#Btw it's not a bad thing for people to change their mind a week later it's perfectly acceptable to realise you were wrong
rosepetalsthings · 2 years
Me, fighting the urge to argue with people on Tumblr
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7 notes · View notes
hidtired · 3 months
sooo what i you do a Daryl x reader where the reader and Daryl had a relationship before the whole outbreak but when the world went to shit, they got separated and they didn't find each other again until Daryl and Aaron are out looking for people and they find the reader in some sort of abandoned building and it's just a sweet reunion. Btw I love your reading and I have no idea what you mean by GRAMMER MISTAKES- LIKE WHERE- but I love ur work <3
That makes my dyslexic ass very happy. I reread my stuff so much and always find mistakes so I try!
Miles Away
(Daryl Dixon x Reader) Masterlist
“Things are never lost to you; you are lost to them. If ever in need of something that has lost you, simply stop hiding from it.”
6.2k words
Description: A last minute trip leaves you separated from your fiancé when the world ends. Years of travel inevitably returns you to him. But years out in the world causes change.
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Your POV
An unlikely relationship to have happened between two individuals, but happened all the same. It was a shock to the small town at the time. Even years later the announcement of your engagement causing some ruffled feathers. You the sweet town girl and a rugged Dixon. You were often discouraged from people about Daryl. You had dated the man for around 7 years now. Even so, the people around you told you it was a mistake to go through with a marriage. How could you not do it? He proposed, something you thought he would never do because his parents. He put it simply, “I already see you as my wife. Guess it was bout time I actually made you that rightfully.” So you told everyone to respectfully mind their business.
Then the world ended. You were thousands of miles in the air at the start. Daryl having dropped you off at the airport. You sulked with leaving, becoming mushy about going to New Hampshire to see your dementia ridden mother for the most likely last time. She was getting bad and some family had gathered and deciding to pull the plug. You still remember the last thing you said to him. Tears in your eyes as he held you outside TSA. “I’ll be back in a few days. Then I’m turning that title of fiancé into husband the next I see you.” You felt him chuckle into you, “Yes Ma’am you will.” Expressing I love you’s and the last kiss before you had to catch your flight. This isn’t the first time you had gone to check on your mom. Daryl insisted on coming but he had a hunting trip with his brother and you didn’t want to ruin that. So you had told him no. Why did you tell him no.
The first community you were apart of was the airport you landed at. It lasted a few months, food was plenty for the time and there were weapons from security. It was the people who ended up getting everyone killed. Few disagreements here and there caused a split, factions of sorts. One group kidnapped a pilot to try and fly a plane back to their loved ones. The plane they took hadn’t been run or properly check since everything fell. So it crashed into the fence destroying a good part of the airport with it. The crash attracted a horde and quickly over ran the place. You had a few survivors with you from the airport until you had either lost or seen them all killed.
You headed south, back to Daryl. Miles and miles of land keeping you from Georgia. It was 2 years going on 3 now. You would come across community’s, some still going some gone. Finding less than great people on the road. So that leads you to now. Two wannabe cowboys trying to lasso you like cattle. A scar carved into there for heads the only odd thing about them. They spit out concerning threats and comments, “You can have my seconds when I’m done Bill!” A rope had caught tight to your ankle leading you unable to run. You almost tripped but held your ground. Before this encounter you’d been having it tough for a few weeks. You had barely made any distance in the time you had traveled. The frustration and despair and shit luck wore you thin. You had a gun, only one in the chamber. Leaving one for you if you needed it. About the only ‘cure’ there is nowadays.
You thrashed around trying to fight off the men. You were already covered in grime. They were trying to capture you, not kill. That changed when the gun came out. This alone helpless woman became not so helpless. You fired your only shot at the bigger guy. The smaller one still had the rope and tugged making you miss killing the other. It hit him in the shoulder sending him crying in pain to the forest floor. It was moments like these that made you zone out. Violence wasn’t something you had in you. But now something learned, you had been out in the world too long. Taking a life becoming a norm. You used to care, then you remembered why they were all dead.
The steadiness you felt inside didn’t translate to the out. You scream and yell promises of death. You had managed to grab the rope from your ankle and used it to strangle the man who tied it to you. You broke a few ribs of his while he slowly chocked to death. You had your legs around him while you pulled back at his throat, you had heard and felt a few cracks. The man you had shot watching in horror has he struggled to decide, fight or flight? He choose froze, big scary man having his power taken from him and he becomes a coward. Your incessant screams and yells stopped when he stilled. You focus back to the injured. He rambled apologies to you at your approach. It fell on deaf ears, spotting a large rock near him. You didn’t kill him with speed. You broke his leg with the rock, slowly moving up his body. He was long dead when you were done swinging. Blood splattered and dripping down you.
A frustrated and adrenaline filled scream released out of you. All your noise attracted the infected near you. You ran still with a rope tied to you. You found a small home that was overgrown and slid into it. The knife you didn’t realized you pulled out while running tremble in your hand. You slide down the old wall in the building. The regret to your brutality flowing over you. Killing was normal for survival now, but what you did was cruel. You took your time and did it in brutal ways.
You were twirling the ring on your finger as a nervous habit. Often times doing it for a sense of safety from the man who had given it to you. You thought about him most days. Either when you do something he himself had taught you. That time spent with him in the woods had you picking up little things from him in time. It is why you’re alive for as long as you were. But come closer to night time when you just want to roll into his arms and let the world cease to exist. To just talk to him and hear his voice. But you were no longer the person he knew, and that broke your heart more. The blood covering you, the mans and yours was a very big indication of that fact.
The dead must have saw you run off and tried to follow. The sound of a leaf crunching told you only one must have stumbled correctly in your direction. The quiet movement and lack of undead moans told you all you needed to know.
‘They must have had friends.’
Daryl POV
He was devastated knowing you were far from his reach. Blame for not going with you. It was your mother dying how could he have just let you tell him it was fine? That, “We will go to the funeral when that comes.” He was bitter and angry in the beginning. Then it was hope when he got to the prison with people he now considered family. Maybe one day he would find you again. Then the prison fell and reality seemed to hit him.
Acceptance came when he finally confessed to Rick of your existence. It was when they sat against that car after the night with the claimers. He broke when he told him he was his brother. A mention of Beth stirring the thought of you with it. He looked away from Rick taking a shaky breath, “I lost her like how… how I lost m’ wife.” Rick’s eyes widened taking in the information. Tears build in Daryl’s eyes before he steels himself, “Completely out of my control and yet… somehow was.” Rick understands the feeling, it turns out Daryl knew just that to. When he lost Lori, it was Daryl that helped hold things together. That sudden understanding knocked into him. Rick cautiously asked, “Are they both dead…?” Daryl looked out to the forest. He slowly shook his head, “Just gone.”
When Beth died it also felt like you died with her. The hope he always had that you were out there seemingly dying inside him. He knew the kind of person you were. He would kill squirrels and you would feed them. He knew you were far too nice for your own good. You had spent hours in the rain trying to lure a kitten from under the neighbors shed. Catching a cold so bad it stuck with you for a week. You were his fragile thing in the world he promised to protect. To not just keep you alive but keep your innocence. Whether you were dead or not you would have had killed something in you to live in today’s world. To not be able to protect you from anything felt like he failed you.
He still held a hope you went down peacefully. It had to be meaningful because your life had to be for something. He tried to do the same by giving his life for others. Most recently that person being Aaron. In truth he was ok with dying knowing there was a slim chance of seeing you once again. Things that reminded him that maybe it was better for you to have not suffered. With the horde and assholes he tried to help and others assholes destroying Alexandria’s walls. So now that leading them, him and Aaron tracking the few Wolves who fled. They knew Rick said not to go recruiting people. The distance yells and screams caught there interest. They still need to try despite Rick being jumpy and “taking no chances”. If they could only just make sure whoever was well then that was enough.
When they got closer to a woman’s scream, which sounded in between scared and angry, the dead also seemed to take interest into the noise. The yelling had stopped near when the shot went off, so finding exactly where this person was in the woods became harder. The sight they found was not what they expected. Aaron had held a hand to his mouth, “What the-“ The sight was gruesome, two body’s laid in the dirt. One unrecognizable due to being beaten to a pulp. The other had a walker chewing on its leg. The neck of the man purple. Daryl looked on at the sight with a scowl and went to put the near walker down. He took notice of the W carved into the dead mans head, “Well shit.” Aaron perked up as he watched Daryl crouch down to the man who was choked. Daryl turning gesturing with his head to the body, “These the assholes who fled.” Aaron walked and peeked to see a W carved into there forehead. These two were the last known of the group and they had seemed to died gruesomely, but not by the dead. Aaron turned to Daryl as a realization hit him, “Where the girl who was screaming?”
A unwelcome chill and uneasiness drifted in the air. A thick cloud of a sad thought, “M’ guess they must have attacked her and she shot big fella over there. Then ran from the walkers.” Daryl nibbled at his lip, his eyes roamed the surrounding, maybe a clue confirming the theory. Some blood caught his attention, then he noticed further that in a direction something was dragged through the forest floor. He pointed in the direction making Aaron turn. Aaron looked to have some kind of resolve, “Let’s make sure she is ok.” Daryl nodded while walking forward to track, “If there comes back with us I’ll try and talk Rick into letting them stay. Hell best we can offer is at least some meds, she did use a favor with those dick bags.” Aaron eyebrows scrunched, “Maybe that would help their case. I don’t like not being about to recruit people anymore.”
The trail Daryl followed lead him to a very overgrown building. It was clear the place may have been abandoned even before the fall. Daryl walked quietly, he gestured he would go around back and that Aaron should go in the front. Aaron crouched and made his way closer to the building while Daryl went to the back. The slow creak of the wooden door making it obvious he was there, Aaron had no stealth in him. So he knows if someone was in this place they knew he was here, he might as well make himself known. He gulped seeing a hand print of blood on the wall closed to the door, “I don’t want to hurt you. Just heard you screaming and saw the bodies of those men. Your not hurt are you?” His weight making the wood underneath him bend with every step. The place was silent, but he knew that someone was here if the blood trail wasn’t any indication.
It was sudden, almost like a flow of wind whipping behind him. A cold knife pressed to his neck. You had drifted out of the dark from somewhere stunning him in shock. He nervously brought his hands up in surrender, “Woah! There’s no need for that.” He tried to stay calm but an obvious tremor to his voice giving away his nerves. The quick movement and tone had alerted the archer to his danger though. Daryl saw a grimy and bloody figure stand to Aaron’s side. Daryl lifted and clicked his crossbow of safety and pointed to the potential threat.
It was clear by the way the person froze they knew they were now out numbered. It was also evident that this person was trembling. They were in a fight mode from just being attacked and he didn’t blame them for being on edge. By the looks of it they had been out in the world for to long, something he was familiar with. This person seemed to be thinking of anyway to run and Daryl decided he should speak stopping those thoughts from getting to how you got away from the other guys.
