lap with Santi’s face buried in your cunt, you thought you were close to passing out. 
  “Tell me what you need.” You’ve never seen Santi as sweet or gentle as you have when he was methodically taking you apart. 
  You weren’t sure they heard when you whispered more. Santi was sure he heard you loud and clear as he asked if you were sure. Your pathetic mule as you chase his hips was all the answer he needed as he slowly pulled out of you. He gives a silent signal to Frankie as he replaces Will's spot on the bed.
  Frankie’s wrecked, his own orgasm held off this entire time in anticipation for this. His sweat slicked curls cling to his face as he guides your hips above his throbbing erection. He  grips the base of his cock as he slides the tip through your swollen folds. As you sink down onto him he moans in unison with you as a cold sensation meets your other hole. Santi smears the lube around your sensitive nub with his thumb and he nearly chokes at the way you push back onto it. 
  “Stop teasing Santiago.” Frankie rasps out between muttered curses as he bucks his hips into you. 
  Santi is a tease but at this moment he can’t hold on much longer. Your grip on Frankie tightens as Santi prods your entrance, the tip just barely in almost has you seeing stars. Will’s behind Santi working his length as he watches him pick up his pace. Ben’s lips are on yours as he reaches between you to rub slow circles on your clit. “Oh fuck…oh my god.”  
  “I need you to come cariño.” Santi grits out behind you as his hips start to stutter. 
  Frankie plants his feet in the mattress as he pounds up into you, a lewd moan leaves your lips as you cling to someone’s hand. Benny singing sweet praises in your ear of how good you’re doing as your body heaves and your heart threatens to pound out of your chest. 
  The smallest sound leaves your mouth as you cease up in pleasure, it rolls over you in waves as they both stutter their hips spilling into, the only sounds in the room are moans and pants as you collapse into a puddle in the middle of the bed. 
  You come too with concerned faces surrounding you as Will cleans you up gently with a damp towel. 
  “I told you, you went too hard.”
  “Me…I’m not the one who made her come three times.” 
  Ben notices your blissed out face as you suppress a giggle. He leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. His dopey smile is on full display as the other men bicker behind him. 
  “You ready for round two Honey?” 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
@csarab615 @syrupsstuff @ghostslillady @uudelally @onefinnedwonder-fm @thedreadandthefugitivemind @romanarose @scarletthefierce @heather1482 @pikapuff-316
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Summer Love // Bradley Bradshaw
Summary: Falling in love with the Hard Decks new barkeep wasn’t on Bradley Bradshaws 2023 bingo. What else wasn’t on that bingo card was that the barkeep was a Floyd…..
Warnings. Porn with a plot. Bradley Bradshaw x Reader. (Nickname Pip) Mentions of near sexual assault/harassment. SMUT!
Word Count: 6.6k
Author Note: Okay so I know I said I was taking a little break to recharge my batteries but this was my attempt at a little break. Here’s a Rooster one-shot.
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“Barkeep!” Bradley beamed as he entered the Hard Deck, his eyes immediately on you from the second he stepped through the threshold. “My oh my aren’t you a sight for sore eyes—“ It wasn't hard to tell Bradley Bradshaw was smitten for the new bar hire. Penny had easily picked up on the aviator's demeanour change from the moment he realised you were going to be a permanent fixture around the Hard Deck. “How you doing this fine Friday afternoon?” 
“I haven’t had enough sleep to deal with this this afternoon—“ Bob groaned as he followed Rooster's path. Both aviators making strides in your direction. Coming to sit at the bar, both men made you the centre of their universe for two very different reasons. “I’ll have a coke thanks Pip.” Bob smiled softly as he took his glasses off to clean the lens. Nodding you turned your attention to Rooster, raising a brow as you flipped your bar towel over your shoulder.
“Draft please Pip—“ Rooster ordered his usual, fishing out his wallet from his back pocket. Handing over his card as he leaned on the bar. “Before I walk out on my tab again.” It had happened a few too many times, Bradley Bradshaw the life of the party—would sink back a few too many beers and leave slung over the shoulders of his colleagues and friends. He’d always make the walk of shame the next day however—tail between his legs as he’d cautiously tap his card on the bar, gaining your utmost attention with a cheshire cat smile and a guilty look lingering in his eyes. 
You took the card with a tight smirk, placing it into your back pocket before opening up a tab in Bradley’s name before fetching Bob a glass of ice—hitting the nozzle of the soda gun on the lip of the glass for a brief second before pouring the syrup and soda water mixture right into the glass. 
“You boys gonna give me any trouble tonight?” Raising your eyebrow, as you turned your attention back to Rooster now that Bob had his coke. Roosters only reaction was to lean a little further on the bar. Watching as you poured his glass from the tap. Holding it at a forty five degree angle so it didn't gain a head the size of his own ego. 
“No ma’am, no trouble here.” Rooster winked as he mimicked your smirk, accepting the beer you cautiously slid along the bar. “Thanks Pip.” It hadn’t taken you long to settle into Fightertown, you’d asked Bob if you could come and stay with him for a few months until you found your feet again after what seemingly felt like you hit rock fucking bottom. You’d fallen out of love with your profession, journalism. You broke up with your long term boyfriend Ben after he’d got wind of your sudden desire for a sea change and possible career move. You just needed a new start, a new home, a new life. 
Bartending had always been something you were good at, although you didn't drink–much like your older, half-brother Robert. 
“You uh, are you doing anything this Sunday?” Rooster asked softly as he looked up at you, taking a small sip of his beer as Bob choked on his coke. You just shook your head no. Not one to talk all that much. Eyeing off the foam that had settled into Rooster's moustache from the foam cap of his beer. 
“If you’re gonna flirt with my sister, please don’t do it in front of me.” Bob snarled as he shook his head in disbelief. These fucking guys honestly. Rooster playfully held his hands up in surrender. Scoffing at the accusations made by the seemingly well reserved weapons systems officer. 
“I don't think I like what you’re insinuating Bob.” Rooster fired back with a wild shit eating grin as you chuckled softly to yourself, wiping down the bar with your rag as you watched the two interact. The bar was barely open. The only two patrons to have arrived, having got off early on this fine Friday afternoon. “I'm not flirting, am I Pip?” Rooster asked as you raised your eyebrows. Scoffing slightly as you bit your bottom lip momentarily. 
“Well if you're trying you don’t seem to be doing all that well.” Rooster held a hand over his heart as he stared at you with hazel eyes. Deep browns and shades of greens swirling as he faked a hurt that cut deep into his heartstrings—forcing a laugh so pure from your soul it left Rooster wanting more of you always. 
“You two make me sick—“ Bob rolled his eyes as he hopped off the barstool, heading over to the pool table. Rounding up bar tables and stools that he knew his fellow aviators would soon fill. Leaving you and Rooster to devote all your attention to one another. Bob would joke and tease and taunt you about your blooming romance with Rooster, but if there was anyone Robert Floyd would trust with his sister? It was Bradley Bradshaw. He had noticed early on in your impromptu over-extended stay that Rooster had developed an affinity for you. The usually reserved fighter pilot had no chill when it came to his advances with you. 
“So Sunday?” Rooster was quick on the draw as he saw more and more people flood into the Hard Deck, knowing his time with you was fleeting at best. That your attention would be scattered for the better half of the evening working the bar and bussing tables. 
“What did you have in mind, Flyboy?” You beamed his way with a glint in your eyes. Those fuck me eyes Rooster could hardly resist. You weren't not interested, if anything you were incredibly interested in Bradley–but you were a little hesitant to fall in love when you weren't even sure if North Island was the place for you and to make mattress all the more difficult while you were trying to find yourself, falling in love with a naval aviator didn't really make the situation any easier to navigate. He could be shipped off or deployed anywhere at any minute. Another detachment could rear its ugly head and god knows for how long he’d be gone? 
But with all that in the back of your mind it was still hard to resist the charming ways of Bradley Bradshaw when he was hopping off his barstool, making strides around the bar to stand beside you. 
“Penny doesn’t like it when you come behind the bar Bradshaw–” You tried to hide your ever present smile as you continued cleaning the bar. “You’re gonna make me ring that bloody bell, aren't you?” 
“You, me, dinner at that restaurant in town that does that really nice sweet potato gnocchi.” Ignoring your reluctance to have him behind the bar with you, Rooster pressed on. Trapping you between him and the bar– strong arms on either side of you as he gently kissed your neck. 
There wasn’t exactly a word to describe what you had with Rooster. The two of you had been talking, flirting, sneaking around and getting to know one another. But you were still very much an enigma to him. Rooster only knew a handful of things about you. One, that you were Bob's younger, half sister. Two, that you smelt of vanilla and bourbon. Three, that you weren't hard to get, but hard to earn–which made you all the more worth it. Four, that Pip wasn’t your real name–it was a nickname of sorts. A callsign if you will. But you just preferred Pip. 
