#Botw x male reader
bagerfluff · 9 months
Lay With It Him
BotW Link x Male Reader
Prompt - Remember
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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It took a while for Link to make it to the forest. Link didn't know how to get there so he went back up the mountain and looked to see if he could find it from up high. Link found the forest then he rode back down the mountain and to the forest.
Link got to the forest right as the sun was starting to set. But Link didn't want to wait for the sun to rise so he entered the forest. The forest was like a maze. Twist and turns everywhere. Monsters around every corner. Link didn't know how long he went down a path just for him to realize he went down already.
Link was tired and bruised when he found a clearing in the forest. The only cover was the branches of trees that were multitube feet away. There was a rock, the moon was shining on the rock. But what caught Link's eye was a statue. It was a statue of a boy. He looked to be around Link's age.
When Link got closer he realized that he boy had a sword and a shield on his back. Like Link. When Link got even closer he recognized the face.
It was him!
Link found him. But what was wrong with him? Was he alive? What caused him to look like this? Did he choose this? Was he cursed? Link had more questions then answers. Link sighed. he found him. But did he? He couldn't talk to him. Link crawled on top of the rock and sat next to Y/n.
What could he do?
Maybe he should just leave. He got what he wanted. But he didn't get all of it. Link laid his head on Y/n's shoulder. Link closed his eyes. Y/n smelled like roses and freshly cut grass. It was then that Link felt something moved.
Link opened his eyes and saw that you were rubbing your eyes. How? you were stone just seconds ago. What happened? Did Link do this. "How long was I asleep?" you asked while turning to the guy next to you. Your eyes widened when you realized it was Link.
You whispered with tears brimming your eyes. The tears fell when Link pulled you in a hug. You hugged him back as tears fell from your eyes. He was back.
"I don't know you", Link started, tears also slowly falling from his eyes, "But I know I love you".
That's what he was feeling. Love. He loved you. He didn't know anything about you. But he knew he loved you. And that was all he needed. You guys spent a couple more minutes hugging until you pulled away. "How long was I asleep for?"
You asked. Link told you. Your eyes widened as you looked back to the path that Link came on. You pushed your self of the rock and looked towards Hyrule Castle.
"Their all dead" you said, with more tears brimming your eyes. Your friends, all of them, dead.
Expect Link.
You still had Link.
While Link rode you back to town he tried his best to explain what had happened when you were sleep. You were shocked when you heard it. Link had forgotten everything, but you remembered. Why? he tried to remember what happened before you fell sleep but you couldn't.
That was the only thing you didn't remember. It was weird. But that wasn't the main thing that you were worrying about. The main thing was Link. Hundred years ago you and him were dating. You were boyfriends.
But were you still?
You hadn't broken up, but Link didn't remember you. But he said he loved you. But how can you love someone you don't know? That you didn't know. But you and Link didn't speak of it. You both got into town, ate, slept in the inn, then Link asked you if you wanted to travel with him.
You said yes.
You couldn't say no, not to Link. But after a while of traveling you needed answers. Were you and Link still dating? At first you didn't want to over whelm him. He had a lot to remember. But you had to ask. The thought was keeping you up at night.
So one night, when the moon and stars shined upon you and the Hero of Hyrule. You asked him. "Hey Link?" You started, looking away from the food Link had made. Link looked up at you and nodded, telling you that he was listening.
"What are we?" You asked. Link looked confused.
You caught up on it immediately, over the years you could tell what Link was feeling just from his face a body language. "Hundred years ago we were dating", you stated, looking back down at your food "Are we still?" You asked with tears in the corner of your eyes.
You didn't want to lose Link, you loved him. More then anything. Hell, you found a way to stay alive and young for hundred years. But all of that could have been for nothing. Link looked down at his food before placing it down and moving closer to you. You looked up into his eyes. You always loved Link's eyes.
Blue was your favorite color. "I might not really know you", Link grabbed your hands and held them in his, "I'd like to get to know you". Link looked down at your hands.
"And I's like to date you. If you want to date me?" Link asked looking up at you with hope in his eyes.
Tears fell out of your eyes as he hugged Link, pulling him close, scared of losing him again.
"Of course. I'd love to date you" you whispered.
Link smiled and held you close. It might take time. But you too would get to know each other again. You loved each other. And they say that love can do anything.
Maybe even keep someone alive for hundred years.
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a-5-m-0-d-3-u-5 · 8 months
Happy birthday to me~
As of 3 hours ago, midnight on February 9th, it is my birthday 💗 (please don't ask why I'm up so late, I don't know either)
I have no idea what reach this will have but I decided to try and nudge my way back into writing (again, curse writers block and depression)
For today and tomorrow, I will offer small headcanon/drabble requests! There's no limit since they're headcanons and drabbles, so they will be shorter! Right now, my interests that are available for request are as follows:
COD MW2 (literally only soap, Ghost, and Price. I'm getting there but ya boy still only knows so much 😅😅)
Zelda (botw+totk because it's easiest, but most of the other games are open for requests, too)
Bowser (big beefy sweetheart man I love him)
Ace attorney! (The original trilogy because I'm most familiar with that portion of ace attorney lore/characters)
I will reblog a post of prompts in case anyone wants a little help thinking of a request, but feel free to ask for whatever within the limits dictated in my rules! Thanks so much, y'all!
Rules for your convenience
Reblogs are appreciated! I want to share the birthday joy!
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit: So shuffling through my docs It's been brought to my attention that wattpad (who I use as backup) Cut a lot of my fics in half??? anyway I'll be trying to fix that also
Edit Nov.8.2023:
*Looks everywhere but at you* it..it was going to be pwp.
Botw link x male lynel hybrid
Warning: kinda slow burn, romance is there????, it is, courting, violence, slight misunderstanding, belly bulge, big dick, cum play, ass eating, blow jobs, pet play, overstimulation, nipple play/light torture, somniphilia, crying, light angst, public sex, voyeurism, switch link, switch oc, updated as I write lmao, this is pretty slice of life tbh, just with porn, ruts/heats, This is some wild shit, Wow google search please don’t 
Are you telling me lynel's exist and someone hasn't once thought "maybe 👀 these centaur babes can get it?" Cause I honestly don't believe that.
Chapter 1: I love Chabi, I feel like she would be a gremlin.
Note: Puuuuuure self-indulgence. Like listen my brain went brrrrrrrrr, this is for fellow monsterfuckers
Traveling after fighting Ganon all at once was rather...fun. Maybe it’s because he went straight to the source of evil and somehow lucked out. And now don’t have a sense of urgency to get to that end goal. The collecting of his memories happened right after as well and by then the princess herself wanted to truly rest up before traveling with him.
He didn’t like the thought of leaving her behind, but he felt a little more at ease that at least she would be staying with Purah for the time being.
Link shivers as he tugs up the fur around his neck. Snowfield was feeling extra chilly for some reason.  He moves a little faster, shuffling through his pockets as he ate one of his emergency peppers. Imagine his relief when he sees the stable just up ahead with a few of the tiny town’s stacked together houses.
“Ah, link!” A voice calls to him once he steps in. The tavern/horse stable wasn’t too packed thank goodness but there was a familiar face. Chabi grins waving at the surprised Hylian.
Chabi and he became pretty good friends after the handful of times Link has saved her as well as traded monster parts with her. She mainly stuck to warmer places and just barely the edges of goron city. It seemed she was acting as an in-between for Kilton and fellow travelers. But being so far from the usual land she would circle in?
