#Best Horseback Riding Books
horseridinghub · 2 years
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Beginner Book Collection
Begin your horse riding journey with our free must-read guide including the very basics you need to get started with horses. Know exactly what you should expect to learn with horse riding lessons and the most important safety tips.
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jessicas-pi · 2 months
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She did not shrink back, though the pupils of her eyes dilated. Was it the wildest thing in the world which happened to her—or was it not? Without warning—the sudden rush of a thought, immense and strange, swept over her body and soul and possessed her—so possessed her that it changed her pallor to white flame. It was actually Anstruthers who shrank back a shade because, for the moment, she looked so near unearthly.
“I am not afraid of you,” she said, in a clear, unshaken voice. “I am not afraid. Something is near me which will stand between us—something which DIED to-day.”
behold: my artistic contribution to the small but enthusiastic You Should Totally Read The Shuttle (1907) By Frances Hodgson Burnett campaign
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catcze · 7 months
i love reading your works, they make excited to read again
but i was wondering, how do you think wriothesley would be in a royal au where we’re the noble and he’s our bodygaurd?? 👀
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Bodyguard! Wriothesley is quite possibly the best thing that's ever happened to you. He's relaxed— much less uptight and by-the-books as some of the bodyguard that have been with you in the past.
Bodyguard! Wriothesley doesn't try to limit your movements or the activities you do, only under the condition that he either comes with you or that you don't do anything outright life-endangering. You wanna dress up as a regular person and wander around the city? Sure. Just let him know, and he'll even procure the disguises the two of you will use. You want to go for a walk in the woods? As long as you both stick to the safer paths and don't stay out past dark, he doesn't see why not.
Bodyguard! Wriothesley cares for your sake. He lets you indulge in whatever hobbies you like— gardening, embroidering, horseback riding, sword-fighting. Whatever it may be, he accompanies you and just lets you have your fun. He even helps you out sometimes, such as sparring with you, or being the one to hold your books for you as you wander around the library.
Bodyguard! Wriothesley even helps you when it comes to your official duties as a noble. He can't help directly, of course, but he helps you organize your files, sort through the numerous documents on your desk, and even provides some useful input in the fields where he's got some experience. Not to mention, when he's your only company in that lonely lonely office for hours to come, he converses with you during the slower periods of time. He talks about anything under the sun— anything that he thinks you'll find interesting, or that might elicit a smile from you. Be it anecdotes from his own life, stories from his time before being a bodyguard, or even just interesting facts he's learned from a book he's found in the library. If he sees you needing a mental break, he's more than happy to provide.
Bodyguard! Wriothesley who accompanies you in your office in the late evenings, long after you've already dismissed him for the night. The moon could be high overhead, the owls hooting and the fireplace in your office crackling away, and this man will absolutely refuse to leave your side until you're finished. To your face, he tells you that it's out of duty. That a risk to your life could come even this late at night, and that so long as you are vigilant with your duties, so shall he. But a teeny tiny little part of his heart is doing it because he wants to make sure that you're alright, too. That while you burn the midnight oil, there is water in the pitcher by your desk, and fresh slices of fruit in the plate. He wants to make sure that your office is neither too cold nor too hot, and that if you choose to stay up late in the winters where the fireplace cannot keep up with the chill, he is there to offer his own coat is he sees you shivering.
Bodyguard! Wriothesley who has, as a result of you being so committed to your duties and your people, been faced with the dilemma of you falling asleep at your desk more than once. Each time, he's hesitant to wake you from your slumber. If anyone knows how hard you work and how badly you need each second of rest, it is the man who hardly ever leaves your side. So instead, he approaches your dozing form hesitantly, shaking your shoulder just slightly with a gentle touch until you rouse a little.
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"Your grace," Wriothesley murmurs, keeping his voice low. "I believe it's time to call it a night."
You say nothing for a few seconds, processing what he's said, but you eventiually nod, letting the smallest of yawns escape you. Wriothesley tries to hide his smile.
Then a thought crosses his mind, and though he hesitates to even offer, he sees you starting to doze off again where you sit, and he can't imagine that to be any good for your back or your neck come morning.
"Would you like me to carry you back to your room, your grace?" He asks softly— so quietly, that if he wasn't this close, you don't think you would have heard it. But you do, in fact, hear him. And while you would normally be rather embarrassed to have your bodyguard carry you anywhere, your sleepiness overrules most thoughts of embarrassment and hesitation. In this state, the most important thing is getting back to your room and getting a proper rest, so you nod.
Wriothesley puts out the fireplace in record time, returning to your barely-awake form swiftly. He easily grabs the keys to your office off your desk and hooks the keyring onto his finger.
"Alright, I'm going to lift you up now, your grace," He murmurs, one hand hooked under your legs, the other circling around your back and cradling you against him securely. You barely stir when he lifts you up, doing little more than humming .
Expertly and making sure not to jostle you, Wriothesley maneuvers you out of the office, making sure to lock it securely behind him. As he begins walking in the direction of your chambers, he can feel you leaning more and more into his hold, your head resting right above his chest. No doubt you're already half-way to dreamland, which he finds incredibly endearing.
"You can sleep for now, your grace. I'll get you back safely." His voice is so soft, like the finest silk. Softer than any of the robes you have in your closet, than the sheets that lay on your bed. You wish you could fall into that softness and slumber for hours and hours.
You lean further into Wriothesley's firm chest, thinking nothing of the way his heart seems to hasten, or how he grows warm under your touch. Sleep creeps forward more and more with each passing second, wrapping you in it's warm tendrils.
Before you completely lose yourself to it though, you manage to whisper a quiet, "Thank you, Wriothesley."
And oh, if his heart doesn't melt right then and there. You asleep in his arms, looking more relaxed than he's ever seen you. Wriothesley adjusts his grip on you slightly, making sure that you're comfortable in his grasp. And if he slows his pace a bit, unwilling to have the walk to your chambers end so quickly, that's just for him to know.
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soulprompts · 4 months
now before i give this list, i want to address two things: 1) i'm enclosing a list of reasons for people to go on dates, because i want to, and also because there's some very good reasons for dates, and 2) i plan to write another list that's not as modern and contemporary, for my historical and fantastical and science-fictionally minded angels! for now, bon appetit: remember, your muses might be undercover, on a blind date, on a first date, matched online, a platonic date, trying to make other love interests jealous, like there are so many reasons, don't be shy, and DON'T ADD TO THIS LIST.
[ LEARN ]: the sender and receiver attend a class together (e.g. for cooking, baking, dancing, pottery, etc.) for a date.
[ ARCADE ]: the sender and receiver decide to visit an arcade together for a date.
[ DRINK ]: the sender and receiver meet each other at a bar for a date.
[ SANDY ]: the sender and receiver go to the beach together for a date involving strolling, a picnic, swimming and watching the sunset!
[ STRIKE! ]: the sender and receiver meet at a bowling alley for a date to practice their bowling skills.
[ MORNING ]: the sender and receiver decide to meet for a breakfast date rather than a dinner one.
[ FOREST ]: the sender and receiver take a weekend break in the woods, staying in a lovely cabin surrounded by nature.
[ TENT ]: alternatively, instead of finding a cabin to stay in for the night, the sender and receiver pack their tents and head out for a camping trip instead.
[ POPCORN ]: the sender and receiver opt for the classic date option of going to see a movie at the cinema together.
[ CAFÉ ]: going for a more relaxed option, the sender and receiver arrange to meet up for coffee and cake at a local café for a date.
[ MUSIC ]: finding tickets to their favorite band's concert, the sender and receiver head out for the night to listen to them play.
[ BICYCLE ]: the sender and receiver mount their bikes and head off to cycle in the countryside together.
[ DUO ]: the sender and receiver set up the bluetooth speakers and dance together in the peace of their own home to the sounds of their favorite songs.
[ DIY ]: the sender and receiver are about to go out for a date, but instead end up staying at home to complete a DIY project together.
[ ESCAPE ]: the sender and receiver attempt to solve an escape room together for a particularly exciting date.
[ COMMUNITY ]: the sender and receiver visit a local fair, festival, market or parade together for a date.
[ PLUS ONE ]: the sender and receiver put on their glad rags and attend a very fancy and prestigious event together.
[ WINNER ]: the sender and receiver set up a game night (card games, board games, video games, etc.) at home for their date.
[ GELATO ]: the sender and receiver head out to the best ice-cream parlour in town for a cold and sweet date.
[ SPEED ]: the sender and receiver go to a go-karting track for a particularly competitive date.
[ HIKE ]: the sender and receiver lace up their hiking boots and head out to a scenic hiking route together.
[ SADDLE UP ]: the sender and receiver take the reins and head out for a scenic horseback riding session together.
[ UP ]: the sender and receiver take an unforgettable ride in a hot air balloon for a date.
[ SING ]: the sender and receiver find a local karaoke bar and take turns singing solos and duets together.
[ PAGES ]: the sender and receiver find a cozy library-café and spend an enjoyable date reading books and drinking coffee together.
[ CHEF ]: deciding to stay in for the evening, the sender and receiver decide to make dinner together in the comfort of their own home.
[ HOLE IN ONE ]: the sender and receiver find a nearby mini-golf course and decide to play a few holes together.
[ MOVIE ]: the sender and receiver pick a few movies to watch for the evening and curl up on the sofa with some snacks to watch them together.
[ PAST ]: the sender and receiver go to a museum or an art gallery together to see the displays and get to know one another better.
[ CLUB ]: the sender and receiver get dolled up and go to a very popular and newly opened nightclub together.
[ PORTRAIT ]: the sender and receiver get canvases and paints and begin to paint one another at home, leaving plenty of peace and quiet to get to know each other.
[ AIM ]: the sender and receiver get suited up to go for a paintballing session together.
[ OUTSIDE ]: the sender and receiver get their nicest blanket, their favorite refreshments, and head out to a park for a nice relaxing picnic.
[ ITALIANO ]: the sender and receiver attempt to make their own pizzas at home together.
[ DINNER ]: the sender and receiver go to a nice restaurant together for a dinner date.
[ ROAD ]: the sender and the receiver embark on a long but worthwhile road trip together.
[ ROWING ]: the sender and receiver get into a rowboat together and guide the boat down the river.
[ QUICK ]: the sender and receiver meet one another for the first time at a speed dating event.
[ ROLLER ]: the sender and receiver put their roller-blades on and hit the rinks together.
[ RELAX ]: the sender and receiver head out to a luxurious spa resort together for some well-earned rest and massages.
[ COMFORT ]: the sender and receiver transform their home into a makeshift spa and give each other facials and massages for the evening.
[ STARS ]: the sender and receiver stretch out on the rooftop/lawn/back of a truck etc. for a night of star-gazing together.
[ WALK ]: the sender and the receiver go out for a nice, relaxing stroll together to see the sights.
[ POOL ]: the sender and receiver go out to the pool, beach or lake for a swimming session together.
[ SHARE ]: the sender and receiver split the evening in half to teach one another a skill that they're particularly good at (e.g. the sender teaching the receiver how to paint, etc.)
[ QUIZ ]: the sender and receiver go out together and find a local pub that's hosting a table quiz event, which they decide to enter.
[ AWAY ]: the sender and the receiver decide to indulge in a long vacation somewhere that they've both wanted to go for a long time.
[ BREAK ]: in the spirit of compromising, the sender and receiver book a nice quiet weekend break together.
[ SIP ]: the sender and receiver book tickets for a wine tasting event in a local vineyard.
[ SAIL ]: the sender and receiver go out on a yacht for the evening.
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desertdollranch · 6 months
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It's December of 1775, and Elizabeth can no longer bear the boredom of staying indoors. She wants so badly to take a horseback ride around town with her best friend Felicity, but the Merrimans are not receiving visitors while Mrs. Merriman recovers from the birth of her new baby, Polly. So Elizabeth dresses in her bright red riding habit and goes on a solo ride.