“You really wanna take me to dinner?” The way you said it made Roosters' hearts ache. Of course he did? Why would he not want to take you to dinner? It's not like he hadnt asked you a million times before. “Like you actually wanna take me to dinner?” Turning around in between his arms to face him, Bradley stepped back a little to give you some space as you leaned back against the bar crossing your arms. 
“If you’ll finally give me a chance to?” Bradley smirked as he watched your eyes trail from his eyes down to his lips, lingering a little further down to the collar of his T-shirt. Sticking a few fingers inside the collar to scratch at his collarbone. “Eyes up here Pip.” Reaching over to grab the schooner you'd poured him, Bradley took a sip of his beer as you rolled your eyes. Pushing off the bar before turning on your heels to attend to the other thirsty patrons who started taking up the other barstools.  
“Get out from behind my bar–” 
“I'll pick you up at six o’clock?” It had become an unintentional stand-off, you eyeing off Rooster as he did so you. Patrons were starting to floor the Hard Deck every passing second and you knew if you let this charade go any longer you were going to have to deal with a very unimpressed crowd waiting on their amber beverages. “Or whatever time you like?” Shrugging with a wild smirk, Rooster waited for your response. He knew he was wheezing his way into the cracks that had started to form in your tougher than most exterior. He’d find a way in, if he just gave you time. 
“What can I get you Dave?” You asked the man who'd come up and sat at the bar. A regular older gentleman who worked in the technicians block at Miramar. 
“Just a Budwiser thanks Pip–on tap if you've fixed up the keg.” Nodding, you tried to hide your smirk as Rooster came to stand beside you, pouring his own beer from the tap after having finished the first one you’d poured him. “I never said yes to your little date idea, and don’t touch my taps Bradshaw Pennys gonna kill you.” 
“Well unlike every other time–” Bumping your hip with his Rooster kept his gaze down, trained on the beer he was pouring himself. “You didn't immediately shut me down so I think we’re starting to make a little progress here.” You could feel the heat in your cheeks rising, smitten. Completely sitten. “And I never called it a date.” Rooster smirked as he felt the heat in his own cheeks rising from the back and forth flirting. He loved it, he’d always enjoyed a good game of chase. “You are far too much like your brother Pip, always making assumptions.” Bradley was quick as he placed a kiss on your cheek before you even registered what he was doing. That's all you really had, small fleeting moments that meant the whole damn world to you. 
“Get out from behind my bar before I ring that bloody bell on you, Bradshaw.” Bumping Roosters hip with your own once again you grinned ear to ear. Turning to face him with barely any space between you. “I'm not kidding–” You interrupted your moment with Rooster to hand Dave over his beer. “Eight fifty thanks Dave.” It had become a common occurrence for most of the regulars to see Bradley Bradshaw behind the bar making a nuisance of himself. Dave in particular saw a lot of Nick Bradshaw in the way Bradley danced around you like a fly on a hot summer's day. The apple hadnt fallen far from the tree at all. Handling over the ten dollar bill, Dave just took in the sight that was playing out before him like a poorly put together romance novel, Rooster Bradsahw had it bad and everyone could tell. 
“Neither am I–” With a hand on your hip pulling you into his, Bradleys eyes trailed down to your lips. He wasn't going to, not like this. Not when there were people waiting to be served. Not when Dave the engineer's assistant was sitting right in front of you. But it was fun to think about. His lips on yours, he’d only been blessed with that feeling, that sensation a handful of times. “Go to dinner with me–” 
“If I say yes will you let me do my job for the rest of the night?” You spoke through gritted teeth, pretending to be annoyed as you handed the older gentleman his change from the till as Rooster trailed behind you like a lost puppy as you went to take the next order. Fixing the bow of your barmaids apron as you walked away from him across to the other side of the bar. 
“Great so It's a date.” He’d tricked you, sending you a shit eating grin before ducking back under the bar. “Sunday night at six o’clock.” Rooster beamed, that cherishe like smile had crept back across his face as he stood for a moment just admiring you. “You know where to find me!” Raising his beer as you stood in disbelief at how well Rooster had played you. He wasn't wrong though, you always knew where to find him, and he’d always be there for you when you needed him. A few weeks ago, you were convinced Rooster had saved your life. You never spoke about it, never brought it up and neither did he. Probably for two very separate reasons, but regardless it happened and you were still processing the whole ordeal. 
“Bradley–” The way you said his name as your legs fell either side of his hips had Roosters head spinning. Sitting on top of the bar after closing, Rooster had his hands on either side of your face. Pulling you into him as your tongue danced with his. “Take me home?” If he wasn't hard before he was most definitely hard now. Nodding as he let his forehead rest against yours. Licking his lips as the taste of your chapstick lingered on his. 
“I'll take these bins out for you and we’ll go?” Penny had left you to shut up shop for the night. It had been rather quiet. Rooster hung back originally just to talk to you. Spend as much time with you as he possibly could. Stepping away as he helped you off the bar, Rooster grabbed the garbage bags and kissed your forehead. His hand on the back of your head keeping you pressed against his lips until he was satisfied and let go. “Don't go anywhere.”
You watched as Bradley disappeared out the back, deciding to wipe down the bar just one more time before you started turning off the lights. Going about your regular routine whenever you closed up the bar. 
“You've got time for one more beer, don't you sweetheart?” There were three of them. Since when were you stupid enough to not lock the front doors? Oh yeah– that's right, the one time you decided to let your inhibitions get the better of you and got a little too hot with Bradley Bradshaw. “Or did we miss the fun?” You weren't too sure what he was insinuating, had he seen you with Bradley? Kissing on the bar. 
“It's a few hours past last call, sorry gentlemen, can't help you tonight.” You tried ushering them out back towards the direction of the front doors. But they didn't budge. If anything they were delighted that you'd come closer. Lessening the distance between them and you. “I'm serious fellas, the bars closed.” 
“I'm sure Penny wouldn't like knowing her Bartenders are screwing around with top paying patrons now would she?” One of them hissed as he stepped a little closer. 
“Is that a threat?” You could recognise a threat from a mile away. You didn’t play dumb, you just fucked dumb, except for Braldey–he was far from dumb. Watching as the three men stepped a little closer to where you stood in absolute shock. You could hold your own, but you weren't that stupid enough to know three against one wasn't a fair fight. Your body just froze. 
“You tell me, pretty girl–” They'd surrounded you, curling you like hawkes just waiting for their prey to die. “Now are you gonna get that beer or are we gonna see just how pretty you look bent over that bar instead of propped up on it?” Caressing the side of your cheek slowly, the man hummed as he coaxed a response from you. 
“I only got draft on tap or cider–” Whenever you were scared or protecting yourself or those you loved, your southern drawl seemed to be more prominent, Much like Bob’s. “What’ll you have?” 
“That's more like it, isn't it boys.” They all laughed as you shakingly took a step back into one of them, their hands coming to grip your forearms tightly. “But I still think we’d rather see you up on that bar.” Your eyes never left the mans as you clenched your jaw. His hand running up the inner part of your thing before landing near the zip of your jeans. “I know your type, you’ll fuck anything that’ll have you–wont you?” 
“Everything alright out here Pip?” God you'd never been more relieved to hear Bradleys voice. Exhaling a sigh of relief as you craned your head to see where he was standing. By the back door with Penny’s double barrel rifle up and pointing in the direction of the guys who'd surrounded you. “If she doesn't give me an answer in two seconds I’m taking it as a no–” 
“We’re just having a little fun aren't we boys?” Rooster wasn't having a bar of it, cocking the rifle as a warning. 
“It's been more than two seconds and I still don't have an answer–” There was nothing but red in Roosters ledger right now. Stepping out of the shadows as he came closer and closer to you with meaningful strides. Never lowing his weapon. “Leave, before I decide your worth doing time over.” The silence was deafening as Rooster stepped in front of you as all three men backed out of the bar, not one turning their backs on Rooster. “Cops will met em on their way up the road, would’ve been back sooner but I heard what was going on and took pictures of their plates.” Rooster explained as he waited for the three men to pile into the truck out the front that hadn’t been there when you were closing up earlier. Once Rooster was one hundred percent satisfied they were gone? That’s when he turned to you. Placing the gun onto the bar as you crumbled into a heap in his arms. Shaking and crying uncontrollably. 
“Shhh, I got you, I’ve got you Y/n.” No callsigns. No nicknames. It was you and Bradley. Holding you in his protectively arms as you cried your heart out on the floor of the Hard Deck. Rooster never ended up taking you back to his—he took you home. Where Bob thanked Rooster with his life for keeping his sister safe. 
