#Business Visitor
lexlawuk · 2 months
UK Business Visitor Visa Opportunities
Are you considering a short-term business trip to the United Kingdom? Whether you’re attending meetings, negotiating deals, or exploring market opportunities, the UK Business Visit Visa opens doors for individuals looking to engage in permitted business activities for up to six months. This visa, a subset of the Standard Visitor route, facilitates temporary stays in the UK without leading to…
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justaz · 4 months
visiting nobles/lords/royals quickly notice that merlin has arthur’s ear and that arthur values merlin’s opinion above all others. when they’re having trouble convincing arthur to go along w their plan or sign their Important Document, they go to merlin to try and convince him to convince arthur. merlin knows what they’re doing. merlin does not want to push arthur one way or another, he wants arthur to make his own choices and lead his people as he sees fit. merlin satisfies both of their needs by seeming apologetic that he can’t convince arthur of this but maybe they can and gives them “tips and tricks” on how to soften arthur up to agreeing to the plan.
its all bullshit.
so far he’s convinced a princess (looking for marriage) that arthur loves frogs and pranks so she filled his chambers with a bunch of toads (arthur is terrified of frogs), a lord (was “wronged” by another lord and wanted a portion of his land) that arthur is a fan of the arts, particularly music, and he ended up breaking into song and dance in front of everyone, and a nobleman (arguing against the repealed magic ban and hoping to bring back uther’s laws) that arthur LOVES potatoes and to just give him one throughout the day whenever he seems him so arthur will associate the nobleman with the joy of receiving his favorite food so he’ll be more inclined to the nobleman’s request (arthur despises potatoes).
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 9 months
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505 live at bbc studios, 2010 (x)
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megpricephotography · 10 months
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After the rain... & it was all quiet as we headed home, down the cobbled street.
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mcyt-headcannons · 6 months
Sheriff Jimmy’s Tumble Town is inhabited by ghosts
It’s a literal ghost town
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sshbpodcast · 2 months
Character Spotlight: Jake Sisko
By Ames
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We’ve talked a bunch of times on A Star to Steer Her By about how Jake Sisko is the best. He’s one of the best child characters in the whole Star Trek franchise, in both writing and acting (second to maybe Mezoti and/or Rok-Tahk). His relationship with his father is depicted so beautifully in so many episodes, as we’ll surely discuss below. And that kid’s personal style bypasses Wesley Crusher’s in every single way.
So this week, we’re picking up a Jake Sisko holonovel to read as your SSHB hosts declare our favorite Jake-O moments and scrape up some bad moments to consider. Our definition of what a Worst Moment is – which was shaky at best to begin with – gets really stretched this week. So enjoy them all below, listen to our chatter this week on the podcast (jump over to 1:01:52), and prepare for Jake Sisko to make a deal for you to have great damn day.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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“A” is for Apple, “B” is for Best friend ever Jake is just a straight-up good kid. So good that we happily forgive everything on our bad list, and this early moment really established what a pure heart he has. When Rom pulls Nog out of Keiko’s school in “The Nagus” and Sisko is about to get all racist at the Ferengi for corrupting his son, we learn that Jake has been sneaking off to teach Nog to read, squashing all the jumped-to conclusions and being the example that everyone on the station needs right now.
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Who wears the lobes in this relationship? Speaking of teaching things to Nog, when the two form the Noh-Jay Consortium in “Progress,” which is adorable enough on its own, Jake somehow schools Nog on the value of owning land when they start trading assets around. How a Ferengi doesn’t understand real estate is beyond me, but Jake knows a good deal when he sees one. Turns out Jake’s got the lobes!
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My friend’s real sorry for what he did In our Nog coverage on the podcast, I mistakenly sullied Jake’s name, claiming he started a fight with the Skrrean kids in “Sanctuary.” Well I was dead wrong! Jake, the ever goody-two-shoes, actually tries to prevent the fight and then does one better by patching things up with Tumak in line for the replimat later. How I could think Jake would have a vicious bone in his body was my error.
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I need to find what’s me While we gave Nog lots of props for pursuing his dream of being the first Ferengi to join Starfleet, Jake goes the opposite path, and we love him even more for it! You’d think with a father commanding a whole station, Jake would go the Starfleet route too, but in “Shadowplay,” he reveals he’d rather pursue something he’s more passionate about.