Elizabeth's riding habit was made by me from an old wool jacket. I didn't want it to resemble Felicity's too closely, so I used the actual outfit from her collection as inspiration, as well as the one she wears in Felicity's movie.
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I also made her riding hat by covering a plastic container lid with felt. I tried white felt on the first version, but didn't love it and so made it black instead.
Elizabeth herself is my customized doll made to resemble the original version of Elizabeth Cole depicted in Felicity's books.
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mommytauriel · 1 year
Sihtric x reader where reader is a ward of Uhtred. Reader is the first person to show Sihtric kindness when he’s captured after the attack in episode 2 season 2 and from then on he’s been smitten. The problem is that King Alfred and Uhtred came to an agreement that reader would be married off to a lord so that way she’s taken care off if something were to happen to Uhtred. I just started watching the show so you can decide the rest.
+ · 。~ promised to another p1
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pairing: sihtric x female! reader | genre: forbidden romance?, angst, fluff | warnings: slight cursing, I think that’s all | wc: 6.4K |
synopsis: You and sihtric just met and yet the feelings you felt for each other were so strong.
request: yes
note: Okay first, thank you for sending in a request! And I’m sorry for how long it’s taken me to get it out! I absolutely love this idea and I still have so many ideas for it, this will be a multiple part series, I am thinking 4 parts? I hope you guys enjoy!
Thank you @underragingwaves for letting me use the lovely gif!
Part one Part two
The weather is hot, the sun beating down on you makes your eyes squint and the sleeves of your dress stick to your skin. You hated it. At least there was the breeze of wind that helped with the heat. Weather like this reminds you of the days you spent with your father, playing in the gardens and fields of your home, your father's estate. 
Your father was an Ealdorman of Wessex, a fierce warrior and a dear friend of the king. He loved nothing more than his family, his home and his King. So, it wasn't the biggest surprise when he died protecting what he loves, his family, his home and his king. You remember the day he left to fight, he came into your room and kissed your forehead. You were still in bed when he promised to return. He never did return, he died in the battle of Edington and a part of you died that day too.  
You didn't stay in your home for long after your father's death, you were outside when it happened. You were sitting under a tree reading one of your father's favorite books when the king came, he crouched in front of you and told you the news. That you would be coming to live with him, and your younger brother would stay and learn to become an Ealdorman. You didn't have much of a choice, so you said your goodbyes and left. 
Your stay at the castle was for several years, after a threat on your life that almost had you killed, King Alfred was filled with guilt and doubt. He couldn't have the only daughter of his late friend killed, killed in his home. So, despite a part of him disagreeing and the anger and shouts of his wife he did what he thought was best, put you in the protection of Uhtred. 
And that brings you to where you are now, standing in a field watching Uhtred train King Guthreds men. You have lost count of the months you have been with Uhtred. Uhtred has been very kind to you, very understanding. He doesn't complain when you take a little longer to get ready or when you have them stop more often so you can bathe. He understands your position, you were raised and lived as a lady…and now you ride with him. It was a very different life. 
You were standing in between Hild and Father Beocca, your fingers playing with your bracelet. You watched with squinted eyes as Uhtred bests Clapa once again. You enjoyed watching Uhtred fight, it reminded you of when you would watch your father train. 
The content look on your face quickly disappears when you see a group of men on horseback approaching. You could tell by their attire that they were Danes. You absentmindedly move closer to Hild. Your eyes scan over the men as they dismount from their horse’s and step closer to Uhtred and King Guthred, one of them; the tall one closer than the others. 
You don't bother paying attention to the conversation they seem to be having, instead your eyes wander to the Danes, scanning over them. Your eyes linger on one of them in particular, he was standing behind the tall one in front, his posture made him seem…nervous as if he didn't want to be there. 
You tilt your head slightly as you look him over, curiosity in your eyes. He looked different from the others, and not in a bad way. His hair was pulled back and to be honest…he was quite pretty. He didn't look like the men you would see growing up is all you could say.
You blink a few times when you realize you have zoned out, you look towards Uhtred to see him leaning back, an unimpressed look on his face. You look back to the pretty Dane, only to see that he was already looking at you. Your eyes widen and you quickly avert your eyes away from him and to Uhtred. 
After a few moments you look back at him and watch as he tilts his head slightly and his eyes rake over your body. His eyes met yours again and this time you weren't the first to look away. You feel a rush or satisfaction when you see his cheeks flush at the fact that you caught him. You look away from him when you feel someone touch your arm.  
“You should join Lady Gisela in her tent and get out of the sun” Hild smiles slightly, patting your arm reassuringly, nodding her head towards Lady Gisela. Who seemed to be waiting for you, a smile on her face as she stood with a few other women. You smile at Hild and whisper your goodbyes to the warrior nun, who has shown you nothing but kindness and love. 
Your hands went to your sides to hold up your dress a little, so you could walk without tripping. You send one more smile to Hild before making your way towards Lady Gisela. You kept your chin up and your shoulders back as you ignored the hungry looks from the Danes you walked past. You stop yourself from looking at the Dane that had caught your attention earlier, but when you feel a hard stare on your back, you can't help but look back, hoping to see the pretty Dane looking at you. 
But instead, you see one of the other Danes staring at you as you walk away, specifically your arse. The look of disgust on your face quickly changes to a look of surprise when the Dane who was staring at you inappropriately, is bumped into causing him to stop looking at you. You felt your heart flutter in appreciation when you saw that it was the pretty Dane who purposely bumped into him. He noticed your stare and gave you a small nod before looking forward and catching an apple from the tall Dane. 
“Lady Y/n are you ready to go?” Lady Gisela asked. You quickly looked away from the Danes and to Lady Gisela, who had taken a few steps to be closer to you. 
“Oh yes I am, my apologies” you apologize with a bashful smile, your hands nervously playing with the fabric of your dress. Lady Gisela was a very kind woman, but she had such a strong presence that you couldn't help but feel a little nervous under her charming eyes. 
“No need to apologize” Lady Gisela says with a knowing smirk. You start to worry that she noticed you staring at the pretty Dane. She doesn't say anything on the matter, she just links her arm in yours and starts to lead you to where her tent was, starting a conversation with one of the women that was joining you. 
You glance behind you one more time to see he was already looking at you. When the two of you lock eyes you give him a small smile, before quickly looking forward before your small exchange would be seen by others. You tried to focus on Lady Gisela’s and the others' conversation, but your mind kept on bringing you back to thoughts of the pretty Dane. I really need to figure out his name, so i can stop calling him pretty Dane you think with a faint smile. 
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Cooling down in Lady Gisela’s tent was nice, you had missed spending time with other women. You of course had Hild, but the two of you were always surrounded by Uhtred and Halig. So, spending time with strictly just women was nice, and very much needed. You spent a few hours with them, eating, talking…well more like gossiping before you went to your own tent. King Guthred had asked for his sister, and you felt more comfortable being in your tent since it was starting to get dark.
You were alone in your tent for a few minutes, just resting on your bed that was covered with many different furs. King Guthred had been very kind and had made sure that your tent was satisfactory for you, and it definitely was. You were reading one of your father's books when Uhtred walked into your tent, sword in hand. You would have been worried that something was wrong if Uhtred didn't smile at you and lift up the sword sharpening stone. 
The worry on your face disappears and you greet him with a smile, you can tell that Uhtred wasn't ready to talk so you go back to reading your book. While Uhtred sits on the wooden stool in your tent and starts sharpening his sword, focusing on his thoughts. This had happened a few times before, Uhtred coming to you to relax and quietly focus on his thoughts. The silence between the two of you was never awkward. You both felt very comfortable in each other's presence. 
It was silent for a few more minutes, the only thing you could hear was the sound of Uhtred sharpening his sword and the faint sound of talking from outside your tent. You were nearing the end of the chapter; the main character was voicing her worries to her mentor about their enemies, and it started to get you thinking. 
“I don't trust them” you say after a few more minutes of silence. Your eyes were trained down at your book, your eyebrows furrowed as you thought more about it. Uhtred stopped sharpening his sword and looked towards you, confused and intrigued. “Who?” 
“The Danes Uhtred, i don't trust them.” 
“You know you will be safe with me” he reassured you when he sensed the worry in your tone. He also had his suspicions about them, but he didn’t like that you worried about them. He wanted you to feel safe with him and not worry about such things. 
“I know that Uhtred, but what if they want to harm you?” 
“Are you worrying about me?” Uhtred wonders with a small smirk. Finding it adorable that you were worrying about him. 
You huff in annoyance and close your book and set it by your side, annoyed that it seemed that he wasn’t taking what you were saying seriously. “Uhtred, I’m serious I can’t exactly protect you.” 
Uhtred laughs warmly and stands up, setting his sword and sharpening stone on the wood table by his stool. Before he comes and crouches in front of you. He reaches for your hands that were in your lap and gives them a reassuring squeeze. “You don’t protect me, I protect you.” 
“Stop worrying little flower” Uhtred smiles at you, squeezing your hands one more time before kissing your forehead and standing up. You return the smile even though you were still worried, you trusted Uhtred with your life, so you trusted his words. 
Uhtred walks back to the table and grabs his sword before turning to look at you with a grin. “Now come join us and eat, Hild is worried you’re not eating enough.” 
“If Hild keeps on feeding me so much I’m going to need new dresses to fit in” you say with another huff and a roll of your eyes. You knew Hild only had good intentions, but there was only so much you could eat. 
“Well, that won’t do, I don’t have enough coin to buy you more of your fancy dresses” Uhtred jokes with a teasing smirk. He laughs loudly and moves to the side, dodging the fancy comb you threw at him. 
“One, please tell Hild I will be staying in my tent and that I’m not hungry. Two, me and my fancy dresses are choosing to ignore what you just said.” 
“Whatever you say princess” Uhtred says with one more last smile before leaving, nodding at your personal guard that stayed outside your tent at all times. Whenever Uhtred wasn’t with you, he made sure that your guard was with you. He never wanted you to be alone and defenseless again. 
You let out a tired sigh once Uhtred had left, the heat from earlier and the long day you had, finally getting to you. You let yourself fall back against your bed and close your eyes. The soft furs of your bed just telling you to go to sleep, you ended up listening to them, and you drifted off in a peaceful sleep. Completely clueless to what was happening in the stables, not too far from you. 
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The next time you saw the pretty Dane was in the morning, and you were thoroughly confused at the sight in front of you. You were already dressed and ready for the day when you stepped out of your tent, you walked around the camp hoping to find Uhtred, Hild, anyone you knew really. 
You stopped dead in your tracks, a look of confusion on your face. The pretty Dane that you couldn’t keep your eyes away from yesterday…was tied to a cart. Why is he tied up? You thought. What have I missed?
“Lady y/n” a voice brings you out of your thoughts. You look away from the tied-up Dane to an approaching Halig. Haligs voice gets the attention of the Dane and he turns his head to see who Halig was talking to, he sits up straight when he sees who it is. It’s you he thought. 
“Hild is in her tent if you need her” Halig continues, he had assumed you were looking for her, like you usually do in the mornings. You give Halig a faint smile before glancing back at the Dane, who quickly avoided eye contact from you. “Oh, I’m alright Halig. Why is he tied up? Where are the other Danes?” 
“Those bastards are dead, we're keeping that one over there as a prisoner” Halig responds with a proud nod, your eyes widened and you step closer to Halig, you really did miss a lot. “What happened?” 
“Oh, right you were sleeping, well those bastards tried to kill Uhtred but- “Halig says as if it was nothing, but you are quick to cut him off, feeling very worried for Uhtred. 