Rooster  knew this was going to set the timeline of his progress with you back ten fold–but he didn't mind all that much. Rooster was just glad you were safe, that you were okay and that in time he could love you like you deserved to be loved. 
It was easy to get through a busy shift when everytime you looked up, you met Bradleys gaze. He was always watching from afar. Somewhat protective but respectful of your personal space and boundaries all at the same time. 
“So what's got you all smiles tonight Pip?” Hangman asked as you came around with an empty bar tray to collect the empty glasses. Penny knew you used it as an excuse to get out from behind the bar and talk to the patrons. One specific aviator in particular. “You’d think by now your cheek would be cramping?” Jake Seresin was a good person, you could tell that much just by the way he looked after his mates. 
“If you must know.” You cooed as you took his empty glass and placed it amongst the others you'd already collected. “I have a date this Sunday.” Bradley could hear your conversation as clear as day, but he wasn't going to interrupt. He’d wait till you came a little closer to grab your wholehearted attention. Continuing his own conversation with Payback about the new admiral. 
“A date huh? With Bradshaw?” Jake teased as he smirked at you, looking you up and down. “Let me guess, a pity date.” 
“More like a get me off my back kinda date but still–” As you shrugged your shoulders at Jake, you turned on your heels, reaching over Bradly to grab his empty glass from the tabletop he sat by. “Excuse me Lieutenant Bradshaw, I just need to get the empties.” You knew Rooster hated it when you called him Lieutenant Bradshaw. That was reserved for work and work only, not pleasure, not play. He poked his tongue into the inner part of his cheek as he shook his head and met your gaze. 
“Not funny.” 
“Sorry Lieutenant–” You cooed, brushing up against his crotch as you leaned in to whisper in his ear, standing between Bradleys legs as his hand lingered on your hip, needing at the flesh as your words affected him more than he would have liked to admit. “It won't happen again.” 
“Oi!” Bob hissed when he turned around to see the interaction unfolding. “This is a PG rated establishment–” At this rate, You and Rooster were going to get nowhere if Bob kept up his protective older brother shtick. “Separate please, none of that.” You didn't budge, you simply ignored your brother's request as Rooster dug his fingertips into your flesh a little more. Not wanting you to move from your place as you held the tray of empty glasses. 
“I'm going on my break in fifteen minutes.” You explained. “Why don't you meet me out the back near the festoon lights?” It was as suggestive as you could make it, hoping Bradley would catch on to what you were insinuating. It wouldn't be the first time and it surely wouldn't be the last time you two would sneak away for a quick rondavoo in the back of the Bronco–but it had been a minute since the last time. If he thought about it for a little while, Rooster was sure you both haven't gotten together since that dreaded night with the three guys. 
“Oh fuck–” Rooster felt like a teenager again when his cheeks begun to blush a rose hume at your words, his jeans feeling all the more tighter as he thought about the possibility of seeing you ride him again. “Okay, yeah, ill uh–i'll be there.” He nodded in quick heist as the flush of his skin started to creep up his neck. God it did things to you knowing how easily you melted the stoic Naval Aviator into a puddle. “But quit calling me Lieutenant Bradshaw, it aint funny sweetheart.” 
“Really?” You pressed as you pushed away from Rooster, he looked ready to jump your bones then and there. “What would you rather me call you?” Again, you were being far too suggestive for such a public place. He’d missed this. Smirking down at you as you stepped back biting your bottom lip. “See you in fifteen, Lieutenant Bradshaw.” 
Much to your delight, Rooster kept his promise almost to the minute. Meeting you out the back at one of the table and chair sets that were illuminated by strung up festoon lights. Sitting on top of the table, you waved his way as he made strides your way, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. The Hawaiian shirt he wore looked oh so stupid but in the best possible way. Only Braldey Bradshaw could pull off a Hawaiina shirt all year round. 
“I'm a little disappointed you aren't already naked.” You joked as Rooster finally made his way over to you, jumping up beside you with a huff. 
“Didn't wanna get done for public indecency by brother of the year.” Rooster was far too quick to tease back as you giggled softly and shook your head in defeat. It was nice to know Bob had your back, it truly was–but he was relentless. “So what's this about huh? Won't go on a date with me to save your life but you’ll happily have your way with me in the back of my Bronco?” 
“I don't ever remember mentioning having my way with you in the back of your Bronco–” Much like Rooster had done to you with his plane to get you to go out on a real date with him, you had set him up. “You’re far too much like my brother, always making assumptions.” 
“Oh–” Bradley puffed his chest a little as he got down from the table, pulling your legs closer to the edge as he stood between them. “So you’re telling me you don’t wanna just sneak away for a moment or two and–” You didn't let Rooster finish his sentence before you were laughing and biting your bottom lip.
“You'd only need a moment or two wouldn't you.” Bradley had never had this problem before, he wasn't ashamed of his stamina. Usually he could last for at least an hour if the sex was good, he could pace himself and edge his orgasm to the point where he could ride the high out for as long as he wanted–but with you? It had been a whole nother story. A few minutes was all it took for him to be spent. “Kinda don't need any more than five minutes.” You taunted, lifting your arm up to look at your wrist as if there was a watch wrapped around it. There wasn't. “So that leaves me with a solid ten minutes to kinda just dick around on my break.”
The first time you'd snuck away it was to the bathroom in the back of the Hard Deck. You thought for sure someone would catch you if you were gone for too long. Scared Bob would notice both you and Rooster were nowhere to be found. Bradley though, well he didn't make that a problem at all. He was done in about five minutes. 
“I'll have you know that my condition is solely a problem caused by you, Pip–because although I spend most of my day thinking about you.” Leaning in, Bradley kissed you softly, pulling back seconds after as he continued showering you with endearment. “And how beautiful you are.” Again, he leaned in to kiss you, this time for a little longer, a little more passion filled. “And what I would do for just a slither of your attention.” It was this time that Bradley cupped your cheeks as he deepened the kiss he gave you, pulling you against his lips as his tongue danced with yours. Soft moans escaping as you worked to unbuckle his belt, looping it from his waist. “You still catch me off guard every time we’re together and I don’t think ill ever get over just how fucking good it feels to be with you.” 
“Bronco–now.” You mumbled as you wiped your lips on your forearm. Rooster just smirked as he picked you up, a giggling mess as he rancid around the corner in the dark to where he’d parked his Bronco. “Bradley!” You squealed as he ran, carrying you in strong arms around the corner as you wrapped your legs around his waist and held onto the back of his neck. 
“Shhh–” Before you could protest any further, Your back was hitting the paintjob of Bradleys Bronco. His lips were on yours in a fever dream kiss as he worked to fish his keys from his pocket. “Just go with it.” So you did. You kissed Rooster back with as much need and as much lust as he was kissing you with. Devouring one another as Bradley held you up with all his might against the side of his Bronco. 
It wasn't long before you were climbing into the back seat, a giddy mess of adrenaline and need as you felt Roosters eyes on your ass as he followed you in. shutting the door behind himself before, like teenage dirtbags, you both rid yourself of any articles of clothing that just didn't seem practical for the aforementioned activities. 
“Okay, okay so–” To no surprise of your own, Bradley was already a flushed mess. “How do you wanna do this?” He asked softly with big eyes and a soft smirk. It had been a minute and he just wanted you to lead the way–he’d follow. Do whatever you wanted to do. “Do you wanna maybe–” Again, you didn't let Bradley finish before you were taking his lips hostage with yours. Pulling him down on top of you as you laid back on the seat. Your rip tight around his neck. “Fuck–” 
“Missed you, Missed this–” It wasn't that Braldey had inherently gone anywhere, but this was just something that had been off the cards for the last few months since the incident. Rooster respected you far too much to ever push your boundaries or climb the walls you put up. So he waited for you to make the first move. 
“Missed you so much–” Travelling the expanse from your jaw down the valley of your chest and down your torso, Bradley left goosebumps wherever his lips melted against your skin. “So fucking pretty Pip–” Sinking down between your legs to meet your core, dripping and needy for his touch. “Since you think it's hilarious that I can't last more than a few minutes, let's see how long it takes you, yeah?” He’d made it a challenge, to see how long you’d last and you thought for sure it would take you a while. But as soon as Braldey pressed his tongue against your sensitive bundle of nerves and spread your legs as far as he could get them? You knew it wouldn't take long at all. 
“Holy shit–” Your back arched off the seats as Bradley ate you out. His tongue lapping away as his fingertips danced at your entrance. “Ohh fuck!” There was a brief moment where you forgot how to breathe, that's how good it felt. The way Rooster was eating your pussy felt like he’d been starved for months, lapping and sucking and coaxing his fingers against your velvet walls. Two digits slipped in easily as your nectar pooled like it did at the base of a waterfall. All for him, all because of him. “Ohhh fuck Roos, yes!” 