“Put the knife down, we just were wantin to see if yeah are ok.”
The slow turn of the persons head seemed almost confused. But the soon flicker of eye contact between them revealed all. His grip on his crossbow slowly slipping. His heart pumped in his ears. You. Maybe he was dreaming? You? The building feeling dropped in him. Some way somehow he was staring at you, the women he would burn the world for. He watched as the knife was moved from Aaron and saw it fall to the floor. The sound of you crashing back to the wall behind you giving him a clear view of you. You were covered in dirt and blood. Hair was much shorter then the last he saw you. It was choppy like you did it with a dull blade. It was also tinted darker from being unwashed. Holes throughout your clothes and the collar loose. He slowly stepped closer ignoring Aaron. Then he saw it, a flicker of a sparkle coming from your finger.
The ring he gave you…
Your POV
The clumsy man sloppily creeped up into the house. A voice calmly spoke as they realized they were less than quiet entering, “I don’t want to hurt you. Just heard you screaming and saw the bodies of those men. Your not hurt are you?” The hatred still buzzed in you from your near death experience. This man claimed to ‘not want to hurt you’ but never said they weren’t going to hurt you. The man walked with heavy feet. You were in a dark room hugging the wall near the door. If he was truthful about just overhearing everything you didn’t want to kill him. It was hard to remember that not everyone was out to get you. Even so you quickly rushed to pull your knife to his neck.
The man seemed schooled while raising his hands in surrender. A good move that eased his threat level to you. You took notice of his clean appearance, something that seemed a little strange at first. He looked to you with ought moving his head. Eyes glancing down to you, “Woah! There’s no need for that.” It was clear to you this guy was not involved with the others you just killed. Before you could ask anything a click from across the hall stunned you into a sense of danger overflowing from you again. You didn’t move your sight from the man in front of you. It was clear some kind of weapon was pointed at you. You hadn’t heard the other person at all? Maybe the first guy was so loud you didn’t even think he had another person with him. Should you run? Maybe kill the guy at your knife point and use him as a shield for the other-
“Put the knife down, we just were wantin to see if yeah are ok.”
It was as if a ghost whispered in your ear. The unexpected voice from the dark pulling at your heart and memories. Maybe you were losing it, becoming crazy? All this time out in the world had gotten to you. Your eyes while scared to drift to the darkness and see nothing quickly glanced over to confirm if you lost it. Blue eyes is what you saw. His baby blue eyes that you used to joke would be the color of your children’s. Daryl, crossbow slowly lowering revealing more of himself. The knife slipped from your hand. The man near you back away after it fell. You didn’t even notice while crashing backwards. Eyes still locked with a seeming allusion of your lover. A overwhelming mess of feeling all at once made you numb. You were in Virginia… still miles from Georgia.
He stepped closer, hair longer and clothes seemed worn but still clean. You struggled to suck air in to your lungs, starting to hyper ventilate. You slid down the wall still looking at him. He crouched down to your level eyes glassy and a look of pain in his eyes.
Both POV
Your lips wobbled as tears flood your vision. A sudden rush of air finally hitting your lungs. He almost reached out to touch you but froze halfway not wanting to scare you. The first sound of a cry released from you. You sent yourself flying up at him, encircling him into your arms. He caught you but stumbled back landing on his ass. He felt your body shake with your cry’s. A tightness stuck in his throat as he held you. A moment neither thought would have again.
"Uh, Daryl what just happened?"
Daryl looked over your shoulder and up to a very confused Aaron. A long sigh released from him, "M' Wife." He leaned his head down onto yours. You pulling back to look to him. Tears still in your eyes blurring your vision slightly. Not enough to not take notice of how he changed, for as long as you've known him he's never looked more mature. You sniffle, "I thought I'd never see you again." The clear strain to the admission broke his heart. He knew though, despite that you had been trying to get back, you wouldn't be in front of him now if you hadn't. He wiped at your tears still not fully processing. He noticed Aaron move and sigh, "I'll give you a moment, keep in mind we have to get back before dark." He walked out the door and it creaked and slowly swung closed. It had seemed you had only just noticed and remembered he was there. But you had also remembered that the world was still shit. You looked to Daryl and you notice he was looking at you already.
"Shit. Are you hurt? I saw those assholes bodies-" He seemed to realized it to. The world was different, therefore so were you. He might still have lost you. "-you killed those pricks?" His innocent little thing? He looked to the blood that covered you. Then he remembered the way those bodies looked. You looked away from his eyes seemingly ashamed, "Yes." It was a slightly cold reply. Squeezed fists, nails digging into your palm. "They cornered me so I killed them." It wasn't even a second when Daryl replied with a grumble in his voice, "Good." Your eyes spring to look at his face in surprise. You saw the unwavering truth in that moment. Yes you had changed, so had he.
You smile while tears stream down your face. He was truly here. You grab his face in your hands and look deep into his eyes. He was mesmerized by the change. The love in your eyes remain the same he last saw them, in the end you were still his. He should have clocked that the moment he still say the ring on your finger. You let in a breath before speaking, “The only reason I’m still alive is because of you.” He wasn’t expecting that. He seemed to bite his tongue and look down for a second. Guilty. You forgot how soft hearted this man was, you’re glad that somehow is still with him. You never thought that maybe he would blame himself for the separation. You lift his head to look back to you, “All the times I would watch you hunt, track, and prepare kills kept me fed. All the times I should have given up or accepted death I told myself I would crawl my way to you if I had to.”
Then is when the crashing feeling dropped on him. The love he held for you that felt like a void suddenly was right in front of him. You slowly leaned into him giving a slow kiss. His hand slipped behind your head pulling you into a deeper kiss. Something both would fantasize about now becoming a reality. You wince causing Daryl to pull back. He pulled you back and took a look at you. You huffed a sigh sitting back to the forgotten rope around your foot. Daryl’s eyes round at the rope around your swollen ankle, he grabbed your leg mumbling curses. You sighed, “Shit, forgot about that.” You flinch while he carefully unwraps it. You didn’t feel the pain until now. It didn’t feel broken but the guy must have sprained it the time he pulled on it before you shot his friend. Maybe the crunching you heard while strangling the guy with the rope was your foot. Daryl grunted and had that worried pout he did, “We gotta get yeah back to get that looked at.” He stood first helping you stand. You stumbled giving him a questioning look, “Back where?” He helped you out the door, the man you didn’t recognize turning to your exit of the shack. Daryl started to explain, “We have a community, it’s a little drive away.”
You cringe at the word community. You have seen your fair share of them, either run by crazy’s with a weird motive or something natural would happen destroying the place. “Don’t have the greatest relationship with those but, if you say so.” You look to the man Daryl was with, he seemed bamboozled. He walked closer to you and helping you walk. Daryl seemed perturbed, “I got her, I’ll get her to your car.” You watched somewhat comically as the man sassed and brush’s off his statement. You expected Daryl to hurl harsh words at him because he typically hated when anyone challenged him. But by this man’s tone, “You got shot few days ago. Not the greatest idea to carry her with your shoulder.” he was friends with him. Daryl scoffed but your eyes widened and looked to Daryl in shock. Daryl’s annoyed face at Aaron changed when he saw the worried one on yours, “Geez Aaron it was a graze! You’ll scare her talkin’ like that. Y/n don’t listen to him…”
They both were helping you through the woods seemingly to a road. Aaron chuckled as he took a glance to you, “Well to be fair never knew there was a Mrs. Dixon. Be good for her to finally keep you from being reckless.” Daryl scoffed rolling his eyes, the grip on you tightened from him, “Only ever mentioned it to one person, he’ll give me hell for her when we get back.” Daryl also can’t imagine all the rest of his family finding out you even existed. He looked down seeing you slightly amused at how he was acting. He knows he has changed, for the better he thinks. He was finally confident in saying you were right about his true nature all that time ago. He was just a big softie that denied it and put on a sour façade. He looked to Aaron then back to you, “You’ll be in the car with Aaron. Your to injured for my bike.”
You looked to this Aaron guy giving him an unsure look. He smiled to you shyly, “Best we don’t freak out the rest of are people. Those assholes you killed gave us hell and damaged are community.” That surprised you, looking as a road appeared through the trees, you hopped along, “You were out here for them?” You reached the car and Aaron left your side to open the passenger door. Daryl turning to explain, “They carved W in their head calling themselves wolves. Bunch of crazy’s.” He sighed looking past you, “Those two were the last of em. We didn’t want them doing anything else to anyone.” He rubbed your arm before helping you walk to car, “We were a little late for that I guess.” He helped you sit down noticing it was getting a little too dark for his liking. He moved down looking at Aaron in the drivers seat, “We gotta go before we worry people, I’ll lead the way.”
You sat there staring at Daryl as his headlight lit the road. Everything felt like it was moving really fast. The news of those people you killed were worse than you thought gave some justification for your brutality. Who were you kidding you had lost control. Aaron broke the silence in the humming car, “So, Y/n is it?” You glance over to Aaron just giving a hum in reply. He takes your awkward silence just as well as he takes Daryl. He heard you shuffle in your seat before asking, “How long have you known Daryl?” Aaron clocked the really meaning to the question, ‘how trustworthy are you’. Aaron chuckled, “A few months now.” Not long enough in your opinion. Yet Daryl seems so friendly with him? In such a short time? You decide to just ask another thing bothering you.
“What did he mean by he’ll get hell about me?”
Aaron sighed as he looked on to Daryl driving ahead, “Are leader will be a little pissed with bring you back. He is not big on newcomers right now after the recent incident, but you’re Daryl’s wife so not really new know are you.” This leader sounds to have the right idea about people. You fiddle with the ring on your hand, “So me staying is going to take some convincing?” Aaron smiled and nodded while he drove, “Well if anyone could convince him it would be his brother.” His brother is the leader of this place? That can’t be good. Merle was anything but a leader. This community is probably small and on its lasts legs, he did say it was just attacked and very damaged… guess you’ll be back out on the road sooner then you thought.
You looked out the window for the remainder of your ride. Aaron only speaking again when closer to the destination, “So we’re almost there. You should just stay in the car until we can give a heads up of your arrival?” You tilt your head in confusion, “I’m going in the community? Thought you said your leader wasn’t a people person right now?” You had thought you would have to stay behind considering so. Having to wait for some kind of approval. Aaron laughed a little, “Daryl has a fair amount of say. His family trusts him enough to make a call.” You sat there confused again, ‘Family?’ Just his brother? But he said it like there is a fair bit of people in this, ‘Family’. Your contemplating was interrupted when Aaron rolled to a stop. You looked around into the dark not realizing when Aaron turned off the headlights.
Then while Aaron filcked the lights on and off in a pattern you caught glimpses of a huge wall. You sat up in your seat leaning forward as you watched it slide open. Daryl rolled in first then Aaron slowly drove in. The first thing you notice was houses with a few lights on. Electricity? This place was huge… But your eyes were pealed back to Daryl. A group of people seemingly gathering around him seeming worried. Aaron unlocked the door and before getting out mumbled a quick, “Stay here.”