“Chabi? A bit far from the base aren’t you?” Link said softly with gesturing to the whole thick woven sweater she was in. Giggling chabi smirks puffing out her chest. “Call me the official Monster tradesman! I’ve started traveling a little further out for those rare materials. Kilton even gifted me with some weapons that’ll protect me better!” she starts up, gesturing him to join her at the little table she was sitting at.
“And so I thought why not start the one place I know the boss doesn’t care to visit. He doesn’t like the cold, he says it makes his feet clammy.”
Link holds back the many questions that pop up in his head about that. Best to store that away with the other questions he has under Kilton’s name. “I..see. So Snowfield was your first stop or?”
“Hm? OH no hehe. Rather some interesting rumors brought me here.”
Feeling like this will be a long one Link waves over a barmaid to buy some spicy curry and hopefully a few fish skewers. Maybe buy a bed for the night as well, just in case, the others get taken.
“-And so there I was! Hearing about a lynel wandering between the mountains and near the ruins! And oh I just had to see for myself, maybe ask for a few loose fangs or toenails you know?”
“No. I don’t know.” Link muttered into his drink. It felt like hours since she started this story, before finally getting to the point. He learned way more about how to skin mokoblin guts than he wished. Anyway- “I doubt they would give you a fang but what’s this about it traveling to the ruins?” As far as Link knew most lynels up here were feral or didn’t live anywhere close to the ruins.
“Well, which ruins now that I think about it…” Link asks as Chabi finishes up the last fish skewer. 
“Mhh, Well I say ruins but really it’s the forgotten temple.”
Now that got his attention. What could a lynel want in that guardian-ridden place??? Link frowns leaning back o think about it. That temple of any was the most dangerous and well...Link couldn’t help but feel a little responsible since he didn’t exactly break down the guardians still in there. He was still getting the hang of dealing with those, much less the mobile ones.
The thought of those stalkers since a bone-deep type over shiver. “Why don’t you let me check out if the rumors are true or not. I know you can take on a hoard of bokoblins but even when they’re going easy on you lynels are tough, and rather approach you than vice versa.”
Chabi yawns pouting a bit, sleep probably just now getting to her. “Mm, I suppose. If you can leave them a welcoming message to trade with me please?” she half pleads and half demands. Link nods getting up for a stretch, absolutely happy that she didn’t stop him. He was ready to collapse on the nearest free bed. “I will, soon as I get up I’ll head on over okay?
“Link if I wasn’t so devoted to the boss, I could just kiss you right now!”
“Please don’t.”
End Notes:
Basing a lot of this on my 3 playthroughs of botw. And I played them chaotically, as well as just overall making some things up. I kinda want there to be a lot more people in the botw world, like stables have small villages of their own (tarrey town size at least).
 I have a whole dnd esc Au for this where most monsters have their own tribes etc. but lynels, Lizalfos, and maybe wizzrobes interact with humanoids and trade with them. Except for maybe wizzrobes, I feel like they’re more steal your shit and bargain it back, type people.
This issss planned to be very long like, there’s a whole courting arc I have in mind, If you’re here just for the porn, it’ll be marked.
Anyway, this will all probably be unedited and sloppy. It’s for fun and the chapter lengths will probably vary as well. Idk why but I like the thought of the monster appreciators hooking us best friends (or partners) and link is just there, rethinking his life choices. 
But again real talk I right this whenever my mind gets staticy so please excuse any grammar issues, the many run-on sentences, etc etc 👍
Chapter 2: O-oh someone fucked a Lynel.
If there's one thing he loved about the snowy areas it was waking up to fresh snow in the morning or nights.
Breathing in that crisp air and starting his journey. Link rubs his cold cheeks, face a bit flushed.
But Chiba woke him up first thing and he will admit he was also wondering about this traveling lynel. The locals (at least the ones up) all mentioned how the lynel kept to themselves, and only came to buy directly from the farmer.
Makes him wonder if the lynel was checking out the area to maybe start up a new home. Shaking his head Link focused on climbing the hill and not sliding off. 
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the-moon-files · 9 months
Linked Universe / GN!Reader - Random Headcanons abt the Chain :)
Part 1 (ur here!) / Part 2 / Part 3
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Sun: Gender Neutral! Reader (you/they/them), Guide Reader
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: First, Sky, Four, Legend
Comets & Meteors: Content: None Known & Triggers: None Known.
U have a lot of Nicknames: Guide, Hero's Guide, Prince, Princey, Star, (more to be added?).
First (Manga!Link):
Has "too good" of posture lol
It makes his back stiff and by the time he's in his bedroll he's confused about why it feels better, silly silly man
Just in general tenses his muscles too often, so whenever u offer to massage him, he nearly crumbles on the spot
(the others know exactly how amazing ur massages are, and are fully staring at him in jealousy lol)
Gets little rips and tears in his clothing all the time somehow??
Even tho he wont have a scratch acc on him after hours of battle???
mans could be flying around Skyloft with only clouds touching him and come back pouting telling you he ripped his scarf again :'(
Likes to be slightly in front of you most of the time, especially in new places/other Links' Hyrules
It just makes him feel better knowing he's both protecting you, and that you're watching his back
(Most Links feel at their best/most confident when your voice can be heard just over their shoulder, not that they don't love seeing ur face now too)
Sky (Skyward Sword Link):
Is slowly making everyone he knows a collection of wooden figurines
He usually carves when he's bored or stressed
so needless to say this mission of the Shadow (slow going, stressful at times like Twi getting hurt)
Has made him give u an army of little wooden figures (everyone else gets a small collection bc ur the first he gives one to)
Did i say give? Excuse me, i meant:
sneaks them as a little surprise into your belongings or clothing or other personal effects
This started bc after a week or two of him giving you wooden things you tried to reroute him to other ppl,
so Sky just made it his mission to see how many he can sneak instead onto you on any given day lmao
(Also he may or may not have daydreamed abt being able to carve u things and actually physically give them to you on his adventure before, so he's taking advantage of being able to now)
Has luscious hair at all times, little to no effort, Wars is so pissed abt it lol
Mf responded when asked what products he used (by poor Wars too) with, "wym?? With water??? And soap????"
Never ties his boot laces
You will all be gearing up for battle and go to stalk and stealth kill monsters and right before u get up on them u always have to look over at Sky's shoes and whisper at him to tie them
Is the most likely to plant face first into the ground or trip and fall on his ass from shoes untying
He just didnt need to with being in the clouds on his Loftwing all the time back on Skyloft and so he never rlly adapted to that even on the surface lol
He's also just miserable at doing a decent knot so you've taken to teaching him repeatedly how to tie them-
why didnt the knight academy help with this at all actually??
(Wind makes fun of him be hes a sailor and knows like 10+ knots)
Four (Four Swords/Minish Cap Link):
Loses his tools constantly
Well not really "lose" so much as "slightly misplace"
It drives him crazy, the Minish used to help him with it back in his Hyrule so he got out of the habit of putting things back where they belong
You've gotten to the point where you'll glance over wherever he's working so the next time he comes up to u complaining abt a lost hammer or smth u immediately just "should be over by the fire"
And ur right, 99.9% of the time its so funny
Bc Four's all like "wtf ive moved around so much since then i took all the other tools with me- MF. U WERE RIGHT."
Is rlly good at like color matching, comes in handy for new outfits
Also has aches and pains like in his hands and arms mostly
Bc of all the forge work, and absolutely treasures any massages u offer him
Likes to wear matching jewelry with you! Like earrings or piercings or necklaces etc
Also has good taste in jewelry and what looks good on everyone + you
Legend (Link to the Past, Link's Awakening etc):
Unfortunately the type of person to just shove things in his bag willy nilly
Its the horder tendencies, he just has a lot of stuffs so he gave up trying to organize it
Actually really good at styling hair, Legend would absolutely lie abt it if u asked but he can spend as much time on his hair as Warrior
Likes to experiment with new clothes, like skirts or bright colors, esp if they match some of his clothes already
U ran by some makeup one time in another Hyrule and he knew how to use it rlly well??