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First let me get the hang of flying at impulse When the away team gets captured during “The Jem’Hadar,” Jake and Nog sneak aboard the runabout to escape. Despite not knowing how to pilot the thing, Jake is able to elude disaster and invaders long enough to be rescued. Add to that the fact that they were there to ensure Nog got a passing grade, and Jake comes out as the hero of this episode! (Sorry, Quark.)
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If I go, you’ll be all alone Even though he wants to spend time with Leanne, Jake decides to accompany his father on the lightship in “Explorers.” This episode gives us some more of those patented lovely father-son moments of the two being honest and supportive of each other, as Jake expresses his interest in writing and also that he’s concerned about Ben coping without him if he went away to school.
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Something called “Sliding into Second” An episode later in “Family Business,” Sisko relents to Jake’s insistence that he get a girlfriend by going on a date with Kasidy Yates based on his son’s matchmaking skills. And it turns out Kasidy is perfect for Ben! Now whether Ben is perfect for Kasidy is another matter altogether that we hinted at a little in our Ben Sisko post, but let’s just say Jake has solid taste.
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To my father, who’s coming home I cannot overstate how beautiful “The Visitor” is, and at the center of it is Jake’s relationship with Ben, undoubtedly the strongest asset of all of Deep Space Nine. Jake’s love for his missing father is so strong and pure that he dedicates his life to getting him back from the white void. Is it what Ben would have wanted? Absolutely not. But is it perfect for Jake Sisko? Tremendously.
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You may be a little rusty, but you’re still the Chief When O’Brien has gone through literal decades of torture after his brain adventure in “Hard Time,” who better than Jake Sisko to help reacclimate him to all his tools? Jake, who apprenticed briefly under the Chief earlier in the series, shows characteristic patience and empathy for the man who is clearly in need of much rehabilitation and therapy.
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The line between courage and cowardice Cirroc Lofton gets his time to shine in “...Nor the Battle to the Strong,” providing an understandably terrified face to the front lines. Not only does he scrub up to help Julian and the other combat medics as injured soldiers start pouring in, AND thwart a Klingon siege by blasting out the ceiling, but he also reminds us that war is absolutely horrifying, in case we’ve forgotten.
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You can always find something that’ll make you smile Yet another feel-good moment comes from Jake in the entire lovetrip that is “In the Cards.” While trying to cheer up his dad by getting him a baseball card, Jake and Nog find themselves running a series of fetch quests that add up to one thing: finding ways to make everyone have a nice day, even in the middle of the Dominion War. It was a breath of fresh air in a very serious season.
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Let people read it and decide for themselves While Nog and the rest of Red Squad were entirely taken in by the opportunity to play war, Jake saw through Watters’s bullshit immediately in “Valiant.” He’s able to scrape Nog and Dorian Collins together and save them from destruction. And I’ve got to give him credit for endeavoring to write both sides of the story, without bias or condemnation, even if Watters deserves it.
Worst moments
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Watch the wheel, not the girl Boy, that Jake Sisko has a type, and that type is older Bajorans. We first meet Mardah in the flesh in “The Abandoned,” and not only is she a Dabo Girl (whom we know have sex acts with Quark written into their contracts), but she’s also too old for him. I don’t know what age of consent laws are in the future, but when she’s 20 and he’s 16, it just feels on the wrong side of legal.
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Stop calling her Nerys When things with Mardah don’t work out, Jake sets his sights on another Bajoran who’s definitely too old for him in “Fascination”: Major Kira. And sure, you could justify this one by saying that everyone on the station is affected by Lwaxana Troi’s Zanthi Fever, but out of all the uncomfortable pairings, it was this one that just felt kinda gross about it.
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I guess I just forgot you’re a Ferengi While we blame Nog for his terrible behavior during their double date in “Life Support,” Jake isn’t innocent either. First, how he let Nog weasel in is just a goofy plot device to make the episode happen. But also, Jake shows naivete on his part for not understanding that this is perfectly normal for a Ferengi, and blaming his friend for his upbringing isn’t a good look.
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So you’re Jennifer Sisko, but you’re just not my mom Okay, this one’s a little on Ben too for trusting mirror Jennifer to be alone with Jake, like a fool, but Jake’s whole attitude toward his mirror mom in “Shattered Mirror” plays right into her trap. He is so blindsided by her presence that he doesn’t think rationally, even if he’s heard the stories about how nefarious everyone is in the alternate universe. Jake, don’t trust this imposter!