Daryl POV
There orders were to be back way before dark. So when they hadn’t come back it sent everyone in a panic. Not to mention they were already struggling with replacing broken parts of the wall and moving bodies. Rick had become a singled minded man again with Carl almost dying. So he wasn’t surprised when he came marching up to him unhappy about his tardiness, “Where the hell have you both been! We damn near sent people after you.” Daryl brought his hands to his hips, “Assholes are dead, but there is something else-“
“Stay here.”
Rick turned to see Aaron getting out of the car but he also noticed a figure in the passenger seat nodding. Anger flared in him, “I said no more recruiting! Damnit Daryl- put them in the cell!” Daryl was not about to be yelled at. Specially for something as important as this. “Hold the hell up-“ Rick shook his head in annoyance cutting Daryl off, “This is not negotiable!” Before Daryl could blurt out anything a running figure came screaming for Rick. It was Denise, “It’s Carl he is awake and freaking out!” Daryl felt his stomach drop. Rick hesitated in place before pointing to Glenn, “Go put them in the cell!” Then he ran off back to his son. Daryl turned to Glenn, “Nah man! You don’t get it!” Glenn looked to the people next to him before sighing and walking to the car. “Hey! Wait!” Abraham stepped in front of him blocking his path.
He huffed knowing he would have tackled Abraham if he wasn’t trying to be calm about this. “Get the hell out my way.” Then he heard your voice call out, “Uh… Daryl?” Very clear of your anxiety and how you might lash out if you feel in danger. Daryl needed to just had to suck it up, “ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! FINE!” He stepped to the side looking to Glenn, “Your throwing me in with her. Let’s go…” Glenn paused giving him a wide eye expression. Glenn looked back and forth conflicted but sighed and lead you to the cell Morgan just made. Glenn question Daryl on the walk, “Why are you doing this Daryl?” Daryl was walking slightly ahead with you right behind him. You answered for him, “I’m his wife.” A choked cough released from Glenn, “Woah!” Glenn paused looking to him the to you. “What the hell dude! Never said you were married!” Daryl saw they were getting closer to the building and ignored Glenn’s surprise. Glenn sighed, “Well damn now I don’t wanna lock you up.” Glenn walked past you both going down a small incline. He unlocked a door and rubbed at his next, “But Rick said. I’m sure once everything with Carl calms down he will let you out.” Glenn turned to you, “Sorry about this, newcomers is a sensitive thing at the moment.”
Much to Daryl’s dismay you half heartedly chuckled while walking into the room, “To be fair best I be in a cage. I did just brutally murder two men.” Glenn mouth was agape, “uh- what? She’s joking right?” Daryl just shrugged and followed you into the cell. Daryl even closed the door and stuck his arms through the bars before answering. While it was still a new thing to hear you be so… brutal… maybe just badass, he trusted you. “Don’t tell Rick why I’m in here with her. Want to rub it in his face for pissing me off and not listening to me.” Glenn chuckled and shrugged moving to lock the cell door, “If you say so.” You while just being a bystander to this conversation spoke up, “I thought Aaron said your brother was the leader, not this Rick guy?” Glenn started to laugh, “What you thought people would follow a dumbass like Merle?” Daryl squinted his eyes at Glenn… but he wasn’t wrong. Glenn smiled to him, “No offense.” Daryl just rolled his eyes putting his attention to you, “Rick is like a brother to me.”
Your face told him you were bewildered by that statement. Granted he knows back then Merle always through around ‘blood is the only thing we got’ when you both started dating. Maybe you thought he saw it that way to. Glenn was about to go out the door, “Aw, Daryl cares for us!” Before the door closed Daryl shouted back, “Get your head out of your ass ‘walker bait’!” A nickname sure to piss him off. You only looked to me pleased with the reaction. Awe struck in your eyes drew him closer to you. Alone at last, and it seemed you both had some catch up to do.
It was a lot of talking. Sitting against a wall with your hands intertwined. He told you about Merle’s death. How he came to be so friendly with all these people. You started crying and leaned into him. At first he thought you were sad but you were smiling proudly at him. You share your own story’s. Mentioning friends you’ve lost, mostly them all dying, how a few were just gone with you having no clue to how. “Told you I’d make you my husband the next time I saw you…” He felt his throat tightened, he grieved you to the point of acceptance. So having you here and now felt like another type of grieving. To what could have been. But before he could get into it farther an angry Rick stormed down into the cellar. Hand on hip with a baby Judith slumped over his shoulder. A stature of a man trying to show leadership, “What the hell are you doing here Daryl.” Rick’s eyes only glancing over to you for a second. Daryl sat there for a second prolonging the silence. While he couldn’t exactly blame Rick for having to run off before they could talk he should have known damn well he had say. So he glared daggers to Rick.
Rick moved from foot to foot shaking his head again, “Look we can’t go bring anyone in after the shit that happened-“ Daryl stood up waving his hands, “You think I’m stupid? Like I would go and bring someone back if it didn’t mean something?” Daryl stood straight closing in closer to the bars, “Now please go ahead and tell my WIFE! That she isn’t welcome here.” Ricks mouth gapped open, air releasing from his lungs, “T-that’s her!” Rick’s hand moved to his chest while turning to look at you. Daryl also turned around just seeing you nonchalantly resting on the floor.
“You two really do argue like brothers.”
Your eyes not staring at Rick but the baby girl he carried. Daryl’s heart filled with you pushing aside the anger of the situation, because this was supposed to be a happy moment. Daryl turned back to Rick seeming to have calmed down, “Now… you gonna let us out?” Rick started to laugh, Judith perking up to her father’s laughter. “Goddamn dude, I’m happy for ya.” Rick moved for the key in his pocket. Daryl reached out a hand to help you up, a visible limp still present. While walking here you tried to appear un injured, most likely trying not to look like easy pray. You truly were out there for a long time, his group knows what that could do to your mind.
The creaky bared door swings open leaving the little girl to finally met eyes with her uncle. Daryl sighed when he gained the little girls attention. Judith happily giggled while reaching for him. Though he found really hold her if he wanted to help you walk. That’s what drew his attention back to your face. He wasn’t expecting you to be looking at Judith like she was a puppy. Then you sniffled, “She’s so cute.” Rick looked to you while juggling his daughter. The know that sometimes things like Judith keep you going in hard times. But in your hard time you had nothing. So seeing something in this broken world like Judith was definitely pulling something inside you. Daryl though could help but smugly smile up to Rick with a, ‘Just look at m’ girl~.’ Showing off the one he loved at the start to the family he now has.
But damn if it didn’t feel good.
Feedback welcome and requests open! Maybe spin off if this does well and people want more.
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kickbutts-singsongs · 7 months
I know no one asked, but I have exactly zero (0) people to talk about bkdk with irl so here you guys go
My BKDK Journey
Yes, this sounds stupid, but my god it’s been almost three years of an absolute rollercoaster of feelings and denials and tears and revelations…
and if you don’t mind, I’m gonna rant about it.
(not spoiler free)
May 2021
To start off, i wasn’t always a bkdk shipper.
I shipped izu*cha at first (not saying it’s a bad ship btw; it’s actually quite cute. im just afraid people’ll be mad if I accidentally invade their tag lol), primarily because I assumed that would be the ship that became canon.
But also, my veryyyyy leasttttt favorite character… was Bakugou Katsuki.
When I tell you that I would’ve loved nothing more than to somehow spawn into the bnha universe and punch that brat in the face— AGHHHHHHHHHH
Now this wasn’t all his fault: A) I watched the dub first lol, and B) he reminded me of someone that i was not in a place to stand up to at the time, and his constant anger, yelling, and harsh treatment of Izuku—who i began to relate to—made me hateeee him.
There was a time when I literally said “if he died, I wouldn’t miss him.” <- this was later proven false lol
So, I was watching the anime dub with an absolute animosity for our resident deuteragonist, but on top of that…
I was watching it with a friend with a crunchyroll account who lived in another state that I was visiting and staying with for two weeks, so by the time i had to go back home, we’d only gotten up to the part where All Might was getting Inko’s permission to let Izuku stay at the UA dorms.
Anddddddd in my drive to consume more bnha once I got home, i somehow stumbled across an Instagram account that posted bnha sub episodes divided into parts,
but they only had season four and onwards.
Sooooo I never saw the second half of season three… more importantly,
(I will say that I had seen a couple photos/edits/etc, but I never knew what had been said, or why they fought)
June 2021
At this point in time, I’d been exposed to a lot of the fandom. My fyp on both IG and Pinterest were filled to the brim with all things bnha (because this is what happens when one has a hyperfixation), so I saw a lot of stuff.
Especially fanart.
This is where I started learning about the different ships.
I saw a lot of the side character ships and thought they were adorable (kamijirou, todomomo, even kiribaku), but then I saw some with Izuku.
Izu*cha was a given for me. I didn’t think there was a single person that didn’t ship it. But then I started seeing fanart of ships like tododeku, shindeku, and bakudeku.
And my first reaction to finding out that people shipped my beautiful baby sunshine boi with the person who bullied him for years?????
So with my (unknowingly) limited knowledge of their relationship, i was very much an anti (i never spoke out or anything, i just reallyyyy didn’t like the ship lol)
(And then, you know, I started to see all the bkdk hate online and kinda went “okay not touching that”)
But that began to change…
August 2021
…after I saw a manga leak for the first time.
I was scrolling thru my feed and all of a sudden. BOOM!
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I was like 😧
And i looked in the comments and yes it was.
I checked out the page and found that they had an entire account of manga leaks and was so happy.
I quickly began to read from the very bottom of that account, and it started from right about where Izuku first began his vigilante arc (i had no idea how much was in between then and where I left off on the anime, but I was willing to read it lol)
And so I waited diligently for the leaks every week (a practice I have continued to uphold lol), until one day, i came across an untranslated series of panels from the latest chapter. I looked at it and it was of Katsuki and Izuku, facing each other in the rain (you know the one). I knew the leaks would be coming a day later, but I wanted to look through them anyways, so I did.
I didn’t understand a word they said, but the pictures and imagery of them as kids then middle schoolers then where they were now seemed so touching…
And then I came across a pair of kanji that I recognized.
I was like “wait WHAT???”
I zoomed in and went “that— isn’t that—? That’s part of Midoriya’s name, right???”
And then I was like “wait a second… omg that’s Izuku, isn’t it. That’s the freaking kanji for Izuku.”
And it was!!!!!
So inside I’m having a mini freakout cuz—
Bakugou just called him IZUKU
Fast forward to the next day, and I looked at the translated version, and found out that not only did he call him Izuku,
And I was like “huhhhhhhh”
What happened between now and the most recent anime episodes for this to occur???? For Bakugou to do a complete 180 and apologize????????
Well, I finally got my answers…
November 2021
…when I started reading the manga.
