emilybeemartin · 8 months
Boromir Lives AU: it's a BABY
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Activate Stiflingly Protective Big Brother Turbo Boost
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Labor Day
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The Gondor Chronicle's headline reads Brilliant Military Strategist and War Hero Absolutely Loses His Goddamn Mind During Sister-in-Law's Routine Labor
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Beregond didn't anticipate this under the Extra Duties as Assigned clause in his job description
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Somebody say uncle, quick
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Boromir Lives: Helm's Deep
Boromir Lives: Whump-Time After Pelennor
Boromir Lives: GO TO SLEEP
Boromir Lives: Aragorn's Coronation
Boromir Lives: Faramir and Eowyn's Wedding
Boromir Lives: The Haircuts
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 25 days
Warner Brothers just announced the upcoming film Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum coming in 2026.
I've gotten a peek at the rest of the upcoming release schedule as well:
2028: Lord of the Rings: The Gay Adventures of Glorfindel
2030: Lord of the Rings: The Fatty Bolger Story
2033: Lord of the Rings: Beregond, You Remember Him, Right?
2035: Lord of the Rings: Golf Across Middle Earth
2036: The Silmarillion: Everything We Remembered From Before We Got Bored and Gave Up Reading
2038: The Silmarillion: The Rest of the Book, As Mansplained By Three Redditors
2040: Lord of the Rings: Shadowfax and Bill the Pony: A Tale of Forbidden Love
2043: Lord of the Rings: Endgame
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velvet4510 · 8 months
I’m really tired of everyone who keeps on saying that the very idea of Frodo & Sam being in love somehow “ruins the story’s theme of close platonic friendship.”
Are y’all forgetting Merry & Pippin?
Are y’all forgetting Legolas & Gimli?
Are y’all forgetting Frodo & Merry?
Are y’all forgetting Frodo & Pippin?
Are y’all forgetting Sam & Pippin?
Are y’all forgetting Sam & Merry?
Are y’all forgetting Aragorn & Legolas?
Are y’all forgetting Aragorn & Gimli?
Are y’all forgetting Aragorn & the hobbits?
Are y’all forgetting Legolas & the hobbits?
Are y’all forgetting Gimli & the hobbits?
Are y’all forgetting Boromir & the hobbits?
Are y’all forgetting Aragorn & Boromir?
Are y’all forgetting Bilbo & Gandalf?
Are y’all forgetting Frodo & Gandalf?
Are y’all forgetting Pippin & Gandalf?
Are y’all forgetting Aragorn & Gandalf?
Are y’all forgetting Pippin & Faramir?
Are y’all forgetting Aragorn & Éomer?
Are y’all forgetting Pippin & Beregond? (only in the book)
Are y’all forgetting Pippin & Bergil? (also only in the book)
Are y’all forgetting Treebeard & the hobbits?
Are y’all forgetting the entire Fellowship as the surrogate family that they are?
I just listed 23 examples of close platonic friendship in this story.
But sure, if a 24th example is romantic instead, that completely eradicates the other 23 examples and means the story isn’t about platonic friendship at all.
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
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We’re gonna teach ‘em how to say goodbye…
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Round 4
Thuringwethil vs Beregond
The vampire servant of Sauron whose cloak Lúthien uses as a disguise.
Her name means “Woman of Secret Shadow”, she's Sauron's herald, she takes the form of a vampire, it's implied she can shape-shift. Peak aesthetic!
A Man of Gondor and one of the Guards of the Citadel, who abandoned his post to save Faramir’s life.
loyal, friendly, good dad
Round 4 masterpost
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janeeyreofmanderley · 7 months
Brain empty, only thinking of Boromir Lives AU where he comes home, learns what happened in his absence and runs off to give Beregond the most bear like man made bear hug ever made!
For years afterwards Beregond will tell the story how he survived the war unscathed and only really feared for his life when half smothered by a thankful Boromir!
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Talking about my beloved Háma earlier this week got me thinking again about how Beregond is the Háma of Gondor. One of the ways Tolkien showed us how bound together Gondor and Rohan were as countries was by drawing explicit parallels between individual Gondorians and Rohirrim (like Boromir and Théodred), and it happens for everyone's favorite guards, too. They have some differences (I mean, Háma dies 😭), but they’re much more alike than not. 
Most importantly, they’re both soldiers—part of a very hierarchical, duty-bound structure—who nonetheless decide in key moments to disregard orders and follow their own judgment and good sense instead. Háma will let Gandalf violate the ban on weapons in Meduseld and Beregond will leave his post and literally slay anyone facilitating the burning of Faramir because their hearts and minds tell them that sometimes laws must be broken in service of a larger morality. That takes courage, independence of thought, and a strong sense of self. By disobeying, they both knowingly risk punishment—and, indeed, both are punished—but they do it anyway because they know it’s right. And ultimately, both are forgiven and honored because everyone can see they made correct, if unlawful, decisions. (This parallel is also replicated a little further up the respective hierarchies because Éomer and Faramir are also both noted mavericks who choose at pivotal moments to aid members of the Fellowship even though, by law, those outsiders should be arrested or killed. So, again, parallels between pairs of Gondorians and Rohirrim abound!)
I like that Tolkien takes care to show that it’s not just the folks at the very top of communities of Men that can have and display these really admirable and noble traits. It’s important for there to be a Háma and a Beregond so that we know these lands of Men are worth protecting—there is goodness there! And of course it fits very neatly with the “small hands do great deeds” theme of LOTR overall. Háma and Beregond each change the course of history when they trust to their own worth and hold to their own values, no matter the circumstances or consequences.