“Is Uhtred okay? Where is he?” You asked Halig anxiously. You were right, those Danes couldn’t be trusted, oh you hope Uhtred is okay. The pretty Dane deflates and looks down at the ground at the way you worry about Uhtred. Of course, a pretty woman like you was taken, and of course it had to be with the man he was sent to help kill, he thought with an annoyed scoff.            
“He's in his tent” Halig tells her first and opens his mouth again to brag about how well he did last night, but you quickly walk past him. One thing on your mind, and that was to make sure Uhtred was okay. Halig just shrugs and walks back to the cart loading it. 
You make your way through the camp and back towards your tent, Uhtred’s tent was close to yours, he didn't want you far from him. You turn the corner of your tent the same time someone else does, you jump back in fright, putting your hand on your chest. Uhtred laughs and holds your arms gently, so you don't trip. “Did I scare you y/n.” 
You ignore his words and throw your arms over his shoulders, closing your eyes and pulling him in for a tight hug. You were so afraid that he was hurt from last night, so you were very happy to see him in front of you, seemingly to be alright. Uhtred’s eyes widen in surprise from your hug, but he's quick to wrap his arms around your waist and hold you to his chest. “Whoa I must've really scared you." 
“Halig said the Danes tried to kill you” You voice out, but it comes out muffled because your face was currently shoved in his chest. Uhtred smiles now understanding, you were still worried for him. Uhtred rubs your back and whispers gently. “I am okay y/n, come on let's get breakfast, I’ll tell you what you have missed.” 
You and Uhtred had gotten some fruit and bread and sat down at a table where Uhtred had explained all that you missed. And let's just say your worry for Uhtred did not lessen. If Kjartan sent men to get Uhtred once, what's stopping him from doing it a second time? You open your mouth to voice your worries but close it when you see Uhtred attention goes to Lady Gisela who’s walking past the two of you. Your eyes widen when Lady Gisela gives Uhtred a shy smile before continuing to walk away. 
Uhtred turns to look at you and you raise your eyebrow, silently questioning what that was. Uhtred rolls his eyes and stands up, making you look up at him. “I have some things to do, Hild should be around here somewhere.” 
“You mean you have someone to do?” You say with a mischievous smile. Uhtred laughs and shakes his head at your response, he truly has been a bad influence on you. He turns to walk away but turns back, forgetting that he has to tell you something. “Y/n, don't go near the prisoner, okay?”
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You of course didn't end up listening to him. It was an hour or so since your conversation with Uhtred and you feared you would die from boredom. Hild was praying, Halig was with Clapa, your guard was training and Uhtred… well you didn't want to know what he was currently doing. Since everyone was busy, that means the prisoner was being guarded by a random man, a random man that you could easily trick. 
If you were going to do this you had to make sure you were doing it the right way, you had no room for mistakes. A mistake in this situation would get you in a lot of trouble, and you really didn't want to be in trouble with Uhtred. Your fear of getting in trouble with Uhtred was calling you to stall and hide behind a tree, and out of sight from the guard and the pretty Dane. 
You weren't scared of Uhtred, you just didn't want to disappoint him by not listening to him. You really did plan on listening to him, but your curiosity had gotten to you, and you spent the last 30 minutes making a plan of action. A plan to talk to the pretty Dane. It definitely wasn't the best plan, to be clear. But with a little luck, you would have your chance to talk to him. 
You didn't understand why this Dane you knew nothing about had captured your attention. You knew he was dangerous and not on your side, was that what attracted you to him? Or was it the way he defended you in a way yesterday? You didn’t know, but you wanted to find out. 
“I’m gonna take a piss, don't move” A voice behind you said, you looked behind the tree to see the guard talking to the Dane. This was your chance; you didn't even have to distract him. The guard snickers and walks backwards “Not like you could move even if you wanted to.” 
You roll your eyes at the guard's remark, you watch as he walks through the trees and far out of sight. You wait a few more moments, just to make sure you would be safe and wouldn't be seen. You let out a nervous breath and step out from behind the tree. The Dane’s back was towards you, so he didn't notice you step out from behind the trees. You took a few steps towards the cart, only to step on a twig; alerting him of your presence. 
The Dane's head swiftly snaps to look at you, as soon as he hears the sound of the twig snapping under your foot. You smile shyly when the two of you lock eyes, taking a few more steps to now stand in front of him. The Dane just looks up at you, confusion in his eyes, he didn't understand why you out of all the people were here…right in front of him. 
“Here” You began as you crouched down in front of him, holding out a red apple for him; a gentle smile on your face, hoping that it would hide your nervousness. “I noticed you haven't eaten yet” You continued. 
The Dane hesitantly takes the apple from her hands. He wasn't going to at first, but the warmness he felt from your smile and eyes told him that it's okay. You looked into his eyes, and you couldn't help but be surprised at the sight, he had two different colored eyes, one blue and one brown. How peculiar, but beautiful you thought with a smile. You spoke with a soft tone “I’m Y/n, what's your name?” 
“I’m Sihtric” He tells you quickly, also looking into your eyes. You were so close to him, and he just wanted to memorize everything about you. His eyes widen when he realizes his mistake on the way he addressed you. “My Lady” he told you quickly and nervously. 
“You can just call me Y/n” You smile widely, you find his nervousness adorable. You didn't expect a ‘murderous and dangerous Dane’ to get so nervous and shy in front of you. Halig had told you earlier that he's a ‘murderous and dangerous Dane’ but he didn't seem like that in front of you.
 It was quiet for a few moments besides the sound of sihtric biting into the apple and the faint sound of birds in the distance, you didn't have much time you had to tell him. 
“Thank you Sihtric” 
“Shouldn't I be the one thanking you?” He says confused, motioning towards the almost finished apple that he scarfed down, maybe later he would feel a little embarrassed for eating in such a way in front of a lady, you really didn't care though. 
“I mean for yesterday” You clarified, your smile still on your face. 
“It's no problem my lady” He tells you, returning the smile with one of his own. You go to tell him that he didn't have to call you that but you close your mouth and look behind you when you hear footsteps. You sigh, you wanted more time with him. 
“I should go, Bye sihtric” You give him a faint smile before standing up, ignoring the small ache you felt in your legs from crouching for so long. You grab onto your dress and rush off before you could be seen and before sihtric could respond to you. 
“Bye Y/n” Sihtric whispered to himself as he turned his head to watch you rush off, a small smile forming on his face when you almost trip over the bottom of your dress. He watches until he can't see you anymore, he sighs and turns back around leaning back against the cart and hiding the finished apple behind the wheel. He missed you already, this isn't good he thought to himself. 
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You weren't present when Sihtric held a sword to Halig’s throat and swore his sword and loyalty to Uhtred. You were at a table reading and eating some fruit, let's just say you were very surprised when you saw  sihtric walk past the table you were sitting at, following an annoyed Halig. Why am I always missing everything you thought with a huff. 
You were watching Halig and sihtric walk away when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You flinch and quickly turn around to see who it was, you let out a breath of relief when you see it's a smiling Uhtred and not some creep trying to cop a feel. Why did he always have to scare you! “Uhtred!” 
“I didn't mean to scare you, come on King Guthred wants us to join them to eat” Uhtred laughs we really need to work on her not being so jumpy Uhtred thinks. You really wanted to refuse but you knew you couldn't, it wouldn't be ladylike of you if you did. So, you sighed and stood up, holding your closed book to your chest. Uhtred smiles and wraps his arm around your shoulder and leads you to where King Guthred was sitting, Lady Gisela sitting next to him. 
You had left the table a few moments after Uhtred did, claiming that you were going to your tent to cool down from the beating sun. Lady Gisela who had noticed your discomfort earlier on was quick to say her goodbyes with a knowing smile. You were grateful to have her in your life. You glance at Clapa fighting as you walk past the group of men cheering for him. 
You sigh and hold your hands in front of you as you walk towards your tent, trying to ignore your guards' eyes that were on your back. He followed you almost everywhere if you weren't with Uhtred, he made sure not to stay too close to you, he knew you liked your privacy. You could see your tent in the distance, and you wanted to smile in relief, knowing that you could have some quiet and alone time in your tent. You pull back the flap of your tent and go to step in but stop in your tracks at the sound of someone calling for you. 
“Lady Y/n” Sihtric Greets as he walks towards you, only to step back and raise his hands in surrender when your guard steps closer to him and pulls out his sword telling sihtric to stay back. Your eyes widen and you step closer to them. “It's alright Matthew, you can leave us.” 
“My lady?” Matthew looks back at you with a confused look, his sword still pointing at sihtric. 
“I will be fine Matthew” You reassure him with a small nod. Matthew looks back at you one more time, before setting his gaze on sihtric and giving him, a glare and he slowly lowers his sword. Matthew doesn't break eye contact with sihtric as he steps back and takes his usual position at the side of your tent. Sihtric gulps feeling slightly intimidated by your guard. You smile at the slight fear in sihtric’s eyes, little did he know how much of a softie Matthew truly is. 
“Sihtric, we can talk inside” You smile motioning towards your tent, it would be nice to talk to him privately. Sihtric spares a glance towards your guard, before stepping forward and following you into your tent. Neither of them noticed a man hiding behind another tent watching the exchange, he didn't stay long before he rushed to tell what he saw to a certain Abbot. 
Sihtric's eyes widen when he steps into your tent, and he takes in the sight. He had briefly seen the inside of Halig’s tent when he was showing him around earlier, and it was no way near as nice as yours was. Sihtric wipes his hands on his pants trying to show you that he was nervous, and to be fair, he wasn't the only one freaking out about him being in your tent. You were too.
It is highly inappropriate to be alone in your tent, if only your mother could see you now. She's definitely turning in her grave at your unladylike ness. You ignore your nervousness and walk over to the table that has a jug of water and a few cups, you fill two cups of water up and turn around, holding a cup out for him. “Here” 
“Thank you, y/n,” Sihtric smiles as he steps closer to you, when he takes the cup in his grasp his hand brushes against yours, he's alarmed at how much your soft touch affected him, that's never happened before. 
“I missed a lot in a short amount of time, you aren't Uhtred's prisoner anymore?” You question him even though you already know the answer. You move to sit on your bed, the soft furs comforting you. You take a sip of your water while your other hand plays with the soft fur. 
“No, I swore my loyalty to him,” Sihtric said as his eyes followed every move of yours. He slowly took a sip of his water, cooling his dry throat. Sihtric stands still in his spot near the front of your tent. 
“So, I shouldn't be worried about you killing me then? Or Uhtred?” You smile teasingly as you lean back on your palm. Your eyes not leaving his as you tilt your head slightly. Sihtric feels his heart start to beat faster at the sight in front of him, you looked so beautiful, the teasing smile and look in your eyes was making him feel things he shouldn't feel. 
“Lady, I would never! I won't harm you or your husband.” 
“My husband?” You laugh out with a confused smile. I don't have a husband? 
“Uhtred is your husband, isn't he?” Sihtric questions, you find the way he tilted his head slightly as he asked adorable. 
“No no no, Uhtred is like a brother to me” You stumble over your words as you try to get them out as quickly as you can. You and Uhtred? No way. Why would he think that? You stop leaning back and sit straight as you look up at him. 
Sihtric licks his lips and tries to ignore the burst of relief he felt at your words. There was still a chance you were married; I hope you're not sihtric thinks. “Do…Do you have a husband?” 
“No i don't” You smile thankfully, you definitely weren't ready for marriage. You look down at your cup of water, why was he asking? You look up from your cup and to his eyes he is very handsome and asking if I am married, why is this making me so flustered “Do you have a wife?” 
“No lady, i don't” When sihtric says those words it's like music to your ears. Sihtric noticed the way your eyes lit up at his answer and he had to hide his smile from seeing your reaction. The tension was thick as the two of you stared into each other's eyes, neither of you wanting to break eye contact and neither of you knowing what to say. 
