#Brotherly Analogical
anxiouslyfred · 1 year
Virgil: My brother doesn't like hugs, but he does let me steal his weighted blanket which is kinda the same thing Remus: It's not! I'd never let you go if you let me hug you! Virgil: I saw you grab the superglue just then. I'm sticking with Logan's weighted blanket.
If other news I like movie afternoons at my brothers for completely reasonable reasons, like sharing shows and films with my brother, not the blanket... definitely not
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Summary: Virgil’s entire job is to protect Thomas, and he takes that job very seriously.  The core sides might argue too seriously.  The core sides don’t know that there are actual dangerous sides he needs to protect Thomas from.  But there’s another side he needs to protect too.  He used to be able to count on help from Janus, who did the job without even knowing it back when he still lived with them.  But now Virgil and Remus are alone, and they have to look out for each other, which means the last thing that Virgil should do is leave his brother by himself.
Too bad it’s not exactly his choice.
Author’s Note: Hey, read the trigger warnings for this one.  Not everything comes up in every chapter, but when it does, I’m not messing around.  Please be very careful with this one if the warnings are something that’s going to bother you, and if you don’t read it, I won’t be mad.
That being said, welcome to my massive love letter to brotherly dukexiety.  These two are such amazing brothers and if I have to write my own monster of a fic to make everyone else see it, that's exactly what I'll do.  It's finished already, so welcome back to your regularly scheduled Sunday morning updates.  Hope you enjoy!
And as a last note, absolutely all the credit to @shadowling-guistical, who was there for me to scream to and who cheered me on and got just as excited about this story as I did the whole time it was being written.  Mishii, I am not exaggerating in the slightest when I say this story would not exist without you.
Virgil was not at all excited at the prospect of meeting with the core sides again.  That video was supposed to be a one time thing!  Okay, well, Thomas had said something about him being potentially used in future videos, but that was going to be something that happened once in a while, whenever they needed a villain to defeat or wanted to talk about the dangers of anxiety.  Why on Earth would they need to talk to him again so soon?
Remus hadn’t seemed to get it either, but he at least had been willing to get Virgil’s mind off of it by suggesting all sorts of ways he could annoy the core sides when he went to talk to them.  Most of his ideas involved dropping blood, saliva, or other bodily fluids on them, to which Virgil had laughed and pointed out the way that he definitely wouldn’t be able to conjure that much of anything.  He wasn’t Creativity, after all.
“Eh, you could at least spit on Janus,” Remus said, waving his hand dismissively.  “You’ll be right next to him.”
Virgil laughed again.  “Yeah, spitting on Thomas’ Self Preservation.  That’ll get me invited back.”
“I thought you didn’t want to go back,” Remus pointed out with a grin and raised eyebrows.
“Well, if I’m not invited back, how will I ever work up to being able to spit on Janus without consequences?”
It was Remus’ turn to laugh now, and he flopped down on his bed while continuing to grin.  “You make an excellent point.”
For how lighthearted the conversation seemed, they were both ignoring the undercurrent of fear tucked under the entire thing.  Because for how much Virgil and Remus didn’t love the prospect of him talking to the core sides again, there were still three sides that very much did.
It had been long known by the two of them how badly Malice wanted a way to get to Thomas.  Why he thought Thomas would listen to him was anyone’s guess, but he’d managed to get Positivity and Cruelty on board with the plan decades ago.  They had thankfully gotten pretty much nowhere, due in no small part to the fact that the side they’d need to convince to let them talk to Thomas was a core side who almost never came to their side of the mindscape in the first place.
Of course when he did come down here, he usually talked to Virgil, which didn’t make Virgil super popular.  But him having a direct line to Janus more often would be exactly the kind of thing that Malice would want.  Far easier to pressure Virgil into pressuring Janus into pressuring Thomas for something, as convoluted and complicated as that sounded.  So whether it was what Virgil wanted or not, Remus wasn’t too far off.  The safest thing for Thomas in this situation was to be as antagonistic as possible— which wouldn’t win him any points with Malice.  Whatever.  He was used to hiding bruises whenever Janus came down here.  It wasn’t that hard.
Virgil stayed in Remus’ room for most of the morning, as it was better for brainstorming and coming up with a game plan, especially when Remus was in there with him.  Of course, the game plan often ended up involving a lot of sex jokes and spitting on other sides, but Virgil could edit those parts out.
It was just after what would have been lunchtime if they were eating today that Virgil felt the tugging that meant he was being summoned by Thomas.  He glanced over at Remus with a tense smile that probably came out more like a grimace.
“Ah, time?”
Virgil nodded.
“Spit on Janus for me!”
“No,” Virgil said, as he sunk out in order to appear in the real world.
If he was going to be antagonistic with this thing, might as well get a head start.  Virgil appeared leaning on top of Janus’ hat, picking at his fingernails.  “I’m told you want to talk to me for some reason?”
“Get off of me,” Janus snapped, shoving Virgil towards the other side of the stair platform they were standing on.
“Oh, shoot, were you standing there?  Sorry, I didn’t see anything important.”
Janus gave him an unamused look, and Virgil turned from him to face Thomas before he could reply.  “Is there something you wanted?  I did have things to do today, you know.”
Most of those things probably involved hiding and running for his life, but that could come after he ended this conversation on a bad note so Thomas would never want to talk to him again.
Thomas sighed.  “Well, there was a bit of a surprising reaction to the video you were in,” he said.
Oh, god.  “What?  Are people lining up with torches and pitchforks?  Hate to break it to them, but they can’t actually affect me, I’m imaginary, they’re not—”
“Actually, everyone loved you kiddo!” Patton said brightly.
Virgil blinked and turned to face him.  “I’m sorry?”
“Yes, unfortunately, the fanbase seems to have adored you,” Roman said, crossing his arms and looking very unhappy with the situation.  “You are the second favorite character.”
“Second favorite?” Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Of course!  After me!” Roman proclaimed, adding a flourish with his hands.
“Oh, of course,” Virgil grumbled, leaning against the banister to his left.  “So why exactly does that matter?”
“Well, we have adjusted our plan slightly to align with what the viewers seem to be enjoying,” Logan said.  Virgil glanced down at him.  “And you will of course be included in more videos.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re gonna be a main character!” Patton called.
“I don’t want to be a main character,” Virgil said, crossing his arms over his chest.  That would be way too much pressure, were they insane?
“Oh!” Janus said brightly, clapping his hands together.  “Well, that decides that then!  Alright, Anxiety, if you wouldn’t mind heading back to—”
“Janus,” Thomas said in a low warning tone.  Janus groaned and looked up at the ceiling in clear disapproval, but stopped talking.
“You didn’t have a problem doing the last video,” Thomas said, turning back to Virgil.
“That was one.  Do you honestly think I’m okay with showing up in multiple videos?  Probably almost all of them if you’re saying I’d be a main character!”
“Anxiety, I can understand the idea of filming can be a little unnerving,” Patton said.  “And so can the idea of moving over here—”
“Wait.”  All of Virgil’s arguments came to a screeching halt before most of them had finished forming.  “Moving over here?”
“It would make it far easier to film if you could be around most of the time already,” Logan said.  “We can hardly expect Janus to make a trip to the other side of the mindscape every time we need to make a video.”
Virgil took a moment to process the irony in that statement, blinking at Logan.
Well, that changed things.  If he helped with the videos, he moved over here?  For a second, Virgil considered what that might mean.  He’d get away from Malice, Positivity, and Cruelty.  From what he understood, the core sides didn’t do things the same way they did.  Maybe he wouldn’t have to watch his back every second.  Maybe he could actually sleep easily for once.  But the problem there was, Virgil didn’t only have to watch his own back.  And if he left Remus alone…
It would be a huge disservice to the creative side to say that Remus couldn’t defend himself.  He was far from helpless.  He’d saved Virgil’s own ass more times than he could count.  But there were two of them and three of the others.  On a good day they could hold their own, but if it was just Remus against the three of them, he’d be pretty exposed.
Virgil was a protector.  That was his job, to protect Thomas.  Remus was a part of that.  And he needed Virgil far more than Thomas did most of the time.
Besides, there was a pecking order to the mindscape, as had been explained to Virgil very clearly the time that Malice and Cruelty had thrown Remus at him, unconscious and bleeding from where his mustache was supposed to be.  They wanted to get to Thomas.  But in order to do that they first had to get to Janus.  And since Janus wasn’t an easy side to get to, their best chance was to fuck with Virgil, the person Janus talked to if he ever came down there.  And if you wanted to fuck with Virgil you fucked with the people he was supposed to protect.  If Virgil left Remus alone and exposed, it would be giving them an even more direct line to Janus, and in turn, to Thomas.
Virgil paused as another option struck him.
He looked directly at Thomas.  “On one condition.”
Thomas blinked in surprise.  “You changed your mind?”
“On one condition,” Virgil repeated.
“I get to bring someone with me.”
“Absolutely not,” Janus said instantly, glaring at Virgil.
“Janus,” Thomas said, crossing his arms.
“That’s my job!” Janus snapped.  “He doesn’t get to decide when you meet sides!  That’s my territory!”
“No one said he had to meet Thomas,” Virgil said, smirking as he slipped effortlessly back into the asshole persona.  “But if I have to deal with all of you idiots, I want some actually enjoyable company.”
“Hey, be nice,” Thomas said, raising an eyebrow at Virgil.
“Sorry, buddy, nice isn’t in my job description.  You should talk to Patton about that one.”
“Kiddo,” Patton said, sounding a little disappointed.
Virgil ignored him and looked back over at Janus.  “That’s my deal.  You want me to be part of this stupid video series long-term, you want me to come over here and be on-call for whenever you want to film, I get to bring one side with me.”
Janus narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.  “No.”
“Janus,” Thomas said in exasperation.  “Come on.”
“I am not allowing a hostile side up here,” Janus said, still looking directly at Virgil.  “I decide when you’re ready to meet new sides.  I know all of the other sides down there, and trust me when I say that you’re not ready to meet any of them.  Letting one of them come over here is dancing too close to that line, and I will not allow it.”
Patton started to say something else, probably an attempt to change Janus’ mind, but Virgil recognized the expression on his face.  He wasn’t going to be swayed.
And Virgil wasn’t going to leave Remus by himself.
“Fine,” he said, straightening a little as he shoved his hands in his pockets.  “Then I suppose we’re done here.”
“Wait a second, Anxiety—” Logan started.
“I suppose we are,” Janus said, not moving his glare.
Virgil sank back out to Remus’ room without another word, despite the protests he heard follow him down.
Remus wasn’t there when Virgil got there, which was definitely a bad sign.  Virgil headed for all of their usual hiding spots first, as they’d decided years ago.  If they went to the others first, they would unquestionably get hurt, and if they already were being hurt, it was okay, they could last a little longer in order to not give away hiding spots.
This time, however, Virgil didn’t have to make it through all of the hiding spots, because he was passing the third when he walked in behind Cruelty holding a knife up to Remus’ face.
Remus must have seen him, but Cruelty was the only one in the room and they were both well practiced with not acknowledging the other’s presence.  Virgil summoned his scythe, made with Remus’ help a long time ago, and crept up behind Cruelty, silent on his feet.