I started from the beginning, cuz I wanted to see Horikoshi’s art style and the extra drawings and all the other stuff…
And when I tell you that Katsuki became a whole new character to me—
First, I read everything about early-on Bakugou— without hearing him yell in his dub voice—and realized “oh wow he really is just a kid with issues and a worldview that he’s now having to change.”
Then, I finally read what happened in that space between moving into the dorms and the beginning of season four (most importantly, DvK2).
Then, oh then, I got up to where season five ended and the rest of the manga began.
. . .
Funny thing: back when I read the leaks to ch322, I remember thinking to myself, “huh. what did Bakugou mean by Shigaraki making swiss cheese outta him?”
That was the moment where i truly ceased to hate Katsuki cuz holy character development batman
Then, of course, we see them in recovery
And then the vigilante arc and apology scene *sobs*
And then I was caught up.
(Btw I finished the entire manga up ‘til ch334 in just over a week. I read for nine days straight. During the school year. My emotions were all over the place goodness gracious I could barely concentrate.)
So that’s how I went from being a Bakugou hater to going “you know what he’s a complex character and he’s slowly becoming a better person” and realizing that he was now one of my fav characters and therefore cursed to die but I’ll talk about that later
Was I now a bakudeku shipper?
Hah nope.
December 2021
I began my dive into the true essence of any fandom: fanfiction.
Over the course of winter break, I had started off with fics that had no romantic pairing (I just wanted to see my boi Izuku), but then somehow stumbled across Mastermind: Strategist for Hire and then read the entirety of the For Want of a Nail series (shoutout to Clouds btw ❤️) cuz I was like “ok whew no bkdk fics” which was my mindset at the time.
But somehow (I can’t even remember how I found it) I came across a bkdk fic. It was called For Want of Izuku’s Toe Joint by Talavin (okay now that I think about it there’s probably a simple explanation lol).
I don’t quite know what compelled me to start reading it, but I did.
And I really liked it.
But not in the “I’ve been converted” kinda way.
It was like an “I shouldn’t be enjoying this why am I enjoying this?” kinda feeling. Like my head says no but my heart says yeah.
A really really really really guilty pleasure.
So, from that day on, whenever I came across any form of bkdk media, I would simultaneously feel discomfort and yet an odd sense of satisfaction.
A snippet of my daily life:
Me: *comes across bkdk fanart on pinterest*
Me: eww
Also me: *stares at it for like five minutes straight*
Me: who even likes this?
Also me: *saves pin to my mha board*
Me: not my ship
Also me: *scrolls down to more like this*
Bless my heart I was in such denial.
July 2022
Bit of a timeskip, but nothing of note really happened in those last six months so here we go.
We’ve gotten to the point in the manga where the final arc is underway and Bakugou is about to KICK SOME BUTT
He’s revealed his Panser Strafe support item and I’m gushing about it to my friend (she kinda fell out of the fandom but still tolerated my rants bless her)
Oh, side note: it was then that I also expressed my concern for Bakugou’s “alive” status
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For reference, some of my favorite characters are:
Beth March (Little Women)
John Reese (Person of Interest)
Joss Carter (Person of Interest)
Leonard Snart (Arrowverse)
Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars)
Fantine (Les Mis)
Eponine (Les Mis)
Jean Valjean (Les Mis)
Simon (Lord of the Flies)
Piggy (Lord of the Flies)
Grace Stone (Manifest)
Bubaigawara Jin — Twice (BNHA)
Wanna guess which of these guys died?
Trick question! It’s all of them (:
Yeah so anyways those following chapters really made me excited and nervous cuz YEAH KICK HIS ASS BAKUGOU but also IZUKUUUUU WE NEED YOU
hah hah.
August 2022
Utterly gobsmacked. Cried. Disbelief. Horrified. Confusion. Anger. Went through the five stages of grief and then some.
Sometimes I hate being right 🥲
But the good thing that came from this was that my positive view of Katsuki only grew after seeing his utter faith in Izuku (and his thoughts being on him in his final moments???? 🥺🥺🥺)
And it was at this point in time where I could admit to myself “you know what? i see it. i see the appeal. i wouldn’t mind this actually becoming canon.”
Did I think that it would actually become canon?? No.
September 2022
I don’t know how I thought Izuku was gonna react to seeing Katsuki’s body on the ground, but GOOD LORD IT WASNT THAT
Even sweet little blind me realized “oh wow he like really feels intense stuff for Katsuki huh”
(But some things I missed—cuz I was still a bit wired for izu*cha—were shigarakis implications “yeah u looooove the present I got u” and the freaking HEART that blackwhip caused??? when Izuku reeled himself back in???? like how did i miss that i read that chapter like fifteen times??)
So this is all to say that I’ve missed any and all actual bkdk hints up until this point. I finally lifted my head out of the izu*cha fog when…
July 2023
…Ochako and Toga had their chat about romance.
The first actual hint was when Ochako had told Toga “I’ll give you my blood for the rest of my life.”
Little blind me became a bit less blind that day, cuz I was like “um. ochako? that— that sounded kinda like a proposal. like. a marriage proposal. ochako??”
And then those chapters just kept getting better!!
Bebe Ochako’s determination???
The Spirited Away moment?????
“I’m envious of your smile”????????
For the first time, I was looking at the manga without the assumption that izu*cha would be endgame. And it only got better after I…
August 2023
…got Tumblr!!!
Everything was downhill from here folks.
In the best possible way.
I came across some analyses of what was going on with togachako, and consequently led me to some bakudeku analyses. I read them and my goodness they made so much sense.
Like not even just personality-wise!! Those metas brought in actual things Horikoshi said about wanting to go outside the norms of shounen (and about not liking the Naruto ending 💀), and compared bkdk to tropes in different works of fiction, and even discussed how bkdk made sense narratively. They properly convinced me of the ship.
And then for good measure, I reread the manga in its entirety thru a bkdk filter, and lo and behold things took on new meanings and my eyes were opened.
I totally and irrevocably shipped them! And I actually thought they had a chance at being canon!!
(And then I binged so much bkdk fanfiction omg you wouldn’t BELIEVE like I read the ones with the highest kudos first and then just picked the biggest collections I could find and read down the line
It was like being on drugs like each fic gave me more dopamine than the last I was so happy oh my god)
October 2023
And then finally, the day came.
The answer to “is bakugou alive yet?” became a yes.
We screamed. We cried. We jumped for joy. We told bakugou antis to suck it. But most of all, our bkdk hearts soared to see our boys make eye contact with each other for the first time in over a year 🥹
And from that moment on, I truly began to believe that bkdk would indeed become canon.
And so, this concludes my 42672288 page rant about how I came to be a bkdk shipper.
Thank you for reading, and before I go, I want to ask:
How did you guys get into bkdk?
Did you convert over from izu*cha? Or perhaps tododeku? Or maybe kiribaku? Or are you one of the few who have shipped them since the beginning??
In any case, I’m happy you’re here. And while it may have taken me a couple years, I’m happy that I’m here too :)
(and thank you @animelover32456)
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apollowhoo · 2 years
hello, this is my first request so i hope i don't say anything wrong.
fandom: The Owl House
May i request yandere!The Collector x Reader who is like one of the elite people please?
you can ignore if you want
(changed my profile a bit :D)
btw The Collector goers by he/them and i'll be going by ''him''
Yandere!The Collector x Reader
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I don't reallt know what you mean by the ''elite'' thing but i'm guessing the people from the Emperor's Castle???
so one day you were requested to bring ''supplies'' to Emperor Belos. You were pretty nervous but you were not showing it. When you came up to his room, you hear chattering but once you entered the room..there was only one person, who was Emperor Belos. You didn't really mind the situation, i mean he could've been talking to himself, who knows. He kindly asked you to leave the supplies on his table. The moment you putted the box, a lamp fell and almost crashed your fingers. You where obviously confused because that lamp wasn't there before and even if it was how did it fell over? You were certain that you didn't hit the table. You looked at the lamp confused then you started hearing giggling. This sounded like a little boy. You looked around to see no one other then the Emperor. The Emperor asked if you were okay. You answered with a simple nod and left. You waited in front of the door for a few seconds. You started hearing that similar chatting in the room. Perhaps there was someone else, that somebody was probably hiding or something. You didn't wanted to question the situation, you had more important stuff to do anyway.
a few weeks later that incident, your parents asked you to give a note to the Emperor. You (didn't had the right) couldn't say no to your parents. So you went back to the Emperor to give a simple note. This was the second time that you where going to face him. The first time didn't ended well and you know that this mistake shouldn't happen ever again. You knocked...no answer. You knocked again...no answer again. So you slowly opened the door to see that he wasn't there. You quickly came in his room and putted the note on his table. Once you where about to leave, you heard the similar giggle again. This time, you really needed to know who was there. You turned back to see no one. You looked into the empty room for a while. You really thought you were paranoid or something. You really were curious about the giggling but there wasn't anybody there. You decided to leave, you wouldn't want to be seen in the Emperor's room anyway. When you held to the door knob you heard the voice again. ''Aw c'mooon! I wanted to play with someone!''. You looked back confused. The only thing you could've said was ''what?''. You let go off the door knob and started coming back. You really wanted to know what you assumed a little boy. ''Okaaay...where are you then?'' you asked. ''That's for you to find out!'' , it answered. You started gazing the Emperor's room to find anything that might be a clue or something only too see a mirror? You weren't so sure if it was a mirror or not. You picked it up ans started looking at it. It had a moon on it. Then out of nowhere, you saw it. What you thought was a little boy. You weren't sure what it was. It looked like a soul or something. ''Yay! You found me!''.
Ever since then, you guys are friends. I mean you never really had friends because, in The Emperor's Castle there weren't any kids around your age and you're not allowed to leave the castle (for safety reasons). So The Collector was technically your first friend. Buy hey that wasn't something bad, was it? You guys always played games together, chatted, tried new and interesting stuff. You guys were like best friends!! He would often tell you about his memories before well, turned into this form. You really wanted to know his human form too. For obvious reasons, your friendship had to be secret from everybody in the castle, especially from The Emperor. The Collector always fantasied about being with you, only you. He adored you truly, you where is playmate after all! ''When i turn back into my human form, we will live a perfect life! Just you and i, no one else!!'' He didn't understood the point of having a ''crush'' but he certainly had one for you. He always felt the need to protect you. He adored you so much. He also would've got jealous of other people who were talking you, even your parents. He probably is clingy too and you don't have a problem with that, why should you have a problem with it?