“Why did you swear your loyalty to uhtred?” You wondered aloud, finally breaking the silence. Sihtrics eyes widen, and he falters a little, as if he didn't expect you to ask him that. You lean back on your palm and take a sip of your water that you had forgotten was in your hand, you were too distracted by his beautiful eyes, but then again who wouldn't be. God he's so pretty.
“A lot of reasons really” He cleared his throat and took another sip of his water. You could see a lot of emotions in his eyes as he thought about your question. You scooted over on your bed and patted the spot next to you. If he did feel comfortable telling you those reasons you wanted him to be comfortable physically, not standing on the other side of the tent looking at you as if you were going to pounce on him any second. 
He hesitates but when you give him a comforting smile, he walks across the tent and sits next to you. Not to close, but close enough that had both of you feeling flustered. You noticed he seemed a little apprehensive as you playfully bumped your shoulder into his and offered him a kind smile. “We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, i know we met not to long ag-” 
“My Father is Kjartan, and my mother was a slave” He cuts you off. You closed your mouth and made sure that you kept your face neutral at his confession. You definitely didn't expect that, and you didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable by your shock. Sihtric looked down at his knees as he added “Kjartan showed me no love or care, I know what type of man he is, he's a terrible man. A man that I don't want to serve.” 
“Lord Uhtred, He's a good man. I want to serve a man like Uhtred, not my father” Sihtric finally gets the courage to look at you, readying himself to see anger or disappointment in your eyes at the fact that he's Kjartans bastard son. But he just sees your kind eyes. 
“Uhtred is a good man and he's lucky to have you. '' you tell him with a smile, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. Sihtric looks down at your hand on your shoulder before quickly looking back at you, giving you a smile of his own. “I think I'm the lucky one.” 
“How so?” You voice out with a shy giggle, feeling very flustered under his gaze. His eyes were staring into yours, only breaking the flirty eye contact to glance down at your lips. Both of you absentmindedly leaning closer, you found yourself looking down at his lips before looking back up to his eyes. You were so close you could feel each other's breath on your face, but still not close enough, your fingers were just itching to pull him closer.  
“Lady y/n, Lady Gisela requests your presence” Matthew called from the outside of your tent, causing you and sihtric to jump apart. The annoyed curse you mutter under your breath causes sihtric to smirk. I did not expect that from a lady sihtric thought, but then again, he also didn't expect a lady to invite him in her tent. You were full of surprises. 
“I should go” you tell him with a nod, but your eyes tell him that you want to stay. Sihtric notices the look in your eyes and doesn’t stop the cocky smile to appear on his face. He stands up and holds his hand out for you so he could help you up. You take his hand and let him help you up, your hands still interlocked as he spoke “Of course My lady.” 
“Goodbye Sihtric” You smile up at him, you sadly let go of his hand. You liked the way his hand fit perfectly with yours, but you needed to go. Hopefully I can hold his hand another time you think happily. Sihtric leans down and takes you by surprise when his warm lips kiss your cheek. Just as soon as it happened it was over, sihtric steps back and gives you a cheeky smile, saying one last thing before leaving. “Goodbye y/n” 
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Over the next few days, a lot happened, not to you…but a lot happened. Uhtred had made sure to keep you away and safe from everything that was happening. So, you spent most of your time with Lady Gisela and Hild and of course Matthew. You were surprised how much you had missed sihtric over the few days, there weren't a lot of chances the two of you could talk. Both Uhtred and Matthew were tense about everything that was going on so that had made them even more protective than usual. 
So that left you and sihtric to longing glances, small greetings through the day whenever you had the chance to, which was rare. Sihtric had started to miss you so much he even thought about sneaking into your tent at night to see you…he didn't think about it much. He knew Matthew wouldn't hesitate to stab his sharp impressive sword through his throat. 
The first time you had a chance to really talk to sihtric again was when you were walking towards your horse. Everyone was getting ready for the journey to Eoferwic, Matthew was with Hild helping her with getting her things, he was reluctant to leave you at first, but you had convinced him to go help Hild, saying something about how she wanted his help…it wasn't too hard to convince him after you said that. 
You were petting your horse when you heard the sound of footsteps, you quickly turned your head; the nervous look on your face turned to a smile when you saw who it was. Sihtric smiles and steps to your side, bringing his hand up to pet your horse's mane. You smiled back and looked back at your horse before saying “Would it be weird if I said I have missed you?” 
Sihtric grins and chuckles and looks at you, admiring your side profile. Your words made him happier than he thought they would you are really do something to me “I guess we're both weird because i have missed you to my lady.” 
“I have said several times that you don't have to call me that.” You scrunch your nose before trying your best to glare at him, but the laugh that slips past his lips causes you to smile and laugh as well. You were slightly out in the open, so in the back of your head you were a little worried that the two of you being seen laughing and close would cause some problems, but his next words made you forget your worries. 
“I know, but I like the way your nose scrunches up when I call you that. It's cute” Sihtric tells you after he stops laughing. Your eyes widen and you shyly look back at your horse. 
“What?” Sihtric asks when he notices the look on your face. Did he overstep? The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. You saw the panic in his eyes, so you stepped closer to him and placed your hand on his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I've been called many things, but never cute.” 
“Now that's weird” Sihtric flirts and tries to not make it obvious that he was looking at you up and down, admiring you. You had caught his eyes and felt a boost of confidence but before you could do anything the sounds of footsteps alerted you. Halig steps closer to the two of you, giving you a smile and nod before giving sihtric a heated glare. “Lord Uhtred needs you.” 
“Goodbye Lady y/n” Sihtric said to you, making sure to emphasize the lady. You nod and mumble your goodbyes, watching as he takes a few steps backwards before turning around and walking off to where you assumed Uhtred was. You hoped you hid your disappointment well, and that Halig didn't notice. 
Halig looks at you and asks, “Was he bothering you?” 
“No Halig, he wasn't bothering me” you tell him with a reassuring nod. Halig nods and gives you one more look before walking off. When you make sure he can't see you, your lips spread into a smile as you think more about the pretty dane. 
He definitely wasn't bothering me… 
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note: Hii! I’m back!! I feel like it’s been sooo long since I posted a fic! I have missed you all <;3
So this is the first part in my ‘promised to another’ short series. When I got this request I fell in love and so many ideas for it so I decided to make it into a short series! (The rest that was suggested in the request will take place in part two and then the other parts will a surprise on what happens 😉)
So there was actually more to this first part, I was at around 10.5k words and I wasn’t even done yet. So I decided to cut the first part into 2! The next part should be up next week idk!
Feel free to send some asks about this series. I would love to talk to you guys about it! ☺️
Please comment if you would like to be added to the taglist for this series or my tlk taglist in general!
So I have been pretty busy lately, but besides this short series and my WIP’s I have also started on another project!
I’m super excited about this! I have a series for osferth in the works! I cant wait to get the teaser out for you guys!
Please comment and tell me what you guys think about this! I would love to read all your thoughts!
Comments, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Taglist: @clairacassidy @mads-weasley @haikyusfics
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copyright ©️ 2023, all rights reserved. you can't copy, translate, reproduce, repost my fic, use my plot or layout. 
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thalialunacy · 17 days
[for the @calaisreno May Promptasmagorah; cw for schmoop like whoa.]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) 22: (k)night (23) (24)
John, for a split-second, thinks he's hallucinating. He's knackered to the point of swaying on his feet from a double shift followed by-- because apparently he'd been a bastard in a past life-- a bloody 'morale building' staff meeting that had made him want to gouge his eyes out.
Alright, he also might be a bastard in this life. But the point is, he hears Sherlock's voice despite there being no Sherlock in the room.
'Ibn is a rather naughty horse, isn't he?'
The sound is tinny but discernible, and John fwumps down into his chair to eye the baby monitor. The camera is aimed at Rosie's cot, of course, so it's mostly Sherlock's shoulder as he leans over with a book. John's tired brain flips through the rolodex of bedtime stories until it hits upon the one with a big white horse named, of all things, Ibn Rafferty.
'But he is fun to ride, and nice to everyone while being ridden.'
He hears Sherlock pause. 'Do you know, Rosamund, that's arguably the first definition of chivalry.'
John blinks. Not where he'd thought that was going, but all right.
'The word "chivalry" is derived from the Old French term "chevalerie,"' Sherlock continues. 'And it was meant to describe soldiers who fought on horseback.'
John snorts. His daughter is brilliant, obviously, but there's not a chance in hell she's understanding this. Unless Sherlock is drawing some truly impressive illustrations off-camera. Which, he supposes, is disturbingly plausible.
'These soldiers became standards of good behaviour, you see. On a horse, you're much taller than everyone else, aren't you? And horses can kick, or be otherwise very rude. So, the guideline for chivalry became, essentially, don't be rude to people who don't have a horse.'
'Don't be rude,' Rosie echoes, and John supposes that's what he'd want her to get out of this lesson, really.
But Sherlock's not finished. 'It had many iterations, of course, but eventually became a ritualised outlook on romantic love.'
John's brows shoot up. He'd've thought this subject to be one Sherlock would delete. Courtly love will likely never solve him a case, after all.
'One of the rituals, for example, was the High Minnie.'
Rosie is interested enough to ask through a yawn: 'Minnie Mouse?'
Sherlock chuckles. 'No, m-i-n-n-e. German. "Hohe Minne" colloquially means "high love."'
Yeah, clearly Sherlock is aware John can hear him. Even he's not going to use the word "colloquially" for the benefit of a toddler.
'It's when a knight-- the person on the horse-- goes through a series of trials to prove their love to someone. For instance, being willing to sacrifice themself to save the person they love. Making a long journey fraught with peril and hurt. Taking on a mighty monster.'
John's tired old heart clenches in his chest. Sherlock knows he's listening, all right.
'Now,' the detective continues, 'in the stories, after all these trials fail to win their beloved's heart, the knight finally accepts that their love is unrequited.'
He pauses. Rosie, John can see in the monitor, is languid with sleep, caught by Sherlock's rich voice and about to go under.
'And when love is unrequited, it can hurt very badly. But the knight knows those sacrifices were worth it, in the end, regardless. Because that's simply what love is, sometimes.'
John rubs absently at his chest. It's too much, he's so tired and so in love that it's almost too much.
On the monitor, Rosie's little brows seem to scrunch together, and she moves, rolls a little towards Sherlock. Who chuckles, wry but warm, as he rubs her tummy. 'It's alright, little bumble. Sometimes the knight does get their love, in the end. And it's the best reward in the world.' The shape of him on the screen leans in and kisses Rosie softly. 'Especially when it comes with little girls named Watson.'
John finds he has to look away from the monitor. His eyes are stinging, and now it's not just from exhaustion.
'You're a menace, Sherlock Holmes,' he calls quietly as he hears the stairs creak faithfully under Sherlock's socked feet.
'I know,' the detective says as he crosses the room. He leans on the arms of John's chair and kisses him briefly, their mouths clinging. 'But you found me worthy, in the end.'
'In the end, in the beginning, in the middle,' John counters. Sherlock raises an eyebrow. 'Alright,' John concedes. 'Maybe not in the middle, there, for a bit.' His smile is slow but genuine. 'But you prove yourself with every nappy, every boring case, every time you think before you throw yourself to the wolves.'
'I do try,' Sherlock deflects, his skin heating up. They've both about reached their limit for sentiment for the evening, John thinks.
'Then shut up and try this, you bastard.' And he pulls Sherlock down once more.
[I did mediaeval re-creation for 15 years, so this is where my brain went when I saw the prompt. The book Sherlock's reading from is 'Our Animal Friends at Maple Hill Farm' by Alice & Martin Provensen. I learned of hohe minne in Leverage 4x15, 'The Lonely Hearts Job.']
