#Permitted Paid Engagement
transmutationisms · 1 year
when you say “positive / negative right”, what do those mean?
thanks for the good posts :)
a negative right is a claim to protection from some sort of interference; a positive right is a claim that the other party has an obligation to act in some way beyond just refraining from causing harm. for example, the right to free speech is generally spoken about as a negative right: it guarantees me the freedom from state intervention into what i can say. a right to health, on the other hand, would be a positive claim that i should be guaranteed access to things like clean air and water, health care, sick leave, &c.
in practice this distinction is actually much messier than i'm making it sound, and most 'negative rights' are basically meaningless without positive interventions, except in the fantasyland of libertarian political discourse. for example, the united states prohibits one human being from enslaving another (a negative right to legal and bodily freedom) but simultaneously engages in, and permits, incarceration with & without forced and un(der)-compensated labour requirements. the state is not actually granting freedom, and slavery has only been outlawed on a very limited and technical basis. another example is the right to abortion, which, prior to the dobbs decision, was legal in the us on the basis of a 'right to privacy' as established in roe v wade—a freedom from specific interventions in one's medical decisions. however, for decades the actual right to abortion was eroded by the us's lack of universal health care and paid time off, and by laws that became progressively more restrictive in terms of when in a pregnancy abortions were allowed, what clinics had to do in order to be allowed to operate, and what requirements patients had to satisfy first (waiting periods, ultrasounds, &c). in practice this meant that fewer and fewer people could actually access abortion, despite having, technically, legal protection from government interference in its provision. even freedom of speech falls apart as a purely negative right, because, as i've said before, most enforcement of speech limitations actually happens via economic mechanisms like the threat of losing your job—meaning, the operative issue here is not usually whether the state can directly censor me but whether i risk starving to death if a corporation disliked what i said. in other words, what makes my speech vulnerable is the fact that i live in a society that does not guarantee me food, shelter, and basic necessities as positive rights.
negative rights appeal to liberals and other reactionaries because they're framed as maximising everybody's freedom: your actions are only constrained if they risk impinging on me. however, in actuality what this means is that a right defended on 'negative' grounds is basically incapable of redressing existing social and political inequities, and instead upholds or even exacerbates the power dynamics already in effect. i am actually not a huge fan of 'rights' as a legal framework period, and i think a well-defended 'positive right' is really moving beyond the construal of 'rights' and into a more materialist and socially contextualist framework, but that's a different post.
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tavyliasin · 2 months
Fanfiction and Profit
Hello loves~ I’ve seen this pop up now and then, about fanfiction and commissions, profit and whether we can pay someone to write the fic we want to read. Unfortunately, I have to be the bearer of bad news:
You absolutely, unequivocally, cannot and should not pay or be paid for fanfiction.
Why not? Well, let’s go over this topic with a look at what fan works are, how we can use them, and where these rules came from.
Why can’t we profit from our hard work? Is this fair?
There are a lot of reasons, and I want to start off with saying this is not about whether it is fair or right, it is a simple statement of the rules by which our hobby, our passion, is permitted to live and thrive. The law does not consider fanfiction to be transformative enough to be legal to profit from, and you will find that AO3 itself explicitly does not allow payment, commissions, or any direct payment sites to be linked on the platform.
I’ll say that one again - it is fully against AO3’s Terms and Conditions to advertise any paid work on the website. You will be warned by moderators if you’re found doing this, and may risk entirely losing your account.
It’s essentially legally complex. The only reason we are allowed to write and share fanfiction at all is because it is non profit. We can’t be sued for making money from someone else’s intellectual properties if we’re not making any money from it.
Why are fan art, songs, and other mediums allowed to profit when we can’t?
This is another piece of nuance for you, which not everyone will agree with. Art is considered to be more transformative, and is generally viewed differently as a medium.
But I will also say here we can look at it purely from a business angle, the legal side that the IP rights holder will be viewing it from too: Fan art can often attract people in to a fandom, to find out who this interesting character is or what the source of the art was. It adds profit to the original creator by bringing new fans to the table.
Fanfiction, on the other hand, is almost exclusively read by people who have already consumed the original media and are looking for new stories. I would argue it is exceptionally rare for someone to read fic before they’ve engaged with the source material. Fic often relies on the reader knowing the characters and stories already, so we can shorthand the exposition and everyone understands what’s going on and why.
When did this become the rule?
The “Elders” of fanfiction will give you a thousand yard stare with this one, because it largely comes back to JRR Tolkien’s estate and Anne Rice. Both were very unhappy with fanfiction existing at all, and are the reason why you might well still see disclaimers at the top of some fics mentioning that all characters, worlds, etc belong to the original rights holders and the work is one of fanfiction that the author does not profit from in any way. Tolkien’s estate and Anne Rice both set legal challenges against fanfic writers, threatening the entire hobby and setting legal precedents at the end of it for what we can and cannot do. What we can do? Write transformative works, based on existing IPs, and share them for free with no profit or money exchanged at any point.
But what about exchanges?
You can offer to exchange fic for fic, or swap art and fanfic. This isn’t getting paid because you aren’t profiting from it, but if you want to encourage someone and be encouraged in return, that is a potential way to do it. So an artist might draw a scene, character or pairing that you love, whilst you write a fic for them. It’s swapping a gift for a gift in that way, and although you could assign monetary value to commissioned art, you aren’t actually exchanging money. It might seem like a bit of a loophole, but it is one that rights holders shouldn’t be able to be upset by really. I can’t see myself how a legal challenge could be raised for damages on that basis, so it should be safe. If you’re not an artist yourself but do want to see something specific from a writer, you could offer to commission art on their behalf in exchange for the fic. It’s imperfect, but in the end you’re supporting both an artist and a writer in that exchange, even if the writer is only gaining a product instead of money, as long as they're not selling it on again.
What if I want to commission someone to write something I want to read?
Well, unfortunately, if you want them to write fanfiction, that’s not possible. You may find some writers are willing to take on prompts, though! Tumblr can be a good one for that, as writers sometimes specify that their ask boxes are open for fic prompts that they might consider writing. You can also try approaching a writer who has written in a style you like and as if they would be willing to write a piece based on your idea or pairing, though you should double check what pairings and topics they’re comfortable writing first.
Isn’t there anything I can do with my writing skills?
Plenty of things! You can use fanfiction as a way to warm up into writing skills in general. Get some practice, feedback, and validation to know you’re on the right track. It’s a wonderful low pressure way to get a feel for fiction writing in general and work out what kinds of stories you’d like to tell.
In some cases, you might be able to take a fanfic you have written and rewrite it to become something original - this might need a lot of work in changing enough names and details for it to become removed from the IP that it was initially based on, but this is certainly something people have done in the past. Most famously, 50 Shades of Grey (my opinions of which are astronomically low for so many reasons, but this is not the place for those) began life as a Twilight fanfiction. 
Writing original fiction will always have its own unique challenges, and is a different experience to fic. For one thing, you need to establish your setting and characters because your readers don’t know them yet. Another that many find tough is going through the writing process without any feedback from beta readers or getting kudos from published chapters. Then, of course, publishing is its own beast… But if you want to profit from writing, then you need to either have a paid role as a writer on a specific IP project, or you need to write your own works and look at getting them published (the main 3 options would be self pub, indie publishers, or trad pub - they all have their pros and cons for different things, so it’s something to do proper research on before committing to any one path).
I found someone offering paid fic, what should I do?
I recommend gently warning them. Not everyone is aware of the risks, so giving them a kind heads up is probably the best bet. You can even direct them to this post if you like, to save re-explaining it all. If they don’t listen, then unfortunately you may need to report their account to AO3 so the moderators there can give them a more formal warning that might be taken more seriously. I have no doubt that the AO3 mods will be able to explain it more clearly and concisely than I can, too.
I have taken payment for fic in the past, what should I do?
First, I'm not here to blame you. Not everyone knows the rules or history - that's why I'm here to share the explanation for anyone who didn't know~ But what you need to do now is immediately stop any offers to take commissions for fanfiction. Scrub your AO3 of any links to payment sites, and remove any reference to "commission" or "paid work" in your writing wherever it is shared. Clean everything up so you are safe from any legal repercussions, and you may need to refund any incomplete commissions. Take a look at the other ways you might be able to earn from your writing, or options for exchanges you might be happy with for writing something bespoke for someone else. We can't change what has already been done, but we can move forward when we know better so we can do better.
Conclusion? Where are we with fic and profit?
The bottom line is the same as the top - for the safety of our fandom communities, we must never accept or offer payment for fanfiction. Doing so not only risks the individual author, but the entire community as a whole. We might not agree with it, and that’s not the conversation I’m here to have, but this is the way things are. It’s not something that can be changed, so we should respect the playground we are in and take care not to end up having the whole place torn down. Fanfic writing is a hobby, and one that brings us a whole lot of community, joy, creativity, and a way to extend the love of a franchise far beyond the ending of the canon content. We get to create and play with all kinds of toys in the toybox in whatever ways we like - that’s special, and I feel we should respect and protect that.
So, we’ll end it here - go, have fun writing, build your skills and style, find and delight your readers, just keep in mind everything that got us here and everything in the future that we want to preserve~
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
Death and Gifts
Death has existed since time untold, but now with mortal friends, he has found himself in a bit of a pickle. Having been introduced to the concept of repayment, he now feels the need to return the kindness his friends have offered.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately for everyone involved, Death pays his debts in full.
Previous part here.