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you where shocked. You didn't know what you where expecting but, it wasn't something like this. You hate to admit it but you kinda found him attractive. But you can't feel that way, he's you friend- best friend! This felt wrong and right at the same time. When he first saw you, he was exited! He immediately hugged you tightly. The hug felt very good. This was the first time you felt the heat of you friend. He always talked about how he would hug you when he turned into his human form and there it was. He's probably so exited to be back like this! He also has more control over you. Well you still think that he likes you as a friend and only as a friend but babe, that's not the case at all. He just starts talking about everything that you guys are going to do. You're pretty exited to be with him, you want to be with him forever, there's just that feeling. The Collector by know, realised his feelings as well but he doesn't want to lose his playmate. So after a while, The Collector just can't handle it. Your smile, voice, eyes, lips... everything about you was driving him insane. He needed to confess to you, he really didn't had any other choice. He just came up to you and told you. Simple as that. You where confused as to his confession. You really thought this dude was pulling a prank on you or something but no, he was being serious. After making sure that he was in fact serious, you accepted him with a bright smile!
when you both start dating, he's more obvious with his protective nature. He doesn't want you to be with anyone else. He's kinda selfish with you, doesn't like to share you. You're his and he makes it very clear to you. I think he has a very very soft side to you. He just loves cuddles! He would cuddle you anytime he can. He also kisses you a lot. He kisses your lips, cheeks, hands, neck anywhere he wants. He truly admires you, he's like your number one fan or something. I also think he just picks you up, and go all the way up to the sky and then both of you can watch the starts from a better view. He can be the big or the small spoon (mostly small though). He melts away when you do any kind of physical affection to him. He makes sure no one dares to hurt you. If someone does hurt you, they will suffer for the rest of their very lives. You guys probably play games as usual, nothing that different other than way more cuddling and kisses!
(oh wow i didn't expected to write this long)
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theheromira · 10 months
Nimona appreciation post Part 5
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Hi Guys, it's me again. The last weeks were a bit stressful, but hey, know I got my drivers license (I'm a bit old to do it now, but welp, never really needed it) ^^ Anyway, let's go right in with part 5 :)
- starting the next part and the first thing I'm hearing is Todd, greeaaatt (not) - nice that Mansley has a guest appearance - and Todd being an immature child right after trying to be mature, not surprising… it's kinda funny how he says butt tbh - the dialog of the knights in the background also is kinda fun, especially that "so sad though" - aaand, now the knights in the background already start accusing of Amb helping Bal, which got me really feeling like he also wasn't liked by the knights that much - liking the look on the directors face when she looks up to see the giant whale-shaped hole - nice that they clarify it, that the showers are destroyed (I just like little comedy-quibs like that, which you don't entirely expect) - Amb being in the literal spotlight while Todd accuses him of workingwith/helping Bal - Rhinos will now forever be big fat unicorns to me, change my mind - that emphasis on "common" in common children makes me feel like the director (and the institute for that matter) see commoners as less than them or not even really as humans - no way, Todd was born?? (don't know if that's a dig on the guy who wrote that dialog or if it's probs for howing how dumb Todd is lol) - ngl, that Todd doesn't say "one" when he say there are two things he wants and then omitting the two entirely triggers me everytime… like: my guy, count correct or not at all - also his sword doesn't look that big tbh - you can literally see the moment Amb decides to be the boss of the hunt on Bal, when Todd says he's gonna make it hurt - Todd being all like: yeah, yeah, you're not gonna get that role and the director being blinded enough by her little blood purity thing that she literally glosses over the fact that everyone there prob knows he and Bal were very close - Nimona doesn't do "drawing no attention" - that poor mouse btw, it's gotta get a heart attack any second - love the "I was going for the hurting people version" - "Buh! I'm a ghost." lol and it works to not draw the attention of the guy walking past lol - Love the line delivery right after the ghost part and Nims slap to his face as a reaction lol - "unclench your mustache" is now one of my favourite sayings when someone is behaving as if he/she has a stick in their butt - she had to ask what the worst that could happen would be - the attack wasn't bad enough to be called horrific, was it? - love that she again tries to let Bal question the stuff he learned from the institute - he thinks like two seconds about her "Soo, maybe there's nothing there." and you can see for a split second how he slips before he irons himself out and gets back in his brainwashed "knowledge" - love how she looks a bit sad there when he tell her no wings he will want them later 100%
Soo, that was a short one again. Next one will come out this weekend, promise. Until then, bye bye :)
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Okay alright part 2 ive seen now. I think i can start to scribble down some rambly thoughts. Spoilers for Oceanic Magica against the volcanic witches part 1 and 2.
So this is going in a very different direction than I was expecting. First chapter, I wasn’t a big fan of this whole oceanic and volcanic witches segregation thing. Thought it was quite silly and that it made the witch part of the universe feel less diverse. Now my stupid ass is realizing that’s exactly the point.
So world of ice is currently more of a fantasy political drama. The world of the witches is divided between two parties that already don’t get along well which each other. They try their best to cooperate and make the magic world inhabitable and not destroy their entire system, but as we saw in the court of law in chapter one, it’s difficult. Both sides are screaming at each other during a legal session, can you imagine how their political debates are??
Their legal system is in shambles, as we saw when they tried to prosecute Magica and Grilla. The judges are 2 people, both incredibly biased to their own side, trying to make every session come out in their own favor. Magica literally gets a lighter sentence because she personally knows one of the judges.
The tensions between sea and volcanic witches are pretty high throughout their entire society (it seems they just get out more in court. Kinda like with football in our world), as we see in the second chapter as well. When the 7-2 volcanic witches arrive at Roberta’s (LETS GOOO BTW ROBERTA GOATED why is she so tall though) house and a bunch of sea witches arrive to help her, they immediately grab the chance to insinuate negative assumptions about them. And to make it even more clear, we have our villain proclaiming everything is going according to plan. Like it wasn’t obvious enough.
So let me lay it down ever more obviously. Basically it’s: witch society= two party system that doesn’t work. Bad guy is trying to stir up as much polarization as possible by framing two people from both factions as having committed a terrible crime. Those two people are Magica and Grilla fugitive lovers running away together trying to bring justice to the table and fix society. The whole ice world thing is just a metaphor for problems that we refuse to solve because we’d rather make the other look bad than working together.
So thats the basic gist of it for now. Im especially curious to see how Enna will handle it at the end. Now lets talk about the other fun stuff.
Grilla and Magica are still gay
Some nice character moments that are probably set ups for later (like how magica completely changes character the moment she sees the number one dime. Great scene now that i looked at it again)
Of course it’s not all politics. We also have a lot of great action sequences. And its still a MAGIC society in which this stuff is happening, and its all delightful.
AND ROBERTA KSKSBEKSKSM For some reason Facciotto made her like twice Magica’s height. Look at this.
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They used to be the same height now magica has to stand on a stone WHAT DID THEY FEED HER
But I like Roberta she’s a sea witch which eh we’ll see how that turns out. Interesting that she has a whole island for herself. I thought she was more of a traveler. But nothing actually matters except for the fact that shes here and i love her.
Irma is in the magic equivalent of Coral Island. (OR IS SHE??? Oooooohh mysterious who is the figure walkinga round in her house then?) She looks like Juniper from pkna. I guess prison just makes you look younger. I’m gonna sit in a cell for a few weeks and see if my skin has gotten nicer.
The prison looks cool. I wouldn’t mind if it’s gonna be the main setpiece for next week. It honestly looks more interesting than Coral Island already but that could also be recensy bias.
Scrooge is a huge dick which is fun. Feels very Barks. Magica’s line to him: “I’m not a good person, but I would never want to get rich by profiting off a dying world”(very loose translation but thats the general vibe) is great. I’m not expecting anything special with him (he’a just a side character here after all), and you already know when he comes back he will have realized what is right and use what he got for good, but it’s still a nice classic Scrooge thing. It’s at least not DT17 or Rosa Scrooge. I’m sorry I love Gervasio but I’ve just seen too much Rosa Scrooge lately, so this is nice.
Have we talked about Facciotto yet? I feel like I have but I forgot. Doesnt matter because Facciotto deserves all the praise he can get. This is 100% his best work yet. Every single panel looks absolutely stunning. Feels like a completely different art style compared to like 10 years ago. New Facciotto begins here guys.
His designs for the new ocean witches are great too. Character wise i don’t really care that much, same with the volcanic witches. They kind of all blend together except for obvs Grilla.
So that was weekly rambly magica thoughts from me. Remember to ocean your witches okay love you bye
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
Ok cas you can tell this has been a rough few days since I’ve sent you like 3 messages, Swiftie anon, btw. so my parents want my brother to switch roommates, which he obviously doesn’t want to do, they’re friends and apparently there’s a non-binary/gemderfluid person in the room. The building is set up so everyone has their own rooms, but 4 people share like a bathroom and living space. I think the building is co-ed, but they don’t share dormitories, idk tho My parents didn’t know until yesterday, and they got so mad. My mom said “I can tell you (deadname) is a boy, no matter how many hormones or surgeries he will always be a boy.” And a bit later when my brother wouldn’t respond, bc then yelling at you is paralyzing, my mom said “why do you want to room with him? He’s a girl, he wants to be a girl” so hypocritical And my dad kept edging him, like “why is it so important that you share a room with your friend” when before they were like having a roommate be someone you know is important. And then my mom said “I would argue that you don’t really know (deadname). Did you know he was trans when you met him?” It was so bad, and they were talking in like really low, gravely voices, and there was like a pit in my stomach, the entire time. We left, after my parents started arguing, and mom told my dad that she was tired of enforcing things. And then my dad came over to my brothers room cussed him out, and told him to write an email requesting a room change. And my brother doesn’t want to, he’s an introvert, he has anxiety, and the only friend that’s going to college with him is his trans friend. My brother still said no, and I already said I would, and my parents got mad saying that they’re family, and he should care about disappointing the more than his friends. And idk what the fuck to do, my parents where and that this happened without their permission, my brother isn’t 18 yet , he turns 18 in August. They said they might unenroll him. And it isn’t fair, this should be about how comfortable my brother is with his school. After, my brother said it’ll be okay, and I’m sorry. It’s not he’s fault, he’s done so much for me and I hate to see him like this. And idk how it’ll be okay , no one can help, and now I have to go to church, every week, and I’ll hate it, ik I will all those people talking about love and shit are probably bigots. I can’t write as much from now on bc I get my phone taken as soon as I get home, and I wrote this on the walk home.
as for the discord thing, I have to send an app request, I tried getting it but I can’t. And I do have another anon, so try and guess who it is. bye have a good day night.
Hi hon!
TW: transphobia
So…I’m gonna say I doubt your parents will unenroll your brother. It sounds like they’re the type to value college a LOT.
As far as what you can do…unfortunately, all you can do is support your brother. Remind him you care and that you support his choices. You can’t change your parents minds and it sounds like you’ll be unsafe in trying to do so.
As far as your third anon…god, I’m terrible at guessing. Is it youngest sibling? I don’t have my computer with me rn so I can’t check my spreadsheet to see if that matches up lol.