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coralinnii · 7 months
✧ Who’s your vibe: Heartslabyul edition ✧
How to play: out of the 20 traits I think of about the TWST guys, bold or highlight the traits you associate or vibe with. No competition, no challenge, just fun.
Heartslabyul Savanaclaw Octavinelle Scarabia Pomefiore Ignihyde Diasomnia
collared outfits \ academically driven \ watching documentaries for fun \ pocket watches \ feeding stray animals \ rose-infused smells \ actions speak louder than words \ crossword puzzles \ reread books \ is always perfectly on time \ anxious cook \ socially awkward \ tea over coffee \ sweet tooth \ valedictorian \ photographic memory \ perfectionist \ horseback rides \ manners maketh man \ ironed shirts \
freshly baked bread \ mint scents \ big sibling energy \ hats \ friend who plans everything \ safety first \ casual clothes \ supreme baker \ loves kids \ writes neatly \ loves to spoil others \ secretly mischievous \ doesn’t want to stand out \ green clovers \ beware the nice ones \ dental care is best care \ loyal to the end \ hidden muscles \ easily embarrassed \ simple and chill \ cool tone colours
social media presence \ keeps a lot of secrets \ social expert \ spicy food lover \ exhausted little sibling \ cute little fangs \ flirty \ skateboards \ guitars \ so many selfies \ band tees or hoodies \ trendy accessories \ fortune telling \ cute cafes \ pompadour \ winky face \ go with the flow \ cute nicknames \ peace signs pose \ rock n’ roll vibes \
jerk with soft spot \ shortcuts are best cuts \ angry worry wart \ brutally honest \ cheeky hearts \ prostratinator \ tsundere \ magic tricks \ sore loser \ playfully insults friends \ talks to friends during class \ messy hair \ accidentally very dramatic \ secretly sappy \ stepping around the rules \ idolizes big siblings \ visits friends without warning \ trouble magnet \ cocky smirk \ brings playing cards everywhere \
book dumb \ changing for the better \ grease monkey \ bad rep \ momma’s kid \ ride-or-die \ super gullible \ fights back \ two-toned varsity jackets \ bikes are cool \ single parent child \ delinquent days \ works on honor code \ musclehead \ good with chores \ can’t go wrong with adding eggs \ won’t know till you try \ one-track mind \ do shit, get hit \ hardworking \
159 notes · View notes
tightjeansjavi · 1 year
𝕓𝕝𝕦𝕖 𝕛𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕤 𝕟’𝕋𝕖𝕩𝕒𝕤 𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕤
𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕠𝕟𝕖
♡ 𓃗 ♡
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Pre! Outbreak Joel x horseback riding instructor f!reader
A/N: as a horse girl/equestrian, this story is very special to me. I hope you all enjoy Joel+Clove/Clover (bc you’re his lucky charm) and their cute lil horsey love story ♡
~word count : 2.3k~
Summary: Joel Miller, single father; total soft dad has an astronomically enormous crush on you, his daughters horseback riding instructor.
Warnings: soft! Joel, shy! Joel, fluff, flirting, slow burn, eventual established relationship, single! Father Joel, protective! Joel, he’s so sweet your teeth will hurt! Joel, eventual smut, some angst, no y/n, +18 minors dni !
blue jeans playlist:
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Austin, Texas
Joel Miller, 34; single father and a total softy, only for his kid of course. Sarah was his absolute sunshine. His baby girl. After her mom was no longer in the picture, Joel took on the full responsibility of being a single father, with the help of his brother Tommy too. Sarah was an adventurous kid. She always wanted to be outside. Whether it was hiking with her dad, playing soccer, or any other sport she could fathom. Joel would do anything and everything for his daughter. He’d lasso her the fucking moon if he could. When she wanted to try out for soccer, he became her coach. He researched all the drills, got her the best cleats he could afford, and attended every single one of her practices, and games. Yeah, you could say he was easily the most unashamedly supportive dad out there.
It came as no surprise to Joel when Sarah came to him one day after school going on and on about horses. Her class had watched the movie ‘Spirit’ that day, and she was absolutely hooked. It was the only thing she wanted to talk about when he picked her up. Joel loved to see his kid talking about the things she loved, so passionately.
“Dad, the movie had me in tears! It was such a beautiful story, I can’t stop thinking about it!”
He chuckled, bringing his arm around the back of her seat as he backed out of the parking spot he was currently in. “Yeah? Think i’ve heard of that movie before kiddo. It’s a good one.”
“Would you watch it again?”
“With you? Absolutely!”
She had rolled the window down, letting her arm rest on the side. She had purple nail polish on, her favorite color. “So Dad, what if I said I maybe wanted to look into taking some horseback riding lessons? I already grabbed like 6 different horse books from the school library! Did you know that horses can sleep standing up? They only lie down to sleep when they feel safe, and there’s usually another horse watching over them just in case!”
“I had no idea about that kiddo. You got any more horse facts for me?” He tapped his hand lightly against the steering wheel, Linda Ronstadt’s ‘Long Long Time’ crackled through the old radio in his truck. “You wanna look into getting some horseback riding lessons? Sure, sweet pea. I’ll look into it for ya.
Sarah was already pulling out one of the horse books from her bag, flipping through the pages. “Oh! Here’s one, did you know that horses have a nearly 360-degree field of vision? They have two blind spots, one directly behind them, and other directly in front of their head.” She looked over at her dad in the passenger seat, she was beaming when he said he would look into riding lessons for her. “Really? Thank you dad, you’re the best!”
“Is that why you’re not supposed to stand behind ‘em cause they’ll spook? No problem kiddo. Might have to take an extra shift with Tommy but it’ll be alright.” He spoke while pulling into their driveway and as soon as he was parked, Sarah was unbuckling her seat belt and giving him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. “I think so? Bet the book I'm reading will have all the answers! I’ll do the dishes extra this week and anything else you need help with, okay?”
He hugged her back, giving her a soft kiss on the side of her head. He loved his daughter more than anything in the world.
“I appreciate it kiddo. Whad’ya want for dinner? If you say pizza again I swear–”
She giggled as she pulled away from his hug shortly after and hopped out of the passenger seat. “I was gonna say that we should switch it up a bit, so how about some chicken fingers and fries?”
“Kiddo, you gotta get some vegetables in there! How about broccoli?”
She made a weird face at him. “Broccoli? Really dad? That stuff is nasty!”
“What if I smother it in butter and cheese?”
“Now we’re talking!”
He chuckled to himself, cutting the ignition and hopped out of the driver's seat. “Damn kid never wantin’ to eat her greens.” He muttered to himself.
Sarah had cooped herself up in her room with her horse books spread out on her bed. She barely even heard her dad hollering that dinner was ready because she was that immersed in it. The second time he yelled, she closed up the book and headed downstairs.
After dinner and a couple episodes of ‘The Saddle Club’ were watched, Joel had carried a sleeping Sarah up to her room. He gently tucked her in under the covers, kissing the top of her head before he gathered up all her books and quietly placed them on her desk. He took one last look at his baby girl, who was peacefully sleeping before he softly closed her bedroom door.
Joel found himself sitting in his makeshift office, looking up horseback riding facilities in their area. He got distracted by this neat little website called, ‘breyerhorses.com’ There he found that the website was for toy figurine horses called model horses. As soon as he recognized the two horses from the movie ‘Spirit,’ he didn’t hesitate ordering them for Sarah. He ordered one for himself as well, a Quarter Horse in a sliding stop position. He admittedly had no idea what the horse was doing, but he recognized it from a rodeo he attended way back when.
After the model horses were ordered, he was back on the hunt. Most of the horseback riding facilities in their area were way out of his budget. They also came off as being elite, a little snobby, and definitely not for beginners. He was just about to give up when he stumbled upon your website. Thank the heavens, he thought to himself as he clicked the link. Right away he was liking what he was seeing just based on the words, ‘family owned’ and ‘non-profit’ The title of your facility was ‘Dream Riders.’ He read in the bio that every horse on the property was rescued, and that you were big on horsemanship skills. He also liked to see that lessons were offered for all ages, skill level, experience, and riding style. What really sold him was how affordable the prices were, and thank fuck for that because all the other hunter jumper barns he looked at, had a starting rate of $60-$100 per lesson. Who in their right mind was spending that much on a horseback riding lesson? Not Joel Miller. Each of the horses had a little bio as well including their breed, age, and personality. He admittedly skipped over that section and went right to your bio.
He could tell just from your smile alone that you were a decent person. You had kind, soft looking eyes. The photograph you had posted was you with your horse, your arm draped around his neck, giving him a hug. Joel couldn’t deny that you were pretty easy on the eyes as well. Not that it really mattered. He was only looking to make sure that his daughter would be in good hands. It just happened to be a bonus that you were attractive. Nothing more, and nothing less. He scribbled down your name and phone number onto a torn piece of paper.
He called you the following morning after dropping Sarah off at school, holding the phone against his ear as it rang. He tapped his fingers along the steering wheel as he waited.
You had just finished bringing the horses in from being out in the pasture all night when your phone rang. You had reached into your back pocket pulling it out to answer it and of course, Javi P chose to be a dickhead to his brother, Javi G, yet again. The tall, chestnut OTTB, (off the track Thoroughbred) let out a mean squeal over the side of his stall door. His ears were flattened against his head as he pawed at the wood aggressively. “Would you cut that shit out man? You’re gonna get your grain in a minute, pal. Eat your hay and stop making faces at your brother, dickhead.” You walked over to Javi G’s stall and reached your hand up and gently gave his velvety nose a gentle pet. “He’s always so grumpy in the morning huh? Who took a shit in his oats?” You gave him a quick kiss on the nose before finally answering your phone.
You said your name first before Joel even had the chance to get a word out. “Dream Riders, how can I help you?” You didn’t have a Texas accent like Joel had expected, and he could tell that you weren’t a local by any means.
“Hey, this is Joel. Hope i’m not botherin’ you or anythin’ just was looking to get my daughter some riding lessons–”
Javi P had kicked the side of his stall door, making a loud thump with his heavy hoof.
“Joel? Just gimme a minute, yeah?”
“Uh sure–”
You pulled your phone away from your ear as you gave the tall Thoroughbred a warning look.
“What did I just say? I’m on the phone, can’t you see that? You want me to turn you into glue? Don’t think that I won’t. Kick the door one more time bud, go on. See what happens.”
You brought the phone back to your ear with a small huff. You had no idea that Joel had heard the entire thing.
“Sorry about that Joel. You were saying that you were looking to get your daughter some riding lessons?”
“Yeah, I-uh–I was. Listen, you aren’t actually gonna turn that horse into glue, are you?”
You were visibly mortified, and felt flustered that Joel, a potential new client, heard you threaten to turn a horse into glue. You lifted your middle finger at Javi P then before rubbing your hand over your face.
“Oh god, did you hear that entire thing? I’m so sorry about that. Just was scolding one of our lovely horses. I swear, I will not be turning him into glue.” You nervously laughed.
Joel let out a chuckle as he leaned back against the worn leather seat in his truck.
“Oh, well that’s a relief. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop or anythin’ like that. Just couldn’t help but hear that part, y’know?”
“No worries at all, Joel. I should have been more aware of my surroundings. Anyway, what skill level is your daughter at?”
“She’s a beginner. Never been on a horse in her life. She just came to me yesterday actually after watching the movie Spirit, and said she really wants to take some horseback riding lessons. I spent all night lookin’ for the right place and then stumbled upon your page. Thought there was no harm in given’ ya a call.”
“Ah, I see. So she got hooked by the horse girl bug right away, huh? Well I'm sure you’ve already seen on our page that we’re entirely inclusive. All ages, skill level, experience, and riding style. I happen to teach all the beginners myself so your daughter would be taught under me. If you are interested, come on by anytime tomorrow and I'll give you both a tour?
“Yeah, that was honestly one of the main things that had your place stickin’ out from the rest. That and the price range.”