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I can spot a creative soul a galaxy away Jake’s weird thing for older women shows up again in “The Muse” when Onaya easily manipulates the poor boy. This is just an episode after “Shattered Mirror,” when his mirror mom took advantage of his trusting nature and eagerness to believe people have good intentions. And this soul-sucker preys on him so easily because he lets himself get taken in.
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How much laundry is too much laundry? One last one that’s on both Nog’s and Jake’s list somewhere, since the two are so intertwined: While Nog has become a complete square in “The Ascent,” Jake has turned into a slob so comically disorganized that it stretches credulity. Nog is literally gone for several hours and when he’s returned, Jake’s laundry coats their quarters. How is that even possible?
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These visions, they’re not worth dying for This is one of those instances that’s more bad for Jake than bad for us at home. When Ben is catatonic from prophet visions in “Rapture,” it’s Jake’s responsibility as next of kin to decide his fate. He chooses for his father to live, partly selfishly, even though it’s not what Ben would have wanted. But really, I say they should have put this decision on Joe and not a teenage boy.
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Just remember, Bashir is spelled with an I Consistently, it’s a running joke on the show that Jake’s spelling is poor. It comes up a couple of times! Nog has to correct all his spelling in “The Ascent.” Sisko points it out when he reads Anslem in “The Muse.” And clearly he spelled Dr. Bashir’s name wrong in his article from “...Nor the Battle to the Strong” because Julian reminds him of the spelling in “Call to Arms.”
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This is where I belong After all the Starfleet personnel have abandoned the station in “Call to Arms,” Jake opts to stay behind to do some journalism work, hoping that his status as the Emissary’s son will keep him safe because the Bajorans will revolt if some harm comes to him. So he effectively makes himself a hostage of the Dominion just for a writing gig. Weird flex, Jake-O.
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What about freedom of the press? And then the stories Jake writes about the Dominion occupation don’t even go anywhere because Weyoun keeps intercepting them in “A Time to Stand”! Jake, my dude, you can’t go writing clearly biased stories and thinking they’ll make it to your audience. You think Weyoun’s going to let you interview him when he knows your angle? Oh you sweet summer child.
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Anything for a story I’ll admit that Jake’s actions and uncharacteristic ability to see through bullshit in “Valiant” were commendable, but his reasons for being there in the first place were thin at best. He weasels into Nog’s trip to Ferenginar to try to get an exclusive interview with the Nagus. Presumptuous much, kid? This after promising to Nog that he wouldn’t be acting as a reporter on his mission.
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Please, no more Vic Fontaine! When Nog returns to the station in “It’s Only a Paper Moon” after his leg replacement and clearly suffering from PTSD, the support he gets from friends, family, and professional therapists alike is laughable. Even Jake. It strikes me as out of character that Jake fails at being tolerant of Nog’s wishes during a painful time. Maybe get the guy some comically large headphones instead of kicking him out next time.
Send this one off to the presses because we’re done! We’ve still got some more Deep Space Nine characters to spotlight coming up, so keep following along for those. We also hope you’re watching Enterprise along with us over on SoundCloud or wherever you get your podcasts. You can play some dot-jot with us over on Facebook and Twitter, and check your spelling before submitting because evidently there’s no Clippy on DS9!
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phantompages · 8 months
I'm thinking about this idea a bit more, and I think instead of Shigeo enrolling into UA, even if the General Studies course, I'd like to see Teru take a crack at it actually. Shigeo's off in a non-heroics high school just working on bettering himself while Teru goes straight for UA's Hero course, after all he's worked with Seasoning City's totally legitimate hero and psychic Reigen Arataka.
Teru's already had his development in middle school, and now he gets to impart this wisdom upon the kids of UA, he's an amazing fighter with excellent control over his powers (are they still psychic powers or a Quirk here I haven't decided yet) but most importantly he's a great rescue hero. He always makes sure to get civilians to safety and does what he can to subdue threats, he's gotten plenty of practice in after all the stuff that's gone down in Seasoning after all.