“Such a pretty cunt.” There had been many nights where Bradley Bradshaw jerked himself off to the thought of you, so much so the bottle of unscented moisturiser had become a permanent fixture on his bedside table. His fist would never compare to the satisfaction you gave him though. The feeling of being with you in any aspect, from the nights where you’d close up early and share a pizza down by the beach to the mornings where you’d meet up at Bradleys place and go for a run, was unparalleled. “So wet so easily Pip–” 
“Say my real name.” You moaned as you fell deeper and deeper into the vortex Bradley was shoving you towards. “Bradley, say my name.” God it felt so good, the pressure in your lower abdomen was coming to a boiling point, the tips of your toes tingled with pins and needles, crinkling your nose as your breathing laps and got deeper every passing second. “Oh god oh god oh god oh god–” 
“I got you Y/n, I got you–” Bradley knew you were verging on the edge of your orgasm, he wasn't going to say anything now–but he couldn't help but to smirk against your pussy as he worked you over, pumping his two digits in and out. Your juices slicked him up so good it had started to drip down his wrist. “I got you baby cum for me.” It was otherworldly every time you were with Rooster. He knew just what to do and when to send you over the edge. It was a tell tale sign though whenever you gripped his dirty blonde locks with your first, pulling harshly as you shifted your hips against his face. “Cum on my face Y/n please baby, then ill fuck you so good you’ll be hobbling behind that bar of yours.” 
“Ahhhhh!!” You felt it bubbling, there was no turning back now. “Bradley i'm cumming i’m cumming i’m cumming i’m cumming ahhhh–!” Bradley didn't stop, he never stopped pumping his fingers inside you, he never stopped sucking at your swollen clit. “Ohhh fuck!” It was pure ecstasy, a euphoria only Bradley could provide you with. Your body stiffened as your orgasm washed over you like a damn titlewave. “Ohhhhhhhh–ffuuggghhhh—!” 
“Fucking christ Y/n yes baby look at you.” Rooster cooed as you soaked his face, squirting a little as he hit the squishy wall of your cunt over and over again, coaxing the liquid from you like a pro. It felt too good to not ride out the high to its full capacity. Revelling in every second of your high. “Did so good for me.” Bradley was quick to wipe his mouth on the back of his forearm as he came up to meet you. Kissing your lips softly, he moaned at the thought of you tasting yourself on his tongue. 
“I still have eight minutes left on my break.” You sighed as you looked up at Rooster. “You got enough in the tank to waste two minutes?” 
“What the hell question is that?” It made you laugh at just how ready Bradley was. “Absolutely I do, hop on beautiful.” Within the blink of any eye, Bradley had switched up the positions you were in. A few seconds ago you had been lying on your back with him hovering on top of you. Now? You were straddling his lap as he sat back against the middle seat of his Bronco. “You know you’re the most beautiful woman i've ever met right?” Bradleys complement didn't go unnoticed, it had you breaking out into a bashful smile so bright he swore you could have seen it from space. “And you aren't just another girl.” He cooed, cupping your face as he pulled you down for a kiss. “And this isn't just some summer love for me.” He explained as you shifted in his lap, guiding the head of his cock past your slick folds and into you slowly, sinking down–taking him inch by inch. “I think I'm truly falling in love with you–” 
“I think I'm truly falling in love with you too, Roo.” It would be a conversation tabled for a later day, because the moment you started moving up and down the length of Roosters cock? It was fake over for him. Moaning against your lips as you kissed him. Bouncing up and down to a rhythm of your choice, slowly, coaxing him to write where you wanted him. 
“Ohhhh fuck—yes, Y/n fuck you feel so good baby.” Roosters hands gripped at your hips, helping to guide you up and down his slicked up length as you worked your way down his jaw. Kissing over his scars—sending shivers down his spine as you did so. You’d been the only woman to ever do that, he had a girlfriend once who brought him concealer. But you? You kissed at the scar tissue like it was some imperfect perfection. “Holy shit—feels so fucking good!” 
“You're gonna come already Bradshaw?” You just wanted to tease him a little. “Ahh! But it feels so good, never wanna stop riding your cock.” Rooster let his head fall back against the glass of his Bronco. Squinting his eyes tight as he tried to hold out for as long as he possibly could. With you though? It was damn near impossible to. You just felt too good. 
“I’m good—“ Bradley lied, you knew he did. “Keep fucking me like this though and I’m not gonna last.” You knew he was barreling towards his high. There was a tight sensation pooling at the base of his shift as his balls tightened and breathing hitched. He’d gone a bright shade of crimson, his skin blotchy and hot to the touch. “Fuck, fuck, fuck—holy shit just keep fucking me Pip keep fucking me baby feels so fucking good.” Babbling, Bradley had given himself over to the feeling you brought him. Your touch, your warmth, your ability to have him coming undone at the scene was like a personalised siren song you sung out just for him. “Where can I cum!?” 
“You can cum inside me Bradley, come on baby—cum for me.” Bradley had a fair few inches to carry around. It always felt good with him buried inside you, but with only a few minutes left in your break—the two of you would have to find a lengthier time to be intimate. “You wanna cum for me? Fill me to the brim with your cum Lieutenant Bradshaw—“ There it was, that was it—your point proven, the second that rank left your mouth Rooster was pulling you flush against his chest with your arms strung behind your back. Fucking up and fast and deep and mercilessly into your dripping fucked out cunt. “Aaahhhhh! Fuck! Yes yesss!” You cried out, it felt way too good. “Bradley!”
“I told you not to call me that didn’t I?” He was done for, he was a goner—completely head over heels in love with you as he came hard and fast and without shame. “Ooohhhh fuck! Ooohhh yes, ooohhhhh god—“ flooding your cunt with the biggest load he’d ever given. “Ohh my god, that was—“ 
“The very definition of a quickie.” You finished Rooster's sentence as hot air steamed the windows of his Broco like that one scene in Titanic. “But I’m not complaining.” 
“You wanna come back to mine after you finish work?” He asked as you sat up, his cock still inside you as he softened, deciding you had a minute or two still left to spare. 
“Maybe—“ You smiled softly. “Depends on how busy the rest of the night is.” You knew Bradley hadn’t meant it in a way where he was implying another round. But you knew he would clear that up. 
“I didn’t mean it like, another round—-“ Ah, yep there it was. “I just meant maybe we could just spend whatever ends up being the rest of your night together, a pre date for our real date if you will.” He beamed, leaning in to kiss you one final time before you dismounted to sit beside him. Both naked. Both spent. “And before you say you have to work tomorrow? I already asked Penny, you don’t have work tomorrow.”
“And what if I had plans of my own?” You cooed, looking over your shoulder at Rooster as you pulled your shirt back over your head. 
“Cancel them.” He was as serious as a heart attack. “Spend the weekend with me gorgeous?” Rooster just wanted to be by your side always. “I know you’re reluctant, but—like I said, this isn’t summer love for me, so I’m gonna keep chasing you until you either give up or tell me to stop wasting my time.” 
“Well I hope that your cardiovascular health is a lot better than your sexual stamina Bradshaw.” You teased as you buckled your jeans up. “Because I’m quite enjoying being chased.” 
“Keep running than Pip.” Bradley smiled as he watched you open the door of his Bronco, sliding out as if mother happened. “Because I’ll catch you.” 
“Only in your wet dreams Lieutenant Bradshaw.” You taunted as you leaned in just one more time to place a kiss against Roosters lips. Savouring the feeling before pulling away. “But yes, I’ll come back to yours after work.” 
“So it’s a pre date for our date?” You couldn’t help but to laugh. Shaking your head softly as you nodded in agreement. 
“Yes, a pre-date for our date.” 
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hannahhook7744 · 4 months
Canon & Semi-Canon Character List!;
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For @askauradonprep .
LMK if you want me to add kids from other disney media like non-descendants books, sequels, and shows.
This list only includes the next gen kids from descendants (as well as Uliana).
Descendants (Mobile Game):
Carter (Maybe a gender bent version of Scarlet who is dependent on your character's gender or could be a completely separate character).
Note: Diego de Vil was also in this game, if you want a visual on him.
Elle, daughter of Eric and Ariel.
Evie's Wicked Runway:
Scrapped Characters:
Aziz, son of Aladdin and Jasmine (mentioned in ‘the isle of the lost’ and the d1 script).
Anxelin, daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert (mentioned somewhere unknown as of now).
Hadie, son of Hades (mentioned in ‘Return to the Isle of the Lost’).