“And another thing—” Cruelty started in a low voice.  Unfortunately, his other thing would be lost to time and space, because that’s when Virgil slammed the handle of his scythe into the back of his head, and he crumpled.
“You okay?” he asked, looking at Remus.
“Yeah,” Remus said, waving a dismissive hand, even though after doing so he moved to clutch at his other shoulder.  “Just a stab wound.”
“Ah.” Virgil shoved down the anxiety that always came when Remus was hurt, whether it was hours of grueling torture or just a simple stab wound.  “You want help?”
“I can patch myself up just fine, thanks, I don’t need help.”
“Oh, yeah?  Because it looks like you got cornered by just Cruelty,” Virgil said, smirking at him.
“Ah ha ha ha,” Remus said.  “But come with me, I want to hear what the heck the core sides wanted to talk to you about.”
Virgil followed Remus to the bathroom, looking him over as he did so to make sure he wasn’t hiding worse injuries.  He had a tendency to do that if he thought it would make Virgil nervous.
“You checking me out?” Remus asked as they both stopped in the bathroom.
“Yeah, you’re still smoking hot,” Virgil said, rolling his eyes.  “Don’t worry, your new scar will not take away from how attractive you are.”
“Virgil, please, everyone knows scars make someone more attractive.  Movies say so and therefore it must be true.”
“Uh huh, yeah.”
Virgil set Remus’ shirt and sash to the side to be washed later as Remus inspected the knife wound in his shoulder.  He was right, it didn’t look bad at all, and he cleaned and wrapped it in under a minute, then snapped a new shirt on over it.  “So, what did the core sides want?” he asked.
“Oh, apparently the fanbase loved me, and they wanted me to move over there to be in more videos,” Virgil said, waving his hand dismissively.
“Hang on, what?” Remus exclaimed, leaping up from his spot sitting on the toilet.  “What did you say?”
Virgil stared.  “I said no,” he said in bafflement.  “Duh.”
“You did what?  Are you nuts?  And I don’t even mean the fun kind, Virgil!”
“Oh, please.”  Virgil crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall.  “What am I supposed to do, leave you over here by yourself?”
“Um, yes.”
Virgil stood up straighter and dropped his arms.  “What— Remus, I’m not going to do that.”
“You get offered a chance to leave this hell hole behind and you turn it down for my sake?  Jesus, Virgil, I love you too, but come on.”
Virgil stared at Remus for another minute.  Was he serious?  It sounded an awful lot like he was serious.  “You… Remus, you’re joking, right?  This is a really poorly timed joke?”
But Remus was seeming to realize that Virgil was serious the same time Virgil was realizing that Remus was.  “Virgil.”  Remus reached out and put his hands on his shoulders.  “I just got stabbed in the shoulder, and we’re reacting like it’s a normal Tuesday around here because it is.  Listen to me.  You are going to get out of here.”
“Not without you,” Virgil said instantly.
“Yes without me,” Remus replied just as quickly.  “Have you thought this through at all, idiot?  Remember when Janus first went up there?”
Virgil scowled.  “What about it?”
“Everyone hated him at first.  Don’t you remember?  Remember why he went up there in the first place?”
“Yeah, of course.  Laura Singer.”
Thomas had met Laura when they were both in eighth grade, when he had found her crying behind the school because she was worried her parents were going to find out she was a lesbian.  Janus had shown up on a whim to make a suggestion, and that was how Thomas got his first girlfriend and came out for the first time simultaneously.  And through that, overtime, Thomas had gained a lifelong friend in Laura, and a core side in Janus.
“But what’s your point?” Virgil continued, crossing his arms.
“No one liked Janus at first,” Remus said, crossing his own back.  “He won them over overtime.  Who’s to say that can’t happen again?”
“It’s not going to happen fast enough,” Virgil insisted.  “I can’t leave you down here by yourself, you idiot.”
“What, you think I can’t handle myself?”
“I know you can.  But I also know three against one isn’t a fair fight.  I’m not going to leave you here, Remus.”
Remus narrowed his eyes.  “Yes you are.”  He sank out before Virgil could protest.
“What— Remus!” Virgil cried, sinking out to follow him wherever he went.
He ended up in the core side’s commons in front of all four core sides themselves, and most of them were already looking either very surprised or very displeased to see both of them.
“Hello, all,” Remus said with his too-wide smile.  “There’s been a change of plans.  Anxiety will in fact be coming up here to assist with more videos!”
“Remus!” Virgil hissed, trying to kick him while being subtle about it.  It’s not like he was going to outwardly disagree with him in front of the core sides, and Remus knew that.
“Oh, really?  That’s great, kiddo,” Patton said with a smile, standing from his spot next to Janus.
“I’m not your kiddo,” Virgil snapped.  “Don’t call me that.”
“Well, we’ll have to see, won’t we, maybe you’ll warm up to the idea while you’re up here,” Remus said, giving Virgil a large blindingly bright grin that made Virgil reach behind him and pinch him on the back of the neck.
“But he’s so thrilled for the opportunity,” Remus continued.  “He just needed a moment for it to sink in, you know, it was a bit overwhelming is all.”
Patton’s smile turned a bit confused.
A second later, Janus stood up, already scowling.  “You seemed very against the idea earlier,” he said lowly.
“Yeah, what the heck is with the change of plans Hot Topic?” Roman asked, crossing his arms from his spot against Janus’ other side.
“I just told you,” Remus said, tilting his head just enough for his neck to crack.  “He needed some time to process.  But he’s more than willing to move up here to join you all.  Aren’t you, Anxy?” Remus asked, turning his smile back onto Virgil again.
Virgil gave Remus a large smile back that poorly hid the fury of a thousand suns, and turned to face the others again.  “Yep.  Just thrilled at the prospect,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Oh,” Patton said, still sounding confused.  “Well, that’s wonderful ki— Anxiety,” he amended.  “Do you know how long you’ll need to move up here?”
“He can do it right now!” Remus called brightly.  “He already has all of your begrudging permission, right?”  Remus snapped his fingers and there was a loud crunching sound followed by Virgil’s room appearing down the hallway right next to Janus’ room.
Virgil grabbed one of Remus’ hands and yanked it behind his back so he could bend the fingers back, even though it was clear at this point that Remus wasn’t going to change his mind.
“Well, that looks perfect!” Remus said brightly.  “We’ll just make sure everything looks good, and then I will be out of your armpit hair!”
Remus sunk them both out again, and reappeared them both in Virgil’s bedroom.
Virgil immediately whirled on him and shook him by the shoulders.  “Why did you do that?” he snapped.  “You asshole, I told you no!”
“And I told you I’m not letting you turn down the one chance you have to get away from the others,” Remus said firmly.  “You’re staying here, Virgil.”
“Remus, it’s not just about that,” Virgil said.  “Don’t you get it, you just gave them an easier way to hurt you and pressure me into doing something to get them to stop.  You know what they’re capable of.  They could seriously hurt you.  They could kill you.”
Sides couldn’t die permanently, but they were way more vulnerable while reforming from death.  Getting hurt during that time was the kind of thing that caused permanent damage.  Virgil and Remus had always been there to watch each other’s backs when it happened before.  If they managed to kill Remus, while Virgil wasn’t there to help…
“It doesn’t matter,” Remus said, pulling Virgil from his thoughts before he could really start spiraling.  “Just don’t do what they say.”
“What— oh yeah, I’ll just do that,” Virgil said, stubbornly ignoring the tears welling up in his eyes.  “I’ll just knowingly let my only family get badly hurt while I live in the lap of luxury.  That won’t make me a huge fucking asshole.”
“You’re right, it won’t.  Because that’s exactly what I’m telling you to do.”
“Remus.  I can’t just leave you there.”
“Okay, fine.  Don’t.  Get them to like you, just like Janus did, and ask them to let me come over here once they do.”
“I said that isn’t going to happen fast enough!” Virgil snapped.  “How am I supposed to get them to like me?  I’m not exactly a likable side, Remus!”
“Virgil,” Remus said, raising an eyebrow.  “I get that this might be a difficult concept for you to understand.”  He leaned into Virgil’s face as if Virgil was missing something obvious.  “Play. Nice.”
Virgil scowled.
“Don’t be confrontational.  Maybe agree with another side every now and then and don’t constantly bring up the negatives to everything they say.  Try not glaring at Janus every time a word comes out of his mouth.”
Virgil opened his mouth to protest, only for Remus to shove his hand over it, which Virgil leaned back from instantly.  He didn’t want to know where that thing had been.  “Virgil, Janus is the main side you have to win over.  You do get that, don’t you?”
Virgil took a step back and let out a groan.  “Yes,” he mumbled, glaring down at the floor.  “I just… Remus, I don’t want to have to deal with him to get you out!”
“I get that.  I’m with you, okay?  But that’s just how it is.  Get Janus to like you, and he’ll be much more likely to let me come over here.  And that’s the only way to ensure that I’m not kicked out almost immediately.”
“I know,” Virgil grumbled.  “I…” he sighed.  He was being unfair, wasn’t he?  Remus was the one who would have to deal with the others alone, if he could do that, Virgil could manage to not scream at Janus every time he saw him.  “Okay.”
“I’ll…” Virgil glared away.  “Play nice with Janus.”  He looked back at Remus.  “But I can’t just suddenly start being the friendliest side in the world to him, that’s just going to make him suspicious.”
“Okay, then try slowly working up to sucking his dick.”
Virgil winced.  “But Remus—”
“I can handle it.  I’m a patient side.”
Virgil snorted.  “Oh yeah, when I think patience, I think of you.”
“I know I won’t be able to get out immediately,” Remus said.  “It’s okay.”
Virgil looked back up.  Remus was biting his lip while frowning and not even pulling off a finger to chew on.
Virgil looked down and laughed bitterly.  “When did you get so serious?”
“Excuse me, is that a challenge?  I’ll strip naked right now.”
“Ew, no!” Virgil called, leaning forward enough to shove Remus’ back.  “You’re disgusting!”
“Thank you, I try.  And don’t ever call me serious ever again.”
Virgil looked over at him, smiling even as he shook his head in exasperation.
“I just trust you,” Remus said.
Virgil stopped smiling.  “Oh.”  He looked at Remus for another moment, then walked forward and pulled him into a hug.  “I’m not gonna let you down,” he mumbled into Remus’ sash.
“Yeah,” Remus said, hugging him back.  “I know.”
Remus pulled back after a minute and smiled weakly at Virgil.  “Okay.  I’m gonna go and add more traps to stop anyone trying to get into my room.”
“Let me help you,” Virgil said instantly.
“No,” Remus said, pushing Virgil back a little more.  “I’ve got this.  I’m gonna be on my own for a little while, I can—”
“Remus,” Virgil cut him off.  “Let me help you with this.”
Remus swallowed, and nodded.  “Okay.”
They both sunk out together and headed for Remus’ room, and Virgil tried to ignore the fear that was cropping up at all of this.  Remus would be fine.  He was Remus, he could handle himself.  Three against one still wasn’t fair, but that just meant he would have to move as quickly as he could.  He’d start tomorrow.  He could make everyone breakfast of some kind.  Pretty much everyone likes pancakes, right?