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Death, or rather Orion Pax, was familiar with the concept of an exchange. Shanix was traded for resources or goods, life was traded for death, and knowledge was traded for service. He knew this, but he eventually came to a rather startling realization upon going through a series of datapads on mentality.
According to what he read, relationships were also a form of exchange. In a relationship of any sort, both parties were to give and take in equal exchange. Service was to be repaid in some way, shape, or form. Emotional care was to be provided in turn, and friends were meant to create bonds through a series of debts to one another in the form of attention, time, and service. To Orion, it was a wakeup call and prompted a severe misunderstanding.
Throughout his entire stay in the mortal plane, he had been receiving the time, attention, and service of his companions. He had been unintentionally indebting himself to them, and at this point, he was swimming in things that needed to be repaid. Ratchet gave knowledge and care freely, and that needed to be repaid as soon as possible. As did Megatron's dutiful companionship. There was much to do, and so Death prepared to repay that which was owed... in his own unique way.
Ratchet was his first and oldest companion. As such, Orion began devising ways to repay him first. Ratchet made his life easier and gave him understanding, Orion could do the same in turn. Thus, over the course of a few weeks, Death began to dig into Ratchet's history, connections, and prospects. The medical student had a few... blotches in his social life that Orion frowned upon seeing. An overenthusiastic ex, a corrupt higher up refusing Ratchet the title of doctor, and a bully who harassed his friend on the daily. Death does not usually pick favorites, but when it came to his friend and his debts, he was willing to compromise.
He spent what time he could with Ratchet, trying to return the emotional support through actions. And when he wasn't otherwise engaged, he put pieces in motion. He couldn't directly do anything, not without making his siblings upset. But setting up scenarios that would lead to death were not exactly off limits. So long as he wasn't there or forcing the death to happen, he wasn't responsible. So what if that one unfortunate ex got into a bad crash? He could have avoided it if he'd tried harder and paid attention. Why should it bother Death that a corrupt doctor overdosed on recreational drugs? The mech was living on borrowed time anyway. The bully ended up being arrested? Well isn't that unfortunate.
Ratchet did not grieve much, and Death was there with him all the way. He still had debts to repay, and Ratchet was worth so much more than being a mere Doctor. Perhaps it was a bit of bias, but Orion couldn't help but pull a few strings. Sometimes the corrupt needed to fall ill to make way for those who were far more suited to the roll. If Ratchet gave Orion a few side glances after he was suddenly promoted to the role of CMO, neither of them acknowledged it.
Ratchet: That mech... did you kill him?
Orion: I am forbidden to directly intervene in the affairs of your kind.
Ratchet: Did you cause this to happen?
Orion: You have been kind to me, you have given me much. It is a debt I will repay.
Ratchet: Orion, please, you don't need to-
Orion: You are of my chosen. Your purpose far exceeds those of the lesser.
Ratchet: You aren't like this. You don't usually have an opinion on anything, at least not like this.
Orion: It was, and it is still not permitted. But I will not allow that which was offered to go unrepaid.
His debt was nowhere near paid, but Orion had little else he could do. HIs friend was soaring high, and so in a bit of desperation, he focused on the rules to see what else he could possibly effect. Direct intervention was out of the question, but perhaps he could give a gift.
It wasn't against the rules to simply remove a block within a mech.
Death smiled when Ratchet found himself with an uncanny ability to sense death before it arrived. The doctor was able to solve cases before they reached a breaking point and determine a cause of death effortlessly, seemingly without any explanation. Ratchet chalked it up to his own skill, and Death grinned as he turned to his next set of debts.
Jazz was next, but for Death, he was hard to fully place. Jazz was an odd one, and repaying debts with him would be difficult. Jazz's situation did not allow for mecha to perish unfortunately. He was in too delicate of a position for that to happen and not harm him. But Orion could give him information. That much he could do. Jazz was an agent, a spy for the Council. Death dug through every case Jazz was involved in with fanatic determination, and once he had everything prepared, he began his work.
Cold cases were suddenly given new evidence as Death searched for the dead within the Allspark and questioned them. Information Jazz could not reach was put before him on a silver platter as mecha with the details found themselves incapacitated by unfortunate accidents. Those who hunted his friend were quickly silenced, not through supernatural means, but through blackmail Orion had from the Archives. To top if all off, Death gifted his friend an ability. When Death came to fallen, they trusted him instinctually. They knew what he was. To Jazz he gave a lesser version of the same gift, merely accentuating Jazz's already powerful charisma with a touch of the calm of the void.
Jazz noticed, but he said nothing. Death merely smiled.
Megatronus was not difficult to repay. Death merely began rigging things in his favor. Well, not necessarily rigging. But the odds tipping ever so slightly in his Champion's favor were not against the rules. Who was ever going to concern themselves with a blade sliding off Megatronus's armor and shattering instead of piercing. Bad craftsmanship had its effects after all. Who would be anything except awed when old wounds healed perfectly and Megatronus returned to the arena without issue? The Champion made all sorts of money for his sponsors. His success was theirs.
Orion's siblings watched him in wrath, further tightening his reigns. But Death would not halt. He could not gift abilities as obvious as he had to Jazz and Ratchet, but it was not out of the question to give Megatronus a more intimidating aura. All it took was for Death to touch him once every few cycles, and Megatronus would carry the stench of death wherever he walked. His foes feared him, and Orion laughed lightly as he watched their terror firsthand. It was not a gift, merely his presence having its effect. His siblings could not punish him for that.
Prima: You cannot keep doing this Thirteen. You are stepping beyond your bounds.
Death: I am following the rite.
Vector: You are not. Your influence has expanded beyond the limits set in place for all Primes. Continue down this path, and we shall be forced to step in.
Death: What must I do to gain the ability to expand?
Micronus: There is no-
Onyx: Expand. Grow.
Prima: Onyx enough!
Onyx: He has the right to know. We have known since the children of Primus walked the world. To keep him in the dark is cruel.
Death: What do you know?
Onyx: The rite forbids that I speak plainly, but continue as you are, and soon enough your reach will expand. The children of Primus are eager to believe.
Death considered the words of his peers, and ultimately he elected to follow Onyx's advice. He was Death, he was allowed to act as he saw fit, at least to a degree. He would obey the rites and rules, but if the children were in danger... well, rules were made to be broken on occasion.
Soundwave was the last on his list, largely because he was Megatronus's favorite. Death looked upon him and decided against any action, instead opting to give a simple gift to repay his debts. Soundwave stalked the halls, and Death dragged him into the shadows. It was for a brief moment, but when he released the spymaster and met his gaze back in the normal plane, Soundwave shakily got to his pedes, and Death smiled again. He enjoyed smiling. Such a silly thing, but one that held so much meaning.
"This gift I have given to repay my debts. The void now knows you, it has tasted your frame. Do not linger long within its grasp, but it welcomes you, should you wish to traverse the dark paths."
He left quietly, and Soundwave for his part shook like a leaf. The work was done, and now Death had largely repaid his debts.
However if a few particularly devoted mailmecha found themselves avoiding trouble and injury with surprising grace, then who were they to judge? Death would repay his debts, regardless of the outcome.
Megatronus, Ratchet, and Jazz were all very much aware that Orion had done something to them, but by the time they came to understand their new gifts, they opted not to ask. Whatever Orion was, he was old, and he was powerful. No longer was he a spark eater in disguise or some old monster. Rather, he had to be a Quintesson or a creation of them. There was no other explanation, not unless one wanted to begin believing in fairy tales about Primes and their power.
Death, oblivious to it all, continued merrily while quite content to have finally "made things right."
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bleach-your-panties · 7 months
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First of all, I just want to say THANK YOU to all of my mutuals, readers, and followers.
I write what makes me happy first and foremost, but it makes me so excited to see that others enjoy and look forward to my work! ✨️
So for that, I'd like to celebrate with a lil contest.
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🎀𝒞ℴ𝓃𝓉ℯ𝓈𝓉 ℛ𝓊𝓁ℯ𝓈🎀
1. This contest is for my MUTUALS and FOLLOWERS only.
🎀Mutuals: Meaning I am following you and you are following me. It will look like this when we interact:
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🎀Followers: Meaning you are following me, but I am not following you. It will look like this when I post or interact with you:
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Only enter as either a mutual or as a follower.
2. Fill out my commission form here. The winning entries will be treated as if they were paid commissions, so please read the original commission post here and read all guidelines on the form carefully before submitting it.
3. There will be 4 winners in total. 2 mutuals and 2 followers.
4. Yes, you can still enter as a follower even if you started following me as soon as you saw this post. I will do two drawings for followers, one for new followers and one for the OG's.
♡Keep in mind!! I will only be including followers that have interacted with me or my posts. Ghost followers are fine to have, but it is not fair to others who actively engage if you get chosen over them.
6. If I check your blog and the first thing I see is a meme, you're getting blocked. If your blog looks inactive, block. No pinned post or visible, BELIEVABLE age anywhere, blocked. Do not fill my entries up with spam, you will not be counted.
🎀Directions for Completing Commission Form for Contest Entry:
1. On question #1, type your preferred name/alias, pronouns, age, blog name with @ symbol, and whether you're entering as a moot or a follower.
2. Fill out the rest of the form as usual.
3. When you reach the payment question, select 'other' and type in 'contest entry'.
4. Submit.
5. I WILL delete any incomplete entry forms, duplicates, or entries that did not adhere to the guidelines.
6. You may submit an anonymous entry, but you still have to list your actual blog URL (it will not be tagged if you win) and I MUST have a valid form of contact for you as well as an age verification. See the commission form for complete details.
