#Borage family
Stir-fried comfrey (cooking)
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An herb native to the Caucasus region of Russia. A member of the Borage family, closely related to Borage. Due to its high nutritional value, it was introduced as feed for pigs. The purple flower nectar is sweet and delicious. That's why I fry and eat the ears with buds. It is sweet and has a unique grassy smell. This time, stir-fried shiitake mushrooms and eggs in sesame oil, and seasoned with salt, nutmeg, and garlic. 
The ingredient called allantoin contained is said to be effective for bone fractures when used as a poultice. However, it has the disadvantage of containing toxic components (pyrrolizidine alkaloids), so it is better not to eat too much of it.
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botaniqueer · 2 years
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I am thinking about sandfood again.
From Wikipedia:
Pholisma sonorae, commonly known as sandfood, is a rare and unusual species of flowering plant endemic to the Sonoran Deserts to the west of Yuma, Arizona in the California Yuha, Mojave Desert and Colorado Desert, and south in the Yuma Desert, where it is known from only a few locations.[1]
Pholisma sonorae is a perennial herb which grows in sand dunes, its fleshy stem extending up to two meters (six feet) below the surface and emerging above as a small rounded or ovate form. It may be somewhat mushroom-shaped if enough sand blows away to reveal the top of the stem. It is a parasitic plant which attaches to the roots of various desert shrubs such as wild buckwheats, ragweeds, plucheas, and Tiquilia plicata and T. palmeri to obtain nutrients.
As a heterotroph, the Pholisma sonorae plant lacks chlorophyll and is grayish, whitish, or brown in color. It has glandular scale-like leaves along its surface. The plant obtains water not from its host plants, but through stomata in its leaves.[1] The plant blooms in centimeter-wide flowers which are pink to purple in color with white margins.
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thewitchywitch · 5 months
Palmistry 101
Alrighty y’all so this is the first informational post in my palmistry post series, where I share my personal notes and information I’ve gathered through experience as a semi-professional palmist. The first post, Palmistry 100, is available here if you’d like to read it.
This post will be a bit long, so everything is available under the cut!
Okay so the first thing we’ll cover is which hand to read. Short answer? We absolutely read both hands. We do this to get a more complete and full understanding of someone’s personality. The dominant hand shows the outward personality, actions, and what they’ve done with what they were given, sorta like the sun sign in astrology. The non-dominant hand shows the more inner workings, someone’s inclinations, and more of their way of thinking/reflections, sorta like the moon sign in astrology. Think conscious versus subconscious. So what do we do if someone is ambidextrous? First, I ask them which hand they default to when it comes to writing. Most of the time, they will tell you clearly. On the rare chance that someone says they write with both, check the flexibility of their thumb—the hand with the less flexible thumb is their dominant hand.
That’s cool, now we know to read both hands, now what? How do we study this before going out into the world offering our friends and families readings? Because that’s a lot of pressure. Slow down there tiger, you’ve probably got a long way before doing an in-person reading, especially for someone with a lot of questions. The best way to study palms can be broken down into 2.5 parts.
Number 1, take a print! All you need is some paper and ink. Cover your hand in ink (one at a time of course) and push firmly into the paper. If done correctly, you should be able to clearly see the lines in your hands and even your finger prints and palmar ridges. Here’s an example:
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Prints are fantastic for learning, because not only are you able to clearly see the lines and use them as a reference for study, but now you have a print that you can use to compare your hands in the future, because a lot of the lines in your hands will change over time. Having a print allows you to take your time when studying and learning to read palms, much better than asking your curious mom to check her palms and then getting a borage of “What do you see?” and “What does that mean?”
Number 2, pictures! Phone cameras have come a very long way over the years, and most people are able to capture a fairly good image of someone’s palm. The reason this is less preferred than a print is because not only will some of the minor lines and the palmar ridges be basically invisible, but you also won’t be able to measure the fingers against each other (which we’ll get into in a different post). That being said, they’re still a great resource to have, especially if you’re not able to take a print for any variety of valid reasons.
2.5? 2.5 includes pictures of celebrity hands, which can be found accompanying readings from other palmists sometimes, just like is done with celebrity astrology. I would recommend to ignore the other palmist’s reading and just study the palms, especially of the dominant hand, and try to match your findings with the way said celebrity portrays themselves, especially in interviews. For example, Hillary Clinton has a simian line, which in short, makes a lot of sense for her based on her career in politics. Jim Carrey has a long ring finger, sometimes known as the Apollo finger, which is found in a lot of people drawn to being the star of the room, and some people in the public eye like actors and comedians (and I’m not just saying that). You can also find plenty, and I mean plenty, of palm pictures on reddit, specifically r/palmistry, which I will absolutely recommend to beginners as a studying resource once you learn a few things to pinpoint.
So we’ve identified some great ways to get your hands on some other hands, which is fantastic. Learning to read for strangers helps you to build you objectivity when reading—it removes bias from your readings, which sharpens your knowledge on the topic.
In the next post, we’ll begin the discussion on the major lines of the palms, which is where I usually start my readings.
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blu-ish · 9 months
The sweet aroma of baked goods lingered on the blue hedgehogs nose. Carefully, he tucked a savory package of fresh cinnamon buns under his arm as he exited one of the many still holiday themed bakery's in Station Square.
Sonic didn't mind the almost subzero temperature that would sweep through the city during this time of year. He was a sight to behold in contrast to the bundled up mobians and humans alike that passed him on the sidewalk.
His only winter like accessory's included a bright red scarf that was wrapped firmly around his neck, along with some boots that resembled his regular shoes. He was dressed to impress so to speak.
Okay... so maybe he could've worn a even brighter--and warmer, coat or something; the cold was starting to nip him.
His light jog turned into a run as he maneuvered his way around town. The thrilled outcry of a small child spotting him, or the enthusiastic greetings from the townspeople mixed with the early morning rays helped to warmed him, just a little. Man it was cold out here...
But what really pulled Station Squares merry revelry together, was the towering tree at the city's center. It was like the cherry on top of a perfect freezing sundae.
Just as he was kicking up speed--and snow, he was suddenly stopped by the sound of a familiar worn voice calling to him, alongside the distinct smell of cucumber sandwiches.
"Why, if it isn't Sonic! How are you old friend?" The man, unlike Sonic, was bundled head to toe to fight off the cold, his comically large scarf only leaving his nose visible, muffling his voice ever so slightly--it was a miracle he heard him at all. His bushy eyebrows were dusted with hints of snowflakes.
Resisting the urge to chuckle at the mans failed attempt to take a bite of his sandwich, the hero instead gave him a bright smile.
"Professor Pickle! What brings you to Station Square?" It wasn't uncommon for the Professor to travel abroad, his places of study were usually all over Mobius.