Gigi, daughter of Mother Gothel (Mentioned in an early draft of a d2 script).
Concept Art Characters:
Lil Yaz, son of Yzma.
Quinlynn, daughter of the Queen of Hearts (can be seen in 'Good to be Bad'.)
Escape from the Isle of the Lost (Book):
Ariana Rose, niece of Aurora and Prince Phillip
Bobby Hood, the son of Robin Hood and Maid Marian.
Derek, the son of Dopey.
Shy, the son of Bashful.
Crabby, the son of Grumpy.
Hap and Cheerful, the sons of Happy.
Snoozy, the son of Sleepy.
Doc II, the son of Doc.
Gesundheit, the son of Sneezy.
Note: I also remember there being a Sneezy Jr and a Gus but I can't find proof, so for now I'll just have them here.
Players Mentioned on the Tourney Wiki:
Miguel (#44).
Tyrone (#32).
Akio (#42).
William (#12).
Li (#85).
Emir (#26).
Note: Aziz was also mentioned here on the wiki.
Kids Named Only in the Movie:
Taylor (Coach Jenkins called for him during one of the tourney scenes).
School of Secrets (Book Series):
Opal, the daughter of Mama Odie.
The Tweedledum and Tweedledee cousins, the sons of Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Yi-min, the daughter of Yao.
Carina Potts, the daughter of Mrs. Potts.
School of Secrets (Web Series):
Unnamed Kid who's Great Uncle is Smee.
Dianne Doan (narration) and Andrea Savo (screen appearances) as Secret Blogger–the unidentified girl filming Auradon Prep's students.
Mark Daugherty as School Reporter.
Blake Rosier as Sleepy Jr, son of Sleepy.
Bashful Jr, son of Bashful.
Ben Stillwell as Happy student.
Maxwell Chase as Jock.
Miles Tagtmeyer as Reasonable Student.
Carlos‘s Scavenger hunt (Book):
Henry (White haired little boy who is Carlos's biggest fan).
Unnamed Seven Year Old Son of John Darling.
Beyond the isle of the lost (Book):
Chester, son of the Cheshire Cat.
Katy/Katy, daughter of the smoking caterpillar.
Twee and Dee, twin daughters of Tweedledee.
Dora, daughter of the Dormouse.
Bill, the former cook of the Duchess's nephew.
Descendants 1 (Movie):
Mal, the daughter of Maleficent and Hades.
Evie, the daughter of Evil Queen.
Jay, the son of Jafar.
Carlos De Vil,  the son of Cruella De Vil.
Ben, the son of Belle and Beast.
Audrey, the daughter of Aurora and Prince Phillip.
Lonnie, the daughter of Fa Mulan and Li Shang.
Chad Charming, the son of Cinderella and Prince Charming.
Jane, the daughter of the Fairy Godmother.
Doug, the son of Dopey and Doug's mother.
Rise of Red (Movie): 
Red, daughter of the Queen of Hearts.
Chloe Charming, daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming.
Maddox Hatter, the Mad Hatter's son.
Morgie, the son of Morgana le Fay. 
Uliana/Ulyana, the younger sister of Ursula, and the aunt of Uma.
Unnamed Jasladdin/Jaladdin kid who can't be Aziz because the timeline doesn't work.
Zellie/Meadow, daughter of Rapunzel who may actually be Rapunzel (EDITED TO ADD NOTE: rumor has it that the actress who played Zellie/Meadow does not want her photos used, so if you do write Zellie or plan to use her character you may want to fancast/use a background character from the movies as her or avoid using photos all together. Unless it's proven otherwise).
Note: I’ve only included characters who didn’t exist before the movie. So no teenage versions of the adults. No Merlin, , and no Jack of Diamonds (since we see him as an adult only).
The Isle of the Lost (Book): 
Anthony Tremaine, the son of Anastasia Tremaine.
Beelzebub, the daughter of Lucifer.
Claudine Frollo, the daughter of Claude Frollo.
Clay Clayton, the son of Clayton.
Diego De Vil, the nephew of Cruella De Vil.
Gaston Jr. and Gaston the Third, the twin sons of Gaston.
Ginny Gothel, the daughter of Mother Gothel.
Harry Badun, the son of Horace.
Jace Badun, the son of Jasper.
Jade, the niece of Jafar.
Harriet Hook, the daughter of Captain Hook.
Lagan and Derelict, the children of Flotsam and Jetsam.
LeFou Deux, the son of LeFou.
Madam Mim's granddaughters.
Othello, the son of Iago.
Sammy Smee, the son of Mr. Smee.
The Evil Step-Granddaughters, six or seven unnamed daughters of Drizella Tremaine.
The Sea Witches who may or may not be related to Ursula.
Spotted Hyenas, the children of Shenzi, Benzai, and Ed.
Reza, the son of a former Royal Astronomer of Agrabah.
Yzla, the daughter of Yzma.
Descendants Wicked World (Show): 
Freddie Facilier, the daughter of Dr. Facilier.
CJ Hook, the daughter of Captain Hook.
Zevon, the son of Yzma.
Jordan, the daughter of the Genie.
Ally, the daughter of Alice.
Ruby, the daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert.
Return to the Isle of the Lost (Book): 
Hadie, the son of Hades.
Mad Maddy, the granddaughter of Madam Mim.
Rick Ratcliffe, the son of Governor Ratcliffe.
Hermie Bing, the daughter of The Ringmaster.
Crocodile Descendants, the children of Tick Tock.
Herkie, the son of Hercules and Megara.
Tiger Peony, the daughter of Tiger Lily.
Artie, the son of King Arthur.
Gordon, the son of Grumpy.
Pin, the son of Pinocchio.
Rise of the Isle of the Lost (Book): 
Stabbington cousins,  the children of the Stabbington brothers.
Arabella, the niece of Ariel and Eric
Li Shang Jr., the son of Fa Mulan and Li Shang.
Descendants 2 (Movie): 
Kristie Sita plays an unnamed blonde pirate girl amputee in purple seen in Uma’s Crew. 
Uma, the daughter of Ursula.
Harry Hook, the son of Captain Hook.
Gil, the son of Gaston.
Dizzy Tremaine, the daughter of Drizella Tremaine.
Note: characters of Uma’s crew have been named in her book, but not all of them and there were plenty of other background kids from the movies and stuff that weren't named.
Uma’s Wicked Book:
Jonas, member of Uma’s crew.
Gonzo, member of Uma’s crew.
Bonny, member of Uma’s crew.
Desiree, member of Uma’s crew.
Descendants 3 (Movie): 
Celia Facilier, the daughter of Dr. Facilier.
Squeaky Smee, one of the twin sons of Mr. Smee.
Squirmy Smee, one of the twin sons of Mr. Smee.
Characters Who Were Mentioned That I Have Zero Clue Where They Were Mentioned:
Pirate named Maria/Marya.
Application Kids:
A kid who's name starts with Do or Da. Might be named Dawn. May be the child of a witch/someone selling something & a builder.
Cozzy/Coco, child of a writer named 'William' and a doctor named 'Martha'.
Hector/Sticks, child of an entertaynor/entertainer named Vivian and Lotso.
Bug, child of a bug eater (mom) and the implied child of Oogie Boogie.
Seen in this post by @leftbehindtorot :
If I missed anyone, let me know. Thank you for the help, @casinotrio1965 .
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fbfh · 1 year
curiosity is a wonderful thing - chapter 1
wc: 2k
genre: slice of life, slow burn, best friends to lovers
pairing: slowburn best friend ben! x fem daughter of alice!reader, current audrey x ben
warnings: audrey being a bitch, unnecessary amounts of tea, ben being ben, mildly implied nd reader
summary: after a junior royal council meeting, you hype up your best friend Ben to tell his parents about his plans for his first proclaimation as king.
song recs: main titles 1 2 & 3 - descendants score/david lawrence, cheshire kitten (we're all mad here) - sj tucker
a/n: THE NEW SERIES IS HERE!!!! I am so excited for this, it's been one of my comfort indulgence daydreams for the longest time so I'm really elated to share it with y'all. BIG FAT FANGZ TO CICI FOR BETA READING!!!!!! and fangz to you guys for reading!!!!! I hope you enjoy lol <333 have an optional outfit. as a treat.
tags @dustyinkpages @demirunner @strawberry-cake1 @kiara7777 @yesv01 @magcon7280
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Audrey was shocked when Ben had first told her that you and he weren't dating. She knew that you were friends, best friends at that. Everyone in Auradon did. Everyone also knew that what you had between you couldn't possibly be just platonic, not with the way you look at each other, how much time you spend together, or how intimately you speak to each other. It’s like you have your own language.