🎀Winner Selection Process:
1. On Saturday, March 16th, 2024 at 16:00 US CST (4:00 pm US CST), I will live screen record from my phone or laptop as I put all of the names into the random name generator.
The recording will be removed from my page after I have contacted the winners, but the video will be kept as evidence that I indeed did not choose favorites.
2. Once I contact you, if you've won, please respond promptly so we can hash out any fine details and I can begin working on the piece.
🎀Final Notes:
Alongside the contest, I will be running a 10% off promo on my writing commissions during the entire RSVP period (2.29-3.15)!!🎂🥳🎊
Discount code is ' SWEET1600 ' (do not include quotations)
♡kofi-page for commission ordering
♡make sure you've filled out the commission form first!
♡thanks again for helping me to hit this special milestone!💞
♡i will be sharing this post periodically over the next 2 weeks.
(*I've been having issues with my PayPal, so please bear with me while I get that handled!*)
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*please direct any questions about the contest to @bleach-your-panties or @1zurusprinc3ss DM's. questions about commissions/ordering will go to my email (ask)*
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hey, I heard you liked assassin AUs? this ask turned out long as eff, whoops.
tw: mentions of death, murder, gore, dismemberment, mutilation, poison, and probably more. General assassin stuff. (not described, just mentioned)(murder, death, and poison are mentioned throughout, but the rest is just in the first paragraph)
Everyone has heard of the Duke, he’s a terror. He kills for anyone who pays him, and he does it gruesomely. If you want hearts ripped out of chests, people ground into sausage meat, one body part sent to each of the corpse’s loved ones, you go to the Duke. I heard he lives in the forest near… I know someone who knows someone… he’s easy to find, just go north. The Duke is the kind of story older kids tell to their younger siblings. He’ll find you, he’ll rip you in half… Other, less well-known assassins have said that he won’t last long. They’ve seen killers with his style before, they get careless. They get caught. It hasn’t happened yet though, so who knows? One of those assassins is found impaled the next day, DUKE carved into his chest as a warning to the others. 
Very few have heard of Anxiety. 
Good, Virgil thinks, as he slips ricin powder into a teabag. (He works as a castor oil salesman, he has to use the byproduct for something.) He mails the teabag to the address written on the discreet envelope he had received, and another corrupt politician is dead within the month. Technically, Virgil’s never killed anyone. It’s none of his business what his clients do with his products, after all. 
One day, Virgil is collecting the mail from the false address he uses as Anxiety, and he notices a letter. The stationery is too fancy, the handwriting would be easily identified—either this client is very stupid or they don’t care about being found out, which amounts to the same thing regardless. He carefully opens the letter.
It contains a hundred worth of marks, and instructions.
The instructions say to travel to the royal court. To get a job as a servant in the palace kitchens. To administer his product to the king and four others, whose names Virgil only vaguely recognizes. They must be important, though, for this much money.
He doesn’t usually travel, and this job seems dangerous... Clearly, more factors are at play here than a hired killer is permitted to know. But the letter promises four hundred more when the murder is done, and, well, that’s a lot of money. Virgil would be set for life. And who knows the consequences if he declines? 
He starts a mental packing list, and is on the road to the court within the week. 
idk yet what happens next—my current idea is that Remus is also hired to kill the same people, and only the person who completes the job gets paid for it. That’s not great though… I kinda feel like one of them (probably Virgil) would just give up on the job if there was competition. It’d be pretty easy to contrive a reason for them to Not Do That—maybe if they don’t complete the job, they get killed? Virgil’s mysterious employer is already planning to kill him when the job is done, though—can’t have anyone knowing that you were (indirectly) the one to kill the previous king. Virgil isn’t fully aware of his employer’s plans, but he suspects. Virgil suspects everything. Paranoia keeps him alive. 
WAIT ACTUALLY IDEA (you are watching me brainstorm this au in real time)(ooh, how would a brainstorm work in the Mindscape? anyways)
I stopped typing for a sec and my brain wandered over to thinking about where the other sides could come into this au. (bear with me. also, this idea isn’t necessarily better than the last one. you have been warned.) 
So. Virgil’s employer (who I will call M. Evil or probably Mevil from now on) is probably killing the four people who are ahead of them for the throne, right? 
And Roman is a prince, right? 
So: Remus is Roman’s brother… c!Thomas is their dad… Logan and Janus are also ahead of Mevil for the throne (maybe one or both of them is engaged to Roman)… See where I’m going with this? (Maybe? Yes? No?)
(and Patton is the royal baker, Virgil’s boss while he works at the palace. Nobody is trying to kill him, but he might be accidentally endangered anyways)
okay, so Remus is the black sheep of the family, as he is wont to be in basically every AU I write. Being the Duke is sort of his side hobby? (Legally, he is a duke. Being a serial killer is the side hobby) He travels a lot, which is fairly normal for nobility. And wherever he goes, bloodshed follows.
There are theories among the kingdom that the Duke is following Remus, disturbingly obsessed with him. No one suspects that Remus might be the Duke, because Remus is a public figure and is ostensibly under too much scrutiny to get away with literal murder. Interestingly enough, it’s usually the crown’s political opponents who are murdered? Who knows why that could be. 
Somehow (brainstorm first, details later) Remus hears of a plot to murder himself, his twin, his father, and a few of his favourite court members. He travels back to the court to protect them, because who can defend from an assassin better than an assassin? He immediately clocks Virgil as the would-be-killer, they mutually attempt to kill each other a few times, then they fall in gay love and kill Mevil. The end. 
hmm. not the best, but probably better than my first idea. 
I fucking L O V E both ideas S O fucking much oml P L E A S E!!! I absolutely adore the cleverness of their assassin names and Ree being the most creatively gruesome towards his targets is so badass and fitting!!! Character!Thomas being the Creativitwins' dads is such an underrated concept that I L O V E and I am L O O K I N G at that Roloceit implication 👀👀👀👀👀👀 I seriously find the concept that no one suspects Ree to be a known assassin because of his title and that he'd "easily be caught" is D E L I C I O U S like he's just doing his royal duties nothing to see here he's definitely not causing murders or anything XD Also I L O V E that the beloveds are out for each other at first because Ree needs to protect himself and his people but they end up in love and killing Vee's employer instead that's just beautiful <3
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msmc-796-official · 2 months
After-Action Report: The Fireman Saga
MSMC-796 "Heaven's Fury"
MSMC-148 "Neon Scene"
Corsair Mercenary Company / @corsair-mc-official
AGNI clone "Rev" / @revvedandrunning
Hercynian Refurbished Armaments / @hra-official
Monsoon Lance, Dawnlight First and Only
Patrol Squadron Osprey / @albatross-lancer [tangential]
Intern Jimbo, THOR clone "Arthur" / @harrison-armory-incorporated [tangential]
Karrakin Trade Baronies / @ktbofficial [tangential]
0 dead, 1 incapacitated, 2 wounded
MSMC-796-1 "Lockbreaker" // unconscious, stable condition; fractured right arm w/ shattered wrist [prosthetic replacement recommended], third-degree burns across most of the body
MSMC-148-2 "Prowl" // stable condition; second-degree burns across the upper body, temporary blindness
MSMC-148-5 "Stimpak" // stable condition; temporary blindness
1 destroyed mech
SSC Dusk Wing "And The Voice Of Apollo Spake From On High" // stable condition; damaged auxiliary weapons targeting system
IPS-N Caliban "Sudden Intervention" // DESTROYED
HRA - reparations paid; turned over the casket of AGNI clone "Rev", along with a confiscated virus harpoon (initially obtained from CMC) from known mech-poaching group "Whalers"
KTB - discussions on necessary reparations ongoing; jurisdiction over final reparations to be overseen by Hades & Jackal, Esq.
AGNI clone "Rev" - d̵͎̘͛̆ȃ̶͓͑̉t̸̨̯̜̅̉ḁ̶̺̗̍̄̑ ̶̱̺̋c̴̨̮͒o̵̤̐r̶̢̧̭͗̃͆r̶̨̢̰͋̅̕ȗ̶̡͕͝͠p̷̼̫͇̃͗t̵̨͍̐͠e̷̟̹̾̑d̶̨̕
[ha, yeah, no, I don't think so. the higher-ups can [AUTO-CENSORED BY PILOTNET] for all I care, we are NOT paying reparations to Rev, especially not after what they did to Kennedi // -- Slipshod]
MSMC-796 "Heaven's Fury" is on a one-month deployment probation, effective immediately. They may not accept commissions (paid or unpaid), recommend or commission fellow squadrons for deployments on their behalf, send or receive commission offers, or otherwise engage in the field duties of a MSMC Lancer squadron.
However, all squad members are permitted to engage with PR responsibilities as usual, within the updated guidelines handed down from MSMC Upper Management.
MSMC-148 "Neon Scene" is on a two-week deployment probation, effective immediately, following the same terms as above.
There, that should about do it. Hopefully command is satisfied with that. MSMC-148 is sending in their recorded footage from the field for review (seeing as they were actually able to get the full scope of things from the sidelines), and all of our text correspondences with everyone have been compiled and timestamped for viewing from as many perspectives as I and Slipshod could track down.
Obligatory thank you to the boys from Hades & Jackal, Esq. for their assistance in drafting this. (Hopefully Slipshod's little "addendum" in the Reparations section doesn't show up in their copy.)
TL;DR - Our entire squad is banned from any sort of field deployment for a month, and we're probably gonna owe some pretty serious reparations to the KTB for blowing a Worldkiller-sized hole in Karrakis during combat (if/when they actually get back to us).