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eriecanal · 6 months
might delete this later for oversharing reasons but looking back i can admit that december was fully so bad for me likeee. starting off strong i got black out drunk and woke up having realized i was trans like the alcohol opened some crazy pandora's box in my mind. promptly had the freak out of the century about this and closeted myself like? further everywhere including online in places where no one irl sees like here. like i used to just not put my pronouns in my bio and i changed them all to she/her????? crazy move in retrospect. cried for a week + about basically everything and anything. completely fucked my grades. convinced my life was over was actively trying to come up with ways to re-repress this knowledge. right. awesome. anyways then it looked like my grandpa was gonna die (he's better now but it was scary) and meanwhile i was driving to toronto with my friend who knew none of this to go see great comet and fuck around for 2 days. during reading week btw because we just believed in ourselves like that when we booked our tickets for some reason. and then i came back and had my first panic attack in years during my calc final and failed it and cried for 5 hour sstraight bc it fucked my grade in the class completely. and then i did 3 more finals. and by this point i wanted to go home so bad it was unreal. and also i was making doomer posts abt my transness every single day in my tumblr drafts but remaining closeted on here for no real reason. anyways then i went home and nothing got better but there was no great comet there. and then we went to see my grandparents for christmas and we still thought my grandpa was maybe dying at this point even though it was less likely than a couple weeks before and everyone in my family was so stressed and mad at each other. and meanwhile the only thing i could think about even amidst much more important things was that if i ever came out at the very least most of the people there would never believe me or understand or even try. or love me the same again. and because i am not brave or strong of heart that shit scares me so bad. and everything sucked btw. EDIT oh i forgot that when i got back home from my grandparnets after christmas my two best friends, who are dating, one of whom i had an extremely lifedestroying crush on before they got together and who was also at this time the only person i was out to, decided to engage in the most diabolical third wheeling they could possibly dream up for no reason. which i just let them do of course
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koffing-time · 4 months
//YEAHH woo cheese is back!!! hi cheese!!! (i mean. we've been in contact) but YEAHHH CHEESE BLOGS ARE BACK
Hey! You're a Poison-type user! This Trubbish won't leave me alone, and I caught him, so he's mine, I think? Is there any way to make him... smell less trashy? Koffing smell too, right? I know that one. So maybe you have some ideas, especially if you're running a café?
Hi there! first off: congrats! Trubbish are usually not very social pokémon, so being chosen by a wild one is pretty awesome! (that doesn't mean you smell btw)
So, about his smell:
\\headcanon ahead (also long post so i'll make a cut)
Trubbish, like many Poison Types that have unusual diets (Grimer, Varoom etc), their smell and sometimes their appearance depends a lot on what they eat. I've looked at your blog, you're in Nimbassa right? If you caught your Trubbish there, i'm not surprised he smells atrocious. No offense to the people there, but it's a big city with many events and a lot of waste that is pretty disgusting. Imagine a mixture of burnt fireworks and gasoline from the amusement park and musical as well as greasy makeup, half eaten and spoiling food from sport events and whatever unspeakable things can be found in the battle metro? Sounds familiar bc your Trubbish smells exactly like that? (Be glad you didn't catch him in the sewers of castelia lmao)
Yeah... tl:dr get him on a diet that smells better.
You can easily mix some detergents or soaps (with parfume) into his food, he should be quite capable of digesting it and check if there's some stuff that smells bad that he's eaten. There are two things to consider for Trubbish diet though:
1: they need some sort of toxic compounds for their poison type attacks. You should be able to get him a proper assortment from like, cleaning chemicals. Parfumed detergents and stuff, so there is definitely an option for good smell (don't expect too much though, he won't smell like the flower fields near Opelucid). If he doesn't get any of these compounds, he might get stressed at the lack of self-defense options. He'll possibly also try to scavenge public trash cans or stuff like that, and you don't want that for multiple reasons.
2: Trubbish don't do much digestion. They mostly just absorb whatever they eat directly into their body (bonus of being amorphous i guess?) and it stays there until the energy is used up. This means, they often need rotten or spoiling organic food, (or rather the bacteria and molds and stuff) to help break down their (other) food, so they can use more energy quickly. There are foods that smell TERRIBLE when rotting, and other that are... okay-ish, and depending on what you give him, he'll smell similar. Technically they don't need these organic foods, but if they don't have access to them, they grow lethargic and are generally weaker.
Once you change his diet, he possibly won't change his smell significantly for 3 to 4 weeks though, because the stuff usually stays in their body for a longer time than "regular" pokémon.
That being said, please do provide him a proper toxic diet. I mean, he's basically perfectly happy with playing your trashcan. For real, give him food scraps, empty dish soap bottles and stuff like that (keep in mind the smell of whatever it is though). Only giving him (regular) pokémon-food is almost certainly make his life worse and prone to illness, stress and whatnot.
As for Coffee, my Koffing, it's a similar thing. He smells mostly like, well, coffee, because his diet is mostly that. As a result, he's also entirely non-toxic, because he doesn't eat anything that's toxic in the first place. It's really funny how some of the most toxic pokémon in the wild don't produce any toxins themself and just eat them to use them later. Also, Coffee doesn't feel the need to be toxic (i am definitely happy to provide him a proper toxic diet and he knows this). Your trubbish very likely feels different about self defense. So again, please provide him some toxic stuff.
And a little funfact: Koffing sometimes form competing gangs in bigger cities purely based on smell. Owners of Koffing who smell like a certain part of town have to be careful if they go to another one.
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zeico · 11 months
Long post request: how do you feel about BG3?
I didn't realize a new patch came out on final fantasy for about a week because Baldur Gate o Baldur Gate
currently in act 3 and trying to stock up on shit since I recently cleared out the bank. I'm TRYING to hold myself to not starting a new character until I finish this one but I see so many monk items and i want themmmmm (I have a half elf monk open in character creator right now)
Since I played a lotttt of dragon age origins, parts of the structure of bg3 felt very familiar to me like the camp itself and like how u interact with the companions. Like coming home in a way.
I'm also playing 5e a lot so that part of the structure of it was very easy to adapt to. I do still have trouble with like certain interface things like oh man gotta select the version of the spells BEFORE TARGETTING NO GALE WHY ARE YOU RUNNING TO THEM GET BACK HERE WHY ARE YOU HITTING THEM WITH YOUR 8 STRENGTH BACKED STICK
But its great and I do like the changes made to better facilitate it being a VIDEO GAME. Like I'm a Divination Wizard. My main Thing is portent dice. (There's also detect thoughtsing my way through all social encounters which is SO GREAT honestly scratches an itch I've always wanted to do but it would be such a pain in the ass for tabletop. Like first first ever dnd character I cooked up was an illiterate mind reading sorcerer that like got by through just that. But that would be so annoying to do with like.... PEOPLE AT THE TABLE of like 'so im just constantly getting ur surface thoughts...... i can't entirely control this... i'm sorry....' )
ANYWAY portent dice!!!!! in bg3 they have it at level 6 you fulfill little prophecies to get ur dice back to make the big boss miss their BIG attack or make SURE you hit (or my favorite, make the rogue crit on a sneak attack) instead of having it that when u cast a divination spell u get a spell slot back. since theres so few divination spells especially like using IN COMBAT so I understand the change.
I also like the variety of shit you can do. like my partner is one to summon 9 creatures btw the whole party so theres a small army of creatures following their main party. (also several buffed with mage armor and everyone has a higher level aid cast on them so they also have a decent amount of health its really funni to watch) I like wrote off the summon guys moves because I just dont like to have extra guys usually.
Something I wish I did on my first playthrough tho was simply long resting more I think I fucked myself out of a lot of social link scenes in act 1 bc I straight up didn't rest enough. The game is like 'oh no time is ticking' but things aren't REALLY like that (cept for like... 2 instances I can think of) bc its a videogame and thats fine.
It WANTS you to use all your abilities and not be dum like me and just cantrip my way through most the first act 'just in case i need my slots later' why am i like this. both short and lone rest more and just use all your moves its FINE
speaking of social links and companions theyre all great. I love them all. I DO wish some things weren't like... romance locked it feels??? well more like you HAVE to reject them???? idk I had a scene with gale when he's like 'but we're not THAT close tho' and i felt bad bc like... I want to be wizard friends with you. I'm SORRY I'm so weak to both vampires and elves.
heard some shit about astarion having like so much content compared to all the other companions and man imma feel so spoiled on my playthroughs where i dont smooch the vampire. I do wish everyone else had more scenes too its a shame.
something about bg3 thats HILARIOUS to me personally is that its all like 'recruit allies against the cult' and in another irl campaign im in thats been in hiatus for years but I still hope to come back its REALLY similiar. Oh no a huge looming death cult threat to the city. oh no the city has its own fuckmess of bullshit to deal with. OH NO a shapeshifting killer. Anytime theres strong parallels to that campaign it sparks joy.
A few technical problems I've had tho were around switching characters in and out of the party. like in a building and I wanna run back to camp to tag in someone. Wait why are they on the roof????
Or I tag in someone and WHY ARE YOU CLIPPING THROUGH THE FLOOR? Tbh the game is so enjoyable I just sigh and say "Video. Game." out loud and load a save. Like the last time that was REALLY frustrating is when it just would NOT let me out of a restricted area like please I persuaded u 3 times let me go I was on my way OUT.
Also why do all these 8 strength men have abs. This is Wrong. I'm bad with figuring out the technical shit of modding but holy shit I need them to not have abs.
Anyway I had this and the character creator open for like 2 hours now so Imma start that now.
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
MAG 61 - apple cutting
HA! Another ambiguous episode title! Hard Shoulder as in Breekon & Hope being like solid wood when Daisy hit them (like them having a hard shoulder) and the hard shoulder of the road. Or possibly Daisy' shoulder was meant as well? Jarring her arm when hitting Breekon & Hope and then being hold with a firm grip by her shoulder so she wouldn't follow Zack into the coffin.
I love Fay's voice btw. I could listen to zir for hours.
JON "…Right. Um, so, you came to deliver one of the tapes. From Basira? The uh, the, the audio tapes. … So… can I have it? Please?" DAISY "I’m thinking." - Is it already happening here? Does Daisy already feel Jon's compulsion and tries to parse what it is? Because next time, she's already prepared:
JON "…If you don’t mind me asking, hhhow long have you been sectioned, now –" DAISY "[angrily] I do mind – … 14 years." - Here it definitely happened.
DAISY "Not as long as you understand my policy: if it gets out, I’ll break every bone in your body." JON "[sigh, muttering] There are worse things that could happen to them…" - It makes me sad, that he is already expecting all sorts of horrible fates that could (and will) happen to him.
(Cont.) DAISY "[confused, possibly offended] What?" JON "Uh, nothing. Uh, statement of Detective Alice “Daisy” Tonner of the London Metropolitan Police. What’s the subject?" - Peak office comedy again.
It's the 1st December. Jordan Kennedy's statement was on 3rd November, exactly 4 weeks ago. Including Jordan's and this statement, that means Jon recorded 7 real statements in a span of 4 weeks.
"A Wednesday afternoon doesn’t see a lot of traffic" - Is it also tradition in the UK that public services are closed on Wednesday afternoons? In the village I'm living in, even all the non-supermarket-chain shops have closed on Wednesday afternoon.