Everyone in Auradon knows this, with the exception of you and Ben, apparently. Even now, in the middle of a junior royal council meeting, Aziz shares a pitying look with Herkie at the way Audrey holds onto Ben’s arm while he goes over the agenda. Neither of them miss the way her gaze flicks between you two, trying to see if you’re stealing glances. You’re seated at his right hand side, like you usually are, as he goes over the last few items on the agenda for the meeting today and try to pay as much attention as you can. You scribble in your notebook as he does, nibbling at a tea biscuit and trying not to miss any of the important bits. 
“...Facing a longstanding struggle to keep up with the increased demand of the textile industry,” Ben says, skimming through his papers. He glances up, and he knows no one is really paying attention except for you. “Looking to open up a- a more collaborative process of dialog with key workers in the textile industry, and unified front between all the major groups who paved the way to textiles as we know them today, while also compensating for the rise in automation.” 
Across the table, Chad yawns. Lonnie and Melody pass notes between them, at least attempting to be subtle about it. You listen to Ben continue to update everyone on the ongoing current events in Auradon, and your pen drifts away from taking notes as you do, and begins to scribble little shapes in the margins of your well loved notebook. Your other hand moves down under the table, adjusting your pale blue skirt and tugging at the elastic of your black and white striped stockings. Ben’s gaze flicks over to you as you adjust in your seat, tugging at the puffy sleeves of your white blouse a moment later. He can tell you’re starting to get fidgety, which means it’s about time to wrap all this up. Plus, he has a suit fitting in ten minutes that he can’t be late for, or else Lumier will probably char something by accident. 
“Negotiations are still in progress, and of course, we’re looking for any way possible to avoid an embargo. I think that’s the last thing anyone needs…” Ben trails off with a chuckle, only to be met with silence. He looks back at his paper, trying to find his place before the silence gets anymore awkward. Before he can, he hears you let out a puff of air in agreement. 
“That’s quite an understatement.” You smile up at him, catching his eye before you each return to your respective papers. Your Wonderlandian accent is comforting, like a familiar friend in a tough crowd. People have described your accent many ways, most concluding it’s somewhere between british and transatlantic, but you don’t think you have much of an accent at all. Ben says you do, and you trust his judgment on the topic. Audrey maintains a tight smile on her face as Ben gently frees his arm from her to look through his papers in more detail. Once he’s sure he’s not missing anything, he goes through the usual motions of wrapping up a junior council meeting. 
“All party planning committee members are welcome to hang back, the floor is yours,” He says to Audrey, gathering up all his papers with a smile. “Everyone else, thank you for your time as always, and have a good evening.” 
Ben heads to the door as people start to funnel out and make conversation. Audrey waits as the other people on the party planning committee move up the table to sit closer to her, glancing at you as you put your notebook, pens, notes, and teacup back into that teapot shaped bag you always carry. It’s enchanted with Wonderland magic, and it makes her uneasy. She thinks you should just get a tote bag, or backpack, like a normal person. 
“Bunny,” Ben calls from the doorway, getting your attention with the nickname he’s had for you for years. Her train of thought quickly turns away from bags as  you look over, noticing it’s time to go and scurrying over to him. She watches you both talk quietly and head to wherever you’re going next, trying to ignore the quiet, burning jealousy seeping up into her. It’s nothing new, she reminds herself. She knew you two were best friends when she got together with her Bennyboo, so she knew what she was signing herself up for.
“Are we ready?” She asks curtly, turning towards Jane. She refuses to spend another second worrying about you, and instead, she channels all her energy into sifting through streamer sample colors. Whatever you two are doing can’t be as important as this. She’s sure whatever you’re discussing right now during Ben’s suit fitting is just meaningless small talk. Nothing of any importance. 
“I… truly don’t think you could have picked a better, more impactful first proclamation, Ben.” You conclude with a sip of raspberry tea. A wave of relief washes through him as he pulls on the blue suit jacket for Lumier to tailor. 
“You think so? Because, I-I’m only going to get to do this once, and-” 
He’s cut off by you nodding solemnly. 
“What better way to pave the way to the future than mending rifts of the past?” You ask rhetorically. 
“Yes!” Ben exclaims, letting his hands fall to his sides with a smile, a gesture you mirror. “You get it…” 
“Of course.” You smile at him, and it’s quiet for a moment as you take another sip of your tea. “You know your parents will…” You begin, but Ben is already nodding. 
“Oh yeah.” He agrees. “I wrote down everything from the pros column, and ideas for everything in the cons.” 
“Good,” you say, encouragingly. 
“And I have a great mission statement.” He adds, and you can see him getting fired up. You know how much this means to him, how much of his heart he’s putting into helping as many people as possible and being a good king to everyone, even the citizens on the Isle. If you know Ben - and you’re sure you do by now - you know how he can start to overthink things right before a presentation, even an informal one. He’s as prepared as he’ll ever be, and you have his back. He knows this.
“Oh, I meant to ask,” you say breezily as Lumier enters, “how are things going with Audrey?”  
You wiggle your eyebrows at him, sending him a comically scandalous look. He laughs as you wave hello to Lumier, and you think it’s the first time he’s relaxed in the last 30 hours or so. You flip through your journal, selecting a few pictures you took recently of flora in Wonderland, doodling their leaves and stalks on a mostly blank page. He laughs, hanging his head at the unexpected nature of the question, and Lumier pulls out a tape measure to begin the alterations of Ben’s suit. 
“You’re really- we’re really going to go there?” He asks through a smile. You look up at him, nodding. 
“Mhm.” You confirm. He can’t say no to you, he never can. 
“Okay. Uh, yeah things are good. With me and Audrey.” 
“Good,” you smile, looking up from your paper. He wonders what you’re working on, and always looks forward to seeing your little drawings. Even the ones you dislike, he finds beautiful. He tries to think of what else is going on with Audrey. 
“We, uh… we have a date later this week.” 
“Sleeve.” Lumier interjects, moving Ben’s arm.
“Oh, how fun!” You smile. 
“Head.” Lumier turns Ben to look out the large windows. He thinks for another moment, struggling to find anything else Audrey related to talk about as you distract yourself with the expression of a pouting mushroom you’d gotten a good picture of last time you were in Wonderland. Before he can think of anything else his eyes land on the Isle. His mind wanders toward how forgotten everyone out there must feel. You look up at him, following his gaze. 
“I know.” You say softly. You’ve discussed the Isle and its’ residents at great lengths, both finding a greater deal of compassion for them than most people seem to have. 
“How is it possible that you’re going to be crowned king next month?” Comes King Adam’s booming voice as he and Belle enter from the patio doors. 
“Hello, dear,” Belle smiles at you, resting a hand on your shoulder as they pass, approaching Ben, and you smile a greeting back up at her, and begin putting away your notebook. As close as you two are, you can’t expect anyone but the royal family to be in the room during discussions of Ben’s first proclamation. Both you and Ben knew this had to be a conversation between him and his parents, and as much as you both might like it to be, it’s not really something he can do with you by his side. You scurry past him, sending him an encouraging look. 
“You’ll do great.” You say, your voice just low enough for him to hear it. You touch his arm encouragingly until Lumier shoos you away, not wanting anything to jeopardize the way he finally got Ben’s shoulder to lay on that side. Ben locks eyes with you as you leave. It’s only a moment, but those three words, that one little gesture from you have him more ready than ever. He prepares himself with a breath. 
You’ll probably sneak off to Wonderland for a while, like you usually do with any pockets of spare time you find, so you’ll get to update him on the feud going on between the bluebirds and inchworms by the time he’s done. He takes comfort in that, knowing that even in the worst case scenario, even if everything goes horribly wrong, you’ll still have some fascinating Wonderland stories for him, just like you always do. He finds great comfort in the thought as his parents approach, and knows two things; it’s time for him to begin stepping up, and that you have his back all the way. 
You close the heavy wooden door behind you, walking a few feet down the hall so you don’t accidentally eavesdrop. You sit down against the wall to wait for Ben, and your mind drifts to Wonderland, as it so often does. There’s a peace there, something you’ve never been able to find overland. It calls to you, like a sailor’s heart calls to the sea. You wonder if you have time for a quick trip, just a few minutes in paradise, but you know it’s never really just a few minutes. Time works differently in Wonderland than it does in overland, and it’s unpredictable. The last thing you want is not to be here when Ben is done talking to his parents. 
“I’d better not…” you sigh. Being here for Ben is more important right now. He’s your best friend. So you settle into your little spot in the hallway, smoothing out your blue skirt around you. You reach into your teapot shaped bag, pulling out a small white porcelain teacup with little violets on it, and a matching saucer. You think for a moment about what kind of tea you want right now. Hibiscus, you decide, with a touch of honey. You tilt the spout of your bag, letting the perfectly brewed cup of tea fall from the spout. You take a sip, leafing through your homework to see what you can bore yourself with to pass the time. You don’t know how long Ben will be in there, and you don’t care too much. You’re sure he’ll do wonderfully, and that’s really all you care about right now. 