“Hunter jumper barns can cost a bitch-in-a-half. I used to take lessons at one years ago. Thought I was gonna have to take out a loan just to pay for lessons alone.”
Joel chuckled against the receiver. You had a mouth on you, that was for sure.
“Well, I think I’ll definitely take up your offer to get a tour of the place. You said anytime tomorrow? We’ll swing by sometime in the late afternoon. Does that work for you?”
“I really shouldn’t swear in front of potential customers, huh? Yeah! Anytime tomorrow works. Just give me a call when you’re on your way and I'll make sure I'm presentable. Looking forward to meeting you, and your daughter, Joel.”
“Perfect, I’ll let Sarah know. She’s gonna be stoked. Thank you again for your time darlin’ and see you late tomorrow afternoon. Take care now. I don’t mind the swearin’ by the way. Got a sailor’s mouth myself.”
Calling you darlin must have just been a Texas gentleman thing, right? So why did Joel Miller have you feeling red hot like a mushy tomato, on a hot summer's day already? You hadn’t even met this man yet, and just by his voice alone, you knew he was attractive.
“You got a sailor's mouth too? Well shit, never would have guessed that. Take care now, Joel. See you tomorrow.”
You ended the call and slipped your phone back into your jeans pocket as you walked down the row of stalls. You stopped in front of your own horse’s stall. Ezra was a 16 hand high Hanoverian. You rescued him from slaughter 5 years ago and you have been inseparable since.
“Hey fella,” You gave him a good pat on his soft neck, reached into your pocket and pulled out a carrot, holding it out for him and he gently grabbed it from your fingers. Chewing the treat happily. “Do all Texas men end first time phone calls with ‘darlin'?”
Your horse nickered in response, rubbing his face against your shoulder affectionately.
“Yeah, that’s exactly what I was gonna say bud.”
You gave him a good scratch behind his ears and one more carrot.
You were definitely a little too excited to meet this Joel Miller tomorrow. You couldn’t wait to put a face to his name.
Joel was feeling the same way about you as well. Except, he luckily had your website photo to go off of. Man, were you a pretty little thing.
Part 2:
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starrymako · 9 months
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Slumber party with Marjorine, Henrietta, and Sophie!
I have this little hc that these three would become good friends. (Also, I watched "the sisterhood of the travelling pants" and became obsessed with the friendship dynamic each girl had despite having different backgrounds / interests!)
Some more background about this headcanon of mine (im delulu)
Marjorine: The most outgoing of the group. She is obsessed with makeovers and is popular among her peers. She had a strained relationship with Henrietta at first due to their different views, but became close friends later on. Marjorine has tried hundreds of times to de-goth Henrietta, but she fails each time. (Sophie helped convince Henrietta to do it ONCE at a sleep over. Marjorine stopped bugging her after that hahah.) She's heavily involved in fashion and cheerleading!
Henrietta: The most cynical of the group. She doesn't have much emotion to anything except when writing poetry or watching horror films. Sophie has read her poetry a few times but for the most part Henrietta keeps them to herself. (And will never allow Marjorine to read.. because she has a big mouth. LOL) She is closer to Sophie since Sophie integrated herself with the goth kids in elementary and knows about her true feelings. However, Marjorine has gradually broken her out of her own shell. Henrietta is in the book club and wants to become a writer.
Sophie: The rational one. Sophie is a true friend and will go out of her way to make sure her besties are ok! She is one of the most popular girls in school for being the best player on the high school soccer team. Sophie has been friends with Henrietta longer than Marjorine, but helped Marj grow close to Henrietta gradually. She is a true host and loves to have Henrietta and Marjorine over for sleep overs! (Marjorine's parents suck and Henrietta's brother is annoying. LOL) Sophie takes horseback riding classes outside of school and is in the movie club.
If you want to know more about my hcs, just ask!! Honestly I have so much I wanna write but can't fit it in one post LOL!
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horseridinghub · 2 years
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natashasnoodle · 10 months
Hi! How are you? I hope ur doing well. I would like to request a Natasha x f!reader fic.
Where nat and r are into each other but are oblivious about it. like they’d even sext each other like it’s normal. But both are scared to do anything about it but more so for nat because nat is scared of not ever being good enough for anyone and r is scared that no one would want her because she’s the quiet, shy but sweet and thoughtful kind of person but also really clingy and r even thinks she’s annoying and is afraid that the woman she loves would leave her because of that. Plz make it fluffy/comfort? My gay heart can’t handle angst 🥺
Experience | Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
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Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
Words: 2.1k
Summary: Natasha isn't the best at trying to date people, the lack of practice can make her come across in a way she didn't mean to, and now she's gotta try and fix it on the spot.
The sounds of old book pages turning, and scraping against each other filled the room as you read an old book that was picked up at a second-hand books fair, the edges of the pages tinged brown from years of use and love. As vivid imagery of armour-clad warriors riding horseback across fields and empires filled your head, the modern-day texting tone quickly drew you out of it. 
Heart skipping a beat, you saw it was Natasha. Making sure to put a bookmark in the book, your teeth found your bottom lip as you picked up your phone, getting ready to reply to - hopefully - yet another flirtatious text. When hoping to date someone you hoped for a bit more substance in the initial messages, but Natasha seemed to always message things that got you hot and bothered, both with texts and images, and you doing the same in return. 
After confirming that it was yet another flirty message, her telling you what she would love to be doing right now, your cheeks and ears went red as a tingling feeling went through your hands, the small anxiety-adrenaline spike causing your breathing to pick up a bit as you typed out a reply that you hoped would get her just as flustered as you are now. 
Though you doubted it. You were a mess with most things, someone could compliment your shoes and you would think about planning out a life with them. But Natasha was Natasha. She owned every space that she walked into. She owned everyone that she talked to. Just by looking at someone she could make them do anything. You thought that even if you had a tenth of the amount of confidence Natasha seemed to have that you would be able to command the cosmos. 
But alas, Natasha was a Black Widow, and you compared yourself more or less to some kind of wet fish. You possessed a sensitive nature, a kind soul that was often looked past. You needed someone with emotional availability to nurture you, so that you in turn could use your beautiful soul to nurture them. However, a lot of people were not like that. Many dates and situationships these days tend to end with someone getting bored, whilst the other person still feels attached and feeling clingy to someone that doesn’t even like them anymore. 
Which is why you were taking this situation with Natasha cautiously. You’d been burnt in the past, and the plan was to not be burnt again any time soon. Fingers tapping away on the screen of the phone whilst your foot tapped to a rhythm in your head, the flirting continued. She only lived a few doors down in your apartment building, so you didn’t quite understand why it felt like some kind of long-distance situation. But Natasha never really hinted at actually meeting up and doing the thing she talked about doing in person.
Some insecurities got the better of you. You knew that you were rather clingy in a relationship, not in an unhealthy way, but enjoying telling each other about the mundane things that have happened in the day, good morning and goodnight texts, wanting to see each other as often as possible, whilst also giving each other a bit of space. But some people didn’t like that style of relationship, and they had let you know that they didn’t with no space to read inbetween the lines. 
This carried on to now. You had wanted to suggest that you and Natasha go a step further and actually try a date, but you didn’t want her to think of you as clingy. Especially because she seemed so nonchalant about everything. You imagined that she was probably sat in her apartment replying to your texts right now without even a change in her heart rate. 
You supposed that instead of wanting this to actually go anywhere, Natasha was just looking to do something to pass her time. Biting your nails whilst waiting for a response, you also supposed that she probably had multiple women to text right now, whereas you were just being pathetic and clinging onto this one person, in hopes that this woman, who in your eyes was way out of your league, would actually like you back. 
One of your legs was pulled up to your chest as the other stretched out on your bed, staring down at your phone next to you, open on the chat as you waited to hear back from Natasha after a bit of a risqué text that was most certainly out of character for you. But instead of a quick and even more loaded response as you expected, you were met with being left on delivered. Sure, it had only been a few moments of the “read at 10:47pm” receipt sitting under your message, but every second felt like a millenia as you sat waiting for a response. 
Any response would do, especially as she was usually so quick to reply during your heated conversations. But still, nothing came through for at least five minutes. The bedroom window was open, meaning that you weren’t feeling the heat of your embarrassed blush as much as you normally would, but still, your body felt hotter and your lips were pursed as you felt yourself fill with embarrassment. 
It wasn’t as though you could just ignore Natasha’s presence if she did end up ghosting you, you lived in the same god damned building on the same god damned floor. Elevator interactions were bound to occur, and you would likely just spend the entire time staring at your shoes to avoid eye contact with the absolute goddess standing next to you. 
Fingers tapped your bedsheets as you got lost in thought, until the familiar vibration of your phone made you look back down instead of staring at a wall. A picture in response. A small sigh escaped your parted lips, you craved more substance in your interactions with her, not that the photos didn’t go completely unappreciated. But still - you wanted a conversation. 
Heaving yourself up from your bed with shaky legs, your feet planted firmly onto the soft rug of your bedroom before moving into the bathroom, one hand holding your phone and the other lifting the bottom of your shirt over your head. 
Across the hall, Natasha eagerly awaited your message, a small, shy smile resting on her lips as she braced herself for the inevitable notification sound. When it did, her lips parted and her pupils dilated. Oh so desperately did she want to march across the hall and actually talk to you. But the mighty Black Widow was scared.
She didn’t have the strongest grip on her emotions, and you were the sweetest thing. Kind to everyone, excited about the little things in life. To her, you were just magical, and she told herself that she didn’t deserve you. So, she kept to having you from a distance. In a way, she felt that you were hers. She knew that whilst she had you like this that you wouldn’t go to anyone else. It was selfish, she knew that. But she couldn’t bring herself to remedy the situation and put on a brave face. 
Instead, she sent some crude comment back to the photo that you had sent, giving you enough tether to stay but not enough to say that she was being vulnerable and showing how she really felt. Your response was eager, but she could sense the disappointment behind it. You wanted something real, and she was just giving you crumbs. 
In Natasha’s eyes she felt as though she didn’t deserve anything real. She’d never done this before. She’d never liked someone before. It scared her. So, her guard was up. She felt as though she’d just eventually hurt you, not fully realising she was inadvertently hurting you already. 
Another photo was sent from her phone, she had spent time making sure it looked good, wanting to put in some form of effort. But this time you didn’t reply. The read receipt was just stuck on “read at 11:31pm”, and ten minutes later there was no sign of a reply. Her heart hammered as she stared at her phone. “Fuck”, she mumbled under her breath as she redressed herself, feeling completely mortified. 
Perhaps there was a chance that you were in the midst of replying? Perhaps you were struggling with lighting or angles? So, she waited anxiously, playing with the strings of her comfy sweatpants, mumbling some reassurances to herself, telling herself that a reply would indeed come. 
Twenty-five minutes later a message did not come. Humiliated, Natasha lay under her covers, staring at her phone that was on charge on her bedside table, quickly grasping at her phone whenever a notification popped up, none of them messages. Some were from Uber Eats, one was even from the Google Photos app telling her some photo rotation suggestions. She felt like rotating her phone out of a window at that one. 
She didn’t know what to do, she liked you so bad, so bad that it almost hurt. But she was stuck. She was way out of her comfort zone. But then, she had never really had a comfort zone, so she bit the bullet. Scrambling out of bed she hurried across her apartment and out into the hall. Within merely a few seconds she was outside of the apartment door, her eyes tracing over the metal numbers ‘265’ screwed onto the door. 
She let out a deep breath before knocking, and then immediately panicking at realising it was now midnight and that was a completely inappropriate time to be knocking on someone’s door. But she thought that you were likely awake as you had been frequently messaging her into the early hours of the morning. 