Chapter Two
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hitoshiyoshi · 2 years
brat | shinsou hitoshi
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synopsis ↬ shinso gets a bit jealous when you get close with one of his friends
warnings ↬ pseudocest, dub-con, swearing, manipulation, shinso is aizawa's son, you live with them but shinso sees you as his sister although you are NOT related, kaminari denki slander, your parents were heroes who passed, shinso and the reader play the doctor game, shinso and the reader are both about 20 but shinso is older, she/her pronouns for the reader, virgin kink, slight humiliation kink, use of 'girl' and 'doll' when addressing the reader, unprotected s*x, fingering, cr3ampie, slight overstimulation, 0ral (receiving), slut shaming, if you notice some things that don’t make sense it’s poor editing, I changed the story last minute and i’m sorry, let me know if i missed something
pairing ↬ shinsou hitoshi x fem!reader
word count ↬ 6.4k
kinktober week one
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Shinso’s eyes glanced over your frame, watching you twiddle the pads of your fingers. Standing by the kitchen counter with your mobile loosely hanging from your hands, a laugh echoed throughout the home every couple of minutes. The ticking of the analog clock furthered his frustration; he’d been counting every second. Time seemed to pass at a dreadfully slow pace and, for eons, he waited for you to finish.
He knew who was the keeper of your time, fucking Denki, his coworker at a hero agency they both worked for. It only took one encounter at the entrance of the agency's building for him to capture your attention. Shinso could not fathom why you had any interest in him with the blonde’s undying persistence to establish a friendship with you.
Sitting on the worn-out sofa of his father’s home, he waited as patiently as he could. The show on the large flat-screen TV had no longer sparked his interest. He couldn’t peel his eyes away from your back as his chest tightened and his heart swelled with jealousy. Resisting his urge to grip the phone from your hands, he waited. Questioning whether it was worth it to tell father about your latest interaction with Denki, knowing very well that he wouldn’t be happy. Shinsou could still remember the day his father, Aizawa Shouta, introduced you to him.
It was a long afternoon filled with Aizawa trying to convince you to live with him and his son. The sudden death of your parents only a few hours prior left the man feeling sympathetic for you. They were pro-heroes and two of his dearest friends; another loss he would have to cope with. Making a promise to himself that you wouldn’t have the same unfortunate outcome, he asked if you would move in with him. Although you were old enough to survive on your own, his persistence left you with few options. He never left your side until you agreed. 
The rest of the night was spent preparing his house for your comfort. Aizawa helped you move all your essentials from your previous home into the one he shared with Shinsou and even allowed you to sleep in his bedroom until he finished designing your own. He always doted on you in a loving manner, giving you extra attention while never being afraid to act as a parental figure when you needed him. You didn’t mind Shinsou’s overly affectionate demeanor, thinking he was excited about having a new little ‘sibling’ to fawn over. Soon, referring to each other as ‘brotherly’ or ‘sisterly’ names. This continued for months, concerning Aizawa who thought this would hinder your grieving. He was certain this was Shinsou’s doing.
Lost in his thoughts, Shinso failed to hear the endearing “goodbye” you said while ending the phone call. Clutching it to your chest and hiding the screen from Shinso’s view, you sauntered to a seat beside him on the couch, hardly noticing his gaze on your figure as you strode over. You placed your phone on the coffee table in front of him and focused your attention on the boring show, softly humming to the tune of your favorite song. Shinso briefly cleared his throat before engaging in a conversation with you.
“Who was that?” He asked as his ears peaked in your direction as he waited for a response. The attention given to him was lackluster compared to what he truly wanted.
“Just a friend.” A sigh escaped your pouty lips, and you prepared for another pestering. 
“I didn’t know you were friends with Denki.” Shinso scoffed before folding his arms and resting his back against the cushion.
“I can be friends with whoever I want to… besides, he’s a nice guy.” You played with the fabric of your skirt that rode more than halfway up your thighs. Secretly, you wanted him to continue; he could never know this, but each time his voice raised, a sharp chill traveled through your spine and tingled your pearl. Your head tilted backward on the couch, mirroring his position, you seemed too agitated to continue the conversation. 
He glanced at your body, thoughts of Denki’s devilish hands grasping onto the last bit of your innocence made his blood boil. You had to be a virgin, he was sure. Shinso always followed any male that managed to befriend you and basked in your depressive state when you revealed your new male friend had disappeared. Always giving them a strict warning, even using his quirk when necessary, just to preserve your purity. How could he live knowing that Denki was the lucky bastard to take his your virginity? Today was the day. He needed to do something.
“I know that… but you need to stop talking to him,” Shinso replied, eyeing you up and furrowing his eyebrows.
“And why should I do that?” You returned his gaze, trying to seem pitiful to lure the male’s attention away from you. However, Shinso was smart enough to see through your tricks.
“Because I said so…” He replied back to you, and before you had any more time to protest, he tried to end the conversation before another argument followed. “If I see you talking to him again, you won’t like it.” The weak threat flew over your ditzy head and you smirked up at him in an unfazed manner.
“Are you serious?” You scoffed. Shinso was not amused by your antics. 
“I wasn’t asking, I’m telling you.” You seemed to shrink as he continued to speak. His body loomed over yours, commanding your attention and seizing authority over you. His voice, deep and domineering, causes you to freeze on the couch for a few seconds as you feel blood rush to your core. Unfortunately, just as his aching heart consumed his entire spirit, your ego had grown in abundance, and you were no longer scared of the man sitting adjacent to you.
“You know,” You started as your index finger pressed into your jaw to tease the elder, your eyelashes innocently batting at the male. “I forgot to tell Denki something. Do you mind if I call him again?” Your hand reached for the shiny mobile, gripping the plastic case and unlocking the phone. Once opened, Shinso’s hand found its way to your wrists, grasping you tightly as a warning. You mewled at the sudden pressure on your weak bones as his fingernails left indents on your skin. “W- What are you doing?”
His hands, much larger than yours, pried the phone out of your hands as you watched on, too dazed to process his actions. Shinso held the phone away from you, watching as you continued protesting and grabbing at his hands. The screen, still open, showed Denki’s contact and phone number. He couldn’t help but grimace and felt a sudden churn in his stomach. The blonde’s annoying presence and dopey demeanor were not much of a prize. You clawed at his body until he gripped your shoulder and pushed your body away. 
“Delete his number or I’m telling Dad.” His voice was stern. You were no match to him. If you fought, you knew who the winner would be; so you succumbed to his wish. You weren't sure if he would do this, but he always threatened to use his quirk if you acted up – perhaps you should take his proposals more seriously.
“Fine. Give it back,” You extended your forearm towards him, patiently waiting for the elder to return it. Before the casing touched your hand, he remembered. Perhaps this was his last chance, otherwise, he would have to wait for an eternity. This was his chance to do something. When his hands didn’t faze and his eyes seemed lost in thought, you spoke. Shinso glanced between the phone and the impatient woman in front of him.
“Actually, I think I’ll hold onto this.” He slipped the phone inside his pocket before facing your visibly confused face. 
“But you just said you would give it back,” You tried reaching for the phone once more, but you failed. You relaxed on the couch and scowled at your his antics.
“I will, but you need to earn it back,” Shinso responded sternly, only worsening your anger. He wished he could feel any sense of remorse, but none would arise. For a few moments, his mind would linger on moral thoughts which were quickly diminished by his devilish desires. Shinso weakly gulped, trying to clear his head and the demons that convinced him to sin. Alas, it was too late as his weak mind succumbed to you. “Let’s play a game.”
“A game? Which game?” You almost couldn’t believe your ears. Of course, you weren't deterred by the idea.
“Don't worry, it's fun.” You fluttered your doll eyes towards your brother. You're so innocent. “Don’t tell Dad, though,” He couldn’t imagine the scrutiny Aizawa would give if he found out about his son’s perversion. 
“Fine, I’ll play. What is it?”
“Do you know that doctor game?” Shinso watched as you nodded to his question. He hesitated to continue. “Why don’t we play that game?” Once again, you agreed. You weren't familiar with it, but it was only a light-hearted game, right?
“Y- Yeah, we can play.” Your cheeks felt intense warmth, an act your body would do upon feeling nervousness. “Um, how should we start?”
“Well…” Shinso’s hands guided themselves to the hem of your shirt as he spoke. “Let’s start here first.” He lifted the material upwards and past your arms and head. He could feel himself twitching at your beige brassiere that cradled your ample breasts. As he discarded the shirt elsewhere in the room and inched his body closer to yours, you could feel his stare on your body and instinctively covered your chest. 
“Shinsou, don’t stare.” Your fragile voice caused Shinso to spur with uncontrollable desire. He adored it. 
“Don’t get shy in front of me. I won’t bite.” He pulled down at your arms and embraced your body briefly, unclasping your bra before tossing it in a pile with your shirt.
You quivered at the sudden sharp coldness of the air, desperately wanting to cover yourself. He tugged at your arms, pulling them to your side. You weren’t sure why he was doing this, wanting to stop and retreat to your bedroom. Lowering your head, you wrapped your arms around your waist, cowering in front of him with tears of humiliation threatening to spill from your eyes. The air of innocence was replaced by a noticeable lust. You watched his eyes examine the upper half of your body. 
His cold hands reached for your chest before massaging your mounds delicately. Shinso’s hands now engulfed your chest as his thumbs rubbed into the skin on your nipples. You let out a muffled yet loud moan at the foreign sensation unable to deny that your body loved his pleasant touches.
You sank your teeth into your bottom lip until a metallic taste touched your tongue. Watching you shiver on the couch, Shinso chucked to himself quietly — you submitted to him easier than he expected. At least put up a fight next time. One thing he didn’t enjoy, however, was your quiet demeanor; you made sure to stay silent during the whole ordeal. 
Lowering his head until his mouth hovered over your exposed chest, kissing the skin, biting and suckling to leave his mark. Your hands moved away from your waist to push against his chest, yet, he wouldn’t budge. Once satisfied, he wrapped his mouth around your hardening buds, making you shudder in his hold. Another whine escaped your lips, you tried to hold back, but as you felt his teeth sink into your perky nipples, a loud wince echoed through the room again.
“Mm~ Sh- Shinsou— what are you doing?” You could barely form the sentences from your mouth as moans managed to slip through your words. Grazing his teeth on your buds as they hardened under his warm tongue. Flicking the skin before sinking his mouth deeper, leaving marks his father would surely ask about. God, his mouth hungrily lapped the nub as wet sounds and high-pitched moans drowned out the noise of the television. 
Shinso ignored your question, too drunk on the feeling of your plush skin against his tongue. Alternating between each of your breasts until he was satisfied with the bites and marks on your skin, the squeals from your mouth only coaxed him to continue. His arms firmly wrapped around your waist and back, pulling you closer to his mouth. Your legs clenched firmly together with each pulse and wave of pleasure rocking your core repeatedly. Hands moving from your body to his shoulders pulled him closer, needing to feel his body — his warm and soft skin — against your own. Feeling his own orgasm approach embarrassingly fast as he gently rocked his hardened cock into your thigh, he pulled away. 