Lies abt random skills he has, or like thinks skills he already has can translate well,
like he's rode a horse before wym he can't drive Wild's motorcycle??
Or fly a Loftwing???
Well now its a challenge
Tbh most competitive over stupid things randomly out of all the Links besides Wild, Wind, Wars, and occasionally Hyrule + Sky + Time
Got challenged to try and go shield surfing with u once and thought that horse-riding skill would transfer and it did in fact Not.
Actually kinda scared the other Links watching u two spin out and crash ngl, what with doing an accidental backflip? Midair??
but u both were okay somehow???
Also weirdly lucky, u stg he's got some sort of ring or blessing for that
All the Links WOULD HAVE been here if it werent for fucking tumblr
Ill post more parts soon if anyone is interested
Peace out,
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felixatro · 9 months
Could I get uuuuh Sidon x male reader where the reader is an artist and notices Sidon swimming and draws him and Sidon becomes his muse and Sidon finds out?
Fuck yeah I got a request 😭😭 I assume this is botw HALLELUJAH
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You and Sidon have been close friends for some time, Sidon often liked to visit you to see what you paint or drew, it was mostly landscapes. The rest was of Sidon. You felt embarrassed by this and kept these pieces hidden. Were no one, especially Sidon, would see.
It was a bright day outside and it wasn’t raining so you went out and sat near a stream, there was a few kids that played here in the water. You smiled at the little kids, some where on lower ground Sidon was swimming, he seemed to be playing with the children there, smiling you decide to paint Sidon once again.
It was afternoon until you decide to pack up and go back to your place. Putting away the paints and brushes into your bag, you head to the shed where you store your paintings of Sidon. Right when you open the door you hear a loud voice behind you
“Hey! I haven’t seen you all day how are you doing?”
You tense at recognizing the voice, panicking you quickly throw in the painting in the shed
“Hello Sidon, I’m doing good and how are you?”
Is what you got out of your throat, slowly turning back to face him
“Great! I saw that you had a painting could I see?”
More like statement instead of a question, Sidon gently pushes you to the side and opens the door to all of the paintings of him. You froze, mouth moving but no words come out
“I’m not a creep!!!”
You force out of your throat, you turn to the wall of the door and lean you face against it, wanting to bury yourself in a hole, expecting a scared Sidon you contemplate on your head whether you should head bang your head onto a rock
“This is your works of me? How beautiful!”
Said with a smile on his face, he continued on to praise of the paintings, you felt relived, but even more embarrassed by his words
“Thank you Sidon..”
As if a the ghost was sucked out of you you mumbled
“Do you mind if I keep some?”
“I don’t mind at all”
Days after he asked you to paint him more despite how much you already do
Flip how do you close a fanfiction my brain is dying, I finally completed this after procrastinating for so long hip hip hooray!
This wasn’t as long as I wanted it to be 😭
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beautifulblooms · 11 months
A little catching up - Prince Sidon x Male Reader SMUT
So lmao, I finally got around to writing some nsfw content, this is actually fairly old but I figured I’d dig through some of my old files and post some things, I’m not super proud of this (deadass forgot I had it too, but I hope y’all enjoy it)
Heads-up, this doesn’t exactly reflect my current writing style (didn’t wanna rewrite all 3.2k words of it) so it might read a little funky with the first person reader.
Btw there will be more coming soon too, I’ve got a few projects in the works with CoD stuff.
CIS Women and Female Aligned people, please DNI, this story and all of my others are for non-binary, masculine aligned and male readers!
It’s been a long fucking week, first, you had to leave the domain to accompany Link on one of his quests, which left you bruised and pissed off. Then on the way back a blood moon rose to the sky and revived all the lizalfos, the octorocks, bokoblins, moblins, and even a few stray guardians that had landed themselves on the path back up to the domain. Finally reaching the bridge that led straight into the kingdom you sighed, the sun had risen by then and all you wanted to do was lay on Sidon’s stomach while he floated above the deep waters of the East reservoir.
Each step after the other felt forced and almost not your own as your legs began their usual path from the bridge up to the reservoir dam where the bed you had been given resided. Hoping to find your lover sprawled out there waiting for you or swimming within the waters you were sorely disappointed when he appeared to not even be there. Nor had anything changed in the area since you left. The bed was perfectly made from when you last left it. None of the bottles or dishes on the sides had been moved or opened. Even a thin layer of dust had begun to form, strange given the room was open air. Giving into the fact that your royal lover wasn’t there, you lay on the bed after removing your shield, armor, and weapons from their places amongst your body. Pulling the covers over yourself and closing your eyes a deep, well-deserved slumber was yours at last.
As you slept, Sidon was up at Vah Ruta watching over the lands of Hyrule as its red beam was aimed at Calamity Ganon. He had been none the wiser that you returned, your paths hadn’t collided given you could only take the roads home while he could swim all the way to the divine beast if he wished. The sun was directly overhead, noon, when Sidon decided he should head back, missing the comfort of the pools and the joyous laughter of young Zora running about. Climbing down the mountain Sidon wondered if you were back from your trip with Link yet. He only said that you would be gone a week at most, so he counted down the seven days that you were set to be gone. That’s the reason he came all the way up to Ruta, to see if he would be able to find you along the path and walk back to the domain hand in hand.
Once he reached the banks, he began swimming up the rivers, small falls, and finally one of the larger ones leading straight up into the central area of the domain. Asking around if anyone had seen you, the guard stationed at the entrance said you came through and said hello before heading up to the dam. He could’ve settled with a mere nod and would be sent running, but the fact that they told him where you were made him spring faster than he had ever run before. There was no direct path with water to your room, so the bridge and staircase leading up was the only option. Racing up the stairs, nearly falling off around the bends, he makes it to the top and finishes his sprint as he makes it to the bed.
He almost couldn’t help but pick you up and start swinging you around in his arms, but he knew you needed rest and a lot of it. Trips like these with Link always took it out of you and he knew it. Very gently he picked you up in his arms, removing your outer layer of clothes to leave you in a pair of boxers, he headed towards the reservoir. Thank the Goddess you were a deep sleeper, he had no intentions of waking you as he was getting into the lake. Making his way into the water, he turned onto his back with you on his stomach, almost curled up on his abdomen he smiled. He always loved these moments, the world was calm for the two of you, nothing else mattered, it was just you two in a lake with nothing to bother you.
It was nearly dark when you woke up, gently lifting your head, the surroundings set in rather quickly. You were no longer in the bed you fell asleep in, instead, you laid on your lover's chest, in the middle of the reservoir, at dusk.
“Good morning my darling,” he said in a quiet but excited tone, he could only hold back so much joy that you were awake.
“Good morning, well, it’s evening isn’t it” you giggled lightly at the end of your statement, happy to be where you were.
“I’m happy you’re back” Sidon spoke calmly, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek.
“I’m happy to be back, and in the one place I favor most of all, with you” Pushing back into his palm you smiled, locking eyes with the prince.
“What shall we do now that you’re awake? We could keep floating out here, go lay in your bed, watch the night sky, explore the mountains, what do you wish to do?” Sidon rattled off the first things he could think of for you both to do now that you were revitalized after your long journey.