"Oh, just making the yearly round to greet the family..." You couldn't tell, but his eyebrows were furrowed ever so slightly. "You would not believe what utter nonsensical sentiments they have regarding my line of research and, oh! Oh, and my dear cousin Dona once again ever so slightly over roasted the roast, it was dreadful I tell you son."
Sonic furrowed his own brow--in a very serious manner, nodding along with the older man.
"Absolutely tragic."
"I know!"
After clearing his throat, the professor gestured toward the tree behind him.
"But enough about my sorrows, I simply had to marvel at this here deciduous tree! It is truly magnificent."
Sonic had to agree. Every year, everyone would come together to offer one decoration to add to the tree. Some people would work together to create some amazing stuff. But even the smallest and simple of ornaments made it that much more special. To him at least.
"If you don't mind me asking, did you happen to add anything? I would've loved to participate, its a shame we don't have anything like this is Spagonia, Oh that reminds me, I need to write a memo--"
"Sure did! Right around... here!" The hero quickly interjected to save the innocents of another Pickle prattle. Pointing a gloved hand toward the bottom of the tree, causing the professor to bend down to view it. Okay, it wasn't that far down come on...
"Ah, a glass keychain of some sort? Oh! A pressed flowered one at that! Did you make this yourself?"
"Well, Tails helped me a bit, I picked out the flowers though!" The hedgehog responded proudly. Sonic loved to collect little mementos from his adventures, he used to do it a lot as a hoglet. Flowers tended to be the easiest thing to grab on the go, but he would always tend to return with the crunchier versions of them later.
He was forever thankful to Tails for teaching him the wonders of modern flower pressing.
"It's wonderful, ah I spot some Strelitzia... oh! Bluebells and Borage too, my what a collection!"
"Thanks! I was able to shove a few more different kinds of flowers in there before Tails started to get worried." Sonic said with a laugh, rubbing the back of his quilled head. He really wanted to make it extra special.
"And what is it you have there?" Maybe he should start calling the Professor, Detective Pickle. That is, until he remembered what it was he was supposed to be doing at the moment.
"Oh shoot! I almost forgot, Tails wanted me to drop off these cinnamon buns at his place." The box was starting to feel a bit cold too.
Professor Pickle hummed, nodding toward the teen. "You should be on your way then, no use in small talk if those buns were to freeze!" He hurried the hog along, like he wasn't the one who stopped him in the first place.
Sonic agreed, well, he would've worded it WAY differently but, yeah he definitely needed to get going.
"Consider them delivered Professor!" he waved, starting his jog once more. He was only a few feet away when Pickle called out to him one last time.
"Oh! And let the boy know that my study in Apotos is prepared for his arrival!"
Oh, yeah.
Sonic could've swore there was a small crack in the cement that almost caused him to fall, but he was able to right himself before sending a quick thumbs up to the Professor before speeding off.
He was being pretty forgetful today, huh?
The young fox busied himself, removing just about the last of any remaining holiday lights from above his lab, tossing them into the large box below. He hummed along with the distant belated holiday songs playing on his speaker. What? He could end another great wintery season with a final round of some musical bangers.
Boxes began to pile up in the corner of Tails' garage, he occasionally checked his wristwatch. Where was that brother of his? It was almost noon and his music was starting to loop.
Gazing over the horizon, he spotted a familiar blue hue. His fangs stuck out in a smile, flying down to meet the other. He could almost taste those cinnamon buns!
"Sonic! Took you long enough!" He teased, landing over to try to take the box from his troublesome sibling. It would be like him to turn a small task into a half a days adventure, he presumed.
But before he even had the chance to seize the gooey goodness, the hedgehog hastily turn his back toward him. The fox stumbled a bit, eyeing Sonic bewilderedly, who was currently staring no where in particular with a overdramatic squint in his green eyes.
"What? Did someone order some tasty lukewarm cinnamon buns?" Oh no, not again. He wouldn't dare.
"Sonic, nooo!" Tails yelped, trying to force away the ever creeping urge to laugh, reaching around in an attempt to safely obtain his sustenance. "Come on!"
Sonic pulled off his spinning dramatics a bit longer, until he reached the entrance of the Tornado's garage. "Gotta package for uhhhh..." He checked the imaginary tag on the box, switching it in his hands to dodge the hungry kit.
"Whales Wower?"
Tails let out a loud groan, cracking Sonic's act in half as he burst out laughing. "Wow! You even sound like one dude!"
"Can I have my deserts now...?" The kid practically begged, his tails swinging in anticipation. He added the puppy dog eyes for safe measure.
The older smiled softly, ruffling the kits fur on his head. "Our deserts little brother..." Sonic reminded sweetly, helping himself to a few tasty buns after finally setting the box down on the fox's workbench.
Rolling his eyes, Tails sat down on a nearby chair, using his watch to close the garage door, shutting the cold out. He stuffed his face and pointed a questioning finger at his brother. "I thought you said it'll only, and I quote, take a sec?"
The accused put a hand on his peach furred chest, gasping. "I demand to speak to my lawyer!"
Tails awaited an answer, grabbing another helping of cinnamon buns, Sonic was sure they wouldn't last another 5 minutes.
"Alright, alright! So maybe I ran into a pickle, a certain one at that." It didn't take long for Tails' momentary confusion to change to understanding.
"Ooh! Professor Pickle!" He giggled, "I didn't know he was visiting, I would've at least invited him over." He did have some things he wanted to discuss with the Professor.
"I don't know Tails, he seemed pretty mesmerized with the winter tree in Station Square." Sonic recalled, "I even got some Pickle Points on my ornament this year!"
The kit side eyed him, causing the hedgehog to sputter momentarily.
"Y-You were credited!"
The brothers shared a laugh, it was cut short by Sonic, who's tone changed ever so slightly.
"Oh, and uh, he said to let ya know his place in Apotos is all set lil dude!" His attempt to raise a cheerful tone at the very end was painfully noticeable, well, if you were his brother that is.
Tails had finally made the plans to start off on his own adventure the start of the new year, so did most of his friends, including Sonic. Professor Pickle wouldn't be staying at one of his newer studies in Apotos, and offered to lend it to the fox, like his own base! It saved him time from gathering supplies to build a whole other lab and well...
It would be a big change, and his brother had been nothing but encouraging.
But as the start of the new year drew closer, so did Sonic in a way. Offering to do even the most minor tasks, reassuring Tails that if he ever needed him he would gladly run over the ocean to see him, double even triple checking if Tails had everything he needed. It was almost surreal.
He loved his brother, very much. But he could be such a mother hen when he wanted to be.
"That's great, I'm really looking forward to it." He responded, more gently than he hoped for, but Sonic nodded happily nevertheless.