Panting, you had no time to calm your body as his lips collided with yours. Shinso’s tongue moved in the same way against your buds. Licking your lips and asking, no, pleading for your to allow him entrance, you eagerly complied. The feeling of his body against yours, pulling you deeper to him, almost as if he was too scared to have you run away.
This is wrong, and you knew it, but your arms refused to push him away — only accepting his embrace into yours. His kisses electrified a part of you that had been hidden for years. You did not want it, yet your body began enjoying it. Moaning into his mouth, you could feel his body tense up at the slight movements your body made. 
Pulling away briefly from the kiss as a string of your mixed saliva disconnected, his attacks moved to your neck and collar. This time his kisses were gentle; he didn’t want you to have to face his father and explain where the marks originated. Although he adored you, Aizawa sensed something was in the air between you two. It left an uneasy feeling as he watched his son’s behavior change around your presence. Shinsou dreaded the thought of you two separating. What would happen then? 
Inhaling and caressing your soft and supple skin, he realized that he needed more.  Firm hands digging at his shoulders broke him from the spell as you were also free from your drunken state. 
“S- Shinso… stop… this isn’t right,” His arms tightened around your body as he heard you speak. What do you mean this isn’t right? Always self-centered, you could not please him for once in your life. “Not like this…”
“Not like this, huh?” He said, inhaling your intoxicating scent as his face nestled in the crook of your shoulder. “Then what shall we do..?” Shinso finally removed himself from your body, although still holding on. “Look at these pretty marks I made. It would be a shame if they were wasted.” He traced the bruises and bites on your skin as your body trembled in fear. “Father wouldn’t be too pleased to see these. It would be unfortunate if he learned about your adventures with Denki.” Your eyes widened in fear. Although he was the one marking you, he would be the one to snitch on you.
“B- But you’re lying! I haven’t done anything with him…” Honestly, you weren’t sure about his reaction, or whether he would even care. You only knew that he was extremely overprotective and critical of any lover you brought home.
“Shall we call him and find out?” Shinso taunted as a sadistic smirk etched across his lips when he noticed you cowering underneath him.
“Then listen to your big brother. I can make you feel good.” He gently pulled you up and off the couch, guiding you to his bedroom. Your legs felt heavy as if they were too scared to move to your forbidden destination. His fingers soothed your trembling arms causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. Again, he let out a sickening chuckle.
His room, small yet tidy, seemed to feel like a prison. Shinso guides you to his bed as you inhale the faint scent of lavender coming from his clean bedsheets. You failed to notice your shirt and brassier in one of his hands as he chucks the materials away in a pile of clothes in his room — you won’t see that bra again. The cold air causes your nipples to harden almost instantly as he urges you to sit on his bed.
“W- Why do you want to do this, Shinso?” If only you knew about the twitch in his tight pants each time you said his name. Thank god you were too innocent to notice the bulge in his sweatpants.
“This is your fault. I wouldn’t do this if you behaved… you need to remember your place.” Your place? There was not enough time to think as you felt his hands tug down your denim skirt until it reached the ground and pooled around your ankles. His hands caressed your exposed thighs as he watched you shiver on his duvet. “Lay down on the bed. I’ll help you warm up.”
You listened, unconsciously spreading your legs as you lay on his comfy mattress. The aroma of his room seemed to cast away your anxiety, but only for a brief moment. Shinso’s eyes greedily examined the damp spot in your lace underwear, reminding you that your body was still on full display for him to see. His fingers reached down and danced around the lace whilst his body eased closer to your frame. Both of his knees caged your body as he lifted your thighs upwards. Finally, as he thumbed over your sensitive clit, a gasp escaped your mouth feeling him rub circles into your sex. Perhaps he was too eager, after a few seconds of teasing, he quickly tore off the clothing before placing it elsewhere in his room. 
“Look at you… look at how wet you are.” His fingers traced around your labia, collecting the clear essence from your slick and bringing it up to your eyes. Your face heated up fast. He was taunting you. “Hmm… What do we do about this, (Y/N)? My sister is a slut for her own brother’s cock. What a pity…”
“B- But… we aren’t related— and I’m not a s- slut…” Covering your face in the palm of your hands, you tried to cling to the last bit of denial you had. You two weren't even related by blood. Each time you reminded him, he would dismiss you.
“Oh? Then what’s this?” He brought the nectar from your slick up close and played with it along his fingers. Soon, he retracted his hands and suckled on his fingers as he savored the taste. Spreading your legs further apart, he examined the liquid that oozed out of your core, begging to be fucked. “Only sluts get excited when their brother does this.”
Soon, he presses his thumb onto the hood of your clit and gives the bud a few rubs. His index and middle finger graze against your folds, earning a suppressed gasp from your lips. Dancing around your opening, his fingers prodded around your tight hole. Eagerly quickening the pace of his fingers, he felt your wet opening ooze clear liquid and cover his thick fingers.
Your moans and his dampening skin urged him to breach your virgin walls; Shinso wanted to be patient, he really did, but it was wearing thin. Dipping into your core, you convulsed in pain as you felt one of his fingers explore. Watching you tremble, he caressed the smooth skin on your thighs to help you relax; see, he wasn’t heartless. 
A burning sensation in the pit of your stomach replaced the pleasure given to your clit. You couldn’t bite your tongue to stop the noises from echoing in his bedroom, loud moans and shaky breaths bounced off the thin walls. Secretly, he always dreamed of the day this room would be occupied with it. Another gasp escaped your mouth as you clenched tightly around a second digit entering you, stretching your walls, and prepping you. The sickening squelching sounds harmoniously played with your moans, music to Shinso’s ears. 
Pleasure finally began to cloud your foggy mind as you clenched harder around his two fingers and your pained mewls began to dissipate. He leaned down and kissed your thighs to coax your body into a release. Dancing around a spot that made you shudder, his fingers molded perfectly into your opening. A wave of intense bliss covered your lower half. You could feel him smirking against your skin; you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?
“It’s alright, babygirl… let it all out for me…” Shinso whispered into your skin. Your hands claw at his sheets, searching for something to grab, anything. Arching your back against the sheets while your eyelids clench shut, you can finally feel a sweet rush of pleasure.
“Mmph!~ Oh… No… S- Shinso…!” Your walls spasmed and convulsed around his fingers as somewhat pleasant-sounding moans erupted from your vocal cords. The warm feeling at the pit of your tummy finally releases as you feel his fingers coat in a hot sticky substance. Essence covering his digits, he could feel himself aching in his sweatpants.
“That’s it… such a good girl,” Pulling away from your thighs, he slowly removed his fingers. Leaving you empty for a few seconds, his head disappeared between your legs. Shinso’s warm tongue greedily licked your nectar as it trickled down your crevice and seeped into his bedsheets. 
“Mmmh~ Ah…! W- Wait..!” As your fingers pulled and ran through his thick locks of hair, he pinned your body tightly to the mattress. Shinso released a hum as his nails dug into your hips. It was too much, his tongue would graze over your sensitive bud as your moans became noisier. 
Once satisfied, he pulled his head away from your panting body. His lips were covered in the same essence that filled your slick. He licked them once more as he smirked down at you. Tugging at the hem of his shirt, he tore the fabric off his body before briefly moving off the bed to discard his sweatpants. You couldn't help but peer down at him and glance at his stiffened member.
Trimmed violet hair covered the base. What he lacked in girth was generously replaced by his length. The red tip oozed with clear pre-cum. He couldn't wait anymore. Another deep yet warm chuckle caused a tingle in your fragile core. Shinso watched as your hands covered your hot face. How cute!
"Just relax," He purred softly while wrapping his fingers around your wrists and gently moving your hands away. Shinso didn't know the sight of you being so vulnerable and untouched would excite him this much. He knew that by the end of this session, you would finally learn to obey. "Is Kitten scared? I told you I wouldn't bite." He leaned down until your faces were only inches apart and left a chaste but loving kiss on your lips. Remnants of your nectar managed to seep onto your tongue.
"'m not scared..." What a fucking liar. You aren't scared, but as his arm rests next to your head, you're trembling. You aren't scared, but as his other hand pumps his length and his sticky pre-cum leaks between your legs and mixes with yours, you're intoxicated. The lavender aroma of his room fills your lungs once more and makes your mind hazy.
He teasingly laughs at your demeanor as he pulls away from your body. Shinso didn't want you to be scared of him. He was already used to that feeling from his old classmates and civilians. It would've pained him if he frightened you. That wasn't the point of this. He could humiliate you endlessly for doing this, but he was worse than you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you watch as he positions himself at your entrance. 
"Don't worry, doll. This won't hurt too bad... as long as you obey..." Of course, he knew you had no choice but to obey. Rubbing the tip along your folds, he watched as he started to glisten in a clear mixture of your mess.
As you peered up at him, you were greeted with his indigo eyes staring down at you. They set your body in a trance, a warm and inviting gaze cast down upon you. Did it still feel wrong? Mesmerized by his beauty, you were too distracted to notice him gently pushing his length inside.
Filling you up inch by inch, sudden pressure and a burning sensation much worse than his fingers broke you. You sharply inhaled while your brother released a low grunt and muttered some curses under his breath. As his eyes fluttered and tightly closed with the sudden feeling of pleasure, you instinctively cupped his face while feeling tears swell up in your eyes.
"Shinso..." Gasping tightly as he finally sheathed deep inside your walls, you cradled his head in your hands. Your hold on his face tightened as you felt a sudden rush of foreign sensations. The lower half of your body became riddled with unbearable pain as you enveloped him. He must've noticed the furrowing of your eyebrows and the tears that threatened to spill because soon, he broke free from your hold and slipped into the crook of your shoulder.
Gently rocking his hips slowly, he tried to allow you to adjust and keep his composure. Shinso briefly wondered if he could succumb to his own satisfaction and release his frustrations on you. Bucking into you at a brutal pace until he finally reached the release he was desperately searching for. If it wasn't for your hushed whines, his patience would've run thin. God, he wished he would've done this sooner. If he knew it would be this easy to claim you for his own, he would've tamed you a long time ago.
As time passed and you eased into his touches, his thrusts became more energetic. Nuzzling his face into your shoulder, it was a shame to admit that his low grunts and heavy breaths against your face began to excite you. The once painful thrusts inside your wet cavern had become a warm smoldering feeling as his length massaged your gummy walls. Whispering sweet nothings and nipping at the skin on your shoulder, Shinso didn't care if you two were caught; he'd gone too far. There was no returning to the way things were.
Lifting himself up the mattress, one of his hands grasped your inner thigh and spread your legs further until you felt his cock brush against a sensitive region. He could feel you throbbing around him and relished in your sounds of pure ecstasy.
"Denki could never fuck you like this, right?" Shinso said as his eyes darkened, saying his name made him sick. Once he felt your pussy flutter against his shaft, he knew he couldn't say the same for you.
"I- I don't-" He wouldn't let you finish before you felt his thick fingers wrap around your throat and forced your eyes open as oxygen escaped your lungs.
"God, I bet you wish it was him fucking you... hmm?" His thrusts began to slowly come to a halt. He rolled his hips agonizingly slow as his tip grazed your spot continuously.