“I think I have a better plan my prince, let’s get back to land first” There was a glint in your eyes as you said it, he couldn’t figure out what you meant by it but agreed nonetheless and started using his feet to kick you both back to the dam.
Standing on solid ground you stretch your limbs out, a few creaks here, a crack there, and a happy sigh leaves your lips. Coming up behind you Sidon wraps his arms around your shoulders, bringing you closer to him.
“So what did you have in mind my dear?” He whispered, the moment was peaceful and he dared not break it.
“How about we spend some quality time together, on my bed, for a few hours, and possibly have some fun while we’re at it?” There was that glint in your eyes, once again he couldn’t quite figure it out, but with the way your tone relayed its sultry message, he came to understand very quickly.
“I think that’s a lovely idea, but I do have a question,” you hummed, urging him to continue, “who’s going to be on top?”
“I’ve been gone far too long, and I want to please you my prince, allow me to do so.” Turning around to face him you started running a hand up his chest, leaving it near his pecs as he thought over his response.
“Then be my guest” Sidon replied huskily as he unwrapped his arms from you and headed towards your bed. Once in your small room, the boxers you had left yourself in were thrown to the side, next to everything you stripped off before your slumber. Sidon laid himself back on the bed, it was just big enough to where he could stretch his legs out and they had a couple inches before the end of the mattress. Spreading his legs apart with a hand on either of his knees, you scoot between them.
“How rough do you want me to be?” A normal question you would ask before sex, always wanting to make sure you weren’t too rough on the Zora.
“As rough as you please,” the look he gave you said more than his words did, needing no further response you continued to move closer to his crotch. Beginning to push onto his sheath, two tips began to poke their way through. A groan leaves Sidon’s mouth as you continue to prod at his sheath, he’s not all too used to having someone else do it for him. Finally able to see half of his cocks, you begin to lightly tug on them as well, encouraging them to fully come out. With a little more pressure and jerking of the lengths, they are fully erect and out of their sheath. Sidon locked eyes as you began to kiss the tip of each cock, a small whimper escapes him when the kisses become sloppier and precum starts to leak from his slits. Now you have deep-throated one of his lengths before, and while you’ve tried both, it’s never been possible for you. That was going to change today. Taking one into your mouth, you start the usual routine.
Sucking on one while your hand slowly pumps the other, after about a minute or two, you switch dicks, using your saliva as a lube of sorts to make it easier to jack him off.
“Oh my Goddess, (y/n) please keep going, you feel so good.” All Sidon could do was beg you to keep going and moan out with how good you made him feel. Pulling off his cock, you began to jerk both lightly, then you pushed both tips to your lips. Sidon let out a gasp as you took the first few inches of both cocks into your mouth. “Please don’t hurt yourself dEAR-“ his words were cut off with a moan as you shoved another few inches into your mouth. His lengths were equal in size, but they were not small in any capacity, both were long and thick, so 5-6 inches deep into both you could feel the tears beginning to streak down your face.
Once you got comfortable with that bit in your mouth you started bobbing your head, pushing a little bit further each time you went down. Eventually, you managed to get both cocks to the back of your throat, feeling the tips smack into your throat was a shock, a painfully pleasant one. Sidon put a hand on your head as he tried to steady himself with how much pleasure he was receiving from you. Moans and grunts were all he could produce at this point, too overwhelmed to form words let alone a sentence. Slowly speeding up once you felt his hand grip
your (h/l) (h/c) locks, the moans he let out became louder and higher pitched, he was coming close to his peak, and that only spurred you on further.
Thankful for the distance you had from the domain now more than ever as his volume somehow only increased. His hand never actually pushed you down further or faster than you went, he knew you were providing more than enough pleasure for him that he dared not intervene. A few more bobs of your head and he came, shooting stream after stream of thick cum down your throat. A lovely thing about Zora, their sperm glows in the dark, a beautiful thing to see especially when it’s nighttime. As you pulled off his cocks, a small bit of his cum dribbled out of the corner of your mouth. Swallowing whatever was in your mouth still, you made eye contact, heaving right after and moving forward to kiss Sidon.
“Every time I taste you, you only get better my prince.” Your words made him moan into the kiss, only able to speak between the searing lip lock you were caught in. As you moved a hand to his face, the other was busy at his ass, finding his hole rather quickly before using some of his own cum as lube. Pushing a finger in he moaned into the kiss once more, before you pulled away to scoot back on the bed. Making yourself level with his hole you began to stick your tongue inside of it, licking and opening him gently with the wet muscle before coming back in with a finger and then two. Scissoring those gently before getting rougher and rougher in your motions, a third finger is added as the process repeats once more.
“How do you feel Sidon, how do I make you feel?” Asking for his praise he moans and manages to get a few words out.
“Amazing! No one else could ever make me feel the way you make me feel!” Finally getting what you want, you remove your fingers, pleased with how stretched he is. Using some of your own spit left on your hand, you lube up your cock before aligning it with his hole. Slowly pushing the tip in he grabs at the sheets, trying to go slowly even with the urge to shove your whole length into him. Inch by inch you work your dick into his tight hole, reaching your pelvis you stop and let him rest with your dick fully inside. Sidon taps your thigh giving you a “go ahead” before you start moving slowly. Pulling out to the tip you push back in slowly, once you set this slow steady pace Sidon takes a couple of minutes to get used to it before begging you to speed up.
“Please (y/n), go faster please, we both know I can take it.” His words just urge you to pull out and slam back in. A shrill moan is ripped from his lips as you start a brutal pace into him. He was right about one thing, he could take whatever you gave him. Continuing the pace you grab his thighs, attempting to just push them up so his legs are bent. You continue with his legs like that for a good while before you decide you want to be deeper into your lover. Grabbing the back of his thighs you push them to lay on his chest, the new angle allows you to shove yourself all the way into his hole.
“BY THE GODDESS YES!” Sidon screams at the top of his lungs, his prostate well abused by now as your tip continues to jackhammer away at it. At some point, he grabs his legs by himself and holds them to his chest to allow you to use your arms for whatever you please. A hand went to his throat while the other went to his cocks, lightly squeezing his throat and jacking him off at the same time. It took very little time with all this stimulation to cum for the second time that night, the luminescent liquid splattering his chest, yours as well, your hands, and some even made it to his face.
“Look at you all covered in your own cum, how beautiful it is to see you glowing from it.” A chuckle followed your statement as you continued your brutal pace into his asshole. Letting go of his cocks to let them rest after orgasm, your other hand went to support you by holding onto his thigh. It only took another dozen thrusts or so before you were pouring your cum into his ass, filling him up with more than just your dick. Pulling out you let yourself catch your breath as Sidon stared up at you, blissed out and the happiest he’s ever been. “How about one more hm?” He perked up at your words, confused by what you meant. Then it all clicked when he saw you pulling his thighs down and straddling his waist.
“Wait (y/n) I just came and so did you, shouldn’t we wait a minute?” He hurriedly spoke, trying to figure out your rush in movement.
“But the best pleasure comes from that.” The words you spoke were full of lust, and nothing but it as you started to slowly grab and jerk off his cocks. Rising up above them, you aligned both with your own hole, slowly pushing down. Now you were not stretched nearly as much as he was for your cock, so the process of sinking down took much longer. Managing to get both tips in, you sit there for a moment, letting you both adjust to the feeling, then half an inch further, a rest, half an inch, rest, an inch, rest. This continued until you were sitting on both cocks, both deep inside your ass, brushing your prostate just by sitting there. Slowly you pulled your hips up, pulling out until his cocks were halfway out of you, then falling back down onto them. Doing this again and again you tried to set a pace for yourself on his massive lengths.