"And you should!" Sonic exclaimed, his burning confidence seemingly resurfacing. "Man, I remember the desire for adventure at your age. Sleeping under the stars, eating leftover coconut shells..." Tails snorted, changing the subject before Sonic got too reminiscent with his questionable childhood habits.
"Yeah, yeah, okay old man," Reaching into the now empty box of cinnamon buns, the kit sighed, disposing of the cardboard. "What about you? You never really mentioned your plans besides, doing what you always do." He ended that last bit with long air quotations.
The hedgehog grinned, shrugging his shoulders. "What can I say, the adventures tend to come to me before I go looking for them. I'm sure I can keep myself busy. Maybe I'll take Shadow on that racing offer he gave me during the winter festival."
"You mean the invitation to kick your butt after you somehow managed to accidently eat the rest of his parfait?" Tails added, throwing his brother a look.
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violetsandshrikes · 2 months
Are there any skincare products you do recommend or do they all suck?
• I like buying any cheap hyaluronic acid serum I can find and using it under my moisturiser - it’s a humectant, I get a dry nose/forehead (especially if I’ve been out in the field) and it’s pretty safe across skin types. If you ever get some, do a patch test, don’t get one over 2% (irritation/dryness/redness risk increases) and make sure you seal it in with moisturiser so it’s actually doing anything
• Reliable moisturiser
• Find a sunscreen you like, and research what SPF you realistically should be wearing depending on where you are in the world. I have a specific face one that’s a lighter cream than normal because really thick creams of my face drives me insane. Make sure you actually read the instructions and are using it right (for example, mine says apply 20 mins before sun exposure). Don’t forget your ears.
• Vaseline or any alternative is useful the most robust option for your mouth. A lot of other products have added scents and chemicals that can irritate your lips and make them flake/peel. At night, I put an oil then Vaseline for hydration (currently using Ordinary borage oil bc cheap but effective). During the day I wear Blistex lipbalm that’s SPF 50+ and give it 10-20 to set before I put a thin layer of Vaseline over top
• I used to be a really bad skin picker, and I would get outbreaks from it - Chlorhexidine wash has been a lifesaver (we also use chlorhexidine in my house to decontaminate bc most of us worth with animals/plants/conservation fields so use as a hand wash after work + cleaning work clothes/overalls/etc)
Note that none of this is about anti-ageing: I just like to avoid cracked or chapped skin (especially since that makes it easier for nasty things to get in) and skin cancer is very common in my family (the sun down here can get very rough very quickly)!
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mutant-distraction · 11 months
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Borage, also known as starflower, is an annual herb in the flowering plant family Boraginaceae. It is native to the Mediterranean region, and has naturalized in many other locales. [ Wikipedia ]
📷 Norbert Liesz
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midnightmah07 · 5 months
Perse's flower/plant nicknames to the twst cast!
My oc Perse Achillea is based off of Megara from Hercules and possesses elements of Persephone from Greek mythology, and so I thought it'd be fun to give each of the cast (and my own OCs) a flower/plant nickname! These go similar to how Rook and Floyd nickname other characters!
Riddle -> red rose; means passion.
Ace -> gerbera; its red version means unconscious love.
Deuce -> flax; means love and care for your family.
Cater -> mimosa; means "I hide my feelings".
Trey -> shellflower (apparently another name for bells of Ireland); means good luck, prosperity.
Leona -> calendula; means insecurity, jealousy and anxiety.
Ruggie -> dandelion; means resilience and strength.
Jack -> clematis; means hope, perseverance, and determination.
Azul -> begonia; means "beware!"
Jade -> aconite; means hatred and "be cautious".
Floyd -> borage; means bluntness, directness.
Kalim -> aster; its white version means "I love you more than you love me".
Jamil -> coriander; hidden worth/merit.
Vil -> dahlia; means perseverance and determination.
Rook -> edelweiss; means devotion.
Epel -> camellia; means "you're adorable".
Idia -> no nickname.
Ortho -> no nickname.
Malleus -> calla lily; means magnificence.
Lilia -> peony; means rebirth.
Silver -> gladiolus; means integrity, strength and victory.
Sebek -> verbena; means sensitivity.
Daisy -> no nickname.
Jeanne (Octavinelle) -> buttercup; they represent childish behavior and are an invasive and prolific weed.
Isabelle (RSA) -> white rose; means purity and loyalty.
Damali (Scarabia) -> jasmine; means prosperity.
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stopandlook · 1 year
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Scientific Name: Heliotropium indicum Common Name(s): Indian heliotrope Family: Boraginaceae (borage) Life Cycle: Annual Leaf Retention: N/A Habit: Forb USDA L48 Native Status: Introduced Location: Plano, Texas Season(s): Summer
Native to India, hence the name.
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thenightling · 6 days
Oh, Tim Burton, what have you done? You've... you've conjured Beetlejuice-Mania!
"And who can forget Beetlemania!" - That is a line from the Beetlejuice animated series episode Critter Sitters when Beetlejuice was on trial in The Neither World. The "i" is in there on purpose. In the cartoon it's Neither, not Nether. And it's the "knee" pronunciation. Some of you Youtubers give yourselves away as having not really watched the show when you pronounce it as "Ny-ther." When this line was said in the episode one imagines the Beatlemania (60s Beatles craze) pun was in regard to Beetlejuice unleashing a swarm of beetles. But now... Beetlejuice is ridiculously trendy. It probably won't last since it's a pre-Halloween trend and burning pretty bright. Very intense fads tend to die out quickly. But I'll ride it while it's here. Sure, there was a borage of marketing tie-ins like Carmax and Secret woman's full-body deodorant (Strange to make that Beetlejuice related but okay...) Or Fanta's "Haunted Apple" soda. But now... Now I'm seeing Beetlejuice content everywhere. Those just discovering the Beetlejuice animated series because it went to Tubi (for free) last week are now writing Beetlejuice / Lydia fan fics and shipping the healthy friendship version of the characters. At least five different companies are making dolls of "Baby Beetlejuice" (sometimes called "Baby Juice" to be extra gross about it). NECA has the life-sized prop replica version. Living Dead Dolls has the distinction of selling their chibi Beetlejuice first. There are several plushies for sale on Amazon, Walmart, and other sites.
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I even spotted an officially licensed action figure of the Beetlejuice depiction from the Beetlejuice animated series. Nine-year-old me would have killed for that. Whoever decided to release baby dolls of Beetlejuice around the same time as the movie wisely paid attention to Disney's fumble with baby Grogu (Baby Yoda) when the Mandalorian was first released and the doll was nearly impossible to find at first. I never thought the hot toy (or at least in the top ten) this holiday season might be a baby doll of Beetlejuice.