"Sh- Shinso... it hurts... I can't-" Immediately, his grip loosened as you huffed deep breaths. Still holding onto your neck, he tilted your head and locked your jaw in place to prevent you from moving. Your hands went to his wrist as you tried to scratch at him and pull him away, but he wouldn't budge.
"I've been waiting for so long, but I won't let that fucker touch you." He bit his tongue and held his hips back from pounding you into the mattress. Shinso just wanted to cum, and flood your walls with his seed — the most ungodly thing he could do. He edged against your spot more, coaxing you further into another orgasm. He watched as your back slightly arched into the mattress while you tugged at his duvet. With each roll of his hips, yours would press down against him, chasing a climax. "You're so pathetic, really."
"No... hnng~ I- I'm not..." You barely managed to choke those words out.
"Oh..? But you couldn't take your eyes off of him when you two met last week..." Shinso recalled your meeting with Denki in front of their agency only a few weeks ago. Like you, the words and his memory seemed stuck in his throat.
"Shinso-nii, I- I don't like him..." He tilted your face until you two were at eye level.
"Don't fucking call me that right now." He sighed and paused before continuing, "I saw it last night." His hips finally stilled as his nails left a stinging pain in your thigh and indents on your skin.
"W- What?" He watched you nervously gulp and stare fearfully at him. Don't act innocently when your face gives you away.
"You..." A headache erupted as he recalled the previous night. "You gave him a great show last night. Topless. Tell me, was it fun? I heard him, loud as a fucking dog." Fuck. He heard everything? Your mind was blank. You could remember video-calling Denki. He said he just wanted to see you, one thing led to another... and...
"Toshi... I'm so sorry..! I- I didn't mean to... he just said he wanted to see me... please don't tell him..!" Toshi, you only called him that whenever you apologized. Tears cascaded from your eyes. You were truly sorry. He succeeded in breaking you. You pulled him closer to you, almost making him tumble. The sudden friction reminded him of his aching cock nearly spilling inside you. He needed to hurry.
"Don't apologize to me. Father heard it too. You're a shame to our family." His words stung like daggers, piercing your fragile heart, but he was right. More water leaked from your reddening eyes, and he reached down and coddled you. "What if he shows those pictures to his friends? People already avoid me. Now they'll laugh at me for having a slutty sister. You want that to happen to your big brother?"
"No... I don't want that to happen to you, Hitoshi... I'm so sorry..." Your arms still wrapped around his shoulders tightly, too scared to let him go. He caressed your arm and cooed his words into your ear.
"I know you're sorry... but you need to prove it to me." Your ears perked up as you stared at him, excited yet confused. "I can protect you. Just submit to me, obey me." He kissed the underside of your jaw, expecting you to deny him again. "Only look at me, nobody else... Please, don't leave me. Let me take care of you. Let me love you... I can do it. Just give me a chance." The tone of his voice raised as he finished his sentence. He was pleading with you.
"O- Okay, Toshi... I'll listen, I promise..." He smiled into your skin, not a teasing smirk but genuine happiness. Overjoyed, he couldn't stop his hips from rutting into your pussy again, catching you off-guard.
His thrusts were much sloppier. He'd been drawing near this whole time but suppressed it. Shinso pulled your body closer as your legs wrapped around his waist. Nearly lifting you off his bed, you could feel him enter you with each thrust, quicker than before, and graze against your tender spot again.
The sounds of your mixed juices, smacking flesh, and the smell of sweaty bodies bounced off the walls in his room. The walls were so thin that anybody could hear; your loud and high-pitched moans were surely heard by passersby and neighbors. He guides one of his hands down to your clit, rubbing vigorous circles on your sex and coating his fingers.
"Hmmf~, oh my-... I- I'm so... close..." Your fingers intertwined with his thick indigo hair as your nails scratched his back. "k- keep going... gosh, you're so good... Toshi-nii..." Murmuring endless praises and words of affection into his ear, he could feel himself becoming undone with every twitch and throb of your soft walls. "I... f- fuck... I think... ah~!"
Convulsing in his arms as you clenched tightly around him, Shinso felt your warm liquid creaming around his shaft as he pounded into your dripping cunt. Your spasming walls drew him closer and closer to his own release. Patting his head and repeating countless affirmations of your love for him, you felt him twitch inside you a few times as his breathing heavied. "you feel so good in me, toshi-nii" "please cum inside me, my pussy wants it inside..."
What kind of brother would he be if he didn't oblige your wishes? Harshly gripping your hips and sinking his teeth into your neck, you felt him release another pained yet loud groan as he inhaled your scent. Sinking your hips down to bury deep inside your walls, you felt his body quiver above you. His essence painted your insides white, milking him of all his cum until he was empty. Huffing and puffing, his body fell forward on your chest while you continued to hold him tight.
"Fuck... you're so amazing, kitten..." Once he regained some strength, he caressed your warm cheeks before leaning down and capturing your lips in a deep kiss. Raising himself up, he slid out of your filled hole and watched as some of his cum oozed out. Shinso's tip still leaked thick drops of his creamy cum. "I love you so much, doll..."
"I love you too, Toshi..." You replied back to him. After catching your breath for a few seconds, you spoke again. "Won't I need to take medicine now?"
"Oh... you mean Plan B? I'll pick some up in the morning for you." This night was fun, but Shinso didn't want to imagine you pregnant. Aizawa wouldn’t let him live.
A sudden tap at the door broke Shinso from his long thoughts. Your eyes peered behind his frame in shock, catching a glimpse of his soul leaving his body as he soon followed suit and turned around.
"(Y/N)? Shinso...?" There he was, the very same man you owed a sincere apology to. Still in his hero attire, just returning from work and patrolling. His voice was quiet yet agitated, the same tone Shinso heard after your rendezvous with Denki.
You crawled towards Shinso's chest and hid your bare body away from Aizawa. It was too late. He saw everything he needed to see. Your naked body only confirmed his suspicions. This has to be a dream. It must be a dream. Aizawa blinked his eyes in an obnoxious pattern as if it would change any of the events in front of him. Father, I'm sorry, but this is real. He must've finally understood, his hand ran through his thick black hair as he sighed deeply and tried to repress the rage building up inside of him.
"Oh... you're home early." Shinso finally broke the silent tension in the air. He chuckles to himself before standing up from the mattress, not caring about his bare lower half. You scurried to cover yourself. It was already humiliating enough. "Can you pick up some Plan B tomorrow, Dad? We'll need a few."
He put on his sweatpants before reaching down to help you off the bed. Placing one of his old shirts on your body, he strode confidently to your father, who stood in disbelief.
"Shinso…" Aizawa began, but... what would he say? As the seconds passed at a dreadfully slow pace, he spoke. “You two fucked, didn’t you? Shit, I don’t even need to ask.”
“Yeah, we did…” He held onto you tightly, expecting his father to intervene and take you away, but his feet were still firm. He couldn't let that happen after he worked hard to claim you.
“Didn’t I tell you to wait for me first?” 
“You know I hate sharing,” Shinsou helped you up off his bed. A damp stain of his cum sullied his clean sheets, the image only irritating his father more. “Besides, you always get to fuck who you want before me.”
His shoulder barged into his father, nearly knocking him off balance as he tried to reach for you. You peered back at him, his hand was still extended, but you kept walking. Shinso dragged you to the bathroom to clean up. He whispers something about the walls being echoey and tells you to scream loud until his father and the neighbors could hear. Aizawa watches as you nod eagerly and fade down the hallway into the bathroom.
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3K notes · View notes
thelunarfairy · 9 months
Thinking about how the type of relationship between Amane and Tsukasa is written and shown, like Aidairo they really like to play and, evidently, they do it on purpose: is it just something brotherly or is there something more? (Always interpreting the content they give us and never affirming [or denying] something)
It can also be said (and from what I have seen, it is something that does happen) that part of the jshk fandom rejects and ignores the theories that the interactions between the twins hide something beyond the fraternal because they're brothers and shouldn't be seen as such.
Using the analogy of "If character A were the opposite gender of character B, then everyone would support their romantic relationship, but since A and B are the same gender that makes them just good friends and 'romantic' is just a thing." part of the community", one could deduce that if instead of brothers, Aidairo had chosen to be childhood friends, would the majority of the fandom more easily accept their interaction as something more than brotherly?
If they were just childhood friends who grew up together and their relationship is the same as it is currently in the manga, perhaps the entire fandom would say, and it wouldn't be something crazy or misplaced, that there's not just friendship between the two; perhaps a one-sided love, or a childhood love that ended badly. Maybe there would even be more posts of parallels between hananene and amane and tsukasa.
I would like to know your opinion ^ . ^
Just thoughts derived from insomnia and how I love to find three feet for the cat. And since I love to see the relationships of some characters in another light to see if it's just my interpretation or if there is something more.
P.D.: ilove your theories and analysis.
Do you want me to be completely honest?
I have been very cautious when talking about this subject precisely because it is such a taboo.
It's not about gender, but about being brothers, it's not something natural or accepted, it's strange to think or talk about it in a general context, most people have brothers and know that the love they feel for them is fraternal.
So this forbidden love causes a lot of strangeness, even if it is in fiction.
But yes, I'm happy that the fandom is finally seeing that there is SOMETHING STRANGE in their relationship, it's not just brotherly love, right?
It does not seem.
Tsukasa blushes when he is with Amane, when he talks about him. Hanako also blushes when he is around Tsukasa. The way Tsukasa touches Hanako, panels where they are almost kissing, Hanako under Tsukasa in a suggestive position while Tsukasa puts his hands on Hanako's lips. The way Hanako looks at Tsukasa, whether when he was pointing at the stars or when he ran to hug Amane.
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There is more evidence of romance than of a healthy sibling relationship. The way Tsukasa didn't care about anything other than fulfilling Amane's wishes…
But what about Hanako, what must he have been like with Tsukasa?
The general idea that goes through my head sometimes is that the twins fell in love with each other. For Tsukasa, in a more innocent way, that kind of love that he still doesn't understand and doesn't know how to differentiate from brotherly love, everything for him is just love.
For Hanako…. this is more problematic, Hanako is not innocent, he knows what kind of love he feels for Tsukasa, and maybe because he realizes that it is wrong, forbidden, he just buried this feeling inside his chest. Even though he felt love and desires, he seemed to want to be the "perfect" brother, as we saw in the PP arc.
Most analyzes of JSHK symbolism point to a romantic love between them, and in some cases, unilateral. An innocent twin and a pervert, opposites but with similar desires.
I always wonder why Hanako has such a latent sexual desire, as if he was repressing an old desire, and when Kako revealed this in front of Tsukasa, Hanako blushed intensely!
He literally wanted to die again, so why was he so blushing because of Tsukasa? It doesn't make sense if we don't think about the desires he might feel about Tsukasa, and because it's something shameful and forbidden, he feels bad.
"I want Tsukasa, but he's my brother, we can't! It's wrong…."
He blushed more with Tsukasa than with Nene, even when Nene kissed him on the cheek, the moment he blushed the most with her, it didn't surpass the way he blushed with Tsukasa, even his HANDS were blushed.
Think with me, Hanako wants to stop time to do any kind of perverted things, who could he stop time with so he could do whatever he wanted without anyone knowing?