Kennedi's gonna need a new mech once she wakes up, and as far as the medical team can tell us, she's slated for a new arm prosthetic once her burns start to heal over and they can safely remove the old one without damaging anything further. But she is in fact alive, and is currently stable. Sometimes, stubbornness is a good thing.
It's been one hell of a week. We all need some rest. Expect us to be on and off for a bit as we wait for this entire mess to blow over.
-- Angel
[OOC: FC's Note - look for the new tag (#the fireman saga) on my blog to track down all of our side of the story!]
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annbourbon · 15 days
How Most Magical Contracts Work~
⚠️ Spoilers ⚠️ Ahead ⚠️
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Because we're (and by we I mean @smol-grey-tea and @cherrychipheart with me~~) figure out how the whole Cheritzverse AKA Grimm Society works, please consider this as part of one of my theories to add onto it >.<
It's taking me forever so I hope you guys like it. Without further ado~
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Magical Binding Contract: Simply physically impossible to break. Sometimes it is implied that the magic punishment for breaking a clause is somehow contingent on the permission being given by the one who signed the contract. (It's interesting here but in The Ssum Harry breaks the contract, and Rachel tries the same thing, and both of them have several issues with the whole engagement thing because it's not something you can break just by breaking the paper, now reading this, makes me think 🧐 because it is said that they have to pay a huge sum but such number is never said~ and I don't think it's just because of money but the way it's handled... it's way too sketchy. Is it just me?)
However, and many times as safety 'insurance' this may be used as the only option if no other way of exchange is presented. The magic makes everything to stay put. Both sides need to play their part and that how it makes sense that they use it more often.
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If something taught me Ursula at the age of 3 or 4 was to ALWAYS READ THE FINE PRINT~ seriously, the lesson stuck. 😳
Leonine Contract: is a very old principle of law that a leonine contract is not a free contract. Generally speaking anyone will side with you except if there's a Magically-Binding Contract, then you're in real trouble. Even under most civil law codes, there's a good chance that you can be freed from a contract if the other party was obviously exploiting an emergency situation. Like~~~ even in the Ancient Roman Law of Obligations, a "Societas Leonina" (a corporation in which one participator reaps all the profit, and another carries all the losses) was an invalid one! That says it all! Anyways~ loopholes are still permitted.
Curse Escape Clause: For every magic spell/curse to have a condition that negates the effect.
Now, oaths are powerful things. They bind demons. They bind honour. They create pacts that grant great power. They are things to be respected, feared, and fulfilled.
Once broken an oath of some sort thing, be it magical or mundane, a debt... is to be paid, and now is forever branded by his/her misdeed. This is seen most often than not as a mark of shame. It almost always brands the character as a pariah until they manage to restore their lost honour. So unless they are released from their contract this will bind them for whatever term it stated or until whatever condition was required is fulfilled — forever if neither was fulfilled.
Unless you're let off.
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Contradictory Oaths may lead to Reality-Breaking Paradox though~
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Exchange Contracts:
(And I think this is the way the Wizard works since he does implies it, and I have a lot of experience with this way of working thanks to Ichihara Yuuko~)
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Okay so for starters, good and bad are human concepts. Hence no Yuuko or The Wizard in Cheritzverse seem too worried about it okay? Actually~ lol if we're to enter magical worlds no one is too worried about such things because you can solve most things via magic~🙃 unless you can't ofc
So for Yuuko customers must pay a price in order to grant their wishes, which can be no more or no less than the one demanded, or else harm will come to one's way.
She is a dealer in wishes as she will grant the sincere wish of anyone who is willing to make an appropriate sacrifice in return; the price is always equivalent to the weight of the wish, no more, no less.
This goes to keep the balance in this universe which is very delicate~ and also, to keep the cause/effect in action otherwise known as karma.
So to understand this type of contracts you need to understand how the universe according to Buddhism/Hinduism works~ in theory.
101 speedrun here of the karmic laws (they're 12 but here's oversimplified~)
1. cause/effect
2. everything & everyone is connected
3. forgiveness
4. growth & open mindness
5. detachment
6. responsibility
7. ripple effect
8. you create your reality
9. patience, persistence and long-term view (imho struggling with patience lol but heeey~)
10. living in the present
11. honesty
12. humility
13. gratitude
14. generosity
15. evolution
16. balance
17. compassion
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Anyways you can obviously see that the Wizard uses a similar analogy, however his way of expressing himself is way more twisted as he sets games for everyone to achieve their wishes. Making of it a whole competition, basically.
And he also lacks of many things, as it is compassion, humility, charisma, forgiveness or generosity... but that's another story because I have yet to finish Dandelion. 🤭😬 Yes~ sorry I could not help myself but to do this despite all the things I have against.
Something I noticed though~~ it's that depending on the contract he might not be able to change it even if he actually wants to so he might play it off like he doesn't~ or maybe he actually doesn't, but well at least this gives us an idea of what kind of contracts he uses no?
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⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆⋆ ₊
Leonine Contract
Magical Binding
The power of Karma
*I did copy/paste more than what I originally intended to but the original post was deleted somehow and my eyes are basically melting RN, however, the idea is the same and I added even more than what I expected to so please let it slide 🙏🏻😖
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dandelionsresilience · 6 months
Good News - April 8-14
(Actually 8-12 due to irl obligations)
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi! Also, if you tip me on here or Ko-fi, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week - almost double the content! (I'm new to taking tips on here; if it doesn't show me your username or if you have DM's turned off, please send me a screenshot of your payment)
1. Interior Department Finalizes Action to Strengthen Endangered Species Act
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“These revisions, which will increase efficiency by reducing the time and cost to develop and negotiate permit applications, will encourage more individuals and companies to engage in conservation benefit agreements and habitat conservation plans, generating greater conservation results overall.”
2. Young Puerto Ricans Restore Habitat Damaged by Hurricane While Launching Conservation Careers
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“Corps members help restore the island’s environmental and cultural assets and volunteer in hard-hit local communities. They also gain valuable paid work experience and connections to possible future employers, something many young Puerto Ricans struggle to find.”
3. Australian-born cheetah released in Africa for the first time ever. Watch the heart-warming moment Edie is set free
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““The Metapopulation Initiative will bring in appropriate males, probably two initially, to breed with Edie,” King says. “It’s those future cubs, and their cubs, that will ensure the legacy of spreading Edie’s genetics across the southern African metapopulation. And we will have also provided Edie – a wild animal, let’s not forget – with a chance of a life in the wild.””
4. Baby Bald Eagles Confirmed in 2 of 4 Nests in Will County Forest Preserves
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“A pair of fuzzy eaglet heads were spotted popping up out of one of the nests this week, officials said. Two weeks ago, monitors noticed adult eagles feeding an unseen hatchling (or hatchlings) in a different nest.”
5. New Hope for Love for Japanese Children Needing Families
“The new system, established by a 2022 law, offers private childcare institutions financing to transform their business model into “Foster Care Support Centers” that recruit, train, select, and support foster parents, and assist the independence of children living in foster families. If a childcare institution becomes a Foster Care Support Center, the government will fund full-time staff members based on the number of foster households they cater to.”
6. Nexamp nabs $520M to build community solar across the US
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“Nexamp, a community solar developer and project owner, has secured a whopping $520million to install solar arrays around the nation in one of the largest capital raises to date for this growing sector. Community solar gives renters, small businesses and organizations the chance to benefit from local solar power even if they can’t put panels on their own roofs.”
7. A natural touch for coastal defense: Hybrid solutions which combine nature with common “hard” coastal protection measures may offer more benefits in lower-risk areas
“Common “hard” coastal defenses, like concrete sea walls, might struggle to keep up with increasing climate risks. A new study shows that combining them with nature-based solutions could, in some contexts, create defenses which are better able to adapt.”
8. Rewilding program ships eggs around the world to restore Raja Ampat zebra sharks
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“A survey estimated the zebra shark had a population of 20 spread throughout the Raja Ampat archipelago, making the animal functionally extinct in the region. […] Researchers hope to release 500 zebra sharks into the wild within 10 years in an effort to support a large, genetically diverse breeding population.”
9. Forest Loss Plummets in Brazil and Colombia
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“New data reveals a decline in primary forest loss in Brazil and Colombia, highlighting the significant impact of environmental reforms in curbing deforestation. According to 2022-2023 data from the University of Maryland’s GLAD Lab and World Resource’s Institute (WRI), primary forests in Brazil experienced a 36 per cent decrease in deforestation under President Inácio Lula da Silva’s leadership, reaching its lowest level since 2015. Colombia nearly halved (by 49 per cent) its forest loss under the administration of President Gustavo Petro Urrego, who has prioritised rural and environmental reform.”
10. New Agreement Paves the Way for Ocelot Reintroduction on Private Lands
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“With the safe harbor agreement in place, partners plan to begin developing a source stock of ocelots for reintroduction. Over the next year, they plan to construct an ocelot conservation facility in Kingsville to breed and raise ocelots. Producing the first offspring is expected to take a few years.”
April 1-7 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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eelhound · 1 year
"Gaza is being pummeled now by Israeli bombs that are turning buildings to ashes. Israel’s own photos of the destruction are disturbing. Five hundred children are reported to have died in the bombings already. More will die soon, and countless will be seriously injured and psychologically traumatized. It is not the first time this has happened. Israel’s violence against Gaza has been a constant feature of life there. When Gazans tried to protest their condition in 2018, Israeli snipers shot them dead in cold blood. Was the shooting of medics and journalists not 'barbaric'? Was it not 'terroristic'? (Note that Hamas is said to deploy 'terrorists,' not 'soldiers,' while Israel has 'soldiers' even when they kill equal or greater numbers of civilians.) 