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ abby. aina. aislin. amaris. apricity. artemis. aspen. aster. aylin. babi. bell. bella. ben. bennett. benny. boo. bristle. buddy. buttercup. calico. callie. cat. cataka. catalyn. catarine. cataura. cate. catelynn. caterina. catherine. catlyn. catnip. catra. catriel. catrin. catriona. charlotte. chat. chatters. cheshette. cheshire. chompo. citrie. claw. clawrina. clementine. cleo. coco. cole. cozie. critter. dessie. diana. diona. dippin. ditzy. dots. dreametta. drowsette. edur. eira. elara. fang. fausta. faustette. faustina. felicity. felina. feline. felisha. felix. fennec. ferri. fluff. fluffie. fluffles. fluffy. fortune. freya. fur. furayah. furina. furona. gato. gatto. gianna. gigi. ginger. hiraya. hissan. holly. hyacinth. hypnoticesse. iris. izzy. jett. jinx. kalico. kat. kataka. katalyn. katarina. katashi. kate. katelinn. katelyn. katharine. kathayani. katherina. kathi. kathirah. kathita. kathleen. kathrine. kathryn. katika. katilyn. katinah. katinka. katlin. katrina. katsen. katte. kattie. katzchen. katze. kelly. kettlingur. kismet. kit. kitti. kittie. kitty. kizzy. korat. kot. kote. kuting. kyathi. lawler. layla. lee. leo. leon. leonardo. lil. lilith. lily. lioness. lionette. liora. loki. lola. lottie. luckitty. lucky. lucy. lumi. luna. lunar. lunette. lynx. maine. mao. maola. maoli. maolia. maolmin. marie. mau. meowesse. meowli. meowy. mew. mewlina. mewy. midnight. milka. milo. missy. mist. misty. mitten. mittens. mizuki. mona. moonie. morphius. nala. napolean. narcyz. narkissa. neko, nemuri. neoma. neomi. nepeta. nevada. noir. nyamu. nyasia. nyx. olwen. onyx. oreo. orpheus. owen. paris. pawelek. pawleen. pawline. paws. popoki. poppy. prince. princess. pumpkin. purresse. purrette. purriette. purrlina. purrse. ragdoll. ravae. river. ruby. scar. selene. selenia. shade. sleepesse. stitch. stripe. sunny. sunrise. sunshine. sylvester. sylvie. tab. tabby. tabitha. thimble. tigris. tilly. tiny. tom. treat. valorie. vulpes. whisker. whiskers. willow. yue. yume.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ (=^・ω・^=)/(=^・ω・^=). /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\//ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ. :3/:3. >:3/:>:3. >:3/>:3. >ww<. ^^/^^. ^^/^^. ^w^/^w^. ado/adore. ash/ash. aw/warm. bell/bell. bit/bit. bite/bite. ble/bless. blizz/blizzard. bow/bow. box/box. ca/cat. calm/calm. candle/candle. car/caracal. carni/vora. cat/cat. cat/nip. caterwaul/cayerwaul. catnip/catnip. cha/chase. chan/chance. chase/chase. chatter/chatter. cheer/cheerful. cher/cher. chew/chew. chom/chomp. chub/chub. cla/claw. claw/claw. claw/clawed. cli/climb. collar/collar. cookie/cookie. cozy/cozy. cu/cute. cud/cuddle. cuddle/cuddle. cute/cute. cute/cutie. dark/dark. des/destiny. dream/dream. drow/drowsy. eep/eepy. ey/em fa/fate. fang/fang. fay/fem fe/line. fel/feline. feli/dae. feli/feline. feline/feline. fi/fish. fish/fish. fleur/fleur. fli/flip. flick/flicker. floof/fluff. fluff/fluff. fluffy/fluffy. for/fortune. fri/friend. fu/fur. fur/fur. fu/fuzz. fuzz/fuzz. ga/to. gloom/gloomy. happ/happy. hi/his. hiss/hiss. ho/hop. hope/ful. hu/hunt. hunt/hunt. hunter/hunter. hy/hymn. hyp/hype. intro/vert. jagu/jaguar. ju/jump. kat/kat. kit/kit. kit/kitten. kit/kitty kit/kitty. knea/knead. kya/kya. lawl/law. lawl/lawl. leap/leap. lion/lion. lu/luck. luv/luv. lynx/lynx. mao/mao. me/meow. meo/meow. meow/meow. mew/meow. mew/mew. miau/miau. miew/miow. mil/milk. milk/milk. mimimi/mimimi. mlem/mlem. moon/moon. mrow/mrow. mrr/mrrp. mrreow/mrreow. mrrp/mrrp. nap/nap. neko/neko. night/night. nip/nip. noct/noct. nom/nyom. nya/nya. nya/nyan. pa/paw. panth/panthe. panth/panther. paw/claw. paw/paw. pawpad/pawpad. pessi/pessimist. pet/pet. petal/petal. pi/pink. pitter/patter. pla/play. play/playful. pou/pounce. pr/prr. pra/prance. prowl/prowl. prr/prr. pup/paw. purr/purr. quiet/quiet. ribbon/ribbon. ro/roll. roll/roll. sca/scratch. scra/scratch. scratch/scratch. sha/shake. shade/shade. shadow/shadow. shy/hyr shy/shy. skit/skitter. slee/sleep. sneak/sneak. sniff/sniff. snooze/snooze. snow/snowflake. soft/soft. spe/speak. spi/spin. squi/squish. sta/stare. swe/sweet. sweet/sweet. swi/swipe. ta/tail. tail/tail. tig/tig. tig/tigri. tiger/tiger. tire/tired. tired/tired. toy/toy. tre/treat. tri/trick. trill/trill. vae/vaem vix/vixen. waf/waffle. warm/warmth. whis/whisker. whisk/whisker. wonder/wonder. ya/yarn. yarn/yarn. yaw/yawn. yawn/yawn. yip/yip. yowl/yowl. zoomie/zoomie. zz/zz. 🍣 . 🐅 . 🐆 . 🐈 . 🐱 . 🐾 . 💤 . 😺 . 🥛 . 🦁 . 🦴 .
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delicatereader · 11 months
No way (part 2) - Anakin x reader
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• brother's bestfriend trope
• summary: Anakin and you had a moment before, now you're friend invites you to their party but you must have dates...
• warnings: idk jealousy, mentions of sex, swears
• a/n: I got carried away with their friendships but idc. I used Taylor, Gracie and Harry bc I couldnt think names. I havent proof read it and I'm trying to make a flashback to their kiss. The party should be interesting...
"Party at mine, tonight" Stephen announces as he walks into the living room. All of you were hanging out (meaning scrolling through your phones and talk shit). Of course Ben and Anakin were in attendance, your friend froup was small but not too small. In addition of you, Ben and Ani, Taylor and Gracie (your besties), and of course Ethan and Stephen. You, tay and grace have been inseparable since you could remember. Ethan and Stephen came into your lives later (through Ben's college experience).
Anyway, Stephen continues to provide you the info for the party. "It's gonna be so cool, dark lighting, scary but hot costumes"
"Costumes?" Gracie interrupts
"Costumes. For you girls, I would recommend a pirate or a slutty nurse!" he advises. You hear Anakin's chuckle across the room. You roll your eyes at him, "speak, ass" you push him to continue.
"Ok ok fine!" he responds
"Drinks provided, strong ones provided. Also bring dates." he informs
You freeze at the word 'dates'
"Dates?" you repeat shrugging
"Dates." he confirms
Gracie has been flirting with Ethan for a while now, you've been sensing some sparks and signals, so they'll go together. As for Tay, your brother will follow her everywhere and try to persuade her into going with his charms. Stephen gets dates easy, that guy is the definition of a good looking frat boy man.
"These four are set I guess." Stephen breaks the thoughts in the air
"What?" Tay speaks up
"I mean, Gracie and Ethan are going together" our heads turn to their blushing faces. "I'm assuming Ben is going to annoy till you go with him" he grins in your brother's direction.
"No, not this time" she claims
"We'll see" my brother replies with a wide smirk on his face
"So you two who are you going with?" Ethan breaks his silence to ask you and Anakin
"I don't know" Anakin replies not caring about it
"Why don't you two go together" Gracie shoots
"Yea you two go together" Ethan agrees with Gracie. Soon everyone shakes their heads in agreement, except you two.
"No way I'm going with him" you reject
"And no way I'm going with her" he supports you
The last thing you want is something like what happend yesterday to happend again. You told him to stay away from you and that's what he is doing. He looks just as disinterested as you in this suggestion.