Her chest rose rapidly, and before she had time to hide behind the potted plant down the hall, you opened the door, features etched with confusion before paling slightly at seeing Natasha at your door, thinking she was here to potentially aggressively confront you about ghosting her photo, which was possibly a dick move but you were tired of those types of interactions. 
“Hey…”, Natasha spoke, her voice in a slightly higher register than usual. A small nod and a smile was your response. 
“Um, I’m sorry if I overstepped a boundary with our messages”, Natasha gulped, one leg holding more of her weight than the other, “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable”.
“Oh”, your eyes widened a little, seeing Natasha actually looking a bit vulnerable as though she wanted to actually talk about something for once. The soft cotton of your hoodie sleeves were in between your fingers, awkwardly playing with it whilst trying to think of words to say. Natasha’s presence was enough to make you flustered. “No, it’s okay. It’s just that type of thing isn’t usually my thing, until I started talking to you anyway, so I guess I just got a little overwhelmed”. 
Natasha nodded in understanding, her eyes looking right into yours, seeing them dim in sadness a bit as you spoke your next line, “I’m sorry if I’m being annoying, I don’t get why I can’t just do what you do on text so easily, it just freaks me out sometimes”. 
“No, I get it. I’m not a big fan either, I just thought that was the only way to do all of… this. I’m a bit new to this and I don’t exactly know what I’m doing. So, again, I’m sorry”. 
This time it was your turn to nod in understanding, “I’m a bit useless at this thing too, don’t worry about it”. There was some awkward silence, both of your feet moving a little on the carpet, shuffling the weight from one side of your bodies to the other just to have something to do. “...How about we start over?”, you suggested, a timid edge to your voice, still convinced that Natasha didn’t like like you. 
The way her eyes lit up spoke on the contrary, and made your heart flutter slightly, as cliché as it sounds. “I’d love that actually… so you want actual conversations, and maybe like an actual date?”. You nodded and smiled, excitement coursing through your veins. She actually liked you. 
As you yawned, Natasha remembered the time, and bid you goodnight, telling you she would text you tomorrow to arrange that date, to which you happily agreed with. And so, she headed back home to bed, and you got back into yours, too excited to sleep but resting your eyes. 
As Natasha hopped into her own bed, she let out a happy little squeal that she swore to herself that she would never, ever do again. She was still absolutely terrified of messing up in her first dating escapade, but she wanted to live, she wanted to experience, and you seemed like a pretty great thing to experience. 
Comment if you want to be added to the taglist <3
Taglist:@fxckmiup @itsdoni @rob1nbuckl3ys @teenagedramaqueenlisa @r0binscript
Natasha Romanoff Taglist:@diaryoflife @unlady-like-12-25-36 @doveromanoff @unstablekay @arcturusseer
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬' 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Neutral Good
Libra Sun, Gemini Moon, Aquarius Rising        
⭑ Always being truthful with each other 
⭑ Legolas is much taller than you; he practically towers over you. And you’re not even a dwarf nor a hobbit. 
⭑ Communicating with looks and limited speech; you know each other too well
⭑ He loves showing you the world - everything there is and the beauty of it
⭑ Legolas wouldn’t care about your background, or where you came from. Not of you came from royalty, money or from nothing. 
⭑ He stands up for you, always. Never letting anyone talk ill of you. 
⭑ He adorns you with jewels; necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, at times he’ll give you formed crystals. You cannot deny that you like it; the way they sparkle and shine. 
⭑ He encourages you to pursue whatever it is you wish
⭑ Absolutely loves when you rake your fingers through his hair. The way your fingers massage his scalp, when they fiddle with his strands and twirl them to make a plait. 
⭑ He shows his love through gift giving and quality time. He likes to receive love with words of affirmation and quality time. But I also think you would love affection, so he would try his best. 
⭑ You spend a lot of time on horseback - hunting and riding
⭑ Legolas knew he wanted to marry you early in your relationship. 
⭑ He loves watching you dance; the way all worry and anxiety leaves your body as you jump and sway
⭑ If you like books, then he will buy you a whole library - if you like weapons, then he will have every kind handcrafted for you. Whatever it is that takes your fancy, Legolas will go above and beyond so that whatever you desire, you have it. 
⭑ Sometimes his bluntness shocks you, but after a while you get used to it. From then, whenever he says something out of turn, you give him ‘the look,’ which tells him that he could’ve worded it better
Relationship Tropes: 
Serious, rarely understands when they’re being flirted with x Flirty, loves making innuendoes because the other doesn’t understand them
Big & Calm x Small & Energetic
Badass Warrior Couple
NSFW🔞 minors dni!
⭑ Slow and sensual sex; he likes to take his time with you 
⭑ Legolas wouldn’t want to share you with anyone; so no threesomes or orgies. You’re his, and his alone. 
⭑ He’s more into giving than receiving 
⭑ So he learns how to give you good head / how to properly eat you out. He doesn’t have a lot of experience. 
⭑ He whispers encouragement when he’s inside you
⭑ Legolas’ favourite place is to cum inside of you
⭑ Rakes his nose against your skin, taking in your smell 
⭑ He isn’t into risky sex, but does love having you underneath the stars, naked and surrounded by the forest 
⭑ Loves to bite your lips when you kiss
⭑ And he loves it when you entwine your hand in his while you ride him 
⭑ Legolas is very good with aftercare; he likes to clean you up, and whisper how much he loves you
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meraki-yao · 9 months
RWRB Movie Cut Scene: The Extended Polo Scene
Alright I went from obsessively wondering about one deleted scene to obsessively wondering about another deleted scene. Namely. this time, the extended Polo scene.
To start with I do really like what we got! It was really fun and quick and horny and it worked really, really well, both in atmosphere and pacing.
I remember in an interview (forgot which one) Matthew said the polo scene was originally six minutes then with the new editing idea which is what we ended up getting, it was cut down to like two and half minutes, which means we have three and half minutes worth of a deleted scene
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I'm guessing what happened was the actual polo match -> conversation and introduction to Bea -> hooking up in the tack room, with that being said:
Alex was practically drooling over watching Henry riding on horseback playing polo (the asshole (jk I love you) even posted a photo of Henry on horseback from the match on his IG close friends stories) how did they go from wanting to make out and eat each other to having a conversation in public (as seen from the montage during the speech)
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What the hell were the two of them talking about????
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I want the scene with Pez I wanna know what they talked about and I wanna see more friendship. Oh and is this when Pez figures it out? Since in the scene where Zahra finds them Henry says Percy knows
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I also really want the scene with Bea. They're obviously close that's explicitly stated in the movie, plus Henry posted a photo of them two from that day on his IG (yes I know it's marketing but right now I'm treating them as real sue me) and I recently learned that Nick and Eliie have been friends for a couple of years by now? I really, really, want more sibling scenes. (especially as someone who relates to Henry and has a sister that I'm very close to) Also Alex and Bea like each other so I really want to know how their proper introduction and this conversation went. On top of that, Henry told Bea about Alex but Alex didn't know that until Zahra busted them and asked, did he tell her here? After all, Bea knew definitively that Henry's gay, and she pulled Nora aside during the wedding, is she wing-womaning? I WANT TO KNOW
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In the book it was just Henry and Alex so it was relatively easy to get away and sneak into the tack room. In the movie apparently, they met face-to-face in public and Alex had a whole introduction to the two closest people to Henry. However the fuck did they go from that to hooking up in the tack room without suspicion?
As awesome, hilarious (I can never hear a bagpipe the same way again) and fitting as the quick cut, it was flashes between the match and the hook up. What was the original edit of the tack room supposed to be???? What does the full hook-up footage look like???? Was it longer??? Was there dialogue??? I WANT TO KNOW
I swear if Prime doesn't release the deleted scenes I'm gonna over-analyse everything in every deleted scene and drive myself to insanity in the best way possible.
(probably not all at once because the promise of something new being released in the future is like, my one motivation to fucking live right now I have fucking problems, but like, PLEASE PROMISE YOU'LL RELEASE THEM PRIME)
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darknight3904 · 7 months
Like We Used To
Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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This marks the beginning of Part Two of This Love. 
Warnings: Slight references to male masturbation and dirty dreams. Nothing wild.
Asgard 2013
   "Are you sure you want this?" 
   "Hush, Fandral, she can make her own decisions." 
   "Yeah,  I can make my own decisions, and I  have decided to change it to blue." 
   "HA! You're such an idiot!" Volstagg cheered, slamming his final card to the table which erupted into loud groans 
Astri and her friends had been playing a Midgardian game Thor had brought back from New York, it was called Uno and Astri was inherently terrible at it.
   "He can not keep winning like this," Hogun said tossing his hand into the middle of the table. 
   "He has to be cheating," Sif whispered  
   "We could always rig the cards against him," Fandral suggested 
   "But then, is it a fair victory when one of us wins?" Astri asked 
   "It is if he hasn't been winning fairly this whole time." Sif pointed out
   "Pass the cards out, I plan to win again." Volstagg declared
   "Cheater," Fandral whispered as he dealt the cards again.
Loki didn't realize how mind-numbing his time in the dungeons would end up being. The first few weeks had been a blur, Frigga had sent furniture and books to him and he spent time rearranging and figuring out the best angle for his bed. Now, he was out of furniture to rearrange and the endless books were becoming boring. He had begun to stew over his loss on Midgard but felt his mind slipping away from his humiliation. As he lay there, he realized he missed the feel of the sun on his face and the way the wind would slightly blow through his chambers when he left the balcony doors open. Loki missed horseback riding through the dense forests of Asgard and the way the stars looked down at him at night when he couldn't sleep. Most of all though, he missed Astri and everything that came with her. He missed the way her laughter would carry through the castle when he made a bad joke. He could imagine the way her long hair would shine whenever the sun streamed into the huge library windows. Loki swore he could smell the soft scent of Astri's fruit-smelling perfume as he lay in his cell.
He couldn't believe she hadn't visited him yet. At first, he had presumed Odin had banned visitors but after asking Frigga who said Astri was free to visit him as much as she wished, he was saddened by her absence. Every day when his meals arrived he swore he heard the soft clicking of her shoes, instead he was met with the same guard over and over again. Loki tried to imagine what she could possibly be doing without him. They had spent nearly every waking moment together as they grew up. Was she with Thor or Sif? Was she rotting away in the library, learning a million different spells? Or perhaps she was with the Aesir fellow she had met in the damn markets? Loki had felt jealousy swirl in his stomach at the idea of the last one. Aesir wasn't necessarily terrible but he just seemed so droll. The way he just mindlessly complimented Astri whenever he saw her, it was like he was grovelling for her when they barely even knew each other. Loki doubted he even remembered what Astri wore each time they saw each other. Did Aesir know Astri's favorite foods and that she hated red flowers? Clearly not since he brought her bunches of them all the time and brought almond cakes when Atri clearly liked lemon better.
By the time his supper had arrived, he had decided that Aesir was possibly the most boring Asgardian who ever lived. Beyond his flat personality, he has terrible style. Loki had peered into Astri's mind the other night and found the most recent memories of Aesir. He had been dressed in the worst possible outfit. The way the silver in his armor contrasted against his skin made him look rather yellow. He felt Astri's embarrassment as they had strolled through the gardens when multiple handmaids had passed and giggled at Aesir.
   "What's on your mind?" A soft voice asked
Loki swore he had never sat up quicker than in this moment.
   "What's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost." Astri asked, "Is there something on my face?"
   "I didn't think you'd ever visit," Loki admitted crossing the cell to where the golden barrier separated them
   "I wasn't planning on visiting today. I was going to make you sweat it out for a few more weeks but Volstagg was driving me insane and I needed a break." She explained
   "What did he do that's annoying you so much?" Loki asked
   "He keeps beating me at this Midgardian game Thor showed all of us." Astri sighed
Loki felt his mouth twitch slightly into a smile. Even though he wanted to be mad at her for not seeing him sooner, he was, as usual, finding it to be impossible to be angry with her.