Honestly, I don't think Beetlejuice was this popular IN 1988. Beetlejuice and The Sandman (Now a Netflix series and also originally from 1988 source material) are (with Wednesday, the Addams Family spin-off) accidentally rousing a new generation of Baby Bats (Young Goths) and it's adorable. I, for one, welcome our 80s / early 90s Goth Over-Lords. :-P
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bonefall · 1 year
tried to translate some Clangen names:
Minkthroat - Nheemleh
i couldn't find something for throat on the lexicon so I went for tongue because I though that fit as well.
Boragenut - Couldn't find one for borage, but nekboq worked for nut, so maybe uhssa for bush might have the same effect - so uhssanekboq for her
Voidpatch - not sure what to do with him, so I went for Hhoelkonpen
Curlystar - Fofwarrlshai
Owlspeckle - Huowoowoo (i love this one so much)
Asternettle - Luoobpokal (I couldn't find a translation for Aster, so I chose Luoob because I like both the names)
Briarears - Pik'kaira
Ramblingpatch - Abababkonpen
Fallenheart - Fewlbabi
Huowoowoo takes the cake, I also gotta shout out Pik'kaira. That one's also fun to say! Pik'ka Ira!
Let's get you some new words-- and start with ASTER, because it's going to be a bit quirky! Old World Asters (of the genus aster) have issues growing this far north.
But they do have a ton of plants in the asteraceae family. IN FACT, dandelions are one of them! Feverfew, chamomile, thistles, daisies, salsify, cornflower, heliotrope, goldenrod... it's a BIG family.
So, here's a few interesting asteraceae that would make cool symbolic names, and you can translate any of these as simply "aster" in a name. Clan cats don't have cladistics after all, lmao
Common Fleabane (Pulicaria dysenterica) = Skfom (From Itch + Again = Contraction.) In humans, you can see right there in the scientific name that it was historically used as a treatment for dysentery, and in the common name that it repels fleas. In cats, it's a skin irritant and a poison. A desperate cat in the midst of a flea infestation will resort to this to treat themselves, if the Cleric's overwhelmed. Its name is a comment on its cruelty-- it will relieve you temporarily, but you'll get a second itch later. Has another English name; Erigeron, which is applied to all fleabanes.
Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris) = Bochol OR Ffyy-en-aminama (Pigment + Green) OR (Butterfly + 's + Shanty) An easy source of green dye, but not the BEST source of it due to fading. Known by two names, Clerics tend to prefer Butterfly's Shanty because it evokes an image of the sacred insects dancing around it. Bochol is actually the newer term, appearing sometime in the late Dawn Era alongside advances in dyemaking technology before SkyClan was driven out. Toxic if eaten, HATED by humans for being an agricultural weed, Clan cats value this plant greatly. It feeds many insects, which then feed other animals, which then feed Clan cats. It's also bright yellow and cheerful.
Sea Aster (Tripolium pannonicum) = Osaash (Daisy + Salt) This plant is seen exclusively in salt marsh biomes! Seaside areas that are regularly flooded by saltwater. They're one of the most notable plants encountered by Salt Patrols, and one of the few flowers that can handle salinity. They have a reputation for being hardy, and being a sure sign that you've made it to the ocean.
Throat and Void
Throat's going to be straightforward!
Throat = Au'u Translates directly. The front of the neck.
But void... it doesn't really make sense they have a philosophical concept of the void, you know? They don't even seem to have a concept of zero. So here's some possibilities;
Nothing = Shmo Translates pretty directly. Nothing at all. Absence in general.
No Detectable Smell = Mufm A "smell" often associated with certain things that have crossed through water, or certain mythological figures. Most things have a smell, even if it's faint. Probably the closest metaphorically to "void," because a thing without a smell creates a noticeable absence. There's probably an (ANCIENT) TigerClan folktale about some tiger warrior sent to catch the Void Beast of No Smell, which serves as a kitten tale to help remember non-scent types of tracking methods.
Silence = Uh'hwa The absence of sound or words. Not to be confused with Hah'o, which is a SUDDEN, ominous silencing of all the animal song in an area, usually because they've spotted a predator.
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cats-of-eden-valley · 8 months
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name: Hollyhock
pride: Goldspring
age: Senior
sex: Molly
traits: Proud, decisive, stubborn
mate: Snapdragon
siblings: Myrtle
1stlitter: Borage
2ndlitter: Calendula, Amaryllis
In her prime, she was Goldspring's star child. Fast, strong, clever, and beautiful, any cat would claim that Hollyhock is the picture perfect example of what a Valley Cat should be.
If only she'd been a bit older, she might've been able to take the matron spot from Cypress's family.
She has a single sister, Myrtle, who she had a tense relationship with. Their mother favoured Hollyhock, and Hollyhock didn't quite grasp why Myrtle was upset about that. When Myrtle took Yarrow as a mate, they had fight--Hollyhock hasn't spoken to her sister in a long time.
When it began to seem as if Locust would give up her family's spot, Hollyhock eagerly agreed that her family would replace her. She often acts on authority in Locust's place, given her quieter nature.
She's been quietly fuming since Locust had a second litter, and daughter to go with it.
She's had two litters with her mate, Snapdragon. Borage, a son, was born in her first, but soon after her second litter Snapdragon is killed while away with the coalitions. She's become bitter to toms, a subconscious defense to protect herself from grief. It's made her distant from Borage as well.
Amaryllis is her firstborn daughter, and almost as impressive a specimen as Hollyhock herself. Yet, she deeply wants to pass the spot to Calendula, who she sees far more of herself in.
Wary about outsiders; Hollyhock respects Cypress, but isn't fond of her choices in pride newcomer. She despises Teasel, and she and Honeysuckle have never quite seen eye to eye either.
She sorely misses hunting on the Upper Plains, and would push to run Windswept out of the Valley if not for Goldspring's tumultuous history with them.
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heartstringsduet · 1 year
Tarlos Fic Masterlist by EnchantedToReadYou / heartstringsduet
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One shots ♠
I'm a hot mess : TK is left to his own thoughts after Iris calls him a hot mess. 4x02 coda
Push and Relent : Carlos is traumatized after the kidnapping. He can hide it moderately well until TK bakes cookies. 4x04 coda.
A Heart with New Skin : Step by step, Carlos learns to see lizard Louis as family.
Any punk but...: high school AU. He's just a jock, he's just a punk, can I make it anymore obvious?
The kind you can't get away from : A 5+1 fic about the lizards in TK's life and how they tie in with the people he loves.
But most of it was beautiful : A Tarlos honeymoon at home
Take my hand, take my whole life, too : With each wrinkle, each scar, each crease, each spot, their rings, their hands tell the stories of their lives together.