He already did perverted things with Nene without needing to stop time, he can even try to do perverted things with random people, since no one sees Hanako because he's a ghost
But he couldn't touch these people even if time stopped, because in order for him to touch them the other person must be supernatural, have a sixth sense or a bond with Hanako, as in the case of Nene, Kou.
So WHO was the person he was talking about?
Touching Tsukasa with time stopped… Would it lessen Amane's guilt if Tsukasa didn't know? Hmm…..
He likes to do things in secret because he doesn't like to feel guilty, he does things knowing it's wrong, and that's why he does them in secret.
This would also explain why he was so embarrassed when Tsukasa found out that he wants to do perverted things, it was as if Kako had revealed to Tsukasa that Amane had this type of desire towards him.
A forbidden desire that Amane hides, touching Tsukasa, but he can't, so would he wish time would stop so he could do what he wants, because he believed Tsukasa would never know, would it be the only way to alleviate his desire?
When the secret was revealed, Amane felt the guilt and shame for his desires strongly.
Should I also mention the sexual connotation between eating and being devoured? Hakubo and Sumire? It was explicitly a sexual scene between the two, and well, Hanako will probably have to devour Tsukasa in the same way, so sexual connotations continue here.
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So, let's go to the scene of Hanako's intense crying when he sees Tsukasa kissing Nene.
Did he see the two people he is in love with kissing? And him being left out of it?
So, let's conclude, maybe this will all lead to a three-way relationship, if Nene accepts, of course. Hanako seems to be in love with both of them, and with the way things are going, we're going to see more of Amane showing love for Tsukasa.
See his look in these two situations:
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It's the same look…. in one panel he tells Nene that he's happy because she was the first girl who said she liked him, in the other panel he's talking about Tsukasa.
Same tender look, same look, SAME LOOK
It's just ONE of the possibilities, maybe it's just another one of those things that some manga authors put in, you know, to tease and give false clues, maybe it's just "ah, that's just a joke, they're just very close brothers" and nothing happens.
Aidairo created a game in which there were twins in love with the same girl, they also had a suggestive relationship between them, but nothing explicitly romantic was shown between them.
This is what I think will happen in JSHK, there is all this evidence that their relationship is romantic, but in the end it won't be anything canon, just suggestive moments.
I don't think Aidairo will have enough courage to put a romantic relationship between canonical brothers???? I doubt it, I would challenge her if I could, because I definitely don't believe she would put that on! Because it would be very brave of her to do that!!
Neither the romantic relationship between the twins nor the relationship between three. Tsukasa will probably disappear, Nene will stay with Hanako for a while and Amane will disappear too, Nene (if she survives) will be sad for a while and then forget.
It will be?
Everything is still hazy, I'm wandering between the two paths, do they love each other romantically or is it just Aidairo's joke?
I have no idea the answer, because the evidence is getting stronger and harder to ignore….
Anyway, remembering that I don't ship the twins and I'm not saying that this is what will happen, it's just an analysis based on their behavior.
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Fanfic Masterlist
I don't know how I completely forgot to make a masterlist for my fanfics so here it is! This list will be pinned at the top of my intro post as well. Each fic has all their warning tags so read safely!
The Favorite Side (Brotherly Creativitwins) [ao3 link]
You And I (Logince) [ao3 link]
A Prince And His Subjects (DLAMP + Brotherly Creativitwins) [ao3 link]
Balloons (Logicality)
Roman's Lullaby (Platonic LAMP)
Goodnight, Family (Platonic LAMP)
You're My Hero! (Logicality)
Mornings Together (Platonic LAMP)
Thanks, Dad (Platonic LAMP)
The Sunrise (Logicality)
Not Even Death Will Do Us Part (Past Roceit + Brotherly Creativitwins) [ao3 link]
He Loves Me, He Lied To Me (Roceit) [ao3 link]
Crayons For Patton (Royality)
Logan The Android (Analogical)
Do It For You, For me (Analogical)
The Quiet Game (Past Moceit + Brotherly Creativitwins)
A Supernatural World: Chapter 1, Chapter 2 (Brotherly Creativitwins) (Permanently incomplete)
Prince Of Hearts (Platonic DRLAMP, Prinxiety if you squint) [ao3 link]
Merry Christmas, Janus (Roceit)
Royal Promise (Brotherly Creativitwins) [ao3 link]
I'm The Star (Platonic Royality)
Bruised Ego (Roceit + Brotherly Creativitwins) [ao3 link]
Drift Away (Brotherly Creativitwins)
The Night Will Be Over Soon (Platonic Royality)
Protect Me (Logicality)
Paint War (Platonic LAMP)
A Blanket Fort Kind of Day (Platonic LAMP)
Bad Liar (No pairings)
Breaking Point (No pairings)
Drunk Host, Drunk Sides (Slight Prinxiety, Slight Logicality)
Bad Things Happen Bingo Fic List
Going Into Hiding
Bedside Vigil
Wiping The Other's Tears Away
Big Brother Instinct
What Have I Done
Backhand Slap
Forgetting To Eat
Sleep Deprivation
Hidden Scar
Rendered Mute
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thelastspeecher · 5 months
I'm obsessed with the storm chaser au and Ford in it.
-what if from the tornado and injury he has a metal joint and can always tell when it's about to rain? The lumberjacks think this is so cool until he starts freaking out because it's gonna be a bad storm tonight
-the first time Stan sees "Bill" during a thunderstorm he doesn't really know what to do to calm him down maybe compared to Ford's new partner, who's probably used to this. Probably makes him feel even more disconnected from his twin and who he's become
-the memories come back in sort of deja vu moments and it takes a while to tell what he's remembering and feeling versus what he's been told. It's almost a relief when he gets to Angie and she's like "nope I'm brand new but i did hear a drunken story where you did something stupid in the 80s" and there's someone who knows about who he was pretty much how he does - vaguely, in stories
-Fidds is handling all of this *so* well.... Also Stan and Angie, here's a bunch of new equipment and I tricked out the van again :) (he works through emotion by building things and if that means they have new stuff while he takes out his frustrations on this piece of metal so be it)
-Bill Wood and Manly Dan (although he'll always be boyish to "Bill") are drinking buddies.
Aaaaaaaahhhhhh I was so psyched to see such a long ask! I love all your thoughts and ideas, they're so great!
Ooh, a metal joint? Maybe almost something analogous to the metal plate he gets in his head in canon... I like it. He's hurt bad enough by being dropped by the tornado that he needs some sort of joint replacement. I'm thinking...a knee? And he would definitely be able to feel storms rolling in with that. But yeah he gets really worked up whenever a particularly bad storm is about to hit.
Hmm perhaps the storm that Stan and Co were chasing fizzled out, but a new one pops up unexpectedly while they're still in Gravity Falls, and that's when Stan sees "Bill" freak out during the storm. And is completely unable to help him, whereas, yes, Ford's partner is able to calm him down. It definitely makes Stan feel weird and out of touch. And maybe even makes Stan worry that trying to bring Ford back into his life is the wrong thing to do. "Bill" is his brother, but in many ways he isn't Ford anymore.
Oh yeah, Ford's memories don't all come rushing back. It's a bit by bit thing. And I can imagine Ford getting concerned by having zero memories triggered by Angie (well, maybe some Fiddleford memories, since they are siblings that look very similar lol). Until Angie says she's never met him before and is honestly surprised by him now that she has. He doesn't fit the stories she's heard at all.
(And drunken story from the 80s...akjlndsfkjldafs yeah Angie would definitely tell him that one. If only to lighten the mood a bit.)
LMAO YES Fiddleford trying to avoid actually dealing with the situation by just turning to more robots and machinery and fixing things and making them better and no Fiddleford we've told you the toaster is fine STOP MESSING WITH IT. He puts on a brave face and acts like nothing's wrong, but Angie and Stan see right through it. Angie's just. So done with these boys. This was supposed to be an easy, fast trip. Now Stan is upset and complaining about how Ford isn't Ford anymore, Fiddleford won't stop building dangerous things and fixing things that don't need to be fixed, and they've been staying in a crappy motel room for a week.
HELL YEAH BILL AND DAN DRINKING BUDDIES. OMG "Bill" having an almost big brotherly relationship towards Dan. Dan might be a lot bigger than him, but "Bill" remembers when Dan was just starting to grow a beard and needed someone to guide him when he began his formal lumberjack career. Or something along those lines.
Stan's just another level of upset by Ford's close connection to the lumberjack community.
(And Stan's claiming to not be upset by how much stronger and buffer Ford is than him now, but he's lying.)
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techs-feral-wife · 1 year
mirshebs-meshla presents:
Scenes From The Havoc Marauder 1
The Bad Batch Plays Resident Evil 4
Summary: Everyone's favorite defective clones get their hands on a new game. Chaos ensues. [Canon Divergent (obviously)]
Content Warning: Mild descriptions of violence/gore(?). Mention of weapons (?). Brotherly bickering and light bullying.
A/N: This is just a funky lil idea I had while playing Resident Evil 4 and I thought we could all use some lighthearted fun. Pretty much spoiler free for those of you who have not played the game. Is it crack? maybe a little bit, but this idea has been haunting me for days. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I hope it makes y'all smile. Tags: @techtalksfics
The Havoc Marauder was docked in a sleepy spaceport on an equally sleepy outer rim planet. The sun shone brightly overhead. All was quiet and peaceful. Well, outside of the Marauder at least…
“C’mon Tech!” A voice boomed from within the ship’s hold. Wrecker sat square in the middle of a grubby old couch, watching impatiently as Tech fiddled with the device in his hands. “Hurry up will ya? You’ve been at this forever”
“That statement is factually incorrect,” Tech said flatly. “Now, if you would stop complaining and allow me to work I would finish much faster.” Tech moved the analog sticks this way and that, adjusting sliders and calibrating settings until they were what he deemed ‘optimal’. 
“Is he still fiddling?” Echo entered the makeshift living room clutching a bowl of what looked to be homemade Mantell Mix if you squint hard enough. He made his way over to the couch, stepping over the rat’s nest of cables that covered the floor of the hold. Their gaming setup was rigged quite precariously. One misstep, one snagged wire, and it would all come crumbling down.
“Optimizing,” Tech said, the slightest hint of annoyance coloring his tone. “and I am almost finished.”
“You said that ten minutes ago,” Wrecker groaned through a mouthful of “Mantell Mix”. He’d shoved his hand into the bowl the second Echo sat down, spilling a considerable amount into his brother’s lap. Wrecker coughed and sputtered, grimacing at the flavors that assaulted his tongue. “Tha’ tastes terrible,”
The glare Echo shot his brother could’ve cut glass.
“Don’t talk with your mouthful,” Was all he said, brows furrowed and arms wrapped protectively around the bowl. This was the last time he’d try doing something nice for Wrecker. He leaned his body hard into the couch’s heavily stained arm when the large clone inevitably went for another handful. “Get your own! And scoot over, will ya? Other people have to sit here too.”
“Careful Wrecker,” A smug voice called from the shadows. “You’ve activated mom mode.” 
Crosshair draped himself over the back of the couch, meeting Echo’s glare with a satisfied smirk. The ex-ARC trooper huffed.