"Part of me wanted to spot some idiot who I could take my bad mood out on" - First time around I immediately decided that this character is an absolute asshole and that I hated her. (Wow, that would drastically change in S4…)
Seriously, delivery vans driving reaaaally slow I find justified to check out. That's very suspicious for not having their load secured correctly and that being the reason for them to drive so slow.
"The man who got out looked normal – so normal that these days I can’t really picture his face. Said his name was “Tom.”" - High probability that this is Not!Sasha's Tom.
"From the back of the van, there was a sound of moaning." - While on my first listen I was lucky to recently already have relistened to MAG 2, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to connect things (because I couldn't remember anything from that episode). But heavy rain and moaning I immediately thought that it's gotta be the coffin!
"I yelled at them to explain what the hell was going on, but they just stood there, staring at it. So I hit one of them with my baton." - Oh yeah, that Daisy definitely is an awful person…
"I shouted for him, started to run but I felt a huge hand grip my shoulder. I grabbed it with my good arm, tried to escape it, but the grip was too strong. The texture of the flesh was like hard rubber. All I could do was watch as my partner kept walking into the earth, on stairs that couldn’t be there." Isn't it ironic? Here they saved her, but the next time Daisy would see Breekon & Hope and the coffin again, Breekon will make her go into the Buried herself.
JON "Uh, there is one other thing – I’ve been meaning to ask Basira, but you might know better –" DAISY "I’m done." - He's doing it again…
(Cont.) JON "Oh – yes, it’s just, j– [quickly] do you know anything about vampires?" - Now here's why he makes the perfect Archivist. Just can't shut up, asking more and more questions even when facing possible violet people (and later monsters)… tbh I'd probably also totally abuse a power like this.
DAISY "[anxious, drawn] Don’t tell Basira. She doesn’t know about that procedure. I, I’m not sure how much she’d understand" - Daisy worrying about what Basira might think of her? Even if it's actually straight up killing monsters in this instance, but Daisy really don't want Basia to know what she's capable of.
It's interesting that the coffin is connecting Jon and Daisy that much. When they met for the first time Daisy tells her statement about the coffin. Next time both of them will be dealing with the coffin, they actually start bonding, which slowly turns into a genuine friendship.
JON "Well, that’s a matter for later. I need to go home. Try to get some sleep." - Good! Keep up that attitude!… I'm also going to sleep now XD
Fay's voice is indeed great,
The Archivist, The Wolf and the Coffin... sounds like a Narnia book
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griddlegold · 1 year
semicoherent bitching under the cut about a personal situation
lol so my friend i hooked up with right before they left (to go home to a different province) in april who then ghosted me and our entire friend group for four months called me out of the blue the night before lectures started like "heyyy how're things did classes start today" and it turns out that they were 1) still in their home province and 2) had declined housing and unenrolled from all their courses two weeks prior and not told any of us. they'd called because they'd changed their mind, and then changed it BACK and were regretting the original drop. and this entire phone call is them going "i miss you so much, i still owe you dinner, i miss [other mutual friends], i'm gonna see how i can come back because i miss you guys" and me listening to this like. you didn't talk to any of us for four months and didn't tell any of us you'd essentially dropped out. but yeah fine. so they come back yesterday. only a couple days in. i find out when they're back from our friend r, not from them, but Fine. i go to r's for their birthday dinner, which they postponed partially so that this friend could be back for it. friend hugs me for like fifteen seconds and keeps on with the "i missed you so much" thing. Fine. i'm Fine. they tell a couple different stories about people they hooked up with over the summer. n like. i knew they were pretty casual about that kind of stuff. i wasn't under a different impression. they slept with two different guys in the two or three days between when we got interrupted and when we actually hooked up. but like. could we Fucking Address This. Please. it's bad enough you ghosted all of us in a group but could i get any kind of like, particular acknowledgement over the fact that you slept with me and then immediately got on a plane and didn't fucking text me for FOUR MONTHS and then expected me to somehow magically solve your rash fucking decision that you didn't ACTUALLY TELL ANYONE ABOUT. YOU WERE GOING TO LEAVE THE UNIVERSITY ENTIRELY WITHOUT EVEN GIVING ANY OF US A HEADS UP. you were going to leave all of us behind without even a "hey btw" and we're all supposed to just go along with this. and i KNOW that you don't think it's a big deal and i think you think we're on the same page about that, but there's a difference between thinking being physically intimate with your friends doesn't need to be a huge defined deal and thinking it's fine to literally fly across the country six hours later and not talk to that friend for the next FOUR. FUCKING. MONTHS.
and the worst part is i will absolutely do it again if they want. would love to have more self respect than that but unfortunately i spent four months in near-complete social isolation so the minute they look at me with their stupid giant doe eyes i'm over
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Spoiler for my stories
One day later, back in the surface.
Bee who keep clinging onto you with weird face giggle as he hugs your arm: o-m-a-e~ 💕(´。• ω •。`) ♡
MC who remember stuff: (。・//ε//・。)y-yes???
Doll who is sipping a cola given by Blue spider: (c" ತ,_ತ) disgusting.
Mad Hatter who's brushing Sea long unruly hair: well no one told you to destroy the door without knock, now don't you? (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)
Sea who never have someone pulling his hair as rough Mad hatter does to make it straight: (˘・_・˘)
Doll: (`ー´)no one told ya to let ya self be kidnap by a seafood. (ʘ言ʘ╬)
Sea ( the seafood on question): (٥↼_↼) ...
Mad Hatter: hey now, don't be rude to our new friend, doll. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Doll: →_→ tks.
Reaper who's watching the scene: (ㆀ˘・з・˘) btw doll, blood never told me what yo--
Doll who remember things:
Doll: (ㆁωㆁ) what if I rip your heart out if you continue speaking such foul memories that once again resurfacing in my mind?
Reaper: (• ▽ •;)... W-waaa was it really that bad...
Doll, holds a cleaver as if wanting to batch it to Reaper: (ʘ言ʘ╬) I will make you stare at it If I can. I will torment you in the nightmare if I could.
Reaper, start to back away; e-ehh... W-why are you making such scary face.. (・_・;)
Sea look at the two who start to chase each other around the beach, he takes out a pearl and went to go to the two where doll is cornering reaper with a scary face.
Sea, pull doll: 'hold'
He telepathically says to the two . Doll raise his brow and went to do that, reaper did too. The moment reaper hold it, he sees things.
Reaper: (‘◉⌓◉’)i-i...
Doll: Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) wtf
Sea takes his pearl away from the two and reaper turn bright red from head to toe
And he fainted.
Doll, who quickly catch the unconscious reaper: Σ(°ロ°) R-REAPER!!!
Mad Hatter who watch the scene with his binoculars: huh. (´・ᴗ・ ` ) that's a funny sight.
Baby Blue who's being carried by mad hatter to bring to an upper place: ??? (◕દ◕)
Mad Hatter: (*°▽°*) people in this world are very fun and interesting. I do mean the good way... Even if they are me of another fortunate world. I'm still glad to able to see them.
Baby blue: (ㆀ˘・з・˘)???
Mad Hatter:
Mad Hatter:... I don't know what your talking about kana. It's probably memories I don't remember.
Baby blue who realize he spoke of something he shouldn't: Σ(°△°|||)︴
Baby blue: (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)!!!!
Mad Hatter: (¬ ¬)it doesn't matter if you slip a secret of you and Grey have... Some stuff is better not remember. Besides you two did those for a reason. I rather not question things of the me of before resetting myself.
Baby blue panic: {{ (>_<) }}!!!!
Mad Hatter: (︶︹︺) I'm mature enough to not be bother by those things... After all... It's not only that person who abandoned his name who been to stuff... For uncountable so years...
Mad Hatter stood up from the cliff his seating and stared at the view of the beautiful sea. He reach out to his chest hearing the sound of clock, as if in deep thoughts before he snap out of it before his hands piercing deep into his flesh out too deeply
Baby blue who sees what his doing: !!!!!! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
Mad Hatter:....
Mad Hatter:....
Mad Hatter:
The other only remain silent. Baby blue looks around and realized his friends isn't around. He panic before he knew it, his form change. The child form of his dormant state slowly become young adult like the canon kaname Toujou.
He smack blood behind the neck in a pressure point, blood who's already not in the right state of mind wasn't able to dodge or attempt at all. Kana held the unconscious blood before his surrounding by light, he disappear from the sight with blood, other spider who's alarm and quickly leave what they are doing and left.
For a few days to a week mad hatter don't appear.
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jvstheworld · 1 year
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E5 (part 2)
Reptile Boy
One reason I get annoyed with Angel is the way he talks to Buffy, he treats her like a child who doesn't understand her own mind. She might be 16 but that doesn't give him an excuse to talk down to her. He should talk to her like the young woman she is becoming.
Buffy lying to Giles, can't be good.
A sign of friendship, sharing snacks and drinks.
PSA time: Don't give in to peer pressure to do things you do not feel comfortable doing. If people or friends cannot accept your decisions then reconsider being around them. I speak from personal experience here, especially where alcohol is concerned. Drink culture in the UK is absolutely horrible if you are someone who doesn't drink. I've been called boring for not drinking, been told by friends that the reason they don't invite me out is because I don't drink and people think I will be judging them because they do. In all honest, I don't give a shit. It's your life and money, all I ask is that you don't force it on me. Simple. One story I can give to is that when I was 19 I worked as a waitress in a restaurant, and one night after closing all the staff that were there that night, sat around to have a few drinks and chat. One of the chefs saw I wasn't drinking and asked if I wanted one, I said no. A few minutes later, he asked again, I still said no. Then he asked again, and again, and again, and again. This went on for 20 minutes possibly 30, and every time he asked I said no. He only stopped asking because our boss, one of the managers, told him to stop and leave me alone. To which he did. But only because someone else told him to. The important thing is that I stood my ground, and if you are in a similar situation you should too. I know sometimes the situation can be scary, but your comfort and safety is more important than anything else.
Xander is not exactly a covert secret agent.
Older guy thinking younger girl is mature for her age. Do not be persuaded by this as a reason for someone liking you.
Oh no, Xander got made. He wasn't exactly inconspicuous.
Broken glass and boarded up windows, not good.
BTW, I like Buffy's dress.
Buffy and alcohol rarely go well together. This episode, 'Beer Bad, and 'Life Serial' really help to illustrate that.
So, the girl from the opening 'Callie' has been missing a week. How have they been keeping her alive?
I feel bad for Xander, the humiliation the frat boy are subjecting him to would be mortifying.
Buffy's drink was spiked! The drink she was given at the beginning of the party was probably spiked too. This is unfortunately an all too common story nowadays. There is also an increase of people being injected while on nights out. If this has happened to you, I am so very sorry that you have had to experience that. You have my deepest sympathies.
And then too make matters worse Richard, one of the frat boys tries to assault Buffy. His buddy Tom might stop him, but it's only so she can be fed to a demon. You sure we can't kill these guys?