Moreover, Israel is the aggressor in the underlying conflict, because it maintains an occupation and siege against Palestine that violates basic international law. While international law does not permit violations in response to violations (meaning that Israel’s violation of Palestinian rights and sovereignty does not confer on Hamas the right to ignore the civilian/combatant distinction), Israel is not exactly 'defending itself.' If I enter and occupy your house by force, and you attack me using force in response, I cannot justly claim to be engaged in mere 'self-defense,' even if your own violence is grotesquely disproportionate to what the situation requires. 
A morally serious person does not just look at individual horrors perpetrated by only one party in a conflict. They look at the full facts of the conflict. Hamas’ crimes are great indeed (as a pacifist, I have zero love for Hamas and think they do terrible harm to the Palestinian cause), but here is the latest news out of Gaza:
Crowds of frantic people, some barefoot, rushed toward them, fleeing their just-destroyed homes. The ground shook with each strike from an Israeli fighter jet. 'People were crying for the children they had to leave behind under the rubble,' Mr. Ahmed, 32, said. 'They were begging us to go in and pull their children from the rubble — this was all they wanted, for us to go and pull their children out.'
Yesterday, 45 people were reported to have been killed after an Israeli strike on a Gaza apartment building. Eyewitness accounts from Gaza are harrowing, as people wait without water or electricity in fear of their impending deaths. 
It’s also harder than ever to argue that Israel’s killings of civilians are a mere 'tragic necessity.' The country has been quite open about abandoning 'precision' bombing in favor of 'destruction,' with its soldiers thirsty for 'revenge.' Already, more Palestianians are reported to have died in Gaza than the number of Israelis that died in Hamas’ attacks.
In the aftermath of a particular horrific act, as that thirst for vengeance takes over, it can be difficult to think straight. I remember the period after 9/11. People were angry and wanted to blow stuff up (to 'put a boot in their ass' as a song of the time put it). Many Americans didn’t particularly care whether the Muslims their country ended up killing had anything to do with the 9/11 attacks. And as the U.S. unleashed absolute hell on Afghanistan and Iraq, our media paid little attention to the lives taken, even when the atrocities were just as disturbing as what Al Qaeda had done to us (see, e.g., our bombing of an Afghan hospital, where patients were burned alive in their beds). In the U.S., a defining characteristic of public discourse is extreme hypocrisy, righteously condemning the terror perpetrated by other countries while either ignoring or rationalizing the terror inflicted by our own mighty military machine. Defenders of Israel are quite similar, rightly being enraged by Hamas’ killing of Israel’s children but quick to justify the equally gruesome killing of Palestinian children as a mere tragic necessity. (Former Israeli prime minister Golda Meir once grotesquely claimed that while Israel might 'forgive the Arabs for killing our sons…it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons.' To which many a grieving Palestinian parent would surely answer: Who the hell forced you?) 
As an egalitarian socialist, I begin from the principle that every child counts equally. And I recognize that if you care only when certain children die, the idea that you are motivated by sympathy for children is called into question. Israel is currently carrying out acts in Gaza that are just as repellent as those committed by Hamas. It does so in the context of being the aggressor power in its conflict with Palestine. Nobody should be taken seriously who is not equally appalled by the violence rained down on Gaza as they are by the crimes recently carried out against Israel."
- Nathan J. Robinson, from "You Can’t Selectively Pay Attention To Certain Atrocities And Ignore All The Others." Current Affairs, 14 October 2023.
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50+ Good Things from the Biden Administration
Just a list of 50+ good things the Biden Administration has done in the last 4 years because I’ve been hearing too much rhetoric that it doesn’t matter who you vote for. It does make a difference. 
Increased access to healthcare and specifically codified protections for LGBTQ+ patients against discrimination. (x) 
Strengthened women's reproductive rights by increasing access to reproductive health care, improving confidentiality to protect against criminalization for patients receiving reproductive care, and revoked Medicaid waivers from states that would exclude providers like Planned Parenthood, and more. (x)
Expanded healthcare and benefits for veterans through the PACT Act (x)
Cemented protections for pregnant and postpartum workers through the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act. 
Improved access to nursing homes for those who receive Medicaid services and established, for the first time, a national minimum staffing requirement for nursing homes to ensure those in their care receive sufficient support.  (x) 
Lowered healthcare costs for those with Medicare which capped insulin for seniors at $35 a month, made vaccines free, and capped seniors’ out of pocket expenses at the pharmacy through the Inflation Reduction Act. 
Fully vaccinated 79% of American adults against COVID-19 (I know this is old news now this is a big deal) 
Banned unfair practices that hide housing fees from renters and homebuyers when moving into a new home (x) 
Reduced the mortgage insurance premium for Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages and clarified that inflated rents caused by algorithmic use of sensitive nonpublic pricing and supply information violate antitrust laws. (x) 
Increased protections for those saving for retirement from predatory practices. (x)
Helped millions of households gain access to the internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program. (x) 
Restored net neutrality (net neutrality is a standard which ensures broadband internet service is essential and prohibits interna providers from blocking, engaging in paid prioritization, and more.) (x)
Increased protections for loan holders as well as increased access to loans (x)
Cut fees that banks charge consumers for overdrawing on their accounts. (x)
Reaffirmed HUD’s commitment to remedy housing discrimination under the Fair Housing Act (which was– surprise, surprise– halted under the Trump administration). (x)
Rejoined the Paris Climate Accords.  
Listed more than 24 million acres of public lands across the country as environmentally protected and has channeled more than $18 billion dollars toward conservation projects. (And revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline amongst others). 
Invested $369 billion to reduce greenhouse emissions and promote clean energy technologies through the Inflation Reduction Act. Through the tax incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act, renewable energy (such as wind, solar, and hydropower) has surpassed coal-fired generation in the electric power sector for the first time, making it the second-biggest source of energy behind natural gas. (x)
Strengthened protections against workplace assault through the Speak Out Act. (x) 
Increased protections for workers during the union bargaining process (x)
Is making it easier for passengers to obtain refunds when airlines cancel or significantly change their flights, significantly delay their bags, or fail to provide extra services when purchased. (x)  
Invested $1.2 trillion into roads, waterlines, broadband networks, airports and more allowing for more bridges, railroads, tunnels, roads, and more through the Inflation Reduction Act (which also added 670,000 jobs). (idk about you but I like driving on well maintained roads and having more rail options).  
Strengthened overtime protections for federal employees (x)
Raised the minimum wage for federal workers and contractors to $15. (x)
Strengthened protections for farmworkers by expanding the activities protected from retaliation by the National Labor Relations Act and more. (Previously anti-retaliation provisions under the National Labor Relations Act applies mostly to only U.S. citizens) (x)
Invested $80 billion for the Internal Revenue Service to hire new agents, audit the wealth, modernize its technology, and more. Additionally, created $300 billion in new revenue through corporate tax increases. (x) 
Lowered the unemployment rate to 3.5% — the lowest in 50 years. 
Canceled over $140B of student debt for nearly 40 million borrowers. (x)
Strengthened protections for sexual assault survivors, pregnant and parenting students, and LGBTQ+ students in schools through an updated Title IX rule. This updated rule strengthens sexual assault survivors rights to investigation– something that had been gutted under the Trump administration, strengthens requirements that schools provide modifications for students based on pregnancy, prohibits harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity, and more. (x)
Revoked an order that limited diversity and inclusion training. (x)
Cracked down on for profit colleges. (x)
Reaffirmed students’ federal civil rights protections for non-discrimination based on race, national origin, disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender in schools. Specifically, the Department of Education made clear students with disabilities’ right to school, limiting the use of out of school suspensions and expulsions against them. (x) (x) 
Enhanced the Civil Rights Data Collection, a national survey that captures data on students’ equal access to educational opportunities. These changes will improve the tracking of civil rights violations for students, critical for advocates to respond to instances of discrimination. 
Provided guidance on how colleges and universities can still uphold racial diversity in higher education following the Supreme Court decision overturning affirmative action. (x) 
Issued a federal pardon to all prior Federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana. Additionally, the DEA is taking steps to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III substance instead of a Schedule I, limiting punishment for possession in the future. (x) 
Changed drug charges related to crack offenses, now charging crack offenses as powder cocaine offenses. This is a big step towards ending the racial disparity that punishes crack offenses with greater severity than offenses involving the same amount of powder cocaine. (x) 
Lowered the cost of local calls for incarcerated people through the Martha Wright-Reed Just and Reasonable Communications Act as well as increased access for video calls (especially impactful for incarcerated people with disabilities). (x) 
Enacted policing reforms that banned chokeholds, restricted no-knock entries, and restricted the transfer of military equipment to local police departments. (x)
Established the National Law Enforcement Accountability Database (NLEAD) which will better track police officer misconduct. This database will vet federal law enforcement candidates who have a history of misconduct from being rehired and will make it easier and faster to charge police officers under the Death in Custody Reporting Act. (x) 
Added disability as a protected characteristic alongside race, gender, religion, and sexual orientation. Under the law, police officers are prohibited from profiling people based on these characteristics. …It sadly happens anyway but now there’s an added legal protection which means a mechanism to convict police officers should they break the law. (x) 
Required federal prisons to place incarcerated individuals consistent with their chosen pronouns and gender identity. (x) 
Expanded gun background checks by narrowing the “boyfriend” loophole to keep guns out of the hands of convicted dating partners, strengthening requirements for registering as a licensed gun dealer (closing the “gun show loophole”), and more through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.  (x) 
Increased mental health programs within police departments to support officers experiencing substance use disorders, mental health issues, or trauma from their duties. (x)
Lifted Trump era restrictions on the use of consent decrees. The Justice Department uses consent decrees to force local government agencies (like police departments) to eliminate bad practices (such as widespread abuse and misconduct) that infringe on peoples’ civil rights. (x) 
Improved reporting of hate crimes through the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act (x) 
Nominated the first Black woman to sit on the Supreme Court 
Confirmed 200 lifetime judges to federal courts, confirming historic numbers of women, people of color, and other judges who have long been excluded from our federal court system. (64% are women, 63% are people of color) 
Designated Temporary Protected Status (TPS) status for immigrants from Cameroon, Haiti, ​​El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Sudan, and more. (x) 
Ended the discriminatory Muslim and African bans (x). 