I can tell you how it ends - college AU! written with @strandnreyes. TK teaching Carlos to dance (chairs included)
Sugar Spun Moments - Tarlos buys and decorates their first Christmas tree 10 to Midnight - AU. Year after year, they spend New Year's together
Multichapter 🎀
Danger Zone - Carlos and TK are roommates in college and absolutely are hot for can't stand each other. First Aid - New York AU. Two liars meet and try to fix each other.
Series 🍑
Let Me: Different stages of Carlos and TK exploring Dom/sub dynamics.
[In good hands] [In order to keep you] [In front of you] [In the dark] [In your corner]
Shorties 💐
Morning Glory - All the touches that lead to their first kiss
Larkspur - The first time TK made Carlos laugh
Borage - The first time TK says I love you to Carlos
Mint - Carlos turns on the light bar
Sweet Woodruff - Carlos bakes birthday cakes
Ring Bearer - Lou II is one of the ring bearers Split - meet cute + ice cream
Sparks Fly - Carlos' feelings another after casual hook-up with TK
Nothing spooky about this - Fluffy Halloween shorts
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thestudentfarmer · 10 months
Hello hello,
This week the gardens starting to look super lovely! There's actually so much to look at I wasn't able to fit every picture in this post, but I'll be sharing more later this week on a few different posts with some things I've done this week towards the goal of being more eco friendly, self concious and getting more from what we have and providing best for my family.
To start the viewing, the sunflowers are starting to bloom :D the tallest is now close to or over 6 ft tall
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And lots of lovely bees have been visiting. The girls are very friendly for the most part with respect to their space. They were all loading up on pollen :D 🐝🐝
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Also many of the sunflowers have multiple heads, or have many branching smaller heads growing in along many of leaves.
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Down below the velour beans are going stronger than I expected in honesty given the sunflower growth and the beans bushing growth. we've gotten 4 harvests now. Each harvest has been around 4-8 ounces.
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Nasturtium, I feel okay with starting to harvest the greens soon. Maybe this week or next to make some pesto, breakfast food or salad add ins.
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Some of the pumpkin/sunflower+bean row next to the broccoli/nasturtium.
I'm hoping the broccoli will be a little bigger soon so I can harvest some of the leaves for breakfast meals, stirfrys, soup and rice dishes.
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The armenian cucumbers.
Sadly These aren't doing so great, I think where I planted isn't a good winter grow space for them. When I get more soil I'm going to try another spot that has more sun earlier and throughout the day instead of mostly shade. (In the summer/spring they did Great in whichever space.) Once I do I'll be pulling these and planting something else here. Not entirely sure what yet though.
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2 cabbages I space filled with. Very excited to see them starting to pick up. 🥬
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The eggplants, Very excited there's a full flower now and more flowers look like their coming in!
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The carrots, a few small radish are still popping up here and there. So I feel like the cornstarch experiment worked but not as well as I'd hoped.
I would use the method again for carrot seeding, but would double the amount of seed in the mix. (I don't mind thinning, the greens and tiny carrots can be used for salad or chopped for omlettes)
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2nd planting (direct seeded) of velour beans, and the few cabbages which survived the initial planting of the row. Somethings having a good munch, ive been checking for the suspects but no luck so far spotting them. I suspect heavily its cabbage loopers as they are a common pest of the area. (I am making chamomile tea to spray on them for now to test if it works.) next grow I may intercrop cabbage and sunflowers or borage. Or perhaps have some movable chamomile pots At the end of the beds to deter them.
This week I'm hoping to get some garden supplies for a few projects And to start breaking down some pallets to build some raised garden beds for a garden expansion.
I am late on starting my tomato and pepper seeds (mostly because I haven't sat down to figure what varieties we want to eat) but a late start is better than none. Thankfully the weather here allows for some tardiness with outdoor grows.
That's it for now 🌱
🌱🌻Happy Homesteading and Gardening🌻🌱
12 5 2023
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backwoodsmagick · 8 months
Plant Correspondences
♡ ACACIA - Clairvoyance, Divination, Visions, Wealth, Protection, Blessings ♡ ALDER - Banishing, Transformation, Truth, Power Of Water, Intuition ♡ APPLE - Dream Work, Enchantment, Fertility, Love, Luck, Harmony ♡ BIRCH - Reducing Anxiety, Defensive Magick, Increasing Concentration, Creativity ♡ CEDAR - Afterlife, Clairvoyance, Breaks Hexes, Psychic Ability ♡ CYPRESS - Binding, Defensive Magick, Comfort, Mental Power, Wisdom ♡ ELDER - Grounding, Healing, Love, Magickal Power, Success ♡ ELM - Intuition, Love, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Stability ♡ JUNIPER - Fertility, Happiness, Protection, Optimism, Spirits, Strength ♡ OAK - Confidence, Justice, Luck, Money, Success, Independence, Wealth ♡ PINE - Beginnings, Blessings, Hope, Prosperity, Self-Work, Releasing ♡ ROWAN - Astral Realm, Devotion, Guidance, Psychic Ability, Visions, Spirits ♡ WILLOW - Moon Magick, Moon Power, Protection, Knowledge, Fertility ♡ WITCH HAZEL - Healing, Inspiration, Willpower, Fidelity, Wisdom
Herbs & Flowers
♡ AGRIMONY - Harmony, Healing, Breaking Hexes, Dream Work, Protection ♡ ALLSPICE - Business, Luck, Success, Kindness, Money ♡ ANGELICA - Repelling Negativity, Divination, Purification, Success, ♡ ANISE - Balance, Energy, Harmony, Purification, Well-Being ♡ BASIL - Psychic Ability, Love (Reconciliation), Money, Messages/Omens ♡ BELLADONNA - Imagination, Night Magick, Visions, Astral Realm ♡ BETONY - Solving Problems, Security, Decreasing Anxiety, Protection ♡ BORAGE - Beginnings, Business Success, Skills, Courage, Awareness ♡ BLUEBELL - Kindness, Luck, Love, Manifestation, Overcoming Obstacles ♡ CARNATION - Deep Love, Beauty, Communication, Fertility, Harmony, Emotions ♡ CATNIP - Love, Luck, Psychic Ability, Spirits, Preventing Nightmares ♡ CHAMOMILE - Blessings, Calming, Reducing Anger & Anxiety, Money, Luck ♡ CINNAMON - Wealth, Money, Security, Luck, Desire, Attraction, Peace ♡ CLOVE - Divination, Prosperity, Psychic Ability, Success, Truth, Visions ♡ CLOVER - Grounding, Luck, Marriage, Prosperity, Success, Spiritual Balance ♡ CUMIN - Fidelity, Harmony, The Home, Longevity, Love, Repelling Negativity ♡ DAFFODIL - Afterlife, Fairies, Love (Unrequited), Security, Spirits, Calming ♡ DANDELION - Clairvoyance, Clarity, Divination, Communication, Spirits ♡ DILL - Defensive Magick, Breaking Hexes, Love, Lust, Sex Magick, Money ♡ FENNEL - Blessings, Repelling Evil & Negative Energy (From Entering The Home) ♡ FEVERFEW - Healing, Heartbreak, Love, Protection, Strength, Purification ♡ GARLIC - Banishing, Justice, Protection, Breaking Hexes, Release, Security ♡ GINGER - Money, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Moon Magick, Unity, Success ♡ HENBANE (Highly Poisonous) - Astral Realm, Divination, Attracting Love ♡ HONEYSUCKLE - Affection, Destiny, Happiness, Love, Peace, Well-Being ♡ HUCKLEBERRY - Good Fortune, Luck, Dream Work ♡ IVY - Attraction, Marriage, Love, Stability, Transformation, Fidelity, Omens ♡ LAVENDER - Reduces Anger & Anxiety, Love, Manifestation, Luck, Rebirth ♡ LEMON BALM - Business Success, Calming, Clarity, Fertility, Relationships ♡ MANDRAKE (Poisonous) - Desire, Courage, Spirits, Wealth, Omens, Binding ♡ MISTLETOE (Poisonous) - Beginnings, Blessings, Business, Luck ♡ MOONWORT - Clairvoyance, Divination, Love, Moon Magick, Money ♡ MUGWORT - Spirits, Psychic Ability, Astral Realm, Awareness, Psychic Energy ♡ NETTLE - Healing, Justice, Luck, Protection, Courage, Confidence ♡ NUTMEG - Life, Luck, Love, Money, Power, Attraction, Psychic Ability, Divination ♡ ORRIS ROOT- Astral, Protection, Relationships, Love, Sexual Attraction ♡ PATCHOULI - Manifestation, Peace, Luck, Attracting Love, Money, Business ♡ PEPPER - Motivation, Lust, Justice, Bind, Security, Strength ♡ PEPPERMINT - Dream Work, Divination, Luck, Money, Visions, Healing ♡ ROSE - Fertility, Family, Blessings, Love, Luck, Happiness, Beginnings ♡ ROSEMARY - Psychic Ability, Psychic Protection, Inner Power, Luck, Afterlife ♡ SAGE - Clairvoyance, Cleansing, Visions, Clearing Negativity, Business ♡ SANDALWOOD - Focus, Concentration, Success, Luck, Moon Magick, Blessings ♡ ST. JOHN'S WORT - Strength, Power, Money, Consecration/Blessing, Prosperity ♡ SNAPDRAGON - Clairaudience, Emotions, Money, Protection, Assertiveness ♡ STAR ANISE - Divination, Psychic Ability, Purification, Consecration/Blessing ♡ STRAWBERRY - Beauty, Desire, Luck, Love, Relationships, Divination ♡ SUNFLOWER - Clarity, Dream Work, Solar Energy, Light, Peace, Money, Luck ♡ THYME - Healing, Happiness, Rebirth, Protection, Calming ♡ WORMWOOD - Clairvoyance, Dream Work, Guidance, Psychic Ability, Spirits ♡ YARROW - Defense, Banishing, Heartbreak, Marriage, Healing, Release, Strength
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letters-from-dekarios · 4 months
(you are incredible, truly, if I were to count how often I read the response letter, the number would be embarrassingly high.
I allowed myself some crossovers here because in the game, Astarion quotes Tell-tale Heart so that opens up a loophole for real life works to make some appearances here! And the author's name honestly sounds like it would exist in the world of bg3 xD
I saw multiple cameos of Tim Downie reading poetry and I desperately needed to find an outlet.......)
{There was a restless about him that Gale couldn't quite place a finger on. Busying himself with some tomes or preparations for work serves only as a temporary relief. But when another letter of his old friend arrives, it settles. A warmth then, spreads in his uneasy limbs. Comfort.}
Warm Greetings, Gale Dekarios
A little bit of an ego never hurt anyone, though I sense you might even disagree with me on that. I assure you, I don't mind you rambling on about yourself, especially after not hearing from you personally in so long. I am quite interested in anything you wish to share with me. When I heard of your companions for the first time, I definitely thought their descriptions were exaggerated, but as word of your achievements grew, it became pretty clear you were quite a colorful set of adventurers. I suppose such a variety of lives lived serve as quite the opportunity to learn about new perspectives and yourself.
Though the fact you traveled all that time on foot - I dread to think of the state of your knees! Borage fruits would be beneficial here should you ever find yourself on long walks again and Mandrake leaves for joint pain in general. Courtesy of my father, he insisted I should let you know. Surely there are healing spells for this but my old man is a bit scared of 'witchcraft' as he calls it. (You can't imagine the face he made when I had first told him about attending Blackstaff Academy. Being the sweetheart that he is, he supported me still. There are stories here I will save for when we meet in person. Stay tuned.)
I'm glad Tara and your mother are doing well, even if you had to endure quite a bit of scolding. You can't deny them their caring and at times overbearing nature - it's an expression of love. I've learned as much from my family. I'd be happy to ease your load on baked goods, motherly love is a magical ingredient in on its own after all, or so I've heard.
I'm quite pleased to know I inspired you, I suppose I was rather blinded by all of your talent back then and missed that side to our interactions. Frankly, I'm happy you thought of me at all. There's no denying that I feel a bit flattered even, I count my optimism as one of my greater traits and I've worked hard to maintain it throughout my darker times. See it as smoothing out a dent in the molding of that piece of pottery that is me.
Speaking of which, it has actually become a bit of a hobby of mine. There was a time I used to sit for hours in the basement and work on vases and pots, though usually smashing them was the end result - It's awfully therapeutic. But I have completed a few tiny ceramics that are mainly for decoration.
Currently my projects revolve around making specialized pots for my plants. I've become a bit of a homebody in the progression of my ailment and the greenhouse gives me motivation to drink up some sunlight along the greenery sometimes. I'm tempted to look into the usage of magical plants.
If there is one thing I'm guilty of, it's busying myself with things to fill out any gaps in my days. The more I do the better, lest I wake another day to find my limbs weigh a ton of bricks again.
Moving on, I wish you lots of luck with your professorship. Those nights spent trying to teach me a spell or two will finally pay off. I do hope I wasn't too bad of a student because you were an excellent teacher. You'll be a great professor also, I'm sure. And I wouldn't mind being a translator - there's a satisfaction in being able to explain something to someone else. And I admit I miss hearing you ramble before you put your thoughts into order for the common person.
I do very much hope the allies you've made will deter any enemies that you met along the way.. Although it would be quite bold to mess with someone who has defied both Gods and Devils. Perhaps you're lucky and there's too much of a risk factor to it.
And maybe that's how any potential suitor feels, too. I imagine it's quite intimidating to be with someone who has saved innumerable people from a Mindflayer invasion. Or they have certain expectations of you as a hero while I'm sure you still see yourself simply as a very ambitious mage. With a bit of an ego.