"Ughh" Taylor complains in the background
Suddenly you have an idea. You dive back into your phone and search through your contacts to text Harry, a "friend" of yours. He's had a crush on you for years and a few weeks ago you slept with him, it was a drunk decision.
"Then who are you going with? huh?" Stephen asks with a worrying look, not for you but for his party.
"I have an idea" you respond. Suddenly, Tay and Gracie jump from the bean bags on the floor to your side in the sofa.
"No, is that who I think it is" Taylor squeals whilst whispering
"I don't know, you tell me" you smirk answering her question
"Come on, isn't he dating someone?" Gracie asks
"No, not since...you know." you reply hinting at your night with Harry
"God he's so- " Taylor mutters
Ben clears his throat and furrows his eyebrows towards me and Tay. Anakin takes a quick glance up at you before focusing back on Ben's little interruption.
"Shut the fuck up!" Tay yells, causing everybody to laugh at Ben
"Who are you talking about?" Ethan asks
"No one" you shoot out, a but too fast
"I'll give you a hint" Tay speaks up
"No!" you warn her, but before you could interrupt she spills-
"Tall, brunette, greeny blue eyes, cheshire smile and HOTTT!" she said the "HOTT" way too aggressively and loud. She wasn't wrong though.
"Harry? You fucked Harry! Like Harry Crest?!" Stephen explodes out of surprise
"What! you fucked him? I left you with him thinking he will take you home safely" Ben follows Stephen's path of emotions
"Oh he took her home alright!" Gracie mutters under her breath
"Shut up Gracie! I don't even know if he's gonna be there" you reply to this hysteria
"Oh he's gonna be there!" Stephen says
"There's no party without him" he continues
Anakin again looks up when Stephen mentions him, but this time staring into you deeply
"We'll see" you conclude the conversation and head to the kitchen to find a snack.
You hear some steps behind, it was Anakin
"You fucked Harry Crest?" He asks plainly
"What happend to hello? How are you?" you tease him (taking inspo from the tiktok audio of course)
"Hello you slept with Harry?" He repeats
"Ummm- yea" you respond
He pauses for way too long, looking at you with confusion
"First of all its none of your business and second of all why do you care?" You shoot at him
"I don't care!" he states
"Ok you don't care" you repeat his answer to annoy him. You move past him and grab and apple.
"I mean it must be easy for you to get a date? right?" you ask him
"Oh yea? why is that?" he looks at you with his tongue pressed onto his cheeks inside his mouth.
God he's so hot
"I mean come on-" you you wave your hand around loosely in his direction
"Come on what?" he moves closer to you
You hesitate to respond, giving him more confidence to close the space between you
"Come one what sweetheart?" He towers you trying to push out an answer
Fortunately you hear your phone buzz, it was Harry. You step away from Anakin and attend the phone. You press it to your ear whilst looking at Anakin. He lowers his head and let's out a chuckle.
"Hi Harry!" you speak into your phone. You continue to have your conversation standing infront of Anakin staring at him.
"So I was thinking...are you going to the Stephen's party tonight?" you slip in the question
"Yes" Harry replies
"Good cause I need a dancing buddy" you smile (kind of blushing) and speak into the phone
"I'm free" he replies whilst letting out a chuckle
"Alright I'll see you there" you nod your head still smiling uncontrollably
You end the phone and tilt your head up to look at Anakin, who wholeheartedly hated that phone call but found it amusing in his own way.
"Sorry I have to get ready" you clear your throat moving towards him. In response he hums.
"I have a date" you smirk at him in victory
He looks up and down at you as you leave the kitchen, "ok" he mutters under his breath with a questioning smirk across his face.
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thegrimdog13 · 11 months
Creepypasta x Marble Hornets Halloween headcannons (pt. 1?)
•Ben always makes EJ dress up as Jason Voorhees to go scare all the other “proxies”
•EJ doesn’t really want to but Ben always convinces him with the promise of a potion that makes EJ’s demon stay at bay.
•Jeff only takes Halloween seriously and will go all out without making a joke of it. Because he will go all out on Christmas but make a joke out of it the whole time.
•Jeff loves carving pumpkins and the worst part is that he likes taking out the pumpkins guts the most
•Jeff carved pumpkins with Sally every year but she always lookes grossed out at the pumpkins guts so Jeff does it for her. 
•Jeff always carved his face into the pumpkins.
•Sally almost always does a cute face on her pumpkins
•LJ literally refuses anyone buys any candy because he wants them to use his candy
•You never know when LJ has poisoned the candy or not before you eat it.
•LJ mostly just dresses up as other clowns for Halloween.
*Nina has definitely begged Jeff to be the joker and she definitely worn a Harley Quinn outfit. Jeff hated it so much. 
•They always throw a big Halloween party
•Jane the killer tries to dress up as the opposer to Jeff every year. So most of the time when Jeff dresses up.. if he dresses like the Joker she will dress as Batman. 
•Jane Everlasting is not apart of the gang but she sure as hell wears a Micheal Myers suit while tracking Jeff down on Halloween.
•Ben goes as all the meme costumes with the occasional video game character 
•Slenderman with dresses up as Jack the pumpkin king or nothing at all lol
•Laughing Jill tried to force LJ to do twin costumes with her every year. She only sometimes wins
•Liu dresses up as the most silent characters 
•Masky and Hoddie dress up with each other most years or while similar characters.
•Toby dresses as dumb shit
•Lulu always gives people those gummy eye candies 
•Lulu will set up a trick or treat route every year.
•EJ loves giving out candy on freak or treat
•LJ has a new Halloween apron every year
•Judge Angel almost always dressed up as some sort of demon because she thinks it’s funny
•Bloody painter paints pumpkins instead of carving them
•Kagekao dresses up as the Cheshire Cat a lot 
•Kagekao usually just sits somewhere height at the Halloween party’s waiting for something interesting to happen.
If you guys want more let me know ! 
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multifamdomfan · 5 days
All canon Descendants Characters:
Mal; daughter of Hades and Maleficent
Evie; daughter of the Evil Queen
Jay; son of Jafar
Carlos De Vil; son of Cruella De Vil
Ben; son of Belle and Addam
Jane; daughter of the Fay
Doug; son of Dopey
Audrey; daughter of Aurora and Phillip
Li'l Shang, Yi-min, and Lonnie; children of Mulan and Li Shang
Chad and Chloe Charming; son and daughter of Cinderella and Henry
Harriet, Harry, and CJ Hook; children of James Hook
Uma; daughter of Ursula
Gaston Jr., Gaston the third, and Gil; sons of Gaston
Dizzy Tremaine; daughter of Drizella Tramaine
Freddie and Ceilia; daughters of Dr. Feciliar
Squeaky and Squirmy; sons of Smee
Red; daughter of the Queen of Hearts
Morgie; son of Morgana
Uliana; sister of Ursula
Maddox; son of the Mad Hatter
Jack of Dimonds
Captain James Hook
Cruella De Vil
Evil Queen
Bridget/Queen of Hearts
Mr. Smee
Jordan; daughter of Genie
Ally; daughter of Alice
Zevon and Yzla; children of Yzma
Ruby and unnamed sister; daughters of Eugene and Rapunzel
Sleepy Jr.; son of Sleepy
Bashful Jr.; son of Bashful
Diego De Vil; nephew of Cruella
Aziz; son of Jasmine and Aladdin
Harrold Badun; son of Horace
Jason Badun; son of Jasper
Anthony Tramaine; son of Anastasia Tramaine
Ginny Gothel; daughter of Mother Gothel
Claudine Frollo; daughter of Claude Frollo
Sea Witches
Dr. Facilier
Lady Tramaine
Mother Gothel
Yen Sid
Shere Kan
Mad Maddy; granddaughter of Madam Mim
Hadie; son of Hades
Artie; son of King Arthur
Pin; son of Pinocchio
Gordan; son of Grumpy
Herkie; son of Megara and Hercules
Eddie; son of Edgar Balthazar
Tiger Peony; daughter of Tiger Lily
Hermie Bing; daughter of the ring master
Big Murph; son of Black Murphy
Arabella; daughter of Eric and Ariel
Bobby Hood; son of Robin Hood and Marian
Chester; relative of the Cheshire Cat
The Duchess
Dora; daughter of the Doormouse
Twee and Dee; daughters of Tweedledee
Katy; granddaughter of the Caterpillar
Bill; nephew of the cook
Opal; daughter of Mama Oddie
The Tweedledee and Tweedledum cousins
Carina Potts; daughter of Mrs. Potts and sister of Chip
Ariana Rose; Audrey's cousin and Aurora's niece
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