Provided a pathway to citizenship for spouses of U.S. citizens that have been living in the country without documentation. (x) 
Expanded healthcare to DACA recipients (x) 
This one is… barely a win but not by fault of the Biden Administration. The Department of Homeland Security as of Feb 2023 has reunited nearly 700 immigrant children that were separated from their families under Trump’s Zero Tolerance Policy. From 2017-2021, 3,881 children were separated from their families. About 74% of those have been reunited with their families: 2,176 before the task force was created and 689 afterward. But that still leaves nearly 1,000 children who remain tragically separated from their families from under the Trump Administration. (x)
(okay this one is maybe only exciting for me who’s a census nerd) Revised federal standards for the collection of race and ethnicity data, allowing for federal data that better reflect the country’s diversity. Now, government forms will include a Middle Eastern/ North African category (when previously those individuals would check “white”). Additionally, forms will now have combined the race & ethnicity question allowing for individuals to check “Latino/a” as their race (previously Latine individuals would be encouraged to check “Latino” for ethnicity and “white” for race… which doesn’t really resonate with many folks). (x) (I know this sounds boring but let me tell you this is BIG when it comes to better data collection– and better advocacy!).
Rescinded a Trump order that would have excluded undocumented immigrants from the 2020 Census which would have taken away critical funds from those communities. 
Required the U.S. federal government and all U.S. states and territories to recognize the validity of same-sex and interracial civil marriages by passing the Respect for Marriage Act, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act.
Reversed Trump’stransgender military ban. 
Proposed investments in a lot of programs including universal pre-k, green energy, mental health programs across all sectors, a national medical leave program for all workers and more. (x) 
Last… let’s also not forget all the truly terrible things Trump did when he was in office. If you need a reminder, scroll this list, this one mostly for giggles + horror, for actual horror about what a Trump presidency has in store, learn about ‘Project 2025’ from the Heritage Foundation. I know this post is about reasons to vote FOR Biden but let’s not forget the many, many reasons to vote for him over Trump. 
So, there it is, 50+ reasons to vote for Biden in the 2024 Election. 
Check your voter registration here, make a plan to vote, and encourage your friends to vote as well. 
All in all, yeah… there’s a lot of shitty things still happening. There’s always going to be shit but things aren’t going to change on their own. And that change starts (it certainly doesn’t end) with voting. 
Go vote in November. 
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thegodthief · 1 year
Dreamt I was sitting in an abandoned rural one-room church/school having a pleasant chat with an angel about something or another when a priest kicked in what was left of the front door to challenge me.
"You can't be here!"
"You're not Christian!"
"... And?"
"The building is abandoned and ownership of the land has reverted to the government for rewilding. The only reason the building is still here is because it would cost more money to tear it down than to let it rot in place and no church wants to pay the cost of restoration and no museum has marked this place as historical. You have no authority to dictate who can be here and who can't."
"Dude, before a cross was put on the roof peak, this was a [cunning woman's] hovel. And before she set foot here, it was the core of a sacred grove. And before those trees were ever planted, it was a sacred space for migrant tribes. And before the first person was drawn here, it existed from before time. This place decides who belongs here or not and it has decided that right now, right here, I belong here and here I am."
The priest huffed and puffed and turned red in fury before realizing that I was not alone. The angel remained in place during this entire exchange, watching us quietly. "YOU!" The priest pointed at the angel. "FULFILL THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD AND EVICT THIS WITCH FROM THIS HOLY PLACE!"
The angel looked at me. I looked at the angel and shrugged. The angel looked back at the priest who was doing his best to recite something in Latin. I looked at the priest and shrugged again. The angel looked at me and smiled, covering me with warmth and peace to the point that I forgot to be annoyed at the priest.
"You're right. I don't have to engage with that mess. So, back to our discussion."
When I turned my back to the priest, he became even more furious. I heard him condemn the angel as a false spirit and declare that he was going to evict us both by force if necessary. I heard him suddenly rushing towards us, but before I could react, the angel had placed a wing between me and him.
He bounced off the solidified light and fell flat on his ass behind me.
I turned around to see him covered with the dust and dirt from the litter-covered floor. I finally paid attention to his robes to guess at what denomination he represented, but his frock was so plain and generic, it might as well have been from a costume rental.
"Dude. No one has set foot inside of this building for at least four years. The last map that had this building marked as present is eight years old. The congregation that used to meet here literally died out twenty years ago, and there have been no formal ownership of this land for fifty years. There's nothing here. Nothing valuable. Nothing historical. Nothing that would be of value to modern society. There is no corporate profit to this place other than permitting it to go wild so there is a pollution break between valleys. Just getting here is a high expenditure of resources. Sitting under these rotting beams is a health risk as is breathing in possibly mold-contaminated air. What is here that you feel you have to protect so vigilantly?"
He tried to get up off the floor but the same wing that bounced him onto his ass was now pinning him to the ground by the tip of a feather of light. He struggled to move the glow from his chest but burnt his fingers each time. I questioned if he was really clergy in the first place, but somehow the angel silently confirmed that he was ordained in his order.
He stopped fighting the angel's restraint and told me his reasons. Christian Dominionism 101. Empire. If it could be claimed, then that claim must be enforced regardless of validity or truth. Somehow, he had heard that I was around and sought to challenge me directly.
But his primary intent wasn't to enforce dominion over the collapsing church and the land around it. His primary intent was to bring me "back into grace", at any cost. If he could get me forcibly removed from the building, then it would show that I have no power and no choice but to submit to those forces that were once over me. His biggest weapon: The Confidence of Unchallenged Mediocrity.
But he reminded me of someone, of some thing, and I needed to make sure that I was wrong. "By chance, did we sit in a Georgia bar once upon a summer?"
He entered into a malicious silence after spitting the word, "No."
Of course it's not him. He would never be so incomplete in his preparation nor so cocksure of a desired outcome. But, there is still the matter that this guy came here in the first place. "You came here for me first, and claiming the land was the cherry on the cake. You came for me first, which meant you were sent or there's a bounty on me. Again."
I looked to the angel. "My apologies, but our conversation will have to resume another time. Here I thought I was going to be pulled into a [Wild] Hunt later this year, but I see that I am going to be Hunted instead."
The angel, without moving, looked at me and nodded but kept their wing's feather on the priest's chest. I was granted leave to say some final words and depart from the dream first. I accepted their grace with another bow.
"Not much to be said, really. I knew that when I made the decision to pick up all my pieces off the table that I was going to trip some flags somewhere. I know that what I learned to do and what I can do natively and what I have the potential for is going to piss off a lot of folks because my very existence is a challenge to their power structures. I knew they would come for me. I know I'm not afraid to face them anymore."
I finally stood from the pew, gently patting the wood dust off me as I carefully moved so not to upset the air further. I bowed respectfully to the angel. "Thank you for your companionship and the dialogue. Thank you for keeping the peace in here. May the glory bestowed upon you be a blessing."
At first I was going to slash the fabric of the dream and exit that way, but I had the feeling that the angel was not done with this priest and I needed to leave with as little disturbance as possible. So I walked to the side door at the back of the room. The door itself had rotted away years ago, leaving only the lintel to mark that there was ever an intentional opening here.
Outside the church, a figure was standing in the knee-high grasses and wildflowers. "So. I hear you're going to be having an Experience™ soon. Mind if I walk with you? There's more than one way to come through this, you know."
I stood on the threshold. I looked back at the patient angel still pinning the impatient priest. He had begun squirming under the restraint again and attempting to command myself and the angel into submission by force of his indignation alone.
I looked out at the wilderness beyond the door. In the distance, a storm was approaching. The wind was starting to pick up outside and I could taste ozone in that breeze.
"No, Sir. I don't mind."
I put one foot on the ground outside the doorway. The ground shifted somewhat underfoot. I waited until it was stable before placing the other foot beside it. I held the doorway as the ground wobbled from some great pressure. I released the doorway and began to walk towards the figure.
The ground shuddered and a loud sound made me flinch and cover my head. When I looked up, it was now the middle of the night. The church building behind me had collapsed and rotted and only the stone corners of its foundation remained. Grasses, wildflowers, and low flowering shrubs were everywhere. White blooms glowed with unsourced moonlight.
"So. Just so you know, for me to walk with you is for you to walk with me. Still up for a stroll?"
I looked forward towards the figure. Yup. Just who I thought it was. All I could do was laugh and smile. "I'm game if you are." I made my way through the uneven terrain to stand before him and respectfully bow.
"What was it you were told earlier? The Moon's light will reveal what the Day's light hides? You might learn something about yourself that is distressing."
"But, will I survive the experience?"
"That's up to you."
"Then, I guess I better. Let's go."
And we went.