“You’re lucky I’m not your mother, you’d all be grounded indefinitely.” Wrecker clapped Echo on the back, spilling even more of the mix onto the floor.
“HA! I’d like to see you try,” Wrecker laughed. Echo’s glare turned into a pout as he hugged the bowl closer to his chest. He opened his mouth to scold Wrecker, but was cut off when Tech cleared his throat.
“If you are quite finished, we are ready to begin.”
Tech managed to squeeze in beside Wrecker on the small couch. He was still amazed that they had actually managed to fit this particular piece of furniture in here, though Wrecker always had a knack for cramming useless items into the Marauder. Tech pressed the ‘x’ button on the controller to confirm his newly optimized settings and the game’s title flashed across the holoscreen before them. 
Resident Evil 4
“Get in here, Hunter! You’re missin’ all the action!” Wrecker called, bouncing with excitement as Tech maneuvered the player character through the twisted ruins of a dilapidated farmhouse.
“I do not believe that this domicile can be deemed liveable,” Tech remarked as he examined what looked to be a simmering pot of rotted offal. Echo scoffed, eyes scanning over the wires, junk, and literally garbage littered about the ship. Don’t even get him started on the smell.
Hunter made his way out from the cockpit just in time to hear Wrecker scream as a hostile took hold of Leon. Unfazed, Tech began rapidly pressing buttons in a sequence that ended with a hunting knife lodged in his assailant’s neck. 
Hunter swiped a hand over his face and sighed. He could feel the beginnings of a headache pressing against his skull, but he was determined to spend some quality time with his brothers. This was going to be a long day.
“We should probably get the scope.” Echo suggests as the brothers bickered over the merchant's wares.
“Don’t waste your money,” Crosshair said through his toothpick. As if to prove a point, he plucked the small sliver of wood and flicked it away. It bounced off two walls and Wreckers forehead before landing in the garbage bin that Echo didn’t even know they had.
“More storage space would be quite useful given that Wrecker insists on picking up every explosive he comes across,” Tech stated, casting a pointed side eye at his largest brother.
“Hey! We need the ammo!” Wrecker defended, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Maybe if you were a better shot,” Crosshair snarked from his perch at the back of the couch.
“I’d like to see you do better” Wrecker was pouting now, craning his neck to glare at Crosshair.
“Hand over the controller then, di’kut,”
“Play nice you two,” Echo warned from beside Wrecker. His bowl of mix had long since been emptied, but he still held it tightly in his lap.
“Yes mom,” Wrecker and Crosshair sang in unison, causing Echo to scowl. 
“OOO! We should get the treasure map!” Omega called out excitedly, emerging from her hiding spot beside the couch to try and wrench the controller from Tech’s hands. The goggled clone lifted the controller out of her reach with ease, looking mildly offended at the attempt. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Hunter called out, placing a hand on her shoulder to still her. “You shouldn’t be here. This game is too scary for you.” Dad mode: Activated.
“Aw, but Wrecker said I could,” Omega whined.
“Yeah! S’not tha’ scary.”
“Says the one who's been cowering behind Lula the whole time.”
“You leave Lula outta this!” Wrecker cradled his beloved tooka plushie close to his chest.
“I thought I told you two to play nice.”
“Sorry mom”
“S T O P calling me that!” Echo gave yet another exasperated huff and went back to watching the screen. Tech was silently examining the weapon upgrades, trying to determine which to expend their very limited funds on. “Besides, Hunter’s right, Omega. This game is rated M for Mature.”
“Wrecker should definitely not be here then” Tech remarked, eyes still glued to the screen.
“Please Hunter,” Omega begged, drawing out her vowels as she looked at the ex-sergeant with the biggest puppy dog eyes he’d ever seen. He didn’t stand a chance.
“Fine,” Hunter sighed. Echo rolled his eyes and shook his head. His brother never could say no to Omega.
“Wait, go back!” 
“No, not that way!”
“You missed a crate back there!”
“I think I see something on the ceiling!”
The gaming controller was not exactly scomp friendly, so Echo had been forced to take a back seat on this activity. 
“It's for the best, '' Crosshair had joked. “I always heard the Regs were terrible shots.”
“You want to test that theory out for yourself” Echo had challenged, chest puffed with pride and shoulders squared. Crosshairs smirk widened, eyebrows quirked with intrigue. 
“I’d love to-”
“No!” Hunter barked, and that had been the end of it.
Echo had resolved to make the best of a bad situation. Just because he was in the backseat didn’t mean he couldn’t be useful, right? It had begun innocently enough. He would occasionally call out something his brothers had missed or warn them of a hidden enemy. But as the session dragged on, Echo’s “help” had become marginally less helpful.
“You’re supposed to shoot those ones in the head,” Echo remarked as the ‘You Are Dead’ screen flashed up for what felt like the hundredth time this session. That simple phrase had seemingly been the last straw for Tech.
“Echo, if you do not cease your backseat gaming, I will stun you.” Tech threatened, pressing the continue button with more force than was necessary. 
“Just tryna be helpful,” Echo grumbled, slumping back against the couch.
“And while the occasional assistance is appreciated, you do not need to tell me how to play the game. I am well aware,”
“Well maybe if you played better-”
“Do not start with me, Wrecker,”
They carried on in silence for several minutes until the death screen inevitably reappeared before them.
“You didn’t shoot him in the head,”
Hunter wordlessly gripped Tech by the shoulder and shoved him firmly back down on the couch before he could reach for his blaster.
“I told you we should’ve bought the scope,” Echo tutted as both Tech and Wrecker struggled to take down an enemy manning a turret. 
“No need,” Crosshair scoffed as a pair of long spindly legs crested over the back of the couch and shimmied between Wrecker and Tech. “Move over losers, it’s Crosshair’s time to shine,”
Cross took the controller from his brother’s hand. The room went silent as he lined up the shot…
And it erupted in raucous laughter when he promptly missed.
“Nice shot, Cross,” Wrecker cackled, wiping a tear from his eye. Crosshair scowled and Hunter quickly ripped the controller from Crosshair’s hands before he could bludgeon Wrecker with it. The sniper was fuming and resigned himself to sulking in the background for the rest of the evening, all the while muttering about poorly designed game mechanics. 
“Hello, Beautiful,” Wrecker leaned forward towards the holoscreen. A goofy grin spread across his face and his eyes sparkled at the sight before him. Wrecker was so excited that he was practically drooling over the latest addition to the merchant’s stock: a kriffin’ rocket launcher! In Wrecker’s mind, this game just got a thousand times better. “Oh yeah! Now tha’s what I’m talkin’ about!”
“There is no room for that in our inventory,” Tech announced, quickly quelling his brother’s excitement as he resumed scrolling through the merchant’s wares for a more pragmatic purchase. 
“I’ll make room,” Wrecker moved to snatch the controller from Tech. The attempt was easily avoided; it had become such a regular occurrence during this session of gaming that Tech had begun to do it on instinct and it was beginning to get on his nerves if he was being completely honest. 
“We do not need a rocket launcher. And besides, we can’t afford it.” At 30,000 pesetas, the rocket launcher sat well out of their limited budget, and that was before the upgrades and repairs that needed to be made to their arsenal. 
“Sell some of those health sprays then,” Wrecker grumbled, still determined to get that rocket launcher. His habit for making impulse purchases was exactly why he was no longer allowed to hold the controller when they approached the merchant. “Who needs five health sprays anyway?”
“You do,” Tech stated matter-of-factly, adjusting his goggles so that he could better read the item descriptions before continuing. “Seeing as you refuse to take anything less than significant damage whenever you are in control. However I do not understand the logic behind the first aid sprays. Given the type of injuries we sustain simply spraying-”
“I do not!” Wrecker spat, ignoring Tech’s ramblings and cutting him off before he could delve any further into the medical inaccuracies of a fictional world.
“You walked into three consecutive bear traps and a tripwire on your last turn, vod,” Echo recounted. With nothing to do other than spectate, Echo began keeping track of his brothers’ fumblings, but kept them mostly to himself to avoid being stunned. 
“‘S’not my fault I couldn't see ‘em’” Wrecker grumbled. “We had to adjust the brightness so someone could see the screen.” 
“My eyesight is not to blame for your lack of skill.”
“Why you-”
The sun had long since slipped below the horizon, and the night carries on in much the same fashion as the day, both within the Marauder as well as without. The stars shone brilliantly overhead. The night was still, the quiet punctuated only by the bickering and booming laughter that echoed against the durasteel walls from within the modified attack shuttle. 
Whenever the boys inevitably ran out of ammunition, they passed the controller to Hunter to melee’d his way through wave after wave of infected hostiles almost entirely unscathed. He managed to defeat one of the bosses armed with nothing but a hunting knife and a single green herb (Wrecker had depleted their stock of health items in record time).
“You brought a gun to a knife fight, osi’kovid,” Hunter muttered as he slashed wildly at a rather large man with a gatling gun. “Ne shab’rud’ni!”
Echo tried to cover Omega’s ears, silently cursing the fact that he only had one good hand. His Mom Mode had been thrown into overdrive.
The crew of the havoc marauder had no idea how much time had passed since they’d begun, too engrossed in the game to get up for anything more than a quick trip to the ‘fresher. 
The session however came to a very abrupt end when Hunter had finally grown so fed up with all his brothers’ bickering and threatened to fully unplug the console from the power source. Gonky honked nervously at the threat and the group sat in dead silence as Tech quickly made his way to a save point.
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dualityvn · 2 years
i read that “i need angst” ask and it makes me think keith and tenebris have a like love-hate brotherly relationship because they’ve grown up together, cause tenebris wanted to protect keith’s feelings from the ask and wouldn’t let him switch
at the same time, they’re pissed at each other cause they’re competing for the mc’s attention and love and all, but it doesn’t overshadow decades of experience together
or im wrong and bad at picking apart people’s feelings, the only experience i have with figuring things out is deciphering analogies and metaphors in will wood songs
You're completely right! Keith and Tenebris are, in fact, very close and look out for each other constantly. They are indeed in a complicated conflict now that you've showed up. But they might still take each other's side, if you were to suddenly express a great dislike towards one of them. And since Keith tends to be the more sensitive one, Tenebris often protects him in such situations.
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
There are many who if you ask them will say they aren't quite convinced that Sparda's dead. What is your opinion on the matter? If you believe he's alive, what do you think has been going on with him all of these years?
Even you you believe he's dead, let's just hypothetically say he's making his return after DMC 5. How do you think this will go? What do you think he's been doing? How will he react to this new world and all that's happened? Most importantly, how will other characters react to his return?
Hi, my favouritest bestest nicest anon with the best dmc asks!
Sparda is proooobably long dead, but I really hope he isnt and we could see him return. Many fans are against this, as Spardas return might put in question the accomplishments of his sons, and raise a hellton of questions, and yeah, I want those questions raised and I would love to have answers for them! I am in DMC for the family drama TM and Sparda suddenly returning 36 years late for his sons would be one hell of a family drama.