Either way, it's good to see you're not too hung up about it. I was going to joke that you are already committed to your work, but you beat me to it. Fair enough. If I am allowed to demonstrate a small annotation here, I think things like love are found in the most unexpected places. As you've said, you need a foundation to build upon rather than that sudden spark of love at first sight. It might take until the roof is put up or the furniture is being arranged for you to realize you have found yourself at home in the person right beside you, the only thing left to do then is to settle in. I'm also still in the process - an open lot and waiting for a permit, you could say. Those can take quite a while to be granted. But currently unhoused.
As you can tell, I also haven't lost my poetic tendencies. Although I am much more a consumer and commentator than a writer, I dabble occasionally and I am terrible at it. There's already a very good passage on this that I recall from a book I've recently transcribed, but I fear I'll be sending my whole library back to you, considering all the things I can think of that might be of interest to you in there. Perhaps you ought to see it for yourself some day.
I also want to say I was delighted by your sonett at the end. You have an incredible way with words and I find myself continuously quoting you in my mind ("Having everything yet nothing at all", "no longer a block of unused clay", "sui generis, of its own kind. Inimitable. Bespoke.".. you catch my drift). The pictures you paint are that of a skilled brush and they are brought to canvas by a man who has a mind that can put his thoughts into form, and it is commendable. While I am still stumbling over my words, I hope the ones of another that I attached to this letter might resonate with you instead.
Enough of the rambling on (we are awful at this), my family is well. My father has an apothecary here in town, but his assistant is usually the one at the counter while he's off traveling, gripped by a sudden sense of wanderlust. Right now he's trudging through the Misty Forest and visiting Daggerford for new herbs and writes me regularly.
I don't know if you remember my aunt at all, but she's usually the one to stick around and check in on me everyday in case of difficulties. She's also doing quite well, though I think my proneness to worry is definitely something I've inherited from her. Besides that, my friends are similarly busy with work and travel but overall doing quite alright. There's a peace in this stillness that life sometimes offers.
Do tell me all about the Academy once you've resumed your work there, I'm quite curious about the state of things. And if you have another piece of poetry springing from your quill anytime soon I'll be most eager to review it. Are you still in contact with the companions you've met on your journey? And how has your return to Waterdeep been received? I'm sure you were dearly missed. How does it feel to be back home, stationary and warm after being on the road for quite a while? There's likely a bit of getting used to the old ways of things again. Perhaps even some yearning and reminiscing of your travels, although less about the walking and more about the comradery and thrill, I assume.
I'm taking care of myself, I promise you. You better do so as well. Don't underestimate the power a bit of sunlight and a walk outside have on your mood (and health!!). You should know that your letters are a great joy to me and I am just as keenly anticipating your reply. Especially with the prospect of a visit on the table - I'll be glancing out of the window for the arrival of my mail without even realizing it.
~ Warm regards, Theo Rivershade
PS: I audibly chuckled at the part where you threatened to scold me, should I attempt to travel to you. You sounded exactly like my aunt. I think your mother and Tara are rubbing off on you a tad bit. It is amusing and somehow endearing.
PPS: Your "idiotic rambles" will be regarded as the musings of a wise man one day, just you wait. Although I beg of you to tone down on all those complicated words when you teach your students. I know they might sound better than modern synonyms and their etymologies are just so interesting but I assure you that your class will pick up on your favorite words and tease you with them. Coming from firsthand experience.
{Together with the letter, he finds another, smaller parchment on which a poem is written, Theo having made an effort to use his neatest handwriting here as well. The poem reads:..}
"When I compare / What I have lost with what I have gained, / What I have missed with what attained, / Little room do I find for pride.
I am aware / How many days have been idly spent; / How like an arrow the good intent / Has fallen short or been turned aside.
But who shall dare / To measure loss and gain in this wise? / Defeat may be victory in disguise; / The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide."
Loss And Gain - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
{ small annotations are scribbled by the side of the text, as though the half-elf couldn't help himself.}
"> days idly spent, not realizing time was running out. The thought was there but the courage to leap wasn't."
"> arrows are meant to hit a target, falling short or aside as though missing an opportunity, distracted by something or shooting your shot but with not enough momentum. The opportunity passes."
"> defeat/victory, ebb/tide, a low is the sign of a turning point, a second chance, one needed to fail to realize what had been lost and take that regret and reflection to turn their fate around and try again, intending to hit the target this time with conviction."
(let me tell you the way I grinned like an idiot on the train as I listened to the wizard himself read out that poem.. It reflected the way the potential relationship between the two of them slipped out of their grasps so well!!!
And also I'm so happy you like Theo?? I wasn't too sure if I was able to get across his character through text but it seems to be working. Thank you do much for this blog this is so delightful! Don't feel bad for being busy and not replying immediately, we all have lives of our own to take care of and I'm very happy you take time out of yours to indulge us like this. <3)
Dearest Theo,
I can assure you I was the most skeptical of their situations at first! But as the days grew longer and the nights more restless, the stories told made all too much sense for my companions. In an unfortunate kind of way, it put my circumstances into a perspective I’d never considered prior. Call it ignorance, or perhaps man-made stupidity, but I hadn’t thought that there were situations worse than I until I met all of them. It helps to lessen the blow of the anxiety in one’s heart when you recognize you aren’t at your worst as you once thought.
Please, I may be in my later thirties now but long-distance walking is no match for me! Though I must admit, because I can hear your incessant comments about that statement being untruthful, it would take a bit of a toll on these bones of mine. Whatever needs to be done to combat it, I am certain you will find a way.
How could I not think of you? Amidst our childish revelry and academic discourse, you were the one thing within my life that was constant. Even when my world changed so rapidly, you, Theo, you were the same. I could always count on you to be there. Whether it was to poke fun at me or laugh at my haphazard spell-casting, you challenged me in ways that I cannot forget. Oftentimes, I find myself reminiscing over those days as though I could turn back the clock and relish in them all over again. The day I stop remembering the glow of youth on you and how I imagined what you’d be like as you grew up is the day I am buried in with the dirt.
Pottery is an amazing hobby! I do not consider myself talented in the arts, but pottery has always amazed me. It takes a careful, steady hand to not pierce the clay that you’re moulding. Perhaps when I visit I can see the wonderful pots you’ve created, that would be nice. I’m sure your craft has improved much the more you’ve practiced, and I’ll be quite able to recognize the stamp of your originality you’ve placed on it.
Ah, you flatter me so, Theo! I do like to give myself a bit of a pat on the back, so to speak, when it comes to my lectures. Speaking in front of those curious, ever-hungry minds does remind me much of my attempted lessons with you. While my frustrations would get the better of me, it was good practice. I believe that is what has sparked my love for teaching— knowing that, even though it may take some students a bit more effort to grasp, in some way I am affecting their lives to their benefit.