Finally getting a steady pace you pull out until nothing but his tips are inside you, then slam back down. You both moan louder than ever and then you do it again, lift up, slam down. Continuing over and over again, until you are simply fucking yourself dumb on his cocks. You knew his orgasm was approaching quickly when he started to grasp at your thighs and thrust up slightly when you came down. With his help thrusting up, you started to feel that oh-so-familiar knot bundling up in your stomach. Keeping up the pace you set, it took not more than 10 minutes before you both came in sync. Your cum shot onto his chest and face while he shot into your ass, filling you so much that it began to leak out around his cocks.
You sat there for a good while, not wanting to move from the rather comfortable position. After roughly 15 minutes you slowly pulled his softened cocks out of you, cum dripped out of your stretched hole and he was covered in it. Moving to lay beside him, you collapsed once you weren’t directly over him, shimmying closer to his larger frame for warmth.
“Was that enough pleasure for you my prince?” You ask quietly, not able to raise your voice with how sore your throat is.
“That was more than pleasure my dear, that was ecstacy and nirvana.” He gazed down at you as he spoke each word was quieter than the last. Sleep was slowly becoming a need for both of you, but not wishing to sleep covered in layers of cum you stood up and walked to the lake.
“Are you going to come wash yourself or are you going to lay there covered in cum?” Turning around to face Sidon, he moved his head up to look at you, not even thinking twice before standing up very slowly and carefully, having orgasmed three times he was shaky. Grabbing your hand, you both stepped into the lake and started to wash yourselves. Moving closer to the Zora you started helping him wash off some of the sweat and semen from his chest and face. Once you were both clean, you’d stepped out of the lake and walked back to the bed. Sidon’s cocks had gone back into their sheath by now, but you just grabbed your boxers you haphazardly discarded earlier and slipped them on.
Sidon removed the cum and sweat-covered sheets on the bed before grabbing a fresh set for you both to sleep on. Laying down he opened his arms, awaiting you to climb into bed with him to sleep. Falling into his arms, you snuggled ever closer to his chest before closing your eyes.
“Goodnight my prince, I love you.”
“I love you as well my dear, sleep well.”
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beestriker015 · 4 months
Mipha x male Hylian s/o
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(Non-calamity AU)
Mipha’s feelings for s/o go all the way back to when she was young, having been introduced to him by her childhood friend Link.
“Wow! I’ve never met a Zora before! My name is s/o, what’s yours?”
Being the shy and timid girl she is, Mipha responds to him with a voice barely above a whisper.
“I-it’s nice to meet you s/o. My name is Mipha.”
“Same here Mipha!”
He flashes her a smile that makes the young Zora blush a little before she begins playing tag with him and Link, kicking off a long lasting friendship.
As the years have passed, Mipha and s/o have grown continually closer to the point that they started to see each other as more than just friends.
Mipha of course was the first to realize her feelings, and not knowing what to do, went to her friend Princess Zelda for help.
“I see. While I’m not much of an expert on romance, my advice is to tell s/o how you feel Mipha.”
“B-but what if he doesn’t feel the same way? Revealing my feelings to s/o could ruin our friendship, and I….I could bare it if that happened.”
She says sadly as the Hylian princess places her hand on the Zora girl’s shoulder.
“You’re assuming the worst Mipha. S/o cares about you greatly, and I doubt anything will change that. In fact, I happen to know that he has feelings for you as well.”
Mipha’s eyes widen slightly at this revelation.
“R-really? He does? Are you certain?”
She asks as Zelda nods with a small smile.
“Yes. Link told me that s/o confided in him that he is in love with you. Now that you know this, there isn’t a reason for you not to confess Mipha.”
“H-he loves me?”
The beautiful Zora blushes while holding her hands over her heart.
“Yes, and you love him too don’t you?”
“I…I do! Please excuse me Princess, but I must find s/o. I cannot contain my feelings for him any longer!”
She bids Zelda farewell before rushing off to find s/o, whom she runs into after he finished doing some sword training with Link.
“Hey Mipha! Link and I were just talking about you! There’s uh…something I wanted to say to you.”
“Oh? I was looking for you for the exact same reason s/o. M-may I go first?”
He nods as she looks at him with a flustered expression.
“S/o…you mean a lot to me, and through our time as friends I became developing…feelings for you. What I’m trying to say is that I’m in love with you s/o.”
When she finishes speaking, s/o blushes profusely before moving closer to her.
“Mipha, I love you too! In fact, that’s what I was going to tell you, but you beat me to the punch.”
A brief moment of silence follows as the two lean in and share a kiss as Link smiles at his two close friends finally getting together, thus marking the beginning of their relationship.
Naturally a very sweet and caring girl, Mipha is an amazing girlfriend to s/o, who is equally as great to her.
“How is your day s/o? Did you sleep alright? Have you eaten enough? Is your family doing well?”
She bombards him with questions thanks to her motherly nature when it comes to those she cares about, which s/o finds quite adorable.
“Yes, to everything Mipha. How about you?”
“My answers are the same as yours s/o, thank you for asking.”
Needless to say Mipha and s/o have a very cute and wholesome relationship, which Princess Zelda secretly gushes about to Link, who she has recently gotten into a relationship with thanks to some help from her two friends.
Despite s/o being a careful person who rarely does anything reckless, he still gets hurt on occasion, to which Mipha wastes no time healing his wounds.
“Ahh, that feels so much better. Thanks for taking care of my injuries Mipha.”
“Of course. I will always tend to your wounds whenever you get hurt. Just promise me you’ll be more careful s/o.”
Jealousy does exist between the two, but it’s never anything major.
Due to being different races, Mipha and s/o often worry about their significant other finding another Zora/Hylian they like better.
Luckily, they always communicate these fears to each other, leading to constant reassurance.
“Mipha, I love you for you, and I would never leave you anyone. My heart is yours, and it always will be.”
He says while gently taking her hands into his as she smiles softly at him.
“T-thank you my dear. You never have to worry about me doing such a thing either. The only person I want by my side is you.”
Dates can take place anywhere, but Mipha’s and s/o’s favorite location is Lake Hylia, where they often take a late night swim together.
“This is nice. The way the moonlight shines on the water is a beautiful sight isn’t it s/o?”
“Yeah, but it pales in comparison to how breathtaking you are Mipha.”
He tells her as she blushes deeply and chuckles.
“That’s so sweet of you s/o. I must say that you are quite breathtaking yourself.
Now it’s his turn to blush as the two hold each other close and lay down on the grass together after finally leaving the water.
Should any Hylian or Zora say something negative about them being together, the two will firmly yet politely tell them off, and luckily they also have Link and Princess Zelda to openly support their relationship if anyone were to take issue with it.
Mipha loves so many things about s/o, but the thing that makes her heart flutter the most is how well he gets along with her little brother Sidon.
Watching her boyfriend play with Sidon so happy just makes her fall in love with him even more.
“Catch me if you can s/o!”’
“Ok! Careful not to trip Sidon!”
S/o says while running after the little Zora near the base of Lake Hylia.
“Thank you for spending time with my brother s/o, it means a lot to me.”
Mipha tells her boyfriend with sincerity and gratitude in her voice.
“No problem Mipha! I absolutely love this little guy!”
Hearing that just cements her belief that s/o is the one she wants to be with forever.
Some time later, Mipha brings her boyfriend to Lake Hylia as she has several times before, but this time being extremely special.
“Ok Mipha, you said this was really important. Is something wrong?”
“No, not at all s/o. In fact I have something for you.”
She hands him a set of beautifully crafted armor.