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bluiex · 2 years
So. Watcher Royal Hierarchy, and courtship etiquette, go!
First off, The Hierarchy. It’s split into six groups: The Seen, The Workers, The Guards, The Servants, The Council, And The Ruler. But, the society can still run with only five of the six present. (This will be important later ;]).
The Seen are basically the Peasants, and they can be anyone from a prisoner, to a Worker or Guard’s child, or someone who simply lives there, typically for some sort of fee. They don’t get any special treatment, and, despite not technically being workers, they can work mundane daily jobs, or create art and writings, or just not work at all. They are typically not permitted to leave the premises of the caverns
The Workers are exactly what they sound like. They are paid usually large sums of diamonds, and any peasant, if not a prisoner or currently a child, can be moved up to a Workers position within a month or two. They are permitted to leave the Caverns on designated days, and typically only for work related reasons.
The Guards are also exactly what they sound like. Typically, they are born into their position, or train extensively for their spot. The Guards both guard outside the Caverns, and inside, typically keeping the Seen and Workers from escaping. They also are allowed to leave the caverns, as long as they promise to return with either prisoners, or some new people. If they don’t return, they are typically hunted down and thrown in the dungeons, or simply killed on the spot.
The Servants Are the highest level that any ordinary watcher can be appointed to. They work within the castle, usually close with the Ruler. They are all promised a room in the castle, and comfy living for their whole families. Servants who work closely with the ruler tend to be the favorites, usually very close with them, and a few always tend to hover around them. Typically, they are fluent in both english and the local watcher language.
The Council. This is the odd one. Being on the Watcher’s royal council is just about the highest honor the royals could give you. These are typically made up of lovers, best friends, enemies, and close family. Now, a Ruler can technically rule without a council. As Grian had no surviving family, close friends, enemies, or lovers, who were available to serve on the council.
The Ruler. The top of the food chain. The most powerful, adored and feared member of the watchers. Typically, if you ask anyone about the watchers, they’ll have a picture of the ruler, or past rulers, in mind.
Now, for Courtship Etiquette. Typically, Watchers will create things for their mates in hopes of catching their attention. Poetry and Sculptures have been common courting gifts in the past. Gifts of vines and plants for the home are seen as romantic as well, handing over a gift of life to your lover. Typically, Watchers who are also hybrids with something else, will have their own species courting rituals as well. Grian is no exception, though his species of bird is unknown. Offers of intimacy and affection, for example, sharing a bed or hugs, are seen as extremely romantic, as watchers tend to keep to their own personal space. Along with jewelry for proposals, they will also give poetry, sometimes sharing things they’ve observed about the other. It’s also a common tradition to go out and do something completely new when trying to court someone, or as an engagement date. [Skydiving, People watching, river tubing, horse racing, etc]. Yeah so, Grian offering for Scar and Mumbo to share the bed with him was 100% flirting, which is why he sent the remaining servants off to bed. :] -bird
Ough okay imagine they're all in bed, Grian in the middle of the two cuddling him. Grian starts to quietly recite his favorite poetry, or stuff he made himself.. Scar an Mumbo are so in raptured with it-
Ofc they're clueless as to what all the means (as of right now) and they're just like "wow.. That was so beautiful Grian." And praise him deeply. Grian is so flushed and squirming cuz that's a really high praise of a complement from those he's courting
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ebizstream · 6 months
How to Start a Social Media Marketing Agency
In the dynamic world of digital marketing, social media has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience, engage with customers, and drive sales. With this rise, there’s a growing demand for specialized agencies that can navigate the complexities of social media platforms to deliver impactful marketing strategies. If you’ve been contemplating diving into this lucrative industry, you’re in the right place. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to start a social media marketing agency.
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Step 1: Gain In-Depth Knowledge and Experience
Before you can guide others, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of social media marketing yourself. This means staying updated on the latest trends, understanding different social media platforms, and knowing how to create engaging content and analyze metrics. You can gain experience by managing social media accounts for friends, family, or local businesses, or by taking online courses and certifications from reputable sources.
Step 2: Define Your Niche
The social media marketing landscape is vast, covering industries from fashion to technology. To stand out, it’s wise to specialize in a niche. Whether it’s by industry, type of service (like influencer marketing or paid advertising), or size of business, defining your niche will help you target your marketing efforts and build expertise.
Step 3: Develop a Business Plan
Every successful venture starts with a solid plan. Your business plan should outline your business goals, target market, competition analysis, service offerings, pricing structure, marketing strategies, and financial projections. This document will serve as your roadmap and can be crucial for securing financing or partnerships.
Step 4: Legally Establish Your Business
Choosing the right business structure (such as an LLC, sole proprietorship, or corporation) is critical for legal and tax purposes. Register your business, obtain any necessary licenses or permits, and set up a business bank account. It’s also wise to invest in liability insurance to protect your agency.
Step 5: Build Your Online Presence
As a social media marketing agency, your online presence is your portfolio. Create a professional website that showcases your services, case studies, and testimonials. Be active on various social media platforms, not just to promote your agency, but also to demonstrate your expertise and engage with your community.
Step 6: Invest in Tools and Resources
Efficiency and effectiveness are key in managing multiple clients’ social media accounts. Invest in social media management tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Sprout Social for scheduling posts, analyzing metrics, and engaging with followers. Additionally, graphic design tools like Canva or Adobe Spark can help in creating eye-catching content.
Step 7: Market Your Agency
Leverage your niche and expertise to market your agency. This can include creating valuable content on your blog, optimizing your website for search engines (SEO), engaging in social media, and networking at industry events. Consider running targeted ads on social media platforms to reach potential clients directly.
Step 8: Deliver Exceptional Service
The success of your agency hinges on the results you deliver. Focus on creating strategic, creative, and measurable social media campaigns that meet your clients’ objectives. Keep communication lines open, and provide regular updates and reports to your clients. Happy clients are more likely to refer others to your agency.
Starting a social media marketing agency can be a rewarding venture for those with a passion for digital marketing and a desire to help businesses grow online. By following these steps and continually learning and adapting to the ever-changing digital landscape, you can build a successful agency that stands out in the competitive market.
Remember, success in social media marketing doesn’t happen overnight. It requires dedication, creativity, and a strategic approach. But with the right mindset and execution, your agency can thrive, helping businesses achieve their digital marketing goals while you build a prosperous and fulfilling career.
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yournightowl · 9 months
Your NightOwl #041
Got invited to a protest today. i wasnt able to go, sadly, because i had a prior engagement- which i could've easily gotten out of.
But i didn't
Because i'm scared.
It's a good cause, obviously, organizing against the constant simmering fighting in the tropics. Making people pay attention to where the rare earth metals in their phones and cars and androids are coming from, making megs and politicians acknowledge the blood on their hands. Hell, everyone should be out there, marching and yelling and refusing to stay quiet.
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But you don't get to show up, voice your opinion, breath a sigh of contentment and then go home.( ̄ε ̄@)
What you say online can follow you for a long time,
but what you speak up against in person follows you for life.
There are cameras everywhere. Everywhere.
Traffic stops, security systems, androids and robots and advertisements watching where you go and what your eyes look at. Not to mention the cameras we're all carrying around in our pockets every waking moment of every day. Any one of those frames, just ripe for f-rec to scrape from.
i saw it myself last month- a boy got pulled out of history class because the police wanted to talk to him. Apparently, they gave him crap about breaking curfew, or not having a permit, or someone at the event was smoking something near where his underage nose could smell, or whatever-
But the important part is, they were ready to charge him.
If we were a different school, in a different part of the city, with families that operated in a different tax bracket
He could've been arrested.
As it is, his parents paid a fine and it went away, but its not like he went unpunished. Everyone can tell, since he's changed so much afterwards. Very "focused on his schoolwork". Very apolitical. Whatever they did to him, you can bet it was a lot worse than a spanking.
See there's no chance his family cared about the money. i mean, i can't even imagine how big a fine would need to be for them to take notice. But the rich and powerful hate nothing more than they hate being embarrassed in front of the competition- ୧((#Φ益Φ#))୨ which is everyone, around here.
Because the real elites- the truly, obscenely wealthy? The ideal that they're all aiming for?
Those kinds of people never pay for anything.
i write all of this in part to educate you, but mostly to give a longwinded excuse for my own cowardice.
It's all bull.
There are kids with one percent of what i've got that've got a thousand times more guts- And none of them are out here pretending to be something they're not- hiding on the oldnet, playing at journalistic integrity.
The next time i get invited, i should go. o(TヘTo)
Easier said than done. There may never be a next time.
No one ever asks a coward for help twice (╯︵╰,)
on the sidelines again, your nightowl
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coochiequeens · 1 year
First a surrogacy scandal in Greece now in Thailand
This week, Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation (DSI) raiding three surrogacy clinics and arresting a man suspected of working as an agent for a multinational surrogacy ring.
According to DSI assistant spokesman Atsadawut Sripita and Pol Capt Tinnawut Seelapat, director of the Bureau of Foreign Affairs and Transnational Crime, DSI officers raided three places in Bangkok and one in Nong Khai, a region bordering Laos, yesterday.
This was part of an inquiry into a transnational surrogacy operation that is thought to be linked to a case in Bangkok last February when a one-year-old toddler named Thaenthai went missing from the GS Kik nursery. The DSI became engaged after local police discovered that the baby was most likely the victim of a gang operating in the Central and Northeast regions.
Surrogacy Clinics Paid Surrogates
The DSI raided a nursery in Nong Khai’s Phon Phisai district at the time and discovered two babies suspected to have been delivered to paid surrogate moms. Police also discovered a bank book indicating that an agent had hired roughly 20 surrogate mothers, with the ladies receiving 450,000-500,000 baht for each baby they “delivered” for the group.