Ritual sacrifices, 3 girls every year to get rich. Misogynistic assholes.
Willow going off on Giles and Angel. Let them have is girl! Stand up for your bestie.
Cultists can go get fucked.
Machida, weird reptile, snake demon. I feel for the person who had wear that costume.
'Hey, reptile boy' Buffy said the thing.
'No woman speaks to him.' Again, get fucked, ass clown.
Frat houses are technically public places since no one singular person or family lives there, which means Angel can go straight in.
You get your revenge, Xander.
And kill that demon Buffy. All is well again.
I think the reason why Giles pushes Buffy as much as he does is because he is scared of losing her again. So, he wants her to be extra prepared so that she never has to go through it again. I'm glad he backs off a bit, he sees where he is going wrong and changes to support her in the way she needs. I also like that he is not harsh on her for lying either.
Using Jonathan as your gopher Cordy. Now I feel sorry for him.
Hey, there's something we don't see often, real world consequences to human murderers on this show.
Xander is at least polite to Angel when greeting him after insulting him. That's a step in the right direction. A very tiny step.
Angel asks Buffy out on a date, finally. But you have to tune in for next time to see how it goes. Good to know that Willow actually got through to him.
This ended up being a lot longer than I expected. I like my tangents.
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514ko · 1 year
YNaM Retrospectives — Chap. III.S / 4
          Yet another Retrospective…  Feels like it’s been like a long time since the last one, but it’s only been a week…  Whew.  Maybe it’s because I’ve not been as active on Twitter as of late.  In any case—a warm thank you to those who are interested enough in my thoughts to read these little posts…  I hope you’re all doing well out there!!
          As always, here’s a link to the chapter in question:
          Hmm…  What mildly interesting stuff can I say about such a short chapter?
          Well, it did mark the end of a six-month-long hiatus, I guess.  God, looking back over it, I spent most of 2022 in hiatus…  Not for nothing, that second hiatus was the impetus for the Twitter account, and by extension, this blog—so that while I’m working on chapters, I can interact with people who like my work (which still blows my mind, btw) and let them know I’m still around~
          Chapter III.S was also the beginning of the roman numeral system—marking Koishi-only POV chapters with the roman numeral for ½, or S.  And I’m torn by this; I love the way it looks aesthetically, and how it clearly delineates the more introspective Koishi chapters at a glance, but I wonder if it causes more confusion for readers than it’s worth?  There’s no way to change the chapter numbers on AO3 (that I know of, anyway, maybe there’s a skin that can do it idk), and because of the S chapters it offsets everything so that now Chapter IV is actually Chapter 5 on AO3, and so on…  I’m this close to canning the numerals, and just referring to them by the AO3 numbers.  Kill your darlings and all that; I don’t want to confuse people unnecessarily, even for something I think is cool.
          As far as the content of the chapter—well, it’s the direct result of the first major plot holes I ran into in YNaM.  And it all comes from Flan, the troublemaker she is~
          Basically, as she was, Flandre had zero agency in the story.  She was the MC, and the primary POV character.  I’d originally wanted to tell the whole story from Flandre and Satori’s dual perspectives, but by the time III rolled around I realized it wasn’t possible anymore because Flan just wouldn’t.  Leave.  Her.  Room.  She wouldn’t seek Koishi out of her own accord, and would be content to just sit and stew…
          I couldn’t really have another character bring KoiFlan together, because no one knows they like each other yet (much less support it).  Originally, I was going to solve it by just having Koishi mysteriously show up at Flan’s doorstep and, y’know, force things to happen—but that solution left a bad taste in my mouth.  What’s the point of Flan being the MC if she has no agency in her own story? 
          So I made Koishi a POV character too.  And so, the point of Chap. III.S is to establish that, as well as Koishi’s own sense of agency, so that when she randomly appears in the next chapter it doesn’t feel so out of left field.
          And as it turns out, this idea of Koishi having more agency than Flan fits right in with the themes of YNaM, and even ended up influencing a number of later plot points—for instance, Koishi confessing to Flandre at the end of VI.  It’s funny how band-aid fixes you make early in a serial story end up influencing later events…
          One final note—this chapter is intended to be one of the two primary diverging points between YNaM canon and Touhou canon.  The first was Satori’s appearance at the Scarlet Devil Mansion in Chapter II, the first divergent point that allowed Koishi and Flandre to meet.  The second point was the direct result of that—the entirety of Chapter III.S.  Because if she hadn’t met Flandre in II, Chapter III.S would otherwise have been the night in which Koishi shuts her third eye, sewing it shut with that needle and thread.
          So yeah!  Short post for a short chapter.
          As far as new projects go—expect a little something for Flan day, 4th of July~  Nothing too much, but by golly I ain’t about to let another one of my favorite 2hu’s days go uncelebrated by me, I’ll tell you what—
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yukisnowywriting · 3 years
I Will Always Be With You, Promise.
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Karatachi Kagura x y/n
genre : angst, hurt/comfort, fluff.
warning : suicidal, depression, all that dark stuff
a/n : ayeeeee im back ayeee (no one probably cares but ayeeeee). this is quite OOC cuz my mans got no enough screentime and I just made this to comfort myself with some imaginations so yeah... Enjoy! (i swear theres so little fanfic of kaguraxreader)
I dont know kaguras age so lets just imagine hes 15 (ah... young love)
(btw u could change the chara u imagine if u dont like him or dont know kagura)
Being a rare child thats more smarter and talented than other people in kirigakure was a very great thing, the adults respect you, the mizukage knows of your well being, and its easier to win some quiz or test while ending up number one. A dream like life, atleast for everyone else. For y/n, the expectation of being number one burdens you too much. Especially for you who was still turning into a teenager.
The burden was too much until when you end up number one again, you stopped feeling happy nor proud. Y/n only wanted to spend atleast her teen years with friends your age and having fun.
ah right... you dont have friends your age (typical y/n, sad that im really like this). You only managed to talk to Kagura, well hes only 2 years older... eventhough you feel like hes avoiding you, maybe he hates you too.
guess you have nobody
Kagura POV
..."why is she so cute" (simp-)
Getting to introduce myself and to talk with y/n was the best mistake Ive made. Sad that we dont spend time that much. My heart races too much whenever I talk to her, this is bad for my health.
The way she smiles, walks, runs, everything she does makes my heart flutter...
we've know each other for two years, but it feels like theres a barrier between us that she made, always one step closer and two steps back.
i look at her from afar every time i get a chance to, i feel like im obsessed, but just seeing her blink makes me fall in love all over again.
i feel like at this point i know almost all her cute habits, what is she probably doing at the second, and many more. I wonder if I should... get closer to her.
maybe starting next week. i dont have any schedule next week anyways, and neither y/n
end of pov
one week later
You were just at your normal spot, a high cliff near the ocean, kirigakure sure has a very great view eventhough being called mist village. But today, life was more tougher on the little details than usual with you, and now when you see the ocean, you think 'how peaceful it is, even thy waves move with big heavy strokes, yet always reflected beautiful and peaceful.' and to get to the point, it felt so peaceful, that you felt like.... being in it will have you in peace.
You take on step to the edge, and another, and more follows as your eyes began to be lost of the people youve cared for.
you may have a little crush on that cute yet powerful blonde, and actually tried to convince yourself that the two of you were similar, you came to conclusion that the two of you are not to be compared. Kagura is way better than you, the gods picked him to support. He is just the same as you, a powerful individual, but not like you, he develops himself fastly, even when no one in the village turn to eye him as a person and not of the forth mizukage bloodline, he still grew into a powerful person to protect. How you envy his mind. How you hated that he could do what you cant. How you hated that you hate him so much but each time he sees you he gives you a smile and a compliment that youve always wanted. How he says "your a very exceptional person, not like what they say, your not just a genius, your also a very lovely person". You hate that everything he does makes you want to breathe another day just to see his smile. You hate that the fact that you will break into tears right now and stop the thing your going to right now if he comes up to you.
Just like right now...
As he took every confidence to stand beside you, he walks to your usual spot with the intention of getting more close to you by striking up a conversation and inviting you to spend the day with him.
But the moment he was there, he panicked as he sees you stepping towards the edge abnormally, it looks clear that you were trying to jump, but the waves today were too much for you to go swimming so he knows that whatever you were gonna do, it wasnt gonna be good. He wants to stop you but once he looks at you eyes from afar, he could sense all of your negativity and a little light that whispers your hope of wanting to dissappear from this world. As he stops and stands a few meters behind you, he ask "are you okay?". he seemingly did not catch your attention but know by how you fasten your steps little by little that you were still willing to jump.
He grabs your hand and spins you around, he bends his body a little to meet your eyes with one arm engulfing you in his embrace. "you had a bad day didnt you? do you want to share it with me?" he pulls away giving little space between you and him, as he gives you a warm gentle smile. you just looked down as tears start to escape your eyes, and little sobs break. he once again embraces you and gently tucks your head in his chest. After a few moments, you start to ramble on about what your feeling;
why does it have to be me? why do people carry me oh so high but when i fail, they turn their backs. they appreciate me when Im all correct but even 0.1 mistake can take effect... i dont like this... im still 13, in the last mission, people my age were running around, laughng with their friends. why cant i do that? i dont wanna keep being lcked up in a room reading books, i want to play too! i dont wanna do paperwork everyday! i want to go out relax with friends.... but all im expected to do is- is- learn- win number one- ranked number one- complete missions- and not fail... i dont like this... its to heavy... the pressure is suffocating me... i-i-
I dont wanna die...
she says to the person that embraces her lovingly for the first time. her last sentence was heard to be aa quiver as she continues her quite cries which were never heard before.
Kagura always knew her as a quite yet cheerful person. she brings a big positive energy to thee who is beside her. The moment she introduced herself to him for the first time, her voice was like light that could reassure people of their path and that everythings going to be okay. But he didnt knew that the one in need of the light is the light itself.
He strokes her hair gently as If she was made of glass. And silently snuggles closer to her smaller figure... Then he lets out a soft whisper
"you've went through so much until now. I can't comfort you nor can I help, but for now the only thing i can do is be by your side. We don't talk too much and we don't interact the most, so i think this is too early, but I love you. You did a great job, you've handled so much until this second, you've carried so much until now, even if people are dissatisfied of you, just remember, i will always be proud of you, i will always support you, and i love you"
"you could rest yourself now, even just for a second. Just rest and forget all of the pressure as if it doesn't exist." He continues
"i don't want anyone to hate me- i don't want to disappoint anyone" you wanted to continue but then he says
"even if the world is against you, i will always be by your side. Promise"
Everyone has their own bad side, and everyone makes mistakes, this was just a fanfic to comfort myself and also just me ranting. So this whole fanfic is probably to ooc, if u didn't like it, it's okay, if u like it then I'm glad. I don't see much Kaguraxreader fanfics, and i really need some whether in Wattpad or Tumblr or any other apps,
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