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bleaksqueak · 5 months
There is one Anon Asker that I recognize immediately when popping up in my inbox since they always send me cute little emojis posing their question and always give me fun slice of life asks for things that I sometimes haven't considered yet... So, with that said, I always feel tiny tiny guilty when I can't get to their asks right away esp, because I love the little emoji and I know it's there waving at me or asking me things and I haven't been able to split my attention from canon story work long enough to answer yet lol so, to the Emoji Asker esp, thank you for waiting... i will be with you shortly. 🐀💚
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bigman-birdism · 6 months
Tommy this shit SUCKS bro - @thefragranceman
what the HELL man !!! why are you so critical !!!
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seelestia · 1 month
hi lia!!! i just wanted to check on you :>
hi hi, vi!!! struggling a little with getting my license (send help uwuauwu) but i've been good so far ‹3 hru??? has college let u off its shackles for a bit /lh
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How Many website Visitors Are You Really Losing?- Things you should know✅
Are you frustrated by your website's high bounce rate?
Do you feel like you're losing visitors before they even have a chance to explore your content?
Don't worry, you're not alone. Many website owners struggle with this issue, but the good news is that there's something you can do about it.
First, it's important to understand what a bounce rate is. Simply put, it's the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate can indicate that your website isn't engaging enough or that your visitors aren't finding what they're looking for.
But what's causing your bounce rate to be so high?
That's where things get interesting. There could be a number of factors at play, from slow load times to confusing navigation. By taking a closer look at your website's analytics, you can start to uncover the truth behind your bounce rate.
Once you have a better understanding of what's causing visitors to leave your site, you can take steps to improve the user experience. This might mean redesigning your homepage, simplifying your navigation, or optimizing your images and videos.
Ultimately, the key to reducing your bounce rate is to make your website as user-friendly and engaging as possible.
By taking the time to identify and address the underlying issues, you can start to attract and retain more visitors.
So don't let a high bounce rate hold you back - take action today and start seeing the results you deserve!
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lexlawuk · 4 months
UK Business Visit Visa: New Permitted Work Related Activities
On December 7, 2023, the UK Government introduced a statement of changes to immigration rules, ushering in a new era of flexibility for visitors engaging in work-related activities. Effective from January 31, 2024, these changes aim to enhance short-term mobility, particularly for those involved in business activities. In this article, we delve into the key amendments and shed light on how these…
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www-songbird · 8 months
I'm curious as to why you have pro-shippers in your dni. Do you believe that whatever taboo fiction they create and/or consume is directly influential to their real-world interests/morals? Do you believe that every trope in the problematic ship they like, they want the same thing to happen in real life? Because if you ask the psychologists, they'd tell you that it's false. Fiction doesn't affect anything in real life unless you let it (then the responsibility would fall under you, neither the media nor the creator of it).
it’s a matter of personal preference and opinion, really. to me, supporting a problematic ship pairing—fiction or nonfiction—such as incest is sort of akin to feeding chocolate to a dog, as it goes against my morals and what i’m currently comfortable with. take kaeluc for example, kaeya was adopted into ragnvindr family and became diluc’s adopted brother, and despite knowing this, people are still pairing the two of them together romatically. yes, they may not be biologically related, so they think it’s okay (it feels as though that seems to be their only excuse when asked ‘aren’t they brothers?’), but they are still family—adopted or not. in short, i just feel that it’s not morally correct. i don’t like talking about these things too much, but i hope this clears up some questions about the topic.
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sassygwaine · 1 year
hi hi hi
the thing they don’t tell you about unmasking is that there will be situations where you will have to continue to mask
and it will hurt now, to correct yourself
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devilsskettle · 2 years
i mean it is insane behavior to marry someone you just met because they’re mistaking you for someone else but sebastian does make a real effort at rationalizing that decision, which is more than you can say for any of the other characters in the play besides viola, who has to stay very cognizant of not being too insane in public for her own well-being
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wvrlock · 9 months
// speaking of tatu one day I'll transcribe some of the lore on alijae elves that my dm sent me because it's soooo good. "the other elves are stuck-ups who aren't willing to do what needs to be done, but WE are ready to throw our traditions off the window, reveal our ancient secrets and pact with demons if that's what it takes to preserve our homeland. also we built our entire new culture around writing down information and sharing stories in case we went extinct for choosing to fight instead of being cowards 😘"
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