“Woah. This is for me? Mipha, I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much. I-”
Realization sets in as s/o remembers what this armor represents, his face going red as he looks at his girlfriend.
“Y-you want to marry me? A-are you sure I’m the one you want Mipha?”
Shaking off her own blush, she nods and cups her beloved’s cheeks.
“Yes s/o, there is not a single doubt in my mind that I want you as my husband. You are the love of my life, and should you accept this armor, I want to be with you forever.”
“I feel the same way Mipha. That’s why I’ll gladly take this armor. I love you so much.”
“That makes me so happy! I love you too s/o!”
Mipha exclaims with glee before kissing s/o passionately.
Watching him slowly put on the armor, Mipha smiles warmly knowing that the Hylian she loves with all her heart will soon be her husband, and there isn’t a single thing that makes her happier.
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imababblekat · 1 year
A Princely Predicament (MLM)
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@xxrainmxx ,"Hello, can I request headcanon of Sidon declaring his feelings to his crush? (Male reader if you can)"
The rhythmic croaking of frogs accompanied the princes' frantic pacing, his webbed feet splishing and splashing as he moved back and forth in the small pool. Stopping briefly, his eyes a lit with an idea and just as quickly shut tight as he shook said thought away, feeling his cheeks heat slightly in embarrassment.
“No, no, that won’t do either.”, he grumbled coming to plop down on a nearby rock.
Prince Sidon was starting to feel more troubled than he had the past few days combined. Resting into his large palms that had been propped up on his knees, the Zora thought back to the source of his current predicament. (Y,n), a Hylian male who he met sometime ago through Link and Zelda, had ever so quickly taken up root in Sidon’s heart. At first, he thought it had been due to simple admiration like with Link, but soon came to realize that it was something much more with the boy. Not only was (y,n) physically attractive to Sidon, but more importantly he had a very enchanting personality. Kind, funny, strong willed, were the simplest of definitions that came to Sidon’s mind if asked to describe his infatuation. It was of course much more than that, but for once, the Zora Prince was at a loss of vocabulary to depict just how much (y,n) gleamed in his eyes.
With a heavy sigh, Sidon looked to the hotfooted frog resting on a lilly pad beside him.
“Oh to be a whimsical frog, living life without the trouble of a heavy heart. Or perhaps you feel complex love just as well as I and others?”
The amphibian only stared back with two, slow blinking eyes, leaving Sidon wondering if the creature was even aware of its existence, but continued nonetheless.
“It’s just. . .I’m so used to receiving such fondness from the girls around me, but never another guy. Hylia, I don’t think I’ve actually ever felt this way about someone before him!”, Sidon exasperated, throwing his arms up but his little audience didn’t even flinch, still sitting with blank stares.
“I’m usually so confident, even in the face of adversity. Yet, whenever (y,n) is around, I feel like a youngling again about to swim up their first waterfall. He makes me feel a way I’ve never felt before. It’s like my heart is about to jump out of my chest! And while it is most thrilling it is also somehow so terrifying. However, I some how feel a deep sorrow or emptiness whenever he leaves. Whether it’s just the room or the domain all together.”
The little frog before the deeply fallen Zora, blinked one eye, and then the other, before shooting out its tongue to moisten one of them. Shaking his head slightly bewilder from such a weird action, Sidon released yet another sigh before turning to look down at his feet, watching the gentle ripples of water around his ankles.
“I really mean it when I say I’ve not felt this way before for anyone. (Y,n) is wonderful, beautiful, handsome, charismatic, you name it. Though I doubt you could come up with any words to encapsulate how truly magnificent he is of a person. If only it were easier to tell him how very fond I am of him. Just walk up to him and say. . .”
Sidon’s expression turned determinate, a frustration at his own lack of courage to confess his emotions to his closest friend bubbling up with in. Standing up quickly, the Prince looked straight down towards the little frog, who still blankly peered back and with a ferocity to his tone, he loudly professed.
“I love you!”
A silence befell around Sidon, the only sound being the tranquil waters around him and other melodies' of nature. Then, out of no where, a firm cough, one used to get the attention of another, and in absolute horror, Sidon turned around so fast he could have given himself whiplash.
Said Hylian stood there, his cheeks flushed a handsome hue of scarlet, as his gaze followed the quickly retreating frog from beside the large Zora.
“You know, I’d be pretty jealous right now, except. . .”, (y,n) peered back to catch the panicked gaze of Sidon. “I doubt you were confessing to the frog."
Despite his racing heart, the cheeky grin adorning (y,n) face, had Sidon release a light laugh.
“How long have you been there?”, he cautiously asked, feeling his own cheeks alight like his adorations.
“Long enough to know it’s okay for me to do this.”
Sidon confused by (y,n) statement did not have time to question, as the Hylian swiftly walked over to gently pull the large man down and plant a gentle kiss to his lips. The Prince could not believe what was happening, and it took him a quick second to register that all of this was real. That his deep, heartfelt emotions were being reciprocated by his closest of friends. The friend who made all of his charismatic bravado evaporate simply by entering the same room. As soon as it did all register however, Sidon was quick to return the kiss with just as much love if not more, kneeling down for ease of his new partner and holding him close as ever.
Perhaps, he should talk to frogs more often.
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dervampireprince · 1 year
ASMR | LOZ - Sidon x Listener SFW Bathing And Resting With Sidon
[M4A] [Established relationship] [Reunited] [Bathing - water sounds] [Sleep aid] [Comfort] [Romantic] [Kissing]
He's back, he's back! I've been wanting to bring him back for a while and when seeing him announced to be back in the next Zelda game made me need to bring him back even more.
Custom audio commissions are open! Full spicy audios on sound gasm and Patreon. Downloadable versions, exclusive  spicy audios and Discord on Patreon. I also stream on Twitch 3 times a week @ dervampireprince . [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit my audios and videos]
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bagerfluff · 9 months
The Tree
BotW Link x Male Reader
Prompt - Remember
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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Link stared at the willow tree. He was under its branches, looking at the trunk. Link felt peace when he looked at it. Like he could get a full night's sleep here. Like nothing could hurt him if he leaned against the tree. Link knew that he didn’t remember everything. After sleeping for a hundred years he forgot stuff. Maybe this place was special to him.
But there was no sign that there was a memory here. Link sighed as he looked at it. Link slowly moved to sit and lean against it. Link let out a sigh as he looked up and the branches. It looked beautiful from here. The sky. The sun peeking down the leaves and branches. The leaves are blowing in the slight wind.
The smell of flowers that lined the trunk. All of it makes Link feel at peace. He still didn’t know why. Maybe he liked to hang out here? Maybe he used to hang out here with his friends or the princess. Link looked down at the ground. The ground where Link was sitting was brown, not green. It was like someone else was sitting there.
But for years. Link’s head snapped up when he heard someone coming. “Sorry Hero. I didn’t mean to scare you” a lady said. Link dismissed her with his hand.
“I remember who used to sit here. Well my ancestors do, but they pass the stories down”.
Link was intrigued by what she said. When the lady noticed Link looking at her with a curious look she smiled. “Do you want to hear it?” She asked and Link jumped up and nodded.
“Well apparently when you were sealed away and Ganon was trapped in Hyrule Castle, a boy named Y/n spent every day and night sitting here. People say he was waiting for you. But one day he disappeared. Never to be seen or heard from again”.
The lady left after telling Link this. Y/n? Why did that name sound familiar to Link? And why was he waiting for him? Link had more questions than answers.
Link looked at the path were she left before sitting back down under the tree. Link sighed yet again as he looked forward. The tree was near a cliff. Making the few of the sun, that was now setting, look beautiful.