Since then, police have broadened their probe. Following the issuance of a search warrant, DSI deputy director-general Pol Capt Piya Raksakul led his officers and officials from the Institute of Forensic Medicine and the Department of Health Service Support to raid three clinics in Bangkok on 23 August.
The first raid took place on Ngam Wong Wan Road in Chatuchak district, at a reproductive clinic. Mr. Atsadawut stated that the DSI identified a fertility specialist to work at the facility. He had given compensated surrogate mothers with fertility diagnosis and therapy.
From 2018 to 2020, the doctor accomplished this. Officers also discovered the medical documents of a group of women who had functioned as illegal surrogates, according to Mr Atsadawut.
The second raid took place at a fertility clinic on Phetchaburi Road in Bang Kapi. The same doctor worked there as a part-time physician providing fertility diagnoses.
The most recent raid took place at a fertility clinic on Pathumwan’s Phloenchit Road. According to investigators, the doctor’s transaction records linked him to the clinic’s operations. Furthermore, according to a DSI assistant spokesman, compensated surrogate moms were examined by this clinic before being flown abroad for intracytoplasmic sperm injections.
Police also discovered the surrogate mothers’ and their children’s passports. Mr Atsadawut stated that the facility does not have authority to use or provide medical reproductive technology.
On August 28, authorities from the DSI and Nong Khai Provincial authorities arrested Sunate Chomsri for his alleged involvement. During a search of his home, authorities discovered a list of surrogate mother names purchased and paid for by Mr Sunate, with the intended purchasers believed to be foreigners.
Surrogacy in Thailand
Thailand was a popular surrogacy destination until 2015 because to its low costs and sophisticated medical facilities. Many overseas couples and individuals visited Thailand in search of surrogacy arrangements. However, the Thai government became concerned about potential exploitation and unethical practises in the surrogacy industry, prompting a slew of legislative revisions.
Thailand passed legislation prohibiting commercial surrogacy for foreigners in 2015. International intended parents were no longer permitted to pay Thai surrogates for their services. The law was enacted in response to ethical concerns raised by surrogacy arrangements, including as incidents in which surrogates were reportedly exploited or left with legal and financial vulnerabilities.
Thailand’s surrogacy sector witnessed substantial changes following the ban on commercial surrogacy for foreigners. Many intended parents with ongoing plans experienced uncertainty, and the country’s reputation as a surrogacy destination suffered as a result.
It is crucial to note that surrogacy rules and regulations are subject to quick change, and the information presented here may not reflect the current situation of surrogacy in Thailand. If you are considering surrogacy in Thailand, I recommend checking with legal specialists and current sources to understand the country’s current legal and ethical context.
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909hold · 2 years
What is social media advertising?
social media advertising Is A Kind Of Computerized Promoting That Uses Informal Communities Like Facebook, Twitter, And Instagram To Convey Paid Advertisements To Your Main Interest Group. Web-Based Entertainment Promotions Are A Fast And Powerful Method For Interfacing With Your Customers And Lift Your Showcasing Efforts.
By Utilizing Different Information Sources, Promoters Can Hyper-Focus On Their Crowds And Convey Customized Content In Light Of Socioeconomics And Client Conduct. At The Point When A Group Of People Is Acquainted With A Brand Via Web-Based Entertainment, Publicists Might See More Cooperations And Transformations. Web-Based Entertainment Promotions Are Likewise Savvy, Offering The Potential For High Paces Of Return.
Types of social media ads
Since Both The Web And Content Showcasing Are Continually Advancing, There Are Numerous Approaches To Your Publicizing Methodology Via Virtual Entertainment Stages. The Kinds Of Advertisements You Pick Rely Upon Your Favored Stages And The Crowd You Need To Reach. The Following Are A Couple Of Instances Of The Most Well-Known Sorts Of Promotions Utilized Via Virtual Entertainment.
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Static image ads
Photographs Are Regularly Utilized In Online Entertainment Promoting Because They Permit You To Show Your Items Or Administrations In An Outwardly Engaging Manner. Individuals Will Quite Often Be Attracted To Visuals Instead Of Text And Will Probably Be More Attracted To Photograph Advertisements. Photograph Promotions Can Likewise Incorporate "Shop Presently" Buttons That Take Clients Straightforwardly To Your Site For Simple Checkout. While Involving Photograph Promotions As A Piece Of Your Showcasing Procedure, Guarantee That You Post Top Notch Photographs And Keep Promotions Steady With Your Natural Substance.
Video Advertisements
Similarly, As With Photograph Advertisements, Video Promotions Are Best For Outwardly Engaging Substance. Many Individuals Just Need To Observe Short-Structure Video Promotions, And That Implies You Have A Modest Quantity Of Opportunity To Keep Individuals Inspired By Your Recordings. Stages Like Facebook And Instagram Have Choices To Make Brief Recordings That Individuals Can See And Communicate With Rapidly While Looking At Their Channels.
Stories Promotions
Stages Like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, And Twitter Give Stories Advertisements Choices That Can Utilize Both Photographs And Recordings. These Promotions Are Full-Screen And Shown For A Specific Measure Of Time Contingent Upon The Advertisement Type And Stage. On The Off Chance That A Photograph Is Utilized In A Facebook Story, It Tends To Be Seen For Six Seconds, While Recordings Can Play For As Long As Fifteen Seconds. Instagram Stories Promotions Can Be Up To 120 Seconds For Both Photographs And Recordings. These Promotions Frequently Give Clients The Choice To Swipe Up To Get To The Promoter's Site. 
Popular social media networks
While Considering Web-Based Entertainment Publicizing Choices, For Example, Which Promoting Stages To Utilize, Recall That Every Stage Has Its Crowd. That Implies That You'll Need To Pick A Stage Where Your Ideal Clients Are. If You're As Of Now Dynamic Via Online Entertainment, Focus On Which Stages Perform Well And Which Natural Posts Get The Most Connection To Focus On The Best Crowd.
Facebook Is The Biggest Online Entertainment Stage On The Planet, Pursuing Facebook Publicizing A Famous Decision. With Such A Wide Assortment of Old Enough, Orientation, And Area Socioeconomics, Brands Can Undoubtedly Find Their Objective Business Sectors On Facebook. Brands Can Target Purchasers By Areas, Interests, Past Exercises, and Occupations, And That's Just The Beginning. It Is Likewise An Exceptionally Visual Stage, Making It One Of The Most Solid Promoting Choices.
Facebook Promotion Choices Incorporate Photograph Advertisements, Video Promotions, Stories Promotions, Merry Go Round Advertisements, and Courier Advertisements, And That's Just The Beginning. These Can Be Utilized To Fabricate Brand Mindfulness, Direct People To Your Site Or Greeting Page, Connect With Clients On A More Private Level, And Increment Change Rates.
Instagram Promoting Is An Ideal Apparatus For Brands That Have All The More Outwardly Engaging Items. Natural Substance Itself Is An Extraordinary Method For Expanding Brand Mindfulness, However, Instagram Promotions Can Interface Straightforwardly To Your Site Or Greeting Page, Considering Fast And Simple Access And Site Commitment. Instagram Advertisements Are Well Known Among Both Huge And Private Ventures And Are Generally Regularly Utilized By Web Based Business Brands.
As Instagram Is Generally Ordinarily Utilized By Individuals Ages 18-34, You Might See The Best Outcomes By Focusing On A More Youthful Crowd. With Instagram Promotions, You Can Focus On Your Ideal Crowd With Choices Like Facebook, And You Can Find Your Crowd Given Socioeconomics, Exercises, and Interests, From There, The Sky Is The Limit. Publicizing Choices Incorporate Photograph Advertisements, Video Promotions, Merry Go Round Advertisements, And Assortment Promotions. You Additionally Have The Choice To Present Advertisements On Your Organization's Primary Instagram Feed, Stories, Or IG Television.
Since Instagram Is Claimed By Facebook, You Can Oversee Both Instagram And Facebook Promotions With Facebook Advertisements Director. This Permits You To See Measurements Like Navigate Rates And Other Promotion Connections Across The Two Stages And Improve Your Spend Given the Best Execution.
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Twitter Has Been A Well-Known Web-Based Entertainment Stage Starting Around 2006 And All Things Considered, Twitter Promotions Have Expanded In Utilization. It Is Most Frequently Utilized For Perusing Reports And Collaborating With Powerhouses. There Are Two Promotion Choices Presented By Twitter Publicizing:
• Advance: With This Choice, You Find A Tweet From Your Course Of Events That You Need To Advance, Let Twitter Know Who Your Objective Market Is, And Twitter Will Consequently Elevate Your Tweets To Your Predefined Crowd.
• Twitter Advertisements: With These Goal Based Promotions, You Can Set Up Showcasing Efforts On Your Own In Light Of Your Business Objectives.
Linkedin Has A Huge Expert Client Base And Can Target Clients Given Their Work History And Capabilities. Along These Lines, Linkedin Promoting Is Principally Focused On B2B Crowds. Linkedin Gives You The Choice To By And By And Straightforwardly Target Clients To Urge Them To Peruse Your Substance, Apply To Your Work Postings, Or Follow You.
• Channels. These Are Realistic Overlays That Can Be Applied To A Client's Snaps. You Can Make Your Own Channel That Is Connected With Your Business.
• Focal Points. Focal Points Are Like Channels Yet Use AR For Additional Intelligent Enhanced Visualizations.
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