I appreciate your confidence in me. It can be overwhelming sometimes, especially when my desk is stacked high with papers needing to be graded, but it comforts me to know someone believes in my efforts. But if you ever want to seriously consider it, I know the academy can make accommodations for you as you need.
Hah! You amuse me. Or maybe it’s the wine at this hour as I write to you. Intimidation is hardly the word I’d call it, but despite the ego I hold I can’t deny I minimize my accomplishments from time to time. If they are intimidated, I couldn’t imagine why. I suppose you have a point, however.
I guess you could say I cannot measure any potential suitor against my… mental requirements. As aforementioned, it’s difficult for me to allow someone in when they cannot compete with the idea I have in my head already. Perhaps I am stuck on someone or something. I simply cannot get past this roadblock and allow myself to indulge elsewhere. Never mind, though, that is what these pages and ink are for.
“An open lot and waiting for a permit.” My friend, you are as much the poet as you claim me to be. Perhaps we should contact our local authorities to get a move on with granting those permits, hm? It’s an odd sort of feeling, wishing to rush the granting while not wanting to finish the building. When the home is complete, though, the workers go on their way and I am simply left in an empty box. Does it get any simpler in this life? So complex these things are, it almost makes a man want to sell the lot entirely.
You know I am a sucker for good books and transcribed poetry. I would be happy to explore the contents of your library one day when I get the chance to visit.
You would be surprised how long that sonnet took to write! My mind was blanketed and uninspired. But I knew I must deliver for you since it has been so long. The words penned by Henry touch too close to home, your annotations only driving the point closer. I am ever thankful you share such things with me.
“How many days have been idly spent”, “The thought was there but the courage to leap wasn't.” How true your annotation is. It can often feel as though one is wasting away. Despite the efforts one wants to take, fear has a stronger grasp that prevents them from making the move.
“Has fallen short or been turned aside.”, “…shooting your shot but with not enough momentum. The opportunity passes.” This resonates oddly, you could say. Hesitating in letting go of the arrow prevents you from succeeding to the fullest extent, and thus the target has moved on and is no longer attainable. Not unless you can rebuild your momentum again, that is.
“Defeat may be victory in disguise; / The lowest ebb is the turn of the tide.", “one needed to fail to realize what had been lost and take that regret and reflection to turn their fate around and try again, intending to hit the target this time with conviction." Ah… I stated that the last one resonated, but this is even more so. Being knocked down time and time again can often blind oneself to the small victories happening around them. In my case, my fall to selfishness provided room for improvement and allowed me to gain a more sensible heart. When the intention behind the aim becomes clear, it is easier for the target to be hit. Failure is not often the last and final step, but it is the first one that allows a person to move forward.
I am glad your family is well! It sounds as though your father is having much fun in his adventures. He would do well to keep that spirit up! I’m sure he’ll find much satisfaction in it. For your aunt, oh I do remember her so. She reminded me of my mother in a way, and I’m glad to hear she hasn’t changed much. Sometimes we need that overbearing, motherly presence to help keep us in line. Sometimes that motherly presence comes in the form of a middle-aged human man. You cannot blame me for my concern!
Believe me, I will write you as soon as I set my eyes on this new generation. I cannot wait to see what attitudes these young ones have and how much has changed since we were once here in their positions.
I do still keep in contact with those that I can! As we have all resumed our new lives, it can be hard to keep up with all that’s changed. Astarion, bless the vampire’s changed soul, visits Waterdeep now and then when the moon is high enough to do so. Wyll, I’m sure you know Duke Ravengard’s son, writes often. As gentlemanly as he is, boy do his words get overwhelming. He’s almost like a small child, needing to write about every detail and every change in the city. The others I met along the way write when they can, as how things usually are. Each are busy with their respective new duties as I mentioned.
As for the welcome parade, once I returned home, it’s safe to say not many were pleased with how it happened, but a majority were relieved. Considering I isolated myself from most of them, choice words were exchanged, a scolding here and there, but for the most part, it was handled well. Having a hero in the City of Splendors makes the spot an even more firey tourist attraction, seeing where the great “Wizard of Waterdeep” once grew up as a normal young boy! Please, the flattery is exhausting. I much prefer being “Gale Dekarios” now. But I know they mean well, most of them do.
Being home, though, despite the gawking and attraction, is refreshing. Sleeping in my bed, with no worry of being attacked in the midst of the night, certainly eases my heart. Not wondering where my next meal will come from or whether I will have the strength to make it through the day is certainly calming, too. Resuming my not-so-normal life has taken some time, I’ll admit, but it’s better than it was on the road.
You’d be correct, though. I sometimes do miss the travels and the good times we’d share around the campfire. Late nights under the stars sharing a bottle of wine like we had no time left to live… the feeling of walking on the edge between life and death, the thrill of knowing you might die a hero without living to see if you would succeed… in its own kind of a way, it was exciting. It brought a sense of adventure that sitting at home grading papers cannot counter, no matter how much I enjoy professorship. But I doubt I’d turn this up to experience that all over again, I’m afraid my body cannot handle that any longer.
Good! You should be taking care of yourself, otherwise I may have to send a mirror image of myself to combat your neglect. I can promise you I am taking as best care of myself as I can. As I said, I’ve got both Tara and my mother to step in if anything happens.
Do you ever miss Waterdeep? Do you ever think you’d return if you had the chance, or would you want to? I know I do miss your presence around here, but I know health concerns can come in the way of that. Are you interested in continuing your studies at any point? It would be fun to see you as a translator and a student at the academy again, I can just imagine you there now.
I promise to send word when I have a moment to head to you. I cannot wait to hear from you again.
From the desk of,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
P.S. Oh, please! I’m sure they’ll do fine with the more complex words. I’m now going to use more of them just to prove you wrong, Theo. I may have shaved down my ego, but you know better than to challenge a stubborn man with his own skills.
text reads: gale dekarios
staaawwwwpppp omg… that poem took so long trying to find words that rhymed and also had the right syllables. i should’ve payed more attention in english class as a kid haha. and yes!! theo is my little baby… i want to hold him and gale like tiny dolls and make them hang out. UGHHH i love the ocs everyone is throwing at me.. but theo has a special little place in my heart right now ~kore
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japanese-plants · 7 months
Myosotis is a genus of spring flowering plants in the borage family Boraginaceae, native to greater Eurasia. It is called wasurena-gusa in Japanese from the translation of Vergissmeinnicht, which is the German origin of forget-me-not. Wood forget-me-not M. sylvatica is considered endemic in Japan, called ezo-murasaki meaning 'Hokkaido Purple'.
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