Link thought about the man that he lady had talked about. Maybe he did know him. But he felt different when he thought about him. He had heard stories, even seen the spirits of his past friends, but this friend felt different.
Like Link knew him longer, or was more connected to him. Maybe he was family. Like a brother, cousin, or father. That could be it. Link couldn't really think of anything else. Link looked down at the ground. There, by his legs, was a flower.
A white rose.
Blowing in the wind. Link smiled slightly as he looked at it. He liked white roses. He didn't know why. Maybe they were his favorite flower. Just another thing he didn't remember.
That fact made Link sad. There were so many things he didn't remember. He barely remembered himself. Then so many facts and stories were thrown at him.
It was to much.
To much. Link didn't know anything.
Link sometimes wanted to ditch this. He didn't know theses people. But he couldn't. They needed his help. He was their savoir. Their hero. Link looked back up at the sky. The sun fully set. The starts and moon now shining in the sky.
Link closed his eyes as he leaned back. The smell of the flowers and the feeling of the wind clamed him. Almost made him feel safe. Like he could do anything.
Like he didn't have to defeat a century long evil.
But Link was determined to find out who this man was. To find him and ask him questions. Like why he got butterflies in his stomach when he thought about him. But Link would have to do that later.
Because the wind and the smell of the flowers lured Link into sleep.
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a-5-m-0-d-3-u-5 · 1 year
Maintenence is done! Rebranding as @a-5-m-0-d-3-u-5, previously Golden Oreo Publications
I write male/nb/gn reader sfw and nsfw content for the fandoms listed on the tags so please send a request my way or kindly reblog this post! Thanks so much, I hope to write for you soon!
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
Bundle of Daffodil flowers
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit Nov.8.2023: So this was a start to something that was a male reader. So I will still tag it as such. But I guess it can read zelda x link on its own as well. Wrote it when I first finished all of BOTW
This is honestly pure indulgence on my half. I adore Botw and the feelings it invokes in me on all scales are just wild lol. So here’s a Anyway-
Summary: They both weren’t suppose to know of his existence but with Ganon taken cared of for the most part, Impa couldn’t help but recall someone long ago.
This a pretty slow read and a slow burn, Link talks but not alot?? just think since in game he does why not, hinted poly, with angst and v**lence, hinted abuse, a lot of just characters wandering/world building, also maybe smut (up to debate), scenes will have a warning before they begin
Chapter 1: Hidden Riddles
“It’s been a hundred years, would he still be alive if..”
“I’m almost sure he is! my and my darling even saw his patterns change recently!”
“Shh you’ll wake our guest Purah, They need their rest.”
“I know...but for him to stir as soon as the calamity is dealt with.. We never did check in to see if he was also affected.”
“.....Let’s just wait, there’s not much we can do about it right now.”
the soft sounds of Impa and purah talking trailed off ending with the sounds of the front door closing. Link finally shifts from where he was asleep in a pile with Zelda in the guest room. He’s been up since the early morning, it being the afternoon if the warm light coming from the window was any indication.
‘Hm.’ carefully getting up to not wake the princess, she needed all the rest she can get. Not bothering to put on shoes, The wooden floors felt warm enough anyway. And there’s no need to keep up appearances here so he doesn’t bother to tie up his hair.
Anything to do with ganon he felt both a sense of restlessness and bone deep exhaustion. He needed to eat something. Wandering a bit to impa’s little kitchen, link makes sure not to make too much noise as it seems the two elders were just on the porch. And he wasn’t sure how they’d react to him essentially listening in on them.
‘Could it be another yiga clan member? mm no purah wouldn’t sound so worried if that’s the case.’ Thinking on it, link tilts his head tossing some mushrooms and crushed flowers from his pockets. He was craving a creamy soup.
Letting that with some fresh milk and salt cook, Link peers out of the window. It’s not that he wasn’t already itching to get back to exploring the world, but not with the princess with him...He had to think on whether he could and where she wanted to go.
‘If it could be trouble, I’ll ask about it.’
“Link?” a soft mumble came from behind him just as a head lightly presses against his back. Zelda sleepily leans against link for a moment as a wake up hello and shuffle eye up the pot of boiling food.
“You should be sleeping.” Link mumbles turning to her. Zelda pauses from trying a spoonful of the soup. “I feel rested up, abit of a headache but. Just... I can’t stop thinking on what to do next.”
She hums eating the bet on the spoon and gently pushes her hair back. “I.. want to talk to you about it first.”
Link rubs the back of his neck at how serious her expression was, walking over to kill the fire under the pot of soup. “Let’s eat first, think we both will feel abit more energized if we do.”
“I don’t want to be the princess- no the Queen of Hyrule just yet.”
Zelda says as soon as she puts down her empty bowel, her face set and fist clenched. “I know I should. Should do and reaffirm connections and gather those who are willing to get hyrule cleaned up and rebuilt but-!”
She shakes her head and then huff in annoyance flicking her hair back. “I’m tired and for once I want to do what I want to do with my life.”
She takes a second “I want to become a traveler, mm well a traveling researcher. I still want to learn about the shekiah
Link watches her closely from where he was still sipping at the broth, keeping his pose relaxed as zelda gathered her thoughts. He notes that this seems like something she thought about for so time. Glancing to the front door he finishes what’s left in the bowl. Zelda wanting to live her life, to explore, and research wasn’t a new concept to him. He knew she wanted to do this back when they were becoming close friends.
Zelda lets out a tired breathe, now that she was free. Now that she had what felt like all the time in the world, she wanted to spend it actually doing things she can enjoy. It was that part of her, the one that sounded like her father, that kept pushing for her to step up in the way her father would.
“So link, my knight- no my dearest friend.... Will you join me? Not just as my guard but as my mentor in this.”
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mattalit · 1 year
A Hundred Years’ Wait
Link x m!Reader
CW: angst, death
Link often found himself reminded that, after one hundred years, the world he knew had been drowned in fire—and then reborn again, the same and different together. He was almost thankful for his own forgetfulness and missing memories, but ever since he had awoken, he could almost feel the soft thrum of a deep, stagnant memory… but try as he might—and try he did—he couldn’t remember. But what good was remembering when Hyrule threatened extinction?
Of course, the nagging thrum never truly went away, and in moments alone, he could feel the very edge of his past life in his mind. He would reach for it and grasp helplessly, but it was always out of reach, as tantalizing as the ocean to a man lost at sea, yearning for a sip of water. 
It doesn’t matter, he would tell himself. It doesn’t matter. But it did matter, and it plagued his subconscious. At night, in his dreams, he would see that face, but he could never remember in the mornings. 
A hero, though, has no time for forcing memories, and his mission had already begun: find Impa. 
The ride to Kakariko Village took three days, of which the final day was filled with dark clouds and rain. It was dreary weather and Link would rather be holed up somewhere warm, but when duty calls, he answers. He must find Impa. 
He tried not to be intimidated by the looming gates of Kakariko, but it had been so long since he had been here that familiarity seemed harsh, unfamiliar, as though déjà vu met the uncanny. Real, and yet, unreal. 
The sad atmosphere of the village didn’t help, either. There were no children running around as he remembered, and the adults he did see were sluggish. There seemed to be both an overcast in the weather and in the minds of the villagers. He felt as though he was infiltrating a great mourning period.
He hesitated within inaction, glancing around the seeable parts of the village. I have no choice, he realized, unless I turn back, but he knew that was not truly an option.
Link slid off of Epona and patted her flank. “Don’t run off, girl,” he said. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
Epona nudged his hand as if telling him to hurry up and go, so he turned away and began down the path to the village’s center. 