   "I also brought this..." Astri said pushing a tray of food through a designated spot in the barrier.
   "Aren't you hungry?" Loki asked
   "No, Thor and I have been eating our suppers together for the past year and I swear spending time around him has fattened me up. It's like his huge stomach is affecting me too." Astri admitted
   "I think you look great." Loki complimented, he felt jealousy roar in his chest at the idea of Astri sitting across from Thor in her chambers, laughing at jokes and eating her favorite cakes.
   "Aesir said that a few days ago. I'm sure you already knew that though. You know you're not entirely undetected going through my mind like that at night. You show up in my dreams and that's how I know you're searching my memories, seeing what I've been doing with my days." Astri said
   "Anyone has a right to know what their best friend is up to. And how else would I know when I thought you had resolved to never see me again." Loki countered, surprised that she was able to sense him.
   "Oh please, you never thought that. You knew I'd show eventually." Astri knowingly said
Damn, she knew him well.
   "Has it occurred to you that maybe I missed you?" Loki asked honestly
   "It's crossed my mind. Although I'd like to think that you don't since then I'd feel guilty about not spending my every moment with you." Astri said
   "Like we used to?" He asked
   "Like we used to." Astri parroted with a soft smile that made Loki's heart beat just a little quicker.
Silence fell as he stared at the girl across from him. While she claimed to be fattening up with his "brother", he swore she had lost weight. Perhaps it was the lighting or maybe her dress was ill-fitting? No. Astri was definitely smaller than usual, her arms were normally more defined with muscle than they were now, exposed by a soft yellow gown she wore.
   "You're staring again," Astri said
   "I haven't seen you since the cage on Midgard." He reminded "Forgive me if I'm trying to commit your face to memory. I don't know when you'll visit again."
   "Maybe I will, maybe I won't," Astri said wistfully
She seemed sadder. As if someone had snuffed out her firey spirit Loki had come to love over the years.
   "Would you be able to come tomorrow?" He asked
   "What's in it for me?" She coyly asked
   "I'll read to you for as long as you'd like." Loki promised.
   "You're just tired of being bored in there," Astri said
   "Oh, quite the opposite I'm having a wonderful time here." Loki lied
   "You're not the only one going through their best friend's minds when they sleep" Astri smirked
When in the Nine Realms had she been doing that? Loki felt his smile falter as Astri laughed
   "By the way, beyond your obvious boredom, your dreams of me undressing and then bathing are quite erotic. I feel bad for your hand, and the other prisoners." Astri laughed
That explains the dream he'd been having for the past week.
   "You should not be going through my mind like that." He scolded, feeling his face redden
   "Oh, and that gives you permission to go through mine?" She questioned
   "What you saw is personal." He hissed, embarrassed at her knowledge of him
   "Whatever you say, Loki." She laughed
God he missed that sound, it warmed the air around him and sent a smile to his face.
   "I'll see you tomorrow. I hope whatever book you have is worth my time." Astri said standing
   "You're leaving already?" Loki asked following her as she walked.
    "It's getting late, I had a long day of losing to Volstagg. Plus I'm sure you need some alone time with your dreams of me." She teased
Loki felt his face go red, he was so embarrassed he bet even his ears were red.
   "What a nice color on you, Loki!" Astri complimented before walking away
Loki sighed and watched Astri walk off, she was going to kill him one day. The funny thing was he'd be perfectly fine with it, dying for her no matter how ridiculous the reason.
Astri had barely closed the door to her chambers before Thor had her jumping out of her skin.
   "How is he?" Thor asked
   "Don't scare me like that ever again."  Astri glared looking at Thor who was reclined on her bed
   "Why? It's so fun." Thor smiled
    "He's fine. He's bored and just as Loki as he has ever been." Astri said
Thor nodded as Astri walked to her vanity and began removing her jewelry and pulling pins from her hair.
   "Aesir came calling when you were with Loki." He said
   "Really? What did he want? I just saw him two days ago." She said
   "Well, he left these." Thor gestured to a large red vase of flowers "I put them in water, no need to thank me."
Astri rolled her eyes, she definitely wasn't going to thank him.
   "He say anything to go along with them?" She asked
   "Well, he said his mother was going to make the almond cakes you liked last time and he said he wanted to take a horse ride through the forest in a few days time." Thor said
   "How nice, I'll have to tell him I accept," Astri said picking her brush up
   "Don't you hate red flowers, and you don't even like almond cakes, everyone knows you prefer lemon." Thor pointed out
   "Maybe I've changed," Astri said
She looked at Thor through the mirror who gave her a 'Are you serious?' stare.
   "Okay, you got me, maybe I didn't tell him those things." She groaned
   "They seem like important things," Thor said
   "Pfft.... no." Astri laughed nervously, when did Thor become so observant?
   Silence fell over the pair as Astri brushed through her hair and every few seconds glanced at Thor who seemed to be admiring her patterned bedspread.
   "Did Loki ask about me?" Thor asked
Astri thought about lying to him to make him feel better. But what good were feelings if they came from lies that would just hurt later down the road?
   "He didn't. Our conversation was rather trivial today." Astri admitted
   "Ah. Okay." Thor said
   "I'm going back tomorrow night. Maybe he'll ask about you. If he does I'll tell him all good things." She said truthfully
   "You better." Thor smiled
   "I should really get ready to sleep so if you could you know...leave," Astri said, a bit rudely
   "I came to you to talk about something more important than Loki and Aesir," Thor said ignoring her request.
   "And that is?" Astri asked turning to him
   "My father has said that I am too taken with Jane. He's pointed out that I'm better served with what is in front me me here." Thor started
   "He better not be suggesting we court," Astri interjected, worriedly
Thor's silence was her answer.
   "We are not getting married. I would rather die." Astri groaned
   "That was rather rude." Thor pointed out "You don't have to worry I'm not telling you this because I want to court you. I'm telling you because I don't think he's right, I want to be with Jane but I also want to do my duty to Asgard."
   "You know you're not king yet," Astri said, relieved that Thor wasn't interested in her.
   "What does that have to do with Jane?" He asked
   "It means that you should go out and live. Who cares what Odin thinks is best?" Astri smiled
   "It's irresponsible." Thor pointed out
   "When has Thor Odinson ever cared about responsibility?" Astri laughed
   "Well there was that time I brought my brother back because he tried to take over Midgard." Thor pointed out
Okay he had her there.
   "I am sure whatever is meant to happen will happen. If you end up with Jane, great! If not...well we aren't getting married but there's lots of other eligible maidens!" Astri said
   "I suppose you are right..." Thor said
   "I'm always right." She smiled "Now, get off my bed and leave so I can sleep, Volstaggs victories and Loki's silver tongue have worn me out."
Thor's eyebrow raised at the last statement from Astri.
"Astri! You don't want to court me yet you sneak around with my brother while he is locked away under the castle?! I ought to tell the whole kingdom!" He gasped, feigning a scandalized face.
   "I didn't mean it like that, you idiot! I meant his wordy conversation is exhausting! Just go to your own room!" She blushed trying to pull him out of the bed.
Thor laughed and continued to laugh at her reddened face as Astri shoved him out the door and proceeded to slam it in his face. The Odinson brothers were surely going to drive Astri insane one of these days and hopefully, it wouldn't be for another thousand years.
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie has changed my entire life. Suzanne Collins cooked again.
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achaotichuman · 6 months
Could I humbly request tamlin x reader headcanons. Pweese
Your humble request is gratefully accepted. These little head canons here are gender ambiguous because Tam-Tam is for the guys, the gals and the non-binary pals.
(Also sorry for this taking so long, for some reason I didn't see it until a couple of days ago.)
It takes months to get him to warm up to you, but once Tamlin is comfortable he doesn’t hold back affection or warmth. He’ll always keep a hand on your waist or hip, just to be able to touch you. 
Tamlin will share everything he loves with you. Nothing will be fun anymore unless you’re with him. His song-writing turns into poems and songs dedicated to you. His fiddle-playing is always for you to dance to. He’ll always want to take you horseback riding with him. He’ll show you every beautiful spot in the Spring Court. They will become both your spots. 
If you’re away for any period of time, he’ll spend every free moment thinking about you, writing songs and limericks for you. He’ll hide them in your room for you to find once you get back. 
If you ask, he’ll teach you to play the fiddle. He may fear for the safety of the fiddle, but he’ll try his best to be constructive. If you make a particularly screeching noise on it, he may tell you your hurting the poor instrument. 
He’ll try to bring back lizards he found in the forest. If you tell him he can’t bring them home he will give you puppy eyes and insist they are lonely and need a home, (he’s already named them and gotten attatched, so you have to let him keep them.)
He’ll lay with you in bed on rainy days, his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. He will whisper into your skin how beautiful you are, how lucky he is to have you, how much he loves you. 
Any and all gifts you give him, no matter how small and insignificant, he keeps. They are all displayed in his office. 
He’ll dance with you in the rain. When the water soaks you both to the bone, he’ll spin you around. When mud clings to both your clothes, he kiss you deeply, unable to stop touching you, unable to be away from you. 
You two sit in his office during long work days. He’ll finish work at his desk, you’ll help him some times, others you’ll sit in the chair near him reading. Sometimes he’ll stop work just to look over at you, how the light hits the side of your face, illuminating your skin and eyes. He’ll be unable to look away, when you notice his gaze he’ll tell you how beautiful you are. He’ll say it like the first time every time. 
He’ll surprise you will dates out in the forest all the time. Using magic, he will create beds of moss under trees, with platters of cheese and fruit. You’ll call him a romantic sap and he will roll his eyes, but you’ll both hold each other and fall asleep under the canopy of leaves. (Once a very big spider crawled onto your arm, but don’t worry, his name is Kevin, Tamlin knows him, he is incredibly polite and friendly.)
If excited or happy, Tamlin will pick you up and spin you around. Kissing you all over your face, you will laugh and Tamlin will think its the most beautiful sound he has ever heard. 
He cannot flirt with you for the life of him. He tried writing down a list of compliements which filled three pages, both sides, but when he tried to tell you even one, he froze and just said he liked the way your shirt looked. To this day neither of you quite know what he meant by that. 
Rhysand once came to the Spring Court, he wanted to taunt Tamlin some more. You watched as he waltzed into Tamlin’s office. Before a word could leave his mouth, you snuck up behind him and hit him in the head with a frying pan. Tamlin had to quickly grab you and put up a shield before Rhysand could retailiate. 
You once mentioned offhandedly how much you loved reading a particular series of books. Tamlin went out and bought every single edition he could find, and had an artist paint a portriat of every character. 
You love a particular kind of berry, Tamlin loves them too. Tamlin pretends to hate them so whenever they are on your plates at dinner, he gives them all to you. He loves the smile on your face a thousand times more than that berry. 
Once you were injured so badly you were on bedrest for weeks, you were taken to Dawn as they have the technology required to treat you. Tamlin stayed by your side the entire time. When you told him he had Court to rule, he told you the Court could wait, when you pointed out that was not how it worked, he told you he ruled the Court so yes that was how it worked. 
He lets you braid his hair, you put ribbions and bows in it. Tamlin will wear the absurd hairstyle everywhere, he is very proud of your handiwork. 
Sometimes Tamlin doesn’t truly believe that he is capable of being loved. The insecurities instilled him over centuries of trauma lurk to the surface. When this happens you grab his face and practically yell that you love him so much and nothing in the world will ever drive that away. Tamlin has to stop tears from falling from his eyes. 
You both like to sit atop of a tall mountain, beside a waterfall, over looking the Spring Court. You rest your head on his shoulder, he wraps a hand around your waist. You couldn’t be happier, neither could he. You tell him you love him, he kisses you and murmurs into your mouth that he loves you.
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