So that’s the biggest/weightiest parallel for Háma and Beregond, but it’s certainly not the only one. They both work for prestigious military units in the capital city of their countries. They both play formal roles in granting our major characters access to those cities. They’re both firsthand witnesses to the mental manipulation and torment of their leaders (Théoden and Denethor) by an enemy. They both get joyful moments witnessing the healing of a beloved lord. They’re both Gandalf enthusiasts in places where not everyone respects or welcomes Gandalf’s presence. They both demonstrate a willingness to draw swords on anyone they perceive as threatening their lords. They’re both pretty adept at rolling with it when things take a really weird turn (I mean, really, the legendary lost heir of Elendil shows up on Háma’s doorstep claiming to be friends with a mythical elf-sorceress, and he just goes with it. And Beregond has never seen a hobbit before and maybe isn’t even sure they’re real when one is thrust on him, and he immediately makes Pip his buddy!). 
Those are the canon parallels, but I would be remiss if I didn’t finish by specifying that @brigwife and I agree it is rock solid head canon that Háma and Beregond met somehow and became actual long distance best friends. It’s only natural that they’d get along given how much they have in common—just two absolute gems of the race of Men who would totally love and appreciate one another. And I’d like to think that even as Háma’s legacy is commemorated at his resting place in Rohan, there’s also a little memorial for him in Gondor built by Beregond in a beautiful, peaceful part of Ithilien. During Beregond’s lifetime it stands as a tribute to his enduring friendship with Háma, and in later days, when anyone who knew them is gone, it stands instead as a tribute to the enduring friendship of Gondor and Rohan.
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torchwood-99 · 4 months
Denethor: We have a Category 55 Emergency Doomsday Crisis.
Faramir: A Category 55 Emergency Doomsday Crisis!?
Pippin: Sorry, what is a Category 55 Emergency Doomsday Crisis?
Faramir: It's nothing, it's a tiny little inconvenience. Beregond, could you show us to a private room where no one can see or hear us, even if I yell very loudly out of fear?
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kindlythevoid · 9 months
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Can somebody find me the post about the talking fox??
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periantari · 3 months
He was a man we needed in whatever ends Gondor may perish in, ere the ultimate outcome, we needed Lord Faramir for the future.
So when I slew the porter, I was thinking of his larger life at stake pitying Faramir who had no knowledge of being burnt alive. I saw the madness in his father’s eyes building but my eyes were only set on my captain, Faramir.
The hafling was right- i had to save my Lord’s life. He was still the beacon of hope for Gondor no matter what ends we may suffer in.
Let him be spared.
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tanoraqui · 1 year
…and last the captain of the Guard brought to him Beregond to be judged.
And the King said to Beregond: 'Beregond, by your sword blood was spilled in the Hallows, where that is forbidden. Also you left your post without leave of Lord or of Captain. For these things, of old, death was the penalty. Now therefore I must pronounce your doom.
'All penalty is remitted for your valour in battle, and still more because all that you did was for the love of the Lord Faramir. Nonetheless you must leave the Guard of the Citadel, and you must go forth from the City of Minas Tirith.'
Then the blood left Beregond's face, and he was stricken to the heart and bowed his head. But the King said:
'So it must be, for you are appointed to the White Company, the Guard of Faramir, Prince of Ithilien, and you shall be its captain and dwell in Emyn Arnen in honour and peace, and in the service of him for whom you risked all, to save him from death.'
Aragorn, you did not have to say it all like that, you dramatic goddamn weirdo. Stop torturing the poor man.
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camille-lachenille · 1 year
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bretwalda-lamnguin · 1 year
I’m a bit annoyed by the idea that Boromir would be confused by the rest of the fellowship ageing differently, as if he isn’t a Númenorian with weird pattern of ageing. I do think however that the hobbits must have no idea how humans are supposed to look at any given age.
The hobbits meet Aragorn, who is 87 but likely looks younger than 40, Boromir and Faramir who are about 40 but likely look about 25, Denethor who is ‘prematurely aged’ at 88 but still fit enough to wear chainmail and carry a sword, and is stronger than Beregond who might be only a third of his age, and Theoden, who is remarkably fit for 70. This combined with the more ‘normal’ humans the hobbits encounter must give them a very distorted sense of human ageing and appearance.
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shell-senji · 1 year
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frodo-with-glasses · 11 months
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Beregond of the Guard concedes honorable defeat to the first ruling Queen of Númenor and wishes her the best of luck in the semifinals. Thanks for voting, everybody!
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thelordofgifs · 11 months
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Quarterfinal
Beregond vs Tar-Ancalimë
A Man of Gondor and one of the Guards of the Citadel, who abandoned his post to save Faramir’s life.
loyal, friendly, good dad
The first Ruling Queen of Númenor.
Ancalime the First Ruling Queen Of Numenor Herself!!! Let me tell you she is wonderful! She is savage! 'she did not refuse the Heirship, and determined that when her day came she would be a powerful Ruling Queen' a girlboss! I know people love making characters gay (it's me, i'm people) and Ancalime is a great case for lesbian/ace/aro headcanons (about marriage) ''We could', said Ancalime, 'if I had any mind to such a state. I could lay down my loyalty and be free. But if I were to do so, I should be free to wed whom I will; and that would be Uner (which is ''Noman''), whom I prefer above all others.'' She has gay vibes, take her and love her! Also she eventually gets married (either out of spite or to please the government) and her husband is just so rude to her so she kicks him out of his house because she's the Queen.
Propaganda for my girl Ancalimë, she must succeed. Technically Ancalimë is more obscure than most of the other characters here and she is such a wonderful character. This fandom says they like girlbosses, she is so girlboss, she's the First Ruling Queen. Plus she is politically savy - since she is called Tar-Ancalime that's probably not her original name, which means she could have named herself after the elven tree and not the other way around - that's one heck of a statement and more tree symbolism for her, tree lovers vote for her she is one of you.
Quarterfinals masterpost
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