He pushed away his discomfort with the stares he received from the white-haired populace. I am obviously an outsider, he thought, but he didn’t allow the feeling to dissuade him. He forced his shoulders back and continued on his downward path.
Once he had reached the village center, Link’s eyes scanned up a staircase and up the wooden structure. This must be it, he thought. 
At the gate, he was stopped by a white-haired man in the garb of the Sheikah.
“Sir, you cannot pass…” The man paused, looking down at Link. His tone turned from hardened to confused. “Is that… is that a Sheikah slate?”
Link pulled out the Sheikah slate.
“It is! I’m so sorry, you must hurry up to Impa.” The man stepped to the side. As Link took the first step, he was stopped again. “Oh, and please be respectful. A beloved elder is at his end of days. Impa is with him now. You will find her in the main room.”
Ah, Link thought, that explains this place’s looming sadness.
At the top of the stairs, he paused at the doors. He could feel that nagging thrum of remembrance return, but he had made it too far to stop in an attempt to think. 
Link pushed open the double doors, revealing moderate-sized room. He scanned the walls, taking in scrolls and pictures on the left and right before settling his sight in the center. There stood a short older woman with a large hat next to an older gentleman in a chair. He has seen better days, Link thought.
“My life is fading, Lady Impa,” the man said sadly. 
Link froze. We know that voice, the nagging thrum said, and it was right. He did know that voice—from one hundred years ago. But from what?
Impa looked to the doors and recognition passed through her face. “Link?” she asked. She did not move from her spot next to the man, whose face remained unchanged. 
That face… he remembered that face.
Link took a step forward.
It had seen the years in a way Link’s own had not, but he was still recognizable under the wrinkles and sun spots and the wispy, white beard. 
Link took another step forward.
He remembered that face younger and in battle, holding determination and his sword as though they were a light weight. 
“It has been a long time,” the old man said, “since I have last seen you, swordsman.”
Link remembered that voice when it was still hindered with the naiveté and ego of youth, but now the scars of wisdom and diplomacy could be heard and felt.
“(M/N),” Link greeted. “It has been far too long.”
And Link could feel the full weight of time come crashing down, and he could feel the soft thrum of remembrance grow and grow as finally, finally, he remembered. 
(M/N), a Knight of Hyrule, a protector of the royal family, and an adventurer. (M/N), his sparring partner, his friend, and—dare he say it?—his lover. 
Like a symphony, he could remember all the hours spent training, the days spent adventuring in the wilderness, the late nights and early mornings, all spent together, and in anguish and in fear, he stared upon that wrinkled face, and the wispy white hair so different from its younger (H/C), and the fragile body, and Link finally realized how long he had been gone, how much he had missed, and how much he could never, ever get back. 
Link kneeled in front of (M/N); he hardly noticed Impa back away.
For a moment, (M/N) just stared. “I am dying, Link,” he said. “But I have held on for you. I always knew you would be back.”
Link did not respond, but he could feel a tear slip down his cheek. He had lost so much time, and there was nothing he could do. He had never felt so helpless. 
“The sands of time are cruelest to heroes,” (M/N) mumbled. He placed his hand softly on Link’s face, his thumb tracing his cheekbone, wiping away his tear.  “But you are as beautiful as the day I lost you.”
Link placed his own hand over (M/N)’s. He could feel that familiar thrum, and he begged himself to remember more—and he did. He remembered the night a week before his fall, the last time he had seen (M/N), where he had held (M/N)’s hand in the same way. 
I will be gone when you wake up, he had whispered.
Must you leave so late? he had been asked.
I have a duty to the Princess.
I suppose I cannot keep you. I will see you when you get back.
(M/N)’s hand was weaker and more weathered than when he had left him, but a hundred years had passed, and nothing these days was as he remembered.
I have been gone for so long, he thought, and he couldn’t fight down his own distress and anger and helplessness as he realized, all against my will.
“I am glad you have come, Link,” (M/N) said, “but our time together now ends.”
“Wait,” Link pleaded.
“I have held on as long as I can.” (M/N) took a shambling breath. “But time has been cruel to us.”
(M/N)’s hand dropped from Link’s face, but Link caught it and laid it across the old man’s lap. He could feel his own sweltering tears pool together. 
He felt Impa’s small hand be placed on his shoulder, and he half-registered her voice telling him, “He will not wake up again.”
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the-moon-files · 10 months
Linked Universe Incorrect Quotes (ft. Masc!You)
Your many, many nicknames: Guide, Hero's Guide, Lead, Star (Guiding Star), Princey, Prince
Reader: (he/him)
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(This gif got chosen bc i fully believe they could get goofy enough to act like the monty python campaign sometimes)
Wars, wistfully: I love hearing my Guide shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
You: Listen, listen, the ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a magic gun.
Hyrule, looking at your unconscious body: I need a moment alone to heal him.
The Rest of the Chain: Of course, take care of him please.
Hyrule, leaning over you: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not asleep.
You, sitting up: Yeah, no shit.
Sky: Ha! Don't you know the trappers trap can trap the trapper??
Sky: ...I must be losing it, I'm quoting Star.
(dead quiet in camp, everyone knowing the look on your face when you get annoyed at their reckless/self-sacrificing actions)
You: When I die, I want every Link here to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time.
(explosion of arguing and several "Hey wait a minute-!"s)
Time, accidentally forgetting never to ask his Guide for advice: If this plan goes down the drain, where should we regroup?
You: The afterlife, I guess.
You: Why is it that I always lose things as soon as I need them?!
Four: Actually, it's not that you lose things when you need them. You lose them a while before. It's just that you LOOK for things when you need them.
You: Okay yeah thanks so much Link, that's great to hear, now, WHERE'S THE FUCKING FIRST AID KIT??
Legend: But what do I get out of it Princey?
You: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
Legend: Ooh, check, check, and check; not sure about that last one tho.
You: It won't be you.
Legend: I'll get my rings.
You: Why are you guys acting like this??
Twilight: Oh, we're not acting. We really are like this.
Link: Cause your pretty and your smart, and your ignoring me so your obviously my type.
You, who was distracted: I'm sorry- what were you saying?
Link: Perfect.
Thanks for reading this shitpost lmao
I just needed smth more my flavor of reader, and reader/Chain so I made this snack to satisfy me for now
Ill probably be making a fic in the future but for now bs like this will have to do
(Might use some of these quotes in it acc lol)
Peace out,
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teaaagan · 1 year
Mipha: You know how sometimes there’ll be a pack of coyotes that are feasting on a rabbit and there’s always one small runt of a coyote that’s being kept from the meal?
Y/N: … yes?
Mipha: I’m like the rabbit.
Y/N: Mipha I’m so concerned about you
Mipha: I mean… same.
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stardropsandrain · 2 years
Hi I'm Jaxon
I will not write, pro ships, pedophilia, necrophilia, rape/non con, explicit NSFW or real people
I only write NBMfNBM, I'm only comfortable writing that
I encourage you to please ask for exactly what you want, even if you think it's weird. I am an open book and will never judge, though I cannot promise I will write it. I especially encourage comfort spaces such as ittle space etc. I will only write little space non sexually
LOZ (BOTW, Skyward Sword, Age Of Calamity, OOT)
One Piece
One Punch Man
MCU (before phase 4)
The Arcana
Obey Me!
Kings (specifically Jack Benjamin)
Tokyo Ghoul
Dream Daddy
Stardew Valley
Possibly more, I can't remember them
Thats about all, I'll try to be very active and answer any requests! I don't know if I'll get many but if I do I'll try to get to everyone
Have a wonderful day 🖤🖤
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