Both twins carry their daddy issues very close (both living in their fathers shadow, Vergil having tried to live up to it which lead him to catastrophic failure, and Dante hating his father and by extension his demonic heritage for abandoning their family, which became the core of Dantes huge abandonment issues) and I dont think either of them ever worked these through, so they could really use some brotherly beating-the-shit-out of their father cause he deserves it, and theyll never go to therapy, so this is their closest analog. Nero will get another family crisis, also a possible religious crisis? Basically, not a single sparda can figure out their issues until they start hitting them in the face, so Sparda returning will really benefit all of them.
This goes with a huge caveat that Sparda has somehow lost his powers (excluding immortality???), or at least, the twins are more powerful than him at the moment (because theres enough OP silver demons in this series we literally cant have another), AND that he could not have returned sooner/was captured/lost in time/literally any reason he could not have returned to his sons. There is a (you guessed it) ru fanfic called Hapless Eva (Бедная Ева by xenosha @th-xeno ), where this exact scenario is explored. It's one of the best fics for DMC I've read, and affects my opinion on the topic greatly, so its obligatory to mention it here. I completely agree with the author that the twins will be furious with Sparda, and in their anger they wont let him to even try to explain what happened. Nero will be in shock, and the raw amount of hatred he saw from twins will only prolong his confusion and make him concerned about them, his anger at Sparda will come sometime later. Sparda, of course, will be hurt by behavior of his sons, but he and Nero dont have as much issues with each other and will be very mutually curious. So, once again, Nero comes to the rescue of his idiotic family members, and he will be the bridge between generations all of them need.
The ending here is much more ambiguous though. DMC 5 ended with twins cooperating and Vergil giving Nero a very personal item, so all the parties had good intentions for each other, thus their relationships to each other could be mended (through effort, failure, pain and effort again). Sparda going off radar is the starting point of ALL the issues in the franchise, literally all of them can be traced to Sparda missing, and this is a much much worse case than anything else in the series. The ending here depends on Spardas own feelings on his absence and the circumstances of it. Since I want just tons of (hurt/)comfort for all spardas, I will hope they can overcome their issues and accept Sparda back into the family.
Another thing Sparda returning would add is LORE. PLEASE. Give me Hell lore, gimme demonic anatomy lore (not in a smutty way, in a biology way if possible), gimme demonic culture, gimme more awesome demon designs, gimme Sparda backstory, gimme Mundus backstory, are they twins too? How the hell was Dante able to beat Mundus in DMC1, but couldn't beat Urizen in DMC5? Was Urizen stronger than Mundus??? Where is the tribe of Cerberuses located, please, I want a three-headed elemental doggo lair location to pet them all
yeeeah, there are a lot of inconsistencies and plot holes in DMC lore and Sparda returning could Hopefully provide some answers.
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palmastrings · 2 years
(sorry this is written in a whim forgive my bad grammar)
Mkay, so I don't know if anyone has ever said this before. I've played the game for nearly two years now, but I don't interact much with the fandom. I don't usually re read lessons, so everything I say might just be the words of an idiot
Who raises Satan?
Alright, so I know that everyone is like
“Mammon raised Satan :D”
And I get it! Mammon is great and i'll eat up any content with him in it and I live for found family mushy stuff but HEAR ME OUT
Like, Satan gets a lot of his traits from Lucifer, but he gets his book nerdiness from Levi, and I'd like to believe he gets his more social personality from Asmo. That's not to mention that on
Satan's birthday card it says that Satan relies on Levi. I pretty much think it's canon that Asmo and Satan are super close and go have coffee together while talking CHISME.
I like the idea that while Mammon looks and supports Lucifer, Levi, and Asmo (who to me are mostly shown as being the least brotherly of the 7) help Satan establish an identity and personality.
I would also like to bring up the fact that Levi first is the one who brings up the fact that Satan was influenced by his brothers (while using a game analogy to tie it all together) soooo, yeah he gets it.
Satan the golden child
I don't know if this is Canon, but I never thought of Satan ever being a child despite the title I used for this section. The brothers tend to describe Satan's distain towards Lucifer as a“rebellious phase”. Kinda the same why one would describe an edgy teen. It kinda gives me the impression that Satan wasn't always a menace. Maybe in his early days, while he did rip up a couch or two in a rage, before he was normally very silent, compliant, and dare, I say… obedient.
Not to say he isn't since Satan typically likes to present himself as calm and collected, but thiswould be to a whole other level.
So I hope maybe this would be brought up in Nightbringer since on twitter it was revealed thatSatan would be the least familiar.
Late to the party
So, in the early memory devilgrams (if i remember correctly), Satan is absent. I'm pretty sure this is confirmed, but I think Satans timeline from birth to joining the family went something like
● Luci rips his wings off early into the celestial war conflict
● The wings grow back white
● Satan is vibing by himself for hundreds (thousands???) of years
● Satan joins the family after they have established themselves well into the devildom
Ngl id be pretty jazzed if we get to see Satan's journey terrorizing random civilians.
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t4t-apexeclipse · 2 years
👉🏻👈🏻 royality parents to brotherly analogical?
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thestobingirlie · 2 years
A character having more than one brother/father figure is not uncommon in fiction, I think Dustin having Eddie as a brother and close figure to him makes sense, especially when Steve and Eddie have vastly different characters and their impact on Dustin and the relationship dynamic would be different. It's like Harry having a relationship and brotherly/fatherly dynamic with both Lupin and Sirius. And we gotta consider that Dustin has virtually no father figure in his life, have we even seen where his actual father is? And he has no real sibling either. It makes more sense for his character to have brother/father figures in his life that he forms attachment to.
a character totally can have more than one brother, but that is not why i don’t like canon dustin and eddie. in s4, steve is directly replaced by eddie and shoved off to the side. there is no shared brotherly love. steve is fobbed off into the background and eddie is slotted into his place, which is the issue i have with it. steve and dustin’s relationship has just been nearly entirely forgotten. like, yeah, we get eddie saying that dustin worships steve, but we don’t actually see any of that, and in vol 2 any dustin scene is with eddie, not with steve.
and his relationship with eddie isn’t drastically different either. so much of it reminds me of steve and dustin it’s almost funny. and it even shares similar purposes, steve and dustin’s relationship makes dustin feel more confident in himself, and then dustin and eddie’s relationship makes him… feel more confident. like come on.
what happened to dustin’s ‘if you die, i die’. he didn’t even react to steve’s injuries at all! they could’ve at least hugged goodbye before steve went to confront vecna with the girls, possibly to his death. but dustin didn’t care. they got rid of any tenderness so they could allude to eddie’s death with a dumb joke.
also! i’m sorry, but harry does not have a close relationship with lupin whatsoever. it’s sirius he has a familial relationship with. so, bad analogy. and please don’t use hp as evidence ever again
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iggyalfi2319 · 1 year
I've been watching Murdoch Mysteries recently, which led my mind to try to imagine a SaSi AU around the end of the 1800's (as much as my limited knowledge allows me).
Logan filling up the role as a Detective (very original, I know/jk), as Virgil was some kind of bank/filthy rich families robber named "Patchman", because his trademark is to patch up the hole in the wall he came through will a piece of fabric and thick stitches.
As I've been trying to think of what kind of relationship Virgil and Logan would have,
I just couldn't pass up my favorite headcanon, being brotherly Analogical (Virgil being Logan's adopted older brother).
As I tried to think how could I "realistically" give Virgil purple/red eyes, I thought "What if Virgil had albinism?"
I asked a friend if giving Virgil white hair would be cursed, and they cleverly pointed out that would actually be a nice change from the usual black/purple he's usually given.
So here you go.
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
i was inspired by your interview watching sesh and went to check out some of my own. found some gems from netflix poland and etc i'd never seen before, and definitely noticed a more chill and brotherly vibe between finn and caleb than he and noah ever had. finn also talks freely and frequently of gaten in a way that seems so relaxed and free of tension too - pure bros. there's actually a great little interview with gaten on a podcast and he's talking so maturely about not wanting to be famous or relevant, and i feel like finn now has that view too and is in search of happiness rather than 'success' (perhaps having already been so successful and tried so many things?). and someone said that the show was much more intriguing overall through the eyes of children, the analogies and monsters we could all suspend our disbelief more and be excited about even the silliest parts, whereas now theyre all teens it feels more like a horror b movie.
i adore the show but had never seen it framed so simply, and i think theyre sort of right! the magic of them being kids was so refreshing. but now i do love the older themes theyre able to explore with them being older teens. its interesting in a different way and opens more doors, even if the show overall is a little bit more... (sorry)... tacky? <3
The one theme with interaction and observations in these interviews and from other people on here - his relationship with Noah is honestly so different. Could be many things, as has been discussed to death. But it's certainly interesting.
And that read on the show is very honest and I tend to agree. Now, I love love love it, of course. I give less critique than some in specific circles of tumblr fandom have in my past observations (such as my love of season three where a lot of people tend to trash it for reasons I really like) but there has been a distinctive split in the mid-point of the series as the characters have grown. I view The Party as the heart and focus of the show, and everyone else circles their storyline. The vibes shifted when the kids became teenagers. Because we also got used to the mysteries and all that, it's more about unraveling the lore and providing answers we've all been analyzing, as opposed to being this new mysterious thing we're still being surprised by. Just like the Party, thrown into a world with monsters and alternate universes when their world previously didn't have it. So, the show grew with their in-universe experiences, and I can see it feeling more common, more action movie vibes, typical big budget horror. Hopefully season 5 returns to basics and what they mean by "this season is so much bigger!' isn't sacrificing the character moments for action. But I do tend to trust them. The show has just changed and evolved along with the characters.
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egipci · 6 months
assuming post-johndean samdean, do you think dean would subjectively experience it more as a incestuous relationship between siblings, or more as one between mother and son?
A very interesting question indeed! I'm going to go ahead and say Dean subjectively would experience it as a sibling relationship, because I don't think he consciously thinks of himself as Sam's parent (let alone "mother"). Obviously we have the s12 confrontation with Mary where he vocalizes having been forced to be a father and a mother (I feel like there are some other instances that I'm completely blanking on), but he's not walking around thinking "my son Sam," despite our understanding that he functionally occupies the place of Sam's parent and holds parental obligations towards him. He doesn't understand himself to be Sam's parent in the same way that John is their dad, for example. Their power dynamic is much more balanced than you would need for a mother/son-- Sam/Deanna would probably fit more as mom/son, but as it is Dean doesn't have enough power over Sam to be the dad nor is he disenfranchised enough to be the mother to a son. There is also the fact that show frames their relationship as normal brothers pushed to the extreme, and they actually fit more or less neatly into that relational model, there is no need to articulate the relationship in other terms. (Other non-sibling mirrors come up but generally the sibling model is exhaustive.)
The other huge consideration is J/D, of course. I don't think Dean would want to indulge any kind of analogy to parent/child incest if he's looking for some nice, consensual, anxiety-free brotherly loving. I've never bought the idea that J/D would "normalize" future incest for him, let alone incest in which he is the parental figure. Arguably it's Sam who sorta-kinda-if-you-squint fills in for John in the S/D relationship, but even then I don't think either of them (if Sam even knows about J/D) would like to think their relationship is J/D redux, for all the obvious reasons. That doesn't mean that these comparisons would never arise or that a completely anxiety-free S/D situation is possible in the first place, or that Dean's parentification wouldn't always be at play -- it's just that the day-to-day is "we're brothers."
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